96-9270. Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Hanford Site Tank Waste Remediation System, Richland, Washington  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 73 (Monday, April 15, 1996)]
    [Pages 16471-16473]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-9270]
    Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Hanford Site Tank 
    Waste Remediation System, Richland, Washington
    AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy and Washington State Department of 
    ACTION: Notice of availability (NOA).
    SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE), in cooperation with the 
    Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), announces the 
    availability of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the 
    Hanford Site Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS). The draft EIS 
    addresses DOE's proposed strategies and reasonable alternatives for 
    management and disposal of radioactive, hazardous, and mixed waste 
    currently or projected to be stored in 177 underground storage tanks 
    and in approximately 60 active and inactive miscellaneous underground 
    storage tanks that were associated with Hanford's tank farm operations. 
    The EIS also addresses the management and disposal of approximately 
    1,930 radioactive cesium and strontium capsules currently on loan or 
    stored at the Hanford Site, if the capsules are determined to have no 
    further beneficial use. The Hanford Site is located near Richland, 
    Washington. Ecology and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 
    February 15, 1994 to co-prepare this EIS.
    DATES: DOE and Ecology invite all interested parties to submit written 
    comments concerning the draft EIS during a comment period ending May 
    28, 1996. Written comments should be postmarked by May 28, 1996. 
    [[Page 16472]]
    postmarked after that date will be considered to the extent 
    ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of the draft EIS, further information on 
    the draft EIS, and written comments should be directed to: Ms. Carolyn 
    Haass, DOE TWRS EIS National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Document 
    Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, P.O. 
    Box 1249, Richland, WA 99352. Requests for copies of the Draft EIS also 
    can be made via the Internet at: [email protected] or by calling 
    Ecology's Hanford Information Line at 1-800-321-2008. Addresses of DOE 
    Public Reading Rooms and Information Repositories where the draft EIS 
    and reference documents will be available for public review are listed 
    in this notice under ``Supplementary Information.''
        Information on the DOE NEPA process may be requested from Ms. Carol 
    M. Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Assistance (EH-42), 
    U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, 
    D.C. 20585. Ms. Borgstrom may be contacted by telephone at: (202) 586-
    4600 or by leaving a message at 1-800-472-2756.
        The public is also invited to attend public hearings in which oral 
    comments will be received on the draft EIS. Oral and written comments 
    will be considered equally in preparation of the final EIS. DOE and the 
    Washington State Department of Ecology will also conduct workshops and 
    meetings in Washington or Oregon on the EIS for organizations during 
    the public comment period. Oral and written comments will be received 
    at public hearings to be held on the dates and at the locations listed 
    May 2, 1996, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Columbia Basin College, 2600 North 
    20th Avenue, Hawk Union Building, West Dining Room, Pasco, Washington
    May 7, 1996, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Cavalier Room, Sheraton National 
    Hotel, 900 Orme Street, Arlington, Virginia,
    May 9, 1996, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Multnomah Room, Red Lion Hotel at 
    Lloyd Center, 1000 Northeast Multnomah Drive, Portland, Oregon.
        DOE issued a Notice of Intent to prepare the Hanford Tank Waste 
    Remediation System EIS on January 23, 1994 (59 FR 4052). Thereafter, 
    DOE and Ecology held five public scoping meetings in five locations in 
    Washington and Oregon to obtain public comment on the scope of the EIS.
        The document number for this draft EIS is DOE/EIS-0189-D. The draft 
    EIS was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA); the Council on Environmental 
    Quality regulations implementing NEPA, 40 Code of Federal Regulations 
    (CFR) Parts 1500-1508; and the DOE NEPA Implementing Procedures, 10 CFR 
    Part 1021.
        Copies of the draft TWRS EIS have been distributed to Federal, 
    State, and local officials, Tribal Nations, as well as agencies, 
    organizations, and individuals who may be interested or affected. The 
    draft EIS and supporting technical reports also are available for 
    public review in DOE reading rooms and designated information 
    repository locations identified in this notice.
        Public scoping comments were assessed and considered both 
    individually and collectively by DOE and Ecology. Some comments 
    resulted in modifications to the initial scope of the EIS as described 
    in the Notice of Intent. Scoping comments and DOE and Ecology responses 
    to those comments can be found in the Implementation Plan for the TWRS 
    EIS, issued December, 1995 (DOE/RL-94-88). The Implementation Plan is 
    available by contacting the persons listed in the ADDRESSES section of 
    this notice or in the DOE reading rooms and information repositories 
    identified in this notice.
    Alternatives Considered
        Tank waste alternatives discussed in the EIS are:
         No Action--perform minimum activities required for safe 
    and secure management of Hanford's tank wastes with the current tank 
    farm configuration;
         Long-Term Management--perform minimum activities required 
    for safe and secure management of Hanford's tank waste, including 
    upgrades to tank farms with the current single-shell tank farm 
    configuration and the replacement of the double-shell tanks twice 
    during a 100-year period;
         In Situ Fill and Cap--retrieve and evaporate liquid waste 
    from the single-shell and double-shell tanks, then fill all tanks with 
    gravel and cover the tank farms with an earthen surface barrier, 
    disposing of all tank waste onsite;
         In Situ Vitrification--retrieve and evaporate liquid waste 
    from the single-shell and double-shell tanks, then vitrify all of the 
    tank waste in place and cover the tank farms with an earthen surface 
    barrier, disposing of all tank waste onsite;
         Ex Situ No Separations--retrieve all tank farm waste 
    practicable (assumed to be 99 percent), then either vitrify or calcine 
    the waste and package the treated waste form for onsite storage and 
    eventual offsite disposal at a high-level waste geologic repository;
         Ex Situ Intermediate Separations--retrieve all tank farm 
    waste (99 percent) and separate the high-level and low-activity waste 
    streams using sludge washing and ion exchange, then vitrify the waste 
    streams in separate facilities and package the treated waste forms for 
    onsite disposal of immobilized low-activity waste and offsite disposal 
    of the immobilized high-level waste at a geologic repository;
         Ex Situ Extensive Separations--retrieve all tank farm 
    waste (99 percent) and separate into high-level and low-activity waste 
    streams using sludge wash, ion exchange, caustic leach and acid 
    dissolution, then vitrify the waste streams in separate facilities and 
    package the treated waste forms for onsite disposal of the immobilized 
    low-activity waste and offsite disposal of the immobilized high-level 
    waste at a geologic repository;
         Ex Situ/In Situ Combination--retrieve tank waste (50 
    percent assumed) based on the risk posed to human health or the 
    environment, separate the retrieved waste into high- level and low-
    activity waste streams using sludge washing and ion exchange, then 
    vitrify the waste streams in separate facilities, and package the 
    treated waste forms for onsite disposal of the immobilized low-activity 
    waste and offsite disposal of the immobilized high-level waste at a 
    geologic repository, fill all tanks, including those with waste that 
    had not been retrieved, with gravel, cover the tanks with a barrier, 
    permanently disposing of the waste in-place. As a subalternative to 
    this alternative, DOE will examine the Ex Situ treatment of the largest 
    contributors to long-term risk, while limiting the volume of waste to 
    be treated; and
         Phased Implementation--similar to the Ex Situ Intermediate 
    Separations alternative whereby Phase 1 consists of construction of two 
    commercial demonstration-scale facilities that would include one low-
    activity waste separation and vitrification demonstration plant and one 
    low-activity and high-level waste vitrification demonstration plant 
    which operate for up to 10 years. These facilities could treat up to 30 
    percent of the tank waste by volume during the 10-year operating 
    period. In Phase 2, DOE would construct larger capacity separation and 
    vitrification plants, retrieve the remaining waste, separate
    [[Page 16473]]
    the waste into low-activity and high-level waste streams, vitrify the 
    waste in separate facilities, package the waste and dispose of the low-
    activity waste onsite in near-surface vaults and the high-level waste 
    offsite at a geologic repository.
        The radioactive cesium and strontium capsules produced from 
    reclaimed materials in tanks are currently classified as waste by-
    product. The capsules may have potential commercial or other beneficial 
    use. If a beneficial use cannot be found, the capsules would become 
    subject to management and disposal actions as high-level waste. Cesium 
    and strontium capsule alternatives analyzed in the EIS are: No Action--
    Continue existing operations and maintenance in the Hanford Site Waste 
    Encapsulation and Storage Facility for 10 years; Onsite Disposal--
    overpack the cesium and strontium in canisters and store onsite 
    indefinitely in a newly constructed dry-well storage facility; Overpack 
    and Ship--overpack the cesium and strontium into canisters, which would 
    then be overpacked into larger canisters, and disposed of offsite at a 
    potential geologic repository; and Vitrify with Tank Waste--remove 
    capsule contents and vitrify with the high-level tank waste, and 
    dispose of offsite at a potential geologic repository.
        The draft EIS identifies and compares the potential environmental 
    impacts associated with these alternatives for managing and disposing 
    of Hanford's radioactive, hazardous and mixed tank waste and 
    encapsulated cesium and strontium.
    Preferred Alternatives
        DOE's and Ecology's preferred tank waste alternative is the Phased 
    Implementation alternative. DOE and Ecology do not yet have a preferred 
    alternative for the Hanford Site's encapsulated cesium and strontium.
    Invitation to Comment
        DOE has completed the general distribution of the draft TWRS EIS 
    and has filed it with the Environmental Protection Agency, which will 
    publish a Notice of Availability elsewhere in the Federal Register. The 
    draft TWRS EIS will also be available to the public in the DOE reading 
    rooms and designated information repository locations identified in 
    this notice. DOE plans to issue the final TWRS EIS in July 1996 and a 
    Record of Decision by August 1996.
        Persons interested in speaking at the hearings may register at the 
    hearing and will be called on to speak on a first-come first-served 
    basis. Written comments will also be accepted at the meetings, and 
    speakers are encouraged to provide written versions of their oral 
    comments for the record. Oral and written comments will be considered 
    equally in preparing the final EIS.
        DOE and the Washington State Department of Ecology will also 
    conduct workshops and meetings in Washington or Oregon on the EIS for 
    organizations during the public comment period. The workshops and 
    meetings will provide an opportunity for interested persons and the 
    public to learn more about the alternatives and analysis presented in 
    the EIS. The dates of the workshops and meetings have not been 
    scheduled at this time. Interested persons should call 1-800-321-2008, 
    to schedule a workshop before May 7, 1996.
    Contents of the EIS
    Summary: Summary of the alternatives and analysis presented in the EIS
    Volume One: Text of the Tank Waste Remediation System EIS
    Volume Two: Appendices supporting the analysis presented in Volume One
        Appendix A. Waste Inventory
        Appendix B. Description of Alternatives
        Appendix C. Alternatives Dismissed from Analysis
    Volume Three: Appendices supporting the analysis presented in Volume 
        Appendix D. Anticipated Health and Ecological Risks
    Volume Four: Appendices supporting the analysis presented in Volume One
        Appendix E. Accident Risks
        Appendix F. Groundwater Modeling
    Volume Five: Appendices supporting the analysis presented in Volume One
        Appendix G. Air Quality Modeling
        Appendix H. Socioeconomic Impact Modeling
        Appendix I. Affected Environment
        Appendix J. Consultation Letters
        The Summary of the EIS is available for review for those who do not 
    want the entire draft EIS. When requesting copies of the draft EIS, 
    please indicate whether you wish to receive only the Summary (52 
    pages), the Summary and Volume One (620 pages), the entire draft 
    document and associated appendices (2,400 pages), or some combination 
    of these documents.
    DOE Public Reading Rooms and Information Repositories
    Suzzallo Library, University of Washington, Government Publications 
    Room, Seattle, WA 98195 (206-543-4664).
    Foley Center, Gonzaga University, E. 502 Boone, Spokane, WA 99258 (509-
    328-4220, Ext. 3125).
    DOE Reading Room, Washington State University, Tri-Cities Campus, 100 
    Sprout Road, Room 130, Richland, WA 99352 (509-376-8583).
    Bradford Price Millar Library, Science and Engineering Floor, Portland 
    State University, SW Harrison and Park, Portland, OR 97207 (503-725-
    DOE Freedom of Information Reading Room, Forrestal Building, 1000 
    Independence Avenue SW., Washington, D.C. 20585 (202-586-6020).
        Issued in Washington, D.C., this day April 9, 1996.
    Stephen P. Cowan,
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Waste Management.
    [FR Doc. 96-9270 Filed 4-10-96; 12:57 pm]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Notice of availability (NOA).
Document Number:
DOE and Ecology invite all interested parties to submit written comments concerning the draft EIS during a comment period ending May 28, 1996. Written comments should be postmarked by May 28, 1996. Comments postmarked after that date will be considered to the extent practicable.
16471-16473 (3 pages)
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