95-8201. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories: Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry and Other Processes Subject to the Negotiated Regulation for ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 68 (Monday, April 10, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 18071-18078]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-8201]
    40 CFR Part 63
    RIN 2060-AC19
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for 
    Source Categories: Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Synthetic 
    Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry and Other Processes Subject to 
    the Negotiated Regulation for Equipment Leaks
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Proposed rule: clarification.
    SUMMARY: This action proposes clarifying changes and corrections to 
    certain portions of the ``National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
    Pollutants from the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry 
    and Other Processes Subject to the Negotiated Regulation for Equipment 
    Leaks'' (collectively known as the ``hazardous organic NESHAP'' or the 
    ``HON''). This action proposes to remove three compounds (glycerol tri-
    (polyoxypropylene)ether, polyethylene [[Page 18072]] glycol, and 
    polypropylene glycol) from the list of chemical production processes 
    regulated by the HON. The production of these compounds is also 
    included in the source category ``Polyether Polyols Production'' and 
    will be regulated by that national emission standards for hazardous air 
    pollutants (NESHAP). The EPA is also proposing several changes to the 
    equipment leak requirements to clarify the intent of certain 
    provisions, to correct oversights, and to simplify demonstration of 
    compliance with the regulation.
    DATES: Comments. Comments must be received on or before May 10, 1995, 
    unless a hearing is requested by April 20, 1995. If a hearing is 
    requested, written comments must be received by May 25, 1995.
        Public Hearing. Anyone requesting a public hearing must contact the 
    EPA no later than April 20, 1995. If a hearing is held, it will take 
    place on April 25, 1995, beginning at 10 a.m.
    ADDRESSES: Comments. Comments should be submitted (in duplicate, if 
    possible) to: Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (6102), 
    Attention Docket Number A-90-20 (see docket section below), room M-
    1500, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, 
    Washington, D.C. 20460. The EPA requests that a separate copy also be 
    sent to the contact person listed below.
        Public Hearing. If a public hearing is held, it will be held at the 
    EPA's Office of Administration Auditorium, Research Triangle Park, 
    North Carolina. Persons interested in attending the hearing or wishing 
    to present oral testimony should notify Mrs. Kim Teal, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711, 
    telephone (919) 541-5580.
        Docket. Dockets No. A-90-20 and A-89-10, containing the supporting 
    information for the original NESHAP and this action, are available for 
    public inspection and copying between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday, at the EPA's Air and Radiation Docket and Information 
    Center, Waterside Mall, room M-1500, first floor, 401 M Street SW, 
    Washington, DC 20460, or by calling (202) 260-7548 or 260-7549. A 
    reasonable fee may be charged for copying.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Janet S. Meyer, Emission Standards 
    Division (MD-13), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air 
    Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 
    27711, telephone number (919) 541-5254.
    I. Background
        On April 22, 1994 (59 FR 19402), and June 6, 1994 (59 FR 29196), 
    the EPA promulgated in the Federal Register NESHAP for the synthetic 
    organic chemical manufacturing industry (SOCMI), and for several other 
    processes subject to the equipment leaks portion of the rule. These 
    regulations were promulgated as subparts F, G, H, and I in 40 CFR part 
    63. Since the rule was issued, the EPA has received inquiries regarding 
    certain portions of the rule and EPA has concluded that it is necessary 
    to clarify these provisions and to correct several oversights.
    II. Removal of Polyols From Table 1 of Subpart F
        The list of SOCMI chemicals currently includes three compounds--
    glycerol tri-(polyoxypropylene)ether, polyethylene glycol, and 
    polypropylene glycol--whose production emissions will be regulated by 
    the NESHAP for ``Polyether Polyols Production,'' a category of major 
    sources for which a maximum achievable control technology (MACT) 
    standard is scheduled to be promulgated by November 15, 1997. According 
    to documentation for the list of source categories, the definition of 
    ``Polyether Polyols Production'' encompasses all commercially important 
    polyether polyols, and therefore would clearly include these three 
    chemical productions currently subject to the HON.
        The EPA believes that it would be more reasonable and efficient to 
    regulate emissions from production of all polyether polyols under only 
    one rule, rather than regulating some processes under one rule and 
    other polyol processes under a different rule. Specifically, the 
    production process for all polyether polyols is very similar, and 
    typical polyol facilities may manufacture both SOCMI and non-SOCMI 
    polyether polyols with the same equipment. Thus, EPA concluded that it 
    would be inappropriate to regulate polyols under the HON. Also, because 
    hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from polyether polyol 
    production are relatively low, postponing regulation of polyether 
    polyols would not forestall large HAP emission reductions.
        Accordingly, the EPA proposes to remove these three chemicals from 
    the list of SOCMI chemicals, located in table 1 of subpart F of the 
    final rule, and to address these production processes under the 
    subsequent polyether polyols production rule.
    II. Proposed Changes to Subpart H
    A. Consolidation of Equipment Leak Programs
        Since 1981, EPA and States have issued a number of different 
    guidelines and regulations for controlling emissions from equipment 
    leaks. Some companies have reported that they have to comply with 
    anywhere from 5 to 11 different equipment leak programs at one plant 
    site. These programs principally differ in applicability criteria and 
    have minor differences in other details of the provisions. Because of 
    concerns regarding the cost of maintaining separate programs, the 
    Regulatory Negotiation Committee (Committee) that negotiated the 
    proposed rule upon which subpart H is based agreed that compliance with 
    the negotiated rule would also constitute compliance with any 
    overlapping applicable new source performance standards (NSPS) or 
    NESHAP (e.g., subpart VV of part 60 or subpart J of part 61). 
    Unfortunately, this provision (40 CFR Sec. 63.160(b)) does not allow 
    enough consolidation of programs to adequately address the problem. 
    Owners and operators of process units subject to the HON still must 
    maintain multiple programs because process units may have non-HAP 
    containing process equipment as well as HAP containing process 
    equipment. Consequently, a number of industry representatives and a 
    State agency have requested that EPA also allow owners and operators 
    the option of consolidating all the volatile organic compounds (VOC) 
    and HAP equipment leak programs into one program for each process unit. 
    The EPA agrees that consolidation of programs will allow for more 
    efficient management of programs, reduce cost of compliance, and 
    improve compliance. As EPA believes that the HON contains more 
    stringent requirements than any other Federal equipment leak 
    regulations, EPA proposes to allow override of those requirements with 
    the provisions of subpart H. It is proposed to add a new paragraph (c) 
    to Sec. 63.160 to allow an owner or operator to elect to comply with 
    subpart H for all VOC containing process equipment in the process unit 
    in lieu of compliance with 40 CFR part 60 subparts VV, GGG, or KKK or 
    with 40 CFR part 61 subparts F or J. The EPA also encourages States to 
    allow consolidation of State equipment leak programs under subpart H. 
    The EPA believes that establishing one program for a plant site or 
    process unit would reduce costs to States and local agencies for 
    permitting and enforcing rules as well as reduce the cost of 
    [[Page 18073]] compliance for owners or operators of sources.
    B. Sampling Connection Systems
        Subpart H requires that each sampling connection system be equipped 
    with either a closed-loop or closed-vent system or that a closed-purge 
    system be used, and that the system either return the purge directly to 
    the process, collect and recycle the purge, or send the purge to a 
    control device. Following issuance of the final rule, several chemical 
    companies inquired whether the purge material could be sent to a 
    hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF) or a 
    controlled wastewater collection and treatment facility in lieu of 
    sending the purge to a control device as specified in Sec. 63.172. 
    Typically, the purge material could not be returned to the process due 
    to polymerization or other characteristics that severely limited the 
    utility of the material. The EPA agrees that this control option would 
    meet the intent of the sampling connection system provisions, which is 
    to ensure that purged material is captured and either returned to a 
    process or destroyed. Therefore, it is proposed to add provisions to 
    Sec. 63.166 to allow treatment of collected purge material at permitted 
    TSDF or solid waste facilities. The proposed provisions also allow use 
    of waste management units complying with Secs. 63.133-63.138 of subpart 
    G. The proposed Sec. 63.166 also includes minor clarifying edits to 
    paragraphs (a) and (b)(1) through (b)(3). Also, due to numerous 
    questions, EPA is proposing to add a definition for the term sampling 
    connection system.
    C. Less Frequent Monitoring of Valves in Phase III
        Since the final rule was issued, EPA has received inquiries about 
    the feasibility of using data collected before April 22, 1994 and use 
    of data that differs slightly from the requirements of Sec. 63.180(b). 
    Although the preamble to the final rule (59 FR 19446) did state that 
    the rule was intended to allow owners or operators the flexibility to 
    initiate phase III of the valve standard at anytime, the revisions to 
    subpart H did not include an explicit statement that data collected 
    before April 22, 1994 could be used or that less frequent monitoring 
    within Phase III could begin. Some of the callers seemed to be 
    concerned that the requirements for monitoring data specified in 
    Sec. 63.180(b) precluded use of data collected before the rule was 
    final. Consequently, it is proposed to add paragraphs to Sec. 63.168 
    and Sec. 63.174 to specifically allow use of data collected before 
    April 22, 1994. It is also proposed to clarify that data collected 
    before April 22, 1994 may have minor deviations from the requirements 
    in Sec. 63.180(b)(1) through (b)(6). Examples of minor deviations from 
    the requirements of Sec. 63.180(b)(1) through (b)(6) are use of a 
    slightly different monitoring frequency or monitoring at a different 
    leak definition provided the data would still indicate the presence or 
    absence of a leak.
    D. Flow Indicators
        In the HON, as well as in other section 111 and 112 standards, EPA 
    has required the use of flow indicators or car-seal systems to ensure 
    that emissions are continuously vented to an appropriate control device 
    [see Sec. 63.172(j)(1) for example]. The EPA has recently learned that, 
    as these provisions are presently drafted, it appears that either flow 
    must be measured or that specified equipment (i.e., car-seal systems or 
    lock and key-type valve configurations) must be used. The intent of 
    these provisions is to provide a means of indicating when emissions are 
    bypassing a control device. There was no intention in drafting these 
    provisions to limit the method used for detecting or monitoring for 
    potential by-passes of control devices. The EPA has concluded that 
    these provisions need to be clarified and the clearest way is to expand 
    the definition of flow indicator to include reference to devices that 
    do not measure flow and to remove the reference to presence of flow 
    from the by-pass monitoring requirement. The EPA is proposing to amend 
    subpart H to clarify this provision by adding a definition for ``flow 
    indicator'' and by revising paragraph (j)(1) of Sec. 63.172.
    E. Safety Issues With Sec. 63.163 and Sec. 63.167
        Since the final rule was promulgated, EPA has learned of a few 
    situations where compliance with the provisions of the rule creates, or 
    has the potential to create, serious safety hazards for plant or 
    monitoring personnel. These concerns arise because no provisions 
    presently exist in some sections of subpart H to exempt unsafe 
    situations from specific equipment or monitoring requirements. The need 
    for these provisions was not raised in the Committee discussions or in 
    the public comments. The EPA believes that the concerns are being 
    raised now as the rule is being implemented because these safety issues 
    only arise in a few cases.
        Consequently, EPA is proposing to add unsafe-to-monitor provisions 
    for pumps and an exemption from the requirement to cap, or plug, open-
    ended lines or valves for materials that represented a safety or 
    explosion hazard. The unsafe-to-monitor provision for pumps is 
    patterned after the unsafe-to-monitor valve provisions. Pumps that are 
    unsafe-to-monitor are pumps that are located in an area that presents 
    an imminent danger to personnel due to the presence of toxic materials, 
    explosive process conditions, or high pressure. This provision would 
    exempt pumps in unsafe locations from routine monitoring requirements, 
    but would require monitoring during safe-to-monitor periods.
        The EPA is also proposing to exempt open-ended lines or valves 
    containing materials that represented a safety or explosion hazard from 
    the requirement to equip the line with a cap or plug. The EPA has 
    recently learned that in a few processes the requirement to cap, or 
    plug, the line could result in trapping highly-reactive monomer in the 
    line. In these cases, the polymerization reaction will cause serious 
    overpressure and catastrophic equipment failure presenting a safety 
    hazard to plant personnel and creating the potential for greater 
    emissions to the atmosphere than if the line were left uncapped.
    F. Inaccessible and Difficult-to-Monitor Agitators
        The Committee developed the requirements for agitators based on the 
    assumption that agitators were technologically similar to pumps. In the 
    Committee discussions, it was assumed that agitators would be just as 
    accessible as pumps. The EPA has recently learned that there are a few 
    facilities where agitators are inaccessible, and it simply is not 
    feasible to monitor this equipment. Consequently, it is proposed to add 
    an exemption for inaccessible agitators and to provide consideration 
    for difficult-to-monitor agitators. The proposed provisions in 
    Secs. 63.173(h) and (i) are patterned after the difficult-to-monitor 
    valve provisions and the inaccessible connector provision in 
    Sec. 63.174(h)(1)(iii). Because it is conceivable that there could also 
    be processes where agitators are located in areas that pose an imminent 
    danger to monitoring personnel, provisions to exempt unsafe-to-monitor 
    agitators are also proposed. Recordkeeping requirements for difficult-
    to-monitor and unsafe-to-monitor equipment are included in the proposed 
    revisions to Sec. 63.181(b)(7).
    G. Porcelain Connectors
        In development of the connector provisions, the Committee exempted 
    glass and glass-lined connectors from the monitoring requirements 
    because of [[Page 18074]] the limited potential for on-line repair. The 
    Committee was concerned that tightening of bolts on glass and glass-
    lined connectors presented a high risk of breakage and potential for 
    significant accidental releases. Since the rule was issued, EPA has 
    learned that porcelain connectors are also used at some facilities. 
    Since porcelain connectors, as well as other forms of ceramic 
    materials, would also have a high risk of breakage during on-line 
    repairs, EPA is proposing to revise Sec. 63.174(h)(1) to use the more 
    generic terminology ``ceramic or ceramic-lined'' connector.
    H. Pressure Test for Batch Process Equipment
        Two changes are being proposed to the pressure test provisions of 
    Sec. 63.180(f). The pressure test provisions for batch process 
    equipment were derived from general industry practice and EPA's 
    experience with testing of tank trucks and railcars for vapor 
    tightness. In development of these provisions, the Committee assumed 
    that this testing would be conducted on equipment operating at 
    pressures greater than atmospheric but less than 10 pounds per square 
    inch gauge (psig). The EPA has since learned that there are some batch 
    operations operating at essentially atmospheric pressure for which the 
    pressure/vacuum test provisions represent the only practical means of 
    complying with the standard. Unfortunately, the Committee agreed to 
    language on the test provisions that does not allow pressurization 
    beyond the operating pressure of the equipment. The EPA believes that 
    this is an unintentional limitation on the availability of the pressure 
    test option. Therefore, EPA is proposing to revise Sec. 63.180(f)(1) to 
    allow pressurization to less than the set pressure of any pressure 
    relief device or to within safety limits of the operating equipment. 
    The EPA has also recently become aware that there are batch processes 
    operating at greater than 10 psig for which the owner or operator also 
    wishes to use the pressure/vacuum test provisions of the rule. In such 
    cases, the precision requirements for the pressure gauge 
    (2.5 mm mercury in the range of the test pressure) could 
    mean no pressure gauge would be available or no gauge would be 
    available at a reasonable cost. To determine whether any revision to 
    these provisions would be appropriate, the EPA reviewed the basis for 
    the precision specification for the pressure gauge. It was found that 
    the precision specified in the rule was the result of the assumed range 
    of test pressures, an assumed test duration of 15 minutes, and a 
    relative accuracy of 10 percent. Based on these findings 
    EPA thinks that it would be appropriate to allow an alternative 
    procedure for cases where a pressure gauge with a precision of 
    2.5 mm mercury in the range of the test pressure is not 
    reasonably available. The EPA proposes to allow the owner or operator 
    to use a pressure gauge with a precision of 10 percent of 
    the test pressure and to extend the duration of the test for the time 
    necessary to detect a pressure loss (or rise) that equals a rate of 1 
    IV. Proposed Changes to Subpart I
    A. Notification and Compliance Dates for Process Changes
        Presently, subpart I does not specify compliance dates for process 
    units or equipment affected by operational changes as is done in 
    Secs. 63.100(k) through (m) of subpart F. These subpart F provisions 
    specify the notification and approval requirements for each type of 
    change as well as the compliance date for equipment affected by the 
    change. These procedures were included in subpart F to allow HON 
    sources to follow the administrative procedures in subpart F, subpart 
    G, and, as appropriate, the administrative procedures of subpart A and 
    the operating permits rule until final action on the section 112(g) 
    rule resolves the question of whether individual MACT standard 
    administrative procedures supersede the administrative procedures of 
    the section 112(g) rule. These provisions were omitted from subpart I. 
    To correct this omission paragraphs (g)(3), (g)(4), and (h) are 
    proposed to be added to Sec. 63.190 to specify compliance dates for 
    operational changes that are expected to occur.
    B. Definitions
        Definitions for ``process unit'' and ``source'' are proposed to be 
    added to Sec. 63.191 to correct an oversight. These definitions were 
    inadvertently omitted in drafting the final rule. The proposed 
    definition for ``process unit'' is derived from the original definition 
    agreed to by the Committee. The proposed definition for ``source'' is 
    based on the definition for ``source'' in subpart F.
        Due to several requests for clarification of the applicability of 
    subpart I to operations at pharmaceutical facilities, the EPA is also 
    proposing a revision to the definition of ``pharmaceutical production 
    process.'' The provisions of subpart I were intended to apply only to 
    those pharmaceutical production processes that synthesize a 
    pharmaceutical product. At facilities with solvent recovery 
    capabilities, waste solvent from the synthesis process is generally 
    recovered and purified in a step separate from the pharmaceutical 
    synthesis process. The provisions of subpart I were not intended to 
    cover such solvent recovery processes. Peripheral operations not 
    necessary for the production of the drug, such as formulation (the 
    physical mixing of one or more final products), tablet coating 
    (physically coating the final product), and solvent recovery 
    (repurifying the solvent after drug production and reintroducing the 
    pure solvent into raw solvent storage), are not considered part of the 
    pharmaceutical production process as defined in subpart I. Therefore, 
    EPA is proposing to add a phrase to the last sentence in the definition 
    to clarify that solvent recovery operations located at pharmaceutical 
    facilities are not subject to the provisions of Subpart I. This 
    definition for ``pharmaceutical production process'' in subpart I 
    should be viewed as being unique to subpart I and should not be viewed 
    as determining applicability in other standards.
    C. Bench-Scale Batch Process Equipment
        It has recently come to EPA's attention that there are a few 
    pharmaceutical companies producing products in extremely small batches 
    using laboratory or small bench-scale equipment. The equipment in these 
    processes is very small (typically valves and connectors are less than 
    0.5 inches in diameter) and is closely-spaced. These small bench-scale 
    processes typically produce a kilogram or less of product per batch and 
    only a small number of batches are run each year. However, because the 
    components in these processes are generally in HAP service more than 
    300 hours per year, the processes would be subject to the provisions of 
    subparts I and H. The EPA is revising Sec. 63.190(f) of subpart I to 
    clarify that bench-scale batch processes are not subject to the 
    provisions of subpart I and H. A definition for ``bench-scale batch 
    process'' is also being added to Sec. 63.191 of subpart I. The EPA 
    thinks that this correction is necessary because the equipment cannot 
    reasonably be monitored and repaired routinely for any rational 
    benefit. The equipment in these processes is so tightly situated that 
    access by the monitor probe is essentially precluded and it is 
    difficult to determine the origin of a leak if one is detected. 
    Furthermore, due to the size of these units, emissions would be 
    insignificant due to the small number of components, the amount of time 
    the components are in HAP [[Page 18075]] service, and the small 
    quantities of materials processed.
    V. Administrative
    A. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements of the previously 
    promulgated NESHAP were submitted to and approved by the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB). A copy of this Information Collection 
    Request (ICR) document (OMB control number 1414.02) may be obtained 
    from Sandy Farmer, Information Policy Branch (2136); U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency; 401 M Street, SW; Washington, DC 20460 or by calling 
    (202) 260-2740.
        Today's proposed changes to the NESHAP should have no impact on the 
    information collection burden estimates made previously. The changes 
    consist of new definitions, alternative test procedures, and 
    clarifications of requirements; not additional requirements. 
    Consequently, the ICR has not been revised.
    B. Executive Order 12866 Review
        The HON rule promulgated on April 22, 1994 was considered 
    ``significant'' under Executive Order 12866 and a regulatory impact 
    analysis (RIA) was prepared. The amendments issued today clarify the 
    rule and do not add any additional control requirements. The EPA 
    believes that these amendments would have a negligible impact on the 
    results of the RIA and the change is considered to be within the 
    uncertainty of the analysis.
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires the identification 
    of potentially adverse impacts of Federal regulations upon small 
    business entities. The Act specifically requires the completion of a 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in those instances where small business 
    impacts are possible. Because this rulemaking imposes no adverse 
    economic impacts, a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has not been 
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 63
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hazardous 
    substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: March 28, 1995.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, title 40, chapter I, part 
    63 subparts F, H and I of the Code of Federal Regulations is proposed 
    to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 63 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Sections 101, 112, 114, 116, and 301 of the Clean Air 
    Act (42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq., as amended by Pub. L. 101-549, 104 
    Stat. 2399).
    Subpart F--National Emission Standards for Organic Hazardous Air 
    Pollutants From the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing 
    Table 1 of Subpart F--[Amended]
        2. Table 1 of subpart F is amended by removing the entries for 
    glycerol tri-(polyoxypropylene)ether, polyethylene glycol, and 
    polypropylene glycol and their associated CAS number and group number.
    Subpart H--National Emission Standards for Organic Hazardous Air 
    Pollutants for Equipment Leaks
        3. Section 63.160 is amended by adding a new paragraph (c) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 63.160  Applicability and designation of source.
    * * * * *
        (c) If a process unit subject to the provisions of this subpart has 
    equipment to which this subpart does not apply, but which is subject to 
    a standard identified in paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section, 
    the owner or operator may elect to apply this subpart to all such 
    equipment in the process unit. If the owner or operator elects this 
    method of compliance, all VOC in such equipment shall be considered, 
    for purposes of applicability and compliance with this subpart, as if 
    it were organic HAP. Compliance with the provisions of this subpart, in 
    the manner described in this paragraph, shall be deemed to constitute 
    compliance with the standard identified in paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) 
    of this section.
        (1) 40 CFR part 60 subpart VV, GGG, or KKK; or
        (2) 40 CFR part 61 subpart F or J.
    * * * * *
        4. Section 63.161 is amended by adding in alphabetical order the 
    definitions ``flow indicator'' and ``sampling connection system'' to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 63.161  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Flow indicator means a device which indicates whether gas flow is, 
    or whether the valve position would allow gas flow to be present, in a 
    * * * * *
        Sampling connection system means an assembly of equipment within a 
    process unit used during periods of representative operation to take 
    samples of the process fluid. Equipment used to take non-routine grab 
    samples is not considered a sampling connection system.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 63.163 is amended by adding paragraph (j) to read as 
    Sec. 63.166  Standards: Pumps in light liquid service.
    * * * * *
        (j) Any pump that is designated, as described in 
    Sec. 63.181(b)(7)(i) of this subpart, as an unsafe-to-monitor pump is 
    exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (b) through (e) of this 
    section if:
        (1) The owner or operator of the pump determines that the pump is 
    unsafe to monitor because monitoring personnel would be exposed to an 
    immediate danger as a consequence of complying with paragraphs (b) 
    through (d) of this section; and
        (2) The owner or operator of the pump has a written plan that 
    requires monitoring of the pump as frequently as practicable during 
    safe-to-monitor times, but not more frequently than the periodic 
    monitoring schedule otherwise applicable.
        6. Section 63.166 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and (b) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 63.166  Standards: Sampling connection systems.
        (a) Each sampling connection system shall be equipped with a 
    closed-purge, closed-loop, or closed-vent system, except as provided in 
    Sec. 63.162(b) of this subpart. Gases displaced during filling of the 
    sample container are not required to be collected or captured.
        (b) Each closed-purge, closed-loop, or closed-vent system as 
    required in paragraph (a) of this section shall:
        (1) Return the purged process fluid directly to the process line; 
        (2) Collect and recycle the purged process fluid to a process;
        (3) Be designed and operated to capture and transport the purged 
    process fluid to a control device that complies with the requirements 
    of Sec. 63.172 of this subpart; or
        (4) Collect and transport the purged process fluid to a system or 
    facility identified in paragraph (b)(4)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this 
        (i) A waste management unit as defined in Sec. 63.111 of subpart G 
    of this part, if the waste management unit is subject to, and operated 
    in compliance with the provisions of subpart G of this part applicable 
    to group 1 wastewater streams. [[Page 18076]] 
        (ii) A treatment, storage, or disposal facility subject to 
    regulation under 40 CFR part 264, 265, or 266; or
        (iii) A facility permitted, licensed, or registered by a State to 
    manage municipal or industrial solid waste, if the process fluids are 
    not hazardous waste as defined in 40 CFR part 261.
    * * * * *
        7. Section 63.167 is amended by adding paragraph (e) to read as 
    Sec. 63.167  Standards: Open-ended valves or lines.
    * * * * *
        (e) Open-ended valves or lines containing materials which would 
    autocatalytically polymerize or, would prevent an explosion, serious 
    overpressure, or other safety hazard if capped or equipped with a 
    double block and bleed system as specified in paragraphs (a) through 
    (c) of this section are exempt from the requirements of paragraph (a) 
    through (c) of this section.
        8. Section 63.168 is amended by adding a new paragraph (a)(3) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 63.168  Standards: Valves in gas/vapor service and in light liquid 
        (a) * * *
        (3) The use of monitoring data generated before April 22, 1994 to 
    qualify for less frequent monitoring is governed by the provisions of 
    Sec. 63.180(b)(6) of this subpart.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 63.172 is amended by revising the first sentence of 
    paragraph (j)(1) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.172  Standards: Closed-vent systems and control devices.
    * * * * *
        (j) * * *
        (1) Install, set or adjust, maintain, and operate a flow indicator 
    that takes a reading at least once every 15 minutes. * * *
    * * * * *
        10. Section 63.173 is amended by adding paragraphs (h), (i) and (j) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.173  Standards: Agitators in gas/vapor service and in light 
    liquid service.
    * * * * *
        (h) Any agitator that is difficult-to-monitor is exempt from the 
    requirements of paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section if:
        (1) The owner or operator determines that the agitator cannot be 
    monitored without elevating the monitoring personnel more than 2 meters 
    above a support surface or it is not accessible at anytime in a safe 
        (2) The process unit within which the agitator is located is an 
    existing source or the owner or operator designates less than 3 percent 
    of the total number of agitators in a new source as difficult-to-
    monitor; and
        (3) The owner or operator follows a written plan that requires 
    monitoring of the agitator at least once per calendar year.
        (i) Any agitator that is obstructed by equipment or piping that 
    prevents access to the agitator by a monitor probe is exempt from the 
    monitoring requirements of paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section.
        (j) Any agitator that is designated, as described in 
    Sec. 63.181(b)(7)(i) of this subpart, as an unsafe-to-monitor agitator 
    is exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (b) through (d) of this 
    section if:
        (1) The owner or operator of the agitator determines that the 
    agitator is unsafe to monitor because monitoring personnel would be 
    exposed to an immediate danger as a consequence of complying with 
    paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section; and
        (2) The owner or operator of the agitator has a written plan that 
    requires monitoring of the agitator as frequently as practicable during 
    safe-to-monitor times, but not more frequently than the periodic 
    monitoring schedule otherwise applicable.
        11. Section 63.174 is amended by adding a new paragraph (b)(4) and 
    by revising the first sentence of paragraph (h)(1) introductory text to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 63.174  Standards: Connectors in gas/vapor service and in light 
    liquid service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (4) The use of monitoring data generated before April 22, 1994 to 
    qualify for less frequent monitoring is governed by the provisions of 
    Sec. 63.180(b)(6).
    * * * * *
        (h)(1) Any connector that is inaccessible or is ceramic or ceramic-
    lined (e.g., porcelain, glass, or glass-lined), is exempt from the 
    monitoring requirements of paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section and 
    from the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of Sec. 63.181 and 
    Sec. 63.182 of this subpart. * * *
    * * * * *
        12. Section 63.180 is amended by redesignating paragraph (b)(2) as 
    (b)(2)(i) and revising the first sentence of newly designated paragraph 
    (b)(2)(i), by adding a paragraph (b)(2)(ii), by revising paragraph 
    (b)(4)(iii), by revising paragraph (b)(6) by revising paragraph (f)(1), 
    and by adding a sentence to paragraph (f)(4) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.180  Test methods and procedures.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2)(i) Except as provided for in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this 
    section, the detection instrument shall meet the performance criteria 
    of Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, except the instrument 
    response factor criteria in section 3.1.2(a) of Method 21 shall be for 
    the average composition of the process fluid not each individual VOC in 
    the stream. * * *
        (ii) If no instrument is available at the plant site that will meet 
    the performance criteria specified in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this 
    section, the instrument readings may be adjusted by multiplying by the 
    average response factor of the process fluid, calculated on an inert-
    free basis as described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section.
        (3) * * *
        (4) * * *
        (iii) The instrument may be calibrated at a higher methane 
    concentration than the concentration specified for that piece of 
    equipment. The concentration of the calibration gas may exceed the 
    concentration specified as a leak by no more than 2,000 parts per 
    million. If the monitoring instrument's design allows for multiple 
    calibration scales, then the lower scale shall be calibrated with a 
    calibration gas that is no higher than 2,000 parts per million above 
    the concentration specified as a leak and the highest scale shall be 
    calibrated with a calibration gas that is approximately equal to 10,000 
    parts per million.
    * * * * *
        (6) Monitoring data that do not meet the criteria specified in 
    paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(5) of this section may be used to qualify 
    for less frequent monitoring under the provisions in Sec. 63.168 (d)(2) 
    and (d)(3) or Sec. 63.174 (b)(3)(ii) or (b)(3)(iii) of this subpart 
    provided the data meet the conditions specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(i) 
    and (b)(6)(ii) of this section.
        (i) The data were obtained before April 22, 1994.
        (ii) The departures from the criteria specified in paragraphs 
    (b)(1) through (b)(5) of this section or from the specified monitoring 
    frequency of Sec. 63.168(c) are minor and do not significantly affect 
    the quality of the data. Examples of minor departures are monitoring at 
    a slightly different frequency (such as every 6 weeks instead of 
    monthly or quarterly), following the performance criteria of section 
    3.1.2(a) of Method 21 of Appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 instead of 
    paragraph (b)(2) of this section, or monitoring at a different leak 
    definition [[Page 18077]] if the data would indicate the presence or 
    absence of a leak at the concentration specified in this subpart. 
    Failure to use a calibrated instrument is not considered a minor 
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (1) The batch product-process equipment train shall be pressurized 
    with a gas to a pressure less than the set pressure of any safety 
    relief devices or valves or to a pressure slightly above the operating 
    pressure of the equipment, or alternatively the equipment shall be 
    placed under a vacuum.
        (2) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (4) * * * If such a pressure measurement device is not reasonably 
    available, the owner or operator shall use a pressure measurement 
    device with a precision of at least 10 percent of the test 
    pressure of the equipment and shall extend the duration of the test for 
    the time necessary to detect a pressure loss or rise that equals a rate 
    of 1 psig per hour.
    * * * * *
        13. Section 63.181 is amended by revising the introductory text in 
    paragraph (b)(7) and by revising paragraph (b)(7)(ii) to read as 
    Sec. 63.181  Recordkeeping requirements.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (7) The following information pertaining to all pumps subject to 
    the provisions of Sec. 63.163(j), valves subject to the provisions of 
    Sec. 63.168(h) and (i) of this subpart, agitators subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 63.173(h) through (j), and connectors subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 63.174 (f) through (h) of this subpart shall be 
        (i) * * *
        (ii) A list of identification numbers for the equipment that is 
    designated as difficult to monitor, an explanation of why the equipment 
    is difficult to monitor, and the planned schedule for monitoring this 
    * * * * *
    Subpart I--National Emission Standards for Organic Hazardous Air 
    Pollutants for Certain Processes Subject to the Negotiated 
    Regulation for Equipment Leaks
        14. Section 63.190 is amended by revising paragraph (f), paragraphs 
    (g)(1) introductory text and (g)(2) introductory text, by adding 
    paragraphs (g)(3) and (g)(4), and revising paragraph (i) to read as 
    Sec. 63.190  Applicability and designation of source.
    * * * * *
        (f) The provisions of subparts I and H of this part do not apply to 
    research and development facilities or to bench-scale batch processes, 
    regardless of whether the facilities or processes are located at the 
    same plant site as a process subject to the provisions of subpart I and 
    H of this part.
        (g)(1) If an additional process unit specified in paragraph (b) of 
    this section is added to a plant site that is a major source as defined 
    in section 112(a) of the Act, the addition shall be subject to the 
    requirements for a new source in subparts H and I of this part if:
    * * * * *
        (2) If any change is made to a process subject to this subpart, the 
    change shall be subject to the requirements for a new source in 
    subparts H and I of this part if:
    * * * * *
        (3) If an additional process unit is added to a plant site or a 
    change is made to a process unit and the addition or change is 
    determined to be subject to the new source requirements according to 
    paragraphs (g)(1) or (g)(2) of this section:
        (i) The new or reconstructed source shall be in compliance with the 
    new source requirements of subparts H and I of this part upon initial 
    start-up of the new or reconstructed source or by April 22, 1994, 
    whichever is later; and
        (ii) The owner or operator of the new or reconstructed source shall 
    comply with the reporting and recordkeeping requirements in subparts H 
    and I of this part that are applicable to new sources. The applicable 
    reports include, but are not limited to:
        (A) Reports required by Sec. 63.182(b), if not previously 
    submitted, Sec. 63.182(c) and (d) of subpart H of this part; and
        (B) Reports and notifications required by subpart A of this part 
    that are applicable to subparts H and I of this part, as identified in 
    Sec. 63.192(a) of this subpart.
        (4) If an additional process unit is added to a plant site, if a 
    surge control vessel or bottoms receiver becomes subject to Sec. 63.170 
    of subpart H, or if a compressor becomes subject to Sec. 63.164 of 
    subpart H, and if the addition or change is not subject to the new 
    source requirements as determined according to paragraphs (g)(1) or 
    (g)(2) of this section, the requirements in paragraphs (g)(4)(i) 
    through (g)(4)(iii) of this section shall apply. Examples of process 
    changes include, but are not limited to, changes in production 
    capacity, feedstock type, or catalyst type, or whenever there is 
    replacement, removal, or addition of recovery equipment. For purposes 
    of this paragraph, process changes do not include: process upsets, 
    unintentional temporary process changes, and changes that are within 
    the equipment configuration and operating conditions documented in the 
    Notification of Compliance Status required by Sec. 63.182(c) of subpart 
    H of this part.
        (i) The added emission point(s) and any emission point(s) within 
    the added or changed process unit are subject to the requirements of 
    subparts H and I of this part for an existing source;
        (ii) The added emission point(s) and any emission point(s) within 
    the added or changed process unit shall be in compliance with subparts 
    H and I of this part by the dates specified in paragraphs (g)(4)(ii)(A) 
    or (g)(4)(ii)(B) of this section, as applicable.
        (A) If a process unit is added to a plant site or an emission 
    point(s) is added to an existing process unit, the added process unit 
    or emission point(s) shall be in compliance upon initial start-up of 
    the added process unit or emission point(s) or by April 22, 1997, 
    whichever is later.
        (B) If a surge control vessel or bottoms receiver becomes subject 
    to Sec. 63.170 of subpart H, if a compressor becomes subject to 
    Sec. 63.164 of subpart H, or if a deliberate operational process change 
    causes equipment to become subject to subpart H of this part, the owner 
    or operator shall be in compliance upon initial start-up or by April 
    22, 1997, whichever is later, unless the owner or operator demonstrates 
    to the Administrator that achieving compliance will take longer than 
    making the change. The owner or operator shall submit to the 
    Administrator for approval a compliance schedule, along with a 
    justification for the schedule. The Administrator shall approve the 
    compliance schedule or request changes within 120 calendar days of 
    receipt of the compliance schedule and justification.
        (iii) The owner or operator of a process unit or emission point 
    that is added to a plant site and is subject to the requirements for 
    existing sources shall comply with the reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements of subparts H and I of this part that are applicable to 
    existing sources, including, but not limited to, the reports listed in 
    paragraphs (g)(4)(iii)(A) and (g)(4)(iii)(B) of this section.
        (A) Reports required by Sec. 63.182 of subpart H of this part; and
        (B) Reports and notifications required by subpart A of this part 
    that are applicable to subparts H and I of this part, as identified in 
    Sec. 63.192(a) of this subpart.
    [[Page 18078]]
        (i) If a change that does not meet the criteria in paragraph (g)(4) 
    of this section is made to a process unit subject to subparts H and I 
    of this part, and the change causes equipment to become subject to the 
    provisions of subpart H of this part, then the owner or operator shall 
    comply with the requirements of subpart H of this part for the 
    equipment as expeditiously as practicable, but in no event later than 3 
    years after the equipment becomes subject.
        (1) The owner or operator shall submit to the Administrator for 
    approval a compliance schedule, along with a justification for the 
        (2) The Administrator shall approve the compliance schedule or 
    request changes within 120 calendar days of receipt of the compliance 
    schedule and justification.
    * * * * *
        15. Section 63.191 is amended by adding in alphabetical order 
    definitions for ``bench-scale batch process,'' ``process unit,'' and 
    ``source'' to paragraph (b) and revising the definition of 
    ``pharmaceutical production process'' in paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 63.191  Definitions.
        (b) * * *
        Bench-scale batch process means a batch process (other than a 
    research and development facility) that is capable of being located on 
    a laboratory bench top. This bench-scale equipment will typically 
    include reagent feed vessels, a small reactor and associated product 
    separator, recovery and holding equipment. These processes are only 
    capable of producing small quantities of product.
    * * * * *
        Pharmaceutical production process means a process that synthesizes 
    pharmaceutical intermediate or final products using carbon 
    tetrachloride or methylene chloride as a reactant or process solvent. 
    Pharmaceutical production process does not mean process operations 
    involving formulation activities, such as tablet coating or spray 
    coating of drug particles, or solvent recovery.
    * * * * *
        Process unit means the equipment assembled and connected by pipes 
    or ducts to process raw materials and to manufacture a product. For the 
    purposes of this subpart, process unit includes all unit operations and 
    associated equipment (e.g., reactors and associated product separators 
    and recovery devices), associated unit operations (e.g., extraction 
    columns), any feed and product storage vessels, and any transfer racks 
    for distribution of final product.
    * * * * *
        Source means the collection of equipment listed in Sec. 63.190(d) 
    to which this subpart applies as determined by the criteria in 
    Sec. 63.190. For purposes of subparts H and I of this part, the term 
    affected source as used in subpart A of this part has the same meaning 
    as the term source defined in this definition.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 95-8201 Filed 4-7-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule: clarification.
Document Number:
Comments. Comments must be received on or before May 10, 1995, unless a hearing is requested by April 20, 1995. If a hearing is requested, written comments must be received by May 25, 1995.
18071-18078 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (22)
40 CFR 63.192(a)
40 CFR 63.180(b)
40 CFR 63.162(b)
40 CFR 63.180(b)(6)
40 CFR 63.181(b)(7)(i)
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