99-8808. Risk-Based Capital  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 70 (Tuesday, April 13, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 18084-18300]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-8808]
    [[Page 18083]]
    Part II
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
    12 CFR Part 1750
    Risk-Based Capital; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 70 / Tuesday, April 13, 1999 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 18084]]
    Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
    12 CFR Part 1750
    RIN 2550-AA02
    Risk-Based Capital
    AGENCY: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, HUD.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) is 
    directed by the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and 
    Soundness Act of 1992 to develop a risk-based capital regulation for 
    Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (collectively, the Enterprises). The 
    regulation specifies the risk-based capital stress test that will 
    determine the amount of capital an Enterprise is required to hold to 
    maintain positive capital throughout a ten-year period of economic 
    stress. The results of the risk-based capital stress test will be used 
    to determine each Enterprise's risk-based capital requirements and, 
    along with the minimum capital requirement, to determine each 
    Enterprise's capital classification for purposes of possible 
    supervisory action.
        This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is the second of two notices of 
    proposed rulemaking pertaining to the risk-based capital regulation, 
    both of which respond to comments received on the Advance Notice of 
    Proposed Rulemaking. The first Notice of Proposed Rulemaking describes 
    the methodology and rationale OFHEO used to identify the proposed 
    benchmark loss experience, which is used to determine Enterprise credit 
    losses during the stress test, and proposes the use of OFHEO's House 
    Price Index in the stress test. The second Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking specifies the interest rate risk and other components of the 
    stress test, as well as the overall structure of the test.
    DATES: Comments regarding this NPR must be received in writing on or 
    before August 11, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Anne E. Dewey, General Counsel, 
    Office of General Counsel, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise 
    Oversight, 1700 G Street, NW., Fourth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20552. 
    Written comments may also be sent by electronic mail at 
    [email protected]
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patrick J. Lawler, Director of Policy 
    Analysis and Chief Economist; David J. Pearl, Director, Office of 
    Research, Analysis and Capital Standards; or Gary L. Norton, Deputy 
    General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Office of Federal Housing 
    Enterprise Oversight, 1700 G Street, NW., Fourth Floor, Washington, 
    D.C. 20552, telephone (202) 414-3800 (not a toll-free number). The 
    telephone number for the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf is 
    (800) 877-8339.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Supplementary Information is organized 
    according to this table of contents:
    I. Introduction
        A. Background
        B. Statutory Requirements for Risk-Based Capital
        C. History of the Development of the Regulation
    II. Structure and Operation of the Regulation
        A. Summary of the Stress Test
        1. Introduction
        2. Data
        3. Stress Test Conditions
        4. Mortgage Performance
        5. Other Credit Factors
        6. Cash Flows
        7. Enterprise Operations & Taxes
        8. Financial Reporting
        9. Calculation of the Risk-based Capital Requirement
        B. Sensitivity of Capital Requirement to Risk
        1. MBS Guarantees (Sold Loans)
        2. Commitments
        3. Assets and Liabilities
        4. Administrative Costs
        5. External Economic Conditions
        C. Implications of the Proposed Rule
        1. Capital Requirements Under the Proposed Rule
        2. Enterprise Adjustments to Meet the Proposed Standard
        3. Guarantee Fees
        4. Mortgage Interest Rates
    III. Issues, Alternatives Considered
        A. Mortgage Performance
        1. Statutory Requirements
        2. Overview of Mortgage Performance
        3. Statistical Models of Mortgage Performance
        4. General Methodological Issues
        5. Default/Prepayment Issues
        6. Loss Severity
        7. Relating Losses to the Benchmark Loss Experience
        8. Inflation Adjustment
        B. Interest Rates
        1. Yields on Treasury Securities
        2. Yields of Non-Treasury Instruments
        C. Mortgage Credit Enhancements
        1. Background
        2. Modeling Approach
        3. Comments and Alternatives Considered
        D. Liabilities and Derivatives
        1. Modeling Methodology
        2. Foreign Currency Linked or Unusual Instruments
        3. Call and Cancellation Options
        4. Counterparty Risk
        E. Non-mortgage Investments
        F. Other Housing Assets
        1. Mortgage Revenue Bonds
        2. Private Label REMICs
        3. Interests in Partnerships and Joint Ventures
        G. Commitments
        1. Definition of the Term ``Commitment''
        2. Retained vs. Securitized Mortgages
        3. Modeling Delivery Percentages
        4. Delivery Timing
        5. Loan Mix Distribution
        6. No New Business Rule
        H. New Debt and Investment Rules
        1. Rationale for New Debt and New Investment Rules
        2. Analysis of ANPR Comments
        I. Operating Expenses
        J. Dividends and Other Capital Distributions
        1. Introduction
        2. Statutory Provisions
        3. Proposed Approach
        4. Analysis of ANPR Comments
        K. Other Off-Balance Sheet Guarantees
        L. Calculation of the Risk-Based Capital Requirement
        1. Proposed Approach to Calculating Capital
        2. Justification for Using a Present Value Approach
    IV. Technical Supplement
        A. Purpose and Scope
        B. Single Family Default/Prepayment
        1. Introduction
        2. Conceptual Framework
        3. Data
        4. Specification of the Statistical Model
        5. Explanatory Variables for Default and Prepayment
        6. Empirical Results
        7. Application of the Models in the Stress Test
        8. Consistency with the Historical Benchmark Experience
        9. References
        C. Single Family Loss Severity
        1. Introduction
        2. Conceptual Framework
        3. Data
        4. Statistical Analysis
        5. Consistency with the Benchmark Loss Experience
        6. Application to the Stress Test
        7. References
        D. Multifamily Default/Prepayment
        1. Introduction and Conceptual Framework
        2. Historical Data
        3. Statistical Estimation
        4. Explanatory Variables
        5. Results of the Statistical Estimation of Default and 
    Prepayment Equations
        6. Application to the Stress Test
        7. References
        E. Multifamily Loss Severity
        1. Introduction
        2. Conceptual Framework
        3. Sources of Data
        4. Data Analysis
        5. Application to the Stress Test
        6. References
        F. Property Valuation
        1. Introduction
        2. Conceptual Framework
        3. Data Sources
        4. Statistical Analysis
    V. Regulatory Impact
        A. Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        B. Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review
    [[Page 18085]]
        C. Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform
        D. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        E. Paperwork Reduction Act
    I. Introduction
    A. Background
        The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) was 
    established by title XIII of the Housing and Community Development Act 
    of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102-550, known as the Federal Housing Enterprises 
    Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 (1992 Act). OFHEO is an 
    independent office within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development (HUD) with responsibility for ensuring that the Federal 
    Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) and the Federal National 
    Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) (collectively, the Enterprises) are 
    adequately capitalized and operating in a safe and sound manner. 
    Included among the express statutory authorities of OFHEO's Director 
    (the Director) is the authority to issue regulations establishing 
    minimum and risk-based capital standards.\1\
        \1\ 1992 Act, section 1313(b)(1) (12 U.S.C. 4513(b)(1)).
        Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are Government-sponsored Enterprises 
    with important public purposes.\2\ These include providing liquidity to 
    the residential mortgage market and increasing the availability of 
    mortgage credit benefiting low-and moderate-income families and areas 
    that are underserved by lending institutions. The Enterprises engage in 
    two principal businesses: investing in residential mortgages and 
    guaranteeing securities backed by residential mortgages. The securities 
    the Enterprises guarantee and the debt instruments they issue are not 
    backed by the full faith and credit of the United States and nothing in 
    this document should be construed otherwise.\3\ Yet financial markets 
    accord the Enterprises' securities preferential treatment relative to 
    securities issued by potentially higher-capitalized, fully private, but 
    otherwise comparable firms. The market prices for Enterprise debt and 
    mortgage-backed securities, and the fact that the market does not 
    require that those securities be rated by a national rating agency, 
    suggest that investors perceive that the government implicitly 
    guarantees those securities. This perception evidently arises from the 
    public purposes of the Enterprises, their Congressional charters, their 
    potential direct access to U.S. Department of Treasury (Treasury) 
    funds, and the statutory exemptions of their debt and mortgage-backed 
    securities (MBS) from otherwise mandatory investor protection 
        \2\ 1992 Act, sections 1331-38 (12 U.S.C. 4561-67, 4562 note).
        \3\ See, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Act, section 
    306(h)(2) (12 U.S.C. 1455(h)(2)); Federal National Mortgage 
    Association Charter Act, section 304(b) (12 U.S.C. 1719(b)); and 
    1992 Act, section 1302(4) (12 U.S.C. 4501(4)).
        \4\ See, e.g., 12 U.S.C. 24 (authorizing unlimited investment by 
    national banks in obligations of or issued by the Enterprises); 12 
    U.S.C. 1455(g), 1719(d), 1723(c) (exempting securities from 
    oversight from Federal regulators); 15 U.S.C. 77r-1(a) (preempting 
    State law that would treat Enterprise securities differently from 
    obligations of the United States for investment purposes); 15 U.S.C. 
    77r-1(c) (exempting Enterprise securities from State blue sky laws).
        Congress created OFHEO as the safety and soundness regulator of the 
    Enterprises to reduce their risk of failure. Although each Enterprise 
    at the time had experienced profitability and sustained growth, 
    Congress determined that there was a need for a strong and independent 
    regulator to promote the capital adequacy of the Enterprises. This 
    determination was grounded in the recognition of many factors, 
    including (1) the important public purpose served by the Enterprises in 
    the secondary market for residential mortgages, and (2) the 
    Enterprises' important role in providing access to mortgage credit in 
    central cities, rural regions, and underserved areas.
        Another important factor leading to OFHEO's creation was the 
    recognition that the Enterprises are largely insulated from private 
    market discipline relative to fully private firms. This insulation 
    results from the apparent investor perception of an implied guarantee, 
    and is best exemplified by the market's acceptance of Fannie Mae 
    securities in the early 1980s and the Farm Credit System's securities 
    in the mid-1980s when these GSEs were experiencing financial 
    difficulties. The absence of normal market discipline on risk-taking is 
    a strong argument for effective government regulation, including 
    capital regulation.
        Congress was also concerned about the serious disruptions to the 
    nation's housing markets that could result from an Enterprise's 
    failure. In introducing legislation in the House of Representatives, 
    then House Banking Committee Chairman Henry Gonzalez noted that--
        The savings and loan crisis and the large losses incurred by the 
    Federal Government to resolve the crisis, raises concerns about the 
    scope of other potential liabilities of the United States, including 
    the liabilities of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the [Federal Home 
    Loan] banks. These entities are privately owned federally chartered 
    enterprises established to meet certain credit needs. Together they 
    have more than $800 billion in mortgage-related liabilities.\5\
        \5\ Comments by Rep. Gonzalez upon introducing H.R. 2900, 137 
    Cong. Rec. H5497 (July 16, 1991).
        In expressing his view that the legislation did not go far enough 
    to ensure the Enterprises' safety and soundness, then Ranking Minority 
    Member Jim Leach stated that--
        If there is a singular lesson of the 1980's, it is that 
    prudential capital ratios are critical not only for providing a 
    cushion between an institution's liabilities and the taxpayer's 
    pocket book, but they ground institutional decision-making in less 
    risky behavior. Where there is minimal private capital at risk there 
    is always an inordinate incentive to bet the bank on speculative 
    investments or interest rate moves. And perhaps most consequently, 
    capital ratios determine constraints on growth. If institutions are 
    allowed 50 or 100 to 1 leveraging, as occurred so recently in the 
    thrift industry, imprudent or conflict driven decision making can 
    too quickly cause disproportionate growth in certain institutions, 
    industries and parts of the country, with the taxpayer on the line 
    for management stupidity, foul play or bad luck.
        Fortunately, both GSEs are well run today. Fannie, in particular 
    has been a major market winner as the cost of funds has declined 
    with more restrained levels of inflation. But Congress must 
    understand that if interest rates had gone up rather than down in 
    the 1980's, Fannie Mae would be the single largest institutional 
    liability the U.S. government would ever have been forced to 
        \6\ Dissenting views of Rep. Leach, Government-Sponsored Housing 
    Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1991, H.R. Rep. 
    No. 102-206 on H.R. 2900, at 114 (1991) (House Report).
        Similarly, the Senate Report \7\ stated that--
        \7\ Federal Housing Enterprises Regulatory Reform Act of 1992, 
    S. Rep. No. 102-282 (1992) (Senate Report).
        Past performance indicates that [the risks of an Enterprise's 
    failure] are not just hypothetical. While both GSEs are currently 
    very prosperous, HUD estimated in a 1986 report to Congress, that 
    Fannie Mae was insolvent on a marked-to-market basis at year-end 
    1978 and did not return to solvency until 1985. Its negative net 
    worth reached a peak of more than $20 billion in 1981, which was 
    roughly 20 percent of its outstanding liabilities. Its recovery owed 
    partly to improved management, but also, in considerable measure to 
    fortuitous declines in interest rates.\8\
        \8\ S. Rep. No. 102-282, at 10 (1992).
        Because of Congress' concerns, OFHEO was established as the safety 
    and soundness regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. OFHEO is 
    responsible for conducting examinations to ensure the Enterprises' 
    safety and soundness and establishing and enforcing compliance with two 
    types of capital
    [[Page 18086]]
    standards required by the 1992 Act. The first is the minimum capital 
    standard.\9\ Using this standard, which is based on a set of leverage 
    ratios, OFHEO has classified each Enterprise's capital position every 
    quarter since OFHEO's inception. After initially using an interim 
    procedure, OFHEO published a rule regarding minimum capital, which 
    incorporates a more careful evaluation of the credit risks associated 
    with swaps and other off-balance sheet obligations.\10\ The resulting 
    standard is comparable in its construction to the risk-based capital 
    standards of other financial institution regulators.
        \9\ 1992 Act, section 1362 (12 U.S.C. 4612).
        \10\ 12 CFR 1750.4; see Minimum Capital, Final Rule, 61 FR 
    35607, July 8, 1996.
        The second capital standard required by the 1992 Act is the risk-
    based capital standard. This standard requires each Enterprise to hold 
    sufficient capital to survive a ten-year period characterized by 
    adverse credit losses and large movements in interest rates, plus an 
    additional amount to cover management and operations risk.\11\ The 
    level of capital \12\ required under this standard for an Enterprise 
    will reflect that Enterprise's specific risk profile at the beginning 
    of each quarter for which the stress test will be run.
        \11\ 1992 Act, section 1361 (12 U.S.C. 4611).
        \12\ For purposes of the risk-based capital standard, the term 
    ``capital'' means ``total capital'' as defined under section 
    1303(18) of the 1992 Act (12 U.S.C. 4502(18)) to mean the sum of the 
        (A) The core capital of the enterprise;
        (B) A general allowance for foreclosure losses, which--
        (i) shall include an allowance for portfolio mortgage losses, an 
    allowance for nonreimbursable foreclosure costs on government 
    claims, and an allowance for liabilities reflected on the balance 
    sheet for the enterprise for estimated foreclosure losses on 
    mortgage-backed securities; and
        (ii) shall not include any reserves of the enterprise made or 
    held against specific assets.
        (C) Any other amounts from sources of funds available to absorb 
    losses incurred by the enterprise, that the Director by regulation 
    determines are appropriate to include in determining total capital.
        The term ``core capital'' is defined under section 1303(4) of 
    the 1992 Act (12 U.S.C. 4502(4)) to mean the sum of the following 
    (as determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting 
        (A) The par or stated value of outstanding common stock.
        (B) The par or stated value of outstanding perpetual, 
    noncumulative preferred stock.
        (C) Paid-in capital.
        (D) Retained earnings.
        The core capital of an enterprise shall not include any amounts 
    that the enterprise could be required to pay, at the option of 
    investors, to retire capital instruments.
        The risk-based standard is an essential component of the safety and 
    soundness regulation of the Enterprises. Without the risk-based 
    standard, an Enterprise might adopt risk positions of sufficient 
    magnitude to make a capital level that just meets the minimum standard 
    inadequate for maintaining a safe and sound financial condition.
        However, the risk-based standard cannot, by itself, ensure 
    sufficient capital to meet all contingencies. While the interest rate 
    and credit stresses that are incorporated in the stress test, as 
    specified by statute, are historically unprecedented, future economic 
    environments may be even more adverse. Additionally, the nature of 
    actual future stresses may differ from the precise stresses 
    incorporated in the model. Furthermore, the model contains factors such 
    as mortgage default and prepayment rates that are based on historical 
    experience and therefore may be less adverse than those actually 
    occurring in future economic environments. Similarly, the consequences 
    of risks other than interest rate and credit risks may also prove more 
    serious than the fixed proportional amount allowed for management and 
    operations risk.
        In addition to the risk-based standard, there is a minimum capital 
    standard, which requires that in the absence of large measurable risks, 
    the Enterprise maintain a minimally acceptable level of capital. 
    Complementing the two capital standards are OFHEO's examination and 
    enforcement authorities, which provide the knowledge and authority 
    necessary to require prudent management practices in all environments. 
    All of these regulatory mechanisms operate in tandem to promote the 
    safety and soundness of the Enterprises.
    B. Statutory Requirements for Risk-Based Capital
        The 1992 Act requires that OFHEO, by regulation, establish a risk-
    based capital test (known as the stress test) which, when applied to an 
    Enterprise, shall determine that amount of total capital for the 
    Enterprise that is sufficient for the Enterprise to maintain positive 
    capital during the stress period. The 1992 Act also provides that, in 
    order to meet its risk-based capital standard, each Enterprise is 
    required to maintain an additional 30 percent of this amount to protect 
    against management and operations risk.\13\
        \13\ 1992 Act, section 1361(c)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(c)(2)).
        The 1992 Act requires that the stress test subject each Enterprise 
    to large credit losses on mortgages it owns or guarantees. The 
    frequency and severity of those losses must be reasonably related to 
    the highest rates of default and severity of mortgage losses 
    experienced during a period of at least two consecutive years in 
    contiguous areas of the United States that together contain at least 
    five percent of the total U.S. population.\14\ OFHEO is required to 
    identify what it has characterized as the ``benchmark loss experience'' 
    that resulted in the highest loss rate.\15\ In this context, default 
    and severity behavior means the frequency, timing, and severity of 
    losses on mortgage loans, given the specific characteristics of those 
    loans and the economic circumstances affecting those losses.
        \14\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(1) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(1)).
        \15\ In this document, the word ``benchmark,'' when used as an 
    adjective or a noun, refers to the benchmark loss experience.
        The 1992 Act also prescribes two interest rate scenarios, one with 
    rates falling and the other with rates rising.\16\ The risk-based 
    capital amount is based on whichever scenario would require more 
    capital for the Enterprise. In prescribing the two scenarios, the 1992 
    Act describes the path of the ten-year constant maturity yield (CMT) 
    for each scenario and directs OFHEO to establish the yields on Treasury 
    instruments of other maturities in a manner reasonably related to 
    historical experience and judged reasonable by the Director.
        \16\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)).
        In the falling or down-rate scenario, the ten-year CMT decreases 
    during the first year of the stress period and then remains constant at 
    the lesser of (a) 600 basis points below the average yield during the 
    nine months preceding the stress period or (b) 60 percent of the 
    average yield during the three years preceding the stress period. 
    However, the 1992 Act limits the decrease in yield to 50 percent of the 
    average yield in the nine months preceding the stress period.\17\
        \17\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2)(B) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)(B)).
        In the rising or up-rate scenario, the ten-year CMT increases 
    during the first year of the stress period and then remains constant at 
    the greater of (a) 600 basis points above the average yield during the 
    nine months preceding the stress period or (b) 160 percent of the 
    average yield during the three years preceding the stress period. 
    However, the 1992 Act limits the increase in yield to 175 percent of 
    the average yield over the nine months preceding the stress period.\18\ 
    The 1992 Act recognizes that interest rates can affect credit risk, 
    specifically requiring that credit losses be adjusted for a 
    correspondingly higher rate of general price inflation if
    [[Page 18087]]
    application of the stress test produces an increase of more than 50 
    percent in the ten-year CMT.\19\
        \18\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2)(C) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)(C)).
        \19\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2)(E) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)(E)).
        The Act requires that the stress test take into account 
    distinctions among mortgage product types and differences in seasoning. 
    It may also take into account any other factors that the Director deems 
    appropriate. The 1992 Act does not require a specific adjustment for 
    any of these factors, allowing the Director to determine how best to 
    account for them. Likewise, the 1992 Act requires the Director to 
    determine losses and gains on Enterprise activities not specifically 
    addressed, and all other characteristics of the stress test not 
    explicitly defined in the 1992 Act, on the basis of available 
    information, in a manner consistent with the stress test.\20\ These 
    stress test characteristics could include, among others, mortgage 
    prepayment rates and Enterprise funding activities, operating expenses, 
    and capital distribution activities.
        \20\ 1992 Act, sections 1361(b) and (d)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(b) 
    and (d)(2)).
        The 1992 Act requires the stress test to provide initially that 
    each Enterprise will conduct no new business within the stress period, 
    except to fulfill contractual commitments to purchase mortgages or 
    issue securities. Four years after the final risk-based capital 
    regulation is issued, OFHEO is authorized to modify the stress test to 
    incorporate assumptions about additional new business conducted during 
    the stress period.\21\ In doing so, OFHEO is required to take into 
    consideration the results of studies conducted by the Congressional 
    Budget Office and the Comptroller General of the United States on the 
    advisability and appropriate forms of new business assumptions. The 
    1992 Act requires that the studies be completed within the first year 
    after issuance of the final regulation.\22\
        \21\ 1992 Act, sections 1361(a)(3)(B) and (D) (12 U.S.C. 
    4611(a)(3)(B) and (D)).
        \22\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(3)(C) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(3)(C)).
        In developing this proposal, OFHEO considered whether it would be 
    permissible and appropriate not to propose a detailed risk model, and 
    instead to rely on the risk models developed by the Enterprises 
    themselves.\23\ Under such a regulatory approach, OFHEO would specify 
    only the basic interest rate and credit assumptions, rely on the 
    Enterprises' internal modeling of these scenarios and review those 
    models and the results.
        \23\ This approach, which OFHEO considered in detail as it began 
    to develop the risk-based capital regulation, was raised most 
    recently by Fannie Mae during the OMB review process. See the 
    letters from Ms. Jamie S. Gorelick, Vice Chair, Fannie Mae of 
    December 4, 1998 to various OMB officials; and of March 10, 1999, to 
    Dr. Janet Yellen, Chair, Council of Economic Advisers.
        OFHEO has thoroughly considered this approach and believes that it 
    would not be consistent with the 1992 Act, which anticipates that a 
    publicly-available, transparent and reproducible test would be applied 
    to the Enterprises. The 1992 Act provides for both Enterprises to be 
    subject to the same stress test; \24\ that the full test be subject to 
    notice and comment rulemaking; \25\ that the risk-based capital 
    regulation be sufficiently specific to permit anyone to apply the test, 
    given relevant Enterprise data; \26\ and that OFHEO must make the 
    stress test model public.\27\ Relying on the Enterprises to compute 
    their own capital requirements with their proprietary models would be 
    inconsistent with all of these provisions.
        \24\ See 12 U.S.C. 4611(a) (``The Director shall, by regulation, 
    establish a risk-based capital test for the Enterprises. When 
    applied to an Enterprise, the risk-based capital test shall 
    determine the amount of total capital for the Enterprise . . .'') 
    (emphasis added). See also H.R. Rep. No. 102-206 at 62 (1991). 
    (``Beyond these traditional capital ratios, the bill sets forth 
    guidelines for the creation, in highly specific regulations, of a 
    risk-based capital standard . . . The model, or stress test, will 
    generate a number for each Enterprise, which will become the risk-
    based standard for that Enterprise.'') (emphasis added).
        \25\ Section 1361(e)(1), 12 U.S.C. 4611(e)(1).
        \26\ Section 1361(e)(2), 12 U.S.C. 4611(e)(2).
        \27\ Section 1361(f), 12 U.S.C. 4611(f).
        Moreover, a rule that specifies the details of the model will 
    provide a more consistent and effective capital regulation and will not 
    place undue burdens on the Enterprises. The structure of OFHEO's 
    regulatory and enforcement authorities presumes a strong risk-based 
    capital standard. The level of the minimum (leverage) capital standard 
    was established with the assumption that there would be a meaningful 
    risk-based standard that would address actual or potential risk not 
    addressed by simple leverage ratios. In addition, important OFHEO 
    enforcement authorities are tied to the risk-based capital requirement. 
    An Enterprise's failure to meet these requirements triggers two 
    important enforcement authorities: the ability to reduce or eliminate 
    the Enterprise's dividends and the ability to require a capital 
    restoration plan acceptable to OFHEO. Also, the grounds for a cease and 
    desist action vary depending on whether an Enterprise meets the risk-
    based standard. Thus, a weaker standard would weaken OFHEO's 
    enforcement authorities.
        These objectives are best obtained by a clear standard that is 
    presented to the public for comment and then employed consistently to 
    evaluate both Enterprises. Reliance instead on Enterprise models would 
    likely result in a weaker inconsistently-applied standard. Use of 
    Enterprise models would give the Enterprises broad discretion to 
    determine their own risk-based capital requirements because stress test 
    details beyond basic assumptions and modeling techniques can have a 
    substantial cumulative effect on the results. Existing market 
    distortions would give the Enterprises incentives to adjust those 
    details to produce low requirements.
        The Enterprises' status as government-sponsored-enterprises 
    attenuates market discipline of Enterprise capital levels. The 
    Enterprises are highly leveraged financial institutions. Fully private 
    firms that depend heavily on debt markets are inhibited from taking on 
    large amounts of risk relative to their equity capital. Interest rates 
    on debt or guaranteed securities are sensitive to the perceived credit 
    quality of the issuers or guarantors. However, because investors treat 
    Enterprise obligations as implicitly guaranteed by the Federal 
    government, the normal linkage between the adequacy of an Enterprise's 
    capital and the interest rates on its obligations is severed. Thus, 
    because of the perceived implicit guarantee, the Enterprises have an 
    incentive to hold less capital, relative to their risk levels, than 
    they would if their debt costs were subject to normal market forces. A 
    strong risk-based capital standard can address this distortion, but the 
    Enterprises have little incentive to assist in producing such a result.
        Reliance on different Enterprise internal models would also result 
    in unequal treatment. The nature of business risks and risk management 
    techniques are very similar at the two Enterprises. It is most 
    appropriate and most fair to determine each Enterprise's capital 
    adequacy in the same way. However, capital models developed by the two 
    Enterprises would likely differ significantly. Differences in resulting 
    standards could easily mask significant differences in true capital 
    adequacy between the Enterprises. Furthermore, a lower effective 
    standard at one Enterprise could give that Enterprise important 
    business advantages over the other. The resulting competitive pressures 
    would give the Enterprise with the higher standard an incentive to 
    conform with the lower standard.
        A model fully specified in regulation and administered by OFHEO, on 
    the other hand, does not suffer these disadvantages. Such a model is 
    [[Page 18088]]
    because OFHEO regulates only two institutions, with similar risks and 
    relatively narrow lines of business. The transparency of this approach 
    allows all interested parties to comment meaningfully on the precise 
    method of determining Enterprise capital requirements, and it gives the 
    Enterprises the ability to internalize the model for planning purposes.
        In analyzing this issue, OFHEO is aware that some Federal financial 
    institution regulators make limited use of internal models. However, 
    those uses of internal models are made in very different circumstances 
    and by regulators with different authorizing statutes. Many of the 
    institutions in which these regulators rely upon internal models are 
    exposed to substantial market discipline of their capital and risk 
    positions because they rely heavily on uninsured liabilities. Such 
    discipline effectively forces large banks to hold capital well in 
    excess of regulatory requirements.
        Even in these circumstances, other regulators depend on internal 
    models only to a small extent as a supplement to other measures of 
    capital adequacy. Bank capital requirements are primarily based on 
    overall or risk-weighted ratios that are substantially higher than 
    those applied to the Enterprises under the minimum capital standard. To 
    supplement those ratios, regulators require banks with significant 
    market risk exposures (those that have large trading accounts) to use 
    their internal value-at-risk models to calculate a market-risk capital 
    component of their overall risk-based capital requirements. However, 
    partly because of the uncertainties surrounding model construction and 
    verification, bank regulators require a multiple of three or more times 
    the amount of capital for market risk exposures that the internal 
    models estimate.\28\ This limited use of internal models in very 
    different circumstances does not appear applicable to Enterprise 
    capital regulation.
        \28\ See, for example, Darryll Hendricks and Beverly Hirtle, 
    ``Bank Capital Requirements for Market Risk: The Internal Models 
    Approach,'' in Economic Policy Review, Federal Reserve Bank of New 
    York, December 1997, pp. 3-6.
        OFHEO considered whether an internal models approach could permit 
    greater flexibility and innovation by the Enterprises, because they 
    could modify their internal risk models at will. OFHEO believes the 
    issues of flexibility and innovation have been appropriately addressed 
    in the proposed regulation. In general, OFHEO expects that credit and 
    interest rate risk of new Enterprise activities and instruments will be 
    reflected in the stress test by simulating their credit and cash flow 
    characteristics using the approaches described in the regulation. OFHEO 
    will provide the Enterprises with its estimate of the capital treatment 
    of new products, investments or instruments as soon as possible after 
    the Enterprises notify OFHEO of the new activities. In addition, OFHEO 
    will monitor the Enterprises' activities and, when appropriate, propose 
    amendments to this regulation addressing the treatment of new 
    instruments and activities.
        For all the reasons described, OFHEO believes that the approach 
    proposed in this Notice implements the requirement of the 1992 Act and 
    provides an appropriate means for ensuring the capital adequacy of the 
    Enterprises. In accordance with the requirements of the Administrative 
    Procedure Act, OFHEO is requesting comments on all of the issues raised 
    in this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
    C. History of the Development of the Regulation
        OFHEO's mission is to ensure that the Enterprises are adequately 
    capitalized and operating in a safe and sound manner. The principal 
    objective of the risk-based capital standard is to reduce the risk of 
    Enterprise insolvency. Another important objective of the risk-based 
    capital standard is to align the incentives reflected in the regulatory 
    capital requirement with the incentives of prudent risk management. The 
    ultimate goal is for the Enterprises to maintain the financial health 
    necessary to fulfill their public purposes. Although the stress test 
    produces a single capital requirement, it effectively creates 
    incremental regulatory capital requirements for each additional dollar 
    of business for every product type an Enterprise guarantees or holds in 
    portfolio. Marginal capital requirements for mortgages held in 
    portfolio will vary depending on the risk inherent in an Enterprise's 
    funding strategy.
        OFHEO designed the stress test so that the incentives it creates 
    closely reflect the relative risks inherent in the Enterprises' 
    different activities. To this end, the proposed regulation 
    incorporates, to the extent feasible, consistent relationships between 
    the economic environment of the stress period and the Enterprises' 
    businesses. Doing so required OFHEO to model the Enterprises' assets, 
    liabilities, and off-balance sheet positions at a sufficient level of 
    detail to capture important risk characteristics.
        However, as the level of detail of the stress test increased, so 
    did its complexity, along with the time and other resources that were 
    required to develop it. OFHEO also faced certain practical limits to 
    the number of variables that could be modeled due to the limitations of 
    existing data. Therefore, in developing this proposed regulation, OFHEO 
    sought to achieve a level of complexity and realism in the stress test 
    that appropriately balanced the associated benefits and costs.
        OFHEO's stress test is comprised of a number of components, some 
    that correspond to subjects specifically cited in the 1992 Act and 
    others that represent the infrastructure that makes the stress test 
    operational. Figure 1 illustrates these components and their 
    interrelationships. The infrastructure components--database, cash 
    flows, and financial reports--are shaded gray. The unshaded components 
    implement the specific requirements of the 1992 Act, as well as the 
    many other aspects of the stress test that the 1992 Act either requires 
    or permits OFHEO to determine.
    [[Page 18089]]
        On February 8, 1995, OFHEO published an Advance Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking (ANPR) \29\ as its first step in developing the risk-based 
    capital regulation. The ANPR announced OFHEO's intention to develop and 
    publish a risk-based capital regulation and solicited public comment on 
    issues relating to that regulation.
        \29\ Risk-Based Capital, ANPR, 60 FR 7468, February 8, 1995.
        The comment period for the ANPR ended on May 9, 1995, and was 
    extended through June 8, 1995.\30\ OFHEO received 17 comments on the 
    ANPR from a variety of interested parties. Commenters included two 
    Executive Branch Departments, HUD and Department of Veterans Affairs 
    (VA); one Federal financial institution regulatory agency Office of 
    Thrift Supervision (OTS); one Federal regulatory agency, U.S. Commodity 
    Futures Trading Commission (CFTC); the Enterprises, Fannie Mae and 
    Freddie Mac; four trade groups, Mortgage Bankers Association of America 
    (MBA), America's Community Bankers (ACB), National Association of 
    Realtors (NAR), and Mortgage Insurance Companies of America (MICA); two 
    mortgage banking firms, PNC Mortgage Corporation of America and Norwest 
    Mortgage, Inc.), one rating agency Standard and Poor's Ratings Group 
    (S&P); one thrift institution, World Savings and Loan Association 
    (MS&L); one private mortgage research firm, Mortgage Risk Assessment 
    Corporation (MRAC); and one individual, Professor Anthony Yezer of 
    George Washington University. The responses to the ANPR ranged from a 
    comment on only one or two specific risk-based capital issues to an 
    extensive analysis of every question or issue raised. OFHEO has 
    considered these comments in the development of its risk-based capital 
        \30\ Risk-Based Capital, Extension of Public Comment Period for 
    ANPR, 60 FR 25174, May 11, 1995.
        OFHEO determined that the scope of the regulatory project required 
    the issuance of two separate Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR), each 
    addressing different components of the stress test. On June 11, 1996, 
    OFHEO published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR1),\31\ which 
    addresses two components. The first component is the methodology for 
    identifying and measuring the benchmark loss experience, which provides 
    the basis for determining credit losses that the Enterprises will 
    experience during the stress period. The second is OFHEO's proposal to 
    use the OFHEO House Price Index (HPI), which is a weighted repeat 
    transactions house price index, rather than the Constant Quality Home 
    Price Index (CQHPI) published by the Secretary of Commerce, to measure 
    differences in seasoning of single family mortgages in the stress 
    test.\32\ NPR1 included OFHEO's responses to all of the ANPR comments 
    that related to those two areas. The comment period for NPR1 ended on 
    September 9, 1996, and was extended through October 24, 1996.\33\ OFHEO 
    received 11 written comments on NPR1 and will consider and respond to 
    those in the final risk-based capital regulation.
        \31\ Risk-Based Capital, NPR1, 61 FR 29592, June 11, 1996.
        \32\ 61 FR 29616, June 11, 1996.
        \33\ Risk-Based Capital, Extension of Public Comment Period for 
    NPR, 61 FR 42824, August 19, 1996.
        This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR2) specifies and proposes 
    for public comment all of the remaining aspects of the risk-based 
    capital stress test not covered in NPR1. The notice includes an 
    overview of the stress test, the stress test's sensitivity to risk, the 
    implications of the stress test for the Enterprises, and specific 
    issues related to the stress test. Among the specific issues discussed 
    are mortgage performance (i.e., default, prepayment, and loss 
    severity), interest rates, new debt and new investments, commitments, 
    dividends and other
    [[Page 18090]]
    capital distributions, operating expenses, credit enhancements, 
    liabilities and derivatives, non-mortgage investments, and capital 
    calculation. The notice also includes a technical supplement that 
    explains the derivation of equations used in the stress test. Finally 
    the notice contains the regulatory text which includes the regulatory 
    appendix that provides the technical details of the regulation.
        OFHEO believes that it is important for this proposal to receive 
    full public review and comment. Accordingly, OFHEO invites all 
    interested parties to comment on the issues raised in this NPR. OFHEO 
    will consider comments received, together with those received on NPR1, 
    in the development of the final risk-based capital regulation.
    II. Structure and Operation of the Regulation
    A. Summary of the Stress Test
    1. Introduction
        OFHEO's risk-based capital regulation is part of a larger 
    regulatory framework for the Enterprises that includes a minimum 
    capital requirement and a comprehensive examination program. The 
    purpose of this regulatory framework is to reduce the risk of failure 
    of the Enterprises by ensuring that the Enterprises are adequately 
    capitalized and operating safely, in accordance with the 1992 Act.
        OFHEO's risk-based capital requirement differs from the minimum 
    capital requirement by relating the required capital to the risk in an 
    Enterprise's financial activities. In order to determine risk-based 
    capital for the Enterprises, OFHEO has been charged with creating a 
    stress test that simulates the effects of ten years of adverse economic 
    conditions on the existing assets and obligations of the Enterprises. 
    Both the minimum and the risk-based capital requirements work in 
    conjunction with OFHEO's examination program to ensure that the 
    Enterprises are adequately capitalized and operating safely.
        In creating the proposed stress test, OFHEO had to ensure that it 
    met all the statutory requirements outlined in the 1992 Act and that it 
    accurately and appropriately captured the risks related to the business 
    of the Enterprises. To accomplish this, OFHEO modeled both sides of the 
    Enterprises' balance sheets, as well as their off-balance sheet 
    obligations, at the level of detail necessary to capture the risk 
    involved. In selecting among alternative approaches, OFHEO sought to 
    minimize the possibility of perverse incentives in the stress test. The 
    regulation was designed to ensure that stresses were appropriate in 
    order to promote safety and soundness and ensure the Enterprises' 
    ability to fulfill their important public missions.
        The stress test determines, as of a point in time, how much capital 
    an Enterprise requires to survive the economically stressful conditions 
    outlined by the 1992 Act. At a minimum, the stress test would be run on 
    a quarterly basis. The stress test takes as inputs data on an 
    Enterprise's assets and obligations, operations, interest rates, and 
    the housing market. These data are used in econometric, financial, and 
    accounting models to simulate Enterprise financial performance over a 
    ten year period called the ``stress period.'' The stress test then 
    computes the amount of starting capital that would permit an Enterprise 
    to maintain a positive capital position throughout the stress period. 
    To determine the risk-based capital requirement, the 1992 Act requires 
    that 30 percent of this amount is added to cover management and 
    operations risk.
        This summary provides a high level description of the stress test. 
    For a more detailed description, refer to the Regulation Appendix. For 
    explanations of the reasons for the approaches taken, refer to section 
    III., Issues, Alternatives Considered. For detailed information on 
    econometric models and historical property valuation-related indexes 
    used in the stress test, refer to section IV., Technical Supplement. 
    Throughout the summary, it may be helpful to refer to the stress test 
    diagram, in section I., Introduction.
    2. Data
        The stress test utilizes data characterizing at a point in time an 
    Enterprise's assets, liabilities, and off-balance sheet obligations, as 
    well as data on economic conditions. The Enterprises submit data to 
    OFHEO for mortgages, securities, and derivative contracts at the 
    instrument level, that is, for individual mortgages, securities, and 
    contracts. OFHEO obtains data on economic conditions from public 
    sources. All these data are referred to as ``starting position data'' 
    for the date for which the stress test is run.
        For modeling efficiency, the stress test aggregates loans into 
    groups of loans with common risk and cash flow characteristics (``loan 
    groups''). For instance, 30-year fixed-rate mortgages for single family 
    homes in the same geographic region, originated in the same year, with 
    similar interest rates and LTVs,\34\ and held in an Enterprise's 
    portfolio, are grouped together in one loan group. In this way, over 24 
    million loans are aggregated into the minimum number of loan groups 
    that captures important risk characteristics. These loan groups, 
    instead of individual loans, are then used as inputs by the mortgage 
    performance and cash flow components of the stress test.
        \34\ LTV is the loan to value ratio, which is the loan balance 
    divided by the value of the property securing the loan.
        In addition to starting position data for existing loans, the 
    stress test creates loan group data for the new mortgages that will be 
    added during the stress test. The 1992 Act requires that the stress 
    test simulate the fulfillment of the Enterprises' contractual 
    commitments, outstanding at the start of the stress period, to purchase 
    and/or securitize mortgages. The new mortgages that the stress test 
    adds consist of four single family loan product types: 30-year fixed-
    rate, 15-year fixed-rate, adjustable-rate, and balloon. The percentage 
    of each type added is based on the relative proportions of those types 
    of loans securitized by an Enterprise that were originated during the 
    six months preceding the start of the stress period. The mix of LTV, 
    region, guarantee fee, and other characteristics of these new loans 
    also reflects the characteristics of the loans originated during the 
    preceding six months. All new mortgages are securitized. In the down-
    rate scenario, 100 percent of these loans are added during the first 
    three months of the stress period; in the up-rate scenario, 75 percent 
    of these loans are added during the first six months. These loan groups 
    are then treated like the loan groups created for loans on the 
    Enterprise's books at the start of the stress period.
        Because of the smaller number and greater diversity of the 
    Enterprises' non-mortgage financial instruments (investments and debt), 
    the stress test projects these cash flows at the individual instrument 
    level, rather than at a grouped level. Data used for these projections 
    include the instrument characteristics that are used to model 
    securities, both investment and debt, as well as derivative contracts.
    3. Stress Test Conditions
    a. Benchmark Loss Experience
        In NPR1, OFHEO proposed the methodology for identifying the 
    benchmark loss experience, the stressful credit conditions which are 
    the basis for credit losses in the stress test. With this methodology, 
    OFHEO identified the worst cumulative credit losses
    [[Page 18091]]
    experienced by loans originated during a period of at least two 
    consecutive years, in contiguous states encompassing at least five 
    percent of the U.S. population. The performance of these loans (i.e., 
    the frequency, timing and severity of their losses) and the related 
    interest rate and housing market environment, comprise the benchmark 
    loss experience.
        The benchmark loss experience is based on newly originated, 30-
    year, fixed-rate, first lien mortgages on owner-occupied, single family 
    properties. The performance of these benchmark loans was a function of 
    their original LTVs and other characteristics, as well as the specific 
    house price and interest rate paths they experienced. The stress test 
    applies the path of house prices from the benchmark loss experience and 
    the interest rate paths required by the 1992 Act. Furthermore, the 
    stress test simulates the performance of an Enterprise's entire 
    mortgage portfolio, including loans of all types, ages, and 
    characteristics. Primarily for these reasons, overall Enterprise 
    mortgage loss rates in the stress test are much lower than the loss 
    rates OFHEO reported in NPR1 for benchmark loans.
        When the mortgage performance models are applied to benchmark 
    loans, using the benchmark pattern of interest rates, losses are very 
    close to those identified in NPR1. The remaining difference results 
    from the fact that OFHEO based its mortgage performance models on all 
    Enterprise historical loan data, not just the limited data for 
    benchmark loans, and that the benchmark loss experience was 
    particularly severe. This difference is corrected by calibrating the 
    single family mortgage performance models, resulting in slight upward 
    adjustments of default and loss severity rates, so that they are 
    consistent with the benchmark loss experience.
        For multifamily loans, the stress test also incorporates patterns 
    of vacancy rates and rent growth rates that are consistent with the 
    benchmark loss experience. In this manner, the stress test relates the 
    performance of multifamily loans to the benchmark loss experience.
    b. Interest Rates
        Interest rates are a key component of the adverse economic 
    conditions of the stress test. The 1992 Act specifies two scenarios for 
    the ten-year Constant Maturity Treasury yield (CMT) during the stress 
    period. During the first year of the stress period, the ten-year CMT:
         falls by the lesser of 600 basis points below the average 
    yield during the nine months preceding the stress period, or 60 percent 
    of the average yield during the three years preceding the stress 
    period, but in no case to a yield less than 50 percent of the average 
    yield during the preceding nine months (down-rate scenario); or
         rises by the greater of 600 basis points above the average 
    yield during the nine months preceding the stress period, or 160 
    percent of the average yield during the three years preceding the 
    stress period, but in no case to a yield greater than 175 percent of 
    the average yield during the preceding nine months (up-rate scenario).
        Changes to the ten-year CMT occur in twelve equal monthly 
    increments from the starting point for the ten-year CMT, which is the 
    average of the daily yields for the month preceding the stress period. 
    The ten-year CMT stays at the new level for the remainder of the stress 
        The stress test establishes the Treasury yield curve for the stress 
    period in relation to the prescribed movements in the ten-year CMT. In 
    the down-rate scenario the yield curve is upward sloping during the 
    last nine years of the stress period. In the up-rate scenario the 
    Treasury yield curve is flat for the last nine years of the stress 
    period, that is, yields of other maturities are equal to that of the 
    ten-year CMT.
        Because many different interest rates affect the Enterprises' 
    business performance, the ten-year CMT and the Treasury yield curve are 
    not the only interest rates that must be determined. For example, 
    current mortgage rates affect rates of refinancing of existing 
    mortgages; adjustable-rate mortgages periodically adjust according to 
    various indexes; floating rate securities (assets and liabilities) and 
    many rates associated with derivative contracts also adjust; and 
    appropriate yields must be established for new debt and investments. 
    Thus, the stress test requires rates and indexes other than Treasury 
    yields for the entire period of the stress test. Some of the key rates 
    that are estimated are the Federal Funds rate, London Inter-Bank 
    Offered Rate (LIBOR), Federal Home Loan Bank 11th District Cost of 
    Funds Index (COFI), and Enterprise borrowing rates. The stress test 
    establishes these rates and indexes by using Autoregressive Integrated 
    Moving Average (ARIMA) procedures--time-series estimation techniques--
    to estimate their values based on historical spreads to yields on 
    Treasuries of comparable maturities. The procedures use historical 
    information to estimate values during the stress period. To reflect the 
    market impact of stress test economic conditions on the Enterprises' 
    costs of borrowing, beginning in the second year of the stress period, 
    50 basis points are added to the computed yields for Enterprise debt 
    c. Property Values
        In determining the performance (rates of default, prepayment, and 
    of loss severity) of an Enterprise's mortgages in the stress test, the 
    1992 Act requires OFHEO to consider seasoning, which the stress test 
    captures by the use of current LTVs. The stress test calculates the 
    numerator of current LTV, the current loan balance, based on the unpaid 
    principal balance of the loan at the start of the stress period 
    (starting UPB) and the amortization of the loan based on product type. 
    Both the starting UPB and the loan product type are included in 
    starting position data. The stress test uses the OFHEO HPI for the 
    relevant Census division to track changes in property values--the 
    denominator of current LTV--from the time of loan origination through 
    to the start of the stress period. During the stress period, changes in 
    property values are computed by applying the pattern of house price 
    changes from the benchmark loss experience.
        The HPI values represent average property value appreciation. In 
    simulating mortgage performance, the stress test also captures 
    variations from average house price movements, called dispersion. For 
    this purpose, the stress test uses the mathematical measures of 
    dispersion that OFHEO publishes along with the HPI.
        For multifamily properties, property values are derived from 
    estimates of a property's net operating income and capitalization rate 
    multipliers. The stress test uses loan data together with rent growth 
    rate and vacancy rate indexes to derive estimates of net operating 
    income (NOI) for multifamily loans. Index values from the benchmark 
    loss experience are applied to starting property values to derive 
    current estimates of NOI for each month of the stress period. NOI is 
    multiplied by a capitalization rate multiplier, reflecting current 
    interest rates, to generate a property value. For example, if annual 
    NOI is $200,000 and the capitalization rate multiplier is ten, the 
    property value is $200,000 x 10, or $2,000,000. This value is the 
    denominator for current LTV for multifamily loans.
        When the ten-year CMT increases by more than 50 percent over the 
    average yield during the nine months preceding the stress period, the 
    stress test takes general price inflation into consideration. 
    Adjustments are made to the house price and rent growth paths of the 
    benchmark loss experience equal to the percentage change in the ten-
    [[Page 18092]]
    CMT in excess of 50 percent.\35\ For example, if the ten-year CMT 
    increases by 60 percent, house price and rent growth rates increase by 
    ten percent. The stress test phases in this increase in equal monthly 
    increments during the last five years of the stress period.
        \35\ The stress test computes the difference between the level 
    of the ten-year CMT in the last nine years of the stress period and 
    the level of the ten-year CMT if it had increased 50 percent. The 
    difference in yield is compounded over a nine-year period to 
    determine the cumulative percentage adjustment to house prices at 
    the end of the stress period.
    4. Mortgage Performance
        To simulate how mortgages fare during the adverse conditions of the 
    stress period, the stress test uses models of mortgage performance, 
    that project default, prepayment and loss severity rates. These models 
    simulate the interaction of the patterns of house prices, residential 
    rents, and vacancy rates of the benchmark loss experience, as well as 
    stress test interest rates, and mortgage risk factors, in order to 
    determine the performance of Enterprise loans for each month of the 
    stress test. As described below in further detail, the models are based 
    on the historical relationship of economic and mortgage risk factors to 
    mortgage performance, as reflected in the historical experience of the 
    a. Loan Groups
        Rather than simulating the behavior of individual loans, the models 
    simulate the behavior of groups of loans with common risk 
    characteristics. The default and prepayment models calculate the 
    proportion of the outstanding principal balance for each loan group 
    that defaults, prepays, or makes regularly scheduled loan payments in 
    each of the 120 months of the stress period. Single family loans are 
    aggregated into loan groups based on key risk and cash flow 
    characteristics: product type \36\ (e.g., 30-year fixed-rate, 15-year 
    fixed-rate, adjustable rate, balloon), original LTV, interest rate, 
    origination year, remittance cycle \37\ and Census division. 
    Multifamily loans are similarly aggregated by product type, original 
    LTV, origination year, interest rate, and Census region, as well as by 
    debt coverage ratio (DCR) \38\ and program type. Program type 
    distinguishes between loans purchased individually rather than as part 
    of a pool, and loans subject to recourse or repurchase.\39\ These 
    distinctions are associated with different risk characteristics.
        \36\ The 1992 Act requires that the stress test take into 
    account appropriate distinctions among mortgage product types, 
    including single or multifamily, fixed or adjustable interest rates 
    and the term of the loans.
        \37\ For sold loans, the remittance cycle governs the length of 
    time an Enterprise holds payments remitted by the seller/servicer 
    before passing them through to the security investor.
        \38\ DCR is the ratio of property net income to debt service.
        \39\ Recourse refers to the sharing of credit risk with a 
    seller/servicer; repurchase refers to the obligation of a seller/
    servicer to repurchase 90-day delinquent loans.
    b. Single Family Default and Prepayment
        The single family models are estimated using historical data on the 
    performance of Enterprise loans through 1995. To simulate defaults and 
    prepayments, the stress test uses a 30-year fixed-rate loan model, an 
    adjustable-rate loan (ARM) model, and a third model for other products, 
    such as 15-year loans and balloon loans. Each of the three single 
    family models was separately estimated based on data for the relevant 
    product types. Each includes a calibration adjustment, so that the 
    results properly reflect a relationship to the benchmark loss 
    experience, as described earlier.
        All three single family models simulate defaults and prepayments 
    based on values for interest rates and property values, as described 
    above, and variables capturing the risk characteristics of loan groups. 
    The variables described below are the factors used to determine the 
    rates of default and/or prepayment for single family loan groups:
         Mortgage Age--Patterns of mortgage default and prepayment 
    have characteristic age profiles; defaults and prepayments increase 
    during the first years following loan origination, and then peak 
    between the fourth and seventh years.
         Probability of Negative Borrower Equity--Borrowers whose 
    current loan balance is greater than the current value of their 
    mortgaged property (reflecting negative equity) are more likely to 
    default than those with positive equity in their properties. The 
    probability of negative borrower equity within a loan group is a 
    function of (1) house price changes (based on the HPI), and 
    amortization of loan principal, which together establish the average 
    current LTV, and (2) the dispersion of actual house price changes 
    around the HPI value. Thus, even when the average current LTV for a 
    loan group is less than one (positive equity), some percentage of the 
    loans will have LTVs greater than one (negative equity).
         Relative Spread--This variable is an important factor in 
    determining whether a borrower will prepay. It reflects the value to a 
    borrower of the option to prepay and refinance. The stress test uses 
    the relative spread between the interest rate on a loan and the current 
    market rate on loans as a proxy for the mortgage premium value.
         Burnout--The value for this variable reflects whether a 
    borrower has passed up earlier opportunities to refinance at favorable 
    interest rates. Such a borrower is less likely to prepay the current 
    loan and refinance, and more likely to default in the future.
         Yield Curve Slope--This variable reflects the relationship 
    between short and long term interest rates. The shape of the yield 
    curve, which reflects expectations for the future levels of interest 
    rates, influences a borrower's decision to prepay a mortgage. Depending 
    on the slope of the yield curve and the type of loan a borrower may 
    have incentives to refinance to a fixed-rate or an adjustable-rate 
         Original LTV--The LTV at the time of mortgage origination 
    serves as a proxy for factors relating to the financial status of a 
    borrower, which can affect the borrower's future ability to make loan 
    payments. Higher original LTVs, which generally reflect fewer economic 
    resources and greater willingness to take financial risk, increase the 
    probability of default and lower the probability of prepayment. The 
    reverse is true for lower original LTVs.
         Occupancy Status--The value of this variable reflects the 
    higher probability of default of investor-owners compared to that of 
    occupant-owners. The stress test applies the portfolio-wide ratio of 
    investor-to occupant-owners to each loan group. The single family 
    default and prepayment variables are listed in Table 1.
    [[Page 18093]]
    c. Multifamily Default and Prepayment
        The stress test utilizes two multifamily default models and five 
    multifamily prepayment models to capture the behavior of loans 
    purchased under different programs and loans at different stages in 
    their life cycles. The models were estimated using historical data 
    through 1995 on the performance of Enterprise multifamily loans. The 
    stress test applies one default model to loans purchased under cash 
    programs (i.e., loans purchased individually), and another to loans 
    purchased under negotiated programs (i.e., loans purchased as part of a 
    pool), because the programs have different risk profiles. The 
    prepayment models distinguish among product types: fully-amortizing 
    fixed-rate, balloon, and ARM loans; those with yield maintenance 
    provisions (i.e., restrictions and/or penalties for prepaying a loan 
    during a specified period of time); and balloon loans which have 
    reached their stated maturity, because these distinctions affect the 
    probability of prepayment.
        As with the models of single family mortgage performance, the 
    multifamily models simulate the probability of default and prepayment 
    based on stress test conditions and loan group risk characteristics. To 
    account for specific risks associated with multifamily loans, these 
    loans are grouped somewhat differently from single family loans. Thus, 
    multifamily loans are also grouped by original DCR and program type. 
    All of the multifamily default and prepayment models include interest 
    rates, rent growth rates, and vacancy rates to characterize stress test 
        The following variables are factors in determining default and 
    prepayment rates for multifamily loan groups:
         Mortgage Age--As with single family loans, the risk of 
    default and prepayment on multifamily loans varies over their lives.
         Relative Spread--As with single family loans, this 
    variable reflects the value to the borrower of the option to prepay and 
         Program Restructuring--This variable captures the 
    difference between Enterprises' management of their original 
    multifamily programs and current, restructured programs. That 
    difference affects the probability of default.
         Joint Probability of Negative Equity and Negative Cash 
    Flow--This variable plays a role similar to that of the probability of 
    negative equity for single family loans. However, negative equity is 
    not a sufficient condition for multifamily loan default. Residential 
    rental property owners tend not to default unless a property's net cash 
    flow is negative as well. This variable captures the joint probability 
    of both conditions.
         Balloon Maturity Risk--To reflect the added risk of 
    default at the balloon maturity date, this variable gives extra weight 
    to the joint probability of negative equity and negative cash flow in 
    the year before a balloon mortgage matures.
         Default Type--This variable distinguishes between loans 
    for which the Enterprise is responsible for foreclosure and property 
    disposition and loans for which the seller/servicer is responsible for 
    repurchasing if the loan becomes 90 days delinquent.
         Current LTV--This variable captures the incentive for 
    borrowers to refinance in order to withdraw equity from their rental 
         Probability of Qualifying for Refinance--This variable 
    captures the effect on prepayments of a borrower who would not qualify 
    for a new loan (one that lacks an LTV of 80 percent or less and a DCR 
    of 120 percent or more).
         Pre-balloon Refinance Incentive--This variable gives extra 
    weight to the relative spread in the two years prior to the balloon 
    maturity. This captures the additional incentive to prepay balloon 
    loans after the date the yield maintenance period ends, but before the 
    balloon maturity date.
         Conventional Market Rate for Mortgages--Similar to the 
    single family yield curve slope variable, this variable reflects the 
    incentives for borrowers with ARMs to refinance into fixed-rate 
         Value of Depreciation Write-offs--This variable captures 
    the effect on default rates of the value to a new purchaser of the tax 
    benefits associated with multifamily property ownership.
         Years-To-Go in the Yield Maintenance Period--This variable 
    captures the decreasing effect of yield maintenance provisions during 
    the yield maintenance period. As the cost of the provision declines in 
    the later years of the yield maintenance period, the disincentive to 
    prepay declines.
        Just like the single family default and prepayment models, the 
    multifamily models produce, for each loan group for each month of the 
    stress period, default and prepayment rates which are used in the cash 
    flow components of the stress test. Tables 2 and 3 list the variables 
    included in the multifamily default and prepayment models.
    [[Page 18094]]
    d. Loss Severity
        Credit losses are determined by multiplying default rates by loss 
    severity rates and loan group balances. Loss severity rates are 
    computed as of the date of default, and are expressed as a percentage 
    of unpaid principal balance of the defaulting portion of a loan group.
        In general, losses comprise three elements--loss of principal, 
    transactions costs, and funding costs. Loss of principal is the amount 
    of defaulting loan UPB, offset by the net proceeds of the sale 
    (disposition) of the foreclosed property. Transactions costs include
    [[Page 18095]]
    expenses related to foreclosure, property holding and disposition 
    expenses. Funding costs are the costs of funding non-earning assets--
    first the defaulted loans, and then the foreclosed properties prior to 
    disposition (except in the case of sold loans, for which four months of 
    interest at the passthrough rate replace four months of funding costs).
        For single family loans the stress test uses an econometric model 
    to project the net proceeds from the sale of foreclosed properties. The 
    model is based on historical data on defaulted Enterprise loans, and 
    reflects the relationship between LTV at the time of loan default 
    (based on a loan's original LTV, loan amortization, and house price 
    changes and dispersion), and proceeds of property disposition. Just as 
    with models of single family default and prepayment, this model 
    includes a calibration adjustment to make the results consistent with 
    the benchmark loss experience.
        For multifamily loans, sale proceeds are a fixed percentage of the 
    defaulting UPB, based on historical experience.
        For both single family and multifamily loans, transactions costs 
    are fixed amounts based on historical averages computed from Enterprise 
    data. Funding costs are captured in a discounting process described in 
    the following paragraph.
        Foreclosure, disposition and associated costs occur over a period 
    of time. In order to calculate losses associated with a default as of 
    the time of the default, the stress test calculates loss severity rates 
    by discounting the different elements of loss back to the time of 
    default, based on stress period interest rates. The discounting process 
    also captures funding costs at appropriate interest rates. For single 
    family loans, the timing of each element is based on averages for the 
    benchmark loans; for multifamily loans it is based on the historical 
    average for the Enterprises, using data through 1995.
        The calculation of loss severity rates for two types of multifamily 
    loans differs from the general approach. In the case of 90-day 
    delinquent loans that are repurchased from Enterprise security pools by 
    seller/servicers, rates are a fixed amount based on Enterprise 
    historical experience representing claims submitted by seller/servicers 
    for reimbursement by the Enterprise. In the case of FHA-insured loans, 
    the stress test reflects no losses.
        The loss severity component of the stress test generates loss 
    severity rates for each loan group for each month of the stress period, 
    which are used in the cash flow components of the stress test to 
    calculate credit losses for the Enterprises.
    5. Other Credit Factors
    a. Mortgage Credit Enhancements
        In many cases, at least a portion of Enterprise losses on defaulted 
    loans is offset by some form of credit enhancement. Credit enhancements 
    are contractual arrangements with third parties that reduce Enterprise 
    losses on defaulted loans. By including the effect of mortgage credit 
    enhancements, the stress test more realistically reflects Enterprise 
    risks related to mortgage defaults and credit losses during the stress 
        The stress test captures many types of credit enhancements, with 
    differing depths and methods of coverage, for both single family and 
    multifamily loans. These credit enhancements include private mortgage 
    insurance, recourse to seller/servicers, indemnification, pool 
    insurance, cash accounts, spread accounts, collateral accounts, and 
    specific risk-sharing agreements for certain multifamily loans.
        The stress test divides mortgage credit enhancements into two 
    categories. One category is credit enhancements that cover losses on 
    certain loans up to a specified percentage of the loss incurred. This 
    category includes private mortgage insurance, unlimited recourse, 
    unlimited indemnification and, for certain multifamily loans, risk-
    sharing agreements. The other category includes those credit 
    enhancements that cover all losses on a specified set of loans, up to a 
    specified total amount. This category includes limited recourse, 
    limited indemnification, pool insurance, cash accounts, spread accounts 
    and collateral accounts.
        The benefits of the first category of credit enhancements are 
    incorporated in the calculation of monthly loss severity rates. The 
    loss severity rate for a specific loan group is reduced based on the 
    credit enhancements from the first category associated with loans in 
    that group. The benefits of the second category of credit enhancements 
    are taken into account directly in the cash flow calculations. The 
    dollar balance of these credit enhancements is tracked and drawn down 
    to offset the amount of credit losses for the covered loans in a loan 
    b. Counterparty and Other Credit Risk
        In addition to mortgage credit quality, the stress test considers 
    the creditworthiness of companies and financial instruments to which 
    the Enterprises are exposed. These include most mortgage credit 
    enhancement counterparties (e.g., private mortgage insurance companies 
    and seller/servicers), privately issued and municipal securities held 
    as assets, derivative counterparties, and securities guaranteed for 
    private issuers.
        For credit enhancement counterparties, securities held as assets, 
    and interest rate contract counterparties, the stress test reduces--or 
    applies ``haircuts'' to--the amounts due from these instruments or 
    counterparties according to their level of risk. The level of risk is 
    determined by public credit ratings which the stress test classifies 
    into four categories: AAA, AA, A and BBB. When no rating is available, 
    the instrument or counterparty is rated BBB. The cash flow components 
    of the stress test phase in the haircuts monthly in equal increments 
    until the total reduction listed in Table 4 is reached in the final 
    month of the stress period.
    [[Page 18096]]
        The stress test also applies haircuts to reflect the impact of 
    impairment of counterparties for derivative contracts hedging foreign 
    currency denominated debt. Since counterparty impairment would reduce 
    the effectiveness of a hedge, the stress test reflects the associated 
    risk by increasing the amounts owed by an Enterprise by the haircut 
    c. Other Off-Balance Sheet Guarantees
        In addition to guaranteeing mortgage-backed securities they issue 
    as part of their main business, the Enterprises occasionally provide 
    guarantees for other securities. The guarantees provided by the 
    Enterprises enhance the liquidity and appeal of these securities in the 
    marketplace. These securities, notably single family and multifamily 
    whole loan REMIC securities \40\ and mortgage tax-exempt multifamily 
    housing bonds, represent a small part of the Enterprises' business and 
    have a significant level of credit enhancement that protects the 
    Enterprises from losses. The performance of these securities is not 
    explicitly modeled in the stress test. As a proxy for the present value 
    of net losses on these guarantees during the stress test, the 
    outstanding balance of these instruments at the beginning of the stress 
    period is multiplied by 45 basis points. The resulting amount is 
    subtracted from the lowest discounted monthly capital balance when 
    calculating the risk-based capital requirement.
        \40\ Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC) securities 
    are multiclass mortgage passthrough securities. The classes of a 
    REMIC security can take on a wide variety of attributes with regard 
    to payment of principal and interest, cash flow timing 
    (un)certainty, and maturity, among others.
    6. Cash Flows
        For each month of the stress period, stress test cash flow 
    components apply projected default, prepayment, and loss severity rates 
    to loan group balances to produce mortgage cash flows. The cash flow 
    components also reduce projected mortgage losses resulting from 
    offsetting credit enhancements that are not accounted for in loss 
    severity calculations. In addition, the cash flow components calculate 
    cash flows for securities that the Enterprises hold as assets, or have 
    issued as liabilities. They generate cash flows for derivative 
    instruments like interest rate swaps, caps, and floors; and they apply 
    the haircuts to cash flows to reflect the credit risk of securities and 
    counterparties other than mortgage borrowers. Projected cash flows are 
    the principal inputs in the creation of monthly financial statements 
    during the stress period, which are, in turn, the basis for the 
    calculation of the risk-based capital requirement.
        Cash flows are generated for each single family and multifamily 
    loan group. For retained loans, cash flows consist of scheduled 
    principal, prepaid principal, defaulted principal, default losses, and 
    interest. For sold loans, cash flows consist of credit losses, 
    guarantee fee income, and float income.
        Because losses on sold loans are absorbed by the Enterprises and 
    are not passed through to security holders, no credit losses are 
    reflected in cash flows calculated for Enterprise-issued MBS held as 
    investments (including those issued by an Enterprise and later 
    repurchased). The credit risk is borne by the MBS issuer rather than 
    the MBS investor, so the credit risk on MBS has already been taken into 
    account in the credit risk of sold loans. Thus, cash flows for single 
    class Enterprise-issued MBS held as investments consist only of 
    principal and interest payments. Cashflows for private label securities 
    consist of principal and interest payments and credit losses.\41\ 
    Principal payments are calculated by applying default and prepayment 
    rates that are appropriate for the loans underlying the MBS (amounts of 
    defaulted principal are assumed to be passed through to investors, as 
    well as normal amortization). Interest is computed by multiplying the 
    security principal balance by the coupon rate.
        \41\ See section II. A. 5. c., Other Off-Balance Sheet 
    Guarantees for a description of how credit losses for private label 
    securities are calculated.
        Multi-class mortgage securities such as REMICs and strips are 
    treated in the same manner as single class MBS. The stress test 
    generates cash flows for the underlying collateral, usually single 
    class MBS, and applies the rules of the particular multi-class security 
    that govern how these cash flows are directed to determine cash flows 
    of the specific securities held by an Enterprise. In generating cash 
    flows for mortgage-linked derivative contracts, where the notional 
    amount of the contract is based on the declining principal balance of 
    specified MBS, the stress test applies the terms of each contract and 
    tracks the appropriate declining balances. The stress test generates 
    cash flows for mortgage revenue bonds by treating the bonds like single 
    class MBS backed by 30-year, fixed-rate single family mortgages 
    maturing on each bond's stated maturity date.
        For non-mortgage investments, outstanding debt securities and 
    liability-linked derivative contracts, payments of principal and 
    interest are calculated for each instrument based on its
    [[Page 18097]]
    characteristics by applying the appropriate interest rates and 
    principal payment rules. For asset-backed securities, one of two 
    collateral prepayment speeds is applied, depending on the stress test 
    interest rate scenario. The stress test computes cash flows for debt 
    securities and liability-linked derivatives according to the rules and 
    structure of each instrument.
    7. Enterprise Operations & Taxes
        The stress test simulates the income taxes, operating expenses, 
    issuance of new debt or purchase of new investments, exercise of 
    options to retire debt early or cancel derivative contracts, and 
    payment of dividends by the Enterprises. The stress test computes 
    Federal income taxes using an effective tax rate of 30 percent. 
    Estimated income tax is paid by the Enterprises quarterly.
        An Enterprise's operating expenses decline in proportion to the 
    change in the size of its combined mortgage portfolio of retained and 
    sold loans during the stress period. The baseline level of monthly 
    operating expenses at the start of the stress period is equal to one-
    third of operating expenses reported by the Enterprise for the quarter 
    preceding the stress period.
        When necessary, the stress test simulates the issuance of new debt 
    or purchase of new investments by the Enterprises. New debt is issued 
    in months when there is a shortfall of cash. All debt issued during the 
    stress period is six-month discount notes, at Enterprise borrowing 
    rates projected from the estimated yield curve. Excess cash is invested 
    in one-month securities bearing the six-month Treasury yield.
        For each month during the stress period that a security is subject 
    to early redemption (call) or a derivative contract is subject to 
    cancellation, the stress test calculates the effective remaining yield-
    to-maturity \42\ of that instrument and compares it to the yield of a 
    replacement security, given current stress period interest rates. If 
    the yield is more than 50 basis points below the cost of the existing 
    instrument, the call or cancellation option is exercised.
        \42\ Yields are calculated based on the outstanding principal 
    balances for securities and notional amounts for derivative 
        Capital distributions are also made during the stress period. If an 
    Enterprise's capital exceeds the minimum capital requirement in any 
    quarter, dividends on preferred stock are paid, unless payment would 
    reduce the Enterprise's capital to an amount below the minimum 
    requirement. Common stock dividends are paid only in the first four 
    quarters of the stress period (based on an estimate of how long capital 
    would remain above the risk-based requirement), and only if capital 
    remains above the minimum capital requirement before and after the 
    dividends are paid. The amount paid is directly related to the earnings 
    trend of the Enterprise. If the trend is positive, the dividend payout 
    ratio is the same as the average of the four quarters preceding the 
    stress test. Otherwise, dividends are based on the dollar amount per 
    share paid in the last quarter preceding the stress test. The stress 
    test does not provide for any other capital distributions, such as 
    repurchases of common stock.
    8. Financial Reporting
        To the extent applicable, the stress test makes use of Generally 
    Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The cash flows from the 
    financial instruments on the books of the Enterprises are the principal 
    basis for the creation of pro forma financial statements that capture 
    an Enterprise's performance over the stress period. In addition, the 
    stress test accounts for numerous non-cash items on the Enterprises' 
    balance sheets, such as receivables and unamortized and deferred 
    balances. The balance sheets show the monthly total capital amount for 
    each Enterprise, which is used in the final calculation of risk-based 
    9. Calculation of the Risk-based Capital Requirement
        The stress test determines the amount of capital that an Enterprise 
    must hold at the start date in order to maintain positive capital 
    throughout the ten-year stress period (stress test capital). Once 
    stress test capital has been calculated, an additional 30 percent of 
    that amount is added to protect against management and operations risk. 
    This total is the risk-based capital requirement.
        Using the financial statements generated by the stress test, the 
    capital balance for each month is discounted back to the start of the 
    stress period. This is done for both the up-rate and down-rate 
    scenarios. The lowest discounted monthly capital balance is then 
    decreased as described above to account for securities that are 
    guaranteed by the Enterprises which are not explicitly modeled (other 
    off-balance sheet guarantees). This lowest discounted monthly balance, 
    if positive, represents a surplus of initial capital, that is, capital 
    that was not ``used'' during the stress period. If negative, it 
    represents a deficit of initial capital. The lowest discounted monthly 
    balance is then subtracted from the Enterprise's initial capital. The 
    resulting amount is the smallest amount of starting capital required to 
    maintain positive capital throughout the stress period.
        For example, if an Enterprise holds starting capital of $10 billion 
    and the lowest discounted monthly balance is $1 billion (representing a 
    positive capital balance even in the worst month of the stress period), 
    then the amount of starting capital necessary to maintain positive 
    capital throughout the stress period is $9.0 billion. If the lowest 
    discounted monthly balance is -$1 billion (representing a negative 
    capital balance in the worst month), the necessary starting capital is 
    $11.0 billion.
        In the final step, necessary starting capital is multiplied by 1.3 
    to complete the calculation of the risk-based capital requirement 
    required by the 1992 Act.
    B. Sensitivity of Capital Requirement to Risk
        An Enterprise's risk-based capital requirement under this proposed 
    regulation is sensitive to a wide variety of factors that affect 
    Enterprise risk. The existing minimum capital requirement depends 
    almost entirely on the size of an Enterprise's two principal 
    businesses: MBS guarantees and leveraged investments in mortgages and 
    in MBS. In contrast, the risk-based capital requirement depends not 
    only on the outstanding volumes of an Enterprise's guarantees and 
    assets, but also on the degree of risk taken on by the Enterprise in 
    connection with these businesses. Thus, the risk-based requirement is 
    sensitive to the characteristics of mortgages and mortgage guarantees 
    that affect risk, credit enhancements for those mortgages, the asset/
    liability risk management strategies of the Enterprise, the value of 
    properties collateralizing the mortgages, and recent interest rate 
        In designing the stress test on which the risk-based capital 
    requirement is based, OFHEO sought to incorporate all significant 
    sources of credit and interest rate risk. OFHEO further sought to 
    design the stress test so that differences in specific risk factors 
    affect the risk-based capital requirement in amounts commensurate with 
    the difference in risk. To quantify the marginal effects of changes in 
    risk on the capital required for each scenario (required capital), 
    OFHEO conducted a number of sensitivity tests. OFHEO first computed the 
    risk-based capital requirement for each Enterprise in each interest 
    [[Page 18098]]
    scenario for June 30, 1997.\43\ These results serve as a base case. 
    OFHEO then made a series of small adjustments to each Enterprise's risk 
    positions and compared the results for all four Enterprise-scenario 
    combinations with the relevant base case results. The differences in 
    results provide a measure of the incremental changes in required 
    capital (which may be positive or negative) caused by the risk 
        \43\ The results are discussed in section II. C., Implications 
    of the Proposed Rule.
        Section II. B.1., MBS Guarantees (Sold Loans), below presents the 
    results of sensitivity tests related to an Enterprise's guarantee 
    business. In each test, OFHEO simulated the effects on required capital 
    of a hypothetical addition to each Enterprise's outstanding MBS 
    guarantees (sold loans). The simulation results show, in both an 
    absolute and relative sense, how different characteristics of sold 
    loans affect required capital. Section II. B. 2., Commitments, 
    illustrates how required capital would be affected if each Enterprise 
    had had a larger volume of outstanding commitments. Section II. B. 3., 
    Assets and Liabilities, discusses the effects of hypothetical additions 
    of retained loans accompanied by additions of debt. Section II. B. 4., 
    Administrative Costs, discusses how risk-based capital would be 
    affected by higher administrative (operating) expenses. Finally, 
    Section II. B. 5., External Economic Conditions, discusses how risk-
    based capital would be affected had house prices or interest rates 
    behaved differently than they actually did in the period just preceding 
    the starting date of the stress test.
        Sensitivity test results differ between the two Enterprises for two 
    reasons. First, the risk adjustments made to the two Enterprises' 
    positions were not precisely the same. For example, in sensitivity 
    tests involving changes in outstanding sold loan volumes, each 
    Enterprise's additional sold loans reflect that Enterprise's typical 
    security remittance cycles, and remittance cycles affect the risk 
    characteristics of sold loans. Second, the incremental effects on 
    required capital of any change in an Enterprises's risk positions are 
    affected by the Enterprise's individual circumstances and policies. Two 
    examples are the Enterprise's projected Federal income tax situation 
    during the stress period and its dividend policies. During portions of 
    the stress period in which an Enterprise is paying taxes or receiving 
    refunds, financial gains and losses are shared with the government 
    because changes in income cause changes in taxes. Conversely, during 
    portions of the stress period in which an Enterprise has exhausted tax 
    carrybacks, the full benefit or cost of a change in income is 
    experienced by the Enterprise. In the base case, both Enterprises 
    exhaust their tax carrybacks mid-way through the stress period in the 
    down-rate scenario. In the up-rate scenarios, Fannie Mae does the same, 
    but Freddie Mac either pays taxes or receives refunds throughout the 
    stress period. An Enterprise's tax situation during the stress period 
    depends primarily on the Enterprise's risk exposures. The longer an 
    Enterprise continues to be profitable in the stress environment, the 
    longer it is affected by taxes.
        Differences in recent dividend policies can cause small differences 
    in the incremental capital associated with specific changes in risk 
    because common stock dividends during the first year of the stress 
    period depend on recent dividend payouts. Differences in dividend 
    policies, therefore, can lead to differences in the amount of earnings 
    changes that are shared with stockholders.
        Results are shown for both interest rate scenarios, even though 
    only one (the one that results in the highest required capital) can be 
    binding at any specific time. For June 1997, the up-rate scenario 
    resulted in higher required capital for Fannie Mae, while the down-rate 
    scenario was more adverse for Freddie Mac. However, the relative 
    adversity of the two scenarios may change over time for either 
    Enterprise depending on business strategies and market conditions.
        In the tables of this section, the phrase ``incremental capital'' 
    is used to mean the change in the amount of required capital in a 
    particular scenario accompanying a small change in the overall risk 
    profile of an Enterprise. Several considerations affect appropriate 
    interpretation of these numbers. First, the incremental capital 
    percentages shown in the tables are not fixed. As discussed below in 
    section II. B. 5. c., Sensitivity to Risk Characteristics in Different 
    Economic Environments, future business strategies and economic 
    conditions may alter the required capital sensitivities from those of 
    June 1997, which are presented here. Furthermore, bigger or smaller 
    changes in risk may not have a proportional effect on capital. A $20 
    billion increase in a particular group of loan guarantees may not have 
    exactly twice the effect on required capital as a $10 billion increase 
    in the same group of guarantees.
        Second, in anticipating the effect on required capital of a change 
    in any risk factor, an Enterprise likely will be concerned not only 
    with the immediate effect, but also with the longer term effect. For 
    example, in considering the capital implications of making additional 
    mortgage guarantees, the incremental effects on required capital of the 
    guarantees at all future dates that the loans continue to be 
    outstanding are relevant. In this case, an important consideration is 
    that the incremental effects of mortgage guarantees generally diminish 
    over time.
        Third, the incremental capital percentages do not determine an 
    amount of capital that must be added in order to accept a specific 
    increase in risk. As discussed below in Section II. C. 2., Enterprise 
    Adjustments to Meet the Proposed Standard, it may often be less costly 
    to increase hedges of other risks than to raise equity funds in 
    response to an increase in risks.
    1. MBS Guarantees (Sold Loans)
        The Enterprises have two principal lines of business. They function 
    both as guarantors of mortgage-backed securities and as leveraged 
    investors in mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. As guarantors, 
    the Enterprises receive principal and interest payments on home 
    mortgages, which they pass through to security investors, minus a share 
    of the interest payments, which they retain as a guarantee fee. Because 
    of differences in the timing of their receipt of funds and payments to 
    investors, they also earn float income (which may be positive or 
    negative). In return, they bear the risk of loss if a borrower 
    defaults, and they incur additional administrative expenses.
        The stress test projects the flows of income and expenses 
    associated with loan guarantees based on the characteristics of the 
    mortgages and the economic circumstances of the stress period. The 
    resulting net cash inflows or outflows are directly reflected in the 
    Enterprise's borrowing or investing volumes during the stress period. 
    The interest paid or received on the new debt issues or investments 
    that are attributable to the guarantees have further effects on income, 
    borrowing, and investing volumes. Income, in turn, affects taxes, 
    dividends, capital, and (ultimately) required capital.
        OFHEO examined the implications for required capital of risk 
    factors associated with sold loans as follows. After computing the 
    capital required under this proposed rule for data reflecting the 
    Enterprises' books of business and the accompanying economic 
    circumstances as of June 30, 1997, OFHEO added a quantity ($10 billion) 
    of sold loans that embodied the specific risk characteristics under
    [[Page 18099]]
    examination. The capital required for each scenario was then recomputed 
    and compared with the capital required for the same scenario before 
    loans were added. The difference is the incremental capital required 
    for the additional sold loans in that scenario. The results are 
    expressed as a percent of the volume of sold loans added.
        Additional sold loans would normally be accompanied by additional 
    administrative expenses. In computing required capital for books-of-
    business that included additional sold loans, OFHEO estimated the 
    additional costs by increasing administrative expense for each 
    Enterprise in proportion to the increase in that Enterprise's overall 
    (retained plus sold loan) portfolio. Those costs amounted to about six 
    basis points (0.06 percent) per year on the new sold loans for each 
    Enterprise. Different assumptions about administrative costs would 
    affect the results; Section II. B. 4., Administrative Costs, discusses 
    the effects on required capital of differences in administrative costs.
        Section II. B. 1. a., Loans with Mixed Characteristics Reflecting 
    Enterprise Portfolios, discusses a simulation incorporating a general 
    increase in sold loans embodying the same mix of characteristics as 
    that found in each Enterprise's sold loan portfolio in June 1997 and 
    describes how the increase affects various types of income and expense 
    over the course of the stress period. Section II. B. 1. b., Loans with 
    Specific Identical Characteristics, discusses a series of simulations, 
    each incorporating an increase in sold loans with specific 
    a. Loans with Mixed Characteristics Reflecting Enterprise Portfolios
        The first simulation (Simulation 1) was designed to examine the 
    incremental effects of a general increase in each Enterprise's sold 
    loan portfolio (MBS guarantees). The volume of each loan group 
    (comprising loans with a common set of risk factors) in each 
    Enterprise's sold loan portfolio as of June 1997 was increased 
    proportionally by a factor that resulted in a total of $10 billion of 
    additional sold loans. The results indicate the effects on risk-based 
    capital of a general expansion of an Enterprise's MBS guarantee 
    business. Alternatively, they can be viewed as the average effect on 
    required capital of sold loans, weighted by each Enterprise's mix of 
    outstanding sold loan business in June 1997. The results, expressed as 
    a percent of the increase in sold loans, are summarized in Table 5.
        In the up-rate scenario, a general increase in sold loans has only 
    a small effect on required capital for either Enterprise. For Freddie 
    Mac, sold loans are, on balance, a small source of strength. That is, 
    income generated over the course of the stress period by sold loans 
    (principally guarantee fees and float) exceeds related expenses 
    (principally loan losses and administrative expense). The reverse is 
    true for Fannie Mae. In the down-rate scenario, the incremental capital 
    required for these sold loan mixes is near 0.85 percent of the increase 
    in guarantees for both Enterprises. On average, the results for the two 
    scenarios are similar to the existing minimum capital ratios for sold 
    loans of 0.45 percent.
        Table 6 illustrates the effects on specific income and expense 
    categories of the additional sold loans in Simulation 1, and how these 
    effects translate into changes in capital requirements.
    [[Page 18100]]
        Guarantee fees and administrative expense depend on the volume of 
    loans outstanding. Thus, they are sensitive to the projected 
    liquidation rates (the sum of prepayment, default, and amortization 
    rates) of the additional sold loans. In the down-rate scenario (with a 
    ten-year constant maturity treasury yield of 3.2 percent during the 
    last nine years of the stress period), loans prepay rapidly, while in 
    the up-rate scenario (with all treasury yields at 11.4 percent), loans 
    prepay slowly. As a result, in the up-rate scenario, guarantee fee 
    income and administrative expense are roughly 2\2/3\ times as great as 
    they are in the down-rate scenario.
        Credit losses (charge-offs) depend on the credit risk 
    characteristics of the additional sold loans. They are also larger in 
    the up-rate scenario than in the down-rate scenario because loans 
    remain outstanding longer, and therefore, at risk of default. Loss 
    severity rates also are higher in the up-rate scenario because the 
    interest carrying cost on foreclosed real estate is higher. These 
    differences between the two scenarios are moderated by somewhat more 
    favorable house price behavior and by better average loan quality when 
    interest rates are high. Loan quality is poorer when interest rates are 
    low because the better quality loans are projected to prepay much 
    faster. Because of these offsetting influences, credit losses in the 
    up-rate scenario are only 1\1/3\ times as great as they are in the 
    down-rate scenario. Freddie Mac's credit losses are about ten percent 
    lower than Fannie Mae's, reflecting a slightly less risky mix of loan 
        Float income depends on security remittance cycles, interest rates, 
    and loan liquidation rates. This source of income on the additional 
    sold loans is higher, for both Enterprises, in the scenario with higher 
    interest rates because of lower liquidation rates and higher earnings 
    ratios on positive float balances. The difference is much more 
    pronounced for Freddie Mac because of differences in security 
    remittance cycles. Freddie Mac holds prepayment funds for a longer 
    period than Fannie Mae, earning a market rate of interest during the 
    extra time, while accruing liabilities to investors at the security 
    coupon rate. When interest rates rise, that provides extra income, but 
    when rates fall, net losses accrue.
        Net interest income is affected because net cash inflows and 
    outflows associated with the other income and expense categories lead 
    to changes in borrowing or investing. The effects are small in the up-
    rate scenario because the net flows caused by other factors are small. 
    The effects also are small in the down-rate scenario, even though the 
    net cash flows are much larger, because the interest rates associated 
    with new borrowing or investing are low.
        Taxes reduce the effects of all income changes by 30 percent as 
    long as an Enterprise is paying taxes or receiving tax refunds. Because 
    both Enterprises, in the decreasing interest rate environment, and 
    Fannie Mae, in the increasing rate environment, exhaust their tax 
    carrybacks mid-way through the stress period, the tax effects vary 
    depending on the timing of income flows during the stress period. 
    Freddie Mac, however, performs well in the up-rate scenario, given its 
    June 1997 risk positions, and pays taxes or receives refunds throughout 
    the stress period.
    [[Page 18101]]
        Dividends on common stock can be affected by additional sold loans 
    only through changes in income during the first year of the stress 
    period because the stress test specifies that common stock dividends 
    are paid only during that year. Common stock dividends are little 
    affected in this simulation because income changes during the first 
    year are small and because dividends in the base case simulations for 
    Fannie Mae in both scenarios, and Freddie Mac in the down-rate 
    scenario, are insensitive to income. In those cases, dividends are set 
    at their absolute level in the quarter preceding the stress test 
    because of income declines during the first year. Preferred stock 
    dividends are unaffected in this simulation because the changes in 
    capital are insufficient to affect whether either Enterprise meets its 
    minimum capital requirement during the stress period.
        The total change in capital is the sum (using the appropriate 
    signs) of the effects measured through all of the above income and 
    expense categories. The sum equals the net decline in capital at the 
    end of the stress period (as a percent of the increase in sold loans). 
    The capital position in the final month of the stress period is the 
    lowest during the stress period for both Enterprises in both scenarios 
    for the June 1997 base case, so it is the basis for the required 
    capital calculations in all of the simulations discussed in this 
        The cumulative discount factor is based on after-tax borrowing or 
    investing interest rates. Thus, discount factors are relatively high in 
    the up-rate scenario. Freddie Mac's discount factor is lower than 
    Fannie Mae's in that scenario because taxes reduce Freddie Mac's after-
    tax interest rates in the second half of the stress period, but do not 
    reduce Fannie Mae's. The discounted total shows the effects of the 
    additional sold loans on the amount of capital needed to survive the 
    stress test. This amount, when multiplied by 1.3 to include the 
    additional amount for management and operations risks, shows the 
    effects on required capital of the additional sold loans.
    b. Loans with Specific Identical Characteristics
        Unlike the first simulation, which showed the combined effects of 
    each Enterprise's existing mix of risk factors, the following 
    simulations focus on the effects of changes in specific risk factors. 
    In each of the following cases, the sold portfolio is increased as 
    before, but all of the additional loans are identical. The results show 
    how much required capital would be affected by additional sold loans 
    with specific risk characteristics and guarantee fees or, 
    alternatively, how much loans with such characteristics and fees 
    contribute to required capital. The assumptions about guarantee fees 
    have a significant effect on the results. Guarantee fees are generally 
    the same in most of these simulations in order to focus the results on 
    the incremental capital effects of specific risk factors. In practice, 
    though, the Enterprises typically vary the guarantee fees charged to a 
    loan seller depending on the mix of loans they receive from that 
    seller. Thus, the Enterprises implicitly charge higher fees for riskier 
    loans. It would be misleading to characterize these simulation results, 
    which are based on constant guarantee fees, as indicating the relative 
    capital implications of loans in different risk groups as typically 
    acquired by the Enterprises, without making an appropriate adjustment 
    for typical differences in effective guarantee fees. Making such an 
    adjustment in the model would be difficult, however, because the 
    Enterprises do not generally make explicit differences in guarantee 
    fees for individual loans with differences in risk. The same guarantee 
    fee typically applies to all loans in a pool of loans and may be 
    affected by the mix of loans in the pool.
        Also, Enterprise guarantee fees remain constant over the life of 
    the loan, but the risk of the loan generally declines as the loan 
    seasons. A majority of the simulations in this subsection involve new 
    loans. The comparative results of such simulations provide a measure of 
    the relative effects on required capital of different risk factors, but 
    these results do not, by themselves, indicate the expected effects on 
    required capital of the loans over their lifetimes. Additional 
    simulations show the effects of loan seasoning on required capital.
        In these simulations, securities were assumed to have been sold at 
    par with coupons equal to the contract interest rates, less the 
    servicing and guarantee margins. Servicing margins are 30 basis points. 
    For Fannie Mae, the loans were assumed to be securitized under their 
    standard programs with seven days of float on passthrough payments. For 
    Freddie Mac, their ``45-day'' security rules were assumed in float 
    calculations. These securities have negative three days of float on 
    scheduled principal and interest (payments are made to investors before 
    payments are received from servicers) and an average of 38 days of 
    float on prepayments. (In Simulation 1, both 45-day and 75-day rules 
    were used for Freddie Mac, based on the mix of securities outstanding 
    in June 1997.)
    (i) Differences in Guarantee Fees
        To illustrate the effect on required capital of guarantee fees, two 
    simulations were performed that were identical except for guarantee 
    fees. In Simulations 2 and 3, shown in Table 7, the additional sold 
    loans were all newly originated, fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs) in the 
    West South Central Census Division (Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and 
    Arkansas); with 30-year terms, 7.5 percent contract interest rates, and 
    80 percent loan-to-value ratios (LTVs). In Simulation 2, guarantee fees 
    were set at 23 basis points, which is roughly the overall average rate 
    for the two Enterprises, but not necessarily for loans with these 
    characteristics. This simulation is used as a reference for comparison 
    in Tables 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, and 20. The average rate was used in 
    most of the simulations involving additional single family loans for 
    convenience and to isolate the differential effects of other risk 
    factors. In Simulation 3, however, the guarantee fee was reduced to 18 
    basis points to isolate the effects of different guarantee fees. The 
    differences in the results for Simulations 2 and 3 can be used to 
    roughly estimate how the results of other simulations might have been 
    affected by other guarantee fee assumptions.
    [[Page 18102]]
        The incremental capital needed for loans in both of these 
    simulations is substantially higher than that needed for loans with the 
    mix of characteristics in Simulation 1. This result occurs mainly 
    because new 30-year FRMs have nearly double the credit losses in the 
    up-rate scenario and 50 percent more in the down-rate scenario. For 
    Freddie Mac, an additional reason is that securities with the 45-day 
    remittance cycle assumed in Simulations 2 and 3 produce substantially 
    less float income in the up-rate scenario and more negative float 
    income in the down-rate scenario than the average guarantee mix in 
    Simulation 1 did. Freddie Mac's capital need in the up-rate scenario is 
    reduced relative to Fannie Mae's because of tax effects in the second 
    half of the stress period.
        The effect of lower guarantee fees is to increase required capital 
    in both scenarios. A five basis-point reduction in guarantee fees 
    raises required capital by 14 to 18 basis points in the down-rate 
    scenario. The difference in incremental capital is twice that amount in 
    the up-rate scenario because the loans survive longer, owing to 
    significantly fewer prepayments, and so the change in the fee rate 
    applies to a larger volume of outstanding loans during the stress 
    (ii) Differences in Loan Age, With Slow and Steady House Price 
        Seasoned loans (those not recently originated) have different risk 
    characteristics than new loans because loans have different 
    propensities to default and prepay at different ages and because the 
    houses collateralizing seasoned loans have experienced changes in 
    value. Changes in house value alter the probability of negative 
    borrower equity, a key factor influencing default behavior.
        In Table 8, the results of Simulations 4-7, along with Simulation 
    2, which is repeated here, show the effects of age on risk for loans 
    originated in the West South Central Census Division. Houses in that 
    area of the country generally have experienced price appreciation near 
    the national average in recent years. Average annual appreciation over 
    the eight years ending in the second quarter of 1997 was 3.0 percent. 
    Table 9 shows the cumulative average appreciation for houses 
    collateralizing loans of different ages.
        All of the simulations reported in Table 8 are identical, except 
    for the age of the sold loans underlying the additional guarantees. 
    Given the steady increase in house prices preceding the starting point 
    of the simulations, loans are less likely to default over the course of 
    the stress period the older they are at the beginning of the period. 
    Cumulative credit losses for loans made eight years before the start of 
    the stress period are only about \1/5\ as great as for new loans in the 
    up-rate scenario, and about \2/5\ as great in the down-rate scenario. 
    In addition, loans made more than four years earlier have lower 
    liquidation rates than new loans, providing a larger stream of 
    guarantee fees. Consequently, guarantees of older loans cause much 
    smaller increases in capital requirements in the down-rate scenario and 
    actually reduce capital required in the up-rate scenario.
    [[Page 18103]]
    (iii) Differences in Past House Price Appreciation
        The benefits of loan age in reducing risk can be substantially 
    increased or reversed by differences in house price appreciation. Table 
    10 shows results for simulations on four-and eight-year-old loans from 
    different geographic areas. Simulations 8 and 9 are the same as 
    Simulation 5, except the loans in Simulation 8 were made on properties 
    in the Mountain Census Division, where house values rose sharply after 
    the loans were originated, and loans in Simulation 9 were made in the 
    Pacific Census Division, where house values were stagnant. Similarly, 
    Simulations 10 and 11 are the same as Simulation 7, except for the 
    Census division.
        For four-year-old loans, differences in credit losses are 
    substantial and account for almost all differences in results. In both 
    scenarios, credit losses are more than 2\1/2\ times as great in the 
    Pacific Census Division as they are in the Mountain Census Division. 
    However, the effects of different previous changes in house prices 
    ultimately diminish. For eight-year old loans, charge-offs are only 
    about \1/3\ higher in the Pacific Census Division, despite increasing 
    disparity in house price appreciation. Furthermore, that smaller 
    proportional increase in charge-offs is applied to a smaller base 
    because charge-offs are much lower for eight-year old loans than for 
    four-year old loans in all three Census divisions.
    (iv) Differences in Loan Age and Loan-to-Value Ratio
        The higher the original loan-to-value ratio of a loan, the lower 
    the borrower equity. Thus, the more likely it is to default and less 
    likely it is to prepay. The effects of differences in original LTV, 
    however, generally diminish with age. Table 11 shows the results for 
    different LTV-age combinations for 30-year FRMs in the West South 
    Central Division.
    [[Page 18104]]
        In these simulations, the 95 percent LTV loans are assumed to be 
    covered by private mortgage insurance with 30 percent coverage, the 
    current Enterprise standard, provided by a double-A rated firm. Even 
    with the insurance coverage, however, high LTV loans are much riskier 
    than low LTV loans. Not only are high LTV loans more likely to default 
    at any time during the stress period, but they are also less likely to 
    prepay, especially in the down-rate scenario. Thus, they are exposed to 
    default risk over a longer amount of time.
        For newly originated loans, the results are particularly striking. 
    In the up-rate scenario, credit losses on 95 percent LTV loans are very 
    much higher than they are for 50 percent LTV loans. In the down-rate 
    scenario, the difference is even greater. These differences in 
    performance between high and low LTV loans are much bigger than would 
    be expected in normal times. But the very poor credit conditions in the 
    stress test environment have a disproportionate effect on the more 
    vulnerable high LTV loans.
        For seasoned loans, the effects of LTV are muted. Seasoned loans 
    with 50 percent LTVs reduce required capital less than comparable new 
    loans. Though credit losses are lower than those of newly originated 
    loans, the difference is minor, as credit losses are very low in both 
    cases. More importantly, the older loans amortize faster, reducing 
    guarantee fees significantly. For loans with 95 percent LTVs, the 
    difference in credit losses between seasoned and new loans is 
    substantial. With a 13.7 percent average house price appreciation since 
    origination, these seasoned 95 percent LTV loans perform only a little 
    bit worse than newly originated 80 percent LTV loans.
    (v) Differences in Product Type and LTV Ratio
        The simulations shown in Table 12 show the relative effects of 
    three different product types (30-year FRMs, 15-year FRMs, and 
    adjustable-rate mortgages) with low, medium, and high LTVs). All are 
    newly originated loans. To isolate the effects of loan type, the 7.5 
    percent contract loan rate was retained for the 15-year FRMs and is the 
    initial rate on the adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). The ARMs adjust 
    annually to 2.75 percentage points above the one-year constant maturity 
    Treasury yield, with a two percentage point annual adjustment cap and a 
    five percentage point lifetime cap.
    [[Page 18105]]
        The intermediate-term (15-year) FRMs have consistently lower credit 
    losses than long-term (30-year) FRMs because the shorter-term loans 
    amortize more quickly, and borrowers choosing those loans tend to have 
    greater financial resources. For 50 percent LTV loans, the difference 
    in credit losses is small, as credit losses are very low for loans of 
    both terms. In the up-rate scenario, the 30-year loans benefit from 
    slower amortization, which results in more guarantee fees. In both the 
    80 percent and 95 percent LTV categories, the more favorable 
    incremental capital effects of 15-year loans reflect their greater 
    safety. For 95 percent LTV loans, the 15-year loans have sharply lower 
    credit losses, nearly 90 percent below those of 30-year FRMs.
        ARM loans are riskier than 30-year FRMs at all LTV levels in the 
    up-rate scenario, with the differences becoming more pronounced as LTV 
    ratios rise. ARM credit losses in the up-rate scenario are only 
    modestly higher than 30-year FRM credit losses for low LTV loans, but 
    rise to more than double those for 30-year FRMs for high LTV loans. 
    Credit losses for high LTV ARMs cumulate over the course of the stress 
    period to 13.5 percent of the initial loan balances. As the loan 
    interest rates adjust to their lifetime caps, some borrowers have 
    difficulty meeting the elevated payments.
        When interest rates decline, ARMs perform much better. They prepay 
    much more slowly than FRMs in this environment and, therefore, produce 
    substantially more guarantee fee income. At low and moderate LTVs, ARMs 
    have more favorable capital effects than FRMs. However, the greater 
    sensitivity of defaults on ARMs with high initial LTVs outweighs the 
    benefits of higher fee income generated by such loans. While credit 
    losses for high LTV ARMs are still much lower in the down-rate scenario 
    than in the up-rate scenario, the discounted values of those losses are 
    larger in the down-rate scenario because the discount rates are so much 
    lower in that scenario. The capital effects depend on the discounted 
    values, so they are nearly as large in the down-rate scenario for high 
    LTV ARMs as they are in the up-rate scenario. Because of the high risk 
    associated with high LTV ARMs, the Enterprises generally have not 
    purchased ARMs with LTV ratios above 90 percent under their regular 
    underwriting guidelines.
    (vi) Differences in Multifamily Loans
        The Enterprises deal in a large variety of multifamily loan 
    products, and the products differ significantly between the 
    Enterprises. The simulations reported in Table 13 show the incremental 
    effects on required capital of multifamily loans with some relatively 
    common characteristics. The additional sold loans in Simulation 22 are 
    newly originated 15-year balloons with 70 percent LTVs, debt coverage 
    ratios (DCR) of 1.3.\44\ The Fannie Mae loans are assumed to provide 
    partial recourse to the seller for losses, while the Freddie Mac loans 
    do not. Accordingly, a higher guarantee fee is assumed for Freddie Mac 
    loans, 75 basis points, than for Fannie Mae loans, 50 basis points. 
    Simulations 23, 24, and 25 differ, respectively, by changing the 
    balloon to five years, changing the LTV to 80 percent and the DCR to 
    1.2, and changing the loan age to five years.
        \44\ All of the multifamily loans were originated in the West 
    Census Region with 8.5 percent coupons and servicing margins of 50 
    basis points.
    [[Page 18106]]
        Unlike single family loans, multifamily loans with a few years of 
    seasoning have substantially higher credit losses during the stress 
    period. Both types of loans generally have low credit losses in the 
    first years after origination, then rise to a peak before declining. 
    However, the peak loss years for multifamily loans come several years 
    after those for single family loans. Thus, the five-year old loans in 
    Simulation 25 experience more bad loss years than comparable new loans 
    (Simulation 22). Credit losses for high LTV, low DCR loans (Simulation 
    23) are also higher than comparable lower LTV, higher DCR loans because 
    there is a higher probability that the borrower would have an economic 
    incentive to default during the stress period (no equity and negative 
    cash flow). Five-year balloons have higher losses in the up-rate 
    scenario because some properties would be unable to manage the higher 
    interest rates that would accompany a new loan. In the down-rate 
    scenario, five-year balloons terminate sooner and, thus, provide less 
    guarantee fee income.
        Multifamily loan losses are generally less than guarantee fee 
    income in the down-rate scenario. This is especially true for newly 
    originated loans because most of the loans prepay before reaching their 
    peak loss years. Multifamily loans also benefit in the down-rate 
    scenario from lower capitalization rates, which improve their estimated 
    (vii) Differences in Mortgage Insurance on High LTV Loans
        By law, conventional loans purchased by the Enterprises with LTVs 
    greater than 80 percent require credit enhancement. Of the three types 
    permitted, private mortgage insurance is by far the most commonly used. 
    As described above, simulations involving additional guarantees for 
    loans with 95 percent LTV ratios assume that the loans carry 30 percent 
    coverage by a AA rated firm. The simulations reported in Table 14 show 
    effects of varying insurance characteristics on single family loans. 
    The guarantee additions in each case are for newly originated, long-
    term FRMs.
        In 1995, both Enterprises raised their coverage requirements on 95 
    percent LTV loans from 25 percent to 30 percent. Credit losses in 
    Simulation 26, with lower coverage than in Simulation 13 (but with all 
    other characteristics are the same), are 15 percent higher in the down-
    rate scenario and 12 percent higher in the up-rate scenario than they 
    are in Simulation 13. Because the discounted value of those changes is 
    higher in the down-rate scenario, the
    [[Page 18107]]
    required capital is affected more significantly in that scenario. 
    Reducing the credit quality of the coverage (Simulation 28) has much 
    the same effect as reducing the amount of coverage, while improving the 
    credit quality (Simulation 27) has the opposite effect.
    (viii) Differences in Mortgage Interest Rates
        Loans with low interest rates amortize more quickly and prepay more 
    slowly. The reverse is true for high interest rate loans. Table 15 
    shows the results of simulations for newly originated, long-term FRMs 
    with different interest rates. In practice, loans with different 
    interest rates have been originated in different time periods. However, 
    to isolate the effects of different mortgage interest rates, all loans 
    are assumed to be made simultaneously.
        Faster amortization improves loan quality, so credit losses are 
    significantly lower for mortgages with low interest rates. Low interest 
    rate loans also prepay significantly more slowly in the down-rate 
    scenario, increasing guarantee fees. For Freddie Mac, these differences 
    between high and low mortgage interest rates are accentuated by 
    differences in float income. Freddie Mac holds prepayments for an extra 
    month before passing them through to investors. During that month, 
    Freddie Mac earns a market rate of return while paying investors at the 
    mortgage security coupon rate. Float earnings are roughly the same for 
    both high and low mortgage interest rates, but interest passthrough 
    payments to investors are much lower on low rate mortgages, increasing 
    net float income.
    (ix) Differences Between Loans on Owner-Occupied and Investor-Owned 
        Loans on owner-occupied properties present less credit risk than 
    loans on investor-owned properties. Simulation 31, presented in Table 
    16, shows the effects on required capital of adding newly originated, 
    long-term fixed-rate mortgages that are all investor-owned. Required 
    capital for loans on investor-owned properties is substantially higher 
    in all cases because of higher credit losses.
    2. Commitments
        While commitments to purchase mortgages may result in new mortgage 
    guarantees or new retained mortgages, the risk accepted by the 
    Enterprise at the time of commitment is comparable to the risk on new 
    mortgage guarantees. The stress test treats mortgages delivered 
    pursuant to commitments as guarantees of mortgages that are originated 
    in the first few months of the stress test at market interest rates. 
    Hence, no portfolio interest rate risk will be incurred. The mix of 
    other characteristics of the loans reflects the mix of characteristics 
    for existing guaranteed loans of the Enterprise that
    [[Page 18108]]
    were originated during the six months preceding the start of the stress 
        Simulation 32, shown in Table 17, shows the effects on required 
    capital of increasing each Enterprise's commitments outstanding in June 
    1997 by $10 billion. The results are, essentially, an average of the 
    effects on required capital of a mixture of new loans, in which the 
    proportions of loans with particular characteristics (including 
    guarantee fees) match those present in an Enterprise's recently 
    originated and securitized loans. In the up-rate scenario, the effects 
    are muted relative to those in the down-rate scenario because the model 
    assumes that sellers deliver loans for only 75 percent of the 
    commitment volumes.
    3. Assets and Liabilities
        The Enterprises' other line of business is purchasing mortgages and 
    mortgage securities for their asset portfolios and funding them with 
    debt. As holders of mortgages, the Enterprises receive interest income, 
    incur administrative expenses, and bear the risk of loss if a borrower 
    defaults. As market interest rates change, the interest rate of a 
    mortgage becomes more or less favorable, and the value of the mortgage 
    will change. The Enterprises hedge this risk by issuing callable long-
    term debt, which changes in value in a corresponding way. They also 
    enter into interest rate derivative contracts that further reduce the 
    overall sensitivity of their income and net worth to interest rate 
    changes. As a holder of mortgage securities, an Enterprise experiences 
    cash flows, income, and risks similar to those experienced as a holder 
    of whole mortgages except that the credit risk is borne by the security 
    guarantor (usually the Enterprise itself, acting in its other principal 
        The stress test projects the flows of income and expenses 
    associated with these assets in much the same way as it does for 
    mortgage guarantees. However, principal and interest received by an 
    Enterprise on retained mortgages and mortgage securities is not passed 
    on to investors, and no credit losses are charged on asset holdings of 
    mortgage securities guaranteed by either Enterprise or by the 
    Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae). In addition, the 
    stress test projects interest expenses associated with debt and cash 
    flows associated with derivatives contracts.
    a. Assets/Liabilities With Mixed Characteristics Reflecting Enterprise 
        Table 18 shows the additional capital that would be required in 
    both scenarios by a general increase in each Enterprise's assets and 
    liabilities. It is not possible to isolate the average incremental 
    capital effects of a general increase in an Enterprise's mortgage 
    assets in the same way that Simulation 1 measured those effects for 
    guaranteed mortgages. Critical factors in assessing the risk of asset 
    positions are the characteristics of the debt and equity used to fund 
    them. However, specific debt and equity issues cannot be matched with 
    specific assets. It is possible, however, to obtain a measure of the 
    incremental capital effects of a proportional $10 billion increase in 
    all of an Enterprise's assets, including non-mortgage assets, and a 
    simultaneous $10 billion increase in the Enterprise's liabilities and 
    interest rate derivatives.\45\
        \45\ The process is indirect, using the results of other 
    simulations. The increase in required capital for an equal 
    percentage increase in all of an Enterprise's positions, such that 
    assets increase by $10 billion, is simply that percentage of the 
    Enterprise's required capital for the base case simulations for June 
    1997. This increase includes increases in guarantees and 
    commitments. The effect of these increases can be removed by 
    subtracting the incremental effects of the guarantees and 
    commitments as calculated in Simulations 1 and 32, after making 
    adjustments for the differences between a $10 billion change in 
    those factors and a change of the percentage amount used in the 
    first step.
        These results reflect some differences between the Enterprises in 
    asset composition, but, mostly, differences in debt structure and 
    derivatives use in June 1997. In three of the four cases, the 
    incremental effects are close to or less
    [[Page 18109]]
    than the 2.50 percent minimum capital ratio for Enterprise assets. For 
    both Enterprises, the incremental required capital effects of sold 
    loans were higher in the down-rate scenario while the effects of asset 
    holdings and liabilities are higher in the up-rate scenario. Thus, the 
    combined risks of both types of activities are more balanced with 
    respect to interest rates than the risks of either type separately.
    b. Retained Loans With Specific Identical Risk Characteristics
        The simulations discussed below show the effect on required capital 
    of an increase in mortgage assets that is funded by debt. A first group 
    of simulations shows how different characteristics of mortgages affect 
    required capital in each scenario. Five-year, fixed-rate notes were 
    used to fund mortgage assets in each of these simulations. Different 
    funding would not have an appreciable effect on the relative results 
    for mortgages of differing characteristics, as long as the funding was 
    the same for each. In the second group of simulations, mortgage 
    characteristics were held constant, while the funding varied among 
    three alternatives.
        The Enterprises have available, and utilize, a much wider range of 
    funding alternatives than those used in these simulations. These 
    alternatives include debt (both callable and non-callable) of different 
    maturities, debt-derivative combinations that create synthetic debt 
    with various maturity and call characteristics, and debt combined with 
    swaptions (options on swaps) or with interest rate caps, floors, or 
    corridors. Other hedging techniques, such as asset swaps, are also 
    used. The proposed risk-based capital requirements are fully sensitive 
    to all of these alternatives.
