E6-4358. Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations  

  • Start Preamble


    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security.


    Proposed rule.


    Technical information or comments are requested on the proposed Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed BFE modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs and modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).


    The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation in each community.


    The proposed BFEs for each community are available for inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.

    Start Further Info


    Doug Bellomo, P.E., Hazard Identification Section, Mitigation Division, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-2903.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    FEMA proposes to make determinations of BFEs and modified BFEs for each community listed below, in accordance with section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR 67.4(a).

    These proposed BFEs and modified BFEs, together with the floodplain management criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are required. They should not be construed to mean that the community must change any existing ordinances that are more stringent in their floodplain management requirements. The community may at any time enact stricter requirements of its own, or pursuant to policies established by other Federal, State, or regional entities. These proposed elevations are used to meet the floodplain management requirements of the NFIP and are also used to calculate the appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings built after these elevations are made final, and for the contents in these buildings.

    National Environmental Policy Act. This proposed rule is categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact assessment has been prepared.

    Regulatory Flexibility Act. The Mitigation Division Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency certifies that this proposed rule is exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act because proposed or modified BFEs are required by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and are required to establish and maintain community eligibility in the NFIP. No regulatory flexibility analysis has been prepared.

    Regulatory Classification. This proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action under the criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.

    Executive Order 13132, Federalism. This rule involves no policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132.

    Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This rule meets the applicable standards of Executive Order 12988.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67

    • Administrative practice and procedure
    • Flood insurance
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    End List of Subjects

    Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:

    Start Part


    1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:

    Start Authority

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376, § 67.4.

