02-5268. Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless  

  • Start Preamble


    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD.




    This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for possible use to assist the homeless.

    Start Further Info


    Mark Johnston, room 7266, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) 708-1234; TTY number for the hearing- and speech-impaired (202) 708-2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-free), or call the toll-free Title V information line at 1-800-927-7588.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    In accordance with 24 CRF part 581 and section 501 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is publishing this Notice to identify Federal buildings and other real property that HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies regarding unutilized and underutilized buildings and real property controlled by such agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also published in order to comply with the December 12, 1988 Court Order in National Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration, No. 88-2503-OG (D.D.C.).

    Properties reviewed are listed in this Notice according to the following categories: Suitable/available, suitable/unavailable, suitable/to be excess, and unsuitable. The properties listed in the three suitable categories have been reviewed by the landholding agencies, and each agency has transmitted to HUD: (1) Its intention to make the property available for use to assist the homeless, (2) its intention to declare the property excess to the agency's needs, or (3) a statement of the reasons that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use as facilities to assist the homeless.

    Properties listed as suitable/available will be available exclusively for homeless use for a period of 60 days from the date of this Notice. Where property is described as for “off-site use only” recipients of the property will be required to relocate the building to their own site at their own expense. Homeless assistance providers interested in any such property should send a written expression of interest to HHS, addressed to Brian Rooney, Division of Property Management, Program Support Center, HHS, room 5B-41, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; (301) 443-2265. (This is not a toll-free number.) HHS will mail to the interested provider an application packet, which will include instructions for completing the application. In order to maximize the opportunity to utilize a suitable property, providers should submit their written expressions of interest as soon as possible. For complete details concerning the processing of applications, the reader is encouraged to refer to the interim rule governing this program, 24 CFR part 581.

    For properties listed as suitable/to be excess, that property may, if subsequently accepted as excess by GSA, be made available for use by the homeless in accordance with applicable law, subject to screening for other Federal use. At the appropriate time, HUD will publish the property in a Notice showing it as either suitable/available or suitable/unavailable.

    For properties listed as suitable/unavailable, the landholding agency has decided that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use to assist the homeless, and the property will not be available.

    Properties listed as unsuitable will not be made available for any other purpose for 20 days from the date of this Notice. Homeless assistance providers interested in a review by HUD of the determination of unsuitability should call the toll free information line at 1-800-927-7588 for detailed instructions or write a letter to Mark Johnston at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. Included in the request for review should be the property address (including zip code), the date of publication in the Federal Register, the landholding agency, and the property number.

    For more information regarding particular properties identified in this Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing sanitary facilities, exact street address), providers should contact the appropriate landholding agencies at the following addresses: Army: Ms. Julie Jones-Conte, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, Attn: DAIM-MD, Room 1E677, 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0600; (703) 692-9223; DOT: Mr. Rugene Spruill, Space Management, SVC-140, Transportation Administrative Service Center, Department of Transportation 400 7th Street, SW Room 2310, Washington, DC 20590; (202) 366-4246; Energy: Mr. Tom Knox, Department of Energy, Office of Engineering & Construction Management, CR-80, Washington, DC 20585; (202) 586-8715; Navy: Mr. Charles C. Cocks, Director, Department of the Navy, Real Estate Policy Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington Navy Yard, 1322 Patterson Ave., SE, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20374-5065; (202) 685-9200; VA: Ms. Amelia McLellan, Director, Real Property Service, (183C), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW. Room 419, Washington, DC 20420; (202) 565-5941; (These are not toll-free numbers).

    Start Signature

    Dated: February 28, 2002.

    Mark R. Johnston,

    Deputy Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs.

    End Signature

    Title V, Federal Surplus Property Program Federal Register Report for 3/8/02

    Suitable/Available Properties

    Buildings (by State)


    Bldg. 44414

    Fort Huachuca

    Sierra Vista Co: Cochise AZ 85635-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210030

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 2 bdrm fourplex, 1,181 sq. ft. each, presence of asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—housing, off-site use only


    Storage Shed

    Pearl Harbor

    505 Borie St.

    Honolulu Co: HI 96818-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210076

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 130 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, off-site use only

    Office/Conf. Bldg.

    Pearl HarborStart Printed Page 10738

    505 Borie St.

    Honolulu Co: HI 96818-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210077

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 2249 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, off-site use only

    Living Quarters

    Pearl Harbor

    505 Borie St.

    Honolulu Co: HI 96818-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210078

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 2960 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, off-site use only

    Storage Bldg.

    Pearl Harbor

    505 Borie St.

    Honolulu Co: HI 96818-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210079

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 306 sq. ft., public toilet with storage, possible asbestos/lead paint, off-site use only


    Bldg. 105, VAMC

    East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46952-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199230006

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 310 sq. ft., 1 story stone structure, no sanitary or heating facilities, Natl Register of Historic Places

    Bldg. 140, VAMC

    East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46952-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199230007

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 60 sq. ft., concrete block bldg., most recent use—trash house

    Bldg. 7

    VA Northern Indiana Health Care System

    Marion Campus, 1700 East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46953-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199810001

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 16,864 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—psychiatric ward, National Register of Historic Places

    Bldg. 10

    VA Northern Indiana Health Care System

    Marion Campus, 1700 East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46953-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199810002

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 16,361 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—psychiatric ward, National Register of Historic Places

    Bldg. 11

    VA Northern Indiana Health Care System

    Marion Campus, 1700 East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46953-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199810003

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 16,361 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—psychiatric ward, National Register of Historic Places

    Bldg. 18

    VA Northern Indiana Health Care System

    Marion Campus, 1700 East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46953-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199810004

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 13,802 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—psychiatric ward, National Register of Historic Places

    Bldg. 25

    VA Northern Indiana Health Care System

    Marion Campus, 1700 East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46953-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199810005

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 32,892 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—psychiatric ward, National Register of Historic Places


    Bldg. 76

    Army Soldier Systems Center

    Natick Co: Middlesex MA 01760-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210037

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 1000 sq. ft., most recent use—storage, off-site use only

    New York

    Bldgs. T-401, T-403

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210042

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2305/2284 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—battalion hq bldg., off-site use only

    Bldgs. T-404, T-406, T-407

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210043

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2000/1144 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—Co Hq Bldg., off-site use only

    Bldg. T-430

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210044

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2731 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—Co Hq Bldg., off-site use only

    4 Bldgs.

    Fort Drum

    T-431, T-432, T-433, T-434

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210045

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 1144 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—Co Hq Bldg., off-site use only

    Bldg. T-435

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210046

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2731 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—Co Hq Bldg., off-site use only

    Bldgs. T-437, T-438

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210047

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 1144 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—Co Hq Bldg., off-site use only

    Bldgs. T-439, T-460

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210048

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2588/2734 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—Co Hq Bldg., off-site use only

    4 Bldgs.

    Fort Drum

    T-461, T-462, T-463, T-464

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210049

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 1144 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—Co Hq Bldg., off-site use only

    Bldg. T-465

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210050

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2734 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—Co Hq Bldg., off-site use only

    Bldg. T-405, T-408

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210051

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 1296 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—storage, off-site use only

    6 Bldgs.

    Fort Drum

    T-410, T-411, T-412, T-416, T-417, T-418

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210052

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 4720 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—enlisted barracks AN TR, off-site use only

    Bldg. T-421, T-422

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210053

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2510 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—enlisted barracks AN TR, off-site use only

    Bldgs. T-423, T424

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210054

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 4720 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—enlisted barracks AN TR, off-site use only

    7 Bldgs.

    Fort Drum

    T-441, T-442, T-443, T-444, T-446-T-448

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: ArmyStart Printed Page 10739

    Property Number: 21200210055

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 4720 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—enlisted barracks AN TR, off-site use only

    6 Bldgs.

    Fort Drum

    T-451, T-452, T-453, T-454, T-456, T-458

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210056

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 4720 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—enlisted barracks AN TR, off-site use only

    5 Bldgs.

    Fort Drum

    T-471, T-472, T-473, T-474, T-477

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210057

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 4720 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—enlisted barracks AN TR, off-site use only

    Bldgs. T-420, T-445, T-470

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210058

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2510 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—dining facility, off-site use only

    Bldgs. T-440, T-450

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210059

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2360 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—dining facility, off-site use only

    Bldg. T-478

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210060

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 4720 sq. ft., needs repair, most recent use—classroom, off-site use only


    Quarters 107

    Defense Supply Center

    Columbus Co: Franklin OH 43216-5000

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210038

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 1490 sq. ft., needs major repairs, presence of lead paint, most recent use—residence, off-site use only


    Bldg. 3, VAMC

    1700 South Lincoln Avenue

    Lebanon Co: Lebanon PA 17042-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199230012

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: portion of bldg. (4046 sq. ft.), most recent use—storage, second floor—lacks elevator access


    Bldg. 237

    Fort McCoy

    Ft. McCoy Co: Monroe WI 54656-5136

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210039

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 4986 sq. ft., needs major repair, presence of asbestos, most recent use—storage, off-site use only

