98-5941. Postlease Operations Safety; Correction  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 45 (Monday, March 9, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 11385-11386]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-5941]
    Minerals Management Service
    30 CFR Part 250
    RIN 1010-AC32
    Postlease Operations Safety; Correction
    AGENCY: Minerals Management Service (MMS), Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rulemaking; Correction.
    SUMMARY: MMS published in the Federal Register of February 13, 1998 (63 
    FR 7335), a proposed rule updating and clarifying regulations 
    concerning postlease operations. This document corrects certain 
    information omitted from the table listing data and information made 
    available to the public.
    Kumkum Ray, Engineering and Operations Division at (703) 787-1600.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the proposed rule FR Doc. 98-3533, 
    published in the issue of Friday, February 13, 1998, make the following 
        On page 7350, in Sec. 250.27, correct paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 250.27  Data and information to be made available to the public.
    * * * * *
        (b) MMS will disclose lease information not collected on MMS forms 
    in accordance with the following table:
                      If                       MMS will release           At this time        Additional provisions 
    The Director determines that data and  Geophysical data,        Any time...............  Data and information   
     information are needed to unitize      Geological data,                                  will be shown only to 
     operations on two or more leases, to   Interpreted geological                            persons with an       
     ensure proper plans of development     and geophysical (G&G)                             interest.             
     for competitive reservoirs, or to      information, Processed                                                  
     promote operational safety or          and reprocessed                                                         
     protect the environment.               geophysical                                                             
                                            information, Analyzed                                                   
                                            geological information.                                                 
    The Director determines that data and  Geophysical data,        Any time...............  MMS will release data  
     information are needed for specific    Geological data,                                  and information only  
     scientific or research purposes for    Interpreted G&G                                   if release would      
     the Government.                        information, Processed                            further the national  
                                            and reprocessed                                   interest without      
                                            geophysical                                       unduly damaging the   
                                            information, Analyzed                             competitive position  
                                            geological information.                           of the lessee.        
    Your lease is still in effect and you  Geophysical data,        When you consent.        .......................
     consent.                               Geological data,                                                        
                                            Interpreted G&G                                                         
                                            information, Processed                                                  
                                            and reprocessed                                                         
                                            information, Analyzed                                                   
                                            geological information.                                                 
    Data or information is collected with  Geophysical data,        60 days after you        MMS will release the   
     high-resolution systems (e.g.,         Geological data,         submit the data or       data and information  
     bathymetry, side-scan sonar,           Processed G&G            information, if the      earlier than 60 days  
     subbottom profiler, and                information,             Regional Supervisor      if the Regional       
     magnetometer) to comply with safety    Interpreted G&G          deems it necessary.      Supervisor determines 
     or environmental protection            information.                                      it is needed by       
     requirements.                                                                            affected States to    
                                                                                              make decisions under  
                                                                                              subpart B of this     
                                                                                              part. The Regional    
                                                                                              Supervisor will       
                                                                                              reconsider earlier    
                                                                                              release if you satisfy
                                                                                              him/her that it would 
                                                                                              unduly damage your    
                                                                                              competitive position. 
    Your lease is no longer in effect....  Geophysical data,        When your lease          This release time      
                                            Geological data,         terminates or 10 years   applies only if the   
                                            Processed and            after the date you       provisions in this    
                                            reprocessed              submit the data,         table governing high  
                                            geophysical              whichever is earlier.    resolution systems and
                                            information,                                      the provisions in Sec.
                                            Interpreted G&G                                    252.7 do not apply.  
                                            information, Analyzed                                                   
                                            geological information.                                                 
    Your lease is no longer in effect....  Geological data,         When your lease          This release time      
                                            Analyzed geological      terminates.              applies only if the   
                                            information.                                      provisions in this    
                                                                                              table governing high  
                                                                                              resolution systems and
                                                                                              the provisions in Sec.
                                                                                               252.7 do not apply.  
    Your lease is still in effect........  Geophysical data,        10 years after the date  This release time      
                                            Processed and            you submit it.           applies only if the   
                                            reprocessed                                       provisions in this    
                                            geophysical                                       table governing high  
                                            information,                                      resolution systems and
                                            Interpreted G&G                                   the provisions in Sec.
                                            information.                                       252.7 do not apply.  
    [[Page 11386]]
    Your lease is still in effect and      Geological data,         2 years after you        These release times    
     within the primary term specified in   Analyzed geological      submit it or 60 days     apply only if the     
     the lease.                             information.             after a lease sale if    provisions in this    
                                                                     any portion of an        table governing high  
                                                                     offered block is         resolution systems and
                                                                     within 50 miles of a     the provisions in Sec.
                                                                     well, whichever is        252.7 do not apply.  
                                                                     later.                   If the primary term   
                                                                                              specified in the lease
                                                                                              is extended under Sec.
                                                                                               250.19 (except under 
                                                                                              Sec.  250.19(c)), the 
                                                                                              extension applies to  
                                                                                              this provision.       
    Your lease is in effect and beyond     Geological data,         2 years after you        .......................
     the primary term specified in the      Analyzed geological      submit it.                                     
     lease.                                 information.                                                            
    Data is released to the owner of an    Directional survey data  If the lessee from       .......................
     adjacent under subpart D of part 250.                           whose lease the                                
                                                                     directional survey was                         
                                                                     taken consents.                                
    Data and information are obtained      Any data or information  At any time.             .......................
     from beneath unleased land as a        obtained.                                                               
     result of a well deviation that has                                                                            
     not been approved by the Regional or                                                                           
     District Supervisor.                                                                                           
        Dated: March 3, 1998.
    E. P. Danenberger,
    Chief, Engineering and Operations.
    [FR Doc. 98-5941 Filed 3-6-98; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Minerals Management Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rulemaking; Correction.
Document Number:
11385-11386 (2 pages)
1010-AC32: Postlease Operations
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
30 CFR 250.19(c))
30 CFR 250.27