    End Authority

    2. The tables published under the authority of § 67.4 are proposed to be amended as follows:

    StateCity/town/countySource of floodingLocation*Elevation in feet (NGVD) +Elevation in feet (NAVD) #Depth in feet above ground
    ArizonaPinal County (Unincorporated Areas), City of Casa GrandeArizola DrainShallow Flooding Area—Between I-10/SR-84 Interchange to confluence with North Santa Cruz WashNone#1
    City of Casa Grande:
    Start Printed Page 15110
    Maps are available for inspection at: The City Hall 510 E. Florence Blvd., Casa Grande, AZ 85222.
    Send comments to: The Honorable Chuck Walton, 510 E. Florence Blvd., Casa Grande, AZ 85222.
    ArkansasColumbia County (Uninc. Areas)Nations CreekApproximately 500 feet downstream from Nations Creek and Calhoun RoadNone+269
    Approximately 7,000 feet upstream from Nations Creek and Highway 82None+285
    Barlow BranchApproximately 2,500 feet downstream from Highway 82 and Barlow BranchNone+259
    Approximately 1,200 feet downstream from Highway 371 and Barlow BranchNone+267
    Tributary to Barlow BranchConfluence of Barlow Branch and Tributary to Barlow BranchNone+262
    Intersection of the Louisiana and Northwest Railway and Tributary to Barlow BranchNone+277
    Tributary to Big CreekApproximately 2,400 feet downstream from Height Street and Tributary to Big CreekNone+258
    Approximately 2,900 feet upstream from the confluence of Big Creek and Tributary to Big CreekNone+252
    Tanyard BranchApproximately 600 feet downstream from Tanyard Branch and the Louisiana and Northwest RailwayNone+266
    Approximately 1,800 feet downstream from Tanyard Branch and the Louisiana and Northwest RailwayNone+264
    +North American Vertical Datum 1988.
    Unincorporated Areas of Columbia County:
    Maps are available for inspection at the Columbia County Courthouse, Court #1 Square, Magnolia, AR 71753.
    Send comments to The Honorable John C. Blair, Judge, Columbia County, Court #1 Square, Magnolia, AR 71753.
    ArkansasUnion County (Uninc. Areas)F CreekApproximately at Highway 7 and F CreekNone+133
    Confluence of F Creek and F Creek Tributary FCNone+171
    Ouachita RiverApproximately 1,700 feet Northwest of New Lock 8 and Ouachita RiverNone+97
    Approximately at Ouachita River and Highway 167None+100
    Ouachita RiverApproximately at New Lock Road 6None+91
    South end of Old Lock 6 RoadNone+91
    Boggy CreekApproximately at Highway 82 and Boggy CreekNone+186
    Approximately 1,200 feet downstream from E. Main Street and Boggy CreekNone+213
    Lapile CreekApproximately at Lapile Creek and Highway 82None+103
    Approximately at Lapile Creek and Highway 275None+107
    Loutre CreekConfluence of Loutre Creek Tributary 2 and Loutre Creek Main StemNone+192
    Tributary 2Approximately 1,000 feet downstream from Loutre Creek Tribuatry 2 and Robert E. Lee StreetNone+203
    Loutre Creek Main StemApproximately at Loutre Creek Main Stem and Ouachita RailroadNone+186
    Confluence of Loutre Creek Tributary 2 and Loutre Creek Main StemNone+192
    +National American Vertical Datum 1988.
    Union County:
    Maps are available for inspection at Union County Courthouse, 101 N. Washington St., Ste 101, El Dorado, Arkansas 71730.
    Start Printed Page 15111
    Send comments to The Honorable Bobby Edmonds, County Judge, Union County Courthouse, 101 N. Washington St., Ste 101, El Dorado, Arkansas 71730.
    ColoradoBoulder County (Uninc. Areas)Skunk CreekApproximately 50 feet upstream of 30th Street Bridge+5,313+5,312
    Approximately 520 feet upstream of 30th Street+5,323+5,322
    +North American Vertical Datum 1988.
    City of Boulder:
    Maps are available for inspection at Central Records Department, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80302.
    Send comments to The Honorable William Toor, Mayor, City of Boulder, 1777 Broadway, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado 80306.
    ColoradoWeld County (Uninc. Areas)Cache la Poudre RiverAt confluence with South Platte River Just upstream of 115 Highway 85*4601*4601
    Approximately 400 feet downstream of County Road 62*4638 *4729*4639 *4728
    *National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929.
    City of Greeley:
    Maps are available at City of Greeley, Public Work Building, 1001 9th Street, Greeley, CO 80631.
    Send comments to The Honorable Tom Selders, Mayor, City of Greeley, 1000 10th Street, Greeley, CO 80631.
    Weld County (Unincorporated Areas):
    Maps are available at City of Greeley, Public Work Building, 1001 9th Street, Greeley, CO 80631.
    Send comments to The Honorable William Jerke, Chairman, Weld County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 758, Greeley, Colorado 80632.
    GeorgiaPaulding County (Uninc. Areas)McClendon CreekAt the confluence with Tallapoosa River and Mud Creek*1,132+1,133
    Approximately 300 feet upstream of confluence with Tallapoosa River and Mud Creek*1,132+1,133
    *National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    +National American Vertical Datum.
    1 The existing elevation data included on the effective FIRM is printed in the elevation datum of the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29). In order to convert this printed elevation data from the NGVD29 datum to the NAVD88 datum, please add 0.23 feet.
    Unincorporated Areas of Paulding County:
    Maps are available for inspection at the Paulding County Planning and Zoning Department, 25 Courthouse Square, Dallas, Georgia 30132.
    Send Comments to The Honorable Jerry Shearin, Commissioner Chairman, 166 Confederate Avenue, Dallas, Georgia 30132.
    KentuckyPike County (Uninc. Areas)Ferguson CreekAt the confluence Ferguson Creek with Pikeville Pond*671+676
    City of PikevilleApproximately 100 feet upstream of confluence of Williams Branch*851+853
    Harolds BranchAt the confluence Harolds Branch with Pikeville Pond*672+678
    Approximately 3,020 feet upstream of Pikeville Pond*704+705
    Pike County (Uninc. Areas)Lower Chloe CreekAt the confluence Lower Chloe Creek with Pikeville Pond*671+676
    City of PikevilleApproximately 680 feet downstream of confluence of Peter Fork*750+747
    Pikeville PondApproximately 3,160 feet downstream of confluence of Harolds Branch*670+666
    At the confluence Pikeville Pond with Levisa Fork*686+686
    *National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    +National American Vertical Datum.
    (Note: NGVD −.609' = NAVD).
    Pike County:
    Maps are available for inspection at 260 Hambley Boulevard, Pikeville, KY 41501.
    Start Printed Page 15112
    Send comments to The Honorable Frank Justice, Mayor, City of Pikeville, 118 College Street, Pikeville, KY 41501.
    South DakotaCity of Mt. Vernon, Davison CountyDry Run CreekAt 7th StreetNone+1400
    Approximately 300 feet upstream of West Railroad StreetNone+1412
    East DrainageApproximately 400 feet upstream of Main StreetNone+1411
    At 397th AvenueNone+1415
    DiversionAt intersection 397th Avenue and 253rd StreetNone+1405
    At Railroad StreetNone+1417
    +North American Vertical Datum.
    City of Mt. Vernon:
    Maps are available for inspection at the Mount Vernon Community Center, 500 North Main Street, Mt. Vernon, South Dakota 57363.
    Send comments to The Honorable Brad Seamer, Mayor, City of Mt. Vernon, 311 East Third Street, Mount Vernon, South Dakota 57363.
    WyomingTeton County (Uninc. Areas)Flat CreekJust upstream of High School Road*6113*6113
    Town of JacksonJust upstream of U.S. Highway 26*6214*6214
    Spring CreekApproximately 1400 feet downstream of Tribal Trail Road*6126*6125
    Approximately 400 feet upstream of U.S Highway 22*6158*6158
    *National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    Unincorporated Areas of Teton County:
    Maps are available for inspection at the Teton County Administration Building, 200 South Willow, Jackson, Wyoming 83001.
    Send comments to The Honorable Larry Jorgenson, Chairman, Teton County Board of Commissioners, Teton County Administration Building, 200 South Willow, Jackson, Wyoming 83001.
    Town of Jackson:
    Maps are available for inspection at Town Hall, 150 East Pearl Avenue, Jackson, Wyoming 83001.
    Send comments to The Honorable Mark Barron, Mayor, Town of Jackson, P.O. Box 1687, Jackson, Wyoming 83001.
    Flooding source(s)Location of referenced elevation*Elevation in feet (NGVD) +Elevation in feet (NAVD) #Depth in feet above ground ⁁Frederick City DatumCommunities affected
    Baldwin County, Alabama and Incorporated Areas
    D'Olive CreekJust upstream of Lake Forest Dam+22+25City of Daphne.
    Just downstream of U.S. Highway 90+31+35
    Tiawasee CreekConfluence with D'Olive Creek at Lake Forest+22+25City of Daphne.
    Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of Ridgewood Drive+63+60
    Styx RiverJust downstream of Truck Route 17 (Brady Road)+77+77Baldwin County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 3,100 feet upstream of Pinegrove Road+169+168
    +North American Vertical Datum.
    Unincorporated Areas of Baldwin County:
    Maps are available for inspection at the Baldwin County Building Department, 201 East Section Street, Foley, Alabama 36535.
    Send comments to David Bishop, Chairman, Baldwin County Commission, 312 Courthouse Square, Suite 12, Bay Minette, Alabama 36507.
    City of Daphne:
    Start Printed Page 15113
    Maps are available for inspection at the Department of Community Development, 2651 Equity Drive, Daphne, Alabama 36526.
    Send comments to Mayor Fred Small, City of Daphne, P.O. Box 400, Daphne, Alabama 36526.
    Gila County, Arizona and Incorporated Areas
    Bar X WashShallow Flooding—North side of Bar X Wash approximately 1059 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 634 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1Gila County (Unin. Areas).
    Shallow Flooding—North side of Bar X Wash approximately 1059 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 634 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1
    Shallow Flooding—Approximately 1.02 miles above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 1.01 miles above confluence with Roosevelt LakeNone#2
    Butcher HookShallow Flooding—North side of Butcher Hook approximately 1772 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 922 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Shallow Flooding—North side of Butcher Hook approximately 0.39 mile above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 1772 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1
    Shallow Flooding—North side of Butcher Hook approximately 0.45 mile above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 0.39 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1
    Shallow Flooding—North side of Butcher Hook approximately 1772 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 1247 feet above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#2
