98-5736. Technology Innovation Challenge Grants; Notice of Final Priority and Selection Criteria  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 43 (Thursday, March 5, 1998)]
    [Pages 11078-11081]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-5736]
    [[Page 11077]]
    Part IV
    Department of Education
    Technology Innovation Challenge Grants; Final Priority and Selection 
    Criteria and Applications for New Awards for Fiscal Year (FY) 1998; 
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 43 / Thursday, March 5, 1998 / 
    [[Page 11078]]
    Technology Innovation Challenge Grants; Notice of Final Priority 
    and Selection Criteria
    SUMMARY: The Secretary announces a final priority for the Technology 
    Innovation Challenge Grant Program, administered by the Office of 
    Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). The Secretary also 
    establishes selection criteria for evaluating and selecting 
    applications submitted under this priority. The Secretary may use this 
    priority only in fiscal year 1998. The Secretary takes these actions to 
    focus Federal assistance on professional development programs that 
    foster the use and integration of advanced technology into the 
    curriculum in compelling and effective ways.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This priority takes effect April 6, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Elizabeth Payer or Shirley Steele, 
    U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and 
    Improvement, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW., Suite 522, Washington, DC 
    20208-5544. Telephone: (202) 208-3882. E-mail addresses are: 
    elizabeth__payer@ed.gov or shirley__steele@ed.gov. Individuals who 
    use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal 
    Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 8 
    p.m., Eastern time, Monday through Friday.
        Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an 
    alternate format (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer 
    diskette) on request to either contact person listed in the preceding 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Technology Innovation Challenge Grant 
    Program is authorized in Title III, section 3136, of the Elementary and 
    Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended (20 U.S.C. 6846).
        Under this program the Secretary makes grants to consortia. A 
    consortium must include at least one local educational agency (LEA) 
    with a high percentage or number of children living below the poverty 
    line and may include other LEAs, private schools, State educational 
    agencies, institutions of higher education, businesses, academic 
    content experts, software designers, museums, libraries, and other 
    appropriate entities. In fiscal year 1998, the Technology Innovation 
    Challenge Grant program will focus on professional development by 
    providing support to consortia that have developed programs, or are 
    adapting or expanding existing programs, for technology training for 
    teachers and other educators to improve instruction.
        Access to computers and the use of networked, multimedia computers 
    in the schools is on the rise. In part, this is the result of support 
    provided by the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, the Technology 
    Innovation Challenge Grant Program, the National Science Foundation, 
    the Department of Commerce, and other Federal departments and agencies. 
    In addition, the Universal Service Program, often referred to as the 
    ``E-Rate'', will help to ensure that all eligible schools and libraries 
    have affordable access to modern telecommunications and information 
        While the numbers of computers and connections to the Information 
    Superhighway have increased in the schools, the capacity of the 
    teaching force to use this technology in instructional practice has not 
    kept pace. A 1994 survey by the U.S. Department of Education shows that 
    only 15 percent of the nation's teachers had had at least nine hours of 
    instruction in educational technology.
        It is increasingly apparent that the lack of professional 
    development in the use of educational technology is a critical factor 
    that limits the benefits of technology for student learning. A 1995 
    Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) study, Teachers and Technology: 
    Making the Connection, concluded that ``helping teachers use technology 
    effectively may be the most important step to assuring that current and 
    future investments in technology are realized.'' The 1997 report of the 
    President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has 
    also emphasized this point by stressing that ``the substantial 
    investment in hardware, infrastructure, software, and content that is 
    recommended by this report will be largely wasted if K-12 teachers are 
    not provided with the preparation and support they will need to 
    effectively integrate information technology into their teaching.'' 
    According to the National Center for Education Statistics, only 15-20 
    percent of teachers are regularly using advanced telecommunications for 
    curriculum development, professional development, and teaching.
        Over the next ten years, two million new teachers will need to be 
    hired to accommodate expanding enrollment and to replace retiring 
    teachers. All of these teachers should be prepared to use advanced 
    technology and to integrate education technology into teaching methods 
    and content areas to help students learn. And yet, as the OTA report 
    has pointed out, ``* * * most new teachers graduate from teacher 
    preparation institutions with limited knowledge of the ways technology 
    can be used in their professional practice.'' The Secretary believes 
    that focusing this year's Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Program 
    competition on professional development will help to provide the 
    additional support that is needed for preparing teachers to teach 
    effectively using technology. Therefore, the Secretary is establishing 
    an absolute preference for those applications submitted by consortia 
    that have developed or adopted innovative programs to prepare teachers, 
    administrators, and other educators to integrate education technology 
    into teaching methods that improve instruction.
        Applications under this competition will be evaluated on the extent 
    to which they address the most pressing professional development needs 
    as reflected in statewide technology plans. Students from low income 
    communities and other areas in need of technology must not be left 
    behind in the acquisition of knowledge and skills for responsible 
    citizenship and productive work in the 21st century. In awarding 
    Technology Innovation Challenge Grants, the Secretary will evaluate the 
    extent to which the proposed project is designed to serve areas with a 
    high number or percentage of disadvantaged students or the greatest 
    need for educational technology.
        Because the State plays a critical role in the licensure of new 
    teachers and re-certification of experienced teachers, the Secretary 
    believes that a strong application under this competition should 
    propose that the State educational agency (SEA) have a significant role 
    in the consortium that is applying. Also, the SEA has comprehensive 
    information about the range of technology programs in school districts 
    throughout the State and is in a unique position to coordinate a 
    consortium initiative with other complementary efforts. Therefore, the 
    Secretary is particularly interested in receiving applications in which 
    the SEA has a leadership role in the consortium and is committed to the 
    activities that are proposed. The Secretary believes that consortium 
    activities should be designed to create new partnerships or strengthen 
    already existing partnerships among SEAs, schools of education, LEAs, 
    and the education technology private sector. Cooperation and 
    collaboration among all of these partners will provide benefits to 
    teachers, students, and the community through the improved use of
    [[Page 11079]]
    educational technology in schools and classrooms.
        In addition to an SEA, there are other important stakeholders in a 
    consortium that can influence the ability of teachers to successfully 
    use technology in the classroom. These stakeholders include school 
    districts that hire teachers and provide for their on-going 
    professional development, academic content specialists, those segments 
    of the private sector that develop and market educational technology 
    products and services, and colleges and universities with teacher 
    preparation programs. Institutions of higher education that are 
    approved by the State to provide both pre-service and in-service 
    teacher training are particularly important in these collaborative 
    efforts. Yet, a majority of teacher preparation programs are falling 
    far short of what needs to be done. As the 1997 National Council for 
    the Accreditation of Teacher Education Report Technology and the New 
    Professional Teacher points out, colleges of teacher education treat 
    ``technology'' as a special addition to the teacher education 
    curriculum rather than a topic that needs to be incorporated across the 
    entire teacher education program. The Report emphasizes that ``* * * 
    teachers-in-training are provided instruction in 'computer literacy' 
    and are shown examples of computer software, but they rarely are 
    required to apply technology in their courses and are denied role 
    models of faculty employing technology in their own work.'' It is 
    critical that schools of education lead the way in preparing tomorrow's 
    classroom teachers to incorporate technology into their teaching.
        In submitting applications under this competition, the Secretary 
    strongly urges applicants to use the Mission and Principles of 
    Professional Development prepared by the U. S. Department of Education 
    in 1995. The Mission and Principles describes those characteristics 
    that exemplify high-quality professional development programs. A 
    statement of the mission and principles is published as Appendix A to 
    this notice.
    Absolute Priority
        The Secretary gives an absolute preference to applications that 
    meet the absolute priority in the next paragraph. The Secretary funds 
    under this competition only applications that meet this absolute 
    priority (34 CFR 75.105(c)(3)).
    Activities to Strengthen and Enhance Professional Development
        The Secretary funds only those applications that are submitted by 
    LEAs on behalf of consortia that have developed or adopted innovative 
    professional development programs for teachers, administrators and 
    other educators to use advanced technology and to integrate innovative 
    applications of education technology into teaching methods that will 
    directly benefit students through improved instruction. The Secretary 
    will fund only those applications that propose to improve, expand, and 
    disseminate those successful training models.
    Invitational Priority
        The Secretary is particularly interested in applications that meet 
    the invitational priority in the next paragraph. However, an 
    application that meets this invitational priority does not receive 
    competitive or absolute preference over other applications (34 CFR 
        Applications submitted by an LEA on behalf of a consortium that is 
    dedicated to teacher training in technology should involve, as members 
    of the consortium, the SEA, at least one college of education, private 
    sector education technology firms, non-profit education organizations, 
    one or more LEAs, and other appropriate entities. In addition, the 
    Secretary is particularly interested in applications in which: (1) the 
    SEA has a leadership role in the consortium and promises to give its 
    full support and commitment to the activities that are being planned, 
    (2) proposed consortium activities would strengthen or create a 
    partnership among the SEA, schools of education, LEAs, and the 
    education technology private sector, and (3) the model technology 
    training programs for teachers can be adapted and replicated at other 
    sites. Because of the key role that an SEA will play in a consortium, 
    the Secretary is particularly interested in receiving a single 
    application from a State. However, more than one application from 
    within a State is allowable. Furthermore, applications involving more 
    than one State or SEA would not be inconsistent with this invitational 
    Selection Criteria
        The Secretary establishes the following unweighted selection 
    criteria to evaluate applications:
        (a) Significance. The Secretary reviews each proposed project for 
    its significance by determining the extent to which the project--
        (1) Is designed to serve Empowerment Zones, Enterprise Communities, 
    or other areas with a high number or percentage of disadvantaged 
    students or the greatest need for educational technology;
        (2) Includes strategies and activities that address the most 
    pressing professional development needs identified in the statewide 
    educational technology plan submitted under ESEA, section 3133 for the 
    State or States in which the applying members of the consortium are 
        (3) Involves approaches for which there is explicit evidence of 
    innovation and effectiveness;
        (4) Establishes and supports high standards for professional 
    development in education technology and its use in schools consistent 
    with statewide reform initiatives, including State content and 
    performance standards;
        (5) Includes specific efforts by consortium members to be publicly 
    accountable for improving education through the use of technology; and
        (6) Involves a coherent plan for improving, expanding, and 
    disseminating a successful professional development model(s).
        (b) Feasibility. The Secretary reviews each proposed project for 
    its feasibility by determining the extent to which--
        (1) The project will prepare teachers for successful, effective, 
    and efficient uses of technologies for improved instruction that will 
    be sustainable beyond the period of the grant;
        (2) The members of the consortium or other appropriate entities 
    will contribute substantial financial and other resources to achieve 
    the goals of the project;
        (3) The applicant is capable of carrying out the project, as 
    evidenced by the extent to which the project will meet the problems 
    identified; the quality of the project design, including objectives, 
    approaches, evaluation plan, and dissemination strategies; the adequacy 
    of resources, including money, personnel, facilities, equipment, and 
    supplies; the qualifications of key personnel who would conduct the 
    project; and the applicant's prior experience relevant to the 
    objectives of the project; and
        (4) The methods of evaluation examine the effectiveness of project 
    implementation strategies, use objective performance measures related 
    to the intended outcomes of the project, and produce quantitative and 
    qualitative data to the extent possible. The evaluation provides 
    guidance on effective strategies suitable for replication in other 
        Note: A list of areas that have been designated as Empowerment 
    Zones and Enterprise Communities is published as Appendix B to this 
    [[Page 11080]]
        Note: This notice of final priority and selection criteria does 
    not solicit applications. A notice inviting applications under this 
    competition is published in a separate announcement in this issue of 
    the Federal Register.
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid 
    OMB control number. The valid OMB control number assigned to the 
    collection of information in this notice is 1850-0743.
    Intergovernmental Review
        This program is subject to the requirements of Executive Order 
    12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79. The objective of the 
    Executive Order is to foster an intergovernmental partnership and a 
    strengthened federalism by relying on processes developed by State and 
    local governments for coordination and review of proposed Federal 
    financial assistance.
        In accordance with the order, this document is intended to provide 
    early notification of the Department's specific plans and actions for 
    this program.
    Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
        In accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553), 
    it is the practice of the Department of Education to offer interested 
    parties the opportunity to comment on proposed priorities that are not 
    taken directly from statute. Ordinarily, this practice would have 
    applied to the priority and selection criteria in this notice. Section 
    437(d)(1) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), however, 
    exempts rules that apply to the first competition under a new program 
    from this requirement. The Conference Report for the Department's 
    fiscal year 1998 appropriation describes the program covered by this 
    notice as ``a new competitive grants program.'' The Assistant 
    Secretary, in accordance with section 437(d)(1) of GEPA, to ensure 
    timely awards, has decided to forego public comment with respect to the 
    absolute priority and selection criteria. The absolute priority and 
    selection criteria will apply only to the fiscal year 1998 grant 
    Electronic Access to This Document
        Anyone may view this document, as well as all other Department of 
    Education documents published in the Federal Register, in text or 
    portable document format (pdf) on the World Wide Web at either of the 
    following sites:
        To use the pdf you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader Program with 
    Search, which is available free at either of the previous sites. If you 
    have questions about using the pdf, call the U.S. Government Printing 
    Office toll free at 1-888-293-6498.
        Anyone may also view these documents in text copy only on an 
    electronic bulletin board of the Department. Telephone: (202) 219-1511 
    or, toll free, 1-800-222-4922. The documents are located under Option 
    G--Files/Announcements, Bulletins and Press Releases.
        Note: The official version of a document is the document 
    published in the Federal Register.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 84.303A, Technology 
    Innovation Challenge Grants)
        Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6846.
        Dated: February 27, 1998.
    Ricky T. Takai,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement.
    Appendix A--Mission and Principles of Professional Development
        Professional development plays an essential role in successful 
    education reform. Professional development serves as the bridge 
    between where prospective and experienced educators are now and 
    where they will need to be to meet the new challenges of guiding all 
    students in achieving to higher standards of learning and 
        High-quality professional development as envisioned here refers 
    to rigorous and relevant content, strategies, and organizational 
    supports that ensure the preparation and career-long development of 
    teachers and others whose competence, expectations and actions 
    influence the teaching and learning environment. Both pre-and in-
    service professional development require partnerships among schools, 
    higher education institutions and other appropriate entities to 
    promote inclusive learning communities of everyone who impacts 
    students and their learning. Those within and outside schools need 
    to work together to bring to bear the ideas, commitment and other 
    resources that will be necessary to address important and complex 
    educational issues in a variety of settings and for a diverse 
    student body.
        Equitable access for all educators to such professional 
    development opportunities is imperative. Moreover, professional 
    development works best when it is part of a systemwide effort to 
    improve and integrate the recruitment, selection, preparation, 
    initial licensing, induction, ongoing development and support, and 
    advanced certification of educators.
        High-quality professional development should incorporate all of 
    the principles stated below. Adequately addressing each of these 
    principles is necessary for a full realization of the potential of 
    individuals, school communities and institutions to improve and 
        The mission of professional development is to prepare and 
    support educators to help all students achieve to high standards of 
    learning and development.
        Professional Development:
         Focuses on teachers as central to student learning, yet 
    includes all other members of the school community;
         Focuses on individual, collegial, and organizational 
         Respects and nurtures the intellectual and leadership 
    capacity of teachers, principals, and others in the school 
         Reflects best available research and practice in 
    teaching, learning, and leadership;
         Enables teachers to develop further expertise in 
    subject content, teaching strategies, uses of technologies, and 
    other essential elements in teaching to high standards;
         Promotes continuous inquiry and improvement embedded in 
    the daily life of schools;
         Is planned collaboratively by those who will 
    participate in and facilitate that development;
         Requires substantial time and other resources;
         Is driven by a coherent long-term plan;
         Is evaluated ultimately on the basis of its impact on 
    teacher effectiveness and student learning; and this assessment 
    guides subsequent professional development efforts.
        The mission statement and principles of professional development 
    outlined above were published in draft form in the Federal Register 
    in December, 1994, and disseminated to more than 600 people and 
    organizations with interests in education. After careful 
    consideration of the extensive comments the Department received, the 
    principles were revised and finalized. We share them with you in the 
    firm belief that high-quality professional development reflecting 
    these principles, which are grounded in the practical wisdom of 
    leading educators across the country, will have a positive and 
    lasting effect on teaching and learning.
    Appendix B--Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities
    Empowerment Zones
    California: Los Angeles
    California: Oakland
    Georgia: Atlanta
    Illinois: Chicago
    Kentucky: Kentucky Highlands*
    Maryland: Baltimore
    Massachusetts: Boston
    Michigan: Detroit
    Mississippi: Mid Delta*
    Missouri/Kansas: Kansas City, Kansas City
    New York: Harlem, Bronx
    Ohio: Cleveland
    Pennsylvania/New Jersey: Philadelphia, Camden
    Texas: Houston
    Texas: Rio Grande Valley*
    Enterprise Communities
    Alabama: Birmingham
    [[Page 11081]]
    Alabama: Chambers County*
    Alabama: Greene, Sumter Counties*
    Arizona: Phoenix
    Arizona: Arizona Border*
    Arkansas: East Central*
    Arkansas: Mississippi County*
    Arkansas: Pulaski County
    California: Imperial County*
    California: L.A., Huntington Park
    California: San Diego
    California: San Francisco, Bayview, Hunter's Point
    California: Watsonville*
    Colorado: Denver
    Connecticut: Bridgeport
    Connecticut: New Haven
    Delaware: Wilmington
    District of Columbia: Washington
    Florida: Jackson County*
    Florida: Tampa
    Florida: Miami, Dade County
    Georgia: Albany
    Georgia: Central Savannah*
    Georgia: Crisp, Dooley Counties*
    Illinois: East St. Louis
    Illinois: Springfield
    Indiana: Indianapolis
    Iowa: Des Moines
    Kentucky: Louisville
    Louisiana: Northeast Delta*
    Louisiana: Macon Ridge*
    Louisiana: New Orleans
    Louisiana: Ouachita Parish
    Massachusetts: Lowell
    Massachusetts: Springfield
    Michigan: Five Cap*
    Michigan: Flint
    Michigan: Muskegon
    Minnesota: Minneapolis
    Minnesota: St. Paul
    Mississippi: Jackson
    Mississippi: North Delta*
    Missouri: East Prairie*
    Missouri: St. Louis
    Nebraska: Omaha
    Nevada: Clarke County, Las Vegas
    New Hampshire: Manchester
    New Jersey: Newark
    New Mexico: Albuquerque
    New Mexico: Mora, Rio Arriba, Taos Counties*
    New York: Albany, Schenectady, Troy
    New York: Buffalo
    New York: Newburgh, Kingston
    New York: Rochester
    North Carolina: Charlotte
    North Carolina: Halifax, Edgecombe,
    Wilson Counties*
    North Carolina: Robeson County*
    Ohio: Akron
    Ohio: Columbus
    Ohio: Greater Portsmouth *
    Oklahoma: Choctaw, McCurtain Counties*
    Oklahoma: Oklahoma City
    Oregon: Josephine*
    Oregon: Portland
    Pennsylvania: Harrisburg
    Pennsylvania: Lock Haven*
    Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh
    Rhode Island: Providence
    South Dakota: Deadle, Spink Counties*
    South Carolina: Charleston
    South Carolina: Williamsburg County*
    Tennessee: Fayette, Haywood Counties*
    Tennessee: Memphis
    Tennessee: Nashville
    Tennessee/Kentucky: Scott, McCreary Counties*
    Texas: Dallas
    Texas: El Paso
    Texas: San Antonio
    Texas: Waco
    Utah: Ogden
    Vermont: Burlington
    Virginia: Accomack*
    Virginia: Norfolk
    Washington: Lower Yakima*
    Washington: Seattle
    Washington: Tacoma
    West Virginia: West Central*
    West Virginia: Huntington
    West Virginia: McDowell*
    Wisconsin: Milwaukee
        * Denotes rural designee.
    [FR Doc. 98-5736 Filed 3-4-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4000-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Education Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
This priority takes effect April 6, 1998.
11078-11081 (4 pages)
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