98-9556. Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Best Management Practices for the Bleached Papergrade Kraft and Soda Subcategory and the Papergrade Sulfite Subcategory of the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Point ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 72 (Wednesday, April 15, 1998)]
    [Pages 18399-18401]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-9556]
    Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; 
    Comment Request; Best Management Practices for the Bleached Papergrade 
    Kraft and Soda Subcategory and the Papergrade Sulfite Subcategory of 
    the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Point Source Category
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 
    et seq.), this notice announces that EPA is planning to submit the 
    following proposed and/or continuing Information Collection Request 
    (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB): Information 
    Collection Request for Best Management Practices, Effluent Limitations 
    Guidelines and Standards, Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Manufacturing 
    Category (40 CFR Part 430). Before submitting the ICR to OMB for review 
    and approval, EPA is soliciting comment on specific aspects of the 
    proposed information collection as described below.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before June 15, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments on this notice in triplicate to Mr. Troy 
    Swackhammer, Office of Water, Engineering and Analysis Division (4303), 
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC 
    20460. In addition to submitting hard copies of the comments, the 
    public may also send comments via e-mail to: troy@epamail.epa.gov. Copies of the draft information collection 
    request are available at http://www.epa.gov/OST/pulppaper/.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Troy Swackhammer by voice on (202) 
    260-712, by facsimile on 202-260-7185, or by e-mail at troy@epamail.epa.gov.
    Regulated entities
        Entities potentially affected by this action are those operations 
    that chemically pulp wood fiber using kraft or soda methods to produce 
    bleached papergrade pulp, paperboard, coarse paper, tissue paper, fine 
    paper, and/or paperboard; and those operations that chemically pulp 
    wood fiber using papergrade sulfite methods to produce pulp and/or 
        Title: Best Management Practices for the Bleached Papergrade Kraft 
    and Soda Subcategory and the Papergrade Sulfite Subcategory of the 
    Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Point Source Category (EPA ICR No. 
        Abstract: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established 
    Best Management Practice provisions as part of final amendments to 40 
    CFR Part 430, the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Point Source Category 
    published elsewhere in today's Federal Register. See 40 CFR Part 
    430.03. These provisions, promulgated under the authorities of Sections 
    304, 307, 308, 402, and 501 of the Clean Water Act, require that owners 
    or operators of bleached papergrade kraft, soda and sulfite mills 
    implement site-specific BMPs to prevent or otherwise contain leaks and 
    spills of spent pulping liquors, soap and turpentine and to control 
    intentional diversions of these materials.
        EPA has determined that these BMPs are necessary because the 
    materials controlled by these practices, if spilled or otherwise lost, 
    can interfere with wastewater treatment operations and lead to 
    increased discharges of toxic, nonconventional, and conventional 
    pollutants. For further discussion of the need for BMPs, see Section 
    VI.B.7 of the preamble to the amendments to 40 CFR Part 430 published 
    elsewhere in today's Federal Register.
        The BMP program includes information collection requirements that 
    are intended to help accomplish the overall purposes of the program by, 
    for example, training personnel, see 40 CFR 430.03(c)(4), analyzing 
    spills that occur, see 40 CFR 430.03(c)(5), identifying equipment items 
    that might need to be upgraded or repaired, see 40 CFR 430.03(c)(2), 
    and performing monitoring--including the operation of monitoring 
    systems--to detect leaks, spills and intentional diversion and 
    generally to evaluate the effectiveness of the BMPs, see 40 CFR 
    430.03(c)(3), (c)(10), (h), and (i). The regulations also require mills 
    to develop and, when appropriate, amend plans specifying how the mills 
    will implement the specified BMPs, and to certify to the permitting or 
    pretreatment authority that they have done so in accordance with good 
    engineering practices and the requirements of the regulation. See 40 
    CFR 430.03(d), (e) and (f). The purpose of those provisions is, 
    respectively, to facilitate the implementation of BMPs on a site-
    specific basis and to help the regulating authorities to ensure 
    compliance without requiring the submission of actual BMP plans. 
    Finally, the recordkeeping provisions are intended to facilitate 
    training, to signal the need for different or more vigorously 
    implemented BMPs, and to facilitate compliance assessment. See 40 CFR 
        EPA has structured the regulation to provide maximum flexibility to 
    the regulated community and to minimize administrative burdens on 
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and 
    pretreatment control authorities that regulate bleached papergrade 
    kraft and soda and papergrade sulfite mills. Although EPA does not 
    anticipate that mills will be required to submit any confidential 
    business information or trade secrets as part of this ICR, all data 
    claimed as confidential business information will be handled by EPA 
    pursuant to 40 CFR Part 2.
        An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
    regulations are listed in 40 CFR Part 9 and 48 CFR Chapter 15.
    Solicitation of Comments
        EPA solicits comments that would help the Agency to better:
        (i) evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is 
    necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Agency, 
    including whether the information will have practical utility;
        (ii) evaluate the accuracy of the Agency's estimate of the burden 
    of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of 
    the methodology and assumptions used;
    [[Page 18400]]
        (iii) enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
    to be collected; and
        (iv) minimize the burden of the collection of information on those 
    who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated 
    electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
    other forms of information technology (e.g., permitting electronic 
    submission of responses).
    Burden Statement
        The following discussion describes the information collection 
    requirements of the BMP regulations and estimates the burden associated 
    with each one.
        Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
    expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
    provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes time 
    needed to: review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
    technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and 
    verifying information, processing and maintaining information and 
    disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to 
    comply with previously applicable instructions and requirements; train 
    personnel to be able to respond to the collection of information; 
    search data sources; complete and review the collection of information 
    and transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
        The BMP regulations at 40 CFR 430.03 include the following major 
    components: (1) Development, review and certification of a BMP plan, 
    which should include programs to identify and repair leaking equipment, 
    to track equipment repairs, to train personnel, to report and evaluate 
    spills, to review planned mill modifications, and to establish 
    wastewater treatment system influent action levels (including an 
    initial six-month monitoring program) in addition to a detailed 
    engineering review of the pulping and chemical recovery areas; (2) 
    amendment and periodic review of the BMP plan; (3) reporting of spills; 
    (4) additional monitoring and reporting; and (5) additional 
    recordkeeping. See 40 CFR 430.03 (c) through (h) and the ``Technical 
    Support Document for Best Management Practices for Spent Pulping Liquor 
    Management, Spill Prevention, and Control,'' October 1997, DCN 14489, 
    EPA-821-R-97-015 (also referred to below as the BMP TSD) for more 
    detailed information on the requirements. The BMP requirements apply to 
    approximately 95 papergrade kraft, soda, and sulfite mills.
    a. Development, Review and Certification of a BMP Plan
        Development of a site-specific BMP plan is a one-time initial 
    burden. Plan preparation costs will vary based upon mill complexity. 
    EPA anticipates that mills will use outside consultants under direction 
    of mill personnel to prepare the site-specific BMP plan, including the 
    detailed engineering review. Costs for preparing the BMP Plan, which 
    range from $150,000 to $250,000, are included in the compliance cost 
    estimates developed for the regulation (see Table 9.2 of the BMP TSD, 
    DCN 14489). EPA anticipates mill labor burden of 40, 60, and 80 hours 
    (at $30 per hour) for direction and oversight of the consultant effort 
    for simple, moderately complex, and complex mills, respectively. Review 
    of the initial plan by the senior technical manager and certification 
    by the mill manager is expected to take less than one day of effort (at 
    $40 per hour). These one-time burden estimates associated with the BMP 
    plan are summarized in Table 1 of this notice.
        As part of the BMP plan development, mills must establish a 
    training program for technical personnel. This training program must 
    include both an initial training effort and an annual refresher 
    training. The burden for initial training is included in the compliance 
    costs referenced above (see Table 9.2 of the BMP TSD, DCN 14489). 
    Burden for annual refresher training is included in the annual 
    estimates presented in Table 2 of this notice.
    b. Amendment and Periodic Review of a BMP Plan
        Owners or operators must amend their BMP Plans whenever there is a 
    change in mill design, construction, operation or maintenance that 
    materially affects the potential for leaks or spills of spent pulping 
    liquor, soap or turpentine from the immediate process areas. See 40 CFR 
    430.03(e)(1). In addition, owners or operators must complete a review 
    and evaluation of their BMP plans at least once every five years, and 
    amend the plan within three months if warranted. See 40 CFR 
    430.03(e)(2). Any BMP plan amendments also require review by the senior 
    technical manager and certification by the mill manager. See 40 CFR 
        EPA anticipates less than 50 hours of mill labor per amendment, and 
    based the ICR burden on an assumption that each mill would need to 
    amend its BMP plan twice every five years, for an annual burden of 20 
    hours ($620), which is included in the annual estimates presented in 
    Table 2.
    c. Reporting of Spills
        Reports of spills of spent pulping liquor, soap or turpentine not 
    contained in the immediate process area must list the equipment 
    involved, the circumstances leading to the incident, the effectiveness 
    of corrective actions taken and plans to implement future changes. 
    These reports must be maintained by the owner or operator, and they 
    need only be submitted to the NPDES permit or pretreatment control 
    authority upon request. EPA anticipates that the burden of preparing a 
    spill report is approximately four hours and can be conducted by a mill 
    engineer at $30 per hour. ICR burden is calculated on an annual basis 
    using an assumption of 1 spill per mill per month and is included in 
    the annual estimates presented in Table 2.
    d. Additional Monitoring and Reporting
        Mills are required to operate continuous, automatic monitoring 
    systems that the mill determine are necessary to detect and control 
    leaks, spills, and intentional diversions of spent pulping liquor, 
    soap, and turpentine. See 40 CFR 430.03(c)(3). The burden for 
    designing, testing, and operating the monitoring system, expressed in 
    the form of costs, is included in the compliance cost estimates 
    developed for the regulation (see Table 9.2 of the BMP TSD, DCN 14489).
        In addition, all mills with the exception of new sources are 
    required to perform two six-month monitoring programs in order to 
    determine the characteristics (or action levels) of their wastewater 
    treatment system effluent. See 40 CFR 430.03(h). (New sources are 
    required to perform only one six-month monitoring program for this 
    purpose. See 40 CFR 430.03(h)(5).) All mills are also required to 
    perform additional monitoring to revise those action levels after any 
    change in mill design, construction, operation, or maintenance that 
    materially affects the potential for leaks or spills or spent pulping 
    liquor, soap, or turpentine from the immediate process area. See 40 CFR 
    430.03(h)(6). The effort required to implement the initial monitoring 
    program and perform the associated statistical analysis to establish 
    the action levels is included in the compliance cost estimates 
    developed for the regulation, and the burden to perform monitoring to 
    revise those action levels is included in the incremental monitoring 
    burden discussed below.
    [[Page 18401]]
        The regulation also requires all mills to conduct daily monitoring 
    of wastewater treatment system influent for the purpose of detecting 
    leaks and spills, tracking the effectiveness of the BMPs, and detecting 
    trends in spent pulping liquor losses. See 40 CFR 430.03(i). EPA 
    estimates the burden associated with this monitoring to be increment of 
    1 additional hour per day (at $20/hour) as included in annual estimates 
    shown in Table 2 of this notice. Costs for monitoring equipment were 
    included in the compliance cost estimates developed for the regulation 
    (see Table 9.2 of the BMP TSD, DCN 14489).
        Mill operators are required to provide their NPDES permit or 
    pretreatment control authorities reports of the monitoring required by 
    the BMP regulation. The reports must include a summary of the 
    monitoring results, the number and dates of exceedances of the 
    applicable action levels, and brief descriptions of any corrective 
    actions taken to respond to such exceedances. Submission of such 
    reports shall be at the frequency established by the NPDES permit or 
    pretreatment control authority, but in no case less than once per year. 
    EPA has based the burden estimates on a semi-annual reporting frequency 
    and estimates that each report will take 16 hours to complete, 
    including both engineer and senior technical manager effort (also 
    included in Table 2 estimates).
    e. Recordkeeping Requirements
        The regulation requires that certain equipment repair records, 
    records of employee training, reports of spills outside the immediate 
    process area, and records of monitoring conducted as part of the BMP 
    program be maintained for three years. See 40 CFR 430.03(g). EPA 
    expects that the level of effort will depend upon mill complexity. 
    Burden estimates for recordkeeping are based on an incremental level of 
    effort to comply with BMP requirements consisting of 2 to 4 hours per 
    month for the operators/shift supervisors over current shift log 
    recordkeeping (at $20 per hour), 2 to 4 hours per months for 
    engineering technicians (at $30 per hour), and two hours per month for 
    clerical support (at $15 per hour). These burden estimates are also 
    included in the annual estimates presented in Table 2 below.
    f. Total Industry Burden Estimates
        Based on the assumptions listed above, EPA estimates the following 
    one-time burden associated with mill labor for the BMP requirements:
      Table 1.--Burden Estimates for Preparing and Certifying the BMP Plan  
                                [One-time burden]                           
                                                       Hours     Dollars ($)
           Process (complexity)         Number of    (industry-   (industry-
                                          mills        wide)        wide)   
    Kraft (simple)...................           41        1,969       62,320
    Kraft (moderately complex).......           30        2,040       63,600
    Kraft (complex)..................           13        1,144       35,360
    Sulfite (simple).................           11          528       16,720
          Total......................           95        5,680      178,000
        Note: BMP plan development costs that are contracted out are 
    considered compliance costs and are not included here; they are 
    presented in Table 9-2 of the BMP TSD, DCN 14489.
        Based on the assumptions listed above, EPA estimates the following 
    recurring burden associated with mill labor for the BMP requirements:
       Table 2.--Burden Estimate for Maintaining BMP Plan, Spill Records,   
                            Personnel Training, etc.                        
                               [Recurring burden]                           
                                                       Annual       Annual  
                                        Number of      hours     dollars ($)
           Process (complexity)           mills      (industry-   (industry-
                                                       wide)        wide)   
    Kraft (simple)...................           41       22,017      487,080
    Kraft (moderately complex).......           30       16,830      374,400
    Kraft (complex)..................           13        7,605      170,040
    Sulfite (simple).................           11        5,907      130,680
          Total......................           95       52,359    1,162,200
    g. Government Burden Estimates
        EPA estimates the initial burden to state NPDES permitting 
    authorities and state and local pretreatment control authorities will 
    be 950 hours based on ten hours per facility for the preparation of new 
    NPDES permit or pretreatment control mechanism conditions implementing 
    the BMP regulation. EPA estimates the recurring incremental burden to 
    these state and local authorities will be 950 hours per year based on 
    ten hours per year per facility for administrative work associated with 
    reviewing periodic (e.g., annual or semi-annual) reports of monitoring 
    and conducting compliance reviews. State and local labor costs are 
    estimated at $19,000 per year, based on labor rates of $20 per hour. 
    EPA estimates that its incremental labor burden will be 100 hours 
    annually for the BMP regulation and will incur costs of $3,000 per 
    year, based on labor rates of $30 per hour.
        Dated: April 3, 1998.
    Tudor T. Davies,
    Director, Office of Science and Technology.
    [FR Doc. 98-9556 Filed 4-14-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before June 15, 1998.
18399-18401 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
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