04-5114. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change and Notice of Filing and Order Granting Accelerated Approval to Amendment No. 1 to the Proposed Rule Change by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Relating ...  

  • Start Preamble March 2, 2004.

    I. Introduction

    On October 6, 2003, the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (“NASD”), through its subsidiary, the Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (“Nasdaq”), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”), pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Act”),[1] and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,[2] a proposed rule change to enhance the Nasdaq National Market Execution System (“NNMS” or “SuperMontage”) to enable Nasdaq to trade via SuperMontage, all securities that are eligible for trading via the Intermarket Trading System (“ITS Securities”). The proposed rule change was published for comment in the Federal Register on October 28, 2003.[3] The Commission received no comment letters with respect to the proposal.

    On February 13, 2004, Nasdaq amended the proposed rule change.[4] This order approves the proposed rule change, solicits comments on Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule change, and grants accelerated approval to Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule change.

    II. Description of the Proposal and Amendment No. 1 Thereto

    Nasdaq submitted the proposed rule change to replace its current Computer Assisted Execution System (“CAES”) with SuperMontage for the trading of all ITS Securities on Nasdaq. Under the proposal, NASD members will trade ITS Securities using the SuperMontage functionality that the Commission has previously approved for the trading of Nasdaq-listed securities, with certain modifications needed to ensure that NASD members continue to comply with all pre-existing NASD and Commission rules governing the trading of ITS Securities.

    After the proposed rule change was published for comment in the Federal Register, Nasdaq submitted Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule change, in order to address informal feedback from participants in the ITS Plan and comments from Division staff. Specifically, Amendment No. 1: (1) Clarifies that an odd-lot share amount will be cancelled if it represents the only interest for an ITS Market Maker at a given price level; (2) establishes that Nasdaq would begin processing locked/crossed markets at 9:30 a.m.; (3) describes how SuperMontage processing in ITS Securities will occur between 4 and 6:30 p.m.; (4) describes how Nasdaq will surveil for compliance with the ITS Plan and the NASD's rule against locked and crossed markets; (5) clarifies which order types will be functional in the proposed rule change; (6) increases from five seconds to seven seconds, the time for an ITS/CAES Market Maker to respond to a delivered order before that delivery will be canceled; (7) further specifies the functionality of IM Prime, the data-feed that Nasdaq proposes to use for the dissemination of information about quotes and orders for ITS Securities in SuperMontage; (8) identifies the measures Nasdaq has instituted to assure proper surveillance and compliance with ITS rules; and (9) provides further detail on Nasdaq's planned implementation schedule. The language of the proposed rule text, as amended, is attached as Exhibit A.

    III. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and arguments concerning Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule change, including whether Amendment No. 1 is consistent with the Act. Persons making written submissions should file six copies thereof with the Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, DC 20549-0609. Comments should be submitted electronically at the following e-mail address: rule-comments@sec.gov. All comment letters should refer to File No. SR-NASD-2003-149. This file number should be included on the subject line if e-mail is used. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, comments should be sent in hard copy or by e-mail but not by both methods. Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for inspection and copying in the Commission's Public Reference Room. Copies of such filing will also be available for inspection and copying at the principal office of the NASD. All submissions should refer to File No. SR-NASD-2003-149 and should be submitted by March 29, 2004.

    IV. Discussion and Commission Findings

    After careful review, the Commission finds that the proposed rule change, as amended, is consistent with the requirements of the Act and the rules Start Printed Page 10776and regulations thereunder applicable to a national securities association.[5] In particular, the Commission believes that the proposed rule change is consistent with section 15A(b)(6) of the Act,[6] which requires, among other things, that the NASD's rules be designed to prevent fraudulent and manipulative acts and practices, to promote just and equitable principles of trade, and, in general, to protect investors and the public interest. Specifically, the Commission believes that replacing CAES with the SuperMontage functionality, Nasdaq's integrated execution system, should enhance the trading of ITS Securities trading on Nasdaq.

    The Commission finds good cause for approving Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule change prior to the thirtieth day after the amendment is published for comment in the Federal Register pursuant to section 19(b)(2) of the Act.[7] In Amendment No. 1, Nasdaq further clarified the proposal by addressing substantive concerns raised by the ITS Participants and procedural concerns raised by Division staff. Granting accelerated approval to the filing as amended, will enable the NASD to provide the SuperMontage functionality without further delay. The Commission believes that there is no reason to delay implementation of these changes.

    V. Conclusion

    For the foregoing reasons, the Commission finds that the proposed rule change is consistent with the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder applicable to a national securities association, and, in particular, section 15A(b)(6) of the Act.[8]

    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to section 19(b)(2) of the Act,[9] that the proposed rule change (SR-NASD-2003-149) be approved, and that Amendment No. 1 be approved on an accelerated basis.

    Start Signature

    For the Commission, by the Division of Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated authority.[10]

    Jill M. Peterson,

    Assistant Secretary.

    End Signature

    Proposed new language is italicized; proposed deletions are in [brackets].

    Exhibit A

    4700. NASDAQ National Market Execution System (NNMS)

    4701. Definitions

    Unless stated otherwise, the terms described below shall have the following meaning:

    (a) The term “active NNMS securities” shall mean those NNMS eligible securities in which at least one NNMS Market Maker or ITS/CAES Market Maker is currently active in NNMS.

    (b) Reserved.

    (c) The term “Attributable Quote/Order” shall have the following meaning:

    (1) For NNMS Market Makers and NNMS ECNs, a bid or offer Quote/Order that is designated for display (price and size) next to the participant's [MMID] MPID in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage once such Quote/Order becomes the participant's best attributable bid or offer.

    (2) For ITS/CAES Market Makers, a bid or offer Quote/Order that is designated for display (price and size) next to the participant's MPID once such Quote/Order becomes the participant's best attributable bid or offer.

    [(2)](3) For UTP Exchanges, the best bid and best offer quotation with price and size that is transmitted to Nasdaq by the UTP Exchange, which is displayed next to the UTP Exchange's [MMID] MPID in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage.

    (d) The term “Automated Confirmation Transaction” service or “ACT” shall mean the automated system owned and operated by The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., which compares trade information entered by ACT Participants and submits “locked-in” trades to clearing.

    (e) The term “automatic refresh size” shall mean the default size to which an NNMS Market Maker's quote will be refreshed pursuant to NASD Rule 4710(b)(2), if the market maker elects to utilize the Quote Refresh Functionality and does not designate to Nasdaq an alternative refresh size, which must be at least one normal unit of trading. The automatic refresh size default amount shall be 1,000 shares.

    (f) The term “Directed Order” shall mean an order in a Nasdaq-listed security that is entered into the system by an NNMS participant that is directed to a particular Quoting Market Participant at any price, through the Directed Order process described in Rule 4710(c). This term shall not include the “Preferenced Order” described in subparagraph (aa) of this rule. Directed Orders shall not be available for ITS Securities.

    (g) The term “Displayed Quote/Order” shall mean both Attributable and Non-Attributable (as applicable) Quotes/Orders transmitted to Nasdaq by Quoting Market Participants or NNMS Order Entry Firms. NNMS Order Entry firms are not permitted to enter Displayed Quotes/Orders in ITS Securities.

    (h) The term “Firm Quote Rule” shall mean SEC Rule 11Ac1-1.

    (i) The term “Immediate or Cancel” shall mean, for limit orders so designated, that if after entry into the NNMS a marketable limit order (or unexecuted portion thereof) becomes non-marketable, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall be canceled and returned to the entering participant.

    (j) The term “Liability Order” shall mean an order that when delivered to a Quoting Market Participant imposes an obligation to respond to such order in a manner consistent with the Firm Quote Rule.

    (k) The term “limit order” shall mean an order to buy or sell a stock at a specified price or better.

    (l) The term “market order” shall mean an unpriced order to buy or sell a stock at the market's current best price.

    (m) The term “marketable limit order” shall mean a limit order to buy that, at the time it is entered into the NNMS, is priced at the current inside offer or higher, or a limit order to sell that, at the time it is entered into the NNMS, is priced at the inside bid or lower.

    (n) The term “mixed lot” shall mean an order that is for more than a normal unit of trading but not a multiple thereof.

    (o) The term “Non-Attributable Quote/Order” shall mean :

    (1) for orders in Nasdaq-listed securities, a bid or offer Quote/Order that is entered by a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant or NNMS Order Entry Firm and is designated for display (price and size) on an anonymous basis in the Nasdaq Order Display Facility. UTP Exchanges may submit Non-Attributable Quote/Order(s) in conformity with Rule 4710(e).

    (2) for orders in ITS Securities, a bid or offer Quote/Order that is entered by an ITS/CAES Market Maker and is designated for display (price and size) and/or execution on an anonymous basis. NNMS Order Entry Firms shall be eligible to enter Non-Attributable orders in ITS Securities only if they are designated as Immediate or Cancel or Total Immediate or Cancel. Start Printed Page 10777

    (p) The term “Non-Directed Order” shall mean an order that is entered into the system by an NNMS Participant and is not directed to any particular Quoting Market Participant or ITS Exchange, and shall also include Preferenced Orders as described in subparagraph (aa) of this rule.

    (q) The term “Non-Liability Order” shall mean for Nasdaq listed securities an order that when delivered to a Quoting Market Participant imposes no obligation to respond to such order under the Firm Quote Rule.

    (r) The term “Nasdaq National Market Execution System,” “NNMS,” or “system” shall mean the automated system owned and operated by The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. which enables NNMS Participants to execute transactions in active NNMS authorized securities; to have reports of the transactions automatically forwarded to the appropriate National Market Trade Reporting System, if required, for dissemination to the public and the industry, and to “lock in” these trades by sending both sides to the applicable clearing corporation(s) designated by the NNMS Participant(s) for clearance and settlement; and to provide NNMS Participants with sufficient monitoring and updating capability to participate in an automated execution environment.

    (s) The term “NNMS eligible securities” shall mean designated Nasdaq-listed equity securities and ITS Securities. ITS Securities shall include all securities included in NASD Rule 5210(c) and NASD Rule 6410(d).

    (t) The term “NNMS ECN” shall mean a member of the Association that meets all of the requirements of NASD Rule 4623, and that participates in the NNMS with respect to one or more Nasdaq listed [NNMS eligible] securities.

    (1) The term “NNMS Auto-Ex ECN” shall mean an NNMS ECN that participates in the automatic-execution functionality of the NNMS system, and accordingly executes Non-Directed Orders via automatic execution for the purchase or sale of an active Nasdaq listed [NNMS] security at the Nasdaq inside bid and/or offer price.

