95-8758. Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Chicago River, IL  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 68 (Monday, April 10, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 18006-18008]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-8758]
    Coast Guard
    33 CFR Part 117
    Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Chicago River, IL
    agency: Coast Guard, DOT.
    action: Notice of revised temporary deviation.
    summary: The Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District, has revised the 
    bridge opening schedule for the authorized 90-day deviation from the 
    operation regulations for the draws of City of Chicago-owned bridges 
    over the Chicago River, Illinois. The deviation is being revised based 
    on all available information, including information and comments 
    presented at the public hearing held on Thursday, March 9, 1995. The 
    revised deviation will provide for daylight weekend openings, and 
    weekday daylight and evening openings on Tuesdays and Thursdays during 
    the Spring breakout period.
    dates: The deviation will be effective from April 15, 1995, through 
    July 13, 1995, unless sooner terminated by the District Commander. 
    Comments on the impacts of the deviation must be received by June 9, 
    addresses: Comments on the deviation may be mailed to Mr. Robert Bloom, 
    Chief, Bridge Branch, Ninth Coast Guard District, 1240 East Ninth 
    Street, Cleveland, Ohio. The public docket will be available for 
    inspection or copying in room 2083D, at the above address between 8 
    a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
    for further information contact: Mr. Robert W. Bloom, Jr., Chief, 
    Bridge Branch, Ninth Coast Guard District, (216) 522-3993.
    Drafting Information
        The principal persons involved in drafting this document are Robert 
    Bloom, Chief, Bridge Branch, and Commander James Collin, District Legal 
    Officer, Ninth Coast Guard District.
    Background and Purpose
        Regulations governing the operation of drawbridges are promulgated 
    under the authority of 33 U.S.C. 499. As amended in 1988, the statute 
    provides that any rules and regulations made in pursuance of this 
    section shall, to the extent practical and feasible, provide for 
    regularly scheduled openings of drawbridges during seasons of the year, 
    and during times of the day, when scheduled openings would help reduce 
    motor vehicle traffic delays and congestion on roads and highways 
    linked by drawbridges.
        Following notice and comment rulemaking, the Coast Guard 
    promulgated a final rule on April 18, 1994, establishing a new rule for 
    drawbridge operations on the Chicago River. On September 26, 1994, the 
    United States District Court for the District of Columbia issued an 
    order in the case of Crowley's Yacht Yard, Inc., Plaintiff, v. Federico 
    Pena, Secretary, United States Department of Transportation, Defendant, 
    (C.A. No. 94-1152 SSH), rescinding the Final Rule published on April 
    18, 1994, and reinstating the previous regulations found at 33 CFR 
    117.391. The regulations reinstated by the District Court provided for 
    on-demand openings of drawbridges except during rush hour periods.
        Further, those regulations contained no requirement for advance 
    notice or the use of specified recreational vessel flotilla size. As a 
    result of the Court decision and to gather data for future use, in the 
    Fall of 1994, the District Commander issued a temporary deviation to 
    regulations for the period October 11, 1994 through December 5, 1994, 
    with a comment period through January 15, 1995. The deviation provided 
    openings of bridges, with a twenty-four hour advance notice to the City 
    of Chicago, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, and on 
    Wednesdays between the hours of 6:30 [[Page 18007]] p.m. and 10 p.m. 
    throughout the entire period. In addition, from October 11 through 
    October 23 the draws were opened during the period from 10:30 a.m. to 
    1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from October 23 through 
    December 5 the draws were opened for vessel passage during the period 
    between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Flotilla size was 
        At the end of the comment period for the temporary deviation to 
    regulations, the Coast Guard received twenty-one comments. One comment 
    letter, from the City of Chicago, expressed opposition to any permanent 
    regulation for the Spring breakout in 1995. In support of its position, 
    the City provided data concerning the number of boat runs during the 
    preceding Spring and Fall seasons, including the number of boats 
    traversing through the drawbridges and the number of times the 
    individual drawbridges were opened and delays that occurred. The City 
    was unable to provide a vehicular traffic count for the Fall, but it 
    stated that it would provide traffic count statistics for the Spring 
    season. In the interim, the City urged a deviation schedule allowing 
    one weekday daylight opening and weekend openings. Thirteen of the 
    other twenty comment letters favored not affecting any change to the 
    regulations that are in place now and expressed opposition to 
    establishing minimums and maximums for recreational vessel flotilla 
    sizes that would be allowed to pass through the bridges. Other 
    commenters indicated that if a change is necessary, there should be 
    daylight openings during the weekdays and openings should not be 
    restricted to strictly nighttime hours from Monday through Friday. 
    These commenters also expressed opposition to establishing a minimum 
    and maximum number of boats that would be required for the bridges to 
    be opened. Representatives from the Chicago River boat yards in their 
    comments stated they did not favor a permanent regulation for the 
    Spring breakout in 1995, but favor the existing regulatory structure.
        On February 16, 1995, (60 FR 8941) the District Commander published 
    a Notice of his intent to issue a deviation for the Spring breakout and 
    announced a public hearing to discuss the proposed schedule in the 
    deviation. The proposed deviation would have required the draws to open 
    on demand, except during rush-hour periods for recreational vessels 
    that had provided twenty-four hours notice of their intended passage 
    through the draws.
    Public Hearing
        The Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District, held a public hearing to 
    solicit comments relative to this deviation which will govern the 
    operation of City of Chicago-owned drawbridges across the Chicago River 
    System during the Spring breakout.
        The hearing provided all concerned parties with the opportunity to 
    present oral and written statements, with supporting data, to the Coast 
    Guard for evaluation to determine if any revisions ought to be made to 
    the proposed deviation.
        A Coast Guard representative presided at the hearing, made a brief 
    opening statement describing the proposed temporary deviation to 
    regulations, and announced the procedures to be followed at the 
    hearing. The meeting was well attended and there were multiple 
    presentations, primarily by three interested groups: the City of 
    Chicago, the boatyards, and some national level organizations. A 
    transcript is being made of the hearing and may be purchased by the 
    public through arrangements with Ms. Katherine Kerns, CSR, 79 West 
    Monroe Street, Suite 627, Chicago, IL 60603. She may also be reached at 
    (312) 357-1617.
    Summary of Comments at Public Hearing
        The City representatives stated they have determined weekday 
    daylight openings are not necessary since all outgoing and incoming 
    flotillas can be accommodated on weekends. Weekday openings are too 
    disruptive to emergency services, commercial vehicular traffic during 
    business hours, and pedestrian and mid-day vehicular traffic.
        Businesses in Chicago were not in favor of weekday daylight 
    openings due to disruption of deliveries, public transportation, and 
    emergency services.
        Representatives of the boatyards stated that the regulations 
    presently in effect should not be modified until data is collected for 
    an entire navigation season to depict seasonal changes of impact.
        The boaters stated not all boatowners are available to join 
    flotillas on weekends, but they can join flotillas during the weekday 
    daylight hours. Nighttime navigation, in their opinion, during the week 
    is not conducive to safety.
        Based on the comments from the public hearing and all available 
    data the District Commander is revising the authorized deviation for 
    the Spring breakout period to better address the concerns which were 
    expressed by those participating in the public meeting.
        The concerns raised at the public meeting and the data submitted to 
    the Coast Guard at this point are insufficient to provide a basis for a 
    permanent regulatory change. They nonetheless provide a framework for 
    making revisions to the Spring deviation, particularly in light of the 
    1988 statutory amendment. This deviation period will be preliminary to 
    the permanent rulemaking project to be conducted as a formal Negotiated 
    Rulemaking, announced by separate notice elsewhere in today's issue of 
    the Federal Register. The Coast Guard intends to charter a Negotiated 
    Rulemaking Committee to develop a proposed permanent rule based on 
    information and comments gathered during this and previous deviation 
    periods as well as new information to be developed by the Committee 
    during the rulemaking. The Coast Guard is requesting participation by 
    both the City of Chicago and the interested boatyards and is asking 
    them to submit data and impact assessments relating to this and other 
    deviations in order to assist the Committee members in formulating any 
    proposed changes to the current regulations. In particular, the Coast 
    Guard requests the City of Chicago to provide information on 
    unreasonable impacts upon vehicular traffic resulting from bridge 
    openings at inopportune time; inequities or adverse impacts on other 
    modes of transportation resulting from bridge openings at particular 
    times; vehicular traffic counts showing directional flow (in fifteen 
    minute increments over a period of at least fourteen consecutive days); 
    reports of delays experienced by emergency vehicles (fire, ambulance, 
    police) due to bridge openings; bridgetender logs for the 1994 
    navigation season (1 April 1994 through 5 December 1994); and current 
    costs for operation of the bridges to provide for the passage of 
    recreational vessels both under the provisions of this deviation and 
    under the current permanent regulations. The boatyards and boat 
    operators are requested to provide information concerning the impacts 
    of the deviation on their ability to prepare vessels for the Spring 
    breakout, and the needs of boat operators, including the ability to 
    traverse the Chicago River on weekends or at stated weekday hours, the 
    ability to form flotillas, the practicality of advance notices 
    scheduling drawbridge openings, problems presented by traversing the 
    Chicago River at night, and any other information which will be helpful 
    to the Negotiated Rulemaking [[Page 18008]] Committee in balancing the 
    operational needs of the boatyards with the needs of the City and other 
    modes of transportation.
        The District Commander has authorized the temporary deviation to 
    commence on April 15, 1995, and remain in effect for a period of ninety 
    (90) days. This deviation will require that the City open their bridges 
    for the passage of recreational vessels on Saturdays and Sundays from 7 
    a.m. to 7 p.m., on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., 
    and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. All 
    openings require twenty-four hour advance notice of intended passage be 
    given to the City.
        The bridges subject to this deviation need not open for the passage 
    of any vessels from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., 
    Mondays through Fridays. The Coast Guard anticipates that the boatyard 
    owners and boaters will coordinate the movement of vessels from the 
    boatyards to Lake Michigan and, to the extent practicable, arrange for 
    the vessels to move in flotillas so as to minimize the number of bridge 
    openings required. No requirement for minimum flotilla size will be 
    imposed, however past experience indicates that an upper target of 
    approximately 25 vessels is appropriate and will be enforced. This 
    deviation will facilitate data gathering and scheduling and will 
    support safety while addressing concerns of all parties during the 
    Spring period when most recreational vessels traditionally return to 
    Lake Michigan from winter storage at the Chicago River boat yards. The 
    temporary deviation from the operating requirements at 33 CFR 117.391 
    governing bridges owned by the City of Chicago over the Chicago River 
    will read as follows:
        The bridges affected by this deviation are listed below:
          Main branch              South branch            North branch     
    Lake Shore Drive.......  Lake Street............  Grand Avenue.         
    Columbus drive.........  Randolph Street........  Ohio Street.          
    Michigan Avenue........  Washington Street......  Chicago Avenue.       
    Wabash Avenue..........  Monroe Street..........  N Halsted Street.     
    State Street...........  Madison Street.........                        
    Dearborn Street........  Adams Street...........                        
    Clark Street...........  Jackson Boulevard......                        
    LaSalle Street.........  Van Buren Street.......                        
    Wells Street...........  Eisenhower Expressway..                        
    Franklin-Orleans Street  Harrison Street........                        
                             Roosevelt Road.........                        
                             18th Street............                        
                             Canal Street...........                        
                             South Halsted Street...                        
                             South Loomis Street....                        
                             South Ashland Avenue...                        
        This deviation from normal operating regulations is authorized in 
    accordance with the provisions of title 33 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations, Sec. 117.43, and applies only to the passage of 
    recreational vessels. Under this deviation the bridges listed above 
    operated by the City of Chicago shall operate as follows:
        (a) The bridges covered by this deviation need not open for the 
    passage of vessels Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. 
    and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
        (b) On Saturdays and Sundays the draws shall open on signal between 
    the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
        (c) On Tuesdays and Thursdays the draws shall open on signal 
    between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
        (d) On Tuesdays and Thursdays the draws shall open on signal 
    between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.
        (e) Except for emergencies, all openings require that 24 hours 
    advance notice of intended passage be given to the City.
        (f) Not more than 25 vessels shall pass through the bridges during 
    one opening.
        (g) This period of deviation is effective from April 15, 1995 
    through July 13, 1995.
        Dated: April 5, 1995.
    Rudy K. Peschel,
    Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District.
    [FR Doc. 95-8758 Filed 4-6-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-14-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Notice of revised temporary deviation.
Document Number:
The deviation will be effective from April 15, 1995, through July 13, 1995, unless sooner terminated by the District Commander. Comments on the impacts of the deviation must be received by June 9, 1995.
18006-18008 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
33 CFR 117