04-8709. Houston/Galveston Navigation Safety Advisory Committee  

  • Start Preamble


    Coast Guard, DHS.


    Notice of meetings.


    The Houston/Galveston Navigation Safety Advisory Committee (HOGANSAC) and its working groups will meet to discuss waterway improvements, aids to navigation, area projects impacting safety on the Houston Ship Channel, and various other navigation safety matters in the Galveston Bay area. All meetings will be open to the public.


    The next meeting of HOGANSAC will be held on Thursday, June 3, 2004 at 9 a.m. The meeting of the Committee's working groups will be held on Thursday, May 20, 2004 at 9 a.m. The meetings may adjourn early if all business is finished. Members of the public may present written or oral statements at either meeting. Requests to make oral presentations or distribute written materials should reach the Coast Guard five (5) working days before the meeting at which the presentation will be made. Requests to have written materials distributed to each member of the committee in advance of the meeting should reach the Coast Guard at least ten (10) working days before the meeting at which the presentation will be made.


    The full Committee meeting will be held at the Port of Houston Authority Barbours Cut Cruise Terminal, 820 North L Street, Morgans Point, TX 77572, Pier C-7, (713-670-2400). The working groups meeting will be held at the Port of Texas City, 2425 Hwy 146 N., Texas City, TX 77590 (409-945-4461).

    Start Further Info


    Captain Richard Kaser, Executive Director of HOGANSAC, telephone (713) 671-5199, Commander Tom Marian, Executive Secretary of HOGANSAC, telephone (713) 671-5164, or Lieutenant Junior Grade Benjamin Morgan, Assistant to the Executive Secretary of HOGANSAC, telephone (713) 671-5103, e-mail bmorgan@vtshouston.uscg.mil. Written materials and requests to make presentations should be sent to Commanding Officer, VTS Houston/Galveston, Attn: LTJG Morgan, 9640 Clinton Drive, Floor 2, Houston, TX 77029.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    Notice of this meeting is given pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. 2 (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770, as amended).

    Agendas of the Meetings

    Houston/Galveston Navigation Safety Advisory Committee (HOGANSAC). The tentative agenda includes the following:

    (1) Opening remarks by the Committee Sponsor (RADM Duncan) (or the Committee Sponsor's representative), Executive Director (CAPT Kaser) and Chairman (Mr. Tim Leitzell).

    (2) Approval of the February 5, 2004 minutes.

    (3) Old Business:

    (a) Dredging projects.

    (b) AtoN Knockdown Working Group.

    (c) Mooring subcommittee report.

    (d) Education and Outreach subcommittee report.

    (e) Area Maritime Security Committee Liaison's report.

    (f) Bridge Allision Prevention Working Group.

    (g) Electronic Navigation.

    (h) Safe Harbor Working Group.

    (i) Maritime Incident Review Working Group.

    (j) Deepdraft Entry Facilitation Working Group.

    (k) Galveston Causeway Construction Working Group.

    (4) New Business.

    (a) Vessel Refuge and Heavy Weather.

    (b) Hurricane Brief.

    (c) Status of Shoal Point.

    (d) HOGANSAC Membership.

    Working Groups Meeting. The tentative agenda for the working groups meeting includes the following:

    (1) Presentation by each working group of its accomplishments and plans for the future.

    (2) Review and discuss the work completed by each working group.


    Working groups have been formed to examine the following issues: dredging and related issues, electronic navigation systems, AtoN knockdowns, impact of passing vessels on moored ships, boater education issues, facilitating deep draft movements and mooring infrastructure. Not all working groups will provide a report at this session. Further, working group reports may not necessarily include discussions on all issues within the particular working group's area of responsibility. All meetings are open to the public. Please note that the meetings may adjourn early if all business is finished. Members of the public may make presentations, oral or written, at either meeting. Requests to make oral or written presentations should reach the Coast Guard five (5) working days before the meeting at which the presentation will be made. If you would like to have written materials distributed to each member of the committee in advance of the meeting, you should send your request along with fifteen (15) copies of the materials to the Coast Guard at least ten (10) working days before the meeting at which the presentation will be made.

    Information on Services for the Handicapped

    For information on facilities or services for the handicapped or to request special assistance at the meetings, contact the Executive Director, Executive Secretary, or assistant to the Executive Secretary as soon as possible.

    Start Signature

    Dated: April 5, 2004.

    R.F. Duncan,

    Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 04-8709 Filed 4-15-04; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4910-15-P