99-9531. Availability of Additional HRSA Competitive Grants  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 73 (Friday, April 16, 1999)]
    [Pages 18915-18918]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-9531]
    Health Resources and Services Administration
    Availability of Additional HRSA Competitive Grants
    AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice of availability of funds.
    SUMMARY: The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 
    announces the availability of funds for several HRSA programs. This 
    Notice lists several programs that are announcing competitions for 
    fiscal year (FY) 1999 funds but were not published in the fall 1998 
    HRSA Preview.
        This Notice includes funding for HRSA discretionary authorities and 
    programs as follows: (1) Special Projects of National Significance, 
    HIV/AIDS Bureau; (2) Extramural Support Program for Projects to 
    Increase Organ and Tissue Donation, HIV/AIDS Bureau; (3) Cooperative 
    Agreement for Emergency Medical Services for Children and Quality 
    Improvement Center, Maternal and Child Health Bureau; and (4) Basic 
    Nurse Education and Practice: Baccalaureate Nursing Education Using 
    Distance Learning Methodologies for Rural RNs, Bureau of Health 
    Professions. These programs were not
    [[Page 18916]]
    published in the fall 1998 HRSA Preview and will only appear in the 
    Federal Register and on the HRSA Home Page at: http://
    www.hrsa.dhhs.gov/. The next edition of the HRSA Preview is scheduled 
    to be published by early summer 1999. The purpose of the HRSA Preview 
    is to provide the general public with a single source of program and 
    application information related to the Agency's competitive grant 
    reviews. The HRSA Preview is designed to replace multiple Federal 
    Register notices which traditionally advertised the availability of 
    HRSA's discretionary funds for its various programs.
        Dated: April 9, 1999.
    Claude Earl Fox,
    How To Obtain Further Information
        You can download this Notice in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) from 
    HRSA's web site at: http://www.hrsa.dhhs.gov/.
    To Obtain an Application Kit
        It is recommended that you read the introductory materials, 
    terminology section, and individual program category descriptions to 
    fully assess your eligibility for grants before requesting kits. As a 
    general rule, no more than one kit per category will be mailed to 
    applicants. Upon review of the program descriptions, please determine 
    which category or categories of application kit(s) you wish to receive 
    and contact the 1-888-333-HRSA (4772) number to register on the 
    specific mailing list. Application kits are generally available 60 days 
    prior to application deadline. If kits are already available, they will 
    be mailed immediately.
        Also, you can register on-line to be sent specific grant 
    application materials by following the instructions on the web page or 
    accessing http://www.hrsa.gov/g__order3.htm directly. Your mailing 
    information will be added to our database and material will be sent to 
    you as it becomes available.
    Grant Terminology
    Application Deadlines
        Applications will be considered ``on time'' if they are either 
    received on or before the established deadline date or postmarked on or 
    before the deadline date given in the program announcement or in the 
    application kit materials.
        The citations of provisions of the laws authorizing the various 
    programs are provided immediately preceding groupings of program 
    CFDA Number
        The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) is a Government-
    wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities 
    which provide assistance. Programs listed therein are given a CFDA 
    Cooperative Agreement
        A financial assistance mechanism used when substantial Federal 
    programmatic involvement, with the recipient during performance, is 
    anticipated by the Agency.
        Authorizing legislation and programmatic regulations specify 
    eligibility for individual grant programs. In general, assistance is 
    provided to nonprofit organizations and institutions, State and local 
    governments and their agencies, and occasionally to individuals. For-
    profit organizations are eligible to receive awards under financial 
    assistance programs unless specifically excluded by legislation.
    Estimated Amount of Competition
        The funding level listed is provided for planning purposes and is 
    subject to the availability of funds.
    Funding Priorities and/or Preferences
        Special priorities or preferences are those which the individual 
    programs have identified for the funding cycle. Some programs give 
    preference to organizations which have specific capabilities such as 
    telemedicine networking or established relationships with managed care 
    organizations. Preference also may be given to achieve an equitable 
    geographic distribution and other reasons to increase the effectiveness 
    of the programs.
    Key Offices
        The Grants Management Office serves as the focal point for business 
    matters. The appropriate program office contact is provided for 
    questions specific to the programs or of a technical nature.
