94-7374. Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 1994; U.S. Postal Service's Filing of Proposed Postal Rate and Fee Changes; Ruling on Motion for Settlement Conference; and Order Concerning Related Commission Proceedings; Correction  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 61 (Wednesday, March 30, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-7374]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: March 30, 1994]
    [Docket No. R94-1; Order No. 1007]
    Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 1994; U.S. Postal Service's Filing 
    of Proposed Postal Rate and Fee Changes; Ruling on Motion for 
    Settlement Conference; and Order Concerning Related Commission 
    Proceedings; Correction
    AGENCY: Postal Rate Commission.
    ACTION: Correction.
    SUMMARY: In FR Document 94-6473 appearing at pages 12996 thru 13016 in 
    the issue of Friday, March 18, 1994, several pages of rate schedules 
    were omitted from Attachment A, due to an error in photocopying. 
    Attachment A beginning at page 12998 thru 13016 should be replaced with 
    the following attachment.
        Dated: March 24, 1994.
    Charles L. Clapp,
    Attachment A--Present and Proposed Rates of Postage and Fees for Postal 
                      Rate Schedule 100.--First-Class Mail                  
                                                   Current        Proposed  
         Mail and type postage rate unit       rates\1\(cents)      rates   
    (1)(2)                                              (3)            (4)  
        First ounce:                                                        
          Basic..............................            29             32  
          ZIP + 4 Letters....................      \2\\3\27.6           30.5
          Pre-barcoded Flats\9\..............            26.7           29.5
      Nonstandard surcharge..................            10             11  
      Additional ounces \4\..................            23             25  
      First ounce; 3 and 5 Digit:\6\                                        
          Basic..............................            24.8           27.4
          ZIP + 4 Letters\3\.................            24.2           26.7
          Pre-barcoded Letters--3 Digit......            23.9           26.4
          Pre-barcoded Letters--5 Digit......            23.3           25.7
          Pre-barcoded Flats--3/5 Digit......            23.3           25.7
          Carrier Route\7\...................            23             25.4
      Nonstandard surcharge..................             5              6  
      Additional ounces\4\...................            23             25  
          Basic..............................            19             21  
          ZIP + 4 \2\\3\.....................            18             19.9
          Pre-barcode\8\.....................            17.7           19.6
        3 and 5 Digit:\6\                                                   
          Basic..............................            17             18.8
          ZIP + 4\3\.........................            16.4           18.1
          Pre-barcode--3 Digit...............            16.1           17.8
          Pre-barcode--5 Digit...............            15.5           17.1
          Carrier Route\7\...................            15.2           16.8 
    \1\The 5-digit presort rate applies only to each piece of group of ten  
      or more pieces destined for the same 5-Digit ZIP Code or each piece of
      a group of 50 or more pieces destined for the same 3-digit ZIP Code.  
      The lower carrier route rate applies only to mail presorted to carrier
      route, with a minimum of 10 pieces per route. A mailing fee of $85    
      must be paid once each year at each office of mailing by any person   
      who mails presorted First-Class Mail. The fee for mailers allows usage
      of either or both of these rates.                                     
    \2\Nonpresorted ZIP + 4 mail must be properly prepared and submitted in 
      mailings of at least 250 pieces.                                      
    \3\ZIP + 4 mail must be properly prepared and submitted in a single     
      mailing of at least 250 pieces, except where the presort minimum of   
      500 applies. ZIP + 4 rates are not available for carrier route presort
    \4\Rate applies through 11 ounces. Heavier pieces are subject to        
      Priority Mail rates.                                                  
    \5\For presorted mailings weighing more than 2 ounces, subtract 4.6     
      cents per piece.                                                      
    \6\Mail presorted to ZIP Code and prepared in mailings of 500 pieces or 
      more as prescribed by the Postal Service.                             
    \7\Mail presorted to carrier route and prepared in mailings of 500      
      pieces or more as prescribed by the Postal Service.                   
    \8\Nonpresorted and pre-barcoded cards must be properly prepared and    
      submitted in mailings of at least 250 pieces.                         
    \9\Nonpresorted pre-barcoded flat mail must be properly prepared and    
      submitted in mailings of at least 250 pieces.                         
                                  Rate Schedule 103.--Priority Mail* (Dollars) Current                              
       Weight not                                                 Zones                                             
        exceeding    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        (pounds)        Local 1, 2,                                                                                 
                          and 3             4               5               6               7               8       
    2...............            2.90            2.90            2.90            2.90            2.90            2.90
    3...............            4.10            4.10            4.10            4.10            4.10            4.10
    4...............            4.65            4.65            4.65            4.65            4.65            4.65
    5...............            5.45            5.45            5.45            5.45            5.45            5.45
    6...............            5.55            5.75            6.10            6.85            7.65            8.60
    7...............            5.70            6.10            6.70            7.55            8.50            9.65
    8...............            5.90            6.50            7.30            8.30            9.40           10.70
    9...............            6.10            7.00            7.95            9.05           10.25           11.75
    10..............            6.35            7.55            8.55            9.80           11.15           12.80
    11..............            6.75            8.05            9.20           10.55           12.05           13.80
    12..............            7.15            8.55            9.80           11.30           12.90           14.85
    13..............            7.50            9.10           10.40           12.05           13.80           15.90
    14..............            7.90            9.60           11.05           12.80           14.65           16.95
    15..............            8.30           10.10           11.65           13.55           15.55           18.00
    16..............            8.70           10.65           12.30           14.30           16.45           19.05
    17..............            9.10           11.15           12.90           15.05           17.30           20.10
    18..............            9.50           11.65           13.55           15.80           18.20           21.10
    19..............            9.90           12.20           14.15           16.50           19.05           22.15
    20..............           10.30           12.70           14.75           17.25           19.95           23.20
    21..............           10.70           13.25           15.40           18.00           20.85           24.25
    22..............           11.10           13.75           16.00           18.75           21.70           25.30
    23..............           11.50           14.25           16.65           19.50           22.60           26.35
    24..............           11.90           14.80           17.25           20.25           23.45           27.40
    25..............           12.30           15.30           17.90           21.00           24.35           28.45
    26..............           12.70           15.80           18.50           21.75           25.25           29.45
    27..............           13.10           16.35           19.10           22.50           26.10           30.50
    28..............           13.50           16.85           19.75           23.25           27.00           31.55
    29..............           13.90           17.35           20.35           24.00           27.85           32.60
    30..............           14.30           17.90           21.00           24.75           28.75           33.65
    31..............           14.70           18.40           21.60           25.50           29.65           34.70
    32..............           15.10           18.95           22.20           26.20           30.50           35.75
    33..............           15.50           19.45           22.85           26.95           31.40           36.75
    34..............           15.90           19.95           23.45           27.70           32.25           37.80
    35..............           16.30           20.50           24.10           28.45           33.15           38.85
    36..............           16.70           21.00           24.70           29.20           34.05           39.90
    37..............           17.10           21.50           25.35           29.95           34.90           40.95
    38..............           17.45           22.05           25.95           30.70           35.80           42.00
    39..............           17.85           22.55           26.55           31.45           36.65           43.05
    40..............           18.25           23.05           27.20           32.20           37.55           44.05
    41..............           18.65           23.60           27.80           32.95           38.45           45.10
    42..............           19.05           24.10           28.45           33.70           39.30           46.15
    43..............           19.45           24.60           29.05           34.45           40.20           47.20
    44..............           19.85           25.15           29.65           35.15           41.05           48.25
    45..............           20.25           25.65           30.30           35.90           41.95           49.30
    46..............           20.65           26.20           30.90           36.65           42.85           50.35
    47..............           21.05           26.70           31.55           37.40           43.70           51.35
    48..............           21.45           27.20           32.15           38.15           44.60           52.40
    49..............           21.85           27.75           32.80           38.90           45.45           53.45
    50..............           22.25           28.25           33.40           39.65           46.35           54.50
    51..............           22.65           28.75           34.00           40.40           47.25           55.55
    52..............           23.05           29.30           34.65           41.15           48.10           56.60
    53..............           23.45           29.80           35.25           41.90           49.00           57.65
    54..............           23.85           30.30           35.90           42.65           49.85           58.65
    55..............           24.25           30.85           36.50           43.40           50.75           59.70
    56..............           24.65           31.35           37.15           44.15           51.65           60.75
    57..............           25.05           31.90           37.75           44.85           52.50           61.80
    58..............           25.45           32.40           38.35           45.60           53.40           62.85
    59..............           25.85           32.90           39.00           46.35           54.25           63.90
    60..............           26.25           33.45           39.60           47.10           55.15           64.95
    61..............           26.65           33.95           40.25           47.85           56.05           65.95
    62..............           27.05           34.45           40.85           48.60           56.90           67.00
    63..............           27.40           35.00           41.45           49.35           57.80           68.05
    64..............           27.80           35.50           42.10           50.10           58.65           69.10
    65..............           28.20           36.00           42.70           50.85           59.55           70.15
    66..............           28.60           36.55           43.35           51.60           60.45           71.20
    67..............           29.00           37.05           43.95           52.35           61.30           72.25
    68..............           29.40           37.55           44.60           53.10           62.20           73.25
    69..............           29.80           38.10           45.20           53.80           63.05           74.30
    70..............           30.20           38.60           45.80           54.55           63.95          75.35 
    Notes*: \1\The 2-pound rate is charged for matter sent in a ``flat rate'' envelope provided by the Postal       
    \2\Add $4.50 for each pickup stop.                                                                              
    \3\Pieces presented in mailings of at least 300 pieces and meeting applicable Postal Service regulations for    
      presorted Priority Mail receive a 10-cent per piece discount.                                                 
    \4\Exception: Parcels weighing less than 15 pounds, measuring over 84 inches in length and girth combined, are  
      chargeable with a minimum rate equal to that for a 15-pound parcel for the zone to which addressed.           
