97-7214. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories; Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 61 (Monday, March 31, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 15228-15270]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-7214]
    [[Page 15227]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Part 63
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source 
    Categories; Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing: Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 61 / Monday, March 31, 1997 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 15228]]
    40 CFR Part 63
    [IL-64-2-5807; FRL-5695-8]
    RIN 2060-AE75
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for 
    Source Categories; Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Proposed rule and notice of public hearing.
    SUMMARY: This action proposes national emission standards for hazardous 
    air pollutants (NESHAP) for new and existing sources in wool fiberglass 
    manufacturing facilities. The hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) emitted 
    by the facilities covered by this proposed rule include three metals 
    (arsenic, chromium, lead) and three organic HAPs (formaldehyde, phenol, 
    and methanol). Exposure to these HAPs can cause reversible or 
    irreversible health effects including carcinogenic, respiratory, 
    nervous system, developmental, reproductive, and/or dermal health 
    effects. The EPA estimates the proposed NESHAP would reduce nationwide 
    emissions of HAPs from these facilities by 530 megagrams per year (Mg/
    yr) (580 tons per year [ton/yr]), an approximate 30 percent reduction 
    from the current level of emissions. Emissions of particulate matter 
    (PM) would be reduced by an estimated 760 Mg/yr (840 ton/yr) under the 
    proposed NESHAP.
        The standards are proposed under the authority of section 112(d) of 
    the Clean Air Act (CAA) and are based on the Administrator's 
    determination that wool fiberglass manufacturing facilities may 
    reasonably be anticipated to emit several of the 188 HAPs listed in the 
    draft 112(s) Report to Congress from the various process operations 
    found within the industry. The proposed NESHAP would provide protection 
    to the public by requiring all wool fiberglass plants that are major 
    sources to meet emission standards reflecting the application of the 
    maximum achievable control technology (MACT).
    DATES: Comments. The EPA will accept comments on the proposed rule 
    until May 30, 1997.
        Public hearing. Anyone requesting a public hearing must contact the 
    EPA no later than April 21, 1997. If a hearing is held, it will take 
    place at 10 a.m. on April 30, 1997. Persons interested in attending the 
    hearing should call the contact person listed below to verify that a 
    hearing will be held.
        Request to speak at hearing. Persons wishing to present oral 
    testimony must contact the person listed below (see ADDRESSES) by April 
    21, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments. Interested parties may submit written comments (in 
    duplicate, if possible) to Docket No. A-95-24 at the following address: 
    Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (6102), U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 
    20460. The EPA requests that a separate copy of the comments also be 
    sent to the contact person listed below.
        Docket. Docket A-95-24, containing supporting information used in 
    developing the proposed standard, is located at the above address in 
    Room M-1500, Waterside Mall (ground floor), and may be inspected from 
    8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Copies of this 
    information may be obtained by request from the Air Docket by calling 
    (202) 260-7548. A reasonable fee may be charged for copying docket 
        Public hearing. If anyone contacts the EPA requesting a public 
    hearing by the required date (see DATES), the hearing will be held at 
    the EPA Office of Administration Auditorium, Research Triangle Park, 
    North Carolina 27711. Persons interested in presenting testimony should 
    contact Ms. Cathy Coats at (919)541-5422.
        A verbatim transcript of the hearing and any written statements 
    will be available for public inspection and copying during normal 
    working hours at the EPA's Air and Radiation Docket in Washington, DC.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information concerning the 
    proposed regulation, contact Mr. William J. Neuffer, Minerals and 
    Inorganic Chemicals Group, Emission Standards Division (MD-13) U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 
    27711, telephone number (919) 541-5435. For information regarding 
    Methods 316 and 318, contact Ms. Rima N. Dishakjian, Emissions, 
    Monitoring, and Analysis Division, telephone number (919) 541-0443.
        Regulated entities: Entities potentially regulated by this action 
    are those industrial facilities that manufacture wool fiberglass. 
    Regulated categories and entities are shown in Table 1. This table is 
    not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a guide for readers 
    regarding entities likely to be regulated by final action on this 
    proposal. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware 
    could potentially be regulated by final action on this proposal. To 
    determine whether your facility is regulated by final action on this 
    proposal, you should carefully examine the applicability criteria in 
    section III.A of this preamble and in Sec. 63.1380 of the proposed 
    rule. If you have any questions regarding the applicability of this 
    action to a particular entity, consult the person listed in the 
                   Table 1.--Regulated Categories and Entities              
                  Entity category                        Description        
    Industrial................................  Wool Fiberglass             
                                                 Manufacturing Plants (SIC  
     Federal Government: Not Affected           ............................
    State/Local/Tribal Government: Not          ............................
        The information in this preamble is organized as follows:
    I. Statutory Authority
    II. Introduction
        A. Background
        B. NESHAP for Source Categories
        C. Health Effects of Pollutants
        D. Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing Industry Profile
        E. Pollution Prevention
    III. Summary of Proposed Standards
        A. Applicability
        B. Emission Limits and Requirements
        C. Performance Test and Compliance Provisions
        D. Monitoring Requirements
        E. Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements
    IV. Impacts of Proposed Standards
        A. Applicability
        B. Air Quality Impacts
        C. Water Impacts
        D. Solid Waste Impacts
        E. Energy Impacts
        F. Nonair Environmental and Health Impacts
        G. Cost Impacts
        H. Economic Impacts
    V. Selection of Proposed Standards
        A. Selection of Source Category
        B. Selection of Emission Sources
        C. Selection of Pollutants
        D. Selection of Proposed Standards for Existing and New Sources
        1. Background
        2. Selection of Floor Technologies
        3. Emission Limits
        E. Selection of Monitoring Requirements
        F. Selection of Test Methods
        G. Solicitation of Comments
    VI. Administrative Requirements
        A. Docket
        B. Public Hearing
    [[Page 15229]]
        C. Executive Order 12866
        D. Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership Under Executive 
    Order 12875
        E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        F. Regulatory Flexibility
        G. Paperwork Reduction Act
        H. Clean Air Act
        I. Pollution Prevention Act
    I. Statutory Authority
        The statutory authority for this proposal is provided by sections 
    101, 112, 114, 116, and 301 of the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 
    7401, 7412, 7414, 7416, and 7601).
    II. Introduction
    A. Background
        Section 112(c) of the Act directs the Agency to list each category 
    of major and area sources as appropriate emitting one or more of the 
    189 HAPs listed in section 112(b) of the Act. The EPA published an 
    initial list of source categories on July 16, 1992 (57 FR 31576), and 
    may amend the list at any time. ``Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing'' is 
    one of the 174 categories of sources listed in the notice. As defined 
    in the EPA report, Documentation for Developing the Initial Source 
    Category List (docket item II-A-5), the Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing 
    source category includes any facility engaged in producing wool 
    fiberglass from sand, feldspar, sodium sulfate, anhydrous borax, boric 
    acid, or any other materials. Facilities that manufacture mineral wool 
    from rock, slag, and other similar materials are not included in the 
    source category. On December 3, 1993 (58 FR 63941), EPA published a 
    schedule for the promulgation of standards for the sources selected for 
    regulation under section 112(c) of the Act. According to this schedule, 
    MACT standards for this source category must be promulgated no later 
    than November 15, 1997.
        In the manufacture of wool fiberglass, molten glass is formed into 
    fibers, which are bonded by an organic resin to produce a wool-like 
    material used primarily for thermal and acoustical insulation. The EPA 
    estimates that at the current level of control, 1,770 Mg/yr (1,950 ton/
    yr) of metal HAPs and formaldehyde are emitted from glass-melting 
    furnaces and manufacturing lines in wool fiberglass plants nationwide. 
    The HAPs released from glass-melting furnaces include arsenic, 
    chromium, and lead; an estimated 750 Mg/yr (830 ton/yr) of particulate 
    matter also are emitted. Organic HAPs (formaldehyde, phenol, and 
    methanol) are released from rotary spin (RS) forming, curing, and 
    cooling processes and from flame attenuation (FA) forming and curing 
    B. NESHAP for Source Categories
        Section 112 of the Act requires that EPA promulgate regulations for 
    the control of HAP emissions from both new and existing major sources. 
    The statute requires the regulations to reflect the maximum degree of 
    reduction in emissions of HAPs that is achievable taking into 
    consideration the cost of achieving the emission reduction, any nonair 
    quality health and environmental impacts, and energy requirements. This 
    level of control is commonly referred to as MACT. For new sources, MACT 
    standards cannot be less stringent than the emission control that is 
    achieved in practice by the best-controlled similar source. [See 
    section 112(d)(3).] The MACT standards for existing sources can be less 
    stringent than standards for new sources, but they cannot be less 
    stringent than the average emission limitation achieved by the best-
    performing 12 percent of existing sources for categories and 
    subcategories with 30 or more sources, or the best-performing 5 sources 
    for categories or subcategories with fewer than 30 sources. In essence, 
    these MACT standards would ensure that all major sources of air toxic 
    emissions achieve the level of control already being achieved by the 
    better controlled and lower emitting sources in each category. This 
    approach provides assurance to citizens that each major source of toxic 
    air pollution will be required to effectively control its emissions. At 
    the same time, this approach provides a level economic playing field, 
    ensuring that facilities that employ cleaner processes and good 
    emissions controls are not disadvantaged relative to competitors with 
    poorer controls.
        The control of HAPs is achieved through the promulgation of 
    technology-based emission standards under sections 112(d) and 112(f) 
    and work practice standards under 112(h) for categories of sources that 
    emit HAPs. Emission reductions may be accomplished through the 
    application of measures, processes, methods, systems, or techniques 
    including, but not limited to: (1) Reducing the volume of, or 
    eliminating emissions of, such pollutants through process changes, 
    substitution of materials, or other modifications; (2) enclosing 
    systems or processes to eliminate emissions; (3) collecting, capturing, 
    or treating such pollutants when released from a process, stack, 
    storage or fugitive emissions point; (4) design, equipment, work 
    practice, or operational standards (including requirements for operator 
    training or certification) as provided in subsection (h); or (5) a 
    combination of the above. [See section 112(d)(2).] The EPA may 
    promulgate more stringent regulations to address residual risk that 
    remains after the imposition of controls within 8 years of promulgation 
    of the NESHAP. [See section 112(f)(2).]
    C. Health Effects of Pollutants
        The CAA was created, in part, ``to protect and enhance the quality 
    of the Nation's air resources so as to promote the public health and 
    welfare and the productive capacity of its population'' [42 U.S.C. 
    7401(b)]. This proposed regulation would protect the public health by 
    reducing emissions of HAPs from wool fiberglass manufacturing 
    facilities. This proposed regulation is technology-based, i.e., based 
    on MACT.
        Emission data collected during development of this proposed NESHAP 
    show that several HAPs are emitted from wool fiberglass manufacturing 
    plants and will be reduced by implementation of the standard. The 
    proposed emission limits would reduce emissions of three particulate 
    metal HAPs: chromium, arsenic, and lead from glass melting furnaces. 
    The organic HAPs (formaldehyde, phenol, and methanol) are emitted from 
    wool fiberglass manufacturing lines and would also be reduced by the 
    proposed standard. In addition to these HAPs and as a result of the 
    control of the metal HAPs, the proposed standard also would reduce 
    emissions of PM, which is regulated under the CAA as a criteria 
    pollutant, and volatile organic compounds (VOC). More information on PM 
    can be found in EPA's criteria document for PM emissions. Following is 
    a summary of the potential health effects caused by exposure to these 
        Three metals--arsenic, chromium, and lead--appear on the section 
    112(b) list of HAPs and are emitted from glass melting furnaces. Long-
    term inhalation exposure to arsenic is strongly associated with lung 
    cancer, and also irritates the skin and mucous membranes. The EPA has 
    classified arsenic as a Class A, known human carcinogen. The effects of 
    inhaling chromium depend on whether the oxidation state of the metal is 
    trivalent or hexavalent. Trivalent chromium is an essential nutrient, 
    and is substantially less toxic than hexavalent chromium. Both types of 
    chromium irritate the respiratory tract. Hexavalent chromium inhalation 
    is associated with lung cancer, and EPA has classified it as a Class A, 
    known human carcinogen. Data are insufficient to classify trivalent 
    chromium as to human carcinogenicity.
    [[Page 15230]]
    Lead exposure damages the central nervous system, especially in 
    children, who may suffer decreased IQ and other neurobehavioral 
    deficits. Children and adults exposed to higher doses of lead may 
    experience anemia, kidney damage, and high blood pressure. The EPA has 
    classified lead as a Class B2, probable human carcinogen, on the basis 
    of reports of kidney tumors in animal studies. (See docket items II-A-
    4, II-A-6, II-A-10, II-I-6, II-I-7, II-I-8.)
        Exposure to formaldehyde, methanol, and phenol irritates the eyes, 
    skin, and mucous membranes and causes conjunctivitis, dermal 
    inflammation, and respiratory symptoms. Formaldehyde exposure has been 
    associated with reproductive effects such as menstrual disorders and 
    pregnancy problems in women workers. The EPA has classified 
    formaldehyde as a Class B1, probable human carcinogen, on the basis of 
    findings of nasal cancer in animal studies, and limited human data. 
    Phenol has been shown to cause damage to the liver, kidney, 
    cardiovascular system, and central nervous system in animal studies. 
    Acute exposure to methanol (usually by ingestion) is well-known to 
    cause blindness and severe metabolic acidosis, sometimes leading to 
    death. Chronic methanol exposure, including inhalation, may cause 
    central disturbances possibly leading to blindness. Data are not 
    sufficient to classify either phenol or methanol as to potential human 
    carcinogenicity. (See docket items II-A-7, II-A-9, II-I-2, II-I-3, II-
        Formaldehyde, phenol, and methanol also are VOCs, which are 
    precursors to ozone formation. Ambient ozone can cause damage to lung 
    tissue, reduction of lung function, and increased sensitivity of the 
    lung to other irritants. Several provisions of the CAA are aimed at 
    reducing emissions of VOC. Additional information on the health effects 
    of ozone are included in EPA's Criteria document, which support the 
    National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone.
        The EPA does recognize that the degree of adverse health effects 
    can range from mild to severe. The extent and degree to which the 
    health effects may be experienced is dependent upon (1) the ambient 
    concentrations observed in the area (e.g., as influenced by emission 
    rates, meteorological conditions, and terrain), (2) the frequency of 
    and duration of exposures, (3) characteristics of exposed individuals 
    (e.g., genetics, age, pre-existing health conditions, and lifestyles), 
    and (4) pollutant-specific characteristics (e.g., toxicity, half-life 
    in the environment, bioaccumulation, and persistence).
    D. Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing Industry Profile
        Wool fiberglass products are primarily used as thermal and 
    acoustical insulation for buildings, automobiles, aircraft, appliances, 
    ductwork, and pipes. Other uses include liquid and air filtration. 
    Approximately 90 percent of the wool fiberglass currently produced is 
    for building insulation products.
        Wool fiberglass is currently manufactured in the United States by 
    five companies operating 27 plants in 15 states. According to the size 
    definition applied to this industry by the U.S. Small Business 
    Administration (750 company employees or less), none of these firms is 
    classified as a small business. These plants operate a total of 74 
    manufacturing lines.
        Wool fiberglass is manufactured in a process that forms thin fibers 
    from molten glass. A typical wool fiberglass manufacturing line 
    consists of the following processes: (1) Preparation of molten glass, 
    (2) formation of fibers into a wool fiberglass mat, (3) curing the 
    binder-coated fiberglass mat, (4) cooling the mat (not always present), 
    and (5) backing, cutting, and packaging. Wool fiberglass manufacturing 
    plants typically contain one or more manufacturing lines.
        Raw materials for the glass batch are weighed, mixed, and conveyed 
    to the glass melting furnace, which may be gas-fired, electric, or gas 
    and electric combined. The primary component of wool fiberglass is 
    sand, but it also includes varying quantities of feldspar, sodium 
    sulfate, anhydrous borax, boric acid, and many other materials. Cullet, 
    crushed recycled glass, is a primary component in most batches and is 
    required by Executive Order for Federal agency purchases and by law in 
    certain States. Two methods of forming fibers are used in the industry. 
    In the rotary spin (RS) process, centrifugal force causes molten glass 
    to flow through small holes in the wall of a rapidly rotating cylinder. 
    In the flame attenuation (FA) process, molten glass flows by gravity 
    from a small furnace, or pot, to form threads that are then attenuated 
    (stretched to the point of breaking) with air and/or flame.
        After the fibers are formed, they are sprayed with a binder and 
    collected as a mat on a moving conveyor. The purpose of the binder is 
    to hold the fibers together and its composition varies with product 
    type. Typically, the binder consists of a solution of phenol-
    formaldehyde resin, water, urea, lignin, silane, and ammonia. The 
    conveyor carries the newly formed mat through an oven for curing of the 
    thermosetting resin and then through a cooling section. Some products 
    do not require curing and/or cooling. FA manufacturing lines do not 
    have cooling processes.
        No Federal air standards specifically apply to HAP emissions from 
    wool fiberglass production plants. Emission limits for PM in the new 
    source performance standards (NSPS) for glass manufacturing plants (40 
    CFR part 60, subpart CC) are applicable to gas-fired and modified 
    process glass-melting furnaces in the wool fiberglass industry that 
    were constructed, modified, or reconstructed after June 15, 1979. The 
    NSPS for wool fiberglass insulation manufacturing plants (40 CFR part 
    60, subpart PPP) limits PM emissions from wool fiberglass insulation 
    manufacturing lines using the RS forming process that were constructed, 
    modified, or reconstructed after February 7, 1984. The NSPS does not 
    require controls for VOC or organic HAPs.
        As a result of the NSPS and State requirements, PM controls are in 
    place for most glass-melting furnaces. Of the 56 gas and electric 
    furnaces (including gas/electric combinations), 37 are equipped with 
    baghouses or electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). Among those furnaces 
    without add-on controls are 12 electric furnaces that control PM 
    emissions through their design and operation.
        Controls also are in place for RS manufacturing lines. All 40 RS 
    forming processes control, to varying degrees, organic emissions using 
    one or more of the several process modifications available to this 
    industry. Of the 43 curing ovens, 14 are equipped with a thermal 
    incinerator. Cooling process emissions are uncontrolled for organic HAP 
        Because of the differences in emissions potential, limitations on 
    the application of process controls, and the dedication of lines to 
    certain product categories, FA forming processes are separated into 
    four subcategories: light density, automotive, heavy density, and pipe 
    products. None of the light density or automotive FA forming processes 
    are equipped with HAP controls. In a few instances, FA forming 
    processes that produce heavy density products, are controlled using 
    process modifications. All FA forming processes producing pipe products 
    use process modifications. None of the 31 curing ovens on FA 
    manufacturing lines are equipped with HAP emission controls.
    [[Page 15231]]
    E. Pollution Prevention
        Pollution prevention is a partial basis for the emission standards 
    for RS and FA manufacturing lines. The emission standard for RS 
    manufacturing lines is formulated as the sum of the MACT floor emission 
    levels for forming, curing, and cooling where process modification is 
    the MACT floor for forming processes, incineration is the MACT floor 
    for curing ovens, and no control is the MACT floor for cooling 
    processes. The emission standards for new and existing FA manufacturing 
    lines producing pipe products and new FA manufacturing lines producing 
    heavy-density products are the sum of the MACT floor emission levels 
    for forming and curing (there are no separate cooling processes on FA 
    manufacturing lines). Process modification is the MACT floor for 
    forming processes and no control is the MACT floor for curing ovens. By 
    formulating the standard as a sum of the individual forming, curing, 
    and cooling MACT floor emission levels for RS manufacturing lines and 
    forming and curing MACT floor emission levels for certain FA 
    manufacturing lines, we have allowed tradeoffs for existing facilities 
    that will accomplish the same environmental results at lower costs and 
    will encourage process modifications and pollution prevention 
    alternatives. According to the industry, new RS manufacturing lines may 
    be able to meet the line standard without the use of costly 
    incinerators with their energy and other environmental impacts, such as 
    increased nitrogen oxides (NOX) and sulfur oxides (SOX) 
    emissions, by incorporating pollution prevention measures. Pollution 
    prevention alternatives will also increase binder utilization 
    efficiency and reduce production costs for industry. In selecting the 
    format of the emission standard for emissions from manufacturing lines, 
    the EPA considered various alternatives such as setting separate 
    emission limits for each process, i.e., forming, curing, and cooling. A 
    line standard gives the industry greater flexibility in complying with 
    the proposed emission limit and is the least costly because industry 
    can avoid the capital and annual operating and maintenance costs 
    associated with the purchase of add-on control equipment.
    III. Summary of Proposed Standards
    A. Applicability
        The proposed NESHAP applies to each of the following existing and 
    newly constructed sources: glass-melting furnaces located at a wool 
    fiberglass manufacturing plant (Standard Industrial Classification 
    [SIC] code 3296), RS manufacturing lines that produce building 
    insulation, and FA manufacturing lines producing pipe insulation. The 
    proposed NESHAP also applies to new FA manufacturing lines producing 
    heavy density products. Facilities that manufacture mineral wool from 
    rock or slag are not subject to the proposed rule but are subject to a 
    separate NESHAP for mineral wool production. Provisions are included in 
    the NESHAP general provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A) for the owner 
    or operator to obtain a determination of applicability. A facility that 
    is determined to be an area source would not be subject to the NESHAP.
    B. Emission Limits and Requirements
        Emission limits for PM are proposed for glass-melting furnaces. 
    Because the MACT floor for existing and the MACT floor for new glass-
    melting furnaces are the same, the same emission limit applies to both 
    new and existing sources. Emission limits for formaldehyde also are 
    proposed for each new or existing RS manufacturing line, each new and 
    existing FA manufacturing line producing pipe insulation, and each new 
    FA manufacturing line producing heavy density products.
        A surrogate approach, where PM serves as a surrogate for HAP metals 
    and formaldehyde serves as a surrogate for organic HAPs, is employed to 
    allow easier and less expensive testing and monitoring requirements. 
    The proposed emission limits are in the same format (mass of emissions 
    per unit of production) as the existing NSPS for glass-melting furnaces 
    and for wool fiberglass plants--kilograms per megagram (kg/Mg) or pound 
    per ton (lb/ton) of glass pulled. Application of the proposed emission 
    limits to the manufacturing line (forming, curing, and cooling) is 
    consistent with the existing NSPS and the use of a kg/Mg (lb/ton) 
    format recognizes that common industry practice is to vent more than 
    one process unit to common ductwork/controls. This format also provides 
    greater flexibility in achieving compliance with the use of pollution 
    prevention measures, especially process modifications that provide the 
    same environmental benefits without the need to purchase add-on control 
    devices. The proposed emission limits are presented in metric units in 
    Table 2(a) and English units in Table 2(b).
        The proposed emission limits for existing sources are based on the 
    performance of the control technology identified as the MACT floor. The 
    MACT floor for existing glass-melting furnaces is an ESP or a baghouse. 
    Because well-designed and -operated ESPs and baghouses, which are the 
    MACT floor for existing glass-melting furnaces, represent the best 
    technologies available for controlling PM emissions, including HAP 
    metals, the MACT floor for new sources is the same.
      Table 2(a).--Summary of Proposed Emission Limits for New and Existing 
        Glass-Melting Furnaces and RS and FA Manufacturing Lines in Wool    
                         Fiberglass Manufacturing Plants                    
                                 [Metric units]                             
                                                Emission limit              
               Process           -------------------------------------------
                                        Existing                 New        
    Furnace.....................  0.25 kg of PM per Mg  0.25 kg of PM per Mg
                                   of glass pulled.      of glass pulled.   
    RS Manufacturing Line.......  0.6 kg of             0.40 kg of          
                                   formaldehyde per Mg   formaldehyde per Mg
                                   of glass pulled.      of glass pulled.   
                                     Pipe Insulation       Pipe Insulation  
    FA Manufacturing Line.......  3.4 kg of             3.4 kg of           
                                   formaldehyde per Mg   formaldehyde per Mg
                                   of glass pulled.      of glass pulled.   
                                      Heavy Density         Heavy Density   
                                  None................  3.9 kg of           
                                                         formaldehyde per Mg
                                                         of glass pulled.   
    [[Page 15232]]
      Table 2(b).--Summary of Proposed Emission Limits for New and Existing 
        Glass-Melting Furnaces and RS and FA Manufacturing Lines in Wool    
                         Fiberglass Manufacturing Plants                    
                                 [English units]                            
                                                Emission limit              
               Process           -------------------------------------------
                                        Existing                 New        
    Furnace.....................  0.50 lb of PM per     0.50 lb of PM per   
                                   ton of glass pulled.  ton of glass       
    RS Manufacturing Line.......  1.2 lb of             0.80 lb of          
                                   formaldehyde per      formaldehyde per   
                                   ton of glass pulled.  ton of glass       
                                     Pipe Insulation       Pipe Insulation  
    FA Manufacturing Line.......  6.8 lb of             6.8 lb of           
                                   formaldehyde per      formaldehyde per   
                                   ton of glass pulled.  ton of glass       
                                      Heavy Density         Heavy Density   
                                  None................  7.8 lb of           
                                                         formaldehyde per   
                                                         ton of glass       
        The MACT floor for each new or existing RS manufacturing line is 
    represented by the use of process modification(s) for the forming 
    process and a thermal incinerator for each curing oven. The MACT floor 
    for cooling processes on RS manufacturing lines is no control because 
    none of the existing cooling processes are controlled for HAPs. 
    According to the industry, some existing plants will have to upgrade 
    their process modifications on forming in order to meet the proposed 
    emission limit; none will have to install incinerators on curing to 
    comply with the standard. Process modifications are also the basis for 
    the proposed MACT floor for forming processes on each new and existing 
    FA manufacturing line producing pipe insulation and each new FA 
    manufacturing line producing heavy-density products. Because none of 
    the curing processes on FA manufacturing lines are controlled, the MACT 
    floor is no control.
    C. Performance Test and Compliance Provisions
        A one-time performance test would demonstrate initial compliance 
    with the proposed emission limits. Under the proposed NESHAP, the owner 
    or operator would measure PM emissions to the atmosphere from affected 
    glass-melting furnaces using EPA Method 5 in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A 
    and Sec. 63.1389 (Test methods and procedures) of the proposed rule. 
    EPA Method 316, ``Sampling and Analysis for Formaldehyde from 
    Stationary Sources in the Mineral Wool and Wool Fiberglass 
    Industries,'' or Method 318, ``Extractive FTIR Method for the 
    Measurement of Emissions from the Mineral Wool and the Wool Fiberglass 
    Industries'' would be used to measure formaldehyde emissions. Methods 
    316 and 318 are being proposed concurrently with this proposed rule. 
    Using information from the tests, the owner or operator would determine 
    compliance with the applicable emission limit using the instructions 
    and equations in the proposed NESHAP. During the initial performance 
    test, the owner or operator also would monitor and record the glass 
    pull rate of the furnace during each of the three test runs and 
    determine the emission rate for each run in kilograms (pounds) of 
    emission per megagram (ton) of glass pulled (kg/Mg [lb/ton]). A 
    determination of compliance would be based on the average of the three 
    individual test runs.
        If an ESP is used to control emissions from a glass-melting 
    furnace, the proposed NESHAP requires the owner or operator to 
    establish the ESP operating parameter(s) that will be used to monitor 
    compliance. For example, the secondary voltage of each ESP electrical 
    field may be monitored to determine proper ESP operations. During the 
    initial performance test, the owner or operator would establish the 
    parameters and the range of these parameter values to be used to 
    monitor compliance with the PM emission limit.
        If a glass-melting furnace is operated without the use of an add-on 
    PM control device, the owner or operator must establish the furnace 
    operating parameter(s) that will be used to monitor compliance. On cold 
    top electric furnaces, for example, the temperature 18 to 24 inches 
    above the glass melt may be used to indicate proper furnace operations. 
    The owner or operator would establish the range of parameter values 
    during the initial performance test to be used to monitor compliance 
    with the PM emission limit.
        To determine compliance with the proposed emission limits for new 
    and existing RS manufacturing lines, the owner or operator would 
    measure formaldehyde emissions to the atmosphere from forming, curing, 
    and cooling processes and sum the emissions from these processes. For 
    new and existing FA manufacturing lines producing pipe products and for 
    new lines producing heavy-density products, the owner or operator would 
    measure emissions to the atmosphere from the forming and curing 
    processes and sum the emissions. Using information from the tests, the 
    owner or operator would convert the emission test results to the units 
    of the standard using the instructions and equations in the proposed 
        The owner or operator would conduct the initial performance test 
    for each new or existing RS manufacturing line while making building 
    insulation product. Building insulation is defined in the proposed 
    NESHAP as wool fiberglass insulation having a loss on ignition (LOI) of 
    less than 8 percent and a density of less than 0.03 grams per cubic 
    centimeter (g/cm\3\), or 2 pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft\3\). Initial 
    performance tests for FA manufacturing lines would be conducted on new 
    lines while manufacturing heavy-density products (LOI of 11 to 25 
    percent and a density of 0.01 to 0.05 g/cm\3\ [0.5 to 3 lb/ft\3\]) and 
    on new and existing lines while manufacturing pipe products (LOI of 8 
    to 14 percent and a density of 0.05 to 0.1 g/cm\3\ [3 to 6 lb/ft\3\]).
        During performance tests on RS manufacturing lines producing 
    building insulation and certain FA manufacturing lines, the owner or 
    operator would record the LOI of each product for each line tested, the 
    free formaldehyde content of the resin(s) used during the tests, and 
    the binder formulation(s) used during the tests. The performance tests 
    would be conducted using the resin having the highest free formaldehyde 
    content that the owner or operator expects to use on that line. After 
    the performance test, if the owner or operator wants to use a resin 
    with a higher free formaldehyde content or change the binder 
    formulation, another emission test must be performed to demonstrate 
    compliance. If the owner or operator uses forming process modifications 
    to comply, the process parameters (such as binder solids, binder 
    application rate, or LOI) and their associated levels that will
    [[Page 15233]]
    be used to monitor compliance must be established during the 
    performance test. After the performance test, if the owner or operator 
    wants to operate the forming process parameters outside the performance 
    test levels, additional performance tests would be required to verify 
    that the source is still in compliance. If a wet scrubbing control 
    device is used to control formaldehyde emissions from an RS 
    manufacturing line producing building insulation or from certain FA 
    manufacturing lines, the owner or operator must establish the operating 
    ranges of the pressure drop across each scrubber, the scrubbing liquid 
    flow rate to each scrubber, and the identity and feed rate of any 
    chemical additive. The owner or operator of a scrubber would also 
    monitor and record the LOI, the free formaldehyde content of the resin 
    used, and the formulation of the binder used during the performance 
    test. If the owner or operator plans to operate the scrubber in such a 
    way that the pressure drop, liquid flow rate, or chemical additive or 
    chemical feed rate exceeds the values established during the 
    performance tests, additional testing must be performed to demonstrate 
        The proposed rule would allow the owner or operator of RS 
    manufacturing lines and FA manufacturing lines subject to the NESHAP to 
    conduct short-term experimental production runs, where the formaldehyde 
    content or other process parameter deviates from levels established 
    during previous performance tests, without conducting additional 
    performance tests. The owner or operator would have to apply for 
    approval from the Administrator or delegated State agency to conduct 
    such experimental production runs. The application would include 
    information on the nature and duration of the test runs including plans 
    to perform emission testing. Such experimental production runs are 
    important to industry and allow them to develop new products, improve 
    existing products, and determine the effects on product quality and on 
    emissions of process modifications being considered, such as binder 
        If a thermal incinerator is used to comply with the proposed 
    emission limit for formaldehyde, the owner or operator would measure 
    the incinerator operating temperature that will be used to monitor 
    compliance. During the initial performance test, the owner or operator 
    would continuously record the incinerator's operating temperature and 
    determine the average temperature during each 1-hour test run. The 
    average of the three test runs would be used to monitor incinerator 
    D. Monitoring Requirements
        All owners or operators subject to the proposed NESHAP would submit 
    an operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan as part of their 
    application for a part 70 permit. The plan would include procedures for 
    the proper operation and maintenance of processes and control devices 
    used to comply with the proposed emission limits as well as the 
    corrective actions to be taken when control device or process 
    parameters deviate from allowable levels established during performance 
    testing. The plan would also identify the control device parameters or 
    process parameters to be monitored for compliance, a monitoring 
    schedule, and procedures for keeping records to document compliance.