    Bldg. 752

    Fort McCoy

    Ft. McCoy Co: Monroe WI 54656-5136

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210040

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 3663 sq. ft., needs major repair, presence of asbestos, most recent use—storage, off-site use only

    Bldg. 2183

    Fort McCoy

    Ft. McCoy Co: Monroe WI 54656-5136

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210041

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 693 sq. ft., needs major repair, presence of asbestos, most recent use—heat plant bldg., off-site use only

    Bldg. 8

    VA Medical Center

    County Highway E

    Tomah Co: Monroe WI 54660-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010056

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 2200 sq. ft., 2 story wood frame, possible asbestos, potential utilities, structural deficiencies, needs rehab

    Land (by State)


    VA Medical Center


    Tuskegee Co: Macon AL 36083-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010053

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 40 acres, buffer to VA Medical Center, potential utilities, undeveloped



    4150 Clement Street

    San Francisco Co: San Francisco CA 94121-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199240001

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 4 acres; landslide area


    40.66 acres

    VA Medical Center

    1515 West Pleasant St.

    Knoxville Co: Marion IA 50138-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199740002

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: golf course, easement requirements


    VA Medical Center

    9500 North Point Road

    Fort Howard Co: Baltimore MD 21052-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010020

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: Approx. 10 acres, wetland and periodically floods, most recent use—dump site for leaves



    Olin E. Teague Veterans Center

    1901 South 1st Street

    Temple Co: Bell TX 76504-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010079

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 13 acres, portion formerly landfill, portion near flammable materials, railroad crosses property, potential utilities


    VA Medical Center

    County Highway E

    Tomah Co: Monroe WI 54660-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010054

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 12.4 acres, serves as buffer between center and private property, no utilities

    Suitable/Unavailable Properties

    Buildings (by State)


    Bldgs. 1001-1006, 1106-1107

    Fort Rucker

    Ft. Rucker Co: Dale AL 36362-5138

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210027

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: approx. 9000 sq. ft., poor condition, lead paint present, most recent use—warehouses, off-site use only

    7 Bldgs.

    Fort Rucker

    116, 512, 3721, 3903, 1114, 1405A, 1423

    Ft. Rucker Co: Dale AL 36362-5138

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210028

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: various sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—admin., off-site use only

    Bldgs. 1102, 1104, 6021

    Fort Rucker

    Ft. Rucker Co: Dale AL 36362-5138

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210029

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: various sq. ft., need rehab, presence of asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—heat plant bldgs., off-site use only


    Bldg. 20802

    Fort Gordon

    Ft. Gordon Co: Richmond GA 30905-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210078

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 740 sq. ft., needs repair, possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—storage, off-site, use only


    Bldg. P-469

    Fort Leavenworth

    Leavenworth Co: KS 66027-

    Landholding Agency: ArmyStart Printed Page 10740

    Property Number: 21200210031

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 625 sq. ft., most recent use—storage, off-site use only

    Bldg. S-471

    Fort Leavenworth

    Leavenworth Co: KS 66027-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210032

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 4535 sq. ft., most recent use—repair shop, off-site use only

    Bldg. P-485

    Fort Leavenworth

    Leavenworth Co: KS 66027-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210033

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2006 sq. ft., most recent use—instructional, off-site use only

    Bldg. S-486

    Fort Leavenworth

    Leavenworth Co: KS 66027-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210034

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 960 sq. ft., most recent use—instructional, off-site use only

    Bldg. S-496

    Fort Leavenworth

    Leavenworth Co: KS 66027-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200210035

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 7134 sq. ft., most recent use—vocational, off-site use only


    VA MT Healthcare

    210 S. Winchester

    Miles City Co: Custer MT 59301-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97200030001

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 18 buildings, total sq. ft. = 123,851, presence of asbestos, most recent use—clinic/office/food production


    Bldg. 2

    VA Medical Center

    500 West National Ave.

    Milwaukee WI 53295-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199830002

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 133,730 sq. ft., needs rehab, presence of asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—storage

    Land (by State)


    38 acres

    VA Medical Center

    1515 West Pleasant St.

    Knoxville Co: Marion IA 50138-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199740001

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: golf course


    VA Medical Center

    5500 Armstrong Road

    Battle Creek Co: Calhoun MI 49016-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010015

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 20 acres, used as exercise trails and storage areas, potential utilities.

    New York

    VA Medical Center

    Fort Hill Avenue

    Canandaigua Co: Ontario NY 14424-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010017

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 27.5 acres, used for school ballfield and parking, existing utilities easements, portion leased.


    VA Medical Center

    New Castle Road

    Butler Co: Butler PA 16001-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010016

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: Approx. 9.29 acres, used for patient recreation, potential utilities.

    Land No. 645

    VA. Medical Center

    Highland Drive

    Pittsburgh Co: Allegheny PA 15206-

    Location: Between Campania and Wiltsie Streets.

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010080

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 90.3 acres, heavily wooded, property includes dump area and numerous site storm drain outfalls.

    Land—34.16 acres

    VA Medical Center

    1400 Black Horse Hill Road

    Coatesville Co: Chester PA 19320-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199340001

    Status: Underutilized

    Comment: 34.16 acres, open field, most recent use—recreation/buffer

    Suitable/To Be Excessed

    Buildings (by State)


    Cuttyhunk Boathouse

    South Shore of Cuttyhunk


    Gosnold Co: Dukes MA 02713-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199310001

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2700 sq. ft., wood frame, one story, needs rehab, limited utilities, off-site use only

    Nauset Beach Light

    Nauset Beach Co: Barnstable MA

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199420001

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 48 foot tower, cylindrical cast iron, most recent use—aid to navigation

    Light Tower, Highland Light

    Near Rt. 6, 9 miles south of

    Race Point

    North Truro Co: Barnstable MA 02652-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199430005

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 66 ft. tower, 14′9″ diameter, brick structure, scheduled to be vacated 9/94

    Keepers Dwelling

    Highland Light

    Near Rt. 6, 9 miles south of Race Point

    North Truro Co: Barnstable MA 02652-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199430006

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 1160 sq. ft., 2-story wood frame, attached to light tower scheduled to be vacated 9/94

    Duplex Housing Unit

    Highland Light

    Near Rt. 6, 9 miles south of Race Point

    North Truro Co: Barnstable MA 02652-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199430007

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 2 living units, 930 sq. ft. each, 1-story each, located on eroding ocean bluff, scheduled to be vacated 9/94

    Nahant Towers

    Nahant Co: Essex MA

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530001

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 196 sq. ft., 8-story observation tower

    Land (by State)


    Gibson Cove Tract

    Kodiak Co: AK 99619-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199920001

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 37.55 acres, undeveloped land

    Unsuitable Properties

    Buildings (by State)


    Dwelling A

    USCG Mobile Pt. Station

    Ft. Morgan

    Gulfshores Co: Baldwin AL 36542-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199120001

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Floodway

    Dwelling B

    USCG Mobile Pt. Station

    Ft. Morgan

    Gulfshores Co: Baldwin AL 36542-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199120002

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Floodway

    Oil House

    USCG Mobile Pt. Station

    Ft. Morgan

    Gulfshores Co: Baldwin AL 36542-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199120003

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Floodway


    USCG Mobile Pt. Station

    Ft. Morgan

    Gulfshores Co: Baldwin AL 36542-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199120004

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Floodway

    Shop Building

    USCG Mobile Pt. StationStart Printed Page 10741

    Ft. Morgan

    Gulfshores Co: Baldwin AL 36542-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199120005

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Floodway

    Bldg. 7

    VA Medical Center

    Tuskegee Co: Macon AL 36083-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199730001

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 8

    VA Medical Center

    Tuskegee Co: Macon AL 36083-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199730002

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area


    Bldg. 18

    USCG Support Center

    Kodiak Co: Kodiak Island AD 99619-5000

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199210132

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within airport runway clear zone; Secured Area

    GSA Number: U-ALAS-655A


    Coast Guard Station


    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200020001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    Bldg. 23

    USCG Integrated Support


    Kodiak Co: Kodiak Island AK 99619-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110009

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 25

    USCG Integrated Support


    Kodiak Co: Kodiak Island AK 99619-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110010

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 52

    Integrated Support Command

    Kodiak Co: AK 99615-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    LORAN Station

    Sitkinak Island Co: AK

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Floodway; Extensive deterioration

    Incinerator Bldg.

    LORAN Station

    Sitkinak Island Co: AK

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Floodway; Extensive deterioration

    Signal/Power Bldg.

    LORAN Station

    Sitkinak Island Co: AK

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Floodway; Extensive deterioration

    Transmitter Bldg.

    LORAN Station

    Sitkinak Island Co: AK

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Floodway; Extensive deterioration

    Waste Water Treatment Bldg.