                                 Rate Schedule 103.--Priority Mail* (Dollars) Proposed                              
       Weight not                                                 Zones                                             
        exceeding    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        (pounds)        Local 1, 2,                                                                                 
                           and 3             4               5               6               7               8      
    2...............            3.20            3.20            3.20            3.20            3.20            3.20
    3...............            4.50            4.50            4.50            4.50            4.50            4.50
    4...............            5.15            5.15            5.15            5.15            5.15            5.15
    5...............            6.00            6.00            6.00            6.00            6.00            6.00
    6...............            6.10            6.35            6.75            7.55            8.45            9.50
    7...............            6.30            6.75            7.40            8.35            9.40           10.65
    8...............            6.50            7.15            8.05            9.15           10.35           11.80
    9...............            6.75            7.70            8.75           10.00           11.30           12.95
    10..............            7.00            8.35            9.45           10.80           12.30           14.10
    11..............            7.45            8.90           10.15           11.65           13.30           15.20
    12..............            7.90            9.45           10.80           12.45           14.25           16.40
    13..............            8.25           10.05           11.45           13.30           15.20           17.55
    14..............            8.70           10.60           12.20           14.10           16.15           18.70
    15..............            9.15           11.15           12.85           14.95           17.15           19.85
    16..............            9.60           11.75           13.55           15.75           18.15           21.00
    17..............           10.05           12.30           14.25           16.60           19.10           22.15
    18..............           10.50           12.85           14.95           17.45           20.05           23.25
    19..............           10.90           13.45           15.60           18.20           21.00           24.45
    20..............           11.35           14.00           16.25           19.05           22.00           25.60
    21..............           11.80           14.60           17.00           19.85           23.00           26.75
    22..............           12.25           15.15           17.65           20.70           23.95           27.90
    23..............           12.70           15.70           18.35           21.50           24.95           29.05
    24..............           13.15           16.30           19.05           22.35           25.85           30.20
    25..............           13.55           16.90           19.75           23.15           26.85           31.40
    26..............           14.00           17.45           20.40           24.00           27.85           32.50
    27..............           14.45           18.05           21.05           24.80           28.80           33.65
    28..............           14.90           18.60           21.80           25.65           29.80           34.80
    29..............           15.35           19.15           22.45           26.45           30.70           35.95
    30..............           15.75           19.75           23.15           27.30           31.70           37.10
    31..............           16.20           20.30           23.80           28.15           32.70           38.25
    32..............           16.65           20.90           24.50           28.90           33.65           39.45
    33..............           17.10           21.45           25.20           29.75           34.65           40.55
    34..............           17.55           22.00           25.85           30.55           35.55           41.70
    35..............           18.00           22.60           26.60           31.40           36.55           42.85
    36..............           18.40           23.15           27.25           32.20           37.55           44.00
    37..............           18.85           23.70           27.95           33.05           38.50           45.15
    38..............           19.25           24.30           28.60           33.85           39.50           46.35
    39..............           19.70           24.85           29.30           34.70           40.40           47.50
    40..............           20.15           25.40           30.00           35.50           41.40           48.60
    41..............           20.55           26.05           30.65           36.35           42.40           49.75
    42..............           21.00           26.60           31.40           37.15           43.35           50.90
    43..............           21.45           27.15           32.05           38.00           44.35           52.05
    44..............           21.90           27.75           32.70           38.75           45.30           53.20
    45..............           22.35           28.30           33.40           39.60           46.25           54.40
    46..............           22.80           28.90           34.10           40.40           47.25           55.55
    47..............           23.20           29.45           34.80           41.25           48.20           56.65
    48..............           23.65           30.00           35.45           42.10           49.20           57.80
    49..............           24.10           30.60           36.20           42.90           50.15           58.95
    50..............           24.55           31.15           36.85           43.75           51.10           60.10
    51..............           25.00           31.70           37.50           44.55           52.10           61.25
    52..............           25.40           32.30           38.20           45.40           53.05           62.45
    53..............           25.85           32.85           38.90           46.20           54.05           63.60
    54..............           26.30           33.40           39.60           47.05           55.00           64.70
    55..............           26.75           34.05           40.25           47.85           56.00           65.85
    56..............           27.20           34.60           41.00           48.70           56.95           67.00
    57..............           27.65           35.20           41.65           49.45           57.90           68.15
    58..............           28.05           35.75           42.30           50.30           58.90           69.30
    59..............           28.50           36.30           43.00           51.10           59.85           70.50
    60..............           28.95           36.90           43.70           51.95           60.85           71.65
    61..............           29.40           37.45           44.40           52.80           61.80           72.75
    62..............           29.85           38.00           45.05           53.60           62.75           73.90
    63..............           30.20           38.60           45.70           54.45           63.75           75.05
    64..............           30.65           39.15           46.45           55.25           64.70           76.20
    65..............           31.10           39.70           47.10           56.10           65.70           77.40
    66..............           31.55           40.30           47.80           56.90           66.70           78.55
    67..............           32.00           40.85           48.50           57.75           67.60           79.70
    68..............           32.45           41.40           49.20           58.55           68.60           80.80
    69..............           32.85           42.00           49.85           59.35           69.55           81.95
    70..............           33.30           42.60           50.50           60.15           70.55          83.10 
    \1\The 2-pound rate is charged for matter sent in a `flat rate' envelope provided by the Postal Service.        
    \2\Add $4.95 for each pickup stop.                                                                              
    \3\Pieces presented in mailings of at least 300 pieces and meeting applicable Postal Service regulations for    
      presorted Priority Mail receive a 11-cent per piece discount.                                                 
    \4\Exception: Parcels weighing less than 15 pounds, measuring over 84 inches in length and girth combined, are  
      chargeable with a minimum rate equal to that for a 15-pound parcel for the zone to which addressed.           
                 Rate Schedule 200.--Second-Class Mail: Regular Rate Publications, Outside County\1\\2\             
                                                                            Postage rate   -------------------------
                                                                                unit          Current      Proposed 
                                                                                              (cents)      (cents)  
    Per Pound:                                                                                                      
        Nonadvertising Portion..........................................  Pound...........         14.7         16.2
          Advertising Portion:                                                                                      
            Delivery Office\4\..........................................  Pound...........         16.8         18.5
            SCF\5\......................................................  Pound...........         17.8         19.6
            1 and 2.....................................................  Pound...........         19.6         21.6
            3...........................................................  Pound...........         20.4         22.5
            4...........................................................  Pound...........         22.4         24.7
            5...........................................................  Pound...........         25.8         28.5
            6...........................................................  Pound...........         29.2         32.2
            7...........................................................  Pound...........         33.2         36.6
            8...........................................................  Pound...........         36.7         40.5
          Science of Agriculture:                                                                                   
            Delivery Office.............................................  Pound...........         12.0         13.9
            SCF.........................................................  Pound...........         12.3         14.7
            1 and 2.....................................................  Pound...........         14.1         16.2
        Per Piece: Less Editorial Factor of 0.055 cents per each 1% of                                              
         Editorial Content:\6\                                                                                      
          A--Required Preparation\7\....................................  Piece...........         20.1         22.2
          B--Presorted to 3-digit city/5 digit..........................  Piece...........         15.8         17.4
          C--Presorted to Carrier Route.................................  Piece...........         11.9         13.1
            Prepared to Delivery Office\4\..............................  Piece...........          1.4          1.5
            Prepared to SCF\5\..........................................  Piece...........           .9          1.0
            125-Piece Walk Sequence\8\..................................  Piece...........           .5          0.6
            Saturation\9\...............................................  Piece...........          1.5          1.7
          Automation Discounts for Automation Compatible Mail:\10\                                                  
            From Required:                                                                                          
              ZIP + 4 Letter size.......................................  Piece...........          0.9          1.0
              Pre-barcoded letter size..................................  Piece...........          1.9          2.1
              Pre-barcoded flats........................................  Piece...........          2.3          2.5
            From 3/5 Digit:                                                                                         
              ZIP + 4 Letter size.......................................  Piece...........          0.4          0.4
              3-Digit Pre-barcoded letter size..........................  Piece...........          1.1          1.2
              5-Digit Pre-barcoded letter size..........................  Piece...........          1.9          2.1
              Pre-barcoded flats........................................  Piece...........          1.5         1.7 
    \1\The rates in this schedule also apply to commingled nonsubscriber, non-requester, complimentary, and sample  
      copies in excess of 10 percent allowance in regular-rate, nonprofit, and classroom second-class mail.         
    \2\Rates do not apply to otherwise regular rate mail that qualifies for the In-County rates in Schedule 201.    
    \3\Charges are computed by adding the appropriate per piece charge to the sum of the nonadvertising portion and 
      the advertising portion, as applicable.                                                                       
    \4\Applies to carrier route (including 125-piece walk sequence and saturation) mail delivered within the        
      delivery area of the originating post office.                                                                 
    \5\Applies to mail delivered within the SCF area of the originating SCF office.                                 
    \6\For postage calculations, multiply the editorial percent content by this factor and subtract from the        
      applicable piece rate.                                                                                        
    \7\Mail presorted to 3-digit (other than 3-digit city), SCF, states, or mixed states.                           
    \8\For walk sequenced mail in batches of 125 pieces or more from carrier route presorted mail.                  
    \9\Applicable to saturation mail from carrier route presorted mail.                                             
    \10\For automation compatible mail meeting applicable Postal Service Regulations.                               
       Rate Schedule 201.--Second-Class Mail: In-County Full (Attributable  
                               Cost) Rate Levels                            
                                                  Current        Proposed   
                                                 (cents)          (cents)   
    Per pound:                                                              
        General.............................            11.6            16.6
        Delivery office\1\..................            10.6            15.3
    Piece rates:                                                            
        Required presort....................             7.7            10.8
        Carrier route presort...............             4.0             5.8
    Piece discounts:                                                        
        Delivery Office\2\..................             0.3             0.4
        125-Piece walk sequence\3\..........             0.5             0.7
        Saturation..........................             0.7             0.9
    Automation discounts for automation                                     
     compatible mail\4\ from required:                                      
        ZIP + 4 Letter size.................             0.4             0.5
        5-Digit Pre-barcoded letter size....             1.7             2.3
        3/5-Digit pre-barcoded flats........             1.5            2.0 
    \1\Applicable only to the pound charge of carrier route (including 125- 
      piece walk sequence and saturation) presorted pieces to be delivered  
      within the delivery area of the originating post office.              
    \2\Applicable only to carrier presorted pieces to be delivered within   
      the delivery area of the originating post office.                     
    \3\Applicable only to batches of 125 or more pieces from carrier        
      presorted pieces.                                                     
    \4\For automation compatible pieces meeting applicable Postal Service   
     Rate Schedule 202.--Publications of Authorized Nonprofit Organizations, Outside County Full (Attributable Cost)
                                                     Rate Levels\1\                                                 
                                                                      Postage rate        Current        Proposed   
                                                                          unit            (cents)         (cents)   
    Per pound:                                                                                                      
        Non-advertising portion...................................  Pound...........            10.6            13.1
        Advertising portion:                                                                                        
          Delivery Office\2\......................................  Pound...........            12.0            18.5
          SCF\3\..................................................  Pound...........            12.3            19.6
          1 and 2.................................................  Pound...........            14.1            21.6
          3.......................................................  Pound...........            15.1            22.5
          4.......................................................  Pound...........            17.7            24.7
          5.......................................................  Pound...........            21.7            28.5
          6.......................................................  Pound...........            25.8            32.2
          7.......................................................  Pound...........            30.8            36.6
          8.......................................................  Pound...........            35.0            40.5
    Per Piece: Less editorial factor of 0.04 cents per each 1% of                                                   
     editorial content:\4\                                                                                          
        A--Required preparation\5\................................  Piece...........            16.9            20.4
        B--Presorted to 3-digit city/5-digit......................  Piece...........            12.6            15.5
        C--Presorted to carrier route.............................  Piece...........             8.8            11.1
          Prepared to delivery office\2\..........................  Piece...........             0.5             0.6
          Prepared to SCF.........................................  Piece...........             0.3             0.3
          125-Piece Walk Sequence\6\..............................  Piece...........             0.2             0.2
          Saturation\7\...........................................  Piece...........             0.7             0.8
    Automation Discounts for Automation Compatible Mail:\8\                                                         
      From required:                                                                                                
        ZIP + 4 Letter size.......................................  Piece...........             0.7             0.8
        Pre-barcoded letter size..................................  Piece...........             1.7             1.9
        Pre-barcoded flats........................................  Piece...........             2.3             2.6
      From 3/5 Digit:                                                                                               
        ZIP + 4 Letter size.......................................  Piece...........             0.4             0.5
        3-digit pre-barcoded letter size..........................  Piece...........             1.0             1.1
        5-digit pre-barcoded letter size..........................  Piece...........             1.7             1.9
        Pre-barcoded flats........................................  Piece...........             1.5             1.7
    \1\Charges are computed by adding the appropriate per-piece charge to the sum of the non-advertising portion and
      the advertising portion, as applicable.                                                                       
    \2\Applies to carrier route (including 125-piece walk sequence and saturation) presort mail delivered within the
      delivery area of the originating post office.                                                                 
    \3\Applies to mail delivered within the SCF area of the originating SCF office.                                 
    \4\For postage calculation, multiply the editorial percent content by the factor and subtract from the          
      applicable piece charge.                                                                                      
    \5\Mail presorted to 3-digit (other than 3-digit city), SCF, states, or mixed states.                           
    \6\For walk sequence mail in batches of 125 pieces or more from carrier route presorted mail.                   
    \7\Applicable to saturation mail from carrier route presorted mail.                                             
    \8\For automation compatible mail meeting applicable Postal Service Regulations.                                