    (2) The term “NNMS Order-Delivery ECN” shall mean an NNMS ECN that participates in the order-delivery functionality of the NNMS system, accepts delivery of Non-Directed Orders that are Liability Orders, and provides an automated execution of Non-Directed Orders (or an automated rejection of such orders if the price is no longer available) for the purchase or sale of an active Nasdaq listed [NNMS] security at the Nasdaq inside bid and/or offer price.

    (u) The term “NNMS Market Maker” shall mean a member of the Association that is registered as a Nasdaq Market Maker and as a Market Maker for purposes of participation in NNMS with respect to one or more Nasdaq listed [NNMS eligible] securities, and is currently active in NNMS and obligated to execute orders through the automatic-execution functionality of the NNMS system for the purchase or sale of an active Nasdaq listed [NNMS] security at the Nasdaq inside bid and/or offer price.

    (v) The term “NNMS Participant” shall mean an NNMS Market Maker, NNMS ECN, UTP Exchange, [or] ITS/CAES Market Maker, or NNMS Order Entry Firm registered as such with the Association for participation in NNMS.

    (w) The term “NNMS Order Entry Firm” shall mean a member of the Association who is registered as an Order Entry Firm for purposes of entering orders in NNMS Securities into NNMS [participation in NNMS]. This term shall also include any Electronic Communications Network or Alternative Trading System that fails to meet all the requirements of Rule 4623. NNMS Order Entry Firms shall not charge any fee to a broker-dealer that accesses the NNMS Order Entry Firm's quote/order through NNMS.

    (x) The term “Nasdaq Quotation Montage” shall mean the portion of the Nasdaq WorkStation presentation that displays for a particular stock two columns (one for bid, one for offer), under which is listed in price/time priority the [MMID] MPIDs for each NNMS Market Maker, NNMS ECN, and UTP Exchange registered in the stock and the corresponding quote (price and size) next to the related [MMID] MPID.

    (y) The term “Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant” shall include only the following: (1) NNMS Market Makers; [or] (2) NNMS ECNs ;[.] and (3) ITS/CAES Market Makers.

    (z) The term “odd-lot order” shall mean an order that is for less than a normal unit of trading.

    (aa) The term “Preferenced Order” shall mean an order that is entered into the Non-Directed Order Process and is designated to be delivered to or executed against a particular Quoting Market Participant's Attributable Quote/Order if the Quoting Market Participant is at the best bid/best offer when the Preferenced Order is the next in line to be executed or delivered. Preferenced Orders shall be executed subject to the conditions set out in Rule 4710(b).

    (bb) The term “Quote/Order” shall mean a single quotation or shall mean an order or multiple orders at the same price submitted to Nasdaq by a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant or, for Nasdaq securities, NNMS Order Entry Firm that is displayed in the form of a single quotation. For ITS Securities, orders entered by NNMS Order Entry Firms are not displayed. Unless specifically referring to a UTP Exchange's agency Quote/Order (as set out in Rule 4710([f]e)(2)(b)), when this term is used in connection with a UTP Exchange, it shall mean the best bid and/or the best offer quotation transmitted to Nasdaq by the UTP Exchange.

    (cc) The term “Quoting Market Participant” shall include any of the following: (1) NNMS Market Makers; (2) NNMS ECNs; [and] (3) UTP Exchange Specialists , and (4) ITS/CAES Market Makers.

    (dd) The term “Reserve Size” shall mean the system-provided functionality that permits a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant or NNMS Order Entry Firm to display in its Displayed Quote/Order part of the full size of a proprietary or agency order, with the remainder held in reserve on an undisplayed basis to be displayed in whole or in part after the displayed part is reduced by executions to less than a normal unit of trading.

    (ee) The term “Nasdaq Order Display Facility” shall mean , in Nasdaq listed securities, the portion of the Nasdaq WorkStation presentation that displays, without attribution to a particular Quoting Market Participant's [MMID] MPID, the five best price levels in Nasdaq on both the bid and offer side of the market and the aggregate size of Attributable and Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders at each price level.

    (ff) The term “UTP Exchange” shall mean any registered national securities exchange that elects to participate in the NNMS and that has unlisted trading privileges in Nasdaq National Market securities pursuant to the Joint Self-Regulatory Organization Plan Governing the Collection, Consolidation and Dissemination Of Quotation and Transaction Information For [Exchange-Listed] Nasdaq/National Market System Securities Traded On Exchanges On An Unlisted Trading Privilege Basis (“Nasdaq UTP Plan”).

    (gg) The term “Legacy Quote” shall mean the quotation mechanism that existed in Nasdaq on or before July 1, 2002, and that does not permit the entry of Quotes/Orders at multiple price levels in the NNMS.

    (hh) The term “Day” shall mean, for orders so designated, that if after entry into the NNMS, the order is not fully executed, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain available for potential display and/or execution until market close (4 p.m. Eastern Time), after which it shall be returned to the entering party. Start Printed Page 10778

    (ii) The term “Good-till-Cancelled” shall mean, for orders so designated, that if after entry into NNMS, the order is not fully executed, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain available for potential display and/or execution until cancelled by the entering party, or until 1 year after entry, whichever comes first.

    (jj) The term “End-of-Day” shall mean, for orders so designated, that if after entry into the NNMS, the order is not fully executed, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain available for potential execution and/or display until market close (4 p.m. Eastern Time), and thereafter for potential execution until 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, after which it shall be returned to the entering party. End-of-Day orders shall not be available for ITS Securities.

    (kk) The term “Auto Ex” shall mean for orders in Nasdaq listed securities so designated, an order that will execute solely against the Quotes/Orders of NNMS Participants that participate in the automatic execution functionality of the NNMS and that do not charge a separate quote-access fee to NNMS Participants accessing their Quotes/Orders through the NNMS.

    (ll) The term “Fill or Return” shall mean for orders in ITS Securities so designated, an order that is entered by an ITS/CAES Market Maker and delivered to or executed by NNMS Participants without delivering the order to an ITS Exchange and without trading through the quotations of ITS Exchanges. The System will, if necessary, execute against interest at successive price levels.

    (mm) The term “Pegged” shall mean, for orders so designated, that after entry into the NNMS, the price of the order is automatically adjusted by NNMS in response to changes in the Nasdaq inside bid or offer, as appropriate. The price of a Pegged Order may be equal to the inside quote on the same side of the market (a Regular Pegged Order) or may be equal to a specified amount better than the inside quote on the contra side of the market (a Reverse Pegged Order). The market participant entering a Pegged Order may (but is not required to) specify a cap price, to define a price at which pegging of the order will stop and the order will be converted into an un-pegged limit order. Pegged Orders shall not be available for ITS Securities.

    (nn) (1) The term “Discretionary” shall mean, for priced limit orders in Nasdaq listed securities so designated, an order that when entered into NNMS has both a displayed bid or offer price, as well as a non-displayed discretionary price range in which the participant is also willing to buy or sell, if necessary. The displayed price may be fixed or may be pegged to equal the inside quote on the same side of the market. The pegging of the Discretionary Order may be capped in the same manner as that of a Pegged Order. The discretionary price range of a Discretionary Order that is pegged will be adjusted to follow the pegged displayed price.

    (2) for orders in ITS Securities so designated, an order that when entered into NNMS has both a displayed bid or offer price, as well as a non-displayed discretionary price range in which the participant is also willing to buy or sell, if necessary. The display price must be fixed. A Discretionary Order in an ITS Security may not result in a quote that locks or crosses the national best bid and offer and shall not be executed at a price that trades through the quotation of an ITS Exchange unless it is designated as a Sweep Order.

    (oo) Reserved.

    (pp) The term “ITS/CAES Market Maker” shall mean a member of the Association that is registered as an ITS/CAES Market Maker as defined in NASD Rule 5210(e) or as a CQS Market Maker as defined in NASD Rule 6320 and as a Market Maker for purposes of participation in NNMS with respect to one or more ITS Securities, and is currently active in NNMS. ITS/CAES Market Makers shall be permitted to execute orders in ITS Securities through the automatic execution or order delivery functionality of the NNMS system for the purchase or sale of active ITS Securities.

    (qq) The term “ITS Exchange” shall mean a national securities exchange that participates in the ITS system as defined in Rule 5210(a). ITS Exchanges shall not be eligible to participate in the NNMS. ITS Commitments sent by ITS Exchanges shall be processed by the system in accordance with the ITS Plan and all applicable NASD rules governing the participation in ITS. Quotes/Orders that are eligible for ITS will be processed by the system and delivered to the appropriate ITS Exchange as an ITS Commitment in accordance with the requirements of the ITS Plan and all applicable NASD rules.

    (rr) The term “Sweep Order” shall mean, for orders in ITS Securities so designated, an order that may be entered only by ITS/CAES Market Makers and that may be delivered to or executed only by NNMS Participants at multiple price levels and that may trade through ITS Exchanges' quotations.

    (ss) The term “Total Day” shall mean, for orders in ITS Securities so designated, that if after entry into the NNMS, the order is not fully executed, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain available for potential display between 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and for potential execution between 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., after which it shall be returned to the entering party.

    (tt) The term “Total Good-till-Cancelled” shall mean, for orders in ITS Securities so designated, that if after entry into NNMS, the order is not fully executed, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain available for potential display between 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and for potential execution between 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., until cancelled by the entering party, or until 1 year after entry, whichever comes first.

    (uu) The term “Total Immediate or Cancel” shall mean, for limit orders in ITS Securities so designated, that if after entry into the NNMS a marketable limit order (or unexecuted portion thereof) becomes non-marketable, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall be canceled and returned to the entering participant. Such orders may be entered between 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and are available for potential execution between 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

    4705. NNMS Participant Registration

    (a) Participation in NNMS as an NNMS Market Maker requires current registration as such with the Association. Such registration shall be conditioned upon the NNMS Market Maker's initial and continuing compliance with the following requirements:

    (1) execution of an NNMS Participant application agreement with the Association;

    (2) membership in, or access arrangement with a participant of a clearing agency registered with the Commission that maintains facilities through which NNMS compared trades may be settled;

    (3) registration as a market maker in The Nasdaq Stock Market pursuant to the Rule 4600 Series and compliance with all applicable rules and operating procedures of the Association and the Commission;

    (4) maintenance of the physical security of the equipment located on the premises of the NNMS Market Maker or to prevent the improper use or access to Nasdaq systems, including unauthorized entry of information into NNMS; and

    (5) acceptance and settlement of each NNMS trade that NNMS identifies as having been effected by such NNMS Market Maker, or if settlement is to be made through another clearing member, guarantee of the acceptance and Start Printed Page 10779settlement of such identified NNMS trade by the clearing member on the regularly scheduled settlement date.

    (b) Pursuant to Rule 4611(f), participation as an NNMS Market Maker is required for any Nasdaq market maker registered to make a market in an NNMS security.

