96-7851. Identification of Priority Data Needs for 12 Priority Hazardous Substances  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 63 (Monday, April 1, 1996)]
    [Pages 14430-14438]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-7851]
    [[Page 14429]]
    Part VIII
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Agency For Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    Identification of Priority Data Needs for 12 Priority Hazardous 
    Substances; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 63 / Monday, April 1, 1996 / 
    [[Page 14430]]
    Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    Identification of Priority Data Needs for 12 Priority Hazardous 
    AGENCY: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), U.S. 
    Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
    ACTION: Request for Public Comments on the Identification of Priority 
    Data Needs for 12 Priority Hazardous Substances, and an Ongoing Call 
    for Voluntary Research Proposals.
    SUMMARY: This Notice makes available for public comment the priority 
    data needs for 12 priority hazardous substances as part of the 
    continuing development and implementation of the ATSDR Substance-
    Specific Applied Research Program (SSARP). The Notice also serves as a 
    continuous call for voluntary research proposals.
    The SSARP is authorized by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, 
    Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (Superfund) or CERCLA, and 
    amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 
    (SARA) (42 U.S.C. 9604(i)). This research program was initiated on 
    October 17, 1991. At that time, a list of priority data needs for 38 
    priority hazardous substances was announced in the Federal Register (56 
    FR 52178). The list was subsequently revised based on public comments 
    and published in final form on November 16, 1992 (57 FR 54150).
        Twelve substances constitute the second list of hazardous 
    substances for which priority data needs are identified by ATSDR. In 
    developing this list, ATSDR solicited input from the Environmental 
    Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Institute of Environmental 
    Health Sciences (NIEHS). The priority data needs documents are 
    available for review by writing to the ATSDR (see ADDRESSES section of 
    this Notice).
        The exposure and toxicity priority data needs in this Notice have 
    been identified from information gaps via a ``Decision Guide'' that was 
    published in the Federal Register on September 11, 1989 (54 FR 37618). 
    The priority data needs represent essential information to improve the 
    database to conduct public health assessments. Research to address 
    these data needs will help determine the types or levels of exposure 
    that may present significant risks of adverse health effects in people 
    exposed to the subject substances.
        The priority data needs identified in this Notice reflect the 
    opinion of the agency, in consultation with other Federal programs, of 
    the research needed pursuant to ATSDR's authority under CERCLA. They do 
    not represent the priority data needs for any other program.
        Consistent with section 104(i)(12) of CERCLA as amended (42 U.S.C. 
    9604(i)(12)), nothing in this research program shall be construed to 
    delay or otherwise affect or impair the authority of the President, the 
    Administrator of ATSDR, or the Administrator of EPA to exercise any 
    authority regarding any other provision of law, including the Toxic 
    Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) and the Federal Insecticide, 
    Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of 1972 (FIFRA), or the response and 
    abatement authorities of CERCLA.
        In developing this research program, ATSDR has worked with other 
    Federal programs to determine common substance-specific data needs, as 
    well as mechanisms to implement research that may include authorities 
    under TSCA and FIFRA, private-sector voluntarism, or the direct use of 
    CERCLA funds.
        When deciding the type of research that should be done, ATSDR 
    considers the recommendations of the Interagency Testing Committee 
    established under section 4(e) of TSCA. Federally funded projects that 
    collect information from 10 or more respondents and are funded by 
    cooperative agreement are subject to review by the Office of Management 
    and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act. If the proposed 
    project involves research on human subjects, the applicants must comply 
    with Department of Health and Human Services Regulations (45 CFR part 
    46) regarding the protection of human subjects. Assurance must be 
    provided that the project will be subject to initial and continuing 
    review by the appropriate institutional review committees. Overall, 
    data generated from this research program will lend support to others 
    involved in human health assessments involving these 12 substances (and 
    related ones) by providing additional scientific information for the 
    risk assessment process.
