03-7236. Medicare Program; Update of Ambulatory Surgical Center List of Covered Procedures Effective July 1, 2003  

  • Start Preamble Start Printed Page 15268


    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.


    Final rule with comment period.


    This final rule with comment period will make additions to and deletions from the current list of Medicare approved ambulatory surgical center (ASCs) procedures. In addition, it responds to comments received on the June 12, 1998 proposed rule (63 FR 32290) that addressed proposed additions to and deletions from the list of ASC covered procedures. This rule also implements requirements of section 1833(i)(1) and (2) of the Social Security Act.


    Effective date: These regulations are effective for services furnished on or after July 1, 2003.

    Comment date: We will consider comments on new proposed additions to and deletions from the ASC list of covered procedures if we receive them at the appropriate address, as provided below, no later than May 27, 2003.


    Mail written comments (1 original and 2 copies) to the following address: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Attention: CMS-1885-FC, P.O. Box 8013, Baltimore, MD 21244-8013.

    To insure that mailed comments are received in time for us to consider them, please allow for possible delays in delivering them.

    Because of staff and resource limitations, we cannot accept comments by facsimile (FAX) transmission. In commenting, please refer to file code CMS-1885-FC.

    If you prefer, you may deliver (by hand or courier) your written comments (1 original and 2 copies) to one of the following addresses: Room 445-G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201 or Room C5-14-03, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-8013.

    (Because access to the interior of the HHH Building is not readily available to persons without Federal Government identification, commenters are encouraged to leave their comments in the CMS drop slots located in the main lobby of the building. A stamp-in clock is available for commenters wishing to retain a proof of filing by stamping in and retaining an extra copy of the comments being filed.)

    Comments mailed to the addresses indicated as appropriate for hand or courier delivery may be delayed and could be considered late.

    For information on viewing public comments, see the beginning of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.

    Start Further Info


    Bob Cereghino, 410-786-4675.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    Inspection of Public Comments

    Comments received timely will be available for public inspection as they are received, generally beginning approximately 2 weeks after the close of the comment period, at the headquarters of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244, Monday through Friday of each week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. To schedule an appointment to view public comments, please call (410) 786-7197.


    To order copies of the Federal Register containing this document, send your request to: New Orders, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Specify the date of the issue requested and enclose a check or money order payable to the Superintendent of Documents, or enclose your Visa or Master Card number and expiration date. Credit card orders can also be placed by calling the order desk at (202) 512-1800 or by faxing to (202) 512-2250. The cost for each copy is $10. As an alternative, you can view and photocopy the Federal Register document at most libraries designated as Federal Depository Libraries and at many other public and academic libraries throughout the country that receive the Federal Register.

    This Federal Register document is also available from the Federal Register online database through GPO access, a service of the U.S. Government Printing Office. The Web site address is http://www.access.gpo.gov/​nara/​index.html.

    I. Background

    A. Legislative History

    Specific provisions of the proposed rule are discussed in detail in Section II below.

    Section 1832(a)(2)(F)(i) of the Social Security Act (the Act) provides that benefits under the Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance program (Part B) include payment for facility services furnished in connection with surgical procedures we specify and which are performed in an ambulatory surgical center (ASC). We are to review and update the list of ASC procedures biennially. To participate in the Medicare program as an ASC, a facility must meet the standards specified under section 1832(a)(2)(F)(i) of the Act and 42 CFR 416.25, which sets forth general conditions and requirements for ASCs.

    Generally, there are two primary elements in the total cost of performing a surgical procedure—the cost of the physician's professional services for performing the procedure and the cost of services furnished by the facility where the procedure is performed (for example, surgical supplies and equipment and nursing services). Section 1833(i)(2)(A) of the Act addresses what the ASC facility fee is intended to represent and how the amount of the Medicare payment for ASC facility services is to be determined. It requires us to review and update ASC payment amounts annually.

    The ASC payment rate is to be a standard overhead amount established on the basis of our estimate of a fair fee that takes into account the costs incurred by ASCs generally in providing facility services in connection with performing a specific procedure. The Report of the Conference Committee accompanying section 934 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-499), which enacted the ASC benefit in December 1980, states that this overhead factor is expected to be calculated on a prospective basis using sample survey and similar techniques to establish reasonable estimated overhead allowances, which take account of volume (within reasonable limits), for each of the listed procedures. (See H.R. Rep. No. 1479, at 134 (1980).) To estimate the amount of those reasonable allowances, we are required by section 1833(i)(2)(A)(i) of the Act to survey the actual audited costs incurred by a representative sample of facilities in connection with a representative sample of procedures. Because payment for ASC facility services is subject to the usual Medicare Part B deductible and coinsurance requirements, Medicare pays participating ASCs 80 percent of the prospectively-determined rate, adjusted for regional wage variations. Section 1833(i)(2)(A)(ii) of the Act requires that the ASC payment rates result in substantially lower Medicare Start Printed Page 15269expenditures than would have been paid if the same procedure had been performed on an inpatient basis in a hospital. Section 1833(i)(2)(A)(iii) of the Act requires that payment for insertion of an intraocular lens (IOL) include an allowance for the IOL that is reasonable and related to the cost of acquiring the class of lens involved.

    Section 13531 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA 1993) (Pub. L. 103-66), prohibited us from providing for any inflation update in the payment amounts for ASCs determined under section 1833(i)(2)(A) of the Act for fiscal years (FYs) 1994 and 1995. Section 13533 of OBRA 1993 established $150 as the amount of payment allowed for an IOL inserted during or subsequent to cataract surgery in an ASC on or after January 1, 1994, and before January 1, 1999. Section 141(a)(1) of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1994 (SSAA 1994) (Public Law 103-432) amended section 1833(i)(2)(A)(i) of the Act to require that a quinquennial survey of ASCs be taken beginning not later than January 1, 1995.

    Section 141(a)(2) of SSAA 1994 added section 1833(i)(2)(C) to the Act to provide that, beginning with FY 1996, there be an adjustment for inflation during fiscal years when we do not update ASC rates based on actual audited costs determined by surveying a representative sample of facilities. Section 1833(i)(2)(C) of the Act provides that ASC payment rates are to be increased by the percentage increase in the consumer price index for urban consumers (CPI-U), that we estimate for the 12-month period ending with the midpoint of the year involved, beginning with FY 1996. Section 141(a)(3) of SSAA 1994 amended section 1833(i)(1) of the Act to require us to consult with appropriate medical organizations in specifying the procedures that constitute the ASC list.

    Section 141(b) of SSAA 1994 requires us to establish a process for reviewing the appropriateness of the payment amount provided under section 1833(i)(2)(A)(iii) of the Act for IOLs with respect to a class of new-technology IOLs. That process was the subject of a separate notice of proposed rulemaking entitled Adjustment in Payment Amounts for New Technology Intraocular Lenses published in the Federal Register on September 9, 1997 (62 FR 46698).

    Section 4555 of BBA 1997 amended section 1833(i)(2)(C) of the Act to limit the annual adjustment of ASC payment rates provided for in that paragraph to the CPI-U increase reduced by 2.0 percentage points (but not below zero) for fiscal years 1998 through 2002.

    B. Extensions of Comment Periods for Proposed Rule

    On June 12, 1998, we published in the Federal Register a proposed rule that would revise the ratesetting methodology and payment rates and update the list of surgical procedures payable by Medicare for ASCs. The closing date of the comment period for the June 12, 1998 proposed rule was extended several times. The first extension notice was published in the Federal Register August 14, 1998 (63 FR 43655). The reason for the extension was that, due to the complexity and scope of the proposed rule, numerous members of the industry and professional associations requested more time to analyze the potential consequences of the rule. The closing date was extended to September 10, 1998.

    On September 8, 1998, a proposed rule outlining the provisions of a Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for hospital outpatient services was published in the Federal Register (63 FR 47551). On October 1, 1998 a second extension notice extending the comment period for the June 12, 1998 proposed rule was published in the Federal Register (63 FR 52663) with a new closing date of November 9, 1998. This second extension notice was issued because members of trade and professional associations urged us to postpone implementing the changes contained in the June 12, 1998 ASC proposed rule from October 1, 1998 to January 1, 1999 to coincide with implementation of the OPPS. They based their argument for delaying implementation of the ASC changes both on the need for more time for cross-analysis of the ASC proposed rule with the hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) proposed rule and the overlap and interrelationship between the two payment systems. This second extension notice also explained that there would be no inflationary update of the ASC rates on October 1, 1998 because reducing the fiscal year CPI-U factor of 2.1 percent by 2.0 percent would result in a change of less than $1 for each payment group.

    A third notice, which extended the comment period to January 8, 1999, was published in the Federal Register on November 15, 1998. This extension was necessary because the OPPS proposed rule comment period was being extended and Medicare payments to ASCs were closely linked to the way Medicare proposed to pay hospitals under the OPPS. A fourth extension notice was published in the Federal Register on January 12, 1999 (64 FR 1785). The reason given was the same as the prior extension notice, that is, because the comment period for the OPPS rule was being extended for further examination and because the two proposed payment systems were closely related. The new closing date of March 9, 1999 would run concurrently with the OPPS extension. On March 2, 1999, a fifth extension notice with the same rationale as the fourth notice was published in the Federal Register (64 FR 12278) and extended the comment period for an additional 60 days.

    The sixth and final extension was published in the Federal Register July 6, 1999 (64 FR 36321). On June 30, 1999 we published a correction notice (64 FR 35258) in the Federal Register that corrected a number of technical and typographical errors contained in the September 8, 1998 OPPS proposed rule. To provide commenters adequate time to analyze the potential impact of the corrections to the OPPS proposed rule on ASC payments and because of the link between Medicare ASC payments and hospital outpatient payments, we found it appropriate to extend the comment period for the ASC proposed rule to July 30, 1999.

    II. Provisions of the Proposed Regulations

    In the June 12, 1998, proposed rule, we proposed the following:

    • Clarification of the definition of ASC.
    • Revision of the basic requirements in § 416.3 and § 416.4.
    • Additions to and deletions from the ASC list.
    • Revision of the criteria for determining surgical procedures payable in an ASC in § 416.65 and elimination of numeric thresholds.
    • Establishment of an ASC Advisory Group.
    • Replacement of eight ASC payment groups with ambulatory payment classification (APC) groups that are clinically homogeneous and consist of procedures with similar resource inputs, modeled on the APC groups proposed for the OPPS.
    • Redefinition of the ASC ratesetting methodology.
    • Rebased payment rates to reflect a survey of ASC costs that was conducted in 1994.

    A combination of circumstances has resulted in our delaying publication of a final rule to implement the changes proposed in the June 12, 1998 ASC proposed rule. First, as discussed above, we extended the public comment period to July 30, 1999 in response to requests from the industry to allow adequate opportunity for comparison of the Start Printed Page 15270proposed ASC rates and ratesetting methodology with the proposed OPPS that was published in the Federal Register on September 8, 1998, followed by publication of an OPPS correction notice on June 30, 1999. Notwithstanding the close of the comment period on July 30, 1999, the changes required to implement a new payment system for ASC facility services could not be implemented because our contractors had to prepare Medicare claims processing systems to be Year 2000 (“Y2K”) compliant.

    On November 29, 1999, the Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (BBRA)(Pub. L. 106-113) was enacted. Section 226 of BBRA required that full implementation of the proposed ASC rates be delayed over a 3 year period. Specifically, the BBRA stated that if a prospective payment system for ASCs, that is, one involving the June 1998 proposed rates, was implemented prior to incorporating data from a 1999 or subsequent Medicare cost survey, in the first year of implementation no more than 1/3 of the new ASC payment would consist of this new rate and the remainder would consist of the current payment rate. In the following year, no more than 2/3 of the new rate would consist of the June 1998 proposed rate and the remainder would consist of the current rate.

    Significant changes in the OPPS were also required as a result of the enactment of the BBRA. Substantial pressures to implement the OPPS combined with the new OPPS requirements resulting from enactment of the BBRA compelled us to focus all available resources on the OPPS, which was implemented on August 1, 2000.

    On December 21, 2000, the Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Benefit Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA)(Pub. L. 106-554) was enacted. Section 424 of BIPA prohibited implementation of a revised prospective payment system for ASC facility services before January 1, 2002, extended the phase-in of the APC system for ASCs to four years and required that by January 1, 2003, ASC rates be rebased using data from a 1999 or later Medicare survey.

    The changes mandated by the BBRA and the BIPA, combined with the diversion of resources necessitated by Y2K compliance activities and implementation and start-up issues related to the OPPS have resulted in the delay in issuing a final ASC rule to implement the changes in the June 12, 1998 proposed rule. As stated above, Section 424 of BIPA requires that payment rates effective January 1, 2003 be based on a survey of ASCs conducted after 1999. We have developed an ASC survey instrument, but our experience in collecting ASC cost data in 1994 suggests that completion of the survey instrument, followed by an audit of the data reported by ASCs and the subsequent compilation of cost data upon which to base ASC payment rates, takes at least 2 years. Therefore, rather than delaying further the biennial update of the ASC list mandated by the statute, in this final rule with comment period we are making final only the additions to and deletions from the ASC list that we proposed in the June 12, 1998 proposed rule. We are not implementing at this time any of the other changes proposed in the June 1998 proposed rule. That is, we are not making final the regulatory changes in part 416 that we proposed or the proposed ratesetting methodology based on APC groups and survey data of ASC costs collected in 1994. We recognize that we are not in compliance with the requirements enacted by section 424 of BIPA, that we rebase rates by January 1, 2003 using data from a survey of ASC costs taken in 1999 or later. While we are committed to rebasing and restructuring the ASC payment rates, we are also committed to ensuring that the method we use to rebase ASC payment rates does not inadvertently result in rates that amplify payment differentials across ambulatory sites of service. We are studying approaches to ratesetting, some of which may require legislative change that will provide adequate payments to ASCs for surgical services and that are in line with what Medicare pays under the OPPS and the physician fee schedule for the same service.

    In section III of this preamble, we respond to comments that we received timely on our proposed additions to and deletions from the ASC list. In addition, we are proposing to add to the list a limited number of new CPT codes that were added to CPT in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 and that are similar to procedures on the updated ASC list. These new CPT codes are designated by an “A*” in column 2 of the Addendum. We solicit comments on the addition of these new CPT codes and the payment rates proposed for these new codes.

    In the June 1998 proposed rule, we listed codes with corresponding new payment rates based on the 1994 survey of ASC costs. Because we do not have current survey data upon which to base new payment rates, we have assigned the codes being added to the ASC list in this final rule to one of the nine existing payment groups under which payments for ASC facility services are currently made. With the guidance of our medical advisors, we matched additions to the ASC list with codes for procedures already on the ASC list that they most closely resemble in terms of clinical work and resource inputs such as equipment, supplies, and time required in the operating suite. We assigned the additions to the list to the same payment group to which the matching codes are currently assigned. For example, our medical advisors determined that CPT code 24341, Repair tendon or muscle, upper arm or elbow, each tendon or muscle, primary or secondary (excludes rotator cuff), is in the same family of codes as CPT code 24340, Tenodesis of biceps tendon at elbow (separate procedure) and CPT code 24342, Reinsertion of ruptured biceps or triceps tendon, distal, with or without tendon graft. CPT codes 24340 and 24342 are both currently assigned to payment group 3. Because the resource inputs such as supplies, equipment, and time in the operating suite for CPT code 24341 are similar to the resources required to perform CPT codes 24340 and 24342, we assigned CPT code 24341 to group 3 to maintain consistency in payment for this family of closely related codes.

    In the case of some codes, such as CPT 47511, Introduction of percutaneous transhepatic stent for biliary drainage, we identified procedures on the current list that they most closely resemble clinically and in terms of resource inputs, but we assigned the code to a higher payment group to take into account expensive equipment or supplies that are required to perform the procedure. Therefore, while CPT code 47511 is similar to CPT code 47510, which is currently on the ASC list and assigned to payment group 2, we assigned CPT code 47511 to payment group 9 to take into account the added cost of expensive supplies required for this procedure.

    There are some procedures that we proposed to add to the ASC list in the June 1998 proposed rule that we are not adding to the list at this time. We are not adding to the ASC list procedures that are inconsistent with our current criteria in § 416.65 for determining surgical procedures payable in an ASC. Also, we are not adding to the list procedures that would otherwise have met the criteria for inclusion on the ASC list, except that they would be significantly overpaid in the lowest ASC payment group, which could create an incentive to shift these procedures to an ASC setting. The payment rates proposed for many of these procedures in the June 12, 1998 proposed rule were significantly less than the lowest current ASC payment group because we were proposing a different ratesetting method Start Printed Page 15271using APC groups. We are also eliminating proposed additions to the ASC list that were deleted from CPT after 1998, and there are some codes that we proposed to add but are not adding on the basis of comments. The codes that we are not adding to the ASC list for these reasons are listed in the following table. We recognize that most of the additions and deletions to the ASC list that are being implemented through this final rule were proposed nearly 5 years ago. Our medical advisors have reviewed all of the changes reflected in this final rule and we believe that, taking patient safety into account , the final updated list reasonably reflects contemporary surgery performed in an ASC in the year 2003.

    Procedures Proposed for Addition to the ASC List That Are Not Being Added

    HCPCSShort descriptor
    11752Remove nail bed/finger tip.
    11760Repair of nail bed.
    11762Reconstruction of nail bed.
    11920Correct skin color defects.
    11921Correct skin color defects.
    11922Correct skin color defects.
    11950Therapy for contour defects.
    11951Therapy for contour defects.
    11952Therapy for contour defects.
    11954Therapy for contour defects.
    12001Repair superficial wound(s).
    12002Repair superficial wound(s).
    12004Repair superficial wound(s).
    12011Repair superficial wound(s).
    12013Repair superficial wound(s).
    12014Repair superficial wound(s).
    12015Repair superficial wound(s).
    12031Layer closure of wound(s).
    12032Layer closure of wound(s).
    12041Layer closure of wound(s).
    12042Layer closure of wound(s).
    12051Layer closure of wound(s).
    12052Layer closure of wound(s).
    12053Layer closure of wound(s).
    15819Plastic surgery, neck.
    15836Excise excessive skin tissue.
    15837Excise excessive skin tissue.
    15838Excise excessive skin tissue.
    15839Excise excessive skin tissue.
    15860Test for blood flow in graft.
    16010Treatment of burn(s).
    16040Deleted by CPT.
    16041Deleted by CPT.
    16042Deleted by CPT.
    17106Destruction of skin lesions.
    17107Destruction of skin lesions.
    17108Destruction of skin lesions.
    17304Chemosurgery of skin lesion.
    173052nd stage chemosurgery.
    173063rd stage chemosurgery.
    17307Followup skin lesion therapy.
    17310Extensive skin chemosurgery.
    19396Design custom breast implant.
    21030Removal of face bone lesion.
    21031Remove exostosis, mandible.
    21032Remove exostosis, maxilla.
    21110Interdental fixation.
    21120Reconstruction of chin.
    21125Augmentation, lower jaw bone.
    21260Revise eye sockets.
    20500Injection of sinus tract.
    20950Fluid pressure, muscle.
    24640Treat elbow dislocation.
    24650Treat radius fracture.
    25500Treat fracture of radius.
    25530Treat fracture of ulna.
    25560Treat fracture radius & ulna.
    25600Treat fracture radius/ulna.
    25622Treat wrist bone fracture.
    25630Treat wrist bone fracture.
    25650Treat wrist bone fracture.
    26600Treat metacarpal fracture.
    26641Treat thumb dislocation.
    26670Treat hand dislocation.
    26700Treat knuckle dislocation.
    26720Treat finger fracture, each.
    26725Treat finger fracture, each.
    26740Treat finger fracture, each.
    26750Treat finger fracture, each.
    26755Treat finger fracture, each.
    26770Treat finger dislocation.
    26775Treat finger dislocation.
    27200Treat tail bone fracture.
    27220Treat hip socket fracture.
    27256Treat hip dislocation.
    27556Treat knee dislocation.
    28001Drainage of bursa of foot.
    28010Incision of toe tendon.
    28108Removal of toe lesions.
    28124Partial removal of toe.
    28220Release of foot tendon.
    28230Incision of foot tendon(s).
    28232Incision of toe tendon.
    28272Release of toe joint, each.
    28360Reconstruct cleft foot.
    28430Treatment of ankle fracture.
    28450Treat midfoot fracture, each.
    28455Treat midfoot fracture, each.
    28470Treat metatarsal fracture.
    28475Treat metatarsal fracture.
    28490Treat big toe fracture.
    28495Treat big toe fracture.
    28510Treatment of toe fracture.
    28515Treatment of toe fracture.
    28530Treat sesamoid bone fracture.
    28540Treat foot dislocation.
    28570Treat foot dislocation.
    28600Treat foot dislocation.
    28630Treat toe dislocation.
    28660Treat toe dislocation.
    30901Control of nosebleed.
    31040Exploration behind upper jaw.
    31502Change of windpipe airway.
    31520Diagnostic laryngoscopy.
    32960Therapeutic pneumothorax.
    36493Repositioning of cvc.
    37618Ligation of extremity artery.
    40702Repair cleft lip/nasal.
    40830Repair mouth laceration.
    41822Excision of gum lesion.
    41823Excision of gum lesion
    42227Lengthening of palate.
    42326Create salivary cyst drain.
    42400Biopsy of salivary gland
    42800Biopsy of throat.
    42842Extensive surgery of throat
    42844Extensive surgery of throat.
    42970Control nose/throat bleeding
    43020Incision of esophagus
    43030Throat muscle surgery
    43761Reposition gastrostomy tube.
    45300Proctosigmoidoscopy dx.
    45303Proctosigmoidoscopy dilate.
    45330Diagnostic sigmoidoscopy
    46604Anoscopy and dilation.
    46614Anoscopy/control bleeding.
    46900Destruction, anal lesion(s).
    46910Destruction, anal lesion(s).
    46916Cryosurgery, anal lesion(s).
    49429Removal of shunt.
    51705Change of bladder tube
    52265Cystoscopy and treatment
    52301Cystoscopy and treatment
    52339Deleted by CPT.
    53025Incision of urethra.
    53060Drainage of urethra abscess.
    53852Prostatic rf thermotx.
    54050Destruction, penis lesion(s).
    54055Destruction, penis lesion(s).
    54056Cryosurgery, penis lesion(s).
    54402Deleted by CPT.
    54407Deleted by CPT.
    54409Deleted by CPT.
    55450Ligation of sperm duct.
    56311Deleted by CPT.
    56312Deleted by CPT.
    56313Deleted by CPT.
    56314Deleted by CPT.
    56318Deleted by CPT.
    56320Deleted by CPT.
    56346Deleted by CPT.
    56353Deleted by CPT.
    56355Deleted by CPT.
    56501Destroy, vulva lesions, simp.
    57284Repair paravaginal defect.
    57288Repair bladder defect.
    57460Cervix excision.
    57555Remove cervix/repair vagina.
    58345Reopen fallopian tube.
    58970Retrieval of oocyte
    59300Episiotomy or vaginal repair.
    60100Biopsy of thyroid.
    60210Partial thyroid excision.
    60240Removal of thyroid
    61000Remove cranial cavity fluid.
    61001Remove cranial cavity fluid.
    62292Injection into disk lesion.
    62298Deleted by CPT
    63615Remove lesion of spinal cord.
    64555Implant neuroelectrodes.
    64560Implant neuroelectrodes.
    64565Implant neuroelectrodes.
    64761Incision of pelvis nerve.
    65286Repair of eye wound.
    65450Treatment of corneal lesion.
    65820Relieve inner eye pressure.
    65855Laser surgery of eye.
    65860Incise inner eye adhesions.
    66761Revision of iris.
    66762Revision of iris.
    66770Removal of inner eye lesion.
    66820Incision, secondary cataract.
    67101Repair detached retina
    67110Repair detached retina.
    67208Treatment of retinal lesion.
    Start Printed Page 15272
    67343Release eye tissue.
    68100Biopsy of eyelid lining.
    68110Remove eyelid lining lesion.
    68135Remove eyelid lining lesion.
    69433Create eardrum opening.

    We are not adding to the ASC list CPT code 50590 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), for which we had proposed a payment of $2107 in the June 1998 proposed rule. In American Lithotripsy Society v. Sullivan, 785, F. Supp. 1035 (D.D.C. 1992), the District Court ordered that we “publish the data and other information we are relying on in setting a (lithotripsy) rate and allow time for comment before issuing a final notice * * *”. The data and other information that we would rely on in setting a payment rate for ESWL are part of the ratesetting methodology that we proposed in the June 1998 proposed rule. Because we are not making that ratesetting methodology final at this time, we might not be in compliance with the District Court order if we were to add CPT code 50590 to the ASC list in this final rule under the current payment rate structure. In addition, comments submitted by the American Lithotripsy Society opposed the $2,107 payment rate that we proposed in the June 1998 proposed rule. Therefore, we are not including CPT code 50590 among the additions to the ASC list that are implemented by this final rule.

    III. Analysis of and Responses to Public Comments

    In response to the publication of the June 12, 1998 proposed rule, we received approximately 13,000 comments, many of which were duplicate comments that were resubmitted each time we extended the comment period. We received comments from individual ASCs, physicians, health care workers, professional and trade associations, and medical societies and organizations. The majority of the comments addressed our proposal to adopt ambulatory payment classification (APC) groups as the basis for setting ASC payment rates. In addition, we received numerous comments regarding our proposal to package payment for corneal tissue into the payment rate for corneal transplant surgery. We also received numerous comments regarding proposed reductions in payment for gastroenterological procedures. Those comments will be addressed in a subsequent rule when we implement changes in the ASC ratesetting methodology. In this final rule with comment, we only respond to comments that address additions to and deletions from the list of approved procedures.

    Overall, the commenters who addressed our proposed additions to and deletions from the ASC list favored the proposed additions. Most commenters supported expansion of the ASC list to the maximum possible extent to permit Medicare payment to ASCs for procedures that are performed on an outpatient basis in hospitals. We respond below to commenters who recommended the addition or deletion of specific CPT codes. In reviewing the comments regarding our proposed additions to and deletions from the ASC list, we consulted our medical advisors, and we took into account Congressional intent when the ASC benefit was enacted as well as the current standards for the ASC list that are codified in § 416.65.

    As we explain above, we do not include in the list of ASC approved procedures, procedures currently performed on an ambulatory basis in a physician's office that do not generally require the more elaborate facilities of an ASC. Also, the ASC list does not include procedures that are appropriately performed in an inpatient hospital setting but would not be safely performed in an ASC, consistent with the criteria in § 416.65(b)(3).

    We also recognized that there are some procedures that might be appropriately performed in ASC for the younger patient who is generally healthy. But for the larger number of beneficiaries whose health is more likely to be compromised by age or disability, an ASC may be a questionable setting for those same procedures. Therefore, we are adding to the ASC list only those procedures that can be safely performed in an ASC on the general Medicare population in at least a significant number of cases.

    We believe that the ASC list resulting from the additions and deletions that we are implementing in this final rule with comment is an improvement over the existing list. We have updated the ASC list by adding a significant number of the procedures that we proposed to add in the June 1998 proposed rule as well as new CPT codes established since 1998 that are consistent with our criteria for the ASC list. The resulting updated list allows ASCs to furnish to Medicare beneficiaries surgical services that reflect the practice of contemporary surgery without compromising patient safety. We will continue to update the list through notice and comment within the biennial timeframe established under the statute. As part of the next biennial update, we will also consider proposing revised criteria to apply in determining which procedures are appropriate for the ASC list.

    Comment: A number of commenters favored elimination of the ASC list. The commenters stated that the decision regarding where to perform a procedure should rest with the physician and the patient, not with CMS.

    Response: Section 1833(i)(1) of the Act requires us to determine which surgical procedures are safely and appropriately performed in an ASC. Therefore, we cannot adopt this recommendation.

    Comment: A national medical association commented that we should not add certain codes that we proposed to add because these procedures are hospital procedures and are not appropriate for same day surgery in an ASC. These procedures are CPT codes 57284 (paravaginal defect repair), 57288 (stress incontinence), 57555 (cervical stump excision), 58345 (fallopian tube catheter), and 57460 (colposcopy).

    Response: After a review of our most recent claims data for site of service and an examination of the clinical nature of the surgical procedures in question, we agree with the commenter, and we are not adding these codes to the list.

    Comment: The same commenter agreed with our proposal to add CPT codes 57291 (artificial vagina construction) and 57556 (cervical stump excision) to the ASC list and our proposal to delete CPT codes 56405 (vulva drainage) and 57800 (cervix dilation) from the ASC list.

    Response: We agree with the commenter. We are adding CPT codes 57291 and 57556 to the ASC list and deleting CPT codes 56405 and 57800.

    Comment: A medical specialty society commented that we should delete from the ASC list CPT codes 15842 (microsurgical muscle graft), 26035 (decompression fingers, injection injury), 26037 (decompressive fasciotomy, hand), 27440 (arthroplasty, knee, tibial plateau), 42225 (palatoplasty w. attached pharyngeal flap), 60220 (total thyroid lobectomy), and 60225 (total thyroid lobectomy). The commenter states that these procedures are hospital procedures and not appropriate for an ASC.

    Response: We agree with the commenter and we are deleting these 7 procedures from the current list.

    Comment: The same commenter disagreed with our proposal to add to the list the following procedures: CPT codes 42842 (extensive throat surgery), 42844 (extensive throat surgery), 57284 Start Printed Page 15273(paravaginal defect repair), 60210 (thyroid partial excision), and 60240 (thyroid removal). The commenter stated that these procedures are hospital procedures and not appropriate for same day surgery performance in an ASC. Another medical organization also recommended not adding CPT code 57284 to the list.

    Response: Our medical staff have reviewed these codes and agree with the commenters. Therefore, we are not implementing these proposed additions to the list.

    Comment: The same medical specialty society further stated that the following codes should be deleted from the ASC list: 15840 (face nerve palsy graft), 15841 (face nerve palsy graft), 15845 (skin and muscle repair, face), 19318 (large breast reduction), and 19340 (immediate breast prosthesis). The commenter stated these procedures are not appropriate for an ASC setting.

    Response: Our medical staff have reviewed the clinical nature of these procedures and have determined that they may appropriately be performed in an ASC. Further, our 2001 claims data show that these procedures are being performed in a significant number of cases in an outpatient setting. Therefore, we are retaining these procedures on the ASC list.

    Comment: The same commenter states that we should not add proposed CPT code 40700 (repair cleft lip, nasal), because this procedure is not appropriate for an ASC.

    Response: Our 2001 claims data indicate that equal numbers of cases were reported as being performed in a hospital inpatient, hospital outpatient, and ASC setting. Our medical advisors reviewed the clinical nature of this procedure and determined that it is appropriately performed in an ASC setting. Therefore, we will add this code to the list.

    Comment: Commenters suggested that we add to the ASC list the following CPT codes: 27096 (injection, sacroiliac joint), 62284 (myelography, injection), 62287 (Aspiration/decompression, nucleus pulposus), 62290 (discography injection, lumbar), 62291 (discography injection, cervical), 62292 (chemonucleolysis injection), 62298 (injection, other than anesthetic), 64640 (destruction by neurolytic agent, peripheral nerve), and 64714 (neuroplasty).

    Response: Our medical staff reviewed the clinical nature of these codes and agreed that CPT codes 27096, 62292, and 62298 were appropriate additions to the ASC list. Note that in CY 2000, CPT code 62298 was replaced by code 62310, which we added to the ASC list in 2000 by program memorandum. CPT codes 27096 and 62292, while clinically appropriate for the list, would be significantly overpaid in the lowest ASC payment group, so we are not adding them to the ASC list. CPT code 64714 is already on the ASC list. CPT codes 62284, 62290 and 62291 are codes for injections used in connection with diagnostic imaging procedures that are not payable as ASC services. Therefore, we would not pay separately for these procedures in the ASC setting. According to our Medicare billing data, CPT 64640 is performed 68 percent of the time in a physician's office, so this procedure is not being added to the list. CPT 62287, which we proposed for addition to the list, will be added.

    Comment: Some commenters believed that it was appropriate to add CPT codes 42415 (parotoid surgery), 31254 (partial ethmoid endoscopy), 31255 (ethmoid endoscopy), 31256 (nasal endoscopy with antrostomy), 31267 (nasal endoscopy with maxillary endoscopy), and 31276 (nasal endoscopy with frontal endoscopy) to the list. The commenters asserted that all of these procedures are suitable and routinely performed in an ASC setting.

    Response: After review by clinical staff, we agree with the commenter and we are adding CPT code 42415 to the list. CPT codes 31254, 31255, 31256, 31267 and 31276 are currently on the ASC list and will remain on the list.

    Comment: We received comments stating that certain laproscopic procedures should be added to the ASC list. They are: CPT codes 56340, 56341 and 56342 (laparoscopic cholecystectomy with and without cholangiography and common duct exploration) and CPT code 56348 (laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy). Commenters stated these procedures are routinely performed in an outpatient setting and would be appropriate for an ASC.

    Response: Our medical staff determined that these procedures may be appropriately performed in an ASC for many non-Medicare beneficiaries in the 65-and-under age group. However, these procedures often involve an overnight stay for Medicare beneficiaries and they do not conform to our standard for ASC procedures in § 416.65(b)(ii). Therefore, we are not adding them to the ASC list.

    Comment: Some commenters wrote that we should retain the following procedures proposed for deletion: CPT codes 51726 (Complex cystometrogram), 51772 (Urethra pressure profile), 51785 (Anal/urinary pressure study), 50392 (Insert kidney drain), 50393 (Insert ureteral tube), 50395 (Create passage for kidney), 50684 (Injection for ureter x-ray), 50690 (Injection for ureter x-ray), 51600 (Injection for bladder x-ray), 51605 (Preparation for bladder x-ray), and 51610 (Injection for bladder x-ray).

    Response: Our medical staff reviewed these codes in light of the commenters' arguments against deleting them, and we agree that CPT codes 51726, 51772, 51785, 50392, 50393, and 50395 should be retained on the ASC list. CPT codes 50684, 50690, 51600, 51605, and 51610 are services that involve injections, which are packaged into imaging procedures that are not payable in an ASC, and we are making final their deletion from the ASC list.

    Comment: Some of the same commenters also agreed with our proposal to delete CPT code 51725, Simple Cystometrogram and not add to the list CPT codes 51736 Simple Uroflowmetry and 51741 Complex Uroflowmetry.

    Response: In the absence of disagreement from commenters, we are making our proposal regarding these codes final.

    Comment: Another commenter recommended that we not remove the following CPT codes from the list: 50970, 50972, 50974, 50976, 50978, and 50980, all of which are ureteral endoscopy codes.

    Response: We reviewed these procedures and we agree with the commenter that they are appropriate to the ASC setting and consistent with our criteria for the ASC list. Therefore, we are not removing these codes from the list.

    Comment: A few commenters wanted us not to delete CPT codes 51005 (Aspiration of bladder) and 51010 (Aspiration of bladder). These commenters also wanted us to add the following codes to the ASC list: 54450 (Foreskin manipulation), 51000 (Aspiration bladder), 53600 (Dilate urethral stricture), 53601 (Dilate urethral stricture), 53621 (Dilate urethral stricture), 53660 (Dilation female urethra), 53661 (Subsequent dilation female urethra), 53675 (Catheterization, complicated), and 54200 (Injection procedure, Peyronie).

    Response: We reviewed our utilization data and agree with the commenters that CPT code 51010 should remain on the ASC list. With the exception of CPT code 53675, all of the other procedures recommended by the commenters are performed more than 50 percent of the time in physicians' offices, some as frequently as 99 percent of the reported cases. Therefore, we are not adding these procedures to the list consistent with our current regulation at § 416.65(a)(2), which requires that the Start Printed Page 15274ASC list not include procedures that are commonly performed or that may be safely performed in physicians' offices. CPT code 53675, Complex catheterization, would be significantly overpaid in the lowest ASC payment group. Therefore, we are not adding this procedure to the list.

    Comment: A few commenters opposed our proposal to remove the following codes from the ASC list: CPT codes 50520 (Closure of nephrocutaneous fistula), 50570 (Renal endoscopy), 50572 (Renal endoscopy), 50574 (Renal endoscopy), 50576 (Renal endoscopy), 50578 (Renal endoscopy), and 50580 (Renal endoscopy).

    Response: These codes describe procedures that are not consistent with our criteria in section § 416.65(b)(3) and therefore are not appropriate to be performed in an ASC. Therefore, we are making our proposal final and we are deleting these codes from the list.

    Comment: In our proposed rule we proposed to delete the following nerve injection CPT codes: 64410, 64415, 64417, 64420, 64421, 64430, 64442, 64443, 64510, 64520, 64530, 64600, 64605, 64610, 64620, 64622, 64623, 64630, and 64680. These proposed deletions prompted numerous comments from ASCs specializing in pain management and from interventional pain physicians. Commenters argued that concerns about patient safety supported retaining these nerve block injection codes on the ASC list. They stated that the minimally acceptable requirements for safe completion of these procedures include continuous monitoring of heart function, lung function and breathing. The placement of injections in the spinal area requires the highest infection control standards. In addition, fluoroscopic guidance is necessary to assure precise needle placement. Injections can provoke severe hypertension, chest pain, cardiac arrythmias, myocardial infarction, severe pain and vasovagal reactions. Risks include seizures, respiratory and cardiac arrest, hypotension, respiratory depression, pneumothorax, total spinal anesthesia, infection, local anesthetic toxicity, paralysis and death. Commenters argued that because of the risks associated with these procedures, they require the health and safety protections assured by the conditions for coverage of ASC services found in part 416 of the regulations.

    A few commenters supported deletion of the nerve injection codes from the ASC list. These commenters stated that they are able to perform these nerve injections in their offices. However, these commenters also stated that they operate in environments with resuscitation facilities and radiological guidance, more typically found in an ASC or a hospital outpatient setting than in a physician's office.

    Response: The preponderance of comments opposing deletion of these codes from the ASC list stressed that assuring patient safety requires monitoring and special equipment not customarily found in the physician office setting. Even the minority supporting deletion noted the need for special safety measures in their comments. In light of these comments, we have retained these procedures on the ASC list (with the exception of CPT codes 64442 and 64443, which have been deleted by CPT) because as required by the conditions for coverage in §§ 416.41 and 416.44, ASCs are specifically equipped to provide the level of patient care and monitoring needed to ensure patient health and safety when these procedures are performed. In addition, ASCs are required to have in place appropriate procedures to address emergencies should they occur.

    IV. Provisions of the Final Regulations

    This final rule with comment period makes additions to and deletions from the current list of Medicare approved ASC procedures. In addition, this final rule with comment period responds to comments received from the June 12, 1998 proposed rule (63 FR 32290) that addressed proposed additions to and deletions from the list of ASC approved procedures. This final rule with comment period implements requirements of section 1833(i)(1) and (2) of the Act.

    The addendum that follows this preamble contains the complete list of surgical procedures that are approved for an ASC facility fee payment effective for services furnished on or after July 1, 2003. The addendum also designates those CPT codes that are additions to or deletions from the current ASC list. The CPT code for each procedure is listed in column 1. In column 2, the letter “A” indicates a code that is being added to the ASC in this final rule. The letter “A*” (with an asterisk) indicates a code added to CPT since 1998 that we are adding to the list but that we did not propose to add in the June 1998 proposed rule. CPT codes designated with “A*” are those for which we are soliciting comments. The letter “D” in column 2 indicates a code that is being deleted from the ASC list. Column 3 provides the short descriptor for the CPT code in column 1. Column 4 indicates the current payment group to which an approved code is assigned. Column 5 indicates the FY 2003 payment amount for the assigned payment group. We solicit comments on additions to the ASC list designated with “A*” in column 2 and the payment group to which these additions are assigned. The codes designated by “A*” in column 2 are new CPT codes that were added to CPT in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 that are similar to procedures on the updated ASC list.

    V. Collection of Information Requirements

    This document does not impose information collection and recordkeeping requirements. Consequently, it need not be reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget under the authority of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 35).

    VI. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking

    We ordinarily publish a proposed notice in the Federal Register and invite public comment when we add to the ASC list HCPCS codes that describe new surgical procedures. The proposed notice includes a reference to the legal authority under which the additions to the list are proposed and a description of the subjects and issues involved. We solicit comment both on the appropriateness of performing the new procedures in an ASC and the payment rate that we propose as the ASC facility fee for the new procedures. This process can be waived, however, if the agency finds good cause that a notice-and-comment procedure is impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest and incorporates a statement of the finding and its reasons in the rule that is issued.

    For reasons that we explain elsewhere in this preamble, we have not previously issued a rule to make final the additions and deletions proposed in the June 12, 1998 proposed rule. For the same reasons, we have not issued proposed notices regarding the addition to the ASC list of new CPT codes that were created during the years since publication of the June 12 proposed rule. This final rule with comment adopts some provisions set forth in the June 12, 1998 proposed rule (63 FR 32290). In this final rule with comment, we are also making certain additions to the ASC list that were not proposed in the June 12 rule and that are subject to comment. Specifically, we are adding new CPT codes for surgical procedures that were added to CPT in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003, and we are assigning those codes to an existing ASC payment group. Start Printed Page 15275

    We are making the addition of these new CPT codes to the ASC list effective for services furnished on or after July 1, 2003 because we believe that were we not to add them in this final rule, we would limit beneficiary access to surgical procedures that can be appropriately performed in the ASC setting. If these codes are not payable under the ASC benefit, beneficiaries are limited to receiving the services that they describe in a hospital setting. Also, ASCs cannot receive a facility fee for these services under the Medicare ASC benefit if we do not add them to the list. Therefore, delay in adding these new surgical procedures to the ASC list is contrary to the public interest.

    Also, it is impracticable not to add the applicable new CPT codes created from 1999 through 2003 until after we have received public comments, analyzed those comments, and issued a final rule. To do so could mean that the new CPT codes would not be made final under the ASC benefit until 2004, at the earliest.

    For these reasons, we find good cause to waive the notice of proposed rulemaking and to issue this final rule with comment. We are providing a 60-day public comment period regarding the addition of the new CPT codes, designated by an “A*” in the addendum and the payment group to which these codes are assigned. We will respond to timely comments in the next final notice or final rule that we issue regarding the ASC benefit.

    VII. Regulatory Impact Statement

    A. Overall Impact

    We have examined the impact of this rule as required by Executive Order 12866 (September 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review), the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (September 16, 1980, Pub. L. 96-354), Section 1102(b) of the Social Security Act, the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4), and Executive Order 13132.

    Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must be prepared for major rules with economically significant effects ($100 million or more in any 1 year). Our Office of the Actuary has prepared a fiscal impact estimate. As shown in the table below, for fiscal years 2003 through 2007, the cost to the Medicare program is estimated to be $5 million per year. Therefore, this is not considered a major rule.

    Fiscal yearCost 1
    1 Cost in millions, rounded to the nearest 5 million.

    The RFA requires agencies to analyze options for regulatory relief of small businesses. For purposes of the RFA, small entities include small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. Most hospitals and most other providers and suppliers are small entities, either by nonprofit status or by having revenues of $6 to $29 million in any 1 year. According to the small business associations, approximately 73 percent of all ASCs are considered small entities by having revenues of $11.5 million or less. Individuals and States are not included in the definition of a small entity.

    In addition, section 1102(b) of the Act requires us to prepare a regulatory impact analysis if a rule may have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals. This analysis must conform to the provisions of section 604 of the RFA. For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, we define a small rural hospital as a hospital that is located outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area and has fewer than 100 beds. This rule does not have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals.

    Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 also requires that agencies assess anticipated costs and benefits before issuing any rule that may result in expenditure in any 1 year by State, local, or tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $110 million. This rule will not have an effect on the governments mentioned and the private sector costs will be less than the $110 threshold.

    Executive Order 13132 establishes certain requirements that an agency must meet when it promulgates a final rule that imposes substantial direct requirement costs on State and local governments, preempts State law, or otherwise has Federalism implications. This rule will not have a substantial effect on State or local governments.

    B. Anticipated Effects

    The entities affected by this final rule with comment period are Medicare certified ASCs and beneficiaries. No other providers are affected. This rule will not affect state or local governments or the private sector other than ASCs. There are more than 3,000 ASCs currently certified by Medicare, nearly three-quarters of which fit the definition of a “small entity.”

    The result of this rule is to increase the number of ASC procedures approved for Medicare payment by approximately 300, thereby making more surgical services payable by Medicare in an ASC available to beneficiaries. ASCs will benefit from our expanding the list of Medicare approved ASC procedures because the number of services for which Medicare will pay a facility fee will increase as a result. Currently, if ASCs perform these procedures, Medicare does not allow payment of a facility fee. Our adding these codes to the ASC list also enables ASCs to serve a greater number of beneficiaries by being able to offer access to an increased number of surgical services. The number of claims for ASC services would increase. No specific provisions of this final rule have yet been implemented. If this final rule is not issued, beneficiaries would be denied access to approximately 300 surgical procedures in the ASC setting and this would limit beneficiary choice.

    Some individuals have advocated the elimination of the ASC list on the basis that the decision regarding where to perform a procedure rests ultimately with the physician. These same individuals support payment of an ASC facility fee for any surgical procedure covered by Medicare in a clinic or hospital outpatient setting. The requirements for an ASC list are imposed by the statute, so we cannot adopt this recommendation.

    ASCs that specialize in dermatology, gastroenterology, and orthopedics may object to our not adding certain procedures that we proposed in our June 1998 proposed rule. In particular, we are not adding procedures performed more than 50 percent of the time in a physician's office, procedures that are not appropriately or safely performed in an ambulatory setting, or procedures that would otherwise have met the criteria for inclusion on the ASC list except that they would be significantly overpaid in the lowest ASC payment group. We have determined that the adverse economic impact on the Medicare program that could result from a shift of such services to an ASC setting outweighs the potential negative reaction of these medical specialties.

    ASCs that furnish extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) services may also object to our not adding this procedure to the ASC list. However, as Start Printed Page 15276we explained above, because we are not updating the ASC payment rates and ratesetting methodology in this final rule, we would not be in compliance with the District Court order issued in American Lithotripsy Society v. Sullivan, 785, F. Supp. 1035 (D.D.C. 1992) if we were to add ESWL to the ASC list without further data and information. Overall, we believe the increased beneficiary access to surgical services and the expansion of the ASC list that will result from this final rule outweighs potential objections to our not including certain additions that were proposed in 1998 to the ASC list.

    For the above reasons, we are not preparing analyses for either the RFA or section 1102(b) of the Act because we have determined, and we certify, that this rule would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities or a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals.

    C. Alternatives Considered

    As stated above, we are issuing this final rule with comment to implement additions to and deletions from the ASC list proposed in the June 1998 proposed rule. However, we are not implementing the ratesetting method, rebased payment rates, and changes in the regulations that were also proposed in the June 1998 proposed rule. We considered not updating the ASC list until we completed a survey of ASC costs to use in rebasing the ASC payment rates. However, we decided against this approach because it could have resulted in delaying the update of the list for several years while we conducted the survey and audited and compiled the data upon which to rebase the rates.

    We considered basing payment rates for procedures being added to the ASC list in this final rule on the ASC payment group that most closely approximated the payment amount for the same procedures under the hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS). However, the statute requires that payment rates be tied to ASC, not hospital outpatient costs, so we decided, as explained previously in this preamble, to match the additions to the list to procedures already on the list that are similar in terms of clinical work and resource inputs and to assign the new code to the same payment group as the current code. This approach better maintains internal consistency in ASC payment rates among codes on the list that are similar.

    In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this regulation was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.

    Start Signature

    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.774, Medicare—Supplementary Medical Insurance Program)

    Dated: October 16, 2002.

    Thomas A. Scully,

    Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

    Approved: February 14, 2003.

    Tommy G. Thompson,


    End Signature

    Addendum: List of Medicare Approved Ambulatory Surgical Center Procedures

    HCPCS CodeStatusShort descriptorPymt. groupPymt. amount
    10121ARemove foreign body2446
    10180Complex drainage, wound2446
    11010ADebride skin, fx2446
    11011ADebride skin/muscle, fx2446
    11012ADebride skin/muscle/bone, fx2446
    11042Debride skin/tissue2446
    11043Debride tissue/muscle2446
    11044Debride tissue/muscle/bone2446
    11404Removal of skin lesion1333
    11406Removal of skin lesion2446
    11424Removal of skin lesion2446
    11426Removal of skin lesion2446
    11444Removal of skin lesion1333
    11446Removal of skin lesion2446
    11450Removal, sweat gland lesion2446
    11451Removal, sweat gland lesion2446
    11462Removal, sweat gland lesion2446
    11463Removal, sweat gland lesion2446
    11470Removal, sweat gland lesion2446
    11471Removal, sweat gland lesion2446
    11604Removal of skin lesion2446
    11606Removal of skin lesion2446
    11624Removal of skin lesion2446
    11626Removal of skin lesion2446
    11644Removal of skin lesion2446
    11646Removal of skin lesion2446
    11770Removal of pilonidal lesion3510
    11771Removal of pilonidal lesion3510
    11772Removal of pilonidal lesion3510
    11960Insert tissue expander(s)2446
    11970Replace tissue expander3510
    11971Remove tissue expander(s)1333
    12005Repair superficial wound(s)2446
    12006Repair superficial wound(s)2446
    12007Repair superficial wound(s)2446
    12016Repair superficial wound(s)2446
    12017Repair superficial wound(s)2446
    12018Repair superficial wound(s)2446
    12020Closure of split wound1333
    12021Closure of split wound1333
    12034Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    Start Printed Page 15277
    12035Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12036Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12037Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12044Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12045Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12046Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12047Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12054Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12055Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12056Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    12057Layer closure of wound(s)2446
    13100Repair of wound or lesion2446
    13101Repair of wound or lesion3510
    13120Repair of wound or lesion2446
    13121Repair of wound or lesion3510
    13131Repair of wound or lesion2446
    13132Repair of wound or lesion3510
    13150Repair of wound or lesion3510
    13151Repair of wound or lesion3510
    13152Repair of wound or lesion3510
    13160Late closure of wound2446
    14000Skin tissue rearrangement2446
    14001Skin tissue rearrangement3510
    14020Skin tissue rearrangement3510
    14021Skin tissue rearrangement3510
    14040Skin tissue rearrangement2446
    14041Skin tissue rearrangement3510
    14060Skin tissue rearrangement3510
    14061Skin tissue rearrangement3510
    14300Skin tissue rearrangement4630
    14350Skin tissue rearrangement3510
    15000Skin graft2446
    15050Skin pinch graft2446
    15100Skin split graft2446
    15101Skin split graft add-on3510
    15120Skin split graft2446
    15121Skin split graft add-on3510
    15200Skin full graft3510
    15201Skin full graft add-on2446
    15220Skin full graft2446
    15221Skin full graft add-on2446
    15240Skin full graft3510
    15241Skin full graft add-on3510
    15260Skin full graft2446
    15261Skin full graft add-on2446
    15350Skin homograft2446
    15351A*Skin homograft add-on2446
    15400Skin heterograft2446
    15401A*Skin heterograft add-on2446
    15570Form Skin pedicle flap3510
    15572Form Skin pedicle flap3510
    15574Form Skin pedicle flap3510
    15576Form Skin pedicle flap3510
    15600Skin graft3510
    15610Skin graft3510
    15620Skin graft4630
    15630Skin graft3510
    15650Transfer skin pedicle flap5717
    15732Muscle-skin graft, head/neck3510
    15734Muscle-skin graft, trunk3510
    15736Muscle-skin graft, arm3510
    15738Muscle-skin graft, leg3510
    15740Island pedicle flap graft2446
    15750Neurovascular pedicle graft2446
    15756DFree muscle flap, microvasc3510
    15757DFree skin flap, microvasc3510
    15758DFree fascial flap, microvasc3510
    15760Composite skin graft2446
    15770Derma-fat-fascia graft3510
    15775AHair transplant punch grafts3510
    15776AHair transplant punch grafts3510
    15820ARevision of lower eyelid3510
    Start Printed Page 15278
    15821ARevision of lower eyelid3510
    15822ARevision of upper eyelid3510
    15823ARevision of upper eyelid5717
    15824ARemoval of forehead wrinkles3510
    15825ARemoval of neck wrinkles3510
    15826ARemoval of brow wrinkles3510
    15828ARemoval of face wrinkles3510
    15829ARemoval of skin wrinkles5717
    15831AExcise excessive skin tissue3510
    15832AExcise excessive skin tissue3510
    15833AExcise excessive skin tissue3510
    15834AExcise excessive skin tissue3510
    15835AExcise excessive skin tissue3510
    15840Graft for face nerve palsy4630
    15841Graft for face nerve palsy4630
    15842DFlap for face nerve palsy4630
    15845Skin and muscle repair, face4630
    15876ASuction assisted lipectomy3510
    15877ASuction assisted lipectomy3510
    15878ASuction assisted lipectomy3510
    15879ASuction assisted lipectomy3510
    15920Removal of tail bone ulcer3510
    15922Removal of tail bone ulcer4630
    15931Remove sacrum pressure sore3510
    15933Remove sacrum pressure sore3510
    15934Remove sacrum pressure sore3510
    15935Remove sacrum pressure sore4630
    15936Remove sacrum pressure sore4630
    15937Remove sacrum pressure sore4630
    15940Remove hip pressure sore3510
    15941Remove hip pressure sore3510
    15944Remove hip pressure sore3510
    15945Remove hip pressure sore4630
    15946Remove hip pressure sore4630
    15950Remove thigh pressure sore3510
    15951Remove thigh pressure sore4630
    15952Remove thigh pressure sore3510
    15953Remove thigh pressure sore4630
    15956Remove thigh pressure sore3510
    15958Remove thigh pressure sore4630
    16015Treatment of burn(s)2446
    16030DTreatment of burn(s)1333
    16035DIncision of burn scab, initi2446
    19020Incision of breast lesion2446
    19100Bx breast percut w/o image1333
    19101Biopsy of breast, open2446
    19102Bx breast percut w/image2446
    19103Bx breast percut w/device2446
    19110Nipple exploration2446
    19112Excise breast duct fistula3510
    19120Removal of breast lesion3510
    19125Excision, breast lesion3510
    19126Excision, addl breast lesion3510
    19140Removal of breast tissue4630
    19160Removal of breast tissue3510
    19162Remove breast tissue, nodes7995
    19180Removal of breast4630
    19182Removal of breast4630
    19260DRemoval of chest wall lesion5717
    19290Place needle wire, breast1333
    19291Place needle wire, breast1333
    19316ASuspension of breast4630
    19318Reduction of large breast4630
    19324AEnlarge breast4630
    19325AEnlarge breast with implant91339
    19328Removal of breast implant1333
    19330Removal of implant material1333
    19340Immediate breast prosthesis2446
    19342Delayed breast prosthesis3510
    19350Breast reconstruction4630
    19355ACorrect inverted nipple(s)4630
    19357Breast reconstruction5717
    Start Printed Page 15279
    19364DBreast reconstruction5717
    19366Breast reconstruction5717
    19370Surgery of breast capsule4630
    19371Removal of breast capsule4630
    19380Revise breast reconstruction5717
    20005Incision of deep abscess2446
    20200Muscle biopsy2446
    20205Deep muscle biopsy3510
    20206Needle biopsy, muscle1333
    20220Bone biopsy, trocar/needle1333
    20225Bone biopsy, trocar/needle2446
    20240Bone biopsy, excisional2446
    20245Bone biopsy, excisional3510
    20250Open bone biopsy3510
    20251Open bone biopsy3510
    20525Removal of foreign body3510
    20650Insert and remove bone pin3510
    20660DApply, remove fixation device2446
    20661DApplication of head brace3510
    20662DApplication of pelvis brace3510
    20663DApplication of thigh brace3510
    20665DRemoval of fixation device1333
    20670Removal of support implant1333
    20680Removal of support implant3510
    20690Apply bone fixation device2446
    20692AApply bone fixation device3510
    20693AAdjust bone fixation device3510
    20694Remove bone fixation device1333
    20900Removal of bone for graft3510
    20902Removal of bone for graft4630
    20910Remove cartilage for graft3510
    20912Remove cartilage for graft3510
    20920Removal of fascia for graft4630
    20922Removal of fascia for graft3510
    20924Removal of tendon for graft4630
    20926Removal of tissue for graft4630
    20955DFibula bone graft, microvasc4630
    20962DOther bone graft, microvasc4630
    20969DBone/skin graft, microvasc4630
    20970DBone/skin graft, iliac crest4630
    20972DBone/skin graft, metatarsal4630
    20973DBone/skin graft, great toe4630
    20975Electrical bone stimulation2446
    21010Incision of jaw joint2446
    21015AResection of facial tumor3510
    21025Excision of bone, lower jaw2446
    21026Excision of facial bone(s)2446
    21029AContour of face bone lesion2446
    21034Removal of face bone lesion3510
    21040Removal of jaw bone lesion2446
    21041DRemoval of jaw bone lesion2446
    21044Removal of jaw bone lesion2446
    21046AExcision, benign tumor, mandible2446
    21047AExcision, benign tumor, mandible2446
    21050Removal of jaw joint3510
    21060Remove jaw joint cartilage2446
    21070Remove coronoid process3510
    21100Maxillofacial fixation2446
    21121AReconstruction of chin7995
    21122AReconstruction of chin7995
    21123AReconstruction of chin7995
    21127AAugmentation, lower jaw bone91339
    21181AContour cranial bone lesion7995
    21206Reconstruct upper jaw bone5717
    21208Augmentation of facial bones7995
    21209Reduction of facial bones5717
    21210Face bone graft7995
    21215Lower jaw bone graft7995
    21230Rib cartilage graft7995
    21235Ear cartilage graft7995
    21240Reconstruction of jaw joint4630
    21242Reconstruction of jaw joint5717
    Start Printed Page 15280
    21243Reconstruction of jaw joint5717
    21244Reconstruction of lower jaw7995
    21245Reconstruction of jaw7995
    21246Reconstruction of jaw7995
    21248Reconstruction of jaw7995
    21249Reconstruction of jaw7995
    21267Revise eye sockets7995
    21270Augmentation, cheek bone5717
    21275Revision, orbitofacial bones7995
    21280Revision of eyelid5717
    21282Revision of eyelid5717
    21295AReconst lwr jaw w/o fixation1333
    21296AReconst lwr jaw w/fixation1333
    21300Treatment of skull fracture2446
    21310Treatment of nose fracture2446
    21315Treatment of nose fracture2446
    21320Treatment of nose fracture2446
    21325Treatment of nose fracture4630
    21330Treatment of nose fracture5717
    21335Treatment of nose fracture7995
    21336ATreat nasal septal fracture4630
    21337Treat nasal septal fracture2446
    21338Treat nasoethmoid fracture4630
    21339Treat nasoethmoid fracture5717
    21340Treatment of nose fracture4630
    21343DTreatment of sinus fracture5717
    21345ATreat nose/jaw fracture7995
    21355Treat cheek bone fracture3510
    21360DTreat cheek bone fracture4630
    21365Treat cheek bone fracture5717
    21385DTreat eye socket fracture5717
    21386DTreat eye socket fracture5717
    21387DTreat eye socket fracture5717
    21390DTreat eye socket fracture7995
    21395DTreat eye socket fracture7995
    21400Treat eye socket fracture2446
    21401Treat eye socket fracture3510
    21406DTreat eye socket fracture4630
    21407DTreat eye socket fracture5717
    21421Treat mouth roof fracture4630
    21422DTreat mouth roof fracture5717
    21440Treat dental ridge fracture3510
    21445Treat dental ridge fracture4630
    21450Treat lower jaw fracture3510
    21451Treat lower jaw fracture4630
    21452Treat lower jaw fracture2446
    21453Treat lower jaw fracture3510
    21454Treat lower jaw fracture5717
    21461Treat lower jaw fracture4630
    21462Treat lower jaw fracture5717
    21465Treat lower jaw fracture4630
    21470DTreat lower jaw fracture5717
    21480Reset dislocated jaw1333
    21485Reset dislocated jaw2446
    21490Repair dislocated jaw3510
    21493Treat hyoid bone fracture3510
    21494Treat hyoid bone fracture4630
    21495DTreat hyoid bone fracture4630
    21497Interdental wiring2446
    21501Drain neck/chest lesion2446
    21502Drain chest lesion2446
    21510DDrainage of bone lesion3510
    21550DBiopsy of neck/chest1333
    21555Remove lesion, neck/chest2446
    21556Remove lesion, neck/chest2446
    21600Partial removal of rib2446
    21610Partial removal of rib2446
    21620DPartial removal of sternum2446
    21700Revision of neck muscle2446
    21720Revision of neck muscle3510
    21725Revision of neck muscle3510
    21800Treatment of rib fracture1333
    Start Printed Page 15281
    21805Treatment of rib fracture2446
    21810DTreatment of rib fracture(s)2446
    21820Treat sternum fracture1333
    21920DBiopsy soft tissue of back1333
    21925Biopsy soft tissue of back2446
    21930Remove lesion, back or flank2446
    21935Remove tumor, back3510
    22100DRemove part of neck vertebra3510
    22101DRemove part, thorax vertebra3510
    22102DRemove part, lumbar vertebra3510
    22103DRemove extra spine segment3510
    22305Treat spine process fracture1333
    22310Treat spine fracture1333
    22315Treat spine fracture2446
    22325DTreat spine fracture3510
    22326DTreat neck spine fracture3510
    22327DTreat thorax spine fracture3510
    22328DTreat each add spine fx3510
    22505Manipulation of spine2446
    22900Remove abdominal wall lesion4630
    23000Removal of calcium deposits2446
    23020Release shoulder joint2446
    23030Drain shoulder lesion1333
    23031ADrain shoulder bursa3510
    23035Drain shoulder bone lesion3510
    23040Exploratory shoulder surgery3510
    23044Exploratory shoulder surgery4630
    23065DBiopsy shoulder tissues1333
    23066Biopsy shoulder tissues2446
    23075Removal of shoulder lesion2446
    23076Removal of shoulder lesion2446
    23077Remove tumor of shoulder3510
    23100Biopsy of shoulder joint2446
    23101Shoulder joint surgery7995
    23105Remove shoulder joint lining4630
    23106Incision of collarbone joint4630
    23107Explore treat shoulder joint4630
    23120Partial removal, collar bone5717
    23125Removal of collar bone5717
    23130Remove shoulder bone, part5717
    23140Removal of bone lesion4630
    23145Removal of bone lesion5717
    23146Removal of bone lesion5717
    23150Removal of humerus lesion4630
    23155Removal of humerus lesion5717
    23156Removal of humerus lesion5717
    23170Remove collar bone lesion2446
    23172Remove shoulder blade lesion2446
    23174Remove humerus lesion2446
    23180Remove collar bone lesion4630
    23182Remove shoulder blade lesion4630
    23184Remove humerus lesion4630
    23190Partial removal of scapula4630
    23195Removal of head of humerus5717
    23330Remove shoulder foreign body1333
    23331Remove shoulder foreign body1333
    23395Muscle transfer, shoulder/arm5717
    23397Muscle transfers7995
    23400Fixation of shoulder blade7995
    23405Incision of tendon & muscle2446
    23406Incise tendon(s) & muscle(s)2446
    23410Repair of tendon(s)5717
    23412Repair of tendon(s)7995
    23415Release of shoulder ligament5717
    23420Repair of shoulder7995
    23430Repair biceps tendon4630
    23440Remove/transplant tendon4630
    23450Repair shoulder capsule5717
    23455Repair shoulder capsule7995
    23460Repair shoulder capsule5717
    23462Repair shoulder capsule7995
    23465Repair shoulder capsule5717
    Start Printed Page 15282
    23466Repair shoulder capsule7995
    23480Revision of collar bone4630
    23485Revision of collar bone7995
    23490Reinforce clavicle3510
    23491Reinforce shoulder bones3510
    23500Treat clavicle fracture1333
    23505Treat clavicle fracture1333
    23515Treat clavicle fracture3510
    23520Treat clavicle dislocation1333
    23525Treat clavicle dislocation1333
    23530Treat clavicle dislocation3510
    23532Treat clavicle dislocation4630
    23540Treat clavicle dislocation1333
    23545Treat clavicle dislocation1333
    23550Treat clavicle dislocation3510
    23552Treat clavicle dislocation4630
    23570Treat shoulder blade fx1333
    23575Treat shoulder blade fx1333
    23585Treat scapula fracture3510
    23600Treat humerus fracture1333
    23605Treat humerus fracture2446
    23615Treat humerus fracture4630
    23616Treat humerus fracture4630
    23620Treat humerus fracture1333
    23625Treat humerus fracture2446
    23630Treat humerus fracture5717
    23650Treat shoulder dislocation1333
    23655Treat shoulder dislocation1333
    23660Treat shoulder dislocation3510
    23665Treat dislocation/fracture2446
    23670Treat dislocation/fracture3510
    23675Treat dislocation/fracture2446
    23680Treat dislocation/fracture3510
    23700Fixation of shoulder1333
    23800Fusion of shoulder joint4630
    23802Fusion of shoulder joint7995
    23921Amputation follow-up surgery3510
    23930Drainage of arm lesion1333
    23931Drainage of arm bursa2446
    23935Drain arm/elbow bone lesion2446
    24000Exploratory elbow surgery4630
    24006ARelease elbow joint4630
    24065DBiopsy arm/elbow soft tissue1333
    24066Biopsy arm/elbow soft tissue2446
    24075Remove arm/elbow lesion2446
    24076Remove arm/elbow lesion2446
    24077Remove tumor of arm/elbow3510
    24100Biopsy elbow joint lining1333
    24101Explore/treat elbow joint4630
    24102Remove elbow joint lining4630
    24105Removal of elbow bursa3510
    24110Remove humerus lesion2446
    24115Remove/graft bone lesion3510
    24116Remove/graft bone lesion3510
    24120Remove elbow lesion3510
    24125Remove/graft bone lesion3510
    24126Remove/graft bone lesion3510
    24130Removal of head of radius3510
    24134Removal of arm bone lesion2446
    24136Remove radius bone lesion2446
    24138Remove elbow bone lesion2446
    24140Partial removal of arm bone3510
    24145Partial removal of radius3510
    24147Partial removal of elbow2446
    24150DExtensive humerus surgery3510
    24151DExtensive humerus surgery4630
    24152DExtensive radius surgery3510
    24153DExtensive radius surgery4630
    24155Removal of elbow joint3510
    24160Remove elbow joint implant2446
    24164Remove radius head implant3510
    24201Removal of arm foreign body2446
    Start Printed Page 15283
    24301Muscle/tendon transfer4630
    24305AArm tendon lengthening4630
    24310Revision of arm tendon3510
    24320Repair of arm tendon3510
    24330Revision of arm muscles3510
    24331Revision of arm muscles3510
    24340Repair of biceps tendon3510
    24341ARepair arm tendon/muscle3510
    24342Repair of ruptured tendon3510
    24345A*Repr elbw med ligmnt w/tissu2446
    24350Repair of tennis elbow3510
    24351Repair of tennis elbow3510
    24352Repair of tennis elbow3510
    24354Repair of tennis elbow3510
    24356Revision of tennis elbow3510
    24360Reconstruct elbow joint5717
    24361Reconstruct elbow joint5717
    24362Reconstruct elbow joint5717
    24363Replace elbow joint7995
    24365Reconstruct head of radius5717
    24366Reconstruct head of radius5717
    24400Revision of humerus4630
    24410Revision of humerus4630
    24420Revision of humerus3510
    24430Repair of humerus3510
    24435Repair humerus with graft4630
    24470Revision of elbow joint3510
    24495Decompression of forearm2446
    24498Reinforce humerus3510
    24500Treat humerus fracture1333
    24505Treat humerus fracture1333
    24515Treat humerus fracture4630
    24516Treat humerus fracture4630
    24530Treat humerus fracture1333
    24535Treat humerus fracture1333
    24538Treat humerus fracture2446
    24545Treat humerus fracture4630
    24546Treat humerus fracture5717
    24560Treat humerus fracture1333
    24565Treat humerus fracture2446
    24566Treat humerus fracture2446
    24575Treat humerus fracture3510
    24576Treat humerus fracture1333
    24577Treat humerus fracture1333
    24579Treat humerus fracture3510
    24582Treat humerus fracture2446
    24586Treat elbow fracture4630
    24587Treat elbow fracture5717
    24600Treat elbow dislocation1333
    24605Treat elbow dislocation2446
    24615Treat elbow dislocation3510
    24620Treat elbow fracture2446
    24635Treat elbow fracture3510
    24655Treat radius fracture1333
    24665Treat radius fracture4630
    24666Treat radius fracture4630
    24670Treat ulnar fracture1333
    24675Treat ulnar fracture1333
    24685Treat ulnar fracture3510
    24800Fusion of elbow joint4630
    24802Fusion/graft of elbow joint5717
    24925Amputation follow-up surgery3510
    25000Incision of tendon sheath3510
    25020Decompress forearm 1 space3510
    25023Decompress forearm 1 space3510
    25024Decompress forearm 2 spaces3510
    25025Decompress forearm 2 spaces3510
    25028Drainage of forearm lesion1333
    25031Drainage of forearm bursa2446
    25035Treat forearm bone lesion2446
    25040Explore/treat wrist joint5717
    25065DBiopsy forearm soft tissues1333
    Start Printed Page 15284
    25066Biopsy forearm soft tissues2446
    25075Remove forearm lesion subcut2446
    25076Remove forearm lesion deep3510
    25077Remove tumor, forearm/wrist3510
    25085Incision of wrist capsule3510
    25100Biopsy of wrist joint2446
    25101Explore/treat wrist joint3510
    25105Remove wrist joint lining4630
    25107Remove wrist joint cartilage3510
    25110Remove wrist tendon lesion3510
    25111Remove wrist tendon lesion3510
    25112Reremove wrist tendon lesion4630
    25115Remove wrist/forearm lesion4630
    25116Remove wrist/forearm lesion4630
    25118Excise wrist tendon sheath2446
    25119Partial removal of ulna3510
    25120Removal of forearm lesion3510
    25125Remove/graft forearm lesion3510
    25126Remove/graft forearm lesion3510
    25130Removal of wrist lesion3510
    25135Remove & graft wrist lesion3510
    25136Remove & graft wrist lesion3510
    25145Remove forearm bone lesion2446
    25150Partial removal of ulna2446
    25151Partial removal of radius2446
    25170DExtensive forearm surgery3510
    25210Removal of wrist bone3510
    25215Removal of wrist bones4630
    25230Partial removal of radius4630
    25240Partial removal of ulna4630
    25248Remove forearm foreign body2446
    25250Removal of wrist prosthesis1333
    25251Removal of wrist prosthesis1333
    25260Repair forearm tendon/muscle4630
    25263Repair forearm tendon/muscle2446
    25265Repair forearm tendon/muscle3510
    25270Repair forearm tendon/muscle4630
    25272Repair forearm tendon/muscle3510
    25274Repair forearm tendon/muscle4630
    25275Repair forearm tendon sheath4630
    25280Revise wrist/forearm tendon4630
    25290Incise wrist/forearm tendon3510
    25295Release wrist/forearm tendon3510
    25300Fusion of tendons at wrist3510
    25301Fusion of tendons at wrist3510
    25310Transplant forearm tendon3510
    25312Transplant forearm tendon4630
    25315Revise palsy hand tendon(s)3510
    25316Revise palsy hand tendon(s)3510
    25320Repair/revise wrist joint3510
    25332Revise wrist joint5717
    25335Realignment of hand3510
    25337AReconstruct ulna/radioulnar5717
    25350Revision of radius3510
    25355Revision of radius3510
    25360Revision of ulna3510
    25365Revise radius & ulna3510
    25370Revise radius or ulna3510
    25375Revise radius & ulna4630
    25390Shorten radius or ulna3510
    25391Lengthen radius or ulna4630
    25392Shorten radius & ulna3510
    25393Lengthen radius & ulna4630
    25400Repair radius or ulna3510
    25405Repair/graft radius or ulna4630
    25415Repair radius & ulna3510
    25420Repair/graft radius & ulna4630
    25425Repair/graft radius or ulna3510
    25426Repair/graft radius & ulna4630
    25440Repair/graft wrist bone4630
    25441Reconstruct wrist joint5717
    25442Reconstruct wrist joint5717
    Start Printed Page 15285
    25443Reconstruct wrist joint5717
    25444Reconstruct wrist joint5717
    25445Reconstruct wrist joint5717
    25446Wrist replacement7995
    25447Repair wrist joint(s)5717
    25449Remove wrist joint implant5717
    25450Revision of wrist joint3510
    25455Revision of wrist joint3510
    25490Reinforce radius3510
    25491Reinforce ulna3510
    25492Reinforce radius and ulna3510
    25505Treat fracture of radius1333
    25515Treat fracture of radius3510
    25520Treat fracture of radius1333
    25525Treat fracture of radius4630
    25526Treat fracture of radius5717
    25535Treat fracture of ulna1333
    25545Treat fracture of ulna3510
    25565Treat fracture radius & ulna2446
    25574Treat fracture radius & ulna3510
    25575Treat fracture radius/ulna3510
    25605Treat fracture radius/ulna3510
    25611Treat fracture radius/ulna3510
    25620Treat fracture radius/ulna5717
    25624Treat wrist bone fracture2446
    25628Treat wrist bone fracture3510
    25635Treat wrist bone fracture1333
    25645Treat wrist bone fracture3510
    25660Treat wrist dislocation1333
    25670Treat wrist dislocation3510
    25671Pin radioulnar dislocation1333
    25675Treat wrist dislocation1333
    25676Treat wrist dislocation2446
    25680Treat wrist fracture2446
    25685Treat wrist fracture3510
    25690Treat wrist dislocation1333
    25695Treat wrist dislocation2446
    25800Fusion of wrist joint4630
    25805Fusion/graft of wrist joint5717
    25810Fusion/graft of wrist joint5717
    25820Fusion of hand bones4630
    25825Fuse hand bones with graft5717
    25830AFusion, radioulnar jnt/ulna5717
    25907Amputation follow-up surgery3510
    25922Amputate hand at wrist3510
    25929Amputation follow-up surgery3510
    26011Drainage of finger abscess1333
    26020Drain hand tendon sheath2446
    26025Drainage of palm bursa1333
    26030Drainage of palm bursa(s)2446
    26034Treat hand bone lesion2446
    26035DDecompress fingers/hand4630
    26037DDecompress fingers/hand4630
    26040Release palm contracture4630
    26045Release palm contracture3510
    26055Incise finger tendon sheath2446
    26060Incision of finger tendon2446
    26070Explore/treat hand joint2446
    26075Explore/treat finger joint4630
    26080Explore/treat finger joint4630
    26100Biopsy hand joint lining2446
    26105Biopsy finger joint lining1333
    26110Biopsy finger joint lining1333
    26115Remove hand lesion subcut2446
    26116Remove hand lesion, deep2446
    26117Remove tumor, hand/finger3510
    26121Release palm contracture4630
    26123Release palm contracture4630
    26125Release palm contracture4630
    26130Remove wrist joint lining3510
    26135Revise finger joint, each4630
    26140Revise finger joint, each2446
    Start Printed Page 15286
    26145Tendon excision, palm/finger3510
    26160Remove tendon sheath lesion3510
    26170Removal of palm tendon, each3510
    26180Removal of finger tendon3510
    26185ARemove finger bone4630
    26200Remove hand bone lesion2446
    26205Remove/graft bone lesion3510
    26210Removal of finger lesion2446
    26215Remove/graft finger lesion3510
    26230Partial removal of hand bone7995
    26235Partial removal, finger bone3510
    26236Partial removal, finger bone3510
    26250Extensive hand surgery3510
    26255Extensive hand surgery3510
    26260Extensive finger surgery3510
    26261Extensive finger surgery3510
    26262Partial removal of finger2446
    26320Removal of implant from hand2446
    26350Repair finger/hand tendon1333
    26352Repair/graft hand tendon4630
    26356Repair finger/hand tendon4630
    26357Repair finger/hand tendon4630
    26358Repair/graft hand tendon4630
    26370Repair finger/hand tendon4630
    26372Repair/graft hand tendon4630
    26373Repair finger/hand tendon3510
    26390Revise hand/finger tendon4630
    26392Repair/graft hand tendon3510
    26410Repair hand tendon3510
    26412Repair/graft hand tendon3510
    26415Excision, hand/finger tendon4630
    26416Graft hand or finger tendon3510
    26418Repair finger tendon4630
    26420Repair/graft finger tendon4630
    26426Repair finger/hand tendon3510
    26428Repair/graft finger tendon3510
    26432Repair finger tendon3510
    26433Repair finger tendon3510
    26434Repair/graft finger tendon3510
    26437Realignment of tendons3510
    26440Release palm/finger tendon3510
    26442Release palm & finger tendon3510
    26445Release hand/finger tendon3510
    26449Release forearm/hand tendon3510
    26450Incision of palm tendon3510
    26455Incision of finger tendon3510
    26460Incise hand/finger tendon3510
    26471Fusion of finger tendons2446
    26474Fusion of finger tendons2446
    26476Tendon lengthening1333
    26477Tendon shortening1333
    26478Lengthening of hand tendon1333
    26479Shortening of hand tendon1333
    26480Transplant hand tendon3510
    26483Transplant/graft hand tendon3510
    26485Transplant palm tendon2446
    26489Transplant/graft palm tendon3510
    26490Revise thumb tendon3510
    26492Tendon transfer with graft3510
    26494Hand tendon/muscle transfer3510
    26496Revise thumb tendon3510
    26497Finger tendon transfer3510
    26498Finger tendon transfer4630
    26499Revision of finger3510
    26500Hand tendon reconstruction4630
    26502Hand tendon reconstruction4630
    26504Hand tendon reconstruction4630
    26508Release thumb contracture3510
    26510Thumb tendon transfer3510
    26516Fusion of knuckle joint1333
    26517Fusion of knuckle joints3510
    26518Fusion of knuckle joints3510
    Start Printed Page 15287
    26520Release knuckle contracture3510
    26525Release finger contracture3510
    26530Revise knuckle joint3510
    26531Revise knuckle with implant7995
    26535Revise finger joint5717
    26536Revise/implant finger joint5717
    26540Repair hand joint4630
    26541Repair hand joint with graft7995
    26542Repair hand joint with graft4630
    26545Reconstruct finger joint4630
    26546ARepair nonunion hand4630
    26548Reconstruct finger joint4630
    26550Construct thumb replacement2446
    26551DGreat toe-hand transfer4630
    26553DSingle transfer, toe-hand2446
    26554DDouble transfer, toe-hand2446
    26555Positional change of finger3510
    26560Repair of web finger2446
    26561Repair of web finger3510
    26562Repair of web finger4630
    26565Correct metacarpal flaw5717
    26567Correct finger deformity5717
    26568Lengthen metacarpal/finger3510
    26580Repair hand deformity5717
    26587Reconstruct extra finger5717
    26590Repair finger deformity5717
    26591Repair muscles of hand3510
    26593Release muscles of hand3510
    26596Excision constricting tissue2446
    26605Treat metacarpal fracture2446
    26607Treat metacarpal fracture2446
    26608ATreat metacarpal fracture4630
    26615Treat metacarpal fracture4630
    26645Treat thumb fracture1333
    26650Treat thumb fracture2446
    26665Treat thumb fracture4630
    26675Treat hand dislocation2446
    26676Pin hand dislocation2446
    26685Treat hand dislocation3510
    26686Treat hand dislocation3510
    26705Treat knuckle dislocation2446
    26706Pin knuckle dislocation2446
    26715Treat knuckle dislocation4630
    26727Treat finger fracture, each7995
    26735Treat finger fracture, each4630
    26742Treat finger fracture, each2446
    26746Treat finger fracture, each5717
    26756Pin finger fracture, each2446
    26765Treat finger fracture, each4630
    26776Pin finger dislocation2446
    26785Treat finger dislocation2446
    26820Thumb fusion with graft5717
    26841Fusion of thumb4630
    26842Thumb fusion with graft4630
    26843Fusion of hand joint3510
    26844Fusion/graft of hand joint3510
    26850Fusion of knuckle4630
    26852Fusion of knuckle with graft4630
    26860Fusion of finger joint3510
    26861Fusion of finger jnt, add-on2446
    26862Fusion/graft of finger joint4630
    26863Fuse/graft added joint3510
    26910Amputate metacarpal bone3510
    26951Amputation of finger/thumb2446
    26952Amputation of finger/thumb4630
    26990Drainage of pelvis lesion1333
    26991Drainage of pelvis bursa1333
    26992DDrainage of bone lesion2446
    27000Incision of hip tendon2446
    27001Incision of hip tendon3510
    27003Incision of hip tendon3510
    27030DDrainage of hip joint3510
    Start Printed Page 15288
    27033Exploration of hip joint3510
    27035Denervation of hip joint4630
    27040Biopsy of soft tissues1333
    27041Biopsy of soft tissues2446
    27047Remove hip/pelvis lesion2446
    27048Remove hip/pelvis lesion3510
    27049Remove tumor, hip/pelvis3510
    27050Biopsy of sacroiliac joint3510
    27052Biopsy of hip joint3510
    27060Removal of ischial bursa5717
    27062Remove femur lesion/bursa5717
    27065Removal of hip bone lesion5717
    27066Removal of hip bone lesion5717
    27067ARemove/graft hip bone lesion5717
    27080Removal of tail bone2446
    27086Remove hip foreign body1333
    27087Remove hip foreign body3510
    27097Revision of hip tendon3510
    27098Transfer tendon to pelvis3510
    27100Transfer of abdominal muscle4630
    27105Transfer of spinal muscle4630
    27110Transfer of iliopsoas muscle4630
    27111Transfer of iliopsoas muscle4630
    27193Treat pelvic ring fracture1333
    27194Treat pelvic ring fracture2446
    27202Treat tail bone fracture2446
    27230Treat thigh fracture1333
    27238Treat thigh fracture1333
    27246Treat thigh fracture1333
    27250Treat hip dislocation1333
    27252Treat hip dislocation2446
    27257ATreat hip dislocation3510
    27265Treat hip dislocation1333
    27266Treat hip dislocation2446
    27275Manipulation of hip joint2446
    27301Drain thigh/knee lesion3510
    27303DDrainage of bone lesion2446
    27305Incise thigh tendon & fascia2446
    27306Incision of thigh tendon3510
    27307Incision of thigh tendons3510
    27310Exploration of knee joint4630
    27315Partial removal, thigh nerve2446
    27320Partial removal, thigh nerve2446
    27323Biopsy, thigh soft tissues1333
    27324Biopsy, thigh soft tissues1333
    27327Removal of thigh lesion2446
    27328Removal of thigh lesion3510
    27329ARemove tumor, thigh/knee4630
    27330Biopsy, knee joint lining4630
    27331Explore/treat knee joint4630
    27332Removal of knee cartilage4630
    27333Removal of knee cartilage4630
    27334Remove knee joint lining4630
    27335Remove knee joint lining4630
    27340Removal of kneecap bursa3510
    27345Removal of knee cyst4630
    27347A*Remove knee cyst4630
    27350Removal of kneecap4630
    27355Remove femur lesion3510
    27356Remove femur lesion/graft4630
    27357ARemove femur lesion/graft5717
    27358ARemove femur lesion/fixation5717
    27360Partial removal, leg bone(s)5717
    27372Removal of foreign body7995
    27380Repair of kneecap tendon1333
    27381Repair/graft kneecap tendon3510
    27385Repair of thigh muscle3510
    27386Repair/graft of thigh muscle3510
    27390Incision of thigh tendon1333
    27391Incision of thigh tendons2446
    27392Incision of thigh tendons3510
    27393Lengthening of thigh tendon2446
    Start Printed Page 15289
    27394Lengthening of thigh tendons3510
    27395Lengthening of thigh tendons3510
    27396Transplant of thigh tendon3510
    27397Transplants of thigh tendons3510
    27400Revise thigh muscles/tendons3510
    27403Repair of knee cartilage4630
    27405Repair of knee ligament4630
    27407Repair of knee ligament4630
    27409Repair of knee ligaments4630
    27418Repair degenerated kneecap3510
    27420Revision of unstable kneecap3510
    27422Revision of unstable kneecap7995
    27424Revision/removal of kneecap3510
    27425Lateral retinacular release7995
    27427Reconstruction, knee3510
    27428Reconstruction, knee4630
    27429Reconstruction, knee4630
    27430Revision of thigh muscles4630
    27435Incision of knee joint4630
    27437Revise kneecap4630
    27438Revise kneecap with implant5717
    27440DRevision of knee joint5717
    27441Revision of knee joint5717
    27442Revision of knee joint5717
    27443Revision of knee joint5717
    27496ADecompression of thigh/knee5717
    27497ADecompression of thigh/knee3510
    27498ADecompression of thigh/knee3510
    27499ADecompression of thigh/knee3510
    27500Treatment of thigh fracture1333
    27501Treatment of thigh fracture2446
    27502Treatment of thigh fracture2446
    27503Treatment of thigh fracture3510
    27507DTreatment of thigh fracture4630
    27508Treatment of thigh fracture1333
    27509Treatment of thigh fracture3510
    27510Treatment of thigh fracture1333
    27511DTreatment of thigh fracture4630
    27513DTreatment of thigh fracture5717
    27516Treat thigh fx growth plate1333
    27517Treat thigh fx growth plate1333
    27520Treat kneecap fracture1333
    27524DTreat kneecap fracture3510
    27530Treat knee fracture1333
    27532Treat knee fracture1333
    27535DTreat knee fracture3510
    27538Treat knee fracture(s)1333
    27550Treat knee dislocation1333
    27552Treat knee dislocation1333
    27560Treat kneecap dislocation1333
    27562Treat kneecap dislocation1333
    27566Treat kneecap dislocation2446
    27570Fixation of knee joint1333
    27594AAmputation follow-up surgery3510
    27600ADecompression of lower leg3510
    27601ADecompression of lower leg3510
    27602ADecompression of lower leg3510
    27603Drain lower leg lesion2446
    27604Drain lower leg bursa2446
    27605Incision of achilles tendon1333
    27606Incision of achilles tendon1333
    27607Treat lower leg bone lesion2446
    27610Explore/treat ankle joint2446
    27612Exploration of ankle joint3510
    27613DBiopsy lower leg soft tissue1333
    27614Biopsy lower leg soft tissue2446
    27615Remove tumor, lower leg3510
    27618Remove lower leg lesion2446
    27619Remove lower leg lesion3510
    27620Explore/treat ankle joint4630
    27625Remove ankle joint lining4630
    27626Remove ankle joint lining4630
    Start Printed Page 15290
    27630Removal of tendon lesion3510
    27635Remove lower leg bone lesion3510
    27637Remove/graft leg bone lesion3510
    27638Remove/graft leg bone lesion3510
    27640Partial removal of tibia2446
    27641Partial removal of fibula2446
    27647AExtensive ankle/heel surgery3510
    27650Repair achilles tendon3510
    27652Repair/graft achilles tendon3510
    27654Repair of achilles tendon3510
    27656Repair leg fascia defect2446
    27658Repair of leg tendon, each1333
    27659Repair of leg tendon, each2446
    27664Repair of leg tendon, each2446
    27665Repair of leg tendon, each2446
    27675Repair lower leg tendons2446
    27676Repair lower leg tendons3510
    27680Release of lower leg tendon3510
    27681Release of lower leg tendons2446
    27685Revision of lower leg tendon3510
    27686Revise lower leg tendons3510
    27687Revision of calf tendon3510
    27690Revise lower leg tendon4630
    27691Revise lower leg tendon4630
    27692Revise additional leg tendon3510
    27695Repair of ankle ligament2446
    27696Repair of ankle ligaments2446
    27698Repair of ankle ligament2446
    27700Revision of ankle joint5717
    27704Removal of ankle implant2446
    27705Incision of tibia2446
    27707Incision of fibula2446
    27709Incision of tibia & fibula2446
    27715DRevision of lower leg4630
    27730Repair of tibia epiphysis2446
    27732Repair of fibula epiphysis2446
    27734Repair lower leg epiphyses2446
    27740Repair of leg epiphyses2446
    27742Repair of leg epiphyses2446
    27745Reinforce tibia3510
    27750Treatment of tibia fracture1333
    27752Treatment of tibia fracture1333
    27756Treatment of tibia fracture3510
    27758Treatment of tibia fracture4630
    27759Treatment of tibia fracture4630
    27760Treatment of ankle fracture1333
    27762Treatment of ankle fracture1333
    27766Treatment of ankle fracture3510
    27780Treatment of fibula fracture1333
    27781Treatment of fibula fracture1333
    27784Treatment of fibula fracture3510
    27786Treatment of ankle fracture1333
    27788Treatment of ankle fracture1333
    27792Treatment of ankle fracture3510
    27808Treatment of ankle fracture1333
    27810Treatment of ankle fracture1333
    27814Treatment of ankle fracture3510
    27816Treatment of ankle fracture1333
    27818Treatment of ankle fracture1333
    27822Treatment of ankle fracture3510
    27823Treatment of ankle fracture3510
    27824Treat lower leg fracture1333
    27825Treat lower leg fracture2446
    27826Treat lower leg fracture3510
    27827Treat lower leg fracture3510
    27828Treat lower leg fracture4630
    27829Treat lower leg joint2446
    27830Treat lower leg dislocation1333
    27831Treat lower leg dislocation1333
    27832Treat lower leg dislocation2446
    27840Treat ankle dislocation1333
    27842Treat ankle dislocation1333
    Start Printed Page 15291
    27846Treat ankle dislocation3510
    27848Treat ankle dislocation3510
    27860Fixation of ankle joint1333
    27870Fusion of ankle joint4630
    27871Fusion of tibiofibular joint4630
    27884Amputation follow-up surgery3510
    27889AAmputation of foot at ankle3510
    27892ADecompression of leg3510
    27893ADecompression of leg3510
    27894ADecompression of leg3510
    28002Treatment of foot infection3510
    28003Treatment of foot infection3510
    28005Treat foot bone lesion3510
    28008Incision of foot fascia3510
    28011AIncision of toe tendons3510
    28020Exploration of foot joint2446
    28022AExploration of foot joint2446
    28024AExploration of toe joint2446
    28030Removal of foot nerve4630
    28035Decompression of tibia nerve4630
    28043Excision of foot lesion2446
    28045Excision of foot lesion3510
    28046Resection of tumor, foot3510
    28050Biopsy of foot joint lining2446
    28052ABiopsy of foot joint lining2446
    28054Biopsy of toe joint lining2446
    28060Partial removal, foot fascia2446
    28062Removal of foot fascia3510
    28070Removal of foot joint lining3510
    28072Removal of foot joint lining3510
    28080Removal of foot lesion3510
    28086Excise foot tendon sheath2446
    28088Excise foot tendon sheath2446
    28090Removal of foot lesion3510
    28092Removal of toe lesions3510
    28100Removal of ankle/heel lesion2446
    28102Remove/graft foot lesion3510
    28103Remove/graft foot lesion3510
    28104Removal of foot lesion2446
    28106Remove/graft foot lesion3510
    28107Remove/graft foot lesion3510
    28110Part removal of metatarsal3510
    28111Part removal of metatarsal3510
    28112Part removal of metatarsal3510
    28113Part removal of metatarsal3510
    28114Removal of metatarsal heads3510
    28116Revision of foot3510
    28118Removal of heel bone4630
    28119Removal of heel spur4630
    28120Part removal of ankle/heel7995
    28122Partial removal of foot bone3510
    28126APartial removal of toe3510
    28130Removal of ankle bone3510
    28140Removal of metatarsal3510
    28150Removal of toe3510
    28153APartial removal of toe3510
    28160APartial removal of toe3510
    28171Extensive foot surgery3510
    28173Extensive foot surgery3510
    28175Extensive foot surgery3510
    28192Removal of foot foreign body2446
    28193Removal of foot foreign body4630
    28200Repair of foot tendon3510
    28202Repair/graft of foot tendon3510
    28208Repair of foot tendon3510
    28210Repair/graft of foot tendon3510
    28222Release of foot tendons1333
    28225Release of foot tendon1333
    28226Release of foot tendons1333
    28234AIncision of foot tendon2446
    28238Revision of foot tendon3510
    28240Release of big toe2446
    Start Printed Page 15292
    28250Revision of foot fascia3510
    28260Release of midfoot joint3510
    28261Revision of foot tendon3510
    28262Revision of foot and ankle4630
    28264Release of midfoot joint1333
    28270ARelease of foot contracture3510
    28280Fusion of toes2446
    28285Repair of hammertoe3510
    28286Repair of hammertoe4630
    28288Partial removal of foot bone3510
    28289A*Repair hallux rigidus3510
    28290Correction of bunion2446
    28292Correction of bunion2446
    28293Correction of bunion3510
    28294Correction of bunion3510
    28296Correction of bunion3510
    28297Correction of bunion3510
    28298Correction of bunion3510
    28299Correction of bunion5717
    28300Incision of heel bone2446
    28302Incision of ankle bone2446
    28304Incision of midfoot bones2446
    28305Incise/graft midfoot bones3510
    28306Incision of metatarsal4630
    28307Incision of metatarsal4630
    28308Incision of metatarsal2446
    28309Incision of metatarsals4630
    28310Revision of big toe3510
    28312Revision of toe3510
    28313Repair deformity of toe2446
    28315Removal of sesamoid bone4630
    28320Repair of foot bones4630
    28322Repair of metatarsals4630
    28340Resect enlarged toe tissue4630
    28341Resect enlarged toe4630
    28344Repair extra toe(s)4630
    28345Repair webbed toe(s)4630
    28400Treatment of heel fracture1333
    28405Treatment of heel fracture2446
    28406Treatment of heel fracture2446
    28415Treat heel fracture3510
    28420Treat/graft heel fracture4630
    28435Treatment of ankle fracture2446
    28436Treatment of ankle fracture2446
    28445Treat ankle fracture3510
    28456Treat midfoot fracture2446
    28465Treat midfoot fracture, each3510
    28476Treat metatarsal fracture2446
    28485Treat metatarsal fracture4630
    28496Treat big toe fracture2446
    28505Treat big toe fracture3510
    28525Treat toe fracture3510
    28531ATreat sesamoid bone fracture3510
    28545Treat foot dislocation1333
    28546Treat foot dislocation2446
    28555Repair foot dislocation2446
    28575Treat foot dislocation1333
    28576Treat foot dislocation3510
    28585Repair foot dislocation3510
    28605Treat foot dislocation1333
    28606Treat foot dislocation2446
    28615Repair foot dislocation3510
    28635Treat toe dislocation1333
    28636Treat toe dislocation3510
    28645Repair toe dislocation3510
    28665Treat toe dislocation1333
    28666Treat toe dislocation3510
    28675Repair of toe dislocation3510
    28705Fusion of foot bones4630
    28715Fusion of foot bones4630
    28725Fusion of foot bones4630
    28730Fusion of foot bones4630
    Start Printed Page 15293
    28735Fusion of foot bones4630
    28737Revision of foot bones5717
    28740Fusion of foot bones4630
    28750Fusion of big toe joint4630
    28755Fusion of big toe joint4630
    28760Fusion of big toe joint4630
    28810Amputation toe & metatarsal2446
    28820Amputation of toe2446
    28825Partial amputation of toe2446
    29800AJaw arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29804Jaw arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29805Shoulder arthroscopy, dx3510
    29806Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29807Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29819Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29820Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29821Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29822Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29823Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29824Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery5717
    29825Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29826Shoulder arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29827A*Arthroscop rotator cuff repr5717
    29830Elbow arthroscopy3510
    29834Elbow arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29835Elbow arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29836Elbow arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29837Elbow arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29838Elbow arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29840Wrist arthroscopy3510
    29843Wrist arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29844Wrist arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29845Wrist arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29846Wrist arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29847Wrist arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29848AWrist endoscopy/surgery91339
    29850Knee arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29851Knee arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29855Tibial arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29856Tibial arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29860AHip arthroscopy, dx4630
    29861AHip arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29862AHip arthroscopy/surgery91339
    29863AHip arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29870Knee arthroscopy, dx3510
    29871Knee arthroscopy/drainage3510
    29874Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29875Knee arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29876Knee arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29877Knee arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29879Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29880Knee arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29881Knee arthroscopy/surgery4630
    29882Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29883Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29884Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29885Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29886Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29887Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29888Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29889Knee arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29891AAnkle arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29892AAnkle arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29893AScope, plantar fasciotomy91339
    29894Ankle arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29895Ankle arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29897Ankle arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29898Ankle arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29899A*Ankle arthroscopy/surgery3510
    29900Mcp joint arthroscopy, dx3510
    29901Mcp joint arthroscopy, surg3510
    29902Mcp joint arthroscopy, surg3510
    Start Printed Page 15294
    30115Removal of nose polyp(s)2446
    30117Removal of intranasal lesion3510
    30118Removal of intranasal lesion3510
    30120Revision of nose1333
    30124DRemoval of nose lesion1333
    30125Removal of nose lesion2446
    30130Removal of turbinate bones3510
    30140Removal of turbinate bones2446
    30150Partial removal of nose3510
    30160Removal of nose4630
    30310Remove nasal foreign body1333
    30320Remove nasal foreign body2446
    30400Reconstruction of nose4630
    30410Reconstruction of nose5717
    30420Reconstruction of nose5717
    30430Revision of nose3510
    30435Revision of nose5717
    30450Revision of nose7995
    30460ARevision of nose7995
    30462ARevision of nose91339
    30465A*Repair nasal stenosis91339
    30520Repair of nasal septum4630
    30540Repair nasal defect5717
    30545ARepair nasal defect5717
    30560Release of nasal adhesions2446
    30580Repair upper jaw fistula4630
    30600Repair mouth/nose fistula4630
    30620Intranasal reconstruction7995
    30630Repair nasal septum defect7995
    30801Cauterization, inner nose1333
    30802Cauterization, inner nose1333
    30903Control of nosebleed1333
    30905Control of nosebleed1333
    30906Repeat control of nosebleed1333
    30915Ligation, nasal sinus artery2446
    30920Ligation, upper jaw artery3510
    30930ATherapy, fracture of nose4630
    31020Exploration, maxillary sinus2446
    31030Exploration, maxillary sinus3510
    31032Explore sinus,remove polyps4630
    31050Exploration, sphenoid sinus2446
    31051Sphenoid sinus surgery4630
    31070Exploration of frontal sinus2446
    31075Exploration of frontal sinus4630
    31080Removal of frontal sinus4630
    31081ARemoval of frontal sinus4630
    31084Removal of frontal sinus4630
    31085ARemoval of frontal sinus4630
    31086Removal of frontal sinus4630
    31087ARemoval of frontal sinus4630
    31090Exploration of sinuses5717
    31200Removal of ethmoid sinus2446
    31201Removal of ethmoid sinus5717
    31205Removal of ethmoid sinus3510
    31233Nasal/sinus endoscopy, dx2446
    31235Nasal/sinus endoscopy, dx1333
    31237Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surg2446
    31238Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surg1333
    31239Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surg4630
    31240Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surg2446
    31254Revision of ethmoid sinus3510
    31255Removal of ethmoid sinus5717
    31256Exploration maxillary sinus3510
    31267Endoscopy, maxillary sinus3510
    31276Sinus endoscopy, surgical3510
    31287Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surg3510
    31288Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surg3510
    31300Removal of larynx lesion5717
    31320Diagnostic incision, larynx2446
    31400ARevision of larynx2446
    31420ARemoval of epiglottis2446
    31510Laryngoscopy with biopsy2446
    Start Printed Page 15295
    31511Remove foreign body, larynx2446
    31512Removal of larynx lesion2446
    31513Injection into vocal cord2446
    31515Laryngoscopy for aspiration1333
    31525Diagnostic laryngoscopy1333
    31526Diagnostic laryngoscopy2446
    31527Laryngoscopy for treatment1333
    31528Laryngoscopy and dilation2446
    31529Laryngoscopy and dilation2446
    31530Operative laryngoscopy2446
    31531Operative laryngoscopy3510
    31535Operative laryngoscopy2446
    31536Operative laryngoscopy3510
    31540Operative laryngoscopy3510
    31541Operative laryngoscopy4630
    31560Operative laryngoscopy5717
    31561Operative laryngoscopy5717
    31570Laryngoscopy with injection2446
    31571Laryngoscopy with injection2446
    31576Laryngoscopy with biopsy2446
    31577Remove foreign body, larynx2446
    31578Removal of larynx lesion2446
    31580Revision of larynx5717
    31582Revision of larynx5717
    31584DTreat larynx fracture4630
    31585Treat larynx fracture1333
    31586Treat larynx fracture2446
    31588Revision of larynx5717
    31590Reinnervate larynx5717
    31595Larynx nerve surgery2446
    31600DIncision of windpipe2446
    31611Surgery/speech prosthesis3510
    31612Puncture/clear windpipe1333
    31613Repair windpipe opening2446
    31614Repair windpipe opening2446
    31615Visualization of windpipe1333
    31622Dx bronchoscope/wash1333
    31623A*Dx bronchoscope/brush2446
    31624A*Dx bronchoscope/lavage2446
    31625Bronchoscopy with biopsy2446
    31628Bronchoscopy with biopsy2446
    31629Bronchoscopy with biopsy2446
    31630Bronchoscopy with repair2446
    31631Bronchoscopy with dilation2446
    31635Remove foreign body, airway2446
    31640Bronchoscopy & remove lesion2446
    31641Bronchoscopy, treat blockage2446
    31643A*Diag bronchoscope/catheter2446
    31645Bronchoscopy, clear airways1333
    31646Bronchoscopy, reclear airway1333
    31656Bronchoscopy, inj for xray1333
    31700Insertion of airway catheter1333
    31710DInsertion of airway catheter1333
    31715DInjection for bronchus x-ray1333
    31717Bronchial brush biopsy1333
    31720Clearance of airways1333
    31730Intro, windpipe wire/tube1333
    31750Repair of windpipe5717
    31755Repair of windpipe2446
    31785DRemove windpipe lesion4630
    31800DRepair of windpipe injury2446
    31820Closure of windpipe lesion1333
    31825Repair of windpipe defect2446
    31830Revise windpipe scar2446
    32000Drainage of chest1333
    32002DTreatment of collapsed lung2446
    32005DTreat lung lining chemically2446
    32020DInsertion of chest tube2446
    32400Needle biopsy chest lining1333
    32405Biopsy, lung or mediastinum1333
    32420Puncture/clear lung1333
    33010Drainage of heart sac2446
    Start Printed Page 15296
    33011Repeat drainage of heart sac2446
    33222ARevise pocket, pacemaker2446
    33223ARevise pocket, pacing-defib2446
    34101DRemoval of artery clot3510
    35188ARepair blood vessel lesion4630
    35207ARepair blood vessel lesion4630
    35875ARemoval of clot in graft91339
    35876ARemoval of clot in graft91339
    36260AInsertion of infusion pump3510
    36261Revision of infusion pump2446
    36262Removal of infusion pump1333
    36488AInsertion of catheter, vein1333
    36489Insertion of catheter, vein1333
    36490AInsertion of catheter, vein1333
    36491Insertion of catheter, vein1333
    36530Insertion of infusion pump3510
    36531Revision of infusion pump2446
    36532Removal of infusion pump1333
    36533Insertion of access device3510
    36534Revision of access device2446
    36535Removal of access device1333
    36640Insertion catheter, artery1333
    36800Insertion of cannula3510
    36810Insertion of cannula3510
    36815Insertion of cannula3510
    36819Av fusion/uppr arm vein91339
    36820Av fusion/forearm vein3510
    36821Av fusion direct any site3510
    36825Artery-vein graft4630
    36830Artery-vein graft4630
    36831A*Open thrombect av fistula91339
    36832Av fistula revision, open4630
    36833Av fistula revision4630
    36835Artery to vein shunt4630
    36860External cannula declotting2446
    36861Cannula declotting3510
    36870A*Percut thrombect av fistula91339
    37607ALigation of a-v fistula3510
    37609Temporal artery procedure2446
    37650ARevision of major vein2446
    37700Revise leg vein2446
    37720Removal of leg vein3510
    37730Removal of leg veins3510
    37735Removal of leg veins/lesion3510
    37760Revision of leg veins3510
    37780Revision of leg vein3510
    37785Revise secondary varicosity3510
    37790APenile venous occlusion3510
    38300Drainage, lymph node lesion1333
    38305Drainage, lymph node lesion2446
    38308Incision of lymph channels2446
    38500Biopsy/removal, lymph nodes2446
    38505Needle biopsy, lymph nodes1333
    38510Biopsy/removal, lymph nodes2446
    38520Biopsy/removal, lymph nodes2446
    38525Biopsy/removal, lymph nodes2446
    38530Biopsy/removal, lymph nodes2446
    38542Explore deep node(s), neck2446
    38550Removal, neck/armpit lesion3510
    38555Removal, neck/armpit lesion4630
    38570A*Laparoscopy, lymph node biop91339
    38571A*Laparoscopy, lymphadenectomy91339
    38572A*Laparoscopy, lymphadenectomy91339
    38700DRemoval of lymph nodes, neck2446
    38740Remove armpit lymph nodes2446
    38745Remove armpit lymph nodes4630
    38760Remove groin lymph nodes2446
    38790DInject for lymphatic x-ray1333
    40500Partial excision of lip2446
    40510Partial excision of lip2446
    40520Partial excision of lip2446
    40525Reconstruct lip with flap2446
    Start Printed Page 15297
    40527Reconstruct lip with flap2446
    40530Partial removal of lip2446
    40650Repair lip3510
    40652Repair lip3510
    40654Repair lip3510
    40700ARepair cleft lip/nasal7995
    40701ARepair cleft lip/nasal7995
    40720ARepair cleft lip/nasal7995
    40761ARepair cleft lip/nasal3510
    40801Drainage of mouth lesion2446
    40805DRemoval, foreign body, mouth2446
    40806DIncision of lip fold1333
    40814Excise/repair mouth lesion2446
    40816Excision of mouth lesion2446
    40818Excise oral mucosa for graft1333
    40819Excise lip or cheek fold1333
    40820DTreatment of mouth lesion1333
    40831Repair mouth laceration1333
    40840Reconstruction of mouth2446
    40842Reconstruction of mouth3510
    40843Reconstruction of mouth3510
    40844Reconstruction of mouth5717
    40845Reconstruction of mouth5717
    41000DDrainage of mouth lesion1333
    41005Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41006Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41007Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41008Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41009Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41010Incision of tongue fold1333
    41015Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41016Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41017Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41018Drainage of mouth lesion1333
    41105DBiopsy of tongue2446
    41110DExcision of tongue lesion1333
    41112Excision of tongue lesion2446
    41113Excision of tongue lesion2446
    41114Excision of tongue lesion2446
    41115DExcision of tongue fold1333
    41116Excision of mouth lesion1333
    41120Partial removal of tongue5717
    41250Repair tongue laceration2446
    41251Repair tongue laceration2446
    41252Repair tongue laceration2446
    41500Fixation of tongue1333
    41510Tongue to lip surgery1333
    41520Reconstruction, tongue fold2446
    41800Drainage of gum lesion1333
    41805DRemoval foreign body, gum1333
    41806DRemoval foreign body, jawbone1333
    41827Excision of gum lesion2446
    42000Drainage mouth roof lesion2446
    42104DExcision lesion, mouth roof2446
    42106DExcision lesion, mouth roof2446
    42107Excision lesion, mouth roof2446
    42120Remove palate/lesion4630
    42140Excision of uvula2446
    42145Repair palate, pharynx/uvula5717
    42160DTreatment mouth roof lesion1333
    42180Repair palate1333
    42182Repair palate2446
    42200Reconstruct cleft palate5717
    42205Reconstruct cleft palate5717
    42210Reconstruct cleft palate5717
    42215Reconstruct cleft palate7995
    42220Reconstruct cleft palate5717
    42225DReconstruct cleft palate5717
    42226ALengthening of palate5717
    42235Repair palate5717
    42260Repair nose to lip fistula4630
    42281DInsertion, palate prosthesis3510
    Start Printed Page 15298
    42300Drainage of salivary gland1333
    42305Drainage of salivary gland2446
    42310Drainage of salivary gland1333
    42320Drainage of salivary gland1333
    42325Create salivary cyst drain2446
    42335DRemoval of salivary stone3510
    42340Removal of salivary stone2446
    42405Biopsy of salivary gland2446
    42408Excision of salivary cyst3510
    42409Drainage of salivary cyst3510
    42410Excise parotid gland/lesion3510
    42415AExcise parotid gland/lesion3510
    42420Excise parotid gland/lesion7995
    42425Excise parotid gland/lesion7995
    42440Excise submaxillary gland3510
    42450Excise sublingual gland2446
    42500Repair salivary duct3510
    42505Repair salivary duct4630
    42507Parotid duct diversion3510
    42508Parotid duct diversion4630
    42509Parotid duct diversion4630
    42510Parotid duct diversion4630
    42600Closure of salivary fistula1333
    42700Drainage of tonsil abscess1333
    42720Drainage of throat abscess1333
    42725Drainage of throat abscess2446
    42802Biopsy of throat1333
    42804Biopsy of upper nose/throat1333
    42806Biopsy of upper nose/throat2446
    42808Excise pharynx lesion2446
    42810Excision of neck cyst3510
    42815Excision of neck cyst5717
    42820ARemove tonsils and adenoids3510
    42821Remove tonsils and adenoids5717
    42825ARemoval of tonsils4630
    42826Removal of tonsils4630
    42830ARemoval of adenoids4630
    42831Removal of adenoids4630
    42835ARemoval of adenoids4630
    42836Removal of adenoids4630
    42860Excision of tonsil tags3510
    42870Excision of lingual tonsil3510
    42890APartial removal of pharynx7995
    42892ARevision of pharyngeal walls7995
    42900Repair throat wound1333
    42950Reconstruction of throat2446
    42955Surgical opening of throat2446
    42960Control throat bleeding1333
    42962Control throat bleeding2446
    42972AControl nose/throat bleeding3510
    43200Esophagus endoscopy1333
    43201A*Esoph scope w/submucous inj1333
    43202Esophagus endoscopy, biopsy1333
    43204Esophagus endoscopy & inject1333
    43205AEsophagus endoscopy/ligation1333
    43215Esophagus endoscopy1333
    43216Esophagus endoscopy/lesion1333
    43217Esophagus endoscopy1333
    43219Esophagus endoscopy1333
    43220Esoph endoscopy, dilation1333
    43226Esoph endoscopy, dilation1333
    43227Esoph endoscopy, repair2446
    43228Esoph endoscopy, ablation2446
    43231A*Esoph endoscopy w/us exam2446
    43232A*Esoph endoscopy w/us fn bx2446
    43234Upper GI endoscopy, exam1333
    43235Uppr gi endoscopy, diagnosis1333
    43236A*Uppr gi scope w/submuc inj2446
    43239Upper GI endoscopy, biopsy2446
    43240A*Esoph endoscope w/drain cyst2446
    43241Upper GI endoscopy with tube2446
    43242A*Uppr gi endoscopy w/us fn bx2446
    Start Printed Page 15299
    43243Upper gi endoscopy & inject2446
    43244AUpper GI endoscopy/ligation2446
    43245Operative upper GI endoscopy2446
    43246Place gastrostomy tube2446
    43247Operative upper GI endoscopy2446
    43248Uppr gi endoscopy/guide wire2446
    43249Esoph endoscopy, dilation2446
    43250Upper GI endoscopy/tumor2446
    43251Operative upper GI endoscopy2446
    43255Operative upper GI endoscopy2446
    43256A*Uppr gi endoscopy w stent3510
    43258Operative upper GI endoscopy3510
    43259Endoscopic ultrasound exam3510
    43260Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43261Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43262Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43263Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43264Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43265Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43267Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43268Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43269Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43271Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43272Endo cholangiopancreatograph2446
    43450Dilate esophagus1333
    43453Dilate esophagus1333
    43456Dilate esophagus2446
    43458Dilate esophagus2446
    43600Biopsy of stomach1333
    43653A*Laparoscopy, gastrostomy91339
    43750Place gastrostomy tube2446
    43760Change gastrostomy tube1333
    43870Repair stomach opening1333
    44100Biopsy of bowel1333
    44312Revision of ileostomy1333
    44340Revision of colostomy3510
    44345DRevision of colostomy4630
    44346DRevision of colostomy4630
    44360Small bowel endoscopy2446
    44361Small bowel endoscopy/biopsy2446
    44363Small bowel endoscopy2446
    44364Small bowel endoscopy2446
    44365Small bowel endoscopy2446
    44366Small bowel endoscopy2446
    44369Small bowel endoscopy2446
    44370A*Small bowel endoscopy/stent91339
    44372Small bowel endoscopy2446
    44373Small bowel endoscopy2446
    44376ASmall bowel endoscopy2446
    44377ASmall bowel endoscopy/biopsy2446
    44378ASmall bowel endoscopy2446
    44379A*S bowel endoscope w/stent91339
    44380Small bowel endoscopy1333
    44382Small bowel endoscopy1333
    44383A*Ileoscopy w/stent91339
    44385Endoscopy of bowel pouch1333
    44386Endoscopy, bowel pouch/biop1333
    44388Colon endoscopy1333
    44389Colonoscopy with biopsy1333
    44390Colonoscopy for foreign body1333
    44391Colonoscopy for bleeding1333
    44392Colonoscopy & polypectomy1333
    44393Colonoscopy, lesion removal1333
    44394Colonoscopy w/snare1333
    45000Drainage of pelvic abscess1333
    45005Drainage of rectal abscess2446
    45020Drainage of rectal abscess2446
    45100Biopsy of rectum1333
    45108Removal of anorectal lesion2446
    45150Excision of rectal stricture2446
    45160AExcision of rectal lesion2446
    45170Excision of rectal lesion2446
    Start Printed Page 15300
    45190ADestruction, rectal tumor91339
    45305Protosigmoidoscopy w/bx1333
    45307Protosigmoidoscopy fb1333
    45308Protosigmoidoscopy removal1333
    45309Protosigmoidoscopy removal1333
    45315Protosigmoidoscopy removal1333
    45317Protosigmoidoscopy bleed1333
    45320Protosigmoidoscopy ablate1333
    45321Protosigmoidoscopy volvul1333
    45331Sigmoidoscopy and biopsy1333
    45332Sigmoidoscopy w/fb removal1333
    45333Sigmoidoscopy & polypectomy1333
    45334Sigmoidoscopy for bleeding1333
    45335A*Sigmoidoscope w/submub inj1333
    45337Sigmoidoscopy & decompress1333
    45338Sigmoidoscpy w/tumr remove1333
    45339Sigmoidoscopy w/ablate tumr1333
    45340A*Sig w/balloon dilation1333
    45355Surgical colonoscopy1333
    45378Diagnostic colonoscopy2446
    45379Colonoscopy w/fb removal2446
    45380Colonoscopy and biopsy2446
    45381A*Colonoscope, submucous inj2446
    45382Colonoscopy/control bleeding2446
    45383Lesion removal colonoscopy2446
    45384Lesion remove colonoscopy2446
    45385Lesion removal colonoscopy2446
    45386A*Colonoscope dilate stricture2446
    45500Repair of rectum2446
    45505Repair of rectum2446
    45560Repair of rectocele2446
    45900Reduction of rectal prolapse1333
    45905Dilation of anal sphincter1333
    45910Dilation of rectal narrowing1333
    45915Remove rectal obstruction1333
    46020Placement of seton3510
    46030Removal of rectal marker1333
    46040Incision of rectal abscess3510
    46045Incision of rectal abscess2446
    46050Incision of anal abscess1333
    46060Incision of rectal abscess2446
    46080Incision of anal sphincter3510
    46200Removal of anal fissure2446
    46210Removal of anal crypt2446
    46211Removal of anal crypts2446
    46220Removal of anal tab1333
    46257Remove hemorrhoids & fissure3510
    46258Remove hemorrhoids & fistula3510
    46261Remove hemorrhoids & fissure4630
    46262Remove hemorrhoids & fistula4630
    46270Removal of anal fistula3510
    46275Removal of anal fistula3510
    46280Removal of anal fistula4630
    46285Removal of anal fistula1333
    46288ARepair anal fistula4630
    46608Anoscopy/remove for body1333
    46610Anoscopy/remove lesion1333
    46612Anoscopy/remove lesions1333
    46700Repair of anal stricture3510
    46750Repair of anal sphincter3510
    46753Reconstruction of anus3510
    46754Removal of suture from anus2446
    46760Repair of anal sphincter2446
    46761ARepair of anal sphincter3510
    46762AImplant artificial sphincter7995
    46917ALaser surgery, anal lesions1333
    46922Excision of anal lesion(s)1333
    Start Printed Page 15301
    46924Destruction, anal lesion(s)1333
    46937Cryotherapy of rectal lesion2446
    46938Cryotherapy of rectal lesion2446
    47000Needle biopsy of liver1333
    47510Insert catheter, bile duct2446
    47511AInsert bile duct drain91339
    47525Change bile duct catheter1333
    47530Revise/reinsert bile tube1333
    47552Biliary endoscopy thru skin2446
    47553Biliary endoscopy thru skin3510
    47554Biliary endoscopy thru skin3510
    47555Biliary endoscopy thru skin3510
    47556ABiliary endoscopy thru skin91339
    47560Laparoscopy w/cholangio3510
    47561Laparo w/cholangio/biopsy3510
    47630Remove bile duct stone3510
    48102Needle biopsy, pancreas1333
    49000DExploration of abdomen4630
    49080Puncture, peritoneal cavity2446
    49081Removal of abdominal fluid2446
    49085Remove abdomen foreign body2446
    49180Biopsy, abdominal mass1333
    49250Excision of umbilicus4630
    49320Diag laparo separate proc3510
    49321Laparoscopy, biopsy4630
    49322Laparoscopy, aspiration4630
    49400DAir injection into abdomen1333
    49420Insert abdominal drain1333
    49421Insert abdominal drain1333
    49422ARemove perm cannula/catheter1333
    49425DInsert abdomen-venous drain2446
    49426Revise abdomen-venous shunt2446
    49495ARpr ing hernia baby, reduc4630
    49496ARpr ing hernia baby, blocked4630
    49500ARpr ing hernia, init, reduce4630
    49501ARpr ing hernia, init blocked91339
    49505Rpr i/hern init reduc>5 yr4630
    49507ARpr i/hern init block>5 yr91339
    49520Rerepair ing hernia, reduce7995
    49521ARerepair ing hernia, blocked91339
    49525Repair ing hernia, sliding4630
    49540Repair lumbar hernia2446
    49550Rpr fem hernia, init, reduce5717
    49553ARpr fem hernia, init blocked91339
    49555Rerepair fem hernia, reduce5717
    49557ARerepair fem hernia, blocked91339
    49560Rpr ventral hern init, reduc4630
    49561ARpr ventral hern init, block91339
    49565Rerepair ventrl hern, reduce4630
    49566ARerepair ventrl hern, block91339
    49568AHernia repair w/mesh7995
    49570Rpr epigastric hern, reduce4630
    49572ARpr epigastric hern, blocked91339
    49580ARpr umbil hern, reduc <5 yr4630
    49582ARpr umbil hern, block < 5 yr91339
    49585Rpr umbil hern, reduc > 5 yr4630
    49587ARpr umbil hern, block > 5 yr91339
    49590Repair spigelian hernia3510
    49600ARepair umbilical lesion4630
    49650Laparo hernia repair initial4630
    49651Laparo hernia repair recur7995
    50020DRenal abscess, open drain2446
    50040DDrainage of kidney3510
    50200Biopsy of kidney1333
    50390Drainage of kidney lesion1333
    50392Insert kidney drain1333
    50393Insert ureteral tube1333
    50395Create passage to kidney1333
    50396Measure kidney pressure1333
    50398Change kidney tube1333
    50520DClose kidney-skin fistula1333
    50551Kidney endoscopy1333
    Start Printed Page 15302
    50553Kidney endoscopy1333
    50555Kidney endoscopy & biopsy1333
    50557Kidney endoscopy & treatment1333
    50559Renal endoscopy/radiotracer1333
    50561Kidney endoscopy & treatment1333
    50570DKidney endoscopy1333
    50572DKidney endoscopy1333
    50574DKidney endoscopy & biopsy1333
    50576DKidney endoscopy & treatment1333
    50578DRenal endoscopy/radiotracer1333
    50580DKidney endoscopy & treatment1333
    50684DInjection for ureter x-ray1333
    50688Change of ureter tube1333
    50690DInjection for ureter x-ray1333
    50947A*Laparo new ureter/bladder91339
    50948A*Laparo new ureter/bladder91339
    50951Endoscopy of ureter1333
    50953Endoscopy of ureter1333
    50955Ureter endoscopy & biopsy1333
    50957Ureter endoscopy & treatment1333
    50959Ureter endoscopy & tracer1333
    50961Ureter endoscopy & treatment1333
    50970Ureter endoscopy1333
    50972Ureter endoscopy & catheter1333
    50974Ureter endoscopy & biopsy1333
    50976Ureter endoscopy & treatment1333
    50978Ureter endoscopy & tracer1333
    50980Ureter endoscopy & treatment1333
    51005DDrainage of bladder1333
    51010Drainage of bladder1333
    51020Incise & treat bladder4630
    51030Incise & treat bladder4630
    51040Incise & drain bladder4630
    51045Incise bladder/drain ureter4630
    51050ARemoval of bladder stone4630
    51065ARemove ureter calculus4630
    51080ADrainage of bladder abscess1333
    51500Removal of bladder cyst4630
    51520ARemoval of bladder lesion4630
    51600DInjection for bladder x-ray1333
    51605DPreparation for bladder xray1333
    51610DInjection for bladder x-ray1333
    51710Change of bladder tube1333
    51715AEndoscopic injection/implant3510
    51725DSimple cystometrogram1333
    51726Complex cystometrogram1333
    51772Urethra pressure profile1333
    51785Anal/urinary muscle study1333
    51865DRepair of bladder wound4630
    51880Repair of bladder opening1333
    51900DRepair bladder/vagina lesion4630
    51920DClose bladder-uterus fistula3510
    52001Cystoscopy, removal of clots2446
    52005Cystoscopy & ureter catheter2446
    52007Cystoscopy and biopsy2446
    52010Cystoscopy & duct catheter2446
    52214Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52224Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52234Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52235Cystoscopy and treatment3510
    52240Cystoscopy and treatment3510
    52250Cystoscopy and radiotracer4630
    52260Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52270Cystoscopy & revise urethra2446
    52275Cystoscopy & revise urethra2446
    52276Cystoscopy and treatment3510
    52277Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52281Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52282ACystoscopy, implant stent91339
    52283Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    Start Printed Page 15303
    52285Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52290Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52300Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52305Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52310Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52315Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52317Remove bladder stone1333
    52318Remove bladder stone2446
    52320Cystoscopy and treatment5717
    52325Cystoscopy, stone removal4630
    52327ACystoscopy, inject material2446
    52330Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52332Cystoscopy and treatment2446
    52334Create passage to kidney3510
    52341A*Cysto w/ureter stricture tx3510
    52342A*Cysto w/up stricture tx3510
    52343A*Cysto w/renal stricture tx3510
    52344A*Cysto/uretero, stone remove3510
    52345A*Cysto/uretero w/up stricture3510
    52346A*Cystouretero w/renal strict3510
    52351Cystouretro & or pyeloscope3510
    52352Cystouretro w/stone remove4630
    52353Cystouretero w/lithotripsy4630
    52354Cystouretero w/biopsy4630
    52355ACystouretero w/excise tumor4630
    52400Cystouretero w/congen repr3510
    52450Incision of prostate3510
    52500Revision of bladder neck3510
    52510ADilation prostatic urethra3510
    52601Prostatectomy (TURP)4630
    52606Control postop bleeding1333
    52612Prostatectomy, first stage2446
    52614Prostatectomy, second stage1333
    52620Remove residual prostate1333
    52630Remove prostate regrowth2446
    52640Relieve bladder contracture2446
    52647ALaser surgery of prostate91339
    52648ALaser surgery of prostate91339
    52700Drainage of prostate abscess2446
    53000Incision of urethra1333
    53010Incision of urethra1333
    53020Incision of urethra1333
    53040Drainage of urethra abscess2446
    53080ADrainage of urinary leakage3510
    53200Biopsy of urethra1333
    53210Removal of urethra5717
    53215Removal of urethra5717
    53220Treatment of urethra lesion2446
    53230Removal of urethra lesion2446
    53235Removal of urethra lesion3510
    53240Surgery for urethra pouch2446
    53250Removal of urethra gland2446
    53260Treatment of urethra lesion2446
    53265Treatment of urethra lesion2446
    53270ARemoval of urethra gland2446
    53275Repair of urethra defect2446
    53400Revise urethra, stage 13510
    53405Revise urethra, stage 22446
    53410Reconstruction of urethra2446
    53420Reconstruct urethra, stage 13510
    53425Reconstruct urethra, stage 22446
    53430Reconstruction of urethra2446
    53431Reconstruct urethra/bladder2446
    53440Correct bladder function2446
    53442Remove perineal prosthesis1333
    53444Insert tandem cuff2446
    53445Insert uro/ves nck sphincter1333
    53446Remove uro sphincter1333
    53447Remove/replace ur sphincter1333
    53449Repair uro sphincter1333
    53450Revision of urethra1333
    53460Revision of urethra1333
    Start Printed Page 15304
    53502Repair of urethra injury2446
    53505Repair of urethra injury2446
    53510Repair of urethra injury2446
    53515Repair of urethra injury2446
    53520Repair of urethra defect2446
    53605Dilate urethra stricture2446
    53665Dilation of urethra1333
    53850AProstatic microwave thermotx91339
    54000ASlitting of prepuce2446
    54001Slitting of prepuce2446
    54015Drain penis lesion4630
    54057Laser surg, penis lesion(s)1333
    54060Excision of penis lesion(s)1333
    54065Destruction, penis lesion(s)1333
    54100Biopsy of penis1333
    54105Biopsy of penis1333
    54110Treatment of penis lesion2446
    54111ATreat penis lesion, graft2446
    54112ATreat penis lesion, graft2446
    54115Treatment of penis lesion1333
    54120Partial removal of penis2446
    54125DRemoval of penis2446
    54162Lysis penil circumcis lesion2446
    54163Repair of circumcision2446
    54164Frenulotomy of penis2446
    54205Treatment of penis lesion4630
    54220Treatment of penis lesion1333
    54300Revision of penis3510
    54304ARevision of penis3510
    54308AReconstruction of urethra3510
    54312AReconstruction of urethra3510
    54316AReconstruction of urethra3510
    54318AReconstruction of urethra3510
    54322AReconstruction of urethra3510
    54324AReconstruction of urethra3510
    54326AReconstruction of urethra3510
    54328ARevise penis/urethra3510
    54340ASecondary urethral surgery3510
    54344ASecondary urethral surgery3510
    54348ASecondary urethral surgery3510
    54352AReconstruct urethra/penis3510
    54360Penis plastic surgery3510
    54380ARepair penis3510
    54385ARepair penis3510
    54400AInsert semi-rigid prosthesis3510
    54401AInsert self-contd prosthesis3510
    54405AInsert multi-comp penis pros3510
    54406ARemove multi-comp penis pros3510
    54408ARepair multi-comp penis pros3510
    54410ARemove/replace penis prosth3510
    54415ARemove self-contd penis pros3510
    54416ARemv/repl penis contain pros3510
    54420Revision of penis4630
    54435Revision of penis4630
    54440Repair of penis4630
    54450Preputial stretching1333
    54500Biopsy of testis1333
    54505Biopsy of testis1333
    54512Excise lesion testis7995
    54520Removal of testis3510
    54522AOrchiectomy, partial3510
    54530Removal of testis4630
    54550Exploration for testis4630
    54600Reduce testis torsion4630
    54620Suspension of testis3510
    54640Suspension of testis4630
    54660Revision of testis2446
    54670Repair testis injury3510
    Start Printed Page 15305
    54680Relocation of testis(es)3510
    54690A*Laparoscopy, orchiectomy91339
    54700Drainage of scrotum2446
    54800Biopsy of epididymis1333
    54820Exploration of epididymis1333
    54830Remove epididymis lesion3510
    54840Remove epididymis lesion4630
    54860Removal of epididymis3510
    54861Removal of epididymis4630
    54900Fusion of spermatic ducts4630
    54901Fusion of spermatic ducts4630
    55040Removal of hydrocele3510
    55041Removal of hydroceles5717
    55060Repair of hydrocele4630
    55100Drainage of scrotum abscess1333
    55110Explore scrotum2446
    55120Removal of scrotum lesion2446
    55150Removal of scrotum1333
    55175Revision of scrotum1333
    55180Revision of scrotum2446
    55200Incision of sperm duct2446
    55250ARemoval of sperm duct(s)2446
    55400Repair of sperm duct1333
    55500Removal of hydrocele3510
    55520Removal of sperm cord lesion4630
    55530Revise spermatic cord veins4630
    55535Revise spermatic cord veins4630
    55540Revise hernia & sperm veins5717
    55550ALaparo ligate spermatic vein91339
    55600DIncise sperm duct pouch1333
    55605DIncise sperm duct pouch1333
    55650DRemove sperm duct pouch1333
    55680Remove sperm pouch lesion1333
    55700Biopsy of prostate2446
    55705Biopsy of prostate2446
    55720Drainage of prostate abscess1333
    55725ADrainage of prostate abscess2446
    55859APercut/needle insert, pros91339
    56405DI & D of vulva/perineum2446
    56440Surgery for vulva lesion2446
    56441Lysis of labial lesion(s)1333
    56515Destroy vulva lesion/s compl3510
    56605DBiopsy of vulva/perineum1333
    56620Partial removal of vulva5717
    56625Complete removal of vulva7995
    56700Partial removal of hymen1333
    56720Incision of hymen1333
    56740Remove vagina gland lesion3510
    56800Repair of vagina3510
    56810Repair of perineum5717
    57000Exploration of vagina1333
    57010Drainage of pelvic abscess2446
    57020Drainage of pelvic fluid2446
    57023A*I & d vag hematoma, non-ob1333
    57065Destroy vag lesions, complex1333
    57105Biopsy of vagina2446
    57130Remove vagina lesion2446
    57135Remove vagina lesion2446
    57180Treat vaginal bleeding1333
    57200Repair of vagina1333
    57210Repair vagina/perineum2446
    57220Revision of urethra3510
    57230Repair of urethral lesion3510
    57240Repair bladder & vagina5717
    57250Repair rectum & vagina5717
    57260Repair of vagina5717
    57265Extensive repair of vagina7995
    57268Repair of bowel bulge3510
    57289ARepair bladder & vagina5717
    57291AConstruction of vagina5717
    57300Repair rectum-vagina fistula3510
    57310DRepair urethrovaginal lesion3510
    Start Printed Page 15306
    57311DRepair urethrovaginal lesion4630
    57320DRepair bladder-vagina lesion3510
    57400Dilation of vagina2446
    57410Pelvic examination2446
    57415ARemove vaginal foreign body2446
    57513Laser surgery of cervix2446
    57520Conization of cervix2446
    57522Conization of cervix2446
    57530Removal of cervix3510
    57550Removal of residual cervix3510
    57556ARemove cervix, repair bowel5717
    57700Revision of cervix1333
    57720Revision of cervix3510
    57800DDilation of cervical canal1333
    57820D & c of residual cervix3510
    58120Dilation and curettage2446
    58145Removal of uterus lesion5717
    58350AReopen fallopian tube3510
    58353Endometr ablate, thermal4630
    58545ALaparoscopic myomectomy91339
    58546A*Laparo-myomectomy, complex91339
    58550A*Laparo-asst vag hysterectomy91339
    58551DLaparoscopy, remove myoma5717
    58555Hysteroscopy, dx, sep proc1333
    58558Hysteroscopy, biopsy3510
    58559Hysteroscopy, lysis2446
    58560A*Hysteroscopy, resect septum3510
    58561Hysteroscopy, remove myoma3510
    58562A*Hysteroscopy, remove fb3510
    58563Hysteroscopy, ablation4630
    58660Laparoscopy, lysis5717
    58661Laparoscopy, remove adnexa5717
    58662Laparoscopy, excise lesions5717
    58670Laparoscopy, tubal cautery3510
    58671Laparoscopy, tubal block3510
    58672Laparoscopy, fimbrioplasty5717
    58673Laparoscopy, salpingostomy5717
    58800Drainage of ovarian cyst(s)3510
    58820Drain ovary abscess, open3510
    58900Biopsy of ovary(s)3510
    59160AD & c after delivery3510
    59320ARevision of cervix1333
    59812ATreatment of miscarriage5717
    59820ACare of miscarriage5717
    59821ATreatment of miscarriage5717
    59870AEvacuate mole of uterus5717
    59871ARemove cerclage suture5717
    60000Drain thyroid/tongue cyst1333
    60200Remove thyroid lesion2446
    60220DPartial removal of thyroid2446
    60225DPartial removal of thyroid3510
    60280Remove thyroid duct lesion4630
    60281Remove thyroid duct lesion4630
    61020Remove brain cavity fluid1333
    61026Injection into brain canal1333
    61050Remove brain canal fluid1333
    61055Injection into brain canal1333
    61070Brain canal shunt procedure1333
    61215Insert brain-fluid device3510
    61790Treat trigeminal nerve3510
    61791Treat trigeminal tract3510
    61885Implant neurostim one array2446
    61886A*Implant neurostim arrays3510
    61888Revise/remove neuroreceiver1333
    62194Replace/irrigate catheter1333
    62225Replace/irrigate catheter1333
    62230Replace/revise brain shunt2446
    62256DRemove brain cavity shunt2446
    62263Lysis epidural adhesions1333
    62268Drain spinal cord cyst1333
    Start Printed Page 15307
    62269Needle biopsy, spinal cord1333
    62270Spinal fluid tap, diagnostic1333
    62272Drain cerebro spinal fluid1333
    62273Treat epidural spine lesion1333
    62280Treat spinal cord lesion1333
    62281ATreat spinal cord lesion1333
    62282Treat spinal canal lesion1333
    62287APercutaneous diskectomy91339
    62294Injection into spinal artery3510
    62310Inject spine c/t1333
    62311Inject spine l/s (cd)1333
    62318Inject spine w/cath, c/t1333
    62319Inject spine w/cath l/s (cd)1333
    62350Implant spinal canal cath2446
    62351DImplant spinal canal cath2446
    62355ARemove spinal canal catheter2446
    62360Insert spine infusion device2446
    62361Implant spine infusion pump2446
    62362Implant spine infusion pump2446
    62365Remove spine infusion device2446
    62367DAnalyze spine infusion pump2446
    62368DAnalyze spine infusion pump2446
    63600Remove spinal cord lesion2446
    63610Stimulation of spinal cord1333
    63650Implant neuroelectrodes2446
    63660Revise/remove neuroelectrode1333
    63685Implant neuroreceiver2446
    63688Revise/remove neuroreceiver1333
    63744Revision of spinal shunt3510
    63746Removal of spinal shunt2446
    64410Injection for nerve block1333
    64415Injection for nerve block1333
    64417Injection for nerve block1333
    64420Injection for nerve block1333
    64421Injection for nerve block1333
    64430Injection for nerve block1333
    64470Inj paravertebral c/t1333
    64472Inj paravertebral c/t add-on1333
    64475Inj paravertebral l/s1333
    64476Inj paravertebral l/s add-on1333
    64479Inj foramen epidural c/t1333
    64480Inj foramen epidural add-on1333
    64483Inj foramen epidural l/s1333
    64484Inj foramen epidural add-on1333
    64510Injection for nerve block1333
    64520Injection for nerve block1333
    64530Injection for nerve block1333
    64553AImplant neuroelectrodes1333
    64573AImplant neuroelectrodes1333
    64575Implant neuroelectrodes1333
    64577AImplant neuroelectrodes1333
    64580AImplant neuroelectrodes1333
    64585ARevise/remove neuroelectrode1333
    64590Implant neuroreceiver2446
    64595Revise/remove neuroreceiver1333
    64600Injection treatment of nerve1333
    64605Injection treatment of nerve1333
    64610Injection treatment of nerve1333
    64620Injection treatment of nerve1333
    64622Destr paravertebrl nerve l/s1333
    64623Destr paravertebral n add-on1333
    64626Destr paravertebrl nerve c/t1333
    64627Destr paravertebral n add-on1333
    64630Injection treatment of nerve2446
    64680Injection treatment of nerve2446
    64702Revise finger/toe nerve1333
    64704Revise hand/foot nerve1333
    64708Revise arm/leg nerve2446
    64712Revision of sciatic nerve2446
    64713Revision of arm nerve(s)2446
    64714Revise low back nerve(s)2446
    64716Revision of cranial nerve3510
    Start Printed Page 15308
    64718Revise ulnar nerve at elbow2446
    64719Revise ulnar nerve at wrist2446
    64721Carpal tunnel surgery2446
    64722Relieve pressure on nerve(s)1333
    64726Release foot/toe nerve1333
    64727Internal nerve revision1333
    64732Incision of brow nerve2446
    64734Incision of cheek nerve2446
    64736Incision of chin nerve2446
    64738Incision of jaw nerve2446
    64740Incision of tongue nerve2446
    64742Incision of facial nerve2446
    64744Incise nerve, back of head2446
    64746Incise diaphragm nerve2446
    64771Sever cranial nerve2446
    64772Incision of spinal nerve2446
    64774Remove skin nerve lesion2446
    64776Remove digit nerve lesion3510
    64778Digit nerve surgery add-on2446
    64782Remove limb nerve lesion3510
    64783Limb nerve surgery add-on2446
    64784Remove nerve lesion3510
    64786Remove sciatic nerve lesion3510
    64787Implant nerve end2446
    64788Remove skin nerve lesion3510
    64790Removal of nerve lesion3510
    64792Removal of nerve lesion3510
    64795Biopsy of nerve2446
    64802Remove sympathetic nerves2446
    64821A*Remove sympathetic nerves4630
    64831Repair of digit nerve4630
    64832Repair nerve add-on1333
    64834Repair of hand or foot nerve2446
    64835Repair of hand or foot nerve3510
    64836Repair of hand or foot nerve3510
    64837Repair nerve add-on1333
    64840Repair of leg nerve2446
    64856Repair/transpose nerve2446
    64857Repair arm/leg nerve2446
    64858Repair sciatic nerve2446
    64859Nerve surgery1333
    64861Repair of arm nerves3510
    64862Repair of low back nerves3510
    64864Repair of facial nerve3510
    64865Repair of facial nerve4630
    64870Fusion of facial/other nerve4630
    64872Subsequent repair of nerve2446
    64874Repair & revise nerve add-on3510
    64876Repair nerve/shorten bone3510
    64885ANerve graft, head or neck2446
    64886ANerve graft, head or neck2446
    64890Nerve graft, hand or foot2446
    64891Nerve graft, hand or foot2446
    64892Nerve graft, arm or leg2446
    64893Nerve graft, arm or leg2446
    64895Nerve graft, hand or foot3510
    64896Nerve graft, hand or foot3510
    64897Nerve graft, arm or leg3510
    64898Nerve graft, arm or leg3510
    64901Nerve graft add-on2446
    64902Nerve graft add-on2446
    64905Nerve pedicle transfer2446
    64907Nerve pedicle transfer1333
    65091Revise eye3510
    65093Revise eye with implant3510
    65101Removal of eye3510
    65103Remove eye/insert implant3510
    65105Remove eye/attach implant4630
    65110Removal of eye5717
    65112Remove eye/revise socket7995
    65114Remove eye/revise socket7995
    65130Insert ocular implant3510
    Start Printed Page 15309
    65135Insert ocular implant2446
    65140Attach ocular implant3510
    65150Revise ocular implant2446
    65155Reinsert ocular implant3510
    65175Removal of ocular implant1333
    65235Remove foreign body from eye2446
    65260Remove foreign body from eye3510
    65265Remove foreign body from eye4630
    65270Repair of eye wound2446
    65272Repair of eye wound2446
    65275Repair of eye wound4630
    65280Repair of eye wound4630
    65285Repair of eye wound4630
    65290Repair of eye socket wound3510
    65400Removal of eye lesion1333
    65410Biopsy of cornea2446
    65420Removal of eye lesion2446
    65426Removal of eye lesion5717
    65710Corneal transplant7995
    65730Corneal transplant7995
    65750Corneal transplant7995
    65755Corneal transplant7995
    65770Revise cornea with implant7995
    65772ACorrection of astigmatism4630
    65775ACorrection of astigmatism4630
    65800Drainage of eye1333
    65805Drainage of eye1333
    65810Drainage of eye3510
    65815Drainage of eye2446
    65850Incision of eye4630
    65865Incise inner eye adhesions1333
    65870Incise inner eye adhesions4630
    65875Incise inner eye adhesions4630
    65880Incise inner eye adhesions4630
    65900Remove eye lesion5717
    65920Remove implant of eye7995
    65930Remove blood clot from eye5717
    66020Injection treatment of eye1333
    66030Injection treatment of eye1333
    66130Remove eye lesion7995
    66150Glaucoma surgery4630
    66155Glaucoma surgery4630
    66160Glaucoma surgery2446
    66165Glaucoma surgery4630
    66170Glaucoma surgery4630
    66172Incision of eye4630
    66180Implant eye shunt5717
    66185Revise eye shunt2446
    66220Repair eye lesion3510
    66225Repair/graft eye lesion4630
    66250Follow-up surgery of eye2446
    66500Incision of iris1333
    66505Incision of iris1333
    66600Remove iris and lesion3510
    66605Removal of iris3510
    66625Removal of iris3510
    66630Removal of iris3510
    66635Removal of iris3510
    66680Repair iris & ciliary body3510
    66682Repair iris & ciliary body2446
    66700Destruction, ciliary body2446
    66710Destruction, ciliary body2446
    66720Destruction, ciliary body2446
    66740Destruction, ciliary body2446
    66821After cataract laser surgery2446
    66825AReposition intraocular lens4630
    66830Removal of lens lesion4630
    66840Removal of lens material4630
    66850Removal of lens material7995
    66852Removal of lens material4630
    66920Extraction of lens4630
    66930Extraction of lens5717
    Start Printed Page 15310
    66940Extraction of lens5717
    66982Cataract surgery, complex8973
    66983Cataract surg w/iol, 1 stage8973
    66984Cataract surg w/iol, i stage8973
    66985Insert lens prosthesis6826
    66986Exchange lens prosthesis6826
    67005Partial removal of eye fluid4630
    67010Partial removal of eye fluid4630
    67015Release of eye fluid1333
    67025Replace eye fluid1333
    67027AImplant eye drug system4630
    67030Incise inner eye strands1333
    67031Laser surgery, eye strands2446
    67036Removal of inner eye fluid4630
    67038Strip retinal membrane5717
    67039Laser treatment of retina7995
    67040Laser treatment of retina7995
    67107Repair detached retina5717
    67108Repair detached retina7995
    67112Rerepair detached retina7995
    67115Release encircling material2446
    67120Remove eye implant material2446
    67121Remove eye implant material2446
    67141Treatment of retina2446
    67218Treatment of retinal lesion5717
    67227Treatment of retinal lesion1333
    67250Reinforce eye wall3510
    67255Reinforce/graft eye wall3510
    67311Revise eye muscle3510
    67312Revise two eye muscles4630
    67314Revise eye muscle4630
    67316Revise two eye muscles4630
    67318Revise eye muscle(s)4630
    67320Revise eye muscle(s) add-on4630
    67331Eye surgery follow-up add-on4630
    67332Rerevise eye muscles add-on4630
    67334ARevise eye muscle w/suture4630
    67335AEye suture during surgery4630
    67340Revise eye muscle add-on4630
    67350Biopsy eye muscle1333
    67400Explore/biopsy eye socket3510
    67405Explore/drain eye socket4630
    67412Explore/treat eye socket5717
    67413Explore/treat eye socket5717
    67415Aspiration, orbital contents1333
    67420Explore/treat eye socket5717
    67430Explore/treat eye socket5717
    67440Explore/drain eye socket5717
    67450Explore/biopsy eye socket5717
    67550Insert eye socket implant4630
    67560Revise eye socket implant2446
    67715Incision of eyelid fold1333
    67808Remove eyelid lesion(s)2446
    67830Revise eyelashes2446
    67835Revise eyelashes2446
    67880Revision of eyelid3510
    67882Revision of eyelid3510
    67900ARepair brow defect4630
    67901Repair eyelid defect5717
    67902Repair eyelid defect5717
    67903Repair eyelid defect4630
    67904Repair eyelid defect4630
    67906Repair eyelid defect5717
    67908Repair eyelid defect4630
    67909Revise eyelid defect4630
    67911Revise eyelid defect3510
    67914Repair eyelid defect3510
    67916Repair eyelid defect4630
    67917Repair eyelid defect4630
    67921Repair eyelid defect3510
    67923Repair eyelid defect4630
    67924Repair eyelid defect4630
    Start Printed Page 15311
    67935Repair eyelid wound2446
    67950Revision of eyelid2446
    67961Revision of eyelid3510
    67966Revision of eyelid3510
    67971Reconstruction of eyelid3510
    67973Reconstruction of eyelid3510
    67974Reconstruction of eyelid3510
    67975Reconstruction of eyelid3510
    68115ARemove eyelid lining lesion2446
    68130Remove eyelid lining lesion2446
    68320Revise/graft eyelid lining4630
    68325Revise/graft eyelid lining4630
    68326Revise/graft eyelid lining4630
    68328Revise/graft eyelid lining4630
    68330Revise eyelid lining4630
    68335Revise/graft eyelid lining4630
    68340Separate eyelid adhesions4630
    68360Revise eyelid lining2446
    68362Revise eyelid lining2446
    68500Removal of tear gland3510
    68505Partial removal, tear gland3510
    68510Biopsy of tear gland1333
    68520Removal of tear sac3510
    68525Biopsy of tear sac1333
    68540Remove tear gland lesion3510
    68550Remove tear gland lesion3510
    68700Repair tear ducts2446
    68720Create tear sac drain4630
    68745Create tear duct drain4630
    68750Create tear duct drain4630
    68770AClose tear system fistula4630
    68810Probe nasolacrimal duct1333
    68811Probe nasolacrimal duct2446
    68815Probe nasolacrimal duct2446
    69110Remove external ear, partial1333
    69120Removal of external ear2446
    69140Remove ear canal lesion(s)2446
    69145Remove ear canal lesion(s)2446
    69150Extensive ear canal surgery3510
    69205Clear outer ear canal1333
    69300ARevise external ear3510
    69310Rebuild outer ear canal3510
    69320Rebuild outer ear canal7995
    69421Incision of eardrum3510
    69424DRemove ventilating tube1333
    69436Create eardrum opening3510
    69440Exploration of middle ear3510
    69450Eardrum revision1333
    69505Remove mastoid structures7995
    69511Extensive mastoid surgery7995
    69530Extensive mastoid surgery7995
    69550Remove ear lesion5717
    69552Remove ear lesion7995
    69601Mastoid surgery revision7995
    69602Mastoid surgery revision7995
    69603Mastoid surgery revision7995
    69604Mastoid surgery revision7995
    69605Mastoid surgery revision7995
    69620Repair of eardrum2446
    69631Repair eardrum structures5717
    69632Rebuild eardrum structures5717
    69633Rebuild eardrum structures5717
    69635Repair eardrum structures7995
    69636Rebuild eardrum structures7995
    69637Rebuild eardrum structures7995
    69641Revise middle ear & mastoid7995
    69642Revise middle ear & mastoid7995
    69643Revise middle ear & mastoid7995
    69644Revise middle ear & mastoid7995
    69645Revise middle ear & mastoid7995
    Start Printed Page 15312
    69646Revise middle ear & mastoid7995
    69650Release middle ear bone7995
    69660Revise middle ear bone5717
    69661Revise middle ear bone5717
    69662Revise middle ear bone5717
    69666Repair middle ear structures4630
    69667Repair middle ear structures4630
    69670Remove mastoid air cells3510
    69676Remove middle ear nerve3510
    69700Close mastoid fistula3510
    69710DImplant/replace hearing aid3510
    69711Remove/repair hearing aid1333
    69714A*Implant temple bone w/stimul91339
    69715A*Temple bne implnt w/stimulat91339
    69717A*Temple bone implant revision91339
    69718A*Revise temple bone implant91339
    69720Release facial nerve5717
    69725Release facial nerve5717
    69740Repair facial nerve5717
    69745Repair facial nerve5717
    69801Incise inner ear5717
    69802Incise inner ear7995
    69805Explore inner ear7995
    69806Explore inner ear7995
    69820Establish inner ear window5717
    69840Revise inner ear window5717
    69905Remove inner ear7995
    69910Remove inner ear & mastoid7995
    69915Incise inner ear nerve7995
    69930Implant cochlear device7995
    G0105Colorectal scrn; hi risk ind2446
    G0121Colon ca scrn; barium enema2446
    G0260A*Inj for sacroiliac jt anesth1333
    “A”=Addition.  “A*”=For Comment.  “D”=Deletion.
    Note: CPT codes are copyright 2002 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved.
    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 03-7236 Filed 3-27-03; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4120-01-P

Document Information

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Entry Type:
Final rule with comment period.
Document Number:
15267-15312 (46 pages)
Docket Numbers:
0938-AM02: Update of the List of Covered Procedures for Ambulatory Surgical Centers (CMS-1885-FC)
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
42 CFR 416