    Matching Requirements
        Several HRSA programs require a matching amount, or percentage of 
    the total project support, to come from sources other than Federal 
    funds. Matching requirements are generally mandated in the authorizing 
    legislation for specific categories. Also, matching requirements may be 
    administratively required by the awarding office. Such requirements are 
    set forth in the application kit.
    Project Period
        The total time for which support of a discretionary project has 
    been programmatically approved. Continuation of any project beyond the 
    budget period is subject to satisfactory performance, availability of 
    funds and program priorities.
    Review Criteria
        The following are generic review criteria applicable to HRSA 
         That the estimated cost to the Government of the project 
    is reasonable considering the anticipated results.
         That project personnel or prospective fellows are well 
    qualified by training and/or experience for the support sought, and the 
    applicant organization or the organization to provide training to a 
    fellow has adequate facilities and manpower.
         That, insofar as practical, the proposed activities 
    (scientific or other), if well executed, are capable of attaining 
    project objectives.
         That the project objectives are capable of achieving the 
    specific program objectives defined in the program announcement and the 
    proposed results are measurable.
         That the method for evaluating proposed results includes 
    criteria for determining the extent to which the program has achieved 
    its stated objectives and the extent to which the accomplishment of 
    objectives can be attributed to the program.
         That, in so far as practical, the proposed activities, 
    when accomplished, are replicable, national in scope and include plans 
    for broad dissemination.
        The specific review criteria used to review and rank applications 
    are included in the individual guidance material provided with the 
    application kits. Applicants should pay strict attention to addressing 
    these criteria as they are the basis upon which their applications will 
    be judged.
    Technical Assistance
        A contact person is listed for each program and his/her e-mail 
    address and telephone number provided. Some programs have scheduled 
    workshops and conference calls. If you have questions concerning 
    individual programs or the availability of technical assistance, please 
    contact the person listed. Also check your application materials and 
    the HRSA web site 
    http://www.hrsa.dhhs.gov/ for the latest technical assistance 
    [[Page 18917]]
    Frequently Asked Questions
        1. HRSA lists many telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Who do I 
    phone or e-mail and when?
        Phone 1-888-333-HRSA (4772) to register for application kits. It 
    will be helpful to the information specialist if you have the CFDA 
    Number and title of the program handy for reference.
        If, before you register, you want to know more about the program, 
    an e-mail/phone contact is listed. This contact can provide information 
    concerning the specific program's purpose, scope and goals, and 
    eligibility criteria. Usually, you will be encouraged to request the 
    application kit so that you will have clear, comprehensive and accurate 
    information available to you. The application kit lists telephone 
    numbers for a program expert and a grants management specialist who 
    will provide technical assistance concerning your specific program, if 
    you are unable to find the information within the materials provided.
        2. The dates listed in the Federal Register Notice and the dates in 
    the application kit do not agree. How do I know which is correct?
        First, register at 1-888-333-HRSA (4772) for each program that you 
    are interested in as shown in the Notice.
        Notice dates for application kit availability and application 
    receipt deadline are based upon the best known information at the time 
    of publication. Occasionally, the grant cycle does not begin as 
    projected and dates must be adjusted. The deadline date stated in your 
    application kit is correct. If the application kit has been made 
    available and subsequently the date changes, notification of the change 
    will be mailed to known recipients of the application kit. Therefore, 
    if you are registered at 1-888-333-HRSA (4772), you will receive the 
    most current information.
        3. Are programs announced in the Federal Register Notice ever 
        Infrequently, programs announced may be withdrawn from competition. 
    If this occurs, a cancellation notice will be provided at the HRSA 
        If you still have unanswered questions, please contact Paulette 
    Fagan of the Grants Policy Branch at 301-443-5082 (pfagan@hrsa.gov).
    HIV/AIDS Bureau
        Grants Management Office: 1-301-443-2280.
        Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS).
        Section 2691 of the Public Health Service Act 42 U.S.C. 300ff-10
        The purpose of this program is to contribute to the advancement of 
    knowledge and skills in the delivery of health and support services to 
    underserved populations diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus 
    (HIV) infection. Specifically, there are three SPNS Program objectives: 
    (1) to assess the effectiveness of particular models of care; (2) to 
    support innovative program design; and (3) to promote replication of 
    effective models. SPNS grants are limited to the demonstration and 
    assessment of innovative and potentially replicable HIV service 
    delivery models. For purposes of this announcement, models seeking SPNS 
    support must address one of the following four categories: (1) assuring 
    appropriate end-of-life care for individuals dying from HIV/AIDS who 
    experience difficulty accessing health care; (2) assessment of the 
    effectiveness of existing programs to promote adherence to anti-
    retroviral therapies; (3) evaluation and/or program support centers 
    for: (a) services to people with HIV in correctional settings; (b) 
    establishing or assessing HIV care networks; (c) assessing innovation 
    in serving substance abusers; or (d) evaluating and supporting end-of-
    life care and adherence initiatives; or (4) demonstration projects to 
    increase enrollment in, continuity and quality of HIV primary care for 
    migrant and various border populations.
        Public and nonprofit private entities are eligible to apply for 
    these grants. Applicants are encouraged to submit a brief letter of 
    intent, by May 1, 1999, to: Special Projects of National Significance, 
    ATTN: 1999 New Competitive Initiative, Room 7A-08 Parklawn Building, 
    5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857.
    Funding Priorities and/or Preferences
        Funds should be used to create and/or evaluate models of care that 
    would likely not exist nor be evaluated without SPNS support, or that 
    would extend the care model to previously underserved or unserved 
    populations defined either geographically or demographically.
    Review Criteria
        Final criteria are included in the application kit.
    Estimated Amount of This Competition $9,000,000
    Estimated Number of Awards
    Category 1: 3-5
    Category 2: Up to 10
    Category 3: 6
        3.1  Services to people with HIV in correctional settings--1
        3.2  Establishing or assessing HIV care networks--2
        --assist community-based providers--(1)
        --conduct managed care research--(1)
        3.3  Assessing innovation in serving substance abusers--1
        3.4  Evaluating and supporting end-of-life care and adherence 
        --end of life care project--(1)
        --adherence assessment--(1)
    Category 4: 4
    Estimated Project Period
    Category 1: 3 years
    Category 2: 3 years
    Category 3: 2-3 years
    Category 4: 3-5 years
    Application Availability: 04/05/1999
    To Obtain This Application Kit
    CFDA Number 93.928
    Contact: 1-888-333-HRSA (4772)
    Application Deadline: 06/01/1999
    Projected Award Date: 10/01/1999
    Contact person: Steve Young, syoung@hrsa.gov, 1-301-443-6560
    Extramural Support Program for Projects to Increase Organ and Tissue 
        Section 371(a)(3) of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 273.
        Please note that a separate Federal Register Notice, dated April 5, 
    1999 provided a 30 day comment period regarding the project phases 
    eligible for program support (pilot tests and replications), 
    performance measures, funding priorities, and review criteria. Comments 
    will be considered for the purpose of writing the detailed guidance to 
    applicants. Therefore, the guidance may indicate changes in some of the 
    following information.
        This is a proposed solicitation for cooperative agreements to 
    increase organ and tissue donation. The goals of this peer reviewed, 
    competitive extramural support program are to implement, evaluate, and 
    disseminate model interventions with the greatest potential for 
    yielding a verifiable and demonstrable impact on organ donation and 
    which are replicable, transferable, and feasible in practice. Projects 
    funded under this program are expected to have performance measures 
    addressing one or more of the following outcomes: organ procurement 
    rates; consent rates and organ donation; and number and prevalence of 
    family organ donation
    [[Page 18918]]
    discussions. Applications may propose either a Phase 1 study which 
    pilot tests the efficacy of promising interventions to increase organ 
    donation, or Phase 2 study which focuses on implementing and testing in 
    multiple sites interventions which already have proved effective in 
    pilot studies. Phase 2 projects also can include dissemination. All 
    projects must have rigorous evaluation components.
        Organ procurement organizations and other private not-for-profit 
    organizations. An applicant must be part of a consortium of at least 
    two organizations relevant to the project. Applications from single 
    entities will not be considered.
