[Federal Register Volume 62, Number 42 (Tuesday, March 4, 1997)]
[Pages 9771-9773]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 97-5235]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic summaries of proposed projects.
To request more information on the proposed projects or to obtain a
copy of the data collection plans and instruments, call the CDC Reports
Clearance Officer on (404) 639-7090.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways
to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents,
including through the use of automated collection techniques for other
forms of information technology. Send comments to Wilma Johnson, CDC
Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, MS-D24, Atlanta, GA
30333. Written comments should be received within 60 days of this
Proposed Projects
1. The Fourth National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES IV)--New--The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) has been conducted periodically since 1970 by the National
Center for Health Statistics, CDC.
[[Page 9772]]
NHANES IV is planned for 1998-2004 to include 40,000 sample persons.
They will receive an interview and a physical examination. A pretest of
400 people and a dress rehearsal of 555 are needed to test the sampling
process, data collection procedures, computer-assisted personal
interviews (including translations into Spanish), examination
protocols, automated computer systems and quality control procedures.
Participation in the pretest and the full survey will be completely
voluntary and confidential.
NHANES programs produce descriptive statistics which measure the
health and nutrition status of the general population. Through the use
of questionnaires, physical examinations, and laboratory tests, NHANES
studies the relationship between diet, nutrition and health in a
representative sample of the United States. NHANES monitors the
prevalence of chronic conditions and risk factors related to health
such as coronary heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, pulmonary and
infectious diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
obesity, smoking, drug and alcohol use, environmental exposures, and
diet. NHANES data are used to establish the norms for the general
population against which health care providers can compare such patient
characteristics as height, weight, and nutrient levels in the blood.
Data from future NHANES can be compared to those from previous NHANES
to monitor changes in the health of the U.S. population. NHANES IV will
also establish a national probability sample of genetic material for
future genetic testing for susceptibility to disease.
Users of NHANES data include Congress; the World Health
Organization; Federal agencies such as NIH, EPA, and USDA; private
groups such as the American Heart Association; schools of public
health; private businesses; individual practitioners; and
administrators. NHANES data are used to establish, monitor, and
evaluate recommended dietary allowances, food fortification policies,
programs to limit environmental exposures, immunization guidelines and
health education and disease prevention programs. The burden hour
estimate in this notice is based on the request for OMB approval for
the pretest, dress rehearsal and the first 2.25 years of the full
survey. The total cost to respondents for the period covered by this
notice and the related request for OMB approval (from 1/98-12/00) is
estimated at $952,995.
Number of
respondents Number of Total
Respondents between 1/ responses/ Avg. burden/response (in hrs.) burden (in
98-12/00 respondent hrs.)
1. Screening interview......................... 34,188 1 .167............................................................ 5,709
2. Family questionnaire (subset of #1)......... 5,830 1 .267............................................................ 1,557
3. Household interview (subset of #1).......... 11,660 1 .667............................................................ 7,777
4. Exam (primary) (subset of #3)............... 8,816 1 5.00 (including travel time).................................... 44,080
5. Replicate exam (10% of #4 above)............ 882 1 5.00 (including travel time).................................... 4,410
Total...................................... ........... ........... ................................................................ 65,533
2. 1998 National Health Interview Survey, Basic Module (0920-
0214)--Revision--The annual National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is
a basic source of general statistics on the health of the U.S.
population. Due to the integration of health surveys in the Department
of Health and Human Services, the NHIS also has become the sampling
frame and first stage of data collection for other major surveys,
including the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, the National Survey of
Family Growth, and the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey. By linking to the NHIS, the analysis potential of these surveys
increases. The NHIS has long been used by government, university, and
private researchers to evaluate both general health and specific
issues, such as cancer, AIDS, and childhood immunizations. Journalists
use its data to inform the general public. It will continue to be a
leading source of data for the Congressionally-mandated ``Health US''
and related publications, as well as the single most important source
of statistics to track progress toward the National Health Promotion
and Disease Prevention Objectives, ``Healthy People 2000.''
Because of survey integration and changes in the health and health
care of the U.S. population, demands on the NHIS have changed and
increased, leading to a major redesign of the annual core
questionnaire, or Basic Module, and a redesign of the data collection
system from paper questionnaires to computer assisted personal
interviews (CAPI). Those redesigned elements were partially implemented
in 1996 and fully implemented in 1997. This clearance is for the second
full year of data collection using the Basic Module on CAPI, and for
implementation of the first ``Topical Module'' (or supplement), which
is on Health People 2000 Objectives. Ad hoc Topical Modules on various
health issues are provided for in the redesigned NHIS. This data
collection, planned for January-December 1998, will result in
publication of new national estimates of health statistics, release of
public use micro data files, and a sampling frame for other integrated
surveys. In particular, the topical module will provide end-point
estimates for many of the Healthy People 2000 Objectives.
The Basic Module of the new data system is expected to be in the
field at least until 2006. The total cost to respondents is estimated
at $714,000 for the whole survey.
No. of Avg. burden/ Total
Respondents No. of responses/ response (in burden (in
respondents respondent hrs.) hrs.)
Family..................................................... 42,000 1 0.5 21,000
Sample adult............................................... 42,000 1 0.75 31,500
Sample child............................................... 18,000 1 0.25 4,500
Total.................................................. ........... ........... ............ 57,000
[[Page 9773]]
3. National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance System--(0920-0337)--
Reinstatement--Lead poisoning is a common and societally devastating
environmental disease of young children in the United States. In
response to the call for a national surveillance program of lead levels
made in the HHS publication, Strategic Plan for the Elimination of
Childhood Lead Poisoning (February 1991), CDC established the National
Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance System. In FY92, CDC awarded funds to
eight states to assist them in developing a complete childhood lead
surveillance activity. In FY96, CDC provided funding for childhood
blood lead surveillance activity in 31 states and the District of
Columbia. Sixteen of these states submitted 1995 (calendar year) data
to the national database. Information from this national surveillance
system may be used by Federal and state agencies to (1) more accurately
estimate the number of children with elevated lead levels; (2) monitor
short-term trends; (3) identify clusters of cases; (4) determine
geographic distribution of cases; (5) examine risk factors among
children with elevated lead levels; (6) identify risk factors for
elevated lead levels among specific population groups; (7) target
intervention programs to groups at risk for elevated lead levels; and
(8) track national progress in eliminating childhood lead poisoning.
The total cost to respondents is $8,208.
No. of Avg. burden/ Total
Respondents No. of responses/ response burden (in
respondents respondent (in hrs.) hrs.)
State Health Departments:
(a) Annual Report....................................... 20 1 10 200
(b) Quarterly Report.................................... 32 4 2 256
Total................................................. ........... ........... ........... 456
Dated: February 26, 1997.
Wilma G. Johnson,
Acting Associate Director for Policy Planning And Evaluation, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
[FR Doc. 97-5235 Filed 3-3-97; 8:45 am]