99-9381. Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement in Anticipation of Receiving a Permit Application to Incidentally Take Threatened and Endangered Species in Association with a Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan for Northwestern ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 72 (Thursday, April 15, 1999)]
    [Pages 18628-18629]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-9381]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement in 
    Anticipation of Receiving a Permit Application to Incidentally Take 
    Threatened and Endangered Species in Association with a Multiple 
    Habitat Conservation Plan for Northwestern San Diego County, California
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, DOI.
    ACTION: Notice of Intent.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is considering 
    approval of a Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan (Plan) and issuance of 
    an Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit. The Plan is being 
    submitted by the San Diego Association of Governments (Association of 
    Governments) and the Plan Advisory Committee representing seven 
    participating cities in northwestern San Diego County, California. The 
    seven participating cities are Carlsbad, San Marcos, Encinitas, 
    Escondido, Oceanside, Solana Beach, and Vista. This long-term plan will 
    accompany a future application to the Service for a permit under 
    section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act that would authorize 
    incidental take of listed species and unlisted species that may be 
    listed in the future. In response to the Plan, the Service intends to 
    prepare a joint programmatic and project-level Environmental Impact 
    Statement/Environmental Impact Report (Statement/Report) pursuant to 
    the National Environmental Policy Act and the California Environmental 
    Quality Act. The Plan covers an area of approximately 186 square-miles 
    in northwestern San Diego County. The Plan addresses numerous sensitive 
    plant and animal species and their habitats. The Plan creates a process 
    for the issuance of permits and other authorizations under the Federal 
    Endangered Species Act, California Endangered Species Act, and the 
    California Natural Community Conservation Planning Act. This notice 
    describes the proposed action and possible alternatives, notifies the 
    public of a scoping meeting, invites public participation in the 
    scoping process for preparing the joint Statement/Report, solicits 
    written comments, and identifies the Service official to whom questions 
    and comments concerning the proposed action and the joint Statement/
    Report may be directed.
    DATES: A public scoping meeting will be held on May 5, 1999 from 6:00 
    to 8:00 p.m. at Encinitas City Hall (Poinsettia Room), 505 South 
    Vulcan, Encinitas, California. Oral comments will be received during 
    the scoping meeting. Written comments are encouraged and should be 
    received on or before May 17, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Information, comments, or questions related to preparation 
    of the joint Statement/Report and the National Environmental Policy Act 
    process should be submitted to Sherry Barrett, Assistant Field 
    Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2730 Loker Avenue West, 
    Carlsbad, California 92008. Written comments may also be sent by 
    facsimile to telephone (760) 918-0638.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Julie Vanderwier, Fish and 
    Wildlife Biologist, or Nancy Gilbert, Division Chief, at the above 
    Carlsbad address, telephone (760) 431-9440. Persons wishing to obtain 
    background material should contact Janet Fairbanks at the San Diego 
    Association of Governments, 401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, 
    California 92101, telephone (619) 595-5370.
    Availability of Documents
        Documents will also be available for public inspection by 
    appointment during normal business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday) at the Association of Governments office and at local 
    libraries located in the seven participating cities.
        Listed wildlife species are protected against ``take'' pursuant to 
    section 9 of the Act. That is, no one may harass, harm, pursue, hunt, 
    shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect listed animal species, or 
    attempt to engage in such conduct (16 USC 1538). The Service, however, 
    may issue permits to take listed animal species if such taking is 
    incidental to, and not the purpose of, otherwise lawful activities. 
    Regulations governing permits for endangered species are at 50 CFR 
    17.22 and 17.32. In anticipation of applying for an incidental take 
    permit, the Association of Governments and participating cities are 
    developing a Plan. The Plan study area comprises seven incorporated 
    [[Page 18629]]
    in northwestern San Diego County. The northern boundary of the Plan 
    study area is Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton; the Pacific Ocean forms 
    the western boundary; and unincorporated County of San Diego borders 
    most of the study area on the east and south. Unincorporated portions 
    of the county, including several areas completely surrounded by 
    incorporated cities, are excluded from the study area and will be 
    planned by the county under the North County Subarea of the Multiple 
    Species Conservation Plan.
        The 118,852-acre Plan study area is largely developed, with 
    approximately 30 percent consisting of vacant lands that still support 
    natural vegetation communities. The largest blocks of natural 
    vegetation occur in northern Escondido, and in the hilly areas of 
    southeastern Carlsbad and southwestern San Marcos. Other relatively 
    large blocks of habitat occur along the northern boundary of Oceanside, 
    and in scattered areas in eastern and central Carlsbad, northern San 
    Marcos, and southern Escondido. Otherwise, natural habitats in the Plan 
    study area are highly fragmented and occur primarily in small, 
    scattered patches surrounded by development or agriculture.
        The goals of the Plan are to:
        1. Maintain the range of natural biological communities and species 
    native to the region, and conserve viable populations of endangered, 
    threatened, and key sensitive species and their habitats, thereby 
    preventing local extirpation or species extinction.
        2. Create greater certainty for economic and urban development by 
    identifying where new development should and should not occur, and 
    encourage investment by establishing a legal and procedural framework 
    that streamlines the permitting process and provides a reliable basis 
    for economic decision-making.
        3. Protect the quality of life for local residents by maintaining 
    the area's scenic beauty, natural biological diversity, and recreation 
        The Plan proposes a new process for wildlife and habitat 
    conservation, and for implementation of the Federal and State of 
    California Endangered Species Acts, which relies on existing local 
    agency land use review and approval authority. The new process places 
    conservation responsibilities on local jurisdictions, based on their 
    ability to implement a segment of the Plan for their jurisdiction. 
    Implementation of the Plan will occur through individual subarea 
    conservation plans prepared for each of the seven participating 
    jurisdictions. In exchange for these coordinated conservation plans, 
    local jurisdictions will receive from the Service permits for the 
    taking of federally-listed species, and unlisted species should they 
    become listed, based on their subarea plans and implementing 
    agreements. A list of covered animal and plant species that would 
    receive take authorization is incorporated in the Plan, including 
    species that are federally or state-listed, proposed for listing, 
    candidates for listing, or sensitive within the region.
        The lands identified for open space and habitat preservation are 
    located within the Focused Planning Area. The Focused Planning Area was 
    cooperatively designed by the Association of Governments and the seven 
    participating jurisdictions in the Plan study area, in consultation 
    with the Service, the California Department of Fish and Game, and the 
    Plan Advisory Committee based on biological, ownership, and land use 
    criteria. These participants have spent several months developing 
    ``hard line'' preserves, indicating lands that will be conserved and 
    managed for biological resources, and ``soft line'' planning areas, 
    within which preserve areas will ultimately be delineated based on 
    further data and planning.
        Several objectives were incorporated into the process of designing 
    the Focused Planning Area: (1) conserve as much of the biologically 
    most important habitat lands remaining in the subregion as possible, in 
    a system that minimizes preserve fragmentation and maximizes 
    conservation of covered species; (2) maximize the inclusion of public 
    lands within the preserve; (3) maximize the inclusion of lands already 
    conserved as open space, where appropriate; and (4) maintain individual 
    property rights and economic viability for the subregion.
        Although the Association of Governments will prepare the draft 
    Statement, the Service will be responsible for its content and scope. 
    In addition, the Association of Governments will act as the lead agency 
    for the preparation of the Report.
        Environmental documentation will be included in the joint 
    Statement/Report for amendments to a variety of planning documents for 
    the seven participating jurisdictions. The proposed amendments would 
    incorporate the preserve boundaries of the Plan into adopted land use 
    plans as described in the individual subarea plans and implementing 
    agreements. Actions proposed by these seven cities that will be 
    addressed in the joint Statement/Report include, but are not limited 
    to, amendments to general plans, local coastal programs, and zoning 
        The Statement/Report will consider the proposed action (issuance of 
    a Section 10(a)(1)(B) Endangered Species Act permit for the Plan) and a 
    reasonable range of alternatives. Potential alternatives may be derived 
    from preserve design scenarios being considered and include a Minimal 
    Acquisition Scenario, Enhanced Conservation/Acquisition Scenario, 
    Additional Core Gnatcatcher Conservation Scenario, Biological Core and 
    Linkage Area Scenario, and No Project (No Preserve) Scenario.
        Environmental review of the Plan will be conducted in accordance 
    with the requirements of the 1969 National Environmental Policy Act, as 
    amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), National Environmental Policy Act 
    regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), other appropriate regulations, 
    and Service procedures for compliance with those regulations. This 
    notice is being furnished in accordance with Section 1501.7 of the 
    National Environmental Policy Act to obtain suggestions and information 
    from other agencies and the public on the scope of issues to be 
    addressed in the joint Statement/Report.
        Comments and participation in the scoping process are solicited. 
    The primary purpose of the scoping process is to identify rather than 
    to debate the significant issues related to the proposed action. 
    Interested persons are encouraged to attend the public scoping meeting 
    to identify and discuss issues and alternatives that should be 
    addressed in the joint Statement/Report. The proposed agenda for this 
    facilitated meeting includes a summary of the proposed action; status 
    of and threats to subject species; and tentative issues, concerns, 
    opportunities, and alternatives. Additional public meetings will be 
    conducted on later dates to provide more opportunities to comment on 
    the draft Statement/Report.
        Dated: April 6, 1999.
    Elizabeth H. Stevens,
    Deputy Manager, California/Nevada Operations Office.
    [FR Doc. 99-9381 Filed 4-14-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Notice of Intent.
Document Number:
A public scoping meeting will be held on May 5, 1999 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Encinitas City Hall (Poinsettia Room), 505 South Vulcan, Encinitas, California. Oral comments will be received during the scoping meeting. Written comments are encouraged and should be received on or before May 17, 1999.
18628-18629 (2 pages)
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