        The 12 substances, which are included in the ATSDR Priority List of 
    Hazardous Substances established by ATSDR and EPA (59 FR 9486, February 
    28, 1994), are:
        * chlordane
        * 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane
        * di-n-butyl phthalate
        * disulfoton
        * endrin (includes endrin aldehyde)
        * endosulfan (alpha-, beta-, and endosulfan sulfate)
        * heptachlor (includes heptachlor epoxide)
        * hexachlorobutadiene
        * hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-, beta-, delta-, and gamma-)
        * manganese
        * methoxychlor
        * toxaphene.
        The priority data needs for these 12 substances are presented 
    below. We invite comments from the public on individual data needs. 
    After considering the comments, ATSDR will publish the final priority 
    data needs for each substance. These priority data needs will be 
    addressed by the mechanisms described in the ``Implementation of 
    Substance-Specific Applied Research Program'' section of this Federal 
    Register Notice.
        This Notice also serves as a continuous call for voluntary research 
    proposals. Private-sector organizations may volunteer to conduct 
    research to address specific priority data needs in this Notice by 
    indicating their interest through submission of a research proposal to 
    ATSDR (see ADDRESSES section of this Notice). A Tri-Agency Superfund 
    Applied Research Committee (TASARC) comprised of scientists from ATSDR, 
    the National Toxicology Program (NTP), and EPA will review all 
        The substance-specific priority data needs were based on, and 
    determined from, information in corresponding ATSDR toxicological 
    profiles. Background technical information and justification for the 
    priority data needs in this Notice are in the priority data needs 
    documents. These documents are available for review by writing to ATSDR 
    (see ADDRESSES section of this Notice).
    DATES: Comments concerning this Notice must be received by July 1, 
    ADDRESSES: Include the docket control number ATSDR-42 with comments on 
    this Notice. Submit comments to Dr. William Cibulas, Chief, Research 
    Implementation Branch, Division of Toxicology, ATSDR, 1600 Clifton 
    Road, N.E., Mailstop E-29, Atlanta, Georgia 30333. Use the same address 
    for requests for priority data needs documents and submission of 
    proposals to conduct voluntary research.
        Comments on this Notice will be available for public inspection at 
    ATSDR, Building 4, Suite 2400, Executive Park Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 
    (not a mailing address), from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through 
    Friday, except for legal holidays.
    [[Page 14431]]
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. William Cibulas, Chief, Research 
    Implementation Branch, Division of Toxicology, ATSDR, 1600 Clifton 
    Road, N.E., Mailstop E-29, Atlanta, Georgia 30333, telephone 404-639-
        The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and 
    Liability Act of 1980 (Superfund) or CERCLA (42 U.S.C. 9604 (i)), as 
    amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 
    (SARA) (42 U.S.C. 9604(i)), requires that ATSDR (1) develop jointly 
    with EPA a list of hazardous substances found at National Priorities 
    List (NPL) sites (in order of priority), (2) prepare toxicological 
    profiles of these substances, and (3) assure the initiation of a 
    research program to address identified priority data needs associated 
    with the substances.
        The Substance-Specific Applied Research Program was initiated on 
    October 17, 1991. At that time, a list of priority data needs for 38 
    priority hazardous substances was announced in the Federal Register (56 
    FR 52178). The list was subsequently revised based on public comments 
    and published in final form on November 16, 1992 (57 FR 54150).
        This ATSDR SSARP supplies necessary information to improve the 
    database to conduct public health assessments. This link between 
    research and public health assessments, and the process for distilling 
    priority data needs for ranked hazardous substances from information 
    gaps found in associated ATSDR toxicological profiles, are described in 
    the ATSDR ``Decision Guide for Identifying Substance-Specific Data 
    Needs Related to Toxicological Profiles'' (54 FR 37618, September 11, 
    1989). Briefly, this guide identified categories of exposure and 
    toxicity data needs necessary to assess the four basic steps to perform 
    public health assessments.
        The links between the release of a hazardous substance in the 
    environment and the impact on human health can only be fully determined 
    when the scientific underpinnings for these four basic steps are known. 
    In the absence of these data, the public health assessment process must 
    use certain assumptions. The relationships between these four steps and 
    priority data needs are as follows:
    Exposure Assessment
        To meet its statutory mandates, ATSDR must make reasonable 
    scientific assessments based on levels of contaminants found in the 
    environment around CERCLA sites. To accomplish this goal, a major 
    objective of this research program is to establish links between levels 
    of contaminants in the environment and levels in human tissues or 
    target organs that may cause an adverse health effect. This requires 
    (1) the development and validation of sensitive analytical methods for 
    measuring levels of contaminants in environmental media, (2) 
    information on background levels in the general environment, (3) 
    information on contaminant levels at or near hazardous waste sites, and 
    (4) knowledge of the contaminants' environmental fate.
        Relating environmental contaminant levels to human tissue 
    concentrations requires (1) the development and validation of sensitive 
    analytical methods for contaminant detection in human tissues, (2) 
    bioavailability data, (3) information on background levels in 
    nonexposed populations, and (4) information on levels in tissues for 
    populations living at or near hazardous waste sites. Thus, a major 
    priority data need for this applied research program will be to 
    collect, evaluate, and interpret data from hazardous waste sites for 
    both environmental media and human tissues, when appropriate.
    Hazard Identification/Dose Response Assessment
        Toxicologic and pharmacokinetic testing of priority hazardous 
    substances is necessary to identify target organs and to establish 
    tissue dosimetry. This information is critical to complete the 
    association among levels of these substances in the environment, levels 
    in human tissues, and levels associated with adverse health effects. 
    Priority data needs generally arise when information is lacking that 
    identifies the most sensitive target organs (and doses associated with 
    these effects) following acute, intermediate, and chronic exposures to 
    each substance. These data are needed to establish dose-response 
    relationships, identify thresholds for these effects, and to determine 
    levels of significant exposure to the hazardous substances that are 
    associated with adverse health effects.
        The identified health effect studies are conducted via the most 
    relevant exposure route(s) representative of conditions at hazardous 
    waste sites. ATSDR will consider using physiologically based 
    pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling to address data needs when models are 
    well developed and validated.
        Once links have been established across exposure routes, levels in 
    the environment, and in specific human tissues associated with health 
    effects, it should be feasible to develop strategies to lessen these 
    effects. Mechanistic studies can elucidate the pathophysiology of the 
    health effects
    [[Page 14432]]
    and should ultimately lead to the development of clinical methods to 
    mitigate any adverse health effects from exposure to people living 
    around hazardous waste sites.
        ATSDR scientists believe it is important to collect quality human 
    data to validate the substance-specific exposure and toxicity findings 
    from animal studies and equivocal human studies. This information will 
    come from exposure and health effects studies and through the 
    establishment of subregistries within the framework of ATSDR's National 
    Exposure Registry.
    Implementation of Substance-Specific Applied Research Program
        In section 104(i)(5)(D), CERCLA states that it is the sense of 
    Congress that the costs for conducting this research program be borne 
    by the manufacturers and processors of the hazardous substances under 
    TSCA and by registrants under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
    Rodenticide Act of 1972 (FIFRA), or by cost recovery from responsible 
    parties under CERCLA. To execute this statutory intent, ATSDR developed 
    a plan whereby parts of the SSARP are being conducted via regulatory 
    mechanisms (TSCA/FIFRA), private-sector voluntarism, and through the 
    direct use of CERCLA funds.
        CERCLA also requires that ATSDR consider recommendations of the 
    Interagency Testing Committee (ITC) established under section 4(e) of 
    TSCA on the types of research to be done. ATSDR actively participates 
    on this committee; however, none of the proposed 12 substances are now 
    on the ITC priority testing list.
        The mechanisms for implementing the SSARP are discussed below. The 
    status of the SSARP in addressing priority data needs of the first set 
    of 38 priority hazardous substances via these mechanisms was described 
    in a Federal Register Notice on March 10, 1994 (59 FR 11434). This will 
    be updated in an upcoming Federal Register Notice.
        In developing and implementing the SSARP, ATSDR and EPA established 
    procedures to identify priority data needs of mutual interest to 
    Federal programs. Generally, this begins before or during the 
    finalization of the priority data needs. These data needs will be 
    addressed through a program of toxicologic testing under TSCA or FIFRA. 
    This part of the research will be conducted according to established 
    TSCA/FIFRA procedures and guidelines. Generally, this testing will 
    fulfill more than one Federal program's need.
    B. Private-Sector Voluntarism
        As part of the SSARP, on February 7, 1992, ATSDR announced a set of 
    proposed procedures for conducting voluntary research (56 FR 4758). 
    Revisions based on public comments were published on November 16, 1992 
    (57 FR 54160). ATSDR strongly encourages private-sector organizations 
    to propose research to address data needs at any time until ATSDR 
    announces that research has already been initiated for a specific data 
    need. Private-sector organizations may volunteer to conduct research to 
    address specific priority data needs identified in this Notice by 
    indicating their interest through submission of a research proposal.
        The research proposal should be a brief statement (1-2 pages) that 
    addresses the priority data need(s) to be filled, and the methods to be 
    used. The TASARC will review these proposals. Based on the review 
    committee's recommendations, ATSDR will determine which specific 
    voluntary research projects will be pursued (and how) with the 
    volunteer organizations. ATSDR will enter into only those voluntary 
    research projects that lead to high quality, peer-reviewed scientific 
    work. Additional details regarding the process for voluntary research 
    are in the Federal Register Notices cited in this section.
        Those priority data needs that are not addressed by TSCA/FIFRA or 
    initial voluntarism will be considered for funding by ATSDR through its 
    CERCLA budget. A large part of this research program is envisioned to 
    be unique to CERCLA, for example, research on substances not regulated 
    by other programs or research needs specific to public health 
    assessments. Current examples of the direct use of CERCLA funds include 
    interagency agreements with other Federal agencies and cooperative 
    agreements and grants with academic institutions.
        Mechanisms to address these priority data needs may include a 
    second call for voluntarism. Again, scientific peer review of study 
    protocols and results would occur for all research conducted under this 
    Substance-Specific Priority Data Needs
        The priority data needs are identified in Table 1. Unique 
    identification numbers (25A through 36H) are assigned to the priority 
    data needs for this list of 12 priority hazardous substances; the 
    initial list of 38 substances has identification numbers 1A through 24C 
    (59 FR 11434, March 10, 1994).
        As previously stated, ATSDR believes that part of this research 
    will be most appropriately conducted using CERCLA data and resources. 
    Toward this end, ATSDR has identified particular data needs that may be 
    implemented by ATSDR programs. These priority data needs fall into both 
    the exposure and toxicity data needs categories.
        A major exposure priority data need for all 12 substances will be 
    to collect, evaluate, and interpret data from contaminated media around 
    hazardous waste sites. However, a substantial amount of this 
    information has already been collected through individual State 
    programs and the EPA's CERCLA activities. ATSDR scientists will, 
    therefore, evaluate the extant information from these programs in order 
    to better characterize the need for additional site-specific 
        ATSDR's role as a public health agency addressing environmental 
    health is, when appropriate, to collect human data to validate 
    substance-specific exposure and toxicity findings. ATSDR will obtain 
    this information by conducting exposure and health effects studies, and 
    by establishing and using substance-specific subregistries of people 
    enrolled in the agency's National Exposure Registry who are potentially 
    exposed to these substances. When a subregistry or a human exposure 
    study is identified as a priority data need, the responsible ATSDR 
    program will determine its feasibility which depends on identifying 
    appropriate populations and funding. These priority data needs may be 
    reclassified following considerations of feasibility. Any 
    reclassification will be published in the Federal Register.
        ATSDR acknowledges that the conduct of human studies to determine 
    possible links between exposure to hazardous substances and human 
    health effects may be accomplished other than by agency programs or 
    under other ATSDR-sponsored projects. We encourage private-sector 
    organizations and other governmental programs to use ATSDR's priority 
    data needs to plan their research activities, including identifying 
    appropriate populations and conducting studies to answer specific human 
    health questions.
        Dated: March 26, 1996.
    Claire V. Broome,
    Deputy Administrator, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
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Document Information

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Entry Type:
Request for Public Comments on the Identification of Priority Data Needs for 12 Priority Hazardous Substances, and an Ongoing Call for Voluntary Research Proposals.
Document Number:
Comments concerning this Notice must be received by July 1, 1996.
14430-14438 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: