99-9163. Exchange Visitor Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 70 (Tuesday, April 13, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 17976-17977]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-9163]
    22 CFR Part 514
    Exchange Visitor Program
    AGENCY: United States Information Agency.
    ACTION: Interim final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Agency is adopting specific regulations governing 
    participation in summer work travel programs conducted by Agency-
    designated sponsors pursuant to Public Law 105-277. These regulations 
    are adopted to assist designated Summer Work Travel sponsors with their 
    administration of program placements for the upcoming summer program 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: These regulations are effective April 13, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stanley S. Colvin, Assistant General 
    Counsel, United States Information Agency, 301 4th Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20547, Telephone, (202) 619-4979.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Since publication of the General Accounting 
    Office report entitled ``Inappropriate Uses of the Exchange Visitor 
    Visa'' in 1990, the status of Summer Work Travel programs administered 
    by the Agency has been under a cloud of uncertainty. This uncertainty 
    was due to the GAO report suggestion that the Agency was without 
    adequate statutory authority to administer and oversee Summer Work 
    Travel program activities. In light of this GAO determination, the 
    Agency has pursued several approaches to bring the Summer Work Travel 
    programs under the umbrella of authority to conduct international 
    exchange activities provided by the Fulbright-Hayes Act. Sponsors of 
    these programs have also sought to resolve the question of Agency 
    authority. After years of uncertainty, the Congress, in passage of 
    Public Law 105-277, vested the Director of USIA with clear statutory 
    authority to administer and oversee Summer Work Travel programs. This 
    legislation also granted discretionary authority to the director to 
    conduct these programs without regard to a requirement that 
    participants have an offer of employment in place prior to their 
    departure from their home country.
        Accordingly, the Agency is adopting the following regulations on an 
    interim final basis in order to assist designated Summer Work Travel 
    sponsors with their administration of program placements for the 
    upcoming summer program season. These regulations supersede program 
    guidelines promulgated by the Agency and published at 61 FR 13760 
    (March 28, 1996) and existing regulations set forth at Subpart G of 22 
    CFR part 514. These regulations permit program sponsors to facilitate 
    the entry into the United States of program participants for whom prior 
    employment positions have not been arranged. However, a limitation on 
    the number of participants that may enter the United States without a 
    prearranged employment position is imposed. Sponsors must arrange prior 
    employment positions for at least fifty percent of their program 
    Public Comment
        The Agency invites comments regarding this interim final rule 
    notwithstanding the fact that it is under no legal requirement to do 
    so. The oversight and administration of the Exchange Visitor Program 
    are deemed to be foreign affairs functions of the United States 
    Government. The Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 553 (a)(1), 
    (1989), specifically exempts foreign affairs functions from the 
    rulemaking requirements of the Act.
        In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 605(b), the Agency certifies that this 
    rule does not have a significant adverse economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. This rule is not considered to be 
    a major rule within the meaning of section 1(b) of E.O. 12291, nor does 
    it have federal implications warranting the preparation of a Federalism 
    Assessment in accordance with E.O. 12612.
    List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 514
        Cultural exchange programs.
        Dated March 24, 1999.
    Les Jin,
    General Counsel.
        Accordingly, 22 CFR part 514 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 514 continues to read as 
        Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(J), 1182, 1258; 22 U.S.C. 1431-
    1442, 2451-2460; Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1997, 42 FR 62461, 3 
    CFR, 1977 Comp. p. 200; E.O. 12048 43 FR 13361, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp. p. 
    168; USIA Delegation Order No. 85-5 (50 FR 27393).
    Subpart G--[Removed]
        2. Subpart G is removed and reserved, and subpart B is amended by 
    adding a new Sec. 514.32 to read as follows:
    Sec. 514.32   Summer work travel.
        (a) Introduction. These regulations govern program participation in 
    summer work travel programs conducted by Agency-designated sponsors 
    pursuant to the authority granted the Agency by Public Law 105-277. 
    These programs provide foreign post-secondary students the opportunity 
    to work and travel in the United States for a four month period during 
    their summer vacations. Extensions of program participation are not 
        (b) Participant selection and screening. In addition to satisfying 
    the requirements set forth at Sec. 514.10(a), sponsors shall adequately 
    screen all program participants and at a minimum shall:
        (1) Conduct an in-person interview;
        (2) Ensure that the participant is a bona fide post-secondary 
    school student in his or her home country; and
        (3) Ensure that not more than ten percent of selected program 
    participants have previously participated in a summer work travel 
        (c) Participant orientation. Sponsors shall provide program 
    participants, prior to their departure from the home country, 
    information regarding:
        (1) The name and location of their employer, if prior employment 
    has been arranged; and
        (2) Any contractual obligations related to their acceptance of paid 
    employment in the United States, if prior employment has been arranged.
        (d) Participant placement. Sponsors shall ensure that not less than 
    50 percent of their program participants have pre-arranged employment 
    with a U.S. employer. For all program participants for whom pre-
    arranged employment has not been secured sponsors shall:
        (1) Ensure that the participant has sufficient financial resources 
    to support him or herself during his or her search for employment;
        (2) Provide the participant with pre-departure information that 
    explains how
    [[Page 17977]]
    to seek employment and how to secure lodging in the United States;
        (3) Prepare and provide to program participants a roster of bona 
    fide job listings equal to or greater than the number of participants 
    for whom pre-arranged employment has not been secured; and,
        (4) Undertake reasonable efforts to secure suitable employment for 
    any participant who has not found suitable employment within one week 
    of commencing his or her job search.
        (e) Participant compensation. Sponsors shall advise program 
    participants regarding Federal Minimum Wage requirements and shall 
    ensure that participants receive pay and benefits commensurate with 
    those offered to their American counterparts.
        (f) Monitoring. Sponsors shall provide:
        (1) All participants with a telephone number which allows 24-hour 
    immediate contact with the sponsor; and
        (2) Appropriate assistance to program participants on an as-needed 
    emergency basis.
        (g) Use of third parties. Program sponsors are responsible for full 
    compliance with all Exchange Visitor Program regulations. If a program 
    sponsor elects to utilize a third-party to provide U.S. hosting, 
    orientation, placement, or other support services to participants for 
    whom they have facilitated entry into the United States, such sponsor 
    shall closely oversee the provision of these services by the third-
    party and ensure that the provision of these services satisfies all 
    regulatory obligations.
        (h) Placement report. In lieu of listing the name and address of 
    the participant's pre-arranged employer on the form IAP-66, sponsors 
    shall submit to the Agency a report of all participant placements. 
    Sponsors shall report the name, place of employment, and the number of 
    times each participant has participated in a summer work travel 
    program. In addition, for participants for whom employment was not pre-
    arranged, the sponsor shall also list the length of time it took for 
    such participant to find employment. Such report shall be submitted 
    semi-annually on January 30th and July 31st of each year and shall 
    reflect placements made in the preceding six month period.
        (i) Unauthorized activities. Program participants may not be 
    employed as domestic employees in United States households or in 
    positions that require the participant to invest his or her own monies 
    to provide themselves with inventory for the purpose of door-to-door 
    [FR Doc. 99-9163 Filed 4-12-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8230-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
United States Information Agency
Entry Type:
Interim final rule.
Document Number:
These regulations are effective April 13, 1999.
17976-17977 (2 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
22 CFR 514.32