[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 61 (Thursday, March 28, 1996)]
[Pages 13872-13874]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-7509]
[OR-014-96-6350-00; G6-0087]
Notice of Availability
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Klamath Falls Resource Area,
ACTION: Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision, Resource
Management Plan, for the Upper Klamath Basin and Wood River Wetland on
the Klamath Falls Resource Area of the Lakeview District, Oregon.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (40 CFR 150.2), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of
[[Page 13873]]
1976, (43 CFR part 1610 [g]), the Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Land Management, Klamath Falls Resource Area of the Lakeview District
provides notice of availability of the Record of Decision (ROD),
Approved Resource Management Plan (ARMP), for the Upper Klamath Basin
and Wood River Wetland on the Klamath Falls Resource Area of the
Lakeview District. The ARMP will provide the framework to guide land
and resource allocations and management direction for the next 10 to 20
years on the Wood River property in the Klamath Falls Resource Area of
the Lakeview District, including designation of the property as an Area
of Critical Environmental Concern. This ARMP supersedes any applicable
portions of the existing Lost River and Jackson-Klamath Management
Framework Plans and other related documents for managing BLM-
administered lands and resources in the subject area. The Klamath Falls
Resource Area of the Lakeview District is responsible for management of
approximately 3,220 acres of public land located approximately 25 miles
north of Klamath Falls. It is bounded on the south by Agency Lake, on
the east by the Wood River and associated marsh, on the north-northwest
by a dike, and on the west by Sevenmile Creek. It is located in Klamath
County, just east of the Cascade Range in southern Oregon.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the ARMP/ROD are available upon request by
contacting the Klamath Falls Resource Area of the Lakeview District,
Bureau of Land Management, 2795 Anderson Ave., Bldg 25, Klamath Falls,
Oregon, 97603. The telephone number is (541) 883-6916. This document
has been sent to all those individuals and groups who were on the
mailing list for the Upper Klamath Basin and Wood River Wetland
Proposed Resource Management Plan/Final Environmental Impact Statement.
The full supporting record for the approved Upper Klamath Basin and
Wood River Wetland RMP is also available for inspection in the Klamath
Falls Resource Area office during normal operating hours, at the office
given above. Copies of the draft and final EISs are also available for
inspection in the public room at the BLM Oregon/Washington State
Office, 1515 S.W. 5th St., Portland, Oregon 97201; and Klamath County
library, at 126 S. 3rd St., Klamath Falls, Oregon during normal
operating hours.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A. Barron Bail, Area Manager, Klamath
Falls Resource Area office, Phone (503) 883-6916.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Upper Klamath Basin and Wood River
Wetland ARMP/ROD is essentially the same as the proposed action in the
Upper Klamath Basin and Wood River Wetland Resource Management Plan/
Final Environmental Impact Statement (PRMP/FEIS). Virtually no changes
to the proposed decisions have been made, however some clarifying
language has been made in response to several comment letters, and as a
result of ongoing staff review. Four alternatives that encompass a
spectrum of realistic management options were considered in the
planning process. The final plan is a mixture of the management
objectives and actions that, in the opinion of the BLM, best resolve
the issues and concerns that originally drove the preparation of the
The overall goal of the plan is to restore the Wood River property
to its previous function as a wetland community, within the unalterable
constraints (such as water rights, land ownership patterns, and funds).
Within that goal, the primary objectives would be to improve water
quality and quantity entering Agency Lake from the property; and to
restore and enhance wetland habitat, primarily for Lost River and
shortnose suckers, and secondarily for other species.
Stream Channel Restoration
To provide a wider riparian area and floodplain along Wood River
and Sevenmile Creek that would allow for meandering flow patterns to
develop. To encourage channel sinuosity and complexity within BLM
administered lands and consistant with Oregon water laws. To not
adversely affect water use or rights of other landowners.
Wetland Restoration
To restore the majority of the property to a wetland in proper
functioning condition, dominated by a native plant community.
Vegetation management could occur using several methods, including but
not limited to water level fluctuations, livestock grazing, haying,
planting and seeding, prescribed fire, and mechanical or chemical
Special Status Species Habitat
To manage for a diversity of habitats for special status species.
Maintain a viable population of spotted frogs on the property. To
protect habitats of federally listed or proposed threatened or
endangered species; to avoid contributing to the need to list category
1 and 2 federal candidate, state listed, and Bureau sensitive species.
Fish and Wildlife Habitat
To improve habitat conditions for suckers and salmonids; to improve
habitat for raptors and neotropical migratory birds; and to optimize
waterfowl habitat within the constraints of other resource objectives.
To provide opportunities for roaded and semi-primitive recreation
experiences (opportunities to have a high degree of interaction with
the natural environment, to have moderate challenge and risk and to use
outdoor skills). To manage the area for day use only.
Day use is defined as two hours before sunrise and one half-hour
after sunset. To manage the area for low to moderate recreation use
levels. Recreation use and facilities would be secondary to the overall
objectives of wetland restoration and water quality improvement. The
area will be closed to off-highway vehicles, except for designated
roads and trails and administrative or emergency vehicles, as
authorized by the Area Manager. In addition, other parties with right-
of-way agreements or easements will have limited access rights.
In addition to the above mentioned day use only restrictions, the
following rules apply to the Wood River property: No fires of any kind
are permitted. No personal property such as hunting decoys, tents, etc.
can remain on the Wood River property during the overnight hours. Pit
hunting blinds may not be dug on the property. Jet boats and air boats
are prohibited from the existing Wood River marsh and in other wetland
areas as they are constructed. Small motorized boats are allowed into
the wetland areas between October 1 and January 31.
Any person who fails to comply with this closure restriction order
is subject to the penalties provided in 8360.0-7. Violoations are
punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or imprisonment not to
exceed 12 months. This Federal Register notice supercedes any previous
notices regarding off-highway vehicle restrictions and other rules
applying to the Wood River property.
The ARMP/ROD designates the Wood River property as a new Area of
Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) with the restrictions noted
[[Page 13874]]
Vegetation Mining Mineral Rights-of-
Area name Acres harvest ORV use location leasing way
Wood River................... 3,220 R P R R R
NC = No Change from existing situation.
R = Use is allowed but with restrictions.
P = Use is prohibited.
The Wood River property is designated an area of critical
environmental concern to protect and restore the areas relevant and
important values, which are cultural, fish and wildlife values and
natural processes and systems. Livestock grazing is restricted to meet
management objectives, as noted above. Mineral leasing is subject to no
surface occupancy. The area is closed to off-highway vehicle use .
Special Recreation Management Areas: The plan identifies the Wood
River property as a new Special Recreation Management Area.
To ensure that mineral activities do not conflict with other
management goals, the lands will be withdrawn from (closed to)
settlement, sale, location and entry under the general land laws,
including the United States Mining Laws (30 U.S.C. Ch.2,1988), but not
the mineral leasing laws, subject to valid and existing rights.
Dated: March 15, 1996.
Edwin J. Singleton,
Lakeview District Manager.
[FR Doc. 96-7509 Filed 3-27-96; 8:45 am]