02-5410. Workforce Investment Act Allotments; Wagner-Peyser Act Preliminary Planning Estimates; Reemployment Services Allotments; and Workforce Information Grants to States for Program Year (PY) 2002
Start Preamble
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Employment and Training Administration, Labor.
This Notice announces states' Workforce Investment Act (WIA) allotments for Program Year (PY) 2002 (July 1, 2002-June 30, 2003) for WIA title I Youth, Adults and Dislocated Worker programs; preliminary planning estimates for public employment service (ES) activities under the Wagner-Peyser Act for PY 2002; Reemployment Services Allotments; and Workforce Information Grants to States for Program Year (PY) 2002. The WIA allotments for states and the planning estimates for public employment service activities are based on formulas defined in their respective statutes. The WIA allotments for the outlying areas are based on a formula determined by the Secretary. As required by WIA section 182(d), on February 17, 2000, a Notice of the discretionary formula for allocating PY 2000 funds for the outlying areas was published in the Federal Register at 65 FR 8236 (February 17, 2000). The rationale for the formula and methodology was fully explained in the February 17, 2000, Notice. The formula for PY 2002, like PY 2001, is the same as used for PY 2000 and is described in the section on Youth allotments. Comments are invited upon the formula used to allot funds to the outlying areas.
Comments must be received by April 8, 2002.
Submit written comments to the Employment and Training Administration, Office of Financial and Administrative Management, 200 Constitution Ave, NW., Room N-4702, Washington, DC 20210, Attention: Ms. Sherryl Bailey, 202-693-2813 (phone), 202-693-2859 (fax), e-mail: sbailey@doleta.gov. Please be advised that mail delivery in the Washington, DC area has been inconsistent because of concerns about anthrax contamination.
WIA Youth Activities allotments: Lorenzo Harrison at 202-693-3528; WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities allotments: John Beverly at 202-693-3502; ES preliminary planning estimates: Gay Gilbert at 202-693-3428. (These are not toll-free numbers.) Information may also be found at the website—http://usworkforce.org.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
The Department of Labor (DOL or Department) is announcing WIA allotments for PY 2002 (July 1, 2002-June 30, 2003) for Youth Activities, Adults and Dislocated Worker Activities, and Wagner-Peyser Act PY 2002 ES preliminary planning estimates. This document provides information on the amount of funds available during PY 2002 to states with an approved WIA title I and Wagner-Peyser 5-Year Strategic Plan and information regarding allotments to the outlying areas. The allotments and estimates are based on the funds appropriated in the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002, Public Law 107-116, January 10, 2002. Attached is a listing of the PY 2002 allotments for programs under WIA Title I Youth Activities, Adults and Dislocated Workers Employment and Training Activities, and PY 2002 preliminary ES planning estimates under the Wagner-Peyser Act. Final Wagner-Peyser Act allotments for the employment service will be published in the Federal Register at a later date.
Youth Activities Allotments. PY 2002 Youth Activities funds under WIA total $1,353,065,000 (including $225.1 million for Youth Opportunity grants). Attachment I contains a breakdown of the $1,127,965,000 in WIA title I Youth Activities program allotments for PY 2002 and provides a comparison of these allotments to PY 2001 Youth Activities allotments for all states, outlying areas, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Before determining the amount available for states, the total available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the full amount appropriated for Youth Activities, including Youth Opportunity Grants, resulting in $3,382,663, a decrease of $124,750, or 3.6 percent, from the PY 2001 level. WIA section 127(b)(1)(B)(i)(IV) provides that the Freely Associated States (Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau) are not eligible for funding for any program year beginning after September 30, 2001. However, section 3 of Public Law 106-504, (November 13, 2000), supercedes this section of WIA, and provides that the Freely Associated States remain eligible for funding until negotiations on the Compact of Free Association is complete and consideration of legislation pursuant to the Compact is completed. Accordingly, the Freely Associated States are provided funds for PY 2002. The WIA provisions for competitive grants for the outlying areas expired after PY 2001, thus no competitive grant funds are available in PY 2002. The methodology for distributing funds to all outlying areas is not specified by WIA, but is at the Secretary's discretion. The methodology used is the same as used for PY 2001 and PY 2000, i.e., funds are distributed among the areas by formula based on relative share of number of unemployed, a 90 percent hold-harmless of the prior year share, a $75,000 minimum, and a 130 percent stop-gain of the prior year share. Data used for the relative share calculation in the formula were the same as used for PY 2001 and PY 2000 for all outlying areas, essentially using 1995 Census data from special surveys. Updated 2000 special Census data are expected to be available for PY 2003 allotment calculations. The total amount available for Native Americans is 1.5 percent of the total amount for Youth Activities excluding Youth Opportunity Grants, in accordance with WIA section 127. This total is $16,919,475, the same as the PY 2001 Youth Activities level for Native Americans, including the supplemental appropriation. After determining the amount for the outlying areas and Native Americans, the amount available for allotment to the States for PY 2002 is $1,107,662,862, $124,750 more than PY 2001, including the supplemental appropriation. This total amount was above the required $1 billion threshold specified in section 127(b)(1)(C)(iv)(IV); therefore, as in PY 2001, the WIA additional minimum provisions were applied: (1) Minimum 1998 dollar (not percentage) (JTPA II-B and II-C combined) allotment, and (2) 2-tier small State minimum allotment (.3 percent of first $1 billion and .4 percent of amount over $1 billion), rather than .25 percent. These provisions were in addition to the traditional provision of a 90 percent hold-harmless from the prior year allotment percentage. Also, as required by WIA, the provision applying a 130 percent stop-gain of the prior year allotment percentage was used. The three formula factors required in WIA use the following data for the PY 2002 allotments:
(1) The number of unemployed for areas of substantial unemployment (ASU's) are averages for the 12-month period, July 2000 through preliminary June 2001;
(2) The number of excess unemployed individuals or the ASU excess (depending on which is higher) are averages for the same 12-month period used for ASU unemployed data; and Start Printed Page 10809
(3) The number of economically disadvantaged youth (age 16 to 21, excluding college students and military) are from the 1990 Census. (2000 Census data are not expected to be available for use until PY 2004 allotment calculations.)
Adult Employment and Training Activities Allotments. The total Adult Employment and Training Activities appropriation is $950,000,000, the same level as PY 2001. Attachment II shows the PY 2002 Adult Employment and Training Activities allotments and comparison to PY 2001 allotments by state. Similarly to the Youth Activities program, the total available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the full amount appropriated for Adults, or $2,375,000, the same level as PY 2001. As described for Youth Activities above, there are no competitive grants available after PY 2001 for the outlying areas. The Adult Activities funds for grants to all outlying areas, for which the distribution methodology is at the Secretary's discretion, were distributed among the areas by the same principles, formula and data as used for outlying areas for Youth Activities. After determining the amount for the outlying areas, the amount available for allotments to the states is $947,625,000, the same as PY 2001. Unlike the Youth Activities program, the WIA minimum provisions were not applied for the PY 2002 allotments because the total amount available for the states was below the $960 million threshold required for Adults in section 132(b)(1)(B)(iv)(IV). Instead, as required by WIA, the minimum allotments were calculated using the JTPA section 202(a)(3) (as amended by section 701 of the Job Training Reform Amendments of 1992) minimums of 90 percent hold-harmless of the prior year allotment percentage and 0.25 percent state minimum floor. Also, like the Youth Activities program, a provision applying a 130 percent stop-gain of the prior year allotment percentage was used. The three formula factors use the same data as used for the Youth Activities formula, except that data from the 1990 Census for the number of economically disadvantaged adults (age 22 to 72, excluding college students and military) were used. (2000 Census data are not expected to be available for use until PY 2004 allotment calculations.)
Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities Allotments. The total Dislocated Worker appropriation is $1,549,000,000, a decrease of $41,040,000, or 2.6 percent, from the PY 2001 pre-rescission level. The total appropriation includes 80 percent allotted by formula to the states, while 20 percent is retained for National Emergency Grants, technical assistance and training, demonstration projects, and for the outlying areas' Dislocated Worker allotments. Attachment III shows the PY 2002 Dislocated Worker Activities fund allotments by state. Like the Youth and Adults programs, the total available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the full amount appropriated for Dislocated Worker Activities, resulting in $3,872,500, a decrease of $102,600 from PY 2001. As described for Youth Activities above, there are no competitive grants available after PY 2001 for the outlying areas. The Dislocated Worker Activities funds for grants to all outlying areas, for which the distribution methodology is at the Secretary's discretion, were distributed among the areas by the same pro rata share as the areas received for the PY 2002 WIA Adult Activities program, the same methodology used in PY 2001. The amount available for allotments to the states is eighty percent of the Dislocated Worker appropriation, or $1,239,232,000, a decrease of 2.6 percent from PY 2001 pre-rescission level. Since the Dislocated Worker Activities formula has no floor amount or hold-harmless provisions, funding changes for states directly reflect the impact of changes in number of unemployed. The three formula factors required in WIA use the following data for the PY 2002 allotments:
(1) The number of unemployed are averages for the 12-month period, October 2000 through September 2001; (2) The number of excess unemployed are averages for the 12-month period, October 2000 through September 2001; and (3) The number of long-term unemployed are averages for calendar year 2000.
Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service Preliminary Planning Estimates. The public employment service (ES) program involves a Federal-State partnership between the U.S. Department of Labor and the State Workforce Agencies. Under the Wagner-Peyser Act, funds are allotted to each state to administer a labor exchange program responding to the needs of the state's employers and workers through a system of local employment services offices that are part of the One-Stop service delivery system established by the state. Attachment IV shows the ES preliminary planning estimates for PY 2002. These preliminary planning estimates have been produced using the formula set forth at section 6 of the Wagner-Peyser Act, 29 U.S.C. 49e. They are based on monthly averages for each state's share of the civilian labor force (CLF) and unemployment for the 12 months ending September 2001. Final allotments will be published in the Federal Register, based on calendar year 2001 data, as required by the Wagner-Peyser Act. State planning estimates reflect $16,000,000, or 2.1 percent of the total amount appropriated, which is being withheld from distribution to states to finance postage costs associated with the conduct of Wagner-Peyser Act labor exchange services for PY 2002. The Secretary of Labor is required to set aside up to three percent of the total available funds to assure that each state will have sufficient resources to maintain statewide employment service activities, as required under section 6(b)(4) of the Wagner-Peyser Act. In accordance with this provision, the three percent set-aside funds, or $22,372,050, are included in the total planning estimate. The set-aside funds are distributed in two steps to states that have lost in relative share of resources from the previous year. In Step 1, states that have a CLF below one million and are also below the median CLF density are maintained at 100 percent of their relative share of prior year resources. All remaining set-aside funds are distributed on a pro-rata basis in Step 2 to all other states losing in relative share from the prior year but not meeting the size and density criteria for Step 1. Under Wagner-Peyser Act section 7, ten percent of the total sums allotted to each state shall be reserved for use by the Governor to provide performance incentives for public ES offices; services for groups with special needs; and for the extra costs of exemplary models for delivering job services.
Reemployment Services Allotments. The purpose of these funds is to ensure that all Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants receive the necessary services to become re-employed. The total funds available for PY 2002 are $35 million, the same as in PY 2001. The allocation figures for the distribution of the $35 million in Reemployment Services funds for each state for PY 2002 are listed in Attachment V. The remaining funds were allocated using the following method: each State received $215,000; the remaining funds were distributed using each state's share of first payments for FY 2001 to UI claimants. There will be a slight increase in funds to the states this year as there was no deduction in PY 2002 for an evaluation of services provided through these funds. Guidance on the use of these funds will be provided in a separate Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL). Start Printed Page 10810
Workforce Information Grants to States. Total PY 2002 funding for Workforce Information Grants to States is $38,000,000, the same as for PY 2001. The allotment figures for each state are listed in Attachment VI. Funds are allocated by formula to the fifty states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Part of the allotment formula is based on the relative share of the CLF for each entity. Slight year-to-year changes in the size of the CLF in each area resulted in insignificant increases and decreases to PY 2002 allotments, as compared to PY 2001 allotments. Guidance on the use of these funds will be provided in a separate TEGL.
Start SignatureSigned at Washington, DC, this 1st day of March, 2002.
Emily Stover DeRocco,
Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training.
WIA Youth Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2002 vs PY 2001
State PY 2001 with supplemental PY 2002 Difference Percent change Total $1,127,965,000 $1,127,965,000 $0 0.00 Alabama 19,306,056 20,901,613 1,595,557 8.26 Alaska 4,198,343 4,059,320 (139,023) −3.31 Arizona 20,089,561 18,724,084 (1,365,477) −6.80 Arkansas 10,919,626 10,968,513 48,887 0.45 California 181,546,639 174,352,954 (7,193,685) −3.96 Colorado 7,246,178 7,246,178 0 0.00 Connecticut 9,511,625 9,511,625 0 0.00 Delaware 3,430,152 3,430,651 499 0.01 District of Columbia 4,593,113 4,134,267 (458,846) −9.99 Florida 41,077,500 40,269,848 (807,652) −1.97 Georgia 23,057,280 20,753,889 (2,303,391) −9.99 Hawaii 6,131,624 5,519,083 (612,541) −9.99 Idaho 4,294,868 4,707,720 412,852 9.61 Illinois 50,048,681 57,523,690 7,475,009 14.94 Indiana 13,604,901 13,604,901 0 0.00 Iowa 4,026,670 4,026,670 0 0.00 Kansas 4,761,627 6,190,812 1,429,185 30.01 Kentucky 17,117,753 17,117,753 0 0.00 Louisiana 23,291,397 27,488,847 4,197,450 18.02 Maine 3,835,799 3,835,799 0 0.00 Maryland 13,983,445 13,734,681 (248,764) −1.78 Massachusetts 16,005,091 16,005,091 0 0.00 Michigan 29,775,388 38,712,364 8,936,976 30.01 Minnesota 9,941,839 11,286,720 1,344,881 13.53 Mississippi 17,838,009 17,273,760 (564,249) −3.16 Missouri 14,918,738 15,939,667 1,020,929 6.84 Montana 4,273,845 4,029,740 (244,105) −5.71 Nebraska 3,430,152 3,430,651 499 0.01 Nevada 4,522,685 4,983,868 461,183 10.20 New Hampshire 3,430,152 3,430,651 499 0.01 New Jersey 29,273,666 29,273,666 0 0.00 New Mexico 10,733,667 10,371,230 (362,437) −3.38 New York 87,084,035 78,384,460 (8,699,575) −9.99 North Carolina 18,056,932 23,476,656 5,419,724 30.01 North Dakota 3,430,152 3,430,651 499 0.01 Ohio 50,629,664 46,654,314 (3,975,350) −7.85 Oklahoma 10,473,505 9,427,216 (1,046,289) −9.99 Oregon 15,006,340 13,507,227 (1,499,113) −9.99 Pennsylvania 38,152,152 39,258,866 1,106,714 2.90 Puerto Rico 59,290,102 55,047,926 (4,242,176) −7.15 Rhode Island 3,430,152 3,430,651 499 0.01 South Carolina 14,935,516 14,935,516 0 0.00 South Dakota 3,430,152 3,430,651 499 0.01 Tennessee 19,487,876 21,110,535 1,622,659 8.33 Texas 101,450,596 91,315,821 (10,134,775) −9.99 Utah 3,430,152 3,803,175 373,023 10.87 Vermont 3,430,152 3,430,651 499 0.01 Virginia 16,534,311 16,534,311 0 0.00 Washington 23,883,828 30,638,767 6,754,939 28.28 West Virginia 11,778,246 10,601,615 (1,176,631) −9.99 Wisconsin 9,978,027 12,972,896 2,994,869 30.01 Wyoming 3,430,152 3,430,651 499 0.01 State Total 1,107,538,112 1,107,662,862 124,750 0.01 American Samoa 142,207 132,755 (9,452) −6.65 Guam 1,389,988 1,297,603 (92,385) −6.65 Marshall Islands 224,640 300,725 76,085 33.87 Micronesia 399,522 534,840 135,318 33.87 Northern Marianas 156,051 208,905 52,854 33.87 Palau 82,150 76,690 (5,460) −6.65 Virgin Islands 890,320 831,145 (59,175) −6.65 Start Printed Page 10811 Outlying Areas Competitive 222,535 0 (222,535) −100.00 Outlying Areas Total 3,507,413 3,382,663 (124,750) −3.56 Native Americans 16,919,475 16,919,475 0 0.00 WIA Adult Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2002 vs PY 2001
State PY 2001 PY 2002 Difference Percent change Total $950,000,000 $950,000,000 $0 0.00 Alabama 17,044,406 18,567,668 1,523,262 8.94 Alaska 3,728,842 3,627,608 (101,234) −2.71 Arizona 17,399,189 16,247,051 (1,152,138) −6.62 Arkansas 9,622,728 9,708,232 85,504 0.89 California 156,375,879 150,741,436 (5,634,443) −3.60 Colorado 5,768,432 5,191,589 (576,843) −10.00 Connecticut 6,737,675 6,063,908 (673,767) −10.00 Delaware 2,369,063 2,369,063 0 0.00 District of Columbia 3,971,309 3,574,178 (397,131) −10.00 Florida 37,761,854 35,800,688 (1,961,166) −5.19 Georgia 20,011,763 18,010,587 (2,001,176) −10.00 Hawaii 5,444,869 4,900,382 (544,487) −10.00 Idaho 3,712,935 4,104,687 391,752 10.55 Illinois 44,094,693 51,107,313 7,012,620 15.90 Indiana 10,825,762 9,743,186 (1,082,576) −10.00 Iowa 2,888,253 3,199,888 311,635 10.79 Kansas 4,279,240 5,563,012 1,283,772 30.00 Kentucky 15,183,245 14,391,853 (791,392) −5.21 Louisiana 20,294,120 24,177,060 3,882,940 19.13 Maine 3,301,438 2,971,294 (330,144) −10.00 Maryland 12,196,915 12,516,336 319,421 2.62 Massachusetts 11,235,182 10,111,664 (1,123,518) −10.00 Michigan 24,550,144 31,915,187 7,365,043 30.00 Minnesota 7,827,789 9,926,238 2,098,449 26.81 Mississippi 14,744,150 14,484,593 (259,557) −1.76 Missouri 12,359,685 14,329,577 1,969,892 15.94 Montana 3,956,587 3,753,106 (203,481) −5.14 Nebraska 2,369,063 2,369,063 0 0.00 Nevada 4,007,022 4,455,812 448,790 11.20 New Hampshire 2,369,063 2,369,063 0 0.00 New Jersey 20,938,883 18,844,995 (2,093,888) −10.00 New Mexico 9,393,723 8,870,823 (522,900) −5.57 New York 80,628,707 72,565,836 (8,062,871) −10.00 North Carolina 16,154,303 21,000,594 4,846,291 30.00 North Dakota 2,369,063 2,369,063 0 0.00 Ohio 45,060,208 41,709,042 (3,351,166) −7.44 Oklahoma 9,235,649 8,312,084 (923,565) −10.00 Oregon 13,460,527 12,114,474 (1,346,053) −10.00 Pennsylvania 30,818,747 36,183,794 5,365,047 17.41 Puerto Rico 52,746,321 49,163,463 (3,582,858) −6.79 Rhode Island 2,369,063 2,369,063 0 0.00 South Carolina 12,698,373 11,428,536 (1,269,837) −10.00 South Dakota 2,369,063 2,369,063 0 0.00 Tennessee 16,306,939 19,078,725 2,771,786 17.00 Texas 86,576,669 77,919,002 (8,657,667) −10.00 Utah 2,478,475 2,871,770 393,295 15.87 Vermont 2,369,063 2,369,063 0 0.00 Virginia 12,478,418 11,230,576 (1,247,842) −10.00 Washington 21,031,292 27,274,610 6,243,318 29.69 West Virginia 10,558,659 9,502,793 (1,055,866) −10.00 Wisconsin 8,782,497 11,417,246 2,634,749 30.00 Wyoming 2,369,063 2,369,063 0 0.00 State Total 947,625,000 947,625,000 0 0.00 American Samoa 112,713 115,594 2,881 2.56 Guam 443,439 499,361 55,922 12.61 Marshall Islands 239,400 245,520 6,120 2.56 Micronesia 420,122 473,102 52,980 12.61 Northern Marianas 199,536 295,587 96,051 48.14 Palau 75,000 76,917 1,917 2.56 Virgin Islands 594,010 668,919 74,909 12.61 Outlying Areas Competitive 290,780 0 (290,780) −100.00 Start Printed Page 10812 Outlying Areas Total 2,375,000 2,375,000 0 0.00 WIA Dislocated Worker Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2002 vs PY 2001
State PY 2001 (Pre-rescission) PY 2002 Difference Percent change Total $1,590,040,000 $1,549,000,000 ($41,040,000) −2.58 Alabama 15,068,548 22,896,931 7,828,383 51.95 Alaska 11,395,001 9,671,503 (1,723,498) −15.13 Arizona 12,879,316 12,606,123 (273,193) −2.12 Arkansas 7,103,656 7,550,450 446,794 6.29 California 273,391,437 218,507,541 (54,883,896) −20.08 Colorado 8,255,862 7,378,805 (877,057) −10.62 Connecticut 7,406,982 5,384,702 (2,022,280) −27.30 Delaware 2,184,617 2,554,637 370,020 16.94 District of Columbia 8,433,959 8,837,081 403,122 4.78 Florida 39,311,417 40,106,859 795,442 2.02 Georgia 20,930,127 19,039,241 (1,890,886) −9.03 Hawaii 6,477,632 4,243,014 (2,234,618) −34.50 