       Rate Schedule 203.--Full Rates Second-Class Mail: Classroom Publications, Outside County Full (Attributable  
                                                  Costs) Rate Levels\1\                                             
                                                                      Postage rate        Current        Proposed   
                                                                          unit            (cents)         (cents)   
    Per pound:                                                                                                      
        Non-advertising portion...................................  Pound...........            10.6            10.2
        Advertising portion:                                                                                        
          Delivery Office\2\......................................  Pound...........            12.0            18.5
          SCF\3\..................................................  Pound...........            12.3            19.6
          1 and 2.................................................  Pound...........            14.1            21.6
          3.......................................................  Pound...........            15.1            22.5
          4.......................................................  Pound...........            17.7            24.7
          5.......................................................  Pound...........            21.7            28.5
          6.......................................................  Pound...........            25.8            32.2
          7.......................................................  Pound...........            30.8            36.6
          8.......................................................  Pound...........            35.0            40.5
    Per Piece: Less editorial factor of 0.031 cents per each 1% of                                                  
     editorial content:\4\                                                                                          
        A--Required preparation\5\................................  Piece...........            16.9            16.1
        B--Presorted to 3-digit city/5-digit......................  Piece...........            12.6            12.2
        C--Presorted to carrier route.............................  Piece...........             8.8             8.8
        Prepared to delivery office\2\............................  Piece...........             0.5             0.4
        Prepared to SCF...........................................  Piece...........             0.3             0.3
        125 pces walk seq.\6\.....................................  Piece...........             0.2             0.2
        Saturation\7\.............................................  Piece...........             0.7             0.6
    Automation discounts for automation compatible mail\8\                                                          
        From required:                                                                                              
          ZIP+4 letter size.......................................  Piece...........             0.7             0.6
          Pre-barcoded letter size................................  Piece...........             1.7             1.5
          Pre-barcoded flats......................................  Piece...........             2.3             2.1
        From 3/5 digit:                                                                                             
          ZIP+4 letter size.......................................  Piece...........             0.4             0.4
          3-digit pre-barcoded letter size........................  Piece...........             1.0             0.9
          5-digit pre-barcoded letter size........................  Piece...........             1.7             1.5
          Pre-barcoded flats......................................  Piece...........             1.5            1.3 
    \1\Charges are computed by adding the appropriate per piece charge to the sum of the nonadvertising portion and 
      the advertising portion, as applicable.                                                                       
    \2\Applies to mail delivered within the delivery area of the originating post office.                           
    \3\Applies to mail delivered within the SCF area of the originating SCF office.                                 
    \4\For postage calculation, multiply the editorial percent content by this factor and subtract from the         
      applicable piece rate.                                                                                        
    \5\Mail presorted to 3-digit (other than 3-digit city), SCF, states, or mixed states.                           
    \6\For walk sequence mail in batches of 125 pieces or more from carrier route presorted mail.                   
    \7\Applicable to saturation mail from carrier route presorted mail.                                             
    \8\For automation compatible mail meeting applicable Postal Service Regulations.                                
               Rate Schedule 300.--Third-Class Mail: Single Piece           
                                                  Current        Proposed   
                                                  (cents)         (cents)   
    Single piece:                                                           
        One ounce...........................              29              32
        Two ounces..........................              52              57
        Three ounces........................              75              82
        Four ounces.........................              98             107
        Five ounces.........................             121             132
        Six ounces..........................             121             157
        Seven ounces........................             133             182
        Eight ounces........................             133             207
        Nine ounces.........................             144             232
        Ten ounces..........................             144             232
        Twelve ounces.......................             156             240
        Fourteen ounces.....................             167             248
        Sixteen ounces......................             179             256
        Nonstandard Surcharge\2\............              10              11
    Keys and identification devices:                                        
        First 2 ounces......................              92             101
        Each additional 2 ounces............              51              57
    \1\When the postage rate computed at the single piece third-class rate  
      is higher than the rate prescribed in the corresponding fourth-class  
      category for which the piece qualifies, the applicable lower fourth-  
      class rate is charged.                                                
    \2\Applies only to pieces weighing one ounce or less.                   
         Rate Schedule 301.--Third-Class Mail: Regular Bulk\1\ Current      
                                                              Proposed piece
                                               Current piece  plates (cents)
                                              rates (cents)                 
    Letter size:                                                            
        Piece rate..........................            19.8            21.8
        Discounts (per piece):                                              
          Destination entry:                                                
            BMC.............................             1.2             1.3
            SCF.............................             1.7             1.9
            Delivery office\2\..............             2.2             2.4
          Presort level:                                                    
            3/5 digit.......................             3.3             3.6
            Carrier route...................             6.7             7.4
            Saturation......................             7.4             8.2
            ZIP + 4:\4\                                                     
              Basic.........................             0.9             1.0
              3/5 digit\5\..................             0.4             0.4
              Basic.........................             1.9             2.1
              3-digit\5\....................             1.1             1.2
              5-digit.......................             1.9             2.1
    Non-letter size:                                                        
        Piece rate\6\.......................            23.3            25.7
        Discounts (per piece):                                              
          Destination entry:                                                
            BMC.............................             1.2             1.3
            SCF.............................             1.7             1.9
            Delivery office\2\..............             2.2             2.4
          Presort level:                                                    
            3/5 digit.......................             4.6             5.1
            Carrier route...................             9.1            10.0
            125-piece walk sequence.........             9.6            10.6
            Saturation......................            10.6            11.7
            Barcode:Sec. \4\                                                
              Basic.........................             2.5             2.8
              3/5 digit.....................             1.7            1.9 
                              Rate Schedule 301.--Third-Class Mail: Regular Bulk\1\ Current                         
                                                       Current piece   Current pound  Proposed piece  Proposed pound
                                                      rates (cents)   rates (cents)    rates (cents)  rates (cents) 
    Pound rate:\6\                                                                                                  
        Pound rate plus per piece rate..............            10.9            60.0            12.0            66.3
          Destination entry (per pound):                                                                            
            BMC.....................................  ..............             5.8  ..............             6.4
            SCF.....................................  ..............             8.1  ..............             8.9
            Delivery office\2\......................  ..............            10.4  ..............            11.5
          Presort level (per piece):                                                                                
            3/5 digit...............................             4.6  ..............             5.1  ..............
            Carrier route...........................             9.1  ..............            10.0  ..............
            125-piece walk sequence.................             9.6  ..............            10.6  ..............
            Saturation..............................            10.6  ..............            11.7  ..............
          Automation\7\ (per piece):                                                                                
            Basic...................................             2.5  ..............             2.8  ..............
            3/5 digit...............................             1.7  ..............             1.9  ..............
    \1\A fee of $85.00 must be paid once each 12-month period for each bulk mailing permit.                         
    \2\Applies only to carrier route, 125-piece walk sequence presort and saturation mail.                          
    \3\For letter size pieces meeting applicable Postal Service regulations.                                        
    \4\Among ZIP + 4 and barcode discounts, only one discount may be applied.                                       
    \5\Deducted from otherwise applicable 3/5-digit rate.                                                           
    \6\Mailer pays either the piece or the pound rate, whichever is higher.                                         
    \7\For flat size pieces meeting applicable Postal Service regulations.                                          
     Rate Schedule 302.--Full Rates Third-Class Mail: Nonprofit-Bulk Mail\1\
                                               Current piece  Proposed piece
                                              rates (cents)    rates (cents)
    Letter size:                                                            
        Piece Rate..........................            11.1            13.8
        Discounts (per piece):                                              
          Destination entry:                                                
            BMC.............................             1.2             1.2
            SCF.............................             1.7             1.7
            Delivery Office\2\..............             2.2             2.2
          Presort level:                                                    
            3/5 Digit.......................             1.3             1.3
            Carrier route...................             3.7             3.7
            Saturation......................             4.0             4.0
              Basic.........................             0.7             0.7
              3/5 Digit\5\..................             0.4             0.4
              Basic.........................             1.7             1.7
              3-Digit\5\....................             1.0             1.0
              5-Digit\5\....................             1.7             1.7
    Non-letter size:                                                        
        Piece rate\6\.......................            12.5            17.1
        Discounts (per piece):                                              
          Destination entry:                                                
            BMC.............................             1.2             1.2
            SCF.............................             1.7             1.7
            Delivery office\2\..............             2.2             2.2
          Presort level:                                                    
            3/5 Digit.......................             1.4             1.4
            Carrier route...................             4.5             4.5
            125-Piece walk sequence.........             4.7             4.8
            Saturation......................             5.2             5.3
            Barcode:\4\                                  2.5             2.5
              Basic.........................             2.5             2.5
              3/5 Digit.....................             1.7             1.7
    \1\A fee of $75.00 must be paid once each 12-month period for each bulk 
      mailing permit.                                                       
    \2\Applies only to carrier route presort, 125-piece walk sequence and   
      saturation mail.                                                      
    \3\For letter size pieces meeting applicable Postal Service regulations.
    \4\Among ZIP+4 and barcode discounts, only one discount may be applied. 
    \5\Deducted from otherwise applicable 3/5-digit rate.                   
    \6\Mailer pays either the piece or the pound rate, whichever is higher. 
    \7\For flat size pieces meeting applicable Postal Service regulations.  
                                 Rate Schedule 302.--Third-Class Mail: Nonprofit Bulk\1\                            
                                                       Current piece   Current pound  Proposed piece  Proposed pound
                                                      rates (cents)   rates (cents)   rates (cents)    rates (cents)
    Pound Rate:\6\                                                                                                  
        Pound rate plus per piece rate..............             5.4            34.1             7.7            45.1
          Destination entry (per pound):                                                                            
            BMC.....................................  ..............             5.8  ..............             5.9
            SCF.....................................  ..............             8.1  ..............           8.2 
            Delivery office\2\......................  ..............            10.4  ..............            10.5
          Presort level (per piece):                                                                                
            3/5 Digit...............................             1.4  ..............             1.4  ..............
            Carrier route...........................             4.5  ..............             4.5  ..............
            125-Piece walk sequence.................             4.7  ..............             4.8  ..............
            Saturation..............................             5.2  ..............             5.3  ..............
          Automation\7\ (per piece)                                                                                 
              Basic.................................             2.5  ..............             2.5  ..............
              3/5 Digit.............................             1.7  ..............             1.7  ..............
    \1\A fee of $75.00 must be paid once each 12-month period for each bulk mailing permit.                         
    \2\Applies only to carrier route presort, 125-piece walk sequence and saturation mail.                          
    \3\For letter size pieces meeting applicable Postal Service regulations.                                        
    \4\Among ZIP+4 and barcode discounts, only one discount may be applied.                                         
    \5\Deducted from otherwise applicable 3/5-digit rate.                                                           
    \6\Mailer pays either the piece or the pound rate, whichever is higher.                                         
    \7\For flat size pieces meeting applicable Postal Service regulations.                                          
                    Rate Schedule 400a.--Parcel Post--Intra BMC/ASF Service Current Rates (Dollars)                 
      Weight not exceeding (pounds)                                       Zones                                     
                                           Local           1 & 2             3               4               5      
    2...............................            1.85            1.92            2.05            2.19            2.47
    3...............................            1.92            2.02            2.22            2.43            2.85
    4...............................            1.98            2.12            2.38            2.67            3.23
    5...............................            2.04            2.22            2.54            2.90            3.61
    6...............................            2.11            2.32            2.71            3.14            3.99
    7...............................            2.17            2.41            2.87            3.38            4.37
    8...............................            2.23            2.51            3.04            3.62            4.75
    9...............................            2.30            2.61            3.20            3.85            5.13
    10..............................            2.36            2.71            3.36            4.09            5.51
    11..............................            2.42            2.81            3.53            4.33            5.89
    12..............................            2.49            2.91            3.69            4.56            6.27
    13..............................            2.53            2.98            3.81            4.72            6.52
    14..............................            2.58            3.05            3.92            4.89            6.77
    15..............................            2.62            3.11            4.01            5.00            6.96
    16..............................            2.66            3.16            4.09            5.12            7.13
    17..............................            2.70            3.21            4.17            5.22            7.29
    18..............................            2.74            3.26            4.24            5.33            7.45
    19..............................            2.78            3.31            4.32            5.42            7.60
    20..............................            2.81            3.36            4.38            5.52            7.74
    21..............................            2.85            3.41            4.45            5.61            7.88
    22..............................            2.88            3.45            4.52            5.70            8.01
    23..............................            2.91            3.50            4.58            5.78            8.13
    24..............................            2.95            3.54            4.64            5.86            8.25
    25..............................            2.98            3.58            4.70            5.94            8.37
    26..............................            3.01            3.62            4.76            6.02            8.49
    27..............................            3.05            3.66            4.82            6.09            8.60
    28..............................            3.08            3.70            4.87            6.17            8.70
    29..............................            3.11            3.74            4.93            6.24            8.81
    30..............................            3.14            3.78            4.98            6.31            8.91
    31..............................            3.17            3.82            5.03            6.38            9.01
    32..............................            3.20            3.86            5.09            6.44            9.10
    33..............................            3.23            3.90            5.14            6.51            9.20
    34..............................            3.26            3.93            5.19            6.57            9.29
    35..............................            3.29            3.97            5.24            6.64            9.38
    36..............................            3.32            4.01            5.28            6.70            9.47
    37..............................            3.35            4.04            5.33            6.76            9.55
    38..............................            3.38            4.08            5.38            6.82            9.64
    39..............................            3.41            4.11            5.42            6.88            9.72
    40..............................            3.44            4.15            5.47            6.93            9.80
    41..............................            3.47            4.18            5.51            6.99            9.88
    42..............................            3.50            4.21            5.56            7.05            9.96
    43..............................            3.52            4.25            5.60            7.10           10.04
    44..............................            3.55            4.28            5.65            7.16           10.11
    45..............................            3.58            4.31            5.69            7.21           10.19
    46..............................            3.61            4.35            5.73            7.26           10.26
    47..............................            3.64            4.38            5.77            7.31           10.33
    48..............................            3.66            4.41            5.82            7.37           10.40
    49..............................            3.69            4.45            5.86            7.42           10.47
    50..............................            3.72            4.48            5.90            7.47           10.54
    51..............................            3.75            4.51            5.94            7.52           10.61
    52..............................            3.77            4.54            5.98            7.57           10.68
    53..............................            3.80            4.57            6.02            7.62           10.74
    54..............................            3.83            4.60            6.06            7.66           10.81
    55..............................            3.85            4.64            6.10            7.71           10.88
    56..............................            3.38            4.67            6.14            7.76           10.94
    57..............................            3.91            4.70            6.17            7.81           11.00
    58..............................            3.93            4.73            6.21            7.85           11.07
    59..............................            3.96            4.76            6.25            7.90           11.13
    60..............................            3.99            4.79            6.29            7.94           11.19
    61..............................            4.01            4.82            6.32            7.99           11.25
    62..............................            4.04            4.85            6.36            8.03           11.31
    63..............................            4.07            4.88            6.40            8.08           11.37
    64..............................            4.09            4.91            6.44            8.12           11.43
    65..............................            4.12            4.94            6.47            8.17           11.49
    66..............................            4.15            4.97            6.51            8.21           11.54
    67..............................            4.17            5.00            6.54            8.25           11.60
    68..............................            4.20            5.03            6.58            8.30           11.66
    69..............................            4.22            5.06            6.62            8.34           11.71
    70..............................            4.25            5.09            6.65            8.38          11.77 
                    Rate Schedule 400a.--Parcel Post-Intra BMC/ASF Service, Proposed Rates (Dollars)                
     Weight not exceeding (pounds)                                        Zones                                     
                                          Local           1 & 2             3               4               5       
    2...............................            2.10            2.18            2.33            2.48            2.80
    3...............................            2.18            2.29            2.52            2.76            3.23
    4...............................            2.25            2.41            2.70            3.03            3.66
    5...............................            2.32            2.52            2.88            3.29            4.09
    6...............................            2.39            2.63            3.07            3.56            4.52
    7...............................            2.46            2.73            3.25            3.83            4.95
    8...............................            2.53            2.85            3.45            4.10            5.38
    9...............................            2.61            2.96            3.63            4.36            5.81
    10..............................            2.68            3.07            3.81            4.63            6.24
    11..............................            2.74            3.19            4.00            4.90            6.67
    12..............................            2.82            3.30            4.18            5.16            7.10
    13..............................            2.87            3.38            4.32            5.34            7.38
    14..............................            2.93            3.46            4.44            5.54            7.66
    15..............................            2.97            3.52            4.54            5.66            7.87
    16..............................            3.02            3.58            4.63            5.80            8.07
    17..............................            3.06            3.64            4.72            5.91            8.25
    18..............................            3.11            3.69            4.80            6.03            8.43
    19..............................            3.15            3.75            4.89            6.13            8.60
    20..............................            3.19            3.81            4.96            6.25            8.76
    21..............................            3.23            3.86            5.04            6.35            8.91
    22..............................            3.26            3.91            5.12            6.45            9.06
    23..............................            3.30            3.97            5.19            6.54            9.20
    24..............................            3.34            4.01            5.25            6.63            9.33
    25..............................            3.38            4.06            5.32            6.72            9.47
    26..............................            3.41            4.10            5.39            6.81            9.60
    27..............................            3.46            4.15            5.46            6.89            9.73
    28..............................            3.49            4.19            5.51            6.98            9.84
    29..............................            3.52            4.24            5.58            7.06            9.97
    30..............................            3.56            4.28            5.64            7.14           10.08
    31..............................            3.59            4.33            5.69            7.22           10.19
    32..............................            3.63            4.37            5.76            7.29           10.29
    33..............................            3.66            4.42            5.82            7.37           10.41
    34..............................            3.69            4.45            5.87            7.43           10.51
    35..............................            3.73            4.50            5.93            7.51           10.61
    36..............................            3.76            4.54            5.98            7.58           10.71
    37..............................            3.80            4.58            6.03            7.65           10.80
    38..............................            3.83            4.62            6.09            7.72           10.90
    39..............................            3.86            4.65            6.13            7.78           10.99
    40..............................            3.90            4.70            6.19            7.84           11.08
    41..............................            3.93            4.73            6.24            7.91           11.17
    42..............................            3.97            4.77            6.29            7.98           11.26
    43..............................            3.99            4.81            6.34            8.03           11.36
    44..............................            4.02            4.85            6.39            8.10           11.43
    45..............................            4.06            4.88            6.44            8.16           11.52
    46..............................            4.09            4.93            6.49            8.21           11.60
    47..............................            4.12            4.96            6.53            8.27           11.68
    48..............................            4.15            4.99            6.59            8.34           11.76
    49..............................            4.18            5.04            6.63            8.39           11.84
    50..............................            4.21            5.07            6.68            8.45           11.92
    51..............................            4.25            5.11            6.72            8.51           12.00
    52..............................            4.27            5.14            6.77            8.56           12.08
    53..............................            4.30            5.17            6.81            8.62           12.15
    54..............................            4.34            5.21            6.86            8.67           12.23
    55..............................            4.36            5.25            6.90            8.72           12.30
    56..............................            4.39            5.29            6.95            8.78           12.37
    57..............................            4.43            5.32            6.98            8.84           12.44
    58..............................            4.45            5.36            7.03            8.88           12.52
    59..............................            4.48            5.39            7.07            8.94           12.59
    60..............................            4.52            5.42            7.12            8.98           12.65
    61..............................            4.54            5.46            7.15            9.04           12.72
    62..............................            4.58            5.49            7.20            9.08           12.79
    63..............................            4.61            5.52            7.24            9.14           12.86
    64..............................            4.63            5.56            7.29            9.19           12.93
    65..............................            4.67            5.59            7.32            9.24           12.99
    66..............................            4.70            5.63            7.37            9.29           13.05
    67..............................            4.72            5.66            7.40            9.33           13.12
    68..............................            4.76            5.69            7.45            9.39           13.19
    69..............................            4.78            5.73            7.49            9.43           13.24
    70..............................            4.81            5.76            7.52            9.48           13.31
    For nonmachinable intra-BMC parcels, add $1.70.                                                                 
                                        Rate Schedule 400b.--Parcel Post-Inter BMC/ASF Service, Current Rates (Dollars)                                     
          Weight not exceeding (pounds)                                                           Zones                                                     
                                                   1 & 2             3               4               5               6               7               8      
    Up to:                                                                                                                                                  
        2...................................            2.19            2.32            2.46            2.74            2.85            2.85            2.85
        3...................................            2.29            2.49            2.70            3.12            3.54            4.00            4.05
        4...................................            2.39            2.65            2.94            3.50            4.06            4.35            4.60
        5...................................            2.49            2.81            3.17            3.88            4.58            5.20            5.40
        6...................................            2.59            2.98            3.41            4.26            5.10            6.33            8.55
        7...................................            2.68            3.14            3.65            4.64            5.62            7.06            9.60
        8...................................            2.78            3.31            3.89            5.02            6.14            7.78           10.65
        9...................................            2.88            3.47            4.12            5.40            6.67            8.51           11.70
        10..................................            2.98            3.63            4.36            5.78            7.19            9.24           12.75
        11..................................            3.08            3.80            4.60            6.16            7.71            9.97           13.75
        12..................................            3.18            3.96            4.83            6.54            8.23           10.69           14.80
        13..................................            3.25            4.08            4.99            6.79            8.57           11.17           15.85
        14..................................            3.32            4.19            5.16            7.04            8.92           11.65           16.90
        15..................................            3.38            4.28            5.27            7.23            9.17           11.99           17.95
        16..................................            3.43            4.36            5.39            7.40            9.40           12.31           19.00
        17..................................            3.48            4.44            5.49            7.56            9.62           12.61           19.91
        18..................................            3.53            4.51            5.60            7.72            9.83           12.90           20.38
        19..................................            3.58            4.59            5.69            7.87           10.03           13.17           20.83
        20..................................            3.63            4.65            5.79            8.01           10.22           13.43           21.26
        21..................................            3.68            4.72            5.88            8.15           10.40           13.68           21.66
        22..................................            3.72            4.79            5.97            8.28           10.57           13.91           22.05
        23..................................            3.77            4.85            6.05            8.40           10.74           14.14           22.43
        24..................................            3.81            4.91            6.13            8.52           10.90           14.36           22.78
        25..................................            3.85            4.97            6.21            8.64           11.05           14.57           23.13
        26..................................            3.89            5.03            6.29            8.76           11.20           14.77           23.46
        27..................................            3.93            5.09            6.36            8.87           11.35           14.97           23.78
        28..................................            3.97            5.14            6.44            8.97           11.49           15.16           24.09
        29..................................            4.01            5.20            6.51            9.08           11.63           15.34           24.39
        30..................................            4.05            5.25            6.58            9.18           11.76           15.52           24.68
        31..................................            4.09            5.30            6.65            9.28           11.89           15.69           24.96
        32..................................            4.13            5.36            6.71            9.37           12.01           15.86           25.23
        33..................................            4.17            5.41            6.78            9.47           12.14           16.02           25.50
        34..................................            4.20            5.46            6.84            9.56           12.26           16.18           25.75
        35..................................            4.24            5.51            6.91            9.65           12.37           16.34           26.01
        36..................................            4.28            5.55            6.97            9.74           12.49           16.49           26.25
        37..................................            4.31            5.60            7.03            9.82           12.60           16.64           26.49
        38..................................            4.35            5.65            7.09            9.91           12.71           16.79           26.72
        39..................................            4.38            5.69            7.15            9.99           12.81           16.93           26.95
        40..................................            4.42            5.74            7.20           10.07           12.92           17.07           27.17
        41..................................            4.45            5.78            7.26           10.15           13.02           17.20           27.39
        42..................................            4.48            5.83            7.32           10.23           13.12           17.33           27.60
        43..................................            4.52            5.87            7.37           10.31           13.22           17.47           27.81
        44..................................            4.55            5.92            7.43           10.38           13.32           17.59           28.01
        45..................................            4.58            5.96            7.48           10.46           13.41           17.72           28.21
        46..................................            4.62            6.00            7.53           10.53           13.51           17.84           28.41
        47..................................            4.65            6.04            7.58           10.60           13.60           17.96           28.60
        48..................................            4.68            6.09            7.64           10.67           13.69           18.08           28.79
        49..................................            4.72            6.13            7.69           10.74           13.78           18.20           28.97
        50..................................            4.75            6.17            7.74           10.81           13.87           18.32           29.15
        51..................................            4.78            6.21            7.79           10.88           13.95           18.43           29.33
        52..................................            4.81            6.25            7.84           10.95           14.04           18.54           29.51
        53..................................            4.84            6.29            7.89           11.01           14.12           18.65           29.68
        54..................................            4.87            6.33            7.93           11.08           14.21           18.76           29.85
        55..................................            4.91            6.37            7.98           11.15           14.29           18.86           30.02
        56..................................            4.94            6.41            8.03           11.21           14.37           18.97           30.18
        57..................................            4.97            6.44            8.08           11.27           14.45           19.07           30.34
        58..................................            5.00            6.48            8.12           11.34           14.53           19.18           30.50
        59..................................            5.03            6.52            8.17           11.40           14.61           19.28           30.66
        60..................................            5.06            6.56            8.21           11.46           14.68           19.38           30.81
        61..................................            5.09            6.59            8.26           11.52           14.76           19.47           30.97
        62..................................            5.12            6.63            8.30           11.58           14.83           19.57           31.12
        63..................................            5.15            6.67            8.35           11.64           14.91           19.67           31.27
        64..................................            5.18            6.71            8.39           11.70           14.98           19.76           31.41
        65..................................            5.21            6.74            8.44           11.76           15.05           19.86           31.56
        66..................................            5.24            6.78            8.48           11.81           15.13           19.95           31.70
        67..................................            5.27            6.81            8.52           11.87           15.20           20.04           31.84
        68..................................            5.30            6.85            8.57           11.93           15.27           20.13           31.98
        69..................................            5.33            6.89            8.61           11.98           15.34           20.22           32.12
        70..................................            5.36            6.92            8.65           12.04           15.41           20.31          32.25 
    For nonmachinable inter-BMC parcels, add $1.50.                                                                                                         
                                        Rate Schedule 400b.--Parcel Post-Inter BMC/ASF Service, Proposed Rates (Dollars)                                    
          Weight not exceeding (pounds)                                                            Zones                                                    
                                                   1 & 2             3               4               5               6               7               8      
    2.......................................            2.49            2.64            2.79            3.11            3.15            3.15            3.15
    3.......................................            2.60            2.83            3.07            3.54            4.02            4.45            4.45
    4.......................................            2.72            3.01            3.34            3.97            4.60            4.93            5.10
    5.......................................            2.83            3.19            3.60            4.40            5.19            5.89            5.95
    6.......................................            2.94            3.38            3.87            4.83            5.78            7.17            9.45
    7.......................................            3.04            3.56            4.14            5.26            6.37            7.99           10.60
    8.......................................            3.16            3.76            4.41            5.69            6.95            8.81           11.75
    9.......................................            3.27            3.94            4.67            6.12            7.55            9.63           12.90
    10......................................            3.38            4.12            4.94            6.55            8.14           10.46           14.05
    11......................................            3.50            4.31            5.21            6.98            8.73           11.28           15.15
    12......................................            3.61            4.49            5.47            7.41            9.31           12.09           16.35
    13......................................            3.69            4.63            5.65            7.69            9.70           12.64           17.50
    14......................................            3.77            4.75            5.85            7.97           10.09           13.18           18.65
    15......................................            3.83            4.85            5.97            8.18           10.38           13.56           19.80
    16......................................            3.89            4.94            6.11            8.38           10.64           13.93           20.95
    17......................................            3.95            5.03            6.22            8.56           10.89           14.26           22.10
    18......................................            4.00            5.11            6.34            8.74           11.12           14.59           23.04
    19......................................            4.06            5.20            6.44            8.91           11.35           14.90           23.55
    20......................................            4.12            5.27            6.56            9.07           11.56           15.19           24.04
    21......................................            4.17            5.35            6.66            9.22           11.77           15.47           24.49
    22......................................            4.22            5.43            6.76            9.37           11.96           15.73           24.93
    23......................................            4.28            5.50            6.85            9.51           12.15           15.99           25.36
    24......................................            4.32            5.56            6.94            9.64           12.33           16.24           25.76
    25......................................            4.37            5.63            7.03            9.78           12.50           16.48           26.15
    26......................................            4.41            5.70            7.12            9.91           12.67           16.71           26.52
    27......................................            4.46            5.77            7.20           10.04           12.84           16.93           26.89
    28......................................            4.50            5.82            7.29           10.15           13.00           17.15           27.24
    29......................................            4.55            5.89            7.37           10.28           13.16           17.35           27.58
    30......................................            4.59            5.95            7.45           10.39           13.30           17.55           27.90
    31......................................            4.64            6.00            7.53           10.50           13.45           17.74           28.22
    32......................................            4.68            6.07            7.60           10.60           13.59           17.94           28.52
    33......................................            4.73            6.13            7.68           10.72           13.73           18.12           28.83
    34......................................            4.76            6.18            7.74           10.82           13.87           18.30           29.11
    35......................................            4.81            6.24            7.82           10.92           13.99           18.48           29.41
    36......................................            4.85            6.29            7.89           11.02           14.13           18.65           29.68
    37......................................            4.89            6.34            7.96           11.11           14.25           18.82           29.95
    38......................................            4.93            6.40            8.03           11.21           14.38           18.99           30.21
    39......................................            4.96            6.44            8.09           11.30           14.49           19.15           30.47
    40......................................            5.01            6.50            8.15           11.39           14.61           19.30           30.72
    41......................................            5.04            6.55            8.22           11.48           14.73           19.45           30.97
    42......................................            5.08            6.60            8.29           11.57           14.84           19.60           31.20
    43......................................            5.12            6.65            8.34           11.67           14.95           19.76           31.44
    44......................................            5.16            6.70            8.41           11.74           15.07           19.89           31.67
    45......................................            5.19            6.75            8.47           11.83           15.17           20.04           31.89
    46......................................            5.24            6.80            8.52           11.91           15.28           20.17           32.12
    47......................................            5.27            6.84            8.58           11.99           15.38           20.31           32.33
    48......................................            5.30            6.90            8.65           12.07           15.48           20.45           32.55
    49......................................            5.35            6.94            8.70           12.15           15.59           20.58           32.75
    50......................................            5.38            6.99            8.76           12.23           15.69           20.72           32.95
    51......................................            5.42            7.03            8.82           12.31           15.78           20.84           33.16
    52......................................            5.45            7.08            8.87           12.39           15.88           20.97           33.36
    53......................................            5.48            7.12            8.93           12.46           15.97           21.09           33.55
    54......................................            5.52            7.17            8.98           12.54           16.07           21.21           33.75
    55......................................            5.56            7.21            9.03           12.61           16.16           21.33           33.94
    56......................................            5.60            7.26            9.09           12.68           16.25           21.45           34.12
    57......................................            5.63            7.29            9.15           12.75           16.34           21.56           34.30
    58......................................            5.67            7.34            9.19           12.83           16.43           21.69           34.48
    59......................................            5.70            7.38            9.25           12.90           16.52           21.80           34.66
    60......................................            5.73            7.43            9.29           12.96           16.60           21.91           34.83
    61......................................            5.77            7.46            9.35           13.03           16.69           22.02           35.01
    62......................................            5.80            7.51            9.39           13.10           16.77           22.13           35.18
    63......................................            5.83            7.55            9.45           13.17           16.86           22.24           35.35
    64......................................            5.87            7.60            9.50           13.24           16.94           22.34           35.51
    65......................................            5.90            7.63            9.55           13.30           17.02           22.46           35.68
    66......................................            5.94            7.68            9.60           13.36           17.11           22.56           35.84
    67......................................            5.97            7.71            9.64           13.43           17.19           22.66           35.99
    68......................................            6.00            7.76            9.70           13.50           17.27           22.76           36.15
    69......................................            6.04            7.80            9.74           13.55           17.35           22.86           36.31
    70......................................            6.07            7.83            9.79           13.62           17.43           22.97           36.46
    For nonmachinable inter-BMC parcels, add $1.70.                                                                                                         
                         Rate Schedule 401.--Parcel Post: Destination BMC/ASF Service,* Current                     
             Weight not exceeding (pounds)                                        Zones                             
                                                          1 & 2             3               4                5      
    2...............................................            1.74            1.86            1.97            2.22
    3...............................................            1.84            2.01            2.18            2.56
    4...............................................            1.93            2.15            2.40            2.89
    5...............................................            2.02            2.30            2.60            3.23
    6...............................................            2.12            2.45            2.81            3.57
    7...............................................            2.20            2.59            3.02            3.90
    8...............................................            2.29            2.75            3.24            4.24
    9...............................................            2.39            2.89            3.44            4.57
    10..............................................            2.48            3.04            3.65            4.91
    11..............................................            2.57            3.19            3.86            5.25
    12..............................................            2.67            3.33            4.06            5.58
    13..............................................            2.73            3.44            4.21            5.80
    14..............................................            2.80            3.54            4.36            6.03
    15..............................................            2.85            3.62            4.46            6.20
    16..............................................            2.90            3.70            4.56            6.35
    17..............................................            2.95            3.77            4.65            6.49
    18..............................................            3.00            3.84            4.75            6.63
    19..............................................            3.04            3.91            4.83            6.77
    20..............................................            3.09            3.96            4.92            6.89
    21..............................................            3.14            4.03            5.00            7.02
    22..............................................            3.18            4.09            5.09            7.14
    23..............................................            3.23            4.15            5.16            7.24
    24..............................................            3.26            4.20            5.23            7.35
    25..............................................            3.30            4.26            5.30            7.46
    26..............................................            3.34            4.32            5.37            7.57
    27..............................................            3.38            4.37            5.44            7.67
    28..............................................            3.42            4.42            5.51            7.76
    29..............................................            3.45            4.47            5.57            7.86
    30..............................................            3.49            4.52            5.64            7.95
    31..............................................            3.53            4.57            5.70            8.04
    32..............................................            3.57            4.62            5.76            8.12
    33..............................................            3.61            4.67            5.82            8.21
    34..............................................            3.64            4.72            5.88            8.29
    35..............................................            3.68            4.76            5.94            8.37
    36..............................................            3.72            4.80            6.00            8.45
    37..............................................            3.74            4.85            6.05            8.53
    38..............................................            3.78            4.90            6.11            8.61
    39..............................................            3.81            4.93            6.16            8.68
    40..............................................            3.85            4.98            6.21            8.75
    41..............................................            3.88            5.02            6.26            8.83
    42..............................................            3.91            5.07            6.32            8.90
    43..............................................            3.95            5.10            6.36            8.97
    44..............................................            3.98            5.15            6.42            9.04
    45..............................................            4.01            5.19            6.46            9.11
    46..............................................            4.04            5.23            6.51            9.17
    47..............................................            4.07            5.26            6.56            9.24
    48..............................................            4.10            5.31            6.61            9.30
    49..............................................            4.14            5.35            6.66            9.37
    50..............................................            4.17            5.39            6.71            9.43
    51..............................................            4.20            5.42            6.75            9.49
    52..............................................            4.23            5.46            6.80            9.56
    53..............................................            4.26            5.50            6.85            9.61
    54..............................................            4.29            5.54            6.88            9.68
    55..............................................            4.33            5.58            6.93            9.74
    56..............................................            4.36            5.61            6.98            9.80
    57..............................................            4.39            5.64            7.02            9.85
    58..............................................            4.41            5.68            7.06            9.92
    59..............................................            4.44            5.72            7.11            9.97
    60..............................................            4.47            5.76            7.14           10.03
    61..............................................            4.50            5.79            7.19           10.08
    62..............................................            4.53            5.82            7.23           10.14
    63..............................................            4.56            5.86            7.27           10.19
    64..............................................            4.59            5.90            7.31           10.25
    65..............................................            4.62            5.93            7.36           10.31
    66..............................................            4.65            5.97            7.40           10.35
    67..............................................            4.68            6.00            7.43           10.41
    68..............................................            4.71            6.03            7.48           10.46
    69..............................................            4.74            6.07            7.52           10.51
    70..............................................            4.77            6.10            7.55          10.56 
    *A fee of $75.00 must be paid once each year.                                                                   
                 Rate Schedule 401.--Parcel Post--Destination BMC/ASF Service,* Proposed Rates (Dollars)            
              Weight not exceeding (pounds)                                        Zones                            
                                                          1 & 2              3               4               5      
    2...............................................            1.97            2.10            2.23            2.51
    3...............................................            2.08            2.27            2.46            2.89
    4...............................................            2.18            2.43            2.71            3.27
    5...............................................            2.28            2.60            2.94            3.65
    6...............................................            2.40            2.77            3.18            4.03
    7...............................................            2.49            2.93            3.41            4.41
    8...............................................            2.59            3.11            3.66            4.79
    9...............................................            2.70            3.27            3.89            5.16
    10..............................................            2.80            3.44            4.12            5.55
    11..............................................            2.90            3.60            4.36            5.93
    12..............................................            3.02            3.76            4.59            6.31
    13..............................................            3.08            3.89            4.76            6.55
    14..............................................            3.16            4.00            4.93            6.81
    15..............................................            3.22            4.09            5.04            7.01
    16..............................................            3.28            4.18            5.15            7.18
    17..............................................            3.33            4.26            5.25            7.33
    18..............................................            3.39            4.34            5.37            7.49
    19..............................................            3.44            4.42            5.46            7.65
    20..............................................            3.49            4.47            5.56            7.79
    21..............................................            3.55            4.55            5.65            7.93
    22..............................................            3.59            4.62            5.75            8.07
    23..............................................            3.65            4.69            5.83            8.18
    24..............................................            3.68            4.75            5.91            8.31
    25..............................................            3.73            4.81            5.99            8.43
    26..............................................            3.77            4.88            6.07            8.55
    27..............................................            3.82            4.94            6.15            8.67
    28..............................................            3.86            4.99            6.23            8.77
    29..............................................            3.90            5.05            6.29            8.88
    30..............................................            3.94            5.11            6.37            8.98
    31..............................................            3.99            5.16            6.44            9.09
    32..............................................            4.03            5.22            6.51            9.18
    33..............................................            4.08            5.28            6.58            9.28
    34..............................................            4.11            5.33            6.64            9.37
    35..............................................            4.16            5.38            6.71            9.46
    36..............................................            4.20            5.42            6.78            9.55
    37..............................................            4.23            5.48            6.84            9.64
    38..............................................            4.27            5.54            6.90            9.73
    39..............................................            4.31            5.57            6.96            9.81
    40..............................................            4.35            5.63            7.02            9.89
    41..............................................            4.38            5.67            7.07            9.98
    42..............................................            4.42            5.73            7.14           10.06
    43..............................................            4.46            5.76            7.19           10.14
    44..............................................            4.50            5.82            7.25           10.22
    45..............................................            4.53            5.86            7.30           10.29
    46..............................................            4.57            5.91            7.36           10.36
    47..............................................            4.60            5.94            7.41           10.44
    48..............................................            4.63            6.00            7.47           10.51
    49..............................................            4.68            6.05            7.53           10.59
    50..............................................            4.71            6.09            7.58           10.66
    51..............................................            4.75            6.12            7.63           10.72
    52..............................................            4.78            6.17            7.68           10.80
    53..............................................            4.81            6.22            7.74           10.86
    54..............................................            4.85            6.26            7.77           10.94
    55..............................................            4.89            6.31            7.83           11.01
    56..............................................            4.93            6.34            7.89           11.07
    57..............................................            4.96            6.37            7.93           11.13
    58..............................................            4.98            6.42            7.98           11.21
    59..............................................            5.02            6.46            8.03           11.27
    60..............................................            5.05            6.51            8.07           11.33
    61..............................................            5.09            6.54            8.12           11.39
    62..............................................            5.12            6.58            8.17           11.46
    63..............................................            5.15            6.62            8.22           11.51
    64..............................................            5.19            6.67            8.26           11.58
    65..............................................            5.22            6.70            8.32           11.65
    66..............................................            5.25            6.75            8.36           11.70
    67..............................................            5.29            6.78            8.40           11.76
    68..............................................            5.32            6.81            8.45           11.82
    69..............................................            5.36            6.86            8.50           11.88
    70..............................................            5.39            6.89            8.53           11.93
    * A fee of $85.00 must be paid once each year.                                                                  
             Rate Schedule 402.--Special and Library Rates, Current         
                            Special                                Cents    
    First pound:                                                            
        Not presorted.......................................             105
        Presorted to 5 digits\1\\2\.........................              59
        Presorted to BMC\1\\3\..............................              88
    Each additional pound through 7 pounds..................              43
    Each additional pound over 7 pounds.....................              25
    Library:                                                   Appropriation
                                                               rates (cents)
        First pound.........................................              65
        Each additional pound through 7 pounds..............              24
        Each additional pound over 7 pounds.................             12 
    \1\A fee of $75.00 must be paid once each calendar year for each permit.
    \2\For mailings of 500 or more pieces properly prepared and presorted to
      five-digit destination ZIP Codes.                                     
    \3\For mailings of 500 or more pieces properly prepared and presorted to
      Bulk Mail Centers.                                                    
            Rate Schedule 402.--Special and Library Rates, Proposed         
                             Special                              Cents     
    First pound:                                                            
        Not presorted.......................................             119
        Presorted to 5-digits\1\\2\.........................              67
        Presorted to BMC\1\\3\..............................             100
    Each additional pound through 7 pounds..................              49
    Each additional pound over 7 pounds.....................              28
    Library:                                                   rates (cents)
        First pound.........................................             114
        Each additional pound through 7 pounds..............              42
        Each additional pound over 7 pounds.................             21 
    \1\A fee of $85.00 must be paid once each calendar year for each permit.
    \2\For mailings of 500 or more pieces properly prepared and presorted to
      five-digit destination Zip Codes.                                     
    \3\For mailings of 500 or more pieces properly prepared and presorted to
      Bulk Mail Centers.                                                    
                                  Rate Schedule 405.--Fourth-Class Mail: Single Piece Bound Printed Matter,* (Dollars) Current                              
              Weight not exceeding (pounds)                                                            Zones                                                
                                                         Local        1 & 2          3            4            5            6            7            8     
    1.5.............................................         0.93         1.27         1.30         1.36         1.45         1.54         1.65         1.75
    2...............................................         0.94         1.30         1.34         1.42         1.53         1.66         1.81         1.93
    2.5.............................................         0.96         1.33         1.38         1.48         1.62         1.78         1.97         2.12
    3...............................................         0.98         1.35         1.42         1.54         1.71         1.90         2.12         2.31
    3.5.............................................         0.99         1.38         1.46         1.60         1.80         2.02         2.28         2.50
    4...............................................         1.01         1.41         1.50         1.66         1.89         2.14         2.44         2.69
    4.5.............................................         1.02         1.44         1.54         1.72         1.98         2.26         2.59         2.88
    5...............................................         1.04         1.47         1.58         1.78         2.07         2.38         2.75         3.07
    6...............................................         1.07         1.53         1.66         1.89         2.24         2.61         3.06         3.44
    7...............................................         1.10         1.59         1.74         2.01         2.42         2.85         3.38         3.82
    8...............................................         1.14         1.64         1.82         2.13         2.60         3.09         3.69         4.20
    9...............................................         1.17         1.70         1.90         2.25         2.77         3.33         4.01         4.57
    10..............................................         1.20         1.76         1.98         2.37         2.95         3.57         4.32         4.95
    Per piece rate (dollars)........................         0.88         1.18         1.18         1.18         1.18         1.18         1.18         1.18
    Per pound rate (dollars)........................        0.032        0.058        0.080        0.119        0.177        0.239        0.314        0.377
    *Includes both catalogs and similar bound printed matter.                                                                                               
                                 Rate Schedule 405.--Fourth-Class Mail: Single-Piece Bound Printed Matter,* (Dollars) Proposed                              
             Weight not exceeding (pounds)                                                            Zones                                                 
                                                         Loca1        1 & 2          3            4            5            6            7            8     
    1.5.............................................         1.02         1.40         1.43         1.50         1.59         1.70         1.82         1.92
    2...............................................         1.04         1.43         1.48         1.56         1.69         1.83         1.99         2.13
    2.5.............................................         1.06         1.46         1.52         1.63         1.79         1.96         2.17         2.34
    3...............................................         1.08         1.49         1.56         1.69         1.89         2.09         2.34         2.55
    3.5.............................................         1.09         1.52         1.61         1.76         1.98         2.22         2.51         2.76
    4...............................................         1.11         1.56         1.65         1.82         2.08         2.36         2.68         2.96
    4.5.............................................         1.13         1.59         1.70         1.89         2.18         2.49         2.86         3.17
    5...............................................         1.15         1.62         1.74         1.96         2.28         2.62         3.03         3.38
    6...............................................         1.18         1.68         1.83         2.09         2.47         2.88         3.38         3.80
    7...............................................         1.22         1.75         1.92         2.22         2.67         3.15         3.72         4.21
    8...............................................         1.25         1.81         2.00         2.35         2.86         3.41         4.07         4.63
    9...............................................         1.29         1.88         2.09         2.48         3.06         3.68         4.41         5.04
    10..............................................         1.32         1.94         2.18         2.61         3.25         3.94         4.76         5.46
    Per piece rate (dollars)........................         0.97         1.30         1.30         1.30         1.30         1.30         1.30         1.30
    Per pound rate (dollars)........................        0.035        0.064        0.088        0.131        0.195        0.264        0.346       0.416 
    *Includes both catalogs and similar bound printed matter.                                                                                               
                   Rate Schedule 406.--Fourth-Class Mail: Bulk Bound Printed Matter (Dollars) Current               
                                                                                 Per piece                          
                                  Zone                                                Carrier route*     Per pound  
    Local...........................................................           0.440           0.385           0.020
    1 and 2.........................................................            .590            .535            .042
    3...............................................................            .590            .535            .064
    4...............................................................            .590            .535            .103
    5...............................................................            .590            .535            .162
    6...............................................................            .590            .535            .223
    7...............................................................            .590            .535            .298
    8...............................................................            .590            .535           .361 
    *Applies to mailings of at least 300 pieces presorted to carrier route as prescribed by the Postal Service.     
                   Rate Schedule 406.--Fourth-Class Mail: Bulk Bound Printed Matter (Dollars) Proposed              
                                                                                Per piece                           
                                  Zone                                                Carrier route*     Per pound  
    Local...........................................................           0.490           0.429           0.022
    1 and 2.........................................................            .650            .589            .046
    3...............................................................            .650            .589            .071
    4...............................................................            .650            .589            .114
    5...............................................................            .650            .589            .179
    6...............................................................            .650            .589            .246
    7...............................................................            .650            .589            .329
    8...............................................................            .650            .589           .398 
    *Applies to mailings of at least 300 pieces presorted to carrier route as prescribed by the Postal Service.     
               Rate Schedule 407.--Fourth-Class Mail: Bulk Catalog Bound Printed Matter (Dollars) Current           
                                                                                 Per Piece                          
                                  Zone                               --------------------------------    Per pound  
                                                                         Required     Carrier route*                
    Local...........................................................           0.440           0.385           0.020
    1 and 2.........................................................            .590            .535            .042
    3...............................................................            .590            .535            .064
    4...............................................................            .590            .535            .103
    5...............................................................            .590            .535            .162
    6...............................................................            .590            .535            .223
    7...............................................................            .590            .535            .298
    8...............................................................            .590            .535           .361 
    *Applies to mailings of at least 300 pieces presorted to carrier route as prescribed by the Postal Service.     
              Rate Schedule 407.--Fourth-Class Mail: Bulk Catalog Bound Printed Matter (Dollars) Proposed           
                                                                                Per Piece                           
                                  Zone                                                Carrier route*    Per Pound   
    Local...........................................................           0.490           0.429           0.022
    1 and 2.........................................................            .650            .589            .046
    3...............................................................            .650            .589            .071
    4...............................................................            .650            .589            .114
    5...............................................................            .650            .589            .179
    6...............................................................            .650            .589            .246
    7...............................................................            .650            .589            .329
    8...............................................................            .650            .589           .398 
    *Applies to mailings of at least 300 pieces presorted to carrier route as prescribed by the Postal Service.     
                      Rate Schedules 500, 501, 502, and 503, Express Mail Rates* Current (Dollars)                  
                                                       Schedule 500                    Schedule 502    Schedule 503 
                                                         same day      Schedule 501    next day and    next day and 
              Weight not exceeding (pounds)               airport         custom       second day PO   second day PO
                                                          service        designed          to PO       to addressee 
    1 and 2.........................................            8.35            8.75            9.50            9.95
     1..............................................            9.70           12.95           11.15           13.95
     2..............................................            9.70           12.95           11.15           13.95
     3..............................................           11.05           14.95           13.15           15.95
     4..............................................           12.10           16.95           15.15           17.95
     5..............................................           13.10           18.95           17.15           19.95
     6..............................................           14.15           22.50           20.70           23.50
     7..............................................           15.20           23.50           21.70           24.50
     8..............................................           16.25           24.55           22.75           25.55
     9..............................................           17.30           25.55           23.75           26.55
    10..............................................           18.30           26.60           24.80           27.60
    11..............................................           19.35           27.60           25.80           28.60
    12..............................................           20.40           28.65           26.85           29.65
    13..............................................           21.45           29.65           27.85           30.65
    14..............................................           22.50           30.70           28.90           31.70
    15..............................................           23.50           31.70           29.90           32.70
    16..............................................           24.55           32.75           30.95           33.75
    17..............................................           25.60           33.80           32.00           34.80
    18..............................................           26.65           34.80           33.00           35.80
    19..............................................           27.70           35.85           34.05           36.85
    20..............................................           28.70           36.85           35.05           37.85
    21..............................................           29.75           37.90           36.10           38.90
    22..............................................           30.80           38.90           37.10           39.90
    23..............................................           31.85           39.95           38.15           40.95
    24..............................................           32.90           40.95           39.15           41.95
    25..............................................           33.90           42.00           40.20           43.00
    26..............................................           34.95           43.00           41.20           44.00
    27..............................................           35.90           44.05           42.25           45.05
    28..............................................           36.75           45.05           43.25           46.05
    29..............................................           37.65           46.10           44.30           47.10
    30..............................................           38.50           47.15           45.35           48.15
    31..............................................           39.35           48.15           46.35           49.15
    32..............................................           40.25           49.20           47.40           50.20
    33..............................................           41.10           50.20           48.40           51.20
    34..............................................           41.95           51.25           49.45           52.25
    35..............................................           42.85           52.25           50.45           53.25
    36..............................................           43.70           53.30           51.50           54.30
    37..............................................           44.55           54.30           52.50           55.30
    38..............................................           45.45           55.35           53.55           56.35
    39..............................................           46.30           56.35           54.55           57.35
    40..............................................           47.15           57.40           55.60           58.40
    41..............................................           48.05           58.40           56.60           59.40
    42..............................................           48.90           59.45           57.65           60.45
    43..............................................           49.75           60.50           58.70           61.50
    44..............................................           50.65           61.50           59.70           62.50
    45..............................................           51.50           62.55           60.75           63.55
    46..............................................           52.35           63.55           61.75           64.55
    47..............................................           53.25           64.60           62.80           65.60
    48..............................................           54.10           65.60           63.80           66.60
    49..............................................           54.95           66.65           64.85           67.65
    50..............................................           55.85           67.65           65.85           68.65
    51..............................................           56.70           68.70           66.90           69.70
    52..............................................           57.55           69.70           67.90           70.70
    53..............................................           58.45           70.75           68.95           71.75
    54..............................................           59.30           71.80           70.00           72.80
    55..............................................           60.20           72.80           71.00           73.80
    56..............................................           61.05           73.85           72.05           74.85
    57..............................................           61.90           74.85           73.05           75.85
    58..............................................           62.80           75.90           74.10           76.90
    59..............................................           63.65           77.00           75.20           78.00
    60..............................................           64.50           78.20           76.40           79.20
    61..............................................           65.40           79.50           77.70           80.50
    62..............................................           66.25           80.70           78.90           81.70
    63..............................................           67.10           81.90           80.10           82.90
    64..............................................           68.00           83.20           81.40           84.20
    65..............................................           68.85           84.40           82.60           85.40
    66..............................................           69.70           85.70           83.90           86.70
    67..............................................           70.60           86.90           85.10           87.90
    68..............................................           71.45           88.20           86.40           89.20
    69..............................................           72.30           89.40           87.60           90.40
    70..............................................           73.20           90.60           88.80          91.60 
    *Notes: 1. The applicable 2-pound rate is charged for matter sent in a `flat rate' envelope provided by the     
      Postal Service.                                                                                               
    2. Add $4.50 for each pickup stop.                                                                              
    3. Add $4.50 for each Custom Designed delivery stop.                                                            
                Rate Schedules 500, 501, 502 and 503, Express Mail Rates,\1\ and \2\ Proposed (Dollars)             
                                                       Schedule 500                    Schedule 502    Schedule 503 
                                                         same day      Schedule 501    next day and    next day and 
              Weight not exceeding (pounds)               airport         custom       second day PO   second day PO
                                                          service        designed          to PO       to addressee 
    1/2.............................................            9.20            9.65           10.50           10.95
    1...............................................           10.70           14.30           12.30           15.40
    2...............................................           10.70           14.30           12.30           15.40
    3...............................................           12.20           16.50           14.50           17.60
    4...............................................           13.35           18.70           16.70           19.80
    5...............................................           14.45           20.90           18.90           22.00
    6...............................................           15.60           24.80           22.80           25.90
    7...............................................           16.75           25.90           23.90           27.00
    8...............................................           17.90           27.10           25.10           28.20
    9...............................................           19.10           28.20           26.20           29.30
    10..............................................           20.20           29.35           27.35           30.45
    11..............................................           21.35           30.45           28.45           31.55
    12..............................................           22.50           31.60           29.60           32.70
    13..............................................           23.65           32.70           30.70           33.80
    14..............................................           24.80           33.85           31.85           34.95
    15..............................................           25.90           34.95           32.95           36.05
    16..............................................           27.10           36.15           34.15           37.25
    17..............................................           28.25           37.30           35.30           38.40
    18..............................................           29.40           38.40           36.40           39.50
    19..............................................           30.55           39.55           37.55           40.65
    20..............................................           31.65           40.65           38.65           41.75
    21..............................................           32.80           41.80           39.80           42.90
    22..............................................           33.95           42.90           40.90           44.00
    23..............................................           35.15           44.05           42.05           45.15
    24..............................................           36.30           45.15           43.15           46.25
    25..............................................           37.40           46.35           44.35           47.45
    26..............................................           38.55           47.45           45.45           48.55
    27..............................................           39.60           48.60           46.60           49.70
    28..............................................           40.55           49.70           47.70           50.80
    29..............................................           41.55           50.85           48.85           51.95
    30..............................................           42.45           52.00           50.00           53.10
    31..............................................           43.40           53.10           51.10           54.20
    32..............................................           44.40           54.25           52.25           55.35
    33..............................................           45.35           55.35           53.35           56.45
    34..............................................           46.25           56.55           54.55           57.65
    35..............................................           47.25           57.65           55.65           58.75
    36..............................................           48.20           58.80           56.80           59.90
    37..............................................           49.15           59.90           57.90           61.00
    38..............................................           50.15           61.05           59.05           62.15
    39..............................................           51.05           62.15           60.15           63.25
    40..............................................           52.00           63.30           61.30           64.40
    41..............................................           53.00           64.40           62.40           65.50
    42..............................................           53.95           65.60           63.60           66.70
    43..............................................           54.85           66.75           64.75           67.85
    44..............................................           55.85           67.85           65.85           68.95
    45..............................................           56.80           69.00           67.00           70.10
    46..............................................           57.75           70.10           68.10           71.20
    47..............................................           58.75           71.25           69.25           72.35
    48..............................................           59.65           72.35           70.35           73.45
    49..............................................           60.60           73.50           71.50           74.60
    50..............................................           61.60           74.60           72.60           75.70
    51..............................................           62.55           75.80           73.80           76.90
    52..............................................           63.50           76.90           74.90           78.00
    53..............................................           64.45           78.05           76.05           79.15
    54..............................................           65.40           79.20           77.20           80.30
    55..............................................           66.40           80.30           78.30           81.40
    56..............................................           67.35           81.45           79.45           82.55
    57..............................................           68.30           82.55           80.55           83.65
    58..............................................           69.25           83.70           81.70           84.80
    59..............................................           70.20           84.95           82.95           86.05
    60..............................................           71.15           86.25           84.25           87.35
    61..............................................           72.15           87.70           85.70           88.80
    62..............................................           73.05           89.00           87.00           90.10
    63..............................................           74.00           90.35           88.35           91.45
    64..............................................           75.00           91.75           89.75           92.85
    65..............................................           75.95           93.10           91.10           94.20
    66..............................................           76.90           94.55           92.55           95.65
    67..............................................           77.85           95.85           93.85           96.95
    68..............................................           78.80           97.30           95.30           98.40
    69..............................................           79.75           98.60           96.60           99.70
    70..............................................           80.75           99.95           97.95         101.05 
    *Notes: 1. The applicable 2-pound rate is charged for matter sent in a ``flat rate'' envelope provided by the   
      Postal Service.                                                                                               
    2. Add $4.95 for each pickup stop.                                                                              
    3. Add $4.95 for each Custom Designed delivery stop.                                                            
             Schedule SS-1.--Special Services: Address Corrections          
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Per manual correction...................           $0.35           $0.50
    Per automated correction................             .20             .20
             Schedule SS-2.--Special Services: Business Reply Mail          
                                              Fees (in addition to postage) 
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Active business reply advance deposit                                   
        Per piece: Pre-barcoded.............           $0.02           $0.06
        Other...............................             .09             .10
    Payment of postage due charges if active                                
     business reply mail advance deposit                                    
     account not used:                                                      
        Per piece...........................             .40             .44
    Annual license and accounting fees:                                     
        With Advance Deposit Account........          185.00          230.00
        Without Advance Deposit Account.....           75.00           85.00
           Schedule SS-4.--Special Services: Certificates of Mailing        
                                              Fees (in addition to postage) 
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Individual pieces:                                                      
        Original certificate of mailing for                                 
         listed pieces of all classes of                                    
         ordinary mail (per piece)..........           $0.50           $0.55
        Three or more pieces individually                                   
         listed in a firm mailing book or an                                
         approved customer provided                                         
         manifest. (per piece)..............             .20             .20
        Each additional copy of original                                    
         certificate of mailing or original                                 
         mailing receipt for registered,                                    
         insured, certified, and COD mail                                   
         (each copy)........................             .50             .55
    Bulk pieces:                                                            
        Identical pieces of first- and third-                               
         class mail paid with ordinary                                      
         stamps, precanceled stamps, or                                     
         meter stamps are subject to the                                    
         following fees:                                                    
          Up to 1,000 pieces (one                                           
           certificate for total number)....            2.50            2.75
          Each additional 1,000 pieces or                                   
           fraction.........................             .30             .35
          Duplicate copy....................             .50             .55
                Schedule SS-5.--Special Services: Certified Mail            
                                               Fee (in addition to postage) 
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Per piece (in addition to postage)......           $1.00           $1.10
             Schedule SS-6.--Special Services: Collect on Delivery          
                                              Fees (in addition to postage) 
       Amount to be collected or insurance   -------------------------------
                coverage desired                  Current        Proposed   
    $0.01 to $25............................           $2.50           $3.50
    50.01 to 100............................            3.25            4.50
    100.01 to 200...........................            4.00            5.50
    200.01 to 300...........................            4.75            6.50
    300.01 to 400...........................            5.50            7.50
    400.01 to 500...........................            6.50            8.75
    500.01 to 600...........................            7.00            9.50
    Notice of nondelivery of COD:...........            2.10            2.80
    Alteration of COD charges or designation                                
     of new addressee.......................            2.10            2.80
    Registered COD..........................            2.50            3.50
                          Schedule SS-8.--Money Orders                      
                                                     Fees (Domestic)        
                     Amount                  -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
        $0.01 to $700.......................           $0.75           $0.85
        $0.01 to $700.......................             .25             .30
        Inquiry fee, which includes the                                     
         issuance of copy of a paid money                                   
         order..............................            2.50            2.75
                 Schedule SS-9.--Special Services: Insured Mail             
                                               Fees (domestic) (in addition 
                                                       to postage)          
                    Liability                -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    $0.01 to $50............................           $0.75           $0.85
    50.01 to 100............................            1.60            1.75
    100.01 to 200...........................            2.40            2.65
    200.01 to 300...........................            3.50            3.85
    300.01 to 400...........................            4.60            5.05
    400.01 to 500...........................            5.40            5.95
    500.01 to 600...........................            6.20            6.85
                         Schedule SS-10.--Special Services: Post Office Boxes and Caller Service                    
                                                                Fee per semi-annual period                          
      Cubic inch capacity of boxes                                                    1,000 to 1,999                
                                       Less than 296    296 to 499      500 to 999                     2,000 to over
    Box size                                       1               2               3               4               5
      A. Semi-Annual Rates for Post                                                                                 
              Office Boxes                                                                                          
    Group IA:                                                                                                       
        Current.....................          $21.50          $31.00          $57.50          $95.00         $157.50
        Proposed....................           23.50           34.00           63.50          105.00          173.50
    Group IB:                                                                                                       
        Current.....................           19.50           27.50           50.00           84.00          140.00
        Proposed....................           21.50           30.50           55.00           92.50          154.50
    Group IC:                                                                                                       
        Current.....................           17.50           24.50           46.50           77.50          130.00
        Proposed....................           19.50           27.00           51.50           85.50          143.50
    Group II-offices w/o city                                                                                       
     carrier service:                    (annual)        (annual)     ..............  ..............  ..............
        Current.....................            7.25           11.25           10.75           15.75           25.00
        Proposed....................            8.00           12.50           11.75           17.25           27.50
    Group III-offices w/o rural                                                                                     
     carrier service:                    (annual)        (annual)        (annual)        (annual)        (annual)   
        Current.....................            2.00            2.00            2.00            2.00            2.00
        Proposed....................            2.00            2.00            2.00            2.00            2.00
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
                B. Caller Service                                           
    For caller service (semi-annual):                                       
        Group IA............................         $225.00         $250.00
        Group IB............................          215.00          240.00
        Group IC............................          202.50          225.00
    For each reserved call number (annual)..           25.00           30.00
         Schedule SS-11A.--Special Services: Zip Coding of Mailing Lists    
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Per thousand addresses..................          $54.00          $60.00
         Schedule SS-11B.--Special Services: Correction of Mailing Lists    
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Per submitted address...................           $0.15           $0.17
    Minimum charge per list corrected.......            5.00            5.50
     Schedule SS-11C.--Special Services: Address Changes for Election Boards
                          and Registration Commissions                      
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Per change of address...................           $0.15           $0.17
         Schedule SS-11D.--Special Services: Corrections Associated With    
            Arrangement of Address Cards in Carrier Delivery Sequence       
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                 Current         Proposed   
    Per Correction..........................           $0.15            0.17
    Note: When rural routes have been                                       
     consolidated or changed to another post                                
     office, no charge will be made for                                     
     correction if the list contains only                                   
     names of persons residing on the route                                 
     or routes involved.....................                                
                     Schedule SS-12.--On-Site Meter Setting                 
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    On-site meter settings:                                                 
      First meter:                                                          
        By appointment......................          $25.00          $27.50
        Unscheduled request.................           28.00           31.00
    Additional Meters.......................            2.75            3.25
    Checking meter in or out of service (per                                
     meter).................................            6.50            7.50
               Schedule SS-13.--Special Services: Parcel Air Lift           
                                              Fees (in addition to postage) 
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Up to 2 pounds..........................           $0.35           $0.40
    Over 2 up to 3 pounds...................            0.70            0.75
    Over 3 up to 4 pounds...................            1.05            1.15
    Over 4 pounds...........................            1.40            1.55
              Schedule SS-14a.--Special Services: Registered Mail           
                                               Current (fees in addition to 
                                               For articles    For articles 
                 Value (dollars)                covered by    not covered by
                                                insurance        insurance  
                                                   Fees            Fees     
    0.00 to 100.............................           $4.50           $4.40
    100.01 to 500...........................            4.85            4.70
    500.01 to 1,000.........................            5.25            5.05
    1,000.01 to 2,000.......................            5.70            5.40
    2,000.01 to 3,000.......................            6.15            5.75
    3,000.01 to 4,000.......................            6.60            6.10
    4,000.01 to 5,000.......................            7.05            6.45
    5,000.01 to 6,000.......................            7.50            6.80
    6,000.01 to 7,000.......................            7.95            7.15
    7,000.01 to 8,000.......................            8.40            7.50
    8,000.01 to 9,000.......................            8.85            7.85
    9,000.01 to 10,000......................            9.30            8.20
    10,000.01 to 11,000.....................            9.75            8.55
    11,000.01 to 12,000.....................           10.20            8.90
    12,000.01 to 13,000.....................           10.65            9.25
    13,000.01 to 14,000.....................           11.10            9.60
    14,000.01 to 15,000.....................           11.55            9.95
    15,000.01 to 16,000.....................           12.00           10.30
    16,000.01 to 17,000.....................           12.45           10.65
    17,000.01 to 18,000.....................           12.90           11.00
    18,000.01 to 19,000.....................           13.35           11.35
    19,000.01 to 20,000.....................           13.80           11.70
    20,000.01 to 21,000.....................           14.25           12.05
    21,000.01 to 22,000.....................           14.70           12.40
    22,000.01 to 23,000.....................           15.15           12.75
    23,000.01 to 24,000.....................           15.60           13.10
    24,000.01 to 25,000.....................           16.05           13.45
    25,000.01 to $1,000,000.................           16.05           13.45
        Plus handling charge per $1,000 or                                  
         fraction over first $25,000........            0.35            0.35
    $1,000,000 to $15,000,000:                                              
        Plus handling charge per $1,000,000                                 
         or fraction over first $1,000,000..          357.30          354.70
    Over $15,000,000 additional charges may                                 
     be based on consideration of weight,                                   
     space and value                                    0.35           0.35 
               Schedule SS-14b.--Special Services: Registered Mail          
                                               Proposed fees in addition to 
                     Value                     For articles    For articles 
                                                covered by    not covered by
                                                insurance       insurance   
    $0.00 to $100...........................           $4.95           $4.85
    $100.01 to $500.........................            5.35            5.20
    $500.01 to $1,000.......................            5.80            5.55
    $1,000.01 to $2,000.....................            6.30            5.95
    $2,000.01 to $3,000.....................            6.80            6.35
    $3,000.01 to $4,000.....................            7.30            6.75
    $4,000.01 to $5,000.....................            7.80            7.10
    $5,000.01 to $6,000.....................            8.25            7.50
    $6,000.01 to $7,000.....................            8.75            7.90
    $7,000.01 to $8,000.....................            9.25            8.25
    $8,000.01 to $9,000.....................            9.75            8.65
    $9,000.01 to $10,000....................           10.25            9.05
    $10,000.01 to $11,000...................           10.75            9.45
    $11,000.01 to $12,000...................           11.25            9.80
    $12,000.01 to $13,000...................           11.75           10.20
    $13,000.01 to $14,000...................           12.25           10.60
    $14,000.01 to $15,000...................           12.75           10.95
    $15,000.01 to $16,000...................           13.25           11.35
    $16,000.01 to $17,000...................           13.75           11.75
    $17,000.01 to $18,000...................           14.25           12.15
    $18,000.01 to $19,000...................           14.75           12.50
    $19,000.01 to $20,000...................           15.20           12.90
    $20,000.01 to $21,000...................           15.70           13.30
    $21,000.01 to $22,000...................           16.20           13.70
    $22,000.01 to $23,000...................           16.70           14.05
    $23,000.01 to $24,000...................           17.20           14.45
    $24,000.01 to $25,000...................           17.70           14.85
    $25,000.01 to $1,000,000................           17.70           14.85
    Handling charge per $1,000 over $25,000.            0.40            0.40
    $1,000,000.01 to $15,000,000............          394.10          391.25
    Handling charge per $1,000 over                                         
     $1,000,000.............................            0.40            0.40
             Schedule SS-15.--Special Services: Restricted Delivery         
                                               Fee (in addition to postage) 
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Per piece...............................           $2.50           $2.75
               Schedule SS-16.--Special Services: Return Receipts           
                                               Fees (in addition to postage)
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Requested at time of mailing:                                           
        Showing to whom (signature) and date                                
         delivered..........................           $1.00           $1.10
        Merchandise only--without another                                   
         special service....................            1.10            1.20
        Showing to whom (signature) and date                                
         address where delivered............            1.35            1.50
        Merchandise only--without another                                   
         special service....................            1.50            1.65
    Requested after mailing:                                                
        Showing to whom and date delivered..            6.00            6.60
               Schedule SS-17.--Special Services: Special Delivery          
                                               Fees (in addition to postage)
                  Class/weight               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    First-class and priority mail:                                          
        Not more than 2 pounds..............           $7.65          $16.05
        Over 2 pounds but not over 10 pounds            7.95           16.70
        Over 10 pounds......................            8.55           18.00
    All other classes:                                                      
        Not more than 2 pounds..............            8.05           16.90
        Over 2 pounds but not over 10 pounds            8.65           18.15
        Over 10 pounds......................            9.30           19.55
               Schedule SS-18.--Special Services: Special Handling          
                                               Fees (in addition to postage)
                     Weight                  -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Not more than 10 pounds.................           $1.80           $5.40
    Over 10 pounds..........................            2.50            7.50
              Schedule SS-19.--Special Services: Stamped Envelopes          
                                               Fees (in addition to postage)
                      Type                   -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Single sale.............................           $0.05           $0.06
    Bulk (500) #6\3/4\ size:                                                
        Regular.............................            7.40            8.15
        Window..............................            8.00            8.80
    Bulk (500) size >#6\3/4\ through #10:                                   
        Regular.............................           11.00           12.15
        Window..............................           12.00           13.25
    Savings bond (500):                                                     
        Plain...............................            9.00            9.95
        Printed.............................           12.00           13.25
    Printing charge per 500 envelopes (for                                  
     each type of printed envelope):                                        
        Minimum order (500 envelopes).......            4.00            4.40
        Order for 1,000 or more envelopes...            4.00            4.40
    Double window (500)--size >#6\3/4\                                      
     through #10:...........................           13.50           14.90
    Household (50)--size #6\3/4\:                                           
        Regular.............................            2.70            3.00
        Window..............................            2.80            3.10
        Size >#6\3/4\ through #10:                                          
            Regular.........................            2.90            3.20
            Window..........................            3.00            3.30
              Schedule SS-20.--Special Services: Merchandise Return         
                                               Fee (in addition to postage) 
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    Per transaction:                                                        
        Shipper must have an advance deposit                                
         account (see DMCS Schedule 1000)...           $0.25           $0.30
                              Schedule 1000.--Fees                          
                                                    Fee (one time only)     
                   Description               -------------------------------
                                                  Current        Proposed   
    First-class presorted mailing fee.......          $75.00          $85.00
    Second-class mailing fees:                                              
        A. Original entry...................          275.00          305.00
        B. Additional entry (all zones).....           75.00           85.00
    Second-class re-entry fee...............           45.00           50.00
    Second-class registration for news                                      
     agents.................................           45.00           50.00
    Third-class bulk mailing fee............           75.00           85.00
    Parcel post: Destination BMC/ASF........           75.00           85.00
    Fourth-class special mail presorted                                     
     mailing fee............................           75.00           85.00
    Authorization to use permit imprint.....           75.00           85.00
    Merchandise return (per facility                                        
     receiving merchandise return labels)...           75.00           85.00
    [FR Doc. 94-7374 Filed 3-29-94; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Postal Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: March 30, 1994, Docket No. R94-1, Order No. 1007