        Under the proposed NESHAP, each baghouse used on a glass-melting 
    furnace would have installed a bag leak detection system that is 
    equipped with an audible alarm that automatically sounds when an 
    increase in particulate emissions above a predetermined level is 
    detected. The monitor must be capable of detecting PM emissions at 
    concentrations of 1.0 milligram per actual cubic meter (0.0004 grains 
    per actual cubic foot) and provide an output of relative or absolute PM 
    emissions. Such a device would serve as an indicator of the performance 
    of the baghouse and would provide an indication of when maintenance of 
    the baghouse is needed. An alarm by itself does not indicate 
    noncompliance with the PM emission limit. An alarm would indicate an 
    increase in PM emissions and trigger an inspection of the baghouse to 
    determine the cause of the alarm. The owner or operator would initiate 
    corrective actions according to the procedures in their operations, 
    maintenance, and monitoring plan. The source would be considered out of 
    compliance upon failure to initiate corrective actions within 1 hour of 
    the alarm. If the alarm is activated for more than 5 percent of the 
    total operating time during the 6-month reporting period, the owner or 
    operator must implement a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) consistent 
    with subpart D of the draft approach to compliance assurance 
        \1\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        For each ESP controlling PM emissions from a glass-melting furnace, 
    the owner or operator would submit as part of their operations, 
    maintenance, and monitoring plan, a description of how the ESP is to be 
    operated and maintained, the ESP parameter(s) to be monitored, a 
    monitoring schedule, and recordkeeping requirements that document 
    compliance. Corrective action would be taken if the range of acceptable 
    values for the selected ESP operating parameter(s), such as secondary 
    voltage, established during the initial performance test is exceeded 
    based on any 3-hour average of the monitored parameter. A deviation 
    outside the established range would trigger an inspection of the 
    control device to determine the cause of the deviation and to initiate 
    corrective actions according to the procedures in the facility's 
    operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan. Failure to initiate 
    corrective actions within 1 hour of the deviation would be considered 
    noncompliance. If the ESP parameter values are outside the range 
    established during the performance test for more than 5 percent of 
    total operating time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or 
    operator would implement a QIP consistent with subpart D of the draft 
    approach to compliance assurance monitoring.2 If the ESP parameter 
    values are outside the range for more than 10 percent of total 
    operating time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator 
    would be in violation of the standard.
        \2\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        Under the proposed NESHAP, the owner or operator of a glass-melting 
    furnace whose emissions are not exhausted to an air pollution control 
    device for PM control, would submit as part of their operations, 
    maintenance, and monitoring plan a description of how the furnace is to 
    be operated and maintained, the furnace parameter(s) to be monitored 
    for compliance purposes, a monitoring schedule, and recordkeeping 
    requirements that document compliance. Corrective action would be taken 
    if the range of acceptable values for the selected operating 
    parameter(s), such as air temperature above the glass melt in a cold 
    top electric furnace, established during the initial performance test 
    is exceeded based on any 3-hour average of the monitored parameter. A 
    deviation outside the established range would trigger an inspection of 
    the glass-melting furnace to determine the cause of the deviation and 
    to initiate corrective actions according to the procedures in the 
    facility's operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan. Failure to 
    initiate corrective actions within 1 hour of the deviation would be 
    considered noncompliance. If the furnace operating
    [[Page 15234]]
    parameter values are outside the range established during the 
    performance test for more than 5 percent of total operating time in a 
    6-month reporting period, the owner or operator would implement a QIP 
    consistent with subpart D of the draft approach to compliance assurance 
    monitoring.3 If the furnace parameter values are outside the range 
    for more than 10 percent of total operating time in a 6-month reporting 
    period, the owner or operator would be in violation of the standard.
        \3\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        Under the proposed NESHAP, the owner or operator would continuously 
    monitor and record the glass pull rate on all existing and new glass-
    melting furnaces. The exception to this would be existing furnaces that 
    do not have continuous monitoring equipment. Such furnaces would 
    measure the glass pull rate at least once per day. If the pull rate 
    exceeds by more than 20 percent the average glass pull rate measured 
    during the performance test, the owner or operator must initiate 
    corrective actions within 1 hour. If the glass pull rate exceeds (by 
    more than 20 percent) the average established during the performance 
    test for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in a 6-month 
    reporting period, a QIP must be implemented consistent with subpart D 
    of the draft approach to compliance assurance monitoring. 4 If the 
    glass pull rate exceeds (by more than 20 percent) the average 
    established during the performance test for more than 10 percent of the 
    total operating time in a 6-month reporting period, it is a violation 
    of the standard. Under the proposed NESHAP, the owner or operator would 
    be allowed to do additional performance testing to verify compliance 
    while operating at glass pull rates that exceed the level established 
    during the initial performance test. The additional performance testing 
    would be required to demonstrate compliance with the applicable 
    formaldehyde emission limits for the affected manufacturing line only.
        \4\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        RS manufacturing lines that produce building insulation and certain 
    FA manufacturing lines would monitor and record the free formaldehyde 
    content of each resin lot, the binder formulation of each batch, and 
    product LOI at least once each day. If resin-free formaldehyde content 
    exceeds the performance test levels, the owner or operator would be in 
    violation of the standard. Under the proposed NESHAP, the binder 
    formulation must not deviate from the formulation specifications used 
    during the performance test.
        An owner or operator of affected RS or FA manufacturing lines that 
    use process modifications to comply with the emission standard would 
    include in their written operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan 
    how the process will be operated and maintained and identify the 
    process parameters to be monitored, a monitoring schedule, and 
    recordkeeping requirements that document compliance. Examples of 
    process parameters that might be used to monitor compliance include 
    product LOI, binder solids, and binder application rate. The plan would 
    also have to demonstrate that the parameter(s) to be monitored 
    correlate with formaldehyde emissions. The plan would include 
    procedures for establishing maximum or minimum values, as appropriate, 
    based on initial performance testing. Should the process parameter(s) 
    deviate from the range established during the performance test, the 
    owner or operator must inspect the process to determine the cause of 
    the deviation and initiate corrective action within 1 hour of the 
    deviation. If the process parameter(s) is outside the performance test 
    range for more than 5 percent of total operating time during a 6-month 
    reporting period, the owner or operator would implement a QIP 
    consistent with subpart D of the draft approach to compliance assurance 
    monitoring. 5 If the process parameter(s) is outside the range for 
    more than 10 percent of total operating time in a 6-month reporting 
    period, the owner or operator would be in violation of the standard.
        \5\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        An owner or operator who uses a wet scrubbing control device to 
    control formaldehyde emissions from an RS manufacturing line producing 
    building insulation or from certain FA manufacturing lines would 
    continuously monitor and record the pressure drop across each scrubber, 
    the scrubbing liquid flow rate to each scrubber, and the identity and 
    feed rate of any chemical added to the scrubbing liquid. Under the 
    proposed monitoring provisions, corrective action would be taken if any 
    3-hour average scrubber parameter is outside the range of acceptable 
    values established during the initial performance test. If there was a 
    deviation outside the established range, the owner or operator would 
    inspect the process to determine the cause of the deviation and to 
    initiate corrective actions according to the procedures in the 
    facility's operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan. The owner or 
    operator of the scrubber would be out of compliance upon failure to 
    initiate corrective actions within 1 hour of the deviation. If any 
    scrubber parameter is outside the performance test range for more than 
    5 percent of the total operating time in a 6-month reporting period, 
    the owner or operator would implement a QIP consistent with subpart D 
    of the draft approach to compliance assurance monitoring. 6 If any 
    scrubber parameter is outside the range for more than 10 percent of 
    total operating time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or 
    operator would be in violation of the standard.
        \6\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        If an incinerator is used to control formaldehyde emissions from a 
    manufacturing line or from individual forming or curing processes, the 
    owner or operator would continuously monitor and record the operating 
    temperature of each incinerator. The temperature monitoring device 
    would be installed in the incinerator firebox. This is typically done 
    using a thermocouple (a standard feature on most incinerators) and a 
    strip chart recorder or data logger. Following the initial performance 
    test, the owner or operator must maintain the temperature so that the 
    temperature, averaged over a 3-hour period, does not fall below the 
    average temperature established during the initial performance test. A 
    temperature below the performance test average would be considered a 
    violation of the standard.
        The owner or operator may modify any of the control device or 
    process parameter levels established during the initial performance 
    tests for compliance monitoring. The proposed NESHAP contains 
    provisions that would allow the owner or operator to change add-on 
    control device and process parameter values from those established 
    during the initial performance tests by performing additional emission 
    testing to verify compliance.
        As required by the NESHAP general provisions (40 CFR part 63, 
    subpart A), the owner or operator must develop and implement a separate 
    startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan. The plan would include 
    procedures for the inspection and determination of the cause of a 
    process or control device malfunction and the corrective procedures to 
    be followed to remedy the malfunction.
    E. Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements
        All notification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in the 
    [[Page 15235]]
    provisions would apply to wool fiberglass manufacturing facilities. 
    These include: (1) initial notification(s) of applicability, 
    notification of performance test, and notification of compliance 
    status; (2) a report of performance test results; (3) a startup, 
    shutdown, and malfunction plan with semiannual reports of any 
    reportable events; and (4) semiannual reports of deviations from 
    established parameters. If deviations from established parameters are 
    reported, the owner or operator must report quarterly until a request 
    to return the reporting frequency to semiannual is approved. In 
    addition to the requirements of the general provisions, the owner or 
    operator would maintain records of the following, as applicable:
        (1) Bag leak detection system alarms, including the date and time, 
    with a brief explanation of the cause of the alarm and the corrective 
    action taken;
        (2) ESP monitoring plan parameter values, such as the secondary 
    voltage of each electrical field, for each ESP used to control PM 
    emissions from a glass-melting furnace, including any period when the 
    parameter values deviate from those established during the performance 
    test, with a brief explanation of the cause of the deviation and the 
    corrective action taken;
        (3) Uncontrolled glass-melting furnace operating parameter values, 
    such as the temperature readings taken above the molten glass in cold 
    top electric furnaces, including any period when the operating 
    parameter values deviate from those established during the performance 
    test, with a brief explanation of the cause of the deviation and the 
    corrective action taken;
        (4) The LOI and product density for each bonded product 
    manufactured on an RS or FA manufacturing line subject to this NESHAP;
        (5) The free formaldehyde content of each resin lot and the binder 
    formulation of each batch used in the production of bonded wool 
    fiberglass on RS or FA manufacturing lines subject to this NESHAP;
        (6) Process parameters for RS and FA manufacturing lines that 
    comply with the emission standards using process modifications, 
    including any period when the parameter levels deviate from levels 
    established during the performance test and the corrective actions 
        (7) Scrubber pressure drop, scrubbing liquid flow rate, and any 
    chemical additive (including chemical feed rate to the scrubber), 
    including any period when the parameter levels deviate from those 
    established during the performance tests and the corrective action 
        (8) Incinerator operating temperature, including any period when 
    the temperature falls below the average level established during the 
    performance test, with a brief explanation of the cause of the 
    deviation and the corrective action taken;
        (9) Glass pull rate including any period when the pull rate 
    exceeded the average pull rate established during the performance test 
    by more than 20 percent with a brief explanation of the cause of the 
    exceedance and the corrective action taken.
        Initial performance tests and compliance assurance monitoring 
    requirements for forming process modifications apply only when building 
    insulation products are being manufactured on RS manufacturing lines 
    and when pipe products are being manufactured on new and existing FA 
    manufacturing lines and heavy-density products are being manufactured 
    on new FA manufacturing lines. The LOI must be monitored to demonstrate 
    to EPA the products being manufactured and which lines are subject to 
    the standard. During periods when other products are being 
    manufactured, it is expected that the parameter values, such as LOI or 
    binder solids, may vary from those levels established during the 
    initial performance tests for building insulation on RS manufacturing 
    lines and heavy-density or pipe products on FA manufacturing lines. The 
    NESHAP general provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A) require that 
    records be maintained for at least 5 years from the date of each 
    record. The owner or operator must retain the records onsite for at 
    least 2 years but may retain the records offsite the remaining 3 years. 
    The files may be retained on microfilm, on microfiche, on a computer, 
    on computer disks, or on magnetic tape disks. Reports may be made on 
    paper or on a labeled computer disk using commonly available and 
    compatible computer software.
    IV. Impacts of Proposed Standards
    A. Applicability
        All plants in the industry would be subject to the proposed NESHAP 
    unless the owner or operator demonstrates the facility is not a major 
    source according to the requirements in the NESHAP general provisions. 
    Seven of the 30 electric or gas/electric combination glass-melting 
    furnaces are not controlled and are expected to need to install a 
    baghouse or ESP to comply with the proposed emission limit. All gas-
    fired glass-melting furnaces are well controlled and are expected to be 
    in compliance with the NESHAP. Certain uncontrolled glass-melting 
    furnaces, such as cold top electric furnaces, maintain low PM emissions 
    as a result of their design and operation and are expected to meet the 
    emission limits without the addition of control devices. Some RS 
    forming processes would need to upgrade their process modifications to 
    meet the emission limits for manufacturing lines.
    B. Air Quality Impacts (Docket Item II-B-22)
        Most of the existing glass-melting furnaces are already well 
    controlled. At the current high level of control, nationwide emissions 
    of PM are about 750 Mg/yr (830 ton/yr). Because of the existence of 
    controls on all gas furnaces and the emission limiting design and 
    operation of cold top electric furnaces, no emission reduction is 
    expected from gas or cold top electric furnaces under the proposed 
    NESHAP. There are 30 electric or combination gas/electric furnaces of 
    which 23 are well controlled. Under the proposed NESHAP, it is expected 
    that baghouses would be added to the seven uncontrolled electric glass-
    melting furnaces, which would result in a reduction in nationwide PM 
    emissions of 600 Mg/yr (660 ton/yr) of which 40 Mg/yr (50 ton/yr) is 
    particulate matter less than 10 microns (m) in diameter (PM-
    10) (docket item II-B-20). Impacts on new furnaces will vary. New gas-
    fired glass-melting furnaces would be adequately controlled, even in 
    the absence of the proposed NESHAP, as a result of the NSPS for glass 
    manufacturing plants (40 CFR part 60, subpart CC). Because of their 
    design and operation, new cold top electric furnaces would meet the 
    proposed emission limit for new furnaces without add-on controls. Only 
    new electric furnaces are expected to be impacted by the proposed 
    emission limits for new glass melting furnaces. New electric glass-
    melting furnaces are not subject to the NSPS for glass manufacturing 
    plants and are likely, under the proposed NESHAP, to need controls to 
    comply with the emission limit for new furnaces. The PM emission 
    reduction from new electric glass-melting furnaces resulting from the 
    proposed emission limit for new furnaces would be 160 Mg/yr (180 ton/
    yr) in the fifth year of the standard. Current nationwide emissions of 
    metal HAPs from existing furnaces is 270 kg/yr (600 lb/yr). Under the 
    proposed NESHAP, metal HAP emissions from existing furnaces and new 
    furnaces would be reduced by 9 kg/
    [[Page 15236]]
    yr (20 lb/yr) and 2 kg/yr (5 lb/yr), respectively.
        Nationwide emissions of formaldehyde from existing manufacturing 
    lines are estimated to be 1,770 Mg/yr (1,950 ton/yr) at the current 
    level of control. Emissions from RS manufacturing lines account for 
    about 70 percent of the formaldehyde emissions. Implementation of the 
    proposed NESHAP would reduce nationwide formaldehyde emissions from 
    existing sources by 410 Mg/yr (450 ton/yr). Emission reductions from RS 
    manufacturing lines producing building insulation constitute the entire 
    reduction; there would be no emission reductions from FA manufacturing 
    lines because, under the proposed emission limits, no additional 
    control of FA manufacturing lines is necessary and no new FA 
    manufacturing lines are anticipated. Reduction in formaldehyde 
    emissions from new RS manufacturing lines is estimated to be 120 Mg/yr 
    (130 ton/yr) in the fifth year of the standard. Nationwide baseline 
    emissions and emission reduction estimates for glass-melting furnaces 
    and manufacturing lines are summarized in metric units in Table 3(a) 
    and in English units in Table 3(b).
                                        Table 3(a).--Nationwide Annual Emissions                                    
                                                     [Metric units]                                                 
                                                                                            Baseline      Emission  
                        Source                                   Pollutant                  emissions     reduction 
                                                                                             (Mg/yr)      (Mg/yr)a  
    Glass-Melting Furnaces.......................  Metal HAP............................           0.3          0.01
                                                   PM...................................         750          760   
    RS Manufacturing Lines.......................  Formaldehyde.........................       1,220          530   
    FA Manufacturing Lines.......................  Formaldehyde.........................         550            0   
    All Sources..................................  Total HAPs...........................       1,770          530   
                                                   PM (Non-HAP).........................         750          760   
                                                   Total Pollutants.....................       2,520       1,290    
    a Emission reduction in the fifth year of the standard. Includes emission reductions from new sources.          
                                        Table 3(b).--Nationwide Annual Emissions                                    
                                                     [English units]                                                
                                                                                            Baseline      Emission  
                        Source                                   Pollutant                  emissions     reduction 
                                                                                            (ton/yr)      (ton/yr)a 
    Glass-Melting Furnaces.......................  Metal HAP............................           0.3          0.01
                                                   PM...................................         830          840   
    RS Manufacturing Lines.......................  Formaldehyde.........................       1,350          580   
    FA Manufacturing Lines.......................  Formaldehyde.........................         600            0   
    All Sources..................................  Total HAPs...........................       1,950          580   
                                                   PM (Non-HAP).........................         830          840   
                                                   Total Pollutants.....................       2,780       1,420    
    a Emission reduction in the fifth year of the standard. Includes emission reductions from new sources.          
        An analysis of emissions from a medium-sized (27,200 Mg/yr [30,000 
    ton/yr] capacity) model electric furnace shows that metal HAP emissions 
    would be reduced by about 0.001 Mg/yr (0.001 ton/yr) and PM emissions 
    by an estimated 67 Mg/yr (74 ton/yr) from both an existing and a new 
    electric furnace over an uncontrolled electric furnace. For a medium 
    model plant (99,800 Mg/yr [110,000 ton/yr] capacity), metal HAP 
    emissions from existing and new electric furnaces would be reduced by 
    0.004 Mg/yr (0.004 ton/yr) over a plant with uncontrolled electric 
    furnaces; PM emissions would be reduced by an estimated 250 Mg/yr (270 
    ton/yr). Under the proposed NESHAP, there would be no emission 
    reductions associated with existing gas-fired or cold top electric 
    furnaces because all gas furnaces are already well controlled and no 
    additional controls would be required for cold top electric furnaces to 
    meet the proposed emission limits. Because new gas furnaces would be 
    controlled as a result of the NSPS for glass manufacturing sources (40 
    CFR part 60, subpart CC), no additional emission reductions from new 
    gas furnaces would occur under the proposed NESHAP. As with existing 
    cold top electric furnaces, new cold top electric furnaces would be 
    able to meet the proposed emission limit without additional control.
        Based on model line and plant analyses, formaldehyde emissions from 
    a medium-sized (27,200 Mg/yr [30,000 ton/yr] capacity) RS manufacturing 
    line producing building insulation would be reduced by an estimated 8 
    Mg/yr (9 ton/yr). Emissions of formaldehyde from a medium-sized plant 
    (99,800 Mg/yr [110,000 ton/yr] capacity) containing two large RS 
    manufacturing lines would be reduced by an estimated 30 Mg/yr (33 ton/
    yr). Formaldehyde emissions from a new RS manufacturing line would be 
    reduced an estimated 33 Mg/yr (37 ton/yr). No emission reduction would 
    be achieved for new or existing medium-sized FA manufacturing lines 
    producing pipe insulation since there would be no additional controls 
    under the proposed NESHAP. The formaldehyde emission reduction from a 
    new medium-sized (1,800 Mg/yr [2,000 ton/yr] production capacity) FA 
    manufacturing line producing heavy-density products would total about 
    2.8 Mg/yr (3.1 ton/yr) although no new FA manufacturing lines are 
    projected. Additional information on model plants and lines is included 
    in the docket.
        Because EPA proposes to regulate formaldehyde emissions as a 
    surrogate measure for organic HAP emissions from manufacturing lines, 
    only formaldehyde emissions data are presented here, although when the 
    formaldehyde emission limit is met, phenol and methanol emissions will 
    also be reduced. Where incineration is used to control formaldehyde 
    [[Page 15237]]
    from curing, emissions of phenol and methanol will also be controlled. 
    Emissions data to quantify the degree of reduction in emissions of 
    phenol and methanol as a result of increased levels of forming process 
    modifications are not available. The results of emissions tests 
    conducted at wool fiberglass manufacturing plants, including phenol and 
    methanol test results, are contained in the docket.
    C. Water Impacts
        Because this standard is based on the use of baghouses, dry ESPs, 
    thermal incinerators, and process modifications, there are no water 
    pollution impacts. A few existing emission sources may use scrubbers to 
    control HAP emissions although no additional sources are expected to 
    add wet scrubbers for the control of HAP emissions. Therefore, no water 
    impacts are expected from the proposed rule.
    D. Solid Waste Impacts
        The PM captured by the baghouses added to the seven uncontrolled 
    electric furnaces will be recycled to the furnace and no solid or 
    hazardous waste is generated by the use of thermal incinerators. No 
    solid waste impacts are expected from the proposed rule.
    E. Energy Impacts (Docket Item II-B-22)
        Baghouses require electrical energy to operate fans. The additional 
    electrical energy requirements are estimated to be 1.8 thousand 
    megawatt hours per year (MWh/yr) over current requirements for seven 
    additional baghouses to be added to existing sources. Emissions of PM 
    associated with the additional energy requirements are estimated to be 
    0.1 ton/yr as compared to the PM emission reduction of 700 ton/yr 
    estimated for installing the seven baghouses on uncontrolled furnaces. 
    Projected new RS manufacturing lines would comply with the proposed 
    standard for new sources using process modifications on forming and 
    incinerators on curing. An additional 2.9 thousand MWh/yr for 
    electricity and 290 billion Btu/yr of natural gas would be required for 
    new incinerators although process modifications only may be used to 
    comply with the proposed standard for new RS manufacturing lines. The 
    total additional energy required as a result of this proposed NESHAP is 
    300 billion Btu/yr in the fifth year of the standard. No new FA 
    manufacturing lines are projected; thus there are no increased energy 
    requirements under the proposed standard for new FA manufacturing 
    F. Nonair Environmental and Health Impacts
        Reducing HAP levels may help lower occupational exposure levels and 
    site-specific levels of PM and VOCs. New or upgraded process 
    modifications for forming operations would decrease the quantity of HAP 
    constituents in binder formulations. The addition of baghouses, ESPs, 
    and incinerators may increase noise levels in the plant area due to the 
    operation of pollution control devices where none are currently in 
    G. Cost Impacts
        The EPA analyzed the cost impacts of the proposed standards for 
    glass-melting furnaces by developing model lines based on site-specific 
    information included in the ICR survey responses (docket item II-B-21) 
    coupled with cost algorithms from the OAQPS Cost Manual (docket item 
    II-A-3). The cost impacts of the proposed standards on wool fiberglass 
    manufacturing facilities are based on estimates supplied by wool 
    fiberglass companies for each of their manufacturing lines (docket item 
        The total nationwide capital and annual costs for existing glass-
    melting furnaces under the proposed NESHAP are $3.2 million and $1.5 
    million, respectively. This represents the cost of adding baghouses to 
    seven electric glass-melting furnaces as well as the monitoring costs 
    of bag leak detection systems installed on baghouses and temperature 
    monitors installed on cold top electric furnaces. Control cost 
    estimates assume the addition of pulse jet baghouses with polyester 
    filter bags, an air-to-cloth ratio of 0.9 actual cubic meters per 
    minute per square meter (3 acfm/ft\2\), and a pressure drop of 20 cm (8 
    in.) of water column. The estimated capital and annual costs of control 
    equipment for a medium electric furnace (production capacity of 30,000 
    ton/yr) are $432,000 and $209,000, respectively. The capital cost 
    includes the cost of the control device, auxiliary equipment, and 
    installation, and retrofit costs. The model furnace cost estimates do 
    not include the capital and annual costs for a bag leak detection 
    system required on all baghouses under the proposed NESHAP. The EPA 
    estimates the capital cost of this monitoring system to be 
    approximately $9,100 per furnace, with $1,800/yr in annual costs. Cold 
    top electric furnaces would incur costs for monitoring an operating 
    parameter that gives an indication of furnace performance; for cost 
    estimating purposes, the cost of monitoring the air temperature above 
    the molten glass surface was used. The estimated capital and annual 
    costs of monitoring the temperature of cold top electric furnaces are 
    $1,500 and $240, respectively. For ESPs, owners or operators are 
    expected to monitor ESP parameters that they commonly monitor, such as 
    secondary voltage, so that no additional monitoring costs would be 
    incurred. Because the NSPS for glass manufacturing sources would 
    regulate any new gas furnaces, there would be no additional control 
    costs for new gas furnaces under the proposed NESHAP. The NSPS for 
    glass manufacturing sources does not cover electric furnaces. Thus, 
    under the proposed NESHAP, new electric furnaces will incur the cost 
    associated with adding baghouses as well as bag leak detection 
    monitoring systems. The capital and annual costs associated with a new 
    baghouse would be $288,000 and $189,000, respectively in addition to 
    the capital and annual costs of a bag leak detection system, $9,100 and 
    $1,800, respectively.
        Based on information supplied by the North American Insulation 
    Manufacturers Association (NAIMA), 30 RS forming operations would 
    upgrade their proprietary process modifications to meet the proposed 
    emission limit for RS manufacturing lines; none of the existing curing 
    ovens that are uncontrolled for HAPs would have to add an incinerator. 
    No control costs are associated with complying with the proposed NESHAP 
    for FA manufacturing lines. The proposed monitoring requirements for RS 
    and FA manufacturing lines, i.e., monitoring resin free-formaldehyde 
    content, product LOI and density, other process parameters, and 
    incinerator operating temperature, are current industry practices and 
    would not impose any additional costs. However, NAIMA estimates that 
    there would be a one-time cost per line for testing that would be 
    needed to establish a correlation between formaldehyde emissions and 
    the process parameters to be monitored.
        NAIMA estimated the costs of complying with the proposed standard 
    for RS manufacturing lines for each of their lines. Capital costs per 
    line ranged from $150,000 to $4 million and annual expenses per line 
    ranged from $100,000 to $400,000. Nationwide capital costs of upgrading 
    process modifications on 30 RS manufacturing lines were estimated at 
    $16.3 million with annual costs of $4.8 million. Annual cost for new RS 
    manufacturing lines is estimated to be $0.9 million per line. No FA 
    lines would require additional controls under the proposed standard and 
    there would be no additional control costs. For all RS and FA 
    manufacturing lines subject
    [[Page 15238]]
    to the standard, there would be a one-time cost of $15,000 per line to 
    establish the process parameter values for compliance monitoring. 
    Because the process parameters that are likely to be used for 
    compliance monitoring are ones that industry currently monitors, no 
    additional costs will be incurred for monitoring beyond the one-time 
    cost of $15,000 per line.
        Total nationwide capital costs for the standard are estimated at 
    $19.5 million and annual nationwide costs are estimated at $6.3 
    million/yr, including installation, operation, and maintenance of 
    emission control and monitoring systems.
    H. Economic Impacts (Docket Item II-A-12)
        The economic analysis of the proposed NESHAP finds impacts at the 
    facility and market-level to be modest. The average market price 
    increases for both structural and nonstructural wool fiberglass would 
    be less than 0.5 percent. The resultant decreases in quantity demanded 
    range from 0.17 percent for structural insulation markets to 0.22 
    percent for nonstructural insulation markets. None of the affected 
    firms are classified as small businesses and no closures are predicted. 
    For more detail, see the full economic impact analysis in the docket.
    V. Selection of Proposed Standards
    A. Selection of Source Category
        Section 112(c) of the Act directs the Agency to list each category 
    of major and area sources, as appropriate, emitting one or more of the 
    189 HAPs listed in section 112(b) of the Act. The EPA published an 
    initial list of source categories on July 16, 1992 (57 FR 31576), and 
    may amend the list at any time. ``Wool Fiberglass Production'' is one 
    of the 174 source categories listed in the notice.
        As defined in the EPA report, ``Documentation for Developing the 
    Initial Source Category List'' (docket item II-A-5), the Wool 
    Fiberglass Production source category includes any facility engaged in 
    producing wool fiberglass from sand, feldspar, sodium sulfate, 
    anhydrous borax, boric acid, or any other materials. Facilities that 
    manufacture mineral wool from rock, slag, and other similar materials 
    are not included in the source category. A separate MACT standard for 
    mineral wool production is currently under development.
        Before this project began, no formaldehyde test methods and no HAP 
    data were available to assess the effectiveness of control devices in 
    this industry for controlling HAP emissions. The EPA and the wool 
    fiberglass industry worked in a partnership to address the data needs 
    for the purpose of establishing a MACT standard. Through a cooperative 
    effort, EPA and NAIMA developed methods for measuring formaldehyde 
    emissions from wool fiberglass manufacturing processes. Using 
    information supplied voluntarily by industry for each wool fiberglass 
    manufacturing line, EPA identified processes and control systems as 
    candidates for emissions testing that were considered representative of 
    the MACT floor and MACT for new sources. EPA and the industry were able 
    to obtain the necessary emissions data as a result of these cooperative 
        Based on the information collected, EPA believes it is likely that 
    all but three wool fiberglass plants are major sources subject to the 
    proposed NESHAP. A major source must have the potential to emit 9.1 Mg/
    yr (10 ton/yr) or more of a single HAP or 23 Mg/yr (25 ton/yr) or more 
    of a combination of HAPs. Three facilities (each with one line 
    producing bonded products) may be area sources. At these sites, two of 
    the three glass-melting furnaces and all three RS forming processes are 
    controlled at the MACT floor level. Because these facilities are not 
    believed to present an adverse environmental or health risk, EPA has 
    determined that it is not necessary to include these wool fiberglass 
    manufacturing facilities on the list of area sources required by 
    section 112(c)(3) of the Act.
        On December 3, 1993 (58 FR 63941), EPA published a schedule for the 
    promulgation of standards for the sources selected for regulation under 
    section 112(c) of the Act. According to this schedule, MACT standards 
    for this source category must be promulgated no later than November 15, 
    1997. If standards are not promulgated by May 15, 1999 (18 months 
    following the promulgation deadline), section 112(j) of the Act 
    requires States or local agencies with approved permit programs to 
    issue permits or revise existing permits containing either an 
    equivalent emission limitation or an alternate emission limitation for 
    HAP control. (See ``Guidelines for MACT Determinations Under Section 
    112(j),'' EPA 453/R-94-026, May 1994.)