        In the Simulations presented in Table 19, $10 billion of retained 
    unsecuritized loans with specific risk characteristics were added to 
    each Enterprise's asset portfolio. The assets were funded with $10 
    billion of five-year notes paying 6.5 percent interest, with no call 
    options. The mortgages in Simulation 33 have the same characteristics 
    as those in Simulation 2, except they have not been securitized. They 
    are newly originated 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, with 80 percent LTV 
    ratios and 7.5 percent contract interest rates from the West South 
    Central Census Division. In Simulations 34 through 39, one risk 
    characteristic (mortgage type, LTV, or age) has been changed from 
    Simulation 29 to illustrate the relative effects on required capital of 
    changes in various characteristics.\46\
        \46\ While these results are for additional retained whole 
    loans, the effects on required capital of additional holdings of 
    mortgage security assets, backed by loans with the same 
    characteristics and funded with the same debt, can be closely 
    approximated by subtracting the effects of additional guarantees of 
    loans with those characteristics. (The comparable loan guarantee 
    simulations are Simulations 2, 17, 20, 12, 13, 5, and 7 
        As the results make clear, using solely five-year fixed-rate debt 
    to fund mortgages would not be an appropriate funding strategy to guard 
    against the risk of large, sustained changes in interest rates like 
    those incorporated in the stress test. When market interest rates 
    decline, fixed-rate mortgages prepay rapidly, and the five-year debt is 
    outstanding far longer than most of the mortgages it originally funded. 
    When market yields rise, fixed-rate mortgages prepay slowly, and the 
    debt matures long before most of the mortgages are liquidated.
        In the up-rate scenario, ARMs with fixed-rate funding reduce 
    required capital because interest income rises with market yields 
    (until lifetime caps are reached), while funding costs remain unchanged 
    during the first five years. Differences in the impact on required 
    capital of fixed-rate mortgages of different types in the up-rate 
    scenario primarily reflect differences in credit losses. However, 15-
    year loans also benefit from faster amortization, making their loan 
    lives correspond more closely to the maturity of the debt used to fund 
    [[Page 18110]]
        In the down-rate scenario, ARMs prepay more slowly than FRMs, but 
    also provide lower interest income. Among fixed-rate types of loans, 
    four-year-old loans prepay more rapidly than new or eight-year-old 
    loans. High-LTV loans, on the other hand, prepay slowly because 
    borrowers lack sufficient equity for refinancing. These differences in 
    prepayment rates greatly affect the interest rate risk characteristics 
    of the loans, so that if they are funded with the same liabilities, 
    four-year old loans with 80 percent LTVs generate higher capital needs 
    in down-rate scenario than new loans with 95 percent LTVs, despite much 
    lower credit losses.
        The proposed capital requirements are very sensitive to differences 
    in funding strategies for mortgage assets because of the magnitude of 
    the interest rate changes in the two scenarios. Table 20 shows the 
    results of three alternative funding choices for newly originated long-
    term FRMs with 80 percent LTVs like those in Simulation 33.
        Funding long-term FRMs with short-term debt (six-month discount 
    notes) provides very substantial benefits when interest rates fall. The 
    debt matures more rapidly than the mortgages, permitting an Enterprise 
    to continue receiving the original yield on the mortgages, while paying 
    much lower interest rates. Short-term funding, though, is extremely 
    costly when interest rates rise because maturing debt must be replaced 
    at much higher rates. A portfolio of long-term fixed-rate mortgages 
    funded with short-term debt, such as those held by Fannie Mae and most 
    thrifts in the late 1970s, would require a capital/asset ratio of well 
    over 20 percent under the proposed rule.
        Funding with long-term debt (ten-year notes with semi-annual 
    interest payments at 6\3/4\ percent) provides large benefits when 
    interest rates rise, but is extremely costly when interest rates fall. 
    Callable long-term debt (ten-year maturity, with a coupon of 7\3/8\ 
    percent, not callable during the first two years) provides benefits in 
    both scenarios.\47\ The results for different funding mixes can be 
    approximated by combining the results shown in Table 20 on a weighted 
    average basis. Thus, for example, in June 1997, the incremental capital 
    effects of new fixed-rate mortgages funded with 65 percent callable 
    long-term debt, 19 percent short-term debt, and 16 percent long-term, 
    non-callable debt would be in a range of 1.2 percent to 2.6 percent for 
    both Enterprises in both interest rate scenarios. Less callable debt 
    would be needed to achieve the same result for seasoned loans.
        \47\ The interest rates of long-term debt used in the 
    simulations roughly reflect what the average cost of such 
    instruments would have been in June 1997.
    4. Administrative Costs
        During the stress period, administrative costs depend not only on 
    the volume of loans held or guaranteed, but also on the rate of 
    spending in the quarter immediately preceding the start of the stress 
    period. A higher rate of administrative expense before the stress 
    period increases costs and depletes capital during the stress period. 
    In Simulation 43, shown in Table 21, $10 million in annual 
    administrative expense ($2.5 million at a quarterly rate) was added to 
    each Enterprise's reported spending in the year preceding the date of 
    the base case simulations (June 1997).
        The results in Table 21 show that if Fannie Mae's annual 
    administrative expense rate had been $1 higher in the year preceding 
    the stress period, its capital requirement would have been $5.92 higher 
    in the up-rate scenario and $3.53 higher in the down-rate scenario. The 
    stress test projects the higher expense rate to continue throughout the
    [[Page 18111]]
    ten years of the stress period, except that the dollar amount of 
    additional expense declines in line with the outstanding loan volume. 
    Thus, in the up-rate scenario, for example, the initial annual $1 
    increase in the expense rate leads to an additional $7.65 of 
    administrative expenses during the stress period. Discounting, taxes, 
    and dividends reduce the incremental required capital to $5.92, even 
    after the 30 percent management and operations risk supplement. 
    Required capital increases more in the up-rate scenario than the down-
    rate scenario because administrative expense is tied in the stress test 
    to outstanding loan volumes, which are larger in the up-rate scenario.
        The effect of increased administrative expenses on required capital 
    is lower for Freddie Mac in both interest rate scenarios. This is true 
    partly because Freddie Mac's mortgages have slightly shorter lives in 
    both interest rate scenarios, but more importantly because Fannie Mae 
    has disproportionately larger commitments outstanding at the start of 
    the stress period. As commitments are transformed into loans during the 
    early months of the stress period, Fannie Mae's overall loan balances 
    rise relative to initial balances by more than Freddie Mac's. This 
    effect is less significant in the up-rate scenario because only 75 
    percent of commitments become loans. However, Freddie Mac's costs in 
    the up-rate scenario are reduced by taxes throughout the stress period, 
    while Fannie Mae's are not. Therefore, Freddie Mac's administrative 
    expense rate has a smaller effect on required capital in both interest 
    rate scenarios.
    5. External Economic Conditions
    a. House Prices
        Stress test results are also greatly affected by changes in 
    external economic conditions. Seasoned mortgages in the base case 
    simulations for June 1997 benefited from modest, but steady average 
    house price appreciation of about three percent per year during the 
    time between origination and the beginning of the stress period. In 
    Simulations 46 and 47, shown in Table 22, the house price index was 
    reduced by one percent and five percent, respectively, in the quarter 
    immediately preceding the stress period (1997 Q2). That is, house price 
    appreciation rates between the first and second quarters of 1997 were 
    assumed to be one percentage point or five percentage points (4 or 20 
    percentage points at an annual rate) less than they actually were. 
    Subsequent house price appreciation rates are the same as in previous 
        When house prices are decreased by one percent, credit losses for 
    each Enterprise increase by four to five percent in the up-rate 
    scenario and by about seven percent in the down-rate scenario. The 
    increases in credit losses when house prices are decreased by five 
    percent are about five times as large as they are for a one percent 
    house price decrease. The increases in incremental capital in both 
    simulations are larger in the down-rate scenario because the decrease 
    in house prices slows prepayment rates in that scenario, owing to 
    higher probabilities of negative equity. Slower prepayment rates 
    increase the volume of mortgages exposed to the risk of default. While 
    loans also prepay more slowly in the up-rate scenario, prepayment rates 
    in the base case simulation for that scenario are already so slow that 
    a similar percentage change has little absolute effect.
        The slowing of prepayment rates with lower house prices in the 
    down-rate scenario also produces two benefits that offset much of the 
    increase in loan losses: guarantee fee income and net interest income 
    increase. The key factor causing the effects on required capital to be 
    larger in the down-rate scenario is that discount rates are lower in 
    that scenario, so the present value of similar additional credit losses 
    is greater.
        Differences in the changes in required capital between the 
    Enterprises primarily reflect lower additional credit losses for 
    Freddie Mac. Fannie Mae's losses are higher because its owned or 
    guaranteed loan volume was about 45 percent larger than Freddie Mac's 
    in June 1997 and its credit losses per dollar of loans are 11 to 14 
    percent higher in the simulations, owing to a somewhat riskier mix of 
    b. Market Interest Rates
        The behavior of interest rates in the months before the starting 
    date of the stress test can also have a significant effect on required 
    capital. In the simulations shown in Table 23, all market yields were 
    assumed to be 200 basis points higher (Simulation 46), or lower 
    (Simulation 47) in the month preceding the stress test period (June 
    1997) than they actually were.\48\ The principal means by which this 
    change in market yields affects required capital is through the change 
    it causes in market interest rates during the last nine years of the 
    stress test.\49\
        \48\ No changes were made to interest rates on asset, liability, 
    or off-balance sheet positions that had been put in place during the 
    month, but they constitute a small share of total positions, and the 
    effects of adjusting interest rates for those positions would have 
    been largely offsetting. Nor were any changes made to Enterprise 
    hedge positions that they might have made had market yields actually 
        \49\ In the circumstances of June 1997 (or any other time since 
    September 1991), the applicable statutory rule for determining the 
    change in the ten-year constant maturity Treasury yield during the 
    stress period is that it increases by 75 percent or decreases by 50 
    percent from the average over the preceding nine months. If interest 
    rates were 200 basis points higher in June 1997, stress test rates 
    would have risen to a level 200  9  x  1.75 = 39 basis 
    points higher for the last nine years in the up-rate scenario. And, 
    in the down-rate scenario, rates would have decreased to a level 200 
     9  x  0.50 = 11 basis points higher. Similarly, if interest 
    rates were 200 basis points lower in June 1997, stress test rates 
    would have been 39 basis points lower in the last nine years of the 
    up-rate scenario and would have fallen to a level 11 basis points 
    lower in the last nine years of the down-rate scenario. These 
    differences are incorporated in Simulations 46 and 47.
    [[Page 18112]]
        In Simulation 46, the hypothetical increases in June 1997 yields 
    make the stress test more severe in the up-rate scenario and less 
    severe in the down-rate scenario. Simulation 47 does the reverse. The 
    size of the effects is much greater for Fannie Mae because its asset 
    size was roughly double Freddie Mac's at the time, and because Fannie 
    Mae's interest rate risk was less fully hedged then Freddie Mac's. 
    Although changes in net interest income accounted for nearly all of the 
    change in required capital, differences in prepayment rates in the 
    down-rate scenarios of both simulations affected required capital 
    through changes in other income and expense categories. Lower 
    prepayment rates in Simulation 46 increased credit losses, but also 
    increased guarantee fees. Higher prepayment rates in Simulation 47 
    decreased credit losses and guarantee fees.
    c. Sensitivity to Risk Characteristics in Different Economic 
        The results of the sensitivity analysis discussed above are 
    dependent on the risk structure of the Enterprises and the economic 
    conditions of June 1997. For example, as discussed above, credit losses 
    on seasoned loans vary depending on house price behavior between the 
    time of origination and the start of the stress test. At higher 
    interest rate levels, the consequences of imperfectly matched assets 
    and liabilities would be greater because stress test changes in 
    interest rates would be larger. At lower interest rate levels, the 
    effects would be smaller. Different Enterprise hedging strategies could 
    affect reported sensitivities because they could result in a different 
    pattern of profits and losses during the stress period, which could 
    affect the role of taxes. Changes in common stock dividend payouts 
    could affect the impact of dividends during the first year of the 
    C. Implications of the Proposed Rule
        The Enterprises perform an important role in the nation's housing 
    finance system. Although the current risk of an Enterprise failure is 
    small, the continued financial health of the Enterprises cannot be 
    taken for granted. Over the past two decades, failures of financial 
    institutions have been commonplace, including more than 2900 banks and 
    thrifts and a number of securities firms. The risks associated with 
    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac differ in some important ways from those 
    associated with banks, thrifts, and securities firms. However, 
    government sponsored enterprises are not immune to failure. Fannie Mae 
    encountered serious financial difficulty in the early 1980s, recovering 
    in large part because of a fortuitous decline in interest rates, and 
    the Farm Credit System experienced serious problems later in the 
    decade. Because of the Enterprises' key role and important public 
    mission, Congress created OFHEO to ensure their safe and sound 
    operation. The current combined obligations of the Enterprises amount 
    to more than $1.7 trillion, and unlike banks, thrifts, and securities 
    firms, no Enterprise obligations are backed by an insurance fund that 
    could contribute toward meeting creditor claims.
        The risk-based capital rule (in conjunction with OFHEO's other 
    regulatory tools) is intended to reduce the risk of financial failure 
    of an Enterprise. The rule can contribute to that goal by requiring the 
    Enterprises to hold more capital or take less risk than they otherwise 
    would in some or most potential circumstances, particularly those 
    circumstances in which the danger of failure is greatest. In 
    circumstances in which some capital or risk adjustment is necessary, 
    the rule gives an Enterprise the flexibility to choose whether more 
    capital, less risk, or a combination of the two best suits its business 
        OFHEO believes that the proposed rule would effectively serve its 
    intended role. By promoting the Enterprises' safety and soundness, the 
    regulation promotes their ability to continue to carry out their public 
    purposes.\50\ These include providing stability in the secondary market 
    for residential mortgages and providing access to mortgage credit in 
    central cities, rural areas, and underserved areas.
        \50\ 1992 Act, section 1302(2) (12 U.S.C. 4501(2)).
        Capital reduces the risk and costs of failure by absorbing losses. 
    For most firms, debt markets provide strong capital discipline, 
    penalizing a firm that is excessively leveraged with higher borrowing 
    costs. That discipline is largely lacking for the Enterprises because 
    of their government sponsored enterprise status. The lack of normal 
    market discipline makes capital requirements particularly important for 
    the Enterprises.
        The minimum capital regulation, currently in place for the 
    Enterprises, provides important protection against failure. It requires 
    the Enterprises to have a minimally acceptable level of capital in 
    relation to their overall size, regardless of their measurable risk. 
    The establishment of the minimum capital standard was accompanied by 
    considerable increases in capital at both Enterprises. Because, 
    however, it is based on simple leverage ratios, it will not be 
    sufficient if an Enterprise chooses to take risky financial positions 
    or if market conditions move adversely and increase the risk of what 
    had been less risky positions. By contrast, the proposed rule is quite 
    sensitive to risk. It would require an Enterprise to increase capital 
    when risk rises, well before the potential adverse
    [[Page 18113]]
    consequences of the rise would be reflected in the Enterprise's 
    financial statements. Each of the two capital rules is an essential 
    complement to the other.
    1. Capital Requirements Under the Proposed Rule
        Consistent with the purpose of reducing the risk of Enterprise 
    failure, the proposed rule can be expected to influence how the 
    Enterprises manage their risk and the amount of capital they hold. 
    Table 24 shows actual total capital (amounts available to meet the 
    risk-based capital requirement) and required total capital under the 
    proposed rule for two dates: September 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997.\51\ 
    It also shows actual core capital (amounts available to meet the 
    minimum capital requirement) and required core capital on the same 
    dates. The difference between total capital and core capital is that 
    total capital includes general loss reserves, while core capital does 
        \51\ These results include estimated effects on required total 
    capital for three provisions of the proposed rule that require 
    credit ratings: credit losses on non-mortgage investments; on 
    derivative contracts; and on rated mortgage-related securities, such 
    as mortgage revenue bonds. OFHEO assumed that 50 percent of non-
    mortgage investments are rated AAA, 35 percent are rated AA, and 15 
    percent are rated A. The percentages for derivative contracts are 
    85, 15, and 0, respectively; and those for rated mortgage-related 
    securities are 70, 30, and 0, respectively. The results do not 
    reflect the effects of master netting agreements, nor haircuts on 
    foreign-denominated contracts. Multifamily credit enhancements, 
    other than those for Fannie Mae's DUS product are not modeled 
    explicitly, but are assumed to reduce loss severities by 15.9 
    percentage points.
        Table 25 shows the surplus or deficit of total capital for both 
    interest rate scenarios. The risk-based capital requirement for an 
    Enterprise is based on the scenario that would result in the greatest 
    deficit or smallest surplus. To meet the requirement, an Enterprise 
    must not have a capital deficit in either scenario. Freddie Mac would 
    have had a risk-based capital surplus of 28 percent on the 1996 date 
    and 19 percent in 1997, while Fannie Mae would have had a deficit on 
    each date of 21 percent. In contrast, both firms met the existing 
    minimum capital standard on both dates, with surpluses ranging from 4 
    percent to 11 percent. Thus, the risk-based capital requirement would 
    have been much higher than the minimum capital requirement for Fannie 
    Mae, even after taking account of the differences in the definition of 
    capital under the two standards. For Freddie Mac, however, the minimum 
    capital requirement would have been higher than the risk-based capital 
    requirement. Thus, the risk-based standard would not have imposed any 
    additional requirement on Freddie Mac on those dates. The primary 
    reason Fannie Mae's risk-based capital requirement would have exceeded 
    its minimum capital requirement, while Freddie Mac's would not, is that 
    Freddie Mac's asset/liability structure was more fully hedged against 
    interest rate risk than Fannie Mae's.
    [[Page 18114]]
        Risk-based capital requirements in the future may vary 
    significantly, depending not only on the Enterprises' assets and 
    obligations, but also on contemporary economic conditions. Declines in 
    house prices in the years preceding the starting date of the stress 
    test can greatly raise capital requirements under the proposed rule, 
    and rapid house price appreciation during these years can greatly 
    reduce them. Unhedged interest rate exposures would require greater 
    capital when interest rates are higher at the start of the stress 
    period because changes in interest rates during the stress period will 
    be greater. The reverse is true when interest rates are lower. Economic 
    environments entailing greater than usual uncertainty about future 
    interest rates or mortgage defaults will be accompanied by higher costs 
    for hedges, such as callable debt or credit enhancements. In the 
    absence of a risk-based capital standard, an Enterprise might choose to 
    maintain capital and hedges that would be sufficient to meet the 
    proposed standard in low risk environments, but might not do so in high 
    risk environments owing to the higher cost of capital and hedges in 
    such environments.
    2. Enterprise Adjustments To Meet the Proposed Standard
        An Enterprise with capital and risk preferences that are not 
    consistent with the proposed standard could adjust to the standard by 
    either increasing capital or decreasing risk or both. Capital can be 
    increased by reducing share repurchases, adjusting dividends, or 
    issuing new equity shares. Enterprise risk can be reduced by increasing 
    the use of interest rate and credit risk hedges, after risk is taken 
    on, or by reducing the amount of risk taken on.
        Financial markets currently provide a wide range of hedges against 
    interest rate risk. These include, among others: callable long-term 
    debt, caps and floors, and swaps and swaptions. Adding interest rate 
    risk hedges may frequently be cheaper than increasing equity. For 
    example, based on the differences in results of Simulations 40, 41, and 
    42 shown in Table 20, Fannie Mae could have met the proposed standard 
    in June 1997 by issuing $22 billion of callable ten-year notes and 
    using the proceeds to pay off $14 billion of short-term debt and 
    repurchase $8 billion of ten-year notes.\52\ Given the market yields at 
    that time, such a change in debt structure would have cost less than 
    $200 million on an annual basis, after taxes. However, because this 
    debt restructuring would have provided substantial benefits in terms of 
    reduced risk, the net cost would have been much lower.
        \52\ The interest rates of long-term debt used in the 
    simulations roughly reflect what the average cost of such 
    instruments would have been in June 1997.
        Changes in an Enterprise's asset/liability structure to reduce 
    interest rate risk, such as the one described in the above example, may 
    be much cheaper than raising new equity. If the annual cost of equity 
    capital is assumed to be 15 percent, the net cost of raising sufficient 
    equity would have been roughly $385 million.\53\ Other forms of 
    liability restructuring, or changes in the interest rate risk 
    characteristics of the assets, might have resulted in lower costs than 
    those estimated here for hypothetical changes in debt structure. Fannie 
    Mae anticipated the likelihood of such opportunities in its comment on 
    OFHEO's ANPR: ``* * * if the [mortgage] portfolio is in a position 
    where its risk-based capital requirement exceeds its actual capital, 
    the practical remedy would be to change the portfolio's asset/liability 
    structure so that this is no longer the case.'' An alternative way for 
    an Enterprise to reduce its interest rate risk is simply to reduce the 
    size of its asset portfolio. Given the high profitability of those 
    portfolios in recent years, that currently would not be a likely 
        \53\ In its analysis supporting its affordable housing goal 
    rule, HUD used an estimate for the cost of equity capital of 17 
    percent, but subsequent increases in price-earnings ratios suggest a 
    smaller number for more recent dates. The cost calculation assumes 
    that the additional equity would have replaced an equal amount of 
        Increasingly, credit risk can also be hedged in financial markets. 
    Freddie Mac's 1998 MODERNS transaction effectively transferred a 
    portion of the credit risk on its 1996 mortgage purchases to investors 
    in the new securities.\54\ Further development of the credit 
    derivatives market may provide additional opportunities for 
    transferring credit risk in the future. An Enterprise can also reduce 
    its credit risk by requiring or acquiring more credit enhancements. As 
    an example, the Enterprises increased requirements for mortgage 
    insurance on 95 percent LTV loans starting in 1995.
        \54\ Investor returns on the securities are dependent on the 
    rate of defaults in a pool of mortgages representing 17.4 percent of 
    Freddie Mac's single family, 30-year FRMs purchased in 1996.
        Finally, an Enterprise could adjust to a capital shortage by 
    curtailing the size of its mortgage guarantee business. Such a measure 
    is likely to be taken only as a last resort, as that business is the 
    primary means by which an Enterprise fulfills its fundamental public 
    purposes. As long as that business is profitable, an Enterprise is 
    likely to prefer to restructure its asset/liability positions, obtain 
    more credit risk hedges, or, if necessary, raise additional capital. If 
    the Enterprise is financially safe and sound, raising additional equity 
    capital should not be difficult. Because the proposed rule should help 
    ensure the Enterprise's continued healthy financial condition, the rule 
    would make it less, rather than more, likely that the Enterprise will 
    need to restrict its activities.
    3. Guarantee Fees
        It is unlikely that the proposed rule will have any material 
    effects on the general level of guarantee fees charged by the 
    Enterprises. The stress test results make it particularly unlikely that 
    the rule would have any effects on guarantee fees in economic 
    environments like those of the recent
    [[Page 18115]]
    past. Freddie Mac would have met the risk-based standard in 1996 and 
    1997 by substantial margins, without any changes to its balance sheet 
    or business operations. Thus, the risk-based capital standard would not 
    have given Freddie Mac any cause to raise guarantee fee levels. Fannie 
    Mae would not have been able to, if it wished to maintain its 
    competitive position. In the future, there may be circumstances in 
    which the capital or risk positions of both Enterprises are affected 
    simultaneously by the risk-based standard. The analysis of such cases 
    is more complicated. However, the duopolistic structure of the 
    secondary mortgage market and the generally small impact of the 
    guarantee business on required capital make it unlikely that the 
    standard would affect guarantee fees in those circumstances, either.
        Guarantee fees compensate the Enterprises for assuming credit risk 
    on the mortgages they purchase in the secondary market. They may be 
    explicit, as they are for securitized loans, or implicit, as they are 
    for loans purchased for Enterprise portfolios. These fees primarily 
    cover expected credit losses and operating expenses, but include a 
    return to the capital needed to protect against more severe credit 
    losses in adverse environments. The need to provide such a return 
    effectively makes capital a component of cost in the Enterprises' 
    secondary market activities.
        In a fully competitive market, a regulation (such as a capital 
    regulation) that raises the marginal costs of all firms in that market 
    would result in higher prices (guarantee fees in this case). However, 
    the secondary mortgage market is not fully competitive.\55\ Fannie Mae 
    and Freddie Mac constitute virtually the entire buy side of the 
    secondary market for fixed-rate conforming, conventional mortgages, 
    making that market a duopoly.\56\ In a duopoly, the two firms generally 
    exercise market power by charging prices (the guarantee fee) in excess 
    of marginal cost, and thereby recognizing economic profits.
        \55\ For a fuller discussion of secondary mortgage market 
    structure and behavior, see Benjamin E. Hermalin and Dwight M. 
    Jaffe, ``The Privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: 
    Implications for Mortgage Industry Structure,'' in Studies on 
    Privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, U.S. Department of Housing 
    and Urban Development, May 1996. This paper was jointly commissioned 
    by HUD, the Department of the Treasury, the General Accounting 
    Office, and the Congressional Budget Office.
        \56\ The ``buy side'' terminology here is traditional but 
    confusing. The Enterprises are either buying mortgages or selling 
    guarantees. Either way, they are charging implicit or explicit fees 
    for assuming credit risk.
        In theory, the guarantee fee charged by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 
    may range between the perfectly competitive rate (where the fee equals 
    the firms' marginal cost) and the monopoly rate (where the fee 
    maximizes the two firms' joint profits as if they were operating as a 
    cartel). If the fee at which other firms may enter the market is less 
    than the monopoly fee, then the maximum fee would be that at which 
    entry would take place.
        The Enterprises' current guarantee fees reflect the profit-
    maximizing decisions of both Enterprises. These decisions are affected 
    by the degree of competition between the two firms, the threat of entry 
    by other firms, and activities necessary to maintain or enhance the 
    value of their public charters. The current level of guarantee fees 
    already reflects the maximum guarantee fees that each Enterprise feels 
    it can charge without reducing long-run profits. If this were not the 
    case, Enterprise shareholders likely would object. In such 
    circumstances, a small increase in capital (or any other) cost is 
    unlikely to affect guarantee fees. Only if the cost increase was 
    sufficiently large to raise marginal cost (including an adequate return 
    to attract capital) above the current fee level, would a fee increase 
    reasonably be expected.
        The Treasury Department and the Congressional Budget Office 
    estimated in 1996 that the Enterprises collected roughly five basis 
    points (0.05 percent) in fees for their mortgage-backed security 
    guarantees above what they would need to recover costs plus a normal 
    profit margin.\57\ After taxes (at an effective rate of 30 percent), 
    that amounts to 3.5 basis points. A risk-based capital standard that 
    raised the capital costs associated with the Enterprises' guarantee 
    business by less than that amount would still allow the Enterprises to 
    earn returns above a normal profit margin.
        \57\ U.S. Department of the Treasury, The Government Sponsorship 
    of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home 
    Loan Mortgage Corporation, July 11, 1996; The Congressional Budget 
    Office, Assessing the Public Costs and Benefits of Fannie Mae and 
    Freddie Mac, May, 1996.
        If a new capital standard required an Enterprise to increase its 
    equity when it increased its guarantee business, its capital cost per 
    dollar of new guarantee business would be the amount of additional 
    capital required times the cost of new equity capital, perhaps 15 
    percent. The proposed rule, however, provides an alternative to raising 
    equity, which is to reduce some other risk. As shown in the previous 
    section, Fannie Mae could meet an overall higher capital requirement of 
    $3.68 billion at an after-tax cost of less than $200 million in June 
    1997. The cost per dollar of additional capital requirements was only 
    about 5.4 cents (0.20  3.68). An additional dollar of capital 
    requirements associated with new guarantee business could be met in the 
    same way. Based on that cost of capital, if an additional dollar of 
    guarantee business caused required capital under the new standard to be 
    65 basis points greater than under the existing standard, the 
    additional capital cost would be only as great as the duopoly surplus 
    margin of 3.5 basis points (65  x  .054 = 3.5).
        In the absence of a risk-based capital standard, regulatory capital 
    costs are based on the existing minimum capital leverage ratio for 
    mortgage-backed security guarantees, which is 0.45 percent (45 basis 
    points). A comparison with the incremental capital required for sold 
    loans under the risk-based capital requirement must take into account 
    that the leverage requirement can be met only with equity (core) 
    capital, while the risk-based requirement can be met with both equity 
    and reserves (total capital). Reserves for losses on mortgage-backed 
    security guarantees average about seven basis points per dollar of 
    guarantees at both Enterprises, so the comparable minimum capital 
    requirement in terms of total capital is 52 basis points. Thus, a risk-
    based capital standard could potentially raise the incremental amount 
    of total capital required for sold loans to as much as 117 basis points 
    (52 + 65) and still allow the Enterprises to earn sufficient profits to 
    continue to attract capital.
        Even greater increases would be unlikely to affect guarantee fees 
    in circumstances when the capital and risk decisions of one or both 
    Enterprises are unaffected by the risk-based standard, as was 
    presumably the case for Freddie Mac on the two recent dates for which 
    risk-based capital calculations have been performed. If the risk-based 
    standard were binding (affected capital or risk decisions) for only one 
    of the Enterprises, then, even if its incremental risk-based 
    requirements for sold loans were very much higher than the minimum 
    capital ratio, it would be difficult for that Enterprise to raise 
    guarantee fees independently. Doing so likely would cause it to lose 
    market share and profits to the other Enterprise.
        Even if the risk-based standard were binding on both Enterprises, 
    it appears unlikely that the proposed standard would raise the capital 
    required for the Enterprises' mortgage guarantee business to as much as 
    117 basis points. The results of a simulated increase in
    [[Page 18116]]
    overall MBS guarantee volumes, shown in Table 6, indicate that the 
    incremental capital required in 1997 for the up-rate scenario of the 
    risk-based standard was well below the 52 basis points needed to meet 
    the minimum capital standard. In the down-rate scenario, incremental 
    capital of as much as 89 basis points would have been needed, but that 
    is still substantially below the 117 basis points level that 
    potentially would trigger a rise in guarantee fees.
        While the results referred to in Table 5 are informative, an 
    Enterprise evaluating the capital costs associated with its mortgage 
    guarantee business would properly focus on its prospective costs at 
    future dates. To do so, it would want to estimate the likelihood of its 
    being bound by the risk-based standard in the future, and if it thought 
    it would be bound, the relative likelihood of being bound by the up-
    rate and down-rate scenarios. It would also want to make informed 
    guesses about the other Enterprise's estimations on its own behalf. 
    Finally, it would want to estimate the likelihood of significantly 
    higher incremental capital requirements for sold loans under the risk-
    based standard.
        These incremental requirements will be affected by the pace of 
    house price appreciation in the years preceding the date of capital 
    calculation. The figures in Table 5 reflect annual appreciation of 
    about three percent, lower than long-run historical averages. If an 
    Enterprise anticipated stagnant or declining house prices over an 
    extended period of time, and if it believed both itself and the other 
    Enterprise likely would be bound by the risk-based standard, 
    particularly the down-rate scenario, it might have an incentive to 
    raise guarantee fees. In such a circumstance, its expected losses would 
    also rise, and likely by far more than its capital costs. The higher 
    expected losses would, in that case, be the principal cause of higher 
        A riskier interest rate environment could also affect projected 
    capital costs. If the cost of interest rate risk hedges rose 
    dramatically, so that it became cheaper to meet shortfalls in required 
    capital by raising new equity than by increasing interest rate hedges, 
    any increase in capital required by an Enterprise's sold loans would be 
    more costly and more likely to lead to a small increase in guarantee 
    fees. However, providing adequate protection in unusually risky 
    economic environments, such as those with much higher interest rate 
    hedging costs or persistent weakness of house prices is a fundamental 
    purpose of the risk-based capital standard.
        OFHEO has also considered the possibility that the proposed 
    standard, while not affecting the general level of guarantee fees, 
    could affect the fees charged directly or indirectly on loans made to 
    low income borrowers. Such effects are unlikely and would, in any 
    event, be minimal. Consequently, the risk-based capital standard will 
    not significantly affect the Enterprises' ability to purchase 
    affordable housing loans. These conclusions are based on several 
    considerations. First, the capital surpluses that Freddie Mac would 
    have held in 1996 and 1997 under the rule show that no changes in any 
    Enterprise fees or loan-purchase practices would have been justified in 
    recent economic environments.
        Second, with respect to potentially more adverse environments, the 
    capital cost of single family loans meeting the Enterprises' affordable 
    housing goals should not be materially different, on average, from the 
    cost of other loans. The stress test makes no specific distinctions 
    among loans to different income groups. However, the stress test does 
    distinguish single family loans according to LTV class and some 
    Enterprise affordable products are high LTV loans. The simulation 
    results in Section II. B., Sensitivity of Capital Requirements to Risk, 
    show that high LTV single family loans are generally riskier and affect 
    risk-based capital requirements more than other loans. However, the 
    overall LTV distribution of single family loans purchased by Fannie Mae 
    and Freddie Mac for low-and moderate-income borrowers (borrowers with 
    less than area median income) is practically the same as the LTV 
    distribution of all their purchased loans. In fact, only a small 
    percentage of the loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers purchased 
    by the Enterprises are high LTV loans (those with LTV ratios above 90 
        Third, while high LTV loans have much higher than average risk, the 
    simulation results overstate the capital implications of those loans. 
    The results of Simulations 13 and 15, in Table 12, show incremental 
    capital required under the risk-based standard for new and four-year-
    old loans, as of June 1997. For a weighted average of Enterprise loans 
    guaranteed at that time, these incremental requirements were about 170 
    basis points above the comparable minimum capital ratio in the up-rate 
    scenario, and about 325 basis points above in the down-rate scenario. 
    Those differences in capital required, however, overstate the impact of 
    high LTV loans because they assume only an average level of guarantee 
    fees. As discussed earlier, the Enterprises generally charge higher 
    fees implicitly on such loans by adjusting the average fees charged to 
    lenders according to the average risk of the loans they deliver. And as 
    shown by the comparison of Simulations 2 and 3, in Table 8, differences 
    in guarantee fees affect incremental capital requirements. The 
    overstatement may be increased by the assumption that the Enterprises 
    have priced these loans based on the incremental capital needed to meet 
    the minimum standard. Both Enterprises use internal capital models that 
    reflect the higher risk of high LTV loans and already may incorporate 
    higher capital costs into the implicit fees charged for these loans.
        Fourth, the capital implications of multifamily loans, which 
    predominately benefit low- and moderate-income households, are mixed 
    and serve, in some circumstances, as hedges for other high-risk loans. 
    Simulations 22 to 25 show a wide variety of incremental capital 
    requirements under the risk-based standard for June 1997. On a weighted 
    average basis, accepting credit risk on multifamily loans lowered risk-
    based requirements in the down-rate scenario and raised them somewhat 
    more than minimum capital requirements in the up-rate scenario. The 
    results in the down-rate scenario are the reverse of the pattern for 
    high LTV single family loans, so that higher costs on high LTV single 
    family loans are substantially offset by lower costs on multifamily 
    loans. In the up-rate scenario, the potential effects of high LTV loans 
    and multifamily loans are similar, but not large.
        Finally, even if the proposed rule did require some additional 
    capital against a portion of the Enterprises affordable housing 
    activities, such a requirement would be consistent with the 
    Enterprises' charters and public mission. The Enterprises' charters 
    specifically state that the return on required lending to low-and 
    moderate-income borrowers may be less than the return earned on other 
    4. Mortgage Interest Rates
        The primary effects of the Enterprises' activities on mortgage 
    interest rates occur through their roles as mortgage security 
    guarantors. Mortgage security yields are determined in capital markets, 
    and the interest rates borrowers pay reflect those yields plus the 
    margins retained by the Enterprises, as guarantee fees, and those 
    retained by lenders and servicers. Because of the dominant role of the 
    Enterprises in the market for conforming, single family mortgages, 
    increases in their guarantee fees would raise lenders' costs and 
    translate fairly directly to changes in borrowers' costs.
    [[Page 18117]]
    However, because the proposed rule likely will have no material effect 
    on guarantee fees, it would not have a significant effect on mortgage 
    rates through the Enterprises' roles as mortgage guarantors.
        As investors in mortgages and mortgage securities, the Enterprises 
    may also affect mortgage rates indirectly. They now hold roughly an 
    eighth of all conforming, single family mortgages, and massive changes 
    in their purchase volumes could have some effect, at least temporarily, 
    on prices in that market. However, the Enterprises do not dominate the 
    mortgage investment asset market in the same way that they dominate the 
    market for guarantees on conforming loans. Consequently, the effects on 
    mortgage security yields of even substantial changes in their 
    investment in mortgage securities would be small. Furthermore, the 
    proposed rule is unlikely to have a substantial effect on Enterprises' 
    purchases of mortgage assets. Freddie Mac added roughly $100 billion to 
    its portfolio in the four years preceding the June 1997 simulations and 
    still easily met the requirements of the proposed rule. Thus, it is 
    unlikely that the proposed rule would affect the mortgage interest 
    rates paid by borrowers through the Enterprises' roles as mortgage 
    investors, either.
    III. Issues, Alternatives Considered
    A. Mortgage Performance
        The 1992 Act requires the risk-based capital test to subject the 
    Enterprises to specified adverse credit and interest rate risk 
    conditions to determine the level of capital needed to survive a 
    hypothetical ten-year stress period. The 1992 Act does not specifically 
    refer to mortgage performance, but rather discusses the credit-risk 
    portion of the stress test as including rates of mortgage default and 
    loss severity. As a convenience, OFHEO used the term ``mortgage 
    performance'' in the ANPR to facilitate discussion of the essential 
    elements of credit risk, mortgage default and loss severity, as well as 
    mortgage prepayment, a key element of interest rate risk. The 1992 
    Act's requirement to determine a prepayment experience consistent with 
    the stress period is also relevant to credit risk, because loans that 
    are paid off prior to maturity affect default rates by reducing the 
    number of loans that have the potential to default and by increasing 
    the proportion of loans likely to default. Together, default, 
    prepayment, and loss severity define how a portfolio of mortgages will 
    perform in the proposed stress test. That performance is a key element 
    in determining the ability of an Enterprise to withstand the economic 
    shocks imposed by the stress test.
        To determine the level of capital needed to survive the stress 
    test, the proposed regulation uses a monthly cash flow model to project 
    the performance of each Enterprise during the stress period. Underlying 
    the simulation of mortgage and mortgage security cash flows are models 
    that project mortgage performance during the stress period.
        This section discusses the issues, alternative approaches and 
    related ANPR comments that were considered by OFHEO in developing 
    models to project mortgage performance under economic conditions 
    specified in the l992 Act. Section III. A. 1., Statutory Requirements 
    describes relevant statutory requirements. Section III. A. 2., Overview 
    of Mortgage Performance, explains how mortgage performance is measured 
    and projected in the stress test. Next, in section III. A. 3., 
    Statistical Models of Mortgage Performance, through section III. A. 7., 
    Relating Losses to the Benchmark Loss Experience, the issues 
    encountered by OFHEO in developing models of mortgage performance, 
    along with relevant comments received in response to the ANPR, are 
    discussed. Section III. A. 3., Statistical Models of Mortgage 
    Performance, discusses OFHEO's decision to employ statistical models to 
    predict default, prepayment, and severity rates. Section III. A. 4., 
    General Methodological Issues, reviews general methodological issues 
    encountered in making product distinctions and developing loan and 
    property value data for use in estimating the statistical models and in 
    applying those models in the stress test. Section III. A. 5., Default/
    Prepayment Issues, details the construction of the default and 
    prepayment models, including use of conditional rates of default and 
    prepayment, use of joint models of default and prepayment, and choice 
    of the explanatory variables used in the models. Section III. A. 6., 
    Loss Severity, moves from default and prepayment to issues encountered 
    in modeling loss severity rates. Section III. A. 7., Relating Losses to 
    the Benchmark Loss Experience, discusses issues arising from the 
    statutory direction to reasonably relate stress test losses to the 
    benchmark loss experience.
    1. Statutory Requirements
        The 1992 Act mandates a stress test based on a regional recession 
    involving the highest rates of default and loss severity experienced 
    during a period of at least two years in an area containing at least 
    five percent of the total U.S. population.\58\ This mandate required 
    identifying a benchmark loss experience, which is the default and 
    severity behavior of mortgage loans, in a place and time meeting 
    statutory requirements, that resulted in the highest loss rate for any 
    such place and time.\59\ In this context, default and severity behavior 
    means the frequency, timing, and magnitude of losses on mortgage loans, 
    given the specific characteristics of those loans and the economic 
    circumstances affecting those losses. The 1992 Act requires that 
    default and severity rates in the stress test be reasonably related to 
    this benchmark loss experience. In contrast, the 1992 Act does not 
    prescribe any particular experience for the third key component of 
    mortgage performance, prepayment. Rather, the Act requires that the 
    Director determine prepayment levels, ``on the basis of available 
    information, to be most consistent with the stress period.'' \60\
        \58\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(1) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(1)).
        \59\ See 61 FR 29592, June 11, 1996, in which OFHEO proposed 
    procedures for establishing the benchmark loss experience.
        \60\ 1992 Act, section 1361(b)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(b)(2)).
        The 1992 Act requires the Director to take into account appropriate 
    distinctions among mortgage product types and differences in loan 
    seasoning. It also authorizes the Director to also take into account 
    any other factors that the Director deems appropriate.\61\ The statute 
    defines the term ``seasoning'' as ``the change over time in the ratio 
    of the unpaid principal balance of a mortgage to the value of the 
    property by which such mortgage loan is secured.'' \62\ The importance 
    of seasoning is that a decline in a property's value can result in 
    negative equity, the factor most predictive of rates of default.
        \61\ 1992 Act, section 1361(b)(1) (12 U.S.C. 4611(b)(1)).
        \62\ 1992 Act, section 1361(d)(1) (12 U.S.C. 4611(d)(1)).
        The 1992 Act defines mortgage product type as a classification of 
    one or more mortgage products having similar characteristics with 
    respect to the property securing the loan, the interest rate, the 
    priority of the lien, the term of the mortgage, the owner of the 
    property (owner-occupant vs. investor), the nature of the amortization 
    schedule, and any other characteristics as the Director may determine. 
    Specifically, the 1992 Act requires OFHEO to take into account 
    distinctions between different mortgage types, such as: (1) properties 
    consisting of 1-4 residential units and those containing more than four 
    [[Page 18118]]
    (2) fixed and adjustable interest rates; (3) first and second liens; 
    (4) terms of 1-15 years, terms of 16-30 years and terms of more than 30 
    years; (5) owner occupants and investors; and (6) fully amortizing 
    loans and loans that are not fully amortizing.
        The 1992 Act prescribes two interest rate scenarios, one with rates 
    falling and the other with rates rising.\63\ In each scenario, the ten-
    year constant maturity Treasury yield (CMT) experiences a significant 
    change during the first year of the stress test, and then remains at 
    the new level during the remaining nine years of the stress test. The 
    capital requirement for each Enterprise is based on the scenario with 
    the more adverse impact.\64\ The 1992 Act recognizes that interest 
    rates are related to credit risk as well as interest rate risk, 
    specifically requiring that credit losses be adjusted for a 
    correspondingly higher rate of general price inflation if applying the 
    stress test results in an increase of more than 50 percent in the ten-
    year CMT.\65\
        \63\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)).
        \64\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)).
        \65\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2)(E) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)(E)).
    2. Overview of Mortgage Performance
        The amount of capital needed to survive the stress conditions 
    prescribed by statute is determined by the overall financial 
    performance of the Enterprises' starting books of business, including 
    all assets, liabilities, and off-balance sheet obligations, under the 
    stress conditions. Mortgage performance contributes to the overall 
    financial performance of an Enterprise during the stress period, 
    because various sources of income and expense reflected on an 
    Enterprise's income statement depend directly on mortgage performance. 
    For example, guarantee fee income on securitized loans, net interest 
    income on retained loans and securities, and losses on defaulting loans 
    (offset by the receipt of private mortgage insurance payments and other 
    third-party credit enhancements) all depend on the projected default 
    and prepayment behavior of the underlying mortgage assets.
        For purposes of the proposed regulation, mortgage performance is a 
    function of the survival or termination of loans and, ultimately, the 
    associated cash flows. Loan terminations can occur either through 
    default (borrower failure to pay) or through prepayment (early payment 
    in full). Prepayments have a significant impact on credit risk, because 
    they affect the timing and rates of default. Prepayments also affect 
    Enterprise income, because they cut off the income stream from interest 
    payments or guarantee fees. Defaults likewise cut off the income 
    stream, and, in addition, result directly in credit losses.
        To understand how the stress test generates and uses mortgage 
    performance information, the test may be viewed as comprised of three 
    elements--models, stress test specifications, and data inputs. In the 
    context of mortgage performance, the models are sets of equations 
    designed to predict the performance of any group of Enterprise 
    mortgages under any given set of economic circumstances. The model 
    equations themselves are ``estimated'' based upon OFHEO's historical 
    database of mortgage information to predict the most likely default and 
    severity rates for any given group of mortgages under any given pattern 
    of interest rates and house prices. These models are generic tools that 
    could be used in many different stress tests with different 
    specifications. The specifications actually define the ``stress'' in 
    the stress test. They include adjustments to reflect statutory 
    requirements, such as the requirement that default and severity rates 
    be ``reasonably related'' to the benchmark experience or that interest 
    rate increases greater than 50 percent reflect a correspondingly higher 
    rate of inflation. The specifications also include the house price and 
    residential rent paths and the interest rates that will apply during 
    the stress period. The data inputs to the models can change each time 
    the stress test is run. The data inputs include data on the 
    characteristics of loans owned or guaranteed by the Enterprises, 
    starting interest rates, and updated house and residential rent price 
    indexes, which are used to calculate current equity in the loan 
    collateral properties.
        The general approach of the stress test to mortgage performance 
    involves three main steps: (1) estimation of statistical models of 
    mortgage performance (default, prepayment, and loan loss severity) 
    using Enterprise data covering a wide range of historical experience; 
    (2) adjustments to the statistical models to assure a reasonable 
    relationship to the benchmark loss experience; and (3) application of 
    the adjusted models to starting Enterprise mortgage portfolios in the 
    stress test. To assist the reader in understanding the more detailed 
    discussion of mortgage performance issues that follows, this section 
    provides a brief summary of some key issues concerning of the statutory 
    requirement to ``reasonably'' relate the performance of mortgages in 
    the stress test to the benchmark experience.
        Because the benchmark sample contained only newly-originated, 
    fixed-rate, 30-year, owner-occupied, single family loans, the stress 
    test could not simply apply the rates of default and losses in the 
    benchmark loss experience and still take into account differences in 
    mortgage product types, seasoning of mortgages, and other factors the 
    Director considers appropriate, as required by the 1992 Act.\66\ Thus, 
    the first issue considered by OFHEO was how to link mortgage 
    performance in the stress test to the benchmark loss experience. The 
    primary question was whether to use a model-based approach to help link 
    the performance of an Enterprise's current loan portfolio to the 
    benchmark loss experience, or to rely upon a less sophisticated, but 
    less risk-sensitive approach. For reasons discussed under section III. 
    A. 3., Statistical Models of Mortgage Performance, OFHEO concluded that 
    the benefits of using a model-based approach exceed any potential 
        \66\ 1992 Act, section 1361 (b)(1) (12 U.S.C. 4611 (b)(1)).
        The next key issue was the choice of variables to include in any 
    statistical equations that would be part of a (statistical) model of 
    mortgage performance. OFHEO's choices in this regard were again 
    governed by the need to meet the multiple statutory objectives 
    described above, while also implementing a credit stress test based on 
    the historical benchmark loss experience. The stress test does not 
    project all differences in loan performance that may have been 
    identified in previous research. Rather, the factors used to project 
    mortgage performance are limited to those necessary to: (1) reflect 
    differences in characteristics of loans in implementing the credit risk 
    stress component of the stress test as required by the 1992 Act; and 
    (2) reflect differences in the interest rate environments experienced 
    by the loans in the stress test.
        Other factors that relate to or explain differences in mortgage 
    performance are not, in OFHEO's view, appropriate to the proposed 
    regulation. Specifically, the stress test does not attempt to adjust 
    losses by incorporating factors to reflect changes in Enterprise 
    business practices subsequent to the benchmark loan origination and 
    loss experience.\67\
    [[Page 18119]]
    OFHEO believes that such adjustments would undermine the purpose and 
    intent of the statutory requirements to implement a credit stress test 
    based on the benchmark loss experience. In addition, although some 
    business practices that contributed to the losses of the past may have 
    been improved over time, a new severe economic environment may expose 
    other unobservable weaknesses. Furthermore, in reasonably relating 
    starting position loan portfolios to the ``experience'' of the 
    benchmark loans, it is not possible to separate the effects of business 
    practice from other aspects of the benchmark economic environment.
        \67\ For example, both Enterprises have made changes to their 
    single family underwriting standards and practices since the time 
    the benchmark loans were originated in 1983-84, but no underwriting 
    variable is included. This particular issue is discussed in greater 
    detail below, in the context of comments received in response to 
        The proposed regulation also does not incorporate economic or 
    demographic variables that are not specifically prescribed for the 
    stress test, such as unemployment or divorce rates. Nor are such 
    variables included in the estimation of the statistical model used in 
    the stress test. If they were to be included, it would be necessary to 
    assume values for these factors in the stress period--values that are 
    consistent with the benchmark experience. Such an approach would 
    substantially increase the number of variables for which assumptions 
    would be required during the stress period, without gaining significant 
    value in predicting credit losses for Enterprise loan portfolios.
    3. Statistical Models of Mortgage Performance
        A threshold issue for OFHEO was whether to develop statistical 
    models of mortgage performance or to use a simpler approach, such as 
    applying a table of historical default, prepayment, and loss severity 
    a. ANPR Comments
        Most of the comments related to this issue suggested that the 
    direct application of benchmark rates of default, prepayment and loss 
    severity would be problematic. A number of respondents to the ANPR 
    cautioned that direct application of benchmark default rates, which 
    were experienced during a period of declining interest rates, would not 
    be appropriate for the up-rate scenario of the stress test. Freddie Mac 
    suggested that OFHEO adjust benchmark default rates to the interest 
    rate environment or use a proportional downward adjustment to credit 
    losses. Mortgage Risk Assessment Corporation (MRAC) stated that it is 
    important to model the interaction between expected losses and expected 
    prepayments. America's Community Bankers (ACB) recommended joint 
    modeling of prepayments and defaults as the best way to capture 
    adjustments to housing values.
        Fannie Mae, on the other hand, favored applying benchmark rates of 
    default and loss severity directly. More specifically, Fannie Mae 
    recommended that OFHEO model total loan terminations (defaults plus 
    prepayments) using a commonly applied method of relating total 
    terminations to interest rate movements (sometimes referred to as a 
    ``total terminations model''). Fannie Mae recommended that the default 
    portion of total terminations should be based on observed default rates 
    for mortgages from the benchmark experience, with appropriate 
    distinctions based on different LTV ratios, mortgage product, and risk 
    categories. The level of prepayments would be calculated by subtracting 
    those defaults from total terminations. Fannie Mae stated that a 
    statistical model designed to predict defaults and prepayments 
    simultaneously would be difficult to replicate because it would employ 
    computer simulation methods based upon random numbers, known as Monte 
    Carlo simulations. Fannie Mae also expressed concern that the 
    Enterprises would have difficulty managing capital requirements based 
    on econometrically derived relationships, rather than on the certainty 
    of defined historical loss rates.
    b. OFHEO Response
        Based on its analysis of available information, including the ANPR 
    comments and relevant academic literature, OFHEO found that statistical 
    modeling has numerous advantages over alternative approaches, such as 
    applying tables of default, prepayment, and loss severity rates from 
    the benchmark experience.
        First, statistical models are able to provide valid outcomes when 
    data inputs occur in different combinations from those observed in the 
    available historical data. This capability is important, because the 
    benchmark loss experience does not include large enough sample sizes 
    for all relevant loan products and risk classes to allow direct 
    application of benchmark loss rates to the Enterprises' starting loan 
    portfolios. Statistical models based on large samples of loans can 
    capture differential mortgage performance across a wide variety of 
    products and still allow the performance of each product to be related 
    to the benchmark experience. OFHEO has access to a rich database, 
    consisting of millions of detailed loan records from the Enterprises, 
    which allows for a statistical model of defaults and prepayments that 
    can capture the nuances of product distinctions.
        Second, statistical models allow the stress test to extrapolate 
    reasonably to out-of-sample events, such as the sustained adverse 
    interest rate scenarios of the stress test.
        Third, applying statistical models of mortgage performance provides 
    the ability to impose multiple statutory requirements in a logically 
    consistent manner. For example, the 1992 Act specifies rates of default 
    and losses in the stress test that are reasonably related to the 
    benchmark loss experience. The 1992 Act also provides that the Director 
    take into account the impact of ``mortgage seasoning'' and a variety of 
    other factors that delineate various mortgage product types (property 
    type, amortization type, amortization terms, ownership type, etc.). 
    Statistical models allow the stress test to address all these statutory 
    provisions when applying the two adverse stress test interest rate 
        OFHEO also found that using statistically derived models of 
    default, prepayment, and loss severity together with a cash flow 
    approach is the most accurate method to describe the financial 
    performance of the Enterprises on a monthly basis over the ten-year 
    stress period. Moreover, use of statistical models in the stress test 
    is consistent with the 1992 Act \68\ and the Congressional expectation 
    expressed in the House Report that the risk-based capital standard 
    ``will be an economic model that will test the enterprises' financial 
    position under stressful economic situations.'' \69\ The House Report 
    also noted that:
        \68\ The 1992 Act directs OFHEO to include in the regulation 
    ``specific requirements, definitions, methods, variables, and 
    parameters used under the risk-based capital test.'' This direction 
    suggests that a statistical model was contemplated. The 1992 Act, 
    section 1361(e)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(e)(2)). Further, the Director is 
    required to ``provide copies of the statistical model or models'' to 
    other government agencies. 1992 Act, section 1361(f) (12 U.S.C. 
        \69\ H.R. Rep. No. 102-206, at 62 (1991). See also, S. Rep. No. 
    102-282, at 24 (1992).
    [t]he Department of the Treasury, the Congressional Budget Office, 
    the General Accounting Office, the Office of Management and Budget 
    and HUD have all stated that the proper way to ensure that Fannie 
    Mae and Freddie Mac have adequate capital is to use traditional 
    capital ratios in combination with sophisticated financial models, 
    or risk-based capital stress tests.\70\
        \70\ H.R. Rep. No. 102-206, at 62 (1991).
        Fannie Mae's recommendation to estimate a statistical model of 
    total terminations with default rates fixed at benchmark levels would 
    make it more difficult for the stress test to satisfy the
    [[Page 18120]]
    provisions of the 1992 Act that require OFHEO to consider seasoning and 
    the various loan characteristics described above. OFHEO is also 
    concerned that a model that derives prepayment rates as suggested by 
    Fannie Mae would not be consistent with section 1361(b)(2) of the 1992 
    Act, which directs that ``[c]haracteristics of the stress period other 
    than those specifically set forth in subsection (a), such as prepayment 
    experience . . ., will be those determined by the Director, on the 
    basis of available information, to be most consistent with the stress 
    period.'' The consistency of prepayment experience with the stress 
    period is best achieved by modeling both prepayment and default rates, 
    rather than using a statistical model of terminations with embedded 
    default rates that are not statistically determined.
        OFHEO also found that the total terminations models to which Fannie 
    Mae refers are applied widely and usefully only in circumstances where 
    credit losses are not an issue (for example, in pricing mortgage-backed 
    securities for investors, where credit risk can be ignored because of 
    agency guarantees), or when the available data do not allow the analyst 
    to distinguish default terminations from voluntary prepayments (for 
    example, in the pool level data available from commercial sources). 
    This is not the case for the stress test.
        OFHEO is sensitive to Fannie Mae's concern that a statistical model 
    of defaults and prepayments would be difficult to replicate. OFHEO does 
    not propose to base any component of the stress test on random number 
    (Monte Carlo) simulations. The model is straightforward and 
    transparent, so that it will be possible for the Enterprises to project 
    default and prepayment patterns in the stress period using their own 
    information about the composition of their business, and recent 
    economic trends.
        As for complexity, OFHEO believes that there is no fundamental 
    difference in complexity between computing total termination rates from 
    the models mentioned by Fannie Mae, and computing them from the 
    separate default and prepayment rates generated by the model OFHEO has 
    proposed. Once the statistical model OFHEO proposes has been estimated 
    and calibrated, its application is no more difficult than the 
    application of a table of historical default rates. That is, the model 
    provides a means to ``look up'' the default or prepayment probabilities 
    for loans with a particular set of characteristics. Further, under the 
    approach proposed by Fannie Mae, the actual level of default rates 
    applied in the stress period would not actually be fixed, but would 
    vary with changes in the composition of an Enterprise's loan portfolio 
    and trends in property values that update borrower equity values. Under 
    either approach, determining the potential impact of market conditions 
    or changes in an Enterprise's portfolio on its capital requirement is 
    4. General Methodological Issues
        A number of general issues arose in the context of using 
    statistical models to project mortgage performance in the stress test. 
    These issues required decisions about how to account for product 
    differences, what sources of historical data to use in estimating the 
    statistical models, and what level of data aggregation to use to 
    estimate and project mortgage performance. In addition, OFHEO received 
    a number of comments in response to ANPR questions on property 
    valuation issues. These were also considered in developing and applying 
    statistical models of mortgage performance. Each of these areas is 
    considered in the following sections.
    a. Product Differences
        The 1992 Act requires the stress test to capture both the unique 
    risk characteristics of various loan product and property types and 
    adjust for changing economics (house prices and interest rates) over 
    time. In deciding its approach to modeling default and prepayment 
    rates, OFHEO found it necessary to treat single family and multifamily 
    products separately because of the significant differences in 
    collateral property types and loan terms explained below.
        The nature of the collateral property differs substantially between 
    single family and multifamily loans. Nearly all single family property 
    mortgages held by the Enterprises are owner-occupied.\71\ In contrast, 
    multifamily collateral produces income from rentals. Multifamily 
    mortgages are commercial loans on housing projects that compete for 
    market share among a very mobile population with short-term rental 
    contracts and relatively low moving costs. The household demographics 
    of apartment renters vary greatly from those of single family 
    homeowners and renters. The dynamics of construction cycles that 
    accentuate market booms and busts are also different for single family 
    and multifamily residences.
        \71\ Even those that are rentals rely upon the performance of 
    one, or at most four, households.
        Single family and multifamily mortgages generally have different 
    loan terms. In particular, to balance the desire of borrowers for 
    flexibility with the needs of investors for stability, multifamily 
    mortgages typically have ten- to fifteen-year balloon terms and initial 
    yield-maintenance periods of seven to ten years. During the yield-
    maintenance period, borrowers may prepay, but they are subject to a 
    prepayment penalty until the maintenance period expires. Such 
    prepayment disincentives are not used in single family lending. Also, 
    in contrast to single family mortgages, multifamily mortgages tend to 
    be non-recourse, which means that multifamily lenders and guarantors, 
    have recourse only to the collateral, and not to the borrower's other 
    assets and income.
        Because of these differences, OFHEO developed separate mortgage 
    termination models for single family and multifamily mortgages, with 
    all other property and product type differences handled as subsets of 
    these two primary classifications. This approach is consistent with 
    comments from HUD, Freddie Mac, ACB, and Mortgage Bankers Association 
    of America (MBA). However, there are many issues common to both the 
    multifamily and single family models, and the general modeling approach 
    to both models is similar in many respects.
        In the ANPR, OFHEO solicited public comment on modeling approaches 
    generally and, more specifically, on how to relate the credit risk of 
    other loan product types to the 30-year fixed-rate mortgages used to 
    identify the benchmark experience. These comments are addressed below 
    in section III. A. 7., Relating Losses to the Benchmark Loss 
    b. Historical Analysis Data
        Another modeling issue faced by OFHEO was whether to use only 
    Enterprise data to estimate statistical models, or to use data from a 
    wider array of sources. A similar issue arose in the context of 
    identifying the benchmark loss experience. After considering ANPR 
    comments, OFHEO found that Enterprise data sets were the most relevant 
    sources currently available for determining a benchmark loss 
    experience, because Enterprise data is the most representative of the 
    experience of loans owned or guaranteed by the Enterprises. Further, 
    using Enterprise data is consistent with the general practice of 
    banking and thrift industry regulators and credit rating agencies, 
    which is to use data on the loss experience of comparable assets
    [[Page 18121]]
    for the relevant industry to determine credit quality and/or capital 
        For the same reasons, OFHEO also used Enterprise data to estimate 
    the statistical models for default and prepayment in the proposed 
    stress test. Using Enterprise data for this purpose provides 
    consistency between the estimates of the benchmark loss experience, the 
    estimation of the statistical models for default and prepayment, and 
    the aggregation of loan level data to create starting position data for 
    the stress test. It will also permit OFHEO to update the statistical 
    models over time, as needed, to capture new performance dynamics and/or 
    new products.
    c. Aggregation
        Another threshold issue for OFHEO was how to aggregate loan level 
    data to reduce the number of data records that must be stored and 
    processed, while preserving sufficient detail to capture differences in 
    loan performance among important risk classes in the stress test.
    (i) ANPR Comments
        MRAC stated that a loan level model would be most appropriate if 
    data were available, but a model that aggregates on the basis of the 
    origination year, loan term, coupon rate and current loan-to-value 
    ratio (CLTV) would be acceptable. Freddie Mac recommended that, if 
    OFHEO were to use a joint default/prepayment model, OFHEO should 
    construct a pool for each origination year, aggregated by mortgage 
    product, property type, occupancy status, and CLTV. Both MRAC and 
    Freddie Mac recommended that OFHEO not only aggregate data according to 
    CLTV, but also use CLTV as an explanatory variable in statistical 
    models of default and prepayment rates.
    (ii) OFHEO Response
        OFHEO proposes to aggregate single family loan level data into loan 
    groups based on the following characteristics: Enterprise, portfolio 
    type (securitized vs. retained), product type, origination year, 
    original LTV, original coupon, and region (Census division). 
    Multifamily loans are aggregated using the same categorical variables 
    as for single family loans, with an additional aggregation class for 
    original debt-coverage-ratio values. Single family loans purchased 
    during the stress period under existing contractual commitments are 
    grouped using all of the characteristics of existing loans plus month 
    of origination (representing the timing of delivery during the stress 
    period). All loan group records include additional fields for measured 
    characteristics, such as the total unpaid balance (UPB) for loans held 
    in portfolio, UPB-weighted average values for guarantee fees for 
    securitized loans, and original term-to-maturity.
        OFHEO chose not to propose CLTV as a criterion for data 
    aggregation. Attempting to aggregate data by CLTV would be problematic 
    because CLTV value changes throughout the stress period. However, CLTV 
    is used to compute important explanatory variables used to predict 
    default, prepayment, and severity rates. These variables rely upon CLTV 
    to incorporate a loan seasoning process that updates property values at 
    the start of the stress test and then throughout the stress period.
    d. Property Valuation
        The 1992 Act requires that OFHEO take into account the impact of 
    the ``seasoning'' of mortgages on mortgage performance. As that term is 
    used in the statute, it requires accounting for changes in LTV due to 
    changes in housing values and the repayment of loan principal. 
    Accounting for changes in LTVs requires some method of updating 
    property values, in addition to computing scheduled amortization. The 
    first NPR proposed using the House Price Index (HPI), developed by 
    OFHEO, as the basis for updating single family housing values to meet 
    the statutory requirement for loan seasoning, in lieu of the Constant 
    Quality House Price Index published by the Secretary of Commerce.\72\ 
    The HPI, which is published quarterly, provides average house price 
    appreciation rates for the nation, the 50 States and the District of 
    Columbia, and the nine Census divisions. It uses repeated observations 
    of housing values on individual single family residential properties. 
    These repeat observations arise where at least two primary mortgages on 
    the same property were purchased by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae 
    since January 1975.\73\ Index values are published starting with 1980.
        \72\ 61 FR 29616, June 11, l996.
        \73\ The procedures underlying the estimation of the HPI assume 
    that individual house price growth rates will be distributed around 
    the average growth rate through a log normal diffusion process.
        In this NPR, OFHEO proposes the method by which loan seasoning will 
    be used to predict credit losses in the stress test, both for single 
    family and multifamily mortgages. For single family mortgages, the 
    OFHEO HPI is supplemented with various measures of the distribution of 
    individual house price growth paths around the average values measured 
    by the index. Three terms--dispersion, volatility, and diffusion--are 
    important concepts for understanding these measures and how the stress 
    test fulfills the statutory requirement that mortgage loans be 
    seasoned. ``Dispersion,'' refers to the distribution, at any point in 
    time, of the (cumulative) growth rates for values of each house in a 
    group, around the average growth rate for that group. Dispersion 
    results from ``volatility'' or variability of growth rate paths on 
    individual properties from the average growth rate path for all 
    properties. Volatility, like dispersion, can be measured through 
    statistical relationships. The underlying process by which a model 
    generates individual house price growth paths to yield various levels 
    of volatility and dispersion over time is called ``diffusion.''
        Similar procedures are used to season multifamily loans, except 
    that there is no underlying property value index. Rather, property 
    value is estimated using indexes that first update property cash flows. 
    Still, the concepts of dispersion, volatility, and diffusion apply to 
    multifamily property values, and to the principal measures of borrower 
    equity in models of multifamily mortgage performance.
        The ANPR posed several questions related to measurement of house 
    price dispersion and to the statistical validity of the HPI as a price 
    index. Issues raised by these questions will be discussed below.\74\ 
    They are: the appropriate level of geographic aggregation for the HPI 
    in the stress test, how to account for the dispersion of house prices 
    around the mean in the loan seasoning process, and whether and how to 
    adjust for statistical biases and revision volatility inherent in the 
    HPI data and estimation methodology.\75\
        \74\ The first NPR proposed the HPI as the index OFHEO would use 
    to season loans in the stress test, but did not address how OFHEO 
    would use that index in the stress test. Comments regarding the 
    first NPR will be addressed, together with comments on this NPR, 
    when OFHEO publishes a final Risk-Based Capital regulation.
        \75\ ``Revision volatility'' refers to changes in previously 
    estimated index values that occur as a result of the addition to the 
    data of new repeat transaction pairs associated with current 
    transactions. Current transactions can change index values for prior 
    quarters, because every repeat sale of a property provides 
    additional information about house price changes during the time 
    since the prior transaction on that property.
    (i) Geographic Aggregation
        OFHEO's HPI is estimated at the level of individual States and the 
    nine Census divisions. A national index is also produced as a 
    population-weighted average of the nine Census division indexes. 
    Decisions regarding the level of geographic aggregation at which to 
    estimate and apply house price indexes
    [[Page 18122]]
    typically involve a tradeoff between the need to identify relatively 
    homogeneous market areas and the need for large enough samples of 
    repeat transactions to assure the accuracy of the indexes. This is, 
    simply put, a trade-off between the advantages and disadvantages of 
    creating indexes for smaller versus larger geographic areas.
        At lower levels of geographic aggregation, both property types and 
    the local factors influencing house prices are more likely to be 
    similar, and therefore the average appreciation rate is likely to be 
    more representative of the trend in individual property values. 
    However, lower levels of geographic aggregation result in relatively 
    fewer observations for estimation, resulting in increased sampling 
    error in the estimated house price index.\76\ At larger levels of 
    geographic aggregation, the greater number of observations may yield 
    estimates of average price growth with smaller sampling errors, but at 
    the risk of not projecting accurately the appreciation rates of the 
    various submarkets.\77\
        \76\ That is, if only a small number of repeat transactions are 
    available to calculate a price index, there is a greater chance that 
    the resulting index is not representative of price changes in the 
    particular housing market as a whole.
        \77\ This situation could occur, for example, if two adjacent 
    smaller areas with different rates of appreciation are combined and 
    assigned the same average rate of appreciation through a common 
    price index. Whether this type of aggregation is ultimately a 
    problem depends on how the house price index is to be applied, and 
    whether it is to be applied to individual properties or to loan 
    (a) ANPR Comments
        A number of comments were received on the issue of geographic 
    aggregation of house price indexes. All commenters implicitly 
    recognized the tradeoff involved in choosing the level of geographic 
    aggregation. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recommended 
    using the lowest level of market aggregation possible, while at the 
    same time minimizing the variance of individual house prices in a 
    market area, and urged that the optimum level of aggregation be 
    determined by computational considerations. MRAC recommended that the 
    choice of aggregation level be driven by objective, external criteria, 
    such as minimizing estimation errors, and described its practice of 
    using the lowest level of geographic aggregation in constructing its 
    indexes, while using higher levels of aggregation for computing the 
    variances. Freddie Mac recommended that OFHEO use house price indexes 
    computed at the Census division level to avoid the need to rely on what 
    it called ``highly uncertain individual house-price volatility 
    processes'' that would be associated with the use of a national index 
    together with corresponding volatility measures. In addition, when 
    compared to State or local level house price indexes, Census division 
    level indexes would have lower standard errors and thus more reliable 
    (b) OFHEO's Response
        The choice of aggregation level of the HPI for the stress test is, 
    ultimately, a selection of the level that is most appropriate for the 
    seasoning of mortgages when estimating and projecting mortgage 
    performance. Because the stress test cannot determine the value of each 
    house securing every loan, some type of aggregation is needed. The 
    proposed stress test, therefore, combines estimates of average trends 
    in house prices with estimates of the dispersion of individual 
    appreciation rates around the average growth rate within a given 
    geographic area. This approach provides the maximum relevant 
    information about the equity position of borrowers.
        After considering the alternatives and the comments, OFHEO believes 
    that using HPI indexes computed at the Census division level combined 
    with estimates of dispersion of individual appreciation rates around 
    the divisional indexes would be appropriate. OFHEO found that available 
    data is not sufficient to generate statistically valid State-level 
    indexes for some of the less populous States. OFHEO has not proposed to 
    use indexes below the State level (at the metropolitan statistical area 
    (MSA) level, for example), because there are too few areas in which 
    statistically valid indexes can be estimated.
        OFHEO agrees with Freddie Mac's comment that Census division 
    indexes without volatility measures reflect regional dispersion better 
    than using a national index with such measures. While OFHEO does 
    publish State-level HPI series, these series are not statistically 
    valid for some of the less populated States. Using Census division 
    indexes, in combination with estimates of individual house price 
    volatility and the resulting dispersion in each division, provides a 
    more complete characterization of housing value dynamics both within 
    and across regions.
        MRAC's practice of using a larger level of geographic aggregation 
    for volatility estimates than is used for the price index itself is 
    appropriate when price indexes are based on very small aggregation 
    levels, for example, at the MSA level. Using a larger area to measure 
    volatility helps to diminish the small sample problems of generating 
    price indexes for very localized markets. However, the same is not true 
    when estimating price indexes at the Census division level, because 
    there are no small-sample problems at that level of aggregation. 
    Furthermore, applying national level volatility to division-level price 
    indexes would defeat the purpose of using the division-level indexes. 
    National volatility measures of individual house price growth could be 
    so large that divisional variations in average house price growth 
    become meaningless.
    (ii) Volatility and Diffusion
        Choosing to use Census division level price indexes with dispersion 
    measures opens additional issues. In particular, capturing the 
    dispersion of house price growth rates around an index value requires 
    both a measure of volatility and a particular diffusion process to 
    translate volatility into actual dispersion. Several ANPR commenters 
    addressed these issues in the context of their discussions of 
    geographic aggregation.
    (a) ANPR Comments
        Comments received in response to the ANPR differed on whether and 
    how to estimate the dispersion of individual house-price-appreciation 
    rates around the average rates implied by a house price index. Both 
    MRAC and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recommended that OFHEO 
    use a stochastic (random) diffusion process to allow volatility 
    measures to generate a normal (bell-shaped) distribution of individual 
    house prices around the mean prices implied by index values. MRAC noted 
    that failure to do so would underestimate dispersion, even if a highly 
    disaggregated index were used. MRAC observed that underestimation of 
    dispersion could cause underestimation of default and severity rates. 
    MRAC also stated that the tradeoff between the accuracy of the larger 
    sample size and the greater geographic specificity of a smaller sample 
    is even more important in estimating the variance (volatility) than in 
    constructing the index.
        Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, on the other hand, recommended 
    against using a stochastic process to estimate dispersion of house 
    values. Freddie Mac argued that one cannot directly observe the 
    volatility of house-price growth rates, and that attempts to estimate 
    it have thus far failed to achieve adequate consistency. Nor is it 
    necessary to estimate volatility, Freddie Mac argued, because the 
    variation in house price indexes across Census divisions
    [[Page 18123]]
    captures a significant amount of the house price dispersion around a 
    national house price index, as well as the basic shape of the house 
    price distribution for Enterprise loans.
        Freddie Mac also questioned OFHEO's assertion in the ANPR that 
    dispersion increases over time. It suggested that models that impose 
    increasing dispersion on house price changes, such as ``random walk'' 
    models, are inappropriate because long-run market forces keep the 
    appreciation of individual houses moving roughly with the national 
    average, and because the data do not support such models. Freddie Mac 
    asserted that such models systematically overstate dispersion for 
    longer holding periods and could significantly and artificially inflate 
    the capital requirement.
    (b) OFHEO's Response
        OFHEO understands the reason for Freddie Mac's concerns about 
    volatility, but notes that Freddie Mac's comments preceded OFHEO's 
    first publication of the HPI. Based on its experience in estimating the 
    HPI, OFHEO now finds it possible to estimate house-price volatility 
    with adequate reliability, particularly for indexes estimated at the 
    Census division level. Volatility measures are produced as part of the 
    statistical process used to generate the OFHEO HPI. These measures are 
    used to summarize the underlying diffusion process and characteristic 
    dispersion of house price growth paths as a function of time. The 
    volatility measures (parameters) are published in the OFHEO HPI Report. 
    They model dispersion as a function of mortgage age. OFHEO preferred 
    such a stable process to one that relies on stochastic processes that 
    yield different results every time they are used. Because the OFHEO HPI 
    volatility parameters are produced with the HPI itself, they provide 
    results consistent with the HPI, and they are, therefore, OFHEO's 
    choice for capturing house price dispersion in the proposed stress 
    test. However, OFHEO agrees with Freddie Mac's concern that estimates 
    of dispersion for longer holding periods may be unreliable, and has 
    adopted an approach in which estimated dispersion is held at fixed 
    levels after mortgages reach a certain age.\78\
        \78\ This age varies by Census division, but is approximately 15 
    years from mortgage origination. The formula for computing the 
    maximum allowable age for each Census division can be found in 
    section, Probability of Negative Equity 
    (PNEQq), of the Regulation Appendix.
    (iii) Revision Volatility
        Revision volatility primarily affects growth rate estimates for the 
    most recent quarters included in the index. This is due to the fact 
    that relatively more additional data is added affecting these quarters 
    than earlier quarters.
    (a) ANPR Comments
        OFHEO received a number of comments in response to the ANPR on 
    whether changes in the index resulting from revision volatility should 
    be reflected in the stress test and, if so, with what frequency. NAR 
    suggested that revisions should be made at the same time OFHEO is 
    required to re-estimate the capital standards. In contrast, MRAC 
    suggested using a ``chaining method'' \79\ that precludes the need for 
    revision to index values for historical periods. The chaining method 
    eliminates revision volatility because it does not revise data of 
    earlier periods as new data become available. Freddie Mac suggested 
    that OFHEO calculate the revisions so as to exploit the greatest 
    possible set of information, but moderate the resulting volatility of 
    the capital requirement by placing limits on the size of the quarterly 
    or annual revisions to the indexes. ACB argued for a reasonable advance 
    notice to the Enterprises prior to any changes in the capital 
    requirement resulting from changes in the indexes to enable them to 
    engage in reasonable business planning.
        \79\ The chaining method involves the following steps: (1) 
    estimation of a historical reference index using all repeat 
    transactions data available as of a specified date, after which no 
    revisions in previously estimated index numbers will occur; (2) 
    acquisition of new data providing information on the most recent 
    time period, and including additional repeat transactions that pair 
    with transactions in previous periods; (3) application of the most 
    recently updated index series to inflate the first property value 
    for a repeat transaction pair to update this value to the 
    penultimate (next-to-last) time period; and (4) estimation of the 
    index number for the last time period using the pseudo-repeat 
    transactions data created in steps (1)-(3).
    (b) OFHEO's Response
        The proposed stress test does not include an adjustment for 
    revision volatility. Since the time the issue of revision volatility 
    was raised in the ANPR, OFHEO has determined that revision volatility 
    is not likely to have a significant impact on risk-based capital. 
    Revision volatility primarily affects growth rate estimates of the most 
    recent quarters, which will be those immediately preceding the start of 
    the stress test. For loans that have been outstanding for several years 
    at the start of the stress test, changes in appreciation rates in the 
    most recent quarters will represent a small proportion of the total 
    change in housing values since origination. For loans that have been 
    outstanding only a short time at the start of the stress test, 
    projected changes in house prices and in LTV will be minimal in any 
    case, due to the fact that little time has elapsed since origination, 
    and quarter-by-quarter appreciation rates are generally small. 
    Consequently, OFHEO does not expect revision volatility to affect risk-
    based capital requirements. OFHEO also proposes not to revise the house 
    price index used to determine the appreciation rates applied in the 
    stress period. Rather, HPI values, as published in the 1996, third 
    quarter, HPI Report, will be the basis for relating stress test 
    economic conditions to the benchmark experience.
        OFHEO chose not to propose the chaining method suggested by MRAC 
    because it fails to use all of the available data in estimation. In 
    particular, the chaining method uses information on recent property and 
    mortgage transactions only for calculating appreciation rates in the 
    most recent period, ignoring the information provided by these 
    transactions on appreciation rates in earlier periods.
    (iv) Statistical Biases
        In the ANPR, OFHEO requested comment on whether the HPI should 
    include adjustments for identifiable sources of statistical bias, on 
    how sample selection bias should be addressed,\80\ on whether a 
    statistical adjustment should be made to address appraisal bias,\81\ 
    and on what additional sources of statistical bias exist and how they 
    might be addressed. In NPR1, OFHEO stated that it would make no
    [[Page 18124]]
    adjustments to the HPI itself, but would discuss in the second NPR 
    whether such adjustments were to be made in the stress test.
        \80\ Sample selection bias refers to the possibility that using 
    repeat transactions as the selection criteria, rather than random 
    selection, could result in an index that is biased. Selection bias 
    results when the probability that a property does or does not repeat 
    is correlated with the change in value. For example, bias can result 
    when the period between transactions is correlated with the change 
    in house prices. Because more rapidly appreciating properties turn 
    over within shorter time intervals, they are more likely to appear 
    in the sample used for estimation. In addition, properties that are 
    sold or refinanced are likely to be the ones that have had higher 
    than average appreciation.
        \81\ Appraisal bias can result from the perceived tendency of 
    appraisers, as agents of primary mortgage lenders, to impart an 
    upward bias to a home value to insure that a home sale is made. 
    Appraisal bias also occurs when the use of appraisals to value 
    property at refinancing may smooth the fluctuations in housing 
    values because appraisals are derived from comparisons with 
    properties that have either been sold or listed for sale within the 
    past several months and may fail to indicate more recent changes in 
    housing value. In fact, listings are only used in case circumstances 
    where actual sales are few and far between, most often in rural 
    (a) ANPR Comments
        As a general comment, Freddie Mac cautioned that research on 
    potential sources of bias is relatively new and that attempting to 
    ``un-bias'' future price index values estimates introduces a high 
    degree of complexity. Consequently, Freddie Mac recommended keeping the 
    house price index simple until research on potential bias is more 
    conclusive. Freddie Mac also suggested that the reliance of the 
    weighted repeat sales technique on the ordinary least squares (OLS) 
    method \82\ may result in bias because that methodology does not 
    generally provide robust estimates of central tendencies in the 
    presence of outlier observations, where appreciation is especially 
    large or small. Freddie Mac suggested eliminating outliers or ``down-
    weighting'' them, for example, by using a median regression.
        \82\ Ordinary least squares is the most commonly used 
    statistical technique for simultaneously analyzing the relationship 
    of many explanatory variables to one special variable of interest 
    (called the ``dependent'' variable).
    (b) OFHEO's Response
        OFHEO agrees with Freddie Mac that attempts to adjust the HPI would 
    be premature and should await more conclusive research. OFHEO also 
    agrees with Freddie Mac's general observation on the sensitivity of OLS 
    estimates to outliers, but has concluded that adopting another 
    estimation methodology is unwarranted. It should be noted that the 
    weighted-repeat sales (WRS) methodology \83\ applied to estimate the 
    OFHEO HPI uses information obtained from a first-stage OLS estimation 
    to develop weights that have the effect of discounting the impact of 
    transactions that occur far apart in time. Because these are the 
    transactions that are presumed under the WRS method to have the largest 
    sampling variability, and therefore those most likely to contribute 
    outliers, the WRS method automatically accounts for the potential 
    impact of outliers. In addition, OFHEO reports median rather than mean 
    appreciation rates, which diminishes any potential impact of outlier 
        \83\ This methodology, which is explained in the first NPR, uses 
    pairs of transactions (i.e., repeat sales) involving the same homes 
    to estimate home price appreciation.
        \84\ The WRS methodology used to generate the OFHEO HPI actually 
    computes median growth rates, directly. These rates need to be 
    adjusted to compute mean growth rates. In NPR1, these were referred 
    to as geometric and arithmetic means, respectively.
    (v) Sample Selection Bias
        Repeat-sales and repeat-transaction price indexes do not include 
    property value information from all mortgage transactions. Issues of 
    potential bias in the measured house price appreciation rates arise 
    because the sample of properties on which repeated transactions are 
    available may not be fully representative of all properties in a given 
    market area.
    (a) ANPR Comments
        A number of comments were received on sample selection bias in 
    generating a house price index. Freddie Mac noted that sample selection 
    bias results from using only properties that have been sold or 
    refinanced. The selection of these properties is not random and is 
    correlated positively with price appreciation. That is, properties with 
    lower rates of appreciation will have fewer sales and refinancings, and 
    thus provide relatively fewer observations for calculation of the HPI. 
    Although Freddie Mac recommended that this issue be addressed by using 
    a WRS index, which provides retrospective information by pairing two 
    transactions on the same property at different time periods, it noted 
    that some sample selection bias is present in the near term.
        NAR suggested that sample selection bias results from the movement 
    of an individual property from government mortgage insurance programs 
    (Federal Housing Administration (FHA) VA) into the conforming 
    conventional market, and vice versa, because the lower property values 
    captured in the government insurance and guaranty programs might not be 
    matched in the WRS series. If price appreciation in a market area is 
    distributed unevenly with respect to selling price (i.e., lower priced 
    homes appreciate slower or faster than do higher priced homes), the 
    absence of a match at the lower end may introduce a bias in the level 
    of price appreciation for the market under evaluation. NAR suggested 
    that using FHA data, to the extent it is available, to construct the 
    weighted repeat sales transactions, would adjust for the low-end sample 
    selection bias. NAR also suggested that OFHEO investigate using 
    different criteria with respect to time between repeat transactions 
    entering the Enterprise loan history file to determine if the end of 
    sample bias is significant, and to possibly suggest ways of correcting 
    for it. NAR suggested that one way of correcting for any such bias 
    would be to restrict the repeat sales in the sample to three-, five-, 
    and seven-year matches and to evaluate the level of bias that results.
        ACB suggested that the effect of sample selection bias resulting 
    from the tendency to have greater turnover in that part of the housing 
    stock in which price appreciation has been stronger could be determined 
    by a separate analysis of the relationship between a foreclosure 
    property index and the overall price index. MRAC suggested that some 
    bias might result from properties leaving the sample because they have 
    appreciated enough that the size of subsequent mortgages on those 
    properties is above the conforming loan limit. MRAC then suggested that 
    indexes built on Enterprise data be compared to other more broadly 
    constructed indexes, such as those estimated by MRAC, that include all 
    properties that initially meet the conforming limit. MRAC also 
    suggested that the incidence of default and expected losses would be 
    underestimated if the impact of junior liens were not taken into 
    (b) OFHEO's Response
        OFHEO believes that no adjustments are necessary to correct for 
    potential sample selection bias. Low-end sample selection bias due to 
    the exclusion of FHA loans should not have a significant impact on the 
    HPI. FHA loans do not represent the entire lower end of housing 
    markets. There is ample representation of lower valued loans and 
    properties in the data used to estimate the HPI, in part because the 
    Enterprises promote affordable lending and are subject to HUD 
    affordable lending regulations. Furthermore, although FHA eligibility 
    requirements have historically been less restrictive than conventional 
    lending requirements, current trends in conventional lending are toward 
    more flexible standards, including lower down-payment requirements.
        Although OFHEO agrees with MRAC that the conforming loan limit may 
    itself produce some bias in repeat transactions index values, this bias 
    is not significant in the HPI. Bias resulting from the conforming loan 
    limit would occur in high-cost housing markets where there are 
    significant numbers of homes with values near the conforming loan 
    limit, and where appreciation rates are greater than the national 
    average. As home values and loan amounts increase in these areas, new 
    loans may no longer be eligible for purchase by the Enterprises, and 
    the property appreciation cannot be captured in the HPI. However, such 
    bias would occur only in very isolated instances. First, the conforming 
    loan limit is substantially
    [[Page 18125]]
    above the average home price in nearly all areas of the country. The 
    loan limit would only create a significant issue for the stress test if 
    OFHEO were to use State, rather than Census division, indexes. The 
    potential in particular States with high-cost metropolitan areas for 
    sample selection bias resulting from the conforming loan limit becomes 
    less relevant when the HPI is estimated at the Census division level. 
    Second, the loan limit is updated annually by a factor representing 
    national house price appreciation.\85\ Third, borrowers may obtain two 
    mortgages on a property in order to take advantage of the interest rate 
    advantages of having a first mortgage under the conforming limit. In 
    that situation, repeat transactions are captured by the HPI even if the 
    total amount of mortgages on a property exceeds the conforming loan 
    limit. All of these factors suggest that the conforming loan limit is 
    not a significant source of bias in the OFHEO HPI.
        \85\ The conforming loan limit is administered by the Federal 
    Housing Finance Board.
    (vi) Appraisal Bias
        Because interest rates have generally fallen since the early 
    1980's, most of the mortgage transactions used in estimating the HPI 
    are refinancings, rather than loans for home purchase. This fact raises 
    the question of the consistency between actual prices recorded on 
    purchase-money mortgages and appraisals used for refinance mortgages.
    (a) ANPR Comments
        Several comments on appraisal bias were received. Freddie Mac 
    recommended against using a statistical adjustment to the HPI to 
    address the impact of appraisal bias, asserting that it is far from 
    clear whether indexes based solely on purchase prices, versus those 
    based on a combination of purchase prices and appraisal values, better 
    represent true house-price appreciation rates. Freddie Mac asserted 
    that the common notion that purchase price is the ``true'' price is a 
    misconception, since the purchase price is but one of a distribution of 
    potential prices for any given house at any time. In light of the 
    current uncertainty over the extent of the bias, Freddie Mac believes 
    that it would be premature for OFHEO to attempt to develop a model to 
    correct for it.
        MRAC suggested that eliminating transactions in which an appraised 
    value is used for either ``sale amount'' in the matched pairs would be 
    desirable, but may not be practical. MRAC cited its own research to 
    suggest that appraisal bias causes the yearly price appreciation 
    measured by transaction-based indexes to be one percentage point too 
    high. ACB suggested that construction of house price indexes with and 
    without refinance transactions would permit an assessment of about 
    whether appraisal bias is a significant phenomenon.
    (b) OFHEO's Response
        OFHEO agrees with Freddie Mac's recommendation that adjustments in 
    the HPI for potential appraisal bias not be made. Issues of statistical 
    bias merit further research and analysis, but at the present time OFHEO 
    is aware of no better alternative index to use in the stress test. 
    Also, measuring HPI only on actual purchase prices would compromise the 
    statistical reliability of the indexes over time, because the majority 
    of property values used in generating the various HPI indexes come from 
    refinancing transactions, using appraisal values.
        In response to MRAC's comment on appraisal bias in appreciation 
    rates, it should be noted that the mere existence of identifiable 
    differences due to use of appraisals does not outweigh the overall 
    benefit of using the HPI in the stress test. Further, it is unlikely 
    that any appraisal bias that may exist in the HPI would have a 
    meaningful effect on risk-based capital because of the way in which the 
    HPI is used in the stress test. The mortgage performance models in the 
    stress test rely upon statistical equations that relate explanatory 
    variables developed using the historical HPI to actual, historical 
    mortgage performance. The same historical HPI series is used to season 
    (update LTVs of) existing loans to the start of the stress period. 
    Using the same HPI series to estimate the statistical model and to run 
    the stress test eliminates the effect of any appraisal bias in the HPI 
    on default and prepayment rates in the stress test.\86\
        \86\ Appraisal bias could, theoretically, affect the rates 
    generated by the stress test if the method of computing the HPI were 
    changed in some way to account for appraisal bias or if appraisal 
    bias were found to be significantly different in more recent data 
    than in the historical data used to estimate the models. OFHEO does 
    not believe the change in the amount of appraisal bias in the HPI, 
    if any, is significant.
    (vii) Multifamily Loans
        For multifamily loans, OFHEO does not propose to use the HPI or any 
    other repeat-sales or repeat-transaction index to update property 
    values. There is not enough data available for OFHEO to develop its own 
    price index, and the only known price indexes blend many commercial 
    property types, have small numbers of observations, and are national in 
    scope. To overcome these data problems, OFHEO proposes to use an 
    earnings-based method for updating property values.
        Multifamily loans are commercial loans for which property value 
    depends upon the stream of earnings generated by the property. For 
    these loans, OFHEO proposes to base the property value on earnings 
    multiplied by a price-to-earnings capitalization factor. The 
    capitalization factor summarizes the present value of a stream of 
    expected future earnings for a given property, using current interest 
    rates at each month of the stress test to discount the expected 
    earnings stream. Earnings are a function of net operating income at 
    loan origination, rental inflation, and the change in vacancy rates 
    since loan origination. The proposed stress test updates the price-to-
    earnings capitalization factors as a function of changes in interest 
    rates, holding property-specific characteristics constant. In this way, 
    the stress test updates property values and seasons multifamily loans 
    in the proposed stress test.
        In choosing the actual rent growth and vacancy indexes used to 
    update property earnings over time, OFHEO used government data where 
    available. Government data were available for all statistical analysis, 
    and for seasoning loans to the start of the stress test. In particular, 
    the model performs the statistical analysis and the seasoning of 
    existing loans to the start of the stress test using the rental cost 
    component of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI) 
    to create a geographic specific rent index. Vacancy rates are not 
    needed for pre-stress period seasoning, but are used in estimating the 
    statistical model. The series used is the rental property vacancy 
    series published by the Bureau of the Census (Census Vacancy 
    Series).\87\ Because Enterprise purchases of multifamily loans are 
    heavily concentrated in MSAs, MSA indexes are used, where available, to 
    update property values.
        \87\ The CPI and Census Vacancy Series are both based on single 
    and multifamily rental properties. OFHEO believes that the inclusion 
    of single family rental properties in the samples used to calculate 
    vacancy rate and rent growth rate series is not a serious concern 
    for the stress test. These series capture the cyclical dynamics of 
    multifamily rental markets, and are useful for updating property 
    values before and during the stress period.
        Government data are not available for the entire stress period 
    itself. As explained later in the discussion under section III. A.7., 
    Relating Losses to the Benchmark Loss Experience, the stress
    [[Page 18126]]
    test links stress period losses to the benchmark experience in part by 
    specifying benchmark rates of property value appreciation. However, CPI 
    rental cost data is not available for the benchmark time and place, and 
    Census Vacancy Series rates are only available for the benchmark 
    experience starting in 1986. To deal with this absence of government 
    data, OFHEO created a rent index consistent with the CPI data, but 
    based upon apartment data available from the Institute for Real Estate 
    Management (IREM). To fill in benchmark experience vacancy rates for 
    1984-1985, OFHEO also used IREM vacancy data to estimate the Census 
    Vacancy Series. The estimated government series are consistent with the 
    data used to estimate the mortgage performance models and season the 
    loans prior to and during the stress period itself.
        Volatility estimates for rental rate inflation and vacancy rates 
    are used to calculate the dispersion of multifamily property values, in 
    much the same way volatility measures for the HPI series are used to 
    measure dispersion of property values for single family loans.
    5. Default/Prepayment Issues
    a. Use of Conditional Default and Prepayment Rates
        A threshold issue for OFHEO was whether to construct statistical 
    models of conditional rates of loan defaults and prepayments or to 
    adopt a less detailed approach, such as calculating only cumulative 
    rates and distributing them in fixed percentages across the ten years 
    of the stress test. A conditional rate of default or prepayment refers 
    to the volume of loans that default or prepay during any period, 
    expressed as a percentage of the total volume of loans surviving at the 
    start of that period. The term ``surviving loans'' means those from the 
    group that have not previously prepaid or defaulted. A cumulative rate 
    of default or prepayment is the total percentage of a group of loans 
    that default or prepay during the entire period being studied (such as 
    the ten-year stress period). A group of loans studied over a ten-year 
    period would have a single cumulative default rate, but would have ten 
    annual conditional default rates.
    (i) ANPR Comments
        The ANPR asked whether default rates should be expressed in terms 
    of conditional failure rates, cumulative default rates, or in some 
    other manner. In response, MRAC stated that ``[d]efault rates are best 
    measured by cumulative life-of-loan rates with conditional rates for 
    each time period determined by estimating `seasoning curves' similar to 
    the Standard Default Assumption of the Public Securities Association 
    (PSA) \88\.'' ACB's comments, which emphasized the importance of 
    modeling the shrinking population of loans exposed to the credit risk 
    in the declining rate scenario, assumed that a conditional rate 
    approach should be used. Similarly, a preference for conditional rates 
    of default and prepayment is also implicit in NAR's assertion that the 
    principal merit of using a joint default/prepayment model is that it is 
    capable of using all available information to determine whether a 
    mortgage survives from one year to the next.
        \88\ PSA has subsequently changed its name to the Bond Market 
    Association. The PSA Standard Default Assumption is to allow monthly 
    conditional rates to increase from zero to some peak rate over the 
    first 30 months of mortgage life, to hold that peak rate constant 
    for another 30 months, and then to allow monthly rates to decline 
    for an additional 60 months. The final rate reached at the end of 
    120 months is held constant throughout the remaining life of the 
    loans (Public Securities Association, Standard Formulas for the 
    Analysis of Mortgage-Backed Securities and Other Related Securities. 
    New York: Public Securities Association, update No.7, June 29, 1993, 
    at SF-14.).
        Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, however, recommended using cumulative 
    default rates to simplify the analysis. Freddie Mac was concerned that 
    conditional prepayment rates would lead to absurdly high default rates 
    in an up-rate stress test. In the up-rate scenario, prepayment rates 
    would be low, more loans would be outstanding, and default rates 
    conditioned on the number of loans outstanding would result in more 
    defaults. Freddie Mac recommended using actual cumulative default rates 
    from the worst region, which, implicitly, would include the same 
    prepayment effect as that which occurred during the benchmark period.
    (ii) OFHEO Response
        OFHEO proposes to apply statistical models of conditional rates of 
    default and prepayment for both single family and multifamily mortgages 
    in the stress test. The advantages of this approach are numerous. The 
    proposed approach automatically accounts for the impact of defaults on 
    the number of loans remaining active and subject to the risk of 
    prepayment, and vice versa. This feature is essential to develop a 
    reasonable representation of Enterprise mortgage cash flows across the 
    different economic scenarios envisioned by the stress test. It also 
    avoids potential numerical anomalies that might arise when total or 
    annual defaults during the stress test are fixed, such as years in 
    which total defaults would exceed total surviving loans due to high 
    prepayment levels in the declining-rate scenario of the stress test. 
    Also, the periodic nature of mortgage payments, scheduled amortization, 
    and the coupon adjustments on adjustable rate loans, all of which 
    affect mortgage performance, require a model that reflects a discrete 
    time period for each default or prepayment event.
        OFHEO believes that a statistical model of conditional defaults and 
    prepayments is more accurate and more sensitive to stress test economic 
    factors, and to the Enterprises' starting books of business, than are 
    simpler methods that might be developed. Each quarter the test is 
    applied, a statistical model can account for changes in economic 
    conditions (such as the level and shape of the Treasury yield curve or 
    recent trends in house prices) and the composition of an Enterprise's 
    business since the last time the test was performed. That is, the rates 
    of default and prepayment applied when the stress test is run are 
    adjusted to reflect current circumstances. Such adjustments are 
    particularly important because mortgage prepayment and default rates 
    are highly time-dependent, characteristically increasing during the 
    first years following origination, peaking sometime between the fourth 
    and seventh years, and declining over the remaining years. However, 
    this time-characteristic pattern is itself affected by economic 
        Another advantage of modeling conditional default and prepayment 
    rates is the support this approach provides for the proper treatment of 
    loss severity. Loss severity is affected significantly by factors that 
    affect the timing and amount of defaults in the stress test. Loss of 
    loan principal balance, the single largest cost element in determining 
    loss severity, is dependent upon house price declines, which are 
    dependent upon economic conditions leading up to the date of default. 
    Funding costs are also affected by the changing interest rates in the 
    stress test, as explained in later discussions under section III. A. 
    6., Loss Severity. For all of these reasons, using conditional default 
    and prepayment rates during each month of the stress period greatly 
    improves the sensitivity of the stress test to risk factors.
        The proposed approach is, overall, responsive to concerns raised in 
    the ANPR comments, although OFHEO has proposed models of conditional 
    rates of default and prepayment, rather than accept the recommendation 
    of several commenters to use cumulative rates. NAR and ACB recommended 
    use of
    [[Page 18127]]
    conditional rates. As ACB recognized, the stress test must account for 
    the shrinking population of loans exposed to credit risk in the 
    declining rate scenario. Only through the application of conditional 
    default and prepayment rates is it possible to account for this 
    shrinking population under the alternative interest rate scenarios of 
    the stress test.
        MRAC recommended measuring cumulative life-of-loan rates with 
    conditional rates for each time period determined by estimating 
    ``seasoning curves'' similar to the Standard Default Assumption of the 
    Public Securities Association to determine conditional rates. OFHEO 
    proposes a model with much the same features suggested by MRAC. This 
    model uses mortgage age in the statistical default equations to provide 
    a baseline default rate time-series analogous to the PSA assumption. 
    (See note 41, infra.) That baseline is scaled, or multiplied upward, in 
    the same way that PSA recommends using its baseline curve, when the 
    stress test adjusts or ``calibrates'' its statistical default equations 
    to relate them to the benchmark experience. (See section III. A. 7., 
    Relating Losses to the Benchmark Loss Experience.)
        OFHEO's approach is also responsive to the recommendations of 
    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to keep the models simple. OFHEO proposes to 
    minimize the number of explanatory variables and to create as much 
    consistency as possible across different mortgage types while still 
    capturing differential credit risk by mortgage type. The models are 
    also ``simple'' in that the mortgage performance equations used in the 
    stress test can be used by the Enterprises--without any modifications-
    to replicate the stress test. Further, OFHEO believes that using 
    cumulative default rates would not achieve significant simplification. 
    Freddie Mac's comments recognized that default and prepayment rates are 
    not uniform among loans with different characteristics. To deal with 
    these important differences, Freddie Mac suggested developing a system 
    of multiples and LTV categories that would be applied to historical 
    cumulative default rates. However, this approach requires a matrix of 
    rates that becomes, in practice, more complicated to estimate than a 
    statistical model of conditional default rates. Therefore, developing a 
    statistical model, based upon well-recognized techniques that are 
    widely used in the mortgage industry, was, in OFHEO's view, a 
    preferable approach.
    b. Identifying Events for Default and Prepayment
        A practical issue for modeling default and prepayment rates is how 
    to identify a default or prepayment event in the historical Enterprise 
    (i) ANPR Comments
        A number of ANPR commenters, including MBA and Freddie Mac, 
    suggested defining default events only in terms of foreclosures, 
    because many delinquencies are cured and do not generate significant 
    losses. In contrast, the VA suggested modeling the timing of cash flows 
    associated with all delinquencies, including loans that are reinstated 
    and do not terminate.
        Only Freddie Mac addressed the subject of curtailments as a form of 
    prepayment. Curtailments are partial prepayments, made in addition to 
    regularly scheduled mortgage payments. Freddie Mac did not suggest that 
    they be tracked as mortgage events, but only that some consideration of 
    them be given in the calculation of current LTV ratios to account for 
    the resulting improvements in borrower equity positions. Freddie Mac 
    cited a study on Ginnie Mae curtailment speeds,\89\ and suggested that 
    Enterprise loan pools might have higher rates of curtailment than found 
    in the study, because of better borrower equity and liquidity 
        \89\ Peter Chinloy, ``Elective Mortgage Prepayment: Termination 
    and Curtailment,'' Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban 
    Economics Association 21 (3, Fall 1993), 313-332.
    (ii) OFHEO Response
        OFHEO agrees with MBA and Freddie Mac that the stress test should 
    not consider all delinquencies to be defaults. Only delinquencies that 
    result in termination of the loan are treated as defaults in the stress 
    test. Historically, these events predominantly have been foreclosures, 
    although today these events also include pre-foreclosure sales, where 
    delinquent borrowers sell their properties before foreclosure and share 
    the losses with the Enterprise and/or mortgage insurer.\90\ OFHEO found 
    that the more detailed modeling of delinquencies suggested by the VA 
    would make the model more complex and would not have a significant 
    impact on risk-based capital. The impact would be minimal, because in 
    the time and place of the benchmark loss experience, few, if any, 
    alternatives to foreclosure were utilized by the Enterprises and the 
    benchmark rates would, therefore, not change. Also, even if modest 
    improvements to the stress test were possible by modeling delinquency 
    events, at this time there are insufficient data to support an analysis 
    of delinquency resolutions and costs.
        \90\ A less important default termination event is the transfer 
    of the property deed, in lieu of foreclosure. This is a foreclosure-
    like event in that it results in the Enterprise taking title to the 
    property and having to manage and sell it, just as is the case with 
    foreclosed properties.
        Mortgage default and prepayment events result from a borrower's 
    decision to terminate the mortgage, either by prepaying or defaulting, 
    resulting in an observed last-paid installment, after which no further 
    payments are forthcoming. In the case of (full) mortgage prepayment, 
    the borrower terminates the loan by repaying the remaining principal 
    and any outstanding interest. The models identify prepayment events in 
    the Enterprise data by the existence of a last-paid installment date 
    and a change in the loan status from active to prepay. Loan defaults 
    are identified as any loan that has terminated without an indication 
    that it has been prepaid or paid off at maturity.
        In the proposed stress test, curtailments made prior to the 
    beginning of the stress period are accounted for in the starting loan 
    balances reported to OFHEO from the Enterprises. OFHEO does not, 
    however, propose giving further consideration for potential 
    curtailments in the stress period itself. OFHEO has found no evidence 
    that curtailments have a significant impact on current LTVs of 
    Enterprise loans on a portfolio-wide basis.\91\
        \91\ The Chinloy study cited by Freddie Mac, which used a 
    limited data set, found that curtailments in the study period 
    (January 1988-May 1989) amounted to a very small rate (0.42 percent 
    per year) on the outstanding loan balances of the Ginnie Mae 
    security pools. Ibid., p. 326. More recent work by Fu, Lacour-
    Little, and Vandell, on conventional mortgage curtailment rates, 
    also shows that curtailments amount to a small percentage of 
    portfolio balances. Qiang Fu, Michael Lacour-Little, and Kerry 
    Vandell, ``Retiring Early: an Empirical Analysis of the Mortgage 
    Curtailment Decision,'' unpublished manuscript, University of 
    Wisconsin--Madison, December 1997. These authors observed 25,566 
    mortgages for a 21-month period. These included a mixture of 
    conforming and jumbo loans, and included loans originated from 1967 
    to 1995. During a 21-month observation period, these authors found 
    that over 86 percent of the loans surveyed made no curtailments, and 
    only 0.64 percent of the loans made curtailments in excess of one 
    percent of the original loan balance. Ibid, Table 3, p. 22. The 
    largest curtailments were made on older loans (close to 20 years 
    old), where loan balances and default rates will be small to begin 
    with. Thus, any effect of these curtailments on credit losses would 
    be insignificant for risk-based capital determination.
    c. Use of Joint Default/Prepayment Models
        A key issue raised in the ANPR was whether to use a joint 
    prepayment and
    [[Page 18128]]
    default model or some simpler assumptions about default and prepayment 
    rates in the stress test. In the ANPR, OFHEO also asked whether 
    prepayments during the stress test should affect the volume or timing 
    of defaults.
    (i) ANPR Comments
        Several commenters supported the use of a joint model of defaults 
    and prepayments. MRAC stated that the ``absolute merits'' of the 
    approach are ``obvious.'' NAR asserted that the principal merit of 
    using a joint model of conditional default and prepayment probabilities 
    is its ability to use all the available information to determine 
    whether a mortgage survives from one year to the next or is lost from 
    the portfolio through prepayment or default. HUD cited the need to 
    model defaults and prepayments together as simultaneous decisions based 
    on the underlying property equity.
        The Enterprises opposed a joint default and prepayment model. 
    However, Fannie Mae, although not recommending joint modeling, noted 
    the interrelationship between defaults and prepayments. Fannie Mae 
    favored the use of a statistical model that would determine only total 
    terminations (prepayments plus defaults) in each of the two stress test 
    interest rate scenarios. Fannie Mae suggested that total defaults in 
    both scenarios be set at the levels that occurred in the benchmark loss 
    experience. Prepayments would be calculated by subtracting total 
    defaults from total terminations. Fannie Mae made no specific 
    recommendation about how conditional default rates might be determined 
    or how total defaults and prepayments should be distributed through the 
    stress period. Fannie Mae opined that the methodology it recommended 
    would be consistent with the 1992 Act and would provide a workable 
    framework for capturing the relationship between defaults and 
    prepayments. Fannie Mae also viewed this approach as consistent with 
    industry practice and asserted that it would be easier for the company 
    to manage to a capital standard based upon such an approach than it 
    would be to manage to one based upon a joint statistical model.
        By contrast, Freddie Mac, while preferring a simpler approach to 
    default modeling, asserted that a joint statistical model of default 
    and prepayment rates would be preferable to total termination models in 
    the stress test context because: (1) unlike the total terminations 
    models, the joint model ensures that defaults and prepayments ``add 
    up'' to the total mortgage terminations; (2) total termination models 
    focus on interest rate movements under the assumption that default is a 
    small part of terminations under normal conditions, (an assumption 
    Freddie Mac found unwarranted in a stress test environment); and, (3) 
    standard termination models capture small effects such as seasonal 
    variation, which would unnecessarily complicate the stress test.
        Freddie Mac also favored an empirically based statistical model of 
    mortgage performance over a stochastic simulation model like those used 
    in mortgage-backed security pricing. Freddie Mac stated that stochastic 
    models are not typically used by the industry for default and 
    prepayment modeling because borrower housing objectives are too complex 
    and heterogeneous to be described adequately with a single set of rules 
    simple enough to solve analytically.
        Although Freddie Mac favored the use of a joint statistical model 
    over these other approaches, Freddie Mac did not recommend that OFHEO 
    use one in the stress test, asserting that OFHEO would have difficulty 
    using the data from the benchmark experience to estimate the model. 
    Freddie Mac also cited the need to model prepayments during the stress 
    period as a function of current coupons and interest rates. Freddie Mac 
    instead recommended estimating a statistical equation for prepayments 
    based on historical data from a distressed region to factor prepayments 
    into the stress test. Freddie Mac asserted that this approach would 
    allow implementation of the two interest-rate scenarios while tying 
    prepayment rates to the benchmark experience. Freddie Mac also 
    recommended using cumulative default rates from the benchmark 
    experience as the stress test default rates.
        Freddie Mac raised other issues about joint models, claiming that 
    they are not ideal because: (1) they are complex; (2) they require 
    assumptions about both house price drift (average appreciation) and 
    volatility (variation in individual appreciation rates around the 
    average rate); (3) they require assumptions as to what constitutes 
    negative equity; and (4) they require other factors, such as loss of 
    employment to be modeled.
    (ii) OFHEO's Response
        OFHEO proposes to use joint statistical models in the stress test 
    for both single family and multifamily loans, agreeing with 
    recommendations of many commenters. Also, OFHEO found that total 
    termination models, such as those recommended by Fannie Mae, were not 
    adequate for the purposes of the proposed regulation. (See earlier 
    discussion under section III.A.5.a., Use of Conditional Default and 
    Prepayment Rates.) As explained in the ANPR, prepayments have a major 
    impact on cumulative and conditional rates of default, because every 
    loan that prepays is one less loan that could later default. However, 
    high levels of prepayment, which occur when interest rates decline, can 
    also result in increased conditional default rates in periods that 
    follow. This phenomenon, referred to as ``adverse selection'' or 
    ``burnout,'' occurs because loans that do not prepay when interest 
    rates decline are often lower quality loans that do not qualify for 
    refinancing. Using a joint default/prepayment model allows the stress 
    test to reflect the impact of prepayments (and, therefore, of interest 
    rate changes) upon defaults.
        The joint modeling approach is based on well-known and accepted 
    statistical methods that are widely applied in the mortgage performance 
    research. Researchers have found multivariate statistical models to be 
    necessary for this research, because the borrower's options to default 
    or prepay are interrelated. OFHEO believes that simpler approaches 
    (models or tabulations) that fail to account for this complexity would 
    not provide reasonable and appropriate projections of mortgage 
    performance during the stress period.
        OFHEO addressed Freddie Mac's concern about the difficulty of 
    retaining a reasonable relationship to the benchmark loss experience in 
    a joint model by: (1) replicating certain benchmark economic factors--
    specifically, house prices, rent growth rates and rental vacancy 
    rates--in the stress test; and (2) adjusting the underlying default and 
    severity equations used in the stress test to allow them to replicate 
    exactly the benchmark experience. Modeling the effects of differences 
    in starting coupons and interest rates from the benchmark loss 
    experience was possible, because OFHEO's database allowed the models to 
    be estimated based upon a broad and representative sample of historical 
    mortgage performance data. The statistical equations therefore yield 
    reasonable estimates that can be used to project mortgage prepayment 
    under many different circumstances, including stress test interest rate 
        Regarding the issue of model complexity, in OFHEO's view, the 
    proposed models strike the appropriate balance between accuracy and 
    simplicity. The stress test uses an approach based on well-known and
    [[Page 18129]]
    accepted statistical methods that are applied and accepted widely in 
    academic research and in industry practice. Further, OFHEO has 
    developed specifications for the default and prepayment models that 
    avoid unnecessary complexity. The prepayment model suggested by Freddie 
    Mac--using Freddie Mac projections from a statistical equation with ad 
    hoc adjustments based on mortgage coupon rates--is at least as complex, 
    but far less accurate.
        As to house price appreciation and volatility, any model of 
    mortgage performance includes, explicitly or implicitly, assumptions 
    about these factors. OFHEO believes that the proposed stress test 
    includes a reasonable and appropriate methodology for updating house 
    prices throughout the stress period. (See section III.A.4.d., Property 
        OFHEO does not agree with Freddie Mac that the need to use 
    assumptions about negative equity to estimate a joint model is a reason 
    not to use a joint model. Any statistical model of mortgage default 
    requires certain assumptions about how to measure negative equity in 
    order to predict defaults. Although expected equity values cannot be 
    assigned to individual borrowers to determine a precise LTV for each 
    loan, using probabilities of negative equity provides substantial 
    information about the negative equity position of individual borrowers. 
    The probability of negative equity is a function of the current loan 
    balance and the probability that individual house prices are below that 
    balance. It is especially valuable when modeling the default potential 
    from groups of loans, as is the case in the proposed stress test. By 
    applying estimates of house price drift and volatility obtained from 
    independent estimates based on the OFHEO House Price Index, the 
    distributions of individual housing values relative to the value at 
    mortgage origination are determined. This approach eliminates the 
    measurement difficulties associated with calculating individual 
    borrower equity at the loan level.
        The concern that developing a statistical model for the stress test 
    would require modeling the effects of unemployment on prepayment rates 
    does not raise an issue, because OFHEO does not propose to use 
    unemployment as an explanatory variable in the stress test. In general, 
    OFHEO has limited the explanatory variables in the stress test to those 
    that define different loan characteristics or product types are 
    required to meet statutory requirements. As explained above in section 
    III.A.2., Overview of Mortgage Performance, OFHEO has avoided 
    variables, such as unemployment, that require assumptions about stress 
    period economic conditions that are not specified in the 1992 Act. (See 
    section III.A.5.e., Choice of Explanatory Variables for Default and 
    d. Choice of a Statistical Method for a Joint Model of Default and 
    (i) ANPR Comments
        The ANPR sought comment on the appropriate statistical method to 
    use for a joint model of default and prepayment. None of the ANPR 
    comments provided an express recommendation of a model, but NAR 
    supported a multivariate model and suggested that the proportional 
    hazard model developed by John Quigley and Robert Van Order in 1992 
    would provide a good starting point. Other commenters, such as Freddie 
    Mac and ACB, emphasized that any joint model must be robust and able to 
    yield reasonable results under many different scenarios.
    (ii) OFHEO Response
        OFHEO agrees with the NAR comment that proportional hazard models 
    provide a good starting point. These models measure conditional rates 
    of default and prepayment. The stress test utilizes a similar approach, 
    the logit model, which is more appropriate for large data sets. OFHEO 
    also agrees with Freddie Mac and ACB that a joint model should be 
    robust and able to yield reasonable results under many different 
    scenarios. As explained more fully in the Technical Supplement, OFHEO 
    has evaluated its proposed models to ensure that they yield reasonable 
    results under many different scenarios, use widely accepted techniques, 
    and are otherwise appropriate for OFHEO's purposes.
        OFHEO is proposing statistical models for single family mortgages 
    that were estimated using multinomial logit specifications for 
    quarterly conditional probabilities of default and prepayment. The 
    multifamily model was estimated similarly, although it is based upon 
    annual, rather than quarterly, conditional probabilities of default and 
    prepayment, as described more fully in the discussion of the 
    multifamily default/prepayment issues, below. There are several 
    advantages to using the multinomial logit specification. First, it 
    guarantees that the estimated and projected probabilities of default 
    and prepayment always lie between 0 and 100 percent. Second, one can 
    estimate weights for the impact of specific explanatory variables on 
    the probabilities of default and prepayment separately. Third, it is 
    possible to specify different lists of explanatory variables for each 
    type of event. Fourth, the model automatically accounts for the impact 
    of differences in the estimated probability of default on prepayment 
    and vice versa. Finally, estimation routines for multinomial logit 
    models are readily available in a large number of commercially 
    available statistical software packages.
    e. Choice of Explanatory Variables for Default and Prepayment
        In the ANPR, OFHEO requested comment on the appropriate explanatory 
    variables to use in statistical models of default and prepayment. OFHEO 
    asked specifically about how to account for the effects of house 
    prices, interest rates, and other economic factors, and whether to 
    include measures of mortgage age and mortgage value as explanatory 
    variables. OFHEO also asked about empirical and theoretical approaches 
    to estimation of multifamily credit risk, and several respondents 
    addressed the issue of explanatory variables in responding to that 
    question.\92\ Because there are some differences between the 
    explanatory variables for single family and multifamily models, the 
    comments on explanatory variables are discussed separately for the two 
    models. Some comments related to specific explanatory variables are 
    discussed below in connection with the discussion of the particular 
        \92\ No commenters provided suggestions on how to actually model 
    multifamily mortgage defaults and prepayments.
    (i) Comments on Explanatory Variables for Single Family Modeling
        Freddie Mac suggested that using mortgage product, property type, 
    occupancy status and current LTV as explanatory variables would explain 
    a significant portion of the differences in default rates without 
    venturing into more complex relationships that might prove unreliable 
    for purposes of the stress test. Freddie Mac recommended caution in the 
    consideration of mortgage age as an explanatory variable, noting that 
    while age may be a valuable proxy for unmeasurable determinants of 
    default, it should not take on such importance that mortgage age 
    patterns dominate the capital requirements. In contrast, Freddie Mac 
    did recommend that OFHEO include a measure of the mortgage premium 
    value (reflected by the difference between the interest rate on a given 
    mortgage and the current market interest rate for a similar loan) in
    [[Page 18130]]
    its modeling efforts, as an adjunct to borrower equity. Freddie Mac 
    cited its own research showing that borrower default choices do respond 
    to differences between the mortgage coupon rates and current market 
    rates of interest.
        World Savings stated that OFHEO should be cautious about including 
    unemployment rates as an explanatory variable in any statistical model 
    of mortgage performance, because the statutory stress test takes a 
    regional experience and uses it to imply a national recession. World 
    Savings reasoned that, in a regional recession, homeowners who lose 
    their jobs might find employment elsewhere but retain their homes. They 
    may rent their homes until such time as house prices again rise enough 
    to permit them to sell their properties without incurring a loss. 
    However, in a national recession, such opportunities would not be 
    available and the dynamics of default could be much different.
        MRAC recommended using the following variables: current LTV, length 
    of residence, mortgage term and type, loan purpose, occupancy status, 
    primary home status, relocation loan status, consumer credit 
    information, and mortgage premium value. Recognizing that length of 
    residence is not always available to researchers, MRAC suggested that 
    mortgage age could be used instead. The MBA recommended including 
    measures of borrower equity, mortgage premium value, and product type 
    differences in a statistical model. Standard and Poor's asserted that 
    mortgage age is a very important explanatory factor, noting that 80 
    percent of all defaults occur by the seventh year of a mortgage pool.
        The VA asserted that borrower equity is the most important 
    determinant of default and prepayment rates and recommended that OFHEO 
    think of explanatory variables in two categories: those that indicate 
    the borrower's ability to pay, and those that indicate the borrower's 
    ability to sell the property. The former category could include such 
    things as job loss, divorce, necessary relocation, and hazard loss 
    (e.g., uninsured fire or water damage to the home). The latter category 
    could include the borrower's equity position and ability to complete a 
    property sale quickly. The VA also mentioned that its own statistical 
    model of default and prepayment rates includes regional unemployment, 
    house sale activity measures, and a house-purchase-affordability index.
        NAR recommended that OFHEO include a factor for mortgage age, but 
    not for the mortgage premium value. While NAR accepted the theoretical 
    justification for including mortgage value in a statistical model, it 
    did not find its influence on defaults to be statistically significant 
    in its own modeling efforts. NAR also mentioned a factor not discussed 
    by other commenters--the relative size of each loan. NAR commented that 
    the influence of house price appreciation on default depends on whether 
    the loan has a high or low balance, and that OFHEO should carefully 
    analyze this issue in the context of Enterprise experience. In addition 
    to these comments, NAR also provided, without further explanation, a 
    list of all the variables it believes should be included in a 
    statistical model of default and prepayments. Listed were: origination 
    LTV, ratio of the mortgage coupon rate to the current market rate for 
    home mortgages, current LTV, loan size, presence of credit enhancement 
    (e.g., private mortgage insurance), house price dispersion, transaction 
    costs, the burden on household cash flow of servicing the mortgage, 
    origination year of the mortgage, policy year (age) of the mortgage, 
    mortgage premium value (for prepayment only), region of the country, 
    unemployment rate, inflation, regional household mobility rate, 
    mortgage product characteristics, and net borrower equity in the home.
    (ii) Comments on Explanatory Variables for Multifamily Modeling
        OFHEO received fewer responses to its ANPR questions on approaches 
    to multifamily modeling than it did to questions related to single 
    family mortgage performance modeling. The import of these comments was 
    to direct OFHEO to look at property cash flows as the primary influence 
    on defaults. Freddie Mac emphasized that cash flow after mortgage debt 
    service, as measured by the debt coverage ratio (DCR) is important, as 
    are property equity and balloon terms. It also mentioned the need to 
    measure multifamily market conditions directly, rather than relying 
    upon single family house price appreciation to update explanatory 
    variables over time. Freddie Mac further indicated that OFHEO needs to 
    take into account significant factors that affected multifamily default 
    rates during the 1980s, such as tax law changes, but should not include 
    in the stress test the effect of any speculative political factors, 
    such as potential legislative actions.
        Standard and Poor's also suggested that DCR should be the focal 
    point for multifamily mortgage default risk, but added that the quality 
    of the real estate securing mortgages is also considered in the S&P 
    credit analysis. ACB recommended accounting for the changing cash flow 
    position of the mortgaged property (i.e., using the DCR), rather than 
    relying solely on net income, and including factors for tax laws and 
    depreciation allowances. It also commented that, while data is not 
    available to consider these additional variables, the underlying 
    determinants of multifamily defaults are factors that lead to problems 
    in tenant rental payments: unemployment, reduced hours of work, and 
    reduced income. HUD suggested considering the corporate bankruptcy 
    literature when deciding how to model multifamily defaults. This 
    literature emphasizes changes in the cash flow position of multifamily 
    properties. HUD also commented that OFHEO should treat balloon payoffs 
    differently than normal, early prepayments.
    (iii) General Approach
        Models of mortgage performance are models of borrower behavior--of 
    individual borrowers' decisions whether to continue making monthly 
    mortgage payments, to prepay, or to default. Each month, every borrower 
    must choose among these three options. Because mortgage performance 
    models are an attempt to predict how borrowers will choose to exercise 
    these options, financial options theory provides the most widely 
    accepted conceptual framework to link these borrower choices to 
    differences in the underlying loan characteristics and economic 
        \93\ This conceptual framework is the basis for nearly all 
    mortgage performance research. It applies to all of the mortgage 
    performance models referenced in the ANPR (See 60 FR 7470-7471, Feb. 
    8, 1995, footnotes 11 and 13). Other references can be found in the 
    Technical Supplement to this regulation. Financial options theory 
    treats a mortgage like a bond issued by the borrower with embedded 
    financial options to default or prepay, which borrowers will 
    exercise when it is in their financial interest to do. From the 
    lender or mortgage investor's perspective, this conceptual framework 
    is sometimes referred to as ``contingent claim analysis.'' The 
    mortgage investor, as bondholder, has a claim to a cash flow 
    (mortgage payments), the value of which is contingent upon the value 
    of the options to the borrower and the actions of the borrower with 
    respect to the mortgage property (e.g., property maintenance). The 
    choice to pay off (prepay) a mortgage is likened to a ``call'' 
    option, where the borrower effectively buys back the mortgage from 
    the lender at the book (face) value. The choice to default is seen 
    as a ``put'' option, where the borrower sells the mortgage back to 
    the lender at the current market value of the collateral property. 
    The choice of an options-based model is consistent with the apparent 
    underlying assumption of the preponderance of ANPR comments, which 
    generally relate to how to account for factors that affect the 
    exercise of these options.
        In the options theory framework, the most important variables are 
    borrower equity and interest rates. When equity is
    [[Page 18131]]
    negative, that is, the property value is less than the outstanding 
    mortgage balance, the default (put) option is said to be ``in the 
    money.'' That term is used to mean that, theoretically, the borrower 
    might find it financially advantageous to default in order to eliminate 
    the negative equity position in the mortgage.\94\ When equity is 
    negative, maintaining the mortgage through regular monthly payments 
    leaves the borrower paying more for the property than it is worth. 
    Under such conditions, default becomes an economically rational option 
    for many borrowers, particularly those who may be undergoing other 
    financial stresses, such as unemployment, divorce, health problems, 
        \94\ Negative equity is only one factor that influences the 
    borrower's decision. Borrowers are usually personally liable on the 
    note, which means that default could have numerous negative 
    consequences beyond losing the property in foreclosure. For this 
    reason, the model recognizes that negative equity does not cause a 
    default, but simply makes it more likely.
        In an options-based model, interest rate changes create positive or 
    negative value in the mortgage itself. This value is referred to in the 
    ANPR as ``mortgage value.'' It is also sometimes referred to as the 
    mortgage premium value. That is, the current mortgage has a ``premium'' 
    or positive value to the borrower--it is worth holding on to--if the 
    coupon interest rate is below current market rates. That mortgage value 
    is reduced if current market rates are below the coupon rate. If a 
    borrower is in a position of negative property equity due to declines 
    in local house prices, but has a below market rate mortgage, the 
    mortgage premium value reduces incentives to default. On the other 
    hand, an above market rate mortgage could, in theory, increase the 
    incentive to default for the same borrower.
        The mortgage premium value is inversely related to the value of the 
    prepayment (call) option. When current market rates are below mortgage 
    coupon, the call option is ``in the money,'' and its value is high. 
    When the mortgage rate is below market, the call option is ``out of the 
    money,'' and its value is low. Borrower equity also plays a part in 
    prepayment determination; generally, it must be a certain positive 
    amount before lenders will offer refinance opportunities. It must also 
    meet a positive threshold before a property can be sold without the 
    borrower incurring out-of-pocket expenses. However, as long as minimum 
    equity thresholds are met, the higher the mortgage coupon rate is above 
    the market rate, the greater is the incentive for a borrower to 
    exercise the prepayment option by paying off the existing mortgage from 
    the lender with the proceeds of a new loan.\95\
        \95\ It is also possible that borrowers exercise the prepayment 
    option with personal equity, liquidating other assets to pay off the 
    mortgage even if property equity is negative. Borrowers may also 
    turn to alternate lenders, who offer loans with LTVs higher than 
    those usually purchased by the Enterprises, for refinancing 
    opportunities when borrowers have little or no positive property 
        Although property equity and interest rates are the predominant 
    variables of relevance in an options approach to mortgage termination 
    modeling, many other factors affect borrower decisions to exercise a 
    default or prepayment option.\96\ For single family mortgages, some of 
    these factors are: (1) the potential for lender deficiency judgments, 
    which reduce borrowers' ability to force lenders to absorb the negative 
    property equity through defaulting; (2) borrowers' desire to maintain 
    access to credit at preferential rates, which will also make them more 
    hesitant to default; (3) moving costs, which reduce the value of the 
    default option; (4) forced mobility due to job loss (or relocation) or 
    family disruption, causing default or prepayment when it would not 
    otherwise be financially advantageous to terminate the mortgage; (5) 
    expected future mobility, which reduces tendencies to prepay in the 
    present when that option is otherwise ``in the money''; and (6) the up-
    front expenses involved in prepayment, which require that interest 
    rates fall by a certain amount before it is really advantageous to 
    prepay. For multifamily mortgages, the additional factors that affect 
    the borrower's decision to exercise an option to default or prepay are: 
    (1) property cash flow and the ability to service the mortgage; (2) the 
    value of depreciation write-offs in reducing tax burdens; (3) 
    prepayment penalties, which reduce the value of refinancing in the 
    early years of a loan; and (4) balloon terms, which generally require a 
    loan to be refinanced at maturity. Balloon term considerations are more 
    important for multifamily than for single family mortgages because 
    balloons are the predominant instrument type in the conventional, 
    multifamily mortgage market.
        \96\ Empirical studies have shown that mortgage borrowers are 
    not ``ruthless'' in their exercise of these options. First, just 
    being ``in the money'' at a point in time does not mean that an 
    optimal ``strike price'' has been reached, where the option value is 
    maximized. Second, there are many other factors that affect both 
    option value and whether borrowers will default or prepay their 
        In choosing which variables to include in estimating the 
    statistical models used in the stress test, OFHEO considered financial 
    options theory, ANPR comments, data availability, the need for 
    simplicity in model design, and the need to meet multiple statutory 
    objectives while implementing a credit stress test based on the 
    benchmark loss experience. In selecting explanatory variables to use in 
    running the stress test, OFHEO considered whether they were necessary 
    to reflect the differences in loan characteristics and interest rate 
    environments as required by the 1992 Act. Some variables were used to 
    estimate the statistical models, but they did not meet the criteria for 
    inclusion in the stress test itself.\97\ They are represented by 
    simplifying assumptions in the stress test so that their values do not 
    vary across loans or time. All variables used to estimate the models 
    and any other variables suggested by commenters are discussed below. 
    The variables common to both single family and multifamily analysis are 
    discussed first, followed by a discussion of variables unique to each.
        \97\ Any variable that is included as an explanatory variable in 
    the stress test is also used to estimate the model.
    (iv) Common Single and Multifamily Variables
    (a) Measures of Borrower Equity
        The actual variable used in the proposed stress test to capture 
    borrower equity positions is the probability of negative equity--the 
    probability that the value of a mortgage will be larger than the value 
    of the property securing it, so that the default (put) option is ``in 
    the money.'' Calculation of this explanatory variable uses the measures 
    of property value described in section III. A. 4. d., Property 
    Valuation, along with original loan amortization schedules.\98\ 
    Measuring the probability of negative equity is appropriate because the 
    actual appreciation rates of individual properties are unknown and 
    because such a measure gives the best representation of the percentage 
    of loans in any given pool or portfolio that are at risk of default. 
    The probability of negative equity is also included in prepayment 
    equations, because negative equity may prevent prepayment by making it 
    difficult to refinance. This variable, therefore, has opposite effects 
    on default and prepayment rates. Increases in the probability of 
    negative equity mean that fewer loans in the pool qualify for 
    refinancing, which decreases prepayment rates. At the same time, 
    borrowers who are forced to relocate or
    [[Page 18132]]
    who experience a loss of income may have difficulty prepaying, making 
    the default option a more likely borrower strategy.
        \98\ In the estimation of single family default and prepayment 
    equations, and in the stress test simulation of default and 
    prepayment rates, balloon loans are amortized over their original 
    rather than amortization terms. In the final rule OFHEO intends to 
    substitute amortization term for original term in the calculations 
    for balloon loans.
        For multifamily loans, the stress test uses a variable capturing 
    the joint probability of negative equity and negative cash flow to 
    predict default. As highlighted by the ANPR commenters, cash flow may 
    be more important than equity for multifamily default. Although 
    negative equity is a necessary condition for the default option to be 
    ``in the money,'' it is not a sufficient condition for default. Default 
    will maximize wealth only if cash flows are also negative. When the 
    equity is negative, but cash flows are positive, default is not 
    rational because the borrower would give up positive income. Because 
    both negative equity and negative cash flow are required for default to 
    occur, the primary variable proposed to explain multifamily default is 
    the joint probability that a property has both negative equity and 
    negative cash flow.
        Additional consideration is given to the equity position of 
    borrowers with balloon loans when those loans mature. At the balloon 
    maturity point, when borrowers must pay off and find new financing, 
    weak property financials can lead to even higher default rates than 
    might occur earlier in the life of the loans. The multifamily model, 
    therefore, gives additional weight to the joint probability variable in 
    the balloon maturity year to reflect the increased risk that a borrower 
    will not qualify for a new mortgage.\99\
        \99\ OFHEO does not propose a similar treatment of single family 
    balloon mortgages at this time, because they are not substantial 
    portions of single family loan portfolios of the Enterprises, their 
    balloon point refinance qualification standards are not as stringent 
    as those for multifamily loans, and the Enterprises readily help 
    single family borrowers to refinance balloon mortgages.
        Multifamily balloon loan payoff is also a function of the financial 
    characteristics of the underlying property, because loans must meet 
    equity and cash flow standards before new financing can be secured. To 
    capture the impact of equity and cash flow on the ability of a borrower 
    to refinance a multifamily loan at the balloon point, the stress test 
    uses a variable that measures the joint probabilities that both 
    property equity and cash flow are at sufficiently high levels to 
    qualify for refinancing.
    (b) Mortgage Premium Value
        OFHEO posed a question in the ANPR about use of the mortgage value 
    (mortgage premium value)--the financial value of an above or below 
    market rate mortgage coupon--as an explanatory variable in default 
    equations. The mortgage premium value is a measure of the value of the 
    prepayment option to the borrower, that is, the value of prepayment 
    before accounting the transaction costs of prepayment. It is, 
    therefore, an important variable used by all the models to explain 
    prepayment behavior. At issue is whether this factor should also be 
    used to help explain default behavior.
        ANPR commenters had differing views on this issue. Those suggesting 
    that it should be used were Freddie Mac and VA. Two other commenters, 
    NAR and ACB, were supportive in theory, but were not confident that a 
    statistically valid relationship to default rates could be found, at 
    least for single family mortgages. MRAC included the difference between 
    the mortgage coupon rate and current market interest rates (a proxy for 
    mortgage premium value) in its list of explanatory variables for a 
    default/prepayment model. This is a proxy for the mortgage premium 
        As explained earlier, options theory suggests that increases in the 
    value of the prepayment option (resulting from lower interest rates) 
    should increase both prepayment and default rates because the current 
    mortgage becomes expensive compared to alternatives. Prepayments 
    increase because refinancing becomes attractive. Default rates increase 
    for borrowers who already have negative property equity because some 
    such borrowers relieve themselves of both the negative property equity 
    and the expensive mortgage by defaulting and then renting, or by taking 
    out a new mortgage to purchase another property. Conversely, increases 
    in market interest rates increase the value of holding on to an 
    existing mortgage, and thus may decrease default rates as well as 
        While recognizing that there is a theoretical basis to include a 
    mortgage premium value variable in the default equations, OFHEO 
    proposes, nevertheless, to limit its use to prepayment equations. The 
    influence of interest rate changes on mortgage defaults is captured 
    adequately in single family default equations by a ``burnout'' 
    variable, which measures the instances when borrowers have not taken 
    advantage of previous refinancing opportunities. This variable is 
    explained in a later discussion under section III.A.5.e., Choice of 
    Explanatory Variables for Default and Prepayment. A burnout variable is 
    not included in the multifamily equations, because prepayments are 
    severely limited by prepayment restrictions.
        For prepayment equations, the actual variable used to capture the 
    prepayment option value is a relative spread variable: the difference 
    between the current mortgage coupon rate and the current market 
    interest rate, as a percentage of the current mortgage coupon rate. 
    This variable has been shown to provide an approximation of the 
    mortgage premium value.\100\
        \100\ This approximation of the mortgage premium value was 
    introduced by Y. Deng, J. M. Quigley, and R. Van Order, (1996) 
    ``Mortgage Default And Low Downpayment Loans: The Costs Of Public 
    Subsidy,'' Journal of Regional Science and Urban Economics 26(3-4), 
        For multifamily mortgages, this relative spread variable is not 
    included in the default equations, because the interest rate effect on 
    default rates is reflected adequately in the joint probability 
    variable. Declines in interest rates increase the present value of 
    after-debt income stream generated by the property, and thus its market 
    value, all else equal. Consequently, multifamily property values 
    generally rise when interest rates fall.\101\ Thus, a relative spread 
    variable is not included for multifamily defaults.
        \101\ While market interest rates do have some effect on prices 
    of single family homes, the effect is not as direct as it is for 
    multifamily and other investment properties.
    (c) Mortgage Age
        OFHEO proposes to include mortgage age as an explanatory variable 
    in its single family and multifamily models, as recommended in the ANPR 
    comments. OFHEO found that conditional probabilities of default and 
    prepayment of Enterprise loans exhibit characteristic age profiles that 
    increase during the first years following origination, peak sometime 
    between the fourth and seventh years, and decline thereafter.
        Because the benchmark loss experience was based entirely upon newly 
    originated loans, an adjustment is necessary to account for the fact 
    that at any point in time Enterprise single family portfolios consist 
    of loans with varying ages. Adding mortgage age as an explanatory 
    variable provides such an adjustment by allowing conditional default 
    and prepayment probabilities to vary during the stress period in ways 
    that historical profiles indicate are appropriate for loans of each 
    age. Although Freddie Mac raised a concern that mortgage age might have 
    too large an effect in the stress test, OFHEO research indicates that 
    this is not the case. Although mortgage age is an important variable in 
    the models, it does not diminish the impact of other, more
    [[Page 18133]]
    direct risk factors included in the stress test.\102\
        \102\ Mortgage age combines with the constant term in the 
    statistical default and prepayment equations to create what can be 
    called ``baseline'' rates of default and prepayment: the time series 
    of rates that would occur if all other influences were absent. Once 
    variables representing those other influences are added to the 
    equations, the actual patterns of default and prepayment rates can 
    vary greatly from the baseline paths.
    (v) Additional Explanatory Variables Used in the Single Family Model
        The following discussion addresses additional explanatory variables 
    that are used only in the single family model. A list of additional 
    explanatory variables for the multifamily model is provided after this 
    discussion of single family variables. The variables discussed below 
    help to complete or modify the basic option valuation for single family 
    mortgages. The original LTV ratio helps to account for differences in 
    default and prepayment rates due to borrower financial status. 
    Occupancy status accounts for differences between single family owner-
    occupiers and investor-owners. Product-type factors adjust for 
    differences that might be due to the unique risk characteristics of 
    those products and the borrowers who use them. The yield curve slope 
    accounts for different incentives to refinance between fixed-and 
    adjustable-rate products. Some of the variables discussed below are 
    used in statistical estimation of the models, but are represented by 
    simplifying assumptions in the stress test.
    (a) Original LTV Ratio
        Original LTV ratio is used in the stress test as a proxy for a 
    number of factors related to the financial status of single family 
    borrowers that are recognized widely as influencing the propensity of 
    borrowers to default. Among these factors, which were mentioned by ANPR 
    comments, are borrower income, net worth, and debt burdens. Information 
    about these factors is not available for most of the loans in OFHEO's 
    database. A variable that is available as a proxy for relative 
    financial status of borrowers is the original LTV ratio.\103\ Both 
    Freddie Mac and NAR recommended use of this variable. By making low 
    down payments, high LTV borrowers signal that they are more likely to 
    have few economic resources to finance the transaction costs of 
    prepayment, or to endure spells of unemployment or other ``trigger'' 
    events that might cause them to exercise their option to default. Also, 
    high LTV borrowers demonstrate a willingness to ``leverage'' the 
    financing of the home purchase, which may mean that they are more 
    likely to exercise their default option when it is in the money. For 
    these reasons, OFHEO found that original LTV is an important risk 
    characteristic of mortgages, which OFHEO proposes to use both in 
    estimating the single family model and in running the stress test.
        \103\ Although credit scores could be a good indicator of the 
    financial status of borrowers, as discussed below under section III. 
    A. 5. e. vi. f., Credit Scores, their usefulness for developing and 
    implementing a default/prepayment model in the stress test is 
    limited because credit scoring is a fairly recent development in the 
    mortgage industry.
    (b) Occupancy Status
        Historically, single family loans to owners who live in the 
    collateral property have exhibited different performance than similar 
    loans made to investors who rent the property. Difference in occupancy 
    status is one of the loan characteristics that the 1992 Act 
    specifically requires that OFHEO take into account in the stress test. 
    It is also a distinction often made by the mortgage industry, because 
    of a clear difference in the risks of borrower default or prepayment. 
    Owner occupants are less likely than investors to exercise the default 
    option because of the direct benefits occupants receive from the 
    consumption of housing services. Also, owner occupants are more likely 
    to prepay for non-financial reasons, such as residential mobility, than 
    are investors.
        The statistical equations used in the stress test were estimated 
    with an investor loan indicator variable that captures the differential 
    default and prepayment risk of these mortgages. However, to capture the 
    differential risk of investor loans in the proposed stress test, OFHEO 
    makes a simplifying assumption that investor loans are spread equally 
    across all loan groups, according to their percentage in the overall 
    Enterprise book of business, rather than creating separate loan groups 
    for investor mortgages. For example, if investor loans are four percent 
    of all loans for a particular Enterprise in a particular starting 
    quarter for the stress test, then four percent of the loans in each 
    aggregated loan group are presumed to be investor loans for purposes of 
    running the stress test. The statistically derived investor-loan 
    weighting factor (statistical coefficient) in each default and 
    prepayment equation is then applied to the four percent figure to 
    arrive at the differential investor loan risk for every loan group. 
    Because investor loans are a small percentage of Enterprise single 
    family portfolios and are heavily concentrated in the 70 to 80 percent 
    LTV category, OFHEO's simplifying approach has no significant impact on 
    loss rates.\104\ The exact algorithms used in the proposed stress test 
    to capture investor loan risk are detailed in section, 
    Occupancy Status (OS), of the Regulation Appendix.
        \104\ Loans on owner-occupied properties in the Enterprise 
    portfolios also have a central LTV range of 70-80 percent. Thus, 
    attributing some investor loans to higher LTV categories and some to 
    lower categories, by assuming they have the same overall LTV 
    distribution as do owner-occupied loans, has offsetting effects on 
    predicted credit risk.
    (c) Product Type
        The 1992 Act expressly requires OFHEO to take differences in 
    mortgage product type into account. In addition, because the benchmark 
    loss experience was identified using the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, 
    it is necessary to reasonably relate the default experience of other 
    types of mortgage products to the benchmark. Most commenters suggested 
    some type of multiplier approach for other single family mortgage types 
    that would measure the risk of these products in proportion to the risk 
    of the benchmark loan type. OFHEO's proposed approach is broadly 
    consistent with the thrust of these comments. Because comments received 
    by OFHEO focused particularly on relating various mortgage product 
    types to the benchmark experience, these comments are discussed later 
    under section III.A.7.b., Relating Other Single Family Products to the 
    Benchmark. This section discusses the way in which mortgage product 
    type differences are handled in the single family mortgage performance 
        The stress test uses two primary sets of statistically estimated 
    single family default/prepayment equations, one for fixed-rate and one 
    for adjustable-rate mortgages. A third set of equations, which may be 
    thought of as modified fixed-rate equations, is used to project the 
    performance of less prevalent single family mortgage types relative to 
    the performance of 30-year FRMs. This final set of equations includes 
    as explanatory variables unique product-type indicators for 15-year 
    fixed-rate mortgages, 20-year fixed-rate mortgages, balloon mortgages, 
    FHA/VA-insured mortgages, and second liens. Description of these 
    specific product-type variables and their derivations are included in 
    section, Product Type Adjustment Factors of the Regulation 
    Appendix and section IV.B.5.j., Product Type Indicators, of the 
    Technical Supplement. Product type indicators allow estimation of 
    multiplier-like effects using all available historical data, and they 
    assure that measured differences in product-type
    [[Page 18134]]
    risk are consistent with the stress test environment. All products with 
    variable payments over time are included as adjustable-rate mortgages. 
    Other non-standard mortgage types, such as reverse mortgages and bi-
    weekly mortgages, are included with their fixed-rate counterparts with 
    similar mortgage contract terms (length of mortgage in years).
        As explained in section III.A.7.b., Relating Other Single Family 
    Products to the Benchmark, some commenters were justifiably concerned 
    that applying several product type multiples to a single loan would 
    have an inappropriate compounding effect on default rates. OFHEO 
    addressed these concerns in two ways. First, the multipliers were 
    estimated in a multivariate statistical analysis within the default and 
    prepayment probability equations, rather than applying fixed 
    multipliers to estimated default rates for 30-year fixed-rate loans. 
    This approach provides adjustment factors that are most consistent with 
    broad historical experience and with the other risk factors in the 
    model. By controlling for other explanatory variables, only the 
    residual effects of the differences in product type are captured by 
    these product-type adjustment-factor multipliers, which limits the size 
    of their effects. Second, the models include all other explanatory 
    variables as categorical variables (indicators of value-range 
    categories), instead of as continuous measures of variable values. 
    Using categorical variables helps control for unreasonable compounding 
    risks, by preventing the combination of low house-price growth and 
    sustained adverse interest-rate movements in the stress test to cause 
    default rates to rise to unrealistic levels. For example, the stress 
    test gives the same default weight to all probability of negative 
    equity values above 35 percent, which effectively caps the influence of 
    this variable in the stress test.\105\
        \105\ The number of loans in the historic sample used to 
    estimate the statistical model of default and prepayment rates gets 
    very small as the value of the probability of negative equity rises 
    much above 35 percent. OFHEO therefore does not believe that there 
    is valid information on default risk that could be gained by 
    allowing for categories of probability of negative equity above, for 
    example, 50 percent.
    (d) Yield Curve Slope
        The slope of the Treasury yield curve is included as an explanatory 
    variable in the prepayment equations. Both the choice between ARM and 
    FRM loans and the timing of refinancing are influenced by expectations 
    about future interest rates and differences in short-term and long-term 
    borrowing rates associated with the slope of the Treasury yield curve. 
    The slope of the Treasury yield curve is measured in the proposed 
    stress test by the ratio of the ten-year CMT to the one-year CMT. A 
    high value for the slope of the yield curve indicates that short-term 
    rates are low relative to long-term rates. A high value, therefore, 
    reduces the likelihood that ARM borrowers will refinance into fixed-
    rate mortgages, and increases the likelihood that fixed-rate borrowers 
    will refinance into ARMs to take advantage of the more attractive 
    interest rates.
    (e) Burnout
        For single family mortgages, the proposed stress test uses the 
    variable burnout to capture the effect of the inability of borrowers to 
    refinance their mortgages due to equity or other credit constraints. 
    Burnout is the adverse selection that occurs when borrowers retain 
    their mortgages during periods when there are clear financial benefits 
    to refinancing. In this context, adverse selection is reflected in the 
    lower average credit quality of mortgages remaining in a pool after a 
    significant refinancing opportunity, compared to the overall quality of 
    the mortgages in the original, larger pool. Adverse selection occurs 
    because borrowers and properties with higher credit quality refinance 
    in higher proportions than do those with lower credit quality. The 
    remaining mortgages, therefore, will experience higher conditional 
    default rates. Accounting for this change in the underlying quality of 
    a mortgage pool is preferable to using only a prepayment-option-value 
    variable in predicting defaults, principally because its effect 
    continues unchanged over time. The burnout variable in the stress test 
    indicates whether, over the previous eight quarters of mortgage life, 
    there have been at least two quarters with significant refinance 
    opportunities, as defined by a two percentage point difference between 
    the mortgage coupon rate and the market interest rate on fixed-rate 
        For similar reasons, burnout is also included as an explanatory 
    variable in single family prepayment equations, although its effect is 
    in the opposite direction to that in the default equations. As 
    discussed in the ANPR, burnout suggests that prepayment rates will be 
    less responsive to interest rate changes after a pool of mortgages has 
    already undergone a significant period of refinance opportunities.
    (vi) Single Family Variables Not Used in Running the Stress Test
        Addressed below are several variables suggested by ANPR commenters 
    that either are not used in the single family default/prepayment model, 
    or were included in the statistical estimations but are represented by 
    fixed or constant values when the stress test is run. In general, to 
    estimate the model, OFHEO used variables that had significant 
    independent effects on default and prepayment rates. However, OFHEO 
    does not propose to use all of these variables in running the stress 
    test. Some variables are not used in the stress test because they would 
    diminish the role of the benchmark loss experience in determining 
    stress test credit risk. Others were not needed to reflect statutory 
    requirements to distinguish among loan types and characteristics, or 
    between the effects of the up-rate and down-rate scenarios. Allowing 
    such variables to vary in value in running the stress test would create 
    credit-risk dimensions that are unnecessary and not contemplated by the 
    (a) Relative Loan Size
        Relative loan size \106\ is the ratio of the original loan amount 
    to the average-sized loan purchased by the Enterprises in the same 
    State and in the same origination year. This variable was included when 
    estimating the statistical model to isolate differences in the 
    performance of loans of above and below average size, but is not used 
    in the stress test.
        \106\ Relative loan size should be distinguished from the actual 
    original and current dollar balances of the loans, which are 
    included elsewhere in the stress test.
        As suggested by NAR, OFHEO explored the different default 
    propensities of loans with high and low balances using Enterprise data. 
    OFHEO's use of a relative loan size variable in the statistical 
    estimations of the single family model demonstrated that relatively 
    larger loans tend to have higher prepayment speeds, but differences in 
    default rates by loan size were small and inconsistent. OFHEO 
    interprets the faster prepayment speeds of relatively large loans as 
    reflective of the higher dollar value of the prepayment option on these 
    loans. Households with relatively large loans may also have higher 
    overall debt burdens and be more responsive to opportunities to 
    refinance debt so as to lower payment burdens.
        The stress test does not use relative loan size as a variable, 
    because it is not needed to reflect statutorily required distinctions, 
    and including it as a variable would have necessitated a sevenfold 
    increase in the number of loan group records in the stress test. OFHEO 
    believed that the benefit
    [[Page 18135]]
    derived did not justify the additional complication of the stress test 
    that would result. As a result, all loans are put into the ``average'' 
    size category for this variable when running the stress test.\107\
        \107\ This value is part of the fixed-factor terms reported in 
    section, Combining Explanatory Variables and Weights of 
    the Regulation Appendix for each default and prepayment equation. 
    Relative loan size is discussed in section B.5.i., Relative Loan 
    Size of the Technical Supplement.
    (b) Season of the Year
        The season (quarter) of the calendar year was included when 
    estimating the statistical model to account for the potential impact of 
    weather, school schedules, and seasonal employment patterns on 
    residential mobility and default and prepayment. In order to avoid 
    seasonal variation in the quarterly risk-based capital requirements 
    when the model is applied in the proposed stress test, an average of 
    the season of the year effects is used. Because of the actual 
    statistical technique used to estimate the equations, this average 
    effect is obtained by excluding the season-of-year variable from the 
    stress test default and prepayment equation.\108\
        \108\ Seasonal variation is discussed in section B.5.g., Season 
    of the Year, of the Technical Supplement.
        Use of seasonal variation was mentioned by Freddie Mac as a 
    weakness of the termination models used by investment banks to value 
    mortgage backed security pools. OFHEO agrees with Freddie Mac that such 
    seasonal variation would complicate the stress test, by creating 
    quarterly volatility in loss rates, with no particular safety and 
    soundness benefit.
    (c) Origination Year
        Freddie Mac and NAR recommended including origination year as a 
    variable. This approach would capture differences in the performance of 
    specific mortgage origination cohorts due to excluded factors such as 
    regional income growth and unemployment, or changes in mortgage 
    underwriting standards over time. OFHEO considered using this variable 
    but found that origination year is not an inherent risk factor, is not 
    needed to reflect the types of distinction required by the 1992 Act, 
    and is incompatible with the requirement to relate stress test losses 
    to the benchmark loss experience. The last point is most important. The 
    benchmark loss experience captures loans with the worst origination 
    year and the worst credit risk profile. Assigning to loans originated 
    in a given year a unique underlying credit profile, which may be 
    different from the benchmark credit profile, would remove an important 
    element of the link between stress test losses and the benchmark loss 
    experience. In addition, varying inherent credit risk by loan 
    origination year would require speculative assumptions about loan 
    quality for more recent origination years for which no credit-risk 
    track record has yet been established.
        By not including origination year as an explanatory variable, the 
    statistical equations capture average origination-year profiles of 
    default and prepayment. As discussed later under in section III.A.7., 
    Relating Losses to the Benchmark Loss Experience, these profiles are 
    adjusted further to reasonably relate starting loan portfolios to the 
    benchmark loss experience. If the stress test were to allow for 
    origination year differences when estimating the statistical equations, 
    it would be necessary to assign the benchmark origination year effect 
    to all loans in the stress test to preserve a reasonable relation to 
    the benchmark loss experience. This approach would complicate the 
    stress test without changing the results that are obtained using the 
    proposed approach.
    (d) Unemployment
        Unemployment rates were listed by some commenters as a possible 
    explanatory variable. For numerous reasons, OFHEO does not propose to 
    include unemployment as a variable either in running the stress test or 
    in estimating the statistical model. OFHEO does not propose to include 
    unemployment rates as an explanatory variable in the stress test, 
    primarily because it is not a loan characteristic, but a macro-economic 
    variable, and it is not one of the economic variables specified in the 
    1992 Act. In any event, the effect of economic-condition variables not 
    specified in the statute, such as unemployment, are captured in the 
    stress test by relating the stress test to the actual benchmark loss 
    experience, because the appropriate values are inherent in that 
    experience. Thus, reasonably relating the stress test to the benchmark 
    loss experience, as described in the next section, captures the 
    strenuous economic conditions required by the 1992 Act without adding 
    more economic variables. Minimizing the number of variables used to 
    define economic conditions is responsive to the comments of both Fannie 
    Mae and Freddie Mac, who argued against unnecessary complexity.
    (e) Purchase vs. Refinance Loans
        MRAC suggested that OFHEO take loan purpose into account. OFHEO 
    considered whether this distinction should be included as a variable, 
    but has proposed a stress test that does not distinguish between loans 
    made for the purpose of purchasing and loans made for the purpose of 
    refinancing property. OFHEO has found insufficient basis to distinguish 
    between the risks of loans for purchases and loans for refinancing. 
    Furthermore, OFHEO prefers not to create capital incentives based on 
    loan purpose, except as required by statute (e.g., the occupancy status 
    (f) Credit Scores
        OFHEO does not propose to follow the recommendation of MRAC to use 
    mortgage borrower credit quality considerations as explanatory 
    variables. OFHEO is aware that the mortgage industry is moving toward 
    risk-based loan pricing based, in part, on mortgage credit scores that 
    rely heavily on borrower credit ratings.\109\ OFHEO is studying the use 
    of credit scores by the Enterprises, and the potential for impact on 
    stress test credit losses, but does not believe that it is appropriate 
    to consider these in the stress test or to use them to estimate the 
    models. First, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to reasonably 
    relate credit risk differences based upon credit scores to the 
    benchmark loss experience, because credit-scoring data are not 
    available for benchmark era loans.\110\ Second, the proposed stress 
    test is designed to reasonably relate starting the performance of 
    mortgage portfolios to the benchmark loss experience based upon loan 
    characteristic differences referenced in the 1992 Act, which do not 
    include measures of borrower creditworthiness.\111\
        \109\ The most widely used measure of borrower creditworthiness 
    is a composite score developed by Fair Isaac Corporation, commonly 
    referred to as a ``FICO score.''
        \110\ Archives at the credit repositories only go back to the 
    late 1980s, and, even there, records are not complete.
        \111\ The fact that OFHEO does not consider differences of 
    credit risk by credit scores in the proposed stress test does not 
    limit the ability of the Enterprises to to make use of credit 
    scores. The Enterprises may further stratify the risk 
    classifications used by OFHEO in the proposed stress test, for 
    purposes of internal capital allocation and guarantee pricing. For 
    example, after determining the required regulatory capital for a 
    particular product class the Enterprises may, if they choose, 
    allocate the required capital among purchases of that product 
    according to borrower credit scores, for internal purposes. Thus, 
    the dimensions on which the Enterprises choose to develop risk-based 
    guarantee pricing are not limited by stress test risk 
    [[Page 18136]]
    (vii) Additional Multifamily Explanatory Variables
        Understanding the choice of explanatory variables for the 
    multifamily default/prepayment model requires understanding the way in 
    which default and prepayment equations are organized. The stress test 
    uses two default equations, to distinguish between different 
    multifamily lending programs, and five prepayment equations, to 
    distinguish between different product types. The multifamily model 
    allows these various default and prepayment equations to interact with 
    each other to provide appropriate default and prepayment rate 
    projections for all multifamily loans, throughout the stress period.
        One of the two default equations is for purchases of newly 
    originated loans (cash purchases),\112\ and the other is for negotiated 
    swaps of seasoned loan pools for mortgaged-backed securities 
    (negotiated purchases). This separation allows the stress test to 
    account for differences in loan quality across the two programs. The 
    Enterprises may take lower quality loans and properties in their 
    negotiated purchase programs than in the cash purchase programs, but 
    require significant credit enhancements from the seller/servicers to 
        \112\ Cash-purchase programs may involve delivery of loans for 
    cash or for mortgaged backed securities. They are called ``cash'' 
    programs because they involve the purchase of individual loans under 
    published underwriting guidelines and pricing.
        The five prepayment equations used to accommodate product-type and 
    product life-cycle differences allow the proposed stress test to 
    account for the effects of loan characteristics, such as yield-
    maintenance provisions,\113\ adjustable interest rates, and balloon 
    terms. It is more important to capture the unique features of balloon 
    mortgages in the multifamily business than it is in the single family 
    business because balloons make up the majority of multifamily 
    portfolios. The five prepayment equations are for: (1) All fixed-rate 
    loans in the yield-maintenance period; (2) fully-amortizing fixed-rate 
    loans after yield maintenance requirements; (3) fixed-rate balloon 
    loans after the expiration of yield-maintenance requirements (but prior 
    to maturity); (4) all ARM loans (prior to maturity for balloon ARMs); 
    and (5) all balloon loans (with fixed or adjustable interest rates) at 
    and after the maturity year.
        \113\ A yield maintenance provision permits prepayment, but 
    requires the borrower to pay penalties to compensate the lender or 
    investor for lost interest until the yield maintenance period 
        To see how these prepayment equations work together, note, for 
    example, that fixed-rate balloon loans have three relevant time 
    periods: first is ``in-yield maintenance,'' the time when the yield 
    maintenance terms apply; second is ``post yield maintenance,'' the 
    period after the yield maintenance term expires and prior to loan 
    maturity; and third is ``post-balloon,'' the period starting when the 
    loan is due in full.\114\ For loans that extend to and beyond the 
    balloon point,\115\ OFHEO proposes a separate prepayment equation, 
    which is referred to as a ``payoff'' equation because it is no longer 
    possible to ``prepay'' loans on or after the balloon date.
        \114\ Balloon loans with adjustable interest rates (rather than 
    fixed coupon rates) do not have yield maintenance terms, so they 
    only have two relevant periods--pre- and post-balloon.
        \115\ After the balloon maturity date, the Enterprises may 
    permit loan extension.
    (a) Explanatory Variables in the Two Multifamily Default Equations
        The two multifamily default equations are similar except in two 
    respects. First, the equation for cash purchases makes adjustments for 
    loans purchased in original multifamily programs to distinguish them 
    from more recent programs. Second, the negotiated purchase loan 
    equation has an adjustment factor for loan programs that obligate the 
    seller to repurchase loans when they are delinquent for 90 days. These 
    distinctions will be discussed in the context of each explanatory 
    (1) Joint Probability of Negative Equity and Negative Cash Flow
        As with single family loans, one of the most important factors 
    affecting multifamily loan default is borrower equity. When the value 
    of the property is less than the value of the mortgage, the borrower, 
    by defaulting, can effectively ``sell'' or ``put'' a mortgage back to a 
    lender at the value of the underlying property. However, as recognized 
    by the ANPR commenters, there is a second consideration for commercial 
    properties (including multifamily properties)--cash flow from the 
    property. Even though equity is zero or negative, the borrower does not 
    have an economic incentive to default as long as cash flows are 
        The stress test includes a default option valuation variable that 
    allows for consideration of the cash flow position of the property, 
    while also considering the borrower's equity position. A value for this 
    variable, referred to as the joint probability of negative equity and 
    negative cash flow, is calculated for each loan in each observation 
    period. It measures the potential value of ``putting'' the mortgage to 
    the lender and investor through default, given that both equity and 
    cash flow are important.\116\
        \116\ The equity and cash flow positions of a property are 
    positively correlated. The joint probability of negative equity and 
    negative cash flow variable used in the proposed stress test 
    captures this relationship.
        As shown in section D. 4. a. i., Joint Probability of Negative 
    Equity and Negative Cash Flow, of the Technical Supplement, the joint 
    probability of negative equity and negative cash flow for a project is 
    the probability of having both LTV greater than 1.00 and DCR less than 
    1.00. The proposed stress test uses loan amortization schedules, rental 
    inflation, vacancy rates, and interest rates to update LTV and DCR, 
    which are then used to update the joint probability variable values.
    (2) Original Versus Current Loan-Purchase Programs
        OFHEO faced the issue of what, if any, adjustment should be made in 
    the model to distinguish between loans purchased under original cash-
    purchase programs (purchased pre-1988 for Fannie Mae and pre-1992 for 
    Freddie Mac) and current programs. As noted by Freddie Mac, the 
    Enterprises computed both DCR and LTV differently for loans purchased 
    under original programs than they compute those ratios today for 
    current purchase programs. OFHEO recognizes that in the 1980s it was a 
    common appraisal practice to adjust actual rents (and therefore net 
    operating income) upward by an estimate of annual inflation and to use 
    optimistic vacancy rate assumptions. This practice resulted in an 
    overstatement of actual DCR and LTV values at the time of loan 
    origination. Current practice does not allow for such inflation 
    adjustments of projected rents, and factors minimum levels of 
    anticipated vacancies into property valuation, even if the property is 
    fully rented at the time of loan origination.
        In addition to the overstatement of net income, original 
    multifamily cash-purchase programs at the Enterprises had other 
    significant weaknesses perhaps because the Enterprises only began 
    purchasing conventional multifamily loans in 1983 and did not have 
    experience with the differences from single family lending. Even 
    controlling for the overstatement of rents and for changes in tax laws 
    in 1986 that depressed real estate values, these weaknesses led to 
    extraordinarily high loss rates. OFHEO views these large losses, to a 
    large extent, as nonrecurring startup costs attributable
    [[Page 18137]]
    to inefficiencies involved in learning a new business. For these 
    reasons, OFHEO believes that the Enterprises' multifamily lending 
    programs in the early and mid-1980s are so different from the current 
    programs that it would be inappropriate to consider those early loans 
    to be the same type of mortgage product as the multifamily loans that 
    are made today.
        The stress test accounts for the difference in the older loan 
    programs and the newer programs in two ways. First, the stress test 
    adjusts the origination DCRs and LTVs of original cash purchase loans 
    to remove the estimated annual inflation factors and restate those 
    ratios as they would be calculated by the Enterprises in their current 
    program purchases.\117\ Second, the stress test includes a variable in 
    the default equation that distinguishes between original and current 
    cash purchase programs. This variable results in higher levels of 
    default on original cash purchase loans than on newer loans.
        \117\ OFHEO found that loans acquired in negotiated swap 
    arrangements in the early and mid 1980s were highly seasoned and had 
    low default rates. They therefore did not appear to include the 
    inflation factor evident in cash purchases. Therefore, OFHEO does 
    not adjust DCRs and LTVs for loans in negotiated purchase pools.
        A significant consideration in OFHEO's proposal to distinguish the 
    original cash purchase loans from loans purchased under current 
    programs was that failing to make that distinction would create a 
    relatively more severe (and far less) loss experience for multifamily 
    loans than the benchmark loss experience creates for single family 
    loans.\118\ In OFHEO's view, imposition of such extreme levels of 
    default upon the Enterprises' multifamily loans would be contrary to 
    the intent of the 1992 Act that rates of default and severity be 
    ``reasonably related'' to the benchmark loss experience. It is also 
    possible that basing stress test losses on average default rates of 
    original cash-purchase loans would result in an implied marginal 
    capital requirement so high as to create an inappropriate disincentive 
    to engage in new multifamily lending.
        \118\ The relationship of multifamily default rates to the 
    benchmark experience is discussed later in section III. A. 7. c., 
    Relating Multifamily Mortgage Performance to the Benchmark.
    (3) Depreciation Write-offs and Tax Law Changes
        In the absence of a price index for multifamily properties, the 
    stress test captures most of the changes in property value by updating 
    DCR and LTV according to changes in rents, vacancies, and interest 
    rates. However, changes in DCR and LTV that are due to other factors 
    are not captured in these procedures. The most important missing factor 
    is the tax benefit afforded to owners of investment real estate through 
    depreciation write-offs. ACB commented that depreciation allowances 
    have important effects on property cash flows. OFHEO recognizes this 
    fact and that the allowances also have important effects on capital 
    gains at the time of property sale. The tax value of depreciation 
    write-offs significantly influences the return from multifamily 
    property investments and, consequently, the default risk of multifamily 
        OFHEO agrees with Freddie Mac that tax law changes affecting 
    multifamily default rates during the 1980's should be taken into 
    account, but that OFHEO should not speculate on the effect of potential 
    legislative or other governmental actions during the stress period. The 
    proposed stress test incorporates an index that measures the value of 
    depreciation write-offs for a new investor. It measures changes in 
    quality due to changes in write-offs and allows OFHEO to reflect the 
    effects of such changes on mortgage defaults historically. The actual 
    index value used in the stress test is an approximation of expected 
    values throughout the stress period.\119\ It is calculated based on 
    depreciation rules and tax rates as they existed in 1997, with no 
    adjustments for movements in interest rates since that time, or for the 
    interest-rate shocks that will occur in the stress test. The tax rules 
    governing depreciation allowances have the largest impact on the value 
    of this variable. These rules changed significantly in 1986, but have 
    not changed significantly since. Because the historical database 
    included many loans originated before the tax rule change, OFHEO 
    allowed the value of this explanatory variable to vary for purposes of 
    estimating the statistical equations for multifamily mortgage default. 
    However, due to the subsequent stability in those rules, OFHEO proposes 
    to hold the value of this variable constant throughout the stress test. 
    If the applicable tax rules change in the future, or if OFHEO believes 
    that there are other reasons for either changing the specified value 
    for the stress test or allowing its value to change throughout the 
    stress test, OFHEO will initiate a new rule making process. However, as 
    recommended by Freddie Mac in its ANPR comments, OFHEO will not 
    speculate about tax law changes that might occur during the stress 
    period. Due to data restrictions, the depreciation-allowance is only 
    included in the cash-purchase default equation.\120\
        \119\ The stress test does not capture actual depreciation 
    allowances for borrowers. Enterprise databases do not include the 
    year of property purchase. Therefore, the exact depreciation rules 
    affecting cash flows and investment value to existing owners are 
    unknown. Even on newly constructed projects, the Enterprises 
    generally do not purchase the mortgage until target occupancy rates 
    are met, which may be some time after origination. For these 
    reasons, it would be extremely difficult to determine the actual 
    value of depreciation write-offs to current owners. Although the 
    value to current owners affects the owner's cash flow, the value to 
    potential purchasers (which would be based upon current appreciation 
    rules) affects property value and the owner's equity in the 
    property. Therefore, this explanatory variable for depreciation 
    write-offs helps to reflect more accurately the true LTV of the 
        \120\ See section D. 4. a. ii., Construction of the JPt Variable 
    of the Technical Supplement for details.
    (4) Loan Programs with Seller/Servicer Repurchase Features
        Some Enterprise multifamily loan programs require seller/servicer 
    repurchases of loans that become 90-days delinquent. For these programs 
    a 90-day delinquency event is effectively a default, while for all 
    other loans, default means a property loss event (short sale, note 
    sale, third-party sale or foreclosure). To account for this difference 
    when estimating the statistical model, OFHEO applied, as an explanatory 
    variable, the ratio of 90-day delinquencies to full defaults. This 
    treatment is important because the rate of 90-day delinquency events is 
    always higher than the default rate for property loss events, and the 
    loss severity for 90-day delinquencies is lower. By including this 
    ratio, and thus including loans with the 90-day delinquency 
    terminations, OFHEO was able to estimate a negotiated-purchase default 
    equation based on a much larger data set than would have been possible 
    (5) Balloon and ARM Payment Shock Risk
        Following HUD's suggestion, OFHEO analyzed defaults of Enterprise 
    balloon loans at the balloon point. As a result, OFHEO proposes to give 
    additional weight to the joint probability of negative equity and 
    negative cash flow variable for balloon loans that survive to the year 
    of balloon maturity. This extra weighting takes into account the 
    increased risk that mortgages with weak financials will default as the 
    balloon point approaches. Also, interest rate movements may create 
    payment shock (change in the periodic mortgage payment) in the post-
    balloon period, which affects the probability of default. The stress 
    test accounts for the effect of
    [[Page 18138]]
    this shock directly through adjustments to effective DCR in the post-
    balloon period. These adjustments then affect the joint probability of 
    negative equity and negative cash flow, reflecting the fact that the 
    decision to default or payoff is no longer a function of the original 
    mortgage coupon rate, but of the prevailing market rates at the time of 
    balloon expiration. In sum, the stress test reflects that the value of 
    the default (``put'') option, as measured through the joint probability 
    variable, becomes more significant for default rates in the post-
    balloon period because there is increased pressure on the borrower to 
    either default or refinance the property.
        ARMs also experience payment shock because of changes in market 
    interest rates. ARM payment shock occurs periodically during the term 
    of the loan, and ARMs continue to amortize after the payment shock, 
    according to the original contract term. The ARM prepayment equation in 
    the stress test accounts for these periodic changes in interest rates. 
    In contrast, the payment shock for a fixed-rate balloon loan does not 
    occur until the balloon point. Some loans in Enterprise portfolios are 
    ARMs with a balloon maturity. These loans have payment shock every year 
    and also at maturity. The proposed stress test models the annual 
    changes in their DCRs resulting from changes in mortgage coupon rates 
    and then adds an additional balloon shock through the additional weight 
    given to the joint probability variable in the post-balloon period.
    (6) Loan Size
        The stress test does not include a variable for loan size. S&P 
    explained that it bifurcates commercial loan pools into two parts to 
    calculate credit loss potential--the largest loan, and all other loans 
    in the pool. S&P assumes 100 percent risk of default on the largest 
    loan and average risk of default on the other loans. This approach is 
    designed to recognize the uneven dollar credit loss risk inherent in 
    pools that contain loans that are large relative to the total size of 
    the pool. Credit risk for the pool is then estimated by S&P to be the 
    sum of estimated credit risk on each part. S&P did not specifically 
    recommend that OFHEO adopt this approach in the stress test.
        OFHEO agrees that S&P's methodology is appropriate for analyzing 
    differential impact of large and small loans on potential credit losses 
    in mortgage security pools. However, no one multifamily loan default 
    could have a significant impact on total losses or capital for either 
    Enterprise. For that reason, OFHEO decided not to propose any measure 
    of loan size as an explanatory variable in the multifamily default/
    prepayment model.
    (b) Explanatory Variables in the Five Multifamily Prepayment Equations
        As explained above, the multifamily model uses five loan prepayment 
    equations to identify unique product type and life-cycle 
    characteristics. This approach is consistent with Freddie Mac's and 
    MRAC's comments on accounting for mortgage product types and terms in 
    the default and prepayment models. There are some differences in 
    explanatory variables across these five equations, which are discussed 
    (1) Prepayment Option Value
        As discussed earlier, OFHEO proposes to use the relative interest 
    rate spread to measure the prepayment option value (mortgage premium 
    value) for prepayments. The relative spread is the ratio of the 
    difference between the coupon rate and the current market interest rate 
    to the coupon rate. To account for the asymmetry of effects from 
    increases and decreases in interest rates, the spread is split into two 
    variables.\121\ One is active if current market interest rates are 
    above the mortgage coupon rate, and the other is active if current 
    market rates are below the mortgage coupon rate. Decreased interest 
    rates increase refinancing speeds. Increased interest rates decrease 
    both normal refinancings and cash-out refinancings. Cash-out 
    refinancings are refinancings in excess of the outstanding 
    indebtedness. They are used to achieve a desired debt-to-equity ratio 
    in the property as explained below in the discussion of current LTV. 
    Relative spread variables appear in all prepayment equations except for 
    the balloon and post-balloon payoff equations. At balloon maturity, all 
    spreads become irrelevant, because borrowers are contractually 
    obligated to pay off or refinance the property.
        \121\ Such explicit bifurcation is not required for the single 
    family prepayment equations because the categorical nature of the 
    spread variable used there allows for asymmetric effects.
        For the ARM prepayment equation, the relative spread variable is 
    calculated by comparing the coupon rate to the current market rate on 
    fixed-rate loans, rather than to the market rate for ARMs. This 
    approach accounts for any incentive to refinance into a fixed-rate 
    loan. Because there are no yield-maintenance terms or special 
    incentives to refinance ARM loans when interest rates fall, the stress 
    test includes one spread variable that captures both increases and 
    decreases in interest rates. In addition, the stress test does not 
    distinguish between life-cycle periods for ARMs; just one prepayment 
    equation is estimated.
    (2) Current LTV
        Another important issue in modeling multifamily loans is the 
    propensity of investors in multifamily properties to refinance 
    mortgages over time to increase their debt (leverage) ratios, and thus 
    increase returns on invested equity.\122\ To capture the borrowers' 
    ability to qualify for a new loan and the incentive to adjust debt-to-
    equity ratio, the proposed stress test includes current LTV as an 
    additional explanatory variable. If the current LTV falls, investors 
    have more incentive to prepay and are more likely to find a lender 
    willing to refinance the property.
        \122\ See Jesse M. Abraham and H. Scott Theobald, ``Commercial 
    Mortgage Prepayments,'' in Frank Fabozzi and David Jacob, The 
    Handbook of Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities, New Hope, PA: 
    Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 55-74 (1997).
    (3) Prepayment Option Value in the Yield-Maintenance Period
        During the yield-maintenance period, borrowers may prepay, but they 
    must continue to provide the contractual yield until the yield-
    maintenance period expires. Thus, a prepayment in the yield-maintenance 
    period can be expensive, particularly in the early years of a mortgage. 
    The more years to go in the yield-maintenance period, the greater the 
    fee.\123\ To capture the declining financial cost of prepayment 
    throughout the yield-maintenance period, OFHEO proposes a variable 
    measuring years remaining until the end of the yield-maintenance 
    period. This variable appears in the prepayment equation for fixed-rate 
    loans in the yield-maintenance period.\124\
        \123\ Because this effect runs counter to the effect of the call 
    option value, OFHEO researched the possibility of a joint effect of 
    the years-to-go and the rate drop variables. The fixed effects of 
    the years-to-go variable proved to be a better predictor of actual, 
    historical prepayments during yield maintenance periods.
        \124\ For loans with true prepayment prohibitions, or ``lock-
    outs,'' the variable is set equal to the maximum number of lockout 
    years throughout the lockout period. See section, 
    Procedures, of the proposed Appendix to 12 CFR part 1750, subpart B 
    for details.
    (4) Prepayment Option Value in the Pre-Balloon Period
        During the pre-balloon period, borrowers are uncertain about the 
    level of market interest rates at the future balloon point. Hence, 
    borrowers may be willing to pay in order to lock into a favorable 
    interest rate, rather than take
    [[Page 18139]]
    their chances with possible adverse interest rate movements. This risk 
    aversity with respect to interest rate movements prior to the time of 
    balloon maturity gives rise to an additional financial value from early 
    prepayment. OFHEO proposes two explanatory variables to capture the 
    effect of risk aversity on prepayment rates in the pre-balloon period. 
    They measure the additional effects of the primary prepayment option 
    variable-relative spread-when it is in the money (market interest rates 
    are lower than the mortgage coupon rate).
        The first variable provides an additional effect for interest rate 
    drops in the year immediately prior to the balloon year, and the second 
    provides for a separate, additional effect for interest rate drops in 
    the second year prior to the balloon year. These two variables allow 
    for increased incentives to refinance if the prepayment option is in 
    the money in the period leading up to balloon expiration. They capture 
    the risk aversity of borrowers with respect to future interest rate 
    changes as balloon maturity approaches.
    (5) Balloon and Post-Balloon Payoffs
        HUD commented that OFHEO should model the value of the refinancing 
    option at the balloon point on balloon mortgages because the lender 
    often has a contractual obligation to refinance at the borrower's 
    option. OFHEO agrees that payoffs at the balloon point are different 
    from prepayments before the maturity date, but has found that the 
    lender generally does not have an unconditional contractual obligation 
    to provide new funding if the borrower requests it. Payoff of the 
    balloon loan (generally by new borrowing to refinance the property) is 
    contractually required at term. If the borrower is successful at 
    finding new financing at that point, the event that appears in 
    Enterprise records is a payoff of the original loan and not a 
    prepayment. Despite the contractual requirement of balloon payoff, not 
    all loans terminate at the balloon point.\125\ Generally, balloon loans 
    are extended beyond the maturity date because, although the property 
    has weak financials, lenders are unwilling to initiate foreclosure on 
    loans that have been making payments at the original coupon rate. To 
    capture the ability of multifamily borrowers to obtain new loans at 
    balloon expiration, and, therefore, to pay off the original mortgage, 
    the model includes a variable similar to the joint probability variable 
    used in the default equations--the joint probability that current DCR 
    and LTV values are sufficient to qualify for a new mortgage. This is 
    the only variable used in the pay-off equation for balloon mortgages, 
    and it is based on minimum qualification criteria for multifamily 
    mortgages, LTV  0.80 and DCR  1.20.
        \125\ See Elmer and Haidorfer, ``Prepayments of Multifamily 
    Mortgage-Backed Securities,'' The Journal of Fixed Income, March 
    1997, 50-63 (pointing out that not all loans terminate at balloon 
    point); Abraham and Theobald, op. cit. (referring to this phenomenon 
    as extension risk). OFHEO confirms the existence of post-balloon 
    loans in Enterprise portfolios.
    (6) Effect of Fixed-Rate Loan Interest Rates on ARM Prepayments
        A final variable included in the ARM prepayment equation is the 
    market rate on fixed-rate loans. This variable accounts for incentives 
    to refinance ARM loans into fixed-rate loans to avoid future 
    uncertainty regarding interest rate movements. If the FRM rate is high, 
    borrowers expect interest rates to drop in the future and are likely to 
    delay prepayment of ARMs. Likewise, when interest rates are low--
    regardless of the spread between FRM and ARM rates--there is an 
    incentive to refinance into a fixed-rate product to avoid potential 
    increases in future interest rates.
    6. Loss Severity
        Loss severity is the net cost to an Enterprise of a loan default. 
    The three major cost categories are loss of loan principal transaction 
    costs at both foreclosure and disposition, and asset funding costs 
    throughout the process. The net cost is determined by crediting against 
    these costs the revenues associated with the defaulted loan. The major 
    revenues are proceeds from the property sale and from mortgage 
    insurance or other forms of credit enhancement.
        In determining how to model loss severity in the stress test, OFHEO 
    considered the following issues:
        1. what general approach to take in modeling loss severity,
        2. whether the stress test should model individual cost and revenue 
    elements of loss severity or model severity as one single measure,
        3. what explanatory variables should be included explicitly in 
    modeling loss severity, and
        4. an appropriate house price index for real estate owned (REO) 
        \126\ REO properties are properties acquired as a result of 
    foreclosure or similar action.
    a. General Approach to Modeling Loss Severity
        In the ANPR, OFHEO discussed four general approaches to estimating 
    the separate effects of explanatory variables on loss severity. One 
    approach is to use a multivariate statistical model to estimate the 
    separate effects of explanatory variables on total loss severity rates. 
    A second approach is to use statistical models relating the individual 
    elements of loss severity to explanatory variables. A third approach 
    would set fixed parameters for the elements of loss severity 
    (foreclosure costs, carrying costs, and sales prices), while allowing 
    final loss severity rates to vary based on other factors such as the 
    presence of private mortgage insurance. A fourth, relatively simple 
    approach would be to assume that all defaulted loans face a fixed and 
    equal level of loss severity.
    (i) ANPR Comments
        ACB and MRAC encouraged OFHEO to use a multivariate statistical 
    model of loss severity. ACB, apparently assuming the stress test would 
    include a statistical model of defaults, stated that ``[i]t is not a 
    rational allocation of resources to develop a sophisticated model of 
    mortgage defaults and then to apply a rule-of-thumb percentage to the 
    unpaid principal balances.'' S&P described its use of data from the 
    Great Depression as the basis for stress tests it uses to rate single-
    family mortgage pools. Freddie Mac recommended that OFHEO use average 
    loss severity rates from the benchmark loss experience, adjust them to 
    account for the stress test interest rate environment, and apply 
    additional adjustments for various property types.
    (ii) OFHEO's Response
        OFHEO believes that a statistical model is the best approach to 
    take into account loan seasoning and the dynamic nature of economic 
    changes in the stress period. OFHEO agrees with ACB that it would be 
    inappropriate to develop a sophisticated default model and then to 
    apply a rule-of-thumb percentage to the UPB to determine loss severity. 
    At the same time, OFHEO recognizes that developing statistical models 
    of each loss element is unnecessarily complex. Based on its analysis of 
    the available information, OFHEO proposes a two-part model for single 
    family loss severity: a statistical equation for loss of loan principal 
    and fixed parameters for the other cost elements. Specifically, the 
    statistical model developed by OFHEO estimates loss of loan principal 
    as a function of loan seasoning-updating the original LTV using HPI 
    growth rates and loan amortization. For multifamily loss severity, 
    OFHEO proposes to use only fixed cost element values. The rationale for 
    this is explained below under section III. A.7., Relating Losses to the 
    Benchmark Loss Experience.
    [[Page 18140]]
        The approach outlined by S&P would not be appropriate for OFHEO's 
    stress test because it does not adjust for loan seasoning or provide 
    for a reasonable relationship to the benchmark as required by the 1992 
    Act. However, consistent with the S&P approach, the stress test does 
    provide for a greater than average drop in house prices for foreclosed 
    properties. As discussed below, under section III. A.6. b., Elements of 
    Loss Severity Modeled, the stress test uses a statistical equation to 
    model the expected decline in values on foreclosed properties, which 
    will be greater than the decline in property value associated with HPI 
    assumptions used in the stress test. In addition, as discussed later 
    under section III. A.7., Relating Losses to the Benchmark Loss 
    Experience, the stress test adds an extra loss factor to relate stress 
    test property value loss to the actual experience of the four-State 
        OFHEO agrees that Freddie Mac's recommended approach is simpler 
    than using a statistical model. However, an empirically based 
    statistical model is more versatile and flexible, allowing the stress 
    test to reflect loss severity rates appropriate for each Enterprise's 
    mix of loans and the stress test interest rate environment. OFHEO 
    proposes a hybrid approach that retains the simplicity of fixed cost 
    factors for most severity elements, while developing a more sensitive 
    measure of property value, the element most affected by pre-stress test 
    loan seasoning.
        OFHEO does not propose at this time to take property type 
    differences into account in stress test loss severity rates, as 
    suggested by Freddie Mac. Although OFHEO finds higher loss severity 
    rates for investor-owned properties, accounting for this effect would 
    increase significantly the number of loan group records used for 
    starting books of business in the stress test. Given the small 
    percentage of Enterprise portfolios that investor-owned loans comprise, 
    OFHEO felt that the added complexity was not justified by the benefits 
    of calculating severity rates for owner-occupied and investor-owned 
    single family loans separately. Therefore, OFHEO does not propose to 
    apply risk multiples for investor-owned properties in determining loss 
    severities. Rather, the single set of cost elements used in the stress 
    test are determined by Enterprise experience with all single family 
    property types combined.
    b. Elements of Loss Severity Modeled
        In addition to asking whether OFHEO should use a statistical model 
    of loss severity, the ANPR asked whether the stress test should model 
    loss severity as a single value or model the various cost and revenue 
    elements of severity separately.
        All ANPR commenters favored, at varying levels, an element-by-
    element analysis. The VA recommended that the stress test model the 
    amount and timing of both the cost and the revenue elements of loss 
    severity to provide more accurate estimates of Enterprise cash flows. 
    HUD recommended that the loss severity model include certain individual 
    cost elements, all of which would be valued separately by the proposed 
    severity module. NAR stated that ``the modeling of loan loss severity 
    should only include those factors that are independent of incidence of 
    default'' and emphasized the importance of modeling time in default 
    separately. In contrast, Freddie Mac stated that defaults and severity 
    are products of the same underlying characteristics and economic 
    factors. Freddie Mac suggested that stress test severity calculations 
    differentiate loans by original LTV and coupon class and by product 
    type distinctions. In addition, Freddie Mac favored using the rate of 
    loss of principal balance from the benchmark loss experience.
        ACB supported using a sophisticated model of loss severity, which 
    would, presumably, require breaking down severity into its constituent 
    parts for analysis and modeling. MRAC suggested separate analysis of 
    the elements of loss severity, including the estimated sale proceeds, 
    holding time, monthly holding costs, and costs of sale.
        OFHEO agrees with the commenters that the stress test should model 
    individual cost and revenue elements separately, rather than model them 
    together as a single cost category. Such an approach allows the stress 
    test to model the interrelationship of those elements that 
    significantly effect loss severity. Accordingly, OFHEO proposes to 
    model elements in three principal groupings: (1) loss of loan principal 
    balance, (2) transaction costs (e.g., expenses related to foreclosure, 
    and property holding and disposition expenses), and (3) funding costs 
    on non-earning assets. OFHEO believes that measuring elements in these 
    groupings is necessary to accommodate differences in the timing of 
    various elements of loss severity and differences in the pre-stress 
    test seasoning of loans. Each cost or revenue factor is applied at one 
    of the following three points in time (each in terms of months from 
    date-of-default): time of loan repurchase (for loans in security pools) 
    or bad-debt write off (for retained loans); time of foreclosure 
    completion; and time of foreclosed property disposition.
        In addition, consistent with Freddie Mac's comment, OFHEO's 
    proposed loss severity calculations differentiate by LTV and coupon 
    class. They also include product distinctions where those distinctions 
    involve FHA/VA insurance, interest rates and amortization terms. The 
    amount of the loss of loan principal balance is sensitive to loan 
    amortization. Because 15-year mortgages amortize relatively early and 
    more quickly, their predicted losses are much less than those on 
    otherwise comparable 30-year mortgages.
    (i) Loss of Principal Balance
        A critical element of loss severity is loss of loan principal 
    balance, i.e., the difference between the outstanding principal balance 
    on the loan at the time of default and the sale price of the foreclosed 
    property. This loss occurs because of general declines in local housing 
    values, the depreciation of the individual property, and/or discounts 
    required to sell properties with ``foreclosure'' labels. To calculate 
    this loss, the stress test uses a statistical model of the historical 
    relationship between actual loss of principal balance on loans that 
    have defaulted and the loss of principal balance predicted solely by 
    calculating amortization on the loan and updating the property values 
    with the HPI. Sale proceeds are then calculated as UPB minus the 
    estimated loss of principal balance. Proceeds vary with differences in 
    house-price appreciation and loan terms.
    (ii) Transaction Costs
        The stress test includes two transaction cost elements in loss 
    severity calculations: foreclosure/legal expenses, and property holding 
    and disposition costs.\127\ Property holding and disposition costs are 
    combined in the proposed stress test because they are both expensed at 
    the time of property disposition. OFHEO proposes to use averages of 
    these cost elements--in percent of outstanding principal balance--from 
    all Enterprise experience with foreclosure and REO properties.
        \127\ Legal expenses are dominated by foreclosure costs, but 
    they also include costs associated with gaining releases from 
    borrower bankruptcy stays and property evictions.
        OFHEO did not follow Freddie Mac's recommendation to use all cost 
    elements directly from the benchmark loss experience for transaction 
    costs, because the stress test is national in scope. Therefore, it is 
    appropriate to have a national blend of institutional factors such as 
    foreclosure costs, property management fees, and sales
    [[Page 18141]]
    expenses, rather than the four-State blend from the benchmark 
    (iii) Funding Costs
        Funding costs are considered an element of loss severity because 
    the Enterprises must fund non-earning assets: first the defaulted 
    loans, and then the REO properties. In its ANPR comments, Freddie Mac 
    suggested that funding costs should be measured at the mortgage 
    interest rate for the period from date of default to foreclosure 
    completion. OFHEO agrees that the stress test should model funding 
    costs. However, Freddie Mac's recommended approach ignores funding 
    costs during the REO time period and would provide inaccurate measures 
    of funding costs during the delinquency/default period. In the down-
    rate scenario of the stress test, using the mortgage coupon rate for 
    funding costs would overstate funding costs, while in the up-rate 
    scenario it would understate funding costs.
        With one exception, the stress test measures asset funding costs 
    through present-value discounting techniques, rather than computing 
    explicit interest charges. Therefore, all severity elements are 
    discounted by a cost-of-funds rate to produce the present value of each 
    element in the month of default, regardless of when it may occur after 
    that date. Cash flow discounting provides a consistent method of 
    accounting for all timing issues involving cash flows from mortgage 
    default to property disposition.
        The one exception to the rule of calculating funding costs through 
    present-value discounting techniques is the explicit cost of covering 
    interest passed through to investors in securitized loans (mortgage-
    backed securities). These passthroughs occur for the first four months 
    of loan delinquency, during which time the stress test uses the 
    passthrough rate (the interest rate paid to holders of the securities) 
    to calculate the asset funding cost. After the fourth month, when the 
    loans have been repurchased from security pools and placed in 
    Enterprise retained portfolios, the stress test treats these defaults 
    identically to defaults in retained portfolios.
    (iv) Factors Not Modeled
        ANPR commenters suggested several explanatory factors that are not 
    included in the proposed single family loss severity model. These 
    include distinctions based on State foreclosure laws, household 
    liquidity, and the presence of private mortgage insurance.\128\
        \128\ Although private mortgage insurance is not an explanatory 
    variable, proceeds from such insurance are accounted for in the 
    severity calculation.
    (a) State Foreclosure Law Differences
        Freddie Mac suggested that OFHEO not make State-level distinctions 
    in loss severity calculations, explaining that attributing 
    ``differences in loss rates by states would approach undue intrusion 
    and inappropriate micromanagement of the Enterprises.'' In contrast, 
    NAR recommended that OFHEO make State distinctions.
        Although foreclosure time-frames and costs may vary based on State 
    law and practice, OFHEO agrees with Freddie Mac that it would be 
    inappropriate to model State-level differences. First, these 
    differences do not represent loan characteristics, and, therefore, 
    under OFHEO's approach to selecting variables to apply in the stress 
    test, they are not appropriate. Second, if OFHEO were to allow for 
    State-level differences in credit costs, the stress test would, 
    essentially, be establishing State-specific capital requirements based 
    upon nuances of State law. OFHEO would need to monitor developments in 
    the many different State laws over time to adjust the parameters of the 
    stress test. Third, the fact that the stress test uses loan data 
    aggregated at the Census division level means that much of the 
    variability in foreclosure costs observed at the State level 
    (b) Independence of Loss Severity Rates From Default Rates
        Freddie Mac commented that default and loss severity are products 
    of the same underlying factors, most particularly original LTV and 
    property value appreciation over the life of the mortgage. NAR 
    recommended that the loss severity model ``only include those factors 
    that are independent of the incidence of default.'' OFHEO agrees with 
    Freddie Mac on this point, because OFHEO's research indicates that loan 
    seasoning has an important impact upon severity rates that is 
    independent of its impact on defaults. The use of loan seasoning in the 
    stress test reflects differences in loss severity across loans. This 
    approach is also consistent with NAR's comment, because estimating the 
    impact of seasoning on loss severity independently from its impact on 
    defaults avoids duplicating seasoning's effect on credit losses.
    (c) Household Liquidity
        NAR stated that liquidity of the household under stress is an 
    important factor in the loss severity equation. OFHEO notes that for 
    the single family loss severity analysis, the stress test considers 
    housing-related liquidity of a household through loan seasoning. That 
    is, updating the LTV provides some indication of the ability of 
    borrowers to sell or borrow against their properties in order to 
    provide liquidity. However, the stress test does not account directly 
    for non-housing wealth or liquidity of borrowers. It is unclear how 
    these factors could be measured or estimated accurately.
    (d) Private Mortgage Insurance
        NAR also commented that the presence of private mortgage insurance 
    is a variable that can influence the time to foreclosure and therefore, 
    presumably, holding costs. OFHEO, however, has found insufficient 
    evidence that the presence of mortgage insurance has any meaningful 
    impact on foreclosure time. Both Enterprises submit their own 
    foreclosure time guidelines to seller/servicers, which are independent 
    of the presence of mortgage insurance. Accordingly, the presence of 
    private mortgage insurance is not included as a variable in the loss 
    severity equations.
        This issue is distinct from the question of how OFHEO should 
    account for private mortgage insurance proceeds in the loss severity 
    calculations. Several commenters noted that the loss severity 
    calculation should deduct mortgage insurance proceeds from losses on 
    loans covered by such insurance. OFHEO agrees that the loss severity 
    calculation should account for mortgage insurance proceeds. This issue 
    is discussed extensively in section III.C., Mortgage Credit 
    c. REO House Price Index
        In the ANPR, OFHEO asked what price index would be appropriate for 
    REO properties. The question arose because defaulted loans generally 
    have lower house-price appreciation rates than the market average, 
    which is captured by HPI growth over time. After considering the ANPR 
    comments and OFHEO's own research, OFHEO proposes an equation to relate 
    actual declines in value for REO properties to changes in the HPI. This 
    approach, which is described in section, Calculate Proceeds 
    from Property Sale, of the Regulation Appendix, provides the 
    information needed to predict accurately the loss of loan principal 
    balance in loss severity calculations, but avoids the added complexity 
    of creating a separate index.
        All five commenters that addressed this issue recognized that, 
    [[Page 18142]]
    adjustment, the HPI would not provide an adequate measure of REO price 
    changes. However, none recommended creation of a separate REO index. 
    Four commenters (MRAC, ACB, VA, and Freddie Mac) recommended modifying 
    the general price index. MRAC suggested that a general HPI be used in 
    conjunction with analysis of variances of prices to determine whether 
    foreclosure prices have experienced slower appreciation or greater 
    depreciation than the market average. ACB suggested that, rather than 
    developing an REO price index, OFHEO study the ``left tail'' of the 
    distribution of house prices in general. The term ``left tail'' refers 
    to those houses with the smallest appreciation rates. S&P provided to 
    OFHEO the rates of property value loss for foreclosures during the 
    Great Depression.
        The proposed approach incorporates a statistical model based upon 
    an analysis like that suggested by MRAC and ACB. The model predicts how 
    far into the left tail each REO property value can be expected to be, 
    relative to the outstanding mortgage balance, throughout the stress 
    period. OFHEO's proposed approach essentially follows the specific 
    recommendations of MRAC and ACB for modification of the HPI.
        The VA suggested using a general house price index, re-weighted to 
    capture the regional distribution of REO properties. OFHEO agrees that 
    regional differences in REO appreciation rates should be captured. The 
    proposed regulation therefore incorporates Census division differences 
    in historical HPI values and historical measures of the dispersion of 
    house values around levels suggested by the HPI. See section 
    III.A.4.d., Property Valuation.
        NAR did not recommend a specific approach, but cautioned that an 
    REO price index might not be meaningful for Enterprise loans, because 
    the Enterprises tend to sell REO properties quickly, thus limiting 
    exposure to undue loss of value. For that reason, NAR recommended that 
    any analysis of REO property values be based solely on Enterprise data. 
    OFHEO also concurs with NAR that an REO price index built on non-
    Enterprise data might be of limited usefulness for Enterprise loans. 
    Given the richness and volume of the Enterprise data, and consistent 
    with all other parts of the stress test, OFHEO has based the model of 
    REO property values on Enterprise data. However, rather than developing 
    a separate price index for REO properties, the proposed stress test 
    models REO property value as a function of the path of the HPI. In 
    addition, OFHEO proposes to adjust the resulting rate of loss of 
    principal balance rate to reflect the fact that REO property values in 
    the benchmark loss experience were lower in relation to the HPI than 
    the REO property values in other Enterprise experience.
    d. Multifamily Loss Severity
        With respect to loss severity, the stress test uses the same cost 
    elements for multifamily loans as for single family loans. However, 
    there is no loan seasoning, nor is statistical analysis used to 
    determine loss of loan principal balance. All cost and revenue elements 
    of multifamily loss severity rates are averages from Enterprise 
    7. Relating Losses to the Benchmark Loss Experience
        The 1992 Act specifies that the stress test should apply rates of 
    default and loss severity that are ``reasonably related'' to the 
    highest rates experienced by the Enterprises for a period of at least 
    two years in any contiguous areas having at least five percent of the 
    nation's population (the benchmark loss experience).\129\ The stress 
    test satisfies this reasonable relationship requirement in the context 
    of two severe interest rate environments that are quite different from 
    the interest rate environment of the benchmark loss experience. At the 
    same time, the stress test also accounts for appropriate distinctions 
    in credit risk across loan types and characteristics. OFHEO believes 
    that the multivariate mortgage performance models developed by OFHEO 
    are the best means of specifying loss rates for the wide variety of 
    loans held by the Enterprises under the different interest rate 
    scenarios specified in the statute. However, for reasons explained 
    below, the models are adjusted to produce loss rates that are 
    reasonably related to the losses experienced on the 30-year fixed-rate, 
    single family mortgages in the benchmark time and place.
        \129\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(1) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(1)).
        Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac provided comments on how to 
    implement a statistical model of mortgage performance that would be 
    reasonably related to the benchmark loss experience. As discussed 
    earlier, neither Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac recommended a joint, 
    multivariate statistical model of conditional default and prepayment 
    rates. However, both discussed how other models could be used in the 
    stress test and commented that a reasonable relation to the benchmark 
    loss experience could be achieved by estimating those models solely on 
    data from the benchmark loss experience.\130\ They noted that the 
    advantage of limiting the statistical sample in that way is to allow 
    the resulting equations to capture benchmark economic conditions 
    without having explicit explanatory variables for economic conditions 
    in the stress test.
        \130\ Fannie Mae recommended estimation of a statistical model 
    of total terminations and Freddie Mac recommended estimation of a 
    statistical model of prepayments only.
        The suggestion from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that the mortgage 
    performance models be estimated solely with data from the benchmark 
    loss experience, although appealing conceptually, turned out to be 
    impractical. The benchmark loans comprise too small and homogeneous a 
    set of loans to estimate models for all the Enterprises' current loans. 
    Using a much larger sample of historical loan performance experience 
    was important when estimating the statistical models, because it 
    provided a wide variety of economic circumstances and mortgage 
    experience upon which to base estimation of the model parameters. Like 
    current Enterprise loan portfolios, the samples used to estimate the 
    statistical equations include mortgages originated over many years and 
    geographic locations, and having distributions across other factors of 
    mortgage performance--such as age, coupon type or amortization terms--
    that differ from those of the benchmark loans.
        The ``reasonable relationship'' requirement of the 1992 Act means 
    that the adverse credit stress of the benchmark loss experience should 
    be reflected in the stress test mortgage losses. However, when the 
    mortgage performance models are applied unadjusted to a pool of loans 
    with the same characteristics as the benchmark loans, using interest 
    rate and house-price appreciation paths equivalent to those of the 
    benchmark time and place, the resulting default and severity rates are 
    slightly lower than the actual rates for the benchmark loss experience. 
    This result should be expected, because the mortgage performance models 
    are estimated from data on a broad range of historical experience, 
    rather than just data from the benchmark loss experience. The benchmark 
    loss experience was from the time and place with the worst mortgage 
    losses for the Enterprises. Therefore it is reasonable to expect it to 
    have default and severity rates somewhat higher than would be predicted 
    based solely upon the explanatory variables used in the stress test. 
    For this reason, the stress test
    [[Page 18143]]
    includes adjustments to the models to reflect more fully the additional 
    stress of the benchmark experience.
        OFHEO proposes to relate losses projected by the statistical 
    equations to the benchmark loss experience in two ways. First, 
    benchmark house-price growth rates and multifamily (rental) market 
    economic conditions that coincide with the time and place of the 
    benchmark loss experience are applied to loans in the starting 
    portfolio during the stress test period. Second, the default and 
    severity rates predicted by statistical equations are increased, or 
    ``calibrated,'' to the benchmark loss experience rates, so that if 
    newly originated loans with similar characteristics to those comprising 
    the benchmark sample were subjected to the same economic circumstances 
    as occurred in the benchmark loss experience, the statistical model of 
    mortgage performance would project ten-year cumulative default and 
    average severity rates equal to the rates actually observed for the 
    benchmark sample.\131\ Under this approach, default and loss severity 
    rates differ from the benchmark rates only to the extent interest 
    rates, property values, and loan characteristics are different from the 
    benchmark sample, or to the extent adjustments are necessary to account 
    for other statutory requirements.\132\ Because of the addition of this 
    benchmark ``calibration'' factor to default and loss severity 
    equations, loss rates for all loans are slightly higher than would 
    otherwise be projected.
        \131\ Loans comprising the benchmark sample were 30-year fixed-
    rate loans.
        \132\ Differences in interest rates, property values, and loan 
    characteristics can have very significant effects, however. The 
    average mortgage credit loss rate for the two Enterprises in the 
    benchmark sample was 9.4 percent. In the up-rate scenario of the 
    stress test for June 1997, the average loss rate was 1.8 percent, 
    while in the down-rate scenario it was 1.4 percent. The loss rate 
    for the benchmark sample does not take account of mortgage insurance 
    and other credit enhancements. Losses on benchmark loans after 
    accounting for these receipts would have been seven percent.
        Although the principles for reasonably relating stress test losses 
    to the benchmark loss experience are the same for single family and 
    multifamily loans, the methods of reasonably relating losses to the 
    benchmark differ and are discussed separately below.
    a. Single Family Calibration
        For single family loans, calibration constants are added to default 
    and loss severity rates.\133\ These constants are set forth in sections and of the Regulation Appendix. Their development 
    is described in section IV.B.8., Consistency with the Historical 
    Benchmark Experience, of the Technical Supplement.
        \133\ The calibration constant used in the single family default 
    rate equations is in addition to the particular product-type 
    multiplier factors discussed earlier. The product-type multipliers 
    relate other products to the benchmark 30-year fixed-rate loans, 
    while the calibration constant relates all loans to the severe 
    benchmark loss experience.
        The calibration constants were computed in three steps. First, all 
    benchmark loans were assigned the same historical house-price 
    experience--the ten-year sequence of appreciation rates from the OFHEO 
    HPI for the West South Central Census Division, commencing in 1984, 
    first quarter.\134\ Second, using the statistical equations estimated 
    on a broader historical loan sample, OFHEO projected the ten-year 
    experience of loans comprising the benchmark sample, computing the ten-
    year cumulative default rate and ten-year average loss severity rate. 
    These rates were measured in the same manner for the benchmark in 
    NPR1.\135\ Third, these cumulative rates were compared to the actual 
    cumulative default and prepayment rates computed for the benchmark in 
    NPR1, and adjustment constants were calculated that, when applied in 
    the models, would yield the equivalent default and loss severity rates.
        \134\ The West South Central Census Division does not exactly 
    match the four-State benchmark region, but its use here to represent 
    benchmark economics is consistent with OFHEO's proposal to aggregate 
    data based on Census divisions and to apply historical Census 
    division-level house price growth rates to season loans at the 
    beginning of the stress test. What is most important is that the 
    price series used to calibrate the statistical equations is the same 
    series that will be used in the stress test itself. The actual ten-
    year house-price experience of the West South Central Division and 
    the four-State benchmark area, 1984-1993, are very similar.
        \135\ The ten-year cumulative default rate was computed as the 
    sum of original UPBs for defaulted loans, divided by the sum of 
    original UPBs for all loans in the sample. The average severity rate 
    was calculated in similar fashion. Following the method used to 
    identify the benchmark experience, the calibration procedure 
    computes ten-year default and severity rates for each Enterprise 
    separately, and then the two Enterprise-specific rates are averaged.
        The adjustment constant for loss severity rates is not applied to 
    the entire loss severity rate, but rather to the loss of loan principal 
    balance element of the loss severity rate. The constant is computed by 
    subtracting the loss of loan principal balance that was predicted by 
    the single family loss severity model from the loss of loan principal 
    balance that occurred on defaulted loans in the benchmark loss 
    experience. The second element of severity cost, transaction costs, was 
    not adjusted to reflect benchmark conditions. OFHEO found it more 
    appropriate in a national stress test to use a national blend of the 
    institutional factors such as foreclosure costs, property management 
    fees, and property sales expenses that comprise this element. The third 
    element of loss severity cost, asset funding costs, enters the stress 
    test as an imputed interest cost. As described in more detail in 
    section 3.5.3 of the Regulation Appendix, this element is related to 
    the benchmark loss experience through the use of foreclosure and 
    property disposition event timing from the benchmark loss experience. 
    The timing of these events determines the periods over which funding 
    costs are calculated.
    b. Relating Other Single Family Products to the Benchmark
        In the ANPR, OFHEO asked how to relate other types of mortgages to 
    the benchmark, which was developed based on single family, 30-year, 
    fixed-rate mortgages. The commenters' consensus was that some type of 
    multiplier approach to alternative single family mortgages should be 
    used, except for ARMs. These comments are discussed below.
    (i) ANPR Comments
        NAR suggested that OFHEO develop statistical models of default for 
    fixed- and adjustable-rate mortgages and relate the performance of 
    other mortgage types to them. NAR also pointed out, however, that this 
    type of relationship might be difficult to establish for new mortgage 
    types for which there is insufficient historical experience. NAR 
    suggested applying the benchmark default experience to these loans 
    rather than measuring the difference in risk from the benchmark 
    experience. VA addressed the same concern, suggesting that multipliers 
    should be based on historical periods in which the other mortgage types 
    had significant shares of the market. Specifically, VA suggested that 
    measures of performance from those periods of other single family 
    mortgage types relative to the 30-year, fixed-rate product could be 
    used to impute the necessary performance differences from the benchmark 
    loss experience to use in the stress test. Freddie Mac stated that any 
    default-rate multipliers should be based on a broader range of 
    Enterprise historical experience than the benchmark time and place.
        Freddie Mac, although recommending that OFHEO use simple 
    multipliers, also raised a concern that loans receiving multiple 
    multiplier factors could end up with unreasonably high stress test 
    default rates. It cited, as an example, a balloon loan on an investor-
    owned condominium. If the stress test were to apply default-rate 
    multipliers for each of these three mortgage type categories
    [[Page 18144]]
    (condominium, investor-owned, and balloon), the combined risk factor 
    premium could be unreasonably high. To remedy this problem, Freddie Mac 
    recommended that the stress test incorporate limits on the interaction 
    of risk factors.
        MRAC suggested that, if sufficient data were available, OFHEO might 
    either create historical tables of default rates by various loan 
    characteristics, in order to establish product-type multipliers, or use 
    some type of regression analysis to discern performance differences 
    among mortgage types. The MBA suggested that multipliers are the best 
    approach because they are currently used by the Enterprises and 
    therefore would provide a simple way for them to implement the risk-
    based capital standards.
        OTS cautioned that multipliers might not be appropriate for ARMs or 
    for multifamily loans, because the credit loss experience of these 
    loans may not correlate well with that of fixed-rate, single family 
    loans. OTS recommended that OFHEO consider using separate benchmarks 
    for different types of loans. ACB, however, commented that there is no 
    statutory requirement to incorporate the worst experience for each 
    mortgage type into the stress test, and that a multiplier analysis for 
    single family loan types would be sufficient.
        Consistent with its recommendation that OFHEO not develop a 
    statistical model of conditional default rates, Fannie Mae suggested 
    that multipliers be applied to (cumulative) loss rates, rather than to 
    conditional default rates.
    (ii) OFHEO's Response
        The stress test approach of adding product type adjustment factors 
    as explanatory variables in a single family default equation is 
    consistent with the multiplier approach recommended by commenters. 
    However, the stress test approach does not have the shortcomings about 
    which some commenters cautioned. It relies upon a broader historical 
    experience than the benchmark sample alone to gauge the relative risk 
    of other mortgage types, and it controls for the multiple multipliers 
    problem outlined by Freddie Mac. The multiple multipliers problem is 
    avoided because product type adjustment factors are estimated as part 
    of the statistical default equation. The equation computes the marginal 
    impact of each product type after controlling for all other explanatory 
    variables. Using simple multipliers with limits on the amount of 
    adjustment, as recommended by Freddie Mac, would either be too 
    imprecise to reflect the relative risk of the loans that fall into 
    multiple product type categories, or else would become as complex as a 
    statistical model in order to account for all of the conceivable 
    combinations of product types.
        OFHEO agrees with the OTS comment that a multiplier approach is not 
    appropriate for ARMs. Equations for single family default and 
    prepayment rates in the stress test are, therefore, estimated 
    separately for ARMs. This is appropriate because the adjustable payment 
    features of these loans create unique incentives to either default or 
    prepay that are not found in other mortgage types. The ARM default 
    equation does, however, receive the same benchmark calibration constant 
    used in the other two single family default equations. The use of this 
    constant reasonably relates ARMs to the added stress of the benchmark 
    loss experience in a manner consistent with how other single family 
    product types are related to the benchmark loss experience.
    c. Relating Multifamily Mortgage Performance to the Benchmark
        In the ANPR, OFHEO requested comment on how the stress test 
    multifamily mortgage performance should be related to the single family 
    benchmark. Respondents to the ANPR mentioned the need to capture the 
    different underwriting variables and economic factors that would 
    influence multifamily performance directly. They warned against 
    applying multipliers to single family losses to generate multifamily 
    losses. These concerns were raised by OTS, MBA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie 
    Mac. In addition, OTS and Fannie Mae suggested that OFHEO may need to 
    explore options other than relating stress test credit losses on 
    multifamily loans to the single family benchmark.
        OFHEO agrees with the commenters' concerns about using a simple 
    multiplier approach for multifamily loans, and proposes instead a 
    separate statistical model of multifamily mortgage performance based on 
    multifamily market conditions, property financial characteristics (DCR 
    and LTV), and loan terms--whether fully amortizing or balloon, or 
    having fixed or adjustable interest rates. The statistical model allows 
    the application of OFHEO's first principle, outlined above in section 
    III. A. 5. e., Choice of Explanatory Variables for Default and 
    Prepayment, for relating stress test losses to the benchmark: using 
    economic conditions of the benchmark experience in the stress test. 
    OFHEO believes that multifamily rent and vacancy indexes from the 
    benchmark time and place provide the best means to relate starting 
    multifamily loan portfolios to the benchmark loss experience. These 
    indexes account for the economic decline that occurred in the benchmark 
    region in the economic factors that affect multifamily mortgage credit 
    risk. Therefore, the stress test creates a reasonable relationship to 
    the benchmark loss experience by using vacancy rates from and percent 
    changes in rents from the benchmark loss experience to update property 
    financials (DCR and LTV) throughout the stress period.
        Because of the small number (13) of multifamily loans purchased by 
    the Enterprises in the benchmark region during 1983 and 1984, it is not 
    possible to compute calibration adjustments like those in the single 
    family default and severity equations. Instead, OFHEO proposes to treat 
    all defaults as full foreclosure events and apply loss severity rates 
    without consideration of loan seasoning. The effect of this approach is 
    to create higher credit losses than if the stress test were to account 
    for multifamily defaults that are resolved without foreclosure and 
    adjust severity rates to account for the age of loans.
        Methodologically, treating all multifamily defaults as foreclosure 
    events is consistent with OFHEO's proposed approach to single family 
    credit loss generation in the stress test. However, OFHEO is aware that 
    use of various default resolution strategies other than foreclosure 
    (loss mitigation) played an important role in controlling multifamily 
    default losses in the severe environment of the late 1980s and early 
    1990s. Therefore, accounting for loss mitigation in the stress test 
    would tend to decrease losses for any given economic conditions. 
    Treating all defaults as foreclosures for calibration purposes, rather 
    than allowing for loss mitigation efforts, results in an increase in 
    loss severity--before application of any credit enhancements--of 6.5 
    percent per defaulting loan.\136\
        \136\ The 6.5 percent figure is arrived at by multiplying the 13 
    percent of defaults resolved with alternatives to foreclosure by a 
    50 percent loss rate reduction factor.
        There is an exception to the rule of treating all defaults as 
    foreclosure events for Enterprise loan programs that require the 
    seller/servicer to repurchase loans that become 90-days delinquent. For 
    loans in these programs, the recorded ``default'' event at the 
    Enterprises is the point at which a loan becomes 90 days delinquent, 
    rather than a foreclosure-like event where the Enterprise obtains title 
    to the collateral property.
    [[Page 18145]]
        The stress test loss severity rate for these loans is 39 
    percent.\137\ The 39 percent loss severity rate reflects experience of 
    the Enterprises during the stressful conditions of the early 1990s, 
    including approximately 50 percent cures (or modifications) and 50 
    percent foreclosures on 90-day delinquencies. OFHEO research indicates 
    that this is a reasonable approximation for the stress test.
        \137\ This rate is discounted by 12 months to reflect the 
    average time from the default date (30 days after last paid 
    installment date) to final resolution.
    8. Inflation Adjustment
        The 1992 Act specifies that, to the extent that the ten-year CMT 
    increases by more than 50 percent over its average for the nine months 
    preceding the starting date of the stress test, credit losses must be 
    adjusted ``to reflect a correspondingly higher rate of general price 
    inflation.'' \138\ In the stress test, mortgage credit losses are not 
    related to rates of general price inflation, but most are related to 
    rates of house price inflation.\139\ Implementing this provision of the 
    statute requires consideration of the relationship between interest 
    rates, general inflation rates, and house price inflation rates.
        \138\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2)(E) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)(E)).
        \139\ Multifamily credit losses are related to rent growth 
    rates. The same adjustment described here for house price inflation 
    rates is also made to rent inflation rates.
        These relationships are complex. Over recent decades, changes in 
    broad inflation measures generally have preceded changes in interest 
    rates in the same direction. And changes in interest rates have been 
    accompanied by changes in house price inflation rates in the opposite 
    direction. Thus, over short and intermediate periods of time, interest 
    rates and house price inflation rates have often moved divergently. For 
    example, consider the three five-year periods beginning in 1975. From 
    the beginning of 1975 to the end of 1979, the ten-year CMT averaged 
    about 8 percent, while house prices rose at an 11 percent annual rate. 
    In the following five-year period, from 1980 to 1984, interest rates 
    were 50 percent higher (12 percent), while house price inflation fell 
    to 4 percent. Then in the third five-year period, 1985 to 1989, 
    interest rates declined to 9 percent, while house price gains 
    accelerated to 7 percent.\140\ Over longer periods of time, however, 
    these changes have tended to reverse themselves. For periods of ten 
    years or more, higher (lower) than average interest rate levels have 
    generally been associated with higher (lower) than average rates of 
    general inflation and house price inflation.
        \140\ General inflation rates (based on the CPI) followed a 
    still different pattern. They averaged 8 percent per year during the 
    first five-year period, 7 percent in the second, and 3 percent in 
    the third five-year period.
        In unusual environments, such as those represented by the economic 
    conditions of the stress test, average past relationships between 
    interest rates, general inflation rates, and house price inflation 
    rates may not prevail. The nature or cause of the projected mortgage 
    credit stresses in the stress test are not specified in the statute. 
    They could involve problems particular to housing markets, such that 
    house price behavior deviates persistently from general inflation 
    patterns. Or they could be focused on non-house-price factors, such as 
    unemployment, relocation, or divorce rates.
        Except to the extent that the ten-year CMT rises in the up-rate 
    scenario by more than 50 percent, the stress test does not project any 
    differences in house price changes or other sources of credit stress in 
    the two interest rate scenarios. And, aside from the inflation 
    adjustment, the specific pattern of house price changes used in both 
    scenarios is not designed to be consistent with any particular pattern 
    of interest rates. It was chosen to replicate (and encapsulate in one 
    variable) the overall level of credit stress in the benchmark loss 
        In order to implement the statutory requirement, the stress test 
    projects that cumulative increases in house prices, a component of 
    general inflation, are higher in the up-rate scenario by an amount that 
    reflects, percentage point for percentage point, any positive 
    difference between the ten-year CMT and the level corresponding to a 50 
    percent increase. Thus, for example, if the ten-year CMT starts at 6 
    percent and increases by 75 percent to 10.5 percent, the increase in 
    excess of 50 percent is 1.5 percentage points. The cumulative change in 
    house prices during the up-rate scenario would equal the cumulative 
    change during the down-rate scenario plus an upward adjustment. The 
    adjustment is the amount needed to reflect what the cumulative increase 
    would be if the house price inflation rate were 1.5 percent higher, on 
    average, throughout the part of the stress period in which the ten-year 
    CMT exceeds 9 percent.\141\
        \141\ The stress test would calculate the cumulative adjustment 
    factor in this case to be 1.0159\1/6\, so final house 
    price levels in the up-rate scenario would be 14.6 percent higher 
    than they would be in the down-rate scenario. In this formula, 9\1/
    6\ represents the number of years the ten-year CMT exceeds 9 percent 
    by the full 1.5 percentage points plus two months to reflect the 
    period in which the ten-year CMT exceeds 9 percent by a smaller 
    amount. If the ten-year CMT increases 75 percent over the base 
    month, a 50 percent increase will be achieved by month eight. The 
    full increase will be achieved by month 12. For the purposes of this 
    calculation, the result is the same as it would be if the extra 25 
    percent lasted for nine years and two months.
        In recognition of the likely short- and intermediate-term 
    divergence between interest rates and house price behavior, the stress 
    test concentrates all of the adjustment in the final five years of the 
    stress period. Thus, house prices are identical in the two stress test 
    interest rate scenarios during the first five years, but increase much 
    more rapidly in the last five years of the up-rate scenario than they 
    do in the down-rate scenario.
        Several respondents to OFHEO's ANPR commented on this issue. VA 
    opposed any adjustment, arguing that while the long-term behavior of 
    house price inflation and general inflation is consistent, the short-
    term relationship is weak, and the relationship between interest rates 
    and house prices ``is even more tenuous.'' VA further agrees that 
    specific economic conditions can disrupt any general relationships, and 
    that an adjustment would be inconsistent with the approach of private 
    rating agencies. OFHEO believes, however, that some adjustment is 
    required by the statutory language.
        HUD argued that adjusting the rate of increase in house prices 
    throughout the stress period on a one-to-one basis with general price 
    inflation would deny the role of changes in real interest rates over 
    time. HUD suggested that OFHEO consider current trends and long-run 
    relationships between real interest rates and house prices. NAR 
    suggested that a one-to-one relationship is appropriate for long-term 
    assumptions, and ACB commented similarly. OFHEO believes that its 
    approach, which uses a one-to-one relationship for the cumulative 
    change but concentrates the change in the last five years of the stress 
    period, is not inconsistent with any of these recommendations.
        Freddie Mac recommended that house price inflation should vary with 
    interest rates in a one-to-one relationship, not only with respect to 
    increases in the ten-year CMT exceeding 50 percent, but also with 
    respect to all interest rate changes. House price inflation rates would 
    be based on rates current at the start of the stress period and rise or 
    fall by amounts equal to the change in the ten-year CMT in both 
    scenarios. Such an approach could result in more severe credit losses 
    in the down-rate scenario and very few credit losses in the up-rate 
    scenario. OFHEO believes that the stress test should reflect the 
    possibility that substantial credit losses would occur in either 
    scenario. The recommended
    [[Page 18146]]
    approach also would not have any obvious relationship to the benchmark 
    loss experience. Applying the approach at the time the benchmark loans 
    were originated would result in much stronger house price growth than 
    actually occurred in the benchmark area.
        Freddie Mac further argued that a stress test that incorporated a 
    ten-year CMT that exceeded the rate of house price appreciation by more 
    than 6.5 percentage points over a ten-year period would be inconsistent 
    with national historical experience and, therefore, inappropriate. 
    However, national historical experience is not an appropriate criterion 
    for the stress test's key source of mortgage credit stress. Credit 
    losses in the stress test are required to exceed national historical 
    experience. They are based on the worst regional, not national, 
    experience.\142\ More importantly, as discussed above, house price 
    projections in the stress test are not designed to correspond to any 
    particular interest rate level. Rather, they are simply a means of 
    incorporating an overall credit stress level that is comparable to the 
    benchmark loss experience and which may reflect stresses from a variety 
    of non-house price sources not explicitly included in the mortgage 
    performance model.
        \142\ The average ten-year CMT exceeded average house price 
    growth in the West South Central Division during the 1980s by 9.5 
    percentage points. For the benchmark loss experience, the difference 
    was 8.5 percentage points.
    B. Interest Rates
        The 1992 Act specifies the level of the constant maturity Treasury 
    yield (CMT) for ten-year securities during the last nine years of the 
    stress period.\143\ However, only general guidance is provided for the 
    levels of yields on Treasury securities with different maturities. 
    Also, yields on other financial instruments are not explicitly 
    mentioned. The behavior of yields on financial instruments other than 
    ten-year Treasury securities will have potentially substantial and 
    pervasive effects on the Enterprises during the stress period. Those 
    yields will determine the cost of new debt issued and earnings on new 
    investments, as well as the interest rates paid or earned on assets, 
    liabilities, or derivatives contracts that are tied to market yield 
    indexes. They will also have a significant effect on the volumes of 
    mortgage prepayments and defaults. The magnitude of the effects on an 
    Enterprise during the stress period will depend greatly on the 
    Enterprise's funding strategies at the start of the stress period.
        \143\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2) (12 U.S.C 4611(a)(2)).
    1. Yields on Treasury Securities
    a. Statutory Requirements
        The 1992 Act describes two interest rate scenarios (one rising and 
    one falling) based on movements in the ten-year CMT. In the rising or 
    up-rate scenario, the ten-year CMT increases during the first year of 
    the stress test period and then remains constant at the greater of: (1) 
    600 basis points above the average yield during the preceding nine 
    months; or (2) 160 percent of the average yield during the preceding 
    three years. However, in no case may the yield increase to more than 
    175 percent of the average yield over the preceding nine months. In the 
    falling or down-rate scenario, the ten-year CMT decreases during the 
    first year of the stress period and then remains constant at the lesser 
    of: (1) 600 basis points below the average yield during the preceding 
    nine months; or (2) 60 percent of the average yield during the 
    preceding three years. However, in no case may the yield decrease to 
    less than 50 percent of the average yield over the preceding nine 
        The 1992 Act does not specify the shape of the yield curve during 
    the stress period. Rather, it simply requires that the levels of other 
    Treasury yields ``change relative to the 10-year Constant Maturity 
    Treasury (CMT) yield in patterns and for durations that are reasonably 
    related to historical experience and are judged reasonable by the 
    Director.'' \144\ The statute also does not specify the manner in which 
    the ten-year CMT moves during the first year of the stress period to 
    reach the level required for the remainder of the period.
        \144\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(2)(D) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(2)(D)).
        In its comments to OFHEO's ANPR, ACB suggested that OFHEO consider 
    using stochastic projections of all interest rates, if OFHEO determined 
    that stochastic projections were consistent with statutory 
    requirements. ACB noted that the process could be constrained to insure 
    that the ten-year CMT reached its required level during the final nine 
    years of the stress period on an average basis. OFHEO has determined 
    that such an approach would not be compatible with the 1992 Act. That 
    statute clearly specifies that the ten-year CMT will be constant during 
    the final nine years of the stress period. Furthermore, as Fannie Mae 
    commented, using a stochastic model for determining interest rates 
    would create unnecessary uncertainty about what amount of capital would 
    actually be required for a given set of risk positions. A stochastic 
    model also would add unnecessary complexity to the regulation. 
    Accordingly, OFHEO proposes that all interest rates during the stress 
    period be fully determined by past data on interest rates.
    b. Yields of Other Treasury Maturities During the Final Nine Years
    (i) Constant or Varying Yields
        OFHEO considered whether the Treasury yield curve should be 
    constant over the final nine years of the stress period or whether it 
    should change in some specific manner. OFHEO proposes to use a constant 
    yield curve. While yields are extremely unlikely to remain constant or 
    even roughly so over a period as long as nine years, there are no 
    serious disadvantages to using such an approach in the stress test, and 
    there are compelling advantages.
        A constant yield curve is a straightforward approach that is 
    consistent with the statutory specification of a constant ten-year CMT. 
    The purpose of the interest rate component of the stress test is to 
    assess an Enterprise's ability to withstand a prolonged shift to a much 
    higher or much lower interest rate environment. No specific pattern of 
    yield changes can fully capture the range of possible future adverse 
    changes. Based on historical experience, one would expect all interest 
    rates to fluctuate over a broad range during a period as long as nine 
    years. Different underlying macroeconomic circumstances would be 
    associated with different evolutions of the entire yield curve, 
    including the ten-year CMT. Tying the stress test to one specific set 
    of macroeconomic circumstances would tend to limit its general 
    usefulness. The real-life danger the Enterprises face of much higher or 
    much lower interest rates during the next decade is not focused on any 
    particular portion of that ten-year period. Designing a stress test 
    with any specific pattern of interest rate changes after the first year 
    of the stress period would imply a belief that Enterprise risk 
    exposures in some future years would be a matter of greater public 
    concern than in other years. While an argument could be made that near-
    term risk exposures would create losses with a higher present value, 
    that concern should be balanced by a recognition that the risk of a 
    very different interest rate environment is greater for distant years 
    than for the near-term.
        A stress test with interest rates that are especially high or low 
    in particular
    [[Page 18147]]
    future years would encourage Enterprise hedging strategies to focus on 
    those specific years. Risks in other years, when stress test 
    projections were more moderate, might receive relative neglect. The 
    Enterprise would thus be providing more protection against more 
    adverse, but less likely, interest rates in some years at the expense 
    of less protection against less adverse, but more likely, interest 
    rates in other years. Such an incentive would provide less general 
    protection and thereby increase the risk of failure.
        In their ANPR comments, Fannie Mae and VA suggested specific fixed 
    yield curves, consistent with OFHEO's proposal in this regard. Freddie 
    Mac recommended a considerably more complex approach that would 
    generally result in relatively more adverse short-term interest rates 
    in the early part of the final nine years of the stress period and less 
    adverse short-term interest rates later. OFHEO believes its proposal is 
    much simpler and will provide better general protection against 
    Enterprise failure for the reasons discussed above.
        Freddie Mac argued that a fixed yield curve would be unreasonable 
    for two reasons. First, Freddie Mac stated that a fixed curve would be 
    inconsistent with the statutory requirements that changes in yields on 
    Treasury securities with maturities other than ten-years ``will change 
    relative to the 10-year constant maturity Treasury yield in patterns 
    and for durations that are reasonably related to historical 
    experience.'' It is clear from the legislative history that Congress 
    did not intend to prohibit constant yield curves, per se, but rather 
    wanted to prohibit unusual yield curves lasting for a longer time than 
    could be reasonably related to historical experience. The language of 
    the statute follows the original Senate-passed bill, except that 
    ``reasonably related to'' in the quoted phrase was substituted for 
    ``within the range of,'' and a specific restriction on unusual yield 
    curves was removed. The Senate Committee, in explaining its 
    understanding of the yield curve provision, actually recommended that 
    the yield curve be fixed during at least the final five years of the 
    stress period.\145\
        \145\ S. Rep. No. 102-282, at 22 (1992).
        Second, Freddie Mac argued that a constant yield curve ``would be 
    of little value in measuring the ability of an Enterprise to absorb 
    losses in relation to its risks'' because interest rate volatility 
    would disappear and the prices of options would approach zero. Market 
    estimates of interest rate volatility, however, play no important role 
    in the stress test OFHEO is proposing. The Enterprises are not 
    projected to buy or sell any options, as this is a ``no new business'' 
    stress test. While option value does affect decisions about option 
    exercise, and those decisions are an important element of the stress 
    test, the interest rate movements in the stress test are quite large. 
    In such circumstances, Enterprise decisions about option exercise will 
    generally be relatively insensitive to precise measures of option 
    value. Homeowners' decisions to exercise their options to prepay their 
    mortgages are also based on past homeowner responses to large changes 
    in interest rates and not on specific measures of volatility. Stress 
    test projections relating to the exercise of options implicitly assume 
    that expectations about volatility are within normal ranges, despite 
    the lack of change in interest rates. The proposed approach is an 
    efficient simplification that does not distort Enterprise risks in any 
    meaningful way.
    (ii) Choice of Fixed Yield Curve Shapes
        OFHEO proposes that all Treasury yields for key maturities (three-
    and six-month; one-, three-, five-, and 20-year) in the final nine 
    years of the up-rate scenario be equal to the ten-year CMT. In the 
    final nine years of the down-rate scenario, OFHEO proposes that all key 
    Treasury yields have the same ratio to the ten-year CMT that they had, 
    on average, during the nine-year period from May 1986 through April 
    1995. The proposed yield curves for both interest rate scenarios 
    correspond to historical experience.
        OFHEO based its selection of yield curves on an examination of 
    historical data on Treasury yields. Data are available starting in 
    December 1958. OFHEO focused on the relationship between a short-term 
    (six-month) yield and the ten-year yield.\146\ From 1959 through 1996, 
    the average yield curve slope, measured by the ratio of the six-month 
    CMT to the ten-year CMT, was 0.88, a moderate upward slope. However, 
    when calculated on a monthly basis, this slope has varied considerably 
    through time (See Table 26, Frequency Distribution of Yield Curve 
    Slopes, 1959--1996). Monthly slopes have been as low as 0.48 (September 
    and October 1992) and as high as 1.29 (March 1980). In more than half 
    of the months, yield curves were roughly flat or downward sloping 
    (slopes above 0.95) or were steeply upward sloping (slopes below 0.75).
        \146\ In the following discussion, yields of six-month Treasury 
    bills are expressed on a bond-equivalent basis. The six-month 
    maturity has the advantage that the timing of its payments are 
    consistent with the interest rate payment cycle of Treasury notes 
    and bonds, ensuring comparability of yields across maturities.
    [[Page 18148]]
        Of particular relevance are the average slopes over periods of 108 
    months (nine years) and their relationship to previous increases or 
    decreases in yields. Ratios of the average six-month Treasury CMT to 
    the average ten-year CMT for periods of 108 months ranged from 0.77 
    (for periods ending from January 1994 through April 1996) to 0.99 (for 
    periods ending from September 1981 through June 1982). OFHEO must 
    project yields curves for a nine-year period in which the ten-year CMT 
    has increased by 75 percent, and decreased by 50 percent, from its 
    average in the nine months ending one year before the beginning of the 
    nine-year period.\147\ Accordingly, OFHEO sought to determine whether 
    historical data suggest any relationship between changes in average 
    ten-year CMT and yield curve slopes for relevant time periods.
        \147\ In high yield environments, the changes in interest rates 
    would be somewhat smaller, but past and recent data suggest that the 
    changes will generally be of this magnitude.
        At no time during the past 40 years have ten-year CMTs changed as 
    greatly as required in the stress test. The largest comparable increase 
    was 56.3 percent from the nine-month average of 6.04 percent during 
    November 1971 to July 1972 to the nine-year average of 9.44 percent 
    during August 1973 to July 1982. The ratio of six-month to ten-year 
    yields during the later period was 0.98. The largest comparable 
    decrease was 38.9 percent from the nine-month average of 12.74 percent 
    during February to October 1984 to the nine-year average of 7.78 
    percent during November 1985 to October 1994. That change was 
    associated with a slope of 0.77 during the nine-year period.
        The pattern of relatively flat yield curve slopes after interest 
    rate increases and steep yield curve slopes after interest rate 
    decreases is consistent with the data. In all nine-year periods in 
    which the average ten-year CMT was above its average during the 
    relevant earlier nine-month period, the yield curve slope was greater 
    than 0.87. In all nine-year periods in which the average ten-year CMT 
    was below its average during the relevant earlier nine-month period, 
    the yield curve slope was less than 0.87. Furthermore, the greater the 
    increase in the ten-year CMT, the flatter the yield curve slope tended 
    to be, and the greater the decrease in the ten-year CMT, the steeper 
    the yield curve slope tended to be. Results of an ordinary least 
    squares regression imply that a sustained 75 percent increase in the 
    ten-year CMT would likely result in a CMT yield curve slope of 1.00, 
    while a sustained 50 percent decline provides an expected slope of 
        \148\ An ordinary least squares regression describes the results 
    quantitatively. The dependent variable (Yt) is the ratio 
    of the average six-month CMT to the average ten-year CMT during the 
    nine years ending in month t. The independent variable 
    (Xt) is defined as the ratio of the average ten-year CMT 
    in the nine years ending in month t to the nine-month average of the 
    ten-year CMT from month t-128 to month t-120. The regression results 
    are: Yt = 0.86 + 0.19 Xt.
        Although this regression is based on monthly data over a 38-year 
    period, it is a small data set for investigating this issue. The 
    yield data start in December 1958, but each observation needs 128 
    months prior data, so the first observation used in the regression 
    is August 1969. That leaves 326 observations through September 1996, 
    but because of the lags, each observation is very similar to the one 
    preceding it. There are really only four fully separate dependent 
    variable observations. In these circumstances, the coefficient 
    estimates are unbiased, but the usual regression statistics are not 
    meaningful. In an alternative regression, the data were reorganized 
    as follows. The 326 observations were rank-ordered by the 
    independent variable and divided into quartiles. Using average 
    values of the two variables from each quartile, the regression was 
    rerun with the resulting four observations. The results are: 
    Yt = 0.86 + 0.20 Xt.
        Differences in parameter estimates from the full sample 
    regression were small, less than 0.01, and the standard error of the 
    coefficient of Xt was 0.022. Even though the observations for these 
    regressions were limited, to the extent the data do exist, they 
    support OFHEO's yield curve proposal.
        If the macroeconomic circumstances associated with a future shift 
    in yields were to differ from those that engendered interest rate 
    changes in recent decades, different results might easily occur. 
    Nevertheless, the historical experience of the past four decades, as 
    indicated both by the actual yield curve slopes in the episodes when 
    the ten-year CMT changed most greatly and by the more general results, 
    suggests an essentially flat yield curve in the up-rate scenario, and a 
    curve with a relatively steep upward slope in the down-rate scenario.
        Although the highest yield curve slope was 0.99, OFHEO chose a more 
    straightforward yield curve slope of 1.00 for the up-rate scenario. The 
    largest historical interest rate increase resulted in an almost flat 
    yield curve, and that increase was still well below the increase of the 
    up-rate scenario of the stress test. In addition to the six-month 
    yields, OFHEO also proposes that all other key Treasury yields be equal 
    to the ten-year CMT in the up-rate scenario. When the six-month CMT 
    equals the ten-year CMT, setting all the other key
    [[Page 18149]]
    Treasury yields equal to the same levels is straightforward and 
    appropriate. In the down-rate scenario, however, setting the six-month 
    and the ten-year yields does not directly suggest appropriate rates for 
    instruments with other maturities. OFHEO proposes in this scenario that 
    slopes of key CMTs to the ten-year CMT be based on a specific 
    historical experience in a straightforward way that incorporates long-
    term relationships between yields of instruments with different 
    maturities. The slope of the average six-month CMT to the average ten-
    year CMT during the nine-year period ending in April 1995 closely 
    approximates the yield curve slope suggested by the regression 
        Several commenters responded to a question in OFHEO's ANPR about 
    the Treasury yield curve. Consistent with OFHEO's proposal, Fannie Mae 
    recommended that OFHEO focus its approach to projecting yield curves on 
    the ratio of the six-month Treasury yield to the ten-year Treasury 
    yield. However, Fannie Mae recommended that the ratio of the six-month 
    CMT to the ten-year CMT be set at a long-run historical average in both 
    interest rate scenarios. Such an approach would not be consistent with 
    actual experience that large sustained interest rate increases are 
    accompanied by relatively flat yield curves and that large, sustained 
    interest rate decreases are accompanied by relatively steep yield 
        The Department of Veterans Affairs recommended a yield curve 
    formula that would depend heavily on the shape of the yield curve at 
    the start of the stress test. OFHEO considered such an approach, but 
    found no evidence in historical data that the yield curve shape at the 
    start of a ten-year period is related to the average shape over the 
    final nine years of that period.
        Freddie Mac suggested an approach based on an assumption that the 
    statutory changes in interest rates represent a ``regime shift.'' As 
    market participants adjust to the new regime, Freddie Mac argued, 
    average yield curve relationships should return. OFHEO believes it is 
    more appropriate to base projections of yield curve relationships on 
    what has actually occurred in the past with the most similar changes in 
    ten-year CMT levels.
        NAR recommended that OFHEO take into account Treasury refunding 
    behavior during the stress period. In order to keep the stress test as 
    general as possible, OFHEO chose not to make any specific projections 
    about Treasury debt issuance during the stress period.
    c. Yields of Treasury Securities During the First Year
        OFHEO proposes that during the first year of the stress period, the 
    yields on Treasury securities of all maturities adjust linearly from 
    their levels in the month proceeding the stress period to their levels 
    during the final nine years of the stress period. In comments to 
    OFHEO's ANPR, Fannie Mae stated that movements of the six-month and 
    ten-year CMTs should be consistent during an adjustment period of one 
    to two years. OFHEO agrees and believes its proposal will result in 
    sufficiently consistent movement.
        Freddie Mac suggested an approach under which, before the end of 
    the first year, the yield curve might invert in the up-rate scenario 
    and become very steeply upward sloping in the down-rate scenario. As 
    previously discussed, OFHEO believes this approach is unnecessarily 
    2. Yields of Non-Treasury Instruments
    a. In General
        Payments during the stress period associated with many Enterprise 
    assets, liabilities, and derivatives contracts and the performance of 
    mortgages, especially prepayment behavior, are dependent on future 
    levels of yields on non-Treasury instruments and levels of non-Treasury 
    interest rate indexes. OFHEO proposes to project these yield levels 
    using econometric models relating non-Treasury interest rate series to 
    yields on Treasury securities of comparable maturity.
        The econometric specifications were based on two primary criteria. 
    First, whenever possible, the non-Treasury interest rate series were 
    modeled using the relative (rather than absolute) spread over 
    comparable CMTs. Second, the specifications balanced the desire for 
    simplicity with the need to account for the time-series properties 
    inherent in the data.
        Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models were used 
    to model the behavior of the non-Treasury interest rate series.\149\ 
    The models capture the average historical relationships between 
    specific CMTs and non-Treasury interest rates. OFHEO believes this 
    approach is consistent with recommendations of all commenters to a 
    question on this issue in OFHEO's ANPR.
        \149\ An ARIMA (p,d,q) model implies p autoregressive terms, d 
    differences of the original series, and q moving average terms. 
    Generally speaking, differencing is undertaken to render a series 
    ``mean-stationary,'' which is a requirement for statistical analysis 
    of autoregressive models. For example, observations from a random 
    walk include the cumulative effect of all past shocks (random 
    disturbances) and/or trends. Differencing can net out the effect of 
    persistent movements and make a series stationary. Autoregressive 
    terms also represent the persistence of past shocks, but where the 
    effect of the shock diminished over time. Moving average terms 
    represent the effects of shocks that disappear completely after some 
    finite number of periods.
        In some situations the original series may also exhibit non-
    stationarity in the variance, requiring other normalizing 
    transformations (e.g., taking logarithms). Also, visual examination 
    of the data series and residual analysis based on appropriate 
    statistical criteria (e.g., Ljung-Box Q-statistics) were used to 
    guide the model selection process.
        In some cases, a constant term has been included. This has the 
    effect of preserving the historical average relative spread between 
    the index and the corresponding Treasury rate when projecting future 
    values. This is only done when there is some evidence that this 
    historical difference is statistically significant. While 
    differencing is necessary in many models to achieve stationarity in 
    the mean, the use of relative spreads over Treasury rates of 
    comparable maturities generally appears to make the original 
    relative rate series variance stationary.
    b. Yields on Enterprise Debt
        OFHEO proposes that yields on Enterprise debt be projected in the 
    same manner as yields on other non-Treasury instruments, except that a 
    50 basis point premium is added after the first year of the stress 
    period. After one year of stress test conditions, the Enterprises might 
    appear strong based on accounting measures of earnings and net worth. 
    However, market values of the Enterprises' assets, liabilities, and 
    derivatives contracts would fully reflect the effects of the interest 
    rate shock and some of the credit quality deterioration of the stress 
    test. Investors would be aware of these changes in market value and 
    adjust their evaluations of the Enterprises' financial health 
    accordingly. Because the Enterprises' ability to withstand further 
    interest rate and credit shocks likely would be low, the Enterprises in 
    the final nine years of the stress period would likely not meet their 
    risk-based capital requirement and would, therefore, be subject to 
    dividend restrictions. Such events might strengthen investor concerns 
    about the Enterprises' financial health.
        As government sponsored enterprises, the Enterprises likely would 
    suffer much smaller debt market penalties than fully private firms in 
    the same circumstances. However, the historical experiences of Fannie 
    Mae and the Farm Credit System during periods of financial stress 
    strongly suggest that borrowing costs would include some risk premium 
    during economic conditions such as those in the stress test. As 
    illustrated by data reported in the General Accounting Office's 1990 
    report on government sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae's short-term
    [[Page 18150]]
    borrowing costs during 1980 through 1982 were generally about 80 basis 
    points in excess of yields on comparable maturity Treasury debt, rising 
    at one point to 200 basis points above Treasury yields. Spreads receded 
    after sharp declines in interest rates greatly improved Fannie Mae's 
    condition to a more normal range centered roughly at 20 basis points. 
    Spreads were high again in the late 1980s for both Fannie Mae and the 
    Farm Credit System, ranging from 40 to 100 basis points over a two-year 
    period during the Farm Credit System's time of greatest financial 
        \150\ U.S. General Accounting Office (1990), Government 
    Sponsored Enterprises: The Government's Exposure to Risk, 
    Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, (GAO/GGD-90-97) 87-
        In stress test simulations based on the quarter ending in June 
    1997, the Enterprises' borrowing costs, including the 50 basis point 
    premium, are 78 basis points above comparable Treasury yields in the 
    up-rate scenario and 56 basis points above in the down-rate scenario 
    after the first year of the stress period. Such spreads are appropriate 
    because it is essential that the Enterprise be adequately prepared for 
    widening debt yield spreads in periods of financial stress.
        In its comments to OFHEO's ANPR, ACB pointed to Fannie Mae's 
    difficulties in 1980 to 1982 as a possible basis for assessing likely 
    borrowing spreads in the stress period. ACB also suggested that OFHEO 
    might consider projecting the Treasury Department's use of its 
    statutory authority to lend money to the Enterprises in stressful 
    circumstances. OFHEO believes the stress test should assess the 
    Enterprises' abilities to withstand the stress test without borrowing 
    from the Treasury Department.
        Freddie Mac commented that OFHEO should assume that the market's 
    perception of an implicit government guarantee on Enterprise debt 
    protects the Enterprises against any increased risk premium in 
    borrowing spreads. OFHEO disagrees and believes the historical evidence 
    is inconsistent with that view. OFHEO does agree that financial 
    weakness of the Enterprises during the stress period should not be 
    expected to have the same effect on borrowing costs that it would for 
    firms that are not government sponsored enterprises. Nonetheless, some 
    increase in risk premiums is appropriate. As the Enterprises' offering 
    prospectuses clearly state, Enterprise obligations are not backed by 
    the full faith and credit of the Federal government. OFHEO also agrees 
    that attempting to calculate appropriate borrowing spreads at different 
    times during the stress test, based on specific measures of Enterprise 
    stress, would unnecessarily complicate the test. Accordingly, OFHEO 
    proposes a constant risk premium during the final nine years of the 
    stress period.
    C. Mortgage Credit Enhancements
    1. Background
        The Enterprises use mortgage credit enhancements to reduce their 
    credit risk exposure. For single family loans with LTV ratios in excess 
    of 80 percent, the Enterprises must use certain statutorily enumerated 
    credit enhancements. The Charter Acts prohibit the purchase of 
    conventional single family mortgages with LTV ratios in excess of 80 
    percent unless: (1) the seller retains a participation interest of 10 
    percent or more; (2) the seller agrees to repurchase or replace the 
    mortgage upon default (seller recourse); or (3) the amount of the 
    mortgage in excess of 80 percent is insured or guaranteed.\151\ 
    Multifamily mortgages are not subject to such a requirement, but may 
    also be credit enhanced.
        \151\ See sections 305(a)(2) and (4)(C) of the Federal Home Loan 
    Mortgage Corporation Act (12 U.S.C. 1454(a)(2) and (4)(C)) and 
    sections 302(b) and (5)(C) of the Federal National Mortgage 
    Association Charter Act (12 U.S.C. 1717(b)(2) and (4)(C)).
        The Enterprises currently use several different types of credit 
    enhancements: (1) Private mortgage insurance on individual loans, which 
    usually covers a percentage of the gross loss, or ``claim amount,'' 
    \152\ (2) seller recourse agreements, which require the seller/servicer 
    to repurchase loans in the event of default, either for all loan 
    defaults (unlimited recourse) or for all defaults up to a specified 
    amount (limited recourse); (3) indemnification, which requires the 
    seller/servicer to reimburse the Enterprises for losses (either 
    unlimited or limited) on defaulted loans after final resolution by the 
    Enterprise; (4) pool insurance, which covers losses on a pool of loans 
    up to a specified percentage of the aggregate unpaid principal balance 
    (UPB), usually after private mortgage insurance has been applied; (5) 
    spread accounts maintained by the Enterprise or a custodian to offset 
    losses, funded by part of the spread between the interest rate on the 
    loans in a pool and the coupon passed through to the investor; (6) 
    collateral pledge agreements under which the Enterprise obtains a 
    perfected interest in securities held in an account (usually Treasury 
    securities or mortgage-backed securities), to offset losses on a pool 
    of loans when a seller/servicer hits certain financial triggers or when 
    the loans are high risk; and (7) cash accounts funded by the seller/
    servicer that are available to offset losses.
        \152\ The claim amount includes the defaulted principal balance, 
    unpaid interest, and associated expenses. It does not reflect 
    subsequent proceeds from the sale of REO.
    2. Modeling Approach
        The stress test calculates the loss coverage provided by credit 
    enhancements in one of two ways, depending on the credit enhancement 
    type. Private mortgage insurance, unlimited recourse, unlimited 
    indemnification, and risk-sharing agreements provide coverage for a 
    percentage of the loss incurred. The dollar value of these credit 
    enhancements is not known at the beginning of the stress period because 
    it depends on the size of the loss that occurs in the future. What is 
    known is the percentage of the loss that will be covered. Therefore, 
    these credit enhancement types are referred to herein as ``percent-
    denominated'' enhancements. The other credit enhancement types are 
    referred to as ``dollar-denominated'' enhancements, because the total 
    coverage provided can be expressed in dollar amounts without knowing 
    the size of the losses in advance.
        The stress test applies the loss coverage provided by credit 
    enhancements to the loan groups into which individual loans have been 
    aggregated for modeling efficiency. (See section II. A., Summary of the 
    Stress Test, for a description of the characteristics that are the 
    basis for aggregation.) The loss coverage is a weighted average of the 
    credit enhancements applicable to any loans in the group. In situations 
    where a loan group is covered by both percent-denominated enhancements 
    and dollar-denominated enhancements, the two different types of credit 
    enhancements are applied sequentially. First, the loss severity of a 
    loan group is reduced by an amount that is determined by the percentage 
    coverage of the applicable percent-denominated credit enhancements. 
    Then, the dollar coverage available from dollar-denominated credit 
    enhancements is applied to the remaining losses on the loan group until 
    all of the available dollar coverage for that loan group is used up. 
    This approach permits percent-denominated credit enhancements (such as 
    private mortgage insurance) to be applied before dollar-denominated 
    credit enhancements (such as pool insurance) are applied, capturing the 
    benefits of multi-layered credit enhancements.
    [[Page 18151]]
        Some dollar-denominated enhancements provide coverage in a dollar 
    amount that is fixed and known at the time the agreement is executed. 
    These include pool insurance, limited recourse, limited 
    indemnification, and cash accounts. Other dollar-denominated 
    enhancements provide coverage in a dollar amount that is subject to 
    variation during the term of the agreement. These include spread 
    accounts and collateral pledge agreements. Changes in these balances 
    due to reasons other than loss coverage are not modeled. Rather, 
    balances are treated as cash \153\ and drawn upon after dollar losses 
    are determined, until the total amount is exhausted.
        \153\ Although dollar balances for these types may in reality 
    vary during the stress period, the stress test uses the balance 
    stated at the beginning of the stress period.
        Some credit enhancements, namely private mortgage insurance, 
    recourse, pool insurance, and indemnification, are subject to the 
    institutional credit risk of the provider, i.e. the risk that the 
    counterparty providing the credit enhancement will default on its 
    obligation. Where institutional credit risk is present, the stress test 
    applies a discount factor, or ``haircut,'' based on the credit rating 
    of the counterparty.
        The haircuts that have been adopted by OFHEO are set forth by 
    rating category in Table 27:
        The haircuts reflect the probability that some counterparties will 
    be unable to meet their obligations during the stress period. Haircuts 
    become progressively larger as the counterparty rating decreases, with 
    parties rated BBB or lower and unrated parties receiving the most 
    severe haircut. The haircut for each rating category is cumulative 
    rather than additive. It increases for each month of the stress period, 
    beginning in the first month of the stress test and increasing by equal 
    amounts (i.e., linearly), until the full amount of the discount is 
    reached in the 120th month. Table 27 reflects the size of the haircut 
    at the end of each 12-month period during the stress period. Rating 
    downgrades are not modeled. Instead, deterioration in the financial 
    condition of counterparties due to the stressful environment is 
    reflected in the linear increase of the haircuts.
    3. Comments and Alternatives Considered
        In the ANPR, OFHEO requested comments on how to calculate the loss 
    coverage provided by credit enhancements and on what assumptions to 
    make about the scope of coverage and the failure of counterparties 
    during the stress period. These and other issues, relevant comments 
    received, and OFHEO's rationales for the selected approaches are 
    discussed below.
    a. Modeling Approach
        ANPR commenters suggested a variety of modeling approaches. MICA 
    stated that the capital requirements for the Enterprises should be 
    consistent with capital requirements for banks and thrifts and reflect 
    the underlying product risk associated with each class of mortgage-
    related assets. MICA recommended that OFHEO assign relative ``capital 
    relief'' values to ``the three allowable credit enhancements'' \154\ 
    based on the quantity and quality of the credit enhancement. MICA 
    further recommended that OFHEO consider mortgage insurance provided by 
    a company with at least a AA claims-paying rating and providing at 
    least the minimum coverage required by the Enterprises' charters as the 
    ``benchmark credit enhancement.'' The benchmark credit enhancement 
    should receive the ``maximum amount of capital relief,'' and other 
    forms of credit enhancement should receive values relative to this 
    benchmark, based on the quality and quantity (i.e. the amount of the 
    loss it covers) of the enhancement. (See section III.C.3.c., 
    Discounting for Counterparty Risk for a discussion of MICA's comments 
    related to the quality of the credit enhancement.) MICA views this 
    approach as consistent with risk-based requirements for banks and 
    thrifts, which require uninsured high-LTV
    [[Page 18152]]
    loans held in portfolio to have twice as much capital as high-LTV loans 
    that are privately insured.
        \154\ OFHEO interprets ``three allowable credit enhancements'' 
    as a reference to the three types of credit enhancement mentioned in 
    the Charter Act exception to the prohibition on purchasing loans 
    with LTVs in excess of 80 percent.
        Freddie Mac suggested a two-step process similar to the process it 
    uses in its internal models for pricing transactions. Freddie Mac first 
    estimates the value of the credit enhancement by estimating the 
    proportion of default losses that would be covered, and then discounts 
    the estimated value to reflect the institutional credit risk of the 
    provider, if any. Although Freddie Mac`s credit enhancement valuation 
    process occurs at the transaction level for pools of mortgages, Freddie 
    Mac suggested that such a transaction-level approach might not be well 
    suited for OFHEO's stress test. Rather, it recommended aggregating 
    credit enhancements into categories before applying the two-step 
    process. Freddie Mac further recommended that private mortgage 
    insurance be modeled in connection with the modeling of loss 
    severities. Other types of credit enhancements, Freddie Mac suggested, 
    could be converted to ``collateral-equivalent'' amounts and, after 
    discounting for applicable institutional credit risk, aggregated into a 
    large collateral-equivalent pool and used to offset stress test losses 
    dollar for dollar. Freddie Mac made specific recommendations for 
    collateral-equivalent conversions: collateral pledge agreements and 
    spread accounts should be included on a dollar-for-dollar basis and 
    future inflows to spread accounts should be estimated based on the 
    weighted average life (WAL) of the pool; \155\ pool insurance should be 
    included to the policy limit, i.e. the percentage limitation multiplied 
    by the original UPB; and recourse and indemnification agreements should 
    be treated as if 100 percent of the losses from mortgage defaults in 
    the applicable pools were covered until such time as the seller/
    servicer failed.
        \155\ This could be done by multiplying the WAL by the average 
    yearly spread going into the spread account and then by the UPB.
        The approach adopted by OFHEO is similar in many respects to the 
    approach suggested by Freddie Mac. Like Freddie Mac's approach, it 
    estimates the probable coverage of credit enhancements and discounts 
    for counterparty risk where it is present. The value of private 
    mortgage insurance and other forms of credit enhancements that cover a 
    percentage of loss is estimated in connection with loss severities, as 
    suggested by Freddie Mac. The approach adopted by OFHEO differs from 
    the approach suggested by Freddie Mac in some of the details of how 
    credit enhancement coverage is estimated and how discounts for 
    counterparty risk are calculated. These differences are discussed 
    further below.
    b. Aggregation
        A threshold issue for OFHEO was whether to track and model each 
    credit enhancement with the loan or pool to which it relates or to use 
    some level of aggregation for credit enhancements to increase modeling 
    efficiency. Tracking and modeling each individual credit enhancement 
    agreement with the particular loan or pool to which it is related would 
    yield the most precise estimate of the value and behavior of credit 
    enhancements, but would make the model very complex. Aggregating credit 
    enhancements for efficiency in modeling, on the other hand, gives rise 
    to ``cross support,'' which overestimates the amount of credit 
    enhancements that would actually be used to offset losses. ``Cross 
    support'' means that credit enhancements provided on a particular loan 
    or pool are available to offset losses on another loan or pool, when in 
    practice they would be available only to offset losses on the 
    particular loan or pool for which they were provided and would be 
    partially unused if losses were lower than the amount of the coverage. 
    However, in a model that aggregates credit enhancements and applies 
    them to loan groups, the unused portion of a credit enhancement is 
    available to cover losses in the same loan group. The greater the 
    aggregation of credit enhancements in the stress test, the more cross 
    support occurs, and the more the estimated value of the credit 
    enhancements is overstated. Aggregation up to a very high level can 
    introduce an unacceptable level of cross support.
        OFHEO considered converting each credit enhancement type to a 
    dollar-equivalent amount, aggregating these amounts across all credit 
    enhancement types into a single pool of collateral-equivalent dollars, 
    and applying them dollar for dollar against stress test losses. While 
    this approach is simpler and would have required less intensive 
    tracking, it would permit an unacceptable level of cross-support by 
    credit enhancements of different types and for different loan groups. 
    Just as importantly, this approach would not have produced accurate 
    results for the coverage associated with percent-denominated credit 
    enhancements, such as private mortgage insurance. The dollar amount of 
    coverage of these credit enhancements cannot be calculated until losses 
    are determined. These losses can only be calculated during the course 
    of the stress period; they are not known at the beginning of the stress 
        The approach adopted by OFHEO strikes a balance between the 
    benefits of simplicity and efficiency and the benefits of precision 
    while imposing minimal regulatory burden. By estimating the coverage 
    provided by each type of credit enhancement on the basis of loan 
    groups, tracking credit enhancements for each loan group can be 
    accomplished efficiently. The large number of loan groups used by the 
    stress test minimizes cross support between different types of credit 
    enhancements, loans, and time periods.
    c. Discounting for Counterparty Risk
        Another issue faced by OFHEO was whether and how to take into 
    account the risk that the counterparty's ability to perform on the 
    credit enhancement agreement would be affected by the conditions of the 
    stress test.
        OFHEO received a number of suggestions on the treatment of 
    counterparty risk in response to the ANPR. Freddie Mac, MICA, and ACB 
    recommended incorporating an assumption that some of the counterparties 
    would fail during the stress period and suggested that OFHEO look to 
    private rating agencies for guidance. ACB suggested that the OFHEO 
    analysis of the actual coverage provided by mortgage insurance during 
    the stress period could be ``piggybacked'' on S&P's analysis. ACB 
    further stated that OFHEO could make reasonable adjustments to align 
    the worst-case scenario in S&P's stress test with that in the OFHEO 
    analysis, and that it would not be necessary to extend the analysis 
    beyond private mortgage insurers.
        As noted earlier, MICA recommended a matrix for determining 
    ``capital relief'' for credit enhancements relative to a benchmark 
    credit enhancement. One dimension of the recommended matrix is the 
    credit rating of the counterparty, reflecting an assumption that the 
    values assigned to various credit enhancements should reflect a 
    differentiation on the basis of the provider's claims-paying rating. 
    However, MICA's recommendation that OFHEO give ``maximum capital 
    relief'' (at least 50 percent of the normal capital charge) to a AA-
    rated insurer providing at least the minimum coverage required by the 
    Enterprises' charters appears to be equivalent to a recommendation that 
    AA-rated counterparties not be discounted at all.\156\ MICA asserted 
    [[Page 18153]]
    this recommendation is supported by the historical default experience 
    for corporate bonds in the 1970-89 period, particularly the 0.9 percent 
    default rate for AA-rated bonds.\157\ From this MICA concluded that 
    99.1 percent of mortgage insurance would be available to the 
    Enterprises during the stress period.
        \156\ The risk-based capital requirements for banks and thrifts 
    are not determined by a statutorily prescribed stress test but by 
    establishing a standard capital charge for all assets that is 
    expressed as a fixed percentage of the face amount of the asset. 
    Capital relief for particular assets is achieved by risk weighting 
    them at less than 100 percent of the face amount. Risk-based capital 
    regulations for banks and thrifts risk-weight mortgage loans at 50 
    percent of the UPB. In a stress test regulation, the most favorable 
    capital treatment is achieved by giving full credit for the credit 
    enhancement without any discount.
        \157\ ``Approach to Rating Residential Mortgage Securities,'' 
    Moody's Investor Service, April 1990.
        Freddie Mac recommended that evaluation of counterparty risk be 
    based on the probable length of time an institution would continue 
    meeting its loss-paying obligations in the stress period, which would 
    be determined by the institution's rating at the beginning of the 
    stress period. This method, Freddie Mac asserted, is similar to one 
    used by Moody's. Specifically, AAA-rated companies would be assumed to 
    cover all obligations for the entire ten-year stress period. AA-rated 
    companies would be assumed to cover all obligations for seven years and 
    none thereafter, A-rated companies for five years, and companies rated 
    BBB and lower, only three years. Freddie Mac also recommended that 
    institutions that are required to post collateral under a collateral 
    pledge agreement be ranked with AAA-rated institutions. For recourse 
    and indemnification agreements, Freddie Mac suggested that OFHEO could 
    assume the agreement would last until the institution failed, a time 
    determined by the institution's rating. It noted, however, that a 
    similar effect could be achieved by adjusting the loss severities based 
    on institution ratings, where the adjustment to loss severity would be 
    lower for a higher institutional rating. However, Freddie Mac cautioned 
    that if this approach were used, the difference between the present-
    value cost of losses occurring at the end of the stress period and 
    losses occurring at the beginning of the stress period would have to be 
    taken into account. That is, an institution that honors its recourse 
    agreement for the first five years of the ten-year stress period would 
    pay out much more than half of the present value of the losses.
        Only one commenter suggested that credit enhancements having 
    counterparty credit risk not be discounted for the risk. The MBA 
    expressed concern about the burden it would place on the Enterprises to 
    determine the financial strength of third parties and suggested that 
    credit enhancements need not and should not be discounted for credit 
    risk of the counterparty. The reasons cited were three. First, the 
    Enterprises generally accept credit enhancements only from well-
    capitalized companies. Moreover, the Enterprises are in a good position 
    to evaluate the counterparty's financial strength,\158\ and the seller/
    servicer agreement often provides added protection from default on 
    repurchase or indemnification obligations. Second, an assessment of 
    counterparty credit risk is reflected in guarantee fees, which can be 
    adjusted with each commitment. And third, mortgage insurers are 
    nationally rated by recognized organizations that routinely adjust 
    ratings based on changes in financial status. As a result, trends in 
    their financial health can be monitored easily. The MBA urged OFHEO to 
    ground its assumptions and conclusions in historical experience and 
    ``real world'' conditions, which, in its view, argue for not 
    discounting credit enhancements for counterparty risk.
        \158\ This results, MBA noted, from close relationships between 
    the Enterprises and seller/servicers based on frequent marketing 
    contacts, Enterprise auditing activities, and lender reporting 
        OFHEO believes that some counterparty failure would be likely under 
    the stressful conditions imposed by the stress test and that 
    discounting for counterparty credit risk is necessary to avoid 
    overstating the effect of credit enhancements in covering losses. The 
    statutorily required benchmark stress period is considerably more 
    severe than the national historical experience of corporate bonds cited 
    by MICA. Also, as noted by Anthony Yezer, Professor of Economics at 
    George Washington University, the failure of private mortgage insurers 
    was important in the collapse of the thrifts in the 1930s.
        Although the stress test reflects assumptions about the claims-
    paying abilities of counterparties during the stress period that are 
    similar to Freddie Mac's, OFHEO did not adopt Freddie Mac's assumption 
    that counterparties would pay 100 percent of their obligations as long 
    as they paid at all. In OFHEO's judgment, this assumption is 
    inconsistent with the pattern of counterparty defaults on obligations 
    that one would expect during a stressful period and inconsistent with 
    the pattern of defaults observed in the past. For example, Moody's 
    study of corporate bond defaults \159\ showed that cumulative defaults 
    in each of the various ratings categories increased gradually over 
    time. Also, it is likely that the primary market and credit enhancement 
    counterparties would be affected by the stress test conditions 
    relatively early in the stress period. Freddie Mac's approach would not 
    capture this early impact. If mortgage losses were to occur during the 
    first half of the stress period, the importance of reductions in credit 
    enhancements due to counterparty risk would be understated because, as 
    noted by Freddie Mac, mortgage losses occurring during the first half 
    of the stress period constitute much more than half of the present 
    value of total losses. Therefore, credit enhancements offsetting those 
    losses would be more valuable. A more realistic assumption is that the 
    rate of counterparty defaults would increase gradually during the 
    stress period.
        \159\ ``Historical Default Rates of Corporate Bond Issuers, 
    1920-1997,'' Moody's Investors Service, February 1998.
        OFHEO did not adopt Freddie Mac's recommendation to treat seller/
    servicers who are required to post collateral when certain financial 
    triggers are met \160\ the same as AAA-rated institutions. Freddie Mac 
    contends that the existence of these agreements would provide coverage 
    equivalent to a AAA-rated credit enhancement. However, whether 
    collateral would actually be posted when required is an additional 
    source of counterparty risk and whether that collateral would provide 
    coverage equivalent to a AAA-rated credit enhancement is difficult to 
    evaluate in a regulatory context. Such an evaluation would require 
    OFHEO either to develop the capacity to rate each seller/servicer with 
    a collateral pledge agreement and the impact of the agreement on the 
    seller/servicer's rating, or to require the Enterprises to obtain 
    public ratings for such seller/servicers that take these agreements 
    into account. In light of the small impact that this degree of 
    precision is likely to have on the capital requirement, OFHEO believes 
    that developing such a rating capacity is not an appropriate use of 
    regulatory resources, and that requiring the Enterprises to obtain 
    public ratings would impose an undue regulatory burden. Consequently, 
    the proposed stress test does not model the value of collateral pledge 
    agreements. Instead, it only models coverage provided by collateral 
    that is already available in an Enterprise or third-party account.
        \160\ Seller/servicer agreements may include such a requirement 
    when there is a decline in the institution's rating or a decline in 
    its capital levels below a specified amount.
        This treatment is consistent with the treatment of such agreements 
    under OFHEO's minimum capital regulation. Collateral is not recognized 
    for purposes
    [[Page 18154]]
    of satisfying the minimum capital standard unless it is actually held 
    and legally available to absorb losses. Also, to be consistent with the 
    minimum capital restrictions on the forms of collateral that are 
    acceptable, the proposed stress test will give credit for the coverage 
    provided by collateral only if it is among the following types: cash on 
    deposit; securities issued or guaranteed by the central governments of 
    the OECD-based group of countries,\161\ United States Government 
    agencies, or United States Government-sponsored agencies, and 
    securities issued by multilateral lending institutions or regional 
    developments banks.
        \161\ The OECD-based group of countries comprises all full 
    members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 
    and countries that have concluded special lending arrangements with 
    the International Monetary Fund (IMF) associated with the IMF's 
    General Arrangements to Borrow, but excludes any country that has 
    rescheduled its external sovereign debt within the previous five 
        In determining the size and timing of the discounts (haircuts) to 
    the value of the credit enhancements, OFHEO considered Moody's study of 
    corporate bond default rates and methodologies used by S&P and Duff & 
    Phelps (D&P). Moody's analysis of corporate bond issuers from 1920 to 
    1997 \162\ showed cumulative default rates over various time horizons 
    for each rating category. The average ten-year cumulative default rate 
    over the entire period was 1.17 percent for Aaa issuers, 3.32 percent 
    for Aa issuers, 3.87 percent for A issuers, 8.08 percent for Baa 
    issuers. These data suggest that the ten-year cumulative default rate 
    roughly doubles for each one-level drop in rating category. Defaults 
    for Aa issuers were higher relative to those for Aaa and A issuers than 
    this doubling relationship would suggest. However, Aa issuers from the 
    mid-1970s forward had ten-year cumulative default rates that were much 
    lower relative to issuers in other rating categories.
        \162\ ``Historical Default Rates of Corporate Bond Issuers, 
    1920-1997,'' Moody's Investors Service, February 1998.
        The Moody's approach and the approach recommended by Freddie Mac is 
    a survival approach in which it is assumed that an institution meets 
    100 percent of its obligations for as long as it survives, and relative 
    risk is expressed as the number of years an institution survives. The 
    approach used by S&P and D&P \163\ is a haircut approach in which it is 
    assumed that institutions will meet some, but not all, of their 
    obligations, and the haircut is the percent of obligations they will 
    fail to meet. Specifically, S&P discounts the claims-paying ability of 
    mortgage insurers in a AA stress level environment by 20 percent for 
    AA-minus-rated mortgage insurers, 50 percent for A-rated mortgage 
    insurers, and 60 percent for A-minus-rated mortgage insurers. D&P 
    discounts mortgage insurers in a AAA stress level environment by 35 
    percent for AA-rated reinsurers, 70 percent for A-rated reinsurers, and 
    100 percent for BBB-rated reinsurers. For S&P, the haircuts apply in 
    full from the second year of the stress period. Also, the haircut is 
    related to the stress level of the environment, and an insurer with a 
    rating equal to or greater than the stress level is not discounted.
        \163\ ``S&P's Structured Finance Criteria,'' Standard & Poor's 
    Corporation, 1988; ``Evaluation of Mortgage Insurance Companies,'' 
    Duff & Phelps, November, 1994.
        Moody's corporate bond study shows that the cumulative default 
    curves for companies with ratings of BBB and above were essentially 
        OFHEO's approach to applying haircuts is similar to S&P's and 
    D&P's, but differs in three ways. First, the stress test does not apply 
    the full amount of the haircut immediately but applies a haircut that 
    increases each month until reaching the full amount in the 120th month. 
    This reflects the general industry view that defaults increase 
    gradually in a stress scenario. Further, as illustrated by the graph in 
    Figure 2, the linear growth specification of the stress test is a 
    reasonable one in light of actual historical patterns of default. 
    Second, the stress test haircuts are in no case as low as zero and in 
    no case as high as 100 percent. This reflects historical default 
    patterns, which suggest that counterparties or issuers in each rating 
    category would pay at least some claims, and no rating category would 
    be immune from any claims-paying defaults. With respect to the absence 
    of a rating category with zero defaults, Moody's data show that, in a 
    difficult but far from severe environment, 3.2 percent of issuers
    [[Page 18155]]
    rated Aaa at the beginning of 1983 defaulted within 10 years. Third, 
    the stress test haircuts are not tied to the stress level. While 
    OFHEO's NPR 1 showed credit stress at roughly a AA+ level, the stress 
    test as a whole does not translate to any particular level because 
    OFHEO's methodology as required by the 1992 Act differs in several key 
    respects from that used by rating agencies.
        Although OFHEO considered developing a probabilistic survival 
    function for counterparties that would provide an estimate of failure 
    in each year of the stress period, such a methodology would be 
    difficult to specify, implement, and replicate, especially if recovery 
    rates on bankrupt counterparties were modeled. OFHEO concluded that, 
    short of a probabilistic function, imposing a linearly increasing 
    haircut on all counterparty credit enhancement proceeds through the 
    entire stress period would be the most representative of all the other 
    options of how the rate of counterparty defaults would increase during 
    the ten-year stress period.
        The size of the haircuts proposed for the stress test, ten percent 
    for AAA-rated companies, 20 percent for AA-rated companies, 40 percent 
    for A-rated companies, and 80 percent for BBB-rated companies, are far 
    more severe than recent default experience but less severe than 
    Depression-era experience. They are about six to ten times the severity 
    of average ten-year cumulative defaults during 1920-1997 in the Moody's 
    analysis. The haircuts double for each drop in rating category, 
    consistent with the Moody's bond default analysis. Some default occurs 
    among AAA-rated companies, while BBB-rated company defaults are not 100 
        OFHEO's approach is transparent, easily replicated, and consistent 
    with industry practice. It draws on the best aspects of S&P's approach 
    to modeling mortgage insurer performance, and Moody's corporate bond 
    study in applying company defaults over time. It also recognizes that, 
    while the impact of the stress test environment on Enterprise losses 
    might not be large in the first two years of the stress period, the 
    primary mortgage market (i.e., the seller/servicer counterparties) 
    likely would feel the impact of a stressful environment almost 
    d. Unrated Seller/Servicers
        OFHEO considered whether unrated seller/servicers should be treated 
    the same as other unrated counterparties or whether they should be 
    treated differently because of their close relationships with the 
        Both Freddie Mac and MBA argued that even though seller/servicers 
    are typically unrated, the close relationship between the Enterprise 
    and its seller/servicers enables the Enterprise to monitor their 
    financial strength. Freddie Mac stated that the seller/servicer 
    agreement provides added protection against default on recourse and 
    indemnification obligations because it gives Freddie Mac the right to 
    the servicing of all Freddie Mac loans then serviced by the institution 
    in the event of default on these obligations. Freddie Mac asserted that 
    the value of the servicing is likely to cover a substantial portion of 
    the defaults covered by a seller/servicer recourse agreement.\164\ For 
    these reasons, Freddie Mac considers all sellers/servicers to be at 
    least BBB for purposes of evaluating institutional credit risk and 
    urged OFHEO to consider the added layers of protection provided by the 
    servicing rights.
        \164\ Freddie Mac estimates that these servicing rights are 
    normally worth about 25 basis points of income per year, and can be 
    sold to another servicer for 100 to 150 basis points.
        The stress test treats unrated seller/servicers, like other unrated 
    counterparties, the same as it treats BBB counterparties, which is 
    consistent with the thrust of Freddie Mac's ANPR comments. Although 
    OFHEO does not explicitly price the added layer of protection provided 
    by mortgage servicing rights in its stress test, this added layer of 
    protection was considered as a factor in deciding that unrated 
    counterparties should be treated as BBB. OFHEO believes that any 
    imprecision resulting from assigning unrated seller/servicers to the 
    BBB or lower rating group would have a small impact on the resulting 
    capital requirement. Seller/servicer recourse represents a small 
    percentage of the credit enhancements used by the Enterprises. In 
    addition, the Enterprises' largest customers tend to have public 
        Although the Enterprises assign internal ratings to seller/
    servicers, OFHEO did not use these ratings for three reasons. First, 
    these ratings and the methodology for developing the rating are 
    proprietary information and not publicly available. Therefore, they 
    cannot be included in the regulation or used by third parties to 
    evaluate the risk-based capital requirement. Second, each of the 
    Enterprises has developed its own unique rating system. These rating 
    systems may result in different ratings of the same parties. One of the 
    underlying requirements of this regulation is the development of a 
    capital requirement that is applied uniformly to both Enterprises. This 
    requirement cannot be met if different rating systems are applied to 
    each Enterprise. Finally, using such ratings without independent 
    validation by OFHEO would compromise the independence of the regulatory 
    e. Fluctuations in Value
        The dollar value of some credit enhancements, such as spread 
    accounts and securities deposited in an account under collateral pledge 
    agreements, fluctuate over time, for reasons other than withdrawals to 
    cover losses. Spread accounts are funded by a portion of each loan 
    payment and hence increase in value as loan payments are made. 
    Securities deposited in an account under collateral pledge 
    agreements,\165\ which are marked to market periodically, fluctuate in 
    value due to movements in interest rates during periods that fall in 
    between the marks to market. In addition, posting requirements of 
    collateral pledge agreements can cause additional collateral to be 
    deposited to the account.
        \165\ As stated earlier, the stress test recognized the coverage 
    provided by collateral pledge agreements only if collateral has 
    actually been posted and resides in an account as of the beginning 
    of the stress period. Otherwise, collateral pledge agreements are 
    not modeled in the stress test.
        The stress test does not model these fluctuations. Rather, it uses 
    the dollar value of spread accounts, cash accounts, and collateral 
    posted under collateral pledge agreements on the first day of the 
    stress period and draws on this dollar amount throughout the stress 
    period to cover losses. Modeling fluctuations in the value of 
    collateral posted under collateral pledge agreements would have added a 
    level of complexity that is not justified by the incremental precision 
    that would be gained. Similarly, the stress test does not model the 
    accumulation of interest in the spread account according to the terms 
    of the spread account agreement because this would have introduced a 
    level of complexity that is not justified by the probable impact on the 
    ultimate capital requirement.
        Freddie Mac suggested that OFHEO estimate future inflows by 
    multiplying the weighted average life (WAL) of the mortgage pools by 
    the average yearly spread going into the spread account and then by the 
    UPB. However, such an approach would also have made the stress test 
    excessively complex. Loans covered by a spread account agreement may be 
    in different loan groups in the stress test, and determining the WAL of
    [[Page 18156]]
    all the loans covered by each spread account would require tracking 
    each spread account loan and processing spread account characteristics 
    at the transaction level.
        OFHEO will continue to monitor the relative volume of spread 
    accounts and collateral pledge agreements and consider whether an 
    amendment to the regulation is needed if it should appear that the 
    impact on the capital requirement might be significant.
    f. Credit Enhancement on High LTV Loans
        Certain credit enhancement types used by the Enterprises are not 
    mentioned in the Charter Acts' exceptions to the prohibition on 
    purchasing single family loans with LTVs in excess of 80 percent, 
    namely spread accounts, collateral pledge agreements, cash accounts, 
    pool insurance, and indemnification. This fact raised the issue of 
    whether the stress test should take them into account when they are 
    intended to satisfy the statutory requirement for credit enhancement on 
    loans with LTVs in excess of 80 percent. In its comment letter, Freddie 
    Mac argued that an expansion of the list of recognized credit 
    enhancements to include collateral pledge agreements, spread accounts, 
    and indemnification would be consistent with the intent of Congress in 
    giving the OFHEO Director discretion to make reasonable assumptions 
    about factors that would affect the severities of loss on mortgage 
    defaults, including ``the value of mortgage insurance [and] the value 
    of various forms of credit enhancements such as recourse agreements, 
    collateral, and spread accounts.'' \166\ MICA, on the other hand, 
    argued that only the three types mentioned in the statutory exceptions 
    should be considered.
        \166\ H.R. Rep. No.102-206, at 67 (1991).
        Although OFHEO recognizes that some types of credit enhancements 
    not expressly referenced in the Charter Acts may provide equal or 
    superior loss protection, OFHEO does not believe that they satisfy the 
    statutory requirement for credit enhancements for single family loans 
    with LTVs in excess of 80 percent. OFHEO does not concur with Freddie 
    Mac that the legislative history of the 1992 Act gives OFHEO the 
    latitude to expand the list of statutorily authorized credit 
    enhancements for single family loans with LTVs in excess of 80 percent. 
    OFHEO believes that taking into account credit enhancements not 
    expressly referenced in the Charter Acts when they are used to satisfy 
    the statutory credit enhancement requirement for single family loans 
    with LTVs in excess of 80 percent would undermine OFHEO's efforts to 
    ensure that the Enterprises operate within the Charter Acts.
    g. Scope of Coverage
        The ANPR asked for comments on how the regulation should address 
    the scope of coverage provided by credit enhancements. Freddie Mac, the 
    only commenter on this question, stated that all credit enhancements 
    except private mortgage insurance can be assumed to cover all loss 
    elements, including loss of property value, lost interest, real estate 
    commissions, attorney fees, taxes, and preservation costs, where as 
    private mortgage insurance sometimes excludes certain expenses after 
    the property becomes REO.
        Based on an analysis of available information, OFHEO proposes to 
    make credit enhancements coverage available for all types of losses 
    associated with stress test defaults. The benchmark data reveal that 
    loss severities before credit enhancements were applied for single 
    family loans in the benchmark time and place were consistently in the 
    50 percent to 60 percent range. At the same time, private mortgage 
    insurance coverage typically ranged from 12 percent to 30 percent 
    coverage of the gross claim amount. Since the severities far exceed the 
    coverage of private mortgage insurance, the stress test assumes that 
    the private mortgage insurance would be used up covering expenses that 
    the mortgage insurance typically covers, and that the REO-related 
    expenses would be reflected in the uncovered losses.
    h. Termination of Private Mortgage Insurance
        Modeling private mortgage insurance required a determination of how 
    to treat the potential for termination of mortgage insurance while the 
    loan is outstanding. Termination occurs either because the borrower 
    exercises an option to cancel the insurance when the equity in the loan 
    reaches a predetermined threshold, or because cancellation is automatic 
    under the provisions of the recently enacted Homeowners Protection Act 
    of 1998.\167\ For loans originated before the July 1999 effective date 
    of the Homeowners Protection Act, termination resulting from the 
    borrower's exercise of the right to cancel the insurance when 
    sufficient equity in the loan is attained presents a difficult issue, 
    because data on this phenomenon are scarce, and there is an 
    insufficient basis on which to draw firm conclusions. OFHEO considered 
    three options: (1) assume that borrowers do not exercise this right 
    when they are eligible; (2) assume all borrowers exercise this option 
    when they become eligible; or (3) assume some percentage of borrowers, 
    less than 100 percent, exercise this option when they become eligible.
        \167\ Pub. L. No.105-216, 112 Stat. 897-910 (12 U.S.C. 4901-
        After considering these options, OFHEO concluded that the first 
    option was the preferred option because it is the option likely to 
    produce the least distortion. The second option would understate the 
    amount of credit enhancement available and the third would require an 
    assumption based on very sparse data. Although assuming that insurance 
    is not terminated may be a source of some imprecision, the impact of 
    such imprecision is not likely to be significant in determining capital 
    needed under the stress test. The loans most likely to default are 
    those loans with high current LTV ratios, which will not be eligible 
    for termination of private mortgage insurance because of the high LTVs. 
    Conversely, those loans with low enough current LTV ratios to be 
    eligible for termination are much less likely to need the coverage, and 
    whether it is unused or is assumed to be terminated will make little 
    difference. The largest potential for error is with loans with high 
    original LTV ratios that have aged prior to the stress test just to a 
    point where coverage can be terminated. OFHEO will monitor this issue 
    and consider proposing an amendment to the regulation if another option 
    appears to be more appropriate.
        The Homeowners Protection Act provides that mortgage insurance will 
    terminate automatically when the loan balance is scheduled to reach 78 
    percent of the original value of the property securing the loan, 
    provided payments on the loans are current. For loans that do not meet 
    the LTV test and for high-risk loans with original principal balances 
    that do not exceed the conforming loan limit, mortgage insurance will 
    terminate when the loans reach the mid-point of their amortization 
    periods if payments are current. The Enterprises will publish 
    guidelines to describe high-risk loans. OFHEO proposes to apply the 
    provisions of the Act by eliminating mortgage insurance coverage in 
    calculating loss severities for loans that reach 78 percent of their 
    original value during the stress period or at the midpoint of their 
    amortization periods for ``high risk'' loans, as defined by the 
    [[Page 18157]]
    D. Liabilities and Derivatives
        The Enterprises issue a variety of debt instruments that comprise 
    their liability portfolios. To understand the types of liabilities 
    issued by the Enterprises it is useful to group the liabilities into 
    categories based on similar characteristics related to the instrument's 
    coupon type, optionality, or other structuring features. The 
    liabilities issued by the Enterprises are primarily one of three coupon 
    types: fixed-rate, floating-rate, or zero-coupon. The Enterprises use 
    these different types of coupons to manage both their exposure to 
    interest rate risk and their cost of funding. The optionality of a 
    financial instrument refers to whether that instrument contains an 
    embedded option--in the case of the Enterprises liabilities, generally 
    a call option. The embedded call option gives the Enterprises the 
    opportunity to pay off (call) the debt, at a time prior to its 
    contractual maturity. The Enterprises issue a mix of callable and non-
    callable (bullet) debt in order to manage their exposure to the 
    prepayment risk inherent in their retained mortgage and mortgage 
    security portfolios.
        The Enterprises also issue liabilities that have unique structuring 
    features, such as complex principal, coupon, or optionality 
    characteristics. An example of a complex liability is a Euro discount 
    note. To the extent that these notes are issued in foreign currencies, 
    the Enterprises are exposed to foreign exchange risk, which is offset 
    with hedging transactions at the time the discount notes are issued. An 
    example of a liability with complex coupon characteristics is an 
    inverse floater. For example, this instrument may pay a fixed rate of 
    interest for a given period of time and then revert to an interest 
    payment based on the formula 12 percent less six month LIBOR. In this 
    case, the Enterprises incur higher interest costs as LIBOR decreases. 
    In most situations, the complex risk characteristics of these 
    liabilities are hedged at the time of issuance, leaving the Enterprise 
    with synthetic ``plain vanilla'' liabilities, which have the coupon and 
    option features of a more typical Enterprise liability. These 
    liabilities generally are used by the Enterprises to obtain funds at a 
    lower net cost than could be obtained by issuing simpler forms of debt.
        In addition to the types of liabilities discussed above, the 
    Enterprises also provide investment vehicles, termed Guaranteed 
    Investment Contracts (GICs), to various institutions that have specific 
    cash flow requirements or need flexibility in making cash withdrawals. 
    They comprise a very small percentage of the Enterprises' liabilities. 
    GICs can pay or accrue interest. Their principal balances can increase, 
    decrease or remain the same.
        The Enterprises, like most large financial institutions, use 
    derivatives to help manage the interest rate risk of their assets and 
    liabilities. The term ``derivatives'' covers a broad range of 
    instruments, the value of which is based on or linked to (i.e., 
    ``derived'' from) another instrument or a financial market such as 
    stocks, interest rates or currencies. A common derivative is an 
    interest rate swap, which derives its value from the changes in value 
    of interest rates paid on various types of debt instruments. 
    Derivatives can be used to hedge the unusual or complex risk 
    characteristics of individual debt instruments, such as the complex 
    structured liabilities described above. They also can be used to 
    rebalance the interest rate risk of an entire portfolio. In short, 
    derivatives, like most financial instruments, can either add or reduce 
    various types of risk. The risk-based capital regulation, therefore, 
    must account for derivatives in order to reflect accurately the risk 
    profile of the Enterprises.
        In developing an approach for modeling the cash flows of the 
    Enterprises' liabilities and derivatives, OFHEO had to address four 
    issues discussed below: (1) should liabilities and derivatives be 
    modeled at the instrument level or should they be aggregated in some 
    manner; (2) how should instruments linked to foreign currencies or 
    unusual risk factors be modeled; (3) how should callable debt and 
    cancellable derivatives be modeled; and (4) how should the stress test 
    account for the risk of derivative counterparty defaults?
    1. Modeling Methodology
        The first issue for OFHEO was whether to model liability and 
    derivative cash flows at the instrument level or to aggregate 
    individual instruments with similar terms and risk characteristics and 
    model the aggregated cash flows based upon average maturities, coupons, 
    options, and other features. In response to an ANPR question about how 
    OFHEO should simulate gains and losses on derivative activities, 
    Freddie Mac suggested that the underlying instruments should be 
    modeled. Likewise, Freddie Mac's discussion of liabilities in its 
    comments assumes that most liability instruments will be modeled 
    individually. The only other comment was ACB's suggestion regarding 
    accounting for the risk of counterparty default. ACB's recommendation 
    that the stress test ``haircut'' (meaning reduce by a percentage) 
    derivative positions when they were ``in the money'' (meaning the 
    derivatives have a net positive value to the Enterprises) would require 
    modeling cash flows of derivatives individually.
        The issue of modeling liabilities and derivatives on an aggregated 
    versus instrument level usually requires a trade-off between accuracy, 
    model complexity, and information system resources. In most cases, the 
    model for generating cash flows uses the same types of information for 
    an individual instrument as it would for a group of similar 
    instruments. For this reason, OFHEO's information system resources are 
    capable of processing the large number of individual liabilities and 
    derivatives in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, OFHEO proposes 
    to model the cash flows of all existing types of liabilities and 
    derivatives individually, except certain instruments that have terms or 
    risk characteristics based on a foreign currency, which are discussed 
    below as a separate issue.
        As with most other liabilities, the stress test will model GICs 
    individually. However, given the variety of their terms and purposes, 
    it was necessary to simplify the cash flow model for these instruments. 
    The stress test models each GIC as if it pays out its specified 
    interest on the starting balance amount over the entire stress period, 
    unless the GIC includes an explicit maturity date. In the latter case, 
    the stress test pays interest only until the maturity date, at which 
    point it pays out the total principal.
    2. Foreign Currency Linked or Unusual Instruments
        The second liabilities-related issue arises because, from time to 
    time, the Enterprises issue foreign currency-denominated debt and 
    structured notes that are linked to a foreign currency. As discussed 
    above, the Enterprises currently hedge all foreign currency-linked 
    securities with derivatives or other financial instruments, resulting 
    in synthetic securities denominated in U.S. dollars. Freddie Mac, the 
    only ANPR commenter to address this issue, recommends modeling foreign 
    currency-linked transactions differently from other instruments, 
    explaining that ``hedge cash flows or the netted cash flows need to be 
    calculated * * *.''
        OFHEO agrees that currency-linked securities and the associated 
    hedging instruments are different from other types of liabilities and 
    derivatives of the Enterprises in that the cash flows of the individual 
    instruments are linked to changes in currency values. OFHEO also
    [[Page 18158]]
    recognizes that, in current practice, the Enterprises issue a limited 
    volume of currency-linked instruments and transfer all currency risk to 
    third parties by hedging instruments. Further, with the exception of 
    debt linked to foreign currency, the Enterprises have not issued 
    liability instruments that were linked to indices or values (such as 
    commodities or stock prices) that are not projected in the stress 
        \168\ However, wherever the terms ``foreign currency'' or 
    ``currency'' are used, they should be read to include any unit or 
    value, except those interest rate indices that are included in the 
    stress test, in which debt or derivatives may be denominated or to 
    which such instruments may be linked.
        OFHEO concurs with Freddie Mac's comments that where all the 
    currency risk is hedged, by swapping the foreign currency payments into 
    dollars, the stress test could calculate the cash flows by creating a 
    single synthetic liability, denominated in dollars and paying the net 
    amount due under the related transactions. The stress test, therefore, 
    applies that approach to instruments that are fully hedged. However, in 
    the event that OFHEO finds that the foreign currency risk on any 
    liability or derivative instrument has not been transferred fully to a 
    third party, the stress test models the cash flow on such instruments 
    as follows.
        The stress test creates significant losses in unhedged currency 
    positions in both the up-rate and down-rate scenarios. In the up-rate 
    scenario, the stress test applies an exchange rate that increases the 
    value of the foreign currency against the dollar by the same percentage 
    that interest rates increase. For example, if the ten-year CMT shifts 
    up by 50 percent, then the foreign currency value is shifted up by 50 
    percent against the dollar for the up-rate scenario.\169\ The effect in 
    this example would be that the Enterprise would be paying 50 percent 
    more dollars due to the unhedged exchange rate shift.
        \169\ Shifting the value of the other currency up 50 percent has 
    effect of decreasing the value of the dollar against that currency 
    by \1/3\. In other words, one could buy the same amount of dollars 
    with only \2/3\ the amount of other currency.
        A different adjustment is applied in the down-rate scenario. In 
    that case, the stress test decreases the exchange rate of the dollar 
    proportionately with the decline in the ten-year CMT, creating a 
    decrease in the value of the dollar similar to that in the up-rate 
    scenario. Thus, a downward shift in the ten-year CMT of 50 percent 
    would be associated with a shift down of 50 percent in the exchange 
    rate of the dollar. The effect in this example is that the Enterprise 
    would be paying twice as many dollars due to the unhedged exchange rate 
        This approach is simple, conservative and reasonable. The stress 
    test recognizes that there can be substantial risk associated with 
    unhedged positions in foreign currencies or other indexes or values to 
    which instruments can be linked, but that it would be impractical for 
    OFHEO to develop indexes for foreign currencies and all other values to 
    which liabilities or derivatives could be linked. The exchange rate in 
    the up-rate scenario is not based upon a model or an economic 
    prediction, but does reflect a recognition that there have been 
    occasions in the past where the dollar has declined in value as CMT 
    rates have been increasing. Likewise, the dollar has also declined at 
    times when CMT rates have decreased. Therefore, it is appropriate in a 
    stress test to assume that the dollar moves in an unfavorable direction 
    in both scenarios, to avoid creating a windfall to the Enterprises and 
    to ensure significant financial stress in both scenarios. Moreover, 
    OFHEO does not anticipate at this time that the Enterprises will be 
    issuing foreign currency or unusual debt derivatives without using 
    appropriate and complete hedges. If the Enterprises do alter their 
    current businesses to enter into such debt, OFHEO will consider at that 
    time whether a different treatment for the instruments involved is 
    3. Call and Cancellation Options
        An Enterprise will retire an outstanding issue of callable debt in 
    order to issue new debt at favorable rates. For similar reasons an 
    Enterprise may cancel a swap. For example, an Enterprise can cancel a 
    pay-fixed/receive-floating swap--which, together with discount notes, 
    creates a synthetic fixed-rate liability--in order to enter into a new 
    swap that lowers the effective cost of the synthetic liability. OFHEO 
    recognizes that, in general, an Enterprise will exercise its option 
    when the net interest cost savings on a replacement security or 
    contract, exceeds some threshold.
        OFHEO received several comments to the ANPR that emphasized the 
    importance of modeling the exercise of the call option. OFHEO concurs 
    with these comments and, accordingly, treats callable debt in a manner 
    that takes into consideration the exercise of the call option. OFHEO 
    considered developing a financial model to value call and cancellation 
    options and determine when they would be exercised in the stress test. 
    However, the added precision of such a valuation model, as opposed to a 
    simpler approach, would not have a significant effect on the capital 
    requirement because the severe nature of the interest rate shocks 
    included in the stress test result in either all eligible debt being 
    called in a short period of time or no debt being called over the 
    entire period. In addition, a valuation model would add a considerable 
    amount of complexity to the cash flow model. Therefore, OFHEO sought to 
    develop an alternative approach for decisions to exercise call and 
    cancellation options that would provide a reasonable approximation of 
    the Enterprises' procedures for exercising such options without 
    increasing the complexity of the model.
        OFHEO proposes to use, as a proxy for this threshold option value, 
    the spread between the coupon rate of an outstanding actual or 
    synthetic debt security and the Enterprise cost of funds for a new 
    replacement security (the call-spread). Thus, in the stress test, the 
    call option is exercised and the debt retired when the cost of the new 
    debt plus the call-spread is less than the cost of the existing debt 
    instrument. This methodology is often used as a simplified approach in 
    modeling applications and was suggested by Freddie Mac in its comments 
    to the ANPR. No other commenter suggested a specific approach.
        To calculate an appropriate call spread, OFHEO received data from 
    the Enterprises on the threshold value of call options on debt, in 
    terms of a call-spread, over a range of reasonable times to maturity 
    and valuation model parameter settings. After reviewing this 
    information, OFHEO proposes to use a call-spread in the stress test of 
    50 basis points over the cost of issuing new bullet debt with the same 
    time to maturity as the callable debt. This call-spread provides a 
    reasonable debt call rule, without adding a considerable amount of 
    complexity to the model.
    4. Counterparty Risk
        The ANPR sought comment about how, if at all, OFHEO should 
    incorporate the effect of derivative counterparty defaults into the 
    stress test. The Enterprises frequently enter into derivative contracts 
    that, combined with various types of debt instruments (including 
    structured notes), create synthetic liabilities at lower cost then 
    actual debt with the same characteristics. Other derivative contracts 
    are used as macro hedges against portfolio level risks. However, all 
    swaps expose an Enterprise to counterparty credit risk, which is the 
    risk that the counterparty may default on its contractual obligation at 
    a time when the derivative contract has a positive market value to the 
    [[Page 18159]]
        Currently, the Enterprises limit their exposure to counterparties 
    by entering into swap transactions only with counterparties rated 
    investment grade and by requiring all counterparties to execute 
    collateral pledge agreements. These pledge agreements require any 
    counterparty currently rated or subsequently downgraded to a less than 
    a AAA credit rating to post collateral to the extent that net losses on 
    its contracts \170\ with an Enterprise exceed threshold levels. The 
    threshold levels vary based on the counterparty's rating. The 
    Enterprises do not require AAA-rated counterparties to post collateral, 
    but if any counterparty is downgraded, the collateral pledge agreements 
    subjects it to the more stringent collateral requirements of its new 
    lower rating. Freddie Mac, in its comments, describes additional 
    measures it uses to mitigate counterparty risk, which include using 
    contracts with close-out and netting arrangements that allow Freddie 
    Mac to offset losses on one contract with a particular party against 
    gains on another contract. Freddie Mac also described its practice of 
    requiring guarantees from well-capitalized parent companies and of 
    periodically marking each contract to market at full replacement value.
        \170\ These losses are calculated on a mark-to-market basis, 
    because most derivatives involve features, such as payment streams 
    and options, the values of which fluctuate with changes in the yield 
        In commenting on the ANPR, Freddie Mac stated that its management 
    of credit risk on derivatives is such that the stress test should 
    specify no losses due to counterparty default. Freddie Mac suggested 
    that any losses would be covered adequately by the 30 percent add-on 
    that the 1992 Act requires for management and operations risk and by 
    the minimum capital standard. ACB, commenting generally on the subject 
    of counterparty risk, stated that where collateral is provided, the 
    risk of counterparty failure is remote. ACB suggested that, at most, a 
    straightforward ``haircut'' on ``in the money'' derivative positions 
    should be applied.
        After consideration of these comments, OFHEO determined that 
    reducing the haircuts for derivative counterparty risk by 80 percent 
    from haircuts on other types of third party credit risk would provide 
    appropriate recognition for Enterprise collateral agreements. However, 
    OFHEO did not agree with Freddie Mac that the stress test should apply 
    no haircuts. There always remains the possibility that counterparties 
    could default on their obligations due to a sudden calamity that could 
    prevent collateral from being posted. Also, collateral values can 
    decline over time or collateral may be subject to competing claims. 
    Sudden business bankruptcies and decline or impairment of collateral 
    value would be even more likely than usual under the harsh economic 
    circumstances of the stress test. Accordingly, and for the same reasons 
    that similar haircuts are applied to mortgage credit enhancements and 
    non-mortgage investments, OFHEO proposes to specify losses in the 
    stress test due to failure of derivative counterparties.
        OFHEO proposes to take into account the amount of loss due to 
    derivative counterparty default as follows. As illustrated in Table 29, 
    the stress test applies haircuts that increase linearly (by equal 
    amounts) each month to the net payments from derivatives with a given 
    counterparty over the term of the contracts with that counterparty. 
    That is, if the Enterprise's net swap position across all contracts 
    with a particular counterparty imply cash payment to the Enterprise 
    during a given month, that cash payment is reduced (``haircut'') by an 
    amount determined by the public credit rating of the counterparty and 
    period in which the payment is owed. The calculation is performed for 
    each counterparty and for each month in which a counterparty has swap 
    agreements with the Enterprise. The cash flows for all derivatives with 
    each counterparty are netted, except swaps that exchange into U.S. 
    dollars any currency in which Enterprise debt may be denominated. 
    Haircuts are applied separately to these derivatives, as explained 
    [[Page 18160]]
        The haircuts reflect the probability that some counterparties will 
    be unable to meet their obligations during the stress period. Haircuts 
    become progressively larger as the counterparty rating decreases, with 
    parties rated BBB or lower and unrated parties receiving the most 
    severe haircut. The haircut for each rating category is cumulative 
    rather than additive. It increases linearly for each month of the 
    stress period, beginning in the first month of the stress test until 
    the full amount of the discount is reached in the 120th month. Table 29 
    reflects the size of the haircut at the end of each 12 month period 
    during the stress test. Rating downgrades are not modeled. Instead, 
    deterioration in the financial condition of counterparties due to the 
    stressful environment is reflected in the linear increase of the 
        The proposed approach recognizes that both Enterprises utilize 
    netting and close out arrangements such as those described by Freddie 
    Mac in its comments. If OFHEO determines that not all derivatives with 
    a particular counterparty are covered by a single arrangement, the 
    derivatives' cash flows will not all be netted together. Instead, the 
    stress test will group the derivatives by netting agreement and apply 
    haircuts separately to the net cash flow for the derivatives covered by 
    each agreement. For derivatives covered by no netting agreement, the 
    haircut would be applied on an instrument by instrument basis to any 
    derivatives that are ``in the money.'' In the event that any 
    derivatives contracts do not include standard Enterprise collateral 
    agreements, the haircut percentages imposed will be those in Table 27 
    in section III.C., Mortgage Credit Enhancements.
        As mentioned above, the stress test will apply haircuts separately 
    to swap agreements that exchange into U.S. dollars any other currency 
    in which Enterprise debt may be denominated. Because these agreements 
    entail the Enterprise receiving payment denominated in other 
    currencies, which the stress test does not model, the stress test 
    cannot net them against more usual interest rate swaps. Neither can the 
    stress test net these agreements against each other, since they use 
    variety of currencies. Therefore, the stress test applies haircuts to 
    each individual contract. Because the collateral agreements and 
    investment ratings do not differ for the counterparties to these 
    agreements, the stress test applies the same counterparty haircut 
    percentages to them as it does for interest rate swaps. However, the 
    haircut is applied to the `pay' side of these contracts rather than to 
    the `receive' side. The effect will be a loss on each swap transaction 
    equal to the haircut amount. This approach recognizes that the 
    Enterprises use these swap agreements only to match a debt position for 
    which the swap agreement is a hedge.
    E. Non-Mortgage Investments
        In addition to mortgage investments, the Enterprises hold non-
    mortgage investments \171\ that include Treasury securities, federal 
    funds, time deposits, Eurodollar deposits, asset-backed securities 
    \172\ (ABS), corporate securities, and state and municipal bonds.\173\ 
    As of December 31, 1997, non-mortgage investments at Fannie Mae 
    constituted about $66.8 billion (17 percent of on-balance sheet assets) 
    and $13.8 billion (7.0 percent) at Freddie Mac.
        \171\ Both OFHEO and HUD are authorized to regulate the 
    Enterprises' non-mortgage investment activities. OFHEO has specific 
    authority to ensure that the Enterprises are adequately capitalized 
    and operating safely (1992 Act, section 1313 (12 U.S.C. 4513)), and 
    HUD has general regulatory authority over the Enterprises to ensure 
    that the purposes of the 1992 Act are accomplished (1992 Act, 
    section 1321 (12 U.S.C. 4541)). While HUD's current regulations do 
    not contain specific provisions about the Enterprises' non-mortgage 
    investments, HUD issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking 
    (ANPR) seeking comment about the need for it to regulate such 
    investments. (62 FR 68060, December 30, 1997)
        \172\ ABS are similar to MBS but are backed by nonmortgage 
    assets, such as receivables on car loans and credit cards.
        \173\ Although they are generally tax-exempt, for purposes of 
    the stress test, mortgage revenue bonds (MRBs) are not included in 
    the category State and municipal bonds. MRBs are discussed in the 
    section titled ``other housing assets.''
        OFHEO considered several issues related to how the stress test 
    should model the cash flows associated with the Enterprises' non-
    mortgage investments. The first issue concerns whether the stress test 
    should model cash flows from such investments at the instrument level 
    or at an aggregated level. Such aggregation entails grouping individual 
    instruments with similar terms and risk characteristics and modeling 
    the group as a single instrument. The proposed stress test models the 
    cash flows of all non-mortgage investments on an instrument-by-
    instrument basis. Evaluating whether to model non-mortgage investments 
    on an instrument versus an aggregated level represents a trade-off 
    between accuracy, model complexity, and information system resources. 
    Instrument level modeling provides greater accuracy than modeling 
    aggregated investments because aggregating instruments may result in 
    losing information. On the other hand, instrument level modeling may 
    result in added complexity and require additional information system 
    resources. Neither of these concerns poses a significant constraint in 
    the case of modeling the Enterprises non-mortgage investments. 
    Accordingly, OFHEO believes that modeling cash flows from non-mortgage 
    investments is practicable and appropriate. With respect to complexity, 
    the model for generating cash flows uses the same types of information 
    for an individual instrument as it would for a synthetic instrument 
    representing a group of actual instruments. With respect to information 
    resources, OFHEO systems are capable of processing the large number of 
    individual investments in a reasonable amount of time.
        The second issue concerns whether there should be any simplifying 
    assumptions in modeling the cash flows associated with non-mortgage 
    investments. OFHEO has decided to include the following three 
    simplifying assumptions which will facilitate this modeling, without 
    having a significant effect on the risk-based capital requirement. 
    First, for investments with common characteristics, the stress test 
    specifies one payment frequency for those instruments. Second, the 
    stress test standardizes prepayment speeds for ABS, i.e., how fast 
    principal (both scheduled principal and prepayments) is returned. 
    Third, the stress test will not apply different ABS prepayment speeds 
    in different interest rate environments, because ABS typically pay off 
    quickly and therefore are not significantly affected by interest rates. 
    In addition, the effect of specifying different prepayment speeds on 
    the risk-based capital requirement would not be significant, and would 
    add unreasonable additional complexity to the stress test.
        OFHEO next considered whether the proposed stress test should, with 
    respect to non-mortgage investments, model their credit risk, i.e., the 
    risk that there will be a default on an instrument. OFHEO has 
    determined that it is appropriate to model such credit risk because 
    some issuers would be unable to meet their obligations during the 
    stress period. The proposed stress test ties the credit quality of non-
    mortgage investments to the credit rating specified by one or more 
    nationally recognized public rating organizations, such as S&P or 
    Moody's. While public offerings usually have a single rating, they 
    occasionally have split ratings. In the case of split ratings, the 
    stress test will use the lowest rating.
        The stress test first generates cash flows for a given instrument 
    and then reduces those cash flows by a specified percentage (i.e., 
    ``haircut'') based on the public rating organization. The percentage 
    haircut increases as the
    [[Page 18161]]
    rating decreases so that a highly-rated instrument will have a lower 
    haircut than a lower rated instrument. In the absence of a rating, the 
    stress test would apply the lowest rating category. The haircuts 
    increase linearly (i.e., in equal increments) during each month of the 
    stress period. Table 29 illustrates the ending haircuts in the 120th 
    month for each rating category. Refer to section III. C., Mortgage 
    Credit Enhancements for the discussion of the proposed haircuts.
        An instrument that is unrated or has a rating that is below 
    investment grade will receive the most severe haircut. This reflects 
    OFHEO's determination that it is appropriate for the stress test to 
    reflect high credit losses for non-mortgage investments that are more 
    risky than the instruments that are now included in the Enterprises' 
    current holdings. The Enterprises' non-mortgage investments are 
    currently of high quality,\174\ but the Enterprises are not statutorily 
    or otherwise legally required to invest solely in high quality 
    instruments. It is possible that an Enterprise might change its 
    investment practices to include non-mortgage investments with lower 
    credit quality.
        \174\ For instance, in response to HUD's ANPR, Fannie Mae 
    commented that ``Nearly two-thirds of the [liquid investment] 
    portfolio is rated AAA (or the equivalent), and nearly all (98 
    percent) of the portfolio is rated at least A (or the equivalent).
    F. Other Housing Assets
        Other housing assets are a small category of Enterprise assets that 
    need to be modeled differently than retained whole loans and mortgage-
    backed securities are modeled. They are primarily mortgage revenue 
    bonds (MRBs). They also include certain Real Estate Mortgage Investment 
    Conduits (REMIC) securities issued by private entities and some 
    interests in partnerships and joint ventures. These assets have cash 
    flow characteristics that vary from investment to investment, and the 
    data required to model cash flows precisely is not readily available. 
    The impact of how these assets are modeled on the stress test results 
    will be modest.
    1. Mortgage Revenue Bonds
        Mortgage revenue bonds are issued by state and local housing 
    authorities to raise funds for single family and multifamily mortgage 
    lending programs. Both single and multifamily mortgage revenue bonds 
    are secured by mortgage loans, reserve funds, and other credit 
    enhancements. Government subsidies to some multifamily projects also 
    provide implicit credit support. Most MRBs are tax exempt. The 
    Enterprises are permitted to hold up to two percent of their assets in 
    tax exempt securities.
        OFHEO considered whether to model MRB cash flows on individually or 
    on an aggregated basis. The stress test models MRB cash flows bond-by-
    bond. Although one modeling approach is to group securities and use 
    weighted average interest rates and terms to calculate future cash 
    flows, OFHEO determined that calculating cash flows individually is 
    simpler. Available computer hardware and software allow the calculation 
    of cash flows on many individual securities in almost the same amount 
    of time it takes to calculate a single cash flow using average rates 
    and maturities for a group. In addition, any decrease in precision that 
    might be introduced through pooling is avoided.
        OFHEO next considered whether to calculate interest and principal 
    payments for the MRBs based on each security's actual structure or to 
    use a proxy for calculating bond payments. Interest on MRBs is paid at 
    the bond rate on the principal amount of the bond, but MRBs have 
    different schedules for principal repayment. In some MRBs, the issuer 
    may use principal repayments from mortgages associated with one MRB 
    transaction to retire bonds from another transaction. In many 
    transactions, issuers have substantial discretion to retire bonds 
    early. There is no single source of information on MRB structures, nor 
    is the information readily available from multiple sources.
        OFHEO determined that the modeling approach used to calculate cash 
    flows on Ginnie Mae securities would provide a reasonable proxy for 
    cash flows on mortgage revenue bonds. Specifically, the bonds are 
    modeled as passthrough securities, with the underlying mortgage 
    collateral bearing a coupon 75 basis points higher than the bond 
    coupon. Although MRB payments are not passthroughs of mortgage loan 
    payments, the MRB payments are related to the mortgage payments. MRB 
    payments and Ginnie Mae security payments would be affected similarly 
    by loan terminations and by economic conditions. Further, borrowers 
    benefiting from MRB programs are similar to borrowers for the FHA and 
    VA loans that collateralize Ginnie Mae securities, and the loan 
    characteristics are similar. Therefore, the stress test calculates cash 
    flows for MRBs essentially the same way that it calculates cash flows 
    for Ginnie Mae securities. It amortizes the bond principal using loan 
    termination rates for FHA and VA loans that have the maturity of the 
    MRB and coupons equal to the MRB coupon plus a spread.
        OFHEO considered whether to design a modeling approach specifically 
    for multifamily MRBs or to model cash flows for single family and 
    multifamily MRBs the same way. The stress test models cash flows for 
    multifamily MRBs as though they were single family Ginnie Mae 
    securities, just as it does for single family MRBs.
        Modeling multifamily MRB cash flows according to the structures of 
    the securities is hampered by the same data problems that affect 
    modeling single family MRB cash flows. Therefore, the stress test needs 
    to use a proxy. The choice of proxy is limited. Information on 
    Government-insured multifamily loans is not readily available. 
    Enterprise multifamily MBSs are not an acceptable proxy for multifamily 
    MRBs, because the Enterprises' multifamily loans differ from the loans 
    that collateralize multifamily MRBs, and multifamily MBSs pay 
    differently from multifamily MRBs. Because multifamily MRBs are a very 
    small percentage of each Enterprise's assets and their impact on risk-
    based capital is minimal, OFHEO determined that single family Ginnie 
    Mae securities would be used as a proxy for multifamily MRBs.
        The stress test addresses the credit risk associated with MRBs by 
    applying the haircuts that are tied to the public
    [[Page 18162]]
    credit ratings of the bonds. The haircuts will be in the same amount 
    and will be applied in the same way as haircuts for credit enhancements 
    and non-mortgage investments. Currently, a sizeable majority of the 
    MRBs held by the Enterprises are rated AA and above.
    2. Private Label REMICs
        The Enterprises own a small amount of REMIC securities that are 
    issued by private sector entities. For most of these securities, the 
    information that would be necessary to calculate cash flows for the 
    REMIC collateral and thus for the REMIC securities is not readily 
        As with mortgage revenue bonds, OFHEO considered whether to model 
    the cash flows of the REMIC securities or to model cash flows using a 
    proxy. The stress test uses a proxy. The stress test models cash flows 
    for private REMIC securities using the same modeling approach as it 
    uses for MRBs. The stress test amortizes the principal of the REMIC 
    securities using the appropriate termination rates for the coupons and 
        Data that is needed to project precise cash flows is not readily 
    available. The costs of developing the data and reverse engineering the 
    REMIC securities are not warranted by any incremental refinement that 
    might result. Most of the REMIC securities held by the Enterprises are 
    rated AAA. The credit risk of the private issue REMICs will be taken 
    into account by applying the same haircuts as those used for MRBs.
    3. Interests in Partnerships and Joint Ventures
        OFHEO decided not to model gains or losses on interests in 
    partnerships or joint ventures, a category that totals less than $200 
    million, or less than 0.03 percent of Enterprise assets. These assets 
    carry little credit risk but generate tax losses that benefit the 
    Enterprises. OFHEO has determined that projecting cash flows and tax 
    benefits of these assets would create significant additional complexity 
    in the stress test, without having any material impact upon the risk-
    based capital requirements. Accordingly, the stress test treats these 
    assets as though they remain on the balance sheet with no run-off and 
    no associated income. In the future, if these investments become a 
    larger proportion of either Enterprise's book of business, OFHEO will 
    reconsider how they are modeled in the stress test.
    G. Commitments
        The 1992 Act specifies that during the stress period the 
    Enterprises will purchase no additional mortgages nor issue any MBS, 
    except that--
    [a]ny contractual commitments of the enterprise to purchase 
    mortgages or issue securities will be fulfilled. The characteristics 
    of resulting mortgage purchases, securities issued, and other 
    financing will be consistent with the contractual terms of such 
    commitments, recent experience, and the economic characteristics of 
    the stress period.\175\
        \175\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(3)(A) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(3)(A)). 
    The 1992 Act does provide for later amendment of the rule to address 
    new business during the stress period, but not until after this 
    regulation is final. The 1992 Act requires that, within one year 
    after this regulation is issued, the Director of the Congressional 
    Budget Office and the Comptroller General of the United States shall 
    each submit to the Congress a study of the advisability and 
    appropriate form of any new business assumptions to be incorporated 
    in the stress test. Section 1361(a)(3)(C) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(3)(C)). 
    Subparagraph 1361(a)(3)(B) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(3)(B) authorizes the 
    Director to consider these studies and make certain new business 
    assumptions. However, that subparagraph does not become effective 
    until four years after this regulation is issued.
        The term ``contractual commitments'' generally refers to binding 
    agreements that the Enterprises enter into with seller/servicers to 
    purchase mortgages or to swap mortgages for MBS. The term also refers 
    to agreements to sell such securities to investors. The total of 
    outstanding purchase or swap commitments at both Enterprises at any 
    point in time is generally in the tens of billions of dollars. The 
    following discussion describes the issues faced by OFHEO in determining 
    the appropriate volume and characteristics of mortgages delivered under 
    1. Definition of the Term ``Commitment''
        The proposed risk-based capital regulation incorporates, by 
    reference, the definition of ``commitment'' from OFHEO's minimum 
    capital regulation. OFHEO defines ``commitment'' in the minimum capital 
    regulation as follows:
        Commitment means any contractual, legally binding agreement that 
    obligates an Enterprise to purchase or to securitize mortgages.\176\
        \176\ 12 CFR 1750.2; See 61 FR 35610, July 8, 1996 (explanation 
    of definition).
        This definition includes ``mandatory'' and ``optional'' 
    commitments. Mandatory commitments bind the seller to deliver, and the 
    Enterprise to accept, a certain volume of mortgages. Optional 
    commitments are delivery contracts that commit the Enterprises to 
    purchase or swap a specified volume of loans, but do not commit the 
    seller to deliver any loans. The definition includes commitments that 
    do not specify fixed prices or volume, but otherwise legally bind an 
        Freddie Mac, the only ANPR commenter to address the definition of 
    commitments, recommended that contractual commitments be defined to 
    include only agreements that legally bind the Enterprises to purchase 
    mortgages. According to Freddie Mac, ``[u]nder fundamental contract 
    law, an agreement is only binding if all of its key terms are included 
    and agreed upon.'' Freddie Mac further stated that price and volume are 
    two key terms and that only commitments containing this information are 
    legally binding contracts for the Enterprises. This comment suggests 
    that OFHEO should not model commitment contracts that do not contain 
    price and volume information (e.g., master commitments for cash 
        OFHEO has found no reason to adopt a different definition for 
    purposes of computing risk-based capital from that used for computing 
    minimum capital. In both cases, the term should mean any legally 
    binding agreement that obligates an Enterprise to purchase or 
    securitize mortgages. OFHEO does not believe it necessary or 
    appropriate to restrict the definition of the term ``commitment'' by 
    reference to price, volume, and fees, because agreements may be legally 
    binding even when they lack specificity on all terms.\177\ It would add 
    unnecessary complexity to attempt to reflect the myriad details of 
    diverse State contract laws in the regulatory definition. Moreover, to 
    do so would be inadvisable in light of Congress' specific concerns 
    regarding the need for capital to support commitments and other off-
    balance-sheet obligations. For example, in discussing the need for the 
    capital requirements of the 1992 Act, Congress expressed the concern 
    that the risk in off-balance-sheet obligations had not been captured 
    under prior capital standards:
        \177\ See Restatement (Second) of Contracts Sec. 204 (1981).
        The capital provisions of the GSEs' charter Acts limit their 
    debt to 15 times their capital unless HUD sets a higher ratio * * * 
    This is unsatisfactory because no capital need be held against the 
    GSEs' $750 billion of off balance sheet guarantees * * *\178\
        \178\ S. Rep. No. 102-282, at 11 (1992) (referring to the 
    existing capital standard, which the 1992 Act repealed).
    Recognizing this concern, it would be inappropriate for OFHEO to 
    promulgate a narrow definition that could exempt certain legally 
    binding commitments from the risk-based capital requirement.
        Freddie Mac also recommended a definition of commitments that 
    excludes all optional commitments, including those containing price and 
    [[Page 18163]]
    information. Specifically, Freddie Mac suggested the following 
        Contractual commitment means an obligation of an Enterprise that 
    legally binds the Enterprise to issue securities or purchase 
    mortgages and legally binds a third party to purchase securities or 
    deliver mortgages, and that sets forth all terms of the transactions 
    including price, volume, and fees.
    (emphasis added).
        The phrase ``legally binds a third party'' would define a 
    commitment to include only an agreement that binds the counterparty to 
    deliver mortgages or to purchase securities, thus excluding optional 
    commitment contracts.
        OFHEO disagrees with this comment and includes optional commitments 
    in the stress test definition. The 1992 Act is clear on this issue, 
    because it refers to ``commitments of the enterprise to purchase * * * 
    or issue'' (emphasis added) but includes no requirement that the 
    commitment bind others to deliver mortgages. Optional commitments 
    obligate the Enterprise to purchase and are optional only for the 
    seller. Therefore, optional commitments fall squarely within the 
    statutory definition.
    2. Retained vs. Securitized Mortgages
        The proposed regulation specifies that all loans delivered under 
    commitments are packaged into securities (securitized) and sold. This 
    specification avoids requiring OFHEO to predict business decisions by 
    the Enterprises that are highly judgmental and impossible to predict 
    accurately. OFHEO recognizes that in practice the Enterprises make day-
    to-day decisions to sell or retain loans. However, the simple rule 
    proposed by OFHEO avoids the complexity of attempting to model such 
    business decisions.
        ACB commented that ``[a]ny loans not presold by the GSEs should be 
    assumed to be retained in portfolio and carry both the credit and IRR 
    [interest rate risk] exposure.'' OFHEO disagrees with ACB's suggestion, 
    because it would add undue complexity to the stress test. At no time 
    are the Enterprises obligated by the terms of a commitment to retain 
    mortgages in portfolio. Furthermore, retaining these mortgages in 
    portfolio in the stress test would require OFHEO to predict how the 
    Enterprises would finance and hedge the interest rate risk associated 
    with the purchases. These predictions would increase greatly the 
    complexity of the stress test and introduce assumptions about future 
    Enterprise management, which OFHEO, as a general rule, has found 
    inappropriate in a ``no new business'' stress test.
        For these reasons, OFHEO determined that proposing that all loans 
    delivered under commitments will be securitized and sold is a 
    reasonable, straightforward approach.
    3. Modeling Delivery Percentages
        The stress test will provide that, in the down-rate scenario, 100 
    percent of all loans that the Enterprises are obligated to accept will 
    be delivered and, in the up-rate scenario, 75 percent of those loans 
    will be delivered. As explained below, OFHEO considered the relevant 
    comments on this issue and found the proposed rule to be a reasonable 
    and practical method of estimating the volume of new mortgages that 
    will be delivered in the stress test.
        In determining the appropriate percentage, OFHEO looked first to 
    the 1992 Act, which provides that commitments will be ``fulfilled.'' In 
    contractual parlance this term means that the parties will fulfill 
    their contractual obligations under these instruments. Therefore, OFHEO 
    decided to propose a simple rule, based upon estimates of the delivery 
    volumes that would be likely to occur if both parties fulfill those 
        Not all mortgages that the Enterprises are obligated to accept 
    under commitments are actually delivered. Optional commitments obligate 
    the Enterprise to purchase up to a specified dollar amount of 
    mortgages, but do not obligate sellers to deliver any mortgages. They 
    can be fulfilled by both parties even though fewer than all the loans 
    specified in the commitment are delivered. Under a mandatory 
    commitment, the Enterprise is also obligated to purchase a specified 
    dollar value of loans, but the seller fulfills the contract either by 
    delivering the specified volume of loans or by paying a ``pair-off'' 
    fee specified in the commitment agreement. These fees are a form of 
    liquidated damages that, under the terms of mandatory commitments, are 
    payable by sellers who fail to deliver the full amount of mortgages 
    specified in the commitments. Therefore, under either type of 
    commitment, less than all the stated mortgage volume may be delivered.
        As mentioned above, the proposed regulation specifies that, in the 
    down-rate scenario of the stress test, 100 percent of loans the 
    Enterprises are obligated to buy or securitize will be delivered under 
    all types of commitments. In the up-rate scenario, 75 percent of those 
    loans will be delivered. This specification reflects the fact that when 
    interest rates decline significantly, the volume of new purchase 
    mortgages and mortgage refinancings generally increases. Therefore, in 
    the down-rate scenario, lenders should have plenty of mortgage volume 
    to meet or fill all commitments. In contrast, when interest rates rise 
    significantly, the demand for mortgages tends to fall. Therefore, in 
    the up-rate scenario, sellers would find it difficult to generate 
    enough mortgages to meet outstanding commitments. Because the proposed 
    regulation provides that all loan deliveries will be made in the first 
    three to six months of the stress period (see section III.G.4., 
    Delivery Timing below), those deliveries are particularly sensitive to 
    short-term changes in interest rates. Thus, the steeply rising rates in 
    the first few months of the up-rate scenario have a significant impact 
    upon delivery percentages. It would be inappropriate, however, to 
    assume that loan deliveries would decline more than 25 percent, given 
    that many of the commitments are mandatory and that existing home 
    purchase contracts will require financing. Lenders will also have a 
    certain volume of outstanding loan commitments with locked rates, most 
    of which would close.
        Figure 3 below shows that, during the most recent increase in rates 
    of any significance (the first half of 1994), a three month increase in 
    interest rates of 150 basis points led to a drop in market origination 
    volume of roughly 30 percent. Also, during the 12-year period shown, 
    market volumes never decreased over any three-month period by more than 
    25 to 30 percent. Because the stress test will include rate changes of 
    150 basis points or less in the first quarter, the data led OFHEO to 
    conclude that a 75 percent delivery rate would be a reasonable 
    specification for the up-rate scenario of the stress test.
        The proposed regulation does not credit the Enterprises with income 
    from ``pair-off fees'' in the up-rate environment for two reasons. 
    First, there is no usable data on the payment of these fees or on the 
    percentage of deliveries under commitments. Therefore, attempting to 
    model these fees would require estimating, with no supporting data, the 
    percentages of loans to be delivered under mandatory, as opposed to 
    optional, commitments. Second, the fees are not always charged by the 
    Enterprises. Therefore, including the fees would require OFHEO to 
    speculate how frequently or under what circumstances the Enterprises 
    would impose them.
    [[Page 18164]]
        In its ANPR comments regarding delivery percentages, Freddie Mac 
    recommended that OFHEO develop an econometric model of delivery 
    percentages for commitments. This model would be based on recent 
    prepayment experience of each Enterprise and the prepayment rates 
    produced by OFHEO's default/prepayment model. The model that Freddie 
    Mac recommended would compute commitment delivery percentages as 
        1. OFHEO would determine a means of estimating the extent to which 
    sellers would fulfill mortgage purchase commitments by (a) delivering 
    mortgages or (b) paying a pair-off fee without delivering the 
        2. Then, OFHEO would determine a stress period delivery percentage 
    under all commitments to reflect the effect of stress period 
    conditions. Specifically, Freddie Mac suggested that a good 
    approximation of this effect would be the ratio of the sum of the 
    prepayment rate and the purchase-growth rate (rate of increase or 
    decrease in the volume of loans purchased by the Enterprises) during 
    the relevant portion of the stress period to the sum of the prepayment 
    rate and the purchase growth rate during a recent period immediately 
    prior to the stress period. This ratio would be multiplied by a 
    ``baseline'' delivery percentage, which is the normal delivery 
    percentage during times of little interest rate fluctuation. Under this 
    approach, the stress test delivery percentage would be expressed as 
    The stress period growth rate would be zero until such time as OFHEO 
    included new business assumptions in the stress test, and the stress 
    period delivery percentage would not be allowed to exceed 100 percent.
        Freddie Mac bases its approach on two assumptions. First, the 
    volume of outstanding commitments at the beginning of the stress period 
    (i.e., the then current volume of outstanding commitments) is assumed 
    to be related to the volume of mortgage purchases that the Enterprises 
    and sellers anticipated at the time they entered into the commitments. 
    Second, the sellers' actual rate of deliveries during the stress period 
    under outstanding commitments is assumed to be closely related to 
    actual mortgage purchase activity during the relevant portion of the 
    stress period.
        OFHEO agrees with these assumptions and used them to determine 
    appropriate stress test delivery percentages. OFHEO also agrees that an 
    econometric approach such as that proposed by Freddie Mac might provide 
    a relatively sophisticated representation of what would actually occur 
    under stress test conditions. However, there are insufficient data to 
    construct such a model of commitments at this time. Historical data 
    available to OFHEO do not reveal what percentages of commitments have 
    been delivered. The Enterprises have provided descriptions of 
    commitment types and made statements about their general business 
    practices and the length of and delivery patterns of commitments. 
    However, OFHEO has found available data are inadequate to associate 
    actual mortgage purchases with commitments. Therefore, neither of the 
    two steps in the Freddie Mac proposal currently is possible. There is 
    no source of data to determine a reasonable estimate of pair-off fee 
    payments or to determine a historical baseline delivery percentage.
        ACB's ANPR comments suggested that a historically based dropout 
    factor be applied to account for failure to ``make/take delivery by 
    counterparties.'' The lack of historical data regarding actual delivery 
    percentages under commitments limits the accuracy with which such a 
    factor or factors can be calculated. However, OFHEO proposes an 
    approach consistent with the ACB comment. The stress test specifies 
    fixed delivery percentages for commitments in the down-rate and the up-
    rate scenarios. These percentages are based on historical information, 
    displayed in Figure 3, about mortgage volume in the entire mortgage 
    market during periods when rates have risen and fallen sharply. This 
    information demonstrates that declining interest rates are generally 
    accompanied by or followed shortly by increases in the volume of
    [[Page 18165]]
    mortgage originations. Conversely, increasing interest rates tend to 
    slow originations.
    4. Delivery Timing
        Table 30 displays the timing of mortgage deliveries incorporated in 
    the stress test for both interest rate scenarios. The specified 
    delivery timing is consistent with the contractual terms of 
    commitments, the experience of the mortgage market, and the interest 
    rates that the 1992 Act specifies for the stress period.
        This front-loaded delivery profile in both interest rate scenarios 
    is consistent with the contractual terms of commitments, which usually 
    specify that deliveries will occur within 60 days and in most other 
    cases require delivery within 6 months. Also, at any point in time, 
    most outstanding commitments (other than those made that day) will have 
    only a part of the specified delivery period remaining. For these 
    reasons, OFHEO believes it is appropriate to project that deliveries 
    under commitments would drop to zero over the first three to six months 
    of the stress period, with half or more of those deliveries likely to 
    occur in the first two months.
        For the same reasons that delivery percentages are higher in the 
    down-rate than in the up-rate environment, OFHEO believes it is 
    appropriate to provide for faster deliveries when interest rates are 
    falling than when they are rising. Mortgage origination experience 
    demonstrates that decreasing interest rates tend to cause significant 
    increases in mortgage originations. Therefore, it is reasonable to 
    specify that deliveries occur sooner when interest rates in the stress 
    test rapidly decline than when they rise.
        ACB commented about delivery timing, stating that OFHEO should 
    assume scenarios that would be least advantageous to the Enterprises, 
    whether they were buying loans or selling securities. Because there are 
    no historical data on deliveries under commitments, the stress test 
    specifies delivery timing consistent with observed historical patterns 
    of mortgage originations. The delivery timing in the stress test is 
    intended to be a reasonable approximation of what would occur under the 
    stress test conditions specified in the 1992 Act, not necessarily what 
    would be least advantageous to the Enterprises.
        Freddie Mac suggested two delivery timing options in its comments 
    on the ANPR. Freddie Mac recommended that OFHEO assume that purchases 
    occur uniformly over the weighted average maturity of outstanding 
    commitments. Alternatively, Freddie Mac suggested a formula that was 
    derived by assuming that commitments expire uniformly and that 
    purchases are uniform during the term of each commitment. Freddie Mac 
    described the latter approach as unnecessarily complex and unlikely to 
    affect the overall capital requirement associated with commitments, but 
    indicated it was nevertheless an acceptable means to estimate delivery 
    timing. OFHEO was concerned about a lack of empirical support for 
    either of Freddie Mac's alternative recommendations, however, and has, 
    therefore, chosen to propose the relatively simple delivery timing 
    described above.
    5. Loan Mix Distribution
        The type, term, LTV ratio, coupon, and geographic mix of loans 
    (``loan mix'') that are delivered under commitments can have a 
    significant impact upon associated credit losses in the stress test.
        The proposed regulation provides that, with the exception of coupon 
    interest rates, the loan mix delivered under commitments at each 
    Enterprise is the same as the mix of loans securitized by each 
    Enterprise that were originated during the immediately preceding six-
    month period. This approach reflects the view that a reasonable 
    indicator of the mix of loans that might be delivered in the near 
    future is the mix of loans delivered in the recent past. To the extent 
    that an Enterprise has been buying a larger or smaller percentage of 
    loans with a particular characteristic over the past six months, the 
    stress test effectively continues that mix. OFHEO's proposed approach 
    does not differentiate the loan mix of deliveries in the up-rate and 
    down-rate scenarios.
        To reflect movements in stress test mortgage interest rates, the 
    stress test uses two different ``conventional mortgage rate'' series, a 
    30-year rate and a 15-year rate, described earlier in section III. B., 
    Interest Rates, to determine mortgage rates on newly delivered fixed-
    rate mortgages.\179\ It uses
    [[Page 18166]]
    the one-year CMT, along with the average margin for ARM loans
        \179\ The stress test assumes that mortgage interest rates on 
    seven-year balloon mortgages are 50 basis points less than 30-year 
    conventional mortgage rates in the down-rate environment, and equal 
    to the 30-year rate in the up-rate environment.
    originated within the past six months, to determine mortgage rates on 
    newly delivered ARMs.
        In its ANPR comments, Freddie Mac recommended two methods of 
    modeling loan mix. Freddie Mac recommended that the loan mix of 
    mortgages delivered under commitments could be the same as the loan mix 
    of the Enterprises' outstanding portfolios. Alternatively, Freddie Mac 
    suggested that OFHEO look to historical experience and base the stress 
    period mix on the mix during past up-rate and down-rate environments. 
    Freddie Mac further commented that the mix of mortgages delivered under 
    outstanding commitments should not be modeled based on recent mortgage 
    deliveries. Its rationale was that the capital requirement associated 
    with commitments could vary dramatically because of one-time special 
    purpose transactions. Freddie Mac cited, as an example, the distorting 
    effects created by an Enterprise purchase of a large Cost Of Funds 
    Index (COFI) ARM portfolio representing 30 percent of a quarter's 
        OFHEO did not adopt Freddie Mac's first suggestion because OFHEO 
    believed that the mix of loans in an Enterprise's overall portfolio has 
    only a limited relationship to the loans that will be delivered under 
    current commitments. An Enterprise's portfolio at any given time 
    contains loans obtained over many years during periods when economic 
    conditions may have been quite different from the conditions that will 
    exist at the start of the stress test. Current commitments, by 
    contrast, are more likely to reflect Enterprise management's efforts to 
    adjust the mix in its portfolio than they are to reflect the current 
    mix in the portfolio. For these reasons, OFHEO found the current mix of 
    loans at the Enterprises to be an unsatisfactory proxy for the mix of 
    loans to be delivered under current commitments.
        Using a two-quarter (versus a one-quarter) period to compute the 
    loan mix addresses Freddie Mac's concern over distortions created by 
    occasional special purpose purchases. However, if large special purpose 
    purchases of unusual mortgages occur frequently, it is appropriate that 
    the stress test reflect some higher-than-usual risk by projecting 
    continuing purchases of such mortgages.
        OFHEO also examined Freddie Mac's suggested alternative 
    methodology--basing the loan mix on the ``mix that prevailed'' during 
    prior up-rate and down-rate scenarios. Given the lack of historical 
    data regarding deliveries under commitments, there is no direct 
    evidence of what the experience of those deliveries has been. At best, 
    information might be inferred from data regarding total deliveries, 
    either at the Enterprises or in the market as a whole. However, OFHEO's 
    research has found that, although long term increases in interest rates 
    produce more ARMs and long term decreases produce more FRMs, short term 
    changes in interest rates have little discernable affect on the ratio 
    of ARMs to FRMs that are delivered to the Enterprises.
        For these reasons, OFHEO concluded that a more detailed and complex 
    model based upon historical patterns of loan deliveries would be 
    unlikely to improve the stress test's accuracy or sensitivity to risk 
    or yield a significantly different result. OFHEO is confident that the 
    proposed approach reflects a reasonable delivery mix for the stress 
    test and that any fine-tuning that might result from a more complex 
    model would have only an incremental effect. Also, because the proposed 
    regulation specifies that these new loans will not be held in 
    portfolio, they create little interest rate risk for the Enterprises. 
    For all these reasons, OFHEO does not propose the type of detailed 
    model of loan mix contemplated in Freddie Mac's comments.
        ACB also commented on loan mix, explaining that the mix of 
    commitments should be ``as of the actual reporting date, subject to 
    adjustment for any demonstrable `window dressing' practices by the 
    GSEs.'' ACB assumed that data were available to determine what loan mix 
    was specified under outstanding commitments at any point in time. As 
    explained above, those data are not available. OFHEO interpreted 
    ``window dressing,'' to mean attempts that an Enterprise might make to 
    alter temporarily the loan mix in its commitments just prior to the 
    beginning of a particular quarter. OFHEO believes that the proposed 
    approach, which looks to the mix of loans actually delivered over the 
    last two quarters, addresses ACB's concern that an Enterprise might 
    engage in ``window dressing.''
    6. ``No New Business'' Rule
        World Savings commented in response to the ANPR that the stress 
    test model should reflect ongoing business, not a wind down scenario. 
    The comment stated that the assumption of no new business except for 
    fulfillment of contractual commitments is ``fundamentally flawed,'' 
    because it assumes the Enterprises will be prescient about the 
    magnitude of the financial stress. World Savings commented that this 
    assumption causes the test to underestimate the Enterprises' need for 
    capital, because it causes their portfolios to shrink unrealistically. 
    By contrast, a comment by Professor Yezer of George Washington 
    University advocated placing limits on the size of the Enterprises' 
    portfolios in the stress test. He concluded that ``one needs a model of 
    [Enterprise] response to stress that makes sense in terms of modern 
    financial theory of investment, not passive reaction to adverse changes 
    as contemplated in the proposed rule.''
        Both of these comments suggest an alternative approach to new 
    business that cannot be addressed at this time because the approach in 
    the regulation is mandated by section 1361(a)(3) of the 1992 Act.\180\ 
    That section requires that the initial risk-based capital regulation 
    assume that the Enterprises take on no new business other than 
    deliveries under existing commitments. After the issuance of the 
    regulation, the 1992 Act requires studies by the Congressional Budget 
    Office and the Comptroller General of the United States of the 
    advisability and appropriate form of any new business assumptions to be 
    incorporated in the regulation. Only after completion of those studies 
    and their submission to the Congress may the Director, after 
    considering them, propose amendments to the regulation that would 
    incorporate new business assumptions during the stress period.\181\
        \180\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(3) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(3)).
        \181\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(3)(B)-(D) (12 U.S.C. 
    H. New Debt and Investment Rules
        During the stress period, an Enterprise invests and borrows, as 
    needed, based on net cash flows. The stress test projects cash inflows 
    and outflows for each month of the stress period. To the extent cash 
    inflows exceed cash outflows in any month, the stress test must specify 
    how an Enterprise employs the excess funds. Conversely, to the extent 
    that cash outflows exceed cash inflows in any month, the stress test 
    must specify how an Enterprise obtains the funds to cover the cash 
        The 1992 Act provides no specific guidance for new debt issuance or 
    new investments during the stress test. OFHEO sought new debt and new 
    investment rules that would alter as little as possible the credit and 
    interest rate exposures of an Enterprise generated by its initial 
    asset, liability, and derivative positions.
        The proposed approach provides that all new debts and investments 
    are short-
    [[Page 18167]]
    term instruments. More specifically, OFHEO proposes that the 
    Enterprises fund all monthly net cash outflows during the stress test 
    by issuing six-month discount notes. OFHEO also proposes that excess 
    funds will be invested at the six-month Treasury bill rate in 
    instruments that mature one month later.
    1. Rationale for New Debt and New Investment Rules
        The purpose of a ``no new business'' stress test is to subject an 
    Enterprise's business at the beginning of the stress period to adverse 
    conditions, without introducing during the stress period any business 
    responses to deteriorating business conditions that would tend to 
    increase or decrease risk. Consistent with this purpose, the proposed 
    new debt and investment rules are designed to project the effects 
    during the stress period of specific stressful circumstances on the 
    Enterprises, given the risks embodied in their business positions at 
    the start of the stress test, while minimizing the introduction of any 
    new risks.
        Accordingly, the stress test uses simple rules for the issuance of 
    debt or the investment of liquidity. OFHEO intentionally does not 
    propose to predict what asset-liability management decisions an 
    Enterprise might make, predictions that would be difficult in any 
        \182\ In a stress test that incorporates new business, the 
    context would be different. Should OFHEO choose to incorporate new 
    business in a later regulation, a different approach to asset-
    liability management during the stress period could be appropriate. 
    See 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(3)(C) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(3)(C)).
        The hazards of predicting the response of financial institutions to 
    stressful conditions are well illustrated by the behavior of the 
    thrifts during their financial crisis in the 1980s. While some 
    institutions sought to limit or reduce their risks in that difficult 
    environment, others made choices that greatly increased risk, in effect 
    gambling that a fortunate turn of events would be their best chance of 
    financial salvation. These choices largely determined the fate of the 
    institutions. Similarly, incorporating activities that project the 
    Enterprises's responses to the duration or severity of economic 
    conditions during the early part of the stress period, while these 
    conditions are deteriorating rapidly, could profoundly affect the 
    Enterprises' financial performance in the stress period.
        For these reasons, the stress test makes no provision for an 
    Enterprise to rebalance its portfolio as its asset and liability 
    positions evolve during the stress test. The Enterprises are exposed to 
    interest rate risk principally because changes in interest rates cause 
    changes in the market (and economic) values of their long-term, fixed-
    rate assets and liabilities, and of their derivative contracts. These 
    changes in value are reflected in subsequent accounting statements of 
    earnings and net worth.
        If an Enterprise's asset, liability, and derivatives positions are 
    well matched, the effects will be minimal. But if, for example, an 
    Enterprise were to fund long-term, fixed-rate mortgages with short-term 
    debt, then an increase in market yields would cause the value of the 
    mortgages to fall, but the value of the short-term debt would be little 
    changed. In subsequent periods, interest income on the mortgages would 
    be unaffected, but interest expenses would be higher because new debt 
    would need to be issued at the new higher interest rate. Earnings and 
    equity would suffer. Conversely, a fall in market yields would increase 
    the value of the mortgages, and that higher value would be reflected in 
    subsequent earnings and equity gains. If an Enterprise were to fund 
    short-term assets with long-term, fixed-rate debt, its debt would 
    change in value, but its assets would not, producing the opposite 
        If changes in interest rates continue over a period of time, then a 
    decision to issue long-term debt or purchase long-term assets in the 
    middle of the stress period would create a new source of changes in 
    value over the remainder of the period. The effects of the change in 
    interest rates on future earnings and equity would then reflect the 
    changes in value of both the original positions and the new long-term 
    debt or assets.
        In the proposed stress test, interest rates change substantially 
    and continuously during the first year of the stress period and then 
    are constant in the last nine years. If an Enterprise were projected to 
    issue long-term debt or purchase long-term assets during the first 
    year, the new investments would change in value during the remainder of 
    the year and affect subsequent earnings and equity. Such an approach 
    would distort the stress test's evaluation of starting risk positions.
        The proposed rule avoids these problems by making all new debt and 
    investment short-term instruments. Investments are made in Treasury 
    bills to avoid introducing credit risk; new debts are in the form of 
    discount notes. Maturities of six-months were chosen as a 
    representative short term.\183\
        \183\ Recurring patterns in cash flows can cause an Enterprise 
    to hold substantial volumes of new six-month investments at the same 
    time that it has substantial volumes of new six-month debt 
    outstanding. This creates an unnecessary balance sheet expansion. A 
    more realistic solution would be to assume that maturities of new 
    debts and investments were spread across a variety of terms less 
    than one year. OFHEO proposes to approximate that result by assuming 
    that any outstanding new six-month investments are redeemed at par 
    at the end of each month.
    2. Analysis of ANPR Comments
        In the ANPR, OFHEO posed several questions related to new debt and 
    investments during the stress period. HUD and ACB recommended in their 
    comments that OFHEO develop an econometric model of Enterprise funding 
    decisions. OFHEO believes, however, that it would be inappropriate to 
    build such a model. The factors that would have to be incorporated into 
    such a model would require OFHEO to make complex judgments about the 
    decisions an Enterprise's management might make in response to future 
    economic conditions. HUD's comment that ``OFHEO may be able to base 
    modeling of GSE liability management * * * on presumptions concerning 
    how GSEs would formulate and exercise broad financial management 
    objectives during a winddown'' would require similar judgments. ACB 
    also commented that ``excess cash balances should be assumed to be 
    deployed to minimize remaining interest rate risk exposure since the 
    costs of such a hedging strategy are zero.'' OFHEO determined that this 
    approach could change the risk profile of an Enterprise during the 
    course of stress period and is, therefore, inappropriate for the stress 
        Freddie Mac also addressed the question of new debt in the stress 
    test. Freddie Mac proposed that OFHEO assume the Enterprises would 
    generally adhere to their respective asset and liability management 
    principles in a stress test environment. More specifically, the 
    Enterprises would rebalance their portfolios of assets and liabilities 
    during the stress period, in an attempt to maintain a specific 
    relationship between the net effective maturity and net callability of 
    assets and liabilities. Freddie Mac further suggested that OFHEO should 
    use a simple rule that includes this concept for the issuance of new 
    debt in the stress test. As a possible rule, Freddie Mac offered the 
    following example: 30 percent short-term and 70 percent long-term debt 
    in the up-rate scenario and 70 percent short-term and 30 percent long-
    term debt in the down-rate scenario. The intent of the stress test is, 
    however, to test the ability of an Enterprise's initial asset and 
    liability mix to survive stressful conditions. Therefore, OFHEO 
    preferred an approach that did not
    [[Page 18168]]
    actively alter the consequences of the interest rate risk exposure 
    inherent in the Enterprises' business at the beginning of the stress 
        At HUD's suggestion in its comments on the ANPR, OFHEO reviewed the 
    role of new debt in the wind down scenarios described in HUD's 1987 
    Report to Congress on FNMA, issued on September 27, 1989. Although 
    OFHEO agrees with HUD that there is a close connection between 
    investing cash, hedging activities, and liabilities, OFHEO believes 
    that the purpose of the ``no new business'' stress test is to project 
    the results of existing risk positions in stressful environments. This 
    approach differs significantly from HUD's 1987 wind down scenarios, 
    which were designed to project Fannie Mae's performance during an 
    intentional wind down of Fannie Mae's mortgage portfolio in preparation 
    for a hypothetical privatization of that Enterprise.
    I. Operating Expenses
        Operating expenses include non-interest costs, such as those 
    related to an Enterprise's salaries and benefits, professional 
    services, property, and equipment. The operating expenses of each 
    Enterprise comprise a relatively small portion of their overall 
    expenses. For instance, in 1997, Freddie Mac's interest-related 
    expenses were $10.6 billion, while its operating expenses were $495 
    million. Similarly, Fannie Mae's interest-related expenses were $22.4 
    billion, while its operating expenses were $636 million that year.
        The 1992 Act is silent on how operating expenses should be treated 
    in the stress test. Nevertheless, the legislative history states that 
    the Director should exercise discretion about variables such as the 
    Enterprises' operating expenses, provided that they are ``reasonable 
    and to the extent possible based on historical data.'' \184\ In 
    addition, the stress test's treatment of operating expenses is guided 
    by the 1992 Act's ``no new business'' requirement.\185\ That provision 
    requires OFHEO to project the income and expenses associated with the 
    existing business positions of the Enterprises over a ten-year period. 
    The purpose of the ``no new business'' requirement is for the stress 
    test to capture the risks of an Enterprise's existing assets, 
    liabilities, and off-balance sheet obligations as of the beginning of 
    the stress period. It is not intended to represent any combination of 
    events that might occur in the actual course of an Enterprise's 
    business activities.
        \184\ H.R. Rep. No. 102-206, at 65 (1991).
        \185\ 1992 Act, section 1361(a)(3)(A) (12 U.S.C. 4611(a)(3)(A)).
        In the proposed regulation, operating expenses decline during the 
    stress period in direct proportion to the decline in the volume of each 
    Enterprise's total mortgage portfolio (i.e., the sum of the outstanding 
    principal balance of its retained and sold mortgage portfolios). The 
    stress test first projects how an Enterprise's mortgage portfolio 
    decreases during the stress period on a monthly basis. After 
    determining the percent of these assets that remain at the end of any 
    month during the ten-year stress period, OFHEO simulates the reduced 
    operating expenses in each month by multiplying this percent by one-
    third of the amount of the Enterprise's operating expenses in the 
    quarter immediately preceding the start of the stress test. This 
    computation is used to determine the Enterprises' operating expenses 
    for each month of the stress period. As described in more detail in 
    this section below, under this approach, the expense reduction pattern 
    for the up-rate scenario will differ from the down-rate scenario, and 
    the pattern within each scenario will vary depending on changes in the 
    characteristics of an Enterprise's total mortgage portfolio.
        In the ANPR, OFHEO raised several questions about how the stress 
    test should model operating expenses. These issues are considered 
        OFHEO first considered whether there should be any reduction in 
    operating expenses during the stress period. The stress test should 
    include such a reduction because many of the Enterprises' operating 
    expenses are tied to the size of their mortgage portfolios. Both 
    commenters on this issue, Freddie Mac and ACB, supported this view.
        OFHEO next considered whether there should be a variable or 
    straightline reduction in operating expenses. OFHEO determined that a 
    variable reduction pattern would be more appropriate. The underlying 
    characteristics of mortgages held or guaranteed by an Enterprise or the 
    interest rate conditions of the stress period would substantially 
    affect the rate of reduction in outstanding mortgage balances. Because 
    a large portion of expenses are directly tied to outstanding loan 
    balances, a variable reduction based on those balance patterns will 
    better correspond with the cost reductions that would occur under the 
    stress test scenarios.
        Notwithstanding this general approach, OFHEO notes that expenses in 
    some categories are not closely tied to current loan balances. These 
    expenses might be expected to change at different rates from loan 
    balances in a stressful no-new-business environment. As Freddie Mac 
    commented in response to the ANPR, a large portion of its operating 
    expenses are associated with either new business or long-term research 
    and development, including product and systems development, and so 
    might be reduced more dramatically under a no-new-business assumption. 
    Conversely, Freddie Mac stated that some other operating costs that are 
    associated with ongoing costs of managing the mortgage portfolio are 
    relatively fixed, i.e., they are independent of the size of the 
    portfolio. On balance, tying expenses to loan balances will produce a 
    reasonable approximation of an Enterprise's costs in the stress test 
        The proposed approach to modeling operating expenses differs from 
    the recommendations made by ACB and Freddie Mac. Rather than a variable 
    approach, these commenters favored a model applying a straightline 
    reduction in operating expenses. Freddie Mac commented that a 
    straightline approximation is sufficient, because the resulting capital 
    requirement should depend primarily on the present value of the 
    operating expenses and not on the exact timing of those expenses. 
    However, OFHEO believes it is appropriate to adopt an approach that 
    more precisely takes timing into consideration, because the timing of 
    expenses affects an Enterprise's performance during the stress test and 
    the resulting risk-based capital requirement. Furthermore, a 
    straightline approach still requires a basis on which to determine the 
    rate of expense reduction. The proposed approach simultaneously takes 
    timing into account and determines the overall rate of reduction.
        The next issue concerned whether the model should reflect decisions 
    that might be made by an Enterprise if it was intentionally winding 
    down its business. On that issue, HUD recommended two alternative 
    approaches: either that OFHEO model the behavior of an Enterprise on 
    issues such as liability management, dividend policy, and operational 
    management as if it were aware that a wind down is in effect, or that 
    OFHEO proceed in a ``more formalistic fashion,'' i.e., without regard 
    to whether they did or did not know. OFHEO analyzed this issue, not 
    only within the context of operating expenses, but also as it relates 
    to the underlying concepts of the stress test and many of its 
    components. OFHEO determined that it would be inconsistent with the 
    1992 Act and the overall purposes of the stress test for the
    [[Page 18169]]
    model to attempt to reflect decisions that would be made by an 
    Enterprise that was intentionally winding down its operations. Instead, 
    the stress test applies the alternative approach discussed by HUD in 
    which an Enterprise would not know that a wind down was in effect. As 
    discussed earlier, this approach is appropriate because the stress test 
    is intended to capture the actual risks of an Enterprise's existing 
    business as of the beginning of the stress period rather than events 
    that might occur during the actual course of its business.
        OFHEO next considered whether it is appropriate to treat categories 
    of operating expenses differently. OFHEO has determined that 
    disaggregating the operating expenses into several categories would add 
    needless complexity without providing any significant corresponding 
    benefit to ensuring an Enterprise's capital adequacy. While some 
    expense categories might reasonably be assumed to decline faster than 
    the mortgage portfolio, some others might decline more slowly, and some 
    might be expected to increase. OFHEO agrees with ACB and Freddie Mac 
    that since operating expenses constitute a relatively small portion of 
    an Enterprise's overall costs, they should not be subject to 
    complicated modeling. Accordingly, OFHEO proposes to consider operating 
    expenses in a single category rather than disaggregating them into 
    distinct categories.
        Finally, OFHEO considered whether the operating expenses of each 
    Enterprise should be modeled in the same manner. Freddie Mac 
    recommended that instead of distinguishing between the Enterprises, the 
    stress test should reduce operating expenses of each Enterprise in the 
    same manner. Freddie Mac stated that any attempt to make fine 
    distinctions between how each Enterprise might actually manage its 
    operating expenses during the stress period could lead to extensive 
    analysis that ought to have little affect on the overall capital 
    requirement but, could increase the danger of different capital 
    treatment for each Enterprise based on differences in accounting 
    treatment of expenses.
        OFHEO agrees with Freddie Mac's recommendation not to distinguish 
    between the Enterprises with respect to modeling operating expenses. A 
    fundamental concept of the risk-based capital requirement is that the 
    stress test establish a single set of rules that apply equally to both 
    Enterprises. It would be inappropriate to establish a different stress 
    test for each Enterprise. As a result, differences in operating 
    expenses during the stress test between the Enterprises will reflect 
    only differences in initial expense levels and mortgage portfolio 
    composition, not any projected behavioral differences.
    J. Dividends and Other Capital Distributions
    1. Introduction
        The definition of a ``capital distribution'' in the 1992 Act 
    includes the payment of common stock dividends, preferred stock 
    dividends, and the repurchase or retirement of shares of stock.\186\ In 
    recent years, both Enterprises have consistently paid significant 
    amounts of dividends and have repurchased significant amounts of common 
        \186\ 1992 Act, section 1303(2)(A) (12 U.S.C. 4502)(A)). The 
    notable exception is the repurchase of shares for employee stock 
    ownership programs under section 401 of the Internal Revenue Service 
    Code of 1986.
        The 1992 Act directs OFHEO to consider dividends in the stress 
    test. When an Enterprise makes a capital distribution and the amount of 
    that distribution, however, are not specified in the 1992 Act. The only 
    requirement is that dividends should be consistent with the stress test 
    environment.\187\ Because capital distributions decrease equity, the 
    more distributions an Enterprise makes during the stress test period 
    (or during a real-life stressful environment), the more likely that an 
    Enterprise will fail to meet its risk-based capital requirement.
        \187\ 1992 Act, section 1361(b)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(b)(2)). 
    ``Characteristics of the stress period other than those specifically 
    set forth in subsection (a), such as prepayment experience and 
    dividend policies, will be those determined by the Director, on the 
    basis of available information, to be most consistent with the 
    stress period.''
    2. Statutory Provisions
        The 1992 Act and the Charter Acts determine the authority of the 
    Enterprises to make capital distributions.\188\ Under these statutes, 
    an Enterprise may make a capital distribution without restriction when 
    the Enterprise would remain adequately capitalized following the 
    distribution.\189\ In all other circumstances, a capital distribution 
    is prohibited outright or requires the approval from the Director of 
        \188\ Fannie Mae's Charter Act and Freddie Mac's Corporation Act 
    collectively are referred to as the ``Charter Acts.''
        \189\ In general, an Enterprise is considered ``adequately 
    capitalized'' when it meets both the risk-based and minimum capital 
    levels. It is ``undercapitalized'' when it does not meet the risk-
    based capital level, but does meet the minimum capital level. It is 
    ``significantly undercapitalized'' when it does not meet either the 
    risk-based capital level or the minimum capital level, but does meet 
    the critical capital level. See section 1364 of the 1992 Act (12 
    U.S.C. 4614), and section 303(c)(1) of the Charter Act and section 
    303(b)(1) of the Corporation Act.
        Prior approval by the Director is required when an Enterprise is 
    undercapitalized or if a capital distribution would cause the 
    Enterprise to be undercapitalized.\190\ The legislative history of this 
    requirement makes clear that, while approval in these circumstances can 
    be granted, such approval ``should be the exception and not the rule.'' 
    \191\ The Director's prior approval also is required when an Enterprise 
    is significantly undercapitalized; however, the 1992 Act places 
    conditions on the granting of such approval. In those circumstances, 
    the Director may only approve a distribution if the Director determines 
    that it will: (1) Enhance the Enterprise's ability to meet its capital 
    requirements, (2) contribute to the Enterprise's long term safety and 
    soundness, or (3) is otherwise in the public interest.\192\ No approval 
    may be granted for a distribution that would cause the Enterprise to be 
    significantly undercapitalized or critically undercapitalized.\193\
        \190\ Section 303(c)(2) of the Charter Act and section 303(b)(2) 
    of the Corporation Act.
        \191\ S. Rep. No. 102-282, at 24 (1992).
        \192\ 1992 Act, section 1366(a)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4616(a)(2)).
        \193\ 1992 Act, sections 1365(a)(2); 1366(a)(2)(A) (12 U.S.C. 
    4615(a)(2); 4616(a)(2)(A)).
        This statutory structure draws a clear distinction between an 
    Enterprise that fails to meet its risk-based requirement and one that 
    fails to meet its minimum capital requirement. When an Enterprise fails 
    to meet the risk-based capital requirement, the Director has full 
    discretion to grant or deny approval for a capital distribution. 
    However, when an Enterprise fails to meet the minimum capital 
    requirement, the Director's discretion is limited. Moreover, the 
    Director is prohibited from approving a distribution that would cause 
    the Enterprise to fail to meet the minimum capital requirement.
    3. Proposed Approach
        The proposed regulation provides that during the stress period:
         When paid, dividends are paid at rates consistent with 
    historical experience;
         Dividends are paid on common stock when the Enterprise 
    meets the risk-based capital requirement and the minimum capital 
         Dividends are paid on preferred stock when the Enterprise 
    meets the minimum capital requirement; and
         No dividends are paid when the Enterprise does not meet or 
    would not
    [[Page 18170]]
    after payment of the dividend meet the minimum capital requirement.
        In making this proposal, OFHEO emphasizes that there are 
    significant differences between establishing a dividend payment policy 
    for the risk-based capital requirement and acting on a dividend 
    approval request from an Enterprise that is no longer adequately 
    capitalized. Accordingly, provisions of the stress test which provide 
    for the payment of dividends by an undercapitalized Enterprise in some 
    circumstances and not others should not be interpreted as an indication 
    of how OFHEO will act on any specific dividend approval request. In 
    practice, OFHEO will evaluate any request for approval of a dividend 
    payment on the basis of a case-by-case analysis of all the relevant 
    facts and circumstances.
    a. Preferred Stock
        Under the proposed regulation, dividends are paid on preferred 
    stock during the stress period when the Enterprise meets its estimated 
    minimum capital requirement. Preferred stock dividends are based on the 
    coupon rates of the issues outstanding. The coupon rates for any issue 
    of variable rate preferred stock is calculated using projections of the 
    appropriate index rate.
        To determine whether the Enterprise meets the minimum capital 
    requirement, the stress test computes the minimum capital level each 
    month by applying the appropriate leverage ratios to all assets (2.50 
    percent) and off-balance sheet obligations (0.45 percent). OFHEO notes 
    that interest rate and other off-balance sheet contracts also affect 
    the minimum capital number.\194\ However, incorporating these features 
    in the calculation would require OFHEO to compute the credit equivalent 
    amount of interest rate and foreign exchange contracts, which would add 
    unnecessary complexity but provide little corresponding benefit. 
    Accordingly, for purposes of determining dividend payouts in the stress 
    test, OFHEO believes that the approach described above provides a 
    reasonable approximation of the minimum capital calculation.
        \194\ 12 CFR 1750.4.
        As noted above, preferred stock dividends are paid in some 
    circumstances in which common stock dividends are not paid. The stress 
    test includes this distinction based on the recognition that when a 
    corporation issues preferred stock, it is making a higher level of 
    commitment to those investors than when it issues common stock. 
    Preferred stockholders have a first claim on distributions. Therefore, 
    failure to pay dividends on both classes of stock likely would have 
    greater repercussions on an Enterprise's funding costs and ability to 
    attract new equity capital than would a failure to pay common stock 
    dividends while preferred stock dividends were maintained. Accordingly, 
    when an Enterprise is classified as undercapitalized, the stress test 
    pays preferred stock dividends, but not common stock dividends.
    b. Common Stock
        Under the proposed regulation, dividends are paid on common stock 
    during the first four quarters of the stress period. The stress test 
    specifies that common stock dividends cease after that, reflecting the 
    strong likelihood that an Enterprise would not meet the risk-based 
    capital requirement during the final nine years of the stress period. 
    The rate at which dividends are paid is based on the trend in the 
    Enterprise's earnings. If earnings are positive and increasing, 
    dividends are paid based at the same dividend payout ratio as the 
    average payout ratio of the four quarters preceding the stress test. 
    Otherwise, dividends are paid based at the preceding quarter's dollar 
    amount of dividends per share. Dividends would be cut off before the 
    end of the first year if an Enterprise failed to meet its estimated 
    minimum capital requirement.
        OFHEO believes this rule is based on a reasonable representation of 
    when an Enterprise will no longer be adequately capitalized. The 
    conditions of the stress test are sufficiently stressful to assure that 
    the Enterprise would be undercapitalized by the end of the first year 
    of the stress period. By that time, an Enterprise's portfolio would 
    have been subjected to very large interest rate increases or decreases. 
    If, at that point, it was subjected to those same large increases, 
    i.e., a total of up to 1200 basis points over two years, it is 
    reasonable to assume that the Enterprise would be undercapitalized. The 
    Enterprise would have to withstand more severe credit losses because 
    the hypothetical stress tests would also compound declines in house 
    prices associated with the actual stress test. Estimating with greater 
    accuracy whether an Enterprise would meet its risk-based capital 
    requirement at any time during the stress period is inherently 
    difficult. This would require simulating a series of hypothetical ten-
    year stress tests, the last of which would involve generating cash 
    flows extending ten years beyond the end of the actual stress period. 
    This would add great technical complexity to the stress test without 
    providing any meaningful benefit.
    c. Other Types of Capital Distributions
        The proposed regulation does not provide for any other types of 
    capital distributions, such as repurchases of common stock, or 
    redemption of preferred stock. Although the Enterprises have both 
    repurchased a significant number of shares of their own common stock in 
    the past several years, the stock buybacks were irregular events based 
    on the current share price, expected return on potential investments, 
    and the profitability of each Enterprise. The Enterprises have made no 
    firm commitment to investors to continue share repurchases. 
    Furthermore, OFHEO believes that the stress test environment would not 
    be conducive to share repurchases.
    4. Analysis of ANPR Comments
        In response to questions in the ANPR, Freddie Mac emphasized that 
    any assumptions that OFHEO makes regarding dividend payments must be 
    consistent with the 1992 Act, particularly the provisions related to 
    how capital classifications affect dividend payments. With regard to 
    preferred stock dividends, Freddie Mac recommended that OFHEO assume 
    that an Enterprise pays dividends on such stock so long as it satisfies 
    its minimum capital requirement and discontinues preferred dividends 
    thereafter. With regard to common stock dividends, Freddie Mac 
    recommended that OFHEO assume that an Enterprise pays a constant 
    dividend payout ratio on common stock until earnings become negative, 
    at which time common stock dividends would be discontinued.
        The proposed regulation, which ties dividend payouts to capital 
    classifications, is consistent with the 1992 Act and is generally 
    consistent with Freddie Mac's recommendations. More specifically, OFHEO 
    agrees with Freddie Mac's recommended approach for paying preferred 
    stock dividends until an Enterprise's capital falls below the minimum 
    level. OFHEO believes this treatment of preferred stock dividends 
    properly reflects the high level of commitment of the Enterprises to 
    investors in their preferred stock.
        In addition, eliminating common stock dividends after an Enterprise 
    becomes undercapitalized is roughly equivalent to Freddie Mac's 
    recommendation to cut off common stock dividends when an Enterprise's 
    earnings turn negative. However, while Freddie Mac would reduce 
    dividends proportionately if earnings decline, the proposed regulation 
    provides for the
    [[Page 18171]]
    payment of a constant dollar amount. OFHEO believes the payout rule in 
    the stress test appropriately reflects the current dividend payout 
    history of the Enterprises. Both Enterprises have made fairly strong 
    commitments to investors regarding dividend payouts, and have been slow 
    to lower their dividend payments in the face of declines in earnings.
        ACB recommended that dividends be suspended immediately in the 
    stress test, since the Enterprises are assumed to be in a wind down and 
    shareholders would be strictly residual claimants. ACB's recommendation 
    to suspend all dividends immediately is not consistent with the 
    apparent intent of the 1992 Act, which specifically mentions dividend 
    policies and directs OFHEO to consider dividend policies that would be 
    ``most consistent with the stress period.''\195\ As discussed above, 
    OFHEO believes that the proposed capital distribution rule is 
    consistent with the stress test period. Furthermore, the stress test 
    would fail to incorporate a likely source of capital depletion that 
    would affect an Enterprise in a real-life stressful environment if all 
    capital distributions were eliminated during the entire stress test 
        \195\ 1992 Act, section 1361(b)(2) (12 U.S.C. 4611(b)(2)).
        ACB's comment that shareholders would be strictly residual 
    claimants, which implies that the stress test is a liquidation 
    situation, is not consistent with the concepts underlying the stress 
    test. A wind down or ``no new business'' stress test is not the 
    equivalent of a liquidation. Rather, it is a test of how much capital 
    an Enterprise would need to survive.
    K. Other Off-Balance Sheet Guarantees
        In addition to guaranteeing mortgage-backed securities they issue 
    as part of their mainline business, the Enterprises occasionally 
    guarantee other securities. Such guarantees are referred to as ``other 
    off-balance sheet (OBS) guarantees.'' Examples of other OBS guarantees 
    include guarantees of tax-exempt multifamily housing bonds issued by 
    state and local government agencies, Enterprise-issued whole loan REMIC 
    securities to security, and private label (non-GSE-or GNMA-issued) 
    REMIC securities. In general, an Enterprise's guarantee is protected by 
    other credit enhancements, including reserve funds, insurance 
    arrangements, and/or subordinated security tranches.
        For the following reasons it is not now feasible to simulate the 
    detailed financial impact on an Enterprise of other OBS guarantees over 
    the 120 months of the stress period. First, the mortgage collateral for 
    such securities is often dissimilar from the Enterprise's mortgages on 
    which the stress test's mortgage performance models are based. Second, 
    current data on the status of the underlying collateral is difficult to 
    obtain. Third, the structures of the securities and the nature of 
    credit enhancements vary, requiring the individual modeling of each 
    guaranteed security, which would, at this time, require an inordinate 
    amount of resources.
        The stress test utilizes a proxy for the detailed modeling of the 
    impact of other OBS guarantees on the amount of starting capital that 
    an Enterprise would need to just maintain positive capital during the 
    stress period. The proxy treatment consists of multiplying the 
    outstanding balance of all other guarantees at the beginning of the 
    stress period by .0045, and adding the result to the amount of starting 
    capital calculated for all other aspects of an Enterprise's operations. 
    The multiple .0045 corresponds to the minimum capital requirement 
    associated with these other OBS guarantees.
    L. Calculation of the Risk-Based Capital Requirement
    1. Proposed Approach to Calculating Capital
        The 1992 Act requires an Enterprise to meet the risk-based capital 
    requirement. To determine this requirement, the statute establishes a 
    two-step process. The first step is to determine the amount of capital 
    that an Enterprise needs to just maintain positive capital during a 
    ten-year period of economic stress. The second step is to increase that 
    amount of capital by another 30 percent to capture management and 
    operations risk.
        OFHEO proposes to use a present value approach to calculate the 
    capital that an Enterprise needs to just maintain positive capital 
    during the stress test. Once the stress test has projected the capital 
    of an Enterprise at the end of every month in the stress period, the 
    capital calculation process discounts the monthly capital balances back 
    to the start date of the stress period. The Enterprise's starting 
    capital is then adjusted by subtracting the lowest of the discounted 
    capital balances to account for the smallest capital excess or largest 
    deficit (subtracting a negative number in the case of a deficit). The 
    discount factor used to discount a monthly capital balance is based on 
    after-tax borrowing or investing yields (as appropriate) for that month 
    and all previous months during the stress period.
        After the stress test ascertains the amount of capital necessary to 
    just maintain positive capital during the stress test, it then 
    multiplies that amount by 1.3 to arrive at the risk-based capital 
    2. Justification for Using a Present Value Approach
        The 1992 Act requires OFHEO to determine the amount of capital that 
    is sufficient for an Enterprise to just maintain positive capital 
    during the ten-year stress period. However, when an Enterprise has more 
    (or less) capital than it needs to just maintain positive capital, the 
    law does not specify the procedure for calculating how much capital it 
    would need to just maintain positive capital.
        In analyzing the best method to calculate capital during the ten-
    year stress period, OFHEO considered two approaches: (a) the present 
    value approach, described above, and (b) an ``iterative approach'' in 
    which the stress test would be run multiple times with hypothetical 
    adjustments made to each Enterprise's balance sheet prior to each run. 
    The present value approach more efficiently produces results comparable 
    to the iterative approach. Both approaches recognize that a dollar 
    today is worth significantly more than a dollar ten years from now, 
    because the dollar can be invested so as to return more in a later 
        Under the iterative approach, the capital calculation process 
    begins by running the stress test on the basis of an Enterprise's 
    actual assets, liabilities, net worth, and off-balance sheet items as 
    of a given date. The first stress test run would be used to identify 
    the lowest capital balance that the Enterprise has during the stress 
    period. Then, based on that result, adjustments would be made to the 
    starting capital and the assets and/or liabilities on the Enterprise's 
    balance sheet. The goal of these adjustments is to construct a starting 
    position book of business that, when subject to the stress test, will 
    result in the Enterprise just maintaining positive capital during the 
    stress test. If a run results in the Enterprise's capital reaching a 
    minimum point greater than zero, OFHEO would reduce the starting 
    capital in order to move the minimum point down toward zero in the next 
    run. If a run resulted in the Enterprise's capital reaching a minimum 
    point less than zero, then OFHEO would increase the starting capital in 
    order to move the minimum point up toward zero in the next run. If the 
    second run did not achieve the desired result, successive runs would be 
    made following further
    [[Page 18172]]
    adjustments to the starting position balances.
        OFHEO is proposing the present value approach rather than the 
    iterative one based on the following considerations. The present value 
    approach is comparatively simple and easy. It will not require explicit 
    changes to an Enterprise's actual assets, liabilities, net worth, and 
    off-balance sheet items as they exist at the start of the stress test, 
    and it achieves results comparable to the iterative approach. It 
    achieves these results because the discount factors used in the present 
    value calculations, which calculate the surplus or deficit of starting 
    capital, are consistent with the effects during the stress period of 
    the balance sheet adjustments required by the iterative approach. The 
    discount factors reflect the yields on additional debt or investments 
    offsetting necessary changes in starting capital. For example, consider 
    a scenario in which an Enterprise holds more starting capital than 
    necessary to maintain positive capital throughout the stress period. 
    Balance sheet adjustments made for the final iteration would likely 
    involve substituting for the surplus starting capital an equal amount 
    of debt. Discounting the appropriate monthly capital balance during the 
    stress period, using stress period yields, results in a comparable 
        Based on these considerations, the present value approach would be 
    a more appropriate methodology for carrying out the purposes of the 
    statute. The iterative approach would add needless complexity and 
    require OFHEO to make changes to the balance sheets of the Enterprises. 
    Each iterative run, would be based on hypothetical representations of 
    the Enterprise's position. The present value approach eliminates the 
    need for these artificial adjustments and the unwarranted complexity 
    that the iterative approach's adjustment process would entail.
        Under the present value approach, it is necessary to determine the 
    appropriate monthly discount rates. In determining the monthly rates, 
    OFHEO sought a set of discount rates that would reflect the time value 
    of money to an Enterprise during the stress period. Accordingly, the 
    discount rates applied in the stress test are computed as an after-tax 
    rate. Such an after-tax rate reflects the fact that any borrowing 
    necessary to fund an Enterprise's business activities would be 
    deductible for income tax purposes. Conversely, any additional earnings 
    would be subject to income taxes.
        These discount rates are intended to reflect the fact that interest 
    rates will differ dramatically between the rising and falling rate 
    scenarios and at given times in each scenario. When an Enterprise is 
    borrowing new funds during the stress period, the marginal effect that 
    a change in its cash position in one month will have on its equity in a 
    subsequent month will be reflected by its after-tax cost of borrowing 
    during the intervening period. Alternatively, if the Enterprise is a 
    net investor in a given month, the marginal effect is reflected by its 
    after-tax earnings on new investments in Treasury bills.
        This discounting procedure will reasonably relate changes in 
    capital to changes in an Enterprise's risk position. For example, if an 
    Enterprise were to take an incremental risk position that resulted in 
    an incremental loss during the first month of the stress period, that 
    loss would compound during the stress period at the Enterprise's after-
    tax borrowing or investment rate. If an Enterprise is borrowing, this 
    one month's incremental additional loss would require additional 
    borrowings during the balance of the stress period. These additional 
    borrowings would create additional interest payments for which further 
    borrowing would be required. If the Enterprise is investing, the loss 
    would leave smaller amounts to be invested, which would earn less 
    interest. After applying the discount factors, the change in each 
    future month's capital would equal the initial loss. Thus, the change 
    in the estimated amount of the first month's incremental capital needed 
    to just maintain positive capital during the stress test would also 
    equal that initial loss. More generally, if a new asset were to 
    generate a stream of losses over the course of the stress period, the 
    amount of starting capital needed would rise by the present value of 
    this stream of losses.
    IV. Technical Supplement
    A. Purpose and Scope
        This technical supplement provides detail on the specification and 
    estimation of statistical (econometric) models for mortgage 
    performance, and how those statistical models are applied in the 
    proposed risk-based-capital stress test. The supplement focus is on 
    technical aspects of the statistical modeling. This focus includes: 
    theoretical considerations, sources and uses of historical data, 
    functional forms for statistical models, development of explanatory 
    variables for the statistical analyses, results of statistical model 
    estimations, and application of the resulting statistical equations to 
    predict mortgage performance in the stress test. Each of the following 
    parts of this supplement covers these elements for its respective part 
    of mortgage performance. The topic areas covered here are:
         Single Family Default/Prepayment,
         Single Family Loss Severity,
         Multifamily Default/Prepayment,
         Multifamily Loss Severity, and
         Property Valuation.
        An additional, and important component of this Supplement is the 
    description of how the statistical models of mortgage performance are 
    reasonably related to the benchmark loss experience (BLE) identified in 
    NPR1. The first way in which OFHEO reasonably relates the mortgage 
    performance component of the stress test to the BLE is through 
    application of housing market conditions that represent the conditions 
    of that experience. Those conditions include house price growth rates, 
    rent growth rates, and rental vacancy rates. The next part of this 
    supplement, Property Valuation, details how OFHEO developed these 
    variables for use in the stress test. How these variables are actually 
    used in the stress test is covered in the section 3.5, Mortgage 
    Performance, of the Regulation Appendix, although some general 
    information is provided here.
        The second way in which mortgage performance in general, and credit 
    losses in particular, are related to the BLE is through calibration 
    mechanisms that adjust statistically derived equations to match the 
    actual loss rates of the BLE. These adjustments are required because 
    the statistical equations are estimated over a wide range of data, of 
    which the benchmark experience is only a small part. To reasonably 
    relate mortgage losses to the BLE, the stress test imposes housing 
    market conditions from the time and place of the BLE. In addition, the 
    stress test adjusts defaults and severities by factors that cause the 
    test to replicate critical aspects of the BLE when the statistical 
    models are applied to benchmark loans. The methods of deriving these 
    calibration adjustment factors are described in the Single Family 
    Default/Prepayment and Single Family Loss Severity parts of this 
    B. Single Family Default/Prepayment
    1. Introduction
        To develop the stress test model of single family default and 
    prepayment rates, OFHEO analyzed the historical experience of 
    Enterprise single family loans from 1979 through 1995. This experience 
    is defined by an econometric model in which probabilities of default 
    and prepayment in each time period are
    [[Page 18173]]
    determined jointly using a multinomial logit specification. The 
    theoretical foundation used for choosing variables to use in the model 
    is financial options theory. This is the predominant theory used in 
    mortgage performance research. It suggests that borrowers make choices 
    regarding maintaining or terminating mortgages based upon the relative 
    financial value of those choices. In this context, each borrower has 
    the choice, in each time period, to make the payment and maintain the 
    mortgage, pay off the mortgage in full (a prepayment), or stop making 
    payments and default.
        Owing to the large amount of data available to estimate this model, 
    OFHEO chose techniques that captured the essence of individual borrower 
    choice, consistent with efficient use of computer resources. These 
    techniques start with estimating separate sets of default and 
    prepayment equations for fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs) and for 
    adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs).\196\ A third set of equations was 
    estimated to project the performance of less-prevalent single family 
    loan types relative to the dominant 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. The 
    second method of capturing borrower choice characteristics while 
    limiting computer resources was to use random samples of fixed-rate 
    loan products, rather than attempting to estimate the model on all 
    loans ever purchased by the Enterprises. The third method was to use 
    quarters rather than months as the observation time period. This time 
    period is important because each loan enters the analysis in the form 
    of an event history: every time period for which the loan was active 
    provides an observation for the statistical analysis. Using quarters 
    reduces the number of observations used in the statistical analysis 
    without losing any essential detail regarding borrower choices. The 
    last method of maintaining the quality of individual loan analysis 
    while limiting computer resources was to use a weighted regression 
    scheme, so that all loans do not need to enter the analysis 
    individually. All loans with the same characteristics are treated as 
    one loan, with the actual number of loans with those characteristics 
    used as a weighting factor.
        \196\ In this model, ARMs include all mortgages that have 
    variable payment features.
        The equations that result from the statistical analysis were 
    adjusted or calibrated to the BLE before use in the stress test. The 
    calibration procedure adjusts the default equations so that if the 
    actual benchmark loans (as defined in NPR1) were input into the 
    equations, with benchmark house price growth rates and interest rates, 
    the resulting 10-year cumulative default rate would identically match 
    that of the BLE (14.9 percent).
        The remainder of this supplementary material is organized as 
    follows: Section 2 provides a summary of the conceptual framework 
    underlying the estimation of the statistical model of single family 
    mortgage default and prepayment. Section 3 describes the loan level 
    data used in the empirical analysis. Section 4 outlines the general 
    approach to the statistical analysis of default and prepayment events, 
    based on the application of the multinomial logit model. Section 5 
    defines the explanatory variables used in that analysis. The empirical 
    results are presented in section 6, which is followed in section 7 by a 
    discussion of the application of the estimated default and prepayment 
    equations in the stress test. Section 8 ends this supplementary 
    material by describing how the estimated model is used in the stress 
    test to produce results consistent with the BLE.
    2. Conceptual Framework
        Financial options theory is the most widely accepted theoretical 
    framework for the analysis of residential mortgage default and 
    prepayment. This framework hypothesizes that mortgage borrowers will 
    exercise embedded call (prepayment) or put (default) options when 
    either of these alternatives becomes financially optimal. The financial 
    options theory assumes that an individual mortgage borrower can 
    increase his lifetime wealth by defaulting on a mortgage when the 
    market value of the mortgage exceeds the market value of the house, 
    implying a direct empirical link between changes in housing values, 
    borrower equity, and the decision to default. Likewise, the option to 
    refinance the mortgage when market rates fall below the current rate on 
    the mortgage provides a means for borrowers to increase their wealth by 
    prepaying, and links observed prepayment behavior to changes in 
    interest rates.\197\
        \197\ There may also be secondary effects of borrower equity on 
    prepayment, and of interest rates on default. For example, attempts 
    by borrowers to prepay their mortgages may be frustrated due to 
    declining house prices and failure to qualify for refinancing. On 
    the other hand, borrowers in a negative equity position may be 
    reluctant to default if they have current mortgage coupon rates that 
    are less than the prevailing market rate of interest. In this second 
    case, the asset value of the low interest rate mortgage would be 
    foregone if the put option is exercised and the borrower defaults. 
    However, the empirical significance of mortgage value for default is 
    questionable given the inability of borrowers to trade on this 
    asset, other than by selling the property and taking back a mortgage 
    at a rate between the original note rate and the current market 
    rate. This option is precluded by the ``due-on-sale'' provisions of 
    most residential mortgage contracts. The extent to which this option 
    is used informally is unknown.
        Previous empirical studies on mortgage terminations have provided 
    empirical support for the options theory, as various approximations to 
    the financial values of the options have been found to be strongly 
    associated with observed default and prepayment outcomes.\198\ However, 
    some of the same studies also indicate that borrowers do not behave in 
    the ``ruthless'' manner suggested by the pure options theory. These 
    empirical studies vary in the degree to which the full implications of 
    the theory are incorporated, mainly due to limitations on the available 
    data and the ability to measure or impute options values to individual 
        \198\ Examples of empirical models based on the options 
    framework include: Dunn and McConnell (1981), Foster and Van Order 
    (1984, 1985), Buser and Hendershott (1984), Brennan and Schwartz 
    (1985), Kau, Keenan, Muller, and Epperson (1985, 1990), and 
    Hendershott and Van Order (1987).
        The measurement of borrower equity has been addressed in 
    essentially two ways in the academic literature. One approach employs 
    stochastic simulations to impute aggregate distributions of properties 
    with positive or negative equity, while simultaneously accounting for 
    the impact of default and prepayment events on these distributions. 
    This is the approach used by Foster and Van Order (1984, 1985). Another 
    approach, adopted in recent work by Deng, Quigley, and Van Order (1996) 
    and Deng (1997), has been to combine mathematical assumptions about the 
    diffusion of housing values with loan-level data to assign ``ex ante'' 
    probabilities of negative equity to individual properties.\199\ Both 
    approaches are generally consistent with the assumptions of the option 
    theory, and they differ mainly in their application to aggregate versus 
    loan-level data.
        \199\ Probabilities assigned in this way are ``ex ante'' because 
    they depend only on information about individual mortgages available 
    at origination and subsequent changes in the mean (drift) and 
    variance (volatility) of house price appreciation rates. No 
    information on the incidence of default or prepayment among other 
    loans is used to adjust the projected distribution of housing values 
    used to assign probabilities of negative or positive equity to loans 
    that remain active.
        In recent years, a consensus seems to have emerged among 
    practitioners that the option values, to the degree that they can be 
    measured, remain important for predicting default and prepayment,
    [[Page 18174]]
    but provide only necessary, rather than sufficient, conditions. For 
    example, in the case of mortgage default, negative equity alone may not 
    be sufficient to induce a borrower to default, but given some other 
    ``trigger event,'' such as job loss or marital disruption, the decision 
    to default would then depend on whether equity was positive or 
    negative. In the case of prepayment, borrowers who would otherwise 
    appear to have a financial incentive to refinance (prepay) to obtain a 
    lower interest rate, may not wish to incur the associated transactions 
    costs given their expected time horizons for occupying the home.
        While the option theory succeeds as a general framework, empirical 
    models of mortgage default and prepayment must be flexible enough to 
    account for variation in mortgage performance that may not appear to be 
    fully consistent with optimal behavior, such as borrowers defaulting 
    when house prices are increasing or prepaying when interest rates are 
    increasing. The empirical model must account for limitations on the 
    information available to compute the exact values of embedded options 
    for individual borrowers. In addition, a wide variety of loan 
    characteristics must also be accounted for, which has led to the 
    widespread application of what are generally referred to as ``options-
    based'' empirical models, such as those cited above. The models applied 
    in the stress test are typical of those that use the options-based 
    3. Data
        OFHEO obtained loan-level information on previous Enterprise single 
    family mortgage originations and used these data to estimate models of 
    mortgage performance. The data included information on the origination 
    characteristics of mortgages, information on last-paid installment 
    dates, and loan status outcomes from the Enterprise loan-tracking 
    systems. This information allowed OFHEO to reconstruct ``event 
    histories'' of the period-by-period performance of individual loans, 
    from the date of origination to either the point where the loan 
    terminated or the end of the sample period. OFHEO combined loan-level 
    information from both Enterprises to develop its own data files for 
    statistical analysis. Standardized or ``normalized'' data files were 
    constructed to assure similar content and structure across 
        \200\ The process of data normalization involved confirming the 
    consistency of mortgage product types and loan characteristics and 
    defining standardized data fields.
        The options theory views mortgage default and prepayment events in 
    terms of decisions by individual borrowers to terminate their loans. 
    This view has implications for the way mortgage outcomes and their 
    associated probabilities are specified in the statistical analysis. 
    Default and prepayment are specified to occur in the month following 
    the date of the last-paid-installment. After mortgage prepayment, the 
    Enterprises are likely to update the loan status almost immediately. By 
    contrast, due to the varying length of the mortgage foreclosure 
    process, the Enterprises may not classify defaulting loans as defaults 
    until some months after the last-paid-installment date. However, in the 
    model, the default event is nevertheless considered to have occurred at 
    the point the borrower ceases payment on the loan.\201\ The event 
    history used for that loan ends at that point in time. The data used in 
    the statistical analysis included mortgage originations for the period 
    from January 1979 to December 1993, with mortgage performance measured 
    through December 1995. Therefore, these data provided a minimum of two 
    years of loan experience for the most recent origination cohorts.\202\
        \201\ At the time that data bases were constructed for this 
    analysis, information was not available from Freddie Mac on last-
    paid-installment dates. Therefore, OFHEO used the ``closing date'' 
    for Freddie Mac's defaulted loans. This is the date of disposition 
    of a foreclosed property. The last-paid-installment date was used 
    for Fannie Mae defaults.
        \202\ Note that for some loans the last-paid-installment will 
    occur prior to the end of the sample, with no corresponding change 
    in loan status from active to defaulted. These ``censored'' events 
    were treated in the same manner as loans that remained active 
    through the end of the sample period. That is, they are viewed as 
    active up to and including the last quarter in the sample period. 
    Note that these censored default events do not occur in sufficient 
    numbers to have a material impact on the statistical estimates. One 
    reason is that during those time periods and places in which the 
    incidence of default was greatest, such as, for example, in the 
    historical benchmark experience, foreclosure and changes in loan 
    status occurred within several months of the last payment by the 
    borrower. In addition, relatively complete loan histories are 
    available for those loan origination cohorts among which the 
    majority of default events occurred on Enterprise loans. While more 
    recent cohorts with shorter event histories have greater potential 
    for censoring of default events, the impact of censoring on the 
    statistical estimates is negligible because default rates have been 
    so low in recent years.
        Ideally, models would be estimated using contemporaneous values of 
    factors predictive of default and prepayment during each period a loan 
    is outstanding. Although this type of ``panel'' data does not exist for 
    historical Enterprise loan records, it was possible to reconstruct 
    historical data on key determinants of default and prepayment, such as 
    house prices and interest rates, and add this information to the 
    individual loan event histories. Using these histories, OFHEO was able 
    to estimate dynamic models for default and prepayment. The models are 
    ``dynamic'' in the sense that OFHEO can estimate and simulate mortgage 
    performance in response to actual or hypothetical (e.g., stress test) 
    changes in economic circumstances over time.
    4. Specification of the Statistical Model
        The proposed regulation employs a monthly cash flow model of 
    Enterprise performance over a ten-year stress period. The simulation of 
    mortgage cash flows requires conditional rates of default and 
    prepayment to be applied to outstanding mortgage balances during each 
    month of the stress test. The purpose of the models described in this 
    technical supplement is to provide a means of generating the required 
    termination rates in a manner that is reasonable for Enterprise loans 
    under the circumstances of the stress period.
        Conditional rates of default and prepayment vary depending on a 
    variety of factors, both random and systematic, some of which are fixed 
    at origination and others that vary over time. Characteristics of loans 
    and borrowers at origination can affect the level and timing of 
    mortgage default and prepayment throughout the life of the loan. For 
    example, conditional default and prepayment rates exhibit 
    characteristic age-profiles that increase during the first years 
    following origination, peak sometime between the fourth and seventh 
    years, and decline gradually over the remaining years.\203\ Default and 
    prepayment rates also vary systematically in response to economic 
    circumstances and other factors over time, such as changes in house 
    prices and interest rates that affect the value to the borrower of 
    embedded options.
        \203\ See discussion in Schwartz and Torous, at 379 (1989).
        Like other time-or age-dependent processes, mortgage terminations 
    are highly amenable to analysis using statistical survival-time models 
    specified in terms of conditional probabilities of prepayment and 
    default. Default and prepayment are ``competing risks,'' which means 
    that the occurrence of one type of event precludes the chance to 
    observe when the other event might have occurred, and vice versa. In 
    such a case it is necessary to account for the joint mathematical and 
    statistical dependence of the conditional probabilities of default and 
    prepayment on each other. Failure to account for the competing-risks 
    nature of the events can lead to projections of total termination
    [[Page 18175]]
    rates (default plus prepayment) that are mathematically inconsistent 
    and that would preclude their application in the type of actuarial 
    calculations of cash flows required for the stress test.
        As outlined above, mortgage default and prepayment result in an 
    observed last-paid-installment, after which no further payments are 
    forthcoming. Thus, for loans outstanding at the beginning of each time 
    period, three mutually exclusive outcomes are possible in the model: 
    (1) the borrower defaults; (2) the borrower prepays the loan in full; 
    or (3) the borrower makes the scheduled loan payment, and the loan 
    remains active and part of the event history sample for the next time 
    period. For the purposes of the statistical analysis, each of these 
    outcomes is interpreted as an ``event.'' This approach implies that 
    each loan contributes potentially many observations to the event 
    history sample, depending on how long it remains active before 
    experiencing one of the terminal events or reaching the end of the 
    sample period.
    a. Multinomial Logit Models
        OFHEO has estimated multinomial logit models for quarterly 
    conditional probabilities of default and prepayment.\204\ Several 
    empirical studies have applied some form of the logit or similar 
    qualitative response models to analyze mortgage prepayment and default 
    behavior.\205\ The corresponding mathematical expressions for the 
    conditional probabilities of default (D(t)), 
    prepayment (p(t)), or remaining active 
    (A(t)) over the time interval from t to t + 1 are 
    given by:
        Constant terms D and p, and 
    coefficient vectors D and p, 
    are the unknown parameters that must be estimated. XD(t) is 
    a vector of mostly time dependent explanatory variables that are 
    assumed to influence directly the conditional probability of defaulting 
    (versus remaining active), and Xp(t) is a vector of mostly 
    time dependent explanatory variables assumed to influence directly the 
    conditional probability of prepaying (versus remaining active).\206\ 
    The probability of remaining active (A(t)) is equal 
    to 1 minus the other two probabilities, so that the three probabilities 
    sum to 1.
        The probabilities and coefficient vectors have a convenient 
    interpretation when expressed in terms of odds ratios:
        These expressions imply that the percentage impact of a one-unit 
    change in an element of XD(t) on the relative probability or 
    odds of defaulting versus remaining active is given by the 
    corresponding element of the coefficient vector, D. 
    A similar result holds for prepayment. Note also, that while changes in 
    variables that affect the probability of prepayment affect the absolute 
    level of the probability of default, and vice versa, such changes 
    affect the probability of remaining active in a symmetric manner, so 
    that the ``odds'' of defaulting versus remaining active are not 
        \204\ The decision to model default and prepayment as quarterly 
    events was consistent with the application of quarterly house price 
    indexes in computing the underlying distributions of borrower 
    equity. The resulting quarterly default and prepayment probabilities 
    were converted to monthly factors for input to the monthly cash flow 
    calculations required for application in the stress test.
        \205\ Examples of previous applications of the logit model are 
    Campbell and Dietrich (1983), Zorn and Lea (1989), and Cunningham 
    and Capone (1990).
        \206\ Some elements of XD(t) and Xp(t) are 
    constant over the life of the loan and are not functions of t.
        \207\ The multinomial logit model is widely applied in the 
    analysis of consumer choice among discrete alternatives, where this 
    feature has been called the ``independence of irrelevant 
    alternatives.'' In the context of consumer choice theory this 
    independence can result in apparent anomalies when close substitutes 
    to existing choices are introduced. See, for example, McFadden 
    (1976). This issue does not arise in the present context.
    [[Page 18176]]
    b. Estimation of Multinomial Logit Coefficients
        The multinomial logit specification given by equations (1)-(3) is a 
    purely mathematical representation of the underlying probabilities. How 
    the unknown parameter coefficients of the logit model are estimated 
    statistically depends on whether the model is applied to individual or 
    aggregate data. Under some circumstances, the two approaches are 
    mathematically equivalent. However, in some situations, the use of 
    aggregate data may entail considerable loss of information.\208\
        \208\ For example, if the data are aggregated by taking average 
    values of the explanatory variables within broad product groupings, 
    then particular combinations of explanatory variables that exist for 
    individual loans and which are associated with significant 
    differences in probabilities of default and prepayment, will not be 
    represented in the data. While this may not matter under ``normal'' 
    circumstances, it could limit the usefulness of the model in 
    projecting rates of default and prepayment within high risk 
    categories under circumstances different than those embodied in the 
    original aggregation scheme, such as those of the stress test.
        If only aggregate data were used, the proportions of loans 
    defaulting, prepaying, and remaining active would be used to estimate 
    the unknown coefficients D, p, 
    D, and p directly by replacing 
    the probabilities in equations (4) and (5) with the corresponding 
    observed sample proportions and applying ordinary least squares. In 
    this case the explanatory variables XD(t) and 
    Xp(t) correspond to the characteristics of the groups or 
    classes of loans used in tabulating the observed sample proportions.
        When loan-level data are available, it is possible to use equations 
    (1)-(3) as an exact mathematical representation of the probabilities of 
    individual loan events. In this case, estimation of unknown 
    coefficients is achieved by the method of maximum likelihood. This 
    approach chooses the values of D, 
    D, p, and p 
    that maximize the joint likelihood or probability of the entire event-
    history sample having actually occurred. For example, the joint sample 
    likelihood is the product of the probabilities of each of the 
    independent loan event observations:
    where for each observation i = 1,2. . ., N, Pt is the 
    estimated probability that the event that is actually observed would 
    have occurred. These probabilities are obtained by substituting the 
    appropriate expression from equations (1)-(3) for Pi in 
    equation (6). The solution is found by varying the values of the 
    elements of D, D, 
    p, and p until the joint 
    probability reaches its maximum value. The final values of 
    D, D, p, 
    and p are the maximum likelihood estimates. 
    Numerous statistical software packages exist for this purpose.
        The approach adopted by OFHEO is based on loan-level data, which 
    has the significant advantage of preserving as much detail as possible 
    on individual loan circumstances. This approach results in a flexible 
    description of loan behavior, which can be used to project mortgage 
    performance under the abnormal scenarios of the proposed regulation.
    5. Explanatory Variables for Default and Prepayment
        OFHEO estimated three separate sets of multinomial logit 
    probability equations. The primary default and prepayment equations are 
    for single family, 30-year FRMs. These loans comprise about 80 percent 
    of all single family loans in the historical data obtained from the 
    Enterprises. A second set of equations was estimated solely on data for 
    ARMs. All loan types with any potential payment adjustments throughout 
    the life of the loan were included as ARMs for purposes of the 
    statistical estimation. A third set of default and prepayment equations 
    was estimated to project the performance of less-prevalent single 
    family loan types relative to 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. This 
    estimation was performed using data on 30-year FRMs and all other 
    fixed-rate loan types (including balloons). These loan types were 
    grouped as: 20-year FRM, 15-year FRM, balloon, FHA/VA, and second 
    liens. Data on 30-year FRMs are included in the estimation sample 
    because the number of observations on other, less popular fixed-rate 
    mortgage types was insufficient for estimating product-specific default 
    and prepayment equations. However, the resulting default and prepayment 
    equations are only used to project performance of the alternative 
    product types, and not 30-year FRMs.
        All three statistical estimations use the same conceptual 
    underpinnings and empirical specifications, and only vary based on the 
    data samples used in estimation. Thus, the basic definitions of the 
    variables are the same across all three sets of equations, although the 
    way some of the interest rate variable values change over time will 
    differ, for example, for FRM loans and ARM loans, because of 
    differences in their contractual terms.
        For convenience, we refer to the three separate data sets and 
    statistical estimations as model 1 (30-year FRMs), model 2 (ARMs), and 
    model 3 (all fixed-rate products). In addition to the basic set of 
    explanatory variables included in all three models, model 3 includes 
    product-specific adjustment constants. The adjustment constants act 
    like multipliers to the baseline default (hazard) rates of 30-year 
    FRMs. The impacts of all other explanatory variables are presumed 
    constant across product type, so there are no product-type adjustments 
    to their coefficients. Because ARMs are believed to perform differently 
    than FRMs, due to changing payments over time, they are treated in a 
    separate estimation (model 2) so that variable coefficients can be 
    uniquely identified for ARM versus FRM loans.
        The explanatory variables XD(t) and Xp(t) 
    used to estimate the unknown coefficients of the multinomial logit 
    models are listed in Table 31. All of the variables except mortgage age 
    (AGE) were coded as categorical variables. Categorical variables are 
    advantageous for several reasons. For instance, assigning the various 
    explanatory variable outcomes to categories allows one to estimate 
    effects that may be non-linear without having to experiment with many 
    different functional forms. Because each categorical explanatory 
    variable has minimum and maximum categories (determined through 
    observation of the historical data), the
    [[Page 18177]]
    impact of particular variables on rates of default or prepayment 
    projected from the model is constrained to be within previous 
    historical experience.\209\ This helps to avoid unreasonable 
    extrapolations when projecting mortgage performance under stress test 
    conditions. Another advantage of using categorical outcomes for the 
    explanatory variables is that it anticipates the need to apply the 
    models to aggregated loan groups in the stress test.\210\ The benefit 
    of starting with loan-level data is that it allowed OFHEO to develop 
    both the explanatory variables and stress test loan groups in a 
    consistent manner, thus minimizing the loss of information due to data 
        \209\ This constraint applies specifically to the marginal 
    contribution of particular explanatory variable outcomes, not to the 
    overall level of the default and prepayment probabilities projected 
    by the model. For example, if several explanatory variables 
    simultaneously take on values that have not been previously observed 
    in combination, then it is possible that the projected probabilities 
    of default or prepayment would exceed those observed in the 
    historical data. This type of outcome is anticipated by the 1992 
    Act, which requires regional adverse credit conditions to apply 
    nationally to all loans at the same time.
        \210\ The loan groups used in the stress test were developed in 
    conjunction with the classification of explanatory variable outcomes 
    in the statistical analysis of mortgage default and prepayment. 
    Aggregation of mortgage assets in the stress test recognizes the 
    need to classify assets within broad product categories for 
    financial accounting. Within the context of the proposed regulation, 
    the use of aggregate loan groupings also facilitates the assignment 
    of new loan products to existing categories with known risk 
    characteristics. Further explanation of the aggregate loan groups 
    used in the stress test is in section III. A., Mortgage Performance 
    of the preamble.
        The summary of explanatory variables starts with descriptions of 
    the two key options-related predictors of mortgage default and 
    prepayment-respectively, the probability of negative borrower equity 
    and the mortgage premium value. A review of additional interest rate 
    variables and loan characteristics that are used as explanatory 
    variables follows.
    a. Probability of Negative Equity
        The put option has value to the borrower when the property is worth 
    less than the outstanding balance on the mortgage. In that case, the 
    borrower is in a negative equity position. Thus, the equity position of 
    the borrower is determined by the difference between the market value 
    of the property securing the loan, P(t), and the unpaid mortgage 
    balance, UPB(t):
        Ideally, periodic observations on the values of individual 
    properties would be used to update individual house values and borrower 
    equity at the same frequency (monthly) at which the decision to prepay 
    or default can be exercised. However, because individual housing values 
    are not updated continuously it is not possible to compute updated 
    values of EQ(t) for individual borrowers with sufficient accuracy for 
    this measure to be used directly at the loan level.\211\
        \211\ As discussed above, given the measurement difficulties 
    associated with borrower equity at the loan level, some researchers 
    have used various means of simulating the distribution of borrower 
    equity. For example, Foster and Van Order (1984, 1985) used a Monte 
    Carlo simulation of a synthetic mortgage pool in conjunction with a 
    house price diffusion process and actual default and prepayment 
    rates to reconstruct a time-series for the number of borrowers in a 
    negative equity position. Under additional restrictions on the model 
    (i.e., that only borrowers with negative equity default, and only 
    borrowers with positive equity prepay), the time-series for the 
    number of borrowers with negative equity (various levels) was used 
    in regressions for conditional default and prepayment probabilities.
        It remains possible, however, to characterize the equity positions 
    of individual borrowers in terms of ex ante probabilities of negative 
    equity.\212\ The probability of negative equity is a function of the 
    scheduled current loan balance and the likelihood of individual house 
    price outcomes that lie below this value. Projected distributions of 
    individual housing values relative to the value at mortgage origination 
    were calculated by applying estimates of house price drift and 
    volatility obtained from independent estimates based on the OFHEO House 
    Price Index (HPI).\213\
        \212\ See the discussion of ex ante probabilities of negative 
    equity in footnote 199.
        \213\ House price drift is defined here as the average rate of 
    house price appreciation as determined by the appropriate market 
    house price index, while volatility is defined as the variance in 
    individual house price appreciation rates around the market average 
    rate of appreciation.
        The required estimates of house price drift and volatility are 
    direct by-products of the estimation of the OFHEO HPI. The OFHEO HPI is 
    based on a modified version of the weighted-repeat-sales (WRS) 
    methodology (Case and Shiller, 1987, 1989), and is consistent with the 
    assumption that housing values are generated by a log-normal diffusion 
    process. This means that over time individual housing values will 
    appreciate at different rates, distributed randomly around the average 
    rate of appreciation. Over time, the cumulative rates of appreciation 
    for individual homes will become more and more dispersed or diffused, 
    hence the reference to diffusion processes. Mathematically, individual 
    house prices are assumed to obey a non-stationary log-normal diffusion 
    process in which individual house price appreciation since mortgage 
    origination is normally distributed with variance 2 
    (A) around the expected rate of appreciation from the HPI, 
    (t), computed as:
        Where A is loan age (in quarters), and HPI(0) is the value of the 
    HPI at time of loan origination.\214\ For the individual borrower with 
    original house price P(0) at time 0, the probability of negative equity 
    at time t, PNEQ(t) is given by:
        \214\ Estimates of expected appreciation or drift in house 
    prices are obtained directly from the estimated values of the HPI 
    for each of the nine U.S. Census divisions. Estimates of diffusion 
    volatility, 2(A), are computed using the 
    estimated parameters for the error variance of individual log-
    differences in housing prices that are obtained from the second-
    stage of the WRS method for each division. See Calhoun (1996) for 
    additional details. Deng, Quigley, and Van Order (1996) applied a 
    similar approach using WRS indexes for 26 metropolitan areas 
    estimated using Freddie Mac data.
    [[Page 18178]]
    where (x) is the standard normal cumulative distribution 
    function evaluated at x. This expression quantifies the relationship 
    between changes in house prices on average, and the likelihood of 
    negative appreciation on individual properties that places some 
    fraction of borrowers in a negative equity position. The imputed share 
    of borrowers with negative equity implied by equation 10 is used as a 
    proxy for the probability of negative equity for an individual 
    borrower.\215\ The computed probabilities of negative equity are 
    assigned to one of eight categorical outcomes, as summarized in Table 
        \215\ Although the market level (regional) values of house price 
    drift and volatility are used, the imputed probability of negative 
    equity is still specific to the individual borrower's circumstances, 
    since the loan-specific values of original LTV and loan amount are 
    used in the calculations.
    b. Relative Spread
        The theoretical value of the call (prepayment) option on a mortgage 
    is a function of the difference between the present value of the future 
    stream of mortgage payments discounted at the current market rate of 
    interest, R(t), and the present value of the mortgage evaluated at the 
    current note rate, C(t). The actual value of this call option to the 
    borrower is unknown due to uncertainty over the future time path of 
    mortgage payments associated with uncertain future probabilities of 
    prepayment and default. Therefore, it is common to use other variables 
    to capture the impact of the call option value on prepayment rates. 
    Following recent work by Deng, Quigley and Van Order (1996), OFHEO 
    approximated the call option value using the relative spread variable, 
        Positive values of the call option exist when the mortgage coupon 
    exceeds the current market interest rate (positive spread), and the 
    borrower can benefit financially by refinancing to obtain a lower 
    interest rate. Outcomes for the relative spread variable are classified 
    into seven categorical outcomes, as summarized in Table 31.
    c. Prepayment Burnout
        Recent studies of mortgage terminations have emphasized the 
    importance of previous interest rate environments for distinguishing 
    among borrowers more or less likely to exercise the prepayment option 
    when the opportunity arises.\216\ The tendency for the most responsive 
    borrowers to prepay first, so that the remaining sample of borrowers 
    are those with lower average conditional probabilities of prepayment, 
    contributes to the observed seasoning or ``burnout'' of mortgage pools. 
    The indicator variable B(t) is included to measure whether the borrower 
    has missed a previous refinance opportunity.\217\ B(t) is defined by 
    whether the market rate of interest was 200 basis points or more below 
    the coupon rate of the mortgage during two or more quarters over the 
    past two years. Those who have missed previous refinance opportunities 
    are predicted to have lower conditional probabilities of prepayment and 
    higher conditional probabilities of default. Failing to refinance under 
    favorable interest rate conditions may indicate the existence of other 
    credit-related problems, such as failure to obtain an adequate property 
        \216\ For example, see the discussions of borrower heterogeneity 
    and path dependence in Bartholomew, Berk, and Roll (1988), and the 
    discussion of burnout in Richard and Roll (1989).
        \217\ The indicator variable equals one if the spread between 
    the note rate on the mortgage and the quarterly average market rate 
    of interest has been 200 basis points or greater during any two of 
    the past eight quarters.
        \218\ See footnote 198.
    d. Yield Curve Slope
        Expectations about future interest rates and differences in short-
    term and long-term borrowing rates associated with the slope of the 
    Treasury yield curve influence the choice between ARM and FRM loans and 
    the timing of refinancings and prepayments. A high value for the slope 
    of the yield curve indicates relatively favorable short-term rates, 
    increasing the likelihood that a borrower refinances to an ARM to take 
    advantage of the lower initial coupons that can be offered by lenders. 
    The variable YS(t) is included to measure the current slope of the 
    yield curve. This variable is computed as the ratio of the ten-year 
    Constant Maturity Treasury yield (CMT) to the one-year CMT, and 
    assigned to four categorical outcomes.
    e. Mortgage Age
        The existence of other demographic and economic processes that may 
    ``trigger'' mortgage default or prepayment, and the inability to 
    measure the diffusion of house prices and the distribution of borrower 
    equity precisely, create a need to account directly for age-specific 
    differences in conditional rates of default and prepayment.\219\ The 
    direct dependence of the conditional probabilities on mortgage age 
    recognizes the existence of other borrower processes and unobserved 
    heterogeneity that induce duration dependence in the conditional rates 
    of termination and help to explain the typical age patterns of default 
    and prepayment.\220\ For this reason,
    [[Page 18179]]
    mortgage age (AGE) is included as an additional explanatory variable in 
    the empirical model. The model utilizes a quadratic function of 
    mortgage age, where age is defined as the number of quarters since 
    origination. The use of a parametric function of age instead of 
    categorical values is based on two considerations. First, the use of 
    categorical age values for individual quarters would result in a large 
    number of additional coefficients to estimate. Combining loans into 
    broader age groupings to reduce the number of parameters can produce 
    large differences in rates of default and prepayment with small 
    increments in age for loans graduating from one age category to the 
    next. Second, when individual age categories are used, they show that a 
    quadratic age function is a reasonable assumption, at least for the 
    first eight to ten years. At higher values of mortgage age, the samples 
    are much smaller (most loans have terminated by these ages), with the 
    result that the estimates for individual age categories are quite 
    erratic due to sampling error. The use of a simple functional form like 
    the quadratic helps to smooth the estimates of the age effects for the 
    higher age groups.
        \219\ Under a pure options model, the typical age patterns of 
    conditional default and prepayment rates might be attributed 
    entirely to the diffusion of housing values and the introduction of 
    unobserved differences (heterogeneity) in the equity positions of 
    individual borrowers, resulting in differences in the rates of 
    default and prepayment among particular subsets of individual 
    borrowers. As these differences emerge following mortgage 
    origination, the observed average conditional default and prepayment 
    rates will initially increase. Eventually, as ``high risk'' 
    borrowers depart the sample or mortgage pool, the average 
    conditional rates of default and prepayment will decline.
        \220\ See Lancaster (1990) for a discussion of the impact of 
    unobserved heterogeneity on estimates of duration dependence in 
    econometric models of transition probabilities. Other borrower 
    processes include residential mobility, employment mobility, 
    involuntary unemployment, and demographic events related to 
    household formation and dissolution, mortality, and fertility. 
    Ideally, given suitable household-level data, these other processes 
    would be modeled jointly with mortgage terminations.
    f. Original LTV
        The original LTV ratio, LTV(0), serves as an indicator of the 
    income and net worth of the borrower at mortgage origination, and 
    directly determines the initial equity position of the borrower. To the 
    extent that income and wealth are negatively correlated with LTV(0), 
    high LTV borrowers will have fewer economic resources to finance the 
    transactions costs of prepayment or endure spells of unemployment or 
    other trigger events that might otherwise cause them to exercise the 
    default option in a sub-optimal manner. Finally, high LTV borrowers 
    have already demonstrated a willingness to ``leverage'' the financing 
    of the home purchase, which may portend a greater sophistication or 
    ``ruthlessness'' in the exercise of the default option. Thus, one would 
    expect higher rates of default and lower rates of prepayment as LTV(0) 
    increases. The six LTV(0) categories used in the default/prepayment 
    models are similar to those used by the Enterprises in their annual 
    reports and information statements.
    g. Season of the Year
        The variable SEASON(t) was included to account for the current 
    season (quarter) of the calendar year, in recognition of the potential 
    impact of weather, school schedules, and seasonal employment patterns 
    on residential mobility and default and prepayment probabilities.
    h. Occupancy Status
        OS is an indicator variable included to distinguish mortgages on 
    owner-occupied units from investor loans. Owner occupants should be 
    less likely than investors to exercise the default option given the 
    direct benefits they receive from the consumption of housing services. 
    Owner occupants should be more likely to prepay than investors for non-
    financial reasons such as residential mobility.
    i. Relative Loan Size
        The ability to bear the transactions costs of refinancing, or to 
    weather economic stress and avoid default, will be correlated with the 
    income level of the household. Given the lack of information in the 
    historical data on household income at origination, a measure of 
    relative loan size provided a proxy for the relative income level of 
    the household. LOANSIZE was defined as the ratio of the original loan 
    amount relative to the average-sized Enterprise loan originated in the 
    same State during the same origination year.\221\
        \221\ Price Waterhouse (1990) reported significant differences 
    in claim rates for FHA mortgages stratified by loan size. Smaller 
    loans were observed to fail at significantly higher rates than other 
    j. Product Type Indicators
        Five product type indicators were created to account for the 
    performance of non-standard loans relative to the standard 30-year FRM 
    loans in model 3: 20-Year FRM, 15-Year FRM, balloon, FHA/VA, and 
    seconds. These indicator variables provide the adjustment constants 
    mentioned earlier.
    k. ARM Coupon Rate Dynamics
        To estimate the current values of both the probability of negative 
    equity, PNEQ(t), and the relative spread, RS(t), variables for ARM 
    loans, it was necessary to trace the path of current coupon rates over 
    the active life of individual mortgages. For standard ARM products, the 
    coupon rate resets periodically to a new level that depends on the 
    underlying index, plus a fixed margin, subject to periodic and lifetime 
    interest rate caps that specify the maximum and minimum amounts by 
    which the coupon can change on any one adjustment and over the life of 
    the loan.\222\ ARM coupon rates are updated using the following 
        \222\ Detail on specific ARM contracts was obtained in some 
    cases from loan-level information, and in other cases was obtained 
    using plan-level detail for loans in certain ARM product categories. 
    Any loan product with variable interest rates was classified as an 
    ARM, and modeled according to product terms. This includes so-called 
    two-step mortgages and mortgages with interest-rate buydowns. For 
    simplicity, the margin was set at 2 percent for all ARMS.
        Where Index (t) is the underlying index value at time t, S is the 
    ``lookback'' period, and Margin is the amount added to Index (t--S) to 
    obtain the ``fully-indexed'' coupon rate. The periodic adjustment caps 
    are given by PeriodUpCap and PeriodDownCap, and are multiplied by an 
    indicator variable A(t) which equals zero except during scheduled 
    adjustment periods. The maximum lifetime adjustments are determined by 
    and LifeUpCap and LifeDownCap.\223\
        \223\ The majority of Enterprise ARM loans are indexed to the 
    one-year Treasury rate, with smaller but significant numbers indexed 
    to either the five-year or ten-year Treasury rate, the 11-District 
    Cost of Funds Index (COFI), or the London Inter-Bank Offer Rate 
    (LIBOR). A small percentage of ARM loans are indexed to the six-
    month or three-year Treasury rates. The majority of ARM loans had 
    lifetime adjustment caps of five or six percent, and have no 
    lifetime rate floors. Most have periodic rate adjustment caps of two 
    percent, while some have periodic rate adjustment caps of one 
    percent. The majority of ARM loans have adjustment frequencies of 
    one year, while a significant minority are adjusted every six 
    [[Page 18180]]
    6. Empirical Results
        The three models were estimated by the method of maximum likelihood 
    using the SAS CATMOD procedure. The CATMOD procedure 
    employs a design matrix that automatically converts all categorical 
    variables to a series of indicator variables prior to estimation. As 
    discussed above, all explanatory variables except mortgage age were 
    converted to indicator variables. This allows one to reduce the data to 
    a smaller number of loan records, each representing unique combinations 
    of the categorical variables, to which a frequency count is assigned 
    and applied as a sampling weight in subsequent statistical analyses. 
    This approach avoids the need to undertake choice-based sampling (e.g., 
    over-sampling of defaulted loans) in order to assure that sufficient 
    numbers of rare events like mortgage default are obtained.\224\ 
    However, given the large number of loan level observations available to 
    OFHEO, simple random samples were used to estimate the 30-Year FRM and 
    Multiple Products models. All available data were used to estimate the 
    ARM model.\225\
        \224\ It has been demonstrated for static logit models that 
    choice-based sampling results in biased estimates of the 
    coefficients of the logit constant terms, for which relatively 
    simple corrections are available, based on the population 
    distribution of the explanatory variables across groups defined by 
    dependent variable outcomes (Costlett, 1981). It is not clear that 
    the same form of correction applies to the retrospective event-
    history sample used in this analysis. Selection on the basis of 
    default outcomes implies selection of an array of preceding ``non-
    events'' for each quarter the loan was active, so that the 
    distributions of the explanatory variables for specific age 
    categories depends on the timing of default events for individual 
        \225\ A ten-percent random sample was used for the 30-Year FRM 
    model and the Multiple Products model. All data used for estimation 
    were subject to a variety of data quality screens and available data 
    for all the explanatory variables.
        Table 32 contains the parameter estimates for the three 
    models.\226\ The constant and age parameters are listed first, as they 
    provide a baseline function to which the effects of other variables can 
    be added. There is a high level of consistency in the coefficient 
    estimates across all three models, and all three models provide 
    empirical support for the importance of the options-related variables.
        \226\ Note that a particular feature of the SAS CATMOD procedure 
    is that when it estimates the coefficients corresponding to a 
    variable with N categories, the program estimates only the first N-1 
    coefficients. The final-category coefficient for each variable is 
    computed as the additive inverse of the first N-1 category 
        The coefficient estimates for the probability of negative equity 
    variable (PNEQ) vary on the same order of magnitude for default as the 
    coefficient estimates for the original LTV variable. PNEQ is also 
    important for prepayment, in the opposite direction, consistent with 
    the expectation that those most likely to have negative equity will 
    have the greatest difficulty selling their homes or refinancing their 
    mortgages, and therefore be less likely to prepay their existing 
    mortgages. Original LTV is relatively unimportant for prepayment, 
    although those in the lowest LTV category are more likely to prepay.
        The value of the call option measured by the relative spread (RS) 
    shows quite large effects on prepayment in the hypothesized direction. 
    The higher the coupon rate on the mortgage relative to the current 
    market rate of interest the higher the likelihood of prepayment. Note 
    the general similarities between the RS coefficient estimates for 
    models one and two (30-year FRMs and ARMs). Because ARM coupon rates 
    will adjust with changes in market rates, ARM borrowers are less likely 
    than FRM borrowers to end up with large positive or negative RS values. 
    However, the estimates in Table 32 imply that ARM and FRM borrowers 
    behave in a similar manner under comparable values of the call option.
        The prepayment burnout variable, B, is most important for default 
    rates, and indicates that missed opportunities to prepay are associated 
    with higher credit risk. This result reinforces the results discussed 
    above for PNEQ, where higher values of PNEQ were associated with lower 
    probabilities of prepayment. This result also reflects the lack of 
    precision in measurements of borrower equity at the loan level.
        The slope of the yield curve (YS) is important for the probability 
    of prepayment for FRM borrowers, especially for steep positive values 
    of the slope. This result is consistent with the tendency of borrowers 
    to refinance to ARM mortgages when short-term rates are relatively low 
    and lenders can offer very favorable initial coupons (``teaser'' 
    rates). It is also consistent with the assumption that the expectation 
    of higher interest rates in the future may cause some borrowers to 
    refinance sooner to lock in lower rates. The yield curve slope variable 
    has similar, but smaller, effects for ARM borrowers.
        The SEASON variable has modest effects in the anticipated 
    directions. For FRM borrowers, prepayment rates are lower than average 
    in the Winter and higher in the Spring. Default rates are lower in the 
    Winter and higher in the Fall. For ARMs, prepayments are also higher in 
    the Fall, but defaults are lower in that season.
        Occupancy status (OS) has much larger impacts on default 
    probabilities for ARM borrowers than FRM borrowers. For both product 
    types, investors are more likely to default than owner-occupants, and 
    much more so for ARM borrowers than FRM borrowers. It is reasonable to 
    expect that owner-occupants will be less ruthless in the exercise of 
    the default option given the offsetting value they receive from living 
    in the home. The prepayment effects are more similar across ARM and FRM 
        The variable LOANSIZE was included as a proxy for borrower income 
    at origination. The results in Table 32 indicate that relative loan 
    size is not particularly important for default probabilities, at least 
    after controlling for the other explanatory variables. LOANSIZE is much 
    more important for prepayment, with smaller loans prepaying at lower 
    rates than relatively large loans. This is consistent with the 
    interpretation of LOANSIZE as a proxy for borrower income. Lower income 
    borrowers may lack the resources to bear the transactions costs of 
    refinancing, causing them to prepay at lower rates than higher income 
    borrowers with relatively large loans. Lower income borrowers may also 
    be less mobile than higher income borrowers. The results for prepayment 
    are similar across FRM and ARM borrowers.
        The results for the two fixed-rate models, models one and three, 
    are generally quite consistent. The individual product type indicators 
    in model 3 provide estimates of the relative rates of default and 
    prepayment of various fixed-rate products in comparison to 30-Year 
    FRMs, and in comparison to each other. Balloon mortgages have the 
    highest rates of default and prepayment relative to 30-Year FRMs. 
    Intermediate FRM products (15-Year and 20-Year) default at lower rates 
    than 30-Year FRMs. This result is consistent with more rapid loan 
    payoff and accumulation of borrower equity for these borrowers. Rates 
    of prepayment on intermediate FRMs are comparable to those on 30-Year 
    FRMs. FHA and VA loans have higher rates of default and lower rates of 
    prepayment than 30-Year FRM loans. Results for the category of second 
    loans is most similar to the FHA/VA loans.
    7. Application of the Models in the Stress Test
        The three product-based single family models provide the means to 
    project the conditional default and prepayment probabilities required 
    as inputs to the cash flow model of Enterprise financial
    [[Page 18181]]
    performance. The stress test aggregates single family loan-level data 
    into loan groups based on the following characteristics: Enterprise, 
    portfolio (securitized vs. retained), product type, origination year, 
    original LTV ratio class, original coupon class, starting coupon class, 
    and region (Census division). The information contained in 
    characteristics data for each aggregated loan grouping is sufficient, 
    when combined with data on house price growth rates and interest rates, 
    to compute and update all of the explanatory variables needed for 
    computing conditional default and prepayment probabilities during the 
    stress period.
        There are three exceptions to this general statement. The variables 
    SEASON and LOANSIZE were not used to classify loans for the purpose of 
    the stress test. The SEASON variable was excluded when applying the 
    logit models to project default and prepayment probabilities over the 
    stress period.\227\ The LOANSIZE variable was retained, but all loans 
    were categorized as being of average size. These two changes reduced by 
    a factor of nine the number of loan groups that had to be processed 
    when running the stress test. Accounting for seasonal effects and 
    differences in default and prepayment rates by loan size was not 
    considered essential for projecting mortgage performance in the stress 
    test.\228\ In addition, the variable OCCUPANCY, used to distinguish 
    mortgages on owner-occupied units from investor loans, is replaced by 
    the portfolio average percentages for each occupancy status. Thus, 
    instead of creating separate loan groups for owner-occupied and 
    investor loans, these loans are combined into a single group, and a 
    weighted average of the logit coefficients for owners and investors is 
    used when projecting default and prepayment probabilities. This 
    procedure reduces the number of records that must be processed by a 
    factor of 2, but still allows OFHEO to account for changes over time in 
    the percentage of Enterprise mortgages that are investor loans.
        \227\ The parameter estimates generated by the SAS CATMOD 
    procedure are defined so that they sum to zero across all categories 
    of a given explanatory variable. This implies that dropping them 
    from the model is equivalent to assuming that the logit 
    probabilities for default and prepayment include the average effect 
    across all the possible categories of the excluded variable.
        \228\ Including the SEASON variable in estimation can be 
    justified because it helps to isolate the statistical impact of 
    changes in house prices on borrower equity from purely seasonal 
    fluctuations in default and prepayment rates. Likewise, LOANSIZE and 
    original LTV are both likely to be related to borrower income and 
    wealth at mortgage origination. However, because LOANSIZE is defined 
    relative to the average sized loan within a state in the year of 
    origination it provides a somewhat different measure of relative 
    income or wealth.
        The detail contained in the starting position loan group records is 
    sufficient to treat each loan group as if it performs like a single 
    loan, with the projected probability of default or prepayment from the 
    model corresponding to the share of the loan group balance that will 
    default or prepay in any given period (i.e., by the ``law-of-large-
    numbers''). Group-specific average values of original LTV and mortgage 
    coupon are used in place of exact loan-specific values in computing 
    explanatory variables requiring these as inputs (e.g., PNEQ and RS). 
    Categorical values such as original LTV and region (Census division) 
    are classified in the same way for both the loan-level data used for 
    estimation and the loan groupings used in the stress test.
        Another nuance of stress test implementation is that, for purposes 
    of projecting default and prepayment rates, OFHEO treats all mortgages 
    with variable payments as if they were standard one-year Treasury ARMs, 
    with identical payment caps and interest rate margins. In contrast, in 
    the statistical analysis, specific payment changes for each loan type 
    were reflected in the creation of explanatory variables.
        In the development of explanatory variables for both the 
    statistical analysis and stress test implementation, a shortcut is used 
    to amortize ARMs. At each payment adjustment date, the new mortgage 
    payments are computed using updated interest rates but with the 
    original UPB and loan term, rather than current UPB and remaining term. 
    This is seen in the formula used for PMTq, which is the same 
    for both fixed- and adjustable-rate mortgages. (See section, 
    Procedures of the Appendix.) This approach provides an approximation 
    for actual payment changes on adjustable rate mortgages. It expedites 
    calculations by reducing the code necessary to update payments and UPB 
    in each quarter. The approximation here should have little effect on 
    default rate results because of the use of categorical, rather than 
    continuous explanatory variables. Differences in loan amortization 
    arising from using this payment-calculation approximation only affect 
    default or prepayment rates when those differences move the probability 
    of negative equity variable from one (value) category to another. Loan 
    amortization in the Cash Flow component of the stress test does not use 
    this shortcut.
        In the development of variables for both the statistical analysis 
    and stress test implementation, the incorrect term is used to amortize 
    balloon loans. Mortgage origination term (T0), rather than 
    mortgage amortization term (Ta), is used to amortize these 
    loans. This is seen in the formula used for PMTq, which does 
    not distinguish between balloon loans and other loan products. See 
    section, Procedures of the Appendix. Amortization of balloon 
    loan products in the Cash Flow component of the stress test uses the 
    mortgage amortization term.
    8. Consistency With the Historical Benchmark Experience
        Certain adjustments and assumptions to the models were made to 
    assure consistency of the rates of default projected in the stress test 
    with the BLE. Loan-level data from the benchmark was aggregated in the 
    same way current Enterprise loan groups are formed in the stress test, 
    and the 30-year FRM model was applied to these data to project 
    conditional and cumulative default and prepayment rates for the ten 
    years following origination.\229\ A single set of house price 
    appreciation rates from the OFHEO HPI, the ten-year sequence of 
    appreciation rates from the West South Central Census division for the 
    period from 1984 Q1 to 1993 Q4, was applied to every benchmark loan 
    group.\230\ Actual historical interest rates were used. The projected 
    average ten-year cumulative default rate was compared to that observed 
    for the BLE, and adjustments were made to the constant term 
    D of the default function until the projected and 
    observed default rates were equal.\231\
        \229\ Note that all loans of the BLE are newly originated loans.
        \230\ The West South Central Census Division does not exactly 
    match the 4-State benchmark region, but its use here to represent 
    benchmark economics is consistent with OFHEO's proposal to aggregate 
    data based on Census divisions, and to apply historical Census 
    division-level house price growth rates to season loans at the 
    beginning of the stress test. What is most important is that the 
    price series used to calibrate the statistical equations is the same 
    series that will be used in the stress test itself. The actual ten-
    year house-price experience of the West South Central Division and 
    the 4-State benchmark area, 1984-1993, are very similar.
        \231\ When computing the cumulative default rate projected by 
    the model for comparison with that observed for the benchmark 
    experience, the same calculations were used. The model was used to 
    project the total defaulting UPB for benchmark loans over the ten-
    year period following origination for each monthly origination 
    cohort. The total defaulting UPB for each Enterprise was obtained by 
    summing up the total defaulting UPB for each origination cohort, 
    which was divided by the total original UPB for that Enterprise to 
    compute the ten-year cumulative default rate. The two Enterprise 
    cumulative default rates were then averaged. As discussed in NPR1, 
    because of missing data on defaulting loans, OFHEO used the original 
    UPBs on default loans in place of UPB at the time of default. This 
    has little effect on the resulting historical loss rates, because 
    the same values for defaulting UPBs were used when computing 
    severity rates. In the calibration of default rates, the UPBs at the 
    time of default projected from the model (which take into account 
    normal amortization) were adjusted back to their origination values 
    for consistency with the benchmark methodology.
    [[Page 18182]]
        The adjusted (calibrated) model is then applied in the stress test, 
    along with the sequence of house price appreciation rates used in the 
    calibration procedure.\232\ Therefore, if newly originated loans with 
    characteristics similar to those comprising the benchmark sample were 
    subjected to the same economic circumstances as occurred in the 
    benchmark experience, then the statistical model of mortgage 
    performance would project ten-year cumulative default rates equal to 
    those of the benchmark sample. Conversely, to the extent interest 
    rates, property values, and loan characteristics are different from the 
    benchmark sample, and to the extent adjustments are necessary to 
    account for other statutory requirements (e.g., increased general 
    inflation under large increases in the ten-year CMT), the stress test 
    rates differ from the benchmark level.
        \232\ In the calibration, all loans of the BLE are assigned an 
    HPI volatility parameter estimate based on the West South Central 
    Census division. In the stress test, loans from each region retain 
    their respective regional volatility values.
        The adjustment of the model is appropriate for use in the stress 
    test because the statistical equations in the model were estimated 
    using Enterprise data on loans from a broad range of times and places, 
    in addition to those loans included in the benchmark sample. Because, 
    by definition, the BLE reflects the highest rates of loss observed from 
    among these other periods and places, the model would not be likely to 
    replicate benchmark results on benchmark loans exactly without some 
    type of adjustment.
        The calibration procedure does not add an adjustment factor to 
    match projected prepayment rates directly to the benchmark prepayment 
    experience. Nevertheless, the stress test model is fully calibrated to 
    the credit loss experience of the benchmark loans because the 
    calibrated default equation, and the uncalibrated prepayment equation 
    that was used to help calibrate the default equation, are used together 
    to determine mortgage performance. Because the time paths of Treasury 
    yields and mortgage rates used in the calibration were those 
    corresponding to the individual benchmark origination cohorts, the 
    conditions leading to prepayments in the calibration exercise are 
    entirely consistent with the benchmark default experience.
    [[Page 18183]]
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    [[Page 18187]]
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    Kau, J.B., D.C. Keenan, W. J. Muller, and J. F. Epperson (1985). 
    ``Rational Pricing Of Adjustable Rate Mortgages,'' AREUEA Journal, 
    Kau, J.B., D.C. Keenan, W. J. Muller, and J. F. Epperson (1990). ``The 
    Valuation And Analysis Of Adjustable Rate Mortgages,'' Management 
    Science, 36(12):1417-1431.
    Lancaster, T., The Econometric Analysis of Transition Data, New York: 
    Cambridge University Press, 1990.
    Manski, C.F. and D. McFadden (1981), ``Alternative Estimators and 
    Sample Designs for Discrete Choice Analysis,'' pp. 2-50 in C.F. Manski 
    and D. McFadden (eds.), Structural Analysis of Discrete Data with 
    Econometric Applications, MIT Press, 1981.
    McFadden, D. (1976), ``Quantal Choice Analysis: A Survey,'' Annals of 
    Economic and Social Measurement, 5:363-390, 1976.
    Price Waterhouse. An Actuarial Review of the Federal Housing 
    Administration's Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, Washington, DC: Price 
    Waterhouse, 1990.
    Richard, S.F. and R. Roll (1989). ``Prepayments on Fixed Rate Mortgage 
    Backed Securities,'' Journal of Portfolio Management, 15(3):73-82.
    Schwartz, E.S. And W.N. Torous (1989). ``Prepayment And The Valuation 
    Of Mortgage-Backed Securities,'' The Journal of Finance, 44(2):375-392.
    Vandell, K.D. ``Handing Over the Keys: A Perspective on Mortgage 
    Default Research,'' AREUEA Journal, 21(3):211-246.
    Zorn, P., and M. Lea (1986). ``Adjustable Rate Mortgage, Fluctuations 
    In The Economic Environment And Lender Portfolio Change,'' AREUEA 
    Journal, 14:432-447.
    C. Single Family Loss Severity
    1. Introduction
        This supplementary material provides information on the estimation 
    and application of statistical models for the single family loss 
    severity component of the proposed risk-based capital stress test and 
    regulation. With one exception, all cost and revenue elements of loss 
    severity are calculated as averages of historical Enterprise experience 
    with foreclosed mortgages. The one exception is that a statistical 
    regression model was developed to project the sale proceeds on 
    foreclosed (real estate owned, or REO) properties. This regression 
    model uses the same property valuation process that was used to create 
    a probability of negative equity variable in the default/prepayment 
    analysis. However, in projecting REO sales proceeds, the process is 
    used to create a variable that measures the average equity of 
    performing loans that have the same characteristics (other than equity) 
    as defaulting loans. The regression then describes the relationship 
    between average equity of performing loans and average (negative) 
    equity of defaulting loans. One minus the projected negative equity on 
    defaulting loans gives the projected REO sale proceeds. This regression 
    analysis allows stress test loss severity rates to reflect economic 
    conditions and provides an opportunity to reasonably relate loss 
    severities on current Enterprise portfolios to the benchmark 
        With the exception of government insured loans, OFHEO's loss 
    severity analysis does not make explicit distinctions by loan product 
    type. Differences by loan products are captured in the basic loan 
    terms--coupon rate, LTV, and amortization term-that factor into loss 
    severity equations.
        The Enterprises rely upon various counterparties to provide credit 
    enhancements that offset gross severity rates. An explanation of how 
    credit enhancements are modeled in the stress test can be found in the 
    appendix to the regulation.
        The remainder of this supplementary material is organized as 
    follows: section 2 provides the conceptual framework for single family 
    loss severity analysis; section 3 describes the data used in the 
    analysis; section 4 discusses the statistical analysis; section 5 
    examines adjustments made to the severity equations to reasonably 
    relate the results to the historical benchmark experience identified in 
    the first NPR; and section 6 explains how the results of the 
    statistical analysis are applied in the stress test.
    2. Conceptual Framework
        In determining the approach to use in modeling loss severity rates, 
    OFHEO reviewed four research studies. None of these attempted to 
    analyze the various components of loss severity, but rather used simple 
    regressions of some measure of a gross severity rate on original loan-
    to-value and loan age. These studies provide little guidance, as they 
    do not provide frequency distributions of observed severity rates, nor 
    do they provide averages y loan types.\233\
        \233\ These studies are: Clauretie (1990), Lekkas, Quigley, and 
    Van Order (1993), Crawford and Rosenblatt (1995), and Berkovec, et 
    al. (1997). The Berkovec, et al. study is not focused on loss 
    severities, but rather analyzes them as part of a broader study of 
    potential lending discrimination. These four studies are reviewed by 
    Capone and Deng (1998), who themselves are interested in variations 
    in loss severity rates across defaulted loans that can be explained 
    by the tenets of option pricing theory. See also Kau and Keenan 
    (1997) for the one example of severity analysis in a theoretical 
    mortgage pricing model.
        OFHEO chose to analyze defaulted loan severity rates in three 
    parts: loss of loan principal, transaction costs, and
    [[Page 18189]]
    funding cost. This decomposition was used for three reasons. First, the 
    loss of unpaid principal loan balance (UPB) is a function of the loss 
    of property value before and during the default period, which can be 
    statistically modeled as a function of economic conditions. The second 
    reason for a decomposition analysis is to accommodate the timing of 
    various cash flows during the period between initial default (month of 
    first missed payment) and final property disposition. In the stress 
    test, all default losses are accounted for in the month of default. The 
    loss severity rate accounts for the timing of income and expenses after 
    the default month. The timing of post-default cash flows is captured 
    using present value discounting techniques. This method also captures 
    funding costs of the nonearning assets-first the mortgage, and then the 
    REO. Finally, the stress test calibrates the severity component related 
    to loss of principal balance to the economic conditions of the BLE, as 
    will be discussed in section 5. The stress test also uses BLE data for 
    the elapsed time between default and foreclosure completion, and 
    between foreclosure completion and property disposition.
        Loss severity is most frequently expressed as a rate rather than a 
    dollar amount. The most accurate representation of the magnitude of 
    losses is to express loss severity as a percentage of the UPB at the 
    time of default. Therefore, OFHEO has chosen to calculate all costs and 
    revenues associated with loss severity as a percentage of the UPB. This 
    will result in the computation of loss severity rates rather than 
    dollar amounts, but they become dollar amounts when the stress test 
    multiplies both default and loss severity rates against loan balances.
    3. Data
        Loan level data on Enterprise single family REO properties were 
    used to analyze the components of single family loss severity rates. 
    The data contain all defaulted mortgages on single family (1-4 unit) 
    properties that were both originated and had a last-paid-installment 
    date between January 1980 and December 1995. After removing incomplete 
    records, over 116,500 valid records remained in the analysis database. 
    These records consist of loan terms, event dates (default, foreclosure, 
    disposition), and various expense and revenue fields.
        A second analysis database was created consisting of only those 
    loans in the historical REO analysis database that met benchmark 
    criteria. Those criteria singled out conventional, 30-year fixed-rate 
    loans on single family properties (single unit, owner-occupied, 
    detached properties) that originated in 1983 and 1984 in the States of 
    Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma, and defaulted within 
    ten years of origination. This benchmark database (789 loans) was used 
    to create an adjustment factor that provides consistency between the 
    loss severity rates projected in the stress test and the benchmark loss 
    rates. This process is discussed in section 5, Consistency with the 
    Benchmark Loss Experience, below.
        Other data used in the analysis of loss severity rates includes 
    historical Census division level HPI indices and their associated 
    volatility parameters, which come from the OFHEO HPI Report, 1996:3.
    4. Statistical Analysis
        The primary statistical analysis performed for single family loss 
    severity rates measured the impact of market conditions on REO sale 
    proceeds. This is the one dynamic element of loss severity in stress 
    test application. It relies upon original LTV, loan amortization, and 
    Census division level house price growth. OFHEO performed a statistical 
    regression analysis to model negative equity for defaulted loans as a 
    function of the average equity of similar, but performing, loans. All 
    other statistical analyses involved calculating average historical 
    experience by loss severity element. The two elements with values 
    computed as historical averages are foreclosure expenses and a 
    combination of REO expenses, revenues (other than disposition 
    proceeds), and property selling expenses. In addition, average times to 
    foreclosure and time in REO were computed for use in calculating the 
    net present value of revenues and expenses in the month of default.
        When averages were computed for loss elements, a two-step procedure 
    was used. First, the average experience of each firm was calculated 
    using UPB as a weighting factor. This weighted average provides a good 
    measure of portfolio-wide performance, although the analysis is based 
    on individual loans. The second step was to give equal weight to the 
    experience of each firm by taking a simple average of the experience of 
    the two Enterprises. This procedure is also consistent with the 
    procedure used to find the benchmark loss severity rate reported in 
        \234\ See 61 FR 29592, 29597, June 11, 1996. Procedures here 
    differ from those of the first NPR by calculating loss severity as a 
    percentage of the outstanding loan balance at time of default, 
    rather than a percentage of the original loan balance.
        The averages of the foreclosure and the REO expense/revenue 
    elements are based on the entire national, historical sample of 
    Enterprise experience. Benchmark experience was not used by itself 
    because it was evident from an analysis of the data that there were 
    significant numbers of records with missing expense components. The 
    magnitudes of these expense items should not vary between the benchmark 
    region and other areas of the country for two reasons. First, the 
    benchmark region has a variety of foreclosure laws, by State, so that 
    the average foreclosure expense rate for the benchmark region is 
    similar to averages from other regions of the country, and to the 
    average for the nation as a whole. Second, OFHEO computed these loss 
    components as percentages of the outstanding loan balance, rather than 
    as actual dollar amounts. Thus, the fact that the benchmark region may 
    have had lower property values than the national average, and therefore 
    lower dollar losses per loan, will not be material. Average loss rate 
    components from other regions of the country should be comparable to 
    what would be found in the benchmark loan data, if those records were 
        OFHEO does, however, base time frames on benchmark experience. 
    Because the benchmark region does have a variety of foreclosure laws, 
    these time frames are actually very close to those of the entire 
    national experience of the Enterprises.
    a. Predicting REO Sale Proceeds
        The REO sale proceeds, as a percentage of the defaulting UPB, 
    measures the impact of erosion of property value over time, both prior 
    to and after default. To begin the analysis of REO sale proceeds, OFHEO 
    computed negative property equity, the difference between the 
    defaulting UPB and the gross property sale proceeds, as a percentage of 
    the UPB.\235\ This amount was regressed against average equity for 
    similar, but non-defaulting loans. The resulting regression coefficient 
    provides the relationship between average equity of performing loans 
    and average (negative) equity of defaulting loans. The nuance here is 
    that average equity of performing loans is first transformed into a 
    standardized normal distance, or what is commonly called a z-score, 
    before being used in the regression. This is a widely used statistical 
    technique for
    [[Page 18190]]
    creating a standard unit of measure for comparisons across many 
    different variables and/or value levels.
        \235\ The one expense that OFHEO does net from sale proceeds 
    here is property repairs undertaken by the Enterprises during the 
    REO period. Because these expenses reflect part of the loss of 
    property value that occurred prior to foreclosure completion, it is 
    appropriate that they be included in the estimation of the loss of 
    UPB due to property value deterioration.
        To measure average (performing loan) equity, the property value 
    underlying each defaulting mortgage was adjusted using the change in 
    the (Census division) OFHEO HPI from origination to the last-paid-
    installment date, and using loan amortization schedules.\236\ This 
    adjustment provides average expected equity for each loan, if it were 
    performing. But these loans are not performing, and rather than having 
    average house price growth, they will generally have lower-than-average 
    house price growth. In fact, defaulting loans come from the lower tail 
    of the equity distribution, so the statistical analysis must capture 
    just how far into the tail defaulting loan properties will be, on 
    average. OFHEO analyzed several measures of the house price 
    distribution to find which gave the best prediction of the difference 
    between average performing loan equity and average non-performing loan 
    equity. The best predictor was the z-score, identifying the distance 
    between the expected (performing loan) house price and the (actual 
    defaulting) loan balance. The z-score transforms the actual difference 
    between (expected) house price and (actual) loan balance into the 
    number of standard deviations there are between the two values, where 
    the standard deviation is of house prices in the Census division. The 
    z-score tells how far below the average property value growth in the 
    Census division must the growth of any individual property value be, 
    before all borrower equity is eliminated. The difference of actual 
    growth of defaulting loans from average growth for performing loans 
    will be larger than this, on average, because the z-score distance 
    gives the minimal difference needed to eliminate borrower equity. The 
    z-score equation is:
        \236\ The last-paid-installment (LPI) month is the month 
    directly prior to the month of default, when the first payment is 
    missed. Loan amortization ends at LPI, and because the HPI index is 
    updated quarterly rather than monthly, the choice of LPI month or 
    default month for loan seasoning is immaterial.
        In their continuous rate forms, the cumulative growth rate factors 
    are found by taking the logarithm of the HPI, as is done here. The log 
    of HPI gives average price appreciation, and the difference between 
    that and the log of the loan balance, B, gives the expected loan equity 
    due to price appreciation, downpayment, and amortization.\237\
        \237\ Taking the logarithm of B transforms owner-invested equity 
    (downpayment plus amortization) into an implied HPI growth rate 
    factor. It is the cumulative (negative) growth of HPI necessary to 
    eliminate all positive equity in the property. By transforming B 
    into its continuous rate counterpart in this fashion, the z-score 
    variable can measure the amount by which the growth of property 
    value on loan properties must be less than the average growth rate 
    of performing loans before default is a real possibility (the point 
    of zero equity). The regression then measures the relationship 
    between actual below-normal growth on REO properties and the 
    minimumly required below-normal house price growth needed to trigger 
        These standardized distances, or z-scores, are the key values used 
    to compute the expected negative property equity (as a percent of the 
    outstanding loan balance) when a foreclosed property is sold. Larger z-
    scores reflect some combination of large downpayments, loan 
    amortization, and high levels of (average) house price growth since 
    loan origination. In these circumstances, loans that do default should 
    have relatively good rates of property sale proceeds as a percent of 
    the mortgage UPB (small rates of negative equity). In other 
    environments, where z-scores are small, there are low rates of 
    appreciation in the market, and/or low downpayments and a lack of 
    significant amortization. The small z-score indicates that there is a 
    wide range of property values in the market area that are below the 
    loan balance. Therefore, REO sale proceeds will be low and the negative 
    property equity will be high.
        The statistical equation used to predict negative property equity 
    (L) was estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression of 
    actual rates of UPB loss on the z-scores computed for each loan. The 
    regression dataset was limited to historical REO observations where 
    (-0.50  zt  4.0), because sample sizes 
    outside this range were very thin.\238\ Log-transformed values of 
    negative property equity (ln(L) + 1)) were used in the regression to 
    account for a change in the relationship between negative equity and z-
    scores as those values change. The estimated regression equation is:
        \238\ In stress test application, outliers are given predicted 
    equity loss values measured at the boundary points of the z-score 
    range employed in the regression.
    [[Page 18191]]
        One-half the regression variance (0.029104) is added to the 
    regression equation to provide the median-to-mean adjustment factor for 
    log-normal models.\239\ The result is:
        \239\ The logarithmic equation used in the regression implies a 
    lognormal distribution of potential negative equity values around 
    predicted values. The point estimates from the regression, 
    therefore, produce median rather than mean value estimates of loss 
    of principal balance. The adjustment to arrive at the mean is the 
    additive constant (0.029104), one-half the variance of the 
    regression residuals.
    so that:
        The low R-squared value for the regression indicates a wide 
    variance of actual loss rates around the average, predicted rates. 
    OFHEO has analyzed this variance and believes that using the simple 
    regression equation that captures average loss rates at each z-score 
    value is more appropriate for the stress test than is a more complex 
    model that would capture deviations around that average loss rate. 
    Average rates provide an appropriate simplification because loss 
    severity rates will be applied to groups of loans.
        The boundary values of L are computed at the boundary points of z 
    used in the regression sample, 4.0 and -0.5. When z = 4.0, L = -0.04. 
    This suggests that, on average, REO sales prices are 4 percent higher 
    than the mortgage UPB in areas with significant house price 
    appreciation and/or for loans that have substantial amortization. That 
    is, the average default (and there will be relatively few) will 
    actually have a small amount of positive equity, though generally not 
    enough to pay the costs of selling the property. At the other extreme, 
    where z = -0.5, the predicted value of L = 0.36. This is a situation 
    where average property values on performing loans are 36 percent below 
    their associated mortgage balances. This extreme was reached in several 
    areas of the country at various times during the study period. Such a 
    loss of loan principal can cause the total loss severity to exceed 60 
    percent of UPB.
    b. Foreclosure Expenses
        Foreclosure expenses vary principally by property State and by the 
    rate of bankruptcy filings among defaulted borrowers.\240\ The average 
    expense rate in the historical observation period is five percent of 
    UPB. Unlike other loss components, this component is based solely on 
    Fannie Mae experience because Freddie Mac did not break out foreclosure 
    expenses from REO expenses in its data systems.
        \240\ To process foreclosures when defaulting borrowers file for 
    Bankruptcy Court protection requires further legal expenses to gain 
    release from the bankruptcy ``stay'' on debt collection actions.
    c. REO Holding and Disposition Expenses
        Property (REO) holding costs include such items as property 
    maintenance, utilities, property taxes, and hazard insurance. OFHEO 
    calculated the average total REO holding expenses, plus selling costs 
    (principally, realtor fees), less miscellaneous revenues to produce a 
    final REO expense loss severity factor of 13.7 percent.\241\
        \241\ As noted earlier, the Freddie Mac foreclosure expense rate 
    is imputed from the Fannie Mae experience (five percent). Therefore, 
    the REO holding costs used to create the average rate shown here use 
    total expense for Freddie Mac less imputed foreclosure expense for 
    Fannie Mae.
    d. Time Frames
        There are two time frames of interest: time from default to 
    foreclosure completion, and time from foreclosure completion to 
    property disposition. A mean expected value for each of the time 
    periods of interest was calculated from BLE data. The mean benchmark 
    foreclosure time (period from default to foreclosure) was 13 months. 
    The mean benchmark REO/property sale time was seven months. These time 
    frames are used in the stress test to discount the various default-
    related cash flows to the month of default.
    5. Consistency With the Benchmark Loss Experience
        The equation for negative equity of defaulted loans (equation 14) 
    was estimated on all historical REO experience of the Enterprises. 
    Using this broad range of data assured that the equation would be 
    appropriate for loans entering the stress test with a wide range of 
    loan amortization and cumulative HPI experience. The equation used in 
    the stress test includes an adjustment that calibrates the results to 
    the BLE.
        The procedure for calibrating equation 16 to the benchmark 
    experience parallels the procedure used by OFHEO to calibrate the 
    single family default equations to the BLE. A database of defaulted 
    loans meeting benchmark criteria was input into the negative equity 
    equation to compute the projected negative equity, by loan. The z-score 
    variable values were computed by assuming that all loans originated in 
    the first quarter of 1984, using the West South Central HPI series, for 
    purposes of assigning house price appreciation rates. These predicted 
    rates of negative equity were then averaged by Enterprise, using UPB as 
    a weighting factor. Finally, a simple average of these Enterprise 
    averages was computed to arrive at a mean expected value for the 
    benchmark REO database.
    [[Page 18192]]
        This final mean rate of negative equity on defaulted loans was then 
    compared with the actual, historical mean rate across the two firms' 
    benchmark experience. The average projected rate of negative equity 
    using equation 16 and this averaging method was 21.30 percent. The 
    actual historical experience average was 31.64 percent. The difference, 
    10.34 percent, reflects the nature of the benchmark experience: that 
    defaulting benchmark loans tended to have larger losses, on average, 
    than did loans from other regions of the country that experienced the 
    same housing market conditions. The adjusted negative equity equation 
        Proceeds from REO sale are then computed as one minus the projected 
    negative property equity for the defaulting loans in each loan group.
    6. Application to the Stress Test
        Stress test application of loss severities begins with the results 
    of the statistical analysis of severity components discussed here, but 
    then adds components for loss of loan principal, servicer claim 
    payments, mortgage insurance, and seller/servicer recourse. OFHEO's 
    approach is to account for all default related cash flows at one of 
    three points in time: 120 days delinquency, foreclosure, and property 
    disposition. The stress test then calculates the effective loss 
    severity rate as a net present value of all cash flows, in the month of 
    loan default. The month of default is one month after the last paid 
    installment (LPI) date, the month of the first missed payment.
        There is a difference in the treatment of sold and retained loans 
    when computing stress test loss severity rates. For retained loans, 
    defaulting UPB is not a cash outlay and, therefore, is not discounted. 
    For sold loans, however, the defaulting UPB represents the current 
    expense of repurchasing a defaulted loan from a security pool. It is, 
    therefore, a cash-flow element that should be discounted.\242\ This 
    expense is normally incurred in the fourth month of default. Sold loans 
    in default also involve four months of interest passthroughs to the 
    investors while the loans remain in the security pools. The interest 
    passthroughs are not immediate expenses of the Enterprises because they 
    are initially matched by passthroughs made by the seller/servicers to 
    the Enterprises. However, all post-default interest payments received 
    by the Enterprises are reimbursed to servicers in the post-foreclosure 
    claim filing. Therefore, all interest passthroughs between seller/
    servicers and Enterprises are ignored. Only the passthrough by the 
    Enterprise to security holders is counted as an expense in the stress 
    test, and it is included with the seller/servicer claim payment at time 
    of foreclosure.
        \242\ Such loans become part of the Enterprise retained 
    portfolios once they are bought out of the security pools.
        The stress test provides that, at the time of foreclosure, the 
    Enterprises make servicers whole for expenses incurred on the loan and 
    property, including foreclosure costs, and receive proceeds from any 
    available mortgage insurance. When mortgage insurance is present, 
    mortgage insurance payments will generally be larger than the servicer 
    claim payment and provide net inflows of funds to the Enterprises at 
        Also, any available seller/servicer recourse is applied to reduce 
    the final loss severity rate. There are some smaller sources of credit 
    enhancements that further reduce Enterprise losses, and these are added 
    once dollar losses are computed in the cash flow component of the 
    stress test.\243\
        \243\ These lesser sources of credit enhancements are items 
    where the amount of recourse available to the Enterprises is not a 
    function of per loan losses, but rather it is available in total 
    dollar amounts for pools of loans.
    7. References
    Berkovec, James A., Glenn B. Canner, Stuart A. Gabriel, and Timothy 
    Hannan. 1998. Discrimination, Competition, and Loan Performance in FHA 
    Mortgage Lending, Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.
    Capone, Charles A. and Yongheng Deng. 1998. ``Loss Severities and 
    Optimal Put Exercise: An Examination of Negative Equity in Mortgage 
    Foreclosure,'' unpublished manuscript. OFHEO: Washington, DC, January 
    Clauretie, Terrence. 1990. ``A Note on Mortgage Risk: Default vs. Loss 
    Rates,'' AREUEA Journal 18 (2), 202-206.
    Crawford, Gordon and Rosenblatt, Eric. 1995. ``Efficient Mortgage 
    Default Option Exercise: Evidence from Loss Severity,'' Journal of Real 
    Estate Research 19 (5), 543-555.
    Kau, James B. and Donald C. Keenan. 1993. ``Transaction Costs, 
    Suboptimal Termination, and Default Probabilities for Mortgages,'' 
    AREUEA Journal 21(3), 247-63.
    Kau, James B. and Donald C. Keenan. 1997. Patterns of Rational Default, 
    unpublished working paper, University of Georgia.
    Lekkas, Vassilis, John M. Quigley and Robert Van Order. 1993. ``Loan 
    Loss Severity and Optimal Mortgage Default,'' AREUEA Journal 21 (4, 
    Winter), 353-372.
    D. Multifamily Default/Prepayment
    1. Introduction and Conceptual Framework
        This section describes how OFHEO developed its model of multifamily 
    default and prepayment rates for use in the risk-based capital stress 
    test. The same theory that underlies the single family default/
    prepayment models, financial options theory, also underlies OFHEO's 
    modeling of mortgage performance for multifamily loans. However, the 
    single family approach is modified to account for the importance of 
    property cash flows in the default decisions of investors. This 
    theoretical framework treats mortgage terminations as a function of 
    their financial value to the borrower. Both the single family and 
    multifamily default/prepayment models also use a multinomial logistic 
    specification to estimate the impact of explanatory variables on 
    default and prepayment rates. Beyond these similarities in general 
    approach, however, there are significant differences in the specifics 
    of model construction and estimation.
        Many of these differences reflect special features of multifamily 
    mortgages. For these loans, the borrowers are all investors, and that 
    affects the determinants of credit risk. Two key financial ratios are 
    used in commercial mortgage underwriting: the DCR and the LTV. DCR is a 
    property's net operating income (NOI) divided by the mortgage 
    payment.\244\ DCR indicates how much cash there is available for loan 
    repayment after operating expenses are paid. LTV is the ratio of the 
    UPB to the value of the property; it measures
    [[Page 18193]]
    borrower equity.\245\ Lenders concentrate on these two ratios at loan 
    underwriting, and all major credit rating agencies start their analysis 
    of the credit support levels needed to receive various rating grades 
    with the DCR and LTV values of the loan collateral.
        \244\ NOI is a measure of the differernce between full potential 
    rent at market prices and operating expenses (including vacancy 
        \245\ Commercial loan underwriting also includes examinations of 
    borrower credit, servicing capability, site and engineering reviews, 
    and cost certifications for new construction. Market condition 
    reports are part of the appraisal process used to estimate LTV at 
    loan origination.
        Multifamily mortgage modeling should also recognize the special 
    features that differentiate commercial loans from single family 
    residential loans. Commercial loans have prepayment restrictions, 
    usually in the form of yield maintenance clauses, that severely reduce 
    the value of refinancing during the early years of a mortgage. 
    Commercial loans are also dominated not by fully amortizing 30-year 
    loans, but by balloon mortgages with maturities of up to 15 years. 
    These two product distinctions--yield maintenance and balloon terms--
    create different borrower incentives and different mortgage performance 
    patterns for multifamily mortgages.
        Previous research on multifamily mortgage performance has generally 
    made simplifying assumptions to avoid having to deal with all of these 
    issues in one model. First, research has tended to ignore DCR and only 
    concentrate on LTV. Even then, without readily available property value 
    indexes, researchers have not updated LTV over time to capture local 
    market conditions.\246\ Some studies have captured property cash flows, 
    but they omitted LTV and had no mechanism for updating property cash 
    flows for projection purposes.\247\ One study that recognized the need 
    for both DCR and LTV for predicting default rates, defined them to be 
    perfectly correlated so that only one financial variable needed to be 
    included in the model.\248\ Another shortcoming of past research has 
    been that default and prepayment have not been analyzed together.\249\ 
    Either defaults are assumed not to matter because of agency guarantees, 
    or else prepayments are ignored because of yield maintenance terms. 
    Most studies model defaults without prepayments, but prepayment studies 
    are starting to appear, with three in 1997 and one in 1998.\250\ In 
    both default and prepayment studies, little work has been done to 
    understand the dynamics of yield maintenance and balloon terms.\251\ 
    But even with all of these limitations in current research, the 
    greatest concern is that researchers most often resort to pooling 
    multifamily mortgages with loans on other commercial property types in 
    order to have sufficient sample sizes.\252\
        \246\ Vandell (1992) and Vandell, et al. (1993) develop models 
    of commercial mortgage default that update LTV over time using a 
    national property-value index, along with the property-value 
    diffusion process introduced by Foster and Van Order (1984) for 
    single family mortgages.
        \247\ See ICF (1991) and Pedone (1991). These studies adapt the 
    work of Edward Altman (1981, 1983) to predict corporate bankruptcy 
    to model multifamily defaults. Capone (1991) discusses the 
    application of bankruptcy models to multifamily mortgages, and 
    provides a review of this literature. A related line of literature 
    discusses the relationship between lender and borrower in the 
    default/bankruptcy process. Kahn (1991) and Mahue (1991) study the 
    impact of foreclosure laws on the balance of borrower and lender 
    bargaining strength at these crucial junctures. Riddiough and Wyatt 
    (1994a, 1994b) explore the power of lender signals of intent to 
    pursue debt collections on distressed-loan foreclosure.
        \248\ Abraham (1993b).
        \249\ The first known attempt outside of OFHEO to model default 
    and prepayment rates simultaneously was by Boyer, Follain, Ondrich, 
    and Piccirillo (1997), who studied FHA insured mortgages.
        \250\ Abraham and Theobald (1997), Elmer and Haidorfer (1997), 
    Follain, et al. (1997), and Capone and Goldberg (1998).
        \251\ In a theoretical pricing model, Kau, et al. (1990) do 
    attempt to show how prepayment restrictions impact both default and 
    prepayment options with balloon mortgages.
        \252\ The lack of historical data has often been cited as a 
    major obstacle to research on multifamily and commercial loan credit 
    risk (DiPasquale & Cummings, 1992; Standard & Poors, 1993; and 
    Vandell, et al., 1993). Studies that combine multifamily with other 
    commercial mortgage types include Vandell (1992), Vandell, et al. 
    (1993), Barnes and Gilberto (1994). Studies that use only 
    multifamily data tend to model FHA-insured loans (Goldberg, 1994; 
    ICF, 1991; Follain, et al., 1997). Exceptions to this include 
    Abraham (1993a, 1993b), who used multifamily loan data from Freddie 
    Mac to study defaults, and Abraham and Theobald (1997), who use 
    Freddie Mac data to model multifamily prepayment rates. Elmer and 
    Haidorfer (1997) use Resolution Trust Corporation data to study 
    multifamily prepayment rates. Researchers at OFHEO have published a 
    default study based on Enterprise data (Goldberg and Capone, 1998).
        The broad conceptual framework chosen by OFHEO corresponds to the 
    dominant paradigm in mortgage research, financial options theory. 
    Studies that apply financial options theory to commercial mortgage 
    performance have generally emphasized the role of borrower equity (LTV) 
    in default rate estimation, but have not seriously modeled the role of 
    cash flows (DCR).\253\ However, because both DCR and LTV are critical 
    credit risk dimensions, an appropriate multifamily mortgage performance 
    model should also treat cash flows and equity as essential 
        \253\ Even theoretical ``pricing'' models that simulate default 
    rates on a pool of newly originated mortgages make simple 
    assumptions that cash flow to the property owner is a fixed 
    percentage of property value (Titman and Torous, 1989; Kau, Keenan, 
    Epperson, and Muller, 1987 and 1990). They also treat cash flow as 
    something negative (detracts from potential future property value) 
    rather than something positive to the investor/owner/borrower.
        \254\ Abraham (1993b), Goldberg (1994), and Quercia (1995) have 
    all questioned the sufficiency of net equity as a default trigger.
        For the default option to be in the money, the property must have 
    both negative equity (LTV>1) and negative cash flow (DCR<1). the="" two="" sources="" of="" income="" for="" an="" investment="" property="" owner="" are="" rental="" (current)="" income="" and="" capital="" gains.="" rental="" income="" can="" be="" thought="" of="" as="" dividend="" payouts="" from="" the="" property.="" capital="" gains="" result="" when="" the="" property="" is="" sold.="" the="" owner="" holds="" the="" property="" until="" the="" expected="" annual="" rate="" of="" return="" from="" both="" dividends="" and="" capital="" gains="" becomes="" less="" than="" the="" return="" that="" could="" be="" earned="" by="" selling="" the="" property="" and="" investing="" the="" proceeds="" into="" another="" investment.="" however,="" if="" the="" rental="" market="" declines,="" and="" property="" equity="" becomes="" negative,="" then="" default="" becomes="" a="" viable="" option.="" this="" option="" will="" not="" be="" exercised="" as="" long="" as="" the="" dividend="" payout="" is="" positive.="" if="" property="" owners/borrowers="" were="" to="" default="" in="" the="" presence="" of="" positive="" cash="" flows,="" they="" would="" give="" up="" valuable="" cash="" flow="" streams.="" therefore,="" default="" is="" only="" optimal="" if="" both="" equity="" and="" cash="" flow="" are="" negative.="" this="" implies="" that="" the="" dual="" condition,="" ltv=""> 1 and DCR<1, is="" required="" for="" default="" to="" occur.\255\="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \255\="" the="" wealth-maximizing="" borrower="" should="" default="" if="" the="" property="" expects="" to="" have="" negative="" equity="" and="" negative="" cash="" flow="" from="" this="" point="" on.="" if="" there="" are="" negative="" cash="" flows,="" delaying="" default="" would="" lower="" wealth.="" if="" negative="" equity="" and="" negative="" cash="" flow="" were="" expected="" to="" be="" only="" temporary="" conditions,="" default="" would="" not="" be="" optimal.="" in="" principle="" one="" should="" incorporate="" expectations="" regarding="" rental="" markets="" and="" interest="" rates,="" simulate="" wealth="" over="" time,="" and="" have="" the="" borrower="" default="" only="" if="" it="" maximizes="" wealth="" over="" some="" long-run="" investment="" horizon.="" this="" was="" viewed="" as="" an="" overly="" complex,="" expensive,="" and="" therefore="" unfeasible="" approach.="" theory="" notwithstanding,="" researchers="" typically="" construct="" the="" default="" option="" value="" variable="" using="" just="" current="" year="" information.="" this="" is="" also="" the="" approach="" taken="" by="" ofheo.="" for="" relevant="" theoretical="" studies,="" see="" kau="" et="" al.="" (1987,="" 1990),="" brennan="" and="" schwartz="" (1985),="" dyl="" and="" long="" (1969),="" joy="" (1976),="" and="" robichek="" and="" vanhorne="" (1967).="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" prepayment="" options="" are="" in="" some="" ways="" simpler="" and="" in="" others="" more="" complex="" than="" default="" options.="" the="" simplicity="" arises="" because="" the="" financial="" value="" of="" prepaying="" a="" mortgage="" is="" directly="" measured="" by="" the="" mortgage="" premium="" value,="" the="" difference="" between="" the="" present="" value="" of="" future="" mortgage="" payments="" discounted="" at="" the="" current="" note="" rate,="" and="" present="" value="" of="" those="" same="" payments="" discounted="" at="" the="" current="" market="" rate.="" when="" interest="" rates="" fall,="" there="" is="" negative="" value="" to="" holding="" onto="" the="" existing="" mortgage,="" measured="" by="" a="" negative="" mortgage="" premium="" value.="" however,="" measuring="" the="" premium="" value="" itself="" is="" complex="" because="" of="" yield="" maintenance="" and="" balloon="" terms.="" when="" a="" [[page="" 18194]]="" fixed-rate="" loan="" is="" under="" yield="" maintenance,="" it="" may="" refinance,="" but="" it="" will="" not="" accrue="" any="" value="" from="" the="" transaction="" until="" the="" yield="" maintenance="" period="" expires.\256\="" with="" balloon="" loans,="" there="" is="" the="" added="" uncertainty="" surrounding="" the="" contractual="" requirement="" to="" find="" new="" funding="" at="" loan="" maturity.="" risk="" averse="" borrowers,="" therefore,="" may="" desire="" to="" refinance="" in="" the="" pre-balloon="" period="" even="" if="" the="" call="" option="" is="" not="" in="" the="" money.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \256\="" arm="" loans="" have="" minimal="" penalties,="" and="" they="" have="" prepaid="" much="" more="" often="" in="" the="" early="" years="" after="" loan="" origination.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" an="" additional="" consideration="" for="" modeling="" prepayment="" speeds="" is="" that="" investors="" desire="" to="" leverage="" their="" investments="" to="" maximize="" return="" on="" equity.="" interest="" rate="" spreads="" do="" not,="" therefore,="" provide="" the="" only="" incentive="" for="" refinancing="" a="" mortgage.="" to="" maximize="" leverage="" requires="" maximizing="" ltv="" ratios,="" within="" bounds="" set="" by="" lenders.="" over="" time,="" investors="" will="" engage="" in="" cash-out="" refinancings="" in="" order="" to="" rebalance="" the="" ratio="" of="" debt="" to="" equity="" in="" the="" property.="" this="" second="" prepayment="" incentive="" can="" be="" captured="" by="" the="" ltv="" of="" the="" mortgage.="" in="" modeling="" multifamily="" mortgage="" default="" rates,="" ofheo="" distinguishes="" among="" the="" various="" programs="" of="" the="" enterprises.="" conventional="" multifamily="" loan="" purchases="" by="" the="" enterprises="" began="" in="" 1983,="" and="" include="" ``cash''="" and="" ``negotiated''="" programs.="" under="" the="" cash="" programs,="" the="" enterprises="" purchased="" newly="" originated="" individual="" loans="" underwritten="" according="" to="" their="" own="" guidelines.="" historically,="" most="" of="" these="" loans="" were="" retained="" in="" the="" portfolios="" of="" the="" enterprises.="" some="" ``cash''="" loans="" were="" swapped="" for="" mbs,="" and="" this="" type="" of="" transaction="" is="" becoming="" more="" common.="" in="" a="" negotiated="" transaction,="" an="" enterprise="" swaps="" pools="" of="" seasoned="" (i.e.,="" aged="" and="" performing)="" loans="" for="" securities.="" these="" loans="" need="" not="" meet="" the="" underwriting="" guidelines="" of="" cash="" programs,="" and="" they="" are="" priced="" according="" to="" the="" risk="" of="" the="" loans="" in="" the="" pool.="" in="" negotiated="" transactions,="" unlike="" cash="" purchases,="" an="" enterprise="" often="" requires="" credit="" enhancement="" from="" the="" seller/servicer="" to="" cover="" expected="" credit="" losses.="" the="" initial="" cash="" programs="" exposed="" the="" enterprises="" to="" significant="" credit="" risk="" in="" the="" late="" 1980s="" and="" into="" the="" 1990s.="" this="" exposure="" was="" due="" to="" generous="" appraisal="" practices="" used="" in="" the="" 1980s="" and="" to="" other="" significant="" weaknesses="" in="" those="" programs="" that="" do="" not="" exist="" today.="" fannie="" mae="" changed="" its="" cash="" program="" in="" 1988.="" freddie="" mac="" continued="" to="" build="" a="" portfolio="" of="" less-than-investment-grade="" mortgages="" through="" 1990.="" the="" poor="" performance="" of="" this="" portfolio="" led="" to="" a="" three-year="" moratorium="" on="" freddie="" mac's="" new="" purchases="" of="" multifamily="" loans,="" and="" a="" complete="" overhaul="" of="" the="" multifamily="" operations="" of="" the="" enterprise.="" prepayment="" rates="" were="" modeled="" by="" loan="" characteristics="" product="" type="" rather="" than="" program="" type.="" this="" breakdown="" captures="" the="" differences="" in="" financial="" incentives="" to="" prepay="" that="" exist="" when="" yield="" maintenance="" penalties="" are="" or="" are="" not="" in="" effect,="" and="" the="" impact="" on="" defaults="" of="" balloon="" mortgage="" maturity.="" balloon="" maturity="" is="" a="" significant="" multifamily="" modeling="" issue="" for="" the="" stress="" test="" because,="" in="" an="" up-rate="" interest="" rate="" environment,="" balloon="" loan="" borrowers="" are="" often="" required="" to="" pay="" off="" the="" existing="" mortgage="" and="" refinance,="" at="" much="" higher="" interest="" rates="" than="" property="" financials="" are="" currently="" supporting.="" in="" order="" to="" refinance="" at="" the="" balloon="" point="" in="" the="" up-rate="" scenario,="" property="" income="" must="" be="" higher="" than="" the="" minimum="" necessary="" to="" qualify="" for="" a="" new="" loan="" under="" the="" original="" interest="" rates.="" therefore,="" it="" is="" important="" to="" model="" both="" the="" expected="" default="" and="" payoff="" rates="" of="" loans="" at="" balloon="" maturity="" for="" the="" stress="" test.="" section="" 2="" of="" this="" supplementary="" material="" on="" multifamily="" default/="" prepayment="" provides="" a="" review="" of="" the="" historical="" data="" used="" to="" estimate="" the="" statistical="" models,="" and="" section="" 3="" reviews="" the="" statistical="" procedures="" employed.="" section="" 4="" completes="" the="" description="" of="" the="" statistical="" model="" with="" explanations="" of="" the="" development="" of="" the="" explanatory="" variables.="" section="" 5="" presents="" and="" reviews="" the="" results="" of="" statistical="" estimations,="" and="" section="" 6="" concludes="" with="" a="" discussion="" of="" how="" the="" estimated="" statistical="" equations="" are="" applied="" in="" the="" stress="" test.="" 2.="" historical="" data="" a.="" enterprise="" loan="" records="" ofheo="" used="" the="" combined="" historical="" experience="" of="" the="" enterprises,="" 1983-1995,="" to="" estimate="" the="" statistical="" model="" of="" default="" and="" prepayment="" rates.="" this="" experience="" provided="" a="" large="" and="" rich="" data="" base="" that="" encompasses="" three="" different="" programs:="" the="" initial="" cash="" purchase="" programs="" that="" had="" high="" default="" rates;="" negotiated="" purchase="" (or="" transactions)="" programs="" where="" securities="" were="" swapped="" for="" pools="" of="" seasoned="" and="" performing="" mortgages;="" and="" new="" cash="" purchase="" programs="" that="" corrected="" flaws="" in="" the="" original="" programs="" and="" have="" experienced="" low="" default="" rates.="" the="" historical="" data="" includes="" 35,759="" conventional="" multifamily="" loans.\257\="" after="" eliminating="" missing="" or="" erroneous="" records,="" the="" sample="" includes="" observations="" on="" 21,994="" loans:="" 12,845="" from="" freddie="" mac="" and="" 9,149="" from="" fannie="" mae.="" of="" these,="" 61="" percent="" are="" cash="" purchases="" and="" 39="" percent="" are="" negotiated="" purchases.="" the="" final="" cash="" purchase="" sample="" is="" more="" complete="" than="" the="" negotiated="" purchase="" sample="" because,="" in="" negotiated="" programs,="" the="" enterprises="" have="" relied="" more="" on="" buying="" seasoned="" portfolios="" with="" (limited)="" credit="" risk="" recourse="" to="" the="" seller/="" servicer,="" rather="" than="" on="" gathering="" enough="" property="" financial="" characteristics="" to="" re-underwrite="" the="" loans.\258\="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \257\="" fannie="" mae="" has="" maintained="" a="" portfolio="" of="" fha-insured="" multifamily="" mortgages="" over="" time.="" ofheo="" chose="" not="" to="" model="" performance="" of="" these="" loans,="" but="" rather="" to="" assign="" default="" and="" prepayment="" rates="" according="" to="" conventional="" loans="" with="" similar="" features.="" because="" fha="" pays="" for="" nearly="" 100="" percent="" of="" default="" losses,="" the="" stress="" test="" imposes="" no="" credit="" losses="" on="" fha-insured="" mortgages="" on="" the="" stress="" test.="" \258\="" ninety="" percent="" of="" cash="" purchases="" are="" retained="" in="" the="" final="" sample,="" while="" only="" 41="" percent="" of="" negotiated="" purchases="" had="" enough="" loan="" characteristics="" data="" to="" be="" kept="" in="" the="" sample.="" for="" the="" 41="" percent="" of="" negotiated="" purchase="" loans="" in="" the="" sample,="" dcr="" values="" at="" time="" of="" acquisition="" were="" estimated="" by="" ofheo="" by="" first="" estimating="" net="" operating="" income="" (noi)="" as="" noi="value" at="" origination="" divided="" by="" an="" estimate="" of="" the="" average="" cap="" rate="" multiplier="" for="" the="" year,="" divided="" by="" the="" mortgage="" payment="" amount.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" the="" database="" was="" expanded="" by="" creating="" annual="" observations="" from="" loan="" acquisition="" to="" the="" termination="" year,="" or="" to="" 1995="" if="" no="" termination="" occurred.="" the="" loan-year="" file="" includes="" 89,577="" loan-year="" observations="" for="" cash="" purchases,="" and="" 59,415="" observations="" for="" negotiated="" purchases.="" cash="" purchases="" appear="" in="" the="" database="" with="" origination="" years="" from="" 1983="" to="" 1995.="" the="" negotiated="" loans,="" however,="" have="" origination="" years="" as="" early="" as="" 1970="" because="" they="" were="" often="" highly="" seasoned="" at="" time="" of="" acquisition.="" annual="" observations="" are="" used,="" rather="" than="" monthly="" or="" quarterly="" observations,="" because="" of="" the="" relatively="" small="" number="" of="" multifamily="" termination="" events.="" if="" quarterly="" or="" monthly="" event="" histories="" were="" used,="" there="" would="" be="" significant="" numbers="" of="" time="" periods="" in="" which="" there="" were="" no="" terminations.="" to="" avoid="" any="" possible="" statistical="" bias="" resulting="" from="" not="" having="" records="" of="" loan="" terminations="" prior="" to="" 1983,="" negotiated="" purchase="" loans="" enter="" the="" database="" starting="" in="" the="" acquisition="" year,="" rather="" than="" the="" origination="" year.="" but="" they="" enter="" at="" their="" proper="" age="" and="" are="" not="" treated="" as="" new="" originations="" at="" the="" time="" of="" acquisition.="" the="" same="" issue="" of="" potential="" ``left="" censoring''="" bias="" also="" appears="" for="" certain="" cash="" purchase="" programs,="" where="" the="" enterprises="" did="" not="" begin="" to="" maintain="" systematic="" records="" of="" loan="" terminations="" until="" 1991.="" for="" such="" programs,="" the="" loans="" do="" not="" enter="" the="" statistical="" estimation="" sample="" until="" 1991.\259\="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \259\="" the="" left-censoring="" bias="" would="" result="" if="" the="" statistical="" model="" used="" complete="" loan-history="" records="" for="" all="" loans,="" when="" some="" groups="" of="" loans="" only="" enter="" the="" sample="" if="" they="" survive="" to="" a="" certain="" point="" (e.g.,="" time="" of="" acquisition="" by="" the="" enterprise).="" if="" the="" sample="" were="" not="" censored="" at="" the="" acquisition="" point,="" the="" model="" could="" severely="" underestimate="" the="" rates="" of="" loan="" termination="" in="" the="" early="" years="" of="" a="" mortgage.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 18195]]="" for="" cash="" loans,="" the="" default="" outcome="" of="" record="" is="" a="" foreclosure="" or="" foreclosure="" alternative="" that="" still="" provides="" for="" the="" property="" to="" be="" liquidated.\260\="" for="" most="" fannie="" mae="" negotiated="" purchase="" loans,="" however,="" the="" default="" event="" of="" record="" is="" a="" 90-day="" delinquency.="" this="" is="" because,="" for="" fannie="" mae="" negotiated="" transactions,="" the="" loan="" is="" repurchased="" by="" the="" seller/servicer="" if="" it="" becomes="" 90-days="" delinquent.="" the="" seller/servicer="" then="" bills="" fannie="" mae="" for="" resolution="" costs,="" and="" these="" are="" deducted="" from="" a="" limited="" recourse="" pool="" originally="" established="" with="" funds="" from="" the="" seller/servicer="" at="" time="" of="" acquisition.="" ofheo="" recognizes="" that="" 90-day="" delinquencies="" cannot="" be="" treated="" as="" full="" default="" events,="" and="" makes="" adjustments="" in="" the="" statistical="" model.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \260\="" foreclosure="" alternatives="" include="" third="" party="" sales="" where="" a="" ``third="" party''="" purchases="" the="" property="" at="" the="" foreclosure="" auction;="" short="" sales,="" where="" the="" enterprise="" finds="" a="" buyer="" for="" the="" property="" prior="" to="" completion="" of="" foreclosure;="" and="" note="" sales,="" where="" the="" mortgage="" itself="" is="" sold="" to="" another="" investor.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" b.="" rents="" and="" vacancies="" ofheo="" uses="" a="" unique="" approach="" to="" property="" valuation="" that="" uses="" local="" market="" indexes="" of="" rent="" growth="" rates="" and="" vacancy="" rates="" to="" update="" net="" operating="" income,="" and="" through="" that,="" update="" dcr="" and="" ltv="" over="" time.="" rent="" growth="" rates="" came="" from="" the="" residential="" rent="" component="" of="" the="" cpi="" for="" each="" of="" the="" four="" census="" regions,="" and="" for="" the="" 29="" msas="" covered="" by="" bureau="" of="" labor="" statistics="" (bls)="" surveys.="" most="" msa="" level="" cpi="" series="" produced="" by="" bls="" start="" in="" 1970,="" but="" some="" do="" not="" begin="" until="" the="" 1980s.="" the="" regional="" cpi="" series="" are="" available="" beginning="" in="" 1978,="" so="" percent="" changes="" for="" these="" can="" only="" be="" computed="" starting="" in="" 1979.="" to="" capture="" rent="" growth="" rates="" for="" each="" year,="" partial="" msa="" series="" were="" completed="" with="" regional="" series="" starting="" in="" 1979="" and="" national="" series="" before="" that.="" the="" regional="" series="" themselves="" were="" also="" filled="" in="" for="" the="" pre-1979="" period="" with="" percent="" changes="" in="" the="" national="" cpi="" residential="" rent="" series.="" vacancy="" rates="" were="" obtained="" from="" the="" bureau="" of="" the="" census="" h-111="" series.="" these="" are="" available="" for="" the="" same="" msas="" as="" is="" the="" cpi="" residential="" rent="" series="" (back="" to="" 1970),="" and="" for="" census="" regions,="" and,="" beginning="" in="" 1986,="" for="" the="" 50="" states="" plus="" the="" district="" of="" columbia.\261\="" as="" with="" rent="" growth="" rates,="" the="" most="" disaggregated="" index="" available="" was="" used="" for="" each="" loan,="" in="" each="" calendar="" year.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \261\="" census="" also="" added="" more="" msas="" starting="" in="" 1986.="" these="" were="" not="" used="" in="" ofheo's="" statistical="" analysis.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" c.="" tax="" ratesofheo="" required="" tax="" rate="" data="" for="" calculating="" the="" present="" value="" of="" depreciation="" writeoffs="" (see="" discussion="" of="" the="" explanatory="" variable,="" dw,="" below).="" in="" order="" to="" compute="" weighted="" average="" tax="" rates,="" ofheo="" used="" internal="" revenue="" service="" (irs)="" data="" on="" the="" income="" distribution="" of="" taxpayers="" with="" net="" capital="" gains.="" for="" 1983-90,="" data="" on="" adjusted="" gross="" income="" for="" taxpayers="" with="" net="" capital="" gains="" were="" obtained="" from="" the="" irs="" publication,="" individual="" income="" tax="" returns="" (annuals).="" for="" 1991-95,="" data="" were="" obtained="" from="" irs,="" statistics="" of="" income="" bulletin="" (quarterly).="" these="" income-class="" weights="" were="" used="" to="" compute="" weighted="" average="" tax="" rates="" for="" both="" capital="" gains="" and="" ordinary="" income.="" the="" marginal="" tax="" rate="" on="" ordinary="" income="" used="" here="" is="" for="" married="" filing="" jointly="" taxpayers="" (schedule="" y-1).="" five="" percent="" was="" added="" to="" the="" federal="" tax="" rate="" for="" state="" income="" taxes.="" schedule="" y-1's="" for="" 1983-95="" were="" obtained="" from="" internal="" revenue="" service,="" package="" x="" (annual="" publications="" 1983-95).="" data="" on="" capital="" gains="" tax="" rates="" were="" obtained="" from="" irs's="" package="" x,="" for="" 1983-95.="" no="" adjustment="" was="" made="" for="" state="" taxes="" on="" capital="" gains.="" data="" on="" depreciation="" schedules="" is="" for="" newly="" constructed="" residential="" rental="" property,="" from="" the="" irs="" publication,="" depreciation="" 1992,="" publication="" 534.="" this="" publication="" includes="" accelerated="" schedules="" for="" years="" 1983-92.="" accelerated="" depreciation="" was="" assumed="" in="" years="" in="" which="" it="" was="" an="" option.="" because="" there="" were="" no="" changes="" in="" the="" tax="" code="" affecting="" depreciation="" after="" 1992,="" the="" schedule="" for="" 1992="" was="" used="" for="" 1993-95.="" 3.="" statistical="" estimation="" the="" statistical="" estimation="" involves="" binomial="" logistic="" regressions="" of="" subsets="" of="" the="" data.="" there="" are="" two="" separate="" regressions="" for="" default="" rates="" and="" five="" separate="" regressions="" for="" prepayment="" rates.="" this="" breakdown="" accommodates="" programmatic="" differences="" between="" cash="" and="" negotiated="" purchases="" in="" the="" default="" equations,="" and="" the="" changing="" nature="" of="" prepayment="" incentives="" across="" various="" products="" and="" loan="" terms.="" the="" results="" are="" matched="" together="" so="" that="" the="" end="" result="" is="" trinomial="" logistic="" probability="" equations="" that="" provide="" the="" same="" result="" as="" if="" defaults="" and="" prepayments="" were="" estimated="" simultaneously="" for="" each="" loan="" program="" and="" product.\262\="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \262\="" this="" is="" the="" three-choice="" logit="" model,="" though="" the="" more="" generic="" model="" is="" known="" as="" the="" multinomial="" logit,="" or="" mnl.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" the="" logistic="" model="" is="" founded="" on="" assumptions="" that="" the="" utility="" of="" each="" borrower="" payment="" choice--make="" payment,="" prepay,="" or="" default--is="" a="" function="" of="" its="" contribution="" to="" wealth="" and="" that,="" each="" observation="" period,="" borrowers="" make="" the="" choice="" that="" maximizes="" wealth.="" the="" regressions="" compute="" weights="" (coefficients)="" that="" estimate="" the="" influence="" of="" each="" explanatory="" variable="" on="" the="" net="" wealth="" effect="" of="" one="" choice="" over="" another.="" these="" models="" estimate="" the="" log-odds="" of="" choosing="" a="" mortgage="" termination="" over="" continuing="" to="" make="" loan="" payments="" as="" a="" function="" of="" the="" explanatory="" variables.="" in="" particular,="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.018="" and="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.019="" [[page="" 18196]]="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.229="" and="" the="" resulting="" equations="" for="" calculating="" probabilities="" are="" transformations="" of="" these="" equations:="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.020="" and="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.021="" if="" x="" and="" y="" are="" matrices="" of="" all="" event-history="" records,="" then="" the="" resulting="" probabilities="" will="" be="" (column)="" vectors="" of="" estimated="" probabilities="" for="" each="" of="" these="" records,="" for="" each="" observed="" time="" period.="" because="" of="" the="" relatively="" small="" number="" of="" loan="" defaults="" in="" the="" data,="" ofheo="" used="" annual="" observations="" to="" estimate="" the="" equations.="" economic="" variables="" are="" averages="" for="" each="" calendar="" year,="" and="" the="" logistic="" equations="" estimate="" probabilities="" of="" default="" and="" prepayment="" for="" all="" loans="" surviving="" to="" the="" beginning="" of="" the="" next="" year.="" the="" probabilities="" of="" default="" and="" prepayment="" are="" interdependent,="" and="" normally="" the="" equations="" would="" be="" estimated="" using="" simultaneous="" equations="" methods.="" however,="" because="" there="" are="" two="" default="" equations="" and="" five="" prepayment="" equations,="" doing="" so="" would="" be="" quite="" complex.="" following="" begg="" and="" gray,="" ofheo="" estimated="" the="" system="" using="" single="" equation="" methods="" in="" which="" separate="" binomial="" log-odds="" equations="" are="" estimates="" for="" default="" and="" prepayment.\263\="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \263\="" see="" begg="" and="" gray="" (1984).="" to="" do="" this,="" one="" must="" be="" sure="" to="" censor="" competing="" termination="" events="" from="" the="" regression="" samples.="" that="" is,="" for="" default="" rate="" log-odds="" estimation,="" all="" prepayment="" observations="" must="" be="" censored="" in="" the="" period="" of="" the="" prepayment="" (and="" vice="" versa).="" this="" censoring="" assures="" that="" the="" estimation="" is="" of="" the="" log-odds="" of="" defaulting="" (or="" prepaying)="" versus="" remaining="" current="" on="" the="" mortgage.="" the="" underlying="" principle="" of="" logistic="" regression="" analysis="" that="" allows="" for="" this="" approach="" to="" modeling="" the="" competing="" risks="" of="" default="" and="" prepayment="" is="" called="" the="" independence="" of="" irrelevant="" alternatives.="" this="" principle="" means="" that="" logistic="" analysis="" assumes="" that="" the="" log-odds="" of="" default="" versus="" remaining="" current="" are="" not="" influenced="" by="" the="" log-odds="" of="" prepaying="" versus="" remaining="" current.="" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 4.="" explanatory="" variables="" the="" multifamily="" mortgage="" performance="" model="" has="" separate="" sets="" of="" explanatory="" variables="" for="" default="" and="" prepayment="" analysis.="" they="" are="" described="" separately="" here.="" a.="" default="" equations="" ofheo="" estimated="" two="" separate="" logit="" default="" equations,="" one="" for="" cash="" purchases="" and="" one="" for="" negotiated="" purchases.="" this="" decomposition="" serves="" three="" purposes.="" first,="" significant="" numbers="" of="" negotiated="" purchase="" loans="" did="" not="" enter="" the="" enterprise="" portfolios="" until="" after="" the="" tax="" reform="" act="" of="" 1986.="" that="" statute="" greatly="" changed="" the="" value="" of="" depreciation="" allowances="" to="" new="" purchasers="" of="" investment="" real="" estate.="" ofheo="" desired="" to="" model="" the="" effects="" of="" tax="" law="" changes="" on="" default="" rates,="" but="" could="" only="" do="" this="" with="" the="" cash="" purchase="" loans,="" where="" there="" are="" significant="" numbers="" of="" observations="" both="" before="" and="" after="" tax="" reform.="" the="" second="" reason="" for="" separating="" cash="" from="" negotiated="" purchase="" loans="" is="" that="" negotiated="" loans="" did="" not="" undergo="" the="" same="" change="" of="" quality="" as="" did="" cash="" purchases.="" it="" is="" easier="" to="" separate="" the="" effects="" of="" movements="" by="" the="" enterprises="" from="" original="" to="" new="" cash-purchase="" programs="" if="" these="" are="" isolated="" from="" the="" negotiated="" purchases="" for="" default="" analysis.="" a="" third="" reason="" for="" separating="" the="" two="" programs="" into="" two="" separate="" default="" equations="" is="" that="" the="" majority="" of="" negotiated="" purchase="" loans="" have="" seller/servicer="" repurchase="" provisions,="" which="" required="" use="" of="" 90-day="" delinquency="" as="" the="" default="" event="" of="" record.="" ofheo="" decided="" that="" capturing="" the="" difference="" between="" 90-day="" delinquencies="" and="" full="" defaults="" was="" best="" achieved="" through="" an="" estimation="" that="" involved="" only="" negotiated="" purchases.="" table="" 33="" provides="" a="" list="" of="" the="" explanatory="" variables="" used="" in="" each="" default="" equation.="" each="" variable="" listed="" in="" the="" table="" will="" be="" described="" and="" developed="" more="" fully="" below.="" [[page="" 18197]]="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.221="" (i)="" joint="" probability="" of="" negative="" equity="" and="" negative="" cash="" flow="" the="" key="" explanatory="" variable="" in="" the="" default="" equations="" is="" the="" joint="" probability="" of="" negative="" equity="" and="" negative="" cash="" flow,="" which="" is="" defined="" as:="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.022="" a="" probabilistic="" measure="" is="" used="" because="" the="" exact="" financial="" condition="" of="" each="" mortgaged="" property,="" over="" time,="" is="" unknown.="" however,="" the="" equity="" and="" cash="" flow="" positions="" of="" the="" property="" at="" time="" of="" loan="" acquisition,="" and="" how="" local="" rents="" and="" vacancy="" rates="" changed="" over="" time="" are="" known.="" with="" this="" information,="" and="" reasonable="" assumptions="" regarding="" the="" dispersion="" of="" rent="" growth="" rates="" and="" vacancy="" rates="" across="" properties,="" the="" joint="" probability,="" jp,="" can="" be="" constructed.="" this="" variable="" is="" similar="" to="" the="" probability="" of="" negative="" equity="" variable="" used="" in="" the="" single="" family="" mortgage="" performance="" model,="" only="" here="" the="" variable="" begins="" with="" an="" index="" of="" growth="" rates="" of="" property="" net="" operating="" income="" (noi),="" rather="" than="" an="" index="" of="" the="" growth="" rates="" of="" property="" value="" directly.="" ofheo="" developed="" this="" approach="" for="" multifamily="" modeling="" because="" there="" are="" no="" property="" value="" indexes="" available,="" and="" it="" was="" not="" feasible="" to="" develop="" one="" with="" enterprise="" data.="" ideally,="" jp="" would="" capture="" all="" of="" the="" numerous="" factors="" affecting="" ltv="" and="" dcr,="" including="" rents,="" expenses,="" vacancies,="" special="" underwriting="" provisions="" (e.g.,="" maintenance="" reserves),="" interest="" rates,="" and="" tax="" laws.="" ofheo="" incorporated="" three="" important="" factors="" into="" the="" jp="" variable:="" rents,="" vacancies="" and="" interest="" rates.="" because="" the="" actual="" property="" purchase="" year="" for="" current="" investors="" is="" unknown,="" the="" actual="" tax="" code="" affecting="" depreciation="" writeoffs="" is="" also="" unknown="" for="" each="" property.="" therefore,="" ofheo="" constructed="" a="" separate="" variable="" that="" captures="" changes="" in="" the="" value="" of="" tax="" benefits="" from="" property="" ownership="" to="" a="" new="" purchaser.="" changes="" in="" property="" expenses="" are="" incorporated="" into="" jp="" by="" specifying="" that="" expenses="" are="" a="" constant="" ratio="" of="" rents.="" (a)="" creating="" time="" series="" for="" dcr="" and="" ltv="" the="" construction="" of="" jp="" first="" involves="" creating="" time="" series="" variables="" for="" dcr="" and="" ltv.="" each="" of="" these="" can="" be="" shown="" to="" be="" a="" function="" of="" property="" noi="" in="" each="" time="" period,="" t:="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.023="" [[page="" 18198]]="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.230="" and="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.024="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.231="" for="" commercial="" properties,="" appraisers="" use="" capitalization="" (``cap'')="" rate="" factors="" for="" estimating="" the="" present="" value="" of="" a="" future="" stream="" of="" property="" noi.\264\="" the="" cap="" rate="" multiplier="" for="" each="" loan="" at="" origination,="">0, can be derived given three other variables: 
    LTV0, UPB0, and NOI0. Because the cap 
    rate multiplier is a function of interest rates, changes in interest 
    rates over time will affect Mt and, through that, affect 
    Vt and LTVt also. OFHEO collected data on cap 
    rate multipliers at origination on Enterprise loans and the mortgage 
    coupon rates on those loans.\265\ These data were used to estimate the 
    elasticity of the cap rate multiplier with respect to interest rates, 
    so that property values can be updated in response to interest rate 
    changes. The estimated regression equation is:
        \264\ While the cap rate multiplier is used here to project 
    property value from NOI, the cap rate itself is the reciprocal of 
    the multiplier. So if, for example, a cap rate multiplier of 10 is 
    implied from the property value (and the underlying NOI), the actual 
    cap rate is 0.10. The cap rate on each individual property begins, 
    like other appraisal techniques, with cap rates found on recent 
    sales of comparable properties. Appraisers then incorporate an 
    assessment of the duration and risk of the earnings on the 
    particular property into the final cap rate used to project property 
    value; a risky earnings stream will be penalized with a higher cap 
    rate (lower multiplier).
        \265\ The choice of an interest rate series to use here was one 
    of convenience, and does not materially affect the results.
        By estimating a double-log equation, the coefficient on the 
    interest rate variable, rc,0, is the elasticity of the cap 
    rate multiplier with respect to interest rate changes. This elasticity 
    is used to project changes in Mt over time (since loan 
    origination) as follows:
    and the factor used to update LTVt over time is then,
    [[Page 18199]]
        Updating the DCRt and LTVt series requires a 
    method for updating NOIt. NOIt can be expressed 
    as a function of rents, operating expenses, and vacancy rates:
        For national data from annual surveys of apartments by the 
    Institute for Real Estate Management (IREM), from 1970 through 1992, 
    the average ratio of operating expenses to gross rents was 47.2 
    percent. In computing values for NOIt, kt is held constant 
    at 0.472. All properties must meet minimum occupancy (maximum vacancy) 
    requirements before permanent funding is secured and the loans are 
    purchased by the Enterprises. To estimate the models, the vacancy rate 
    at origination is also held constant, in this case at the long-term 
    average observed in Census vacancy surveys, 1970-1995: 0.0623. Thus, 
    current values of NOI, relative to the value at loan origination, are 
    calculated as:
    Which reduces to:
        The ratio of the dollar rents (RENTt/RENT0) 
    is a rent index from the time of loan origination to time period t. 
    Denoting this ratio as RPIt,:
        If there has been no change in the vacancy rate since loan 
    origination, so that vt = 0.0623, then the growth of net 
    operating income equals the growth of rents since loan origination.
        With these formulas for updating the cap rate multiplier, 
    Mt, and net operating income, NOIt, time series 
    can be created for DCRt and LTVt.
    [[Page 18200]]
    For DCRt, the denominator of the update formula 
    (PMTt/PMT0) (equation 32) will always equal 1.0 
    for fixed-rate mortgages.
    (ii) Construction of the JPt Variable
        Both RPIt and t are market indexes. 
    The values for individual properties--RPIj,t and 
    j,t--are not known, but can be assumed 
    to be random variables that follow standard distributional forms, with 
    mean values RPIt and t. To look at how 
    the distribution of rent growth rates and vacancy rates affects the 
    distribution of property level DCR and LTV values, it is convenient to 
    use a logarithmic transformation of equation (31):
    where Zt = [1-2.15 (t-0.0623)] and 
    RPIt is a rent index that equals one plus the growth of 
    rents since loan origination. Zt can be interpreted as the 
    percentage change in NOIt due to changes in the vacancy rate 
    since loan origination, and RPIt is the percentage change in 
    NOIt due to rent growth. If ln(Z) and ln(RPI) are normally 
    distributed across properties, at any given point in time, then their 
    sum has a bivariate normal distribution. This implies a bivariate 
    normal distribution for ln(DCR) and ln(LTV), which provides the 
    distributional form used to estimate the joint probability that DCR < 1="" and="">t > 1 for any given property, JPt.
        Normality for ln(RPI) follows from the standard assumption that 
    growth rates follow a lognormal diffusion process over time. Such a 
    process is also foundational to the OFHEO HPI, which is used for single 
    family mortgage performance analysis. With lognormal diffusion, the 
    distribution of ln(RPIj,t), where j is a property index, is:
        If all apartment units can be assumed to have the same probability 
    of being vacant, the distribution of vacancy rates across properties, 
    within a geographic area, can be assumed to be binomial, with mean and 
    variance parameters:
        The binomial distribution for apartment vacancies at the project 
    level is bounded below by zero and skewed to the right, and because it 
    can be approximated by a lognormal distribution with the same 
    parameters. Thus, Zj,t, which is a linear transformation of 
    vj,t, can be modeled with a lognormal distribution:
        This allows ln(Zj,t) to be modeled with a normal 
    distribution. Rewriting the parameters of Zj,t as:
    we can write the parameters of the (normal) distribution of 
    ln(Zj,t) as:
    [[Page 18201]]
    where the t subscripts for these parameters are dropped here and 
    subsequently for clarity. Because both ln(DCRj,t) and 
    ln(LTVj,t) are linear functions of the normally distributed 
    random variables, ln(Zj,t) and ln(RPIj,t), 
    ln(DCRj,t) and ln(LTVj,t) have a bivariate normal 
    2,), where,
        The correlation between ln(LTVj,t) and 
    ln(DCRj,t) in the historical Enterprise data is used as an 
    estimate of  (-0.5975). Unpublished data from the Bureau of 
    Labor Statistics (BLS) suggests a value for 
    2t of 7.5 percent. Alternative values 
    between 5 and 15 percent were also considered, but the statistical 
    model results (default rate equations) were insensitive to the value 
    used for this variance.\266\
        \266\ This is because the variance of lnDCR and lnLTV is much 
    more heavily influenced by the variance of the vacancy rate than the 
    variance of the growth rate of RPI.
        The bivariate normal distribution defined by the parameters in 
    equation 40 can be used to calculate the joint probability of negative 
    equity and negative cash flow, JP. The joint probability is the 
    bivariate (standard) normal distribution evaluated at particular 
    boundary (cutoff) values for ln(DCR) and ln(LTV). The definition of 
    JPj,t can be restated as:
    which can be calculated using the bivarate normal distribution:
    where x and y are two standard normal random variates, each 
    representing the possible values of the logs of DCR and LTV values on 
    all apartment properties in a given geographic area, at a given point 
    in time. The x and y values are standardized, which for DCR and LTV is 
    accomplished by subtracting from them the log of the expected values 
    for each property, 1,t and 2,t, 
    and then dividing by the respective standard deviations, 
    1,t and 2,t. The two limits of 
    integration, a and b, are the standardized differences between the 
    expected values for each property and the boundary conditions, which 
    are the log of 1.00 for each. So, from equation 40 they are just:
    (iii) Updating DCRt for Balloon and ARM Payment Shocks
        The joint probability variable, JPt, is given additional 
    weight for balloon loans in the maturity year. Weaker loans will be 
    unable to qualify for refinancing in the balloon year, especially if 
    there is an increase in rates, which leads to more defaults at that 
    point, for any given level of DCRt and LTVt. This 
    effect should be a function of JPt. Balloon year
    [[Page 18202]]
    shock is added using a composite variable BJPt:
    where BYRt is a dummy variable equal to 1 if the observation 
    is the balloon year, and 0 otherwise, and JPt is the joint 
    probability of negative equity and negative cash flow. (The loan 
    specific subscript, j, is dropped here for ease of exposition.) Due to 
    the small number of balloon loans in negotiated purchase portfolios, 
    this variable is only estimated in the default rate equation for cash 
    purchase loans. In stress test application, the estimated coefficient 
    for cash purchases is also used to predict default rates of negotiated 
    purchase balloon loans in the maturity year.
        The Enterprises tend to extend balloon loans beyond maturity when 
    properties cannot meet minimum qualification standards for a new loan, 
    provided the borrower continues to make the monthly payment on the 
    original mortgage. This possibility of what is called ``extension 
    risk,'' the risk of loans not leaving the portfolio at the balloon 
    point, has been documented by Elmer and Haidorfer (1997) and by Abraham 
    and Theobald (1997). OFHEO also finds that in the Enterprise database a 
    large percentage of loans are extended beyond balloon maturity. This 
    model imposes payment shock for extended loans by updating the DCR to 
    reflect what the borrower would be paying if the borrower refinanced 
    the property. DCRt is updated after the balloon point by 
    adjusting PMTt to reflect a new payment level commensurate 
    with market interest rates for fixed-rate (fully amortizing) loans in 
    the balloon year.
        ARMs are treated with similar DCR adjustments, except that the 
    payment adjustment occurs annually.\267\ Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 
    purchased very few ARM loans through their cash programs, however there 
    are significant numbers of negotiated transactions that are ARMs.
        \267\ Nearly all ARMs in Enterprise portfolios are indexed to 
    the 11th District FHLB Cost of Funds, with monthly rate adjustments, 
    semi-annual payment adjustments, and negative amortization 
    provisions. The payment adjustment calculations here proxy for the 
    full stress of partial payment adjustments and negative amortization 
    by treating ARM loans as 5/1 products where annual payment changes 
    are only limited by the lifetime and annual rate caps (5 and 1 
    percent, respectively). This allows for larger potential payment 
    shock than would normally be allowed on these loans to compensate 
    for the lack of negative amortization provisions in this model.
    (iv) The Present Value of Depreciation Write-offs for Multifamily 
        The value of depreciation write-offs to a new property owner is 
    calculated with the present value formula used by Goldberg and Capone 
    (1998): \268\
        \268\ The variable in the Goldberg and Capone (1998) article is 
    called PVTAX, but it is the same as the DW variable shown here. 
    Weights for  and  are the percent of taxpayers 
    in adjusted gross income groups.
        DWt is the present value of depreciation write-offs for 
    each $100 of investment in rental housing, and can be thought of as the 
    percentage of the investment tax basis that is returned to the investor 
    through depreciation write-offs. The tax rate data used to calculate 
    this variable are described above in section IV.D.2., Historical Data.
        In addition to tax rates, an estimate of a required rate of return 
    is needed to calculate the present value of depreciation write-offs. 
    For this OFHEO used an estimate of the weighted average cost of 
    capital, with 20 percent equity and 80 percent debt financing. The cost 
    of debt financing is measured with data from the Enterprises on the 
    average coupon rate of multifamily fixed-rate mortgages in each year, 
    1983-95 (rf,t). The cost of equity is calculated with data 
    from the Enterprises and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In particular, 
    if property NOI is expected to increase annually at the rate g, then 
    the cap rate, CAP, can be thought of as equaling the required return on 
    equity (re) minus the growth rate, gt. This 
    implies that the required return on equity equals:
        CAP0,t is estimated using cap rate values for all 
    Enterprise loans originated in year, t, and the relationships estimated 
    in equation 27. Values for gt are three-year average growth 
    rates of rents, using the Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI residential 
    rent series, national average (for years t-2, t-1, and t).
        The weighted average discount rate for all loans in year, t, is 
    [[Page 18203]]
        Table 34 shows values of DWt in the study period, 1983-
    (v) Program Restructuring
        The original cash purchase programs of the Enterprises were 
    implemented in an overheated lending environment in which appraisal 
    practices allowed for inflation adjustments to rents when calculating 
    property value. Such adjustments resulted in understatements of 
    LTV0 and overstatements of DCR0, leading to the 
    purchase of loans with understated credit risk and, eventually, to 
    severe credit losses. In addition to the overstatement of anticipated 
    rents, original multifamily cash-purchase programs at the Enterprises 
    had other significant weaknesses. For these reasons, on loans purchased 
    under original cash programs (Fannie Mae, 1983-1987, Freddie Mac, 1983-
    1991) the stress test accounts for increased risk in two ways. The 
    first method is to adjust LTV0 and DCR0 on 
    original cash program loans to extract the average inflation factors. 
    Internal research at OFHEO has concluded that reasonable adjustment 
    multipliers are 0.85 for DCR0 and 1.27 for LTV0.
        The second method used to account for increased default risk in 
    original cash programs is to include a dummy variable (PR) in the 
    default equation. This measures the behavioral difference of loans 
    purchased prior to program restructuring (1 = original cash purchase 
    (vi) Default Type
        For most loans acquired through negotiated transactions, the loan 
    event used to estimate defaults is a 90-day delinquency, rather than a 
    foreclosure. A different event was chosen for these loans because the 
    seller/servicer typically has a contractual obligation to repurchase 
    delinquent loans from security pools and resolve the default. As a 
    result, the Enterprises' data do not reflect which of these loans were 
    cured or renegotiated and which resulted in property loss events. These 
    loans will have more observed ``defaults'' because they include cures 
    and loan modifications as well as property loss events. To adjust for 
    this discrepancy, two dummy variables are included in the negotiated 
    purchase default equation: one to flag ARM loans under repurchase 
    contracts (RA), and one to flag fixed-rate loans under repurchase 
    contracts (RF).
    (vii) Loan Age
        Default risk is greatest in the years just after loan origination. 
    Apartment projects are then most vulnerable to economic shocks because 
    DCRt may be low, LTVt may be high, and it may 
    take several years to create a viable market niche for the property. 
    However, a financially troubled project will not default immediately. 
    First, valuable depreciation write-offs may be available in the early 
    years to counterbalance negative property cash flow. Second, working-
    capital reserves may forestall default. And third, the owner may 
    ``bleed the project'' by deferring maintenance and other expenditures 
    prior to delinquency.\269\ Age denotes the loan year of an observation. 
    Thus, if a loan was originated in 1985, its age is 1 in 1985, 2 in 
    1986, and so on.
        \269\ This final reason is discussed by Quercia (1995) and by 
    Riddiough and Thompson (1993).
        Other studies of commercial mortgage defaults confirm that defaults 
    tend to rise in the first years after loan origination and then, once 
    the weakest loans exit, the conditional default rate declines.\270\ 
    Preliminary analysis of Enterprise data indicated that the peak
    [[Page 18204]]
    default period is about four years after loan origination. To capture 
    this underlying trend, a quadratic age function is included in the 
    default equations.
        \270\ See Snyderman (1994).
    b. Prepayment Equations
        The explanatory variables chosen for the prepayment equations are 
    designed to capture multiple refinancing incentives: exercising the 
    ``call'' option (normal refinance); rebalancing debt and equity in the 
    property (cash-out refinance); risk aversity with respect to pending 
    balloon expirations (early payoffs); and balloon payoffs. The overall 
    model is separated into five equations in order to best capture the 
    differing prepayment incentives by product and product-life stage. For 
    ease of exposition, these five equations are referred to here as 
        The first model is for fixed-rate loans in the initial yield 
    maintenance period, when refinancing has no immediate value. Beyond the 
    yield maintenance period, fully amortizing and balloon loans with fixed 
    interest rates are analyzed separately in two additional models. This 
    approach is used because, after yield maintenance ends, balloon loans 
    prepay more quickly than self-amortizing loans, reflecting borrower 
    uncertainty surrounding interest rate movements leading up to the time 
    of loan maturity, when a payoff is required. At maturity, balloon loans 
    are viewed as having payoffs rather than prepayments. The dynamics of 
    required payoffs are much different from those of voluntary prepayments 
    prior to maturity. Therefore, a fourth equation is estimated for 
    balloons during and after the maturity year. This fourth model includes 
    both fixed-and adjustable-rate balloons. The fifth and final model is 
    for adjustable-rate mortgages other than those that may have reached a 
    balloon maturity point. Adjustable rate mortgages do not have yield 
    maintenance terms, and their refinancing incentives are different from 
    those of fixed-rate mortgages.
        In prepayment model 4, for balloon payoffs, OFHEO recognizes that 
    while there is a contractual obligation to find new sources of 
    financing at the balloon point, those with weak financials may not 
    qualify for new funding. The Enterprises, like all lenders, however, 
    are often unwilling to initiate foreclosure if loan payments are being 
    made under the current (but now expired) contract. OFHEO's approach to 
    these extended loans is, therefore, to continue to model payoff rates 
    at and beyond the balloon point.
        Table 35 sets forth the structure of the explanatory variables used 
    in the five prepayment equation/models, as follows:
    [[Page 18205]]
    (i) Relative Spreads in Interest Rates
        The relative difference between coupon and market interest rates is 
    the primary call option variable used in the prepayment equations. For 
    fixed-rate loans (prepayment models 1-3), OFHEO includes spread 
    variables when market rates are lower (RSDj,t) and when 
    market rates are higher than coupon rates
    [[Page 18206]]
    (RSUj,t). Asymmetry of effects is allowed for because drops 
    in rates affect refinancings with different motivations than rises in 
    rates do. Rate declines stimulate refinancings designed to lower 
    interest costs, while rate increases discourage cash-out refinancings.
        The down-rate spread variable, RSDj,t, is given added 
    weight in the years preceding balloon maturity (model 2) in order to 
    capture the risk aversity of borrowers with respect to interest rate 
    movements leading up the balloon point. This weight is added through 
    two interactive variables. First, RSD1j,t, is 
    RSDj,t multiplied by a 0/1 dummy variable that is turned on 
    during the year immediately preceding the balloon year (13-24 months 
    prior to the maturity month). The second, RSD2j,t, is 
    RSDj,t multiplied by a 0/1 dummy variable that is turned on 
    during the second year preceding the balloon year (months 25-36 prior 
    to the maturity month).
        For adjustable rate mortgages (model 5), the spread variable is not 
    separated into positive and negative components, but is allowed to have 
    one effect for both increases and decreases in interest rates.\271\ 
    Because ARM coupon rates change every year, the relative spread 
    variable is used to capture the slope of the yield curve, which 
    indicates whether it is more valuable to retain the ARM or to refinance 
    into a fixed-rate loan.
        \271\ Also, a lack of observations on high interest rate 
    environments made it difficult to estimate separate effects for rate 
    rises (RSU).
    (ii) Market Interest Rate
        An additional interest rate variable is added to the ARM equation 
    (model 5). This is the fixed-rate mortgage rate, rf,t, and 
    it captures incentives to refinance into fixed-rate products when the 
    level of rates is low.
    (iii) Years-To-Go in the Yield Maintenance Period
        Yield maintenance fees are a function of the remaining time until 
    the end of the prepayment restriction period. As the yield maintenance 
    period draws to a close, the prepayment penalties decline and the value 
    of refinancing increases. To capture this change, prepayment model 1 
    has a variable that measures the years-to-go until the end of the yield 
    maintenance period (YTGt).\272\
        \272\ OFHEO experimented with variables that attempted to 
    capture the impact of yield maintenance fees on refinancing 
    incentives, but the fixed effects (years-to-go) proved to be a 
    better predictor of historical mortgage performance.
        A small number of older Enterprise loans had prepayment lockouts 
    for a period of years, rather than financial prepayment fees. For these 
    loans, we set YTGt equal to 10 (its maximum value) 
    throughout the restriction period.
    (iv) Loan-to-Value Ratio
        Investors in multifamily properties will engage in cash-out 
    refinancings to increase returns on invested equity. This refinance 
    motivation as LTV falls over time is captured by including 
    LTVt as an explanatory variable.
    (v) Loan Age
        The baseline prepayment hazard is a function of the desired holding 
    period of investors. The holding period is heavily influenced by tax 
    laws: accelerated writeoffs and shorter depreciation schedules 
    encourage shorter holding periods. It is also affected by exogenous 
    factors, e.g., investor retirement. Lacking data to measure the 
    expected holding periods of investors, we assume that the distribution 
    of expected holding periods, and their effect on baseline prepayment 
    rates, can be captured through a quadratic function of mortgage 
        \273\ Follain, et al. (1997) attempt a fourth-order function of 
    age to provide a more flexible baseline hazard function, but the 
    third and fourth order terms are not statistically significant. 
    Therefore, OFHEO accepts a second-order age function as sufficient 
    for capturing the distribution of expected investor holding periods.
    [[Page 18207]]
    (vi) Probability of Qualifying To Refinance
        An important obstacle to call option exercise is qualifying for a 
    new loan. Because information on property financials after loan 
    origination is not available, it is not known which properties can, at 
    any point in time, meet minimum standards, DCR=1.20 and LTV=0.80. 
    Instead, the model uses the same approach employed for default 
    analysis, calculating the joint probability that DCR and LTV will meet 
    minimum qualification standards (PQt). PQt is 
    measured by evaluating the bivariate normal distribution shown in 
    equation 42 with new integration limits:
    where, for any given loan (j) in any given time period (t):
        This effectively estimates the probability:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.055
    (vii) Summary of Prepayment Models
        In summary, the five prepayment models (equations) are organized as 
    1. Model 1: All Fixed-Rate Mortgages-Fully Amortizing and Balloon-in 
    the Yield Maintenance Period
        Includes explanatory variables to capture investor holding horizons 
    (AYt, AYt2), normal refinancings 
    (RSDt), cash out refinancings (LTVt), adverse 
    interest rate effects on cash-out refinancings (RSUt), and 
    effects on normal refinancings due to yield maintenance 
    2. Model 2: Balloon Loans After Yield Maintenance, but Prior to the 
    Maturity Year
        Includes explanatory variables for normal refinancings 
    (RSDt), cash-out refinancings (LTVt), preballoon 
    incentives to refinance and avoid the uncertainty of interest rates at 
    maturity (RSD1t and RSD2t), and the various 
    investment horizons of borrower/owners (AYt, 
    AYt2). The variable for adverse interest rate 
    offsets to cash-out refinancings (RSUt) is not included in 
    this equation because of a lack of positive observations in the 
    historical data series.\274\ The coefficient from model 3 is used for 
    this variable in this equation in stress test application.
        \274\ Estimating the regression equation with both RSD and RSU 
    does not significantly change the coefficient on RSD. The RSU 
    coefficient is negligible and without statistical significance.
    3. Model 3: Self-Amortizing Fixed-Rate Loans After Yield Maintenance
        Includes explanatory variables for investment horizons 
    (AYt, AYt2), normal refinancings 
    (RSDt), cash-out refinancings (LTVt), and adverse 
    interest-rate effects on cash-out refinancings (RSUt).
    4. Model 4: Balloon payoff
        Includes an explanatory variable for the ability of the property to 
    qualify for new financing (PQt). This is the only variable 
    because at the balloon point there are no longer prepayments, only 
    5. Model 5: Prepayments of Adjustable Rate Mortgages
        Includes explanatory variables for the expected investment horizons 
    of borrower/owners (AYt, AYt2), cash-
    out refinance incentives (LTVt), and incentives to refinance 
    out of ARMs and into fixed-rate products (RSt and 
    5. Results of the Statistical Estimation of Default and Prepayment 
        Table 36 provides maximum likelihood estimates of coefficients in 
    the two default equations.
    [[Page 18208]]
        All coefficient signs are as expected in both default equations, 
    and all variables have significant effects, both statistically and 
    practically. The age patterns in each equation (including the constant 
    term) are similar, but the joint probability (JPt) has a 
    larger effect on negotiated purchase default rates than on cash-
    purchase default rates. This finding may result from the fact that most 
    negotiated loan defaults were 90-day delinquency rather than 
    foreclosures, and delinquencies may be more sensitive to changes in 
    variables, such as vacancy rates, that underlie JPt.
        The dummy variable for program restructuring (PR) has a coefficient 
    of 0.6203. That implies that annual default rates on original cash-
    purchase loans are roughly 1.6 times those of new-cash purchase 
    loans.\275\ The value of the depreciation write-off coefficient 
    indicates that the decrease in depreciation allowances that were part 
    of the 1986 tax reform increased default rates roughly 40 percent.\276\
        \275\ The marginal probability of binary logit coefficients is 
    P(1-P), where  is the coefficient and P is 
    the probability estimated with the coefficient set to zero. So, if 
    P=1 percent, then the increase in probability for original cash 
    program loans is equal to 0.61 percent, and the original-program 
    probability is 1.61 percent. If P=0.5 percent, then the probability 
    for an original-program cash loan is 0.8 percent (marginal 
    probability is 0.30 percent).
        \276\ This finding is explored in greater depth in Goldberg and 
    Capone (1998).
        Table 37 provides maximum likelihood estimates of the five 
    prepayment models (equations). All of the coefficient estimates have 
    the expected signs and provide consistent results. While the 
    coefficient of the negative spread variable (RSDt) is larger 
    during the yield maintenance than it is out of yield maintenance, it 
    actually has a much smaller effect on the probability of prepayment. In 
    this functional form, the coefficient represents (approximately) the 
    percentage change in prepayments per unit change in rates. Because 
    prepayment rates are much greater for loans out of yield maintenance, 
    the larger proportional effect for loans in yield maintenance is still 
    much smaller in absolute terms.
    [[Page 18209]]
        As expected, balloon loans in the post-yield maintenance period 
    have higher refinance incentives than do fully-amortizing loans, and, 
    therefore, there is a higher coefficient on RSDt in 
    prepayment (model 2) than in prepayment (model 3), with even greater 
    effects as balloon maturity approaches (RSD1t and 
        Cash-out refinancings (LTVt), are much stronger in the 
    post-yield maintenance period, than during yield maintenance, as 
    expected. ARM loan prepayments (model 5) are sensitive to all of the 
    factors in the model. The balloon payoff (model 4) shows that the 
    probability of qualifying for a refinancing is a valuable predictor of 
    annual payoff rates in the balloon and post-balloon years.
    [[Page 18210]]
    6. Application to the Stress Test
        The risk-based-capital stress test matches default and prepayment 
    models for each loan group by loan characteristics and age. Because the 
    stress test uses loan aggregates (groups), the probabilities that 
    result from use of the statistical equations can be thought of as rates 
    of default and prepayment on the outstanding balances in each loan 
    group, in each month of the stress period. But the default and 
    prepayment models generated here produce annual rates of default and 
    prepayment. Monthly rates are derived by first calculating annual 
    equivalent rates in each month, given the explanatory variable values 
    in that month, and then converting the annual rates to their monthly 
        The stress tests selects the appropriate default equation used for 
    each loan group based solely on the value of the Program Type data 
    field in the Enterprises' loan characteristics data. The stress test 
    chooses among prepayment equations based upon Product Type and loan 
    Origination Term fields in the loan characteristics data, and also upon 
    a computed mortgage age variable. Balloon loans use three separate 
    prepayment models throughout loan life: in yield maintenance (model 1), 
    post-yield maintenance (model 2), and payoff period (model 4). Fully 
    amortizing ARMs will use just one equation (model 5), balloon ARMs will 
    use two equations (model 5, and then model 4 at balloon term). Fully 
    amortizing fixed-rate loans will use two prepayment equations, model 1 
    during yield maintenance and model 3 afterward. The estimated default 
    and prepayment equations are used not in binary logistic equations, but 
    rather in trinomial equations, as shown in equations 20 and 21, above. 
    Use of the trinomial or, more generally, multinomial probability 
    equations assures that prepayments and defaults are treated as 
    competing risks in stress test application.
        Use of the statistical equations in the stress test also involves 
    some cross-equation grafting of coefficients. This is because the 
    historical data on post-yield maintenance balloon loans (model 2) do 
    not have sufficient observations where market interest rates are higher 
    than coupon rates to compute a reliable coefficient for RSU. Instead, 
    the coefficient for the variable RSUt in model 3 is added 
    into model 2 so that the effect of the up-rate stress test can be 
    captured. An additional cross-equation grafting is performed for the 
    added balloon-year effect for the joint probability variable in the 
    default equations (BJP). There are insufficient loans with balloon 
    maturity in the negotiated purchase data set to estimate a coefficient. 
    Therefore, the coefficient estimate from the cash purchase default 
    equation is used in the negotiated purchase default equation in the 
    stress test.
        The cap rate multiplier used to update property value from NOI 
    (equation 27) is updated in the stress test using ten-year constant 
    maturity Treasury yields, rather than mortgage coupon rates. Which 
    interest rate is used to capture percent changes in interest rates is 
    not important, and the ten-year constant maturity Treasury Yield series 
    is the fundamental interest rate series used in the stress test. The 
    stress test also uses a simplifying assumption for the depreciation 
    writeoff variable, DWjt. Rather than predict the value of 
    this variable into the future, OFHEO chose to use the 1995 value (9.27) 
    for the entire stress period, in both up- and down-rate scenarios.
    7. References
    Abraham, Jesse (1993a). A Cash Flow Model of Property Performance, 
    unpublished manuscript, Freddie Mac Corporation, McLean, Virginia, 
    Abraham, Jesse (1993b). Credit Risk in Commercial Real Estate Lending, 
    unpublished manuscript, Freddie Mac Corporation, McLean, Virginia, 
    Abraham, Jesse M. and H. Scott Theobald. 1997. ``Commercial Mortgage 
    Prepayments,'' in Frank J. Fabozzi and David P. Jacob, eds., The 
    Handbook of Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities. New Hope, PA: Frank 
    J. Fabozzi Associates, 55-74.
    Altman, Edward I. (1983). Corporate Financial Distress. New York: John 
    Wiley & Sons, 1983.
    Barnes, Walter C. and S. Michael Gilberto (1994). A Model for Assessing 
    Commercial Mortgage Risk-Based Capital Factors, mimeo.
    Begg, C.B. and R. Gray (1984). ``Calculation of Polychotomous Logistic 
    Regression Parameters Using Individualized Regressions,'' Biometrica, 
    Boyer, Lawrence G., James R. Follain, Jan Ondrich, and Richard A. 
    Piccirillo, Jr. 1997. A Hazard Model of Prepayment and Claim Rates for 
    FHA Insured Multifamily Mortgages, unpublished paper. Arlington, VA: 
    Price Waterhouse, December.
    Brennan, M. and E. Schwartz (1985). Evaluation Natural Resource 
    Investments, Journal of Business, 135-157.
    Capone, Jr., Charles A. (1991). Bankruptcy, Survival, and the 
    Multifamily Mortgage: A Methodological Primer for HUD Staff, 
    unpublished manuscript, Washington, DC, U.S. Department of Housing and 
    Urban Development, August.
    Childs, Paul D., Steven H. Ott, and Timothy J. Riddiough. 1995. The 
    Pricing of Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities. 
    Unpublished manuscript, MIT Center for Real Estate, February.
    Danter, Kenneth F. (1996). ``Smart Investments in Multifamily,'' 
    Mortgage Banking, July, 74-79.
    DiPasquale, Denise and Jean L. Cummings (1992). ``Financing Multifamily 
    Rental Housing: The Changing Role of Lenders and Investors,'' Housing 
    Policy Debate 3 (1), 77-116.
    Dyl, E.A. and H.W. Long (1969). Abandonment Value and Capital 
    Budgeting: Comment, Journal of Finanace, 88-95.
    Elmer, Peter J. and Anton E. Haidorfer. 1997. ``Prepayments of 
    Multifamily Mortgage-Backed Securities.'' The Journal of Fixed Income 
    (March), 50-62.
    Follain, James R. and Jan Ondrich. 1997. ``Ruthless Prepayment? 
    Evidence from Multifamily Mortgages,'' Journal of Urban Economics 41 
    (January), 78-101.
    Follain, James R., Jan Ondrich and Sinha P. Gyan (1990). A Hazard Model 
    of Multifamily Mortgage Prepayments. Discussion Paper No. 54, 
    Department of Economics, Syracuse University, December 1990.
    Foster, Chet and Robert Van Order (1984). ``An Option Based Model of 
    Mortgage Default,'' Housing Finance Review 3 (4), 351-372.
    Goldberg, Lawrence (1994). Claims Forecasting Models for FHA 
    Multifamily Housing Loans. Reston, Virginia: Economic Research 
    Laboratory, Inc., under contract to the U.S. Department of the Treasury 
    through HCI Inc., Reston, Virginia, August 26.
    Goldberg, Lawrence and Charles A. Capone, Jr. 1997. Motivation and 
    Testing of a Double-Trigger Hypothesis for Multifamily Loan Defaults. 
    Unpublished manuscript, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight: 
    Washington DC.
    Goldberg, Larry, and Capone, Jr., Charles A. (1998). ``Multifamily 
    Mortgage Credit Risk: Lessons from Recent History,'' Cityscape 4 (1), 
    ICF Incorporated (1991). Predicting Financial Distress In HUD 
    Multifamily Projects. Fairfax, Virginia: ICF
    [[Page 18211]]
    Incorporated, under contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and 
    Urban Development, April 30.
    Joy, O.M. (1976). Abandonment Values and Abandonment Decisions: A 
    Clarification, Journal of Finanace, 1225-1228.
    Kahn, Charles M. (1991). The Economic Role of Foreclosure Rules, ORER 
    Letter, Spring, 8-11.
    Kau, James B., D.C. Keenan, W.J. Muller III and J.F. Epperson (1987). 
    The Valuation and Securitization of Commercial and Multifamily 
    Mortgages, Journal of Banking and Finance 11, 525-546.
    Kau, James B., D.C. Keenan, W.J. Muller III and J.F. Epperson (1990). 
    ``Pricing Commercial Mortgages and Their Mortgage-Backed Securities,'' 
    Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 3, 333-356.
    Mahue, Michelle A. (1991). ``The Economic Role of Statutory 
    Redemption,'' ORER Letter, Spring, 12-13.
    McFadden, Daniel (1975). ``The Revealed Preferences of a Government 
    Bureaucracy: Theory.'' Bell Journal (Autumn), 401-416.
    National Task Force on Financing Affordable Housing (1992). From the 
    Neighborhoods to the Capital Markets. Washington, DC: Allstate 
    Insurance Company, June.
    Pedone, Carla I. (1991). ``Estimating Mortgage Prepayments and Defaults 
    in Older Federally Assisted Rental Housing and the Possible Costs of 
    Preventing Them,'' Housing Policy Debate 2 (2), 245-288.
    Quercia, Roberto (1995). On Developing a Model of Mortgage Default for 
    Multifamily Rental Housing, unpublished manuscript. Washington, DC: the 
    Urban Institute, October.
    Riddiough, Timothy J. and H.E. Thompson (1993). ``Commercial Mortgage 
    Pricing with Unobservable Borrower Default Costs,'' Journal of the 
    American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association 21 (3), 265-292.
    Riddiough, Timothy J. and S.B. Wyatt (1994a). ``Strategic Default, 
    Workout and Commercial Mortgage Valuation,'' Journal of Real Estate 
    Finance and Economics 9 (1), 5-22Riddiough, Timothy J. and S.B. Wyatt 
    (1994b). ``Wimp or Tough Guy: Sequential Default Risk and Signaling 
    with Mortgages,'' Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 9 (3), 
    Robicheck, A. and J.C. Van Horne (1967). Abandonment Value and Capital 
    Budgeting, Journal of Finance, 577-590.
    Sharkawy, M. Atef and Walter C. Barnes (1992). ``Cost, Value, and 
    Hybrid-Based Underwriting Criteria,'' The Journal of Real Estate 
    Research 7 (2, Spring), 169-185.
    Snyderman, Mark P. (1994). ``Update on Commercial Mortgage Defaults,'' 
    The Real Estate Finance Journal, Summer, 22-32.
    Titman, S. and W. Torous (1989). ``Valuing Commercial Mortgages: An 
    Empirical Investigation of the Contingent Claims Approach to Pricing 
    Risky Debt,'' Journal of Finance 44, 345-373.
    Standard & Poors (1993). Credit Week, March 8. (Issue devoted to 
    Commercial Mortgage Securities)Vandell, Kerry (1992). ``Predicting 
    Commercial Mortgage Foreclosure Experience,'' Journal of the Americal 
    Real Estate and Urban Economics Association 20 (1), 55-88.
    Vandell, Kerry, Walter Barnes, David Hartzell, Dennis Kraft and William 
    Wendt (1993). ``Commercial Mortgage Defaults: Proportional Hazards 
    Estimation Using Individual Loan Histories,'' Journal of the American 
    Real Estate and Urban Economics Association 4 (21, Winter), 451-480.
    E. Multifamily Loss Severity
    1. Introduction
        Owing primarily to limited available data, OFHEO's approach to 
    modeling multifamily loss severity rates for stress test application is 
    simpler than approaches chosen for other elements of mortgage 
    performance. The number of multifamily loans in Enterprise portfolios 
    is a fraction of the number of single family loans. Therefore, the 
    number of defaulted multifamily loans is relatively small. Further, 
    only one Enterprise, Freddie Mac, has reliable historical records of 
    multifamily loss severity rates. Until the mid-1990s, Fannie Mae's 
    multifamily default resolutions were handled by the various field 
    offices, and there were no standard protocols for tracking and 
    maintaining data elements on a loan-by-loan basis. The result is that 
    OFHEO analysis of Enterprise experience is exclusively focused on that 
    of Freddie Mac.
        Even so, the Freddie Mac program provides sufficient data to 
    understand the various components of loss severity rates. They 
    represent the worst historical experience of the Enterprises, and some 
    of the worst experience on record for industry-wide multifamily 
    mortgage loss severities. The Freddie Mac data are not extensive enough 
    to allow a multivariate statistical analysis. The analysis outlined 
    here is univariate: each element is examined individually, without 
    explanatory variables. The result is that OFHEO chose for its stress 
    test to use simple averages of various components of multifamily loss 
        Section 2 of this supplementary material on multifamily loss 
    severity gives an outline of the conceptual framework, the plan OFHEO 
    used in approaching multifamily loss severity rates; section 3 provides 
    a discussion of the source data; section 4 is a summary of the data 
    analysis; and section 5 concludes with an examination of how the loss 
    severity components are applied in the stress test.
    2. Conceptual Framework
        Loss severity is the net cost of resolving a mortgage default. It 
    is most typically measured as a percentage of the unpaid principal 
    balance (UPB) at the time of default.\277\ OFHEO measures severity in 
    this way and then applies any available credit enhancements against the 
    loss to arrive at a net loss to the Enterprises. Credit enhancements 
    are not discussed in this supplement. A description of how the stress 
    test applies credit enhancements can be found in the Appendix to this 
        \277\ All references to UPB in this part of the supplement 
    indicate UPB at time of default.
        OFHEO's general approach is to model only those loss severity rates 
    associated with full foreclosure events. The one exception is for 
    programs where the default event of record is a 90-day delinquency. 
    This exception will be discussed below, under Data Analysis. 
    Foreclosure results in the Enterprise taking title to the property, 
    managing and rehabilitating it, and then marketing and selling the 
    property. OFHEO also models the timing of events and cost elements 
    associated with foreclosure and property management. As with single 
    family loss severity rates, OFHEO recognizes three time frames in 
    capturing costs and revenues associated with mortgage foreclosure: the 
    first four months of delinquency, the time from default to foreclosure 
    completion (which includes the first four months), and time of property 
    inventory (from foreclosure completion to property disposition).
        After analyzing Enterprise data, and reviewing available research 
    on multifamily loss severity, OFHEO chose to use simple averages of 
    Enterprise experience, by loss component, and not to perform 
    multivariate statistical analysis. Component analysis permits the use 
    of discounting techniques to create effective loss severity rates at 
    the time of default (one month after last-
    [[Page 18212]]
    paid-installment). OFHEO found no basis in the existing literature for 
    multivariate statistical analysis of multifamily loss severities.
        OFHEO identified seven studies of loss severity, each of which 
    relies upon data from a broad range of commercial property types, and 
    each of which defines and measures severity rates somewhat 
    differently.\278\ These studies primarily provide simple averages of 
    loan-level loss severity rates, though some do attempt some statistical 
    analysis of severity rates. Curry, et al (1990) model loss severities 
    as a function of the type of organization managing the foreclosed 
    property (public or private). Haidorfer (1997) performs a multivariate 
    statistical analysis that looks at the type of property sale process 
    (open auction, sealed-bid auction, or broker sales). He finds that the 
    type of selling process does not influence severity rates. A third 
    study by Ciochetti and Riddiough (1998) models expected property 
    recovery rates as a function of mortgage terms, and a list of property 
    type and region dummies.\279\ They find no statistical significance of 
    original LTV, debt coverage ratio (DCR), loan age, or the mortgage 
    interest rate.
        \278\ The seven studies are: Curry, Blalock, and Cole (1990); 
    Snyderman (1994); Fitch Investors Service (1996); Ciochetti (1997); 
    Haidorfer (1997); Barnes, Gilberto and Peyton (1998); and Ciochetti 
    and Riddiough (1998).
        \279\ The Ciochetti and Riddiough study looks at expected 
    recoveries immediately following foreclosure, where property value 
    is appraised value, and no property management or disposition costs 
    are included in the calculations.
    3. Sources of Data
        OFHEO obtained loss severity data on multifamily loans from both 
    Enterprises, but only Freddie Mac maintained a complete historical data 
    base of all relevant revenue and expense components that was useful for 
    this analysis.\280\ The analysis of foreclosure loss severities is then 
    limited to 705 multifamily loans purchased by Freddie Mac, that 
    subsequently defaulted between 1987 and 1995 and ended in foreclosure. 
    Over 83 percent of these loans defaulted between 1990 and 1993, in what 
    is considered the worst period in modern history for the commercial 
    mortgage market. These data are supplemented by Freddie Mac data on 
    other default resolutions. These additional data are used for 
    projecting potential losses on negotiated purchase loans for which 
    seller/servicers must repurchase and resolve all 90-day delinquencies. 
    Once delinquencies are resolved, the seller/servicers bill the 
    Enterprise for the net costs.\281\ Fannie Mae has a large portfolio of 
    sold loans with these repurchase provisions and has maintained data on 
    the claims for losses submitted by the seller/servicers. However, many 
    of the claim records are incomplete and OFHEO therefore, relied on 
    information on Freddie Mac default resolutions, and on information from 
    other available studies, to determine a loss rate to charge against 90-
    day delinquencies. Freddie Mac provided OFHEO with information on the 
    chargeoffs associated with 160 non-foreclosure resolutions that 
    occurred from 1990 to 1995.
        \280\ Until the mid 1990s, Fannie Mae's foreclosed property 
    inventory was managed by the individual field offices. There were no 
    standard protocols for recording or retaining expense and revenue 
    components of loss severity on a loan-by-loan basis. Fannie Mae 
    could only provide OFHEO with consistent data on event times 
    (foreclosure and property disposition).
        \281\ When these loans are purchased by the Enterprises, the 
    seller/servicers must establish resource accounts. These credit 
    enhancements drawn on as first-lost protection before the 
    Enterprises actually incur any costs from loan defaults in these 
    mortgage pools.
        These data represent the worst historical experience of the 
    Enterprises, which began purchasing conventional multifamily mortgages 
    in 1983.\282\ The Freddie Mac data is among the largest and richest 
    sets of information available to any researchers who have studied 
    multifamily loss severities.
        \282\ Goldberg and Capone (1997) detail the problems that led to 
    high default rates among multifamily mortgages in the late 1980s and 
    early 1990s. These same factors led to high severity rates. In 
    addition to market factors, Freddie Mac attributes its particularly 
    bad performance to fraud by lenders that underwrote loans that were 
    not of investment quality. An analysis of data shown in Investor 
    Analyst Reports shows that in 1991, Freddie Mac's chargeoff for bad 
    multifamily loans was more than its total chargeoff for bad single 
    family loans, even though its multifamily portfolio of $10 billion 
    was only three percent as large as the single family portfolio. This 
    high rate of chargeoffs lasted from 1989 through 1992.
    4. Data Analysis
    a. Foreclosure Severity Rates
        Table 38 provides average values for loss severity components in 
    the Freddie Mac foreclosure database. The cost components are each 
    measured as a percent of the UPB at the time of default. These average 
    rates are also computed using UPB as a weighting factor on each loan. 
    This weighting provides a more accurate measure of portfolio severity 
    rates than would a simple average.\283\ The operating loss per month is 
    the difference between monthly property income (rents) and expenses, 
    where expenses include property repairs. It is not surprising that this 
    element is a net cost rather than a net revenue because defaulting 
    properties will have high vacancy rates and significant needs for 
    repairs. The net proceeds of property sale is arrived at by subtracting 
    selling expenses and other prorated expenses (taxes and rents) due at 
    settlement from the actual sales price of each property. The two time 
    dimensions reported here are important for discounting the associated 
    cash flows to arrive at an effective loss severity rate at time of 
    default (one month after last-paid-installment). One cost element not 
    shown in Table 38 is the interest passthroughs to security holders 
    during the initial months of delinquency. In general, loans are 
    repurchased from security pools by the 120th day of delinquency, so 
    that four months of passthrough interest must be added to severity 
    calculations in stress test application.
        \283\ UPB weighting is also used in the OFHEO single family loss 
    severity analysis.
    [[Page 18213]]
        Adding the cost components here produces a 54 percent loss 
    severity. This sum is comparable to what is reported by Fitch (1996) in 
    its study of commercial mortgage foreclosures. Fitch reports a 56 
    percent average loss severity rate on foreclosures.\284\ The Fitch 
    study had an (undefined) interest passthrough component. If added to 
    the Freddie Mac severity components, a four-month passthrough at eight 
    percent interest would increase their sum from 54 percent to roughly 58 
        \284\ It is not clear exactly how many foreclosures there are in 
    the Fitch data set. Fitch reports 547 costly default resolutions of 
    60-day delinquencies, of which it appears from other data given in 
    the report (loss severity rates on foreclosure and non-foreclosure 
    resolutions) that 147 are foreclosure events.
    b. 90-Day Delinquency Severities
        Deriving a loss rate to use for 90-day delinquency events involves 
    making inferences on the rate of foreclosure and other costly 
    resolutions versus non-costly resolutions. Snyderman (1994) found that 
    46 percent of 90-day delinquencies in life insurance company 
    portfolios, 1972-1986, ended in foreclosure. Freddie Mac data are 
    consistent with this finding. Freddie Mac data indicate that 
    foreclosures plus other costly resolutions are 56 percent of total 90-
    day delinquencies. Using 56 percent as the rate of costly loan 
    resolutions, and applying a 70 percent foreclosure loss severity to 
    them, produces a severity rate on 90-day delinquencies of just over 39 
        \285\ The 70 percent loss rate on foreclosures comes from the 54 
    to 58 percent reported earlier, with asset holding costs added.
    5. Application to the Stress Test
        The loss severity components just described enter the stress test 
    as cash flows at various points in the default time frame. These cash 
    flows are discounted by a cost-of-debt interest rate to produce a net-
    present-value loss severity rate in the month of default. The use of 
    discounting provides an implicit funding cost. It reduces the value of 
    final proceeds by an amount equal to the cost of funding the non-
    performing assets (first the loan, and then the property), and it 
    reduces the value of various expenditures to reflect the fact that cash 
    is not actually expended in the month of loan default but could be 
    invested at some rate-of-return for a number of additional months.What 
    discounting does not include is the cost of funding that portion of the 
    loan balance that is not recovered in the sale of the foreclosed 
    property. That portion of funding cost is captured elsewhere in the 
    stress test by ongoing interest expenses on debt that is in excess of 
    what can be retired by the property sale proceeds.\286\ The ongoing 
    interest expenses are captured in other parts of the stress test beyond 
    the loss severity calculations.
        \286\ For retained loans, the debt supporting the mortgage UPB 
    will already be on the Enterprise balance sheets at the time of 
    default. For sold loans, however, asset funding occurs when the 
    Enterprise buys the defaulting loan out of its security pool.
    a. Foreclosure Loss Severity Rate Application
        The basic loss severity equation for foreclosure costs has five 
    elements, as shown in this equation:
    [[Page 18214]]
        The first loss element is the UPB of the defaulted loan. It is set 
    here equal to `1' or 100 percent. For sold loans, it is discounted for 
    four months, which represents the timing of repurchasing the loan from 
    the security pool. For retained loans, the UPB is not discounted 
    because the economic loss occurs at the time of default. The second 
    loss element is the passthrough interest expense for four months. This 
    expense is discounted for two months as an approximation to discounting 
    each month's pass through individually. This element only appears for 
    sold loans.
        The third element of loss severity is the expense incurred to 
    obtain a foreclosure judgment on the property. This cost includes all 
    legal expenses for foreclosure and, when necessary, to release a 
    bankruptcy stay, and other charges that may be incurred to obtain clean 
    title to the property (e.g., property taxes due). The fourth element is 
    the cost of operating and maintaining the foreclosured property while 
    it is REO. And the fifth element is the net proceeds at final property 
        The formula can be applied very simply. Using the cost elements in 
    Table 38, along with a discount rate, r d,t = .06, and a 
    passthrough rate, r p = .08:
    This reduces to 0.622 for sold loans and 0.615 for retained loans. If 
    we increase the discount rate to 12 percent, the results change to 
    0.661 for sold loans and 0.673 for retained loans. If the discount rate 
    were reduced to three percent, the net present value severity rates 
    would be 0.598 for sold loans and 0.581 for retained loans.
    b. 90-Day Delinquencies
        For negotiated purchase loans with seller/servicer repurchase 
    provisions, the stress test discounts to reflect a time lag between the 
    initial delinquency and the claim payment. In the stress test, seller/
    servicer claims on 90-day delinquencies are settled 12 months after 
    default. Starting with the 39 percent severity rate for foreclosure 
    alternatives reported above, and discounting for one year, yields a 
    rate of around 34 to 37 percent, depending on the actual discount rate.
    6. References
    Barnes, Walter C., Gilberto, Michael, and Peyton, Martha S. (1997). 
    Commercial Mortgage Loss Severity: What is it and How Should it be 
    Measured? unpublished manuscript, Mortgage Analytics, West Hartford, 
    Ciochetti, Brian A. (1997). Loss Characteristics of Commercial Mortgage 
    Foreclosures, Real Estate Finance (Spring), 53-69.
    Ciochetti, Brian A. and Riddiough, Timothy J.(1997). Foreclosure Loss 
    and the Foreclosure Process: An Examination of Commercial Mortgage 
    Performance, unpublished manuscript, University of North Carolina, 
    Chapel Hill, Department of Finance.
    Curry, Timothy, Blalock, Joseph, and Cole, Rebel (1990). Recoveries on 
    Distressed Real Estate and the Relative Efficiency of Public Versus 
    Private Management, AREUEA Journal 19 (4), 495-515.
    Fitch Investors Service (1996). Trends in Commercial Mortgage Default 
    Rates and Loss Severity. New York: Fitch Investors Service, Structured 
    Finance Special Report, November 11.
    Goldberg, Larry, and Capone, Jr., Charles A. (1998). Multifamily 
    Mortgage Credit Risk: Lessons from Recent History, Cityscape 4 (1), 93-
    Haidorfer, Anton E. (1997). Relative Gross Recovery Rates on the Sale 
    of Distressed Real Estate Owned Evidence from the Resolution Trust 
    Corporation (RTC), unpublished manuscript, Mortgage Bankers Association 
    of America, May.
    Snyderman, Mark P. (1994). Update on Commercial Mortgage Defaults, The 
    Real Estate Finance Journal, Summer, 22-32.
    F. Property Valuation
    1. Introduction
        The stress test simulates mortgage performance under housing market
    [[Page 18215]]
    conditions that reflect stresses comparable to those of the time and 
    place of the benchmark loss experience (BLE). This section describes 
    the data used to define and create variables that comprise the housing 
    market conditions of the stress test.
        Three housing market condition variables are used in the stress 
    test: house price growth rates, rent growth rates, and rental vacancy 
    rates. House price growth rates are used to project single family 
    mortgage performance, both default/prepayment rates and loss severity 
    rates. Rent growth rates and vacancy rates are used to project 
    multifamily default and prepayment rates.
        Section 2 of this part of the Technical Supplement describes the 
    conceptual framework OFHEO used to determine the housing market 
    condition variables in the stress test. Section 3 lists the sources of 
    data used to develop these variables. Section 4 then describes the 
    statistical analysis performed to transform source data into housing 
    market condition variables.
    2. Conceptual Framework
        The BLE is based upon the performance of 30-year, fixed-rate single 
    family mortgages in four States--Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and 
    Oklahoma--originated in 1983 and 1984, during the ten years following 
    origination, as defined in the first NPR. The actual BLE covered twelve 
    calendar years because benchmark loans could originate any time between 
    January 1983 and December 1984, and the ten-year experience of the last 
    loans originated during the benchmark time period lasted through 
    December of 1994. For house prices, rent growth rates, and vacancy 
    rates in the stress test, OFHEO defined the BLE as the years 1984 
    through 1993--the middle ten years of the twelve-year period marking 
    the BLE. OFHEO then identified sources of data that reflect the housing 
    market conditions of the benchmark time and place, and that are 
    compatible with historical data used to estimate statistical 
    (econometric) models of mortgage default, prepayment, and loss 
    a. Single Family House Price Appreciation Rates
        OFHEO sought publicly available data with geographic coverage that 
    reflect stresses similar to those of the BLE. For house price growth 
    rates, the stress test uses OFHEO HPI data from the West South Central 
    (WSC) Census Division. Because the 1984-1993 WSC HPI series was used to 
    calibrate the single family default- and severity-rate equations to the 
    actual four-State benchmark loan performance,\287\ the same series also 
    was used to define housing market conditions in the stress test. The 
    WSC Census Division is similar geographically to the actual four-State 
    BLE. The difference is that the WSC includes Texas, but not 
    Mississippi. For the ten-year period, 1984-1993, the cumulative house 
    price appreciation rate for the WSC Census Division is very similar to 
    that of the four-State benchmark region. For the stress test, the OFHEO 
    HPI is converted from index form into quarterly appreciation rates.
        \287\ Benchmark loss experience calibration is discussed in both 
    the Single Family Default/Prepayment and the Single Family Severity 
    sections of this Technical Supplement.
    b. Vacancy Rates and Rent Growth Rates
        Rental market data--vacancy rates and rent growth rates--used in 
    the statistical analysis of historical multifamily default and 
    prepayment rates are also from government sources. Rent growth rates 
    are from the residential rent component of the consumer price index 
    (CPI), produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Vacancy rates are 
    from the rental vacancy rate series (H-111) produced by the Bureau of 
    the Census. However, these data series are not used directly to reflect 
    multifamily housing market conditions during the stress period because 
    the available geographic aggregations and time periods do not closely 
    match the four-State benchmark. The CPI residential rent index is not 
    available for the appropriate geographic areas, and the H-111 state 
    vacancy rate series is not available for 1984 and 1985.\288\
        \288\ The residential rent series includes MSA level data for 
    New Orleans, beginning in 1986. The New Orleans data alone, however, 
    were insufficient for use in representing the BLE.
        In light of these shortcomings, OFHEO identified a non-government 
    source of data published by the Institute for Real Estate Management 
    (IREM). However, the IREM data do not represent the same properties as 
    the government data. IREM surveys include only apartments, while the 
    government surveys (both rents and vacancies), include apartments and 
    single family rental units. To assure consistency with the government 
    series, statistical regression equations were estimated to use in 
    adjusting the IREM data. The adjusted data can be thought of as 
    answering the question, ``What would CPI and H-111 data look like if 
    they were available in the benchmark area?'' The statistical 
    regressions (detailed in section 4, Statistical Analysis) use data from 
    all metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) for which both IREM and CPI 
    or H-111 data are available, to estimate statistically valid 
    relationships. These equations are then applied to IREM data from the 
    four-State area to assure that variables used in the stress test are 
    compatible with the variables used to develop the statistical models.
    3. Data Sources
        The sources of data used to develop the housing market condition 
    variables for stress test application are as follows:
         OFHEO HPI Report, 1996:3, West South Central Census 
    Division Series, 1983:4-1993:4.
         Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, 
    Residential Rent Component, MSA series, 1970-1995, annual index values.
         Bureau of the Census, H-111 Housing Vacancy Survey, rental 
    unit vacancies, MSA series, 1981-1995, annual average vacancy rates.
         Institute for Real Estate Management. Conventional 
    Apartments. Chicago, IL: IREM. Annual publications, 1981-1995, MSA 
    level (median) dollar rents per square foot, (median) dollar vacancy 
    losses per square foot, and number of apartments in survey.
    4. Statistical Analysis
    a. House Prices Appreciation Rates
        The use of the OFHEO HPI in the stress test requires no statistical 
    analysis. Monthly house price appreciation rates are derived from the 
    OFHEO HPI index in three steps. First, monthly appreciation rate 
    indexes are created for each quarter by dividing that quarter's index 
    value by the index value for the preceding quarter. Second, the 
    logarithm of this new index is used as the growth rate factor for that 
    quarter. Finally, the quarterly rate is divided by three to produce at 
    monthly growth rate factors for each month in the quarter. In this 
    manner, the 120 months of stress test HPI growth rate factors 
    (gq,t) are produced from the 41 quarterly HPI values 
    (HPIq), 1983:4-1993:4:
    [[Page 18216]]
        The gq,t are called growth rate ``factors'' because they 
    are the continuous growth rate equivalents to actual, discrete growth 
    as measured across each month and quarter.\289\ Stress test 
    applications convert these factors to actual appreciation rates. This 
    baseline series of monthly growth rates applies in both the up- and 
    down-rate scenarios, but may be adjusted for inflation in the up-rate 
        \289\ Continuous growth rates refer to a process whereby house 
    price appreciation is a continuous process, throughout each month or 
    quarter. The actual house price index that shows total appreciation 
    across a month or quarter is just the exponential of the growth rate 
    factor for that time period.
    b. Rent Growth Rates
        The statistical analysis underlying the rent growth rate variable 
    used in the stress test uses MSA level data from both IREM and the CPI 
    for the 26 cities for which the CPI residential rent index is 
    available.\290\ Annual growth rates for 1970-1995 were computed from 
    both the IREM and CPI rent data, and the following pooled, time series, 
    cross-sectional, weighted least squares regression was estimated:
        \290\ Statistical analysis was based upon what the Bureau of 
    Labor Statistics calls its ``old series.'' The new series covers 29 
        The regression was weighted by the number of apartments that IREM 
    surveyed in each MSA. The coefficient for IRj,y is 
    significant at the 99 percent confidence level.
        IREM data are available for one city in each of the four benchmark 
    States--Jackson, Little Rock, New Orleans, and Oklahoma City. A 
    benchmark region rent growth rate series was computed from equation 57, 
    using a simple average of annual IREM rent growth rates in each of 
    these cities (1984-1993) to populate IRj,y. Monthly rent 
    growth rates were then computed using the following compounding 
        Equation 58 produces final rent growth rates in discrete form, 
    rather than continuous form, because the process used to create the 
    original series was discrete. As with the house price growth rate 
    factors, inflation adjustments may be applied in the up-rate scenario.
    c. Vacancy Rates
        Because Census vacancy rate data are available at the State level 
    starting in 1986, OFHEO uses the average of rates
    [[Page 18217]]
    in the four benchmark States, from 1986-1993 for the latter eight years 
    of the stress test. For the first two years, OFHEO employs a 
    statistical analysis similar to that for rent growth rates to create 
    government-equivalent vacancy rates for 1984 and 1985, the first two 
    years needed for the stress test. The weighted-least-squares regression 
    matches MSA-level Census vacancy rates to IREM vacancy rates in the 
    same cities. Matching data is available for 51 MSAs; 23 with Census 
    data that begin in 1981, and another 28 for which Census data become 
    available in 1986. The pooled cross-section, time series regression is:
        The coefficient on IVj,y is statistically significant at 
    the 99 percent level, but the constant term is not statistically 
    significant. This lack of significance is not surprising, given that 
    the regression is relating rates of change and not levels of vacancy 
    rates. In application, the constant term is dropped from the equation.
        To compute vacancy rates for 1984 and 1985, equation 59 is applied 
    using average IREM vacancy rates for the four benchmark cities to 
    compute rates of change for the four-State average Census vacancy rate. 
    The resulting rate of change from 1986 to 1985 is first applied to the 
    four-State average Census vacancy rate for 1986 to compute a 
    government-equivalent vacancy rate for 1985. The procedure is repeated 
    to compute the vacancy value for 1984. Finally, each annual vacancy 
    rate in the ten-year series is applied to each month in the year to 
    extend the series to cover the 120 months of the stress period.
    V. Regulatory Impact
    A. Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        Executive Order 12612 requires that Executive departments and 
    agencies identify regulatory actions that have significant Federalism 
    implications. ``Federalism implications'' is defined as regulations or 
    actions that have substantial direct effects on the States, on the 
    relationship or distribution of power between the national government 
    and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities 
    between the Federal and State government. This proposed regulation has 
    no Federalism implications that warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    Assessment in accordance with Executive Order 12612.
    B. Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review
        This regulation has been reviewed by the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) in accordance with Executive Order 12866. OMB has 
    determined that this is an economically significant rule. Included in 
    the preamble to the proposed rule is an economic analysis of the 
    proposal's impact on the regulated entities, and in particular on 
    mortgage credit, of various alternatives. It contains a technical 
    supplement providing detail on the specifications and estimations of 
    econometric models for mortgage performance, and how those statistical 
    models are applied in the proposed risk-based capital stress test.
        The proposed regulation implements the 1992 Act's requirement that 
    OFHEO establish a risk-based capital requirement for the Enterprises. 
    Along with the existing minimum capital leverage ratios and the 
    examination function, the stress test is designed to ensure that the 
    Enterprises have adequate capital and operate in a safe and sound 
        It is difficult to estimate precisely the particular benefits and 
    costs associated with the risk-based capital requirement. Where 
    possible, section II. C., Implications of the Proposed Rule discusses 
    and quantifies the potential benefits and potential costs in more 
    detail. Otherwise, that section characterizes the benefits and costs 
    qualitatively. The analysis indicates that the anticipated benefits 
    from implementing the risk-based capital regulation outweigh the 
    anticipated costs. It further indicates that the proposed regulation 
    ensures that risk is held at an appropriate level, while imposing the 
    least burden on the Enterprises.
        By carrying out Congress' intent to implement the risk-based 
    capital requirement, OFHEO would reduce the potential for Enterprise 
    insolvency by protecting against interest rate, credit, and management 
    and operations risk. By ensuring their safety and soundness, the 
    regulation allows the Enterprises to continue to carry out their public 
    purposes.\291\ These include providing stability in the secondary 
    market for residential mortgages and providing access to mortgage 
    credit in central cities, rural areas, and underserved areas. In 
    addition, the regulation will also ensure that the Enterprises will 
    continue to provide benefits to the primary mortgage market such as 
    standardizing business practices.\292\
        \291\ 1992 Act, section 1302(2) (12 U.S.C. 4501(2)).
        \292\ Managing Risk in Housing Finance Markets: Perspectives 
    from the Experiences of the United States of America and Mexico, 
    OFHEO and the Mortgage Bankers Association of America (June 11, 
        Other benefits of the risk-based capital requirement are (1) making 
    the Enterprises' capital requirement more sensitive to differences in 
    risk exposures, (2) discouraging the Enterprises from taking excessive 
    risks by making riskier behavior more costly, and (3) ensuring that the 
    Enterprises maintain adequate capital in stressful credit and interest 
    rate environments. Implementing a risk-based capital requirement with 
    credit risk and interest rate risk components will help ensure that the 
    Enterprises' capital requirement is more closely related to the risks 
    that they incur. Adopting the proposed rule will result in a capital 
    requirement that corresponds more closely to capital levels that the 
    marketplace would demand in the absence of the benefits afforded by the 
    government sponsorship of the Enterprises, and will lead to gains in 
    overall economic efficiency.
    [[Page 18218]]
    Moreover, by evaluating risk in a forward-looking, dynamic manner, the 
    stress test identifies potential problems before they become 
        As detailed in the Implications section, the Proposed Rule may 
    impose some costs on the Enterprises. Nevertheless, any such costs are 
    the necessary and reasonable costs of carrying out Congress' intent 
    that the Enterprises remain financially solvent, which will enable them 
    to out their important public purposes.
        Changes to comply with the risk-based capital requirement can be 
    accomplished at relatively low costs. Both Enterprises can employ 
    various practices and procedures to manage credit risk and interest 
    rate risk by adjusting their holdings or operations. For example, one 
    method to reduce credit risk exposure is to increase use of credit 
    enhancements with highly-rated counterparties. One method to reduce 
    interest risk exposure is to purchase derivative contracts.
        By complying with an effective risk-based capital requirement, the 
    Proposed rule may in fact reduce Enterprise costs by enhancing investor 
    confidence. This is consistent with a study by Standard & Poor's (S&P) 
    that provided risk-to-the-government credit ratings for the 
    Enterprises.\293\ While S&P had rated Fannie Mae A- and Freddie Mac A+ 
    in 1991, the 1997 report upgraded the ratings of both Enterprises to 
    AA-. S&P cited increased governmental oversight by OFHEO as an 
    important factor in these higher ratings. It further noted that 
    ``OFHEO's regulatory oversight [of Freddie Mac] also gives comfort that 
    appropriate interest rate risk mitigation steps would be taken as 
    needed.'' \294\
        \293\ Final Report of Standard & Poors to OFHEO, Contract No. 
    HE09602C (February 3, 1997).
        \294\ Contract No. HE09602C, p. 10.
    C. Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform
        Executive Order 12988 sets forth guidelines to promote the just and 
    efficient resolution of civil claims and to reduce the risk of 
    litigation to the government. The proposed regulation meets the 
    applicable standards of sections 3(a) and (b) of Executive Order 12988.
    D. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires that 
    a proposed regulation that has a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities must include an initial regulatory 
    flexibility analysis describing the rule's impact on small entities. 
    Such an analysis need not be undertaken if the agency head certifies 
    that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. 5 U.S.C. 605(b).
        OFHEO has considered the impacts of the proposed risk-based capital 
    regulation under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. The proposed 
    regulation does not have a significant effect on a substantial number 
    of small entities.
        This proposed regulation would not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities since it is applicable 
    only to the Enterprises, which are not small entities for purposes of 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Therefore, the General Counsel of OFHEO 
    acting under delegated authority has certified that the proposed 
    regulation would not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities.
    E. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35 requires 
    that regulations involving the collection of information receive 
    clearance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The risk-
    based capital proposal contains no such collection of information 
    requiring OMB approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 1750
        Capital classification, Mortgages, Risk-based capital.
        Accordingly, for reasons set forth in the preamble, the Office of 
    Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight proposes to amend 12 CFR part 1750 
    as follows:
    PART 1750--CAPITAL
        1. The authority citation for part 1750 as published at 61 FR 
    29619, June 11, 1996, continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 4513, 4514, 4611, 4612, 4614, 4618.
    Sec. 1750.5  [Removed]
        2. Remove Sec. 1750.5.
        3. Amend Sec. 1750.12 of part 1750 as published at 61 FR 29620, 
    June 11, 1996, by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1750.12  Procedures and Timing.
        (a) Each Enterprise shall file with the Director a risk-based 
    capital report each quarter, or at such other times as the Director 
    requires. The report shall contain information identified by OFHEO in 
    written instructions to each Enterprise.
    * * * * *
        4. Revise the Appendix to subpart B of part 1750 as published at 61 
    FR 29621, June 11, 1996, to read as follows:
    Appendix to Subpart B of Part 1750--Risk-Based Capital Test 
    Methodology and Specifications
    1.0  Identification of the Benchmark Loss Experience
        1.1  Definitions
        1.2  Data
        1.3  Procedures
    2.0  Identification of a New Benchmark Loss Experience
    3.0  Computation of Risk-Based Capital Level
        3.1  Enterprise Data
        3.1.1  Overview
        3.1.2  Whole Loans  Characteristics Used to Create Loan Groups  Loan Group Characteristics  Individual Loan Data  Single Family Mortgage Portfolio-Wide Information
        3.1.3  Mortgage-Related Securities  Single Class MBS Issued by the Enterprises and Ginnie 
    Mae  Derivative Mortgage Securities Issued by the 
    Enterprises and Ginnie Mae   Mortgage Revenue Bonds and Miscellaneous Mortgage-
    Related Securities
        3.1.4  Non-Mortgage Financial Instruments
        3.1.5   Operations, Taxes, and Accounting  Data Required to Calculate Taxes, Operating Expenses, 
    and Dividends  Balance Sheet as of the Start of the Stress Test
        3.1.6  Other Off-Balance-Sheet Guarantees
        3.2  Commitments
        3.2.1  Overview
        3.2.2  Inputs  Loan data  Interest Rate Data
        3.2.3  Procedures
        3.2.4  Output
        3.3  Interest Rates
        3.3.1  Overview
        3.3.2  Inputs
        3.3.3  Procedures  Identify Starting Values  Project the Ten-Year CMT  Project the Ten Other CMTs  Project Non-Treasury Interest Rates  Project Borrowing Rates
        3.3.4  Output
        3.4  Property Valuation
        3.4.1  Overview
        3.4.2  Inputs
        3.4.3  Procedures
        3.4.4  Output
        3.5  Mortgage Performance
        3.5.1  General
        3.5.2  Single Family Default and Prepayment  Overview  Inputs  Procedures  Output
        3.5.3  Single Family Loss Severity  Overview  Inputs  Procedures  Output
        3.5.4  Multifamily Default and Prepayment
    [[Page 18219]]
     Overview  Inputs  Procedures  Output
        3.5.5  Multifamily Loss Severity  Overview  Inputs  Procedures  Output
        3.6  Other Credit Factors
        3.6.1  Overview
        3.6.2  Input
        3.6.3  Procedures  Identifying Other Credit Factors  Classifying Rating Categories in the Stress Test  Accounting for Other Credit Factors
        3.6.4  Output
        3.7  Mortgage Credit Enhancements
        3.7.1  Overview
        3.7.2  Inputs  Enterprise Data on Mortgage Credit Enhancements  Public Rating Information  Counterparty Coverage Reduction Information
        3.7.3  Procedures  Classification of Credit Enhancements  Calculating Percentage Coverage and Dollar Coverage 
    Amounts:  Calculating Percent of UPB Covered by Each Counterparty 
    Rating Category  Calculating the Percent of UPB Under Dollar-Denominated 
    Coverage  Calculating Coverage Against Credit Losses
        3.7.4  Output
        3.8  Other Off-Balance Sheet Guarantees
        3.8.1  Overview
        3.8.2  Input
        3.8.3  Procedures
        3.8.4  Output
        3.9  Cash Flows
        3.9.1  Whole Loans  Overview  Inputs  Procedures  Output
        3.9.2  Mortgage-Related Securities  Overview  Inputs  Procedures  Outputs
        3.9.3  Debt and Related Cash Flows  Overview  Inputs  Procedures  Output
        3.9.4  Non-Mortgage Investment and Investment-Linked Derivative 
    Contract Cash Flows  Overview  Inputs  Procedures  Output
        3.10  Operations, Taxes, and Accounting
        3.10.1  Overview
        3.10.2  Inputs  Enterprise Data  Interest Rates  Outputs From Cash Flow Components of the Stress Test
        3.10.3  Procedures  New Debt and Investments  Dividends  Allowances for Loan Losses and Other Charge-Offs  Operating Expenses  Taxes  Accounting
        3.10.4  Output
        3.11 Treatment of New Enterprise Activities
        3.12  Calculation of the Risk-Based Capital Requirement
        3.12.1  Overview
        3.12.2  Inputs
        3.12.3  Procedures
        3.12.4  Output
    1.0  Identification of the Benchmark Loss Experience
        OFHEO will use the definitions, data, and methodology described 
    below to identify the benchmark loss experience.
    1.1  Definitions
        The terms defined at Sec. 1750.11 shall apply for this Appendix. 
    In addition, the term Origination year means the year in which a 
    loan is originated.
    1.2  Data
        [a] OFHEO identifies the benchmark loss experience using 
    historical loan-level data required to be submitted by each of the 
    two Enterprises. OFHEO's analysis is based entirely on the most 
    current data available on conventional, 30-year, fixed-rate loans 
    secured by first liens on single-unit, owner-occupied, detached 
    properties. Detached properties are defined as single family 
    properties excluding condominiums, planned urban developments, and 
    cooperatives. The data includes only loans that were purchased by an 
    Enterprise within 12 months after loan origination and loans for 
    which the Enterprise has no recourse to the lender.
        [b] OFHEO organizes the data from each Enterprise to create two 
    substantially consistent data sets. OFHEO separately analyzes 
    default and severity data from each Enterprise. Default rates are 
    calculated from loan records meeting the criteria specified above. 
    Severity rates are calculated from the subset of defaulted loans for 
    which loss data are available.
    1.3  Procedures
        1.3.1  Cumulative 10-year default rates for each combination of 
    states and origination years (state/year combination) that OFHEO 
    examines are calculated for each Enterprise by grouping all of the 
    Enterprise's loans originated in that combination of states and 
    years. For origination years with less than 10 years of loss 
    experience, cumulative-to-date default rates are used. The two 
    Enterprise default rates are averaged, yielding an ``average default 
    rate'' for that state/year combination.
        1.3.2  An ``average severity rate'' for each state/year 
    combination is determined in the same manner as the average default 
    rate. For each Enterprise, the aggregate severity rate is calculated 
    for all loans in the relevant state/year combination and the two 
    Enterprise severity rates are averaged.
        1.3.3  The ``loss rate'' for any state/year combination examined 
    is calculated by multiplying the average default rate for that 
    state/year combination by the average severity rate for that 
        1.3.4  The default and severity behavior of loans in the state/
    year combination containing at least 2 consecutive origination years 
    and contiguous areas with a total population equal to or greater 
    than 5 percent of the population of the United States with the 
    highest loss rate constitutes the benchmark loss experience.
    2.0   Identification of a New Benchmark Loss Experience
        OFHEO will periodically monitor available data and reevaluate 
    the benchmark loss experience using the methodology set forth in 
    this Appendix. Using this methodology, OFHEO may identify a new 
    benchmark loss experience that has a higher rate of loss than the 
    benchmark experience identified at the time of the issuance of this 
    regulation. In the event such a benchmark is identified, OFHEO may 
    incorporate the resulting higher loss rates in the stress test.
    3.0  Computation of Risk-Based Capital Level
        3.1  Enterprise Data
        3.1.1  Overview
        [a] The stress test requires data on all of an Enterprise's 
    assets, liabilities, stockholders equity, and off-balance sheet 
    obligations, as well as the factors that affect them: interest 
    rates, house prices, rent growth rates, and vacancy rates. This 
    section characterizes proprietary data of the Enterprises (as 
    opposed to publicly available data) that are necessary for the 
    stress test, which are primarily data on Enterprise portfolios of 
    financial instruments and guarantees as of the start of the stress 
    test. Data available from public sources that are also necessary for 
    the stress test--e.g., historical interest rates, house price growth 
    rates, and public securities data \1\--are described in the sections 
    of this Appendix that describe the related components of the stress 
    test (e.g., the Interest Rate component). The stress test uses 
    proprietary and public data directly, and also uses values derived 
    from such data. The derivation of these additional values are also 
    explained in sections of this Appendix. All data as of the start of 
    the stress test, proprietary data of the Enterprises and public 
    data, are ``starting position data.''
        \1\ Data elements listed below for non-mortgage financial 
    instruments are available from public sources for publicly traded 
    securities, but are proprietary for privately placed instruments, in 
    particular, derivative contracts.
        [b] Starting position data include, for all the loans owned or 
    guaranteed by an Enterprise, as well as securities and derivative 
    contracts, the dollar balances of these instruments and obligations, 
    as well as all characteristics that bear on their behavior under 
    stress test conditions. Data are required for the following 
    categories of instruments and obligations:
         Mortgages owned by or underlying mortgage-backed 
    securities issued by the Enterprises (``whole loans'')
         Mortgage-related securities
    [[Page 18220]]
         Non-mortgage-related securities, whether issued by an 
    Enterprise, e.g., debt, or held as investments
         Derivative contracts
         Other off-balance sheet guarantees (e.g., guarantees of 
    private-issue securities)
        [c] The stress test also requires starting position data for 
    ``non-cash'' balance sheet items, such as premiums and discounts, 
    that affect pro forma financial statements through the ten-year 
    stress period.
    3.1.2  Whole Loans
        [a] Whole loans are individual single family or multifamily 
    mortgage loans. The stress test distinguishes between whole loans 
    that the Enterprises hold in their investment portfolios (retained 
    loans) and those that underlie mortgage-backed securities (sold 
    loans). Data are aggregated for loans with similar portfolio 
    (retained or sold), risk, and product characteristics. The 
    characteristics of these ``loan groups'' determine mortgage default, 
    prepayment, and loss severity rates, and cash flows.
        [b] The characteristics that are the basis for loan groupings 
    are called ``classification variables'' and reflect categories, 
    e.g., fixed interest rate versus floating interest rate, or identify 
    a value range, e.g., original loan-to-value ratio greater than 80 
    percent and less than or equal to 90 percent. After the loans are 
    grouped, weighted average values for characteristics of the loan 
    group are calculated, e.g., weighted average loan coupon (WAC) and 
    weighted average remaining maturity (WAM). Loan group 
    characteristics are used as inputs in section 3.5, Mortgage 
    Performance, of this Appendix to determine mortgage performance 
    (default, prepayment, and loss severity) and mortgage cash flows.  Characteristics Used to Create Loan Groups
        [a] Loan groups are formed based on the values, as of the start 
    of the stress test, of the relevant loan classification variables 
    shown in Table 3-1.
    [[Page 18221]]
    [[Page 18222]]
    [[Page 18223]]
    [[Page 18224]]
        [b] All loans with the same values for each of the relevant 
    characteristics included in Table 3-1 above comprise a single loan 
    group; for example, one loan group would include all loans with the 
    following characteristics:
         Single family
         Sold portfolio
         30-year fixed-rate conventional
         Originated in 1997
         LTV greater than 75 percent and less than or equal to 
    80 percent
         Original coupon greater than or equal to six percent 
    and less than seven percent
         Starting coupon (coupon at the start of the stress 
    period) greater than or equal to six percent and less than seven 
         Secured by property located in the East North Central 
    Census division
         Subject to a remittance cycle where scheduled principal 
    and interest payments are held for an average of seven days Loan Group Characteristics
        In addition to the classification variables used for grouping 
    loans, the stress test requires values for characteristics 
    calculated for the loans within each group. All values are as of the 
    start of the stress test. Except as indicated in the ``Description'' 
    column, values are averages for the loans comprising a loan group, 
    weighted by their unpaid principal balances (UPB).
    [[Page 18225]]
    [[Page 18226]]
      Individual Loan Data
        The stress test requires data for individual loans in an 
    Enterprise's portfolio in order to determine the characteristics of 
    loans that (for purposes of the stress test) fulfill commitments 
    that are outstanding at the start of the stress period, and to 
    compute loss coverage provided by credit enhancements such as 
    private mortgage insurance. These data requirements are listed 
    below.  Commitments Data
        [a] To establish the characteristics of loans that fulfill 
    commitments so that they are consistent with the characteristics of 
    loans securitized by an Enterprise that were recently originated, 
    data are required for loans that meet the following criteria:
         Single family
         Originated within six months of the start date of the 
    stress test
         One of the following product types:
        1. 30-year fixed-rate
        2. 15-year fixed-rate
        3. One-year CMT ARM
        4. Seven-year balloon
        [b] For these loans, the following data are required:
         Loan balance as of the beginning of the stress period
         Original LTV
         Census division
         Guarantee fee
         Servicing fee
         Margin (for ARM loans)
         Credit enhancement data described in section, 
    Credit Enhancement Data, below
        [c] The dollar amount of commitments outstanding at the start of 
    the stress test is also required.  Credit Enhancement Data
        [a] To facilitate calculation of the reductions in mortgage 
    credit losses due to credit enhancements, the following data are 
    required for all credit-enhanced loans, if any, in a loan group:
        1. Type of mortgage credit enhancement:
        a. Private mortgage insurance
        b. Recourse
        c. Indemnification
        d. Pool insurance
        e. Spread account
        f. Collateral posted under collateral pledge agreement
        g. Cash account
        2. Private mortgage insurance coverage percent
        3. Loan balance as of the beginning of the stress period
        4. Public rating of mortgage insurer
        5. Public rating of pool insurer
        6. Public rating of seller or servicer
        [b] The following additional information is needed for each loan 
    delivery contract involving a spread account, collateral account, 
    cash, limited recourse or indemnification, or pool insurance account 
    (e.g., a particular contract for the delivery of $100 million of 
    loans may specify the establishment of a spread account as credit 
         Coverage remaining, as of the beginning of the stress 
         Account balance(s) at the start of the stress period
         Coverage expiration date  Single Family Mortgage Portfolio-Wide Information
        To reflect the differential performance of single family 
    mortgages on investor-owned and owner-occupied properties, the 
    stress test also requires data on the percentage of first lien 
    mortgages in the combined retained and sold portfolios financing 
    investor-owned properties.
    3.1.3  Mortgage-Related Securities
        [a] The Enterprises hold mortgage-related securities as assets. 
    These securities include single class and derivative mortgage-backed 
    securities (multi-class and strip securities) issued by Fannie Mae, 
    Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae; mortgage revenue bonds issued by State 
    and local governments and their instrumentalities; and single class 
    and derivative mortgage-backed securities issued by private 
    entities. Most mortgage-related securities are collateralized by 
    single family mortgages, others by multifamily mortgages, and, for 
    the purposes of the stress test, still others by housing-related 
    assets such as manufactured housing loans.
        [b] The stress test models the cash flows of these securities 
    individually. Enterprise data required for this purpose are 
    described below.  Single Class MBS Issued by the Enterprises and Ginnie Mae
        [a] Table 3-3 provides Enterprise data regarding each MBS held 
    in their portfolios. This information is necessary for simulating 
    cash flows in the stress test.
    [[Page 18227]]
        [b] The Enterprises and Ginnie Mae make available to the public 
    monthly pool data that provide investors with information on 
    principal payments, as well as extensive data characterizing 
    individual MBS and their underlying mortgage pools. These data, 
    which are necessary to simulate MBS cash flows, are listed in 
    section 3.9.2, Mortgage-Related Securities, of this Appendix.  Derivative Mortgage Securities Issued by the Enterprises and 
    Ginnie Mae
        [a] Table 3-4 provides Enterprise data regarding REMICs and 
    Strips issued by the Enterprises or Ginnie Mae. This information is 
    necessary for determining associated cash flows.
        [b] The data in Table 3-4 identify individual securities that 
    are held by the Enterprises in their portfolios, as well as the 
    REMIC or Strip transaction associated with individual securities. 
    Public securities disclosure information is the source of data on 
    the collateral underlying the securities (e.g., pool numbers of 
    securities comprising collateral for a series of securities) and the 
    rules governing security cash flows. (See section 3.9.2, Mortgage-
    Related Securities, of this Appendix.)  Mortgage Revenue Bonds and Miscellaneous Mortgage-Related 
        [a] Table 3-5 provides Enterprise data regarding mortgage 
    revenue bonds and private-issue, mortgage-related securities (MRS). 
    This information is necessary for determining associated cash flows.
    [[Page 18228]]
        [b] The data in Table 3-5 are supplemented with public 
    securities disclosure data, as described in section 3.9.2, Mortgage-
    Related Securities, of this Appendix.
    3.1.4  Non-Mortgage Financial Instruments
        [a] Non-mortgage financial instruments include debt securities 
    issued to fund assets, debt securities and preferred stock held as 
    assets, derivatives contracts (interest rate swaps, caps, and 
    floors), and preferred stock issued by an Enterprise. Cash flows for 
    non-mortgage financial instruments are simulated based on their 
    characteristics. Although information for publicly traded 
    securities, including most of the Enterprises' debt securities and 
    non-mortgage investments, is available from public securities 
    disclosure documents, information on other derivative contracts and 
    non-publicly traded instruments must be obtained from the 
    Enterprises. Data categories listed here apply to both publicly 
    traded and privately placed instruments. All data are instrument 
    specific; the pay- and receive-sides of swap contracts are treated 
    as separate instruments. Table 3-6 provides basic information about 
    non-mortgage financial instruments input variables, as follows:
    [[Page 18229]]
        [b] Occasionally, instruments have complex or non-standard 
    features, and cash flows cannot be computed using the basic data 
    listed above. In these cases the accurate modeling of cash flows 
    requires additional information, such as amortization schedules, 
    interest rate coupon reset formulas, and the terms of European call 
    options, which is obtained from the Enterprises (and is included in 
    public securities disclosure materials for publicly offered 
    3.1.5  Operations, Taxes, and Accounting
        The stress test determines how much total capital an Enterprise 
    must hold at the start of the stress test so that total capital 
    never falls below zero during the stress period. To accomplish this 
    objective, projected cash flows for Enterprise financial instruments 
    must be supplemented by projected operating expenses, taxes, and 
    capital distributions. All of these must be recorded in pro forma 
    financial statements in order to determine an Enterprise's total 
    capital for each month of the stress period. Thus, complete 
    information on the Enterprise balance sheet as of the start of the 
    stress period is required. The necessary information is listed in 
    section, Data Required to Calculate Taxes, Operating 
    Expenses, and Dividends, below.  Data Required to Calculate Taxes, Operating Expenses, and 
        The following Enterprise data are necessary to calculate taxes, 
    operating expenses, and dividends:
         Operating expenses (e.g., administrative expenses, 
    salaries and benefits, professional services, property costs, 
    equipment costs) for the quarter prior to the beginning of the 
    stress test
         Earnings before income taxes and provision for income 
    taxes for the three years prior to the beginning of the stress 
         Year-to-date income before taxes and provision for 
    income taxes
         Dividend payout ratio for the four quarters prior to 
    the beginning of the stress period
         Minimum capital requirement as of the beginning of the 
    stress period  Balance Sheet as of the Start of the Stress Test
        The data are necessary to create Enterprise balance sheets as of 
    the start of the stress period are described below.
        1. Balances for all instruments for which the stress test 
    calculates cash flows. These are included with data the Enterprises 
    provide for cash flow calculations. Balances are required for:
         Whole loans
         Mortgage-related securities
         Non-mortgage investments and investment-linked 
    derivative contracts
         Debt and related cash flows
        2. Additional starting position balances:
         Amounts required to reconcile starting position 
    balances from cash flow components of the stress test with an 
    Enterprise's balance sheet (for example, differences between actual 
    and estimated loan prepayments during the last few days in the 
         Low income housing tax credit investments
         Unamortized balances of premiums, discounts, and fees 
    from the acquisition of retained loans and mortgage-related 
    securities at other than par value
         Allowances for loan losses
         Accrued interest receivable on retained loans, 
    mortgage-backed securities, mortgage-linked derivatives, and non-
    mortgage investments
         Amounts receivable from Index Sinking Fund Debentures, 
    currency swaps, fees, income taxes, and other accounts receivable
         Real estate owned (REO)
         Fixed assets
         Clearing accounts
         Unamortized premiums, discounts, and fees related to 
    debt securities
         Unamortized balances related to the sold portfolio
         Deferred balances related to liability-linked 
         Accrued interest payable
         Principal and interest payable to mortgage security 
         Other liabilities, including payables from currency 
    swaps, escrow deposits income taxes
         Dividends payable
         Components of stockholder's equity (i.e., common stock, 
    preferred stock, paid-in capital, retained earnings, treasury stock, 
    and unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities)
    3.1.6  Other Off-Balance-Sheet Guarantees
        In addition to the MBS they issue, the Enterprises guarantee 
    other securities. The stress test does not simulate the cash flows 
    associated with these guarantees, but it does calculate an 
    incremental capital requirement for them. This calculation requires 
    Enterprise information on the sum of the outstanding balances of all 
    tax-exempt multifamily housing bonds, single-family whole-loan 
    REMICs, multifamily whole-loan REMICs, and similar instruments or 
    obligations as of the beginning of the stress period (excluding all 
    guarantees of securities where 100 percent of collateral is insured 
    by FHA or guaranteed by VA).\2\
        \2\ These include: (1) Any guarantee, pledge, purchase 
    arrangement, or other obligation or commitment provided or entered 
    into by an Enterprise with respect to multifamily mortgages to 
    provide credit enhancement, liquidity, interest rate support, and 
    other guarantees and enhancements for revenue bonds issued by a 
    state or local government unit (including a housing finance agency) 
    or other bond issuer; and (2) all off-balance-sheet obligations of 
    an Enterprise that are not mortgage-backed securities or 
    substantially equivalent instruments and that are not resecuritized 
    mortgage-backed securities, such as real estate mortgage investment 
    conduits or similar resecuritized instruments. See 12 CFR 1750.2.
    3.2  Commitments
    3.2.1  Overview
        The Enterprises make contractual commitments to their customers 
    to purchase or securitize mortgages. The stress test provides for 
    deliveries of mortgages under the commitments that exist at the 
    start of the stress period. It also determines all of the relevant 
    characteristics of these mortgages by reference to the 
    characteristics of the mortgages securitized by the Enterprise that 
    were originated in the six months preceding the start of the stress 
    period. Based on this information, the Commitments component of the 
    stress test creates loan groups with coupon rates that vary based 
    upon the interest rate scenario. These loan groups are added to the 
    Enterprise's sold portfolio and the stress test projects their 
    performance during the stress period. In the down-rate scenario, the 
    stress test provides that 100 percent of the mortgages specified in 
    the commitments are delivered. In the up-rate scenario, 75 percent 
    are delivered. Loans are delivered over the first three months of 
    the stress period in the down-rate scenario and the first six months 
    in the up-rate scenario.
    3.2.2  Inputs
        The stress test uses two sources of data to determine the 
    characteristics of the mortgages delivered under commitments. One is 
    information from the Enterprises on commitments outstanding at the 
    start of the stress period and deliveries of loans originated in the 
    six months preceding the start of the stress period (See section 
    3.1.2, Whole Loans, of this Appendix). The other is interest rate 
    series generated by the Interest Rates component of the stress test 
    (See section 3.3, Interest Rates, of this Appendix).  Loan Data
        [a] To determine the total dollar amount of mortgages that will 
    be delivered under commitments during the course of the stress 
    period, the Enterprises are required to provide the total dollar 
    amount of all commitments outstanding to purchase or securitize 
    mortgages at the start of the stress period. In addition, to 
    determine the composition of mortgages delivered to fulfill 
    commitments, the stress test identifies loans that meet all of the 
    following criteria:
         Business type-single family
         Origination date-within six months of the start date of 
    the stress test
         Portfolio type-securitized
         Product type-one of the following:
        1. 30-year fixed-rate
        2. 15-year fixed-rate
        3. One-year CMT ARM
        4. Seven-year balloon
        [b] For the selected loans, the following loan-level information 
    are required:
         Starting UPB
         Original LTV
         Census division
         Guarantee fee
         Margin (for ARM loans)
         Servicing fee Interest Rate Data
        The stress test uses the following interest rate series, 
    generated by the Interest Rates component, (See section 3.3, 
    Interest Rates, of this Appendix) for the first 12 months of the 
    stress period:
         One-year CMT rate
         Conventional 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rate
         Conventional 15-year fixed-rate mortgage rate
         Seven-year balloon mortgage rate \3\
        \3\ The stress text assumes that mortgage interest rates on 
    seven-year balloon mortgages are 50 basis points less than 30-year 
    conventional mortgage rates in the down-rate environment, and equal 
    to the 30-year rate in the up-rate environment.
    [[Page 18230]]
    3.2.3  Procedures
        [a] Based on the characteristics of the mortgages securitized by 
    the Enterprise that were originated in the six months preceding the 
    start of the stress period and the interest rate projections in the 
    stress period, the stress test determines all of the relevant 
    characteristics of the loans delivered under the commitments that 
    exist at the start of the stress test. Using this information and 
    the classification variables-business type, portfolio type, product 
    type, original loan-to-value ratio, and Census division, the stress 
    test creates loan groups for commitments in the same manner as loan 
    groups are created for other loans (specified in section 3.1.2, 
    Whole Loans, of this Appendix). One exception is that the stress 
    test uses an additional classification variable--delivery month--to 
    form subgroups within each commitment loan group. This variable is 
    used to create origination dates, which are the same as delivery 
    dates for these loan groups. The procedures to create commitment 
    loan groups are as follows.
        1. Establish the values for classification variables--business 
    type, portfolio type, product type, original loan-to-value ratio, 
    and Census division as defined in section 3.1, Enterprise Data, of 
    this Appendix.
        2. Aggregate the loan-level information for the mortgages 
    identified above into loan groups by the classification variables.
        3. Concurrently with step 2, compute total starting UPB, the UPB 
    weighted average Original LTV, Servicing fee, Guarantee fee, and 
    Margin (for ARM loans) for each loan group.
        4. Using loan group information from step 3, calculate the 
    percent of total balance of all commitment loan groups for each loan 
    group as follows:
    % of total balance = total starting UPB for the loan group (from 
    step 3 above)  total starting UPB for all commitment loan 
    groups added together
        5. For each loan group, set the loan term and amortization 
    period as shown in Table 3-7.
        6. For each loan group, set remittance cycle to the shortest 
    available option for the Enterprise.
        [b] Procedures for adding subgroup characteristics to each loan 
    group are described below.
        1. Establish values for the subgroup classification variable--
    delivery month using percentages from Table 3-8, and divide each 
    loan group into subgroups, one for each delivery month. Three 
    subgroups are created in the down-rate scenario, and six subgroups 
    are created in the up-rate scenario.
        2. The total starting UPB for the subgroup is calculated as 
    follows: subgroup balance = total dollar amount of commitments 
    outstanding  x  % of total balance of the subgroup (from step 4 
    above)  x  Percent delivered in that delivery month (from Table 3-
        3. Set the original coupon rate and starting coupon rate (as of 
    delivery date) for each subgroup as set forth in Table 3-9.
    [[Page 18231]]
        4. Based on the original coupon rate and starting coupon rate 
    set for the subgroup in step 3, assign the subgroup with original 
    coupon rate class value and starting coupon rate class value as 
    defined in section 3.1.2, Whole Loans, of this Appendix.
        5. Set the origination year and month of the subgroup by adding 
    the delivery month to the starting date of the stress period.
        6. Set the age of the subgroup in the stress period to the 
    number of months elapsed in the stress period minus the delivery 
    month. Set the remaining term of the subgroup to the amortization 
    term minus the age of the subgroup.
        7. Set the net yield of the subgroup to the starting coupon rate 
    minus the servicing fee.
        8. Set the passthrough rate of the subgroup to the net yield 
    minus the guarantee fee.
    3.2.4  Output
        [a] The output of the Commitment component of the stress test is 
    data for a set of loan subgroups that are virtually identical to 
    loan groups created for loans on the books of business of the 
    Enterprises at the start of the stress test, except that an 
    additional classification variable, delivery month, is used to 
    supplement origination year for each subgroup of commitment loans. 
    This additional information tells when the mortgages in that 
    particular subgroup are delivered to the Enterprise.
        [b] The data for loan subgroups created by the Commitments 
    component of the stress test allows the stress test to project the 
    defaults, losses, prepayments, scheduled amortization, interest 
    payments, guarantee fee income, and float income for loans purchased 
    under commitments for the ten-year stress period.
    3.3  Interest Rates
    3.3.1  Overview
        The 1992 Act specifies changes in the ten-year constant maturity 
    Treasury yield (CMT) for the two interest rate scenarios of the 
    stress test. It further states that yields of Treasury instruments 
    with other maturities will change relative to the ten-year CMT in 
    patterns that are reasonably related to historical experience. The 
    Interest Rates component of the stress test projects these Treasury 
    yields as well as other interest rate indexes that are needed to 
    calculate cash flows, to simulate mortgage performance for mortgages 
    and other financial instruments, and to calculate the risk-based 
    capital requirement. The Interest Rates component produces values 
    for the interest rates and indexes for the starting date of the 
    stress test and for each of the 120 months in the stress period. The 
    process for determining interest rates can be divided into five 
    steps. First, identify values for the necessary interest rates and 
    indexes on the starting date. Second, project the ten-year CMT for 
    each month of the stress period as specified in the 1992 Act. Third, 
    project the one-, two-, three-, and six-month Treasury yields and 
    the one-, two-, three-, five-, 20-and 30-year CMTs.\4\ Fourth, 
    project non-Treasury indexes and interest rates. Fifth, project 
    borrowing rates for the Enterprises.
        \4\ For ease of discussion, all of the Treasury yields are 
    referred to as CMTs.
    3.3.2  Inputs
        Projecting interest rates and indexes in the stress test 
    requires initial values as of the start date of the stress test. 
    Initial values for the stress test are the averages of the values 
    for the month preceding the start of the stress period. Additional 
    months of historical data are input to the stress test in order to 
    project interest rates other than the ten-year CMTs during the 
    stress period. The historical data input for non-Treasury interest 
    rate indexes are listed in Table 3-12. Table 3-10 below contains a 
    list and a description of the interest rates and indexes input to 
    the stress test.
    [[Page 18232]]
    [[Page 18233]]
    3.3.3  Procedures  Identify Starting Values
        The starting values for all of the interest rates and indexes 
    listed in Table 3-10 are their daily averages during the month 
    preceding the start of the stress test.  Project the Ten-Year CMT
        The 1992 Act specifies that the stress test be based on 
    increases or decreases in the ten-year CMT, whichever would require 
    more capital. The ten-year CMT increases or decreases during the 
    first year of the stress period and remains at that level for the 
    remainder of the stress period. The 1992 Act further specifies how 
    the increases and decreases in the ten-year CMT are determined.  Down-Rate Scenario
        [a] To determine the ten-year CMT in the down-rate scenario, the 
    stress test first computes the average of the ten-year CMT for the 
    nine months prior to the start of the stress test, and subtracts 600 
    basis points; and second, computes the average yield of the ten-year 
    CMT for the 36 months prior to the start of the stress test, and 
    multiplies by 60 percent.
        [b] The ten-year CMT in the down-rate scenario is decreased to 
    the lesser of these two yields unless that yield is less than 50 
    percent of the average for the nine months preceding the start date. 
    In that case, the ten-year CMT decreases 50 percent of the nine-
    month average described above.
        [c] Once the ten-year CMT for the down-rate scenario is 
    determined, the stress test decreases the ten-year CMT from the 
    value as of the start of the stress period to this level in equal 
    increments over the first twelve months of the stress period. The 
    ten-year CMT remains at this level for the remaining nine years of 
    the stress period.  Up-Rate Scenario
        [a] To determine the ten-year CMT in the up-rate scenario, the 
    stress test first computes the average for the ten-year CMT the nine 
    months prior to the start of the stress test, and adds 600 basis 
    points; and second, computes the average for the ten-year CMT for 
    the 36 months prior to the start of the stress test, and multiplies 
    by 160 percent.
        [b] The ten-year CMT in the up-rate case is equal to the greater 
    of these two rates unless that yield is greater than 175 percent of 
    the average for the nine months preceding the stress period. In that 
    case, the ten-year CMT increases to 175 percent of the nine-month 
        [c] Once the ten-year CMT for the up-rate scenario is 
    determined, the stress test increases the ten-year CMT from the 
    value as of the start of the stress period to this level in equal 
    increments over the first twelve months of the stress period. The 
    ten-year CMT remains at this level for the remaining nine years of 
    the stress period.  Project the Ten Other CMTs
        In the third step, yields for the one-, two-, three-and six-
    month and the one-, two, three-, five-, 20-and 30-year CMTs are 
    projected.  Down-Rate Scenario
        [a] In the down-rate scenario, the ten other CMTs are calculated 
    by first computing the long-term averages for the ten-year CMT and 
    each of the ten CMTs, and then computing the ratios of the ten-year 
    CMT long-term average to the ten other CMT long-term averages. The 
    long-term averages are calculated over the period from May, 1986, 
    through April, 1995. These are presented in Table 3-11 below. The 
    stress test multiplies the ten-year CMT for the last nine years of 
    the stress test by the appropriate ratio to create the six other 
    CMTs for the last nine years of the stress test.
    [[Page 18234]]
        [b] In the first twelve months of the stress period, the ten 
    other CMTs are computed in a manner similar to the calculation of 
    the ten-year CMT for that period. From its value at the start of the 
    stress test, each of the ten other CMTs is decreased in equal steps 
    in each of the first twelve months of the stress period until it 
    reaches the appropriate level for the nine remaining years of the 
    stress test.  Up-Rate Scenario
        In the up-rate scenario, the six other CMTs are equal to the 
    ten-year CMT in the last nine years of the stress test. Each of the 
    six other CMTs is increased in equal increments over the first 
    twelve months of the stress test until it equals the ten-year CMT.  Project Non-Treasury Interest Rates
        [a] Table 3-12 presents the equations for projecting the non-
    Treasury interest rates for each month of the stress test. These 
    equations were developed using the percentage spread between the 
    non-Treasury interest rate and the CMT with the same or similar 
    maturity over a historical period \5\ and an ARIMA procedure 
    (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average).\6\ The stress test 
    applies these equations to forecast the spreads between each non-
    Treasury interest rate and the CMT from which it is estimated for 
    the 120 months of the stress period. Finally, the stress test 
    converts the projected values for the proportional spreads into rate 
    and index levels. As used here, the percentage spread for the three-
    month LIBOR rate, for example, is:
        \5\ Various historical data series have missing values.
        \6\ SAS ETS Users Guide, SAS Institute, 1993.
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.062
        [b] In Table 3-12, equations are grouped according to the 
    Treasury maturity against which the spread was calculated. For 
    example, the first group's spread was computed against the one-month 
    Treasury yield. Where the dependent variable was estimated as a 
    first difference, this is indicated in the Description column. ``T'' 
    represents the spread variable.
    [[Page 18235]]
    [[Page 18236]]
      Project Borrowing Rates
        The stress test adds a 50 basis point credit spread to the 
    federal agency cost of funds index to project Enterprise borrowing 
    costs for the last nine years of the stress period.
    3.3.4  Output
        The output from the interest rate calculations are 120 monthly 
    interest rate and index values for the projected eleven points on 
    the Treasury yield curve (one-month, two-month, three-month, six-
    month, one-year, two-year, three-year, five-year, ten-year, 20-year 
    and 30-year) and the 20 non-Treasury yields.
    3.4 Property Valuation
    3.4.1 Overview
        [a] The Property Valuation component provides the monthly single 
    family house price growth rates, rent growth rates, and rental unit 
    vacancy rates that contribute to the determination of property 
    values in the calculation of mortgage performance. The rates are 
    those associated with the benchmark loss experience, the ten-year 
    experience of loans originated in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, 
    and Oklahoma during 1983 and 1984. The benchmark loss experience 
    spans twelve years from the beginning of 1983, when the first 
    benchmark loans were originated, through the end of 1994, ten years 
    after the last benchmark loans were originated. The rates used in 
    the stress test are those for the middle ten years of this period, 
    1984 through 1993.
        [b] Single family house price growth rates are taken from the 
    HPI series for the West South Central Census Division, which 
    includes all of the benchmark states except Mississippi. House price 
    growth rates are used to project single family mortgage performance. 
    Rent growth rates and vacancy rates are taken from information for 
    the major metropolitan areas in the four benchmark States, published 
    by the Institute for Real Estate Management, and State level vacancy 
    rates published by the Bureau of the Census. These rates are used to 
    project multifamily mortgage performance.
        [c] As required by the 1992 Act, in the up-rate scenario, house 
    price rates and rent growth rates may require adjustment for 
    inflation. If the ten-year CMT rises more than 50 percent from the 
    average yield during the nine months preceding the stress period, 
    rates are adjusted upward to take into account the effect of 
        [d] This section includes a description of the required inputs 
    and procedures for inflation adjustments, and concludes with 
    outputs. These outputs include tables of benchmark house price and 
    rent growth rates unadjusted for inflation and rental vacancy rates. 
    These rates will not change unless the benchmark loss experience 
    3.4.2 Inputs
        The inputs required for adjusting house price and rent growth 
    rates are:
         The average yield of the ten-year CMT for the nine 
    months preceding the stress period, as computed in section 3.3, 
    Interest Rates, of this Appendix)
         The highest 10-year CMT during the stress period, as 
    computed in section 3.3, Interest Rates, of this Appendix
    [[Page 18237]]
         Unadjusted house price and rent growth rates during the 
    stress period, as shown in Tables 3-13 and 3-14 below
    3.4.3 Procedures
        Inflation adjustments are applied over the final five years of 
    the up-rate scenario stress test. The procedures are described 
        1. Determine whether an adjustment is necessary. Multiply the 
    average10-year CMT for the nine months preceding the stress period 
    by 1.50, and subtract the product from the highest value of the10-
    year CMT during the stress period. The difference is YD. If YD > 0, 
    follow steps 2-4 to apply an inflation adjustment. Otherwise, use 
    the rates provided in the Tables 3-13 and 3-14.
        2. Compute the adjustment. Use the following formula to compute 
    the cumulative adjustment as if YD were to apply over 9 years and 2 
    months: \7\
        \7\ If the ten-year CMT increases 75 percent over the base 
    month, a 50 percent increase will be achieved by month eight. The 
    full increase will be achieved by month twelve. On average, the 
    difference YD will apply for 9 years and 2 months.
        3. Calculate the monthly inflation adjustment factors to apply 
    to house price and rent rate growth rates. The cumulative adjustment 
    is applied over the last five years of the stress period, and 
    monthly adjustment factors are computed as follows:
        a. For house-price growth rates, the monthly adjustment factor 
    is: \8\
        \8\ This factor is in continuous rate form (note use of natural 
    logarithm) to be compatible with the house price growth rate series 
    in Table 3-13.
        b. For rent growth rates, the monthly adjustment factor is: \9\
        \9\ This factor is in discrete rate form to be compatible with 
    the rent growth rate series in Table 3-14.
        4. Compute final monthly growth rates. Add the monthly inflation 
    adjustment factors IHt and IRt to the house 
    and rent growth rates for months 61 through 120. The resulting 
    series will be inflation-adjusted growth rates.
    3.4.4  Output
        [a] Monthly house price growth rates, rent growth rates, and 
    rental vacancy rates are used by the Mortgage Performance components 
    of the stress test (see section 3.5, Mortgage Performance, of this 
    Appendix). If there are no inflation adjustments, the house price 
    and rent growth rates in Tables 3-13 and 3-14 are used. If the 
    inflation adjustment is necessary, then the adjusted growth rates 
    are used.
        [b] House price growth rates are inputs to the Single Family 
    Default and Prepayment and the Single Family Loss Severity 
    components of the stress test (See sections 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 of this 
    Appendix). The rent growth rates and vacancy rates are inputs to the 
    Multifamily Default and Prepayment and Multifamily Loss Severity 
    components (See sections 3.5.4 and 3.5.5 of this Appendix).
    [[Page 18238]]
    [[Page 18239]]
    [[Page 18240]]
    3.5  Mortgage Performance
    3.5.1  General
        [a] The four components of the stress test that simulate various 
    elements of mortgage performance are single family default and 
    prepayment, single family loss severity, multifamily default and 
    prepayment, and multifamily loss severity.
        [b] Figure 3-1 is a schematic overview of the basic structure of 
    each mortgage performance component. Each mortgage performance 
    component uses as inputs loan group starting position data, interest 
    rate series from the Interest Rates component (see section 3.3, 
    Interest Rates, of this Appendix), historical house-price indexes 
    (HPI) and rental-price indexes (RPI) from government sources, and 
    HPI and RPI growth and rental vacancy rate series for the stress 
    period from section 3.4, Property Valuation, of this Appendix. These 
    inputs are used to calculate the values of explanatory variables 
    that are then used to compute monthly default, prepayment, and loss 
    severity rates. These monthly default, prepayment, and loss severity 
    rates are used to compute cash flows (refer to section 3.9, Cash 
    Flows, of this Appendix).
    [[Page 18241]]
    3.5.2  Single Family Default and Prepayment  Overview
        The stress test calculates conditional default and prepayment 
    rates for single family mortgages for each month of the ten-year 
    stress period. A conditional rate of default or prepayment refers to 
    the percentage of the outstanding balance in a loan group that 
    defaults or prepays during a given period of time. Computing default 
    and prepayment rates requires information on the risk 
    characteristics of a loans, historical and projected rates of 
    interest, and the historical and projected rates of property value 
    appreciation (or depreciation). Some of this information is used 
    directly, while other information is combined together to create new 
    variables for use in the default and prepayment rate calculations. 
    In all, nine explanatory variables are used to determine default and 
    prepayment rates for single family loans: mortgage age, mortgage age 
    squared, original loan-to-value ratio, probability of negative 
    equity, prepayment burnout, the percentage of investment property 
    loans, relative interest rate spread, yield curve slope, and 
    mortgage product-type. A statistical analysis of the relationship 
    between the explanatory variables and historical default and 
    prepayment rates was used to estimate the weights (also known as 
    regression coefficients) associated with each variable. The selected 
    weights are combined as described below to compute quarterly default 
    and prepayment rates throughout the stress test period. The 
    quarterly rates are then converted to monthly conditional default 
    and prepayment rates and used by the cash flow component (See 
    section 3.9, Cash Flows, of this Appendix) of the stress test to 
    calculate monthly principal reductions resulting from defaults and 
    prepayments, and to calculate default losses for each month in the 
    ten-year stress period.  Inputs
        [a] There are three categories of data inputs for single family 
    default and prepayment rate calculations: characteristics of loan 
    groups, interest rates, and house price index values and 
        [b] The loan group characteristics used here are listed below 
    with their
    [[Page 18242]]
    corresponding variable names, where relevant, as they appear in 
    subsequent formulas:
         Product type
         Origination year (Y0)
         Origination month (required for loans delivered under 
    commitments only)
         Census division (d)
         Origination LTV (LTV0)
         Origination UPB (UPB0)
         Original coupon interest rate (rc,0)
         Mortgage origination term, in months (To)
         Mortgage amortization term, in months (Ta)
         Remaining term, in months (Tr)
         Percentage of investor loans (P) (this refers to the 
    percent of investor property loans in an Enterprise's entire loan 
        [c] The interest rate variables are listed below, along with 
    their reference names as they appear in subsequent formulas:
         Conventional 30-year fixed-rate mortgage coupon rates 
         One-year (Constant Maturity) Treasury yields 
         Ten-year (Constant Maturity) Treasury yields 
        [d] All interest rate series are provided by the Interest Rate 
    component in monthly form. They are converted to quarterly series by 
    taking simple averages of monthly values within each calendar 
    quarter. Each interest-rate series represents 30 years of historical 
    values, plus 10 years of stress test values. As described below in 
    section, Procedures, of this Appendix, loans with 
    origination years prior to 1979 are treated as having an origination 
    year of 1979. Therefore, no interest rate variable values before 
    that year are used. The conventional 30-year fixed-rate mortgage 
    rate series does not begin until the second half of 1979, so values 
    for the first two quarters of 1979 are equal to the third-quarter 
        [e] House price growth rates are used to adjust the value of 
    collateral properties before and during the stress period. Before 
    the stress test is run, mortgages are seasoned using historical 
    Census Division HPI series from the most recent OFHEO HPI report. 
    House price growth rates for the stress period are determined as 
    discussed in section 3.4, Property Valuation, of this Appendix. The 
    two house price growth rate volatility parameters published in the 
    OFHEO HPI Report, for each Census division, are also used, as 
    described below. The volatility parameters measure the distribution 
    of individual house price growth paths around the measured HPI 
    value, as a function of the age of a mortgage.  Procedures  Overview
        Five general steps for generating default and prepayment rates 
    for single family loans are repeated for each loan group throughout 
    the stress period.
        1. Obtain the loan group characteristics, the interest rates, 
    and the HPI index and volatility values.
        2. Using the loan characteristics and other input data, compute 
    the values for the nine explanatory variables, by loan group, for 
    each quarter of the stress period.
        3. Match the time series of explanatory variables for each loan 
    group to associated regression weights (coefficients) for use in 
    calculating default and prepayment rate series. Some of the 
    variables are multiplied by the weights and then used in the default 
    and prepayment rate calculations. These are called ``continuous'' 
    variables, and they include age (and age squared), investor-property 
    percent. Other variables are categorical and do not get multiplied 
    by the weights. Rather, for these explanatory variables, one of 
    several available weights is assigned based on the value-range or 
    category of the explanatory variable value in each quarter. For 
    categorical variables, the underlying values can change from quarter 
    to quarter, and the weights used will also change, as the variable 
    value moves from one category to another.
        4. Sum the results of Step 3--a combined set of weighted 
    continuous variables and categorical variable weights for each 
    quarter--to produce factors that go into default and prepayment rate 
    calculations. The rate calculations use logistic probability 
    formulas. Table 3-17 provides all weights needed to compute the 
    default and prepayment rates for each product type. There is one set 
    of beta () and gamma () weights for 30-year fixed-
    rate mortgages, one set for adjustable rate mortgages, and one set 
    for all other product types.
        5. Convert the quarter default and prepayment rates into monthly 
    equivalent rates so that the stress test has monthly series for cash 
    flow projections.  Explanatory Variables Calculations
        The following sections describe how each explanatory variable is 
    calculated and how the weights are combined to compute default and 
    prepayment rates for a group of single family loans of similar risk 
    characteristics.  Mortgage Age (Aq)
        [a] The mortgage age in each quarter of the stress period is 
    computed as:
        [b] Loans with origination years prior to 1979 are treated as if 
    they were originated in 1979. The age value and the squared value of 
    age are used directly in the default and prepayment formula, along 
    with their weights (coefficients).  Origination LTV (LTV0)
        The value of the original LTV for each loan group does not 
    change throughout the stress test. Once it is matched to an 
    LTV0 category in Table 3-17, the associated default and
    [[Page 18243]]
    prepayment weights are used throughout the stress test.\10\
        \10\ Note that Table 3-1 of this Appendix shows eight categories 
    for original LTV ratio classes. The default and prepayment component 
    of the stress test combines the last three categories into one 
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  Probability of Negative Equity (PNEQq)
        [a] The probability of negative equity variable requires 
    creating a time series of property values and amortizing loans to 
    create updated LTV ratios throughout the stress period. The updated 
    LTV ratios are used along with the standard deviations of house 
    price growth paths to compute probabilities of negative equity. The 
    probability of negative equity measures the percent of loans 
    underlying a loan group that are likely to have negative equity 
    positions, in each quarter of the stress period. The step-by-step 
    process for computing the variable PNEQq follows. See 
    Figure 3-2 for an overview of the derivation process.
        1. Create a time series of property values that extends from 
    loan origination through the stress period as described below.
        a. Extend the historical HPI series for each of the nine Census 
    divisions through the stress period by adding the growth rate 
    factors (gi) that are described in section 3.4, Property 
    Valuation, of this Appendix:
        b. Create an index for average house value in each quarter of 
    the stress period (Vq) using HPI values from the loan 
    origination quarter and from each quarter of the stress period, by 
    Census division:
        The published HPI series begins in the first quarter of 1980. 
    Values for the four quarters of 1979 are produced by OFHEO, but are 
    not published. Table 3-16 provides these values, which are assigned 
    to HPId,O for loans originating in 1979. Loans with 
    origination years prior to 1979 are treated as if they were 
    originated in 1979.
    [[Page 18244]]
        2. Amortize the average loan balance from loan origination 
    through the stress period. This procedure does not use the current 
    mortgage coupon rate at the start of the stress period, but rather 
    creates a history of interest rate paths for the loan group, from 
    origination, as if all adjustable rate mortgages are Constant 
    Maturity Treasury ARMs, with one-year adjustment periods.
        a. Create the coupon interest rate series, rc,q. For 
    fixed-rate mortgages, set rc,q = rc,0, 
    (original coupon) for every quarter. However, for adjustable-rate 
    mortgages, adjustments must be made over time, taking into account 
    period and lifetime interest rate caps as follows:
    First, set rc,q = rc,0 for q = {1,...,4}.
        Then, for every fourth quarter of loan life, evaluate:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.069
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.294
    When rc,q<>q +0.0275), then set:
    rc,q+1...q+4 = min{(y12q + 0.0275), 
    (rc,q + 0.02), (rc,0 + 0.05)}
    When rc,q>(y12q +0.0275), then set:
    rc,q+1...q+4 = max{(y12q + 0.0275), 
    (rc,q-0.02), (rc,0-0.05)}
    When rc,q = (y12q +0.0275), then set:
    rc,q+1...q+4 = rc,q
        b. Compute the monthly mortgage payment factor (PMTq) 
    for each quarter of the stress period, q = {1,...,40} using the 
    [[Page 18245]]
        In this formula, LTV0 represents the original loan 
    balance. Using LTV0 allows the UPB time series to be 
    calculated in index form to match Vq. PMTq 
    will be constant throughout the stress test for fixed-rate loans 
    because rc,q is fixed at rc,0.
        c. Calculate a remaining loan balance index for the UPB 
    outstanding at the beginning of each quarter of the stress period, 
    UPBq, based on PMTq, Tr, and 
    elapsed time in the stress period, q, using the formula:
        3. Compute updated LTV ratios (LTVq) for each quarter 
    of the stress period:
        4. Compute the standard deviation of house price growth paths 
    (d,q) around the HPId,q value. Limit 
    the value of the age variable to avoid negative ``diffusion.'' 
    Negative diffusion occurs when the variance of house prices declines 
    over time. The quadratic formula used here for the standard 
    deviation of individual house price index values will create 
    negative diffusion unless age is limited. The age limit formula is 
    found by solving the first derivative of the house price volatility 
    variance with respect to age, for zero. This variance is the 
    function under the root sign in the d,q equation 
    below (but using Aq rather than MAq). The age 
    limit gives the value of age for which the diffusion of house price 
    growth is maximized. Once this age value is reached, the stress test 
    then holds diffusion at the maximum value for the remainder of the 
    life of the loan:
    [[Page 18246]]
        5. Calculate the probability of negative equity in each stress 
    period quarter:
    [[Page 18247]]
      Burnout (Bq)
        [a] The prepayment ``burnout'' variable, Bq, 
    indicates whether there have been at least two quarters of 
    ``significant refinance opportunities'' among the previous eight 
    quarters of loan life. A mortgage undergoes a significant refinance 
    opportunity when its coupon is at least two percentage points above 
    the then-prevailing rate on 30-year mortgages. The rate on 30-year 
    mortgages is always used as the benchmark for defining refinance 
    opportunities, regardless of the type of mortgages being analyzed. 
    Prepayment burnout is a binary variable--two quarters of significant 
    refinance opportunities either occur or do not occur.
        [b] If Aq  8, then Bq=0. If 
    Aq >8, then:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.300  Occupancy Status (OS)
        The occupancy status variable is the percentage of loans in an 
    Enterprise portfolio that are investor-owned (rental) properties 
    rather than owner-occupied properties. It is a constant value (OS) 
    applied equally to all loan groups and in all stress period 
    quarters, computed as follows:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.301  Relative Spread (RSq)
        The relative spread variable (RSq in the formula 
    below) is the percentage spread between a loan's contract rate and 
    the rate on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages in the current quarter of 
    the stress test. The higher this percentage is, the more likely a 
    loan is to prepay:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.077  Yield Curve Slope (YSq)
        The variable YS q in the formula below represents the 
    slope of the yield curve. It is included in the prepayment 
    calculations to represent different relationships between short-and 
    long-term interest rates. Different yield curve slopes represent 
    different relationships between short and long term interest rates, 
    and these relationships impact incentives to refinance either into 
    ARMs or into fixed-rate mortgages:
    [[Page 18248]]
      Product Type Adjustment Factors
        Product types other than fixed-rate 30-year mortgages and ARMs 
    receive unique product-specific adjustment factor weights in the 
    stress test. These factors relate the default and prepayment risk of 
    each product type to the fixed-rate 30-year mortgage. ARMs do not 
    need a risk adjustment factor because they use separate default and 
    prepayment equations. All products other than 30-year fixed-rate and 
    adjustable-rate mortgages use the same pair of default and 
    prepayment equations. The product types included in this combination 
    grouping, which receive product-specific risk adjustment factors, 
    are: 20-year fixed-rate, 15-year fixed-rate, balloon, government 
    insured or guaranteed loans, and second mortgages. All loan products 
    with payment changes, such as graduated payment mortgages, two-step 
    mortgages, and buydown mortgages, are treated as ARMs and use the 
    ARMs default and prepayment formulas without a product adjustment 
    factor. Biweekly and reverse mortgages are included with standard 
    monthly mortgages of similar term and do not therefore require 
    separate adjustments. The adjustment factor values are provided in 
    Table 3-17.  Benchmark Calibration Factor
        A calibration adjustment of 0.146 is added to each statistical 
    default equation to reasonably relate current loan default rates to 
    the historical benchmark experience. The value 0.146 is a weighting 
    factor, not an explanatory variable.  Combining Explanatory Variables and Weights
        [a] Each explanatory variable outlined above has associated 
    numerical weights that are used in default and prepayment rate 
    calculations. These weights, which are the estimated coefficients 
    from statistical regressions, are referred to here as beta factors, 
    j, for default weights, and gamma factors, 
    k, for prepayment weights. As mentioned above, 
    there is also a constant weight for benchmark calibration. In 
    addition, each statistical equation has a different regression 
    constant. These constants appear as separate weights, not tied to 
    any explanatory variables.
        [b] The weights are combined to compute two sums: 
    Xq for defaults and Xq for 
    prepayment as follows:
        [c] The only explanatory variables for which both the variable 
    and its weight are included in the formula above are age 
    (Aq), age squared (A2q), occupancy status (OS) 
    and burnout (Bq). For each of these variables, the 
    variable value is multiplied by its weight, which can be found in 
    Table 3-17. For other (categorical) explanatory variables, however, 
    the weights are not accompanied by the actual values of the 
    explanatory variables. For these variables the computed variable 
    value is only used to identify the category to which it belongs so 
    that a representative weight can be selected from the weight table 
    (Table 3-17) of this Appendix. Only the obtained weight is included 
    in the Xq and Xq formulas 
    for these variables.
    [[Page 18249]]
    [[Page 18250]]
      Calculating Default and Prepayment Rates
        The total weighting factors, Xq and 
    Xq, are converted into quarterly default and 
    prepayment probabilities using the following logistic probability 
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.304  Monthly Default and Prepayment Rates
        To this point, all calculations involved creating quarterly time 
    series of values throughout the ten-year stress period (40 
    quarters). In this step, the quarterly conditional default and 
    prepayment rates are converted into monthly rates as follows:
    [[Page 18251]]
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.305  Output
        Use the resulting 120 monthly conditional default and prepayment 
    rates for each loan group to calculate monthly principal reductions 
    resulting from defaults and prepayments, and to calculate default 
    losses for each month in the ten-year stress period.
    3.5.3  Single Family Loss Severity  Overview
        [a] The Single Family Loss Severity component of the stress test 
    computes loss severity rates for single family mortgages that 
    default in each month of the stress test. The loss severity rate is 
    the net cost of a loan default expressed as a percentage of the 
    unpaid principal balance (UPB) at the time of default. Based on 
    various cost and revenue elements associated with a loan default, 
    the stress test calculates loss severity rates as the present value 
    (at default date) of the net cash flows that occur following the 
    default date. Most cost and revenue elements are entered as constant 
    rates across loan groups throughout the stress period. Two 
    exceptions are proceeds from property disposition and asset funding 
    costs. Proceeds are derived through a formula that uses both 
    historical and stress period house price appreciation rates, and 
    that accounts for loan amortization from origination through 
    default. Funding cost of the defaulted mortgages and the resulting 
    foreclosed properties is captured by discounting the loss severity 
    elements, using a cost-of-funds interest rate that varies during the 
    stress period. Loss severity rates throughout the stress period will 
    also vary according to the application of percent-denominated credit 
    enhancements (dollar-denominated credit enhancements are directly 
    applied in the Cash Flow component of the stress test) and their 
    associated credit ratings.
        [b] The inputs used to compute loss severity rates include 
    several starting position loan group characteristics, counterparty 
    credit risk factors, historical house price index series and stress 
    period house price growth rates, house price appreciation volatility 
    parameters, and stress test interest rate series. The output of loss 
    severity rates for each loan group are used in the Cash Flow 
    component of the stress test (see section 3.9, Cash Flows, of this 
    Appendix) to calculate (dollar) default losses.  Inputs
        [a] The Single Family Loss Severity component of the stress test 
    uses loan group characteristics as of the start of the stress test, 
    including information on certain types of credit enhancements, and 
    credit risk factors associated with counterparty rating categories 
    (see section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix). In 
    addition, it uses historical and stress period HPI series, house 
    price appreciation volatility parameters, and one interest rate 
    series (see section 3.4, Property Valuation, of this Appendix).
        [b] The particular loan group characteristics (refer to section 
    3.1, Enterprise Data, of this Appendix for the definitions of these 
    loan group characteristics), with associated variable names used in 
    the procedures below, are:
         Product Type
         Portfolio (retained or sold portfolio)
         Origination Year (subscript ``y'')
         Origination Month (tm, for commitment loan 
    groups only)
         Census Division (subscript ``d'')
         Starting Coupon (rc,s)
         Original Coupon (rc,0, only used for ARMs)
         Passthrough Rate (rp, for sold loans only)
         Original LTV (LTV0)
         Mortgage Age (As)
         Amortization Term (Ta)
         Credit Enhancement Coverage Type 1 (Cmi, PMI 
    coverage rate)
         Credit Enhancement Coverage Type 2 (Crc, 
    seller/servicer recourse coverage rate)
         Percent of UPB under ``AAA'' coverage in a loan group 
         Percent of UPB under ``AA'' coverage in a loan group 
         Percent of UPB under ``A'' coverage in a loan group 
         Percent of UPB under ``BBB'' coverage in a loan group 
        [c] Credit enhancement coverages, both Type 1 and Type 2, are 
    reduced throughout the stress test according to ``haircuts,'' as 
    defined in section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix. 
    These haircuts represent percentage reductions to credit enhancement 
    coverage due to the inability of a counterparty to meet its 
    obligations under stressful conditions. The final (end-of-stress-
    period) haircuts, by credit rating class (AAA, AA, A, and BBB), are 
    obtained from section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix.
        [d] In addition, historical Census division HPI series and house 
    price appreciation volatility parameters are obtained from the most 
    recently available OFHEO HPI Report. The HPI series are used to 
    update collateral property values to the beginning of the stress 
    test. Property values are then updated during the stress period with 
    monthly house price growth rates obtained from section 3.4, Property 
    Valuation, of this Appendix. The historical volatility parameters 
    are used with stress period property values to develop distributions 
    of property values and levels of home equity within loan groups.
        [e] The final input used here is the six-month Federal agency 
    cost-of-funds rate, for each month of the stress period (variable 
    ``rd,t''). This monthly series is generated by the 
    interest rate component of the stress test (See section 3.3, 
    Interest Rates, of this Appendix) and is used as the discount rate 
    for computing the present value of the three major elements of the 
    loss severity rate--defaulting UPB, net costs or proceeds associated 
    with foreclosure, and net cash flows from holding and disposition of 
    Real Estate Owned (REO) property.  Procedures
        [a] The process of deriving loss severity rates involves 
    calculating the present value of three loss elements. The first loss 
    element (PV1) is the amount of defaulting UPB. The second loss 
    element (PV2) is the expense related to foreclosure, net of any 
    mortgage insurance proceeds. The third loss element (PV3) combines 
    post-foreclosure property expenses with proceeds from REO property 
    disposition. Each of these three loss elements is computed as the 
    present value (as of the default date) of the net cash flows 
    occurring at a separate point in time--four months after default for 
    the first loss element, 13 months after default for the second loss 
    element, and 20 months after default for the third loss element. The 
    present values of the three loss elements then are added together to 
    derive an initial loss severity rate (NPV1). Finally, available 
    seller/servicer recourse against the (initial) loss is applied to 
    calculate the final loss severity rate (NPV3). Figure 3-3 of this 
    Appendix depicts the timing of the three loss elements and how they 
    are combined to produced initial and final loss severity rates.
        [b] In the procedures for calculating loss severity rates, loan 
    amortization is performed each month for surviving loans in each 
    loan group; all discounting of cash flows uses semi-annual 
    compounding of interest rates; all calculations add expenses and 
    subtract revenues to calculate loss severity rates; and all loss 
    elements are calculated as percentages of the UPB of the defaulting 
    loans. With the exception of computations for FHA and VA loans, 
    calculations are not specific to any particular loan product types, 
    although loan group characteristics (coupon rate and amortization 
    term) are used in the severity calculations.
        [c] The lack of product type distinctions in severity 
    calculation means that adjustable
    [[Page 18252]]
    rate mortgages are treated like fixed-rate mortgages. Their coupon 
    rates are not updated during the stress test, and the original 
    coupon is used to perform loan amortizations used in the statistical 
    equation for property disposition proceeds. This simplification does 
    not affect the actual defaulting UPB used to calculate dollar 
    losses. The cash flow portion of the stress test does update coupon 
    rates for adjustable rate products, and uses the updated rates to 
    amortize loan group UPB. There are also no differences in loss 
    severity rate calculations for investor loans. The stress test does 
    not group loans according to occupancy status (owner-occupant versus 
    investor/rental), although the statistical analysis used to derive 
    the loss severity elements for the stress test used data on both 
    occupancy status types. Thus, the loss severity elements shown here 
    reflect a balance of owner-occupant and investor loans.
        [d] The stress test groups FHA and VA loans together. To 
    calculate severity rates, FHA and VA insurance coverage amounts are 
    calculated separately for all FHA/VA loan groups. Loan group credit 
    enhancements are then calculated by summing the coverage amounts, 
    with FHA insurance receiving a 0.67 weight and VA insurance 
    receiving a 0.33 weight. Final loss severity rates for FHA/VA loan 
    groups are then computed based on these weighted average coverage 
    amounts.  Defaulting UPB
        The defaulting UPB is the first loss element included in the 
    loss severity rate calculation. The stress test recognizes 
    defaulting UPB four months after the month of default. At this 
    point, the defaulting UPB is recognized as a loss severity element 
    and a potential cost (pending offsetting revenues from mortgage 
    insurance and property disposition). For sold loans, defaulting 
    mortgages are first purchased from the security pools, requiring a 
    cash outlay equal to the UPB. Because only sold loans involve actual 
    cash outlays, sold and retained loans are treated slightly 
    differently in this loss element calculation.
        1. For sold loans, recognize the cash outlay by discounting UPB 
    back to the date of default:
        2. For retained loans, set PV1t = 1 to represent the 
    full UPB. No discounting is necessary because recognition of the 
    defaulting UPB does not involve an actual cash outlay.  Net Costs or Proceeds Associated with Foreclosure
        The second loss element includes foreclosure related 
    transactions. There are
    [[Page 18253]]
    several cash flows, so that multiple computations are required.
        1. Calculate survival factors for each counterparty rating 
    category, for each month of the stress period. The monthly survival 
    factors represent percentages of obligations that counterparties 
    with given credit ratings are expected to meet as the stress period 
    continues. They are derived from the final haircuts defined in 
    section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix. These factors 
    are applied here to private mortgage insurance (PMI) coverage, and 
    later to seller/servicer recourse obligations. Survival factors for 
    each credit rating category are constant across loan groups:
        2. Calculate private mortgage insurance (PMI) proceeds.
        a. Calculate the weighted average survival factor for each loan 
    group. For each month, t, of the stress period, multiply the 
    survival factor for each counterparty rating, SFR,t, by 
    the percentage of the loan group UPB covered by counterparties with 
    the same rating, CR. Sum the results across all 
    counterparty ratings, R. Next, divide that sum by the sum of all 
    counterparty coverage percentages. This produces a weighted average 
    survival factor, SFw,t, by loan group, for each month, t, 
    of the stress period:
        b. Multiply the weighted average survival factors, 
    SFw,t, by the PMI percentage coverage rate, 
    Cmi, to derive monthly adjusted percentage coverage 
    rates, Cmi,t:
        c. Compute mortgage insurance proceeds (mit), by 
    multiplying the adjusted PMI percentage coverage rate, 
    Cmi,t, by the mortgage insurance claim amount. First, for 
    all conventional loans--loan groups other than FHA/VA:
        For FHA/VA loan groups, calculate the FHA insurance proceeds:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.089
    [[Page 18254]]
        3. Discount all foreclosure related cash flows by 
    tf=13 months to compute the post-foreclosure loss 
    element, PV2t.
        a. For retained loans:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.090
        b. For sold loans, add passthrough interest expense to mortgage-
    backed security holders for 4 months:
        c. For FHA/VA loans:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.092
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.310
        4. Calculate the payment to the loan servicer (PVSt) 
    net of any interest paid by the seller/servicer to the Enterprise 
    that would be repaid in the post-foreclosure servicer claim. The 
    present value factor generated here is not used in the computation 
    of the foreclosure loss component, but will be used later to account 
    for cases where there is full recourse to the seller/servicer. This 
    is required only where there is Type 2 Credit Enhancement coverage. 
    It is not used for FHA/VA loans. For retained loans:
        For sold loans, add the (4 months) interest passed through by 
    the Enterprise to security holders:
    [[Page 18255]]
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.311  Net Cash Flow from Holding and Disposition of REO Property
        The third loss element includes cash flows associated with 
    management and disposition of REO property. Cash flows used in 
    calculating this element are sales proceeds from disposition of 
    foreclosed property and REO property management (maintenance and 
    operating) expenses.  Calculate Proceeds From Property Sale
        Sales proceeds is a dynamic loss severity element whose 
    calculation involves updating property values and loan balances over 
    time. Several steps are required. First, property values and UPB are 
    updated from origination to the time of default. This is done with 
    index values, rather than dollar values. Property values are 
    represented by a house price index, and loan balances by a UPB index 
    (ratios of defaulting UPB to the original house price). Second, a 
    statistical measure (z-score) of the distance between the logarithm 
    of house price index and the logarithm of the loan balance index is 
    calculated. Third, an econometric equation uses the z-score to 
    compute the portion of UPB that is not recovered at property 
    disposition. Finally, the unrecovered portion of UPB is converted 
    into proceeds from property sale.
        1. Update property values.
        a. Calculate a house price index at the start of the stress 
    test, according to origination year and Census division cohort:
        Because HPI values are as of the end of each quarter, 
    HPId,-1 gives the value as of the start of the stress 
    period. The OFHEO HPI is published beginning with the first quarter 
    of 1980. OFHEO has also produced (but not published) values for 
    earlier years. To season loans originating in 1979, assign 
    HPId,q according to the Census division specific values 
    listed in Table 3-16. Treat all pre-1979 originations as if they 
    were originated in 1979.
        b. Calculate house price index values during the stress period 
    by multiplying the Id,q by cumulative house price growth 
    rates in the stress period:
    [[Page 18256]]
        Do not calculate Id,q for loans that an Enterprise 
    has committed to buy, but not yet purchased at the beginning of the 
    stress period, because pre-stress period house price appreciation is 
    not applicable. The house price index for these loans is the 
    cumulative monthly growth rate from the month after delivery to the 
    month of loss severity calculations (month of default):
        2. Calculate the standard deviation of house price growth paths, 
    d,t, around the average growth path implied by 
    the HPId,q,t value. This first requires limiting the 
    value of the age variable to avoid negative ``diffusion.'' Negative 
    diffusion occurs when the variance of house prices declines over 
    time. While negative diffusion is not expected to happen in 
    practice, the formula for the standard deviation of house price 
    growth paths (which is a quadratic function of time, where the 
    first-order term is positive and the second-order term is negative) 
    will create negative diffusion unless age is limited.
        a. Create a variable for mortgage age in the stress test:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.098
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.315
        b. Create a mortgage age variable (MAt) that limits 
    the mortgage age to a maximum value:
        c. Calculate the standard deviation of house price growth rate 
    path using MAKt:
        3. Compute a monthly loan payment factor using the original 
    coupon rate and original LTV (LTV0). Since original 
    property value is specified to be equal to one, LTV0 
    represents the original UPB. Use this payment factor to compute the 
    time series of UPB index (see below) to capture amortization of 
    surviving loans in each loan group throughout the stress period:
    [[Page 18257]]
        4. Calculate the time series of UPB index--the ratios of 
    defaulting UPB in each month of the stress period to the original 
    house price:
        5. Compute the z-score for the ``distance'' between the logarithm 
    of the house price index and the logarithm of the UPB index. The use of 
    logarithmic values allows each variable to be specified as a percentage 
    difference from the original property value (1.0). This transformation 
    makes the distance between the house price and UPB indexes consistent 
    with the standard deviation of the house price growth rates used to 
    calculate the z-score.\11\ The formula for the z-score is:
        \11\ This standard deviation is of cumulative house price growth 
    rates. The log of HPI is the cumulative growth of average house 
    prices in the geographic area, while the log of b gives an HPI-
    growth-rate-equivalent interpretation to owner invested equity 
    (downpayment plus amortization). The resulting log difference is the 
    amount by which the individual house price growth must be lower than 
    average market growth in order to eliminate any equity in the 
    property and thus lead the borrower to consider default.
        The allowable values of zt are bounded by 4.0 and -
    0.50. If the computed value zt is outside either of these 
    bounds, it is reset to its closest boundary value.
        6. Compute the percentage of UPB that is not recovered at 
    property disposition based on the statistically derived relationship 
    between the percentage of UPB unrecovered at property disposition 
    and the z-score:
    [[Page 18258]]
        Because log-transformed values of the unrecovered UPB 
    (ln(Lt) + 1)) were used in the regression, the ``1'' in 
    the equation above is a result of using the antilog to derive the 
    formula for Lt. In addition, the formula also includes 
    the calibration factor to reasonably relate loss severity rate to 
    the benchmark experience.
        7. Calculate sales proceeds from the disposition of each 
    foreclosed property, Pt, as UPB less the portion that was 
    not recovered at disposition, Lt:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.322  Net Cash Flow at Property Disposition
        Subtract sales proceeds from expenses related to REO property, 
    then discount the result by (tf+ti = 20 
    months) to obtain the present value of the third loss severity 
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.323  Final Calculations of Loss Severity Rates
        At this point, all cost elements of loss severity are included 
    in PV1, PV2, and PV3. Revenues from private mortgage insurance (Type 
    1 credit enhancement) or FHA insurance are also included in PV2. The 
    sum of PV1, PV2, and PV3 then provides an initial net-present-value 
    loss severity rate (NPV1). Once this is calculated, potential 
    revenues from seller/servicer recourse (Type 2 credit enhancement) 
    and VA insurance guaranty proceeds are computed. For non-government 
    (conventional loans), the recourse proceeds are subtracted from NPV1 
    to arrive at final loss severity rates (NPV3) for each loan group, 
    in each month of the stress test. For FHA/VA loan groups, final loss 
    severity rates are calculated using a weighted average of the 
    proceeds from the two forms of government insurance.
        1. Calculate the initial loss rates (after mortgage insurance 
    and FHA coverage, but before seller/servicer recourse or VA 
    [[Page 18259]]
        2. Proceed based upon whether the loan group represents 
    conventional or FHA/VA loans:
        a. For conventional loans, check the initial losses in 
    NPV1t to evaluate whether there is any loss remaining. 
    Loans with losses less than zero, where NPV1t  
    0, will not receive any additional credit for seller/servicer 
    recourse. For those loans, set RCtt = 0, and proceed to 
    Step 6. Otherwise, if NPV1t > 0, go to Step 3.
        b. For FHA/VA loans, proceed to Step 5.
        3. Re-calculate initial loss severity rates using the full 
    seller/servicer claim amount, PVSt, rather than the post-
    insurance foreclosure cash flow, PV2t:
        4. Use NPV2t with appropriate percentage recourse 
    (Type 2) coverage rates and survival factors to calculate seller/
    servicer recourse coverage amounts, RCt:
        Go to Step 6.
        5. For FHA/VA loan groups, calculate the effective loss rate after 
    recourse coverage amounts provided by VA guarantees:
    and then:
    [[Page 18260]]
        6. Calculate final loss severity rates separately for 
    conventional and FHA/VA loans.
        a. For conventional loans, subtract the percent reduction in net 
    losses provided by recourse coverage, RCt, from the 
    initial loss severity rate, NPV1t:
        b. For FHA/VA loans, compute a weighted-average loss severity 
    rate, using NPV1t--which includes FHA insurance--and 
    NPVVAt--which includes VA insurance:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.329 Output
        The resulting 120 monthly loss severity rates (NPV3t) 
    for each loan group are used as inputs by the Cash Flow component of 
    the stress test to calculate monthly (dollar) default losses (see 
    section 3.9, Cash Flows, of this Appendix).
    3.5.4 Multifamily Default and Prepayment Overview
        The Multifamily Default and Prepayment component of the stress 
    test calculates the monthly rates of default and prepayment for each 
    multifamily loan group throughout the stress period. The process of 
    computing default and prepayment rates requires input data on: one, 
    loan group characteristics in the Enterprise portfolios at the 
    beginning of the stress test; two, historical rent growth rate 
    information to update values of collateral for the loans to the 
    beginning of the stress test; and three the economic conditions of 
    the stress period--interest rates, vacancy rates and rent growth 
    rates. These input data are used to create values for the 
    explanatory variables in the Multifamily Default and Prepayment 
    component. The annual-equivalent default and prepayment rates for 
    each month of the stress period are generated using the values of 
    the explanatory variables and the regression coefficients (or 
    weighting factors). These coefficients are based on statistical 
    analysis of the relationship between default and prepayment rates 
    and the explanatory variables. Finally, the annual-equivalent rates 
    are converted into monthly rates for use in the Cash Flow component 
    of the stress test to simulate loan terminations and associated 
    credit losses. Inputs
        Inputs for the Multifamily Default and Prepayment component of 
    the stress test include loan group characteristics, interest rate 
    series, historical rent indexes, and stress period rent growth rates 
    and vacancy rates. Each of these are discussed below. Loan Group Characteristics
        As described in section 3.1, Enterprise Data, of this Appendix, 
    multifamily loan group characteristics data are generated through 
    aggregation of individual Enterprise loans as of the beginning of 
    the stress test, according to defined aggregation criteria. The 
    characteristics of a loan group include both categorical and 
    continuous variables. The values of categorical variables indicate 
    the range within which a loan group characteristic falls (``value-
    range''). The values of continuous variables are averages of the 
    values of the characteristics of the underlying loans, where the 
    weights are the unpaid principal balances of each loan in the group, 
    at the start of the stress test. The following are loan group 
    characteristics used in the Multifamily Default and Prepayment 
    component of the stress test (using allowable values for each 
    variable found in section 3.1, Enterprise Data, of this Appendix):
         Origination year
         Census region
         Metropolitan statistical area
         Product type
         Mortgage program
         Original LTV (the variable ``LTV0'' in 
    equations below)
         Original coupon (the variable ``rc,0'' in 
    equations below)
         Starting coupon (the variable ``rc,s'' in 
    equations below)
         Starting UPB (the variable ``UPBs'' in 
    equations below)
         Debt coverage ratio, at the time of purchase by the 
    Enterprises (the variable ``DCR0'' in equations below)
         Amortization term, in months (the variable 
    ``Ta'' in equations below)
         Mortgage age, in months (at the start of the stress 
    period; the variable ``As'' in equations below)  Interest Rate Series
        Three interest rate series are used in the Multifamily Default 
    and Prepayment component. These series are generated from the 
    Interest Rate component of the stress test, for each month of the 
    stress period (see section 3.3, Interest Rates, of this Appendix). 
    Historical values for one of these interest rate series are also 
    required. (See below. Note that all interest rate series are in 
    decimal format.) The particular input series are:
         Federal Home Loan Bank 11th District Cost of Funds 
    Index (COFI) (the variable ``rb,t'' in equations below)
         Conventional mortgage rate (the variable 
    ``rf'' in equations below)
         Ten-year Constant Maturity Treasury Yield (the variable 
    ``y120t'' in equations below). Historical values of this 
    variable are input starting 30 years prior to the start of the
    [[Page 18261]]
    stress test, and stress test simulation values are used to extend 
    the series throughout the stress period.  Historical Rent Indexes
        Updating property values of collateral for multifamily loans at 
    the beginning of the stress test requires use of rent indexes. The 
    stress test uses the residential rent component of the Consumer 
    Price Index (CPI), which is available from the U.S. Department of 
    Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The series required for 
    this part of the stress test are those for the U.S., the four Census 
    regions, and the 29 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) covered by 
    the BLS surveys.  Stress Period Vacancy Rates and Rent Growth Rates
        Monthly vacancy rate and rent growth rate series for the stress 
    period are generated by the Property Valuation component of the 
    stress test (see section 3.4, Property Valuation, of this Appendix). 
    These series are used to update multifamily property values 
    throughout the stress period.  Procedures
        [a] Separate default equations are used to distinguish between 
    loans acquired through: one, cash purchases and two, negotiated 
    transaction. In a cash purchase, an Enterprise acquires a newly 
    originated loan that meets standard underwriting guidelines; the 
    purchase can include recourse to the seller/servicer. In a 
    negotiated transaction, an Enterprise generally acquires a pool of 
    seasoned, nonconforming loans.
        [b] FHA-insured loans are a subset of loans that are purchased 
    through negotiated transactions, but they are included with the cash 
    transaction loans for default calculation purposes.
        [c] Fixed-rate multifamily loans have prepayment restrictions, 
    for example, yield maintenance fees and lockouts, that severely 
    limit prepayments for about two-thirds of the loan term. To account 
    for the differences in prepayment speeds that result from these 
    restrictions, five prepayment equations are used for the following 
    types of loans: fixed-rate loans in the restriction period, fixed-
    rate balloon loans beyond the restriction period, self-amortizing 
    fixed-rate loans beyond the restriction period, balloon loans at the 
    balloon point, and adjustable rate mortgages.
        [d] To calculate default and prepayment rates in the stress 
    text, the input data described above are used to compute the values 
    of explanatory variables for the equations for multifamily default 
    and prepayment rates. A total of 16 explanatory variables (shown in 
    Table 3-20) are computed for each loan group, and for each month of 
    the stress period. The following describes calculations of 
    explanatory variables and the resulting default and prepayment 
    rates. Unless otherwise indicated, each variable subscripted with a 
    ``t'' is computed for the 120 months of the stress period. To 
    illustrate each procedure, formulas are shown for one loan group for 
    each month of the stress test. The same logic applies to all loan 
        [e] The values of explanatory variables in each month are used 
    in the default and prepayment equations to calculate annual default 
    and prepayment rates. The stress test computes default and 
    prepayment rates that would result if the conditions prevailing in 
    each month were to continue for an entire year. These annual rates 
    are converted to monthly rates for use in section 3.9, Cash Flows, 
    of this Appendix.  Computation of Explanatory Variables   Mortgage Age (At, AYt)
        [a] Mortgage age in each month of the stress period is 
    calculated as:
        [b] Since mortgage age enters the default and prepayment 
    equations in years, rather than in months, an age-in-years variable, 
    AYt, is created:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.114  Program Restructuring (PR)
        The stress test differentiates between cash programs in effect 
    before 1988 for Fannie Mae and before 1992 for Freddie Mac 
    (``original programs'') and later cash programs. This 
    differentiation accounts for the greater credit risk of the earlier 
    cash programs. The variable PR is used in two ways to adjust 
    original program loan groups for this greater risk. PR is only used 
    for loans in the cash programs (except FHA-insured loans) because 
    OFHEO has identified the program structure deficiencies that caused 
    this greater risk only on these loans. The variable is not used to 
    adjust the risk profile of loans acquired through negotiated 
    programs. The PR variable is computed for each loan group according 
    to the following:
    First, PR is used as a categorical variable to distinguish the 
    original cash programs from more recent cash programs of the 
    Enterprises (``current programs''). This usage of PR captures the 
    higher default risk of the Enterprises' original programs. Second, 
    PR is used as a flag for when to adjust DCR0 and 
    LTV0 for overly optimistic appraisal practices inherent 
    in original cash program loans. (See sections, Formula 
    for Constructing the DCR Time Series and, Construct the 
    LTV Time Series, of this Appendix.)  Value of Depreciation Write-off (DW)
        The present value of tax benefits afforded to an investor/owner 
    in a multifamily property is captured in a depreciation write-off 
    variable (DW). Based on depreciation rules and OFHEO's estimates of 
    the marginal tax rate for ordinary income, the marginal tax rate for 
    capital gains, and the risk-adjusted return for multifamily 
    projects, a value of 9.27 for this variable (DW) is used in the 
    stress test. This value represents a 9.27 percent estimated return 
    for a 20-year holding period on investments in multifamily property 
    resulting from tax benefits associated with ownership and taxes paid 
    on the ultimate sale of the property, based on 1995 data. OFHEO may 
    change the value for this variable if there are significant changes 
    in depreciation rules or tax rates. DW affects defaults and is held 
    constant for
    [[Page 18262]]
    all cash programs throughout the stress period. However, it is not 
    used to project default rates of negotiated programs.  Seller/Servicer Repurchase Flags (RF, RA)
        [a] Mortgage default in the stress test is defined as a loan 
    termination in which the borrower must relinquish title to the 
    property because of an inability to make loan payments. However, 
    there is one exception for multifamily mortgages in certain 
    negotiated programs. In these negotiated programs, when a loan 
    becomes 90 days delinquent, the seller/servicer must buy the loan 
    out of the pool and attempt to resolve the delinquency. For these 
    loans, the stress test defines default as a 90-day delinquency, 
    rather than a full default. The occurrence of 90-day delinquencies 
    is always higher than the occurrence of full defaults, since many 
    90-day delinquent loans cure or are modified.
        [b] To distinguish a ``90-day delinquency'' type of default from 
    a full default, the stress test includes two categorical variables 
    that flag fixed-rate (RF) and adjustable rate (RA) negotiated 
    program loans with repurchase requirements:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.116  Joint Probability of Negative Equity and Negative Cash 
    Flow (JPt)
        The joint probability of negative equity and negative cash flow 
    (JPt) is defined as the probability that any given loan 
    will simultaneously experience a loan-to-value ratio 
    (LTVt) greater than 1.00 and a debt coverage ratio 
    (DCRt) less than 1.00. JPt is the principal 
    variable used in the stress test to measure the value of default to 
    multifamily borrowers. Creating this variable involves updating 
    DCRt and LTVt over time using a property net 
    operating income (NOI) growth factor, changes in mortgage payments, 
    loan amortization, and a capitalization rate multiplier. The NOI 
    growth factor is updated over time using vacancy rate changes and 
    rental inflation since loan origination. The capitalization rate 
    multiplier is updated based on changes in interest rates since loan 
    origination.  Updating Average Property Income  Create Rent Indexes for the Start of the Stress Period
        Rent indexes at the start of the stress period are created using 
    time series of annual percent changes in the residential rent 
    component of the CPI for each of the four Census regions and the 29 
    MSAs covered by BLS surveys. If the stress test begins at a time 
    other than January 1 (first quarter of the year), the residential 
    rent component of the CPI at the end of the quarter just preceding 
    the start of the stress test is used to create the final ``year'' of 
    the rent index time series. Most MSA level CPI series produced by 
    BLS start in 1970, but some do not begin until the 1980s. The 
    regional CPI series are available beginning in 1978, so percent 
    changes for these can only be computed starting in 1979. Each 
    regional and MSA percent-change series is constructed as follows:
        1. Fill-in the pre-1979 regional series with percent changes in 
    the rent index values for the national CPI, going back 30 years from 
    the start of the stress test. If any MSA is missing one or more 
    years of data, fill-in missing values from regional series. This 
    results in 33 time series of annual rent growth rates for 30 years, 
    ending in the year and quarter just preceding the beginning of the 
    stress test.
        2. Using these time series, create the rent index value for each 
    loan group at the start of the stress period, as a cumulative index 
    from the loan origination year to the start of the stress test:
    [[Page 18263]]
        3. In order to link the rental series to loan group 
    characteristics, first match each loan group by MSA code to the 
    available residential rent series from BLS. If there is a match, 
    then use that MSA series of historical annual growth rates of 
    residential rent, as described above, to generate the value for 
    Im,y. If the loan group is not in an MSA covered by the 
    BLS residential rent series, then match the Census region of the 
    property to the appropriate regional residential rent series, and 
    use the regional historical annual growth rates of the residential 
    rent series to generate the value for Im,y. Assume that 
    all loans originate in the middle of the year, for purposes of the 
    first-year rent growth rate. To accomplish this, the above formula 
    uses the square root of the growth rate in the year of loan 
    origination.  Update Each Rent Index throughout Stress Period
        The rent index at the beginning of the stress test 
    (Im,y) is updated, for each loan group, throughout the 
    stress period based on the following equation:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.332  Create a Property Net Income Multiplier
        [a] The rent index series just created is combined with the 
    vacancy rate series (Vt) provided by the Property 
    Valuation component of the stress test to create a formula for 
    updating the average, underlying, NOI in each month of the stress 
    period. The following formula provides a multiplication factor that 
    gives the ratio of current property NOI to NOI at loan origination 
    (for cash programs), or at acquisition (for negotiated programs):
    [[Page 18264]]
        [b] There are two constants in the above equation. The first, 
    2.15, is the percentage decline in NOI due to a one percent increase 
    in the vacancy rate. The second, 0.0623, is the average vacancy rate 
    observed for multifamily rental properties in 1983-95. The average 
    vacancy rate is used to approximate the vacancy rate of each loan at 
    the time of origination (cash programs) or acquisition (negotiated 
    programs). Nt measures how changes in rental inflation 
    and vacancy rates together translate into percentage changes in net 
    operating income since loan origination.  Create a DCR Time Series
        [a] DCR is the ratio of the property NOI to the mortgage 
    payment. DCR at loan origination or acquisition (DCR0) is 
    a loan characteristic input to the stress test. It is updated over 
    time using the formula for Nt, and by updating the 
    mortgage payment, if and when applicable. The mortgage payment 
    changes regularly for ARMs. The stress test also changes mortgage 
    payments for balloon loans that do not pay off at maturity. For such 
    loans, the coupon interest rate is changed to the prevailing market 
    rate at the time of balloon maturity. DCR0 for loans 
    purchased under original cash programs (when PR=1) of the 
    Enterprises are adjusted to make them consistent with current cash 
    programs (current measurement practices) by multiplying them by 
    0.8655.\12\ This adjusts for differences in appraisal practices 
    between original and current cash programs.
        \12\ For Fannie Mae, these are cash loans purchased prior to 
    1988. For Freddie Mac, these are cash loans purchased prior to 1992.
        [b] In addition, because UPB is decremented over time, according 
    to the coupon rate and amortization term for each loan group, 
    updates to UPB are required to update payments on ARM and balloon 
    loans at maturity. Updates to UPB are also used to create current 
    LTVs. Procedures for creating a time series of LTV ratios follows 
    this discussion involving DCR construction. In the following 
    procedures, both UPB and mortgage payments (PMT) are factors based 
    on an original loan balance of one dollar and do not represent 
    actual dollar amounts.  Create the Original Payment Factor for All Loans
        The original payment factor is based on original loan terms:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.120
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.334
     Create Time Series of UPB Values for Fixed-rate, Fully 
    Amortizing Loans
        For all fixed-rate, fully amortizing loans, create the UPB time 
    series in the stress test period according to the following 
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.121  Update Mortgage Payment Factors and UPB for ARMs and 
    Balloon ARMs
        [a] Updating UPBt and PMTt for ARMs 
    requires first creating the coupon interest rate series 
    (rc,t) for each ARM loan group. This series will capture 
    the effect of period and lifetime caps on the path of coupon rates.
        1. The current coupon rate at the start of the stress period, 
    rc,s, is used for the mortgage coupon rates in the first 
    12 months of the stress period rc,t:
    rc,t = rc,s, for t = {1,...,12}
        2. In every twelfth month, compare:
    rc,t ><>b,t + 0.02375), for t = {12, 24, 
        3. When, upon evaluation in step 2, rc,t <>b,t + 0.02375), set:
    rc,t+1...t+12 = min{(rb,t + 0.02375), 
    (rc,t + 0.01), (rc,0 + 0.05)}
    [[Page 18265]]
        4. When, upon evaluation in step 2, rc,t > 
    (rb,t + 0.02375), set:
    rc,t+1...t+12 = max{(rb,t + 0.02375), 
    (rc,t-0.01), (rc,0-0.05)}
        5. When, upon evaluation in step 2, rc,t = 
    (rb,t + 0.02375), set:
    rc,t+1...t+12 = rc,t
        [b] The UPB percent at the start of the stress test is 
    calculated using an original loan balance of one dollar, remaining 
    term, and an average of the origination and starting coupons. The 
    resulting UPB percent is used to calculate the payment factor in 
    month one of the stress period:
        [c] The time series of mortgage coupon rates (rc,t) 
    from steps 1-5 is used to generate time series of payment factors 
    and UPB percent factors for the remaining months of the stress 
    period. These two series are developed simultaneously. In each 
    month, each series is updated based on what happened in the other 
    series in the previous month:
    [[Page 18266]]
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.338  Create Payment and UPB Factors for Fixed-Rate Balloons
        Payment factors for balloon loans with fixed interest rates are 
    held constant at PMT0 until the loans reach maturity. At 
    maturity, the payment factor is updated to reflect current market 
    interest rates, the remaining loan balance, and a new amortization 
    term.\13\ Payment factors and UPB for balloon ARMs are constructed 
    using the procedures just described for ARM loans, rather than the 
    instructions for fixed-rate balloon loans.
        \13\ The remaining life of the loan is reset to equal the 
    amortization term of the loan at origination.
        1. Set balloon term in months, Tm, according to 
    product types listed in Table 3-18.
        2. Create UPBt and PMTt throughout the 
    stress period, according to when the balloon matures in the stress 
    period. Loan group UPBs are reduced according to default and 
    prepayment (balloon payoffs) rates (see section, 
    Calculation of Default and Prepayment Rates, of this Appendix) in 
    the balloon year, and for up to five years beyond the month of 
    balloon maturity. Loan groups with balloon maturity prior to the 
    start of the stress test are terminated after three years in the 
    stress period (thirty-seventh month). Loan groups that mature during 
    the stress test are terminated five years after maturity.
        a. If balloon term, Tm, is less than or equal to 
    mortgage age at the start of the stress test, As, i.e., 
    the loan has passed its balloon date or is just maturing when the 
    stress test begins, then UPBt and PMTt are 
    updated as follows:
    [[Page 18267]]
        b. If balloon term, Tm, is greater than mortgage age 
    at start of stress test, As, then update UPBt 
    and PMTt as follows.
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.340  Formula for Constructing the DCR Time Series
        The formulas for updating DCR over time in the stress period are 
    described below.
        1. For loans originated under current cash programs (where 
    PR=0), and for all negotiated programs:
        2. For loans originated under original cash programs, where 
    [[Page 18268]]
      Create an LTV Time Series
        LTV is the ratio of the unpaid principal loan balance (UPB) to 
    the value of the property. The UPB is updated over time as described 
    above. The value of the property is adjusted based on the property 
    net operating income multiplier (Nt) and a capitalization 
    rate multiplier (described below). As with DCR, LTV must be adjusted 
    for loans purchased under original Enterprise cash programs, to make 
    them consistent with current cash programs.  Updating the Capitalization Rate Multiplier
        [a] The capitalization rate multiplier is the reciprocal of the 
    capitalization rate and reflects what investors are willing to pay 
    for an annual cash flow stream on a property, given the property and 
    market conditions, as well as the opportunity cost of capital. LTV 
    is updated in the stress test according to changes in the multiplier 
    that result from changes in the opportunity cost of capital, as 
    reflected through changes in market interest rates.
        [b] The capitalization rate multiplier is updated in two steps, 
    based on changes in the ten-year CMT yield (a proxy for changes in 
    the opportunity cost of capital).
        1. Compute the average monthly ten-year CMT yield for the loan 
        2. Compute the time series of ratios of capitalization rate 
    multipliers based on the relative spread between the origination-
    year ten-year CMT and each of the monthly values of the ten-year CMT 
    throughout the stress period:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.343  Construct the LTV Time Series
        [a] For loans acquired through current cash programs (where 
    PR=0), or through negotiated programs:
        [b] For loans acquired through original cash programs, where 
    [[Page 18269]]
        [c] For all loans, prevent LTVt from approaching zero by 
    resetting small values to 0.01:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.141  Compute Joint Probability of Negative Equity and Negative 
    Cash Flow
        [a] The values of the joint probability of negative equity and 
    negative cash flow (JPt) are computed as the area under a 
    bivariate standard normal density function. The form for this 
    function is:
        [b] In the calculations of JPt, the two standard 
    normal random variables (x and y) represent transformations of DCR 
    and LTV values for individual properties. Standard normal random 
    variables have normal (Gaussian) distributions, with a mean of zero 
    and standard deviation of one. Any normally distributed random 
    variable can be ``standardized'' by subtracting the mean from the 
    variable, and then dividing by the standard deviation. In this 
    application, the ``sample'' group for which the standard deviations 
    apply could include all multifamily properties in the geographic 
    location of the properties underlying the loan group being studied. 
    Here the normally distributed variables are the true, but unknown ln 
    (DCR) and ln (LTV) values for each loan, and their mean values are:
        [c] The limits of integration (a and b) represent the distance 
    between the logs of the at-risk boundaries for underlying 
    properties--DCR=1.00 and LTV=1.00 and--Dt and 
    Lt respectively. The joint probability variable is then 
    the value of the bivariate density function, evaluated at particular 
    values of the integration limits in each month of the stress period:
    [[Page 18270]]
        [d] The following steps describe how to calculate the values of 
    at and bt.
        1. First, compute the standard deviation of ln(DCRt) 
    and ln (LTVt):
        2. The limits of integration in each month of the stress test, 
    at and bt, are:
        These equations reduce to:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.140
        [e] The coefficient of correlation between the logarithms of DCR 
    and LTV is:  = -0.5975. It should be noted that standard 
    software packages that compute bivariate normal probabilities do 
    their integrations over the left tails of both (x and y) 
    distributions. To estimate the left tail of the lnDCR and the right 
    tail of the lnLTV distribution which is required to estimate 
    JPt, one simply reverses the signs on the lnLTV 
    integration limit (from b to -b) and the correlation coefficient 
    (from -0.5975 to 0.5975).  Balloon Maturity Risk (BJPt)
        [a] The balloon year is defined as the 12 months leading up to 
    and including the maturity month. Because of the contractual 
    requirement to pay off a loan at maturity, a balloon loan with weak 
    financials is more likely to default in the balloon year than at any 
    previous time. The stress test captures this additional credit risk 
    for balloon loans by giving extra weight to the JPt 
    variable in the balloon year. This is accomplished by including a 
    second JPt term in the default equations, which is only 
    used for balloon loans, in the balloon year:
        [b] Not all loans will pay off or default by balloon maturity. 
    For those that continue beyond balloon maturity, the stress test 
    updates PMTt after the balloon date with current market 
    interest rates (as described earlier) to simulate any increase (or 
    decrease) in payments upon refinancing the property. This change in 
    loan payments changes the default risk in the post-balloon period.
    [[Page 18271]]  Relative Spread Variables (RSt, 
    RSDt, RSUt)
        The incentive to prepay a mortgage because of the ability to 
    refinance at lower interest rates is proxied by relative interest 
    rate spreads. The difference here is that, for fixed-rate mortgages, 
    the relative spread is split into two variables: one for when market 
    rates are below the coupon rate (RSDt), and one for when 
    market rates are above the coupon rate (RSUt). 
    RSDt captures in-the-money prepayment options, and 
    RSUt captures any dampening effect on cash-out 
    refinancing when the prepayment option is out-of-the-money. For ARM 
    loans, the relative spread variable (RSt) compares the 
    current coupon rate to the current market rate on fixed-rate 
        1. For each ARM loan group, compute the relative spread as:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.151
        2. For each fixed-rate loan group (including balloons), create 
    the two spread variables:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.153  Years-To-Go in the Yield-Maintenance Period 
        [a] One feature common to most fixed-rate multifamily mortgages, 
    whether balloon or fully amortizing, is the yield maintenance period 
    (YMP). During a yield maintenance period, prepayment is restricted 
    because borrowers cannot prepay the mortgage without incurring 
    substantial penalties. For fixed-rate fully-amortizing mortgages, 
    the YMP is 120 months. For fixed-rate balloon loans, the YMP 
    averages two-thirds of the loan term, up to a maximum of 120 months. 
    ARM loans do not have yield maintenance periods. Table 3-19, of this 
    Appendix provides the term of the YMP for each loan product as 
        [b] The YMP is used to create the explanatory variable years-to-
    go (YTGt), which measures the number of years remaining 
    in the yield maintenance period of the mortgage. This explanatory 
    variable is a proxy for the size of prepayment penalties, which 
    decline throughout the YMP:
    [[Page 18272]]
        [c] YTGt has its maximum value in the first month of 
    loan life, and declines to zero by the end of the YMP. For loan 
    programs with lockouts, which prohibit prepayment for a stated time 
    period, YTGt is set to ten for the duration of the 
    lockout period.
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.155  Relative Spread Variables in the Pre-balloon Period 
    (RSD1t, RSD2t)
        For balloon loans during the post-yield-maintenance and pre-
    balloon period, borrowers must decide whether to lock in a current 
    interest rate or take their chances regarding what the market rate 
    will be when the loan matures. To capture the additional incentive 
    of borrowers to prepay in the two years prior to the balloon date, 
    to take advantage of favorable interest rates when they exist, the 
    stress test provides extra weight to the RSDt variable in 
    both the year preceding the balloon year, and the year just prior to 
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.350  Market Rate for Fixed-Rate Mortgages (rf,t)
        The current market interest rate on fixed-rate single family 
    mortgages is used to capture the effect of expectations of ARM 
    borrowers with respect to future interest rate movements. This is in 
    addition to the relative spread variable, RSt, used in 
    the prepayment equation for ARM loans. While RSt measures 
    differences between long-term and short-term interest rates, the 
    long-term interest rate itself (rf,t) indicates the 
    absolute level of interest rates.  Probability of Qualifying for Refinancing at Balloon 
    Maturity (PQt)
        [a] When a balloon loan matures, the borrower is contractually 
    required to pay off the outstanding UPB. To do this, the borrower 
    generally obtains a new loan. In practice, payoff rates are 
    dependent on the ability of the borrower and property to qualify for 
    a new loan. For multifamily mortgages, the LTV must generally be 
    less than or equal to 0.80, and the DCR must be greater than or 
    equal to 1.20. The need for the property financials to meet 
    origination underwriting criteria at the balloon date adds to 
    extension risk, i.e., the risk that the loan will not pay off, but 
    remain outstanding.
        [b] The stress test captures extension risk at the balloon date 
    by estimating a separate payoff equation for balloon loans at or 
    beyond maturity. The payoff equation includes only one variable, the 
    probability of qualifying for refinancing (PQt). This is 
    constructed like the joint probability of negative equity and 
    negative cash flow variable (JPt), except that the limits 
    of integration now reflect the minimal requirements for loan 
    qualification rather than the boundary points for default. The 
    integration limits are from t to +  
    for lnDCRt (right tail) and from - to 
    bt for lnLTVt (left tail), where:
    [[Page 18273]]
        [c] The range of the integration limits is reversed from that 
    used in calculating the JPt variable, because 
    PQt is calculating the probability of financially strong 
    loans, while JPt calculates the probability of 
    financially weak loans. Again, in using a standard software package 
    to calculate PQt, set the integration limit for 
    t = -t and  = 
    - because the package is set up to integrate left tails 
    only.  Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTVt)
        The current loan-to-value ratio is used to capture the 
    propensity of investors to initiate cash-out refinancing to increase 
    borrowers' returns on equity. The time series of LTVt is 
    used as an explanatory variable in prepayment equations.  Summary of All Explanatory Variables
        Table 3-20 outlines all of the explanatory variables that are 
    used to calculate default and prepayment rates.
    [[Page 18274]]
      Calculation of Default and Prepayment Rates
        Conditional default and prepayment rates are calculated for each 
    multifamily loan group based on the explanatory variables described 
    above, and using statistical regression coefficients estimated on 
    historical data. The regression coefficients provide weighting 
    factors for each explanatory variable. The variables are each 
    multiplied by their associated regression-coefficient (weights), and 
    then added together to yield total weighting factors. Default and 
    prepayment total weighting factors are combined in pairs to 
    calculate the annual-equivalent conditional default and prepayment 
    rates for each corresponding loan group in each month of the stress 
    period. These annual-equivalent rates are then converted into 
    monthly rates.  Combining Explanatory Variables into Total Weighting 
    Factors  Default Weighting Factors (t)
        The calculation of the total weighting factors for defaults 
    varies by loan program. Two total weighting factors are calculated 
    for loan defaults. One calculation is for mortgages purchased 
    through cash programs, and the other is for mortgages acquired 
    through negotiated programs. For each loan
    [[Page 18275]]
    group, the appropriate formula is used for the entire stress period.
        For loan groups in cash programs:
    t = -10.0191 + 1.2687 AYt-0.0790 
    (AYt) \2\ + 0.6203 PR-0.0829 DW + 7.8230 JPt + 
    2.6446 BJPt
        3. For loan groups in negotiated programs:
    t = -9.6418 + 1.0596 AYt--0.0633 
    (AYt) \2\ + 0.2627 RF + 0.6751 RA + 12.1660 
    JPt + 2.6446 BJPt  Prepayment Weighting Factors (t )
        Prepayment total weighting factors are calculated using 
    equations that differ both by product type and life-cycle stage. For 
    any one loan group, one, two, or three different equations may be 
    used during the stress period. Figure 3-4 illustrates how the 
    prepayment weighting factor equations are used over the life of any 
    particular loan group. Each block represents one of the five 
    different equations for computing the prepayment total weighting 
        1. Fixed-rate Mortgages (Fully Amortizing and Balloon Loans)
    If the loan product is a ``fixed-rate'' or a non-ARM balloon, and 
    for t where
    YMP  At,
        2. Fully-amortizing loans, out of yield maintenance
        If the loan product type is ``fixed-rate,'' and for t where
    YMP <>t:
        3. Balloon loans out of yield maintenance, but prior to 
        When the mortgage product is a balloon with a fixed interest 
    rate, and for values of t where YMP <>t and t < (m-11):="" [[page="" 18276]]="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.162="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.352="" 4.="" fully-amortizing="" arms,="" and="" balloon="" arms="" before="" maturity.="" when="" the="" mortgage="" product="" is="" a="" fully-amortizing="" arm,="" or="" a="" balloon="" arm="" where="" t="">< (m-11),="" then:="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.163="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.353="" 5.="" all="" balloon="" loans,="" on="" and="" after="" the="" maturity="" date.="" when="" the="" mortgage="" product="" is="" a="" balloon="" (arm="" or="" fixed-rate),="" then="" the="" total="" weighting="" factors="" are="" calculated="" as:="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.164="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tp13ap99.354="" balloon="" loans="" do="" not="" all="" terminate="" at="" the="" balloon="" date.="" the="" stress="" test="" allows="" them="" to="" run-off="" according="" to="" default="" and="" prepayment="" (payoff)="" rate="" calculations,="" in="" the="" balloon="" year,="" and="" for="" up="" to="" five="" years="" beyond="" the="" balloon="" date.="" all="" balloon="" loans="" that="" do="" not="" terminate="" within="" five="" years="" beyond="" the="" balloon="" date="" are="" terminated="" in="" the="" sixty-first="" month.="" loan="" groups="" with="" balloon="" dates="" prior="" to="" the="" start="" of="" the="" stress="" test="" (m="">< 0)="" are="" terminated="" in="" the="" thirty-seventh="" month="" of="" the="" stress="" period.="""" calculating="" annual="" equivalent="" default="" and="" prepayment="" probabilities="" [a]="" once="" the="" time="" series="" of="" default="" and="" prepayment="" total="" weighting="" factors="" are="" computed="" for="" each="" loan="" group,="" they="" are="" combined="" in="" multinomial="" logit="" equations="" to="" calculate="" the="" annual-="" equivalent="" default="" and="" prepayment="" probabilities.="" these="" probabilities="" represent="" what="" would="" happen="" over="" the="" course="" of="" a="" year,="" were="" default="" and="" prepayment="" probabilities="" for="" a="" given="" month="" (t)="" to="" continue="" for="" an="" entire="" year.="" [b]="" the="" annual-equivalent="" default="" probability,="">t, 
    in each month, t, is computed as:
    and the annual-equivalent prepayment probability, APt, in 
    each month (t) is computed as:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.166  Terminating Balloon Loans after Maturity
        At the final termination point, annual-equivalent probabilities 
    of default and payoff are calculated as functions of two 
    explanatory-variable probabilities: the joint probability of 
    negative equity and negative cash flow (JPt), and the 
    probability of qualifying for a refinancing (PQt):
    [[Page 18277]]
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.355  Calculating Monthly Default and Prepayment Rates The 
    monthly conditional default and prepayment rates are derived from 
    the annual-equivalent probabilities for each month using geometric 
    means. For default rates:
    and for prepayment rates:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.169  Output
        The 120 monthly default and 120 monthly prepayment rates are 
    generated for each loan group and are used by the Cash Flow 
    component of the stress test to compute monthly dollar amounts of 
    loans that prepay and default (see section 3.9, Cash Flows, of this 
    3.5.5  Multifamily Loss Severity  Overview
        Loss severity is the net cost to an Enterprise of a loan 
    default. The loss severity rate is expressed as a percentage of the 
    UPB at time of default. The stress test calculates loss severity 
    rates for each multifamily loan group for each month of the stress 
    period. Loss severity rates are discounted to calculate an effective 
    loss rate in the month of default, adjusting various cost and 
    revenue components of loss severity that occur following the default 
    date. The effective loss severity rate is multiplied by the 
    corresponding mortgage default rate to calculate the loan group 
    loss-rate. The loss-rate is multiplied by the UPB in each month to 
    compute the dollar amount of credit losses for each loan group.  Inputs
        [a] The following loan group characteristics are used:
         Program type
         Net yield (the variable ``ry'' in equations 
    below) \14\
        \14\ Net yield at the start of the stress test is used 
    throughout the stress period for all loan groups, including ARMs.
         Passthrough rate (the variable ``rp'' in 
    equations below) \15\
        \15\ Passthrough rate at the start of the stress test is used 
    throughout the stress period for all loan groups, including ARMs.
        [b] The six-month Federal agency cost of funds (variable 
    ``rd,t'') interest rate series is used for discounting 
    default-related cash flows in loss severity calculations. This 
    series is an output from section 3.3, Interest Rates, of this 
    Appendix.  Procedures
        The loss severity rates are calculated by program type and 
    portfolio. Cash flows are discounted semi-annually. The impact of 
    credit enhancements on cash programs with recourse and FHA-insured 
    loan programs is calculated below. Credit enhancements for other 
    multifamily program types are applied in section 3.9, Cash Flows, of 
    this Appendix. Retained Portfolio: Cash Programs Without Recourse
        [a] The basic loss severity equation is for loan groups 
    consisting of retained loans purchased under cash programs without 
    recourse. For these loan groups, loss severity rates are calculated 
    as the UPB at the time of default (represented by the ``1'' in the 
    following equation), plus the present value of foreclosure costs and 
    property operating expenses, minus the net proceeds from sale of the 
    [[Page 18278]]
        [b] Each NPVt value represents the loss severity rate 
    for loans defaulting in month t of the stress period. The timing of 
    events (e.g., time from default to foreclosure, etc.) used in the 
    equation shown above is also used in the loss severity rate 
    equations for all other program types and portfolios. The net 
    operating loss on foreclosed properties for the 13 months that the 
    property would be real estate owned (REO) is expensed in the seventh 
    month of the 13-month holding period. Sold Portfolio: Programs Without Recourse or Repurchase
        There is a slight change in the basic loss severity equation 
    shown above for sold loans purchased under cash programs without 
    recourse, and for negotiated programs without repurchase. Four 
    months of interest are passed through to investors before the loans 
    are bought out of security pools for default resolution. The 
    passthrough interest expense in the second term of the loss severity 
    equation, below, is discounted for two months. This represents a 
    midpoint of the period of interest expenditures. In addition, the 
    UPB at time of default is a direct cash outlay, occurring four 
    months after default. Therefore, the UPB at time of default is 
    discounted because the stress test accounts for this payment in the 
    month of default. Therefore, the following modified equation is 
    applied to sold loans purchased under cash programs without 
    recourse, and negotiated programs without repurchase:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.357 Retained Portfolio: Cash Programs With Recourse
        When loans are purchased under cash programs with recourse, the 
    seller/servicer shares any losses with the Enterprise. The stress 
    test computes the amount of recourse and reduces the gross severity 
    rate as described below.
        1. Compute two additional revenue elements: interest income paid 
    by the seller/servicer to the Enterprise (II) and (additional) 
    proceeds from the seller/servicer (SP) recourse.
        a. Calculate mortgage interest income, II, paid by the seller/
    servicer during the time between default and foreclosure:
        b. Calculate proceeds from the seller/servicer recourse (SP).
         Calculate the seller/servicer share of loss, S, as a 
    fraction of the UPB:
    [[Page 18279]]
         Reduce seller/servicer loss share (S) by the interest 
    income it has already paid to the Enterprise (II). Thus, the final 
    seller/servicer payment will be:
        2. Calculate net present value loss severity rates for defaults 
    in each month (t) by summing the discounted values of all cost and 
    revenue elements:
    In this equation, interest income (II) is discounted from the mid-
    point of the time between default and foreclosure, to reflect that 
    interest payments are made monthly by the seller/servicer throughout 
    this period. The seller/servicer's payment, or share of loss, is 
    discounted from the foreclosure date. This is also a midpoint date, 
    because seller/servicers pay the Enterprise some recourse amounts 
    prior to foreclosure, and the rest of the recourse amount 
    approximately two months after foreclosure. Sold Portfolio: Cash Programs with Recourse
        The steps for computing loss severity rates for cash programs 
    with recourse for sold loans purchased follow the steps outlined for 
    similar programs for retained loans. The differences are that the 
    UPB at time of default is discounted, and there is an added expense 
    element, the interest passthrough expense (IE) of payments made by 
    the Enterprise to security holders. The UPB at time of default is 
    discounted because this amount is disbursed to security holders four 
    months after the time of default. The interest expense is computed 
    for four months and discounted for two months.
        1. Calculate four months of passthrough interest expense:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.176
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.360
        2. Calculate the loss severity rate for defaults in each month, 
    t, using IE and other components as described above:
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.177  Sold Portfolio: Negotiated Programs with Repurchase
        In the case of default on negotiated programs with seller/
    servicer repurchase provisions, the Enterprises' losses represent a 
    combination of foreclosures and alternative resolutions. These 
    alternatives are loan restructuring, note sales, pre-foreclosure 
    property sales, or acceptance of deeds in-lieu-of foreclosure. 
    Seller/servicers are responsible for all resolution processes, 
    including all post-foreclosure property
    [[Page 18280]]
    management and disposition. The Enterprise pays the seller/servicer 
    claim, C, that results from the default-resolution expenses. There 
    is typically a recourse account established for this purpose. Thus:
    In this equation, the discount time period for the single cost 
    component is the expected time to foreclosure rather than time to 
    final property sale, to reflect a balance of default-resolution 
    types and associated time intervals before claims are filed with the 
    Enterprise.  FHA-insured Programs
        Loss severities on FHA-insured mortgages are set to three 
    percent to reflect the costs of assigning defaulted loans to HUD.  Output
        The 120 monthly loss severity rates for each loan group are used 
    by the Cash Flow component of the stress test to calculate monthly 
    amounts of credit losses, net of recourse offsets (see section 3.9, 
    Cash Flows, of this Appendix).
    3.6  Other Credit Factors
    3.6.1  Overview
        The Other Credit Factors component of the stress test accounts 
    for sources of credit risk other than the risk of default by 
    mortgage borrowers. These sources of credit risk include the risk of 
    default by credit enhancement and derivative counterparties, as well 
    as the risk of default of corporate securities, municipal 
    securities, and rated mortgage-related securities. The stress test 
    classifies these sources of credit risk into four ratings categories 
    (``AAA'', ``AA'', ``A'' and ``BBB'') based on public ratings 
    information, and establishes credit loss factors appropriate to each 
    of these categories that are applied during the stress period.
    3.6.2  Input
        The stress test uses credit ratings issued by Standard & Poor's, 
    Moody's, Duff & Phelps and Fitch as the basis to assign 
    counterparties (except seller/servicers) and securities into one of 
    the four rating categories. The stress test only uses Standard & 
    Poor's and Moody's ratings for seller/servicers.
    3.6.3  Procedures  Identifying Other Credit Factors
        The stress test first identifies all non-mortgage borrower 
    sources of credit risk and associated financial instruments, and 
    groups them into two major categories-counterparties and securities. 
    Counterparties are mortgage insurers, pool insurers, seller/
    servicers, and counterparties for derivative contracts. Securities 
    include mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage revenue bonds 
    (MRBs) and private label REMICs, and non-mortgage investments, such 
    as corporate and municipal bonds and asset-backed securities (ABSs).  Classifying Rating Categories in the Stress Test
        [a] Public ratings of a counterparty or security determine the 
    extent of associated credit losses during the stress period. Based 
    on these ratings, the stress test classifies counterparties and 
    rated securities into one of the four rating categories:
         AAA--all securities/counterparties rated between AAA/
    Aaa and AAA-/Aaa3
         AA--all securities/counterparties rated AA+/Aa1 and AA-
         A--all securities/counterparties rated A+/A1 and A-/A3
         BBB--all securities/counterparties rated BBB+/Baa1 and 
    below (Unrated corporate securities and counterparties are included 
    in the BBB category.)
        [b] For loans with more than one layer of mortgage credit 
    enhancement coverage, only the ratings of the counterparty providing 
    the primary layer of coverage are used. If the security or the 
    primary coverage provider has different ratings from different 
    rating agencies, i.e., a ``split rating,'' then the lower rating is 
    used.  Accounting for Other Credit Factors
        [a] The stress test specifies the final haircuts (i.e., the full 
    amount of discount for other sources of credit risk in the stress 
    period) by rating categories as shown in Table 3-21. The stress test 
    further specifies that haircuts increase by equal amounts in each 
    month until the final haircut is reached during the 120th month of 
    the stress period.
        [b] Haircuts for each credit rating category in each month of 
    the stress period can be obtained from the following formula:
    [[Page 18281]]
        [c] The haircut is applied to the cash flows of a rated security 
    or payments due from a counterparty according to the following 
    3.6.4  Output
        The outputs of the Other Credit Factors component are the stress 
    period final haircuts by rating category and by counterparty and 
    security category. These haircuts are inputs to section 3.7, 
    Mortgage Credit Enhancements; section 3.5.3, Single Family Loss 
    Severity; section 3.5.5, Multifamily Loss Severity; and section 3.9, 
    Cash Flows, of this Appendix.
    3.7  Mortgage Credit Enhancements
    3.7.1  Overview
        For each loan group and each month of the stress period, the 
    stress test calculates reductions to mortgage credit losses that 
    reflect the effects of credit enhancements. This component 
    calculates the values of eight loan group characteristics relating 
    to credit enhancements, which are part of the Enterprises' starting 
    position loan group characteristics, as described in Table 3-2 of 
    this Appendix. These characteristics, combined with counterparty 
    ``haircuts,'' are used in section 3.5.3, Single Family Loss Severity 
    and section 3.5.5, Multifamily Loss Severity, of this Appendix to 
    calculate loss severity rates, and in section 3.9, Cash Flows, of 
    this Appendix to calculate dollar reductions to credit losses.
    3.7.2  Inputs
        This component uses the inputs listed in section,, and of this Appendix.  Enterprise Data on Mortgage Credit Enhancements
        [a] Loan-level information on mortgage credit enhancements:
         Type of mortgage credit enhancement
         Starting UPB
         Private mortgage insurance (PMI) percent coverage, if 
        [b] Contract-level information on mortgage credit enhancements, 
    if applicable:
         Limited recourse coverage remaining
         Limited indemnification coverage remaining
         Starting account balance of spread accounts
         Starting account balance of collateral accounts
         Starting account balance of cash accounts
         Pool insurance coverage remaining
         Coverage expiration date, unless coverage has expired 
    before the beginning of the stress period  Public Rating Information
        Rating information from four public rating agencies--Standard & 
    Poor's, Moody's, Duff & Phelps and Fitch--is used for mortgage 
    insurers and pool insurers, and Standard & Poor's and Moody's rating 
    information is used for seller/servicers. A ``BBB'' rating category 
    is attributed to unrated counterparties. For loans with more than 
    one layer of credit enhancement coverage, only the ratings of the 
    counterparty providing the primary layer of coverage are used. If 
    the primary coverage provider has different ratings from different 
    rating agencies, i.e., a ``split rating,'' then the lower rating is 
    used. For each credit-enhanced loan, the following information is 
    required where applicable:
         Public ratings of mortgage insurer
         Public ratings of pool insurer
         Public ratings of the seller/servicer  Counterparty Coverage Reduction Information
        Counterparty coverage reduction data (haircuts) obtained from 
    section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix, are:
         Haircuts for each month of the stress period for 
    counterparties in the ``AAA'' credit rating category
         Haircuts for each month of the stress period for 
    counterparties in the ``AA'' credit rating category
         Haircuts for each month of the stress period for 
    counterparties in the ``A'' credit rating category
         Haircuts for each month of the stress period for 
    counterparties in the ``BBB'' credit rating category
    3.7.3  Procedures
        Using the loan level and contract level information described 
    above, the stress test first classifies the types of credit 
    enhancement coverage within a loan group. Then it calculates values 
    for the eight loan group characteristics relating to credit 
    enhancements described in Table 3-2 of this Appendix. Of the eight 
    characteristics, three are coverage amounts for the loan group for 
    each of three types of credit enhancements, four are percentages of 
    loan group UPB covered by each counterparty rating category, and one 
    is the percentage of loan group UPB covered by dollar-denominated 
    credit enhancements, as defined in section, Classification 
    of Credit Enhancements, of this Appendix.  Classification of Credit Enhancements
        [a] The stress test separates all of the various mortgage credit 
    enhancements into two categories--percent-denominated credit 
    enhancements and dollar-denominated credit enhancements. Percent-
    denominated credit enhancements cover losses based on the percentage 
    of the loss incurred. This category includes private mortgage 
    insurance (PMI), unlimited recourse, and unlimited indemnification. 
    In addition to the percent-denominated credit enhancements listed 
    here, certain multifamily programs have risk-sharing arrangements 
    between the Enterprise and the seller/servicer. The process in the 
    stress test that simulates the coverage of these programs is 
    described completely in section 3.5.5, Multifamily Loss Severity, of 
    this Appendix.
        [b] Depending on the specific credit enhancement type, the loss 
    covered can be based on either the ``gross claim amount'' (which 
    includes the defaulted principal balance, unpaid interest from 
    default through
    [[Page 18282]]
    foreclosure, and associated expenses, but does not include the 
    subsequent proceeds from the sale of REO), or the net loss incurred 
    (which does include proceeds from the sale of REO). Specifically, 
    private mortgage insurance coverage is based on the gross claim 
    amount, while unlimited recourse and indemnification coverage are 
    based on the net loss incurred. See section 3.5.3, Single Family 
    Loss Severity, of this Appendix for details on how the coverage is 
    applied. The stress test further classifies PMI as ``Credit 
    Enhancement Coverage Type 1'' (Type 1), and unlimited recourse and 
    unlimited indemnification as ``Credit Enhancement Coverage Type 2'' 
    (Type 2).
        [c] Dollar-denominated credit enhancements cover losses on a 
    dollar-for-dollar basis, up to a maximum amount (i.e., there is a 
    ``dollar cap'' on the coverage). This category includes limited 
    recourse, limited indemnification, pool insurance, spread accounts, 
    collateral posted under collateral pledge agreements, and cash 
    accounts. The stress test classifies all the dollar-denominated 
    coverages as ``Credit Enhancement Coverage Type 3'' (Type 3).  Calculating Percentage Coverage and Dollar Coverage Amounts:
        For each loan group, the stress test calculates the coverage for 
    the overall loan group UPB provided by each type of credit 
    enhancement (Types 1, 2, and 3) on the individual loans in the 
        1. Credit Enhancement Coverage Type 1 is calculated as the UPB 
    weighted average percent coverage for all the loans in the loan 
    group with PMI coverage. Loans in the loan group that are not 
    covered by PMI are assumed to have coverage of zero percent, for the 
    purpose of calculating the weighted average. Thus if a loan group 
    UPB is ten million dollars, and one million of that balance has 35 
    percent Type 1 coverage, the overall loan group Type 1 coverage is 
    3.5 percent.
        2. Credit Enhancement Coverage Type 2 is calculated as the UPB 
    weighted average percent coverage for all the loans with unlimited 
    recourse and unlimited indemnification coverage in the loan group. 
    Because coverage is unlimited for each loan, the percent coverage at 
    the loan level is 100 percent for covered loans. Loans in the loan 
    group that are not covered by Type 2 credit enhancements are assumed 
    to have coverage of zero percent, for the purpose of calculating the 
    weighted average. Thus, if a loan group UPB is ten million dollars, 
    and one million of that balance has 100 percent Type 2 coverage, the 
    overall loan group Type 2 coverage is ten percent.
        3. To calculate the Credit Enhancement Coverage Type 3 (i.e., 
    the total coverage of all dollar-denominated credit enhancements), 
    the stress test first assigns each loan under a contract its pro-
    rata share of the total dollar coverage for that contract (loans 
    covered under a single contract may be assigned to several loan 
    groups). The pro-rata dollar coverage of covered loans in a loan 
    group is totaled to determine total dollar-denominated coverage for 
    the entire group. This total dollar coverage is determined at the 
    beginning of the stress period. Although the balances in spread 
    accounts and collateral accounts at the beginning of the stress 
    period could, in practice, fluctuate over time, the stress test 
    specifies that these account balances are adjusted downward only to 
    cover losses during the stress period, and are otherwise fixed.  Calculating Percent of UPB Covered by Each Counterparty Rating 
        The stress test calculates the percent of loan group UPB covered 
    by each of the four counterparty rating categories. The UPBs of 
    loans with counterparties falling into each rating category are 
    divided by the UPB of the loan group. The results are values for the 
    following four loan group characteristics:
         Percent of UPB under AAA coverage
         Percent of UPB under AA coverage
         Percent of UPB under A coverage
         Percent of UPB under BBB coverage  Calculating the Percent of UPB Under Dollar-Denominated 
        The stress test determines the percent of UPB under dollar-
    denominated coverage for each loan group. This percentage is 
    calculated by dividing the loan group UPB with Type 3 coverage by 
    the total UPB amount of the loan group.  Calculating Coverage Against Credit Losses
        Based on loan group credit enhancement characteristics, the 
    stress test simulates the coverage provided during the stress 
    period. Percent-denominated and dollar-denominated mortgage credit 
    enhancement coverages are calculated and applied separately and 
    sequentially in the stress test to generate net credit losses for 
    each loan group. The dollar coverage of percent-denominated credit 
    enhancements for any loan group varies based upon the mortgage 
    losses during the stress period for that group. Therefore, the 
    effects of percent-denominated credit enhancements are determined in 
    connection with the calculation of loss severity rates. By contrast, 
    amounts of dollar-denominated credit enhancements (total dollar 
    coverage amounts) are calculated as of the start of the stress 
    period and factored directly into the calculation of cash flows.  Calculating Percent-Denominated Credit Enhancements
        The percent coverage rates for Type 1 and Type 2 credit 
    enhancements are input into section 3.5.3, Single Family Loss 
    Severity and section 3.5.5, Multifamily Loss Severity, of this 
    Appendix to determine loss severity. The Loss Severity component 
    uses this information, together with counterparty haircuts from 
    section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix, to derive loss 
    severity rates. Thus, the effects of percent-denominated credit 
    enhancements are incorporated into the calculations of loss severity 
    rates. These loss severity rates are then input to section 3.9, Cash 
    Flows, of this Appendix to generate the dollar amounts of credit 
    losses.  Calculating Dollar-Denominated Credit Enhancements
        Reductions in credit losses resulting from dollar-denominated 
    credit enhancements depend on the amount of dollar losses for a loan 
    group and the remaining available dollar-denominated coverage in 
    each month of the stress test. Reductions are applied in section 
    3.9.1, Whole Loans, of this Appendix. The algorithm implementing 
    these reductions is described below.
        1. In each month, use the time-and category-specific haircuts 
    (HR,t) from section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this 
    Appendix to calculate a weighted average haircut for the loan group 
    (Ht). The weights used are the percentages of UPB that 
    fall into each of the four counterparty rating categories for each 
    loan group. The formula is as following:
        2. In each month of the stress test, calculate the loan group 
    dollar losses that are eligible for dollar-denominated coverage:
    [[Page 18283]]
        3. For each loan group, compare the total dollar losses eligible 
    for dollar-denominated coverage (TDLt) with the remaining 
    dollar coverage for the loan group in month t of the stress period 
    (C3t). If TDLtC3t, then 
    reduce loan group credit losses by 
    C3t(1-Ht). If 
    TDLt<>t, then reduce loan group credit losses 
    by TDLt(1-Ht).
        4. Update the remaining dollar-denominated coverage for the loan 
    group in the following month (C3t+1) as the maximum 
    between zero and the value of the remaining dollar-denominated 
    coverage for the loan group in the current month minus the total 
    dollar losses eligible for dollar-denominated coverage for the loan 
    group in that month. The formula is as follows:
        5. After generating the remaining balance of the dollar-
    denominated coverage in month t+1 of the stress test 
    (C3t+1), then go to steps 2-4 again, to derive the 
    reduction to credit losses for month t+1 of the stress test. This 
    process continues for each month of the stress test until all the 
    dollar-denominated coverage for the loan group is used up or until 
    the stress test reaches its 120th month.
    3.7.4 Output
        For each loan group for each month of the stress period, the 
    Mortgage Credit Enhancements component of the stress test generates 
    loss coverage rates for percentage-denominated credit enhancements, 
    and dollar loss reductions for dollar-denominated credit 
    enhancements. The percentage coverage rates are used in section 
    3.5.3, Single Family Loss Severity and section 3.5.5, Multifamily 
    Loss Severity, of this Appendix to calculate loss severity rates. 
    Dollar loss reductions are used in section 3.9.1, Whole Loans, of 
    this Appendix to adjust default losses.
    3.8 Other Off-Balance Sheet Guarantees
    3.8.1 Overview
        In addition to guaranteeing mortgage-backed securities they 
    issue as part of their main business, the Enterprises guarantee 
    other instruments, referred to as ``other off-balance-sheet (OBS) 
    guarantees.'' The stress test does not explicitly project the 
    performance of these other OBS guarantees. Instead, it addresses the 
    capital requirement for other OBS guarantees by adding the product 
    of the total other OBS guarantees principal balance and 45 basis 
    points to the total amount of capital required to maintain positive 
    total capital throughout the ten-year stress period.
    3.8.2 Input
        [a] The OBS Guarantees component requires the Enterprise's 
    outstanding balances for the following OBS guarantees at the 
    beginning of the stress period:
         Tax-exempt multifamily housing bonds
         Single-family whole-loan REMICs
         Multifamily whole-loan REMICs
         Any other instruments or obligations that fit the 
    definition of ``Other Off-Balance Sheet Obligations'' in 12 CFR 
        [b] Any instruments or obligations, 100 percent of whose 
    collateral is guaranteed by the Federal Housing Authority (FHA), are 
    excluded from the total dollar amount of other OBS guarantees.
    3.8.3 Procedures
        The OBS Guarantees component first calculates the total 
    outstanding balance of all other OBS guarantees at the beginning of 
    the stress period by summing the outstanding balances for tax-exempt 
    multifamily housing bonds, single-family whole-loan REMICs, 
    multifamily whole-loan REMICs, and any other instruments or 
    obligations that fit the definition of other OBS guarantees. The 
    dollar amount of capital required for other OBS guarantees is then 
    computed as the total outstanding balance of all other OBS 
    guarantees at the beginning of the stress period times 45 basis 
    3.8.4 Output
        The OBS Guarantees component produces one number: the dollar 
    amount of capital required for other OBS guarantees. This number is 
    input to the Calculation of the Risk-Based Capital Requirement 
    component to compute the risk-based capital required for the 
    3.9 Cash Flows
    3.9.1 Whole Loans Overview
        [a] Both Enterprises hold single family and multifamily mortgage 
    loans in their retained portfolios and guarantee passthrough 
    mortgage-backed securities (MBS) owned by investors and backed by 
    pools of such mortgage loans. Loans held in portfolio are referred 
    to as ``retained loans,'' and loans backing guaranteed securities 
    are referred to as ``sold loans.'' Together, retained loans and sold 
    loans are referred to as ``whole loans.''
        [b] The Enterprises receive all principal and interest payments 
    on their retained loans, except for a servicing fee--a portion of
    [[Page 18284]]
    the interest payment retained by the servicer as compensation. On 
    sold loans, the Enterprises receive guarantee fees and earn float 
    income. Float income is earned when the Enterprises invest principal 
    and interest payments for sold loans for the period of time between 
    the receipt of the payments and the remittance of the payments, net 
    of guarantee fees, to security holders. The length of time an 
    Enterprise can invest these payments depends on the security payment 
    cycle (the remittance cycle).
        [c] The calculation of whole loan cash flows requires loan group 
    information as the basic input data, as well as information on 
    interest rates, mortgage performance and the credit quality of third 
    party credit enhancements. Cash flows are produced for each month of 
    the stress period for each loan group. (The stress test includes the 
    dollar amount of credit losses in cash flows, even though such 
    losses are not literally cash flows.) Inputs Loan Group Data
        The following data as of the start of the stress test are used 
    for whole loan cash flow computations:
         Product type
         Starting unpaid principal balance
         Starting coupon
         Servicing fee
         Mortgage age
         Remaining term
         Guarantee fee (for sold loans)
         Remittance cycle (for sold loans)
         Passthrough rate (for sold loans)
         Original coupon (for ARMs)
         Margin (for ARMs)
         Amortization term (for balloons) Interest Rates
        Whole loan cash flow calculations require the following interest 
    rates for each of the 120 months of the stress period:
         One-, three-, and five-year Constant Maturity Treasury 
    yields (CMT)
         11th District Federal Home Loan Bank Cost of Funds 
    Index (COFI)
         Overnight Federal Funds rate (for calculation of float 
    earnings) Mortgage Performance Data
        Whole loan cash flow calculations also require the default, 
    prepayment, and loss severity rates, which are computed as described 
    in section 3.5, Mortgage Performance, of this Appendix, for each 
    loan group for each month of the stress period. Procedures
        This section describes calculations of prepaid principal, 
    scheduled principal, UPB, interest, and float income for fully 
    amortizing, monthly pay, fixed-rate loan groups. It then describes 
    the adaptation of these calculations for biweekly, adjustable-rate, 
    and balloon loans. Lastly, this section describes calculations of 
    the dollar amount of credit losses. Fully Amortizing, Monthly Pay Fixed-Rate Loans
        [a] The calculations discussed for fully amortizing, monthly 
    pay, fixed-rate loans apply not only to loan groups made up of 30-
    year and 15-year loans, but also to loan groups comprised of second 
    lien, step, tiered payment mortgage (TPM), and graduated payment 
    mortgage (GPM) loans.
        [b] Scheduled principal and interest payments for fully 
    amortizing monthly pay, fixed-rate loans are computed using standard 
    equations based on three variables: UPB, starting coupon, and 
    remaining term.
        [c] The stress test computes the amounts of prepaid principal 
    and defaulted principal in each month by multiplying the loan 
    group's UPB at the end of the previous month by the prepayment and 
    default rates for that loan group for that month. The stress test 
    computes amounts of scheduled principal (the principal that is not 
    defaulted principal nor prepaid principal) in each month by 
    multiplying the scheduled monthly principal (principal computed 
    according to an amortization schedule) by one minus the sum of the 
    monthly prepayment and default rates.
        [d] The stress test computes the current loan group UPB for the 
    end of a month by subtracting the amount of scheduled principal, 
    prepaid principal, and defaulted principal in the month from the UPB 
    at the end of the previous month.
        [e] To compute monthly interest remitted to an Enterprise for 
    retained loan groups, the stress test multiplies the loan group net 
    yield (current coupon less servicing fee) by the UPB at the end of 
    the previous month less the current month's defaulted principal. To 
    compute monthly guarantee fees for sold loan groups, the stress test 
    multiplies the monthly guarantee fee by the UPB at the end of the 
    previous month less the current month's defaulted principal.
        [f] To compute float income earned by an Enterprise on monthly 
    principal and interest payments received from servicers and later 
    remitted to security holders, the stress test multiplies scheduled 
    principal and interest and prepaid principal by the Federal Funds 
    rate for a number of days appropriate to the remittance cycle of the 
    associated MBS. The stress test calculates float for three 
    remittance cycles. Depending on the remittance cycle, prepaid 
    principal may or may not be held for the same number of days as 
    scheduled principal and interest.
        1. If an Enterprise holds scheduled principal and interest and 
    prepaid principal for seven days before remittance to the security 
    holder, float is calculated by multiplying the sum of scheduled 
    principal and interest and prepaid principal, by the Federal Funds 
    rate times seven divided by 365. (The Federal Funds rate is an 
    annual rate. Multiplying the rate by this fraction produces the 
    float income for the seven days that the Enterprise has the 
    mortgagor's payment). The Enterprise earns float income on the full 
    scheduled interest payment, because even if a mortgagor prepays a 
    mortgage before the end of a month, remitting less than a full 
    month's interest on the prepaid principal, the servicer must forward 
    the interest for the rest of the month to the Enterprise. The 
    Enterprise remits a full month's interest to the security investor.
        2. If an Enterprise remits scheduled principal and interest to 
    the investor three days prior to receiving it from the servicer, but 
    holds prepaid principal 38 days before remittance to the security 
    holder, servicers are not required to forward to the Enterprise any 
    prepayment-related shortfall in monthly interest, so the Enterprise 
    must make up the short fall in interest to the security holder 
    caused by a mortgagor's prepayment. If the prepayment is made in the 
    first part of a month, the Enterprise owes the security holder 
    interest at the security passthrough rate for the balance of the 
    month. If the prepayment is made in the second half of the month, 
    the Enterprise owes the security holder interest at the security 
    passthrough rate for the balance of the current month and all of the 
    following month. This is an average of 30 days of interest at the 
    security passthrough rate on mortgagor prepayments. The float amount 
    for this remittance cycle consists of:
         scheduled monthly principal and interest due the 
    Enterprise multiplied by the Federal Funds rate times minus 3, 
    divided by 365, plus
         prepaid principal multiplied by the Federal Funds rate 
    times 38, divided by 365, minus
         prepaid principal multiplied by the passthrough rate 
    (current coupon less the servicing fee less the guarantee fee) times 
    30, divided by 360
        3. If an Enterprise holds scheduled principal and interest for 
    57 days prior to remittance to the security holder and holds prepaid 
    principal for 68 days prior to remittance to the security holder, 
    the Enterprise owes the security holder an average of 30 days of 
    interest at the security passthrough rate on mortgagor prepayments. 
    The float amount for this remittance cycle consists of:
         scheduled monthly principal and interest due the 
    Enterprise multiplied by the Federal Funds rate times 57, divided by 
    365, plus
         prepaid principal multiplied by the Federal Funds rate 
    times 68, divided by 365, minus
         prepaid principal multiplied by the passthrough rate 
    (current coupon less the servicing fee less the guarantee fee) times 
    30, divided by 360  Biweekly Loans
        While most mortgages require monthly payments, biweekly 
    mortgages require payments every two weeks. The cash flow 
    calculations described above for monthly pay, fully amortizing 
    fixed-rate loans apply, except that the relevant time interval is 
    two weeks rather than one month. In addition, biweekly, rather than 
    monthly default and prepayment rates are applied. The stress test 
    then allocates the biweekly cash flows to the proper month. The 
    first biweekly cash flow occurs 14 days into the stress period. 
    Subsequent biweekly cash flows occur at 14 day intervals. All the 
    cash flows occurring during the same calendar month are added 
    together to arrive at the monthly cash flow.  Adjustable-Rate Loans  Single Family RMS
        (a) The current interest rate for an adjustable-rate mortgage 
    (ARM) is adjusted based on an interest rate index and a margin. ARM 
    loan groups are indexed to either the
    [[Page 18285]]
    one-or three-year CMT, or the COFI, as appropriate to their product 
    types. The product type ``ARMs Other'' is indexed to the COFI index.
        (b) The mortgage age of the loan group is used to determine the 
    initial month of the stress test in which to adjust the current 
    interest rate. The loan group interest rate is adjusted then and 
    every 12 months thereafter, regardless of the index.
        (c) The stress test calculates annual and lifetime maximum 
    interest rates (ceilings) and minimum interest rates (floors). 
    Annual maximum and minimum new interest rates for the adjustment 
    period are calculated by adding or subtracting, respectively, two 
    percent to, or two percent from, the current interest rate (current 
    coupon). Lifetime maximum and minimum interest rates are calculated 
    by adding or subtracting, respectively, five percent to, or five 
    percent from, the original interest rate (original coupon). The 
    minimum lifetime interest rate is at least three percent. The 
    maximum lifetime interest rate is no more than 14 percent.
        (d) The stress test adds the margin to the appropriate ARM 
    interest rate index value to get a prospective interest rate. If the 
    prospective interest rate is greater than the maximum new interest 
    rate, the stress test sets the interest rate to the maximum new 
    interest rate. If the prospective interest rate is less than the 
    minimum new interest rate, the stress test sets the interest rate to 
    the minimum new interest rate. After these steps, the prospective 
    interest rate (adjusted as appropriate) becomes the current interest 
    rate. The computation continues as described above for fully 
    amortizing monthly pay fixed-rate loans groups.  Multifamily ARMs
        (a) The interest rate for a multifamily ARM is indexed to the 
    Federal Home Loan 11th District Costs of Funds (COFI). The 
    computations are as described for single family ARMs except that: 
    one, the rate is reset every month subject to 2 percent cap, 2 
    percent floor, and 3 percent life rate minimum; and two, the 
    borrower payment is reset every 12 months, subject to a payment cap 
    limiting the payment change to no more than 7.5 percent of the 
    previous period payment.
        (b) Resetting the multifamily ARM rate at a frequency different 
    from the frequency by which the payment is reset and restricting 
    increases in the borrower payment may result in a payment that is 
    less than the amount necessary to fully amortize the UPB at the 
    current ARM rate. In such situations, the shortfall is added to the 
    outstanding balance. The maximum amount by which the UPB is allowed 
    to increase (negatively amortize) is limited to 125 percent of the 
    original UPB.  Balloon Loans
        Calculations of cash flows for balloon loans are the same as for 
    fully amortizing monthly pay, fixed-rate loans, except the balloon 
    loan matures before the principal is fully amortized. Upon maturity, 
    all unpaid principal is due. Loans are amortized based on their 
    amortization terms. The stress test computes the number of months 
    remaining until the balloon payment by subtracting the loan group 
    mortgage age from the loan group balloon period and adding one. The 
    loan group balloon period is identified according to the value of 
    the variable, Product Type. If the Product Type is Balloons-Other, 
    the balloon period is ten years.  Credit Losses
        To compute the dollar amount of credit losses, the stress test 
    multiplies the monthly defaulting principal for a loan group by the 
    loss severity rate for that month and loan group. That loss severity 
    rate takes into account percentage-based credit enhancements, as 
    described in section 3.5.3, Single Family Loss Severity and section 
    3.5.5, Multifamily Loss Severity, of this Appendix. The resulting 
    loss amount is further reduced by amounts of available dollar-based 
    credit enhancements, as described in section 3.7, Mortgage Credit 
    Enhancements, of this Appendix.  Output
        Whole loan cash flows are inputs to the preparation of pro forma 
    balance sheets and income statements for each month of the stress 
    period. See section 3.10, Operations, Taxes, and Accounting, of this 
    Appendix. For loan groups made up of retained loans, cash flows 
    consist of 120 months of scheduled principal, prepaid principal, 
    defaulted principal, credit losses, and interest.
    3.9.2  Mortgage-Related Securities  Overview
        (a) Both Enterprises invest in various types of mortgage-related 
    securities: single class MBS, multi-class derivative mortgage 
    securities (Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, REMICs, and 
    Strips), and mortgage revenue bonds (MRBs). Single class MBS and 
    derivative mortgage securities may be issued by the Enterprises, by 
    Ginnie Mae, or by private issuers. MRBs are issued by State and 
    local governments or their instrumentalities. Certain asset-backed 
    securities with housing-related collateral (manufactured housing 
    loans) that are similar in their cash flow characteristics to 
    mortgage derivatives are treated in the stress test as mortgage 
    derivative securities.
        (b) The Enterprises receive principal and interest payments on 
    these securities. Payments on single class MBS represent the 
    passthrough from underlying pools of mortgages of all principal and 
    interest payments, minus servicing and guarantee fees, on the 
    underlying pools of mortgages. Payments on derivative mortgage 
    securities represent some of the cash flows produced by an 
    underlying pool of mortgages and/or mortgage-related securities, 
    determined according to rules set forth in public offering documents 
    for the securities. Unlike MBS and derivative mortgage-related 
    securities, mortgage revenue bonds have specific maturity schedules 
    and call provisions; however, the collateral backing MRBs consists 
    largely of mortgages or mortgage securities, and the pattern of 
    principal payments is closely related to that of their underlying 
    mortgage collateral. The stress test treats them in a manner similar 
    to the treatment of single class MBS. A very small number of 
    mortgage-related securities for which data are insufficient for the 
    generation of precise cash flows (referred to as ``miscellaneous 
    MRS'') are also treated in this manner. The category miscellaneous 
    MRS includes a very small number of Enterprise and private label 
    REMIC securities that are not modeled by a commercial information 
        (c) In addition to reflecting the defaults of mortgage borrowers 
    during the stress period, the stress test considers the effects of 
    credit stress on securities that are rated by nationally recognized 
    rating services, that is, mortgage revenue bonds and private-issue 
    mortgage-related securities. Enterprise and Ginnie Mae securities 
    are not rated, and the stress test reflects no credit losses on 
    these securities. In the stress test, all rated securities 
    experience increasing credit impairments throughout the stress 
    period, which are reflected by reductions of contractual interest 
    payments and losses of principal.
        (d) The calculation of cash flows for mortgage-related 
    securities requires information from the Enterprises identifying 
    their holdings, publicly available information characterizing the 
    securities, interest rate information, mortgage performance 
    information, and credit rating information for rated securities.
        (e) Cash flows-monthly amounts of principal payments, defaulted 
    principal, and/or interest-are produced for each month of the stress 
    period for each security (principal-and interest-only securities pay 
    principal or interest). These cash flows are input to the 
    Operations, Taxes, and Accounting component of the stress test.  Inputs  Securities  Single Class MBS Issued by the Enterprises and Ginnie Mae
        For the single class MBS issued by the Enterprises and Ginnie 
    Mae and held by an Enterprise at the start of the stress test, the 
    stress test requires information identifying the Enterprise's 
    holdings and information describing the MBS and the underlying 
    mortgage collateral.
        1. The following information is provided by the Enterprises:
         Pool number (identifying the security)
         Original principal balance (the original pool balance 
    multiplied by the Enterprise's percentage ownership)
         Starting principal balance (the pool balance at the 
    start of the stress period multiplied by the Enterprise's percentage 
        2. Every month, the Enterprises make public through securities 
    data services updated information about the MBS they issue. The 
    stress test uses pool numbers for MBS held by an Enterprise to 
    access the following information from these monthly data releases:
         Pool prefix (designates the product type of the MBS, 
    for example, 30-year single family fixed-rate)
         Issue date
         Maturity date
         Security coupon
         Original pool balance
         Starting pool balance
    [[Page 18286]]
         Weighted average maturity of the underlying loans at 
    the time the security was issued
         Weighted average remaining maturity of the underlying 
    loans at the start of the stress test
         Weighted average original coupon of the underlying 
    loans at the time the MBS was issued
         Weighted average current coupon of the underlying loans 
    at the start of the stress test
         Interest rate index (ARM MBS only)
         Weighted average interest rate margin for the 
    underlying loans (ARM MBS only)
         Weighted average passthrough rate (the security coupon 
    for some types of ARM MBS)  Derivative Mortgage Securities Issued by the Enterprises 
    and Ginnie Mae
        [a] For the derivative mortgage securities issued by the 
    Enterprises and Ginnie Mae that are held by an Enterprise at the 
    start of the stress test, the stress test requires information 
    identifying the Enterprise's holdings and information describing the 
    underlying mortgage collateral. The Enterprises provide the 
    following information:
         CUSIP number (unique security identifier assigned by 
    the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures)
         Original principal balance of the security (notional 
    amount for interest-only securities) at the time of issuance, 
    multiplied by the Enterprise's percentage ownership
         Starting principal balance, or notional amount, at the 
    start of the stress period multiplied by the Enterprise's percentage 
        [b] The stress test requires information about the multi-class 
    transactions of which these securities are a part, including 
    information describing all component securities, the underlying 
    collateral, and the rules directing cash flows to the component 
    classes. This information is obtained from public sources, including 
    public offering documents and public securities data services.
        [c] Obtaining sufficient information to calculate the cash flows 
    of the underlying collateral may require multiple steps. For 
    example, for a derivative mortgage security backed by single class 
    MBS. Step 1, obtain, from public information, the pool numbers and 
    principal balances for the specific underlying MBS. Step 2, consult 
    public sources to obtain additional information as enumerated in 
    section, for each of these MBS.  Mortgage Revenue Bonds and Miscellaneous MRS
        [a] The stress test requires two types of information for 
    mortgage revenue bonds and miscellaneous MRS held by an Enterprise 
    at the start of the stress test: one, information identifying the 
    Enterprise's holdings and two, additional information about the 
    securities. The following are obtained from the Enterprises to 
    identify their holdings:
         CUSIP number
         Original principal balance
         Starting principal balance
        [b] The following additional information required for the stress 
    test is available from public sources, including public offering 
    documents and public securities data services:
         Issue date
         Maturity date
         Security interest rate
         Credit rating (for rated securities)  Interest Rates
        Interest rates projected through the stress period are necessary 
    to calculate principal amortization and interest payments for ARM 
    MBS and for derivative mortgage securities with indexed coupon 
    rates. The stress test generates interest rates for each month of 
    the stress period, as described in section 3.3, Interest Rates, of 
    this Appendix.  Mortgage Performance
        The rate and pattern of principal payments of mortgage-related 
    securities depend on the prepayments and, to a much smaller extent, 
    the defaults of the underlying mortgage loans. Cash flow 
    calculations require default and prepayment rates that are 
    appropriate to the underlying mortgage collateral for each mortgage-
    related security. Rates are generated as described in section 3.5.2, 
    Single Family Default and Prepayment, and section 3.5.4, Multifamily 
    Default and Prepayment, of this Appendix.  Third-Party Credit Exposure
        In calculating the principal and interest payments of mortgage-
    related securities, the stress test treats defaults the same as 
    prepayments. Thus, investors receive amounts of security principal 
    equal to defaulted, prepaid, and scheduled principal on the 
    underlying loans in the pool. For rated securities (e.g., mortgage 
    revenue bonds and private-issue MRS), the risk of security default 
    is reflected by reducing the calculated principal and interest 
    payments for these instruments. These reductions, or haircuts, are 
    described in section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix.  Procedures
        The sections below describe the calculations for single class 
    MBS issued by the Enterprises and Ginnie Mae, the calculations for 
    derivative mortgage securities, and calculations for MRBs and 
    miscellaneous MRS.  Single Class MBS Issued by the Enterprises and Ginnie Mae
        [a] The calculation of cash flows for single class MBS issued by 
    the Enterprises and Ginnie Mae follows the procedures outlined 
    earlier in section 3.9.1, Whole Loans, of this Appendix. The 
    collateral underlying each MBS is treated as one single family loan 
    group. (For purposes of identifying appropriate default and 
    prepayment rates for the small number of multifamily MBS held by the 
    Enterprises, the stress test treats the underlying loans as 30-year 
    fixed-rate single family mortgages.) Amounts of defaulted mortgage 
    principal (reflecting the security guarantee) are advanced to 
    security holders, and scheduled and prepaid mortgage principal are 
    passed through to security holders. Interest is calculated at the 
    security coupon rate (the weighted average passthrough rate for ARM 
    MBS issued by the Enterprises). Security cash flows are calculated 
    for the month in which mortgagor payments are made.
        [b] For each MBS, the stress test applies default and prepayment 
    rates and computes the amortization of principal, based on the 
    characteristics of the underlying loans. The stress test applies 
    amortization and default and prepayment rates for sold loan groups 
    (of the Enterprise that issued the MBS) that have characteristics 
    consistent with the characteristics of the MBS collateral, with the 
    following caveat. The stress test specifies that loans underlying an 
    MBS reflect the national distribution of original LTV and Census 
    divisions for all otherwise similar sold loans. Therefore, default 
    and prepayment rates represent the weighted averages for loans 
    groups in all LTV categories and Census divisions that are otherwise 
    similar to the MBS collateral.
        [c] For Ginnie Mae MBS, the mortgage coupon for the underlying 
    loan group equals the Ginnie Mae passthrough rate plus 0.5 percent. 
    For fixed-rate Ginnie Mae MBS, the underlying loans are assumed to 
    have the same distributions of LTVs and Census divisions as the 
    Enterprise's sold portfolio FHA and VA loans with the same coupon 
    and origination year. For loans underlying Ginnie Mae ARM MBS, the 
    stress test uses default and prepayment rates for otherwise similar 
    conventional ARM loans in the sold portfolio.
        [d] For ARM MBS, interest rate and monthly payment adjustments 
    for the underlying loans are calculated in the same manner as they 
    are for ARM loan groups, except that for Ginnie Mae ARM MBS, there 
    is a one percent annual rate cap.
        [e] For balloon and biweekly MBS, cash flows for the underlying 
    loans are calculated in the same manner as they are for balloon loan 
    groups; product type information, such as the length of the balloon 
    period, is determined by the MBS pool prefix and the MBS maturity 
        [f] For purposes of calculating cash flows, the stress test 
    treats GPMs, TPMs, GEMs, and Step mortgages that back MBS as 30-year 
    fixed-rate mortgages.  REMICs and Strips
        [a] Cash flows for derivative mortgage securities are generated 
    according to standard securities industry procedures, in five steps.
        1. Determine the percentage Enterprise ownership of a particular 
    security by dividing the portion of the original principal balance 
    or notional amount held by the Enterprise by the total original 
    principal balance or notional amount of the derivative mortgage 
        2. Identify the characteristics of the underlying collateral of 
    the derivative mortgage security.
        3. Calculate the cash flows for the underlying collateral in the 
    manner described for whole loans and MBS above, based on stress test 
    interest, default, and prepayment rates.
        4. Calculate all cash flows for the derivative mortgage security 
    classes by applying the rules stated in public offering materials.
        5. Determine the cash flows attributable to the specific 
    securities held by an Enterprise, applying the Enterprise's 
    ownership percentage.
    [[Page 18287]]
        [b] The stress test uses a commercial information service for 
    steps 2 through 5. The stress test models mortgages using a limited 
    set of loan product types and ARM indexes. The information service 
    accurately models a larger set of mortgage product types and all ARM 
    indexes supplied by the interest rate component of the stress test 
    (see section 3.3, Interest Rates, of this Appendix).  Mortgage Revenue Bonds and Miscellaneous MRS
        [a] Cash flows for mortgage revenue bonds and miscellaneous MRS 
    are computed in the same manner as for single class MBS, using the 
    approach described above. The stress test uses default and 
    prepayment rates for single family, fixed-rate FHA and VA loans with 
    coupons that are 75 basis points higher than the security coupon, 
    and with the LTV and Census division distributions that are similar 
    in all other respects to sold FHA or VA loans of the Enterprise that 
    holds the security. The stress test uses a 30-year original maturity 
    of the underlying loans, and loan age is computed based on the date 
    when the security was issued. Monthly interest is calculated at the 
    bond coupon for the amortizing balance.
        [b] Principal and interest payments are then reduced by applying 
    the haircuts specified in section 3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this 
    Appendix.  Outputs
        Amounts of principal, interest, and, in the case of rated 
    securities, defaulted principal, are produced for each security. 
    These outputs are used as inputs to the Operations, Taxes, and 
    Accounting component, which prepares pro forma financial statements. 
    See section 3.10, Operations, Taxes, and Accounting, of this 
    3.9.3  Debt and Related Cash Flows  Overview
        [a] The Debt and Related Cash Flows component of the stress test 
    produces cash flows for debt, guaranteed investment contracts 
    (GICs), preferred stock, debt-linked derivative contracts, and 
    mortgage-linked derivative contracts.\16\ Although mortgage-linked 
    derivative contracts are usually linked to assets rather than 
    liabilities, they are treated similarly to debt-linked derivative 
    contracts and, therefore, are covered in this section of the 
    Appendix. The Enterprises issue debt to fund their asset portfolios. 
    Preferred stock issued by the Enterprises performs two functions: it 
    funds asset portfolios and serves as capital. The Enterprises enter 
    into derivative contracts for three reasons: to reduce the interest 
    rate risk of specific securities (micro hedge); to hedge the overall 
    interest rate risk of their business (macro hedge); or to create a 
    synthetic liability (combination of a security and a derivative 
    contract) with a lower net cost than the equivalent actual security.
        \16\ The notional balance of a mortgage-linked derivative 
    contract declines based on the declining balance of a reference 
    mortgage pool.
        [b] The Debt and Related Cash Flows component produces 
    instrument level cash flows for the ten years of the stress test. 
    Debt and preferred stock cash flows include interest (or dividends 
    for preferred stock) and principal payments (or redemptions for 
    preferred stock), while debt-linked and mortgage-linked derivative 
    contract cash flows are composed of interest payments and receipts. 
    (Throughout the remainder of section 3.9.3, references to ``interest 
    payments'' include interest received, as well as interest paid, on 
    debt-linked and mortgage-linked derivative contracts. ``Principal 
    payments'' refers to payments of principal on debt and redemptions 
    of preferred stock.) Debt and preferred stock are categorized in one 
    of the three classes listed and described in Table 3-22.
        [c] Debt-linked derivative contracts consist of interest rate 
    caps, floors, and swaps. The primary difference between debt and 
    debt-linked derivative contracts, in terms of calculating cash 
    flows, is that interest payments on debt are based on principal 
    amounts that are eventually repaid to creditors, whereas on debt-
    linked derivative contracts interest payments are based on notional 
    amounts that never change hands. Table 3-23 describes the six 
    classes of debt-linked derivative contracts.
    [[Page 18288]]
        [d] Mortgage-linked swaps are similar to debt-linked swaps 
    except that, for the former, the notional balance amortizes based on 
    the performance of certain MBS pools. The two classes of mortgage-
    linked derivative contracts are listed and described in Table 3-24.
    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP13AP99.276  Inputs
        [a] The Debt and Related Cash Flows component of the stress test 
    requires numerous inputs. Many of the instrument classes require 
    simulated interest rates because their interest payments adjust 
    periodically based on rates tied to various indices. These rates are 
    generated as described in section 3.3, Interest Rates, of this 
    Appendix. Instrument level inputs provided by the Enterprises are 
    listed in the Table 3-25.
    [[Page 18289]]
    [[Page 18290]]
        [b] In addition to the above inputs, the mortgage-linked 
    derivative contract cash flows require inputs for the performance of 
    linked mortgage assets, including default and prepayment rates from 
    the single family default and prepayment component of the stress 
    test (See section 3.5.2, Single Family Default and Prepayment, of 
    this Appendix) and periodic and lifetime minimum and maximum coupons 
    for ARM MBS. Mortgage-linked derivative contract identification 
    numbers are used to link the derivative contract to pool information 
    on specific MBS. This link allows retrieval of pool information that 
    will be used to determine how the notional balance of the swap 
    amortizes, including the coupon rate, issue date, maturity date, 
    weighted average coupon (WAC), and weighted average maturity (WAM) 
    for each pool.  Procedures
        [a] The debt and related cash flow component calculates separate 
    cash flow streams for principal and interest payments. The stress 
    test performs the following steps: determines the timing of cash 
    flows; calculates a principal or notional factor; obtains the coupon 
    or dividend factor; projects principal cash flows or changes in the 
    notional amount; and projects interest cash flows.
        [b] Projected cash flows for callable or cancelable instruments 
    may be altered by implementing a call decision rule for debt or a 
    cancellation decision rule for swaps. In addition, special cases 
    exist where instruments have complex characteristics, thereby 
    requiring additional processing to compute cash flows. Each of these 
    steps is described below.
        1. The first step requires determining the timing of cash flows 
    or the payment dates. The three inputs that are required to 
    accomplish this task are maturity date, payment frequency, and the 
    previous payment date. Payment frequency, defined as the number of 
    payments per year, takes on one of five values depending on how 
    often coupon payments are made. These values are given in Table 3-
        2. Payment dates are based on the last payment date and the 
    payment frequency until the instrument matures. For example, if the 
    stress test is run on an Enterprise's data as of June 30, 1998, then 
    an instrument with a previous payment date of April 15, 1998, that 
    matures on October 15, 1999, and has quarterly payments will require 
    payments on July 15, 1998, October 15, 1998, January 15, 1999, and 
    so forth until maturity or, in the case of preferred stock, 
    throughout the stress test. In the stress test, payments are 
    allocated to specific months, not specific days within the month.
        3. The second step requires the calculation of a principal 
    factor. The principal factor is defined as a percentage of original 
    value of the instrument. In most instances, where there is no 
    amortization of principal, the principal factor is one for each 
    payment date until the stated maturity date, when it converts to 
    zero. For debt and debt-linked derivative contracts that amortize, 
    either a principal or a notional amortization schedule is provided 
    by the Enterprises, or the amortization schedule is obtained from 
    the offering materials for public securities. In the case of 
    mortgage-linked derivative contracts, notional balances are 
    amortized in the manner described in section 3.9.2, Mortgage-Related 
    Securities, of this Appendix for principal balances of mortgage-
    backed securities held by an Enterprise. A GIC is a liability that 
    may amortize; however, an amortization schedule may not be 
    available. When amortization information is unavailable, the issue 
    amount of the GIC is assumed to be paid on the maturity date of the 
    instrument. The remaining term is used to determine maturity dates 
    for GICs.
        4. The third step requires the calculation of a coupon or 
    dividend factor. The coupon or dividend factor is an adjustment 
    factor used to calculate the portion of the annual coupon or 
    dividend rate applicable to a given period. It depends on day count 
    conventions used to calculate the accrued interest for the 
    instrument and is determined using one of the three calculations in 
    Table 3-27.
    [[Page 18291]]
        5. The fourth step in the process involves calculating principal 
    cash flow. Principal payments can be classified as either principal 
    payments on zero coupon bonds or principal payments on all other 
    instruments. All principal payments are paid at maturity for zero 
    coupon bonds, and the principal amount is equal to the face amount 
    of the bond. For all non-zero coupon bond instruments, principal 
    outstanding for the current period is determined by multiplying the 
    issue amount by the principal factor for the current period. The 
    principal payment equals the amount of principal outstanding at the 
    end of the current period less the principal outstanding at the end 
    of the previous period, or zero if the instrument has a notional 
        6. The fifth step involves calculating interest and dividend 
    cashflows. Instruments can be classified into six generic categories 
    based on their interest payment characteristics. These are fixed-
    rate instruments, zero coupon bonds, discount notes, floating-rate 
    instruments, interest rate caps and floors, and swaps. Interest or 
    dividend cash flows for an instrument in a period are calculated as 
    the product of the principal/notional amount of the instrument for 
    the given period, the coupon or dividend rate, and the coupon or 
    dividend factor.
        [c] To determine the interest or dividend payments for fixed-
    rate instruments, the current period principal amount is multiplied 
    by the product of the coupon or dividend rate and current period 
    coupon or dividend factor. Interest payments for zero coupon bonds 
    and discount notes are equal to zero. For discount notes, if the 
    amounts for original discounts are not provided, they are estimated 
    as the product of unpaid balance, yield, and number of days between 
    issue and maturity dates divided by 360.
        [d] Interest payments on floating-rate instruments (except for 
    floating-rate preferred stock, which is discussed later in this 
    section) are calculated as principal balance multiplied by the 
    coupon for the current period. The current period coupon is 
    calculated by adding a spread to the appropriate interest rate index 
    and multiplying by the coupon factor. The coupon for the current 
    period is set to this amount as long as the rate lies between the 
    lifetime maximum and minimum rates, as periodic maximum and minimum 
    rates are not recognized. Otherwise the coupon is set to the maximum 
    or minimum rate.
        [e] Caps and floors are derivative instruments that pay or 
    receive interest only if their specified index is above the strike 
    price for caps and below it for floors. Interest payments on caps 
    and floors are determined similarly to those for the debt 
    instruments above; however, payments are based on notional amounts 
    instead of principal amounts. The appropriate projected interest 
    rate index is compared to the instrument's cap or floor rate (strike 
    price). Interest payments are either paid or received depending on 
    whether the Enterprise is in a long or short position in a cap or a 
    floor. If a cap is purchased and the strike price is less than the 
    rate on the cap's interest rate index, then the interest payment on 
    the cap is the index less the cap rate multiplied by the notional 
    amount of the cap. If a floor is purchased and the floor rate is 
    higher than the index, then the interest payment on a floor is equal 
    to the floor rate minus the index rate multiplied by the notional 
    balance of the floor. Otherwise interest payments are zero for caps 
    and floors.
        [f] A swap is a derivative contract that requires counterparties 
    to exchange periodic interest payments. Swaps are modeled as two 
    separate instruments, consisting of a pay side and a receive side, 
    with interest payments based on the same notional balance but 
    different interest rates. For debt-linked swaps, interest payments 
    are determined using the criteria of fixed-rate or floating-rate 
    instruments as described above.
        [g] For the pay side of mortgage-linked swaps, the component 
    calculates the reduction in the notional balance due to scheduled 
    monthly principal payments (taking into account both lifetime and 
    reset period caps and floors), prepayments, and defaults of the 
    reference MBS pool. The notional balance of the swap for the 
    previous period is reduced by this amount to determine the notional 
    balance for the current period. Interest payments for a given period 
    are calculated as the product of the notional balance of the swap in 
    that period and the coupon rate applicable for that period.
        [h] For the receive side of mortgage-linked swaps, the component 
    calculates cash flows in the same manner as debt and debt-linked 
    derivative contracts. The only difference is that the notional 
    balance of the swap is amortized based upon the monthly pay-downs 
    for an underlying MBS pool, as described for the pay side above. For 
    the receive side, interest amounts are cash inflows.
        [i] In order to reduce interest costs and/or deepen the market 
    for their securities, the Enterprises may issue debt denominated in, 
    or indexed to, foreign currencies, and eliminate the resulting 
    foreign currency exposure by entering into currency swap agreements. 
    When they hedge their foreign exposure in this manner, the component 
    creates synthetic debt denominated in U.S. dollars and pays interest 
        [j] Some debt and debt-linked derivative contracts have call or 
    cancellation features that allow an Enterprise to terminate them at 
    certain points in time. Whether or not a call or cancellation will 
    be exercised is evaluated for all debt and the debt-linked 
    derivative contracts that require cash outflows. For example, only 
    the pay side is evaluated for swaps. If the pay side is cancelled, 
    then the receive side is cancelled at the same time. Callable 
    instruments are treated in the following manner. First, project cash 
    flows for the callable instrument assuming that the instrument is 
    not callable. Second, for each payment period when the instrument 
    can be called, equate the outstanding balance or notional amount of 
    the security to the sum of the discounted values of the projected 
    cash flows. The discount rate that makes these two amounts 
    equivalent is called the yield-to-maturity.\17\ Third, convert the 
    yield-to-maturity to a bond-equivalent yield and compare the bond-
    equivalent yield to the projected Federal Agency Cost of Funds for 
    debt with a comparable maturity. Because the stress test does not 
    project Federal Agency Cost of Funds indexes for every possible 
    maturity, a linear interpolation is performed between the next 
    higher and lower maturities to estimate the cost of funds for those 
    maturities that are not projected. Finally, if the Federal Agency 
    Cost of Funds is lower than 50 basis points below the bond-
    equivalent yield of the callable instrument, then the instrument is 
    called. Otherwise, the instrument is not called, and it is evaluated 
    for call at the next payment period.
        \17\ For instruments with notional balances, the yield-to-
    maturity is equal to the instrument's coupon or interest rate.
        [k] Some instruments have complex or non-standard features, and 
    cash flows cannot be computed using only the data listed earlier. 
    Characteristics of these types of instruments include complex 
    principal or notional amortization schedules, complex coupon reset 
    formulas for floating-rate instruments, and European call options 
    for callable instruments. In these instances, additional information 
    is obtained to define a set of rules to reflect the complex features 
    of debt and debt-linked derivative contracts, thereby permitting the 
    accurate calculation of cash flows for these instruments.
        [l] An example of an instrument with complex features is an 
    indexed amortizing swap. This instrument is not standard because its 
    notional amount declines in a way that is dependent upon the level 
    of interest rates. This type of swap is structured
    [[Page 18292]]
    with an amortization table that contains a notional balance 
    reduction factor for a given range of interest rates. To compute 
    cash flows for this instrument, the notional balance at each payment 
    date must be calculated. While raw data provides the notional 
    balance at the beginning of the stress period, the notional balance 
    at each payment date during the stress period must be calculated.
        [m] Other instruments that require special treatment are 
    currency linked notes, the redemption value of which is tied to a 
    specific foreign exchange rate. They require special treatment 
    because the stress test does not forecast foreign currency rates. If 
    these instruments are hedged, then they become part of synthetic 
    debt created in conjunction with a swap as discussed previously. If 
    these instruments are not hedged, the following treatment applies. 
    In the up-rate scenario, the U.S. Dollar per unit of foreign 
    currency ratio is increased in proportion to the increase in the 
    ten-year CMT. For example, if the ten-year CMT shifts up by 50 
    percent, then the U.S. Dollar per unit of foreign currency ratio 
    shifts up by 50 percent. In the down-rate scenario, the foreign 
    currency per U.S. Dollar ratio is decreased in proportion to the 
    decrease in the ten-year CMT. The redemption value of these 
    instruments may also have minimum and maximum principal amounts, 
    which also must be taken into consideration in determining cash 
        [n] As the final step in the process, the interest cash flows 
    for debt-linked and mortgage-linked derivative contracts are 
    ``haircut'' (i.e., reduced) by some percentage to account for the 
    risk of counterparty insolvency. The percentage haircut used is 
    based on the public rating of the counterparty, and the year during 
    the stress period in which the cash flow occurs (Refer to section 
    3.6, Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix for details on how the 
    haircuts are applied.) The cash flows are all added together (pay 
    side and receive side) for all contracts with a given 
    counterparty.\18\ The haircut is applied to the net cash owed by the 
    counterparty in a given month. If the Enterprise owes the 
    counterparty money, then no haircut is applied.
        \18\ Cash flows are not aggregated together with a given 
    counterparty for currency swaps. Instead, haircuts are applied to 
    each individual currency swap.
        [o] Because the stress test does not forecast foreign exchange 
    rates, the counterparty haircut percentages are applied to the pay 
    side of currency swaps, instead of the receive side, to ``gross up'' 
    the payment. Therefore, when synthetic debt is created, the effect 
    is to increase the cost of the synthetic debt equal to the haircut 
    amount.  Output
        Output consists of cash flows for debt, preferred stock, and 
    derivative contracts. Cash flows include monthly interest and 
    principal payments for debt, dividends and redemptions for preferred 
    stock, and interest payments for debt-linked and mortgage-linked 
    derivative contracts.
    3.9.4  Non-Mortgage Investment and Investment-Linked Derivative 
    Contract Cash Flows  Overview
        [a] The Enterprises primarily invest in non-mortgage assets as a 
    source of liquidity. They also enter into investment-linked 
    derivative contracts to reduce the interest rate risk of specific 
    securities (micro hedge), hedge the overall interest rate risk of 
    their business (macro hedge), or create a synthetic asset 
    (combination of a security and a derivative contract) with a higher 
    net yield than the equivalent actual security.
        [b] The stress test calculates the cash flows for these assets 
    at the instrument level. The cash flows consist of interest payments 
    and receipts and principal payments for the ten years of the stress 
    test. (Throughout the remainder of section 3.9.4, references to 
    interest payments include interest received on investment-linked 
    derivatives products.) Compared to the treatment of debt and related 
    cash flows, the stress test takes a more simplified approach to 
    modeling non-mortgage instruments (including linked derivative 
    contracts) held by the Enterprises. Rather than determining the 
    specific payment frequencies of each instrument, the stress test 
    assumes standardized payment frequencies by types of instruments. 
    For this purpose, the stress test distinguishes among six classes of 
    securities and eight classes of derivative contracts. Table 3-28 
    lists and defines the six classes of securities.
        [c] Table 3-29 defines the seven classes of derivative contracts 
    and provides a description of what is included in each. (An eighth 
    class, mortgage-related derivatives, is covered in section 3.9.3, 
    Debt and Related Cash Flows, of this Appendix.)
    [[Page 18293]]
        [d] Stress test procedures are divided into two distinct steps: 
    one, establishing interest payment dates; and two, calculating the 
    instrument level cash flows based on payment criteria and instrument 
    characteristics.  Inputs
        [a] The stress test requires instrument and interest rate inputs 
    for the calculation of interest payments and receipts and principal 
    payments. Instrument level inputs provided by the Enterprises are:
         Issue date
         Face/notional amount
         Maturity date
         Coupon rate
         Instrument I.D. to link pay and receive sides of swaps
         Pay/receipt code
         Payment frequency
         Cap rate
         Cap strike price
         Counterparty identification, if applicable
         Public rating(s) of instrument or counterparty
        [b] Each instrument class (security or derivative contract) uses 
    only those inputs relevant to that instrument class.
        [c] In addition to the inputs provided by the Enterprises, this 
    component requires projections for the stress period for a number of 
    interest rates. The calculation of all of these interest rates is 
    described in section 3.3, Interest Rates, of this Appendix. Ten 
    classes of instruments are linked to various interest rates. These 
    interest rates are required as inputs in order to adjust 
    periodically the interest payments on the respective instruments. 
    The particular interest rate used is based on the instrument's 
    specifications. The available interest rates are listed in Table 3-
    [[Page 18294]]
        [a] One of seven interest payment calculations is assigned to 
    each instrument class. These are a semi-annual fixed rate of 
    interest, quarterly fixed and floating rates of interest, monthly 
    fixed and floating rates of interest, a fixed rate of interest due 
    at maturity based on the number of days an instrument is 
    outstanding, and a monthly floating rate of interest based on the 
    difference between an interest rate index and a strike price. Table 
    3-31 indicates the type of payment calculation for each of the 
    various instrument classes.
        [b] The first step in processing the data is establishing the 
    interest payment dates. Asset-backed securities (ABSs), amortizing 
    swaps, and caps require monthly interest payments. For all other 
    instrument classes, the interest payment dates are determined by 
    working backward from the maturity date, using the payment 
    assumptions for each instrument class. For example, if the maturity 
    date is September 15, 1999, for an instrument that pays interest 
    semi-annually, then interest payment dates are September 15, 1999, 
    March 15, 1999, etc. until the initial payment date within the 
    stress period is determined. Payments made in the stress period are 
    allocated to specific months, not specific days within the month.
        [c] The second step is the calculation of instrument level cash 
    flows based on payment criteria and instrument characteristics. 
    Interest payment dates are based on the criteria established above. 
    For the non-derivative instrument classes except for ABS, each 
    interest payment is based on the face amount of the security. ABS 
    interest payments are based on the remaining principal balance of 
    the instrument after adjusting for prepayments. The entire amount of 
    principal is due at maturity, except in the case of ABS, where the 
    face amount is reduced by principal prepayments. Interest and 
    principal payments for securities are, therefore, based on the 
    formulas in Table 3-32.
    [[Page 18295]]
        [d] For derivative contracts such as swaps and caps, interest 
    payments are calculated using notional amounts instead of principal 
    balances. The stress test treats swaps as two separate instruments, 
    consisting of a pay side and a receive side, using the criteria of 
    fixed-rate or floating-rate instruments as described above. Each 
    interest payment is based on the original notional amount of the 
    derivative contract except for amortizing swaps, which have interest 
    payments based on the remaining notional balance after adjusting for 
    prepayments. Prepayment speeds for amortizing swaps are set equal to 
    the prepayment speeds for floating-rate ABSs.
        [e] Caps can be purchased, in which case an Enterprise receives 
    interest, or sold, in which case an Enterprise pays interest. 
    Interest payments on caps are determined in the following manner. If 
    the strike price of the cap is less than or equal to the interest 
    rate index, then interest payments are calculated based on the 
    difference between the index and the strike price. If the strike 
    price of the cap is greater than the interest rate index, then 
    interest payments are zero. The formulas in Table 3-33 are used to 
    calculate interest payments and receipts for investment-linked 
    derivative contracts.
    [[Page 18296]]
        [f] Equations for calculating interest on derivative contracts 
    use the same notation as equations for securities. In addition, the 
    following notations are used:
         N = notional amount of the instrument
         K = strike price
        [g] Once the cash flows for interest and principal have been 
    calculated for a particular investment or investment-linked 
    derivative contract, the cash flow is ``haircut'' (i.e., reduced) by 
    a specified percentage determined by the public rating of the 
    investment or derivative counterparty and the year during the stress 
    period in which the cash flow occurs, as described in section 3.6, 
    Other Credit Factors, of this Appendix. The haircuts are applied to 
    all investment cash flows at the instrument level. However, for 
    investment-linked derivative contracts, the cash flows are added 
    together (pay side and receive side) for all contracts with a given 
    counterparty. The haircut is applied to the net cash owed by the 
    counterparty in that month. If the Enterprise owes the counterparty 
    money, then no haircut is applied.  Output
        Interest and principal payments are produced for each instrument 
    for the 120 months of the stress period. These cash flows are inputs 
    to section 3.10, Operations, Taxes, and Accounting, of this 
    3.10  Operations, Taxes, and Accounting
    3.10.1  Overview
        This component describes the procedures for creating pro forma 
    balance sheets and income statements, determining short-term debt 
    issuance and short-term investments, calculating operating expenses 
    and taxes, and computing capital distributions. Input data include 
    an Enterprise's balance sheet at the beginning of the stress period, 
    interest rates, and the outputs from cash flow components of the 
    stress test. The outputs of the procedures discussed in this 
    section--120 monthly pro forma balance sheets and income 
    statements--are the basis for the capital calculation described in 
    section 3.12, Calculation of the Risk-Based Capital Requirement, of 
    this Appendix.
    3.10.2  Inputs
        This component uses the data described in section, 
    Enterprise Data, section, Interest Rates, and section, Outputs From Cash Flow Components of the Stress Test, to 
    produce monthly pro forma balance sheets and income statements for 
    the Enterprises.  Enterprise Data
        [a] In addition to the starting position data described in the 
    cash flow components, the Enterprises provide the dollar values for 
    the following starting position balances:
         Amounts required to reconcile starting position 
    balances from cash flow components of the stress test with an 
    Enterprise's balance sheet (e.g., differences between actual and 
    estimated loan prepayments during the last few days in the month)
         Low income housing tax credit investments
         Unamortized balances of premiums, discounts, and fees 
    from the acquisition of retained whole loans and retained mortgage-
    related securities at other than par value
         Allowances for loan losses
         Accrued interest receivable on retained whole loans, 
    retained mortgage-backed securities, mortgage-linked derivatives, 
    and nonmortgage investments
         Amounts receivable from index sinking fund debentures, 
    currency swaps, fees, income taxes, and other accounts receivable
         Real estate owned
         Fixed assets
         Clearing accounts
         Unamortized premiums, discounts and fees related to 
    debt securities
         Unamortized balances related to the sold portfolio
         Deferred balances related to liability-linked 
         Accrued interest payable
         Principal and interest payable to mortgage security 
         Other liabilities (e.g., payables from currency swaps, 
    escrow deposits, and income taxes)
         Dividends payable
         Components of stockholder's equity (i.e., common stock, 
    preferred stock, paid-in capital, retained earnings, treasury stock, 
    and unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities)
        (b) Other data provided by the Enterprises include:
         Operating expenses for the quarter prior to the 
    beginning of the stress test
         Earnings before income taxes and provision for income 
    taxes for the three years prior to the beginning of the stress test
         Year-to-date income before taxes and provision for 
    income taxes
         Dividend payout ratio for the four quarters prior to 
    the beginning of the stress test
         Minimum capital requirement at the beginning of the 
    stress test  Interest Rates
        This component of the stress test requires the following 
    interest rates generated by the Interest Rates component described 
    in section 3.3, Interest Rates, of this Appendix:
         Six-month Federal agency cost of funds
         Six-month constant maturity Treasury yield  Outputs From Cash Flow Components of the Stress Test
        This component of the stress test also requires monthly cash 
    flows generated as described in section 3.9, Cash Flows, for:
         Whole Loans (section 3.9.1)
         Mortgage-Related Securities (section 3.9.2)
         Non-Mortgage Investment and Investment-Linked 
    Derivative Contract Cash Flows (section 3.9.4)
         Debt and Related Cash Flows (section 3.9.3)
    3.10.3  Procedures
        The stress test calculates new debt and investments, dividends, 
    allowances for loan losses, operating expenses, and income taxes. 
    These calculations are both determined by and affect the pro forma 
    balance sheets and income statements over the stress period.
    [[Page 18297]]  New Debt and Investments
        (a) The availability of cash in each month of the stress period 
    determines whether cash is invested, or whether borrowings are 
    required. The stress test calculates cash received and cash 
    disbursed each month in order to determine the net availability of 
    cash. The following describe the many ``sources'' and ``uses'' of 
        1. Cash sources include:
         Cash at the beginning of the stress test
         Principal and interest payments from retained mortgages 
    and retained mortgage-backed securities
         Principal and interest payments from non-mortgage 
    investments (e.g., Federal funds sold, mortgage securities purchased 
    under agreements to resell, commercial paper, eurodollar time 
    deposits, asset-backed securities, U.S. Treasury securities, 
    municipal obligations, auction-rate preferred stock)
         Amounts received from counterparties on derivative 
          Disposition of foreclosed property included in the 
    balance sheet at the beginning of the stress test
         Amounts received from other assets and receivables 
    included in the balance sheet at the beginning of the stress test 
    (e.g., receivables from index sinking fund debentures and currency 
    swaps, Federal income taxes refundable.)
         Guarantee fees
         Float income on principal and interest received on the 
    sold portfolio
          Federal income tax refunds from net operating loss 
    (NOL) carrybacks
         Recoveries on defaulted loans
        2. Cash uses include:
         Repayment of principal to investors on debt instruments 
    (as they mature or are called)
         Interest paid to investors on debt instruments
         Amounts paid to counterparties on derivative contracts
         Principal payments to investors (net of recoveries) due 
    to mortgage defaults on loans in the sold portfolio
         Payments of miscellaneous liabilities included in the 
    balance sheet at the beginning of the stress test, e.g., some 
    accounts payable, escrow deposits, principal and interest due to 
    mortgage security investors, and payables from currency swaps 
    (Amounts recorded subsequent to the beginning of the stress period 
    as principal and interest due mortgage securities investors do not 
    affect the cash calculation for new debt and investments.)
         Operating expenses
         Income taxes
         Dividends on preferred and common stock
        (b) During the stress period, the net cash position for each of 
    the 120 months is calculated at the end of each month. Timing of 
    sources and uses of cash within each month are ignored.
        (c) At the end of any month in which the cash position is 
    calculated to be negative, the stress test issues six month discount 
    notes at the six month Federal Agency Cost of Funds rate, plus a 2.5 
    basis point issuance cost. When the cash position is positive, the 
    stress test invests the Enterprise's excess cash in one month 
    maturity assets at a rate equivalent to the six month Treasury 
    yield. As a result, the cash position of an Enterprise is zero at 
    the end of each month during the stress test.  Dividends
        (a) The stress test determines quarterly whether to pay 
    preferred and common dividends and, if so, how much based on the 
    rules that follow.
        1. Preferred Stock--An Enterprise will pay dividends on 
    preferred stock as long as that Enterprise meets the estimated 
    minimum capital requirement before and after the payment of these 
    dividends. Preferred stock dividends are based on the coupon rates 
    of the issues outstanding. The coupon rates for any issues of 
    variable rate preferred stock are calculated using projections of 
    the appropriate index rate.
        2. Common Stock--In the first year of the stress test, dividends 
    on common stock in all four quarters are based on the trend in 
    earnings at that Enterprise. If earnings are positive and 
    increasing, dividends are paid based on the same percent dividend 
    payout as the average payout of the preceding four quarters. If 
    earnings are not positive and increasing, dividends are paid based 
    on the preceding quarter's dollar amount of dividends per share. 
    Common stock dividends are stopped after four quarters of payouts, 
    except they are cut off earlier if an Enterprise's capital falls 
    below the minimum capital requirement.
        3. No other net capital distributions are made, i.e., no 
    repurchases of common stock or redemption of preferred stock occur 
    during the stress test.
        (b) The Enterprise's minimum capital requirement is computed by 
    applying leverage ratios to all assets (2.50 percent) and off-
    balance sheet obligations (0.45 percent), and summing the results.  Allowances for Loan Losses and Other Charge-Offs
        (a) The stress test calculates a tentative allowance for loan 
    losses monthly by multiplying current month mortgage default losses 
    \19\ by twelve, thus annualizing current month mortgage default 
    losses. If the tentative allowance for loan losses for the current 
    period is greater than the balance from the prior month plus charge-
    offs for the current month, a provision (e.g., expense) is recorded. 
    Otherwise, no provision is made and the allowance for loan losses is 
    equal to the prior period amount less current month charge-offs.
        \19\ Current month mortgage default losses include the sum of 
    what the Enterprises classify as ``provision for losses'' and 
    ``foreclosed property expense.'' For both the retained and sold 
    portfolios, this includes lost principal (net of recoveries from 
    credit enhancements and disposition of the real estate collateral), 
    and foreclosure, holding, and disposition costs.
        (b) Other charge-offs result from ``haircuts'' related to 
    mortgage revenue bonds, private-issue MBS, and non-mortgage 
    investments, described in their respective cash flow components. 
    These haircuts result in receipt of less than the amount of 
    principal contractually due. This lost principal is charged-off when 
    due and not received.  Operating Expenses
        The stress test calculates operating expenses, which include 
    non-interest costs such as those related to an Enterprise's salaries 
    and benefits, professional services, property, equipment and office. 
    Over the stress period, operating expenses decline in proportion to 
    the decline in the size of an Enterprise's mortgage portfolio (i.e., 
    the sum of outstanding principal balances of its retained and sold 
    mortgage portfolios). The stress test calculates the percentage of 
    an Enterprise's mortgage portfolio at the start of the stress test 
    that is remaining at the end of each month of the stress period. It 
    then multiplies the percentage of assets remaining by one-third of 
    the Enterprise's operating expenses in the quarter immediately 
    preceding the start of the stress test. The resulting amount is an 
    Enterprise's operating expense for a given month in the stress 
    period.  Taxes
        [a] Both Enterprises are subject to Federal income taxes, but 
    neither is subject to state or local income taxes.
        [b] The stress test applies an effective Federal income tax rate 
    of 30 percent when calculating the monthly provision for income 
    taxes (e.g., income tax expense). This tax rate is lower than the 
    statutory rate because of tax exempt interest received, deductions 
    for dividends received, and equity investments in affordable housing 
    projects. OFHEO may change the 30 percent income tax rate if there 
    are significant changes in Enterprise experience or changes in the 
    statutory income tax rate.
        [c] The stress test sets income tax expense for tax purposes 
    equal to the provision for income taxes. The effects of timing 
    differences between taxable income and generally accepted accounting 
    principles (GAAP) income before income taxes are ignored. Therefore, 
    Net Operating Loss (NOL) occurs only when the net income, before the 
    provision for income taxes, is negative.
        [d] Payments for estimated income taxes are made quarterly. At 
    the end of each year, the annual estimated tax amount is compared to 
    the annual actual tax amount. At that time, a payment of remaining 
    taxes is made or a refund for overpayment of income taxes is 
        [e] A NOL for the current month is ``carried back'' to offset 
    taxes in any or all of the preceding three calendar years. (The 
    Enterprises' tax year is the same as the calendar year.) This offset 
    of the prior years' taxes results in a negative provision for income 
    taxes (e.g., income) for the current month. Use of a carry back 
    reduces available carry backs in subsequent months. Any NOL 
    remaining after carry backs are exhausted becomes a carry forward.
        [f] Carry forwards represent NOLs that cannot be carried back to 
    offset previous years' taxes, but can be used to offset taxes in any 
    or all of the subsequent 15 years. Carry forwards accumulate until 
    used, or until they expire 15 years after they are generated.
        [g] Under the stress test, the Enterprises will not have a 
    positive net income in future
    [[Page 18298]]
    years to utilize NOL carry forwards. A valuation adjustment is used 
    to decrease the Federal income tax refundable to zero (e.g., the 
    amount likely to be realized).  Accounting
        [a] The 1992 Act specifies that total capital includes core 
    capital and a general allowance for foreclosure losses. For the 
    Enterprises, this general allowance is represented by general 
    allowances for loan losses on their retained and sold mortgage 
    portfolios. The 1992 Act further defines core capital as the sum of 
    the following components of equity:
         The par or stated value of outstanding common stock
         The par or stated value of outstanding perpetual, 
    noncumulative preferred stock
         Paid-in capital
         Retained earnings
        [b] In order to determine the amount of total capital an 
    Enterprise must hold to maintain positive total capital throughout 
    the ten-year stress period, the stress test projects the above four 
    components of equity plus general loss allowances as part of the 
    monthly pro forma balance sheets and income statements.
        [c] Details of an Enterprise's actual balance sheet at the 
    beginning of the stress test are recorded from a combination of 
    starting position balances for all instruments for which other 
    components of the stress test calculates cash flows and other 
    starting position balances for assets, liabilities, and equity 
    accounts needed to complete an Enterprise's balance sheet.
        [d] After recording an Enterprise's balance sheet at the 
    beginning of the stress period, the stress test creates monthly pro 
    forma balance sheets and income statements by recording output from 
    the cash flow components of the stress test; recording new debt and 
    investments (and related interest), dividends, loss allowances, 
    operating expenses, and taxes; and applying accounting rules 
    pertaining to balance sheets and pro forma income statements.  Accounting for Positions and Cash Flows From Cash Flow 
        Balances at the beginning of the stress test and subsequent 
    changes to related pro forma balance sheet and income statement 
    accounts are obtained from data generated by cash flow components of 
    the stress test for the following:
        1. Retained whole loan mortgage interest cash flows in the first 
    month of the stress period reduce accrued interest receivable at the 
    beginning of the stress test. Subsequent months interest cash flows 
    are recorded as accrued interest receivable and interest income in 
    the month prior to its receipt. When the interest cash flows are 
    received, accrued interest receivable is reduced. Monthly principal 
    cash flows (including prepayments and defaulted principal) are 
    recorded as reductions in the outstanding balance of the loan group. 
    Net losses on defaults are charged off against the allowance for 
    loan losses. Recoveries are cash inflows.
        2. Retained mortgage-backed security interest cash flows in the 
    first month of the stress period reduce accrued interest receivable 
    at the beginning of the stress test. Subsequent months interest cash 
    flows are recorded as accrued interest receivable and interest 
    income in the month prior to its receipt. When the interest cash 
    flows are received, accrued interest receivable is reduced. Monthly 
    principal cash flows (including prepayments) are recorded in the 
    month received as a reduction in the outstanding balance of mortgage 
        3. Mortgage revenue bond monthly interest cash flows in the 
    first month of the stress period reduce accrued interest receivable 
    at the beginning of the stress test. Subsequent months interest cash 
    flows are recorded as accrued interest receivable and interest 
    income in the month prior to its receipt. When the interest cash 
    flows are received, accrued interest receivable is reduced. Monthly 
    principal cash flows are recorded as reductions in the outstanding 
    balance of mortgage assets. Defaulted principal is charged-off when 
    due and not received.
        4. Principal repayments from non-mortgage investments (e.g., 
    Federal funds sold; mortgage securities purchased under agreements 
    to resell; commercial paper; eurodollar time deposits; asset-backed 
    securities; U.S. Treasury securities; municipal obligations, other 
    than mortgage revenue bonds; and auction-rate preferred stock) 
    reduce the investment and increase cash. Interest payments received 
    increase cash and reduce accrued interest receivable. Accrued 
    interest receivable includes both amounts at the beginning of the 
    stress period and subsequent monthly accruals (also recorded as 
    interest income).
        5. Sold portfolio cash flows include monthly guarantee fees, 
    float, and principal and interest due MBS investors. Guarantee fees 
    are recorded as income in the month received. Principal and interest 
    due mortgage security investors does not affect the balance sheet; 
    however, interest earned on these amounts (float) is recorded as 
    income in the month the underlying principal and interest payments 
    are received. Principal payments received and defaulted loan 
    balances reduce the outstanding balance of the sold portfolio. 
    Losses (net of recoveries) are charged off against the allowance for 
    losses on the sold portfolio (a liability on the pro forma balance 
    sheets) and reduce cash.
        6. For each debt instrument in the starting position, interest 
    is accrued monthly. Accrued interest (representing both amounts as 
    of the beginning of the stress period and subsequent monthly 
    accruals) and principal debt due investors are reduced when cash 
    payments are made.
        7. Issuance of discount notes increases cash by the amount of 
    the new debt, net of discounts and issuance costs. Interest expense 
    is accrued monthly and paid at maturity when the discount note is 
    retired at par. Discounts and issuance costs are amortized on a 
    straight line basis over the life of the discount note, increasing 
    interest expense.
        8. The amortized balance (e.g., the face amount of the debt less 
    the unamortized discount) of zero coupon debt is recorded in the 
    starting position. The unamortized discount is amortized monthly 
    using the level yield method over the debt's term to maturity and 
    recorded as interest expense. At maturity, the face amount of the 
    debt is paid to investors and the balance of debt is reduced.  Accounting for Other Changes in Starting Position Balances
        Cash flows, income, and changes in the pro forma balances for 
    other parts of the Enterprise's balance sheet are recorded as 
    described below.
        1. Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale investments 
    included in the balance sheet at the beginning of the stress test 
    are recorded as income during the first month of the stress test. 
    Recognition of unrealized gains increases earnings; recognition of 
    unrealized losses decreases earnings.
        2. Unamortized balances of premiums, discounts, and fees from 
    the acquisition of retained loans and retained mortgage-backed 
    securities at other than par value are a component of the balance 
    sheet at the beginning of the stress test. Unamortized balances 
    related to retained whole loans are amortized in proportion to the 
    decline in the size of an Enterprise's retained portfolio. 
    Unamortized balances related to REMICs and strips are amortized over 
    their lives using the level yield method, calculated using cash 
    flows generated from the cash flow component of the stress test. 
    Amortizing deferred balances at the beginning of the stress test 
    reduces the deferred amounts on the balance sheet by simultaneously 
    increasing interest income by amortizing discounts and decreasing 
    interest income by amortizing premiums.
        3. Low income housing tax credit investments at the beginning of 
    the stress test remain constant over the stress test. No earnings or 
    expenses are directly recorded.
        4. The following receivables at the beginning of the stress test 
    are converted to cash in the first month of the stress test:
         Amounts receivable from index sinking fund debentures 
    and currency swaps
         Other miscellaneous receivables (e.g., fees receivable 
    and accounts receivable)
         Federal income taxes
        5. Real estate owned at the beginning of the stress test is 
    converted to cash on a straight-line basis over the first six months 
    of the stress test.
        6. Clearing accounts as of the beginning of the stress test are 
    converted to cash on a straight-line basis over the first twelve 
    months of the stress test.
        7. Fixed assets at the beginning of the stress test remain 
    constant over the stress test. Depreciation is included in the base 
    on which operating expenses are calculated for each month during the 
    stress period.
        8. Unamortized premiums, discounts and fees related to debt 
    securities at the beginning of the stress test are amortized on a 
    level yield basis over the remaining term to contractual maturity of 
    the debt. Specifically, unamortized amounts are grouped by term to 
    maturity and coupon bucket for debentures, zero coupon instruments, 
    and all other debt. Unamortized amounts are amortized on a level 
    yield basis using weighted average maturities and weighted average 
    coupons for each of these groups.
        9. Deferred balances relating to liability-linked derivatives at 
    the beginning of the stress test are amortized using the sum of 
    years digits method over three years.
    [[Page 18299]]
    Amortizing deferred balances increases or decreases interest 
    expense, as appropriate.
        10. Principal and interest payable to an Enterprise's mortgage 
    security investors at the beginning of the stress test are paid 
    during the first two months of the stress test (one-half in month 
    one and one-half in month two).
        11. The following liabilities at the beginning of the stress 
    test are paid in the first month of the stress test, reducing cash:
         Payables from currency swaps
         Escrow deposits
        12. Unamortized balances related to the sold portfolio are 
    amortized in proportion to the decline in the size of an 
    Enterprise's sold portfolio. Other Accounting Principles
        Additional accounting principles that affect the pro forma 
    balance sheets and income statements over the stress period are also 
        1. All investment securities are treated as held to maturity. As 
    such, they are recorded as assets at amortized cost, not at fair 
        2. Enterprise REIT subsidiaries are consolidated. Specifically, 
    REIT assets are treated as Enterprise assets. Preferred stock of the 
    REIT is reflected as Enterprise debt. Dividends paid on the 
    preferred stock are reported as interest expense.
        3. Dividends are declared and paid simultaneously.
        4. Treasury stock is reflected as a reduction in retained 
    3.10.4 Output
        For each month of the stress period, the stress test produces a 
    pro forma balance sheet and income statement. These pro forma 
    financial statements are the inputs for calculating capital.
    3.11 Treatment of New Enterprise Activities
        [a] Given rapid innovation in the financial services industry, 
    OFHEO anticipates the Enterprises will become involved with new 
    mortgage products, investments, debt and derivative instruments, and 
    business activities that the stress test will have to accommodate. 
    OFHEO will monitor the Enterprises' activities and, when 
    appropriate, propose amendments to this regulation addressing the 
    treatment of new instruments and activities. However, the regulation 
    is sufficiently flexible and complete to address new Enterprise 
    activities as they emerge.
        [b] Credit and interest rate risk of new Enterprise activities 
    and instruments will be reflected in the stress test by simulating 
    their credit and cash flow characteristics using approaches 
    described throughout this Appendix. Simulating new activities and 
    instruments will require that the Enterprises provide complete data, 
    and full explanations of their operation. To the extent that 
    approaches described herein are not applicable directly, OFHEO will 
    combine and adapt them in an appropriate manner. For example, the 
    stress test might employ its mortgage performance components and 
    adapt its cash flow components to accurately simulate the loss 
    mitigating effects of credit derivatives. Where there is no 
    reasonable approach using existing combinations or adaptations 
    within the timeframe for computing a quarterly capital calculation, 
    the stress test will employ an appropriately conservative treatment, 
    consistent with OFHEO's role as a safety and soundness regulator. 
    Such treatment will continue until such time as sufficient 
    information is made available to justify an alternative treatment, 
    which may be subsequently incorporated as a specific provision in 
    this Appendix.
        [c] Procedurally, the Enterprises are expected to notify OFHEO 
    of proposals related to new products, investments or instruments 
    before they are purchased or sold or as soon thereafter as possible, 
    but in any event no later than in connection with submission of the 
    risk-based capital report provided for in Sec. 1750.12. OFHEO will 
    provide the Enterprise with its estimate of the capital treatment as 
    soon thereafter as possible. The Enterprise will also be notified of 
    the capital treatment in accordance with the notice of proposed 
    capital classification provided for in Sec. 1750.21.
    3.12 Calculation of the Risk-Based Capital Requirement
    3.12.1 Overview
        [a] The stress test determines the minimum amount of total 
    capital that an Enterprise must hold at the start of the stress test 
    in order to maintain positive total capital throughout the ten-year 
    stress period. Once the stress test has determined this amount of 
    starting capital, the final calculation in the regulation is the 
    Calculation of the Risk-Based Capital Requirement.
        [b] The first step in calculating the minimum amount of total 
    capital is to compute the discounted present value (as of the start 
    of the stress test) of the projected month-end total capital amounts 
    for each month of the stress period for both interest rate 
    scenarios. The second step is to identify the lowest of the 
    resulting 240 monthly discounted values and subtract from it the 
    capital amount required for ``other'' off-balance sheet guarantees. 
    If the resulting net amount is positive, the Enterprise has more 
    than enough capital to maintain positive capital during the stress 
    period. If the resulting net amount is negative, the Enterprise's 
    capital at the start of the stress test is not sufficient. The third 
    step is to subtract this net amount from the capital the Enterprise 
    holds at the start of the stress test. This step effectively 
    subtracts the extra capital or adds the shortfall to obtain the 
    minimum amount of capital that the Enterprise needs at the start of 
    the stress test.
        [c] The final step in the regulation is the calculation of the 
    Enterprise's risk-based capital requirement. The risk-based capital 
    requirement equals the adjusted capital amount times 1.3 to account 
    for management and operations risk.
    3.12.2 Inputs
        [a] The above calculations use outputs from three components of 
    the stress test to make the final two capital calculations. These 
    components include section 3.3, Interest Rates; section 3.8, Other 
    Off-Balance Sheet Guarantees; and section 3.10, Operations, Taxes, 
    and Accounting, of this Appendix.
        [b] For each month of the stress test, the following inputs are 
    from pro forma financial statements projected by the Operations, 
    Taxes, and Accounting component:
         Total capital (the par or stated value of outstanding 
    common stock, the par or stated value of outstanding perpetual, 
    noncumulative preferred stock, paid-in capital, retained earnings, 
    and allowance for losses on retained and sold mortgages)
         Provision for income taxes (income tax expense)
         Valuation adjustment that reduces benefits recorded 
    from net operating losses when no net operating loss tax carrybacks 
    are available
         Discount notes (amount outstanding)
        [c] For present-value calculations, the stress test uses either 
    the six month Federal agency cost of funds or the six month Treasury 
    yield generated by section 3.3, Interest Rates of this Appendix.
        [d] The input for the capital amount for other off-balance sheet 
    guarantees is obtained from section 3.8, Other Off-Balance Sheet 
    Guarantees, of this Appendix.
    3.12.3 Procedures
        The following steps are used for determining the minimum total 
    capital an Enterprise needs to maintain positive capital during the 
    stress test and the risk-based capital requirement for the 
        1. Determine whether taxes are owed or tax refunds will be 
    received. If the provision for income taxes is positive (reflecting 
    taxes owed) or negative (reflecting tax refunds to be received), 
    then the effective tax rate is 30 percent. If the provision for 
    income taxes is zero (after valuation adjustments, implying that 
    income is negative, but no net operating loss tax carrybacks are 
    available), then the effective tax rate is zero.
        2. Determine whether an Enterprise is an investor or a borrower 
    in each month of the stress period. In months where an Enterprise 
    has outstanding six-month discount notes that were issued during the 
    stress test, then the Enterprise is a borrower. Otherwise, the 
    Enterprise is an investor.
        3. Determine the appropriate monthly discount factor for each 
    month of the stress period. In months where an Enterprise is an 
    investor, the monthly discount factor is based on the yield of 
    short-term assets:
    [[Page 18300]]
        In months where an Enterprise is a borrower, the monthly 
    discount factor is based on the cost of the Enterprises' short-term 
        4. Compute the cumulative discount factor for the total capital 
    amount for each month in the stress period--The cumulative discount 
    factor for a given month of the stress period is the monthly 
    discount factor for that month multiplied by the cumulative discount 
    factor for the preceding month. (The cumulative discount factor for 
    the first month of the stress period is the monthly discount factor 
    for that month.) Thus, the cumulative discount factor for any month 
    incorporates all of the previous monthly discount factors.
        5. Compute discounted total capital for each month of the stress 
    period for both interest rate scenarios. Divide the total capital 
    for a given month by the cumulative discount factor for that month.
        6. Compute the amount of capital necessary to maintain positive 
    capital throughout the stress period. Identify the lowest discounted 
    total capital amount from among the 240 monthly discounted total 
    capital amounts. Subtract the capital required for ``other'' off-
    balance sheet guarantees as calculated in section 3.8, Other Off-
    Balance Sheet Guarantees, component of the stress test from the 
    lowest discounted amount. Then subtract the resulting difference 
    from the Enterprise's total capital at the start of the stress 
    period. This subtraction effectively reduces the starting capital 
    amount by any extra capital that remains at the end of the stress 
    period or increases starting capital by any shortfall. The resulting 
    number is the starting capital amount that the Enterprise must hold 
    in order to maintain positive total capital throughout the stress 
        7. Compute the risk-based capital requirement. Multiply the 
    capital amount calculated in Step 6, by 1.3 for management and 
    operations risk.
    3.12.4  Output
        The output of the above calculations is the risk-based capital 
    requirement for an Enterprise at the start date of the stress test.
        5. Add new subpart C to read as follows:
    Subpart C--Capital Classification
    1750.20  Definitions.
    1750.21  Notice of capital classification.
    Subpart C--Capital Classification
    Sec. 1750.20  Definitions
        All of the terms defined at Sec. 1750.2 shall have the same meaning 
    for purposes of this subpart C.
    Sec. 1750.21  Notice of capital classification
        (a) Pursuant to section 1364 of the 1992 Act (12 U.S.C. 4614), 
    OFHEO is required to determine the capital classification of each 
    Enterprise on a not less than quarterly basis.
        (b) The determination of the capital classification shall be made 
    following a notice to, and opportunity to respond by, the Enterprise.
        (1) Not later than 60 calendar days after the date for which the 
    minimum capital report required by Sec. 1750.3 and the risk-based 
    capital report required by Sec. 1750.12 are filed, OFHEO will provide 
    each Enterprise with a notice of proposed capital classification. The 
    notice shall contain the following information:
        (i) The proposed capital classification;
        (ii) The proposed minimum capital requirement;
        (iii) The summary computation of the proposed minimum capital 
        (iv) The proposed risk-based capital level; and
        (v) The summary computation of the proposed risk-based capital 
        (2) Each Enterprise shall have a period of 30 calendar days 
    following receipt of a notice of proposed capital classification to 
    submit a response regarding the proposed capital classification. The 
    response period may be extended for up to 30 additional calendar days 
    at the sole discretion of the Director. The Director may shorten the 
    response period with the consent of the Enterprise, or without such 
    consent if the Director determines that the condition of the Enterprise 
    requires a shorter period.
        (3) The Director shall take into consideration any response to the 
    notice of proposed capital classification received from the Enterprise 
    and shall issue a notice of final capital classification for each 
    Enterprise not later than 30 calendar days following the end of the 
    response period.
        (c) From [insert date of publication of the final rule in the 
    Federal Register] until [insert date twelve months after date of 
    publication of the final rule in the Federal Register], the Director 
    shall determine the capital classification of the Enterprise, based 
    solely on the proposed minimum capital requirement.
        Dated: April 5, 1999.
    Mark A. Kinsey,
    Acting Director, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight.
    [FR Doc. 99-8808 Filed 4-12-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4220-01-P

Document Information

Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments regarding this NPR must be received in writing on or before August 11, 1999.
18084-18300 (217 pages)
2550-AA02: Risk-Based Capital
RIN Links:
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CFR: (4)
12 CFR 1750.5
12 CFR 1750.12
12 CFR 1750.20
12 CFR 1750.21