Idaho 3,898,217 6,382,042 2,483,825 63.72 Illinois 41,575,303 91,853,295 50,277,992 120.93 Indiana 10,682,428 12,270,152 1,587,724 14.86 Iowa 5,437,368 4,837,782 (599,586) −11.03 Kansas 5,502,565 6,395,111 892,546 16.22 Kentucky 11,735,435 11,215,137 (520,298) −4.43 Louisiana 23,158,418 44,343,903 21,185,485 91.48 Maine 3,214,945 3,368,375 153,430 4.77 Maryland 17,559,765 16,962,636 (597,129) −3.40 Massachusetts 15,134,353 12,321,163 (2,813,190) −18.59 Michigan 21,932,071 27,662,181 5,730,110 26.13 Minnesota 10,473,235 11,439,858 966,623 9.23 Mississippi 30,701,477 19,710,556 (10,990,921) −35.80 Missouri 12,374,521 15,805,346 3,430,825 27.72 Montana 7,084,638 3,291,112 (3,793,526) −53.55 Nebraska 2,997,707 2,775,031 (222,676) −7.43 Nevada 5,334,057 6,647,377 1,313,320 24.62 New Hampshire 1,877,882 2,261,165 383,283 20.41 New Jersey 30,498,439 26,515,582 (3,982,857) −13.06 New Mexico 21,923,521 17,696,491 (4,227,030) −19.28 New York 105,559,534 67,370,751 (38,188,783) −36.18 North Carolina 16,959,265 27,209,712 10,250,447 60.44 North Dakota 1,279,725 1,198,337 (81,388) −6.36 Ohio 34,309,127 34,226,768 (82,359) −0.24 Oklahoma 6,561,865 6,478,067 (83,798) −1.28 Oregon 28,811,913 29,731,969 920,056 3.19 Pennsylvania 38,706,830 41,663,107 2,956,277 7.64 Puerto Rico 166,101,676 122,346,374 (43,755,302) −26.34 Rhode Island 2,885,714 2,680,620 (205,094) −7.11 South Carolina 11,936,257 11,995,901 59,644 0.50 South Dakota 1,283,809 985,071 (298,738) −23.27 Tennessee 12,771,543 13,927,456 1,155,913 9.05 Texas 63,747,179 59,784,453 (3,962,726) −6.22 Utah 4,430,131 4,334,469 (95,662) −2.16 Vermont 1,240,882 1,306,794 65,912 5.31 Virginia 12,424,713 11,111,364 (1,313,349) −10.57 Washington 27,119,437 68,485,602 41,366,165 152.53 West Virginia 25,423,973 15,231,628 (10,192,345) −40.09 Wisconsin 12,880,353 15,314,830 2,434,477 18.90 Wyoming 1,663,175 1,285,545 (377,630) −22.71 State Total 1,272,032,000 1,239,200,000 (32,832,000) −2.58 American Samoa 188,651 188,479 (172) −0.09 Guam 742,196 814,221 72,025 9.70 Marshall Islands 400,690 400,327 (363) −0.09 Micronesia 703,169 771,405 68,236 9.70 Northern Marianas 333,969 481,963 147,994 44.31 Palau 125,530 125,415 (115) −0.09 Virgin Islands 994,210 1,090,690 96,480 9.70 Outlying Area Competitive Grants 486,685 0 (486,685) −100.00 Outlying Area Total 3,975,100 3,872,500 (102,600) −2.58 Start Printed Page 10813 National Reserve 314,032,900 305,927,500 (8,105,400) −2.58 Start Printed Page 10814Employment Service (Wagner-Peyser) Allotments Comparison of PY 2002 Preliminary vs PY 2001 Final
State PY 2001 final PY 2002 preliminary Difference Percent change Total $761,735,000 $761,735,000 $0 0.00 Alabama 10,959,154 10,930,782 (28,372) −0.26 Alaska 8,106,495 8,106,495 0 0.00 Arizona 11,647,788 11,604,306 (43,482) −0.37 Arkansas 6,349,907 6,306,071 (43,836) −0.69 California 89,216,633 88,768,436 (448,197) −0.50 Colorado 10,324,433 10,245,432 (79,001) −0.77 Connecticut 8,314,954 8,060,259 (254,695) −3.06 Delaware 2,082,968 2,082,968 0 0.00 District of Columbia 3,391,931 3,288,033 (103,898) −3.06 Florida 35,254,594 36,054,686 800,092 2.27 Georgia 19,718,441 19,593,183 (125,258) −0.64 Hawaii 3,220,552 3,142,472 (78,080) −2.42 Idaho 6,754,153 6,754,153 0 0.00 Illinois 31,998,185 32,608,982 610,797 1.91 Indiana 14,316,804 14,196,089 (120,715) −0.84 Iowa 6,980,905 6,915,792 (65,113) −0.93 Kansas 6,671,747 6,658,405 (13,342) −0.20 Kentucky 9,820,530 9,784,586 (35,944) −0.37 Louisiana 11,075,973 11,000,879 (75,094) −0.68 Maine 4,016,631 4,016,631 0 0.00 Maryland 13,703,736 13,595,498 (108,238) −0.79 Massachusetts 15,324,703 15,144,482 (180,221) −1.18 Michigan 24,357,510 25,655,401 1,297,891 5.33 Minnesota 12,471,659 12,607,881 136,222 1.09 Mississippi 7,309,108 7,150,544 (158,564) −2.17 Missouri 13,680,091 13,779,347 99,256 0.73 Montana 5,519,529 5,519,529 0 0.00 Nebraska 6,633,389 6,633,389 0 0.00 Nevada 5,365,563 5,277,141 (88,422) −1.65 New Hampshire 2,993,664 2,988,940 (4,724) −0.16 New Jersey 21,130,170 20,852,518 (277,652) −1.31 New Mexico 6,193,882 6,193,882 0 0.00 New York 47,277,511 46,369,325 (908,186) −1.92 North Carolina 18,608,828 19,702,435 1,093,607 5.88 North Dakota 5,620,532 5,620,532 0 0.00 Ohio 28,306,057 28,189,402 (116,655) −0.41 Oklahoma 8,125,646 7,894,524 (231,122) −2.84 Oregon 9,557,836 9,487,200 (70,636) −0.74 Pennsylvania 30,125,489 30,019,064 (106,425) −0.35 Puerto Rico 10,329,110 10,103,210 (225,900) −2.19 Rhode Island 2,594,102 2,553,652 (40,450) −1.56 South Carolina 9,751,496 9,724,715 (26,781) −0.27 South Dakota 5,194,663 5,194,663 0 0.00 Tennessee 13,719,435 13,693,371 (26,064) −0.19 Texas 51,499,427 51,334,767 (164,660) −0.32 Utah 10,215,650 9,902,734 (312,916) −3.06 Vermont 2,433,477 2,433,477 0 0.00 Virginia 15,820,479 15,736,646 (83,833) −0.53 Washington 16,179,605 16,209,660 30,055 0.19 West Virginia 5,945,805 5,945,805 0 0.00 Wisconsin 13,675,955 14,254,511 578,556 4.23 Wyoming 4,030,272 4,030,272 0 0.00 State Total 743,917,157 743,917,157 0 0.00 Guam 348,947 348,947 0 0.00 Virgin Islands 1,468,896 1,468,896 0 0.00 Postage 16,000,000 16,000,000 0 0.00 Reemployment Services Allotments Comparison of PY 2002 vs PY 2001
State PY 2001 PY 2002 Difference Percent change Total $35,000,000 $35,000,000 $0 0.00 Alabama 651,266 630,119 (21,147) −3.25 Alaska 365,535 328,839 (36,696) −10.04 Arizona 451,604 465,550 13,946 3.09 Arkansas 475,622 486,834 11,212 2.36 California 3,575,611 3,286,723 (288,888) −8.08 Colorado 390,985 413,399 22,414 5.73 Connecticut 557,130 559,475 2,345 0.42 Delaware 303,789 285,842 (17,947) −5.91 District of Columbia 270,930 262,811 (8,119) −3.00 Florida 967,082 955,823 (11,259) −1.16 Georgia 772,024 865,434 93,410 12.10 Hawaii 307,688 289,505 (18,183) −5.91 Idaho 367,014 352,667 (14,347) −3.91 Illinois 1,229,548 1,257,198 27,650 2.25 Indiana 605,890 713,494 107,604 17.76 Iowa 486,492 496,513 10,021 2.06 Kansas 384,490 391,468 6,978 1.81 Kentucky 569,752 577,750 7,998 1.40 Louisiana 451,286 427,581 (23,705) −5.25 Maine 306,568 299,184 (7,384) −2.41 Maryland 533,854 502,689 (31,165) −5.84 Massachusetts 806,916 812,241 5,325 0.66 Michigan 1,329,035 1,494,113 165,078 12.42 Minnesota 567,105 591,759 24,654 4.35 Mississippi 406,318 418,667 12,349 3.04 Missouri 667,578 645,625 (21,953) −3.29 Montana 300,549 284,097 (16,452) −5.47 Nebraska 303,924 306,795 2,871 0.94 Nevada 438,513 408,158 (30,355) −6.92 New Hampshire 259,911 275,008 15,097 5.81 New Jersey 1,052,705 947,406 (105,299) −10.00 New Mexico 311,391 299,076 (12,315) −39.5 New York 1,614,071 1,626,347 12,276 0.76 North Carolina 1,014,309 1,117,194 102,885 10.14 North Dakota 255,006 248,538 (6,468) −2.54 Ohio 1,006,822 1,104,374 97,552 9.69 Oklahoma 345,993 357,719 11,726 3.39 Oregon 708,351 686,626 (21,725) −3.07 Pennsylvania 1,544,115 1,514,175 (29,940) −1.94 Puerto Rico 611,784 547,033 (64,751) −10.58 Rhode Island 344,700 322,539 (22,161) −6.43 South Carolina 537,436 592,943 55,507 10.33 South Dakota 240,703 241,992 1,289 0.54 Tennessee 773,101 793,961 20,860 2.70 Texas 1,328,296 1,311,777 (16,519) −1.24 Utah 349,335 351,075 1,740 0.50 Vermont 272,692 270,142 (2,550) −0.94 Virgin Islands 218,872 218,774 (98) −0.04 Virginia 532,666 551,293 18,627 3.50 Washington 901,029 856,127 (44,902) −4.98 West Virginia 374,349 351,524 (22,825) −6.10 Wisconsin 958,471 1,008,827 50,356 5.25 Wyoming 249,794 245,177 (4,617) −1.85 State Total 34,650,000 34,650,000 0 0.00 Reserve 350,000 350,000 0 0.00 End Supplemental InformationWorkforce Information Grants to States Comparison of PY 2002 vs PY 2001
State PY 2001 PY 2002 Difference Percent change Total $38,000,000 $38,000,000 $0 0.00 Alabama 618,961 615,467 (3,494) −0.56 Alaska 334,067 333,082 (985) −0.29 Arizona 653,519 660,644 7,125 −0.09 Arkansas 478,432 477,041 (1,391) −0.29 California 2,941,713 2,948,593 6,880 0.23 Colorado 642,148 643,436 1,288 0.20 Connecticut 551,662 544,272 (7,390) −0.34 Delaware 347,918 346,723 (1,195) −0.34 Start Printed Page 10815 District of Columbia 326,810 325,186 (1,624) −0.50 Florida 1,459,745 1,478,885 19,140 1.31 Georgia 930,201 923,001 (7,200) −0.77 Hawaii 375,913 376,048 135 0.04 Idaho 386,621 388,791 2,170 0.56 Illinois 1,264,690 1,252,163 (12,527) −0.99 Indiana 761,616 758,085 (3,531) −0.46 Iowa 525,362 528,771 3,409 0.65 Kansas 506,904 502,144 (4,760) −0.94 Kentucky 590,550 588,413 (2,137) −0.36 Louisiana 599,209 596,796 (2,413) 0.40 Maine 389,902 387,937 (1,965) −0.50 Maryland 726,672 721,961 (4,711) −0.65 Massachusetts 792,615 794,878 2,263 0.29 Michigan 1,088,586 1,082,369 (6,217) −0.57 Minnesota 714,254 714,447 193 0.03 Mississippi 486,228 484,006 (2,222) −0.46 Missouri 739,013 732,722 (6,291) −0.85 Montana 357,655 355,457 (2,198) −0.61 Nebraska 429,591 427,840 (1,751) −0.41 Nevada 439,128 443,615 4,487 1.02 New Hampshire 390,642 390,223 (419) −0.11 New Jersey 938,983 933,670 (5,313) −0.57 New Mexico 414,200 413,924 (276) −0.07 New York 1,669,359 1,644,015 (25,344) −0.52 North Carolina 897,707 898,050 343 0.04 North Dakota 336,378 334,743 (1,635) −0.49 Ohio 1,191,106 1,184,810 (6,296) −0.53 Oklahoma 538,258 541,239 2,981 0.55 Oregon 559,304 554,850 (4,454) −0.80 Pennsylvania 1,209,409 1,208,800 (609) −0.05 Puerto Rico 483,717 482,894 (823) −0.17 Rhode Island 362,046 360,182 (1,864) −0.51 South Carolina 593,292 589,601 (3,691) −0.62 South Dakota 345,961 345,412 (549) −0.16 Tennessee 725,224 722,937 (2,287) −0.32 Texas 1,893,749 1,911,463 17,714 0.94 Utah 457,463 457,333 (130) −0.03 Vermont 336,671 335,917 (754) −0.22 Virginia 850,361 857,293 6,932 0.82 Washington 759,936 742,462 (17,474) -2.30 West Virginia 408,977 406,441 (2,536) −0.62 Wisconsin 749,875 747,781 (2,094) −0.28 Wyoming 324,838 324,516 (322) −0.10 State Total 36,897,141 36,821,328 (75,813) −0.21 Guam 68,274 68,236 (38) −0.06 Virgin Islands 122,585 122,436 (149) −0.12 Postage 912,000 988,000 76,000 8.33 [FR Doc. 02-5410 Filed 3-7-02; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 03/08/2002
- Department:
- Employment and Training Administration
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice.
- Document Number:
- 02-5410
- Dates:
- Comments must be received by April 8, 2002.
- Pages:
- 10807-10815 (9 pages)
- PDF File:
- 02-5410.pdf