    B. Selection of Emission Sources
        The wool fiberglass manufacturing source category, as defined in 
    the EPA report, ``Documentation for Developing the Initial Source 
    Category List,'' includes, but is not limited to: (1) The glass-melting 
    furnace, (2) marble forming, (3) refining unit, (4) fiber formation 
    process, (5) binder application process, (6) curing process, and (7) 
    cooling process. For the reasons described below, EPA selected the 
    forming, curing, and cooling processes on new and existing RS 
    manufacturing lines and the forming and curing processes on existing FA 
    manufacturing lines producing pipe insulation and on new FA 
    manufacturing lines producing pipe insulation or heavy-density products 
    for control under the proposed NESHAP. The proposed NESHAP also covers 
    glass-melting furnaces located at wool fiberglass manufacturing 
        Glass-melting furnaces are generally large, shallow, and well-
    insulated vessels that are heated from above by gas burners or from 
    within by electrical current. About 66 percent of the glass-melting 
    furnaces used in the wool fiberglass industry are all-electric, about 
    25 percent are gas-fired and about 9 percent are a combination of gas 
    and electric. Glass pull rates for furnaces range from 18 to 272 Mg/d 
    (20 to 300 ton/d).
        In the glass-melting furnaces, raw materials (e.g., sand, feldspar, 
    sodium sulfate, anhydrous borax, boric acid) are introduced 
    continuously or in batches on top of a bed of molten glass, where they 
    mix and dissolve at temperatures ranging from 1,500  deg.C to 17,00 
    deg.C (2,700  deg.F to 3,100  deg.F), and are transformed by a series 
    of chemical reactions to molten glass. Particulate emissions are caused 
    by entrainment of dust from batch dumping and the combustion process 
    and from volatilization of raw materials. Emissions of chromium result 
    from entrainment of materials eroded from the refractory lining of the 
    furnace and the furnace exhaust stack. Lead and arsenic are released 
    from the batch materials and from the use of contaminated cullet 
    (crushed recycled glass). Glass-melting furnaces may be either gas-
    fired, electric, or a combination of gas and electric. Emissions from 
    glass-melting furnaces are typically controlled by baghouses or dry 
    ESPs. One type of electric furnace, the cold top electric furnace, has 
    low PM emissions without add-on controls as a result of its design. 
    Operators of these units maintain a thick crust of raw materials on top 
    of the molten glass, which impedes the release of heat and keeps the 
    air temperature above the molten glass at or below 120  deg.C (250 
        One of two methods may be used for the next stage of the process, 
    fiber formation. In an RS forming process, a regulated flow of molten 
    glass enters the center of a rotating spinner. Spinners are in a linear 
    arrangement, with 2 to 12 spinners on a single line. Centrifugal action 
    forces the molten glass out of the
    [[Page 15239]]
    spinners through hundreds of small orifices in the spinner wall to form 
    glass threads. As the threads exit the spinner, a high-velocity air jet 
    or a mixture of air and natural gas flame forces the threads downward, 
    which attenuates the threads to form glass fibers.
        In the FA forming process, also known as the ``pot and marble'' 
    process, glass marbles that were produced at separate on- or offsite 
    facilities are fed into ceramic pots (typically 6 to 28 pots per line) 
    that are heated to a high temperature. Glass strands flow by gravity 
    down through holes in the bottom of the pot and are directed by pinch 
    rollers. Following the pinch rollers, a high-velocity, high-temperature 
    mixture of air and gas flame is used to attenuate the fibers. 
    Particulate and organic emissions are released during the fiber-forming 
    process due to volatilization of raw materials and entrainment of 
    fiberglass particles in the process air stream.
        After the fibers are formed, they are sprayed with a binder. A 
    typical binder consists of phenol-formaldehyde resin, water, urea, 
    lignin, silane, and ammonia. The binder composition used in the RS and 
    FA forming process is similar. Air, at a flow rate ranging from about 
    430 to 5,100 actual cubic meters per minute (15,000 to 180,000 acfm), 
    forces the fibers downward onto a continuously moving conveyor to form 
    a mat, which is conveyed to the curing oven. Emissions of formaldehyde, 
    phenol, and methanol occur as a result of the vaporization of the 
    volatile binder as it comes in contact with hot fibers and as a result 
    of binder that is not deposited on the mat but passes through the 
    conveyor and is exhausted to the atmosphere. HAP emissions from forming 
    are controlled by process modifications, such as resin and binder 
    chemistry and fiberization technology.
        The curing oven drives off moisture remaining on the fibers and 
    sets the binder. The temperature of the curing oven varies for each 
    product, ranging from about 180  deg.C to 320  deg.C (350  deg.F to 600 
     deg.F). Fans are used to draw hot air through the mat within each of 
    the oven zones; the hot air may be recycled within each zone to 
    conserve energy. The total air flow exiting the oven ranges from about 
    200 to 850 actual cubic meters per minute (7,000 to 30,000 acfm) for 
    the RS process and from 85 to 480 actual cubic meters per minute (3,000 
    to 17,000 acfm) for the FA process. Emissions of formaldehyde, phenol, 
    and methanol are the result of vaporization of volatile compounds in 
    the binder. Emissions from about one-third of the curing ovens on RS 
    manufacturing lines are controlled by thermal incinerators; the 
    remainder are uncontrolled for organic HAP emissions. None of the 
    curing ovens on FA manufacturing lines are controlled for organic HAPs.
        The quantity of binder solids sprayed onto the glass fibers is 
    governed by the type of product being manufactured. Typically, about 70 
    percent of the binder applied to the fiberglass remains on the product. 
    The remainder remains on the conveyor and is recycled back into the 
    process via the wash water or is exhausted with the forming or curing 
    oven air. Quality control checks are routinely performed to determine 
    the product LOI, which ensures that the correct weight percent of 
    binder is present in the product.
        After curing, the fiber mat is conveyed to a cooling section, where 
    ambient air is forced through the mat to eliminate ``hot spots'' in the 
    product and to facilitate finishing and packaging. Cooling air flow 
    rates range from 140 to 990 actual cubic meters per minute (5,000 to 
    35,000 acfm). By the time the mat with its thermally set binder reaches 
    cooling, emissions of formaldehyde, phenol, and methanol are relatively 
    small compared to forming and curing. Cooling processes are not 
    controlled for HAP emissions. Most FA manufacturing lines do not have 
    cooling sections because the product is able to cool adequately between 
    exiting the curing oven and reaching the finishing and handling 
        At the current level of control, existing glass-melting furnaces 
    emit approximately 270 kg/yr (600 lb/yr) of HAP and 750 Mg/yr (830 ton/
    yr) of PM. Under the proposed NESHAP, EPA expects that seven currently 
    uncontrolled electric furnaces would install controls. Electric 
    furnaces (excluding cold top electric furnaces) emit an estimated 9 kg/
    yr (20 lb/yr) of HAP and about 635 Mg/yr (700 ton/yr) of PM. Control of 
    these furnaces would ensure that all furnaces are controlled to the 
    MACT floor emission level.
        Existing cold top electric furnaces (air temperature above the 
    molten glass of 120  deg.C [250  deg.F] or less) are not equipped with 
    add-on control devices. Particulate emissions from the 12 existing cold 
    top electric furnaces are limited by the thick crust maintained on the 
    molten glass surface. Emissions are estimated to be 27 kg/yr (60 lb/yr) 
    of HAP and about 55 Mg/yr (60 ton/yr) of PM. These furnaces are 
    expected to comply with the proposed emission limit without the need 
    for add-on control devices. The EPA considered requiring controls for 
    cold top electric furnaces and has determined that the cost 
    effectiveness of additional controls beyond the floor is not 
        Manufacture of wool fiberglass releases an estimated 1,770 Mg/yr 
    (1,950 ton/yr) of formaldehyde from RS and FA manufacturing lines. The 
    Agency selected forming, curing, and cooling processes on all new and 
    existing RS manufacturing lines and forming and curing processes on 
    existing FA manufacturing lines producing pipe insulation and new FA 
    manufacturing lines producing pipe insulation or heavy-density products 
    for control under the proposed NESHAP. Because no controls are 
    currently used, the MACT floor is no control and because the cost 
    effectiveness of additional controls beyond the floor is not 
    reasonable, the Agency is not setting emission limits for existing FA 
    manufacturing lines producing light-density, automotive, or heavy-
    density products or new FA manufacturing lines producing light-density 
    or automotive products. Because no plants have equipped forming or 
    curing processes on these manufacturing lines with emission controls, 
    the MACT floor is no control. The EPA considered beyond-the-floor 
    controls for both RS and FA manufacturing lines and has determined that 
    the cost effectiveness of additional controls does not justify going 
    beyond the floor.
    C. Selection of Pollutants
        The EPA proposes to regulate emissions of formaldehyde, a HAP and 
    surrogate for phenol and methanol emissions, and PM emissions, a 
    surrogate for metal HAP emissions. Formaldehyde, phenol, methanol, and 
    the metal HAPs are included on the list of HAPs under section 112(b) of 
    the Act and are emitted from wool fiberglass manufacturing sources.
        Formaldehyde is the only organic HAP emitted from the wool 
    fiberglass industry that has been identified to be a potential 
    carcinogen. EPA proposes to regulate emissions of formaldehyde, phenol, 
    and methanol using formaldehyde as a surrogate measure for the proposed 
    emission limits for manufacturing lines. Use of formaldehyde as a 
    surrogate allows a single emission limit rather than individual 
    emission limits for formaldehyde, phenol, and methanol (which would 
    require separate measurements) because when the formaldehyde emission 
    limit is met, phenol and methanol emissions will also be reduced.
    [[Page 15240]]
    D. Selection of Proposed Standards for Existing and New Sources
    1. Background
        After EPA has identified the specific source categories or 
    subcategories of major sources to regulate under section 112, MACT 
    standards must be set for each category or subcategory. Section 112 
    establishes a minimum baseline or ``floor'' for standards. For new 
    sources, the standards for a source category or subcategory cannot be 
    less stringent than the emission control that is achieved in practice 
    by the best-controlled similar source. [See section 112(d)(3).] The 
    standards for existing sources can be less stringent than standards for 
    new sources, but they cannot be less stringent than the average 
    emission limitation achieved by the best-performing 12 percent of 
    existing sources for categories and subcategories with 30 or more 
    sources, or the best-performing five sources for categories or 
    subcategories with fewer than 30 sources.
        After the floor has been determined for a new or existing source in 
    a source category or subcategory, the Administrator must set MACT 
    standards that are no less stringent than the floor. Such standards 
    must then be met by all sources within the category or subcategory. In 
    establishing the standards, EPA may distinguish among classes, types, 
    and sizes of sources within a category or subcategory. [See section 
        The next step in establishing MACT standards is to investigate 
    regulatory alternatives. With MACT standards, only alternatives at 
    least as stringent as the floor may be selected. Information about the 
    industry is analyzed to develop model plants for projecting national 
    impacts, including HAP emission reduction levels and cost, energy, and 
    secondary impacts. Regulatory alternatives (which may be different 
    levels of emissions control, equal to or more stringent than the floor 
    levels) are then evaluated to select the regulatory alternative that 
    best reflects the appropriate MACT level. The selected alternative may 
    be more stringent than the MACT floor, but the control level selected 
    must be technologically achievable. The regulatory alternatives and 
    emission limits selected for new and existing sources may be different 
    because of different MACT floors.
        The Agency may consider going beyond the floor to require more 
    stringent controls. Here, EPA considers the achievable emission 
    reductions of HAPs (and possibly other pollutants that are co-
    controlled), cost and economic impacts, energy impacts, and other 
    nonair environmental impacts. The objective is to achieve the maximum 
    degree of emissions reduction without unreasonable economic or other 
    impacts. [See section 112(d)(2).] Subcategorization within a source 
    category may be considered when there is enough evidence to demonstrate 
    clearly that there are significant differences among the subcategories.
        The EPA examined the processes, the process operations, and other 
    factors to determine if separate classes of units, operations, or other 
    criteria have an effect on air emissions or their controllability. The 
    EPA considered developing subcategories of glass-melting furnaces on 
    the basis of the energy sources used to convert the raw materials to 
    molten glass and their emission potential. Glass-melting furnaces are 
    typically either gas-fired, electric, or a combination of gas and 
    electric. After examining PM emissions data for gas, electric, and 
    combination gas and electric furnaces, EPA concluded that there is a 
    large amount of variability in PM emissions regardless of energy source 
    and that most furnaces are already well controlled by either ESPs or 
    baghouses. Therefore, EPA decided not to develop subcategories of 
    glass-melting furnaces.
        Wool fiberglass manufacturing lines can be classified by the type 
    of forming process (RS and FA) used. Approximately 90 percent of the 
    wool fiberglass manufactured by the RS forming process is building 
    insulation, whereas the wool fiberglass manufactured by the FA forming 
    process is specialty products, such as automotive or filtration 
    products. Because of the type of products, the RS and FA forming 
    process differ significantly in the way fibers are formed, production 
    rates, air flow and energy expended per ton of product, application of 
    process modifications, and the amount of binder applied to the wool 
    fiberglass. As a result of these differences in manufacturing 
    methodologies, levels of pollutant emissions, and application of 
    controls (such as process modifications), EPA subcategorized 
    manufacturing lines into those using the RS forming process (RS 
    manufacturing lines) and those using the FA forming process (FA 
    manufacturing lines). RS manufacturing lines consist of forming, 
    curing, and cooling. FA manufacturing lines consist of forming and 
    curing processes; cooling is not a distinct separate process on FA 
    manufacturing lines. FA manufacturing lines can be further 
    subcategorized by the type of specialty product made. The FA 
    subcategories include light-density, heavy-density, automotive, and 
    pipe insulation products. Each of these subcategories is characterized 
    by a specific range of LOIs and densities, which gives each subcategory 
    a different emission potential. Also, the control measures that can be 
    used to reduce HAP emissions, for example, process modifications, are 
    different for the FA subcategories. For all these reasons, the proposed 
    standards have different emission limits for RS manufacturing lines and 
    FA manufacturing lines and, within the FA subcategory, different 
    emission limits for two FA subcategories.
    2. Selection of Floor Technologies
        In establishing these proposed emission standards, the add-on or 
    process control technology representative of the MACT floor was 
    determined for each subcategory. In general, these determinations were 
    made on the basis of the performances of the technologies as reported 
    by emission test results. The technologies determined to be the MACT 
    floors are those determined to be the median of the technologies that 
    are representative of the best performing 12 percent of the sources 
    (for which there are emissions data) where there are more than 30 
    sources in the subcategory or the best performing five sources (for 
    which there are emissions data) where there are fewer than 30 sources.
        Of the 56 existing glass-melting furnaces, 12 are controlled by 
    ESPs and 25 by baghouses (more than one furnace may be controlled by a 
    single control device). PM emissions data are available for 18 
    furnaces. Because the number of furnaces is greater than 30, the MACT 
    floor is represented by the average of the best performing 12 percent 
    of the existing sources. Based on PM emissions data for the best 
    performing 12 percent, baghouses and ESPs are equally effective in 
    controlling PM emissions from glass-melting furnaces. Therefore, the 
    MACT floor for existing glass-melting furnaces is represented by well-
    designed and operated baghouses and ESPs. An ESP representative of the 
    MACT floor will have a specific collection area of 32 square meters per 
    1,000 actual cubic meters per hour (590 ft \2\/1,000 acfm); a baghouse 
    representative of the MACT floor is a pulse-jet baghouse with polyester 
    bag material and an air-to-cloth ratio of 0.9 actual cubic meters per 
    minute per square meter (3 acfm/ft \2\ ). Because the same well-
    designed and -operated baghouses and ESPs are considered by EPA to be 
    the best control technology for PM emissions, including metal HAP 
    emissions, MACT for new furnaces
    [[Page 15241]]
    would be the same as the MACT floor for existing sources, a baghouse or 
    an ESP.
        HAP emissions control on RS forming processes is achieved by 
    process modifications including resin and binder chemistry, 
    fiberization technology, binder application, and forming conditions 
    (docket item II-D-62). Resins are manufactured by an outside supplier 
    or in-house using proprietary technologies to meet the specifications 
    of the wool fiberglass manufacturer. Variables, such as the phenol-to-
    formaldehyde mole ratio, resin cook procedures, and catalysts, control 
    both the free-formaldehyde and phenol levels as well as the types and 
    relative percentage of phenol oligomers, all of which influence the 
    levels of emissions and acceptability of a resin for a given process. 
    Resin purchase specifications are typically written so that the free-
    formaldehyde content is ``not to exceed'' a certain level. In binder 
    chemistry, the addition of various additives can reduce formaldehyde 
    emissions. Urea, for example, added to the binder solution reacts with 
    free formaldehyde, which can form stable, nonreversible urea 
    formaldehyde compounds. In fiberization technology, temperature of the 
    fiber veil is a critical process variable (a lower temperature may 
    reduce HAP volatilization) affected by the fiberizer design and 
    operation as well as by air and water treatment of the fiber veil. 
    Binder application efficiency, the amount of binder that stays on the 
    fiberglass, is increased by matching binder droplet size to the fiber 
    diameter. Factors such as nozzle size geometry, configuration of the 
    nozzle assembly, and location affect binder droplet size. Forming 
    conditions, such as air volume and velocity affect binder application 
    efficiency; too much or too little air flow can increase emissions. 
    Each of these process modifications has been implemented on each of the 
    40 RS forming processes, although the degree to which each process 
    modification has been implemented is different for each line. Add-on 
    controls such as wet scrubbers or wet ESPs, primarily for PM control, 
    were shown to be ineffective for gaseous HAP removal. Thus, the MACT 
    floor for forming on existing RS manufacturing lines is represented by 
    process modifications. Because the number of RS forming sources, 40, is 
    greater than 30, the MACT floor is represented by the median of the 
    best performing 12 percent of existing sources, or five sources 
    (40x0.12=4.8). Based on HAP emissions data for the best performing 12 
    percent of existing sources, process modifications are the MACT floor 
    for forming processes on RS manufacturing lines. Because of differences 
    in application between companies and because of the proprietary nature 
    of process modifications, a detailed description of forming process 
    modifications cannot be presented.
        Of the 43 curing ovens on RS manufacturing lines, 14 are controlled 
    using incinerators. Based on the median of the top 12 percent, the 
    thermal incinerator is the MACT floor for curing processes on existing 
    RS manufacturing lines. Thermal incinerators have been shown to be 
    highly effective in the control of emissions of organic HAPs and can 
    achieve destruction efficiencies in excess of 98 percent with an 
    adequately high temperature, good mixing, sufficient oxygen, and 
    adequate residence time. Low organic concentration gas streams, such as 
    those emitted from wool fiberglass curing processes, can be expected to 
    have low heating values and require auxiliary fuel. Heat recovery 
    through the use of a recuperative incinerator can reduce the energy 
    requirements. Emission test measurements demonstrate that a thermal 
    incinerator is at least 99 percent effective in the removal of 
    formaldehyde and phenol from curing ovens. Based on the median of the 
    best performing 12 percent of existing sources, a thermal incinerator 
    representative of the MACT floor has a combustion temperature of 700 
    deg.C (1,300  deg.F) and a gas residence time of 1 second.
        While the MACT floor for cooling is no control, cooling is included 
    in the definition of RS manufacturing line, and therefore covered as 
    part of the proposed RS manufacturing line standard. This inclusion 
    prevents the shifting of emissions from forming and curing to the 
    cooling section.
        The EPA's analysis of MACT floor control options for existing RS 
    manufacturing lines (described above) showed that the median of the 
    best performing 12 percent of existing forming processes control HAP 
    emissions using process modifications and the median of the best 
    performing 12 percent of existing curing ovens are controlled by 
    incinerators. As a result, the MACT floor for RS manufacturing lines is 
    forming process modifications coupled with an incinerator for curing 
    emissions. These controls were determined to be the most efficient for 
    the control of HAPs among the various controls used in the industry for 
    existing RS manufacturing lines. Based on the best controlled source, 
    MACT for new RS manufacturing lines is more stringent than the MACT 
    floor for existing RS manufacturing lines. MACT for new RS forming 
    processes incorporates a higher degree of process modifications than is 
    present on most existing forming processes but which is available to 
    all the industry and can be designed into new forming processes. 
    Because the MACT floor for existing curing ovens, incinerators 
    operating at 700  deg.C (1,300  deg.F) and a gas residence time of 1 
    second, represent the best-controlled source, MACT for new curing ovens 
    is the same as the MACT floor for existing curing ovens. None of the 
    cooling processes are controlled for gaseous HAPs; as a result, MACT 
    for new cooling processes is no control. Thus, EPA has determined that 
    the MACT floor for new RS manufacturing lines is represented by a high 
    level of process modifications on RS forming processes, incinerators on 
    curing ovens, and no control on cooling processes.
        As discussed earlier, none of the forming processes on FA 
    manufacturing lines producing light-density or automotive products are 
    equipped with HAP emission controls. Thus, the MACT floor is no control 
    for forming processes on new and existing FA lines producing these 
    products. The median of the best performing five lines (fewer than 30 
    sources) producing heavy-density products was determined to be no 
    control; thus, the MACT floor for forming on existing FA manufacturing 
    lines producing heavy-density products is no control. The best-
    controlled heavy-density forming process uses process modifications; 
    therefore, process modifications are the basis for the MACT floor for 
    the forming process on new FA manufacturing lines producing heavy-
    density products.
        Emissions from the forming process on all FA manufacturing lines 
    producing pipe insulation are controlled by the same level of process 
    modifications. Therefore, process modifications are the basis for the 
    MACT floor for the forming process on all new and existing FA 
    manufacturing lines producing pipe insulation.
        No control systems have been applied for the control of HAP 
    emissions from curing ovens on FA manufacturing lines. Therefore, the 
    MACT floor for curing ovens on new and existing FA manufacturing lines 
    is no control. Although the MACT floor for curing is no control, curing 
    is included in the definition of FA manufacturing line and, therefore, 
    is covered as part of the proposed FA manufacturing line standard. This 
    inclusion prevents the shifting of emissions from forming to the curing 
        The EPA's analysis of MACT floor control options for existing FA
    [[Page 15242]]
    manufacturing lines producing pipe product showed the best performing 
    five forming processes (fewer than 30 sources) controlled by the same 
    level of process modifications and curing ovens uncontrolled for HAP 
    emissions. As a result, the MACT floor for existing FA manufacturing 
    lines producing pipe products is process modifications for forming and 
    no control for curing. Because the same level of process modifications 
    is used on forming processes on all FA manufacturing lines producing 
    pipe products and because no HAP controls are used on curing ovens, EPA 
    has determined that the MACT floor for new FA manufacturing lines 
    producing pipe products is the same as the MACT floor for existing 
        As described above, the MACT floor for forming processes and curing 
    ovens on existing FA manufacturing lines producing heavy-density 
    products is no control; therefore, the MACT floor for existing FA 
    manufacturing lines producing heavy-density products is no control. 
    Based on the best-controlled source, MACT for new FA manufacturing 
    lines producing heavy-density products is process modifications on 
    forming. Because no curing ovens are controlled, the MACT floor for new 
    curing ovens is no control, the same as the MACT floor for existing 
    curing ovens. Thus, EPA has determined that the MACT floor for new FA 
    manufacturing lines that produce heavy-density products is represented 
    by process modifications on forming and no control on curing ovens.
        The EPA considered requiring controls beyond the MACT floor for 
    glass-melting furnaces and RS and FA manufacturing lines. However, 
    based on an assessment of the impacts of beyond-the-floor controls, EPA 
    concluded that the cost effectiveness of an incremental reduction in 
    emissions would make additional controls unreasonable (docket items II-
    A-12, II-B-17, II-B-22).
    3. Emission Limits
        As part of this rulemaking, emissions data were collected from 
    tests at 10 wool fiberglass plants and from other test data supplied by 
    NAIMA to characterize uncontrolled and controlled emissions from the 
    various processes and evaluate the effectiveness of existing control 
    systems. Sites tested during this rulemaking were selected based on 
    their use of the control technology identified as candidates for MACT 
    floor. Using the test data, EPA established the MACT floor emission 
    limits for existing and new sources.
        Emissions data were evaluated for 18 furnaces controlled by 
    baghouses and ESPs (docket item II-I-20). Emissions ranged widely for 
    both gas and electric furnaces and for both well-designed and well-
    operated baghouses and ESPs. Controlled PM emissions from all furnaces 
    ranged from 0.01 to 0.54 kg/Mg (0.02 to 1.08 lb/ton) of glass pulled. 
    Emissions of PM from baghouse-controlled furnaces ranged from 0.01 to 
    0.54 kg/Mg (0.02 to 1.08 lb/ton) of glass pulled and from 0.01 to 0.25 
    kg/Mg (0.02 to 0.5 lb/ton) of glass pulled for ESP-controlled furnaces. 
    Controlled electric furnace PM emissions ranged from 0.01 to 0.35 kg/Mg 
    (0.02 to 0.7 lb/ton) of glass pulled; controlled gas furnace emissions 
    ranged from 0.01 to 0.54 kg/Mg (0.02 to 1.08 lb/ton). In proposing 
    emission limits, EPA took into consideration the wide variation in 
    controlled emissions for both gas and electric furnaces and for well-
    designed and operated baghouses and ESPs. The proposed PM emission 
    limits represent a level that can be achieved by all existing furnaces 
    that are controlled by well-designed and operated baghouses and ESPs. 
    Because MACT for new and existing furnaces is the same, EPA proposed 
    the same PM emission limit, 0.25 kg of PM/Mg (0.5 lb of PM/ton) of 
    glass pulled, for new furnaces as for existing furnaces. The proposed 
    PM emission limit for existing glass-melting furnaces, 0.25 kg/Mg (0.5 
    lb/ton) of glass pulled, is the same as the current NSPS level for gas-
    fired glass-melting furnaces in the wool fiberglass industry (see 40 
    CFR part 60, subpart CC). Both baghouses and ESPs are used to control 
    emissions from gas-fired furnaces. In proposing the same emission limit 
    for new and existing furnaces, EPA recognizes that both baghouses and 
    ESPs used on existing furnaces are already highly efficient at 
    controlling PM emissions and there is no basis for a more stringent 
    emission limit based on this control technology.
        The limited emission test data for metal HAPs show their emissions 
    to be low, often below the detection limits of the test method. In 
    cooperative efforts by EPA and NAIMA, tests for metal HAPs were 
    performed at six glass-melting furnaces (docket item II-B-15). For a 
    medium capacity controlled furnace (27,000 Mg/yr [30,000 ton/yr]), 
    emissions of arsenic would be 0.2 lb/yr, chromium emissions would range 
    from 1.2 to 18 lb/yr, and lead emissions would be 0.6 to 2.1 lb/yr. 
    Total metal HAP emissions from a large (50,000 Mg/yr [55,000 ton/yr]) 
    controlled model gas-fired furnace are an estimated 60 lb/yr.
        For RS forming processes, the number of sources is 40. Because the 
    number of sources is greater than 30, the MACT floor is represented by 
    the median of the best performing 12 percent of existing sources, or 
    five sources. Emissions of formaldehyde from forming processes 
    representative of the best performing five were measured (docket items 
    II-B-15, II-B-21, II-D-64). Emissions of formaldehyde from these five 
    forming processes were 0.15, 0.33, 0.49, 0.49, and 0.6 kg/Mg (0.3, 
    0.65, 0.97, 0.97, and 1.2 lb/ton) of glass pulled. Using these results, 
    the median emission level is 0.49 kg of formaldehyde per megagram (0.97 
    lb of formaldehyde per ton) of glass pulled. The emission level 
    selected as representative of new forming processes, 0.33 kg of 
    formaldehyde per megagram (0.65 lb of formaldehyde per ton) of glass 
    pulled, reflects the performance of the best process modification 
    available to the industry. The emission level of 0.15 kg/Mg (0.3 lb/
    ton) is from a proprietary forming process not available to the rest of 
    the industry. Therefore, it was not considered MACT for new sources. 
    Emissions test results for RS forming processes are summarized in Table 
                          Table 4.--Summary of Emission Test Results on RS Manufacturing Lines                      
                                        [Docket Items II-B-15, II-B-21, II-D-64]                                    
                                                                                               Average Formaldehyde 
                     Process and Plant                                 Control               -----------------------
                                                                                                 kg/mg      lb/ton  
                          Forming                              Process modificationsa                               
    Plant P...........................................  ....................................     0.15        0.3    
    Plant S...........................................  ....................................     0.33        0.65   
    Plant T...........................................  ....................................     0.6         1.2    
    Plant U...........................................  ....................................     0.49        0.97   
    [[Page 15243]]
    Plant V...........................................  ....................................     0.49        0.97   
    Plant M...........................................  Incinerator (1300  deg.F, 0.5-s                             
                                                         residence time)                                            
                                                          Inlet.............................     0.497       0.994  
                                                          Outlet............................     0.00039     0.00078
    Plant N...........................................  Incinerator (1500  deg.F, 2.5-s                             
                                                         residence time)                                            
                                                          Outlet............................     0.00146     0.00292
    Plant O...........................................  Uncontrolled........................     0.004       0.007  
    a Process modifications include resin chemistry, binder chemistry, fiberization technology, binder application, 
      forming conditions.                                                                                           
        RS curing processes, controlled by incinerators, were tested at two 
    plants using the technology that EPA determined represented the MACT 
    floor for RS curing, resulting in one measurement of 0.0004 kg of 
    formaldehyde per megagram (0.001 lb of formaldehyde per ton) of glass 
    pulled and another measurement of 0.0015 kg of formaldehyde per 
    megagram (0.003 lb of formaldehyde per ton) of glass pulled (docket 
    item II-B-15). Because results from just two tests were available, the 
    higher result (0.0015 kg of formaldehyde per megagram [0.003 lb of 
    formaldehyde per ton] of glass pulled) was chosen to represent MACT 
    floor emissions from existing and new curing ovens. The only test 
    result for emissions from cooling operations was 0.005 kg of 
    formaldehyde per megagram (0.01 lb of formaldehyde per ton) of glass 
    pulled (docket item II-B-15); this emission level was selected to 
    represent the emissions from new and existing cooling processes. 
    Emissions data for RS curing and cooling processes are summarized in 
    Table 4.
        The proposed formaldehyde emission limit for existing RS 
    manufacturing lines, 0.6 kg of formaldehyde per megagram (1.2 lb of 
    formaldehyde per ton) of glass pulled, is based on the combined 
    manufacturing line emission levels from forming, curing, and cooling 
    with a 20 percent allowance to account for the use of short-term test 
    data as compared to long-term continuous monitoring data. In metric 
    units, the emission limit for existing RS manufacturing lines was 
    calculated as follows: (0.49 + 0.0015 + 0.005)  x  1.20 = 0.6 kg of 
    formaldehyde per megagram of glass pulled. In English units, the 
    emission limit for existing RS manufacturing lines was calculated as 
    follows: (0.97 + 0.003 + 0.01)  x  1.20 = 1.2 lb of formaldehyde per 
    ton of glass pulled. The proposed emission limit for new RS 
    manufacturing lines, 0.4 kg of formaldehyde per megagram (0.8 lb of 
    formaldehyde per ton) of glass pulled, was derived using 0.33 kg/Mg 
    (0.65 lb/ton) for the forming emission level and the same emission 
    levels for curing and cooling as mentioned above. In metric units, the 
    emission limit for new RS manufacturing lines was calculated as 
    follows: (0.33 + 0.0015 + 0.005)  x  1.20 = 0.4 kg of formaldehyde per 
    megagram of glass pulled. In English units, the emission limit for new 
    RS manufacturing lines was calculated as follows: (0.65 + 0.003 + 0.01) 
     x  1.20 = 0.8 lb of formaldehyde per ton of glass pulled.
        For existing and new FA manufacturing lines that produce pipe 
    insulation, the MACT floor for forming is the same process 
    modification, which has been applied to an equal degree to all forming 
    processes. Because there are no formaldehyde emission controls on 
    curing on FA manufacturing lines producing pipe insulation, the MACT 
    floor for curing is no control. Emissions of formaldehyde have been 
    measured from forming and curing on six FA manufacturing lines 
    producing pipe insulation where the same MACT floors for forming and 
    curing were used (see Table 5). Results from short-term formaldehyde 
    emission tests on these FA manufacturing lines were 1.7, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 
    3.2 and 3.4 kg/Mg (3.4, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 6.5, and 6.8 lb/ton) of glass 
    pulled (docket item II-D-54). Even though the same control technologies 
    and methods on manufacturing lines (forming and curing) producing the 
    same product were used, the emissions varied widely from 3.4 to 6.8 lb/
    ton. Because the test data for the same control technologies and 
    methods that represent the MACT floors show a range of emissions and 
    because emissions tests used short term tests (3 hrs) while the MACT 
    standard will need to be met at all times, EPA has set the proposed 
    formaldehyde emission limit for new and existing FA manufacturing lines 
    producing pipe insulation at 3.4 kg of formaldehyde per megagram (6.8 
    lb of formaldehyde per ton) of glass pulled. The EPA believes that this 
    emission rate is the level that can be consistently achieved by the 
    control technologies and methods that are the MACT floor.
         Table 5.--Summary of Emissions Data for FA Manufacturing Lines     
                              [Docket item II-D-54]                         
        Process and product             Control       ----------------------
                                                          kg/mg      lb/ton 
    Heavy density..............  Forming--process            2.3         4.6
                                  modifications.             3.9         7.8
                                 Curing--no control..                       
    [[Page 15244]]
    Pipe.......................  Forming--process            1.7         3.4
                                  modifications.             2.35        4.7
                                 Curing--no control..        2.4         4.8
                                                             2.45        4.9
                                                             3.25        6.5
                                                             3.4         6.8
        In the case of new FA manufacturing lines that produce heavy-
    density product, the MACT floor is represented by process modifications 
    on forming processes, which have been applied to the same degree on two 
    forming processes, and no control on curing. The emission limit 
    selected for new FA manufacturing lines producing heavy-density product 
    is based on the results of emissions testing on forming and curing 
    processes on two FA manufacturing lines producing heavy-density 
    products where the same process modifications have been applied to 
    forming and both curing ovens are uncontrolled (see Table 5). Emissions 
    of formaldehyde from these two FA manufacturing lines were 2.3 and 3.9 
    kg of formaldehyde per megagram (4.6 and 7.8 lb of formaldehyde per 
    ton) of glass pulled (docket item II-D-54). Because of the small number 
    of tests, the use of short-term test data (rather than long-term 
    continuous monitoring data), and to allow for the variability in 
    emission results from forming processes using the same floor level 
    process modifications, the 3.9 kg/Mg (7.8 lb/ton) level was chosen to 
    represent MACT floor emissions from new FA manufacturing lines 
    manufacturing heavy-density products.
    E. Selection of
    Monitoring Requirements
        Several monitoring options were identified and evaluated for 
    sources in wool fiberglass manufacturing facilities. Under the most 
    stringent option, a continuous opacity monitor (COM) would be required 
    for monitoring PM emissions from glass-melting furnaces, and a 
    continuous emission monitor (CEM) would be required for measurements of 
    formaldehyde, phenol, and methanol. No EPA-approved continuous 
    monitoring method is available for measuring PM, which is used as a 
    surrogate for metal HAP emissions.
        Where continuous monitors do not exist or are too expensive, 
    monitoring would rely on parametric monitoring of one or more 
    parameters associated with the production process or control device, 
    coupled with corrective action for operating problems. Potential 
    parameters could include incinerator operating temperature, ESP 
    electrical readings, and binder formulation parameters. A bag leak 
    detection system could be used to monitor PM emissions from baghouses 
    and ensure proper operation and maintenance of the control devices. 
    Visible emissions observations by Method 9 could be required on a daily 
    or weekly basis to ensure proper operation of control devices on glass-
    melting furnaces. For this industry, however, opacity is not considered 
    a good indicator of compliance because of the low grain loadings. 
    Therefore, this option was not considered further.
        A one-time performance test is necessary to demonstrate compliance 
    with the applicable emission limit for glass-melting furnaces and 
    manufacturing lines. Using the surrogate approach, the owner or 
    operator would measure PM emissions from the furnace control system 
    using EPA Method 5 in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60 and Sec. 63.1389 
    (Test methods and procedures) and formaldehyde emissions using EPA 
    Method 316 or Method 318. Methods 316 and 318 are also being proposed 
    today. The sampling and analytical cost for a three-run performance 
    test is estimated at $8,000 for Method 5 and $9,000 for Method 316. The 
    owner or operator could also use EPA Method 318, for measuring 
    formaldehyde emissions for compliance purposes as well measuring other 
    pollutant emissions. The method is also validated for use as a CEM. The 
    sampling and analytical cost for three Fourier Transform Infrared 
    (FTIR) gas-phase extractive runs, including other tests needed in 
    conjunction with Method 318, is about $15,000.
        During the performance tests for each glass-melting furnace and 
    each RS and FA manufacturing line subject to the standard, the owner or 
    operator would monitor and record the glass pull rate and determine the 
    arithmetic mean for each test run. A determination of compliance during 
    the performance tests would be based on the average of the three 
    individual test runs.
        Each owner or operator subject to the proposed NESHAP would submit 
    a written operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan as part of their 
    application for a part 70 permit. The plan would include procedures for 
    the proper operation and maintenance of processes and add-on control 
    devices used to comply with the proposed emission limits as well as the 
    corrective actions to be taken when a process or control device 
    parameter deviates from allowable levels established during performance 
    testing. The plan would identify the process parameters and control 
    device parameters that would be monitored to determine compliance, a 
    monitoring schedule, and procedures for keeping records to document 
    compliance. Additional information may be required depending on the 
    add-on control device or process that is used to comply with the 
    emission standard.
        The owner or operator of each furnace controlled by an ESP would 
    submit as part of their operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan 
    the ESP parameters (e.g., secondary voltage of each electrical field) 
    to be monitored, a monitoring schedule, recordkeeping procedures to 
    document compliance, and how the ESP is to be maintained and operated. 
    The proposed monitoring provisions specify that corrective actions be 
    taken according to the procedures in the operations, maintenance, and 
    monitoring plan in the event of a deviation in any 3-hour average ESP 
    parameter outside the range established during performance testing. 
    Failure to initiate corrective actions within 1 hour of the deviation 
    would be considered noncompliance. If the ESP
    [[Page 15245]]
    parameter values are outside the range established during the 
    performance test for more than 5 percent of total operating time in a 
    6-month reporting period, the owner or operator would implement a QIP 
    consistent with subpart D of the draft approach to compliance assurance 
    monitoring.7 If the ESP parameter values are outside the range for 
    more than 10 percent of total operating time in a 6-month reporting 
    period, the owner or operator would be in violation of the standard.
        \7\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        Following the performance test, the owner or operator of each 
    glass-melting furnace controlled by a baghouse would monitor emissions 
    exiting the PM control system using a bag leak detection system since 
    opacity is not a good indicator of performance at the low, controlled 
    PM levels characteristic of these sources. The bag leak detection 
    system must be equipped with an alarm system that will sound when an 
    increase in PM emissions is detected. On a positive pressure baghouse 
    where more than a single bag leak detection system probe may be 
    necessary, the instrumentation and alarm for the bag leak detection 
    system may be shared among detectors. Provisions are included in the 
    rule regarding installation, calibration, and operation of the system. 
    The monitoring provisions specify that when the bag leak detection 
    system alarm is activated, the baghouse be inspected for the cause of 
    the alarm and that corrective action be initiated according to the 
    procedures in the operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan. Failure 
    to initiate corrective actions within 1 hour of the alarm would be 
    considered noncompliance. If the alarm is activated for more than 5 
    percent of the total operating time during the 6-month reporting 
    period, the owner or operator must implement a QIP consistent with 
    subpart D of the draft approach to compliance assurance 
        \8\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        The owner or operator of a glass-melting furnace whose emissions 
    are not exhausted to an air pollution control device for PM control 
    would submit as part of their operations, maintenance, and monitoring 
    plan a description of how the furnace is to be operated and maintained, 
    the furnace parameter(s) to be monitored for compliance purposes, a 
    monitoring schedule, and recordkeeping procedures for documenting 
    compliance. On cold top electric furnaces, for example, the air 
    temperature above the glass melt may be monitored as an indicator of 
    furnace performance. Corrective action would be taken if the range of 
    acceptable values for the selected operating parameter(s), such as air 
    temperature above the glass melt in a cold top electric furnace, 
    established during the initial performance test, is exceeded based on 
    any 3-hour average of the monitored parameter. A deviation outside the 
    established range would trigger an inspection of the glass-melting 
    furnace to determine the cause of the deviation and the initiation of 
    corrective actions according to the procedures in the facility's 
    operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan. Failure to initiate 
    corrective actions within 1 hour of the deviation would be considered 
    noncompliance. If the furnace operating parameter values are outside 
    the range established during the performance test for more than 5 
    percent of total operating time in a 6-month reporting period, the 
    owner or operator would implement a QIP consistent with subpart D of 
    the draft approach to compliance assurance monitoring.9 If the 
    furnace parameter values are outside the range for more than 10 percent 
    of total operating time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or 
    operator would be in violation of the standard.
        \9\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        The owner or operator would perform the one-time performance test 
    for each new and existing RS manufacturing line that produces building 
    insulation (defined as having an LOI of less than 8 percent and a 
    density of less than 32 kg/m\3\ [2 lb/ft\3\]) while manufacturing 
    building insulation. Similarly, performance tests would be performed 
    for each new FA manufacturing line that produces heavy-density (defined 
    as having an LOI of 11 to 25 percent and a density of 8 to 48 kg/m\3\ 
    [0.5 to 3 lb/ft\3\]) or pipe insulation products (defined as having an 
    LOI of 8 to 14 percent and a density of 48 to 96 kg/m\3\ [3 to 6 lb/
    ft\3\]) and each existing FA manufacturing line that produces pipe 
    insulation products.
        During the performance test on RS and FA manufacturing lines, the 
    owner or operator would monitor and record the free-formaldehyde 
    content of each resin lot, the binder formulation of each batch used 
    during the tests, and the product LOI and density for each line tested. 
    The performance test would be run using the resin with the highest free 
    formaldehyde content that is expected to be used on each manufacturing 
    line subject to the standard. After the initial performance test, if an 
    owner or operator wants to use a resin with a higher free-formaldehyde 
    content or change the binder formulation, another performance test must 
    be conducted to verify compliance. Following the performance test, the 
    owner or operator would maintain records of the free-formaldehyde 
    content of each incoming resin lot, the formulation of each binder 
    batch, and daily product LOI and product density. If resin free-
    formaldehyde content exceeds the performance test levels, the owner or 
    operator would be in violation of the standard. Under the proposed 
    NESHAP, the binder formulation must not deviate from the formulation 
    specifications used during the performance test.
        If the owner or operator of an RS or an FA manufacturing line plans 
    to use forming process modifications to comply with the proposed 
    standard, the operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan must specify 
    the process parameters (e.g., LOI, binder solids, and/or binder 
    application rate) to be monitored and their correlation with 
    formaldehyde emissions, the monitoring schedule, and recordkeeping 
    procedures for documenting compliance, in addition to procedures for 
    the proper operation and maintenance of the process modifications. The 
    owner or operator would monitor forming process parameters by adhering 
    to the procedures detailed in their operations, maintenance, and 
    monitoring plan. Should the process parameter(s) deviate from the range 
    established during the performance test, the owner or operator must 
    inspect the process to determine the cause of the deviation and 
    initiate corrective action within 1 hour of the deviation. If the 
    process parameter(s) are outside the performance test range for more 
    than 5 percent of total operating time during a 6-month reporting 
    period, the owner or operator would implement a QIP consistent with 
    subpart D of the draft approach to compliance assurance 
    monitoring.10 If the process parameter(s) are outside the range 
    for more than 10 percent of total operating time in a 6-month reporting 
    period, the owner or operator would be in violation of the standard.
        \10\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        If a wet scrubbing control device is used to control formaldehyde 
    emissions from an RS or FA manufacturing line subject to the standard, 
    the owner or operator must establish during the performance test the 
    pressure drop across each scrubber, the scrubbing liquid flow rate to 
    each scrubber, and the identity and feed rate of any chemical added to 
    the scrubbing liquid. If the owner or operator plans to operate
    [[Page 15246]]
    the scrubber in such a way that the pressure drop, liquid flow rate, or 
    chemical additive or chemical feed rate exceeds the range of values 
    established during the performance tests, additional testing would be 
    necessary to demonstrate compliance. Following the initial performance 
    tests, an owner or operator who uses a wet scrubbing control device to 
    control formaldehyde emissions from an RS or FA manufacturing line 
    would record the pressure drop across each scrubber, the scrubbing 
    liquid flow rate to each scrubber, and the identity and feed rate of 
    any chemical added to the scrubbing liquid. The proposed monitoring 
    provisions also specify that corrective action be taken if the range of 
    acceptable values established during the initial performance test is 
    exceeded. Deviation by any 3-hour average scrubber parameter outside 
    the established range would cause the owner or operator to inspect the 
    process to determine the cause of the deviation and to initiate 
    corrective actions according to the procedures in the operations, 
    maintenance, and monitoring plan. Failure to initiate corrective 
    actions within 1 hour of the deviation would be considered 
    noncompliance. If any scrubber parameter is outside the performance 
    test range for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in a 6-
    month reporting period, the owner or operator would implement a QIP 
    consistent with subpart D of the draft approach to compliance assurance 
    monitoring.11 If any of the scrubber parameter values are outside 
    the range for more than 10 percent of total operating time in a 6-month 
    reporting period, the owner or operator would be in violation of the 
        \11\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        If an incinerator is used to comply with the applicable emission 
    limits for manufacturing lines, the incinerator operating temperature 
    would have to be continuously monitored and recorded using a device 
    such as a thermocouple with a strip chart recorder or data logger. 
    During the performance test, the owner or operator would continuously 
    monitor the temperature and record the average temperature during each 
    1-hour test. The average of the three 1-hour test runs would be used to 
    monitor compliance. Following the performance tests, the owner or 
    operator would maintain the temperature so that any 3-hour average does 
    not fall below the temperature established during the performance test. 
    If the temperature falls below the average, the owner or operator would 
    be considered out of compliance. The operations, maintenance, and 
    monitoring plan for an incinerator would include procedures to follow 
    in the event of a temperature drop. Examples of procedures that might 
    be included in the plan for incinerators include: (1) inspection of 
    burner assemblies and pilot sensing devices for proper operation and 
    cleaning; (2) adjusting primary and secondary chamber combustion air; 
    (3) inspecting dampers, fans, blowers, and motors for proper operation, 
    and (4) shutdown procedures.
        Under the proposed NESHAP, the owner or operator would be allowed 
    to change the control device or process parameter levels established 
    during the initial performance tests. The owner or operator would be 
    permitted to expand the range or increase the level of any add-on 
    control device or process parameter level used to monitor compliance by 
    performing additional emission testing to demonstrate that at the new 
    levels, the affected source complies with the emission limits in 
    Secs. 63.1382, 63.1383, or 63.1384.
        The EPA general provisions in 40 CFR part 63, subpart A, require 
    each owner or operator to develop and implement a startup, shutdown, 
    and malfunction plan. Under the proposed NESHAP, the plan would include 
    procedures for routine and long-term maintenance of the control devices 
    according to the manufacturer's instructions or recommendations.
        The EPA believes that these monitoring provisions will provide 
    sufficient information needed to determine compliance or operating 
    problems at the source. At the same time, the provisions are not labor 
    intensive, do not require expensive, complex equipment, and are not 
    burdensome in terms of recordkeeping needs.
    F. Selection of Test Methods
        Under the proposed NESHAP, the owner or operator conducts a one-
    time performance (emissions) test to determine initial compliance with 
    the emission limits for glass-melting furnaces and manufacturing lines. 
    Under the proposed rule, PM serves as a surrogate for HAP metals and 
    formaldehyde, a HAP, serves as a surrogate measure for all organic 
        The owner or operator would measure PM emissions from the control 
    device (baghouse or ESP) exhaust outlet for the furnace or from the 
    furnace exhaust outlet where no controls are in place using EPA Method 
    5 in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60, ``Determination of Particulate 
    Emissions from Stationary Sources,'' and Sec. 63.1388 (Test methods and 
    procedures) of the proposed rule. To prevent sulfate formation in the 
    sampling apparatus, the method specifies that the probe and filter 
    holder be maintained at a temperature no greater than 17714 
     deg.C (35025  deg.F). To determine emissions of 
    formaldehyde from RS manufacturing lines, the owner or operator would 
    measure emissions of formaldehyde at the exhaust outlets of the 
    forming, curing, and cooling processes and sum the measurements to 
    determine manufacturing line emissions. To measure formaldehyde 
    emissions from FA manufacturing lines subject to this standard, 
    emissions from the forming process and from curing would be measured 
    and the results summed to determine manufacturing line emissions. 
    Formaldehyde emissions may be measured using EPA Method 316, ``Sampling 
    and Analysis for Formaldehyde Emissions from Stationary Sources in the 
    Mineral Wool and Wool Fiberglass Industries,'' with formaldehyde 
    analyses by spectrophotometry using the modified pararosaniline method. 
    Method 316 is being proposed concurrently with this proposed rule. 
    Method 316 is a manual test method for the measurement of formaldehyde. 
    The method was developed by the industry trade group, NAIMA. The method 
    was validated at a mineral wool facility, which has been determined to 
    be a similar source, according to the procedures in Test Method 301, 40 
    CFR part 63, appendix A. In Method 316, gaseous and particulate 
    pollutants are withdrawn isokinetically from an emission source and are 
    collected in high purity water. Formaldehyde present in the emissions 
    is highly soluble in water. The water containing formaldehyde is then 
    analyzed using the modified pararosaniline method. Formaldehyde in the 
    sample reacts with acidic pararosaniline and sodium sulfite, forming a 
    purple chromophore. The intensity of the purple color, measured 
    spectrophotometrically, provides a measure of the formaldehyde 
    concentration in the sample.
        Formaldehyde emissions can also be measured using EPA Method 318, 
    ``Extractive FTIR Method for the Measurement of Emissions from the 
    Mineral Wool and Wool Fiberglass Industries.'' The Fourier Transform 
    Infrared (FTIR) spectrometry method is also being proposed today for 
    addition to appendix A to 40 CFR part 63. The FTIR spectrometry method 
    uses a multicomponent measurement system to quantify a wide variety of 
    pollutants in one test. Method 318 is an extractive
    [[Page 15247]]
    FTIR procedure and has been validated by the EPA according to Method 
    301 requirements. The Method 318 procedure involves removing a 
    slipstream of stack gas and filling a sample cell with the stack gas 
    sample, which is then analyzed by FTIR spectrometry.
        Methods for determining the product LOI and the free formaldehyde 
    content of resins are also contained in the proposed rule. The owner or 
    operator also may use other alternative test methods subject to 
    approval by the Administrator.
        Using the results of each test run and information generated during 
    the performance tests (i.e., average glass pull rate in tons per hour 
    for each test run), the owner or operator would then use the equations 
    and procedures in the rule to convert the emission rate of PM and 
    formaldehyde into the units of the standard.
    G. Solicitation of Comments
        The EPA seeks full public participation in arriving at its final 
    decisions and encourages comments on all aspects of this proposal from 
    all interested parties. Full supporting data and detailed analyses 
    should be submitted with comments to allow EPA to make maximum use of 
    the comments. All comments should be directed to the Air and Radiation 
    Docket and Information Center, Docket No. A-95-24 (see ADDRESSES). 
    Comments on this notice must be submitted on or before the date 
    specified in DATES.
        Commenters wishing to submit proprietary information for 
    consideration should clearly distinguish such information from other 
    comments and clearly label it ``Confidential Business Information.'' 
    Submissions containing such proprietary information should be sent 
    directly to the following address, and not to the public docket, to 
    ensure that proprietary information is not inadvertently placed in the 
    docket: Attention: Mr. William Neuffer, c/o Ms. Melva Toomer, U.S. EPA 
    Confidential Business Information Manager, OAQPS/MD-13; Research 
    Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711. Information covered by such a 
    claim of confidentiality will be disclosed by the EPA only to the 
    extent allowed and by the procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. If no 
    claim of confidentiality accompanies a submission when it is received 
    by the EPA, the submission may be made available to the public without 
    further notice to the commenter.
    VI. Administrative Requirements
    A. Docket
        The docket is an organized and complete file of all the information 
    considered by EPA in the development of this rulemaking. The docket is 
    a dynamic file, because material is added throughout the rulemaking 
    development. The docketing system is intended to allow members of the 
    public and industries involved to readily identify and locate documents 
    so that they can effectively participate in the rulemaking process. 
    Along with the proposed and promulgated standards and their preambles, 
    the contents of the docket, except for certain interagency materials, 
    will serve as the record for judicial review. [See section 307(d)(7)(A) 
    of the Act.]
    B. Public Hearing
        A public hearing will be held, if requested, to discuss the 
    proposed standards in accordance with section 307(d)(5) of the Act. If 
    a public hearing is requested and held, EPA will ask clarifying 
    questions during the oral presentation but will not respond to the 
    presentations or comments. To provide an opportunity for all who may 
    wish to speak, oral presentations will be limited to 15 minutes each. 
    Any member of the public may file a written statement (see DATES and 
    ADDRESSES). Written statements and supporting information will be 
    considered with equivalent weight as any oral statement and supporting 
    information subsequently presented at a public hearing, if held.
    C. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), EPA 
    must determine whether the regulatory action is ``significant'' and 
    therefore subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) and the requirements of the Executive Order. The Executive Order 
    defines ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to 
    result in a rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
        (2) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs, or the rights and obligation of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        This action is not a ``significant regulatory action'' within the 
    meaning of Executive Order 12866, thus OMB review of the proposed 
    regulation is not required. However, an economic impact analysis of the 
    proposed NESHAP was prepared and is available in the docket.
    D. Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership Under Executive Order 
        In compliance with Executive Order 12875, we have involved State 
    regulatory experts in the development of this proposed rule. No tribal 
    governments are believed to be affected by this proposed rule. State 
    and local governments are not directly impacted by the rule, i.e., they 
    are not required to purchase control systems to meet the requirements 
    of the rule. However, they will be required to implement the rule, 
    e.g., incorporate the rule into permits and enforce the rule. They will 
    collect permit fees that will be used to offset the resources burden of 
    implementing the rule. Comments have been solicited from States and 
    have been carefully considered in the rule development process. In 
    addition, all States are encouraged to comment on this proposed rule 
    during the public comment period, and the EPA intends to fully consider 
    these comments in the development of the final rule.
    E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (``Unfunded 
    Mandates Act''), signed into law on March 22, 1995 (109 Stat. 48), 
    requires that the Agency prepare a budgetary impact statement before 
    promulgating a rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in 
    expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments, in aggregate, or 
    by the private sector, of $100 million or more in any one year. Section 
    203 requires the Agency to establish a plan for obtaining input from 
    and informing, educating, and advising any small governments that may 
    be significantly or uniquely affected by the rule.
        Under section 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Act, the Agency must 
    identify and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives 
    before promulgating a rule for which a budgetary impact statement must 
    be prepared. The Agency must select from those alternatives the least 
    costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative for State, 
    local, and tribal governments and the private sector that
    [[Page 15248]]
    achieves the objectives of the rule, unless the Agency explains why 
    this alternative is not selected or unless the selection of this 
    alternative is inconsistent with law.
        This rule is based partially on pollution prevention alternatives 
    and has been applied on a manufacturing line basis. Therefore, it is 
    the least costly and burdensome approach for industry since the 
    purchase of add-on control devices will be avoided by most of the 
    industry. The total nationwide capital cost for the standard is 
    estimated at $19.5 million; annual nationwide cost is estimated at $6.3 
    million/yr. Because this proposed rule, if promulgated, is estimated to 
    result in the expenditure by State and local governments, in aggregate, 
    or by the private sector of less than $100 million in any one year, the 
    Agency has not prepared a budgetary impact statement. Because small 
    governments will not be affected by this rule, the Agency is not 
    required to develop a plan with regard to small governments. Therefore, 
    the requirements of the Unfunded Mandates Act do not apply to this 
    F. Regulatory Flexibility
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) generally requires an agency 
    to conduct a regulatory flexibility analysis of any rule subject to 
    notice and comment rulemaking requirements unless the agency certifies 
    that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Small entities include small 
    businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, and small governmental 
    jurisdictions. This proposed rule would not have a significant impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities because no company that owns 
    sources in the source category meets the criteria for small business. 
    Companies in the wool fiberglass manufacturing industry are part of SIC 
    3296. Companies in SIC 3296 are classified as small by the U.S. Small 
    Business Administration if the company has fewer than 750 employees. 
    None of the firms in the industry have fewer than 750 employees and 
    thus, are not small businesses by this criterion. Therefore, I certify 
    that this action will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities.
    G. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements in this proposed rule have 
    been submitted for approval to OMB under the requirements of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. An Information 
    Collection Request (ICR) document has been prepared by EPA (ICR No. 
    1795.01), and a copy may be obtained from Sandy Farmer, OPPE Regulatory 
    Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2137), 401 M Street SW, 
    Washington, DC 20460, or by calling (202) 260-2740.
        The proposed information requirements include the notification, 
    recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of the NESHAP general 
    provisions, authorized under section 114 of the Act, which are 
    mandatory for all owners or operators subject to national emission 
    standards. All information submitted to EPA for which a claim of 
    confidentiality is made is safeguarded according to Agency policies in 
    40 CFR part 2, subpart B. The proposed rule does not require any 
    notifications or reports beyond those required by the general 
    provisions. Proposed subpart NNN does require additional records of 
    specific information needed to determine compliance with the rule. 
    These include records of: (1) Any bag leak detection system alarm, 
    including the date and time, with a brief explanation of the cause of 
    the alarm and the corrective action taken; (2) ESP parameter values, 
    such as secondary voltage for each electrical field, including any 
    deviation outside the range established during the performance test and 
    a brief explanation of the cause of the deviation and the corrective 
    action taken; (3) uncontrolled furnace operating parameters, such as 
    air temperature above the glass melt of cold top electric furnaces, 
    including any exceedances of the established parameter values and a 
    brief explanation of the cause and the corrective action taken; (4) the 
    free-formaldehyde content of the resin being used; (5) the formulation 
    of the binder being used; (6) the LOI and density for each bonded 
    product manufactured on an RS or FA manufacturing line subject to the 
    proposed NESHAP; (7) forming process modification parameters, including 
    any period when the parameter levels are inconsistent with levels 
    established during the performance test with a brief explanation of the 
    cause and corrective actions taken; (8) pressure drop, liquid flow 
    rate, and information on chemical additives to the scrubbing liquid 
    including any period when the levels established during the performance 
    tests are exceeded and a brief explanation of the cause and the 
    corrective action taken; and (9) incinerator operating temperature, 
    including any period when the temperature falls below the level 
    established during the performance test, with a brief explanation of 
    the cause of the deviation and the corrective action taken. Each of 
    these information requirements is needed to determine compliance with 
    the standard.
        The annual public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this 
    collection is estimated at 17,800 labor hours per year at an annual 
    cost of $571,000. This estimate includes a one-time performance test 
    and report (with repeat tests where needed); one-time preparation of a 
    startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan with semiannual reports of any 
    event in which the procedures in the plan were not followed; semiannual 
    excess emissions reports; notifications; and recordkeeping. The 
    annualized capital cost associated with monitoring requirements is 
    estimated at $41,000. The operation and maintenance cost is estimated 
    at $3,000/yr.
        Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
    expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
    provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time 
    needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
    technology and systems for the purpose of collecting, validating, 
    verifying, processing, maintaining, disclosing, and providing 
    information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously 
    applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to respond to 
    a collection of information; search existing data sources; complete and 
    review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise 
    disclose the information.
        An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
    regulations are listed in 40 CFR Part 9 and 48 CFR Chapter 15.
        Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the 
    accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods 
    for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of 
    automated collection techniques, to the Director, OPPE Regulatory 
    Information Division; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2137), 401 
    M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460, and to the Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street, 
    NW, Washington, DC 20503, marked ``Attention: Desk Office for EPA.'' 
    Include the ICR number in any correspondence. Because OMB is required 
    to make a decision concerning the ICR between 30 and 60 days after 
    March 31, 1997, a comment to OMB is most likely to have its full effect 
    if OMB
    [[Page 15249]]
    receives it by April 30, 1997. The final rule will respond to any OMB 
    or public comments on the information collection requirements contained 
    in this proposal.
    H. Clean Air Act
        In accordance with section 117 of the Act, publication of this 
    proposal was preceded by consultation with appropriate advisory 
    committees, independent experts, and Federal departments and agencies. 
    This regulation will be reviewed 8 years from the date of promulgation. 
    This review will include an assessment of such factors as evaluation of 
    the residual health risks, any overlap with other programs, the 
    existence of alternative methods, enforceability, improvements in 
    emission control technology and health data, and the recordkeeping and 
    reporting requirements.
    I. Pollution Prevention Act
        The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 establishes that pollution 
    should be prevented or reduced at the source whenever feasible. The 
    emission standards for RS and FA manufacturing lines subject to the 
    standard are formulated as line standards, i.e., the sum of the 
    individual forming, curing, and cooling MACT floor emission levels for 
    RS manufacturing lines and forming and curing MACT floor emission 
    levels for certain FA manufacturing lines. By formulating the standard 
    as a line standard, tradeoffs are allowed for existing facilities that 
    will accomplish the same environmental results at lower costs and will 
    encourage process modifications and pollution prevention alternatives. 
    According to the industry, new RS manufacturing lines may be able to 
    meet the line standard without the use of costly incinerators with 
    their energy and other environmental impacts, such as increased 
    nitrogen oxides (NOX)and sulfur oxides (SOX) emissions, by 
    incorporating pollution prevention measures, such as binder 
    reformulation and improved binder application efficiency. Pollution 
    prevention alternatives will also increase binder utilization 
    efficiency and reduce production costs for industry. In selecting the 
    format of the emission standard for emissions from manufacturing lines, 
    the EPA considered various alternatives such as setting separate 
    emission limits for each process, i.e., forming, curing, and cooling. A 
    line standard gives the industry greater flexibility in complying with 
    the proposed emission limits and is the least costly because industry 
    can avoid the capital and annual operating and maintenance costs 
    associated with the purchase of add-on control equipment by using 
    pollution prevention measures.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 63
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hazardous 
    substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Wool fiberglass 
        Dated: February 21, 1997.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, part 63 of title 40, 
    chapter I, of the Code of Federal Regulations is proposed to be amended 
    as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 63 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
        2. Part 63 is amended by adding subpart NNN to read as follows:
    Subpart NNN--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants 
    for Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing
    63.1380  Applicability.
    63.1381  Definitions.
    63.1382  Emission standards for glass-melting furnaces.
    63.1383  Emission standards for rotary spin manufacturing lines.
    63.1384  Emission standard for flame attenuation manufacturing 
    63.1385  Compliance dates.
    63.1386  Monitoring requirements.
    63.1387  Performance test requirements.
    63.1388  Test methods and procedures.
    63.1389  Notification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
    63.1390  Delegation of authority.
    63.1391  63.1399 [Reserved].
    Table 1 to Subpart NNN--Applicability of general provisions (40 CFR 
    part 63, subpart A) to subpart NNN.
    Appendix A to Subpart NNN--Method for the determination of LOI
    Appendix B to Subpart NNN--Free formaldehyde analysis of insulation 
    resins by hydroxylamine hydrochloride
    Appendix C to Subpart NNN--Method for the determination of product 
    Subpart NNN--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
    Pollutants for Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing
    Sec. 63.1380  Applicability.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, 
    the requirements of this subpart apply to the owner or operator of each 
    wool fiberglass manufacturing facility.
        (b) The requirements of this subpart apply to emissions of 
    hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), as measured according to the methods 
    and procedures in this subpart, emitted from the following sources at a 
    wool fiberglass manufacturing facility subject to this subpart:
        (1) Each new and existing glass-melting furnace located at a wool 
    fiberglass manufacturing facility;
        (2) Each new and existing rotary spin wool fiberglass manufacturing 
    line producing a bonded wool fiberglass building insulation product; 
        (3) Each new and existing flame attenuation wool fiberglass 
    manufacturing line producing a bonded pipe product and each new flame 
    attenuation wool fiberglass manufacturing line producing a bonded 
    heavy-density product.
        (c) The requirements of this subpart do not apply to the owner or 
    operator of a wool fiberglass manufacturing facility that the owner or 
    operator demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, is not 
    a major source as defined in Sec. 63.2 of the general provisions.
        (d) The provisions of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart A--General Provisions 
    that apply and those that do not apply to this subpart are specified in 
    Table 1 of this subpart.
    Sec. 63.1381  Definitions.
        Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in 
    Sec. 63.2, or in this section as follows:
        Bag leak detection system means systems that include, but are not 
    limited to, devices using triboelectric, light scattering, and other 
    effects to monitor relative or absolute particulate matter (PM) 
        Bonded means wool fiberglass to which a phenol-formaldehyde binder 
    has been applied.
        Building insulation means the bonded wool fiberglass insulation, 
    having a loss on ignition of less than 8 percent and a density of less 
    than 32 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m\3\) (2 pounds per cubic foot 
    [lb/ft\3\]), most frequently manufactured (as measured by hours of 
    production times glass pull rate) during the preceding calendar year.
        Flame attenuation means a process used to produce wool fiberglass 
    where molten glass flows by gravity from melting furnaces, or pots, to 
    form filaments that are drawn down and attenuated by passing in front 
    of a high-velocity gas burner flame.
        Glass-melting furnace means a unit comprising a refractory vessel 
    in which raw materials are charged, melted at high temperature, 
    refined, and conditioned to produce molten glass. The unit includes 
    [[Page 15250]]
    superstructure and retaining walls, raw material charger systems, heat 
    exchangers, melter cooling system, exhaust system, refractory brick 
    work, fuel supply and electrical boosting equipment, integral control 
    systems and instrumentation, and appendages for conditioning and 
    distributing molten glass to forming processes. The forming apparatus, 
    including flow channels, is not considered part of the glass-melting 
        Glass pull rate means the mass of molten glass used in the 
    manufacture of wool fiberglass at a single manufacturing line in a 
    specified time period.
        HAP means those chemicals and their compounds that are included on 
    the list of hazardous air pollutants in section 112(b) of the Clean Air 
        Heavy-density product means bonded wool fiberglass insulation 
    manufactured on a flame attenuation manufacturing line and having a 
    loss on ignition of 11 to 25 percent and a density of 8 to 48 kg/m\3\ 
    (0.5 to 3 lb/ft\3\).
        Incinerator means an enclosed air pollution control device that 
    uses controlled flame combustion to convert combustible materials to 
    noncombustible gases.
        Loss on ignition (LOI) means the percent decrease in weight of wool 
    fiberglass after it has been ignited. The LOI is used to monitor the 
    weight percent of binder in wool fiberglass.
        Manufacturing line means the manufacturing equipment comprising any 
    combination of a forming section, where molten glass is fiberized and a 
    fiberglass mat is formed; a curing section, where binder resin in the 
    mat is thermally set; and a cooling section, where the mat is cooled.
        Pipe product means bonded wool fiberglass insulation manufactured 
    on a flame attenuation manufacturing line and having a loss on ignition 
    of 8 to 14 percent and a density of 48 to 96 kg/m\3\ (3 to 6 lb/ft\3\).
        Rotary spin means a process used to produce wool fiberglass 
    building insulation by forcing molten glass through numerous small 
    orifices in the side wall of a spinner to form continuous glass fibers 
    that are then broken into discrete lengths by high-velocity air flow. 
    Any process used to produce bonded wool fiberglass building insulation 
    by a process other than flame attenuation is considered rotary spin.
        Wool fiberglass means a thermal, acoustical, or other insulation 
    material composed of glass fibers made from glass produced or melted at 
    the same facility where the manufacturing line is located.
    Sec. 63.1382  Emission standards for glass-melting furnaces.
        On or after the date the initial performance test is completed or 
    required to be completed under Sec. 63.7, whichever date is earlier, 
    the owner or operator shall not discharge or cause to be discharged 
    into the atmosphere in excess of 0.25 kilogram (kg) of particulate 
    matter (PM) per megagram (Mg) (0.5 pound [lb] of PM per ton) of glass 
    pulled for each new or existing glass-melting furnace.
    Sec. 63.1383  Emission standards for rotary spin manufacturing lines.
        On or after the date the initial performance test is completed or 
    required to be completed under Sec. 63.7, whichever date is earlier, 
    the owner or operator shall not discharge or cause to be discharged 
    into the atmosphere in excess of:
        (a) 0.6 kg of formaldehyde per megagram (1.2 lb of formaldehyde per 
    ton) of glass pulled for each existing rotary spin manufacturing line; 
        (b) 0.4 kg of formaldehyde per megagram (0.8 lb of formaldehyde per 
    ton) of glass pulled for each new rotary spin manufacturing line.
    Sec. 63.1384  Emission standards for flame attenuation manufacturing 
        On or after the date the initial performance test is completed or 
    required to be completed under Sec. 63.7, whichever date is earlier, 
    the owner or operator shall not discharge or cause to be discharged 
    into the atmosphere in excess of:
        (a) 3.9 kg of formaldehyde per megagram (7.8 lb of formaldehyde per 
    ton) of glass pulled for each new flame attenuation manufacturing line 
    that produces heavy-density wool fiberglass; and
        (b) 3.4 kg of formaldehyde per megagram (6.8 lb of formaldehyde per 
    ton) of glass pulled from each existing or new flame attenuation 
    manufacturing line that produces pipe product wool fiberglass.
    Sec. 63.1385  Compliance dates.
        (a) Compliance dates. The owner or operator subject to the 
    provisions of this subpart shall demonstrate compliance with the 
    requirements of this subpart by no later than:
        (1) (Date 3 years after effective date of the final rule) for an 
    existing glass-melting furnace, rotary spin manufacturing line, or 
    flame attenuation manufacturing line; or
        (2) Upon startup for a new glass-melting furnace, rotary spin 
    manufacturing line, or flame attenuation manufacturing line.
        (b) Compliance extension. The owner or operator may request from 
    the Administrator, or the applicable regulatory authority in a State 
    with an approved permit program, an extension of the compliance date 
    for the emission standards for one additional year if needed to install 
    add-on controls or process modifications. The owner or operator shall 
    submit a request for an extension according to the procedures in 
    Sec. 63.6(i)(3) of the general provisions.
    Sec. 63.1386  Monitoring requirements.
        (a) The owner or operator of each wool fiberglass manufacturing 
    facility shall prepare for each glass-melting furnace, RS manufacturing 
    line, and FA manufacturing line subject to the provisions of this 
    subpart, a written operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan. The 
    plan shall be submitted to the Administrator for review and approval as 
    part of the application for a part 70 permit and shall include the 
    following information:
        (1) Procedures for the proper operation and maintenance of process 
    modifications and add-on control devices used to meet the emission 
    limits of Secs. 63.1382, 63.1383, and 63.1384;
        (2) Process parameters and add-on control device parameters to be 
    monitored to determine compliance; and
        (3) Corrective actions to be taken when process parameters or add-
    on control device parameters deviate from the levels established during 
    initial performance testing.
        (b) Where a baghouse is used to control PM emissions from a glass-
    melting furnace, the owner or operator shall install, calibrate, 
    maintain, and continuously operate a bag leak detection system.
        (1) The bag leak detection system must be capable of detecting PM 
    emissions at concentrations of 1.0 milligram per actual cubic meter 
    (0.0004 grains per actual cubic foot) and greater.
        (2) The bag leak detection system sensor must provide output of 
    relative or absolute PM emissions.
        (3) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with an alarm 
    system that will sound when an increase in PM emissions over a preset 
    level is detected.
        (4) For positive pressure fabric filter systems, a bag leak 
    detection system must be installed in each baghouse compartment or 
    cell. If a negative pressure or induced air baghouse is used, the bag 
    leak detection system must be installed downstream of the baghouse. 
    Where multiple bag leak detection systems are required (for either type 
    of baghouse), the system
    [[Page 15251]]
    instrumentation and alarm may be shared among the monitors.
        (5) The bag leak detection system shall be installed, operated, 
    calibrated, and maintained in a manner consistent with available 
    guidance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or, in the 
    absence of such guidance, the manufacturer's written specifications and 
        (6) Calibration of the system shall, at a minimum, consist of 
    establishing the baseline output by adjusting the range and the 
    averaging period of the device and establishing the alarm setpoints and 
    the alarm delay time. Calibration of the system shall be done during 
    the initial performance test.
        (7) The owner or operator shall not adjust the range, averaging 
    period, alarm setpoints, or alarm delay time after the initial 
    performance test without written approval from the Administrator.
        (8) Following the performance test, if the alarm for the bag leak 
    detection system is triggered, the owner or operator shall inspect the 
    control device to determine the cause of the deviation and initiate 
    within 1 hour of the alarm the corrective actions specified in the 
    procedures in the operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan.
        (9) If the alarm is sounded for more than 5 percent of the total 
    operating time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator 
    must implement a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) consistent with subpart 
    D of the draft approach to compliance assurance monitoring.1
        \1\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        (c)(1) Where an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is used to control 
    PM emissions from a glass-melting furnace, the owner or operator shall 
    include in the ESP operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan the 
    following information:
        (i) ESP operating parameter(s), such as secondary voltage of each 
    electrical field, to be monitored and the procedures to be followed 
    during the performance test to establish the range of values that will 
    be used to identify any operational problems;
        (ii) A schedule for monitoring the ESP operating parameter(s);
        (iii) Recordkeeping procedures, consistent with Sec. 63.1389, to 
    show that the ESP operating parameter(s) is within the range 
    established during the performance test; and
        (iv) Procedures for the proper operation and maintenance of the 
        (2) Following the performance test, if any 3-hour average value for 
    the ESP monitoring parameter(s) deviates from the range established 
    during the performance test, the owner or operator shall inspect the 
    control device to determine the cause of the deviation and initiate 
    within 1 hour of the deviation the corrective actions necessary to 
    return the ESP parameter(s) to the levels established during the 
    performance test according to the procedures in the operations, 
    maintenance, and monitoring plan.
        (3) If the monitored ESP parameter is outside the level established 
    during the performance test more than 5 percent of the total operating 
    time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator must 
    implement a QIP consistent with subpart D of the draft approach to 
    compliance assurance monitoring.2
        \2\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        (4) If the monitored ESP parameter is outside the level established 
    during the performance test more than 10 percent of the total operating 
    time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator is in 
    violation of the standard.
        (d)(1) For a glass-melting furnace, including a cold top electric 
    furnace, where no add-on controls are used to control PM emissions, the 
    owner or operator shall include in the operations, maintenance, and 
    monitoring plan the following information:
        (i) The operating parameter(s), such as the air temperature above 
    the glass melt, to be monitored and the procedures to be followed 
    during the performance test to establish the range of values that will 
    be used to identify any operational problems;
        (ii) A schedule for monitoring the operating parameter(s) of the 
    glass-melting furnace;
        (iii) Recordkeeping procedures, consistent with Sec. 63.1389, to 
    show that the glass-melting furnace parameter(s) is within the range 
    established during the performance test; and
        (iv) Procedures for the proper operation and maintenance of the 
    glass-melting furnace.
        (2) Following the performance test, if any 3-hour average value for 
    the parameter used to monitor uncontrolled glass-melting furnaces 
    deviates from the range established during the performance test, the 
    owner or operator shall inspect the glass-melting furnace to determine 
    the cause of the deviation and initiate within 1 hour of the deviation 
    the corrective actions necessary to return the process parameter(s) to 
    the levels established during the performance test according to the 
    procedures in the operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan.
        (3) If the monitored parameter is outside the level established 
    during the performance test more than 5 percent of the total operating 
    time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator must 
    implement a QIP consistent with subpart D of the draft approach to 
    compliance assurance monitoring.3
        \3\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        (4) If the monitored parameter is outside the level established 
    during the performance test more than 10 percent of the total operating 
    time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator is in 
    violation of the standard.
        (e)(1) The owners or operators of existing glass-melting furnaces 
    shall continuously monitor and record the glass pull rate except that 
    for glass-melting furnaces that are not equipped with continuous 
    monitors, the glass pull rate shall be monitored and recorded once per 
        (2) On all new glass-melting furnaces, the owner or operator shall 
    install, calibrate, and maintain monitors that continuously record the 
    glass pull rate.
        (3) Following the performance test, if the glass pull rate exceeds 
    the average glass pull rate established during the performance test by 
    greater than 20 percent, the owner or operator shall inspect the glass-
    melting furnace to determine the cause of the exceedance and initiate 
    within 1 hour of the exceedance the corrective actions necessary to 
    return the glass pull rate to the level established during the 
    performance test according to the procedures in the operations, 
    maintenance, and monitoring plan.
        (4) If the glass pull rate exceeds by more than 20 percent the 
    level established during the performance test for more than 5 percent 
    of the total operating time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or 
    operator must implement a QIP consistent with subpart D of the draft 
    approach to compliance assurance monitoring.4
        \4\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        (5) If the glass pull rate exceeds by 20 percent the level 
    established during the performance test for more than 10 percent of the 
    total operating time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or 
    operator is in violation of the standard.
        (f)(1) The owner or operator who uses an incinerator to control 
    formaldehyde emissions from forming or curing shall install, calibrate, 
    maintain, and operate a monitoring device that continuously measures 
    and records the operating temperature in the firebox of each 
        (2) Following the performance test, if any 3-hour average operating
    [[Page 15252]]
    temperature of the incinerator falls below the average established 
    during the performance test, the owner or operator is considered out of 
        (g)(1) The owner or operator of each rotary spin manufacturing line 
    and flame attenuation manufacturing line subject to the provisions of 
    this subpart shall monitor and record the following information:
        (i) The free-formaldehyde content of each resin lot;
        (ii) The formulation of each batch of binder used; and
        (iii) At least once per day, the LOI and density of each bonded 
    wool fiberglass product manufactured.
        (2) Following the performance test, if the free-formaldehyde 
    content of the resin exceeds the levels established during the 
    performance test or the binder formulation varies from the binder 
    formulation specification established during the performance test, the 
    owner or operator is in violation of the standard.
        (h)(1) The owner or operator of each rotary spin manufacturing line 
    and flame attenuation manufacturing line subject to the provisions of 
    this subpart who uses process modifications to comply with the 
    standards in Secs. 63.1383 and 63.1384 shall include as part of their 
    operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan the following information:
        (i) Procedures for the proper operation and maintenance of the 
        (ii) Process parameters to be monitored to demonstrate compliance 
    with the applicable emission standards in Secs. 63.1383 and 63.1384. 
    Examples of process parameters include LOI, binder solids content, and 
    binder application rate;
        (iii) Correlation(s) between process parameter(s) to be monitored 
    and formaldehyde emissions;
        (iv) A schedule for monitoring the process parameters; and
        (v) Recordkeeping procedures, consistent with Sec. 63.1389, to show 
    that the process parameters values established during the performance 
    test are not exceeded.
        (2) Following the performance test, if the process parameter levels 
    exceed the levels established during the performance test, the owner or 
    operator shall inspect the process to determine the cause of the 
    deviation and initiate within 1 hour of the deviation the corrective 
    actions necessary to return the process parameter(s) to the levels 
    established during the performance test according to the procedures in 
    the operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan.
        (3) If the process parameter is outside the level established 
    during the performance test more than 5 percent of the total operating 
    time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator must 
    implement a QIP consistent with subpart D of the draft approach to 
    compliance assurance monitoring.5
        \5\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        (4) If the process parameter is outside the level established 
    during the performance test more than 10 percent of the total operating 
    time in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator is in 
    violation of the standard.
        (i)(1) The owner or operator of each rotary spin manufacturing line 
    and flame attenuation manufacturing line subject to the provisions of 
    this subpart who uses a wet scrubbing control device to comply with the 
    emission standards in Secs. 63.1383 and 63.1384 shall install, 
    calibrate, maintain, and operate monitoring devices that continuously 
    monitor and record the gas pressure drop across each scrubber and 
    scrubbing liquid flow rate to each scrubber. The pressure drop monitor 
    is to be certified by its manufacturer to be accurate within 
    250 pascals (1 inch water gauge) over its 
    operating range, and the flow rate monitor is to be certified by its 
    manufacturer to be accurate within  5 percent over its 
    operating range. The owner or operator shall also continuously monitor 
    and record the feed rate of any chemical(s) added to the scrubbing 
        (2) Following the performance test, if any 3-hour average of the 
    scrubber pressure drop, liquid flow rate, or chemical additive to the 
    scrubber exceeds the levels established during the performance tests, 
    the owner or operator shall inspect the control device to determine the 
    cause of the exceedance and initiate within 1 hour of the exceedance 
    the corrective actions necessary to return the scrubber parameters to 
    the levels established during the performance test according to the 
    procedures in the scrubber operations, maintenance, and monitoring 
        (3) If a scrubber parameter is outside the level established during 
    the performance test more than 5 percent of the total operating time in 
    a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator must implement a QIP 
    consistent with subpart D of the draft approach to compliance assurance 
        \6\ Proposed rule published in the August 13, 1996 Federal 
    Register (61 FR 41991).
        (4) If a scrubber parameter is outside the level established during 
    the performance test more than 10 percent of the total operating time 
    in a 6-month reporting period, the owner or operator is in violation of 
    the standard.
        (j) For all control device and process operating parameters 
    measured during the initial performance test, the owners or operators 
    of glass-melting furnaces, rotary spin manufacturing lines or flame 
    attenuation manufacturing lines subject to this subpart may change the 
    ranges established during the initial performance test if additional 
    performance testing is conducted to verify that, at the new control 
    device or process parameter levels, they comply with the emission 
    standards in Secs. 63.1382, 63.1383, and 63.1384.
    Sec. 63.1387  Performance test requirements.
        (a) The owner or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart 
    shall conduct a performance test to demonstrate compliance with the 
    applicable emission standards in Secs. 63.1382, 63.1383, and 63.1384. 
    The owner or operator shall conduct the performance test, according to 
    the procedures in the general provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A) 
    and in this section.
        (1) All monitoring systems and equipment must be installed, 
    operational, and properly calibrated prior to the performance test.
        (2) The owner or operator shall monitor and record the glass pull 
    rate and determine the average of the recorded measurements for each 
    test run.
        (3) The owner or operator shall conduct a performance test for each 
    existing and new glass-melting furnace.
        (4) The owner or operator shall conduct a performance test for each 
    new and existing rotary spin manufacturing line producing building 
        (5) The owner or operator shall conduct a performance test for each 
    new flame attenuation manufacturing line producing a heavy-density 
    product or a pipe product and each existing flame attenuation 
    manufacturing line producing a pipe product.
        (6) During the performance test, the owner or operator of a glass-
    melting furnace controlled by an ESP shall monitor and record the ESP 
    parameter level(s), as specified in the operation, maintenance, and 
    monitoring plan required in Sec. 63.1386, which will be used to 
    demonstrate compliance after the initial performance test. If the owner 
    or operator plans a change in the ESP parameter levels from the levels 
    established during the initial performance test, another performance 
    test is required.
        (7) The owner or operator of each rotary spin manufacturing line 
    [[Page 15253]]
    flame attenuation manufacturing line regulated by this subpart shall 
    conduct performance tests using the resin with the highest free-
    formaldehyde content. During the performance test of each rotary spin 
    manufacturing line and flame attenuation manufacturing line regulated 
    by this subpart, the owner or operator shall monitor and record the 
    free-formaldehyde content of the resin, the binder formulation used, 
    and the product LOI. If the owner or operator of a rotary spin 
    manufacturing line or a flame attenuation manufacturing line subject to 
    this subpart plans to use a resin with a higher free-formaldehyde 
    content or a different binder formulation than that recorded during the 
    initial performance test, another performance test is required.
        (8) With prior approval from the Administrator, an owner or 
    operator of a rotary spin or flame attenuation manufacturing line 
    regulated by this subpart may conduct short-term experimental 
    production runs using binder formulations or other process 
    modifications where the free-formaldehyde content or other process 
    parameter values would be outside those established during performance 
    tests without first conducting performance tests. An application to 
    perform an experimental short-term production run shall include the 
    following information:
        (i) The purpose of the experimental run;
        (ii) The affected line;
        (iii) How the established process parameters will deviate from 
    previously approved levels;
        (iv) The duration of the test run;
        (v) The date and time of the test run; and
        (vi) A description of any emission testing to be performed during 
    the test.
        (9) During the performance test, the owner or operator shall 
    continuously record the operating temperature of each incinerator and 
    record the average of each 1-hour test; the average of the three 1-hour 
    tests shall be used to monitor compliance.
        (10) During the performance test, the owner or operator of a rotary 
    spin manufacturing line or flame attenuation manufacturing line who 
    plans to use process modifications to comply with the emission 
    standards in Secs. 63.1383 and 63.1384 shall monitor and record the 
    process parameter level(s), as specified in the operations, 
    maintenance, and monitoring plan required in Sec. 63.1386, which will 
    be used to demonstrate compliance after the initial performance test. 
    If the owner or operator plans a change in the process parameter levels 
    from the levels established during the initial performance test, 
    another performance test is required.
        (11) During the performance test, the owner or operator of a rotary 
    spin manufacturing line or flame attenuation manufacturing line who 
    plans to use a wet scrubbing control device to comply with the emission 
    standards in Secs. 63.1383 and 63.1384 shall continuously monitor and 
    record the pressure drop across the scrubber, the scrubbing liquid flow 
    rate, and addition of any chemical to the scrubber including the 
    chemical feed rate to be used to determine compliance after the initial 
    performance test.
        (b) To determine compliance with the PM emission standard for 
    glass-melting furnaces, use the following equation:
    E = Emission rate of PM, kg/Mg (lb/ton) of glass pulled;
    C = Concentration of PM, g/dscm (gr/dscf);
    Q = Volumetric flow rate of exhaust gases, dscm/h (dscf/h);
    K1 = Conversion factor, 1 kg/1,000 g (1 lb/7,000 gr); and
    P = Average glass pull rate, Mg/h (tons/h).
        (c) To determine compliance with the emission standard for 
    formaldehyde for rotary spin manufacturing lines and flame attenuation 
    forming processes, use the following equation:
    E = Emission rate of formaldehyde, kg/Mg (lb/ton) of glass pulled;
    C = Measured volume fraction of formaldehyde, ppm;
    MW = Molecular weight of formaldehyde, 30.03 g/g-mol;
    Q = Volumetric flow rate of exhaust gases, dscm/h (dscf/h);
    K1 = Conversion factor, 1 kg/1,000 g (1 lb/453.6 g);
    K2 = Conversion factor, 1,000 L/m\3\ (28.3 L/ft\3\);
    K3 = Conversion factor, 24.45 L/g-mol; and
    P = Average glass pull rate, Mg/h (tons/h).
    Sec. 63.1388  Test methods and procedures.
        (a) The owner or operator shall use the following methods to 
    determine compliance with the applicable emission standards:
        (1) Method 1 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) for the selection of the 
    sampling port location and number of sampling ports;
        (2) Method 2 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) for volumetric flow rate;
        (3) Method 3 or 3A (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) for O2 and 
    CO2 for diluent measurements needed to correct the concentration 
    measurements to a standard basis;
        (4) Method 4 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) for moisture content of 
    the stack gas;
        (5) Method 5 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) for the concentration of 
    PM. Each run shall consist of a minimum run time of 2 hours and a 
    minimum sample volume of 60 dry standard cubic feet (dscf). The probe 
    and filter holder heating system may be set to provide a gas 
    temperature no greater than 177 14  deg.C (350 
    25  deg.F);
        (6) Method 316 (appendix A of this part) for the concentration of 
    formaldehyde. Each run shall consist of a minimum run time of 1 hour;
        (7) Method 318 (appendix A of this part) for the concentration of 
        (8) Method contained in appendix A of this subpart for the 
    determination of product LOI;
        (9) Method contained in appendix B of this subpart for the 
    determination of the free-formaldehyde content of resin;
        (10) Method contained in appendix C of this subpart for the 
    determination of product density;
        (11) An alternative method, subject to approval by the 
        (b) Each performance test shall consist of 3 runs. The owner or 
    operator shall use the average of the three runs in the applicable 
    equation for determining compliance.
    Sec. 63.1389  Notification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
        (a) Notifications. As required by Sec. 63.9 (b) through (d), the 
    owner or operator shall submit the following written initial 
    notifications to the Administrator:
        (1) Notification for an area source that subsequently increases its 
    emissions such that the source is a major source subject to the 
        (2) Notification that a source is subject to the standard, where 
    the initial startup is before the effective date of the standard;
        (3) Notification that a source is subject to the standard, where 
    the source is new or has been reconstructed, the initial startup is 
    after the effective date of the standard, and for which an application 
    for approval of construction or reconstruction is not required;
        (4) Notification of intention to construct a new major source or
    [[Page 15254]]
    reconstruct a major source; of the date construction or reconstruction 
    commenced; of the anticipated date of startup; of the actual date of 
    startup, where the initial startup of a new or reconstructed source 
    occurs after the effective date of the standard, and for which an 
    application for approval or construction or reconstruction is required 
    (See Sec. 63.9(b)(4) and (5));
        (5) Notification of special compliance obligations;
        (6) Notification of performance test; and
        (7) Notification of compliance status.
        (b) Performance test report. As required by Sec. 63.10(d)(2), the 
    owner or operator shall report the results of the initial performance 
    test as part of the notification of compliance status required in 
    paragraph (a)(7) of this section.
        (c) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan and reports. (1) The 
    owner or operator shall develop and implement a written plan as 
    described in Sec. 63.6(e)(3) of the general provisions that contains 
    specific procedures to be followed for operating the source and 
    maintaining the source during periods of startup, shutdown, and 
    malfunction and a program of corrective action for malfunctioning 
    process modifications and control systems used to comply with the 
    standard. In addition to the information required in Sec. 63.6(e)(3), 
    the plan shall include:
        (i) Procedures to determine and record the cause of the malfunction 
    and the time the malfunction began and ended;
        (ii) Corrective actions to be taken in the event of a malfunction 
    of a control device or process modification, including procedures for 
    recording the actions taken to correct the malfunction or minimize 
    emissions; and
        (iii) A maintenance schedule for each control device and process 
    modification that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions 
    and recommendations for routine and long-term maintenance.
        (2) The owner or operator shall also keep records of each event as 
    required by Sec. 63.10(b) of the general provisions and record and 
    report if an action taken during a startup, shutdown, or malfunction is 
    not consistent with the procedures in the plan as described in 
    Sec. 63.10(e)(3)(iv) of the general provisions.
        (d) Excess emissions report. As required by Sec. 63.10(e)(3)(v) of 
    the general provisions, the owner or operator shall report semiannually 
    if measured emissions are in excess of the applicable standard or a 
    monitored parameter is exceeded. The report shall contain the 
    information specified in Sec. 63.10(c) of the general provisions. When 
    no exceedances have occurred, the owner or operator shall submit a 
    report stating that no excess emissions occurred during the reporting 
        (e) Recordkeeping. (1) As required by Sec. 63.10(b) of the general 
    provisions, the owner or operator shall maintain files of all 
    information (including all reports and notifications) required by the 
    general provisions and this subpart:
        (i) The owner or operator must retain each record for at least 5 
    years following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, 
    corrective action, report, or record. The most recent 2 years of 
    records must be retained at the facility. The remaining 3 years of 
    records may be retained off site;
        (ii) The owner or operator may retain records on microfilm, on a 
    computer, on computer disks, on magnetic tape, or on microfiche; and
        (iii) The owner or operator may report required information on 
    paper or on a labeled computer disk using commonly available and EPA-
    compatible computer software.
        (2) In addition to the general records required by Sec. 63.10(b)(2) 
    of the general provisions, the owner or operator shall maintain records 
    of the following information:
        (i) Any bag leak detection system alarm, including the date and 
    time, with a brief explanation of the cause of the alarm and the 
    corrective action taken;
        (ii) The ESP monitoring parameters including any deviation in the 
    ESP monitoring parameters with a brief explanation of the cause of the 
    deviation and the corrective action taken;
        (iii) The monitoring parameter for uncontrolled glass-melting 
    furnaces including any exceedances and a brief explanation of the cause 
    of the exceedance and the corrective action taken;
        (iv) The formulation of each binder batch on a rotary spin 
    manufacturing line or flame attenuation manufacturing line subject to 
    the provisions of this subpart and the free formaldehyde content of 
    each resin lot;
        (v) Forming process parameters as identified in the approved 
    operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan where process 
    modifications are used to comply with the applicable emission limits, 
    including any period when the process parameter levels were 
    inconsistent with the levels established during the performance test, 
    with a brief explanation of the cause of the deviation and the 
    corrective action taken;
        (vi) Scrubber operating parameters where a scrubber is used to 
    comply with the applicable formaldehyde emission limits, including any 
    periods of exceedances with a brief explanation of the cause of the 
    deviation and the corrective action taken;
        (vii) Incinerator operating temperature, including any period when 
    the temperature falls below the average temperature established during 
    the performance test, with a brief explanation of the cause of the 
    deviation and the corrective action taken; and
        (viii) The LOI for each product manufactured on a rotary spin 
    manufacturing line or flame attenuation manufacturing line subject to 
    the provisions of this subpart.
    Sec. 63.1390  Delegation of authority.
        (a) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority to a 
    State under section 112(d) of the Act, the authorities contained in 
    paragraph (b) of this section shall be retained by the Administrator 
    and not transferred to a State.
        (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to States: 
    Sec. 63.1388(a)(11).
    Secs. 63.1391-63.1399  [Reserved]
                               Table 1 to Subpart NNN--Applicability of General Provisions                          
                                       [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart A to Subpart NNN]                                   
                                                                      Applies to subpart                            
        General provisions citation              Requirement                 NNN                    Comment         
    63.1(a)(1)-(a)(4)..................  Applicability.............  Yes                                            
    63.1(a)(5).........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.1(a)(6)-(a)(8)..................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.1(a)(9).........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.1(a)(10)-(a)(14)................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.1(b)(1)-(b)(3)..................  Initial Applicability       Yes                                            
    [[Page 15255]]
    63.1(c)(1)-(c)(2)..................  Applicability After         Yes                                            
                                          Standard Established.                                                     
    63.1(c)(3).........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.1(c)(4)-(c)(5)..................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.1(d)............................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.1(e)............................  Applicability of Permit     Yes                                            
    63.2...............................  Definitions...............  Yes................  Additional definitions in 
                                                                                           Sec.  63.1381.           