    Chalk Springs CreekShallow Flooding—Approximately 1.25 miles above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 1.02 miles above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Shallow Flooding—Approximately 1.01 miles above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 0.96 mile above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1
    South Oak CreekShallow Flooding—Approximately 0.84 mile above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 0.99 mile above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Walnut CreekShallow Flooding—Approximately 0.52 mile above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt Lake to approximately 0.44 mile above confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone#1Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Bar X WashApproximately 645 feet upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2237Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 182 feet west of State Route 188None+2282
    Butcher HookApproximately 920 feet upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2242Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 517 feet west of State Route 188None+2294
    Chalk Springs CreekApproximately 0.50 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2277Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 894 feet west of Earl RoadNone+2389
    Haystack ButteApproximately 0.54 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2308Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Start Printed Page 15114
    Approximately 675 feet west of Rio Salada LaneNone+2416
    Lambing CreekApproximately 0.44 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2322Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.89 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2377
    Landing CreekApproximately 222 feet east of Shereeve LaneNone+2284Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 846 feet west of State Route 188None+2362
    Park CreekApproximately 526 feet upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2312Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 289 feet west of State Route 188None+2361
    Reno CreekApproximately 1455 feet upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2319Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 757 feet west of State Route 188None+2356
    South Oak CreekApproximately 0.44 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2221Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.00 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2288
    Sycamore CreekApproximately 0.84 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2224Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 490 feet west of State Route 188None+2286
    Sycamore Creek Split FlowApproximately 0.48 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2213Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.65 mile upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2222
    Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeApproximately 11.12 miles above Roosevelt DamNone+2171Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 2.2 miles upstream of Reno CreekNone+2373
    Walnut CreekApproximately 1364 feet upstream of confluence with Tonto Creek at Roosevelt LakeNone+2270Gila County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 505 feet west of Walnut Springs RoadNone+2346
    # Depth in feet above ground.
    Gila County (Unincorporated Areas):
    Maps available for inspection at: 1400 E. Ash Street, Globe, AZ 85501 or 714 S. Beeline Highway, Suite 200, Payson, AZ 85541.
    Send comments to The Honorable Jose Sanchez, Gila County Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, 1400 East Ash Street, Globe, AZ 85501, (928) 425-3231.
    La Paz County, Arizona and Incorporated Areas
    Arroyo La PazApproximately 200 feet above confluence with North Levee ChannelNone+288La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 75 feet upstream of Parker-Poston RoadNone+306
    Cinnabar WashApproximately 100 feet above confluence with Colorado RiverNone+264La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.00 miles above confluence with Colorado RiverNone+326
    Colorado RiverApproximately 13.5 miles upstream of Adobe LakeNone+202La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.38 mile downstream of Parker DamNone+379Parker, Town of Colorado River Indian Reservation.
    Ehrenberg WashApproximately 300 feet downstream of Parker-Poston RoadNone+282La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.43 mile upstream of Parker-Poston RoadNone+332
    Approximately 115 feet above confluence with North Levee ChannelNone+280
    Gonzales WashApproximately 50 feet upstream of Parker-Poston RoadNone+288
    Approximately 125 feet above confluence with South Levee ChannelNone+266La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Start Printed Page 15115
    Unnamed Stream 1Approximately 1,560 feet upstream of Parker-Poston RoadNone+302La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 300 feet above confluence with South Levee ChannelNone+280La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Unnamed Stream 2Approximately 0.73 mile above confluence with South Levee ChannelNone+340
    Unnamed Stream 3Approximately 225 feet above confluence with South Levee ChannelNone+282La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.44 mile upstream of Parker-Poston RoadNone+334
    Unnamed Stream 4Approximately 292 feet above confluence with North Levee ChannelNone+288La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 856 feet upstream of Parker-Poston RoadNone+316
    Shallow FloodingWest of Parker-Poston Road to South of Colorado River Indian TribeNone#2La Paz County (Uninc. Areas).
    # Depth in feet above ground.
    + North American Vertical Datum.
    La Paz County (Unincorporated Areas):
    Maps available for inspection at: La Paz County Community Development, Dept. 1112, Joshua Avenue, Parker, Arizona 85344.
    Send comments to The Honorable Eugene Fisher, 1108 Joshua Avenue, Parker, Arizona 85344.
    Town of Parker:
    Maps available for inspection at: Parker Town Hall, 1314 11th Street, Parker, AZ 85344.
    Send comments to The Honorable Sam Heeringa, 1314 11th Street, Parker, AZ 85344.
    Colorado River Indian Reservation:
    Send comments to Mr. Grant Buma, Colorado River Indian Tribes, Water Resources, 2nd & Mohave Rd., Route 1, Box 23-B, Parker, AZ 85344.
    Imperial County, California and Incorporated Areas
    Amerosa WashApproximately 152 feet above confluence with Anza DitchNone+50Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 2.75 miles above confluence with Anza DitchNone+153
    Anza DitchApproximately 1694 feet downstream of Marina DriveNone+224Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 3.4 miles upstream of State Route 86None+136
    Arroyo SaladaApproximately 630 feet above confluence with Salton SeaNone+223Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 2.36 miles upstream of State Route 86None+72
    Colorado RiverApproximately 10.6 miles downstream of Confluence with Gila RiverNone+121Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.65 miles upstream of Neighbors BoulevardNone+243
    Coolidge Springs DitchApproximately 447 feet upstream of confluence with Salton SeaNone+225Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.69 mile upstream of confluence with Coolidge TributaryNone+14
    Coolidge TributaryApproximately 272 feet above confluence with Coolidge Springs DitchNone+192Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.81 mile above confluence with Coolidge Springs DitchNone+97
    Coral WashApproximately 314 feet above confluence with Palm WashNone+187Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 2.79 miles upstream of State Route 86None+72
    Iberia WashApproximately 296 feet above confluence with Salton SeaNone+222Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.89 miles upstream of State Route 86None+104
    Incienso DitchApproximately 450 feet above confluence with Salton SeaNone+221Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.86 miles upstream of State Route 86None+64
    Gravel WashApproximately 439 feet above confluence with Salton SeaNone+222Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Start Printed Page 15116
    Approximately 2.32 miles upstream of State Route 86None+51
    Palm WashApproximately 46 feet above confluence with Salton SeaNone+224Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 3.86 mile upstream of State Route 86None+150
    Romney DitchApproximately 1382 feet downstream of State Route 86None+211Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1517 feet upstream of State Route 86None+157
    Shoreline DitchApproximately 250 feet downstream of Thomas AvenueNone+225Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.50 mile upstream of Coolidge Springs RoadNone+94
    Surprise WashApproximately 656 feet above confluence with Tule WashNone+187Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of State Route 86None+89
    Surprise Wash TributaryApproximately 500 feet above confluence with Surprise WashNone+151Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.83 mile upstream of State Route 86None+110
    Surprise Wash DiversionApproximately 1610 feet above confluence with Arroyo SaladaNone+102Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 2.24 miles above confluence with Arroyo SaladaNone+37
    Tesla WashApproximately 386 feet above confluence with Salton SeaNone+222Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.61 miles upstream of State Route 86None+39
    Tortif DitchApproximately 0.87 mile downstream of State Route 86None+219Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.92 miles upstream of State Route 86None+78
    Verbena WashApproximately 450 feet above confluence with Virgo DitchNone+186Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 1.17 miles upstream of State Route 86None+2
    Virgo DitchApproximately 641 feet above confluence with Salton SeaNone+222Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 2.14 miles upstream of State Route 86None+95
    Zenas WashApproximately 637 feet above confluence with Arroyo SaladaNone+179Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 0.59 mile upstream of State Route 86None+88
    Arroyo SaladaShallow Flooding—Approximately 1.38 miles above confluence with Salton Sea to Salton SeaNone#1Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Calyx DitchShallow Flooding—State Route 86 to confluence with Salton SeaNone#1Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Shallow Flooding—150 feet upstream of State Route 86 to State Route 86None#2
    Farmosa DitchShallow Flooding—State Route 86 to confluence with Salton SeaNone#1Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Parosa DitchShallow Flooding—State Route 86 to confluence with Salton SeaNone#1Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Shallow Flooding—150 feet upstream of State Route 86 to State Route 86None#2
    Salton SeaWest shoreline of Salton Sea from approximately 0.78 miles southeast of confluence with Arroyo Salada to approximately 0.66 miles north of confluence with Shoreline DitchNone+224Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    Tonalee DitchShallow Flooding—1,000 feet upstream of State Route 86 to confluence with Salton SeaNone#1Imperial County (Uninc. Areas).
    # Depth in feet above ground.
    + North American Vertical Datum.
    Imperial County (Unincorporated Areas):
    Maps available for inspection at: Imperial County Planning & Development Services Department; 801 West Main Street, El Centro, California 92243.
    Send comments to The Honorable Mr. Gary Wyatt, County of Imperial, 940 West Main Street, El Centro, California 92243.
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    San Diego County, California and Incorporated Areas
    Agua Hedionda CreekApproximately 1,400 feet downstream of Melrose DriveNone*308City of Vista.
    Approximately 200 feet downstream of confluence with Buena CreekNone*353.
    *National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929.
    City of Vista:
    Maps are available for inspection at the City Hall, 600 Eucalyptus Avenue, Vista, CA 92084.
    Send comments to The Honorable Morris Vance, Mayor, City of Vista, P.O. Box 1988, Vista, CA 92084.
    Cherokee County, Georgia and Incorporated Areas
    Tate CreekApproximately 1,350 feet downstream of Yorkshire Drive*894+897Cherokee County (Uninc. Areas).
    Approximately 4,900 feet upstream of Flood Retarding Structure No. 17*941+944
    Cherokee County (Unincorporated Areas):
    Maps are available for inspection at 130 East Main Street, Suite 106, Canton, Georgia.
    City of Woodstock:
    Maps are available for inspection at 103 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock, Georgia.
    Send comments to The Honorable Bill Dewrell, Mayor, City of Woodstock, 106 Rusk Street, Woodstock, Georgia 30188.
    Lexington/Fayette County, Kentucky and Incorporated Areas
    Bryant TributaryConfluence with North Elkhorn CreekNone+942.8Lexington/Fayette.
    At I-75None+984.8
    Bowman Mill TributaryConfluence with South Elkhorn CreekNone+890.0Lexington/Fayette.
    Approximately 880 feet upstream of Palomar DriveNone+940.0
    Cave Hill TributaryConfluence with Bowman Mill TributaryNone+901.9Lexington/Fayette.
    Approximately 370 feet upstream of the farm road culvertNone+940.0
    Southpoint TributaryConfluence with West Hickman CreekNone+892.0Lexington/Fayette.
    Approximately 2,800 feet upstream of Southpoint Drive None+947.1
    Wolf Run CreekBeacon Hill Road culvertNone+921.8Lexington/Fayette.
    Approximately 300 feet upsteam of Nicholasville RoadNone+990.9
    + National American Vertical Datum 1988.
    Lexington Fayette Urban County Government:
    Maps are available for inspection at LFUCG—Division of Planning, 200 East Main Street, 10th Floor, Lexington, KY 40507 or LFUCG-Division of Engineering, 101 East Vine Street, 4th Floor, Lexington, KY 40507.
    Send comments to The Honorable Teresa Ann Isaac, Mayor, Lexington Fayette Urban County Government, 200 East Main St., Lexington, KY 40507.
    Frederick County, Maryland and Incorporated Areas
    Ballenger CreekConfluence with Monocacy RiverNone+249Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.2 mile downstream of Mt. Phillip RoadNone+422
    Bush CreekConfluence with Monocacy RiverNone+255Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.2 mile upstream of Green Valley Road*403+413
    Butterfly Branch (Tributary No. 116)Confluence with Ballenger CreekNone+307Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.3 mile upstream of Jefferson PikeNone+388
    Carroll CreekConfluence with Monocacy River⁁271+266Frederick County.
    Approximately 2.0 miles upstream of the confluence of Silver Spring Branch (Tributary No. 95)None+702
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    Claggett Run (Tributary No. 129)Confluence with Rocky Fountain Run*247+243Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Fingerboard Road*297+297
    Clifford Branch (Tributary No. 87)Confluence with Tuscarora CreekNone+367Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.3 mile upstream of Hamburg RoadNone+644
    Clifford Branch (Tributary No. 98)Confluence with Rock CreekNone+354Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Mt. Phillip RoadNone+433
    Detrick Branch (Tributary No. 9)Confluence with Monocacy River⁁273+268Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.1 mile upstream of N. Market StreetNone+286
    Dublin BranchConfluence with Glade Creek*283+279Frederick County.
    Approximately 1.4 miles upstream of confluence with Glade CreekNone+331
    Edison BranchConfluence with Carroll CreekNone+328Frederick County.
    Downstream side of Christophers CrossingNone*375
    Glade CreekApproximately 0.2 mile downstream of Devilbliss Bridge Road*283+279Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of Glade RoadNone+359
    Horsehead RunConfluence with Rocky Fountain Run*247+247Frederick County.
    Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of confluence with Rocky Fountain Run*265+265
    Israel CreekConfluence with Monocacy RiverNone+273Frederick County.
    Just downstream of Water StreetNone+298
    King Branch (Tributary No. 118)Confluence with Ballenger CreekNone+271Frederick County.
    Just downstream of Arbor RoadNone+291
    Linganore CreekConfluence with Monocacy RiverNone+264Frederick County.
    Just downstream of Gashouse PikeNone+327
    Little Tuscarora CreekConfluence with Tuscarora CreekNone+296Frederick County.
    0.1 mile upstream of Yellow Springs RoadNone+509
    Monocacy RiverConfluence with Potomac RiverNone+210Frederick County.
    0.6 mile upstream of Devilbliss Bridge RoadNone+288
    Park Branch (Tributary No. 8/99)Confluence with Monocacy River*271+267Frederick County.
    Downstream side of East Street⁁283+286
    Pike Branch (Tributary No. 117)Confluence with Ballenger CreekNone+277
    Just upstream of Ballenger Creek RoadNone+314
    Rock CreekConfluence with Carroll Creek⁁308+310Frederick County.
    Just Downstream of Baltimore National Parkway (US 40)*434+432
    Rocky Fountain RunConfluence with Monocacy River*247+243Frederick County.
    0.2 mile downstream of New Design RoadNone+310
    Shookstown Creek (Tributary No. 96)Confluence of Carroll CreekNone+316Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Oakmont Drive*757*774
    Silver Spring Branch (Tributary No. 95)Confluence with Carroll CreekNone+347Frederick County.
    Approximately 400 feet downstream of Edgewood Church RoadNone+716
    Tributary No. 122 to Horsehead RunConfluence with Horsehead RunNone+265Frederick County.
    Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of confluence with Horsehead RunNone+298
    Tributary No. 123 to Horsehead RunConfluence with Horsehead RunNone+265Frederick County.
    Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of confluence with Horsehead RunNone+310
    Tributary No. 124 to Horsehead RunConfluence with Horsehead Run*262+264Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.1 mile upstream of Manor Woods Road*279+284
    Tributary No. 125 to Horsehead RunConfluence with Horsehead Run*254+253Frederick County.
    Start Printed Page 15119
    Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of confluence with Horsehead Run*270+274
    Tributary No. 126 to Tributary No. 125 to Horsehead Run0.4 mile upstream of outlet to Horsehead Run*270+274Frederick County.
    Just downstream of New Design Road*287+287
    Tributary No. 127 to Rocky Fountain RunConfluence with Rocky Fountain Run*247+246Frederick County.
    Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of confluence with Rocky Fountain Run*279+291Frederick County.
    Tributary No. 128 to Rocky Fountain RunConfluence with Rocky Fountain Run*247+243
    Just downstream of Baltimore and Ohio RailroadNone+279
    Tributary No. 5 to Rock CreekConfluence with Rock Creek⁁325+328Frederick County.
    Approximately 0.1 mile upstream of West Patrick StreetNone+395
    Tributary No. 6 to Carroll CreekConfluence with Carroll Creek⁁294+293Frederick County.
    Just downstream of Butterfly LaneNone+410
    Tributary No. 89 to Little Tuscarora CreekConfluence with Little Tuscarora CreekNone+314Frederick County.
    Just downstream of Springhill DriveNone+359
    Tributary to Glade CreekConfluence with Glade CreekNone+292Frederick County.
    Just downstream of Devilbliss Bridge RoadNone+334
    Tributary to Tributary No. 89 to Little Tuscarora CreekConfluence with Tributary No. 89 to Little Tuscarora CreekNone+355Frederick County.
    Just upstream of Christophers CrossingNone+402
    Tuscarora CreekConfluence with Monocacy River*279+274Frederick County.
    Confluence of Clifford BranchNone+367
    Two Mile Run (Tributary No. 10/93)Just downstream of Worman's Mill CourtNone+269Frederick County.
    Confluence with Monocacy River⁁274+269Frederick County.
    Worman's Run (Tributary No. 11)Confluence with Monocacy River⁁274+269Frederick County.
    Just Upstream of North Market Street⁁274+269
    * National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929.
    − North American Vertical Datum 1988.
    + Frederick City Datum.
    Unincorporated Areas of Frederick County:
    Maps are available for inspection at the Planning and Zoning Department, Winchester Hall, 12 East Church Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701.
    Send comments to The Honorable Douglas Browning, County Manager, Frederick County, Winchester Hall, 12 East Church Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701.
    City of Frederick:
    Maps are available for inspection at the Engineering Department, City Hall, 101 North Court Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701.
    Send comments to The Honorable Jennifer P. Dougherty, Mayor, City of Frederick, City Hall, 101 North Court Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701.
    Town of Walkersville:
    Maps are available for inspection at the Town Hall, 21 West Frederick Street, Walkersville, Maryland 21793.
    Send comments to The Honorable Ralph Whitmore, Burgess, Town of Walkersville, Town Hall/P.O. Box 249, 21 West Frederick Street, Walkersville, Maryland 21793.
    Washington County, Missouri and Incorporated Areas
    Mine Breton CreekApproximately 2,350 feet above confluence with Bates CreekNone*860City of Potosi.
    At Highway P, approximately 9,700 feet above confluence with Bates CreekNone*922
    * National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929.
    City of Potosi:
    Start Printed Page 15120
    Maps are available for inspection at the Community Map Repository, 121 E. High Street, Potosi, MO.
    Send comments to The Honorable Wayne Maulgen, Mayor of the City of Potosi, 121 E. High Street, Potosi, MO 63664.
    Osage County, Oklahoma and Incorporated Areas
    Bird CreekApproximately 250 feet from confluence of Bird Creek and Mud Creek*823+818Osage County (Uninc. Areas), City of Pawhuska, City of Barnsdall, Town Avant
    Approximately 1,700 feet downstream from confluence w/ UT1 to Bird Creek*642+645
    * National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    +North American Vertical Datum, OK.
    Osage County:
    Maps are available for inspection at 628 Kihekah, Pawhuska 74056.
    Send comments to The Honorable Scott Hill, County Commissioner, 628 Kihekah, Pawhuska, OK 74056.
    Town of Avant:
    Maps are available for inspection at City Hall: 230 W. McCoy Lane, Avant, OK 74001.
    Send comments to The Honorable Curtis Bray, Major of the Town of Avant, 230 W. McCoy Lane, Avant, OK 74001.
    City of Barnsdall:
    Maps are available for inspection at 409 W. Main, Barnsdall, OK 74001.
    Send comments to The Honorable Rick Parker, Mayor of the City of Barnsdall, 409 W. Main, Barnsdall, OK 74002.
    City of Pawhuska:
    Maps are available for inspection at 118 W. Main, Pawhuska, OK 74056.
    Send comments to The Honorable Mark Buchanan, Mayor of the City of Pawhuska, 118 West Main, OK 74056.
    Chester County, Pennsylvania and Incorporated Areas
    Beaver CreekApproximately at the Beaver Creek Dam+479+503Township of East Brandywine and Township of West Brandywine Township of East Goshen.
    Approximately 3,500 feet upstream from the Beaver Creek DamNone+503
    Boot Road RunApproximately at Springton Lane Road+418+418
    Approximately 100 feet upstream of Greenhill RoadNone+450
    Valley CreekApproximately 1,750 feet upstream from the confluence of Valley Creek and East Branch Octoraro CreekNone+444Township of West Sadsbury.
    Approximately 800 feet upstream from the confluence of Valley Creek and East Branch Octoraro CreekNone+444
    East Branch Octoraro CreekApproximately 1,550 feet upstream from the confluence of Valley Creek and East Branch Octoraro CreekNone+444Township of West Sadsbury.
    Approximately 800 feet upstream from the confluence of Valley Creek and East Branch OctoraroNone+444
    Beaver CreekApproximately at the Beaver Creek Dam+479+503Township of East Brandywine and Township of West Brandywine.
    Approximately 3,500 feet upstream from the Beaver Creek DamNone+503
    Boot Road RunApproximately at Springton Lane+418+418Township of East Goshen.
    Approximately 100 feet upstream of Greenhill RoadNone+450
    Start Printed Page 15121
    East Branch Octoraro CreekApproximately 1,550 feet upstream from the confluence of Valley Creek and East Branch Octoraro CreekNone+444Township of West Sadsbury.
    Approximately 800 feet upstream from the confluence of Valley Creek and East Branch OctoraroNone+444
    Hibernia DamApproximately at the Hibernia DamNone+588Township of West Caln.
    Approximately 75 feet upstream from Martins Corner RoadNone+612
    Valley CreekApproximately 1,750 feet upstream from the confluence of Valley Creek and East Branch Octoraro CreekNone+444Township of West Sadsbury.
    Approximately 800 feet upstream from the confluence of Valley Creek and East Branch Octoraro CreekNone+444
    +North American Vertical Datum 1988.
    Township of East Brandywine:
    Maps are available for inspection at 110 Hopewell Road, Suite 2, Downingtown, Pennsylvania 19335.
    Township of West Brandywine:
    Maps are available for inspection at West Brandywine Township Building, 198 Lafayette Road, Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19320.
    Send comments to The Honorable Carl S. Lindborg, Chairperson of Board of Supervisors, 198 Lafayette Road, Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19320.
    Township of East Goshen:
    Maps are available for inspection at East Goshen Town Hall, 1580 Paoli Pike, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380.
    Send comments to The Honorable Joseph McDonogh, Chairman of Board of Supervisors, 1580 Paoli Pike, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380.
    Township of West Caln:
    Maps are available for inspection at West Caln Township Building, 721 W. Kings Highway, Wagontown, PA 19736.
    Send comments to The Honorable Paul E. Pfitzenmeyer, Chairman of Board of Supervisors, 721 W. Kings Highway, Wagontown, PA 19736.
    Township of West Sadsbury:
    Maps are available for inspection at West Sadsbury Township Municipal Building, 6400 N. Moscow Road, Parkesburg, Pennsylvania 19365.
    Send comments to The Honorable James Landis, Chairperson of Board of Supervisors, 6400 N. Moscow Road, Parkesburg, Pennsylvania 19365.
    1 The existing elevation data included on the effective FIRM is printed in the elevation datum of the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29). In order to convert this printed elevation data from the NGVD29 datum to the NAVD88 datum, please add 0.10 feet.

    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, “Flood Insurance.”)

    Start Signature

    Dated: March 20, 2006.

    David I. Maurstad,

    Acting Director, Mitigation Division, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security.

    End Signature End Part End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. E6-4358 Filed 3-24-06; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 9110-12-P

Document Information

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation in each community.
15109-15121 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FEMA-B-7456
Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
44 CFR 67