94-4831. Offering and Governing Regulations for United States Savings Bonds; Final Rule DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 43 (Friday, March 4, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-4831]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: March 4, 1994]
    Part III
    Department of the Treasury
    Fiscal Service
    31 CFR Part 315, et al.
    Offering and Governing Regulations for United States Savings Bonds; 
    Final Rule
    Fiscal Service
    31 CFR Parts 315, 316, 317, 321, 330, 332, 342, 351, 352, and 353
    Offering and Governing Regulations for United States Savings 
    Bonds, Series E, EE, and H, HH, and Savings Notes; Issuing and Paying 
    Agents; and Payment Under Special Endorsement
    AGENCY: Bureau of the Public Debt, Fiscal Service, Department of the 
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This Final Rule amends the offering circulars for United 
    States savings bonds and savings notes; the regulations governing 
    savings bonds and notes; and the regulations governing activities of 
    financial institutions and organizations serving as savings bond 
    issuing and paying agents, to reflect the designation of five Federal 
    Reserve Offices as savings bond processing sites. The changes are made 
    to improve the efficiency of the processing of savings bond 
    transactions. The regulations are further amended to reflect the fact 
    that EZ CLEAR has become the only means by which savings bond paying 
    agents may transmit and receive settlement for redeemed savings bonds 
    and notes.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 4, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Calvin Ninomiya, Chief Counsel, Bureau 
    of the Public Debt, Washington, DC 20239-0001, (202) 219-3320.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As fiscal agents of the United States, 
    Federal Reserve Banks and Branches perform a number of activities in 
    support of the savings bond program, including issuing, redeeming, and 
    reissuing savings bonds and notes. In recent years, both the Bureau of 
    the Public Debt and Federal Reserve Offices have recognized that there 
    would be benefits associated with consolidating certain savings bond 
    activities. Since 1986, several activities have been consolidated, 
    e.g., issuing savings bonds for payroll savings plans based upon a 
    master file data base, and maintaining savings bonds for employee 
    thrift plans in book-entry accounts.
        The Bureau and the Federal Reserve recognized that further 
    consolidation would reduce operating costs, improve program management, 
    and provide opportunities for more efficient use of technology, without 
    any reduction in the level of service to bondowners and financial 
    institutions serving as savings bond agents. Therefore, a Savings Bond 
    Processing Study Team, composed of staff from both Public Debt and 
    Reserve Offices, was formed to determine the optimum number of Reserve 
    Office sites at which savings bond processing should be performed. The 
    Team's recommendations formed the basis of the Bureau's decision to 
    approve the changes in sites where consolidated savings bond processing 
    would be performed. A listing of the consolidated processing sites is 
    added to each of the following sections: 31 CFR 315.1, 316.12, 330.8, 
    332.12, 342.9, 352.13, and 353.1, the offering circulars and governing 
    regulations for savings bonds and notes, and 31 CFR 317.9 and 321.25, 
    the regulations governing the issue and redemption of savings bonds. 
    Federal Reserve Offices, other than those newly listed, may continue to 
    provide some savings bond services, but their activities will be phased 
    out over the period prior to March 1, 1996.
        Also, the regulations in 31 CFR part 317, also referred to as 
    Department of the Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 4-67, are 
    being further amended to indicate that issuing agents are subject to 
    the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a).
        Finally, the regulations in 31 CFR part 321, also referred to as 
    Department of the Treasury Circular No. 750, Fourth Revision, are being 
    further amended to reflect the fact that submission of redeemed savings 
    securities via EZ CLEAR has become the only means of transmitting and 
    receiving settlement for such paid securities. The EZ CLEAR method of 
    paid bond processing permits savings bond paying agents to transmit and 
    receive settlement for redeemed securities in the same manner as for 
    checks and other cash items. The reduction in separate processing has 
    increased efficiency and reduced costs for the savings bond program.
    Procedural Requirements
        This Final Rule does not meet the criteria for a ``significant 
    regulatory action'' pursuant to Executive Order No. 12866. The 
    regulatory review procedures, therefore, do not apply.
        Because this Final Rule relates to public contracts and procedures 
    for United States securities, the notice, public comment, and delayed 
    effective date provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act are 
    inapplicable, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(2). As no notice of proposed 
    rulemaking is required, the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.) do not apply.
        There are no collections of information required by this Final 
    Rule, and, therefore, the Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply.
    List of Subjects in 31 CFR Parts 315, 316, 317, 321, 330, 332, 342, 
    351, 352 and 353
        Bonds, Federal Reserve System, Government Securities.
        Dated: February 22, 1994.
    Gerald Murphy,
    Fiscal Assistant Secretary.
        31 CFR chapter II, parts 315, 316, 317, 321, 330, 332, 342, 351, 
    352, and 353, are hereby amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 315 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 5 U.S.C. 301.
        2. Section 315.1 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (a) is amended by adding ``in the list below'' after 
    ``Federal Reserve Banks and Branches''.
        B. Paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 315.1  Official agencies.
    * * * * *
        (b) Communications concerning transactions and requests for forms 
    should be addressed to:
        (1) A Federal Reserve Bank or Branch in the list below; the Bureau 
    of the Public Debt. 200 Third Street, Parkersburg, WV 26101; or the 
    Bureau of the Public Debt, Washington, DC 20226.
        (2)(i) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services: 
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, Vt, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV   
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,    Richmond, Atlanta..............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (ii) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may 
    continue to provide some savings bond services, but such services will 
    be phased out over the period prior to that date.
    Sec. 315.31  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 315.31, paragraph (d) is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 315.35  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 315.35, paragraph (e) is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 315.39  [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 315.39, paragraph (b) is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank or Branch'' in the two 
    places the phrase appears.
    Sec. 315.40  [Amended]
        6. In Sec. 315.40, paragraph (a) is amended by adding ``a 
    designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 315.41  [Amended]
        7. Section 315.41 is amended by adding ``designated'' before 
    ``Federal Reserve Bank or Branch''.
    Sec. 315.56  [Amended]
        8. In Sec. 315.56, paragraph (a) is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
        1. The authority citation for part 316 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 5 U.S.C. 301.
    Sec. 316.3  [Amended]
        2. Section 316.3, footnote No. 2, is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 316.6  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 316.6, paragraph (c) is amended by adding ``designated'' 
    before ``Federal Reserve Banks''.
    Sec. 316.10  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 316.10, paragraph (b) is amended by adding ``referred to 
    in Sec. 316.12'' immediately following ``a Federal Reserve Bank or 
        5. Section 316.12 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 316.12  Fiscal agents.
        (a) Federal Reserve Banks and Branches referred to below, as fiscal 
    agents of the United States, are authorized to perform such services as 
    may be requested of them by the Secretary of the Treasury in connection 
    with the redemption and payment of Series E bonds.
        (b)(1) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services: 
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV   
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (2) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may continue 
    to provide some savings bond services, such services will be phased out 
    over the period prior to that date.
        1. The authority citation for part 317 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 2 U.S.C. 901, 5 U.S.C. 301.
        2. Section 317.1 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 317.1  Definitions
    * * * * *
        (b) Federal Reserve Bank refers to the Federal Reserve Bank or 
    Branch providing savings bond services to the district in which the 
    issuing agent or the applicant organization is located. See Sec. 317.9 
    * * * * *
        B. Paragraph (c), first sentence, is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
        3. Section 317.3 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 317.3  Procedure for qualifying and serving as issuing agent
        (a) Execution of application agreement. The applicant-organization 
    shall obtain from, duly execute, and file with, a designated Federal 
    Reserve Bank, an application-agreement form.
        (1) The terms of each application agreement shall include the 
    provisions prescribed by section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246, 
    entitled ``Equal Employment Opportunity'' (3 CFR, subchapter B, 42 
    U.S.C. 2000e note).
        (2) The provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 
    552a), and regulations issued pursuant thereto (31 CFR part 1, subpart 
    * * * * *
        B. Paragraphs (b), and (c) are amended by adding ``designated'' 
    before ``Federal Reserve Bank'' in each paragraph.
    Sec. 317.5  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 317.5, paragraphs (a) and (b) are amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank'' in each paragraph.
    Sec. 317.6  [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 317.6, paragraphs (a) and (b) are amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank'' in all places that it 
    Sec. 317.7  [Amended]
        6. Section 317.7 is amended by removing the word ``a'', before 
    ``Federal Reserve Bank'' and replacing it with the words ``the 
    Sec. 317.8  [Amended]
        7. Section 317.8 is amended by adding ``designated'' before 
    ``Federal Reserve Banks'', in the first sentence.
        8. The appendix to Sec. 317.8 is amended as follows:
        A. Subpart A, paragraph 2 (e) and paragraph 5 are amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
        B. Subpart B, paragraph 1, is amended by adding ``designated'' 
    before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
        C. Subpart B, paragraph 2 is amended by adding ``designated'' 
    before ``Federal Reserve Bank'', at the end of the sentence.
        D. Subpart B, paragraph 3, the introductory paragraph and 
    paragraphs (a) and (b), are amended by adding ``designated'' before 
    ``Federal Reserve Bank'' in where it appears.
        E. Subpart D, paragraph 1, is amended by adding ``designated'' 
    before ``Federal Reserve Bank'' at the end of the paragraph.
        F. Subpart D, paragraph 2(b) is amended by adding ``the 
    designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank'' in the title.
        9. Section 317.9 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (b) is redesignated as paragraph (c) and the word 
    ``designated'' is added before ``Federal Reserve Banks'', in the 
    heading and in the introductory text.
        B. Paragraph (a) is revised and a new paragraph (b) is added to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 317.9  Role of Federal Reserve Banks.
        (a) Role as fiscal agents. In their capacity as fiscal agents of 
    the United States, the Federal Reserve Banks referred to below are 
    authorized to perform such duties, including the issuance of 
    instructions and forms, as may be necessary to fulfill the purposes and 
    requirements of these regulations.
        (b)(1) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services: 
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV   
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV, (except northern    
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (2) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may continue 
    to provide some savings bond services, but such services will be phased 
    out over the period prior to that date.
    * * * * *
        1. The authority citation for part 321 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 2 U.S.C. 901, 5 U.S.C. 301.
        2. Section 321.1 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (f) is removed, and paragraphs (d) and (e) are 
    redesignated paragraphs (e) and (f) respectively.
        B. A new paragraph (d) is added and redesignated paragraph (f) is 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 321.1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (d) Central Site refers to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 
    Pittsburgh Branch, EZ CLEAR Department.
    * * * * *
        (f) Federal Reserve Bank or Branch refers to the Federal Reserve 
    Bank to which the agent is instructed to transmit redeemed securities; 
    or to which the agent is instructed to forward securities for payment 
    or other transactions, and includes parent Banks, Branches and Regional 
    Check Processing Centers, as appropriate.
    * * * * *
        3. Section 321.2(b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 321.2  Eligible organizations.
    * * * * *
        (b)(1) An organization that desires to redeem securities must first 
    qualify as a paying agent. An organization that has qualified and is 
    serving as a paying agent must:
        (i) MICR-encode data on securities accepted for payment,
        (ii) Submit them directly to the Check Department of the 
    appropriate Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or the Regional Check 
    Processing Center, and
        (iii) Receive payment of fees by ACH, or arrange to obtain one or 
    more of these services from another financial institution.
        (2) All presenting institutions, as defined in Sec. 321.1, must 
    qualify as savings bond paying agents and enroll in EZ CLEAR.
        4. Section 321.3 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (a), introductory paragraph, is amended by removing 
    ``with, a Federal Reserve Bank an application-agreement form'' and 
    replacing it with ``an application-agreement with the appropriate 
    Federal Reserve Office referred to in Sec. 321.25''.
        B. The concluding text of paragraph (a) is amended by removing ``of 
    New York'' and replacing it with ``Branch in Buffalo, New York'' and by 
    removing ``of San Francisco'' and replacing it with ``Kansas City''.
        C. Paragraph (b) is amended by adding ``referred to in 
    Sec. 321.25'' after ``Federal Reserve Bank'', removing ``its 
    district,'' and replacing it with ``the Reserve Bank's geographical 
    area, as shown in Sec. 321.25,''.
        D. Paragraph (c) is amended by adding ``referred to in 
    Sec. 321.25'' after ``a Federal Reserve Bank''.
        E. Paragraph (d) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 321.3  Procedure for qualifying and serving as paying agent.
    * * * * *
        (d) Adverse action. An organization will be notified by the 
    appropriate Federal Reserve Bank referred to in Sec. 321.25, in 
    writing, if its application-agreement to act as paying agent is not 
    Sec. 321.5  [Amended]
        5. Section 321.5 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (a) is amended by adding ``referred to in 
    Sec. 321.25'' after ``a Federal Reserve Bank''.
        B. Paragraph (b) is amended by adding ``referred to in 
    Sec. 321.25'' after ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
        6. In Sec. 321.8, paragraph (d) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 321.8  Redemption-exchange of Series E and EE savings bonds and 
    savings notes.
    * * * * *
        (d) Completion of transaction. An agent shall transmit for 
    settlement via EZ CLEAR securities redeemed on exchange and, at the 
    same time, forward the exchange application (PD F 3253) and any 
    additional cash needed to complete the transaction, to the Fiscal 
    Agency Department of the servicing Federal Reserve Bank referred to in 
    Sec. 321.25. Securities redeemed on exchange may be commingled with 
    cash redemptions in mixed or separately sorted cash letters.''
    * * * * *
        7. In Sec. 321.11, paragraph (f) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 321.11  Payment.
    * * * * *
        (f) Certification of request. An agent is not required to complete 
    the certification to the requests for payment on securities it redeems. 
    When an agent transmits redeemed securities for settlement, as 
    indicated in Sec. 321.14 of this part, such agent shall be understood 
    by such submission to have represented and certified that the identity 
    of the presenter, and his or her entitlement to request payment, have 
    been established in accordance with this part and the appendix hereto.
    Sec. 321.13  [Amended]
        8. Section 321.13 is amended as follows:
        A. The first sentence is amended by adding ``appropriate'' after 
    ``and four-digit code number assigned by the''.
        B. The second sentence is amended by removing the word ``a'' before 
    Federal Reserve Bank, at the end of the sentence and replacing it with 
    ``an appropriate''.
        9. Section 321.14 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 321.14  Transmittal to and settlement by Federal Reserve Bank.
        In accordance with Federal Reserve Bank instructions, a paying 
    agent shall transmit with an EZ CLEAR cash letter securities redeemed 
    for cash and on redemption-exchange, either directly or through a 
    correspondent institution, to the Check Department of the appropriate 
    Bank or Branch, or to a Regional Check Processing Center (RCPC). Upon 
    receipt of the securities, the Bank, Branch, or RCPC will arrange for 
    immediate settlement with the presenting institution. Such settlement 
    shall be made by a credit to the presenting institution's Reserve or 
    other clearing account in the total amount paid, as reflected on the 
    cash letter, and shall be subject to adjustment via a charge or credit 
    to that account if any discrepancy is subsequently discovered.
    Sec. 321.20  [Amended]
        10. Section 321.20 is amended by adding ``referred to in 
    Sec. 321.25'' after ``any Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 321.22  [Amended]
        11. Section 321.22, first sentence, is amended by adding ``referred 
    to in Sec. 321.25'' after ``a Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 321.23  [Amended]
        12. In Sec. 321.23, Paragraph (a) is amended as follows:
        A. The phrase ``referred to in Sec. 321.25'' is added at the end of 
    the introductory paragraph after ``available from a Federal Reserve 
        B. Paragraph (a)(1) is removed and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) are 
    redesignated as (a)(1) and (a)(2), respectively.
        13. Section 321.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 321.25  Role of Federal Reserve Banks.
        (a) The Federal Reserve Banks referred to below, as fiscal agents 
    of the United States, shall perform such services in connection with 
    this part as may be requested by the Secretary of the Treasury, or his 
    designee. The Banks are authorized and directed to perform such duties, 
    including the issuance of instructions and forms, as may be necessary 
    to fulfill the purposes and requirements of these regulations.
        (b)(1) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services: 
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV   
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (2) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may continue 
    to provide some savings bond services, but such services will be phased 
    out over the period prior to that date.
    Appendix to Part 321  [Amended]
        14. The appendix to part 321 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph Number 4 is revised to read as follows:
    * * * * *
        4. Paying agent code numbers. [Secs. 321.3(b) and 321.13] The 
    appropriate Federal Reserve Bank will assign a four-digit code 
    number to each agent it qualifies. A separate number will be 
    assigned to each branch authorized to redeem and submit redeemed 
    securities for its own account to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch 
    or to a Regional Check Processing Center. At the paying agent's 
    request, only one four-digit code will be assigned for use by all of 
    its branches. The presenting institution's ABA number will be used 
    in the adjustment of discrepancies and in the computation and 
    payment of fees for securities transmitted in separately sorted cash 
    * * * * *
        B. Paragraph 5 is amended by removing ``the Federal Reserve Bank'', 
    and replacing it with ``the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank referred 
    to in Sec. 321.25''.
        C. Paragraph 9(a), first sentence, is amended by adding ``referred 
    to in Sec. 321.25'' after ``a Federal Reserve Bank''.
        D. Paragraphs 13(a), 13(b), 14(a), 14(b), 14(d), 18, 23(a), 23(d), 
    23(e) and 27 are amended by removing ``Federal Reserve Bank'' and 
    replacing it with ``the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank referred to in 
    Sec. 321.25'', wherever found.
        E. Paragraph 14(e) is revised to read as follows:
    * * * * *
        14. * * *
        (e) MICR-encoding of payment information. [Sec. 321.13] An agent 
    shall MICR-encode the redemption value in the ``Amount'' field on 
    the face of each security or arrange to have this service performed 
    by another financial institution. If the agent transmits securities 
    in mixed cash letters, it must also MICR-encode the routing/transit 
    number assigned to the Bureau of the Public Debt's savings bond 
    activity in the ``R/T'' field on the face of all pre-October 1957 
    paper securities and those punch card securities on which it does 
    not already appear. The Bureau's routing/transit number is 
    000090007. Care should be taken in repairing MICR-encoded items so 
    as not to obliterate any data in surrounding MICR fields or 
    elsewhere on the face of the security.
    * * * * *
        F. Paragraph 15 is revised to read as follows:
    * * * * *
        15. Transmittal of securities to Federal Reserve Bank. 
    [Sec. 321.14] An agent shall transmit and receive settlement for 
    redeemed securities via EZ CLEAR, i.e., the Check Department of a 
    Federal Reserve Bank or Branch, or the Regional Check Processing 
    Center. Redeemed securities may be transmitted in separately sorted 
    or mixed cash letters to the Check Department of a Federal Reserve 
    Bank or Branch, or to a Regional Check Processing Center, either 
    directly, or via a parent office or correspondent institution. An 
    agent shall transmit redeemed securities under cover of the 
    appropriate transmittal document. Securities redeemed in exchange 
    for Series HH bonds must be transmitted for settlement via EZ CLEAR 
    at the same time as the exchange application (PD F 3253) and any 
    additional cash needed to complete the transaction are forwarded to 
    the Fiscal Agency Department of the servicing Federal Reserve Bank 
    referred to in Sec. 321.25. Securities redeemed on exchange may be 
    commingled with cash redemptions in mixed or separately sorted cash 
    * * * * *
        G. Paragraph 16 is revised to read as follows:
    * * * * *
        16. Transmittal of securities to Federal Reserve Bank via fiscal 
    agency system. [Sec. 321.14] The Fiscal Agency Department of a 
    Federal Reserve Bank or Branch will not accept for settlement 
    securities an agent has redeemed.''
    * * * * *
        H. Paragraph 17(e)(2) is revised and new paragraphs (e)(3),(4) and 
    (5) are added to read as follows:
        17. Transmittal of securities to Federal Reserve Bank via EZ 
    CLEAR. [Sec. 321.14]
        (e) * * *
        (2) Audit and adjustment [Sec. 321.14] The Bureau of the Public 
    Debt will audit all redemption data received from the Central Site 
    as promptly as possible. Each presenting institution will, in due 
    course, be notified by the Bank of any adjustments required. The 
    Bank will adjust via a charge or credit to the presenting 
    institution's Reserve or clearing account any amounts previously 
    credited to that account.
        (3) Requests for Adjustments. Depositors who discover errors in 
    their EZ CLEAR cash letters subsequent to deposit should allow sixty 
    (60) calendar days from the date of their EZ CLEAR cash letter 
    before requesting adjustments for the cash letter. This will allow 
    sufficient time for the Treasury to classify the savings bonds, 
    forward adjustments to the Central Site and for the Central Site to 
    research and function adjustments to the depositor.
        (4) Separately Sorting Depositors should submit adjustment 
    requests directly to the Central Site Adjustments Department in 
    correspondence. However, all requests for adjustments due to 
    incorrect cash letter crediting should be directed to the servicing 
    Federal Reserve Bank.
        (5) Mixed Depositors should submit adjustment requests to their 
    servicing Federal Reserve Bank.
    * * * * *
        I. Paragraph 18 is revised to read as follows:
    * * * * *
        18. Record of securities paid. [Secs. 321.14 and 321.24] A 
    record of the serial number and the amount paid for each redeemed 
    security must be retained by the agent for one year so that 
    settlement can be made if the security is lost in transit, and so 
    that the agent can process any subsequent adjustment as described in 
    paragraph 17(e)(2) above. For that purpose, agents are authorized to 
    microfilm the face and back of each security they redeem. Such film 
    records shall be kept confidential and prints therefrom may be made 
    only with the permission of the Bureau of the Public Debt or an 
    appropriate Federal Reserve Bank.
    * * * * *
        J. Paragraph 24 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (a) is removed.
        B. The title and designation ``(b) EZ CLEAR transmittals. 
    [Sec. 321.23]'' are removed from current paragraph (b); the beginning 
    of the sentence is amended by removing ``by the Federal Reserve Bank'' 
    after ``Fees will be paid''; and, the second sentence is amended by 
    adding ``Federal Reserve'' after ``No fees will be paid for securities 
    received by the''.
        K. Paragraph 25 is revised to read as follows:
    * * * * *
        25. Claims on account of lost securities [Sec. 321.24] If a 
    security redeemed by an agent is lost, stolen, or destroyed while in 
    the custody of the agent, or in transit prior to settlement or 
    audit, relief will be considered, provided the security can be 
    identified by serial number. [See paragraph 18 of this appendix 
    regarding the maintenance of records of redeemed securities]. The 
    presenting institution should resubmit a photocopy of the security 
    to obtain settlement in accordance with established procedures. 
    Questions concerning the established procedures should be referred 
    to the servicing Federal Reserve Bank.
    * * * * *
        1. The authority citation for part 330 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105 and 5 U.S.C. 301.
        2. Section 330.1 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 330.1  Definition of terms.
    * * * * *
        (a) Federal Reserve Bank or Bank refers to the Federal Reserve Bank 
    providing savings bond services to the district in which a paying agent 
    is located. See Sec. 330.9.
    * * * * *
        B. Paragraph (c) is amended by removing ``account directly to a 
    Federal Reserve Bank'' and replacing it with ``are themselves directly 
    accountable for such redemptions''.
        C. Paragraph (i) is amended by adding ``designated'' before 
    ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 330.2  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 330.2, paragraphs (a) and (c) are amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank'', each time it appears.
    Sec. 330.3  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 330.3, paragraphs (a) and (b) are amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank'', each time it appears.
    Sec. 330.4  [Amended]
        5. Section 330.4 is amended by adding ``designated'' before 
    ``Federal Reserve Bank'', in the introductory paragraph.
    Sec. 330.6  [Amended]
        6. In Sec. 330.6, paragraph (c) is amended by adding ``designated'' 
    before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
        7. Section 330.7 is amended by revising the last two sentences to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 330.7  Payment or redemption-exchange by agent.
    * * * * *
        Securities so paid should be combined with other securities paid 
    under that Circular and presented for settlement through EZ CLEAR. 
    Securities redeemed by an agent in an exchange must be presented for 
    settlement through EZ CLEAR separately from, but at the same times as, 
    an exchange subscription and any remittance are forwarded to the Fiscal 
    Agency Department of the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank.
    Sec. 330.8  [Amended]
        8. Section 330.8 is amended by adding ``designated'' before 
    ``Federal Reserve Bank'', at the end of the first sentence.
        9. Section 330.9 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 330.9  Fiscal agents.
        (a) The Federal Reserve Banks referred to below, as fiscal agents 
    of the United States, are authorized to perform such services as may be 
    requested by the Secretary of the Treasury, or his or her delegate, in 
    connection with this part.
        (b)(1) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services: 
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV   
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (2) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may continue 
    to provide some savings bond services, but such services will be phased 
    out over the period prior to that date.
        1. The authority citation for part 332 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 5 U.S.C. 301.
    Sec. 332.10  [Amended]
        2. Section 332.10 is amended by adding ``referred to in 
    Sec. 332.12'' immediately after ``a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch''.
        3. Section 332.12 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 332.12  Fiscal agents.
        (a) Federal Reserve Banks and Branches referred to below, as fiscal 
    agents of the United States, are authorized to perform such services as 
    may be requested of them by the Secretary of the Treasury, or his or 
    her delegate, in connection with the reissue, redemption and payment of 
    Series H bonds.
        (b)(1) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services: 
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY, (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV  
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (2) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may continue 
    to provide some savings bond services, but such services will be phased 
    out over the period prior to that date.
        1. The authority citation for part 342 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 5 U.S.C. 301.
    Sec. 342.7  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 342.7, paragraph (a) is amended by adding the phrase 
    ``referred to in Sec. 342.9'', immediately following ``any Federal 
    Reserve Bank or Branch''.
        3. Section 342.9 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 342.9  Fiscal agents.
        (a) Federal Reserve Banks and Branches referred to below, as fiscal 
    agents of the United States, are authorized to perform such services as 
    may be requested of them by the Secretary of the Treasury, or his or 
    her delegate, in connection with the issue, redemption and payment of 
    savings notes.
        (b)(1) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services: 
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV   
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (2) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may continue 
    to provide some savings bond services, but such services will be phased 
    out over the period prior to that date.
        1. The authority citation for part 351 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 5 U.S.C. 301.
    Sec. 351.5  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 351.5, paragraph (b)(1) is amended by adding ``(see 
    Sec. 351.12)'' after ``Federal Reserve Banks''.
    Sec. 351.7  [Amended]
        3. Section 351.7, paragraph (b) is amended by adding the phrase 
    ``referred to in Sec. 351.12'', immediately following ``A Federal 
    Reserve Bank or Branch''.
        4. Section 351.12 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 351.12  Fiscal agents.
        (a) Federal Reserve Banks and Branches referred to below, as fiscal 
    agents of the United States, are authorized to perform such services as 
    may be requested of them by the Secretary of the Treasury, or his or 
    her delegate, in connection with the issue, servicing and redemption of 
    Series EE bonds.
        (b)(1) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services:
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY, (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV  
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (2) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may continue 
    to provide some savings bond services, but such services will be phased 
    out over the period prior to that date.
        1. The authority citation for part 352 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 5 U.S.C. 301.
    Sec. 352.2  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 352.2, paragraph (h) is amended by adding ``designated'' 
    before ``Federal Reserve Banks''.
    Sec. 352.5  [Amended]
        3. Section 352.5 is amended by adding ``(see Sec. 352.13)'' after 
    ``Federal Reserve Banks''.
    Sec. 352.7  [Amended]
        4. Section 352.7 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (b) is amended by adding ``referred to in 
    Sec. 351.13'' immediately following ``a Federal Reserve Bank''.
        B. Paragraph (c) is amended by adding ``referred to in 
    Sec. 351.13'' immediately following ``a Federal Reserve Bank''.
        5. Section 352.13 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 352.13  Fiscal Agents.
        (a) Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, referred to below, as 
    fiscal agents of the United States, are authorized to perform such 
    services as may be requested of them by the Secretary of the Treasury, 
    or his or her delegate, in connection with the issue, servicing, and 
    redemption of Series HH bonds.
        (b)(1) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services:
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV   
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, MS (northern half), NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN  
                                                                                                     (western half), TX, WA, WY, UT and GU.                 
        (2) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may continue 
    to provide some savings bond services, but such services will be phased 
    out over the period prior to that date.
        1. The authority citation for part 353 continues to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3105, 5 U.S.C. 301.
        2. Section 353.1 is amended as follows:
        A. Paragraph (a) is amended by adding ``in the list in paragraph 
    (b) of this section'' after ``Federal Reserve Banks and Branches''.
        B. Paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 353.1  Official agencies.
    * * * * *
        (b) Communications concerning transactions and requests for forms 
    should be addressed to:
        (1) A Federal Reserve Bank or Branch in the list below; the Bureau 
    of the Public Debt, 200 Third Street, Parkersburg, WV 26101; or the 
    Bureau of the Public Debt, Washington, DC 20226.
        (2)(i) The following Federal Reserve Offices have been designated 
    to provide savings bond services:
                          Servicing office                            Reserve districts served                       Geographic area served                 
    Federal Reserve Bank, Buffalo Branch, P.O. Box 961, Buffalo,  New York, Boston................  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ (northern half), NY (City & State),  
     NY 14240.                                                                                       RI, VT, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.                
    Federal Reserve Bank, Pittsburgh Branch, P.O. Box 867,        Cleveland, Philadelphia.........  DE, KY (eastern half), NJ (southern half), OH, PA, WV   
     Pittsburgh, PA 15230.                                                                           (northern panhandle).                                  
    Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond,   Richmond, Atlanta...............  AL, DC, FL, LA (southern half), MD, MS (southern half), 
     VA 23261.                                                                                       NC, SC, TN (eastern half), VA, WV (except northern     
    Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Marquette Avenue,    Minneapolis, Chicago............  IA, IL (northern half), IN (northern half), MN, MT, ND, 
     Minneapolis, MN 55480.                                                                          SD, WI.                                                
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 925 Grand Avenue,        Dallas, San Francisco, Kansas     AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL (southern half), IN      
     Kansas City, MO 64198.                                        City, St. Louis.                  (southern half), KS, KY (western half), LA (northern   
                                                                                                     half), MO, NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN (western half), TX,  
                                                                                                     WA, WY, UT and GU.                                     
        (ii) Until March 1, 1996, other Federal Reserve Offices may 
    continue to provide some savings bond services, but such services will 
    be phased out over the period prior to that date.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 353.13  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 353.13, paragraph (d), the introductory paragraph, is 
    amended by adding ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank'', and 
    removing ``of the district'' and replacing it with ``or Branch''.
    Sec. 353.31  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 353.31, paragraph (d) is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 353.35  [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 353.35, paragraph (c) is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank or Branch''.
    Sec. 353.39  [Amended]
        6. In Sec. 353.39, paragraph (b) is amended by adding 
    ``designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank or Branch'' in the two 
    places the phrase appears.
    Sec. 353.40  [Amended]
        7. In Sec. 353.40, paragraph (a) is amended by adding ``a 
    designated'' before ``Federal Reserve Bank''.
    Sec. 353.41  [Amended]
        8. Section 353.41 is amended by adding ``designated'' before 
    ``Federal Reserve Bank or Branch''.
    [FR Doc. 94-4831 Filed 3-3-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4810-40-P

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
March 4, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: March 4, 1994
CFR: (60)
31 CFR 321.25''
31 CFR 332.12''
31 CFR 351.13''
31 CFR 351.12)''
31 CFR 315.1
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