[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 59 (Tuesday, March 28, 1995)]
[Pages 15895-15896]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-7601]
Federal Register
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Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 59 / Tuesday, March 28, 1995 /
[[Page 15895]]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
[Docket No. 95-022-1]
Receipt of Permit Applications for Release Into the Environment
of Genetically Engineered Organisms
AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: We are advising the public that 25 applications for permits to
release genetically engineered organisms into the environment are being
reviewed by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. The
applications have been submitted in accordance with 7 CFR part 340,
which regulates the introduction of certain genetically engineered
organisms and products.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the applications referenced in this notice, with
any confidential business information deleted, are available for public
inspection in room 1141, South Building, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, 14th Street and Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC,
between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.
Persons wishing to inspect an application are requested to call ahead
on (202) 690-2817 to facilitate entry into the reading room. You may
obtain copies of the documents by writing to the person listed under
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Arnold Foudin, Deputy Director,
Biotechnology Permits, BBEP, APHIS, Suite 5B05, 4700 River Road Unit
147, Riverdale, MD 20737-1228; (301) 734-7612.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The regulations in 7 CFR part 340,
``Introduction of Organisms and Products Altered or Produced Through
Genetic Engineering Which Are Plant Pests or Which There Is Reason to
Believe Are Plant Pests,'' require that a person obtain a permit before
introducing (importing, moving interstate, or releasing into the
environment) into the United States certain genetically engineered
organisms and products that are considered ``regulated articles.'' The
regulations set forth procedures for obtaining a permit for the release
into the environment of a regulated article, and for obtaining a
limited permit for the importation or interstate movement of a
regulated article.
Pursuant to these regulations, the Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service has received and is reviewing the following
applications for permits to release genetically engineered organisms
into the environment:
Application No. Applicant received Organisms Field test location
95-031-01.......................... Oregon State University... 1/31/95 Poplar trees genetically engineered to Oregon.
express reproductive sterility and
herbicide tolerance.
95-031-02.......................... Pioneer Hi-Bred 1/31/95 Sunflower plants genetically engineered to California.
International, express marker genes.
95-031-03, renewal of permit 93-049- University of Idaho....... 1/31/95 Rapeseed plants genetically engineered to Idaho.
02, issued on 5/4/93. express tolerance to the phosphinothricin
class of herbicides.
95-031-04.......................... Asgrow Seed Company....... 1/31/95 Cucumber plants genetically engineered to Georgia, Michigan.
express resistance to cucumber mosaic
virus, papaya ringspot virus, watermelon
mosaic virus 2, and zucchini yellow mosaic
95-031-05.......................... University of Idaho....... 1/31/95 Potato plants genetically engineered to Idaho.
express resistance to barley yellow dwarf
virus, potato leaf roll virus, potato virus
Y, and tobacco vein mottling virus.
95-031-06, renewal of permit 90-088- Asgrow Seed Company....... 1/31/95 Melon plants genetically engineered to California, Georgia,
01, issued on 7/11/90. express resistance to cucumber mosaic Michigan.
virus, papaya ringspot virus, water-melon
mosaic virus 2, and zucchini yellow mosaic
95-031-07.......................... Northrup King Company..... 1/31/95 Corn plants genetically engineered to Minnesota.
express fungal resistance.
95-031-08.......................... University of Idaho....... 1/31/95 Rapeseed plants genetically engineered to Idaho, Michigan, North
express tolerance to the phosphinothricin Dakota.
class of herbicides.
95-033-01.......................... VanderHave USA............ 2/2/95 Sunflower plants genetically engineered to North Dakota.
express fungal resistance or a sulphur-rich
seed storage protein.
[[Page 15896]]
95-037-01.......................... InterMountain Canola 2/6/95 Rapeseed plants genetically engineered to Colorado.
Company. express modified fatty acids.
95-040-01.......................... Asgrow Seed Company....... 2/9/95 Melon plants genetically engineered to California, Georgia,
express resistance to cucumber mosaic Michigan.
virus, papaya ringspot virus, squash mosaic
virus, watermelon mosaic virus 2, and
zucchini yellow mosaic virus.
95-041-01.......................... R.J. Reynolds Tobacco 2/10/95 Tobacco mosaic virus genetically engineered North Carolina.
Company. to express proteins of pharmaceutical
95-041-02, renewal of permit 94-168- Calgene, Incorporated..... 2/10/95 Canola plants genetically engineered to California.
01, issued on 10/12/94. express an altered oil profile.
95-045-01.......................... Louisiana State University 2/14/95 Rice plants genetically engineered to Louisiana.
express fungal resistance.
95-045-02.......................... Monsanto Company.......... 2/14/95 Wheat plants genetically engineered for Kansas.
resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus.
95-046-01.......................... Northrup King Company..... 2/15/95 Corn plants genetically engineered for Minnesota.
resistance to corn rootworm.
95-053-01.......................... PanAmerican Seed Company.. 2/22/95 Petunia plants genetically engineered for Florida, Illinois.
resistance to fungi and bacteria.
95-054-01.......................... Calgene, Incorporated..... 2/23/95 Canola plants genetically engineered for oil Wisconsin.
95-054-03, renewal of permit, 94- Calgene, Incorporated..... 2/23/95 Canola plants genetically engineered for oil North Dakota.
038-01, issued on 4/6/94. modification.
95-059-01.......................... Asgrow Seed Company....... 2/28/95 Melon plants genetically engineered to Michigan.
express altered ethylene biosynthesis.
95-059-02.......................... Asgrow Seed Company....... 2/28/95 Watermelon plants genetically engineered for Michigan.
resistance to watermelon mosaic virus 2 and
zucchini yellow mosaic virus.
95-065-01.......................... University of Chicago..... 3/06/95 Atropa belladonna plants genetically Illinois.
engineered to express an altered alkaloid
profile for resistance to insect herbivores.
95-065-02, renewal of permit 91-077- Harris Moran Seed Company. 3/06/95 Melon plants genetically engineered for California.
01, issued on 6/18/91. resistance to cucumber mosaic virus.
95-066-01, renewal of permit 92-037- Asgrow Seed Company....... 3/07/95 Melon plants genetically engineered for Florida.
07, issued on 5/18/92. resistance to cucumber mosaic virus,
watermelon mosaic virus 2, and zucchini
yellow mosaic virus.
95-067-01.......................... Petoseed Company.......... 3/08/95 Squash plants genetically engineered for California.
resistance to cucumber mosaic virus and
watermelon mosaic virus 2.
Done in Washington, DC, this 22nd day of March 1995.
Terry L. Medley,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 95-7601 Filed 3-27-95; 8:45 am]