    LORAN Station

    Sitkinak Island Co: AK

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Floodway; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. V001

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. T003, T004

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B001

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B002

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B003

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B004

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. B006

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B008

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B009

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B011

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B012

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B000

    Point Higgins

    Ketchikan Co: AK 99901-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140012

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    10 Bldg.

    USCG Station Humboldt Bay

    Samoa Co: Humboldt CA 95564-9999

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440027

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Comment: Land to be relinquished to BLM (Public Domain Land)

    Alemeda Facility

    350 S. Santa Fe Drive

    Denver Co: Denver CO 80223-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199010014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Other environmental

    Comment: contamination


    Falkner Island Light

    U.S. Coast GuardStart Printed Page 10742

    Guilford Co: New Haven CT 06512-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240031

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: Floodway


    Bldg. #3, Recreation Cottage

    USCG Station

    Marathon Co: Monroe FL 33050-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 871999210008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    Exchange Building

    St. Petersburg Co: Pinellas FL 33701-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199410004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    Bldg. 103, Trumbo Point

    Key West Co: Monroe FL 33040-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199230001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Flodway; Secured Area

    Exchange Building

    St. Petersburg Co: Pinellas FL 33701-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199410004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    9988 Keepers Quarters A

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440009

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    9989 Keepers Quarters B

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440010

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    9990 Bldg.

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440011

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    9991 Plant Bldg.

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440012

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    9992 Shop Bldg.

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440013

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Areas

    9993 Shop Bldg.

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440014

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Areas

    9994 Water Pump Bldg.

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440015

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Areas

    Storage Bldg.

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440016

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Areas

    9999 Shop Bldg.

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440017

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Areas

    3 Bldgs, and Land

    Peanut Island Station

    Riveria Beach Co: Palm Beach FL 33419-0909

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510009

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Areas

    Cape St. George Lighthouse

    Co: Franklin FL 32328-

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199640002

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Areas

    Maint/Carpentry Shop

    USCG Station

    St. Petersburg Co: Pinellas FL 33701-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 8720012001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration


    Coast Guard Station

    St. Simons Island

    Co: Glynn GA 31522-0577

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199540002

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration


    Calumet Harbor Station

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Chicago Co: Cook IL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199310005

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area


    Bldg. 21, VA Medical Center

    East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46952-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199230001

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 22, VA Medical Center

    East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46951-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199230002

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 62, VA Medical Center

    East 38th Street

    Marion Co: Grant IN 46952-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199230003

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Supply Bldg., Coast Guard

    Southwest Harbor

    Southwest Harbor Co: Hancock ME 04679-5000

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Base Exchange, Coast Guard

    Southwest Harbor

    Southwest Harbor Co: Hancock ME 04679-5000

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Engineering Shop, Coast Guard

    Southwest Harbor

    Southwest Harbor Co: Hancock ME 04779-5000

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Storage Bldg., Coast Guard

    Southwest Harbor

    Southwest Harbor Co: Hancock ME 04679-5000

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Squirrel Point Light

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Phippsburg Co: Sayadahoc ME 04530-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240032

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Keepers Dwelling

    Heron Neck Light, U.S. Coast Guard

    Vinalhaven Co: Knox ME 04841-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240035

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Fort Papham Light

    Phippsburg Co: Sagadahoc ME 04562-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199320024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Nash Island Light

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Addison Co: Washington ME 04606-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199420005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Inaccessible

    Bldg.—South Portland Base

    U.S. Coast Guard

    S. Portland Co: Cumberland ME 04106-

    Landholding Agency: DOTStart Printed Page 10743

    Property Number: 87199420006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Garage—Boothbay Harbor Stat.

    Boothbay Harbor Co: Lincoln ME 04538-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199430001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area


    Bldgs. 38-39, 41, 43-46, 56

    U.S. Coast Guard Yard

    Baltimore, MD 21226-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199540005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 53

    U.S. Coast Guard Yard

    Baltimore, MD 21226-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199540006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 6

    U.S. Coast Guard Yard, 2401

    Hawkins Point Rd.

    Baltimore, MD 21226-1797

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199620001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    Bldg. 59

    U.S. Coast Guard Yard, 2401

    Hawkins Point Rd.

    Baltimore, MD 21226-1797

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199620002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    USCG Yard

    #9, 21, 23, 52, 57

    Baltimore Co: MD 21226-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. 4, USCG Support Center

    Commercial Street

    Boston Co: Suffolk MA 02203-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240001

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Eastern Point Light

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Gloucester Co: Essex MA 01930-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240029

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    Storage Shed

    Highland Light

    N. Truro Co: Barnstable MA 02652-

    Location: DeSoto Johnson KS66018-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199430004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Westview Street Wells

    Lexington Co: MA 02173-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199920001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration



    Coast Guard Station

    East Tawas Co: Iosco MI 48730-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200040003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Storage Shed (OS2)

    USCG Station

    Port Huron Co: St. Clair MI 48060-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110036

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    Station Bldg.

    USCG Station

    Manistee Co: MI 49660-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    Garage Bldg.

    USCG Station

    Manistee Co: MI 49660-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    Shed/Pump Bldg.

    USCG Station

    Manistee Co: MI 49660-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    Storage Bldg.

    USCG Station

    Manistee Co: MI 49660-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

    Station/boathouse Bldg.

    USCG Harbor Beach Station

    Harbor Beach Co: Huron MI 48441-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200130001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway; Extensive deterioration

    Calfac Building

    Keweenaw Peninsula Waterway

    Hancock Township Co: Houghton MI

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200140013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Storage Bldg.

    US Coast Guard Station

    Essexville Co: Bay MI 48732-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200210011

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area


    Natchez Moorings

    82 L.E. Berry Road

    Natchez Co: Adams MS 39121-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199340002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 6, Boiler Plant

    Biloxi VA Medical Center

    Gulfport Co: Harrison MS 39531-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199410001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Bldg. 67

    Biloxi VA Medical Center

    Gulfport Co: Harrison MS 39531-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199410008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 68

    Biloxi VA Medical Center

    Gulfport Co: Harrison MS 39531-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199410009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Piers and Wharf

    Station Sandy Hook

    Highlands Co: Monmouth NJ 07732-5000

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Chapel Hill Front Range

    Light Tower

    Middletown Co: Monmouth NJ 07748-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Skeletal tower

    Bldg. 103

    U.S. Coast Guard Station

    Sandy Hook

    Middletown Co: Monmouth NJ 07737-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199610002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Ship Stg. Bldg.

    USCG Training Center

    Cape May Co: NJ 08204-5002

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110018

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    Exchange Whse

    USCG Training Center

    Cape May Co: NJ 08204-5002

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110019

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    Patrol Boat Bldg.

    USCG Training Center

    Cape May Co: NJ 08204-5002

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110020

    Status: ExcessStart Printed Page 10744

    Reason: Secured Area

    Station Bldg.

    USCG Training Center

    Cape May Co: NJ 08204-5002

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110021

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    ANT Bldg.

    USCG Training Center

    Cape May Co: NJ 08204-5002

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110022

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    Quarters C

    USCG Training Center

    Cape May Co: NJ 08204-5002

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120012

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    Central Heating Plant

    USCG Training Center

    Cape May Co: NY 08204-5002

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120013

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area


    USCG Training Center

    Cape May Co: NY 08204-5002

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120014

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    New York

    Bldg. 194

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton Co: Suffolk NY 11973-

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200210009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 318

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton Co: Suffolk NY 11973-

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200210010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 0426

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton Co: Suffolk NY 11973-

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200210011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 960

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton Co: Suffolk NY 11973-

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200210012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 962

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton Co: Suffolk NY 11973-

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200210013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    2 Buildings

    Ant Saugerties

    Saugerties Co: Ulster NY 12477-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199230005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 606, Fort Totten

    New York Co: Queens NY 11359-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 607, Fort Totten

    New York Co: Queens NY 11359-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration; Secured Area

    Bldg. 605, Fort Totten

    New York Co: Queens NY 11359-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199240022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration; Secured Area

    Eatons Neck Station

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Huntington Co: Suffolk NY 11743-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199310003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 517, USCG Support Center

    Governors Island Co: Manhattan NY 10004-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199320025

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 138

    U.S. Coast Guard Support


    Governors Island Co: Manhattan NY 10004-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199410003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 830

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Governors Island Co: Manhattan NY 10004-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199420004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 8

    Rosebank—Coast Guard


    Staten Island Co: Richmond NY 10301-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 7

    Rosebank—Coast Guard


    Staten Island Co: Richmond NY 10301-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 222

    Fort Wadsworth

    Staten Island Co: Richmond NY 10305-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199620003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 223

    Fort Wadsworth

    Staten Island Co: Richmond NY 10305-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199620004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 205

    Fort Wadsworth

    Staten Island Co: Richmond NY 10305-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199620005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 9

    U.S. Coast Guard—Rosebank

    Staten Island Co: Richmond NY 10301-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199630027

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 10

    U.S. Coast Guard—Rosebank

    Staten Island Co: Richmond NY 10301-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199630028

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 206, Rosebank

    Staten Island Co: Richmond NY 10301-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199630029

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area


    Coast Guard Station

    Wellesley Island Co: Jefferson NY 13640-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 8719940001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Group Cape Hatteras

    Boiler Plant

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27902-0604

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 8719920018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Group Cape Hatteras

    Bowling Alley

    Buxon Co: Dare NC 27902-0604

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 8719920019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 54

    Group Cape Hatteras

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27902-0604

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199340004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 83

    Group Cape Hatteras

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27902-0604

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199340005

    Status: UnutilizedStart Printed Page 10745

    Reason: Secured Area

    Water Tanks

    Group Cape Hatteras

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27902-0604

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199340006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    USCG Gentian (WLB 290)

    Fort Macon State Park

    Atlantic Beach Co: Carteret NC 27601-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 8719942007

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    Unit #71

    Buxton Annex, Cape Kendrick


    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #72

    Buxton Annex, Cape Kendrick


    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #73

    Buxton Annex, Cape Kendrick


    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #74

    Buxton Annex, Cape Kendrick


    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #75

    Buxton Annex, Cape Kendrick


    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #63

    Buxton Annex, Anna May Court

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #64

    Buxton Annex, Anna May Court

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #76

    Buxton Annex, Anna May Court

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #68

    Buxton Annex, Anna May Court

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #69

    Buxton Annex, Anna May Court

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #70

    Buxton Annex, Anna May Court

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #77

    Buxton Annex, Old Lighthouse Road

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Unit #78

    Buxton Annex, Old Lighthouse Road

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27920-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Bldg. 53

    Coast Guard Support Center

    Elizabeth City Co: Pasquotank NC 27909-5006

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199630022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. OV1 (033)

    USCG Cape Hatteras

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27902-0604

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200210012

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Storage Bldg.

    USCG Loran Station

    Carolina Beach Co. New Hanover NC

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200210013

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    MK Shed

    USCG Loran Station

    Carolina Beach Co. New Hanover NC

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200210014

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 9

    VA Medical Center

    1100 Tunnel Road

    Asheville Co: Buncombe NC 28805-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. 116

    VA Medical Center

    Dayton Co: Montgomery OH 45428-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199920002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 402

    VA Medical Center

    Dayton Co: Montgomery OH 45428-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199920004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 105

    VA Medical Center

    Dayton Co: Montgomery OH 45428-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199920005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. 8

    USCG Tongue Point Moorings

    Astoria Co: OR 97103-2099

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199910001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Cape Blanco

    Sixes Co: Curry OR 97465-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199940002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 5

    Coast Guard Group

    Astoria Co: OR 97103-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200210015

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area


    Bldg. 483

    Naval Surface Warfare Center

    Philadelphia Co: PA 19111-2

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210082

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 530

    Naval Surface Warfare Center

    Philadelphia Co: PA 19112-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210083

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 615

    Naval Surface Warfare Center

    Philadelphia Co: PA 19112-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210084

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 618

    Naval Surface Warfare Center

    Philadelphia Co: PA 19112-

    Landholding Agency: NavyStart Printed Page 10746

    Property Number: 77200210085

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 743

    Naval Surface Warfare Center

    Philadelphia Co: PA 19112-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210086

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Puerto Rico

    NAFA Warehouse

    U.S. Coast Guard Air Station


    Aquadilla PR 00604-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199310011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Storage Equipment Bldg.

    U.S. Coast Guard Air Station


    Aquadilla PR 00604-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199330001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 115

    U.S. Coast Guard Base

    San Juan PR 00902-2029

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 117

    U.S. Coast Guard Base

    San Juan PR 00902-2029

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 118

    U.S. Coast Guard Base

    San Juan PR 00902-2029

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 119

    U.S. Coast Guard Base

    San Juan PR 00902-2029

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 120

    U.S. Coast Guard Base

    San Juan PR 00902-2029

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 122

    U.S. Coast Guard Base

    San Juan PR 00902-2029

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 128

    U.S. Coast Guard Base

    San Juan PR 00902-2029

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 129

    U.S. Coast Guard Base

    San Juan PR 00902-2029

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199510008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Rhode Island

    Station Point Judith Pier

    Narranganset Co: Washington RI 02882-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199310002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Old Exchange Bldg.

    Galveston Co: Galveston TX 77553-3001

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199310012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    WPB Building

    Station Port Isabel

    Coast Guard Station

    South Padre Island Co: Cameron TX 78597-6497

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199530002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    Aton Shops Building

    USCG Station Sabine

    Sabine Co: Jefferson TX 77655-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    WPB Storage Shed

    USCG Station Sabine

    Sabine Co: Jefferson TX 77655-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    Flammable Storage Building

    USCG Station Sabine

    Sabine Co: Jefferson TX 77655-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    Battery Storage Building

    USCG Station Sabine

    Sabine Co: Jefferson TX 77655-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    Boat House

    USCG Station Sabine

    Sabine Co: Jefferson TX 77655-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    Small Boat Pier

    USCG Station Sabine

    Sabine Co: Jefferson TX 77655-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199530008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area

    Bldg. 108

    Fort Crockett/43rd St.


    Galveston Co: Galveston TX 77553-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199630008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Depot Street

    Downtown at the Waterfront

    Burlington Co: Chittenden VT 05401-5226

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199220003

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Floodway


    Bldg. 052 & Tennis Court

    USCG Reserve Training Center

    Yorktown Co: York VA 23690-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property number: 87199230004

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    Admin. Bldg.

    Coast Guard, Group Eastern


    Chincoteague Co: Accomack VA 23361-510

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199120014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Little Creek Station

    Navamphib Base, West Annex,

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Norfolk Co: Princess Anne VA 23520-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199310004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Operations Bldg.

    U.S. Coast Guard Group

    Hampton Roads

    Portsmouth VA 23703-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199710003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 63, 115

    USCG Training Center

    Yorktown Co: York VA 23690-5000

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110037

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 156

    USCG Training Center


    Yorktown Co: York VA 23690-5000

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200120015

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area Start Printed Page 10747


    Avionics Shop

    Coast Guard Air Station

    Port Angeles Co: Clallam WA 98362-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Storage Bldg.

    Coast Guard Air Station

    Port Angeles Co: Clallam WA 98362-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110024

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Maint. Work Shop

    Coast Guard Air Station

    Port Angeles Co: Clallam WA 98362-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200110025

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area


    Rawley Point Light

    Two Rivers Co: Manitowoc WI

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199540004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Unsuitable Properties

    LAND (by State)


    Russian Creek Aggregate Site

    USCG Support Center Kodiak

    Kodiak Co: Kodiak AK 99619-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440025

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Floodway.

    Sargent Creek Aggregate Site

    USCG Support Center Kodiak

    Kodiak Co: Kodiak AK 99619-

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440026

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Floodway.


    58 acres

    VA Medical Center

    500 Highway 89 North

    Prescott Co: Yavapai AZ 86313-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97190630001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Floodway

    20 acres

    VA Medical Center

    500 Highway 89 North

    Prescott Co: Yavapai AZ 86313-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 9719063002

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Floodway


    Land—approx. 220 acres

    Cape San Blas

    Port St. Joe Co: Gulf FL

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199440018

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Floodway; Secured Area

    Wildlife Sanctuary, VAMC

    10,000 Bay Pines Blvd.

    Bay Pines Co: Pinellas FL 33504-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199230004

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Inaccessible


    Middle Marker Facility

    Yipsilanti Co: Washtenaw MI 48198-

    Location: 549 ft. north of intersection of Coolidge and Bradley Ave. on East side of street

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87199120006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Within airport runway clear zone


    3.85 acres (Area #2)

    VA Medical Center

    4801 8th Street

    St. Cloud Co: Stearns MN 56303-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199740004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: landlocked

    7.48 acres (Area #1)

    VA Medical Center

    4801 8th Street

    St. Cloud Co: Stearns MN 56303-

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199740005

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    New York

    Track 1

    VA Medical Center

    Bath Co: Steuben NY 14820-

    Location: Exit 38 off New York State Route 17

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010011

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Track 2

    VA Medical Center

    Bath Co: Steuben NY 14820-

    Location: Exit 38 off New York State Route 17

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010012

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Track 3

    VA Medical Center

    Bath Co: Steuben NY 14820-

    Location: Exit 38 off New York State Route 17

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010013

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Track 4

    VA Medical Center

    Bath Co: Steuben NY 14820-

    Location: Exit 38 off New York State Route 17

    Landholding Agency: VA

    Property Number: 97199010014

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    North Carolina

    5 (0.91) Parcels

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Lejeune Co: NC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210080

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    3 (0.91) Parcels

    Marine Corps Base

    Greater Sandy Run

    Camp Lejeune Co: NC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200210081

    Status: Underutilized

    Reason: Within airport runway clear zone; Secured Area

    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 02-5268 Filed 3-7-02; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4210-29-M

Document Information

Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
10737-10747 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-4730-N-10
PDF File: