C1-2023-04877. Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands; Final 2023 and 2024 Harvest Specifications for Groundfish
Start Preamble
In rule document 2023-04877 beginning on page 14926 in the issue of Friday, March 10, 2023, make the following corrections:
1. Table 1, beginning on page 14928, should appear as follows:
Table 1—Final 2023 Overfishing Level (OFL), Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC), Total Allowable Catch (TAC), Initial TAC (ITAC), CDQ Reserve Allocation, and Non-Specified Reserves of Groundfish in the BSAI 1
[Amounts are in metric tons]
Species Area 2023 OFL ABC TAC ITAC 2 CDQ 3 Nonspecified reserves Pollock 4 BS 3,381,000 1,910,000 1,300,000 1,170,000 130,000 AI 52,383 43,413 19,000 17,100 1,900 Bogoslof 115,146 86,360 300 300 Pacific cod 5 BS 172,495 144,834 127,409 113,776 13,633 AI 18,416 13,812 8,425 7,524 901 Sablefish 6 Alaska-wide 47,390 40,502 n/a n/a n/a BS n/a 8,417 7,996 6,597 1,099 300 AI n/a 8,884 8,440 6,858 1,424 158 Yellowfin sole BSAI 404,882 378,499 230,000 205,390 24,610 Greenland turbot BSAI 4,645 3,960 3,960 3,366 n/a BS n/a 3,338 3,338 2,837 357 144 AI n/a 622 622 529 93 Arrowtooth flounder BSAI 98,787 83,852 15,000 12,750 1,605 645 Kamchatka flounder BSAI 8,946 7,579 7,579 6,442 1,137 Rock sole 7 BSAI 166,034 121,719 66,000 58,938 7,062 Flathead sole 8 BSAI 79,256 65,344 35,500 31,702 3,799 Alaska plaice BSAI 40,823 33,946 17,500 14,875 2,625 Other flatfish 9 BSAI 22,919 17,189 4,500 3,825 675 Pacific ocean perch BSAI 50,133 42,038 37,703 33,157 n/a BS n/a 11,903 11,903 10,118 1,785 EAI n/a 8,152 8,152 7,280 872 CAI n/a 5,648 5,648 5,044 604 WAI n/a 16,335 12,000 10,716 1,284 Northern rockfish BSAI 22,776 18,687 11,000 9,350 1,650 Blackspotted/Rougheye rockfish 10 BSAI 703 525 525 446 79 BS/EAI n/a 359 359 305 54 CAI/WAI n/a 166 166 141 25 Shortraker rockfish BSAI 706 530 530 451 80 Other rockfish 11 BSAI 1,680 1,260 1,260 1,071 189 BS n/a 880 880 748 132 AI n/a 380 380 323 57 Atka mackerel BSAI 118,787 98,588 69,282 61,869 7,413 BS/EAI n/a 43,281 27,260 24,343 2,917 CAI n/a 17,351 17,351 15,494 1,857 WAI n/a 37,956 24,671 22,031 2,640 Skates BSAI 46,220 38,605 27,441 23,325 4,116 Sharks BSAI 689 450 250 213 38 Octopuses BSAI 4,769 3,576 400 340 60 Total 4,859,585 3,155,268 2,000,000 1,789,662 196,564 13,773 Note: Regulatory areas and districts are defined at § 679.2 (BSAI=Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area, BS=Bering Sea subarea, AI=Aleutian Islands subarea, EAI=Eastern Aleutian district, CAI=Central Aleutian district, WAI=Western Aleutian district). 1 These amounts apply to the entire BSAI management area unless otherwise specified. With the exception of pollock, and for the purpose of these harvest specifications, the Bering Sea subarea (BS) includes the Bogoslof District. Start Printed Page 18259 2 Except for pollock, the portion of the sablefish TAC allocated to fixed gear, and Amendment 80 species (Atka mackerel, yellowfin sole, rock sole, flathead sole, Pacific cod, and Aleutian Islands Pacific ocean perch), 15 percent of each TAC is placed into a non-specified reserve (§ 679.20(b)(1)(i)). The ITAC for these species is the remainder of the TAC after the subtraction of these reserves. For pollock and Amendment 80 species, ITAC is the non-CDQ allocation of TAC (see footnotes 3 and 4). 3 For the Amendment 80 species (Atka mackerel, flathead sole, rock sole, yellowfin sole, Pacific cod, and Aleutian Islands Pacific ocean perch), 10.7 percent of the TAC is reserved for use by CDQ participants (see §§ 679.20(b)(1)(ii)(C)). 20 percent of the sablefish TAC allocated to fixed gear, 7.5 percent of the sablefish TAC allocated to trawl gear, and 10.7 percent of the TACs for Bering Sea Greenland turbot and arrowtooth flounder are reserved for use by CDQ participants (see § 679.20(b)(1)(ii)(B) and (D)). Aleutian Islands Greenland turbot, “other flatfish,” Alaska plaice, Bering Sea Pacific ocean perch, Kamchatka flounder, northern rockfish, shortraker rockfish, blackspotted/rougheye rockfish, “other rockfish,” skates, sharks, and octopuses are not allocated to the CDQ program. 4 Under § 679.20(a)(5)(i)(A), the annual BS pollock TAC, after subtracting first for the CDQ directed fishing allowance (10 percent) and second for the incidental catch allowance (50,000 mt), is further allocated by sector for a pollock directed fishery as follows: inshore—50 percent; catcher/processor—40 percent; and motherships—10 percent. Under § 679.20(a)(5)(iii)(B)( 2), the annual AI pollock TAC, after subtracting first for the CDQ directed fishing allowance (10 percent) and second for the incidental catch allowance (2,500 mt), is allocated to the Aleut Corporation for a pollock directed fishery. 5 The BS Pacific cod TAC is set to account for the 12 percent, plus 45 mt, of the BS ABC for the State of Alaska's (State) guideline harvest level in State waters of the BS. The AI Pacific cod TAC is set to account for 39 percent of the AI ABC for the State guideline harvest level in State waters of the AI. 6 The sablefish OFL and ABC are Alaska-wide and include the Gulf of Alaska. The Alaska-wide sablefish OFL and ABC are included in the total OFL and ABC. The BS and AI sablefish TACs are set to account for the 5 percent of the BS and AI ABC for the State of Alaska's (State) guideline harvest level in State waters of the BS and AI. 7 “Rock sole” includes Lepidopsetta polyxystra (Northern rock sole) and Lepidopsetta bilineata (Southern rock sole). 8 “Flathead sole” includes Hippoglossoides elassodon (flathead sole) and Hippoglossoides robustus (Bering flounder). 9 “Other flatfish” includes all flatfish species, except for halibut (a prohibited species), Alaska plaice, arrowtooth flounder, flathead sole, Greenland turbot, Kamchatka flounder, rock sole, and yellowfin sole. 10 “Blackspotted/Rougheye rockfish” includes Sebastes melanostictus (blackspotted) and Sebastes aleutianus (rougheye). 11 “Other rockfish” includes all Sebastes and Sebastolobus species except for dark rockfish, Pacific ocean perch, northern rockfish, blackspotted/rougheye rockfish, and shortraker rockfish. 2. Table 2, beginning on page 14930, should appear as follows:
Table 2—Final 2024 Overfishing Level (OFL), Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC), Total Allowable Catch (TAC), Initial TAC (ITAC), CDQ Reserve Allocation, and Non-Specified Reserves of Groundfish in the BSAI 1
[Amounts are in metric tons]
Species Area 2024 OFL ABC TAC ITAC 2 CDQ 3 Nonspecified reserves Pollock 4 BS 4,639,000 2,275,000 1,302,000 1,171,800 130,200 AI 52,043 43,092 19,000 17,100 1,900 Bogoslof 115,146 86,360 300 300 Pacific cod 5 BS 166,814 140,159 123,295 110,102 13,193 AI 18,416 13,812 8,425 7,524 901 Sablefish 6 Alaska-wide 48,561 41,539 n/a n/a n/a BS n/a 10,185 9,676 4,112 363 363 AI n/a 10,308 9,793 2,081 184 184 Yellowfin sole BSAI 495,155 462,890 230,656 205,976 24,680 Greenland turbot BSAI 3,947 3,364 3,364 2,859 n/a BS n/a 2,836 2,836 2,411 303 122 AI n/a 528 528 449 79 Arrowtooth flounder BSAI 103,070 87,511 15,000 12,750 1,605 645 Kamchatka flounder BSAI 8,776 7,435 7,435 6,320 1,115 Rock sole 7 BSAI 196,011 119,969 66,000 58,938 7,062 Flathead sole 8 BSAI 81,167 66,927 35,500 31,702 3,799 Alaska plaice BSAI 43,328 36,021 18,000 15,300 2,700 Other flatfish 9 BSAI 22,919 17,189 4,500 3,825 675 Pacific ocean perch BSAI 49,279 41,322 38,264 33,667 n/a BS n/a 11,700 11,700 9,945 1,755 EAI n/a 8,013 8,013 7,156 857 CAI n/a 5,551 5,551 4,957 594 WAI n/a 16,058 13,000 11,609 1,391 Northern rockfish BSAI 22,105 18,135 11,000 9,350 1,650 Blackspotted/Rougheye rockfish 10 BSAI 763 570 570 485 86 BS/EAI n/a 388 388 330 58 CAI/WAI n/a 182 182 155 27 Shortraker rockfish BSAI 706 530 530 451 80 Other rockfish 11 BSAI 1,680 1,260 1,260 1,071 189 BS n/a 880 880 748 132 AI n/a 380 380 323 57 Atka mackerel BSAI 101,188 86,464 66,855 59,702 7,153 EAI/BS n/a 37,958 30,000 26,790 3,210 CAI n/a 15,218 15,218 13,590 1,628 WAI n/a 33,288 21,637 19,322 2,315 Skates BSAI 44,168 36,837 27,927 23,738 4,189 Sharks BSAI 689 450 250 213 38 Start Printed Page 18260 Octopuses BSAI 4,769 3,576 400 340 60 Total 6,219,700 3,590,412 2,000,000 1,779,703 194,185 13,928 Note: Regulatory areas and districts are defined at § 679.2 (BSAI=Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area, BS=Bering Sea subarea, AI=Aleutian Islands subarea, EAI=Eastern Aleutian district, CAI=Central Aleutian district, WAI=Western Aleutian district). 1 These amounts apply to the entire BSAI management area unless otherwise specified. With the exception of pollock, and for the purpose of these harvest specifications, the Bering Sea subarea (BS) includes the Bogoslof District. 2 Except for pollock, the portion of the sablefish TAC allocated to fixed gear, and Amendment 80 species (Atka mackerel, flathead sole, rock sole, yellowfin sole, Pacific cod, and Aleutian Islands Pacific ocean perch), 15 percent of each TAC is put into a non-specified reserve (§ 679.20(b)(1)(i)). The ITAC for these species is the remainder of the TAC after the subtraction of these reserves. For pollock and Amendment 80 species, ITAC is the non-CDQ allocation of TAC (see footnotes 3 and 4). 3 For the Amendment 80 species (Atka mackerel, flathead sole, rock sole, yellowfin sole, Pacific cod, and Aleutian Islands Pacific ocean perch), 10.7 percent of the TAC is reserved for use by CDQ participants (see §§ 679.20(b)(1)(ii)(C)). 20 percent of the sablefish TAC allocated to fixed gear, 7.5 percent of the sablefish TAC allocated to trawl gear, and 10.7 percent of the TACs for Bering Sea Greenland turbot and arrowtooth flounder are reserved for use by CDQ participants (see § 679.20(b)(1)(ii)(B) and (D)). The 2024 fixed gear portion of the sablefish ITAC and CDQ reserve will not be specified until the final 2024 and 2025 harvest specifications. Aleutian Islands Greenland turbot, “other flatfish,” Alaska plaice, Bering Sea Pacific ocean perch, Kamchatka flounder, northern rockfish, shortraker rockfish, blackspotted/rougheye rockfish, “other rockfish,” skates, sharks, and octopuses are not allocated to the CDQ program. 4 Under § 679.20(a)(5)(i)(A), the annual BS pollock TAC, after subtracting first for the CDQ directed fishing allowance (10 percent) and second for the incidental catch allowance (50,000 mt), is further allocated by sector for a pollock directed fishery as follows: inshore—50 percent; catcher/processor—40 percent; and motherships—10 percent. Under § 679.20(a)(5)(iii)(B)( 2), the annual AI pollock TAC, after subtracting first for the CDQ directed fishing allowance (10 percent) and second for the incidental catch allowance (2,500 mt), is allocated to the Aleut Corporation for a pollock directed fishery. 5 The BS Pacific cod TAC is set to account for the 12 percent, plus 45 mt, of the BS ABC for the State of Alaska's (State) guideline harvest level in State waters of the BS. The AI Pacific cod TAC is set to account for 39 percent of the AI ABC for the State guideline harvest level in State waters of the AI. 6 The sablefish OFL and ABC are Alaska-wide and include the Gulf of Alaska. The Alaska-wide sablefish OFL and ABC are included in the total OFL and ABC. The BS and AI sablefish TACs are set to account for the 5 percent of the BS and AI ABC for the State of Alaska's (State) guideline harvest level in State waters of the BS and AI. 7 “Rock sole” includes Lepidopsetta polyxystra (Northern rock sole) and Lepidopsetta bilineata (Southern rock sole). 8 “Flathead sole” includes Hippoglossoides elassodon (flathead sole) and Hippoglossoides robustus (Bering flounder). 9 “Other flatfish” includes all flatfish species, except for halibut (a prohibited species), Alaska plaice, arrowtooth flounder, flathead sole, Greenland turbot, Kamchatka flounder, rock sole, and yellowfin sole. 10 “Blackspotted/Rougheye rockfish” includes Sebastes melanostictus (blackspotted) and Sebastes aleutianu s (rougheye). 11 “Other rockfish” includes all Sebastes and Sebastolobus species except for dark rockfish, Pacific ocean perch, northern rockfish, blackspotted/rougheye rockfish, and shortraker rockfish. 3. Table 8, appearing on page 14937, should appear as follows:
Table 8—Final 2023 Sector Allocations and Seasonal Allowances of the BSAI Pacific Cod TAC
[Amounts are in metric tons]
Sector Percent 2023 share of total 2023 share of sector total 2023 seasonal apportionment Season Amount BS TAC n/a 127,409 n/a n/a n/a BS CDQ n/a 13,633 n/a see § 679.20(a)(7)(i)(B) n/a BS non-CDQ TAC n/a 113,776 n/a n/a n/a AI TAC n/a 8,425 n/a n/a n/a AI CDQ n/a 901 n/a see § 679.20(a)(7)(i)(B) n/a AI non-CDQ TAC n/a 7,524 n/a n/a n/a Area 543 Western Aleutian Island Limit n/a 2,233 n/a n/a n/a Total BSAI non-CDQ TAC 1 100 121,300 n/a n/a n/a Total hook-and-line/pot gear 60.8 73,750 n/a n/a n/a Hook-and-line/pot ICA 2 n/a 500 n/a see § 679.20(a)(7)(ii)(B) n/a Hook-and-line/pot sub-total n/a 73,250 n/a n/a n/a Hook-and-line catcher/processor 48.7 n/a 58,672 Jan 1-Jun 10 29,923 Jun 10-Dec 31 28,750 Hook-and-line catcher vessel ≥60 ft LOA 0.2 n/a 241 Jan 1-Jun 10 123 Jun 10-Dec 31 118 Pot catcher/processor 1.5 n/a 1,807 Jan 1-Jun 10 922 Sept 1-Dec 31 886 Pot catcher vessel ≥60 ft LOA 8.4 n/a 10,120 Jan 1-Jun 10 5,161 Sept 1-Dec 31 4,959 Catcher vessel <60 ft LOA using hook-and-line or pot gear 2.0 n/a 2,410 n/a n/a Start Printed Page 18261 Trawl catcher vessel 22.1 26,807 n/a Jan 20-Apr 1 19,837 Apr 1-Jun 10 2,949 Jun 10-Nov 1 4,021 AFA trawl catcher/processor 2.3 2,790 n/a Jan 20-Apr 1 2,092 Apr 1-Jun 10 697 Jun 10-Nov 1 Amendment 80 13.4 16,254 n/a Jan 20-Apr 1 12,191 Apr 1-Jun 10 4,064 Jun 10-Dec 31 Jig 1.4 1,698 n/a Jan 1-Apr 30 1,019 Apr 30-Aug 31 340 Aug 31-Dec 31 340 Note: Seasonal or sector apportionments may not total precisely due to rounding. 1 The sector allocations and seasonal allowances for BSAI Pacific cod TAC are based on the sum of the BS and AI Pacific cod TACs, after the subtraction of the reserves for the CDQ program. If the TAC for Pacific cod in either the AI or BS is or will be reached, then directed fishing for non-CDQ Pacific cod in that subarea will be prohibited, even if a BSAI allowance remains (§ 679.20(d)(1)(iii)). 2 The ICA for the hook-and-line and pot sectors will be deducted from the aggregate portion of Pacific cod TAC allocated to the hook-and-line and pot sectors. The Regional Administrator approves an ICA of 500 mt for 2023 based on anticipated incidental catch by these sectors in other fisheries. 4. Table 9, beginning on page 14937, should appear as follows:
End PreambleTable 9—Final 2024 Sector Allocations and Seasonal Allowances of the BSAI Pacific Cod TAC
[Amounts are in metric tons]
Sector Percent 2024 share total 2024 share of sector total 2024 seasonal apportionment Season Amount BS TAC n/a 123,295 n/a n/a n/a BS CDQ n/a 13,193 n/a see § 679.20(a)(7)(i)(B) n/a BS non-CDQ TAC n/a 110,102 n/a n/a n/a AI TAC n/a 8,425 n/a n/a n/a AI CDQ n/a 901 n/a see § 679.20(a)(7)(i)(B) n/a AI non-CDQ TAC n/a 7,524 n/a n/a n/a Area 543 Western Aleutian Island Limit n/a 2,233 n/a n/a n/a Total BSAI non-CDQ TAC 1 n/a 117,626 n/a n/a n/a Total hook-and-line/pot gear 60.8 71,517 n/a n/a n/a Hook-and-line/pot ICA 2 n/a 500 n/a see § 679.20(a)(7)(ii)(B) n/a Hook-and-line/pot sub-total n/a 71,017 n/a n/a n/a Hook-and-line catcher/processor 48.7 n/a 56,883 Jan 1-Jun 10 29,011 Jun 10-Dec 31 27,873 Hook-and-line catcher vessel ≥60 ft LOA 0.2 n/a 234 Jan 1-Jun 10 119 Jun 10-Dec 31 114 Pot catcher/processor 1.5 n/a 1,752 Jan 1-Jun 10 894 Sept 1-Dec 31 859 Pot catcher vessel ≥60 ft LOA 8.4 n/a 9,812 Jan 1-Jun 10 5,004 Sept 1-Dec 31 4,808 Catcher vessel <60 ft LOA using hook-and-line or pot gear 2.0 n/a 2,336 n/a n/a Trawl catcher vessel 22.1 25,995 n/a Jan 20-Apr 1 19,237 Apr 1-Jun 10 2,859 Jun 10-Nov 1 3,899 AFA trawl catcher/processor 2.3 2,705 n/a Jan 20-Apr 1 2,029 Apr 1-Jun 10 676 Jun 10-Nov 1 Amendment 80 13.4 15,762 n/a Jan 20-Apr 1 11,821 Apr 1-Jun 10 3,940 Jun 10-Dec 31 Jig 1.4 1,647 n/a Jan 1-Apr 30 988 Apr 30-Aug 31 329 Aug 31-Dec 31 329 Note: Seasonal or sector apportionments may not total precisely due to rounding. 1 The sector allocations and seasonal allowances for BSAI Pacific cod TAC are based on the sum of the BS and AI Pacific cod TACs, after the subtraction of the reserves for the CDQ program. If the TAC for Pacific cod in either the AI or BS is or will be reached, then directed fishing for non-CDQ Pacific cod in that subarea will be prohibited, even if a BSAI allowance remains (§ 679.20(d)(1)(iii)). Start Printed Page 18262 2 The ICA for the hook-and-line and pot sectors will be deducted from the aggregate portion of Pacific cod TAC allocated to the hook-and-line and pot sectors. The Regional Administrator approves an ICA of 500 mt for 2024 based on anticipated incidental catch by these sectors in other fisheries. [FR Doc. C1-2023-04877 Filed 3-27-23; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 03/28/2023
- Department:
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Entry Type:
- Rule
- Document Number:
- C1-2023-04877
- Pages:
- 18258-18262 (5 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- Docket No. 230306-0065
- PDF File:
- c1-2023-04877.pdf
- CFR: (1)
- 50 CFR 679