    Funding Priorities and/or Preferences
        Two funding priorities are proposed, one for applications that are 
    most likely to have a demonstrable impact on consent rates, and another 
    for projects that address variations in consent by race and ethnicity, 
    which may include an examination of differences in donation/
    transplantation knowledge, attitudes, and experiences among one or more 
    minority groups.
    Review Criteria
        Final criteria are included in the application kit.
        Estimated Amount of This Competition: $5,000,000.
        Estimated Number of Awards: 15-20.
        Estimated Project Period: Up to 3 years.
        Application Availability: 05/10/1999.
        To Obtain This Application Kit: CFDA Number 93.134.
        Contact: 1-888-333-HRSA (4772).
        Application Deadline: 07/12/1999.
        Projected Award Date: 09/30/1999.
        Contact Person: Dr. D.W. Chen, dchen@hrsa.gov, 1-301-443-7577.
    Maternal and Child Health Bureau
        Grants Management Office: 301-443-1440.
    Cooperative Agreement for Emergency Medical Services for Children 
    (EMSC) Data and Quality Improvement Center
        Section 1910 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended, Public 
    Law 102-410, 42 U.S.C. 300w-9.
        The purpose of the EMSC Data and Quality Improvement Center is to 
    enhance management information and quality improvement (QI) 
    capabilities of State EMS offices, with a special focus on pediatric 
    issues. Proposals are sought which will assist in the application of 
    data to QI and in collaborative efforts to collect and analyze State 
    level data. Federal involvement will include planning, guidance, 
    coordination and participation in workshops.
        States and Accredited Schools of Medicine are eligible to apply for 
    this program.
    Funding Priorities and/or Preferences
    Review Criteria
        Final criteria are included in the application kit.
        Estimated Amount of This Competition: $400,000.
        Estimated Number of Awards: 1.
        Estimated Project Period: 3 years.
        Application Availability: 04/01/1999.
        To Obtain This Application Kit: 
        CFDA Number: 93.127E.
        Contact: 1-888-333-HRSA (4772).
        Application Deadline: 06/01/1999.
        Projected Award Date: 08/01/1999.
        Contact Person: Maria T. Baldi, mbaldi@hrsa.gov, 1-301-443-6192.
    Bureau of Health Professions
        Grants Management Officer: 1-301-443-6880.
        Basic Nurse Education and Practice: Baccalaureate Nursing Education 
    Using Distance Learning Methodologies for Rural RNs.
        Section 831 of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 297-1.
        The purpose of this special request for applications is to expedite 
    and facilitate the baccalaureate education of registered nurses from 
    rural areas using distance learning methodologies. The legislative 
    priority for which funds may be awarded under a cooperative agreement 
    is for ``expanding the enrollment in baccalaureate nursing programs.'' 
    The intent is to demonstrate that quality curricula developed for 
    delivery by distance learning methodologies, which are primarily 
    computer-based, will facilitate RN to BSN education for nurses living 
    in rural areas with underserved populations.
        Nursing schools with an accredited baccalaureate program.
    Funding Priorities and/or Preferences
        The purpose of this request for applications is to strengthen 
    capacity for basic nurse education and practice in rural areas by 
    expanding the enrollment of rural registered nurses in baccalaureate 
    nursing programs using distance learning technologies. As such, it 
    addresses the statutory funding preference for substantially benefiting 
    rural populations.
    Review Criteria
        Final criteria are included in the application kit.
        Estimated Amount of this Competition: $800,000.
        Estimated Number of Awards: 4.
        Estimated Project Period: 5 years.
        Application Availability: 04/09/1999.
        To Obtain This Application Kit: 
        CFDA Number: 93.359.
        Contact: 1-888-333-HRSA (4772).
        Application Deadline: 05/28/99.
        Projected Award Date: 08/31/1999.
        Contact Person: Carole A. Gassert, cgassert@hrsa.gov, 1-301-443-
    [FR Doc. 99-9531 Filed 4-15-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-15-P

Document Information

Health Resources and Services Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of availability of funds.
Document Number:
10/01/1999 Contact person: Steve Young, syoung@hrsa.gov, 1-301-443-6560 Extramural Support Program for Projects to Increase Organ and Tissue Donation Authorization
18915-18918 (4 pages)
PDF File: