94-8966. Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan for Ozone  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 73 (Friday, April 15, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-8966]
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    [Federal Register: April 15, 1994]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [Region II Docket No. 124, NJ9-1-6185; FRL-4858-7]
    Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Revision to 
    the New Jersey State Implementation Plan for Ozone
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving a 
    request by New Jersey to revise its State Implementation Plan (SIP) as 
    it relates to the control of volatile organic compounds. Under the 
    Clean Air Act as amended in 1990, EPA is approving Subchapter 16 
    ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic 
    Compounds,'' Subchapter 8 ``Permits and Certificates, Hearings, and 
    Confidentiality,'' Subchapter 17 ``Control and Prohibition of Air 
    Pollution by Toxic Substances,'' Subchapter 23 ``Prevention of Air 
    Pollution by Architectural Coatings and Consumer Products,'' Subchapter 
    25 ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Vehicular Fuels,'' 
    and Subchapter 3 ``Air Test Method 3: Sampling and Analytic Procedures 
    for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds from Source 
        New Jersey was required to make corrections to these regulations 
    pursuant to an EPA call for a revised SIP on May 26, 1988, and pursuant 
    to section 182(a)(2)(A) of the Clean Air Act. EPA finds that New 
    Jersey's SIP revision satisfies four outstanding commitments made in 
    its 1983 ozone SIP. These include the adoption of provisions regulating 
    automobile refinishing, further industrial controls, and applying 
    reasonably available control technology to small surface coating and 
    industrial sources. New Jersey's SIP revision also regulates all of the 
    Group III Control Techniques Guidelines source categories required by 
    the Clean Air Act.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This final rule will be effective May 16, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of the State submittal are available at the following 
    addresses for inspection during normal business hours:
    Environmental Protection Agency, Region II Office, Air Programs Branch, 
    26 Federal Plaza, room 1034A, New York, New York 10278.
    Environmental Protection Agency, Air Docket 6102, 401 M Street SW., 
    Washington, DC 20460.
    New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Office of 
    Energy, Bureau of Air Pollution Control, 401 East State Street, CN027, 
    Trenton, New Jersey 08625.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William S. Baker, Chief, Air Programs 
    Branch, Environmental Protection Agency, 26 Federal Plaza, room 1034, 
    New York, New York 10278 (212) 264-2517.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On July 16, 1993, the Environmental 
    Protection Agency (EPA) published in the Federal Register (58 FR 38326) 
    a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) concerning revisions to the New 
    Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone. The New Jersey 
    Department of Environmental Protection and Energy (NJDEPE), in order to 
    fulfill the requirements of the May 26, 1988 SIP call, and the 
    requirements of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 (the Act), made 
    SIP revision submittals to EPA on March 31, 1987, December 7, 1989, and 
    March 13, 1992. All three submittals contained adopted revisions to 
    subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile 
    Organic Compounds,'' of chapter 27, title 7 of the New Jersey 
    Administrative Code. The March 13, 1992, submittal also included 
    revisions to Subchapter 8, ``Permits and Certificates, Hearings, and 
    Confidentiality''; Subchapter 17, ``Control and Prohibition of Air 
    Pollution by Toxic Substances''; Subchapter 23, ``Prevention of Air 
    Pollution by Architectural Coatings and Consumer Products''; Subchapter 
    25, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Vehicular Fuels''; 
    and Subchapter 3, ``Air Test Method 3: Sampling and Analytic Procedures 
    for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds from Source 
    Operations.'' Revisions to these regulations were necessary to maintain 
    consistency with the changes made to Subchapter 16, and primarily 
    involve the incorporation of revised terms and definitions.
        With one exception, these revised regulations correct all of the 
    reasonably available control technology (RACT) deficiencies in New 
    Jersey's SIP which had been identified by EPA and were required to be 
    corrected under the provisions of section 182 of the Act. These are 
    referred to as ``RACT Fix-up'' deficiencies. The exception is the 
    submittal of capture efficiency test methods, for which EPA has 
    permitted states additional time so EPA can determine whether more cost 
    effective alternate methods are available.
        The regulations also contain new provisions regulating automobile 
    refinishing, further industrial controls, and the application of RACT 
    to small surface coating and industrial sources. The rules also 
    regulate all of the Group III Control Techniques Guidelines (CTG) 
    source categories. These measures were committed to by New Jersey in 
    its 1983 ozone and carbon monoxide SIP.
        The reader is referred to the NPR for further details on EPA's 
    review and findings.
    Response to Public Comment
        One commenter, the National Refrigerants Incorporated, submitted a 
    comment on EPA's proposed action.
        Comment: This commenter is concerned that New Jersey's definition 
    of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) does not exempt some of the 
    chlorofluorocarbon, hydrochlorofluorocarbon, or hydrofluorocarbon 
    compounds which EPA classifies as negligibly photochemically reactive, 
    and some of which have the benefit of replacing CFCs which destroy the 
    upper atmosphere ozone layer. In addition, the commenter states that 
    these compounds are regulated by the Act and, therefore, New Jersey 
    does not need to regulate them.
        EPA Response: On August 2, 1993, NJDEPE proposed further revisions 
    to Subchapter 16 to address additional requirements of the Act which is 
    before EPA now and will be acted upon separately in the future. One of 
    the revisions proposes changing its definition of VOC to be fully 
    consistent with EPA's, thereby exempting these from regulation as 
    VOC's. This would appear to address their concerns. However, the Act 
    does not prohibit EPA from approving a State regulation that goes 
    beyond the Act's requirements.
    Final Action
        The revisions and the rationale for EPA's action are explained in 
    EPA's July 16, 1993 NPR and will not be restated here because EPA's 
    final action does not differ from that proposed in the NPR.
        In revising subchapter 16, New Jersey deleted the final compliance 
    dates applicable to sources because the dates had passed, and sources 
    are now expected to be in compliance. However, EPA requires the 
    specification of an enforceable final compliance date should it be 
    required to take federal enforcement action. Therefore, in the event 
    EPA needs to take enforcement action, it will base the compliance 
    penalties on the final compliance dates which were originally contained 
    in subchapter 16 when a given requirement was first adopted by New 
    Jersey. If EPA approved a subsequent revision which modified the final 
    compliance date, that revised date would apply.
        EPA, in approving previous versions of subchapter 16, placed 
    conditions on its approval of certain sections which permitted New 
    Jersey to approve alternate requirements. EPA's previous approval 
    specified that if New Jersey approved any mathematical combinations of 
    emissions (old Sec. 16.6(c)(4) and (5)) or approved any variances from 
    the State requirements (old Secs. 16.9 and 16.10), they became 
    applicable only if approved by EPA as SIP revisions. The State has 
    decided that mathematical combinations are no longer an acceptable 
    method of compliance with Subchapter 16 requirements. In addition, 
    subchapter 16 has been revised to state that any variances must be 
    approved by EPA as a SIP revision. EPA views these provisions as giving 
    the Commissioner the authority to permit alternative requirements once 
    they have been submitted and approved by EPA as SIP revisions. EPA will 
    not recognize any variance or alternate requirement until it is 
    submitted to EPA by the State for approval as a source specific SIP 
    revision. Approval of a variance request by EPA will be based on a 
    case-by-case review and will involve the effect of the proposed 
    variance on air quality and on the ability of a facility to comply with 
    the existing regulation. Therefore, the comments currently in 40 CFR 
    52.1605 pertaining to these sections in Subchapter 16 are no longer 
    SIP Deficiencies
        Today's action also addresses all of the deficiencies identified in 
    a May 26, 1988 letter to Governor Kean and a January 30, 1991 letter to 
    the NJDEPE Commissioner finding the SIP substantially inadequate to 
    attain the ozone and carbon monoxide standards. The deficiencies 
    corrected relate to the VOC definition, recordkeeping, bubbles, 
    seasonal shutdowns, and compliance calculations. These corrections 
    strengthen the SIP and remove these deficiencies as a cause for SIP 
        Although some of New Jersey's submittals preceded the date of 
    enactment of the 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act, EPA has 
    evaluated all the revisions for consistency with the Act's provisions, 
    EPA regulations and EPA policy. Therefore, EPA approves Subchapter 16 
    and the related changes made to Subchapters 8, 17, 23, and 25. These 
    changes have resulted in clearer, more enforceable regulations that 
    strengthen the SIP.
        EPA also finds that these regulations address and correct all of 
    the ``RACT Fix-up'' deficiencies previously identified in Subchapter 16 
    by EPA in its letters of May 26, 1988, and January 31, 1992, with the 
    exception of capture efficiency test methods, for which EPA has 
    permitted states additional time so that EPA can determine if more cost 
    effective alternate methods are available. With the approval of these 
    regulations, it is no longer necessary for EPA to adopt a federal 
    implementation plan to address the ``RACT Fix-up'' deficiencies.
        Nothing in this rule should be construed as permitting or allowing 
    or establishing a precedent for any future request for revision to any 
    SIP. Each request for revision to a SIP shall be considered separately 
    in light of specific technical, economic, and environmental factors and 
    in relation to relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
        This rule has been classified as a Table 3 action by the Regional 
    Administrator under the procedures published in the Federal Register on 
    January 19, 1989 (54 FR 2214-2225), as revised by an October 4, 1993 
    memorandum from Michael H. Shapiro, Acting Assistant Administrator for 
    Air and Radiation. A future document will inform the general public of 
    these tables. On January 6, 1989, the Office of Management and Budget 
    waived Table 2 and 3 SIP revisions (54 FR 2222) from the requirements 
    of section 3 of Executive Order 12291 for a period of two years. The 
    EPA has submitted a request for a permanent waiver for Table 2 and 3 
    SIP revisions. The OMB has agreed to continue the wavier until such 
    time as it rules on EPA's request. This request continues in effect 
    under Executive Order 12866 which superseded Executive Order 12291 on 
    September 30, 1993.
        Under section 307(b)(1) of the Act, petitions for judicial review 
    of this action must be filed in the United States Court of Appeals for 
    the appropriate circuit within 60 days from date of publication. Filing 
    a petition for reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule 
    does not affect the finality of this rule for the purposes of judicial 
    review nor does it extend the time within which a petition for judicial 
    review may be filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such 
    rule or action. This action may not be challenged later in proceedings 
    to enforce its requirements. (See 307(b)(2)).
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hydrocarbons, 
    Incorporation by reference, Ozone, Volatile organic compounds.
        Dated: March 23, 1994.
    William J. Muszynski,
    Acting Regional Administrator.
        Part 52, chapter I, title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations is 
    amended as follows:
    PART 52--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
    Subpart FF--New Jersey
        2. Section 52.1570 is amended by adding new paragraph (c)(51) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 52.1570  Identification of plan.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (51) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) 
    for ozone concerning the control of volatile organic compounds from 
    stationary sources, dated March 31, 1987, December 7, 1989, and March 
    13, 1992 submitted by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental 
    Protection and Energy (NJDEPE).
        (i) Incorporation by reference.
        (A) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey 
    Administrative Code Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air 
    Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,'' effective September 22, 
        (B) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey 
    Administrative Code Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air 
    Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,'' effective June 19, 1989,
        (C) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey 
    Administrative Code: Subchapter 8, ``Permits and Certificates, 
    Hearings, and Confidentiality,'' effective March 2, 1992; Subchapter 
    16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic 
    Compounds,'' effective March 2, 1992, Subchapter 17, ``Control and 
    Prohibition of Air Pollution by Toxic Substances,'' effective March 2, 
    1992; Subchapter 23, ``Prevention of Air Pollution by Architectural 
    Coatings and Consumer Products,'' effective March 2, 1992; Subchapter 
    25, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Vehicular Fuels,'' 
    effective March 2, 1992; and Subchapter 3, ``Air Test Method 3: 
    Sampling and Analytic Procedures for the Determination of Volatile 
    Organic Compounds from Source Operations,'' effective March 2, 1992.
        (ii) Additional material.
        (A) March 31, 1987, letter from Jorge Berkowitz, NJDEP, to Conrad 
    Simon, EPA requesting EPA approval of the amendments to Subchapter 16.
        (B) December 7, 1989, letter from Anthony McMahon, NJDEP, to Conrad 
    Simon, EPA requesting EPA approval of the amendments to Subchapter 16.
        (C) March 13, 1992, letter from Nancy Wittenberg, NJDEPE, to Conrad 
    Simon, EPA requesting EPA approval of the amendments to Subchapter 16.
        3. Section 52.1605 is amended by revising the entries, for Title 7, 
    Chapter 27: Subchapters 8, 16, 17, 23 and 25, and for Title 7, Chapter 
    27B: Subchapter 3 to the table in numerical order as follows:
    Sec. 52.1605  EPA--approved New Jersey State regulations. 
                        State effective     EPA approved                    
    State regulation         date               date            Comments    
                                  * * * * * * *                             
    Title 7, Chapter                                                        
                                  * * * * * * *                             
    Subchapter 8,     Apr. 5, 1985......  Nov. 25, 1986,                    
     ``Permits and                         51 FR 42573.                     
     Hearings, and                                                          
    Sections 8.1,     Mar. 2, 1992......  [date and                         
     8.2, and 8.11.                        citation of                      
                                           this notice]                     
                                  * * * * * * *                             
    Subchapter 16,    Mar. 2, 1992......  [date and         Earlier versions
     ``Control and                         citation of       of Subchapter  
     Prohibition of                        this notice]      16 remain part 
     Air Pollution                                           of the SIP only
     by Volatile                                             to the extent  
     Organic                                                 of determining 
     Compounds''.                                            compliance     
                                                             dates which    
                                                             have since     
    Subchapter 17,    Mar. 2, 1992......  [date and         Subchapter 17 is
     ``Control and                         citation of       included in the
     Prohibition of                        this notice]      SIP only as it 
     Air Pollution                                           relates to the 
     by Toxic                                                control of     
     Substances;''.                                          perchloroethyle
                                  * * * * * * *                             
    Subchapter 23,    Mar. 2, 1992......  [date and                         
     ``Prevention of                       citation of                      
     Air Pollution                         this notice]                     
     Coatings and                                                           
                                  * * * * * * *                             
    Subchapter 25,    Mar. 2, 1992......  [date and                         
     ``Control and                         citation of                      
     Prohibition of                        this notice]                     
     Air Pollution                                                          
     from Vehicular                                                         
    Title 7, Chapter                                                        
    Subchapter 3,     Mar. 2, 1992......  [date and                         
     ``Air Test                            citation of                      
     Method 3:                             this notice]                     
     Sampling and                                                           
     Procedures for                                                         
     of Volatile                                                            
     Compounds from                                                         
                                  * * * * * * *                             
    [FR Doc. 94-8966 Filed 4-14-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
This final rule will be effective May 16, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: April 15, 1994, Region II Docket No. 124, NJ9-1-6185, FRL-4858-7
CFR: (2)
40 CFR 52.1570
40 CFR 52.1605