    63.3(a)-(c)........................  Units and Abbreviations...  Yes                                            
    63.4(a)(1)-(a)(3)..................  Prohibited Activities.....  Yes                                            
    63.4(a)(4).........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.4(a)(5).........................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.4(b)-(c)........................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.5(a)(1)-(a)(2)..................  Construction/               Yes                                            
    63.5(b)(1).........................  Existing, New,              Yes                                            
    63.5(b)(2).........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.5(b)(3)-(b)(6)..................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.5(c)............................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.5(d)............................  Approval of Construction/   Yes                                            
    63.5(e)............................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.5(f)............................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.6(a)............................  Compliance with Standards   Yes                                            
                                          and Maintenance                                                           
    63.6(b)(1)-(b)(5)..................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.6(b)(6).........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.6(b)(7).........................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.6(c)(1).........................  Compliance Date for         Yes................  Sec.  63.1385 specifies   
                                          Existing Sources.                                compliance dates.        
    63.6(c)(2).........................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.6(c)(3)-(c)(4)..................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.6(c)(5).........................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.6(d)............................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.6(e)(1)-(e)(2)..................  Operation & Maintenance...  Yes................  Sec.  63.1386(a) specifies
                                                                                           operations/ maintenance  
    63.6(e)(3).........................  Startup, Shutdown           Yes                                            
                                          Malfunction Plan.                                                         
    63.6(f)(1)-(f)(3)..................  Compliance with Nonopacity  Yes                                            
                                          Emission Standards.                                                       
    63.6(g)(1)-(g)(3)..................  Alternative Nonopacity      Yes                                            
    63.6(h)............................  Opacity/VE Standards......  No.................  Subpart NNN-no COMS, VE or
                                                                                           opacity standards.       
    63.6(i)(1)-(i)(14).................  Extension of Compliance...  Yes                                            
    63.6(i)(15)........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.6(i)(16)........................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.6(j)............................  Exemption from Compliance.  Yes                                            
    63.7(a)............................  Performance Testing         Yes................  Sec.  63.1387 has specific
                                          Requirements.                                    requirements.            
    63.7(b)............................  Notification..............  Yes                                            
    63.7(c)............................  Quality Assurance Program/  Yes                                            
                                          Test Plan.                                                                
    63.7(d)............................  Performance Testing         Yes                                            
    63.7(e)(1)-(e)(4)..................  Conduct of Performance      Yes                                            
    63.7(f)............................  Alternative Test Method...  Yes                                            
    63.7(g)............................  Data Analysis.............  Yes                                            
    63.7(h)............................  Waiver of Performance       Yes                                            
    63.8(a)(1)-(a)(2)..................  Monitoring Requirements...  Yes                                            
    63.8(a)(3).........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.8(a)(4).........................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.8(b)............................  Conduct of Monitoring.....  Yes                                            
    63.8(c)............................  CMS Operation/Maintenance.  Yes                                            
    63.8(d)............................  Quality Control Program...  Yes                                            
    63.8(e)............................  Performance Evaluation for  Yes                                            
    63.8(f)............................  Alternative Monitoring      Yes                                            
    63.8(g)............................  Reduction of Monitoring     Yes                                            
    63.9(a)............................  Notification Requirements.  Yes                                            
    63.9(b)............................  Initial Notifications.....  Yes                                            
    63.9(c)............................  Request for Compliance      Yes                                            
    63.9(d)............................  New Source Notification     Yes                                            
                                          for Special Compliance                                                    
    63.9(e)............................  Notification of             Yes                                            
                                          Performance Test.                                                         
    63.9(f)............................  Notification of VE/Opacity  No.................  Opacity/VE tests not      
                                          Test.                                            required.                
    63.9(g)............................  Additional CMS              Yes                                            
    63.9(h)(1)-(h)(3)..................  Notification of Compliance  Yes                                            
    63.9(h)(4).........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.9(h)(5)-(h)(6)..................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    [[Page 15256]]
    63.9(i)............................  Adjustment of Deadlines...  Yes                                            
    63.9(j)............................  Change in Previous          Yes                                            
    63.10(a)...........................  Recordkeeping/Reporting...  Yes                                            
    63.10(b)...........................  General Requirements......  Yes                                            
    63.10(c)(1)........................  Additional CMS              Yes                                            
    63.10(c)(2)-(c)(4).................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.10(c)(5)-(c)(8).................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.10(c)(9)........................  ..........................  No.................  [Reserved].               
    63.10(c)(10)-(15)..................  ..........................  Yes                                            
    63.10(d)(1)........................  General Reporting           Yes                                            
    63.10(d)(2)........................  Performance Test Results..  Yes                                            
    63.10(d)(3)........................  Opacity or VE Observations  No.................  No limits for VE/opacity. 
    63.10(d)(4)........................  Progress Reports..........  Yes                                            
    63.10(d)(5)........................  Startup, Shutdown,          Yes                                            
                                          Malfunction Reports.                                                      
    63.10(e)(1)-(e)(3).................  Additional CMS Reports....  Yes                                            
    63.10(e)(4)........................  Reporting COM Data........  No.................  COM not required          
    63.10(f)...........................  Waiver of Recordkeeping/    Yes                                            
    63.11(a)...........................  Control Device              Yes                                            
    63.11(b)...........................  Flares....................  No.................  Flares not applicable.    
    63.12..............................  State Authority and         Yes                                            
    63.13..............................  State/Regional Addresses..  Yes                                            
    63.14..............................  Incorporation by Reference  No.................                            
    63.15..............................  Availability of             Yes                                            
    Appendix A to Subpart NNN--Method for the Determination of LOI
        1. Purpose.
        The purpose of this test is to determine the LOI of cured 
    blanket insulation. The method is applicable to all cured board and 
    blanket products.
        2. Equipment.
        2.1  Scale sensitive to 0.1 gram.
        2.2  Furnace designed to heat to at least 540  deg.C (1,000 
    deg.F) and controllable to 10  deg.C (50  deg.F).
        2.3  Wire tray for holding specimen while in furnace.
        3. Procedure.
        3.1  Cut a strip along the entire width of the product that will 
    weigh at least 10.0 grams. Sample should be free of dirt or foreign 
    matter. (Note: Remove all facing from sample.)
        3.2  Cut the sample into pieces approximately 12 inches long, 
    weigh to the nearest 0.1 gram and record. Place in wire tray. Sample 
    should not be compressed or overhang on tray edges. (Note: On air 
    duct products, remove shiplaps and overspray.)
        3.3  Place specimen in furnace at 540  deg.C (1,000  deg.F), 
    10  deg.C (50  deg.F) for 15 to 20 minutes to insure 
    complete oxidation. After ignition, fibers should be white and 
    should not be fused together.
        3.4  Remove specimen from the furnace and cool to room 
        3.5  Weigh cooled specimen to the nearest 0.1 gram. Deduct the 
    weight of the wire tray and then calculate the loss in weight as a 
    percent of the original specimen weight.
    Appendix B to Subpart NNN--Free Formaldehyde Analysis of Insulation 
    Resins by Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride
        1. Scope.
        This method was specifically developed for water-soluble 
    phenolic resins that have a relatively high free-formaldehyde (FF) 
    content such as insulation resins. It may also be suitable for other 
    phenolic resins, especially those with a high FF content.
        2. Principle.
        2.1  a. The basis for this method is the titration of the 
    hydrochloric acid that is liberated when hydroxylamine hydrochloride 
    reacts with formaldehyde to form formaldoxine:
    HCHO + NH2OH:HCl  CH2:NOH + H2O + HCl
        b. Free formaldehyde in phenolic resins is present as monomeric 
    formaldehyde, hemiformals, polyoxymethylene hemiformals, and 
    polyoxymethylene glycols. Monomeric formaldehyde and hemiformals 
    react rapidly with hydroxylamine hydrochloride, but the polymeric 
    forms of formaldehyde must hydrolyze to the monomeric state before 
    they can react. The greater the concentration of free formaldehyde 
    in a resin, the more of that formaldehyde will be in the polymeric 
    form. The hydrolysis of these polymers is catalyzed by hydrogen 
        2.2  The resin sample being analyzed must contain enough free 
    formaldehyde so that the initial reaction with hydroxylamine 
    hydrochloride will produce sufficient hydrogen ions to catalyze the 
    depolymerization of the polymeric formaldehyde within the time 
    limits of the test method. The sample should contain approximately 
    0.3 grams free formaldehyde to ensure complete reaction within 5 
        3. Apparatus.
        3.1  Balance, readable to 0.01 g or better.
        3.2  pH meter, standardized to pH 4.0 with pH 4.0 buffer and pH 
    7 with pH 7.0 buffer.
        3.3  50-mL burette for 1.0 N sodium hydroxide.
        3.4  Magnetic stirrer and stir bars.
        3.5  250-mL beaker.
        3.6  50-mL graduated cylinder.
        3.7  100-mL graduated cylinder.
        3.8  Timer.
        4. Reagents.
        4.1  Standardized 1.0 N sodium hydroxide solution.
        4.2  Hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, 100 grams per liter, 
    pH adjusted to 4.00.
        4.3  Hydrochloric acid solution, 1.0 N and 0.1 N.
        4.4  Sodium hydroxide solution, 0.1 N.
        4.5  50/50 v/v mixture of distilled water and methyl alcohol.
        5. Procedure.
        5.1  Determine the sample size as follows:
        a. If the expected FF is greater than 2 percent, go to Part A to 
    determine sample size.
        b. If the expected FF is less than 2 percent, go to Part B to 
    determine sample size.
        c. Part A: Expected FF  2 percent. Grams resin = 60/
    expected percent FF.
        1. The following table shows example levels:
                 Expected percent free  formaldehyde                 size,  
    2............................................................       30.0
    5............................................................       12.0
    [[Page 15257]]
    8............................................................        7.5
    10...........................................................        6.0
    12...........................................................        5.0
    15...........................................................        4.0
        ii. It is very important to the accuracy of the results that the 
    sample size be chosen correctly. If the milliliters of titrant are 
    less than 15 mL or greater than 30 mL, reestimate the needed sample 
    size and repeat the tests.
        d. Part B: Expected FF < 2="" percent="" grams="" resin="30/expected" percent="" ff.="" i.="" the="" following="" table="" shows="" example="" levels:="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" sample="" expected="" percent="" free="" formaldehyde="" size,="" grams="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 2............................................................="" 15="" 1............................................................="" 30="" 0.5..........................................................="" 60="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" ii.="" if="" the="" milliliters="" of="" titrant="" are="" less="" than="" 5="" ml="" or="" greater="" than="" 30="" ml,="" reestimate="" the="" needed="" sample="" size="" and="" repeat="" the="" tests.="" 5.2="" weigh="" the="" resin="" sample="" to="" the="" nearest="" 0.01="" grams="" into="" a="" 250-ml="" beaker.="" record="" sample="" weight.="" 5.3="" add="" 100="" ml="" of="" the="" methanol/water="" mixture="" and="" stir="" on="" a="" magnetic="" stirrer.="" confirm="" that="" the="" resin="" has="" dissolved.="" 5.4="" adjust="" the="" resin/solvent="" solution="" to="" ph="" 4.0,="" using="" the="" prestandardized="" ph="" meter,="" 1.0="" n="" hydrochloric="" acid,="" 0.1="" n="" hydrochloric="" acid,="" and="" 0.1="" n="" sodium="" hydroxide.="" 5.5="" add="" 50="" ml="" of="" the="" hydroxylamine="" hydrochloride="" solution,="" measured="" with="" a="" graduated="" cylinder.="" start="" the="" timer.="" 5.6="" stir="" for="" 5="" minutes.="" titrate="" to="" ph="" 4.0="" with="" standardized="" 1.0="" n="" sodium="" hydroxide.="" record="" the="" milliliters="" of="" titrant="" and="" the="" normality.="" 6.="" calculations.="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp31mr97.017="" 7.="" method="" precision="" and="" accuracy.="" test="" values="" should="" conform="" to="" the="" following="" statistical="" precision:="" variance="0.005;" standard="" deviation="0.07;" 95%="" confidence="" interval,="" for="" a="" single="" determination="0.2." 8.="" author.="" this="" method="" was="" prepared="" by="" k.="" k.="" tutin="" and="" m.="" l.="" foster,="" tacoma="" r&d="" laboratory,="" georgia-pacific="" resins,="" inc.="" (principle="" written="" by="" r.="" r.="" conner.)="" 9.="" references.="" 9.1="" gpam="" 2221.2.="" 9.2="" pr&c="" tm="" 2.035.="" 9.3="" project="" report,="" comparison="" of="" free="" formaldehyde="" procedures,="" january="" 1990,="" k.="" k.="" tutin.="" appendix="" c="" to="" subpart="" nnn--method="" for="" the="" determination="" of="" product="" density="" 1.="" purpose.="" the="" purpose="" of="" this="" test="" is="" to="" determine="" the="" product="" density="" of="" cured="" blanket="" insulation.="" the="" method="" is="" applicable="" to="" all="" cured="" board="" and="" blanket="" products.="" 2.="" equipment.="" one="" square="" foot="" (12="" in.="" by="" 12="" in.)="" template,="" or="" templates="" that="" are="" multiple="" of="" one="" square="" foot,="" for="" use="" in="" cutting="" insulation="" samples.="" 3.="" procedure.="" 3.1="" obtain="" a="" sample="" at="" least="" 30="" in.="" long="" across="" the="" machine="" width.="" sample="" should="" be="" free="" of="" dirt="" or="" foreign="" matter.="" 3.2="" lay="" out="" the="" cutting="" pattern="" according="" to="" the="" plants="" written="" procedure="" for="" the="" designated="" product.="" 3.2="" cut="" samples="" using="" one="" square="" foot="" (or="" multiples="" of="" one="" square="" foot)="" template.="" 3.3="" weigh="" product="" and="" obtain="" area="" weight="" (lb/ft="" \2\).="" 3.4="" measure="" sample="" thickness.="" 3.5="" calculate="" the="" product="" density:="" density="" (lb/ft="" \3\)="area" weight="" (lb/ft="" \2\)/thickness="" (ft)="" 3.="" appendix="" a="" to="" part="" 63="" is="" amended="" by="" adding="" in="" numerical="" order="" methods="" 316="" and="" 318="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" appendix="" a="" to="" part="" 63--test="" methods="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" method="" 316--sampling="" and="" analysis="" for="" formaldehyde="" emissions="" from="" stationary="" sources="" in="" the="" mineral="" wool="" and="" wool="" fiberglass="" industries="" 1.0="" introduction.="" this="" method="" is="" applicable="" to="" the="" determination="" of="" formaldehyde,="" cas="" registry="" number="" 50-00-0,="" from="" stationary="" sources="" in="" the="" mineral="" wool="" and="" wool="" fiber="" glass="" industries.="" high="" purity="" water="" is="" used="" to="" collect="" the="" formaldehyde.="" the="" formaldehyde="" concentrations="" in="" the="" stack="" samples="" are="" determined="" using="" the="" modified="" pararosaniline="" method.="" formaldehyde="" can="" be="" detected="" as="" low="" as="" 8.8="" x="" 10="">-10 
    lbs/cu ft (11.3 ppbv) or as high as 1.8 x 10 3 lbs/cu ft 
    (23,000,000 ppbv), at standard conditions over a 1 hour sampling 
    period, sampling approximately 30 cu ft.
        2.0  Summary of Method.
        Gaseous and particulate pollutants are withdrawn isokinetically 
    from an emission source and are collected in high purity water. 
    Formaldehyde present in the emissions is highly soluble in high 
    purity water. The high purity water containing formaldehyde is then 
    analyzed using the modified pararosaniline method. Formaldehyde in 
    the sample reacts with acidic pararosaniline, and the sodium 
    sulfite, forming a purple chromophore. The intensity of the purple 
    color, measured spectrophotometrically, provides an accurate and 
    precise measure of the formaldehyde concentration in the sample.
        3.0  Definitions.
        See the definitions in the General Provisions in subpart A of 
    this part.
        4.0  Interferences.
        Sulfite and cyanide in solution interfere with the 
    pararosaniline method. A procedure to overcome the interference by 
    each compound has been described by Miksch, et al.
        5.0  Safety. [Reserved]
        6.0  Apparatus and Materials.
        6.1  A schematic of the sampling train is shown in Figure 1. 
    This sampling train configuration is adapted from EPA Method 5, 40 
    CFR part 60, appendix A, procedures. The sampling train consists of 
    the following components: probe nozzle, probe liner, pitot tube, 
    differential pressure gauge, impingers, metering system, barometer, 
    and gas density determination equipment. Figure 1 is as follows:
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P
    [[Page 15258]]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-C
    [[Page 15259]]
        6.1.1  Probe Nozzle: Quartz, glass, or stainless steel with 
    sharp, tapered (30 deg. angle) leading edge. The taper shall be on 
    the outside to preserve a constant inner diameter. The nozzle shall 
    be buttonhook or elbow design. A range of nozzle sizes suitable for 
    isokinetic sampling should be available in increments of 0.15 cm 
    (\1/16\ in), e.g., 0.32 to 1.27 cm (\1/8\ to \1/2\ in), or larger if 
    higher volume sampling trains are used. Each nozzle shall be 
    calibrated according to the procedure outlined in Section 10.1.
        6.1.2  Probe Liner: Borosilicate glass or quartz shall be used 
    for the probe liner. The probe shall be maintained at a temperature 
    of 120 deg.C  14 deg.C (248 deg.F  
    25 deg.F).
        6.1.3  Pitot Tube: The Pitot tube shall be Type S, as described 
    in Section 2.1 of EPA Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or any 
    other appropriate device. The pitot tube shall be attached to the 
    probe to allow constant monitoring of the stack gas velocity. The 
    impact (high pressure) opening plane of the pitot tube shall be even 
    with or above the nozzle entry plane (see Figure 2-6b, EPA Method 2, 
    40 CFR part 60, appendix A) during sampling. The Type S pitot tube 
    assembly shall have a known coefficient, determined as outlined in 
    Section 4 of EPA Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
        6.1.4  Differential Pressure Gauge: The differential pressure 
    gauge shall be an inclined manometer or equivalent device as 
    described in Section 2.2 of EPA Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix 
    A. One manometer shall be used for velocity-head reading and the 
    other for orifice differential pressure readings.
        6.1.5  Impingers: The sampling train requires a minimum of four 
    impingers, connected as shown in Figure 1, with ground glass (or 
    equivalent) vacuum-tight fittings. For the first, third, and fourth 
    impingers, use the Greenburg-Smith design, modified by replacing the 
    tip with a 1.3 cm inside diameter (\1/2\ in) glass tube extending to 
    1.3 cm (\1/2\ in) from the bottom of the flask. For the second 
    impinger, use a Greenburg-Smith impinger with the standard tip. 
    Place a thermometer capable of measuring temperature to within 
    1 deg.C (2 deg.F) at the outlet of the fourth impinger for 
    monitoring purposes.
        6.1.6  Metering System: The necessary components are a vacuum 
    gauge, leak-free pump, thermometers capable of measuring 
    temperatures within 3 deg.C (5.4 deg.F), dry-gas meter capable of 
    measuring volume to within 1 percent, and related equipment as shown 
    in Figure 1. At a minimum, the pump should be capable of 4 cfm free 
    flow, and the dry gas meter should have a recording capacity of 0-
    999.9 cu ft with a resolution of 0.005 cu ft. Other metering systems 
    may be used which are capable of maintaining sample volumes to 
    within 2 percent. The metering system may be used in conjunction 
    with a pitot tube to enable checks of isokinetic sampling rates.
        6.1.7  Barometer: The barometer may be mercury, aneroid, or 
    other barometer capable of measuring atmospheric pressure to within 
    2.5 mm Hg (0.1 in Hg). In many cases, the barometric reading may be 
    obtained from a nearby National Weather Service Station, in which 
    case the station value (which is the absolute barometric pressure) 
    is requested and an adjustment for elevation differences between the 
    weather station and sampling point is applied at a rate of minus 2.5 
    mm Hg (0.1 in Hg) per 30 m (100 ft) elevation increases (vice versa 
    for elevation decrease).
        6.1.8  Gas Density Determination Equipment: Temperature sensor 
    and pressure gauge (as described in Sections 2.3 and 2.3 of EPA 
    Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A), and gas analyzer, if 
    necessary (as described in EPA Method 3, 40 CFR part 60, appendix 
    A). The temperature sensor ideally should be permanently attached to 
    the pitot tube or sampling probe in a fixed configuration such that 
    the top of the sensor extends beyond the leading edge of the probe 
    sheath and does not touch any metal. Alternatively, the sensor may 
    be attached just prior to use in the field. Note, however, that if 
    the temperature sensor is attached in the field, the sensor must be 
    placed in an interference-free arrangement with respect to the Type 
    S pitot openings (see Figure 2-7, EPA Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A). As a second alternative, if a difference of no more 
    than 1 percent in the average velocity measurement is to be 
    introduced, the temperature gauge need not be attached to the probe 
    or pitot tube.
        6.2 Sample Recovery.
        6.2.1  Probe Liner: Probe nozzle and brushes; bristle brushes 
    with stainless steel wire handles are required. The probe brush 
    shall have extensions of stainless steel, Teflon, or inert material 
    at least as long as the probe. The brushes shall be properly sized 
    and shaped to brush out the probe liner, the probe nozzle, and the 
        6.2.2  Wash Bottles: One wash bottle is required. Polyethylene, 
    teflon, or glass wash bottles may be used for sample recovery.
        6.2.3  Graduate Cylinder and/or Balance: A graduated cylinder or 
    balance is required to measure condensed water to the nearest 1 ml 
    or 1 g. Graduated cylinders shall have division not >2 ml. 
    Laboratory balances capable of weighing to  0.5 g are 
        6.2.4  Polyethylene Storage Containers: 500 ml wide-mouth 
    polyethylene bottles are required to store impinger water samples.
        6.2.5  Rubber Policeman and Funnel: A rubber policeman and 
    funnel are required to aid the transfer of material into and out of 
    containers in the field.
        6.3  Sample Analysis.
        6.3.1  Spectrophotometer--B&L 70, 710, 2000, etc., or 
    equivalent; 1 cm pathlength cuvette holder.
        6.3.2  Disposable polystyrene cuvettes, pathlengh 1 cm, volume 
    of about 4.5 ml.
        6.3.3  Pipettors--Fixed-volume Oxford pipet (250 l; 500 
    l; 1000 l); adjustable volume Oxford or equivalent 
    pipettor 1-5 m'' model, set to 2.50 ml.
        6.3.4  Pipet tips for pipettors above.
        6.3.5  Parafilm, 2 deg. wide; cut into about 1'' squares.
        7.0  Reagents.
        7.1  High purity water: All references to water in this method 
    refer to high purity water (ASTM Type I water or equivalent). The 
    water purity will dictate the lower limits of formaldehyde 
        7.2  Silica Gel: Silica gel shall be indicting type, 6-16 mesh. 
    If the silica gel has been used previously, dry at 175 deg.C 
    (350 deg.F) for 2 hours before using. New silica gel may be used as 
    received. Alternatively, other types of desiccants (equivalent or 
    better) may be used.
        7.3  Crushed Ice: Quantities ranging from 10-50 lbs may be 
    necessary during a sampling run, depending upon ambient temperature. 
    Samples which have been taken must be stored and shipped cold; 
    sufficient ice for this purpose must be allowed.
        7.4  Quaternary ammonium compound stock solution: Prepare a 
    stock solution of dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (98 percent 
    minimum assay, reagent grade) by dissolving 1.0 gram in 1000 ml 
    water. This solution contains nominally 1000 g/ml 
    quaternary ammonium compound, and is used as a biocide for some 
    sources which are prone to microbial contamination.
        7.5  Pararosaniline: Weigh 0.16 grams pararosaniline (free base; 
    assay of 95 percent or greater, C.I. 42500; Sigma P7632 has been 
    found to be acceptable) into a 100 ml flask. Exercise care, since 
    pararosaniline is a dye and will stain. Using a wash bottle with 
    high-purity water, rinse the walls of the flask. Add no more than 25 
    ml water. Then, carefully add 20 ml of concentrated hydrochloric 
    acid to the flask. The flask will become warm after the addition of 
    acid. Add a magnetic stir bar to the flask, cap, and place on a 
    magnetic stirrer for approximately 4 hours. Then, add additional 
    water so the total volume is 100 ml. This solution is stable for 
    several months when stored tightly capped at room temperature.
        7.6  Sodium sulfite: Weigh 0.10 grams anhydrous sodium sulfite 
    into a 100 ml flask. Dilute to the mark with high purity water. 
    Invert 15-20 times to mix and dissolve the sodium sulfite. This 
        7.7  Formaldehyde standard solution: Pipet exactly 2.70 ml of 37 
    percent formaldehyde solution into a 1000 ml volumetric flask which 
    contains about 500 ml of high-purity water. Dilute to the mark with 
    high-purity water. This solution contains nominally 1000 g/
    ml of formaldehyde, and is used to prepare the working formaldehyde 
    standards. The exact formaldehyde concentration may be determined if 
    needed by suitable modification of the sodium sulfite method 
    (Reference: J.F. Walker, FORMALDEHYDE (Third Edition), 1964.). The 
    1000 g/ml formaldehyde stock solution is stable for at 
    least a year if kept tightly closed, with the neck of the flask 
    sealed with Parafilm. Store at room temperature.
        7.8  a. Working formaldehyde standards: Pipet exactly 10.0 ml of 
    the 1000 g/ml formaldehyde stock solution into a 100 ml 
    volumetric flask which is about half full of high-purity water. 
    Dilute to the mark with high-purity water, and invert 15-20 times to 
    mix thoroughly.
        This solution contains nominally 100 g/ml formaldehyde. 
    Prepare the working standards from this 100 g/ml standard 
    solution and using the Oxford pipets:
    [[Page 15260]]
                                                     L     flask   
                                                       or 100       volume  
            Working standard, /mL          g/   (dilute to
                                                         mL       mark with 
                                                      solution      water)  
    0.250.........................................          250          100
    0.500.........................................          500          100
    1.00..........................................         1000          100
    2.00..........................................         2000          100
    3.00..........................................         1500           50
        b. The 100 g/ml stock solution is stable for 4 weeks if 
    kept refrigerated between analyses. The working standards (0.25--
    3.00 g/ml) should be prepared fresh every day, consistent 
    with good laboratory practice for trace analysis. If the laboratory 
    water is not of sufficient purity, it may be necessary to prepare 
    the working standards EVERY DAY. The laboratory MUST ESTABLISH that 
    the working standards are stable--DO NOT assume that your working 
    standards are stable for more than a day unless you have verified 
    this by actual testing for several series of working standards.
        8.0  Sample Collection.
        8.1  Because of the complexity of this method, field personnel 
    should be trained in and experienced with the test procedures in 
    order to obtain reliable results.
        8.2  Laboratory Preparation:
        8.2.1  All the components shall be maintained and calibrated 
    according to the procedure described in APTD-0576, unless otherwise 
        8.2.2  Weigh several 200 to 300 g portions of silica gel in 
    airtight containers to the nearest 0.5 g. Record on each container 
    the total weight of the silica gel plus containers. As an 
    alternative to preweighing the silica gel, it may instead be weighed 
    directly in the impinger or sampling holder just prior to train 
        8.3  Preliminary Field Determinations.
        8.3.1  Select the sampling site and the minimum number of 
    sampling points according to EPA Method 1, 40 CFR part 60, appendix 
    A, or other relevant criteria. Determine the stack pressure, 
    temperature, and range of velocity heads using EPA Method 2, 40 CFR 
    part 60, appendix A. A leak-check of the pitot lines according to 
    Section 3.1 of EPA Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, must be 
    performed. Determine the stack gas moisture content using EPA 
    Approximation Method 4, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or its 
    alternatives to establish estimates of isokinetic sampling rate 
    settings. Determine the stack gas dry molecular weight, as described 
    in EPA Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, Section 3.6. If 
    integrated EPA Method 3, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, sampling is 
    used for molecular weight determination, the integrated bag sample 
    shall be taken simultaneously with, and for the same total length of 
    time as, the sample run.
        8.3.2  Select a nozzle size based on the range of velocity heads 
    so that it is not necessary to change the nozzle size in order to 
    maintain isokinetic sampling rates below 28 l/min (1.0 cfm). During 
    the run do not change the nozzle. Ensure that the proper 
    differential pressure gauge is chosen for the range of velocity 
    heads encountered (see Section 2.2 of EPA Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A).
        8.3.3  Select a suitable probe liner and probe length so that 
    all traverse points can be sampled. For large stacks, to reduce the 
    length of the probe, consider sampling from opposite sides of the 
        8.3.4  A minimum of 30 cu ft of sample volume is suggested for 
    emission sources with stack concentrations not greater than 
    23,000,000 ppbv. Additional sample volume shall be collected as 
    necessitated by the capacity of the water reagent and analytical 
    detection limit constraint. Reduced sample volume may be collected 
    as long as the final concentration of formaldehyde in the stack 
    sample is 10 (ten) times the detection limit.
        8.3.5  Determine the total length of sampling time needed to 
    obtain the identified minimum volume by comparing the anticipated 
    average sampling rate with the volume requirement. Allocate the same 
    time to all traverse points defined by EPA Method 1, 40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A. To avoid timekeeping errors, the length of time sampled 
    at each traverse point should be an integer or an integer plus 0.5 
        8.3.6  In some circumstances (e.g., batch cycles) it may be 
    necessary to sample for shorter times at the traverse points and to 
    obtain smaller gas-volume samples. In these cases, careful 
    documentation must be maintained in order to allow accurate 
    calculations of concentrations.
        8.4  Preparation of Collection Train.
        8.4.1  During preparation and assembly of the sampling train, 
    keep all openings where contamination can occur covered with Teflon 
    film or aluminum foil until just prior to assembly or until sampling 
    is about to begin.
        8.4.2  Place 100 ml of water in each of the first two impingers, 
    and leave the third impinger empty. If additional capacity is 
    required for high expected concentrations of formaldehyde in the 
    stack gas, 200 ml of water per impinger may be used or additional 
    impingers may be used for sampling. Transfer approximately 200 to 
    300 g of pre-weighed silica gel from its container to the fourth 
    impinger. Care should be taken to ensure that the silica gel is not 
    entrained and carried out from the impinger during sampling. Place 
    the silica gel container in a clean place for later use in the 
    sample recovery. Alternatively, the weight of the silica gel plus 
    impinger may be determined to the nearest 0.5 g and recorded.
        8.4.3  With a glass or quartz liner, install the selected nozzle 
    using a Viton-A O-ring when stack temperatures are < 260="" deg.c="" (500="" deg.f)="" and="" a="" woven="" glass-fiber="" gasket="" when="" temperatures="" are="" higher.="" see="" aptd-0576="" for="" details.="" other="" connection="" systems="" utilizing="" either="" 316="" stainless="" steel="" or="" teflon="" ferrules="" may="" be="" used.="" mark="" the="" probe="" with="" heat-resistant="" tape="" or="" by="" some="" other="" method="" to="" denote="" the="" proper="" distance="" into="" the="" stack="" or="" duct="" for="" each="" sampling="" point.="" 8.4.4="" assemble="" the="" train="" as="" shown="" in="" figure="" 1.="" during="" assembly,="" a="" very="" light="" coating="" of="" silicone="" grease="" may="" be="" used="" on="" ground-glass="" joints="" of="" the="" impingers,="" but="" the="" silicone="" grease="" should="" be="" limited="" to="" the="" outer="" portion="" (see="" aptd-0576)="" of="" the="" ground-glass="" joints="" to="" minimize="" silicone="" grease="" contamination.="" if="" necessary,="" teflon="" tape="" may="" be="" used="" to="" seal="" leaks.="" connect="" all="" temperature="" sensors="" to="" an="" appropriate="" potentiometer/display="" unit.="" check="" all="" temperature="" sensors="" at="" ambient="" temperatures.="" 8.4.5="" place="" crushed="" ice="" all="" around="" the="" impingers.="" 8.4.6="" turn="" on="" and="" set="" the="" probe="" heating="" system="" at="" the="" desired="" operating="" temperature.="" allow="" time="" for="" the="" temperature="" to="" stabilize.="" 8.5="" leak-check="" procedures.="" 8.5.1="" pre-test="" leak-check:="" recommended,="" but="" not="" required.="" if="" the="" tester="" elects="" to="" conduct="" the="" pre-test="" leak-check,="" the="" following="" procedure="" shall="" be="" used.="""" a.="" after="" the="" sampling="" train="" has="" been="" assembled,="" turn="" on="" and="" set="" probe="" heating="" system="" at="" the="" desired="" operating="" temperature.="" allow="" time="" for="" the="" temperature="" to="" stabilize.="" if="" a="" viton-a="" o-ring="" or="" other="" leak-free="" connection="" is="" used="" in="" assembling="" the="" probe="" nozzle="" to="" the="" probe="" liner,="" leak-check="" the="" train="" at="" the="" sampling="" site="" by="" plugging="" the="" nozzle="" and="" pulling="" a="" 381="" mm="" hg="" (15="" in="" hg)="" vacuum.="" (note:="" a="" lower="" vacuum="" may="" be="" used,="" provided="" that="" the="" lower="" vacuum="" is="" not="" exceeded="" during="" the="" test.)="" b.="" if="" a="" woven="" glass="" fiber="" gasket="" is="" used,="" do="" not="" connect="" the="" probe="" to="" the="" train="" during="" the="" leak-check.="" instead,="" leak-check="" the="" train="" by="" first="" attaching="" a="" carbon-filled="" leak-check="" impinger="" to="" the="" inlet="" and="" then="" plugging="" the="" inlet="" and="" pulling="" a="" 381="" mm="" hg="" (15="" in="" hg)="" vacuum.="" (a="" lower="" vacuum="" may="" be="" used="" if="" this="" lower="" vacuum="" is="" not="" exceeded="" during="" the="" test.)="" next="" connect="" the="" probe="" to="" the="" train="" and="" leak-check="" at="" about="" 25="" mm="" hg="" (1="" in="" hg)="" vacuum.="" alternatively,="" leak-="" check="" the="" probe="" with="" the="" rest="" of="" the="" sampling="" train="" in="" one="" step="" at="" 381="" mm="" hg="" (15="" in="" hg)="" vacuum.="" leakage="" rates="" in="" excess="" of="" (a)="" 4="" percent="" of="" the="" average="" sampling="" rate="" or="" (b)="" 0.00057="" m\3\/min="" (0.02="" cfm),="" whichever="" is="" less,="" are="" unacceptable.="""" the="" following="" leak-check="" instructions="" for="" the="" sampling="" train="" described="" in="" aptd-0576="" and="" aptd-0581="" may="" be="" helpful.="" start="" the="" pump="" with="" the="" fine-adjust="" valve="" fully="" open="" and="" coarse-valve="" completely="" closed.="" partially="" open="" the="" coarse-adjust="" valve="" and="" slowly="" close="" the="" fine-adjust="" valve="" until="" the="" desired="" vacuum="" is="" reached.="" do="" not="" reverse="" direction="" of="" the="" fine-adjust="" valve,="" as="" liquid="" will="" back="" up="" into="" the="" train.="" if="" the="" desired="" vacuum="" is="" exceeded,="" either="" perform="" the="" leak-check="" at="" this="" higher="" vacuum="" or="" end="" the="" leak-check,="" as="" described="" below,="" and="" start="" over.="""" when="" the="" leak-check="" is="" completed,="" first="" slowly="" remove="" the="" plug="" from="" the="" inlet="" to="" the="" probe.="" when="" the="" vacuum="" drops="" to="" 127="" mm="" (5="" in)="" hg="" or="" less,="" immediately="" close="" the="" coarse-adjust="" valve.="" switch="" off="" the="" pumping="" system="" and="" reopen="" the="" fine-adjust="" valve.="" do="" not="" reopen="" the="" fine-adjust="" valve="" until="" the="" coarse-adjust="" valve="" has="" been="" closed="" to="" prevent="" the="" liquid="" in="" the="" impingers="" from="" being="" forced="" backward="" in="" the="" sampling="" line="" and="" silica="" gel="" from="" being="" entrained="" backward="" into="" the="" third="" impinger.="" 8.5.2="" leak-checks="" during="" sampling="" run:="""" if,="" during="" the="" sampling="" run,="" a="" component="" change="" (e.g.,="" impinger)="" becomes="" necessary,="" a="" leak-check="" shall="" be="" conducted="" immediately="" after="" the="" interruption="" of="" sampling="" and="" before="" the="" change="" is="" made.="" the="" leak-check="" shall="" be="" done="" according="" to="" the="" procedure="" described="" in="" section="" 10.3.3,="" except="" [[page="" 15261]]="" that="" it="" shall="" be="" done="" at="" a="" vacuum="" greater="" than="" or="" equal="" to="" the="" maximum="" value="" recorded="" up="" to="" that="" point="" in="" the="" test.="" if="" the="" leakage="" rate="" is="" found="" to="" be="" no="" greater="" than="" 0.0057="" m\3\/min="" (0.02="" cfm)="" or="" 4="" percent="" of="" the="" average="" sampling="" rate="" (whichever="" is="" less),="" the="" results="" are="" acceptable.="" if="" a="" higher="" leakage="" rate="" is="" obtained,="" the="" tester="" must="" void="" the="" sampling="" run.="" (note:="" any="" correction="" of="" the="" sample="" volume="" by="" calculation="" reduces="" the="" integrity="" of="" the="" pollutant="" concentration="" data="" generated="" and="" must="" be="" avoided.)="""" immediately="" after="" component="" changes,="" leak-checks="" are="" optional.="" if="" performed,="" the="" procedure="" described="" in="" section="""" shall="" be="" used.="" 8.5.3="" post-test="" leak-check:="""" a="" leak-check="" is="" mandatory="" at="" the="" conclusion="" of="" each="" sampling="" run.="" the="" leak-check="" shall="" be="" done="" with="" the="" same="" procedures="" as="" the="" pre-test="" leak-check,="" except="" that="" the="" post-test="" leak-check="" shall="" be="" conducted="" at="" a="" vacuum="" greater="" than="" or="" equal="" to="" the="" maximum="" value="" reached="" during="" the="" sampling="" run.="" if="" the="" leakage="" rate="" is="" found="" to="" be="" no="" greater="" than="" 0.00057="" m\3\/min="" (0.02="" cfm)="" or="" 4="" percent="" of="" the="" average="" sampling="" rate="" (whichever="" is="" less),="" the="" results="" are="" acceptable.="" if,="" however,="" a="" higher="" leakage="" rate="" is="" obtained,="" the="" tester="" shall="" record="" the="" leakage="" rate="" and="" void="" the="" sampling="" run.="" 8.6="" sampling="" train="" operation.="" 8.6.1="" during="" the="" sampling="" run,="" maintain="" an="" isokinetic="" sampling="" rate="" to="" within="" 10="" percent="" of="" true="" isokinetic,="" below="" 28="" l/min="" (1.0="" cfm).="" maintain="" a="" temperature="" around="" the="" probe="" of="" 120="" deg.c=""> 14 deg.C (248 deg.  25 deg.F).
        8.6.2  For each run, record the data on a data sheet such at the 
    one shown in Figure 2. Be sure to record the initial dry-gas meter 
    reading. Record the dry-gas meter readings at the beginning and end 
    of each sampling time increment, when changes in flow rates are 
    made, before and after each leak-check, and when sampling is halted. 
    Take other readings required by Figure 2 at least once at each 
    sample point during each time increment and additional readings when 
    significant adjustments (20 percent variation in velocity head 
    readings) necessitate additional adjustments in flow rate. Level and 
    zero the manometer. Because the manometer level and zero may drift 
    due to vibrations and temperature changes, make periodic checks 
    during the traverse.
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P
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    BILLING CODE 6560-50-C
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        8.6.3  Clean the stack access ports prior to the test run to 
    eliminate the chance of sampling deposited material. To begin 
    sampling, remove the nozzle cap, verify that the probe heating 
    system are at the specified temperature, and verify that the pitot 
    tube and probe are properly positioned. Position the nozzle at the 
    first traverse point, with the tip pointing directly into the gas 
    stream. Immediately start the pump and adjust the flow to isokinetic 
    conditions. Nomographs, which aid in the rapid adjustment of the 
    isokinetic sampling rate without excessive computations, are 
    available. These nomographs are designed for use when the Type S 
    pitot tube coefficient is 0.840.02 and the stack gas 
    equivalent density (dry molecular weight) is equal to 
    294. APTD-0576 details the procedure for using the 
    nomographs. If the stack gas molecular weight and the pitot tube 
    coefficient are outside the above ranges, do not use the nomographs 
    unless appropriate steps are taken to compensate for the deviations.
        8.6.4  When the stack is under significant negative pressure 
    (equivalent to the height of the impinger stem), take care to close 
    the coarse-adjust valve before inserting the probe into the stack in 
    order to prevent liquid from backing up through the train. If 
    necessary, a low vacuum on the train may have to be started prior to 
    entering the stack.
        8.6.5  When the probe is in position, block off the openings 
    around the probe and stack access port to prevent unrepresentative 
    dilution of the gas stream.
        8.6.6  Traverse the stack cross section, as required by EPA 
    Method 1, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, being careful not to bump the 
    probe nozzle into the stack walls when sampling near the walls or 
    when removing or inserting the probe through the access port, in 
    order to minimize the chance of extracting deposited material.
        8.6.7  During the test run, make periodic adjustments to keep 
    the temperature around the probe at the proper levels. Add more ice 
    and, if necessary, salt, to maintain a temperature of < 20="" deg.c="" (68="" deg.f)="" at="" the="" silica="" gel="" outlet.="" 8.6.8="" a="" single="" train="" shall="" be="" used="" for="" the="" entire="" sampling="" run,="" except="" in="" cases="" where="" simultaneous="" sampling="" is="" required="" in="" two="" or="" more="" separate="" ducts="" or="" at="" two="" or="" more="" different="" locations="" within="" the="" same="" duct,="" or="" in="" cases="" where="" equipment="" failure="" necessitates="" a="" change="" of="" trains.="" an="" additional="" train="" or="" trains="" may="" also="" be="" used="" for="" sampling="" when="" the="" capacity="" of="" a="" single="" train="" is="" exceeded.="" 8.6.9="" when="" two="" or="" more="" trains="" are="" used,="" separate="" analyses="" of="" components="" from="" each="" train="" shall="" be="" performed.="" if="" multiple="" trains="" have="" been="" used="" because="" the="" capacity="" of="" a="" single="" train="" would="" be="" exceeded,="" first="" impingers="" from="" each="" train="" may="" be="" combined,="" and="" second="" impingers="" from="" each="" train="" may="" be="" combined.="" 8.6.10="" at="" the="" end="" of="" the="" sampling="" run,="" turn="" off="" the="" coarse-="" adjust="" valve,="" remove="" the="" probe="" and="" nozzle="" from="" the="" stack,="" turn="" off="" the="" pump,="" record="" the="" final="" dry="" gas="" meter="" reading,="" and="" conduct="" a="" post-test="" leak-check.="" also,="" check="" the="" pitot="" lines="" as="" described="" in="" epa="" method="" 2,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a.="" the="" lines="" must="" pass="" this="" leak-check="" in="" order="" to="" validate="" the="" velocity-head="" data.="" 8.6.11="" calculate="" percent="" isokineticity="" (see="" method="" 2)="" to="" determine="" whether="" the="" run="" was="" valid="" or="" another="" test="" should="" be="" made.="" 8.7="" sample="" preservation="" and="" handling.="" 8.7.1="" samples="" from="" most="" sources="" applicable="" to="" this="" method="" have="" acceptable="" holding="" times="" using="" normal="" handling="" practices="" (shipping="" samples="" iced,="" storing="" in="" refrigerator="" at="" 2="" deg.c="" until="" analysis).="" however,="" forming="" section="" stacks="" and="" other="" sources="" using="" waste="" water="" sprays="" may="" be="" subject="" to="" microbial="" contamination.="" for="" these="" sources,="" a="" biocide="" (quaternary="" ammonium="" compound="" solution)="" may="" be="" added="" to="" collected="" samples="" to="" improve="" sample="" stability="" and="" method="" ruggedness.="" 8.7.2="" sample="" holding="" time:="" samples="" should="" be="" analyzed="" within="" 14="" days="" of="" collection.="" samples="" must="" be="" refrigerated/kept="" cold="" for="" the="" entire="" period="" preceding="" analysis.="" after="" the="" samples="" have="" been="" brought="" to="" room="" temperature="" for="" analysis,="" any="" analyses="" needed="" should="" be="" performed="" on="" the="" same="" day.="" repeated="" cycles="" of="" warming="" the="" samples="" to="" room="" temperature/refrigerating/rewarming,="" then="" analyzing="" again,="" etc.,="" have="" not="" been="" investigated="" in="" depth="" to="" evaluate="" if="" analyte="" levels="" remain="" stable="" for="" all="" sources.="" 8.7.3="" additional="" studies="" will="" be="" performed="" to="" evaluate="" whether="" longer="" sample="" holding="" times="" are="" feasible="" for="" this="" method.="" 8.8="" sample="" recovery.="" 8.8.1="" preparation:="""" proper="" cleanup="" procedure="" begins="" as="" soon="" as="" the="" probe="" is="" removed="" from="" the="" stack="" at="" the="" end="" of="" the="" sampling="" period.="" allow="" the="" probe="" to="" cool.="" when="" the="" probe="" can="" be="" handled="" safely,="" wipe="" off="" all="" external="" particulate="" matter="" near="" the="" tip="" of="" the="" probe="" nozzle="" and="" place="" a="" cap="" over="" the="" tip="" to="" prevent="" losing="" or="" gaining="" particulate="" matter.="" do="" not="" cap="" the="" probe="" tightly="" while="" the="" sampling="" train="" is="" cooling="" because="" a="" vacuum="" will="" be="" created,="" drawing="" liquid="" from="" the="" impingers="" back="" through="" the="" sampling="" train.="""" before="" moving="" the="" sampling="" train="" to="" the="" cleanup="" site,="" remove="" the="" probe="" from="" the="" sampling="" train="" and="" cap="" the="" open="" outlet,="" being="" careful="" not="" to="" lose="" any="" condensate="" that="" might="" be="" present.="" remove="" the="" umbilical="" cord="" from="" the="" last="" impinger="" and="" cap="" the="" impinger.="" if="" a="" flexible="" line="" is="" used,="" let="" any="" condensed="" water="" or="" liquid="" drain="" into="" the="" impingers.="" cap="" off="" any="" open="" impinger="" inlets="" and="" outlets.="" ground="" glass="" stoppers,="" teflon="" caps,="" or="" caps="" of="" other="" inert="" materials="" may="" be="" used="" to="" seal="" all="" openings.="""" transfer="" the="" probe="" and="" impinger="" assembly="" to="" an="" area="" that="" is="" clean="" and="" protected="" from="" wind="" so="" that="" the="" chances="" of="" contaminating="" or="" losing="" the="" sample="" are="" minimized.="""" inspect="" the="" train="" before="" and="" during="" disassembly,="" and="" note="" any="" abnormal="" conditions.="""" save="" a="" portion="" of="" the="" washing="" solution="" (high="" purity="" water)="" used="" for="" cleanup="" as="" a="" blank.="" 8.8.2="" sample="" containers:="""" container="" 1:="" probe="" and="" impinger="" catches.="" using="" a="" graduated="" cylinder,="" measure="" to="" the="" nearest="" ml,="" and="" record="" the="" volume="" of="" the="" solution="" in="" the="" first="" three="" impingers.="" alternatively,="" the="" solution="" may="" be="" weighed="" to="" the="" nearest="" 0.5="" g.="" include="" any="" condensate="" in="" the="" probe="" in="" this="" determination.="" transfer="" the="" combined="" impinger="" solution="" from="" the="" graduated="" cylinder="" into="" the="" polyethylene="" bottle.="" taking="" care="" that="" dust="" on="" the="" outside="" of="" the="" probe="" or="" other="" exterior="" surfaces="" does="" not="" get="" into="" the="" sample,="" clean="" all="" surfaces="" to="" which="" the="" sample="" is="" exposed="" (including="" the="" probe="" nozzle,="" probe="" fitting,="" probe="" liner,="" first="" three="" impingers,="" and="" impinger="" connectors)="" with="" water.="" use="" less="" than="" 400="" ml="" for="" the="" entire="" waste="" (250="" ml="" would="" be="" better,="" if="" possible).="" add="" the="" rinse="" water="" to="" the="" sample="" container.="""" carefully="" remove="" the="" probe="" nozzle="" and="" rinse="" the="" inside="" surface="" with="" water="" from="" a="" wash="" bottle.="" brush="" with="" a="" bristle="" brush="" and="" rinse="" until="" the="" rinse="" shows="" no="" visible="" particles,="" after="" which="" make="" a="" final="" rinse="" of="" the="" inside="" surface.="" brush="" and="" rinse="" the="" inside="" parts="" of="" the="" swagelok="" (or="" equivalent)="" fitting="" with="" water="" in="" a="" similar="" way.="""" rinse="" the="" probe="" liner="" with="" water.="" while="" squirting="" the="" water="" into="" the="" upper="" end="" of="" the="" probe,="" tilt="" and="" rotate="" the="" probe="" so="" that="" all="" inside="" surfaces="" will="" be="" wetted="" with="" water.="" let="" the="" water="" drain="" from="" the="" lower="" end="" into="" the="" sample="" container.="" the="" tester="" may="" use="" a="" funnel="" (glass="" or="" polyethylene)="" to="" aid="" in="" transferring="" the="" liquid="" washes="" to="" the="" container.="" follow="" the="" rinse="" with="" a="" bristle="" brush.="" hold="" the="" probe="" in="" an="" inclined="" position,="" and="" squirt="" water="" into="" the="" upper="" end="" as="" the="" probe="" brush="" is="" being="" pushed="" with="" a="" twisting="" action="" through="" the="" probe.="" hold="" the="" sample="" container="" underneath="" the="" lower="" end="" of="" the="" probe,="" and="" catch="" any="" water="" and="" particulate="" matter="" that="" is="" brushed="" from="" the="" probe.="" run="" the="" brush="" through="" the="" probe="" three="" times="" or="" more.="" rinse="" the="" brush="" with="" water="" and="" quantitatively="" collect="" these="" washings="" in="" the="" sample="" container.="" after="" the="" brushing,="" make="" a="" final="" rinse="" of="" the="" probe="" as="" describe="" above.="" (note:="" two="" people="" should="" clean="" the="" probe="" in="" order="" to="" minimize="" sample="" losses.="" between="" sampling="" runs,="" brushes="" must="" be="" kept="" clean="" and="" free="" from="" contamination.)="""" rinse="" the="" inside="" surface="" of="" each="" of="" the="" first="" three="" impingers="" (and="" connecting="" tubing)="" three="" separate="" times.="" use="" a="" small="" portion="" of="" water="" for="" each="" rinse,="" and="" brush="" each="" surface="" to="" which="" the="" sample="" is="" exposed="" with="" a="" bristle="" brush="" to="" ensure="" recovery="" of="" fine="" particulate="" matter.="" make="" a="" final="" rinse="" of="" each="" surface="" and="" of="" the="" brush,="" using="" water.="""" after="" all="" water="" washing="" and="" particulate="" matter="" have="" been="" collected="" in="" the="" sample="" container,="" tighten="" the="" lid="" so="" the="" sample="" will="" not="" leak="" out="" when="" the="" container="" is="" shipped="" to="" the="" laboratory.="" mark="" the="" height="" of="" the="" fluid="" level="" to="" determine="" whether="" leakage="" occurs="" during="" transport.="" label="" the="" container="" clearly="" to="" identify="" its="" contents.="""" if="" the="" first="" two="" impingers="" are="" to="" be="" analyzed="" separately="" to="" check="" for="" breakthrough,="" separate="" the="" contents="" and="" rinses="" of="" the="" two="" impingers="" into="" individual="" containers.="" care="" must="" be="" taken="" to="" avoid="" physical="" carryover="" from="" the="" first="" impinger="" to="" the="" second.="" any="" physical="" carryover="" of="" collected="" moisture="" into="" the="" second="" impinger="" will="" invalidate="" a="" breakthrough="" assessment.="""" container="" 2:="" sample="" blank.="" prepare="" a="" blank="" by="" using="" a="" polyethylene="" container="" and="" adding="" a="" volume="" of="" water="" equal="" to="" the="" total="" volume="" in="" container="" 1.="" process="" the="" blank="" in="" the="" same="" manner="" as="" container="" 1.="" [[page="" 15265]]="""" container="" 3:="" silica="" gel.="" note="" the="" color="" of="" the="" indicating="" silica="" gel="" to="" determine="" whether="" it="" has="" been="" completely="" spent="" and="" make="" a="" notation="" of="" its="" condition.="" the="" impinger="" containing="" the="" silica="" gel="" may="" be="" used="" as="" a="" sample="" transport="" container="" with="" both="" ends="" sealed="" with="" tightly="" fitting="" caps="" or="" plugs.="" ground-glass="" stoppers="" or="" teflon="" caps="" may="" be="" used.="" the="" silica="" gel="" impinger="" should="" then="" be="" labeled,="" covered="" with="" aluminum="" foil,="" and="" packaged="" on="" ice="" for="" transport="" to="" the="" laboratory.="" if="" the="" silica="" gel="" is="" removed="" from="" the="" impinger,="" the="" tester="" may="" use="" a="" funnel="" to="" pour="" the="" silica="" gel="" and="" a="" rubber="" policeman="" to="" remove="" the="" silica="" gel="" from="" the="" impinger.="" it="" is="" not="" necessary="" to="" remove="" the="" small="" amount="" of="" dust="" particles="" that="" may="" adhere="" to="" the="" impinger="" wall="" and="" are="" difficult="" to="" remove.="" since="" the="" gain="" in="" weight="" is="" to="" be="" used="" for="" moisture="" calculations,="" do="" not="" use="" water="" or="" other="" liquids="" to="" transfer="" the="" silica="" gel.="" if="" a="" balance="" is="" available="" in="" the="" field,="" the="" spent="" silica="" gel="" (or="" silica="" gel="" plus="" impinger)="" may="" be="" weighed="" to="" the="" nearest="" 0.5="" g.="""" sample="" containers="" should="" be="" placed="" in="" a="" cooler,="" cooled="" by="" (although="" not="" in="" contact="" with)="" ice.="" putting="" sample="" bottles="" in="" zip-lock="" bags="" can="" aid="" in="" maintaining="" the="" integrity="" of="" the="" sample="" labels.="" sample="" containers="" should="" be="" placed="" vertically="" to="" avoid="" leakage="" during="" shipment.="" samples="" should="" be="" cooled="" during="" shipment="" so="" they="" will="" be="" received="" cold="" at="" the="" laboratory.="" it="" is="" critical="" that="" samples="" be="" chilled="" immediately="" after="" recovery.="" if="" the="" source="" is="" susceptible="" to="" microbial="" contamination="" from="" wash="" water="" (e.g.)="" forming="" section="" stack),="" add="" biocide="" as="" directed="" in="" section="" 8.2.5.="""" a="" quaternary="" ammonium="" compound="" can="" be="" used="" as="" a="" biocide="" to="" stabilize="" samples="" against="" microbial="" degradation="" following="" collection.="" using="" the="" stock="" quaternary="" ammonium="" compound="" (qac)="" solution;="" add="" 2.5="" ml="" qac="" solution="" for="" every="" 100="" ml="" of="" recovered="" sample="" volume="" (estimate="" of="" volume="" is="" satisfactory)="" immediately="" after="" collection.="" the="" total="" volume="" of="" qac="" solution="" must="" be="" accurately="" known="" and="" recorded="" to="" correct="" for="" any="" dilution="" caused="" by="" the="" qac="" solution="" addition.="" 8.8.3="" sample="" preparation="" for="" analysis="""" the="" sample="" should="" be="" refrigerated="" if="" the="" analysis="" will="" not="" be="" performed="" on="" the="" day="" of="" sampling.="" allow="" the="" sample="" to="" warm="" at="" room="" temperature="" for="" about="" two="" hours="" (if="" it="" has="" been="" refrigerated)="" prior="" to="" analyzing.="""" analyze="" the="" sample="" by="" the="" pararosaniline="" method,="" as="" described="" in="" section="" 11.="" if="" the="" color-developed="" sample="" has="" an="" absorbance="" above="" the="" highest="" standard,="" a="" suitable="" dilution="" in="" high="" purity="" water="" should="" be="" prepared="" and="" analyzed.="" 9.="" quality="" control.="" 9.1="" sampling:="" see="" epa="" manual="" 600/4-77-02b="" for="" method="" 5="" quality="" control.="" 9.2="" analysis:="" the="" quality="" assurance="" program="" required="" for="" this="" method="" includes="" the="" analysis="" of="" the="" field="" and="" method="" blanks,="" and="" procedure="" validations.="" the="" positive="" identification="" and="" quantitation="" of="" formaldehyde="" are="" dependent="" on="" the="" integrity="" of="" the="" samples="" received="" and="" the="" precision="" and="" accuracy="" of="" the="" analytical="" methodology.="" quality="" assurance="" procedures="" for="" this="" method="" are="" designed="" to="" monitor="" the="" performance="" of="" the="" analytical="" methodology="" and="" to="" provide="" the="" required="" information="" to="" take="" corrective="" action="" if="" problems="" are="" observed="" in="" laboratory="" operations="" or="" in="" field="" sampling="" activities.="" 9.2.1="" field="" blanks:="" field="" blanks="" must="" be="" submitted="" with="" the="" samples="" collected="" at="" each="" sampling="" site.="" the="" field="" blanks="" include="" the="" sample="" bottles="" containing="" aliquots="" of="" sample="" recovery="" water,="" and="" water="" reagent.="" at="" a="" minimum,="" one="" complete="" sampling="" train="" will="" be="" assembled="" in="" the="" field="" staging="" area,="" taken="" to="" the="" sampling="" area,="" and="" leak-checked="" at="" the="" beginning="" and="" end="" of="" the="" testing="" (or="" for="" the="" same="" total="" number="" of="" times="" as="" the="" actual="" sampling="" train).="" the="" probe="" of="" the="" blank="" train="" must="" be="" heated="" during="" the="" sample="" test.="" the="" train="" will="" be="" recovered="" as="" if="" it="" were="" an="" actual="" test="" sample.="" no="" gaseous="" sample="" will="" be="" passed="" through="" the="" blank="" sampling="" train.="" 9.2.2="" blank="" correction:="" the="" field="" blank="" formaldehyde="" concentrations="" will="" be="" subtracted="" from="" the="" appropriate="" sample="" formaldehyde="" concentrations.="" blank="" formaldehyde="" concentrations="" above="" 0.25="">g/ml should be considered suspect, and subtraction 
    from the sample formaldehyde concentrations should be performed in a 
    manner acceptable to the applicable administrator.
        9.2.3  Method Blanks: A method blank must be prepared for each 
    set of analytical operations, to evaluate contamination and 
    artifacts that can be derived from glassware, reagents, and sample 
    handling in the laboratory.
        10.  Calibration.
        10.1  Probe Nozzle: Probe nozzles shall be calibrated before 
    their initial use in the field. Using a micrometer, measure the 
    inside diameter of the nozzle to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.001 in). 
    Make measurements at three separate places across the diameter and 
    obtain the average of the measurements. The difference between the 
    high and low numbers shall not exceed 0.1 mm (0.004 in). When the 
    nozzle becomes nicked or corroded, it shall be repaired and 
    calibrated, or replaced with a calibrated nozzle before use. Each 
    nozzle must be permanently and uniquely identified.
        10.2  Pitot Tube: The Type S pitot tube assembly shall be 
    calibrated according to the procedure outlined in Section 4 of EPA 
    Method 2, or assigned a nominal coefficient of 0.84 if it is not 
    visibly nicked or corroded and if it meets design and intercomponent 
    spacing specifications.
        10.3  Metering System.
        10.3.1  Before its initial use in the field, the metering system 
    shall be calibrated according to the procedure outlined in APTD-
    0576. Instead of physically adjusting the dry-gas meter dial 
    readings to correspond to the wet-test meter readings, calibration 
    factors may be used to correct the gas meter dial readings 
    mathematically to the proper values. Before calibrating the metering 
    system, it is suggested that a leak-check be conducted. For metering 
    systems having diaphragm pumps, the normal leak-check procedure will 
    not delete leakages with the pump. For these cases, the following 
    leak-check procedure will apply: make a ten-minute calibration run 
    at 0.00057 m\3\min (0.02 cfm). At the end of the run, take the 
    difference of the measured wet-test and dry-gas meter volumes and 
    divide the difference by 10 to get the leak rate. The leak rate 
    should not exceed 0.00057 m\3\min (0.02 cfm).
        10.3.2  After each field use, check the calibration of the 
    metering system by performing three calibration runs at a single 
    intermediate orifice setting (based on the previous field test). Set 
    the vacuum at the maximum value reached during the test series. To 
    adjust the vacuum, insert a valve between the wet-test meter and the 
    inlet of the metering system. Calculate the average value of the 
    calibration factor. If the calibration has changed by more than 5 
    percent, recalibrate the meter over the full range of orifice 
    settings, as outlined in APTD-0576.
        10.3.3  Leak-check of metering system: The portion of the 
    sampling train from the pump to the orifice meter (see Figure 1) 
    should be leak-checked prior to initial use and after each shipment. 
    Leakage after the pump will result in less volume being recorded 
    than is actually sampled. Use the following procedure: Close the 
    main valve on the meter box. Insert a one-hole rubber stopper with 
    rubber tubing attached into the orifice exhaust pipe. Disconnect and 
    vent the low side of the orifice manometer. Close off the low side 
    orifice tap. Pressurize the system to 13-18 cm (5-7 in) water column 
    by blowing into the rubber tubing. Pinch off the tubing and observe 
    the manometer for 1 min. A loss of pressure on the manometer 
    indicates a leak in the meter box. Leaks must be corrected. (Note: 
    If the dry-gas meter coefficient values obtained before and after a 
    test series differ by >5 percent, either the test series must be 
    voided or calculations for test series must be performed using 
    whichever meter coefficient value (i.e., before or after) gives the 
    lower value of total sample volume.)
        10.4  Probe Heater: The probe heating system must be calibrated 
    before its initial use in the field according to the procedure 
    outlined in APTD-0576. Probes constructed according to APTD-0581 
    need not be calibrated if the calibration curves in APTD-0576 are 
        10.5  Temperature gauges: Use the procedure in section 4.3 of 
    USEPA Method 2 to calibrate in-stack temperature gauges. Dial 
    thermometers such as are used for the dry gas meter and condenser 
    outlet, shall be calibrated against mercury-in-glass thermometers.
        10.6  Barometer: Adjust the barometer initially and before each 
    test series to agree to within  2.5 mm Hg (0.1 in Hg) of 
    the mercury barometer or the correct barometric pressure value 
    reported by a nearby National Weather Service Station (same altitude 
    above sea level).
        10.7  Balance: Calibrate the balance before each test series, 
    using Class S standard weights. The weights must be within 
     0.5 percent of the standards, or the balance must be 
    adjusted to meet these limits.
        11.0  Procedure for Analysis.
        a. The working formaldehyde standards (0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, and 
    3.0 g/ml) are analyzed and a calibration curve is 
    calculated for each day's analysis. The standards should be analyzed 
    first to ensure that the method is working properly prior to 
    analyzing the
    [[Page 15266]]
    samples. In addition, a sample of the high-purity water should also 
    be analyzed and used as a ``0'' formaldehyde standard.
        b. The procedure for analysis of samples and standards is 
    identical: Using the pipet set to 2.50 ml, pipet 2.50 ml of the 
    solution to be analyzed into a polystyrene cuvette. Using the 250 
    l pipet, pipet 250 l of the pararosaniline reagent 
    solution into the cuvette. Seal the top of the cuvette with a 
    Parafilm square and shake at least 30 seconds to ensure the solution 
    in the cuvette is well-mixed. Peel back a corner of the Parafilm so 
    the next reagent can be added. Using the 250 l pipet, pipet 
    250 l of the sodium sulfite reagent solution into the 
    cuvette. Reseal the cuvette with the Parafilm, and again shake for 
    about 30 seconds to mix the solution in the cuvette. Record the time 
    of addition of the sodium sulfite and let the color develop at room 
    temperature for 60 minutes. Set the spectrophotometer to 570 nm and 
    set to read in Absorbance Units. The spectrophotometer should be 
    equipped with a holder for the 1-cm pathlength cuvettes. Place 
    cuvette(s) containing high-purity water in the spectrophotometer and 
    adjust to read 0.000 AU.
        c. After the 60 minutes color development period, read the 
    standard and samples in the spectrophotometer. Record the Absorbance 
    reading for each cuvette. The calibration curve is calculated by 
    linear regression, with the formaldehyde concentration as the ``x'' 
    coordinate of the pair, and the absorbance reading as the ``y'' 
    coordinate. The procedure is very reproducible, and typically will 
    yield values similar to these for the calibration curve:
    Correlation Coefficient: 0.9999
    Slope: 0.50
    Y-Intercept: 0.090
        d. The formaldehyde concentration of the samples can be found by 
    using the trend-line feature of the calculator or computer program 
    used for the linear regression. For example, the TI-55 calculators 
    use the ``X'' key (this gives the predicted formaldehyde 
    concentration for the value of the absorbance you key in for the 
    sample). Multiply the formaldehyde concentration form the sample by 
    the dilution factor, if any, for the sample to give the formaldehyde 
    concentration of the original, undiluted, sample (units will be 
        11.1  Notes on the Pararosaniline Procedure.
        11.1.1  The pararosaniline method is temperature-sensitive. 
    However, the small fluctuations typical of a laboratory will not 
    significantly affect the results.
        11.1.2  The calibration curve is linear to beyond 4 g/
    ml formaldehyde, however, a research-grade spectrophotometer is 
    required to reproducibly read the high absorbance values. Consult 
    your instrument manual to evaluate the capability of the 
        11.1.3  The quality of the laboratory water used to prepare 
    standards and make dilutions is critical. It is important that the 
    cautions given in the Reagents section be observed. This procedure 
    allows quantitation of formaldehyde at very low levels, and thus it 
    is imperative to avoid contamination from other sources of 
    formaldehyde and to exercise the degree of care required for trace 
        11.1.4  The analyst should become familiar with the operation of 
    the Oxford or equivalent pipettors before using them for an 
    analysis. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer; one can pipet 
    water into a tared container on any analytical balance to check 
    pipet accuracy and precision. This will also establish if the proper 
    technique is being used. Always use a new tip for each pipetting 
        11.1.5  This procedure follows the recommendations of ASTM 
    Standard Guide D 3614, reading all solutions versus water in the 
    reference cell. This allows the absorbance of the blank to be 
    tracked on a daily basis. Refer to ASTM D 3614 for more information.
        12.0  Calculations.
        Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra decimal 
    figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after 
    final calculations.
        12.1  Calculations of Total Formaldehyde.
        12.1.1  To determine the total formaldehyde in mg, use the 
    following equation if biocide was not used:
    Total mg formaldehyde=
    Cd=measured conc. formaldehyde, ``g/ml;
    V=total volume of stack sample, ml;
    DF=dilution factor.
        12.1.2  To determine the total formaldehyde in mg, use the 
    following equation if biocide was used:
    Total mg formaldehyde=
    Cd=measured conc. formaldehyde, g/ml;
    V=total volume of stack sample, ml;
    B=total volume of biocide added to sample, ml;
    DF=dilution factor.
        12.2  Formaldehyde concentration (mg/m3) in stack gas. 
    Determine the formaldehyde concentration (mg/m3) in the stack 
    gas using the following equation:
    Formaldehyde concentration (mg/m3)=
    K=35.31 cu ft/m\3\ for Vm(std) in English units, or
    K=1.00 m\3\/m\3\ for Vm(std) in metric units;
    Vm(std)=volume of gas sample measured by a dry gas meter, 
    corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).
        12.3  Average Dry Gas Meter Temperature and Average Orifice 
    Pressure Drop are obtained from the data sheet.
        12.4  Dry Gas Volume: Calculate Vm(std) and adjust for 
    leakage, if necessary, using the equation in Section 6.3 of EPA 
    Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
        12.5  Volume of Water Vapor and Moisture Content: Calculated the 
    volume of water vapor and moisture content from equations 5-2 and 5-
    3 of EPA Method 5.
        13.0  Method Performance.
        The precision of this method is estimated to be better than 
     5 percent, expressed as  the percent 
    relative standard deviation.
        14.0  Pollution Prevention. (Reserved)
        15.0  Waste Management. (Reserved)
        16.0  References.
    US EPA 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A, Test Methods 1-5
    Method 318--Extractive FTIR Method for the Measurement of Emissions 
    from the Mineral Wool and Wool Fiberglass Industries
        1. Scope and Application
        1.1  Scope. The analytes measured by this method and their CAS 
    numbers are:
    Carbon Monoxide: 630-08-0
    Carbonyl Sulfide: 463-58-1
    Formaldehyde: 50-00-0
    Methanol: 1455-13-6
    Phenol: 108-95-2
        1.2  Applicability.
        1.2.1  This method is applicable for the determination of 
    formaldehyde, phenol, methanol, carbonyl sulfide (COS) and carbon 
    monoxide (CO) concentrations in controlled and uncontrolled 
    emissions from manufacturing processes using phenolic resins. The 
    compounds are analyzed in the mid-infrared spectral region (about 
    400 to 4000 cm-1 or 25 to 2.5 m). Suggested analytical 
    regions are given below (Table 1). Slight deviations from these 
    recommended regions may be necessary due to variations in moisture 
    content and ammonia concentration from source to source.
        1.2.2  This method does not apply when: (a) polymerization of 
    formaldehyde occurs, (b) moisture condenses in either the sampling 
    system or the instrumentation, and (c) when moisture content of the 
    gas stream is so high relative to the analyte concentrations that it 
    causes severe spectral interference.
    [[Page 15267]]
                                          Table 1.--Example Analytical Regions                                      
                      Compound                      Region (cm-1)                Potential interferants             
    Formaldehyde................................  2840.93-2679.83   Water, Methane.                                 
    Phenol......................................  1231.32-1131.47   Water, Ammonia, Methane.                        
    Methanol....................................  1041.56-1019.95   Water, Ammonia.                                 
    COSa........................................  2028.4-2091.9     Water, CO2, CO.                                 
    COa.........................................  2092.1-2191.8     Water, CO2, COS.                                
    a Suggested analytical regions assume about 15 percent moisture and CO2, and that COS and CO have about the same
      absorbance (in the range of 10 to 50 ppm. If CO and COS are hundreds of ppm or higher, then CO2 and moisture  
      interference is reduced. If CO or COS is present at high concentration and the other at low concentration,    
      then a shorter cell pathlength may be necessary to measure the high concentration component.                  
        1.3  Method Range and Sensitivity.
        1.3.1  The analytical range is a function of instrumental design 
    and composition of the gas stream. Theoretical detection limits 
    depend, in part, on (a) the absorption coefficient of the compound 
    in the analytical frequency region, (b) the spectral resolution, (c) 
    interferometer sampling time, (d) detector sensitivity and response, 
    and (e) absorption pathlength.
        1.3.2  Practically, there is no upper limit to the range. The 
    practical lower detection limit is usually higher than the 
    theoretical value, and depends on (a) moisture content of the flue 
    gas, (b) presence of interferants, and (c) losses in the sampling 
    system. In general, a 22 meter pathlength cell in a suitable 
    sampling system can achieve practical detection limits of 1.5 ppm 
    for three compounds (formaldehyde, phenol, and methanol) at moisture 
    levels up to 15 percent by volume. Sources with uncontrolled 
    emissions of CO and COS may require a 4 meter pathlength cell due to 
    high concentration levels. For these two compounds, make sure 
    absorbance of highest concentration component is <1.0. 1.4="" data="" quality="" objectives.="" 1.4.1="" in="" designing="" or="" configuring="" the="" system,="" the="" analyst="" first="" sets="" the="" data="" quality="" objectives,="" i.e.,="" the="" desired="" lower="" detection="" limit="">i) and the desired analytical uncertainty (AUi) 
    for each compound. The instrumental parameters (factors b, c, d, and 
    e in Section 1.3.1) are then chosen to meet these requirements, 
    using Appendix D of the FTIR Protocol.
        1.4.2  Data quality for each application is determined, in part, 
    by measuring the RMS (Root Mean Square) noise level in each 
    analytical spectral region (Appendix C of the FTIR Protocol). The 
    RMS noise is defined as the RMSD (Root Mean Square Deviation) of the 
    absorbance values in an analytical region from the mean absorbance 
    value of the region. Appendix D of the FTIR Protocol defines the 
    MAUim (minimum analyte uncertainty of the ith analyte in 
    the mth analytical region). The MAU is the minimum analyte 
    concentration for which the analytical uncertainty limit (AUi) 
    can be maintained: If the measured analyte concentration is less 
    than MAUi, then data quality is unacceptable. Table 2 gives 
    some example DL and AU values along with calculated areas and MAU 
    values using the protocol procedures.
                                    Table 2.--Example Pre-Test Protocol Calculations                                
                     Protocol value                     Form      Phenol    Methanol         Protocol appendix      
    Reference concentrationa (ppm-meters)/K........      3.016      3.017      5.064                                
    Reference Band Area............................     8.2544    16.6417     4.9416  B                             
    DL (ppm-meters)/K..............................     0.1117     0.1117     0.1117  B                             
    AU.............................................        0.2        0.2        0.2  B                             
    CL.............................................    0.02234    0.02234    0.02234  B                             
    FL.............................................    2679.83    1131.47    1019.95  B                             
    FU.............................................    2840.93    1231.32    1041.56  B                             
    FC.............................................    2760.38   1181.395   1030.755  B                             
    AAI (ppm-meters)/K.............................    0.18440    0.01201    0.00132  B                             
    RMSD...........................................   2.28E-03   1.21E-03   1.07E-03  C                             
    MAU (ppm-meters)/K.............................   4.45E-02   7.26E-03   4.68E-03  D                             
    MAU (ppm at 22)................................     0.0797     0.0130     0.0084  D                             
    a Concentration units are: ppm concentration of the reference sample (ASC), times the path length of the FTIR   
      cell used when the reference spectrum was measured (meters), divided by the absolute temperature of the       
      reference sample in Kelvin (K), or (ppm-meters)/K.                                                            
        2.0  Summary of Method.
        2.1  Principle.
        2.1.1  Molecules are composed of chemically bonded atoms, which 
    are in constant motion. The atomic motions result in bond 
    deformations (bond stretching and bond-angle bending). The number of 
    fundamental (or independent) vibrational motions depends on the 
    number of atoms (N) in the molecule. At typical testing 
    temperatures, most molecules are in the ground-state vibrational 
    state for most of their fundamental vibrational motions. A molecule 
    can undergo a transition from its ground state (for a particular 
    vibration) to the first excited state by absorbing a quantum of 
    light at a frequency characteristic of the molecule and the 
    molecular motion. Molecules also undergo rotational transitions by 
    absorbing energies in the far-infrared or microwave spectral 
    regions. Rotational transition absorbencies are superimposed on the 
    vibrational absorbencies to give a characteristic shape to each 
    rotational-vibrational absorbance ``band.''
        2.1.2  Most molecules exhibit more than one absorbance band in 
    several frequency regions to produce an infrared spectrum (a 
    characteristic pattern of bands or a ``fingerprint'') that is unique 
    to each molecule. The infrared spectrum of a molecule depends on its 
    structure (bond lengths, bond angles, bond strengths, and atomic 
    masses). Even small differences in structure can produce 
    significantly different spectra.
        2.1.3  Spectral band intensities vary with the concentration of 
    the absorbing compound. Within constraints, the relationship between 
    absorbance and sample concentration is linear. Sample spectra are 
    compared to reference spectra to determine the species and their 
        2.2  Sampling and Analysis.
        2.2.1  Flue gas is continuously extracted from the source, and 
    the gas or a portion of the gas is conveyed to the FTIR gas cell, 
    where a spectrum of the flue gas is recorded.
    [[Page 15268]]
    Absorbance band intensities are related to sample concentrations by 
    Beer's Law.
    Av = absorbance of the ithcomponent at the given 
    a = absorption coefficient of the ith  component at the 
    b = path length of the cell.
    c = concentration of the ith  compound in the sample at 
        2.2.2  After identifying a compound from the infrared spectrum, 
    its concentration is determined by comparing band intensities in the 
    sample spectrum to band intensities in ``reference spectra'' of the 
    formaldehyde, phenol, methanol, COS and CO. These reference spectra 
    are available in a permanent soft copy from the EPA spectral library 
    on the EMTIC bulletin board. The source may also prepare reference 
    spectra according to Section 4.5 of the FTIR Protocol. (Note: 
    Reference spectra not prepared according to the FTIR Protocol are 
    not acceptable for use in this test method. Documentation detailing 
    the FTIR Protocol steps used in preparing any non-EPA reference 
    spectra shall be included in each test report submitted by the 
        2.2.3  Analyte spiking is used for quality assurance. Analyte 
    spiking shall be carried out before the first run (a test consists 
    of three runs) and after the third run. Unless otherwise specified 
    in the applicable regulation, a run shall consist of 8 discrete 
    readings taken by the FTIR over an hour. Therefore, a test shall 
    consist of two analyte spike interferograms (assuming a mixture of 
    compounds was introduced simultaneously for the analyte spike; if 
    each compound was introduced individually, two analyte spike 
    interferograms would be recorded for each target compound), 24 stack 
    sample interferograms, and their corresponding background readings.
        2.3  Operator Requirements. The analyst must have some knowledge 
    of source sampling and of infrared spectral patterns to operate the 
    sampling system and to choose a suitable instrument configuration. 
    The analyst should also understand FTIR instrument operation well 
    enough to choose an instrument configuration consistent with the 
    data quality objectives.
    3.0  Definitions.
        See Appendix A of the FTIR Protocol.
        4.0  Interferences.
        4.1  Analytical (or Spectral) Interferences. Water vapor. High 
    concentrations of ammonia (hundreds of ppm) may interfere with the 
    analysis of low concentrations of methanol (1 to 5 ppm). For CO, 
    carbon dioxide and water may be interferants. In cases where COS 
    levels are low relative to CO levels, CO and water may be 
        4.2  Sampling System Interferences. Water, if it condenses, and 
    ammonia, which reacts with formaldehyde.
        5.0  Safety.
        5.1  Formaldehyde is a suspect carcinogen; therefore, exposure 
    to this compound must be limited. Proper monitoring and safety 
    precautions must be practiced in any atmosphere with potentially 
    high concentrations of CO.
        5.2  This method may involve sampling at locations having high 
    positive or negative pressures, high temperatures, elevated heights, 
    high concentrations of hazardous or toxic pollutants, or other 
    diverse sampling conditions. It is the responsibility of the 
    tester(s) to ensure proper safety and health practices, and to 
    determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before 
    performing this test method.
        6.0  Equipment and Supplies.
        The equipment and supplies are based on the schematic of a 
    sampling train shown in Figures 1 and 2. Either the evacuated or 
    purged sampling technique may be used with this sampling train. 
    Alternatives may be used, provided that the data quality objectives 
    are met as determined in the post-analysis evaluation (see Section 
        6.1  Sampling Probe. Glass, stainless steel, or other 
    appropriate material of sufficient length and physical integrity to 
    sustain heating, prevent adsorption of analytes, and to reach gas 
    sampling point.
        6.2  Particulate Filters. A glass wool plug (optional) inserted 
    at the probe tip (for large particulate removal) and a filter rated 
    at 1-micron (e.g., Balston TM) for fine particulate removal, 
    placed immediately after the heated probe.
        6.3  Sampling Line/Heating System. Heated (sufficient to prevent 
    sample condensation) stainless steel, Teflon, or other inert 
    material that does not adsorb the analytes, to transport the sample 
    to analytical system.
        6.4  Stainless Steel Tubing. Type 316, e.g., \3/8\ in. diameter, 
    and appropriate length for heated connections.
        6.5  Calibration/Analyte Spike Assembly. A three way valve 
    assembly (or equivalent) to introduce methanol spikes into the 
    sampling system at the outlet of the probe before the out-of-stack 
    particulate filter and just before the FTIR analytical system. See 
    Figure 1.
        6.6  Mass Flow Meters. To accurately measure analyte spiking 
    flow rate, calibrated from 0 to 2 L/min (2 percent).
        6.7  Gas Regulators. Appropriate for individual gas cylinders.
        6.8  Teflon Tubing. Diameter (e.g., \3/8\ in.) and length 
    suitable to connect cylinder regulators.
        6.9  Sample Pump. A leak-free pump (e.g., KNFTM), with by-
    pass valve, capable of pulling sample through entire sampling system 
    at a rate of about 10 to 20 L/min. If placed before the analytical 
    system, heat the pump and use a pump fabricated from materials non-
    reactive to the target pollutants. If the pump is located after the 
    instrument, systematically record the sample pressure in the gas 
        6.10  Gas Sample Manifold. A heated manifold that diverts part 
    of the sample stream to the analyzer, and the rest to the by-pass 
    discharge vent or other analytical instrumentation.
        6.11  Rotameter. A calibrated 0 to 20 L/min range rotameter.
        6.12  FTIR Analytical System. Spectrometer and detector, capable 
    of measuring formaldehyde, phenol, methanol, COS and CO to the 
    predetermined minimum detectable level. The system shall include a 
    personal computer with compatible software that provides real-time 
    updates of the spectral profile during sample collection and 
    spectral collection.
        6.13  FTIR Cell Pump. Required for the evacuated sampling 
    technique, capable of evacuating the FTIR cell volume within 2 
    minutes. The FTIR cell pump should allow the operator to obtain at 
    least 8 sample spectra in 1 hour.
        6.14  Absolute Pressure Gauge. Heatable and capable of measuring 
    pressure from 0 to 1000 mmHg to within 2.5 mmHg (e.g., 
    Baratron TM).
        6.15  Temperature Gauge. Capable of measuring the cell 
    temperature to within 2 deg.C.
        7.0  Reagents and Standards.
        7.1  Methanol/Sulfur Hexafluoride. Obtain a gas cylinder mixture 
    of 100 ppm methanol and 2 ppm SF6 in N2. This gas mixture 
    need not be certified.
        7.2  Ethylene (Calibration Transfer Standard). Obtain NIST 
    traceable (or Protocol) cylinder gas.
        7.3  Nitrogen. Ultra high purity (UHP) grade.
        7.4  Reference Spectra. Obtain reference spectra for the target 
    pollutants at concentrations that bracket (in ``ppm-meter/K) the 
    emission source levels. Also, obtain reference spectra for SF6 
    and ethylene. Suitable concentrations are 0.0112 to 0.112 (ppm-
    meter)/K for SF6 and 5.61 (ppm-meter)/K or less for ethylene. 
    The reference spectra shall meet the criteria for acceptance 
    outlined in Section 2.2.2.
        8.0  Sample Collection, Preservation, and Storage.
        Sampling should be performed in the following sequence: Collect 
    background, collect CTS spectrum, QA spiking and direct-to-cell 
    measurement of spike gas, collect samples, post-test QA spiking and 
    direct-to-cell measurement, collect post-test CTS spectrum, verify 
    that two copies of all data were stored on separate computer media.
        8.1  Pretest Preparations and Evaluations. Using the procedure 
    in Section 4.0 of the FTIR Protocol, determine the optimum sampling 
    system configuration for sampling the target pollutants. Table 2 
    gives some example values for AU, DL, and MAU. Based on a study 
    (Reference 1), an FTIR system using 1 cm -1 resolution, 22 
    meter path length, and a broad band MCT detector was suitable for 
    meeting the requirements in Table 2. Other factors that must be 
    determined are:
        a. Test requirements: AUi, CMAXi, DLi, OFUi, 
    and tAN for each.
        b. Inteferants: See Table 1.
        c. Sampling system: LS', Pmin, PS', TS', 
    tSS, VSS; fractional error, MIL.
        d. Analytical regions: 1 through Nm, FLm, FCm, 
    and FUm, plus interferants, FFUm, FFLm, wavenumber 
    range FNU to FNL. See Tables 1 and 2.
        8.1.1  If necessary, sample and acquire an initial spectrum. 
    Then determine the proper operational pathlength of the instrument 
    to obtain non-saturated absorbencies of the target analytes.
        8.1.2  Set up the sampling train as shown in Figure 1.
        8.2  Sampling System Leak-check. Leak-check from the probe tip 
    to pump outlet as
    [[Page 15269]]
    follows: Connect a 0 to 250-mL/min rate meter (rotameter or bubble 
    meter) to the outlet of the pump. Close off the inlet to the probe, 
    and note the leakage rate. The leakage rate shall be 200 
        8.3  Analytical System Leak-check.
        8.3.1  For the evacuated sample technique, close the valve to 
    the FTIR cell, and evacuate the absorption cell to the minimum 
    absolute pressure Pmin. Close the valve to the pump, and 
    determine the change in pressure Pv after 2 minutes.
        8.3.2  For both the evacuated sample and purging techniques, 
    pressurize the system to about 100 mmHg above atmospheric pressure. 
    Isolate the pump and determine the change in pressure 
    Pp after 2 minutes.
        8.3.3  Measure the barometric pressure, Pb in mmHg.
        8.3.4  Determine the percent leak volume %VL for the signal 
    integration time tSS and for Pmax, i.e., the 
    larger of Pv or Pp, as follows:
    50=100% divided by the leak-check time of 2 minutes.
        8.3.5  Leak volumes in excess of 4 percent of the sample system 
    volume Vss are unacceptable.
        8.4  Background Spectrum. Evacuate the gas cell to 5 
    mmHg, and fill with dry nitrogen gas to ambient pressure. Verify 
    that no significant amounts of absorbing species (for example water 
    vapor and CO2) are present. Collect a background spectrum, 
    using a signal averaging period equal to or greater than the 
    averaging period for the sample spectra. Assign a unique file name 
    to the background spectrum. Store the spectra of the background 
    interferogram and processed single-beam background spectrum on two 
    separate computer media (one is used as the back-up).
        8.5  Pre-Test Calibration Transfer Standard. Evacuate the gas 
    cell to 5 mmHg absolute pressure, and fill the FTIR cell 
    to atmospheric pressure with the CTS gas. Or, purge the cell with 10 
    cell volumes of CTS gas. Record the spectrum.
        8.6  Samples.
        8.6.1  Evacuated Samples. Evacuate the absorbance cell to 
    5 mmHg absolute pressure before. Fill the cell with flue 
    gas to ambient pressure and record the spectrum. Before taking the 
    next sample, evacuate the cell until no further evidence of 
    absorption exists. Repeat this procedure to collect at least 8 
    separate spectra (samples) in 1 hour.
        8.6.2  Purge Sampling. Purge the FTIR cell with 10 cell volumes 
    of flue gas and at least for about 10 minutes. Discontinue the gas 
    cell purge, isolate the cell, and record the sample spectrum and the 
    pressure. Before taking the next sample, purge the cell with 10 cell 
    volumes of flue gas.
        8.6.3  Continuous Sampling. Spectra can be collected 
    continuously while the FTIR cell is being purged. The sample 
    integration time, tss, the sample flow rate through the FTIR 
    gas cell, and the total run time must be chosen so that the 
    collected data consist of at least 10 spectra with each spectrum 
    being of a separate cell volume of flue gas. More spectra can be 
    collected over the run time and the total run time (and number of 
    spectra) can be extended as well.
        8.7  Sampling QA, Data Storage and Reporting.
        8.7.1  Sample integration times should be sufficient to achieve 
    the required signal-to-noise ratios. Obtain an absorbance spectrum 
    by filling the cell with nitrogen. Measure the RMSD in each 
    analytical region in this absorbance spectrum. Verify that the 
    number of scans is sufficient to achieve the target MAU (Table 2).
        8.7.2  Identify all sample spectra with unique file names.
        8.7.3  Store on two separate computer media a copy of sample 
    interferograms and processed spectra.
        8.7.4  For each sample spectrum, document the sampling 
    conditions, the sampling time (while the cell was being filled), the 
    time the spectrum was recorded, the instrumental conditions (path 
    length, temperature, pressure, resolution, integration time), and 
    the spectral file name. Keep a hard copy of these data sheets.
        8.8  Signal Transmittance. While sampling, monitor the signal 
    transmittance through the instrumental system. If signal 
    transmittance (relative to the background) drops below 95 percent in 
    any spectral region where the sample does not absorb infrared 
    energy, obtain a new background spectrum.
        8.9  Post-run CTS. After each sampling run, record another CTS 
        8.10  Post-test QA.
        8.10.1  Inspect the sample spectra immediately after the run to 
    verify that the gas matrix composition was close to the expected 
    (assumed) gas matrix.
        8.10.2  Verify that the sampling and instrumental parameters 
    were appropriate for the conditions encountered. For example, if the 
    moisture is much greater than anticipated, it will be necessary to 
    use a shorter path length or dilute the sample.
        8.10.3  Compare the pre-and post-run CTS spectra. They shall 
    agree to within 5 percent. See FTIR Protocol, Appendix 
        9.0  Quality Control.
        Use analyte spiking to verify the validity of the sampling 
    system for the analytes of interest. QA spiking shall be performed 
    before the first run begins and again after the third run is 
    completed. A direct-to-cell measurement of the spike gas should also 
    be performed before and after sampling.
        9.1  Spike Materials. Use Protocol or NIST traceable analyte gas 
    standard, whenever possible. A vapor generation device may be used 
    to prepare analyte spike from the neat or solid sample of 
    formaldehyde and phenol (use this option only when certified 
    cylinder gas standards cannot be obtained).
        9.2  Spiking Procedure.
    9.2.1  Introduce the spike/tracer gas at a constant 
    (2 percent) flow rate 10 percent 
    of the total sample flow.
    (Note: Use the rotameter at the end of the sampling train to 
    estimate the required spike/tracer gas flow rate.) Use a mass flow 
    controller to control and monitor the flow rate of the spike/tracer 
        9.2.2  Determine the response time (RT) by continuously 
    monitoring effluent until spike is equilibrated within the sampling/
    analytical system. Wait for a period of twice RT, then obtain at 
    least two consecutive spectra of the spiked gas. Duplicate analyses 
    of methanol and SF6 shall be within 5 percent of 
    their mean value.
        9.2.3  Calculate the dilution ratio using the tracer gas as 
    DF = Dilution factor of the spike gas; this value shall be 
    SF6[dir] = SF6 concentration measured directly in 
    undiluted spike gas.
    SF6[spk] = Diluted SF6 concentration measured in a spiked 
        9.3  Bias. Determine the bias (defined by EPA Method 301, 
    Section 6.3.1) as follows:
        Calculate the expected analyte concentration in the spiked 
    samples, CS:
    Ai dir = Analyte concentration measured directly in undiluted 
    spike gas.
    DF = From equation 3.
    B = Bias at spike level.
    Sm = Mean analyte concentration in the spiked samples.
    Mm = Mean analyte concentration in the unspiked samples.
    CS = Expected analyte concentration in the spiked samples.
    DF = Dilution factor from Equation 3.
        9.4  Correction Factor.
        9.4.1  Calculate the correction factor, CF, using the following 
        9.4.2  If the CF is outside the range of 0.70 to 1.30, the data 
    collected during the compliance test are unacceptable. For 
    correction factors within the range, multiply all analytical results 
    by the CF for that compound to obtain the final values.
        10. Calibration and Standardization.
        10.1  Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N). The S/N shall be sufficient 
    to meet the MAU in each analytical region.
        10.2  Absorbance Pathlength. Verify the absorbance path length 
    by comparing CTS spectra to reference spectra of the calibration 
    gas(es). See FTIR Protocol, Appendix E.
        10.3  Instrument Resolution. Measure the line width of 
    appropriate CTS band(s) and compare to reference CTS spectra to 
    verify instrumental resolution.
        10.4  Apodization Function. Choose appropriate apodization 
    function.  Determine any appropriate mathematical
    [[Page 15270]]
    transformations that are required to correct instrumental errors by 
    measuring the CTS. Any mathematical transformations must be 
    documented and reproducible.
        10.5  FTIR Cell Volume. Evacuate the cell to 5 mmHg. 
    Measure the initial absolute temperature (Ti) and absolute 
    pressure (Pi). Connect a wet test meter (or a calibrated dry 
    gas meter), and slowly draw room air into the cell. Measure the 
    meter volume (Vm), meter absolute temperature (Tm), and 
    meter absolute pressure (Pm), and the cell final absolute 
    temperature (Tf) and absolute pressure (Pf). Calculate the 
    FTIR cell volume VSS, including that of the connecting tubing, 
    as follows:
        11. Procedure.
        Refer to Sections 4.6-4.11, Sections 5, 6, and 7, and the 
    appendices of the FTIR Protocol.
        12.0  Data Analysis and Calculations.
        a. Data analysis is performed using appropriate reference 
    spectra whose concentrations can be verified using CTS spectra. 
    Various analytical programs are available to relate sample 
    absorbance to a concentration standard. Calculated concentrations 
    should be verified by analyzing spectral baselines after 
    mathematically subtracting scaled reference spectra from the sample 
    spectra. A full description of the data analysis and calculations 
    may be found in the FTIR Protocol (Sections 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 
        b. Correct the calculated concentrations in sample spectra for 
    differences in absorption pathlength between the reference and 
    sample spectra by:
    Ccorr = The pathlength corrected concentration.
    Ccalc = The initial calculated concentration (output of the 
    Multicomp program designed for the compound).
    Lr = The pathlength associated with the reference spectra.
    Ls = The pathlength associated with the sample spectra.
    Ts = The absolute temperature (K) of the sample gas.
    Tr = The absolute gas temperature (K) at which reference 
    spectra were recorded.
        13. Reporting and Recordkeeping.
        All interferograms used in determining source concentration 
    shall be stored for the period of time required in the applicable 
    regulation. The Administrator has the option of requesting the 
    interferograms recorded during the test in electronic form as part 
    of the test report.
        14.  Method Performance.
        Refer to the FTIR Protocol. This method is self-validating 
    provided that the results meet the performance specification of the 
    QA spike in Section 9.0.
        15.  Pollution Prevention. [Reserved]
        16.  Waste Management.
        Laboratory standards prepared from the formaldehyde and phenol 
    are handled according to the instructions in the materials safety 
    data sheets (MSDS).
        17.  References.
        (1) ``Field Validation Test Using Fourier Transform Infrared 
    (FTIR) Spectrometry To Measure Formaldehyde, Phenol and Methanol at 
    a Wool Fiberglass Production Facility.'' Draft. U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency Report, Entropy, Inc., EPA Contract No. 68D20163, 
    Work Assignment I-32, December 1994 (docket item II-A-13).
        (2) ``Method 301--Field Validation of Pollutant Measurement 
    Methods from Various Waste Media,'' 40 CFR part 63, appendix A.
    [FR Doc. 97-7214 Filed 3-28-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule and notice of public hearing.
Document Number:
Comments. The EPA will accept comments on the proposed rule until May 30, 1997.
15228-15270 (43 pages)
Docket Numbers:
IL-64-2-5807, FRL-5695-8
2060-AE75: NESHAP: Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing Industry
RIN Links:
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CFR: (16)
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40 CFR 63.1380
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