97-5510. Disclosure of Financial and Other Information by FDIC-Insured State Nonmember Banks  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 44 (Thursday, March 6, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 10199-10201]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-5510]
    12 CFR Part 350
    RIN 3064-AB98
    Disclosure of Financial and Other Information by FDIC-Insured 
    State Nonmember Banks
    AGENCY: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC or Corporation).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: As part of the FDIC's systematic review of its regulations and 
    written policies under section 303(a) of the Riegle Community 
    Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 (CDRI), the FDIC is 
    revising its regulation entitled ``Disclosure of Financial and Other 
    Information by FDIC-Insured State Nonmember Banks'' (the Rule). The 
    revision removes references to the obsolete savings bank Call Report. 
    It also permits the annual report required by the Corporation's 
    regulation on annual independent audits and reporting requirements to 
    be used as the annual disclosure statement in certain circumstances, 
    and updates and clarifies certain other references in the Rule.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: April 7, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Doris L. Marsh, Examination 
    Specialist, Division of Supervision, (202) 898-8905; or Sandra 
    Comenetz, Counsel, Legal Division, (202) 898-3582, FDIC, 550 17th 
    Street N.W., Washington, DC 20429.
        The FDIC is conducting a systematic review of its regulations and 
    written policies. Section 303(a) of the CDRI (12 U.S.C. 4803(a)) 
    requires each federal banking agency to streamline and modify its 
    regulations and written policies in order to improve efficiency, reduce 
    unnecessary costs, and eliminate unwarranted constraints on credit 
    availability. Section 303(a) also requires each federal agency to 
    remove inconsistencies and outmoded and duplicative requirements from 
    its regulations and written policies. Part 350 contains outdated and 
    unnecessary language that needs to be revised or removed.
        Part 350 was adopted by the FDIC Board of Directors on December 17, 
    1987, and published on December 31, 1987, 52 FR 49379, effective 
    February 1, 1988. The Rule requires FDIC-supervised banks and branches 
    of foreign banks to prepare, and make available on request, annual 
    disclosure statements consisting of: (1) Required financial data 
    comparable to specified schedules in Call Reports filed for the 
    previous two year-ends; (2) information that the FDIC may require of 
    particular organizations; and (3) other optional information. The 
    annual disclosure statement must be prepared by March 31 of the 
    following year, or the fifth day after an organization's annual report 
    covering the year is sent to shareholders, whichever occurs first. In 
    place of Call Report data, a bank may use audited financial statements 
    or reports prepared pursuant to other regulations by the bank or a 
    parent one-bank holding company.
        The contents of the annual disclosure statement listed in 
    Sec. 350.4(a)(1)(iv) and (v) refer in part to schedules in the Call 
    Report for FDIC-supervised savings banks. The FDIC eliminated the 
    separate savings bank Call Report in 1989. Therefore, these outdated 
    references are being deleted.
        The FDIC has proposed amending 12 CFR part 335 by incorporating by 
    reference the rules and regulations promulgated by the Securities and 
    Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 rather 
    than having its own detailed rules and regulations. (61 FR 33696) 
    Therefore, Sec. 350.5(a) is revised to refer simply to part 335 rather 
    than to specific subsections of this regulation.
        The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 
    added section 36 to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. Section 36 and 
    its implementing regulation, 12 CFR part 363, require all insured 
    depository institutions with $500 million or more in total assets at 
    the beginning of their fiscal year to have an annual audit of their 
    financial statements performed by an independent public accountant. The 
    audited financial statements are part of an annual report that 
    institutions subject to section 36 must prepare and submit to the FDIC. 
    A new paragraph (d) is added to Sec. 350.5 permitting the use of these 
    annual reports as annual disclosure statements in certain situations.
        In addition, several other wording changes have been made to 
    improve the clarity of the regulations.
    Public Comment Waiver and Effective Date
        This regulation is being issued as a final rule. The Administrative 
    Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 551 et seq. (APA) requires that general notice 
    of a proposed rulemaking be published in the Federal Register. 5 U.S.C. 
    553(b). However, the revision of part 350 is exempt from the Federal 
    Register publication requirement pursuant to subsection 553(b)(B). This 
    section of the APA creates a publication exemption ``when the agency 
    for good cause finds * * * that notice and public procedure thereon are 
    impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.'' 5 
    U.S.C. 553(b)(B). The revisions to part 350 are minor and technical; 
    therefore the notice and public comment requirements of section 553(b) 
    are unnecessary. Id. In addition, the APA provides that the required 
    publication of a substantive rule in the Federal Register shall be made 
    not less than 30 days before its effective date. 5 U.S.C. 553(d). Part 
    350 would be exempt from this requirement also for good cause. The 
    amendments are of such a nature that the public does not need a delayed 
    period of time to conform or adjust to them. 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        No collection of information pursuant to section 3504(h) of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) is required by the 
    amendments. Therefore, no information has been submitted to the Office 
    of Management and Budget for review.
    [[Page 10200]]
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Because the revisions to part 350 are published in final form 
    without a notice of proposed rulemaking, no regulatory flexibility 
    analysis is required.
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
        The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 
    (SBREFA) (Pub. L. 104-121) provides generally for Congressional review 
    of final agency rules. The reporting requirement is triggered when 
    agencies issue a final rule as defined by the Administrative Procedure 
    Act (APA) at 5 U.S.C. 551. Because the FDIC is issuing a final rule as 
    defined by the APA, the FDIC will file the reports required by SBREFA.
        The Office of Management and Budget has determined that the 
    revision of part 350 does not constitute a ``major rule'' as defined by 
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 350
        Accounting, Banks, banking, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Board of Directors 
    of the FDIC hereby amends part 350 of chapter III of title 12 of the 
    Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 350 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1817(a)(1), 1819 ``Seventh'' and ``Tenth''.
        2. Section 350.3 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 350.3  Requirement for annual disclosure statement.
        (a) Contents. Each bank shall prepare as of December 31 and make 
    available on request an annual disclosure statement. The statement 
    shall contain information required by Sec. 350.4(a) and (b) and may 
    include other information that bank management believes appropriate, as 
    provided in Sec. 350.4(c).
        (b) Availability. A bank shall make its annual disclosure statement 
    available to the public beginning not later than the following March 31 
    or, if the bank mails an annual report to its shareholders, beginning 
    not later than five days after the mailing of such reports, whichever 
    occurs first. A bank shall make a disclosure statement available 
    continuously until the disclosure statement for the succeeding year 
    becomes available.
        3. Section 350.4 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 350.4  Contents of annual disclosure statement.
        (a) Financial reports. The annual disclosure statement for any year 
    shall reflect a fair presentation of the bank's financial condition at 
    the end of that year and the preceding year and, except for state-
    licensed branches of foreign banks, the results of operations for each 
    such year. The annual disclosure statement may, at the option of bank 
    management, consist of the bank's entire Call Report, or applicable 
    portions thereof, for the relevant dates and periods. At a minimum, the 
    statement must contain information comparable to that provided in the 
    following Call Report schedules:
        (1) For insured state-chartered organizations that are not members 
    of the Federal Reserve System:
        (i) Schedule RC (Balance Sheet);
        (ii) Schedule RC-N (Past Due and Nonaccrual, Loans, Leases, and 
    Other Assets--column A covering financial instruments past due 30 
    through 89 days and still accruing and Memorandum item 1 need not be 
        (iii) Schedule RI (Income Statement);
        (iv) Schedule RI-A (Changes in Equity Capital); and
        (v) Schedule RI-B, Part II (Changes in Allowance for Loan and Lease 
        (2) For insured state-licensed branches of foreign banks:
        (i) Schedule RAL (Assets and Liabilities);
        (ii) Schedule E (Deposit Liabilities and Credit Balances); and
        (iii) Schedule P (Other Borrowed Money).
        (b) Other required information. The annual disclosure statement 
    shall include such other information as the FDIC may require of a 
    particular bank. This could include disclosure of enforcement actions 
    where the FDIC deems it in the public interest to do so.
        (c) Optional information. A bank may, at its option, provide 
    additional information that bank management considers important to an 
    evaluation of the overall condition of the bank. This information could 
    include, but is not limited to, a discussion of the financial data; 
    information relating to mergers and acquisitions; the existence of and 
    facts relating to regulatory enforcement actions; business plans; and 
    material changes in balance sheet and income statement items.
        (d) Disclaimer. The following legend shall be included in every 
    annual disclosure statement to advise the public that the FDIC has not 
    reviewed the information contained therein: ``This statement has not 
    been reviewed, or confirmed for accuracy or relevance, by the Federal 
    Deposit Insurance Corporation.''
        4. Section 350.5 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 350.5  Alternative annual disclosure statements.
        The requirements of Sec. 350.4(a) may be satisfied:
        (a) In the case of a bank having a class of securities registered 
    pursuant to section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, by the 
    bank's annual report to security holders for meetings at which 
    directors are to be elected or the bank's annual report (see 12 CFR 
    part 335);
        (b) In the case of a bank with independently audited financial 
    statements, by copies of the audited financial statements and the 
    certificate or report of the independent accountant to the extent that 
    such statements contain information comparable to that specified in 
    Sec. 350.4(a); and
        (c) In the case of a bank subsidiary of a one-bank holding company, 
    by an annual report of the one-bank holding company prepared in 
    conformity with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange 
    Commission or by sections in the holding company's consolidated 
    financial statements on Form FR Y-9C pursuant to Regulation Y of the 
    Federal Reserve Board (12 CFR part 225) that are comparable to the Call 
    Report schedules enumerated in Sec. 350.4(a)(1), provided that in 
    either case not less than 95 percent of the holding company's 
    consolidated total assets and total liabilities are assets and 
    liabilities of the bank and the bank's consolidated subsidiaries.
        (d) In the case of a bank covered by 12 CFR part 363, by an annual 
    report prepared pursuant to 12 CFR 363.4. However, if the annual report 
    is for a bank subsidiary of a holding company which provides only the 
    consolidated financial statements of the holding company, this annual 
    report may be used to satisfy the requirements of this part only if it 
    is the report of a one-bank holding company and provided that not less 
    than 95 percent of the holding company's consolidated total assets and 
    total liabilities are assets and liabilities of the bank and the bank's 
    consolidated subsidiaries.
        5. Section 350.6 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 350.6  Signature and attestation.
        An authorized officer of the bank shall sign the annual disclosure 
    statement. The officer shall also attest to
    [[Page 10201]]
    the correctness of the information contained in the statement if the 
    financial reports are not accompanied by a certificate or report of an 
    independent accountant.
        6. Section 350.12 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 350.12  Disclosure required by applicable banking or securities 
    law or regulations.
        The requirements of this part are not intended to replace or waive 
    any disclosure required to be made under applicable banking or 
    securities law or regulations.
        By order of the Board of Directors.
        Dated at Washington, D. C. this 4th day of February, 1997.
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
    Robert E. Feldman,
    Deputy Executive Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 97-5510 Filed 3-5-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6714-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
April 7, 1997.
10199-10201 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (7)
12 CFR 350.4(a)
12 CFR 350.4(a)(1)(iv)
12 CFR 350.6
12 CFR 350.12
12 CFR 350.3
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