    (c) Participation in NNMS as an NNMS Order Entry Firm requires current registration as such with the Association. Such registration shall be conditioned upon the NNMS Order Entry Firm's initial and continuing compliance with the following requirements:

    (1) execution of an NNMS Participant application agreement with the Association;

    (2) membership in, or access arrangement with a participant of, a clearing agency registered with the Commission that maintains facilities through which NNMS compared trades may be settled;

    (3) compliance with all applicable rules and operating procedures of the Association and the Securities and Exchange Commission;

    (4) maintenance of the physical security of the equipment located on the premises of the NNMS Order Entry Firm to prevent the improper use or access to Nasdaq systems, including unauthorized entry of information into NNMS; and

    (5) acceptance and settlement of each NNMS trade that NNMS identifies as having been effected by such NNMS Order Entry Firm or if settlement is to be made through another clearing member, guarantee of the acceptance and settlement of such identified NNMS trade by the clearing member on the regularly scheduled settlement date.

    (d) Participation in NNMS as an NNMS ECN requires current registration as an NASD member and shall be conditioned upon the following:

    (1) the execution of an NNMS Participant application agreement with the Association;

    (2) compliance with all requirements in NASD Rule 4623 and all other applicable rules and operating procedures of the Association and the Securities and Exchange Commission;

    (3) membership in, or access arrangement with, a clearing agency registered with the Commission which maintains facilities through which NNMS-compared trades may be settled;

    (4) maintenance of the physical security of the equipment located on the premises of the NNMS ECN to prevent the improper use or access to Nasdaq systems, including unauthorized entry of information into NNMS; and

    (5) acceptance and settlement of each trade that is executed through the facilities of the NNMS, or if settlement is to be made through another clearing member, guarantee of the acceptance and settlement of such identified NNMS trade by the clearing member on the regularly scheduled settlement date.

    (e) Participation in NNMS as an ITS/CAES Market Maker shall be conditioned upon the ITS/CAES Market Maker's initial and continuing compliance with the requirements set forth in NASD Rule 5220.

    ([e]f) The registration required hereunder will apply solely to the qualification of an NNMS Participant to participate in NNMS. Such registration shall not be conditioned upon registration in any particular eligible or active NNMS securities.

    ([f]g) Each NNMS Participant shall be under a continuing obligation to inform the Association of noncompliance with any of the registration requirements set forth above.

    ([g]h) The Association and its subsidiaries shall not be liable for any losses, damages, or other claims arising out of the NNMS or its use. Any losses, damages, or other claims, related to a failure of the NNMS to deliver, display, transmit, execute, compare, submit for clearance and settlement, adjust, retain priority for, or otherwise correctly process an order, Quote/Order, message, or other data entered into, or created by, the NNMS shall be absorbed by the member, or the member sponsoring the customer, that entered the order, Quote/Order, message, or other data into the NNMS.

    4706. Order Entry Parameters

    (a) Non-Directed Orders—

    (1) General. The following requirements shall apply to Non-Directed Orders Entered by NNMS Market Participants:

    (A) An NNMS Participant may enter into the NNMS a Non-Directed Order in order to access the best bid/best offer as displayed in Nasdaq.

    (B) A Non-Directed Order must be a market or limit order, must indicate whether it is a buy, short sale, short-sale exempt, or long sale, and may be designated as “Immediate or Cancel”, [or as a] “Day”, [or a] “Good-till-Cancelled”, “Auto-Ex”, “Fill or Return”, “Pegged”, “Discretionary”, “Sweep”, “Total Day”, “Total Good till Cancelled”, or “Total Immediate or Cancel” [ order].

    (1) If a priced order designated as “Immediate or Cancel” (“IOC”) is not immediately executable, the unexecuted order (or portion thereof) shall be returned to the sender.

    (2) If a priced order designated as a “Day” order is not immediately executable, the unexecuted order (or portion thereof) shall be retained by NNMS and remain available for potential display/execution until it is cancelled by the entering party, or until 4 p.m. Eastern Time on the day such order was submitted, whichever comes first, whereupon it will be returned to the sender.

    (3) If the order is designated as “Good-till-Cancelled” (“GTC”), the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) will be retained by NNMS and remain available for potential display/execution until cancelled by the entering party, or until 1 year after entry, whichever comes first.

    (4) Starting at 7:30 a.m., until the 4 p.m. market close, IOC and Day Non-Directed Orders may be entered into NNMS (or previously entered orders cancelled), but such orders entered prior to market open will not become available for execution until 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. GTC orders may be entered (or previously entered GTC orders cancelled) between the hours 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, but such orders entered prior to market open, or GTC orders carried over from previous trading days, will not become available for execution until 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Exception: For Nasdaq listed securities only, Non-Directed Day (other than Pegged and Discretionary Orders) and GTC orders may be executed prior to market open if required under Rule 4710(b)(3)(B).

    (5) for Nasdaq listed securities, [ A]a n order may be designated as “Auto-Ex,” in which case the order will also automatically be designated as IOC. An Auto-Ex Order will execute solely against the Quotes/Orders of NNMS Participants at the best bid/best offer that participate in the automatic execution functionality of the NNMS and that do not charge a separate quote-access fee to NNMS Participants accessing their Quotes/Orders through the NNMS.

    (6) for ITS Securities, an order may be designated as “Fill or Return,” in which case it shall be executed solely against the Quotes/Orders of NNMS Participants at the best bid/best offer within NNMS. The NNMS will, if necessary, execute against interest at successive price levels. A Fill or Return Order will not trade through the quotation of an ITS Exchange.

    (7) [In addition, an order may be assigned the designations described below.] An order may be designated as “Pegged,” in which case the order will also automatically be designated as Day. A Pegged Order may not be designated Start Printed Page 10780as a Preferenced Order. A Pegged Order (or unexecuted portion thereof) will be retained by NNMS and its price adjusted in response to changes in the Nasdaq inside market. A Pegged Order ( including a Discretionary Order that is pegged ) will be cancelled if there is no displayable Quote/Order to which its price can be pegged. Starting at 7:30 a.m., until the 4 p.m. market close, Pegged Orders may be entered into NNMS (or previously entered orders cancelled), but such orders entered prior to market open will not become available for execution until 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. The initial price of Pegged Orders (including Discretionary Orders that are pegged) entered prior to market open will be established at 9:30 a.m. based on the Nasdaq inside bid or offer at that time. Pegged Orders shall not be available for ITS Securities.

    To maintain the capacity and performance of the NNMS, Nasdaq may at any time suspend the entry of Pegged Orders (including Discretionary Orders that are pegged) for all securities or for any security. Pegged Orders that are in the NNMS at the time of such suspension will continue to be available for adjustment and execution.

    (8)(A) An order may be designated as “Discretionary”, in which case the order will also automatically be designated as Day. A Discretionary Order may not be designated as a Preferenced Order. The order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall be displayed in the system, if appropriate, using the displayed price selected by the entering party, with the system also retaining a non-displayed discretionary price range within which the entering party is also willing to execute if necessary. If a Discretionary Order is pegged, its displayed price will be adjusted in response to changes in the Nasdaq inside market. Starting at 7:30 a.m., until the 4 p.m. market close, Discretionary Orders may be entered into NNMS (or previously entered orders cancelled), but such orders entered prior to market open will not become available for execution until 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Discretionary Orders whose displayed price or discretionary price range does not lock or cross another Quote/Order will be available for execution at 9:30 a.m. All other Discretionary Orders will be added to the time-priority queue described in Rule 4706(a)(1)(F) and (a)(2)(B) and processed by NNMS at market open.

    (B) A Discretionary Order in an ITS Security may not be preferenced to an ITS/CAES Market Maker or ITS Exchange, shall not result in a quote that locks or crosses the national best bid and offer and shall not be executed at a price that trades through the quotation of an ITS Exchange unless it is also designated as a Sweep Order. Starting at 7:30 a.m., until the 4 p.m. market close, Discretionary Orders in ITS Securities may be entered into NNMS (or previously entered orders cancelled), but such orders entered prior to market open will not become available for execution until 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Discretionary Orders whose displayed price or discretionary price range does not lock or cross another Quote/Order will be available for execution at 9:30 a.m. All other Discretionary Orders will be added to the time-priority queue described in Rule 4706(a)(1)(F) and (a)(2)(B) and processed by NNMS at market open.

    (9) An order in an ITS Security may be designated as a “Sweep Order.” A Sweep Order may be entered only by an ITS/CAES Market Maker. A Sweep Order may trade through the quotations of ITS Exchanges, and it will be delivered to or executed only by NNMS Participants at multiple price levels.

    (10) An order in an ITS Security may be designated as “Total Day” (“X”) and may be entered between the hours 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time and are available for potential execution beginning at 9:30 a.m. If a priced X order is not immediately executable, the unexecuted order (or portion thereof) shall be retained by NNMS and remain available for potential display/execution until it is cancelled by the entering party, or until 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on the day such order was submitted, whichever comes first, whereupon it will be returned to the sender.

    (11) An order in an ITS Security may be designated as “Total Good-till-Cancelled” (“GTX”). A GTX order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall be retained by NNMS and remain available for potential display/execution until cancelled by the entering party, or until 1 year after entry, whichever comes first. GTX orders may be entered (or previously entered GTX orders cancelled) between the hours 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time and are available for potential execution beginning at 9:30 a.m.

    (12) An order in an ITS Security may be designated as “Total Immediate or Cancel” (“IOX”). IOX orders may be entered beginning at 7:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. and are available for potential execution throughout the trading day beginning at 9:30 a.m. If a priced order designated as IOX and entered prior to 9:30 a.m. is not immediately executable at 9:30 a.m., the unexecuted order (or portion thereof) shall be returned to the sender. If a priced order designated as IOX and entered between 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. is not immediately executable, the unexecuted order (or portion thereof) shall be returned to the sender.

    (C) The system will not process a Non-Directed Order to sell short if the execution of such order would violate NASD Rule 3350 or, in the case of ITS Securities, SEC Rule 10a-1.

    (D) Non-Directed Orders will be processed as described in Rule 4710.

    (E) The NNMS shall not accept Non-Directed Orders that are All-or-None, or have a minimum size of execution.

    (F) A NNMS Market Participant may enter a Non-Directed Order that is either a market order or a limit order prior to the market's open. Market orders and limit orders designated as Immediate or Cancel and limit orders designated as Total Immediate or Cancel and Discretionary Orders whose displayed price or discretionary price range would lock or cross another Quote/Order if they were displayed orders shall be held in a time-priority queue that will begin to be processed by NNMS at market open. If an Immediate or Cancel limit order is unmarketable at the time it reaches the front of time-priority processing queue, it will be returned to the entering market participant. Limit orders that are not designated as Immediate or Cancel orders shall be retained by NNMS for potential display in conformity with Rule 4707(b) and/or potential execution in conformity with Rule 4710(b)(1)(B).

    (2) Entry of Non-Directed Orders by NNMS Order Entry Firms—In addition to the requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this rule, the following conditions shall apply to Non-Directed Orders entered by NNMS Order-Entry Firms:


    (i) All Non-Directed orders in Nasdaq listed securities shall be designated as Immediate or Cancel, GTC or Day but shall be required to be entered as Non-Attributable if not entered as IOC. NNMS Order Entry Firms may designate orders as “Pegged” or “Discretionary,” in which case the order will also automatically be designated as Day. For IOC orders, if after entry into the NNMS of a Non-Directed Order that is marketable, the order (or the unexecuted portion thereof) becomes non-marketable, the system will return the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) to the entering participant.

    (ii) In ITS Securities, all Non-Directed orders shall be designated as Immediate or Cancel, GTC, Day, Total Immediate or Cancel, Total Day, or Total GTC but shall be required to be entered as Non-attributable if not entered as IOC or IOX. NNMS Order Entry Firms may only assign the IOC, IOX, and Fill or Return and Discretionary order designations Start Printed Page 10781described in subparagraph (a)(1)(B). For IOC and IOX orders, if after entry into the NNMS of a Non-Directed Order that is marketable, the order (or the unexecuted portion thereof) becomes non-marketable, the system will return the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) to the entering participant.

    (B) A Non-Directed Order that is either a market or limit order may be entered prior to the market's open. Limit and market orders designated as Immediate or Cancel and Discretionary Orders or, in the case of ITS Securities, IOX, whose displayed price or discretionary price range would lock or cross another Quote/Order if they were displayed will be held in a time-priority queue that will begin to be processed at market open. A limit order that is designated as IOC or, in the case of ITS Securities, IOX and is not marketable at the time it reaches the front of the time-priority processing queue will be returned to the entering participant.

    (b) Directed Orders in Nasdaq-listed Securities. A participant may enter a Directed Order in a Nasdaq-listed security into the NNMS to access a specific Attributable Quote/Order displayed in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage, subject to the following conditions and requirements:

    (1) Unless the Quoting Market Participant to which a Directed Order is being sent has indicated that it wishes to receive Directed Orders that are Liability Orders, a Directed Order must be a Non-Liability Order, and as such, at the time of entry must be designated as:

    (A) an “All-or-None” order (“AON”) that is at least one normal unit of trading (e.g. 100 shares) in excess of the Attributable Quote/Order of the Quoting Market Participant to which the order is directed; or

    (B) a “Minimum Acceptable Quantity” order (“MAQ”), with a MAQ value of at least one normal unit of trading in excess of Attributable Quote/Order of the Quoting Market Participant to which the order is directed. Nasdaq will append an indicator to the quote of a Quoting Market Participant that has indicated to Nasdaq that it wishes to receive Directed Orders that are Liability Orders.

    (C) a Directed Order that is entered at a price that is inferior to the Attributable Quote/Order of the Quoting Market Participant to which the order is directed. Nasdaq will append an indicator to the quote of a Quoting Market Participant that has indicated to Nasdaq that it wishes to receive Directed Orders that are Liability Orders.

    (2) A Directed Order may have a time in force of 3 to 99 minutes, or may be designated as “Day” order, or an “End of Day” order.

    (3) Directed Orders shall be processed pursuant to Rule 4710(c).

    (4) A Directed Order entered into the system may not be cancelled until a minimum of five seconds has elapsed after the time of entry. This five-second time period shall be measured by NNMS.

    (5) Directed Orders shall not be entered in ITS Securities.

    (c) Entry of Agency and Principal Orders—NNMS Participants are permitted to enter into the NNMS both agency and principal orders for delivery and execution processing.

    (d) Order Size—

    (1) In Nasdaq-listed securities, [A]a ny order in whole shares up to 999,999 shares may be entered into the NNMS for normal execution processing.

    (2) Orders in ITS Securities must be entered for a minimum of one round lot, or in round lot multiples, or in mixed lots. Orders in ITS Securities will be delivered to ITS Exchanges in round lots only.

    (e) Open Quotes—The NNMS will only deliver an order or an execution to a Quoting Market Participant if that participant has an open quote.

    4707. Entry and Display of Quotes/Orders

    (a) Entry of Quotes/Orders—Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants may enter Quotes/Orders into the NNMS, and NNMS Order Entry Firms may enter Non-Attributable Orders into the NNMS, subject to the following requirements and conditions:

    (1) Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants shall be permitted to transmit to the NNMS multiple Quotes/Orders at a single as well as multiple price levels. Such Quote/Order shall indicate whether it is an “Attributable Quote/Order” or “Non-Attributable Quote/Order,” and the amount of Reserve Size (if applicable). NNMS Order Entry Firms shall be permitted to transmit to NNMS multiple Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders at a single as well as multiple price levels and the amount of Reserve Size (if applicable).

    (2) Upon entry of a Quote/Order into the system, the NNMS shall time-stamp it, which time-stamp shall determine the ranking of the Quote/Order for purposes of processing Non-Directed Orders as described in Rule 4710(b). For each subsequent size increase received for an existing quote at a given price, the system will maintain the original time-stamp for the original quantity of the quote and assign a separate time-stamp to that size increase. When a Pegged Order (including a Discretionary Order that is pegged) is displayed as a Quote/Order, its time-stamp will be updated whenever its price is adjusted.

    (3) Consistent with Rule 4613, an NNMS Market Maker is obligated to maintain a two-sided Attributable Quote/Order at all times, for at least one normal unit of trading.

    (4) Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants may continue to transmit to the NNMS only their best bid and best offer Attributable Quotes/Orders. Notwithstanding NASD Rule 4613 and subparagraph (a)(1) of this rule, nothing in these rules shall require a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant to transmit to the NNMS multiple Quotes/Orders.

    (b) Display of Quotes/Orders in Nasdaq—The NNMS will display Quotes/Orders submitted to the system as follows:

    (1) Attributable Quotes/Orders—The price and size of a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's best priced Attributable Quote/Order on both the bid and offer side of the market will be displayed in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage under the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's [MMID] MPID, and also will be displayed in the Nasdaq Order Display Facility as part of the aggregate trading interest at a particular price when the price of such Attributable Quote/Order falls within the number of price levels authorized for aggregation and display pursuant to Rule 4701(ee) on either side of the market. Upon execution or cancellation of the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's best-priced Attributable Quote/Order on a particular side of the market, the NNMS will automatically display the participant's next best Attributable Quote/Order on that side of the market.

    (2) Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders—The price and size of a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's and NNMS Order Entry Firm's Non-Attributable Quote/Order on both the bid and offer side of the market will be displayed in the Nasdaq Order Display Facility as part of the aggregate trading interest at a particular price when the price of such Non-Attributable Quote/Order falls within the number of price levels authorized for aggregation and display pursuant to Rule 4701(ee) on either side of the market. A Non-Attributable Quote/Order will not be displayed in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage under the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's [MMID] MPID. Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders that are the best priced Non-Attributable bids or offers in the system will be displayed in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage under an Start Printed Page 10782anonymous [MMID] MPID, which shall represent and reflect the aggregate size of all Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders in Nasdaq at that price level. Upon execution or cancellation of a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's or NNMS Order Entry Firm's Non-Attributable Quote/Order, the NNMS will automatically display a Non-Attributable Quote/Order in the Nasdaq Order Display Facility (consistent with the parameters described above) if it falls within the number of price levels authorized for aggregation and display pursuant to Rule 4701(ee) on either side of the market.

    (3) Exceptions—The following exceptions shall apply to the display parameters set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) above:

    (A) Odd-lots, Mixed Lots, and Rounding—The [Nasdaq system] NNMS (and all accompanying data feeds) shall be capable of displaying trading interest in round lot amounts. For quote display purposes, [Nasdaq] NNMS will aggregate all shares, including odd-lot share amounts, entered by a Quoting Market Participant and NNMS Order Entry Firm at a single price level and then round that total share amount down to the nearest round-lot amount for display and dissemination, consistent with subparagraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this rule. Though rounded, any odd-lot portion of a Quote/Order that is not displayed as a result of this rounding process will remain in the system, with the time-priority of their original entry, and be continuously available for execution. Round-lots that are subsequently reduced by executions to a mixed lot amount will likewise be rounded for display purposes by the system to the nearest round-lot amount at that same price level. Any odd-lot number of shares that do not get displayed as a result of this rounding will remain in the system with the time-priority of their original entry and thus be continuously available for execution. If executions against an Attributable Quote/Order result in there being an insufficient (odd-lot) amount of shares at a price level to display an Attributable Quote/Order for one round-lot, the system will display the Quoting Market Participant's next best priced Attributable Quote/Order consistent with Rule 4710(b)(2). If all Attributable Quotes/Orders on the bid and/or offer side of the market are exhausted so that there are no longer any Attributable Quotes/Orders, the system may refresh a market maker's exhausted bid or offer quote using the process set forth in Rule 4710(b)(5). With the exception of Legacy Quotes, odd-lot remainders that are not displayed will remain in the system at their original price levels and continue to be available for execution.

    (B) Aggregation and Display of Odd-lots Bettering the Inside Price—Except as provided in Subsection (C) below, odd-lot share amounts that remain in system at prices that improve the best bid/offer in Nasdaq shall be subject to aggregation for display purposes, via the SIZE [MMID] MPID, with the odd-lot share amounts of other NNMS Quoting Market Participants and NNMS Order Entry Firms at those same price level(s). Such odd-lots will be displayed via SIZE if (1) the combination of all such odd-lots at a particular price level is equal to, or more than, a round-lot and (2) that the price level represents either the highest bid or lowest offer price within the system. This aggregation shall display only the maximum round-lot portion of the total combined shares available at that best-priced level. This aggregation shall be for display purposes only and all individual odd-lot share amounts that are part of any such aggregation shall continue to processed by the system based on the time-priority of their original entry.

    (C) In the case of ITS Securities, odd lot share amounts of each individual ITS/CAES Market Maker shall be aggregated and shall be displayed next to that ITS/CAES Market Maker's MPID for a minimum of one round lot or for round lot multiples. An odd lot share amount will be cancelled if it represents an ITS/CAES Market Maker's best priced quote or order within SuperMontage. Odd lot share amounts will be cancelled at the end of the day.

    (c) Reserve Size—Reserve Size shall not be displayed in Nasdaq, but shall be electronically accessible as described in Rule 4710(b).

    (d) Summary Scan—The “Summary Scan” functionality, [which] is a query-only non-dynamic functionality for Nasdaq listed securities only. It [that] displays without attribution to Quoting Market Participants' [MMIDs] MPIDs the aggregate size of Attributable and Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders for all levels (on both the bid and offer side of the market) below the number of price levels authorized for aggregation and display pursuant to Rule 4701(ee).

    (e) NQDS Prime—“NQDS Prime” is a separate data feed for Nasdaq-listed securities that Nasdaq will make available for a fee that is approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission. This separate data feed will display with attribution to Quoting Market Participants' [MMIDs] MPIDs all Attributable Quotes/Orders on both the bid and offer side of the market for the price levels that are disseminated in the Nasdaq Order Display Facility.

    (f) IM Prime—“IM Prime” is a separate data feed that Nasdaq will make available for a fee that is approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission. This separate data feed will display with attribution to ITS/CAES Market Makers' MPIDs all Attributable Quotes/Orders on both the bid and offer side of the market for all price levels within SuperMontage for ITS Securities

    4708 ITS Commitments

    (a) Compliance with Rule 5200 Series.

    (1) Pre Opening Application. ITS/CAES Market Makers may use NNMS to participate in the Pre Opening Application in accordance with Rule 5250. NNMS Order Entry Firms may not participate in the Pre Opening Application.

    (2) Trade throughs. ITS/CAES Market Makers must use NNMS to comply with the trade through obligations set forth in Rules 5262 and 5264. The NNMS will reject any order of an NNMS Order Entry Firm that, if executed, would trade through an ITS Exchange.

    (3) Locked and Crossed Markets. ITS/CAES Market Makers must use NNMS to comply with the locked and crossed markets obligations set forth in Rules 5263. Any order or portion thereof entered by an NNMS Order Entry Firm that would create a locked/crossed market with an ITS Exchange will be rejected.

    (b) Inbound ITS Commitments.

    (1) If the ITS Commitment contains an obvious error as described in Rule 5265(b), the NNMS will decline it.

    (2) If the ITS Commitment, if executed, would result in a violation of SEC Rule 10a-1, the NNMS will decline it.

    (3) If the conditions described in subparagraphs (1) and (2) above do not apply, the NNMS will execute or deliver an inbound ITS Commitment in accordance with applicable provisions of the Rule 5200 Series and the ITS Plan.

    4710. Participant Obligations in NNMS

    (a) Registration Upon the effectiveness of registration as a NNMS Market Maker, NNMS ECN, ITS/CAES Market Maker or NNMS Order Entry Firm, the NNMS Participant may commence activity within NNMS for exposure to orders or entry of orders, as applicable. The operating hours of NNMS may be established as appropriate by the Association. The extent of participation in Nasdaq by an NNMS Order Entry Firm shall be determined solely by the firm in the exercise of its ability to enter orders into Nasdaq. Start Printed Page 10783

    (b) Non-Directed Orders

    (1) General Provisions—A Quoting Market Participant in an NNMS Security, as well as NNMS Order Entry Firms, shall be subject to the following requirements for Non-Directed Orders:

    (A) Obligations [F]f or each NNMS security in which it is registered, a Quoting Market Participant must accept and execute individual Non-Directed Orders against its quotation, in an amount equal to or smaller than the combination of the Displayed Quote/Order and Reserve Size (if applicable) of such Quote/Order, when the Quoting Market Participant is at the best bid/best offer in Nasdaq. This obligation shall also apply to the Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders of NNMS Order Entry Firms. Quoting Market Participants, and NNMS Order Entry Firms, shall participate in the NNMS as follows:

    (i) NNMS Market Makers, NNMS Auto-Ex ECNs, and NNMS Order Entry Firms to the extent they enter a Non-Attributable Quote/Order shall participate in the automatic-execution functionality of the NNMS, and shall accept the delivery of an execution up to the size of the participant's Displayed Quote/Order and Reserve Size.

    (ii) ITS/CAES Market Makers may elect to participate in the order delivery or the automatic execution functionality of the NNMS. ITS/CAES Market Makers that elect automatic execution shall accept the delivery of an execution up to the size of the participant's Displayed Quote/Order and Reserve Size. ITS/CAES Market Makers that elect order delivery shall accept the delivery of an order up to the size of the ITS/CAES Market Maker's Displayed Quote/Order and Reserve Size. ITS/CAES Market Maker that elect order delivery shall be required to execute the full size of such order (even if the delivered order is a mixed lot or odd lot) unless that interest is no longer available in the ITS/CAES Market Maker's system, in which case the ITS/CAES Market Maker is required to execute in a size equal to the remaining amount of trading interest available in the ITS/CAES Market Maker's system.

    [(ii)] (iii) NNMS Order-Delivery ECNs shall participate in the order-delivery functionality of the NNMS, and shall accept the delivery of an order up to the size of the NNMS Order-Delivery ECN's Displayed Quote/Order and Reserve Size. The NNMS Order-Delivery ECN shall be required to execute the full size of such order (even if the delivered order is a mixed lot or odd lot) unless that interest is no longer available in the ECN, in which case the ECN is required to execute in a size equal to the remaining amount of trading interest available in the ECN.

    [(iii)] (iv) UTP Exchanges that choose to participate in the NNMS shall do so as described in subparagraph (f) of this rule and as otherwise described in the NNMS rules and the UTP Plan.

    (B) Processing of Non-Directed Orders—Upon entry of a Non-Directed Order into the system, the NNMS will ascertain who the next Quoting Market Participant or NNMS Order Entry Firm in queue to receive an order and shall deliver an execution to Quoting Market Participants or NNMS Order Entry Firms that participate in the automatic-execution functionality of the system, or shall deliver a Liability Order to Quoting Market Participants that participate in the order-delivery functionality of the system. Non-Directed Orders entered into the NNMS system shall be delivered to or automatically executed against Quoting Market Participants' or NNMS Order Entry Firms' Displayed Quotes/Orders and Reserve Size, in strict price/time priority, as described in the algorithm contained in subparagraph (b)(B)(i) of this rule. The individual time priority of each Quote/Order submitted to NNMS shall be assigned by the system based on the date and time such Quote/Order was received. Remainders of Quote/Orders reduced by execution, if retained by the system, shall retain the time priority of their original entry. For purposes of the execution algorithm described below, “Displayed Quotes/Orders” shall also include any odd-lot, odd-lot portion of a mixed-lot, or any odd-lot remainder of a round-lot(s) reduced by execution, share amounts that while not displayed in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage, remain in system and available for execution.

    (i) Execution Algorithm—Price/Time—The system will access interest in the system in the following priority and order:

    a. Displayed Quotes/Orders of NNMS Market Makers, ITS/CAES Market Makers, and NNMS ECNs, displayed Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders of NNMS Order Entry Firms, and displayed non-attributable agency Quotes/Orders of UTP Exchanges (as permitted by subparagraph (e[f]) of this rule), in time priority between such participants' Quotes/Orders;

    b. Reserve Size of Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants and NNMS Order Entry Firms, in time priority between such participants' Quotes/Orders; and

    c. Principal Quotes/Orders of UTP Exchanges, in time priority between such participants' Quotes/Orders.

    (ii) Exceptions—The following exceptions shall apply to the above execution parameters:

    a. If a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant or NNMS Order Entry Firm enters a Non-Directed Order into the system, before sending such Non-Directed Order to the next Quoting Market Participants in queue, the NNMS will first attempt to match off the order against the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's or NNMS Order Entry Firm's own Quote/Order if the participant is at the best bid/best offer in Nasdaq. Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants and NNMS Order Entry Firms may avoid any attempted automatic system matching permitted by this paragraph through the use of an anti-internalization qualifier (AIQ) quote/order flag containing the following values: “Y” or “I”, subject to the following restrictions:

    Y—if the Y value is selected, the system will execute the flagged quote/order solely against attributable and non-attributable quotes/orders (displayed and reserve) of Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants and NNMS Order Entry Firms other than the party entering the AIQ “Y” flagged quote/order. If the only available trading interest is that of the same party that entered the AIQ “Y” flagged quote/order, the system will not execute at an inferior price level, and will instead return the latest entered of those interacting quote/orders (or unexecuted portions thereof) to the entering party, provided, however, that in the case of a Discretionary Order interacting with a bid/offer entered by the system pursuant to Rule 4710(b)(5), the Discretionary Order (or unexecuted portions thereof) will be returned.

    I—if the I value is selected, the system will execute against all available trading interest, including the quote/orders of the NNMS Order Entry Firm or Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant that entered the AIQ “I” flagged order in price/time priority.

    b. If an NNMS Market Participant enters a Preferenced Order, the order shall be executed against (or delivered in an amount equal to) both the Displayed Quote/Order and Reserve Size of the Quoting Market Participant to which the order is being directed, if that Quoting Market Participant is at the best bid/best offer when the Preferenced Order is next in line to be delivered (or executed). Any unexecuted portion of a Preferenced Order shall be returned to the entering NNMS Market Participant. If the Quoting Market Participant is not at the best bid/best offer when the Preferenced Order is next in line to be delivered (or executed), the Preferenced Start Printed Page 10784Order shall be returned to the entering NNMS Market Participant.

    c. If an NNMS Market Participant enters a Quote or Non-Directed Order that would result in NNMS either: (1) delivering an execution to a Quoting Market Participant(s) or an NNMS Order Entry Firm that participates in the automatic-execution functionality of the system at a price substantially away from the current inside bid/offer in that security; or (2) delivering a Liability Order to a Quoting Market Participant(s) that participates in the order-delivery functionality of the system at a price substantially away from the current inside bid/offer in that security, the system shall instead process only those portions of the order that will not result in either an execution or delivery at a price substantially away from the current inside best bid/offer in the security and return the remainder to the entering party. For purposes of this subsection only, an execution or delivery based on a sell order shall be deemed to be substantially away from the current inside bid if it is to be done at a price lower than a break-price established by taking the inside bid, reducing it by 10% of the bid's value, and then subtracting $0.01. For example, in a stock with a current inside bid of $10.00, the maximum price at which a single sell order could be executed would be $8.99 calculated as follows: ($10.00—($10.00 × .10 e.g. $1)—$.01 = $8.99). For offers, an execution or delivery based on a buy order shall be deemed to be substantially away from the current inside offer if it is done a price higher than a break-price established by taking the inside offer, adding 10% of the offer's value to it, and then adding $0.01. For example, in a stock with a current inside offer of $10.00, the highest price at which a single sell order could be executed would be $11.01 calculated as follows: ($10.00 + ($10.00 × .10 e.g. $1) + $.01 = $11.01. This subsection shall not apply to ITS commitments received from ITS Exchanges or to orders based on such ITS commitments.

    (d) An Auto-Ex order in a Nasdaq listed security will execute solely against the Quotes/Orders of NNMS Participants at the best bid/best offer that participate in the automatic execution functionality of the NNMS and that do not charge a separate quote-access fee to NNMS Participants accessing their Quotes/Orders through the NNMS. An Auto-Ex order (or an unexecuted portion thereof) will be cancelled if it cannot be immediately executed.

    e. If an NNMS Market Participant enters a Discretionary Order, the Discretionary Order shall first be executed against (or delivered in an amount equal to) the Quotes/Orders and Reserve Size of NNMS Market Participants (including displayed Discretionary Orders at their displayed prices) in conformity with this rule and subject to any applicable exceptions. If the full size of the incoming Discretionary Order cannot be executed at its displayed price, the order may also be executed against (or delivered in an amount equal to) the Quotes/Orders and Reserve Size of NNMS Market Participants within the incoming Discretionary Order's discretionary price range (including displayed Discretionary Orders at their displayed prices), in conformity with this rule and subject to any applicable exception. If the full size of the incoming Discretionary Order cannot be executed in this manner, the order may also be executed by (or receive delivery of) displayed Discretionary Orders with discretionary price ranges that overlap with the incoming Discretionary Order's discretionary price range, in conformity with this rule and subject to any applicable exception. The unexecuted portion of a Discretionary Order will then be retained by NNMS for potential display in conformity with Rule 4707(b).

    When a Discretionary Order is displayed as a Quote/Order, Non-Directed Orders or Quotes/Orders entered at the displayed price (including incoming Discretionary Orders with a displayed or discretionary price equal to the displayed Discretionary Order's displayed price) may be executed against (or delivered to) the displayed Discretionary Order, and market orders may be executed against (or delivered to) the displayed Discretionary Order when its displayed price is at the inside. Non-Directed Orders or Quotes/Orders (other than Discretionary Orders) entered at a price within the displayed Discretionary Order's discretionary price range may be executed by (or receive delivery of) the displayed Discretionary Order at the price of the incoming Non-Directed Order or Quote/Order if there are no displayed Quotes/Orders at that price or better. Incoming Discretionary Orders with a discretionary price range that overlaps with the displayed Discretionary Order's discretionary price range may be executed by (or receive delivery of) the displayed Discretionary Order at the overlapping price most favorable to the displayed Discretionary Order. A displayed Discretionary Order that may be executed at a price in its discretionary price range will execute against Non-Directed Orders and Quotes/Orders entered by NNMS Participants in the automatic execution functionality of the NNMS, and will be delivered to Non-Directed Orders and Quotes/Orders entered by NNMS Order-Delivery ECNs.

    For purposes of determining execution priority, the price priority of a displayed Discretionary Order will be based on its displayed price when it may be executed at its displayed price. When displayed Discretionary Orders may be executed at prices within their discretionary price ranges, their price priority vis-a-vis one another will be based on their most aggressive discretionary prices, and their price priority vis-a-vis Quotes/Orders that are not Discretionary Orders will be based upon the price at which they are executable.

    (f) A Fill or Return order in an ITS Security will be executed solely by the NNMS at the best bid/best offer, without delivering the order to an ITS Exchange. The NNMS will, if necessary, execute against interest at successive price levels.

    (C) Decrementation Procedures—The size of a Quote/Order displayed in the Nasdaq Order Display Facility and/or the Nasdaq Quotation Montage will be decremented upon the delivery of a Liability Order or the delivery of an execution of a Non-Directed Order or Preferenced Order in an amount equal to the system-delivered order or execution.

    (i) If an NNMS Auto-Ex ECN has its bid or offer Attributable Quote/Order and Reserve Size decremented to zero without transmission of another Attributable Quote/Order to Nasdaq, the system will zero out the side of the quote that is exhausted. If both the bid and offer are decremented to zero without transmission of a revised Attributable Quote/Order, the ECN will be placed into an excused withdrawal state until the ECN transmits to Nasdaq a revised Attributable Quote/Order.

    (ii) If an NNMS Order-Delivery ECN declines or partially fills a Non-Directed Order without immediately transmitting to Nasdaq a revised Attributable Quote/Order that is at a price inferior to the previous price, or if an NNMS Order-Delivery ECN fails to respond in any manner within 30 seconds of order delivery, the system will cancel the delivered order and send the order (or remaining portion thereof) back into the system for immediate delivery to the next Quoting Market Participant in queue. Start Printed Page 10785

    The system then will zero out the ECN's Quote/Orders at that price level on that side of the market, and the ECN's quote on that side of the market will remain at zero until the ECN transmits to Nasdaq a revised Attributable Quote/Order. If both the bid and offer are zeroed out, the ECN will be placed into an excused withdrawal state until the ECN transmits to Nasdaq a revised Attributable Quote/Order.

    (iii) If an NNMS ECN's Quote/Order has been zeroed out or if the ECN has been placed into excused withdrawal as described in subparagraphs (b)(1)(C)(i) and (ii) of this rule, the system will continue to access the ECN's Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders that are in the NNMS, as described in Rule 4707 and subparagraph (b) of this rule.

    (iv) If an NNMS ECN regularly fails to meet a 5-second response time (as measured by the ECN's Service Delivery Platform) over a period of orders, such that the failure endangers the maintenance of a fair and orderly market, Nasdaq will place that ECN's quote in a closed-quote state. Nasdaq will lift the closed-quote state when the NNMS ECN certifies that it can meet the 5-second response time requirement with regularity sufficient to maintain a fair and orderly market.

    (v) ITS/CAES Market Makers

    a. If an ITS/CAES Market Maker declines or partially fills a Non-Directed Order without immediately transmitting to Nasdaq a revised Attributable Quote/Order that is at a price inferior to the previous price, or if that ITS/CAES Market Maker fails to respond in any manner within 7 seconds of order delivery, the system will cancel the delivered order and send the order (or remaining portion thereof) back into the system for immediate delivery to the next Quoting Market Participant in queue.

    b. If the bid side of the ITS/CAES Market Maker's Quote/Order is zeroed out, the system then will automatically establish a bid of $0.01 for 100 shares. If the offer side of the ITS/CAES Market Maker's Quote/Order is zeroed out, the system then will automatically establish an offer of two times the system best offer plus $0.01 and offer for 100 shares.

    c. If an ITS/CAES Market Maker regularly fails to meet a 5-second response time (as measured by the ITS/CAES Market Maker's Service Delivery Platform) over a period of orders, such that the failure endangers the maintenance of a fair and orderly market, Nasdaq will place that ITS/CAES Market Maker's quote in a closed-quote state. Nasdaq will lift the closed-quote state when the ITS/CAES Market Maker certifies that it can meet the 5-second response time requirement with regularity sufficient to maintain a fair and orderly market.

    (D) All entries in NNMS shall be made in accordance with the requirements set forth in the NNMS User Guide, as published from time to time by Nasdaq.

    (2) Refresh Functionality

    (A) Reserve Size Refresh—Once a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's or NNMS Order Entry Firm's Displayed Quote/Order size on either side of the market in the security has been decremented to an amount less than one normal unit of trading due to NNMS processing Nasdaq will refresh the displayed size out of Reserve Size to a size-level designated by the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant or NNMS Order Entry Firm, or in the absence of such size-level designation, to the automatic refresh size. The amount of shares taken out of reserve to refresh display size shall be added to any shares remaining in the Displayed Quote/Order and shall be of an amount that when combined with the number of shares remaining in the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's Displayed Quote/Order before it is refreshed will equal the displayed size-level designated by the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant or, in the absence of such size-level designation, to the automatic refresh size. If there are insufficient shares available to produce a Displayable Quote/Order, the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's Quote/Order, and any odd-lot remainders, will be refreshed, updated, or retained, in conformity with NNMS Rules 4707 and 4710 as appropriate. To utilize the Reserve Size functionality, a minimum of 100 shares must initially be displayed in the Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's or NNMS Order Entry Firm's Displayed Quote/Order, and the Displayed Quote/Order must be refreshed to at least 100 shares. This functionality will not be available for use by UTP Exchanges.

    (B) Auto Quote Refresh (“AQR”)—Once an NNMS Market Maker's Displayed Quote/Order size and Reserve Size on either side of the market in the security has been decremented to an amount less than one normal unit of trading due to NNMS executions, the NNMS Market Maker may elect to have The Nasdaq Stock Market refresh the market maker's quotation as follows:

    (i) Nasdaq will refresh the market maker's quotation price on the bid or offer side of the market, whichever is decremented to an amount less than a normal unit of trading, by a price interval designated by the NNMS Market Maker; and

    (ii) Nasdaq will refresh the market maker's displayed size to a level designated by the NNMS Market Maker, or in the absence of such size level designation, to the automatic refresh size.

    (iii) This functionality shall produce an Attributable Quote/Order.

    (iv) The AQR functionality described in this subparagraph shall only be available for use in connection with a NNMS Market Maker's “Legacy Quote.” This functionality shall be available only to NNMS Market Makers.

    (v) The AQR functionality shall not be available to any participant for any ITS Security.

    (3) Entry of Locking/Crossing Quotes/Orders—The system shall process locking/crossing Quotes/Orders as follows:

    (A) Locked/Crossed Quotes/Orders During Market Hours—If during market hours, a participant enters into the NNMS a Quote/Order that will lock/cross the market (as defined in NASD Rule 4613(e) or in NASD Rule 5263(a) or (b)), the system will not display the Quote/Order as a quote in Nasdaq; instead the system will treat the Quote/Order as a marketable limit order and enter it into the system as a Non-Directed Order for processing (consistent with subparagraph (b) of this rule) as follows:

    (i) For locked-market situations, the order will be routed to the Quoting Market Participant or NNMS Order Entry Firm next in queue who would be locked, and the order will be executed (or delivered for execution) at the lock price;

    (ii) For crossed-market situations, the order will be entered into the system and routed to the next Quoting Market Participants or NNMS Order Entry Firms in queue who would be crossed, and the order will be executed (or delivered for execution) at the price of the Displayed Quote/Order that would have been crossed.

    Once the lock/cross is cleared, if the participant's order is not completely filled, the system may [will], if consistent with the parameters of the Quote/Order, reformat the order and display it in Nasdaq [(consistent with the parameters of the Quote/Order)] as a Quote/Order on behalf of the entering Quoting Market Participant or Order Entry Firm. If an order is not eligible to be reformatted and displayed, the NNMS will reject the remainder of the order back to the entering participant. In ITS Securities, orders entered by NNMS Order Entry Firms are not eligible to be reformatted and displayed. Start Printed Page 10786

    (B) Locked/Crossed Quotes/Orders Immediately Before the Open—If the market in a Nasdaq-listed security is locked or crossed at 9:29:30 a.m., Eastern Time, the NNMS will clear the locked and/or crossed Quotes/Order by executing (or delivering for execution) the highest bid against the lowest offer(s) against which it is marketable, at the price of the newer in time of the two quotes/orders. This process will be repeated until an un-locked and un-crossed market condition is achieved. Between 9:29:30 a.m. and 9:29:59 Eastern Time, once NNMS has cleared a locked or crossed market, or if a newly submitted quote/order would create a locked or crossed market, NNMS will prevent a locked or crossed market from being created by processing such locking or crossing quote/order in a manner consistent with subparagraph (b)(3)(a) of this Rule.

    (i) Exception—The following exception shall apply to the above locked/crossed processing parameters:

    If a Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant has entered a Locking/Crossing Quote/Order into the system that would become subject to the automated processing described in section (B) above, the system shall, before sending the order to any other Quoting Market Participant or NNMS Order Entry Firm, first attempt to match off the order against the locking/crossing Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant's own Quote/Order if that participant's Quote/Order is at the highest bid or lowest offer, as appropriate. A Nasdaq Quoting Market Participant may avoid this automatic matching through the use of anti-internalization qualifier as set forth in Rule 4710(b) (1)(B)(ii)(a). NNMS Order Entry Firms that enter locking/crossing Quotes/Orders shall have those Quotes/Orders processed as set forth in paragraph (B) above, unless they voluntarily select a “Y” AIQ Value as provided for in Rule 4710 (b)(1)(B)(ii)(a).

    (C) Locked/Crossed Quotes/Orders in ITS Securities at the Open—If the market in an ITS Security is locked or crossed at 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time, the NNMS will clear the locked and/or crossed Quotes/Order by executing (or delivering for execution) the highest bid against the lowest offer(s) against which it is marketable, at the price of the newer in time of the two quotes/orders. This process will be repeated until an un-locked and un-crossed market condition is achieved. While the NNMS is clearing a locked or crossed market, if a newly submitted Quote/Order would create a locked or crossed market, NNMS will prevent a locked or crossed market from being created by holding such Quotes/Orders in queue.

    (i) Exception—The following exception shall apply to the above locked/crossed processing parameters:

    If an ITS/CAES Market Maker has entered a Locking/Crossing Quote/Order into the system that would become subject to the automated processing described in section (C) above, the system shall, before sending the order to any other ITS/CAES Market Maker or NNMS Order Entry Firm, first attempt to match off the order against the locking/crossing ITS/CAES Market Maker's own Quote/Order if that participant's Quote/Order is at the highest bid or lowest offer, as appropriate. An ITS/CAES Market Maker may avoid this automatic matching through the use of anti-internalization qualifier as set forth in Rule 4710(b)(1)(B)(ii)(a). NNMS Order Entry Firms that enter locking/crossing Quotes/Orders shall have those Quotes/Orders processed as set forth in paragraph (B) above, unless they voluntarily select a “Y” AIQ Value as provided for in Rule 4710 (b)(1)(B)(ii)(a).

    (4) An NNMS Market Maker may terminate its obligation by keyboard withdrawal (or its equivalent) from NNMS at any time. However, the market maker has the specific obligation to monitor its status in NNMS to assure that a withdrawal has in fact occurred. Any transaction occurring prior to the effectiveness of the withdrawal shall remain the responsibility of the market maker.

    (5) If an NNMS Market Maker's Attributable Quote/Order is reduced to less than a round-lot amount on one side of the market due to NNMS executions, the NNMS will close the Market Maker's quote in the NNMS on that side of the market, and the NNMS Market Maker will be permitted a grace period of 30 seconds within which to take action to restore its Attributable Quote/Order, if the market maker has not authorized use of the AQR functionality or does not otherwise have an Attributable Quote/Order on both sides of the market in the system. An NNMS Market Maker that fails to transmit an Attributable Quote/Order in a security within the allotted time will have the exhausted side of its quotation restored by the system at a price $0.01 inferior to the lowest displayed bid price or the highest displayed offer price in that security as appropriate. If all bids and/or offers are exhausted so that there are no longer any Quote/Orders displayed on the bid and/or offer side of the market, the system will refresh a market maker's exhausted bid or offer quote to a normal unit of trading priced $0.01 inferior to the lesser of either: (a) the last valid displayed inside bid/offer in the security before all such bids/offers were exhausted; or (b) the market maker’s last displayed bid/offer before exhaustion. If the resulting bid/offer quote would create a locked or crossed market, NNMS will instead re-open the exhausted market maker's bid/offer quote at a price $0.01 inferior to the unexhausted inside bid/offer in that security. If at any time this automatic quote restoration process would result in the creation of a bid/offer of less than $0.01, the system will refresh that bid/offer to a price of $0.01. Except as provided in subparagraph (b)(6) of this rule, an NNMS Market Maker that withdraws from a security may not re-register in the system as a market maker in that security for twenty (20) business days.

    (6) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (5) above:

    (A) an NNMS Market Maker that obtains an excused withdrawal pursuant to Rule 4619 or an ITS/CAES Market Maker that obtains an excused withdrawal pursuant to Rule 6350 prior to withdrawing from NNMS may reenter NNMS according to the conditions of its withdrawal; and

    (B) an NNMS Market Maker or ITS/CAES Market Maker that fails to maintain a clearing arrangement with a registered clearing agency or with a member of such an agency, and is thereby withdrawn from participation in ACT and NNMS for NNMS securities, may reenter NNMS after a clearing arrangement has been reestablished and the market maker has compiled with ACT participant requirements. Provided however, that if the Association finds that the ACT market maker's failure to maintain a clearing arrangement is voluntary, the withdrawal of quotations will be considered voluntary and unexcused.

    (7) The Market Operations Review Committee shall have jurisdiction over proceedings brought by market makers seeking review of their removal from NNMS pursuant to subparagraph (b)(5) of this rule.

    (8) In the event that a malfunction in the Quoting Market Participant's equipment occurs, rendering communications with NNMS inoperable, the Quoting Market Participant is obligated to immediately contact Nasdaq Market Operations by telephone to request withdrawal from NNMS and a closed-quote status, and if the Quoting Market Participants is an NNMS Market Maker an excused withdrawal from Nasdaq pursuant to Rule 4619 or an ITS/CAES Market Maker an excused withdrawal pursuant to Rule 6350. If withdrawal is granted, Start Printed Page 10787Nasdaq Market Operations personnel will enter the withdrawal notification into NNMS from a supervisory terminal and shall close the quote. Such manual intervention, however, will take a certain period of time for completion and, unless otherwise permitted by the Association pursuant to its authority under Rule 11890, the Quoting Market Participants will continue to be obligated for any transaction executed prior to the effectiveness of the withdrawal and closed-quote status.

    (c) Directed Order Processing—A participant may enter a Directed Order in Nasdaq-listed securities into the NNMS to access a specific Quote/Order in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage and to begin the negotiation process with a particular Quoting Market Participant. The system will deliver an order (not an execution) to the Quoting Market Participant designated as the recipient of the order. Upon delivery, the Quoting Market Participant shall owe no liability under the Firm Quote Rule to that order, unless the Quoting Market Participant to which a Directed Order is being sent has indicated that it wishes to receive Directed Orders that are Liability Orders (as described in Rule 4706(b)). Additionally, upon delivery, the system will not decrement the receiving Quoting Market Participant's Quote/Order. This provision shall not apply to Preferenced Orders.

    (d) NNMS Order Entry Firms. All entries in NNMS shall be made in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the NNMS User Guide and these rules. Orders may be entered in NNMS by the NNMS Order Entry Firm through either its Nasdaq terminal or computer interface. The system will transmit to the firm on the terminal screen and printer, if requested, or through the computer interface, as applicable, an execution report generated immediately following the execution.

    (e) UTP Exchanges. Participation in the NNMS by UTP Exchanges is voluntary. If a UTP Exchange does not participate in the NNMS System, the UTP Exchange's quote will not be accessed through the NNMS, and the NNMS will not include the UTP Exchange's quotation for order processing and execution purposes.

    A UTP Exchange may voluntarily participate in the NNMS System if it executes a Nasdaq Workstation Subscriber Agreement, as amended, for UTP Exchanges, and complies with the terms of this subparagraph (e[f]) of this rule. The terms and conditions of such access and participation, including available functionality and applicable rules and fees, shall be set forth in and governed by the Nasdaq Workstation Subscriber Agreement, as amended for UTP Exchanges. The Nasdaq Workstation Subscriber Agreement, as amended for UTP Exchanges may expand but shall not contract the rights and obligations set forth in these rules. Access to UTP Exchanges may be made available on terms that differ from the terms applicable to members but may not unreasonably discriminate among similarly situated UTP Exchanges. The following provisions shall apply to UTP Exchanges that choose to participate in the NNMS

    (1) Order Entry—UTP Exchanges that elect to participate in the system shall be permitted to enter Directed and Non-Directed Orders into the system subject to the conditions and requirements of Rule 4706. Directed and Non-Directed Orders entered by UTP Exchanges shall be processed (unless otherwise specified) as described in subparagraphs (b) and (c) of this rule.

    (2) Display of UTP Exchange Quotes/Orders in Nasdaq.

    (A) UTP Exchange Principal Orders/Quotes—UTP Exchanges that elect to participate in the system shall transmit to the NNMS a single bid Quote/Order and a single offer Quote/Order. Upon transmission of the Quote/Order to Nasdaq, the system shall time stamp the Quote/Order, which time stamp shall determine the ranking of the Quote/Order for purposes of processing Non-Directed Orders. The NNMS shall display the best bid and best offer Quote/Order transmitted to Nasdaq by a UTP Exchange in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage under the [MMID] MPID for the UTP Exchange, and shall also display such Quote/Order in the Nasdaq Order Display Facility as part of the aggregate trading interest when the UTP Exchange's best bid/best offer Quote/Order falls within the number of price levels authorized for aggregation and display pursuant to Rule 4701(ee).

    (B) UTP Exchange Agency Quotes/Orders

    (i) A UTP Exchange that elect to participate in the system may transmit to the NNMS Quotes/Orders at a single as well as multiple price levels that meet the following requirements: are not for the benefit of a broker and/or dealer that is with respect to the UTP Exchange a registered or designated market maker, dealer or specialist in the security at issue; and are designated as Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders (“UTP Agency Order/Quote”).

    (ii) Upon transmission of a UTP Agency Quote/Order to Nasdaq, the system shall time stamp the order, which time stamp shall determine the ranking of these Quote/Order for purposes of processing Non-Directed Orders, as described in subparagraph (b) of this rule. A UTP Agency Quote/Order shall not be displayed in the Nasdaq Quotation Montage under the [MMID] MPID for the UTP Exchange. Rather, UTP Agency Quotes/Orders shall be reflected in the Nasdaq Order Display Facility and Nasdaq Quotation Montage in the same manner in which Non-Attributable Quotes/Orders from Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants are reflected in Nasdaq, as described in Rule 4707(b)(2).

    (3) Non-Directed Order Processing—UTP Exchanges that elect to participate in the system shall be required to provide automatic execution against their Quotes/Orders for Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants and NNMS Order Entry Firms, shall accept an execution of an order up to the size of the UTP Exchange's displayed Quote/Order, and shall have Non-Directed Orders they enter into the system processed as described in subparagraph (b) of this rule.

    (4) Directed Order Processing—UTP Exchanges that elect to participate in the system shall participate in the Directed Order processing as described in subparagraph (c) of this rule.

    (5) Decrementation—UTP Exchanges shall be subject to the decrementation procedures described in subparagraph (b) of this rule.

    (6) Scope of Rules—Nothing in these rules shall apply to UTP Exchanges that elect not to participate in the system.

    4711. Clearance and Settlement

    All transactions executed in NNMS shall be cleared and settled through a registered clearing agency using a continuous net settlement system.

    4712. Obligation To Honor System Trades

    (a) If an NNMS Participant, or clearing member acting on his behalf, is reported by NNMS to clearing, or shown by the activity reports generated by NNMS as constituting a side of a System trade, such NNMS Participant, or clearing member acting on his behalf, shall honor such trade on the scheduled settlement date.

    (b) Nasdaq shall have no liability if an NNMS Participant, or a clearing member acting on his behalf, fails to satisfy the obligations in paragraph (a).

    4713. Compliance With Rules and Registration Requirements

    (a) Failure by an NNMS Participant to comply with any of the rules or registration requirements applicable to NNMS identified herein shall subject Start Printed Page 10788such NNMS Participant to censure, fine, suspension or revocation of its registration as an NNMS Market Maker, ITS/CAES Market Maker, Order Entry Firm, and/or NNMS ECN or any other fitting penalty under the Rules of the Association.

    (b)(1) If an NNMS Participant fails to maintain a clearing relationship as required under paragraphs (a)(2), (c)(2), or (d)(3) of Rule 4705, it shall be removed from NNMS until such time as a clearing arrangement is reestablished.

    (2) An NNMS Participant that is not in compliance with its obligations under paragraphs (a)(2), (c)(2), or (d)(3) of Rule 4705 shall be notified when Nasdaq exercises it authority under paragraph (b)(1) of Rule 4713.

    (3) The authority and procedures contained in paragraph (b) do not otherwise limit the Association's authority, contained in other provisions of the Associations rules, to enforce its rules or impose any fitting sanction.

    4715. Adjustment of Open Quotes and/or Orders

    NNMS will automatically adjust the price and/or size of open quotes and/or orders in all NNMS securities (unless otherwise noted) resident in the system in response to issuer corporate actions related to a dividend, payment or distribution, on the ex-date of such actions, except where a cash dividend or distribution is less than one cent ($0.01), as follows:

    (a) Quotes—All bid and offer side quotes shall be purged from the system.

    (b) Sell Orders—Sell side orders in Nasdaq-listed and NYSE-listed securities shall not be adjusted by the system and must be modified, if desired, by the entering party, except for reverse splits where such sell side orders shall be purged from the system. Sell side orders in Amex-listed securities shall be adjusted in accordance with the procedures set forth below for Buy Orders in the event of a Stock Dividend or Stock Split.

    (c) Buy Orders—Buy side orders shall be adjusted by the system based on the particular corporate action impacting the security (i.e. cash dividend, stock dividend, both, stock split, reverse split) as set forth below:

    (1) Odd lot orders in ITS Securities that result from partial execution rather than order entry shall be canceled rather than adjusted.

    [(1)] (2) Cash Dividends: Buy side order prices shall be first reduced by the dividend amount and the resulting price will then be rounded down to the nearest penny unless marked “Do Not Reduce”.

    [(2)] (3) Stock Dividends and Stock Splits: Buy side order prices shall be determined by first rounding up the dollar value of the stock dividend or split to the nearest penny. The resulting amount shall then be subtracted from the price of the buy order. Unless marked “Do Not Increase”, the size of the order shall be increased by first, (A) Multiplying the size of the original order by the numerator of the ratio of the dividend or split, then (B) dividing that result by the denominator of the ratio of the dividend or split, then (C) rounding that result to the next lowest share.

    [(3)] (4) Dividends Payable in Either Cash or Securities at the Option of the Stockholder: Buy side order prices shall be reduced by the dollar value of either the cash or securities, whichever is greater. The dollar value of the cash shall be determined using the formula in paragraph (1) above, while the dollar value of the securities shall be determined using the formula in paragraph (2) above. If the stockholder opts to receive securities, the size of the order shall be increased pursuant to the formula in subparagraph (2) above.

    [(4)] (5) Combined Cash and Stock Dividends/Split: In the case of a combined cash dividend and stock split/dividend, the cash dividend portion shall be calculated first as per section (1) above, and stock portion thereafter pursuant to sections (2) and/or (3) above.

    [(5)] (6) Reverse Splits: All orders (buy and sell) shall be cancelled and returned to the entering firm.

    (d) Open buy and sell orders that are adjusted by the system pursuant to the above rules, and that thereafter continuously remain in the system, shall retain the time priority of their original entry.

    4719. Anonymity 2004-015

    (a) Pre-Trade Anonymity

    (1) With the exception of those transactions described in paragraph (a)(2) below, the identity of the member submitting a Non-Attributable Quote/Orders seeking pre-trade anonymity will remain anonymous until execution, at which time the member's identity will be revealed to its contra party.

    (2) A Non-Attributable Quote/Order seeking pre-trade anonymity will be processed on a fully anonymous basis in accordance with paragraph (b) below when it matches and executes against a Non-Attributable Quote/Order seeking full anonymity.

    (b) Full Anonymity

    (1) Transactions executed in NNMS in which at least one member submits a Non-Attributable Quote/Order seeking full anonymity will be processed anonymously. The transaction reports will indicate the details of the transactions, but will not reveal contra party identities.

    (2)(A) The processing described in paragraph (b)(1) shall not apply to transactions executed in NNMS when the member whose Quote/Order is decremented is an Order-Delivery ECN that charges an access fee.

    (B) Except as required to comply with the request of a regulator, or as ordered by a court or arbitrator, Order-Delivery ECNs shall not disclose the identity of the member that submitted a Non-Attributable Quote/Order that decremented the Order-Delivery ECN's Quote/Order.

    (3) The Association will reveal a member's identity in the following circumstances:

    (A) When the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) ceases to act for a member, or the member's clearing firm, and NSCC determines not to guarantee the settlement of the member's trades;

    (B) for regulatory purposes or to comply with an order of an arbitrator or court; or

    (C) on risk management reports provided to the member's contra parties each day after 4 p.m., which disclose trading activity on an aggregate dollar value basis.

    (4) The Association will reveal to a member, no later than the end of the day on the date an anonymous trade was executed, when the member's Quote/Order has been decremented by another Quote/Order submitted by that same member.

    (5)(A) In order to satisfy members' record keeping obligations under SEC Rules 17a-3(a)(1) and 17a-4(a), Nasdaq shall, with the exception of those circumstances described in subparagraph (B) below, retain for the period specified in Rule 17a-4(a) the identity of each member that executes a fully anonymous transaction described in paragraph (b) of Rule 4719. The information shall be retained in its original form or a form approved under Rule 17a-6.

    (B) In the situations described in paragraphs (b)(2) or (b)(4) of Rule 4719, and solely with respect to the member that submits, and receives an execution of, a fully anonymous Non-Attributable Quote/Order that is a Preferenced Order, the member retains the obligation to comply with Rules 17a-3(a)(1) and 17a-4(a) because it possesses the identity of its contra party.

    * * * Start Printed Page 10789

    5200. Intermarket Trading System/Computer Assisted Execution System

    5210. Definitions

    (a)-(h) No Change.

    (i) “CAES” means the “Computer Assisted Execution System”, the computerized order routing and execution facility for ITS Securities, as from time to time modified or supplemented, that is operated by The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. and made available to NASD members. CAES functionality is offered through the “Nasdaq National Market Execution System” or “NNMS” which operates pursuant to the Rule 4700 Series.

    5220. ITS/CAES Registration

    In order to participate in ITS, a market maker must be registered with the Association as an ITS/CAES Market Maker in each security in which a market will be made in ITS. Such registration shall be conditioned upon the ITS/CAES Market Maker's continuing compliance with the following requirements:

    (a) registration as a CQS market maker pursuant to Rule 6320 and compliance with the Rule 6300 Series;

    (b) execution of an ITS/CAES Market Maker application agreement with the Association at least two days prior to the requested date of registration;

    (c) participation in NNMS in accordance with the Rule 4700 and 5200 Series;

    ([c]d) compliance with SEC Rule 15c3-1;

    ([d]e) compliance with the ITS Plan, SEC Rule 11Ac1-1 and all applicable Rules of the Association;

    ([e]f) the maintenance of continuous two-sided quotations in the absence of the grant of an excused withdrawal or a functional excused withdrawal by the Association;

    ([f]g) maintenance of the physical security of the equipment used to interface with the ITS System located on the premises of the ITS/CAES Market Makers to prevent the unauthorized entry of communications into the ITS System; and

    ([g]h) acceptance and settlement of each ITS System trade that the ITS System identifies as effected by such ITS/CAES Market Maker, or if settlement is to be made through another clearing member, guarantee of the acceptance of settlement of such identified ITS System trade by the clearing member on the regularly scheduled settlement date.

    5221. Suspension or Revocation of ITS/CAES Registration

    No Change.

    5230. ITS Operations

    No Change.

    5240. Pre-Opening Application—Opening by ITS/CAES Market Maker

    No Change.

    5250. Pre-Opening Application—Openings on Other Participant Markets

    No Change.

    5260. System Trade and Quotations

    5261. Obligation To Honor System Trades

    No Change.

    5262. Trade-Throughs

    No Change.

    5263. Locked or Crossed Markets

    No Change.

    5264. Block Transactions

    No Change.

    5265. Authority To Cancel or Adjust Transactions

    No Change.

    6300. Consolidated Quotations Service (CQS)

    No Change.

    6400. Reporting Transactions in Listed Securities

    No Change.

    End Preamble


    3.  See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 48674 (October 21, 2003), 68 FR 61508.

    Back to Citation

    4.  See letter from Jeff Davis, Office of General Counsel, Nasdaq, to Katherine England, Assistant Director, Division of Market Regulation (“Division”), Commission, dated February 12, 2004 (“Amendment No. 1”). In Amendment No. 1, Nasdaq addressed staff comments relating to the implementation and procedures of the proposal. See Section II infra.

    Back to Citation

    5.  In approving this proposed rule change, the Commission has considered the proposed rule's impact on efficiency, competition, and capital formation. 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).

    Back to Citation

    [FR Doc. 04-5114 Filed 3-5-04; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 8010-01-P

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
10775-10789 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-49349, File No. SR-NASD-2003-149
of 2004-03-02
PDF File: