[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 75 (Wednesday, April 17, 1996)]
[Pages 16832-16847]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-9468]
[[Page 16831]]
Part III
Environmental Protection Agency
Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices; Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 17, 1996 /
[[Page 16832]]
[OPPTS-51846; FRL-5351-7]
Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires
any person who intends to manufacture or import a new chemical to
notify EPA and comply with the statutory provisions pertaining to the
manufacture or import of substances not on the TSCA Inventory. Section
5 of TSCA also requires EPA to publish receipt and status information
in the Federal Register each month reporting premanufacture notices
(PMN), polymer exemption notices and test marketing exemption (TME)
application requests received, both pending and expired. The
information in this document contains notices received from July 24,
1995 to September 29, 1995.
ADDRESSES: Written comments, identified by the document control number
``[OPPTS-51846]'' and the specific PMN number, if appropriate, should
be sent to: Document Control Office (7407), Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW.,
Rm. ETG-099 Washington, DC 20460.
Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by sending
electronic mail (e-mail) to: ncic@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic comments
must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special
characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data will also be
accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1 file format or ASCII file
format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by
the docket number [OPPTS-51846]. No Confidential Business Information
(CBI) should be submitted through e-mail. Electronic comments on this
notice may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries.
Additional information on electronic submissions can be found under
Environmental Assistance Division (7408), Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. E-545, 401
M St., SW., Washington, DC, 20460, (202) 554-1404, TDD (202) 554-0551;
e-mail: TSCA-Hotline@epamail.epa.gov.
required to publish notice of receipt and status reports of chemicals
subject to section 5 reporting requirements. The notice requirements
are provided in TSCA sections 5(d)(2) and 5(d)(3). Specifically, EPA is
required to provide notice of receipt of PMNs, polymer exemption
notices and TME application requests received. EPA also is required to
identify those chemical submissions for which data has been received,
the uses or intended uses of such chemicals, and the nature of any test
data which may have been developed. Lastly, EPA is required to provide
periodic status reports of all chemical substances undergoing review
and receipt of notices of commencement.
A record has been established for this notice under docket number
``[OPPTS-51846]'' (including comments and data submitted electronically
as described below). A public version of this record, including
printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include
any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 12
noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
public record is located in the TSCA Nonconfidential Information Center
(NCIC), Rm. NEM-B607, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the
use of special characters and any form of encryption.
The official record for this notice, as well as the public version,
as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, EPA will
transfer all comments received electronically into printed, paper form
as they are received and will place the paper copies in the official
record which will also include all comments submitted directly in
writing. The official record is the paper record maintained at the
address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
In the past, EPA has published individual notices reflecting the
status of section 5 filings received, pending or expired, as well as
notices reflecting receipt of notices of commencement. In an effort to
become more responsive to the regulated community, the users of this
information and the general public, to comply with the requirements of
TSCA, to conserve EPA resources, and to streamline the process and make
it more timely, EPA is consolidating these separate notices into one
comprehensive notice that will be issued at regular intervals.
In this notice, EPA shall provide a consolidated report in the
Federal Register reflecting the dates PMN requests were received, the
projected notice end date, the manufacturer or importer identity, to
the extent that such information is not claimed as confidential and
chemical identity, either specific or generic depending on whether
chemical identity has been claimed confidential. Additionally, in this
same report, EPA shall provide a listing of receipt of new notices of
EPA believes the new format of the notice will be easier to
understand by the interested public, and provides the information that
is of greatest interest to the public users. Certain information
provided in the earlier notices will not be provided under the new
format. The status reports of substances under review, potential
production volume, and summaries of health and safety data will not be
provided in the new notices.
EPA is not providing production volume information in the
consolidated notice since such information is generally claimed as
confidential. For this reason, there is no substantive loss to the
public in not publishing the data. Health and safety data are not
summarized in the notice since it is recognized as impossible, given
the format of this notice, as well as the previous style of notices, to
provide meaningful information on the subject. In those submissions
where health and safety data were received by the Agency, a footnote is
included by the Manufacturer/Importer identity to indicate its
existence. As stated below, interested persons may contact EPA directly
to secure information on such studies.
For persons who are interested in data not included in this notice,
access can be secured at EPA Headquarters in the NCIC at the address
provided above. Additionally, interested parties may telephone the
Document Control Office at (202) 260-1532, TDD (202) 554-0551, for
generic use information, health and safety data not claimed as
confidential or status reports on section 5 filings.
Send all comments to the address listed above. All comments
received will be reviewed and appropriate amendments will be made as
deemed necessary.
This notice will identify: (I) PMNs received; and (II) Notices of
Commencement to manufacture/import.
[[Page 16833]]
I. 358 Premanufacture Notices Received From: 07/24/95 to 09/29/95
Projected Notice End Manufacturer/
Case No. Received Date Date Importer Use Chemical
P-95-1757 07/25/95 10/23/95 Bedoukian Research, (S) Flavor use (S) Cyclohexanol,
Inc. (FFDCA) fema 2353; formate
fragrance (perfume)
P-95-1758 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (S) Spray applied (G) Acid functional
coating polyester resin
P-95-1759 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (S) Spray applied (G) Acid functional
coating polyester resin
P-95-1760 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (S) Spray applied (G) Acid functional
coating polyester resin
P-95-1761 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (S) Spray applied (G) Acid functional
coating polyester resin
P-95-1762 07/24/95 10/22/95 Olin Corporation (G) Crosslinker for (G) TDI prepolymer
urethane paints
P-95-1763 07/25/95 10/23/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant for (G) Sulfo alkyl
Company cleaning esters, sodium salts
P-95-1764 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI G) Additive, open, (G) Styrene-maleic
non-dispersive use anhydrid copolymer,
reaction products
with alkanolamine
P-95-1765 07/26/95 10/24/95 Vista Chemical Co. (G) Gellant (S) Butanoic acid, 3-
oxo-, ethyl ester,
polymer with 2,2-
propanediol and 2-
propanol aluminum
P-95-1766 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Coating component (G) Substituted
acrylic polymer
P-95-1767 07/26/95 10/24/95 CBI (G) Ingredients for (G)
use in consumer Diakylheterocyclic
products; highly amine
dispersive use
P-95-1768 07/26/95 10/24/95 CBI (S) Decorative (G) Inorganic
plating palladium salt
P-95-1769 07/25/95 10/23/95 Akzo Nobel Resins (S) Resin used to (G) Hydroxy acrylic
manufacture resin
industrial coatings
P-95-1770 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Resin system for (G) Propanoic acid, 3-
lens manufacture substituted-, 2,2-
1, 3-propanediyl
ester, reaction
products with
benzene-ethenyl and
4-methyl benzene
P-95-1771 07/25/95 10/23/95 DIC Trading (USA) (S) Industrial (G) Acrylic copolymer
Inc. coatings for general
P-95-1772 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Specialty (G) Polyalkyl
additive phosphate
P-95-1773 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1774 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1775 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1776 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1777 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1778 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1779 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1780 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1781 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1782 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1783 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1784 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1785 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1786 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1787 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1788 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1789 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1790 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
lP-95-1791 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
[[Page 16834]]
P-95-1792 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1793 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1794 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1795 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1796 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1797 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder esin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1798 07/25/95 10/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-1799 07/26/95 09/24/95 CBI (G) Polymeric (G) Polymeric
colorant colorant
P-95-1800 07/27/95 10/25/95 CBI (S) A component of (G) Hexanedioic acid,
fire resistant polymer with 2-
polyurethane foam hydroxymethyl-2-
for; sulution methyl-1,3-
propanediol, 1,2-
propanediol and
halogenated aromatic
carboxylic acid
P-95-1801 07/27/95 10/25/95 CBI (G) Inhibitor (G) Fatty amine salts
of polycarboxylic
P-95-1802 07/27/95 10/25/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Acrylic polymer
dispersive use
P-95-1803 07/28/95 10/26/95 Eastman Kodak (G) Chemical (G) Alkyl substituted
intermediate thioalkanoic acid
P-95-1804 07/28/95 10/26/95 Eastman Kodak (G) Chemical (G) Alkyl substituted
intermediate sulfonylalkanoic
P-95-1805 07/28/95 10/26/95 Eastman Kodak (G) Chemical (G) Alkyl sulfonyl
intermediate alkanoyl chloride
P-95-1806 07/31/95 10/29/95 CBI (G) Additive (G) Quaternary
ammonium hydroxide
P-95-1807 07/31/95 10/29/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Aromatic
dispersive dianhydride and
aliphatic esters,
compound with
aromatic diamines
P-95-1808 07/31/95 10/29/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Aromatic
dispersive dianhydride and
aliphatic esters,
compound with
aromatic diamines
P-95-1809 08/01/95 10/30/95 Olin Corporation (S) Component of (S) Ethonol, 2,22 -
liquid propellant nitrilotris-,
nitrate (salt)
P-95-1810 08/01/95 10/30/95 Nisseki Chemical (S) Heat transfer (S) Benezene, methyl
Texas Inc fluid (phenylmethyl)-
P-95-1811 08/03/95 11/01/95 CBI (G) Lubricant (G) Fatty acids,
additive esters with
reaction products
with TDI
P-95-1812 08/01/95 10/30/95 Hercules (G) Papermaking (G) Copolymer of
Incorporated chemical tetra alkylammonium
chloride and
P-95-1813 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl-
dialkylsulfate salts
P-95-1814 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl-
dialkylsulfate salts
P-95-1815 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl-
dialkylsulfate salts
P-95-1816 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl-
dialkylsulfate salts
P-95-1817 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl-
dialkylsulfate salts
P-95-1818 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl-
dialkylsulfate salts
P-95-1819 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl
dialkylsulfate salts
P-95-1820 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl-
dialkylsulfate salts
[[Page 16835]]
P-95-1821 08/01/95 10/30/95 CBI (G) Softening of (G) Fatty acids
cellulose reaction products
with dialkyl-
dialkylsulfate salts
P-95-1822 08/02/95 10/31/95 Gateway Additive (S) Metalworking (S) Butanedioic acid,
Company fluid additives octadecenyl-, mixed
esters with
diethylene glycol
and (tetrapropenyl)
butanedioic acid
P-95-1823 08/02/95 10/31/95 Gateway Additive (S) Metalworking (S) Butanedioic acid,
Company fluid additives octadecenyl-, mixed
esters with
diethylene glycol
and (tetrapropenyl)
butanedioic acid,
compounds, with
P-95-1824 08/02/95 10/31/95 Gateway Additive (S) Metalworking (S) Butanedioic acid,
Company fluid additive octadecenyl-, mixed
esters with
diethylene glycol
and (tetrapropenyl)
butanedioic acid,
compounds, with
branched 3-
ethanolamine and
P-95-1825 08/04/95 11/02/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Thiophene
P-95-1826 08/07/95 11/05/95 International (S) Site-limited (S) 3-Chloro-2-N-
Specialty Products precursor for octyltetrahydropyran
manufacture of
P-95-1827 08/07/95 11/05/95 CBI (G) Epoxy resin (S) Benzoic acid, 4-
reactive diluent hydroxy-, 2-hydroxy-
P-95-1828 08/08/95 11/06/95 Ciba-Geigy (G) Paper dye (G) Styryl pyridinium
Corporation derivative
P-95-1829 08/08/95 11/06/95 CBI (G) Low foam nonionic (G) Alcohol
surfactant alkoxylate
P-95-1830 08/07/95 11/05/95 Zeon Chemicals (G) Photosensitive (G) Substituted
USA,Inc. resin composition butadiene styrene
P-95-1831 08/08/95 11/06/95 DIC Trading (USA) (S) Industrial (G) Acrylic copolymer
Inc. coatings for general
P-95-1832 08/08/95 11/06/95 Keystone Aniline (S) Colorant in (S)
Corporation textile Benzoxazolesulfonic
acid, 5-
yl]-, monosodium
P-95-1833 08/08/95 11/06/95 Eastman Chemical (S) Component of (S) Propanol,
Company brake fluid [oxybis[(methyl-2,1-
P-95-1834 08/08/95 11/06/95 CBI (G) Coating for open, (G) Polyester
non-dispersive use polyurethane
in original
P-95-1835 08/08/95 11/06/95 CBI (G) Adhesive (G) Polyacrylate
P-95-1836 08/09/95 11/07/95 CBI (G) Colorant for (G) Isophthalic acid
plastic polymer with
cyclicalcohol and
P-95-1837 08/08/95 11/06/95 International (S) Site-limited (S) 3-chloro-2-N-
Specialty Products precursor for octyltetrahydropyran
manufacture of
P-95-1838 08/10/95 11/08/95 Union Oil Company of (S) Gasoline blending (S) Naptha
California (DBA stock for the (petroleum),
UNOCAL) production of finish isomerization, C6-
P-95-1839 08/09/95 11/07/95 CBI (G) Industrial (G) High solids
coating binder polyester
P-95-1840 08/09/95 11/07/95 CBI (G) Industrial metal (G) Oil free aromatic
coating binder polyester
P-95-1841 08/10/95 11/08/95 Unichema North (G) Dispersive use (S) Fatty acids, C14-
America and open non- 16 and C16-18-
dispersive use unsaturated,
reaction products
with hydrogenated
fatty acid dimers
P-95-1842 08/10/95 11/08/95 Unichema North (G) Dispersive use (S) Decanedioic acid,
America and open non- mixed 2-ethylhexyl
dispersive use and 3,5,5-
P-95-1843 08/11/95 11/09/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Metal complexed
reaction product of
substituted ureido-
benzenesulfonic acid
and substituted
benzaldehyde, sodium
P-95-1844 08/11/95 11/09/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Polyborosilazane
P-95-1845 08/10/95 11/08/95 Reichhold Chemicals (G) Intermediate oil (S) Polymer of
Inc ester dehydrated castor
oil; soybean oil;
and pentaerythritol
P-95-1846 08/10/95 11/08/95 CBI G) Resin system for (G) Urethane acrylate
lens manufacture
[[Page 16836]]
P-95-1847 08/10/95 11/08/95 ARCO Chemical Company (S) Polyester resin (G) Polymers
Intermediate 1,2,3,5,6,7:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride, diol
modified; polymer 4:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride & phthalic
anhydride, diol
P-95-1848 08/10/95 11/08/95 ARCO Chemical Company (S) Polyester resin (G) Polymers
Intermediate 1,2,3,5,6,7:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride, diol
modified; polymer 4:
oxides), polyesters
with maleic
anhydride & phthalic
anhydride, diol
P-95-1849 08/10/95 11/08/95 ARCO Chemical Company (S) Polyester resin (G) Polymers
intermediate 1,2,3,5,6,7: poly
(alkylene oxides) ,
polyesters with
maleic anhydride,
diol modified
polymer 4: poly
(alkylene oxides) ,
polyesters with
maleic anhydride
phthalic anhydride,
diol modified
P-95-1850 08/10/95 11/08/95 ARCO Chemical Company (S) Polyester resin (G) Polymers
intermediate 1,2,3,5,6,7:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride, diol
modified polymer 4:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride phthalic
anhydride, diol
P-95-1851 08/10/95 11/08/95 ARCO Chemical Company (S) Polyester resin (G)Polymer
intermediate 1,2,3,5,6,7:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride, diol
modified polymer 4:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride phthalic
anhydride, diol
P-95-1852 08/10/95 11/08/95 ARCO Chemical Company (S) Polyester resin (G) Polymers
intermediate 1,2,3,5,6,7:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride, diol
modified polymer 4:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride phthalic
anhydride, diol
P-95-1853 08/10/95 11/08/95 ARCO Chemical Company (S) Polyester resin (G) Polymers
intermediate 1,2,3,5,6,7:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride, diol
modified polymer 4:
oxides) , polyesters
with maleic
anhydride phthalic
anhydride, diol
P-95-1854 08/11/95 11/08/95 3M (S) Cleaning solvent; (S) A butane,
bearer media; heat 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,-
transfer fluid; nonafluoro-4-methoxy-
process media 40% b. propane, 2-
P-95-1855 08/11/95 11/09/95 Fritz Industries, (S) Oil or gas well (G) Acrylic polymer,
Inc. cement fluid loss calcium salt
additive; oil
P-95-1856 08/14/95 11/12/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Water thinnable
dispersive fatty acid modified
polyurethane resin
P-95-1857 08/14/95 11/12/95 Eastman Kodak Company (G) Contained use in (G) Substituted
an article phenyl substituted
P-95-1858 08/14/95 11/12/95 CBI (G) Inhibitor (G) Fatty amine salts
of polycarboxylic
P-95-1859 08/15/95 11/13/95 BASF Corporation (S) Plastics colorant (S) Benzenamine,
P-95-1860 08/15/95 11/13/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Branched and
linear blocked
P-95-1861 08/15/95 11/13/95 Eastman Chemical (S) Chemical (G) Substituted amino-
Company intermediate diiminoisoindoline
P-95-1862 08/15/95 11/13/95 Eastman Chemical (G) Dye (G) Substituted
Company phthalocyanine
P-95-1863 08/15/95 11/13/95 CBI (G) Open destructive (G) Gas generant
use as a gas
generant for
automotive crash bag
P-95-1864 08/15/95 11/13/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (S) Silicic acid
dispersive use bag (h2sio3), strontium
inflators salt (1:1)
[[Page 16837]]
P-95-1865 08/15/95 11/13/95 Gelest Incorporation (S) Surface treatment (S) Phenethyl
of silica employed diisopropyl
in liquid chloilosilane
chromatography (mixture 2-
analysis research phenylethyldiisoprop
purposes ylchlorosilane 1-
phenyl ethyl
P-95-1866 08/17/95 11/15/95 Texaco Lubricants (G)Automative (G) Diurea grease
Company North bearings thickener prepared
America by the reaction of a
diisocyanate with an
aliphatic amine
P-95-1867 08/18/95 11/16/95 CBI (G) Antioxidant for (G) Alkenoic acid,
plastics trisubstituted-
P-95-1868 08/18/95 11/16/95 Eastman Kodak Company (G) Chemical (G) Substituted alkyl
intermediate ester
P-95-1869 08/18/95 11/16/95 BASF Corporation (S) Colorant for (G) Triphenylmethane
fertilizer and inner salt,
herbicides alkoxylated
P-95-1870 08/18/95 11/16/95 Boulder Scientific (S) Ligand (S) Silane,
Company dimethylbis(2-methyl-
P-95-1871 08/18/95 11/16/95 CBI (G) Destructive use- (G) Aromatic
chemical polyester polyol
P-95-1872 08/18/95 11/16/95 CBI (G) Additive, (G) Styrene-maleic
open,non-dispersive anhydride copolymer,
use compound with
P-95-1873 08/18/95 11/16/95 CBI (G) Anti-punking (G) Stabilized
agent for melamine
thermosetting resins formaldehyde polymer
P-95-1874 08/18/95 11/16/95 CBI (G) Anti-punking (G) Modified
agent for melamine,
thermosetting resins formaldehyde, urea
P-95-1875 08/22/95 11/20/95 CBI (G) Component of (G) Blocked
industrial adhesive isocyanate-
P-95-1876 l08/21/95 11/19/95 CBI (G) Component of (G) Cycloaliphatic
coating with open acrylic polyol
P-95-1877 08/21/95 11/19/95 CBI (G) Component of (G) Cycloaliphatic
coating with open acrylic polyol
P-95-1878 08/21/95 11/19/95 CBI (G) Component of (G) Cycloaliphatic
coating with open acrylic polyol
P-95-1879 08/21/95 11/19/95 CBI (G) Component of (G) Cycloaliphatic
coating with open acrylic polyol
P-95-1880 08/23/95 11/21/95 CBI (S) Fabric coating; (G) Amine salt of a
fabric finish polyester aliphatic
P-95-1881 08/23/95 11/21/95 CBI (S) Fabric coating; (G) Polyether,
fabric finish; polyester aliphatic
adhesive polyurethane
P-95-1882 08/23/95 11/21/95 CBI (S) Industrial (G) TDI Polyester
products (belts, prepolymer
mining screens,
industrial parts)
P-95-1883 08/23/95 11/21/95 CBI (S) Industrial (G) TDI Polyester
products (belts, prepolymer
mining screens,
industrial parts)
P-95-1884 08/23/95 11/21/95 CBI (S) Blowing agent for (G) Carboxy alkanol
urethane foam reaction product
P-95-1885 08/23/95 11/21/95 CBI (G) Additive for (G) Modified vinyl
manufacture of polymer
P-95-1886 08/23/95 11/21/95 CBI (G) Intermediate for (G) Modified
chemical manufacture biopolymer
P-95-1887 08/24/95 11/13/95 CBI (G) Open destructive (G) Copper ammonium
use as a gas bitetrazole complex
generant for
automotive inflators
P-95-1888 08/24/95 11/22/95 Arizona Chemical (S) Resin component (G) Phenolic modified
in production of rosin ester
heat-set, web off-
P-95-1889 08/24/95 11/22/95 CBI (G) Laminating (G) Epoxy-capped
adhesive polyester polymer
P-95-1890 08/23/95 11/21/95 CBI (G) Coating component (G) Styrene maleic
anhydride (SMA)
ammonium salt
P-95-1891 08/23/95 11/21/95 Great Lakes Chemical (S) Ultraviolet light (G) Substituted
Corporation stabilizer for piperidine reaction
polymers product with
siloxanes and
P-95-1892 08/24/95 11/22/95 Lilly Industries, (G) Cathodic (G) Acrylic resin
Inc. electrocoat additive salt
P-95-1893 08/24/95 11/22/95 Lilly Industries, (G) Cathodic (G) Aminated epoxy
Inc. electrocoat vehicle resin salt
P-95-1894 08/24/95 11/22/95 Ashland Chemical (G) Open, non (G) Copolymer of
Company dispersive use, acrylic esters,
adhesive methacrylic esters
and acrylic acid
P-95-1895 08/24/95 11/22/95 Hoechst Celanese (S) Chemical (S) 2-Ethyl-1,3-
Chemical Group intermediate for propanediol
production of
P-95-1896 08/25/95 11/23/95 CBI (G) High molecular (G) Acrylic copolymer
weight polymeric modified with fatty
dispersant used to acids and olefins
P-95-1897 08/25/95 11/23/95 CBI (G) Dispersing resin (G) Fatty acid
for the production modified polymer,
of voc-free wat free of solvents and
volatile amines
P-95-1898 08/25/95 11/23/95 CBI (G) High molecular (G) Acrylic copolymer
weight polymeric modified with fatty
dispersant used to acids and olefins.
[[Page 16838]]
P-95-1899 08/25/95 11/23/95 CBI (G) Highly dispersive (S)
use Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-
P-95-1900 08/25/95 11/23/95 CBI (G) Additive, open, (G) Methacrylic acid
non-dispersive use ester, homopolymer
P-95-1901 08/25/95 11/23/95 CBI (G) Additive, open, (G) Phosphoric acid
non-dispersive use ester, metal salt
P-95-1902 08/28/95 11/26/95 Huls America Inc (S) Crosslinking (G) Polymer of
agent for powder isophorone
coatings diisocyanate and
aliphatic polyol/
oxoalklimine blocked
P-95-1903 08/28/95 11/26/95 Huls America Inc (S) Crosslinking (G) Polymer of
agents for powder isophorone
coatings diisocyanate and
aliphatic diols/
dicarboxylic acid
P-95-1904 08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Lubricant (G) Calcium alkyaryl
additive substituted
P-95-1905 08/29/95 11/27/95 E. I. du Pont de (G) Polymer catalyst (G) Cobalt aluminum
Nemours & Company and toner complexes
P-95-1906 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1907 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1908 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1909 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1910 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1911 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1912 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1913 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1914 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1915 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1916 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1917 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1918 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1919 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1920 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1921 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1922 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1923 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1924 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1925 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1926 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1927 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1928 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1929 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1930 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1931 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
[[Page 16839]]
P-95-1932 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1933 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1934 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1935 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1936 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1937 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant Salt substituted
Company carboxy amide
P-95-1938 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1939 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1940 08/29/95 11/27/95 Stepan Chemical (G) Surfactant (G) Salt of
Company substituted carboxy
P-95-1941 08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Additive, open, (G) Siloxanes and
non-dispersive use silicones, di-me
polyether modified
P-95-1942 08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Additive, open, (G) Siloxanes and
non-dispersive use silicones, di-me, me
hydrogen, reaction
products with
modified styrene and
P-95-1943 08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Ingredient for (G) Dialkyl pyridine
use in consumer
products; highly
P-95-1944 08/29/95 11/27/95 3M Company (S) Adhesive (G) Acrylic polymer
P-95-1945 08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Open non- (G) Methacrylated
dispersive use- polyolefin, capped
adhesives with isocyanate
P-95-1946 08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Destructive use (G) Alkylated indenyl
P-95-1947 l08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Contained use (G) Substituted
P-95-1948 08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Destructive use (G) Lithiated indenyl
P-95-1949 08/29/95 11/27/95 CBI (G) Open, non- G) Aromatic
dispersive use dianhydride and
aliphatic esters,
compound with
aromatic diamines
P-95-1950 08/30/95 11/28/95 Champion Technologies (S) Scale inhibitors (G) Phosphonate
for oil and gas
field applications
P-95-1951 08/30/95 11/28/95 AKZO Nobel Surface (G) Wetting agent (G) Alkyl glucosides
Chemistry Inc
P-95-1952 08/30/95 11/28/95 Ciba Geigy (G) Open, non- (G) Diketo-
Corporation Pigments dispersive pyrrolopyrrol
P-95-1953 08/31/95 11/29/95 Hoechst Celanese (G) Site-limited (S) Hexanoic acid, 6-
Corporation intermediate amino-, monosodium
P-95-1954 08/31/95 11/29/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Aromatic
dispersive dianhydride and
aliphatic esters,
compound with
aromatic diamines
P-95-1955 08/31/95 11/29/95 CBI (G) Automotive paint (G) Polymer of 2-
propeonic, 2-methyl,
methyl-ester, butyl-
2-propenate; 2-
propenate; 2-
2 propenate---
P-95-1956 08/31/95 11/29/95 CBI (G) Printing ink (G) Oil free
resin isophthalic
P-95-1957 08/30/95 11/28/95 Zeon Chemicals (G) Photosensitive (G) Substituted
U.S.A., Inc. resin composition butadiene styrene
P-95-1958 08/31/95 11/29/95 Huntsman Corporation (G) Highly dispersive (G) Cyclic amine-
use-crosslinking ketone adduct,
agent reduced
P-95-1959 08/31/95 11/29/95 Ciba-Geigy (G) Textile dye (G) Alkenyl
Corporation, Textile substituted phenyl
Products Division amino substituted
triazinyl amino
substituted phenyl
P-95-1960 08/31/95 11/29/95 CBI (G) Catalyst in (G) Phoxphoric acid,
closed process mixed
alkyl and alkyl
P-95-1961 08/31/95 11/29/95 CBI (G) Catalyst in (G) Phoxphoric acid,
closed process mixed
polyoxyalkylene aryl
and alkyl esters
P-95-1962 08/31/95 11/29/95 CBI (G) Catalyst in (G) Phoxphoric acid,
closed process mixed
substituted aryl and
alkyl esters
[[Page 16840]]
P-95-1963 09/01/95 11/30/95 CBI (G) Lubricating (G) Triurea complex
grease thickening
P-95-1964 09/01/95 11/30/95 CBI (S) Spray applied (G) Amine salt of
coatings polyurethane resin
P-95-1965 09/06/95 12/05/95 CBI (G) Wet end paper (G) Starch, 2-
binder [(substituted)methyl
amino] -2-oxoethyl 2-
opylether, chloride,
P-95-1966 09/06/95 12/05/95 CBI (G) Wet end paper (G) Starch, 2-
binder [(substituted)methyl
amino] -2-oxoethyl 2-
opylether, chloride,
P-95-1967 09/07/95 12/06/95 S.C. Johnson & Sons, (G) Inorganic wax (G) Inorganic wax
P-95-1968 09/06/95 12/05/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Amine salt of
P-95-1969 09/06/95 12/05/95 CBI (G) Internal (G) Bis
component of (dimethylaminosubsti
manufactured tuted)
contained-use carbomonocycle
comsumers article
P-95-1970 09/06/95 12/05/95 CBI (G) Industrial water (G) Benzotrizole
treatment, open derivative
dispersive use
P-95-1971 09/06/95 12/05/95 Hoechst Celanese (G) Fixative article (G) Modified
formaldehyde, urea
P-95-1972 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1973 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1974 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1975 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1976 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1977 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1978 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1979 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1980 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1981 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1982 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1983 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1984 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1985 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1986 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1987 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1988 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1989 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1990 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1991 09/07/95 12/06/95 CBI (G) Colorant (G) Polymeric
P-95-1992 09/07/95 12/06/95 Percy International (S) Modifing resin (S) Hexanedioic acid,
Ltd. used in the polymer with 1,3-bis
manufacture of (1-isocyanato-1-
coatings methylethyl)
benzene, 1,4-
butanediol, 2,2-
propanediol, 3-
methylpropanoic acid
and 2-methyl-1,5-
compound with N,N-
P-959-1993 09/07/95 12/06/95 Percy International (S) Used in the (S) Hexanedioic acid,
ltd. manufacture of polymer with 1,4-
leather butanediol, 2,2-
dimethyl-1, 3-
propanediol, 1,2-
ethanediamine, 3-
methylpropanoic acid
and 5-isocyanato-1-
, compound with 1-
P-95-1994 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Intermediate (G) Substituted
P-95-1995 09/08/95 12/07/95 Bostik, Inc. (G) Open, non- (G) Polyurethane
dispersive use
P-95-1996 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Epoxy-terminated
dispersive coating aliphatic polyester
additive resin
P-95-1997 09/08/95 12/07/95 Reichhold Chemicals (S) Wood coating (G) Anionic aliphatic
Inc. polyurethane
P-95-1998 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Formulated (G) Aliphatic ester
ingredient for a alcohol
proprietary product
[[Page 16841]]
P-95-1999 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Formulated (G) Aliphatic ester
ingredient for a alcohol
proprietary product
P-95-2000 09/08/95 12/07/95 Henkel Corporation (G) Fiber production (G) Polyiminoamide
P-95-2001 09/08/95 120795 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2002 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2003 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2004 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2005 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2006 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2007 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2008 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2009 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2010 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2011 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2012 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2013 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2014 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2015 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2016 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2017 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2018 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2019 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2020 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2021 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2022 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2023 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2024 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2025 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2026 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2027 09/08/95 12/07/95 CBI (G) Dispersively (G) T-Alkyl
applied binder resin peracetate initiated
acrylic copolymer
P-95-2028 09/11/95 12/10/95 CBI (G) Ingredient for (G) Gamma-lactone of
use in consumer a cyclic aliphatic
products; highly hydroxy acid
P-95-2029 09/11/95 12/10/95 CBI (G) Ingredient for (G) Alicyclic diester
use in consumer
products; highly
P-95-2030 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (G) Additives for (G) Acrylated
coatings silicone
P-95-2031 09/11/95 12/10/95 Dow Corning (S) Silicone fabric (G) Amide-functional
finish polydimethylsiloxane
P-95-2032 09/06/95 12/11/95 CBI (G) Alkoxylation (G) Double metal
catalyst cyanmide complex
P-95-2033 09/08/95 12/07/95 Albright & Wilson (S) Corrosion (G) Carboxyalkylidene
Inc. inhibitor and anti phosphonic acids
scale agent for (sodium salts)
P-95-2034 09/12/95 12/11/95 Cytec Industries (G) Wet-end additive (G) Melamine, polymer
for improved with formaldehyde,
properties of paper methylated,
[[Page 16842]]
P-95-2035 09/11/95 12/10/95 Nichimen America Inc (G) Thermosetting (G) Substituted
Los Angeles Branch resin for electric polyphenol
devices and
P-95-2036 09/13/95 12/12/95 CBI (S) Fabric coating, (G) Amine salt of a
fabric finish, polyester, aromatic
adhesive polyurethane
P-95-2037 09/14/95 12/13/95 General Electric (G) Catalyst for (G) Quaternary
Company manufacture of a ammonium halide
P-95-2038 09/13/95 12/12/95 CBI (G) Used as a raw (G) Saturated
material in the polyester resin
formulation of
P-95-2039 09/12/95 12/13/95 CBI (G) Modifier for (G) Monosubstituted
latex binder for cycloaliphatic
coatings isocyanate, urethane
with hydroxyalkyl
P-95-2040 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (G) Chelate (G) Chelated iron
P-95-2041 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (S) Urethane foam (G) Mono and diamine
catalyst salt carboxylate
P-95-2042 09/12/95 12/11/95 Henkel Corporation (G) Catalyst (S) Carboxylic acids,
(Emery Group) C5-9, manganese (2+)
P-95-2043 09/12/95 12/11/95 Henkel Corporation (G) Agricultural use (S) Nonanoic acid, 2-
(Emery Group) hydroxyethyl ester
P-95-2044 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Polyurethane
P-95-2045 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Polyurethane
P-95-2046 09/15/95 12/14/95 CBI (G) Destructive use (G) Substituted alkyl
P-95-2047 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (G) Fire (G)
extinguishing agent Perfluoropolyamphiph
additive ile
P-95-2048 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Amine salt of
polyurethane resin
P-95-2049 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Amine salt of
polyurethane resin
P-95-2050 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Amine salt of
polyurethane resin
P-95-2051 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Amine salt of
polyurethane resin
P-95-2052 09/12/95 12/11/95 CBI (S) Coatings (G) Amine salt of
polyurethane resine
P-95-2053 09/14/95 12/13/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (S) Resin acids and
dispensive use rosin acids,
fumarated, esters
sodium salt
P-95-2054 09/14/95 12/13/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (S) Resin acids and
dispensive use rosin acids,
fumarated, esters
sodium salt
P-95-2055 09/14/95 12/13/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (S) Resin acids and
dispensive use rosin acids,
fumarated, esters
potassium salt
P-95-2056 09/12/95 12/11/95 Dystar L. P (S) Reactive dye for (G) Trisubstituted
cellulose benzene sulfonic
P-95-2057 09/12/95 12/11/95 Dystar L. P. (S) Reactive dye for (G) Trisubstituted
cellulose benzene sulfonic
P-95-2058 09/15/95 12/14/95 NOF America (S) Organic filler (G) Acrylate
Corporation for irregular copolymer
P-95-2059 09/15/95 12/14/95 NOF America (S) Organic filler (G) Acrylate
Corporation for irregular copolymer
P-95-2060 09/12/95 12/11/95 Dystar L. P. (G) Power formulation (G) Substituted
of fiber-reactive naphthylene
dye for cellulose disulfonic acid
P-95-2061 09/12/95 12/11/95 Dystar L. P. (G) Power formulation (G) Substituted
of fiber-reactive naphthylene
dye for cellulose disulfonic acid
P-95-2062 09/15/95 12/14/95 Ciba Geigy (G) Open-non- (G) Diketo-
Corporation Pigments dispersive pyrrolopyrrole
P-95-2063 09/18/95 12/17/95 Ver-Tech, Inc. (G) Resin component (S) Fats and
in an epoxy based glyceridic oils,
paint; polymer veronia galamensis
component in a seed
structural epoxy
P-95-2064 09/18/95 12/17/95 CBI (G) Filler treatment (G) Organosilane
P-95-2065 09/18/95 12/17/95 Reichhold Chemicals (S) Binder in (G) Anionic aliphatic
Inc coatings for metals polyurethane
and plastics dispersion
P-95-2066 09/18/95 12/17/95 CBI (G) Intermediate (G) Substituted
naphthalene compound
P-95-2067 09/18/95 12/17/95 CBI (G) Pigment; dye (G) Xanthene dye
P-95-2068 09/18/95 12/17/95 CBI (G) Intermediate (G) Substituted
naphthalene compound
P-95-2069 09/19/95 12/18/95 Champion Technologies (S) Oilfield; gas (G) Amine aldehyde
stream treatment condensate
P-95-2070 09/19/95 12/18/95 CBI (S) Additive in (S) Feric oxide,
electroplating saccharated; iron
P-95-2071 09/18/95 12/17/95 Aztec Peroxides Inc. (S) Initiator for (S) DI-(4-
crosslinking methylbenzoyl)-
P-95-2072 09/18/95 12/17/95 Apollo America (G) Lubricating oil (G) Alkyl poly-ether
[[Page 16843]]
P-95-2073 09/20/95 12/19/95 CBI (S) Polymer for (G) Polyester
automotive paints, polyurethane grafted
and binder for with polymer of
coating methacrylic esters
P-95-2074 09/18/95 12/19/95 CBI (G) Anionic/cationic (G) Unsaturated
wetting and polymide and acid
dispersing additive ester salts
P-95-2075 09/19/95 12/18/95 Vista Chemical Co. (S) Plasticizer for (G) Phthalate dialkyl
pvc resin ester
P-95-2076 09/19/95 12/18/95 Vista Chemical Co. (S) Plasticizer for (G) Phthalate dialkyl
pvc resin ester
P-95-2077 09/18/95 12/17/95 CBI (G) Fibre Lubricant (G) Polyglycol
carbonate; aliphatic
polyether glycol
polyethylene glycol
carbonic acid
esters; alkoxy
carbonic acid esters
P-95-2078 09/20/95 12/19/95 DSM Fine Chemicals (S) Cross-linking (S) 1,4-
USA, Inc. agent in specialty butanediamine,
polymers for use as N,N,N,N-terakis (3-
coating, addituves, aminopropyl)
and conducting
polymers, bulking
agent and cleaning
enhances in hard
suface cleaning
P-95-2079 09/20/95 12/19/95 DSM Fine Chemicals (S) Cross-linking (S) 4,8,13,17-
USA, Inc. agent in specialty tetraazaeicosane-
polymers for use as 1,20-diamine, 4,17-
coating, addituves, bis (3-aminopropyl)-
and conducting 8,13-bis[3-[bis(3-
polymers, bulking aminopropyl)amino]pr
agent and cleaning opyl]
enhances in hard
suface cleaning
P-95-2080 09/20/95 12/19/95 DSM Fine Chemicals (S) Cross-linking (S) 4,8,12,17,21,25-
USA, Inc. agent in specialty Hexaazaoctacosane-
polymers for use as 1,28-diamine, 4,25-
coatings, addituves, bis (3-aminopropyl)-
and conducting 12,17-[3-[bis[3-[bis
polymers, bulking (3-aminopropyl)
agent and cleaning amino] propyl]
enhances in hard amino]propyl]-8,21-
suface cleaning bis[3-[bis (3-
P-95-2081 09/20/95 12/19/95 DMS Fine Chemicals (S) Cross-linking (S) 2-Propenenitrile,
USA, Inc. agent in specialty dendrimer, 1,4-
polymers for use as butanediamine-core,
coatings addituves, amino-terminated, 32-
and conducting functional
polymers, bulking
agent and cleaning
enhances in hard
suface cleaning
P-95-2082 09/20/95 12/19/95 DMS Fine Chemicals (S) Cross-linking (S) 2-Propenenitrile,
USA, Inc. agent in specialty dendrimer, 1,4-
polymers for use as butanediamine-core,
coatings addituves, amino-terminated, 64-
and conducting functional
polymers, bulking
agent and cleaning
enhances in hard
suface cleaning
P-95-2083 09/21/95 12/20/95 Hoechst Celanese (S) Intermediate for (S) Benzenemethanol,
Corporation resin used in 4-hydroxy-.alpha.-
coatings application methyl
P-95-2084 09/21/95 12/20/95 3M Company (G) Coating component (G) Acrylate
P-95-2085 09/22/95 12/18/95 ABCO Industries Inc. (S) Adhesion promoter (S) 1,3-
for textile size on benzenedicarboxylic
polyester fib acid, 5-sulfo-,
monosodium salt,
polymer with 1,3-
acid, 1,3-dihydro-
ic acid and 2,2-
compound with 2,2,2-
P-95-2086 09/21/95 12/20/95 CBI (S) Chemical (G) Alkyl carbonates
P-95-2087 09/22/95 12/21/95 CBI (G) Lubricant (G) Sulfurized
additive vegetable oil
P-95-2088 09/21/95 12/20/95 CBI (G) Paint (G) Polyester
P-95-2089 09/21/95 12/20/95 CBI (G) Paint (G) Polyester
P-95-2090 09/21/95 12/20/95 CBI (G) Paint (G) Polyester
P-95-2091 09/21/95 12/20/95 CBI (G) Paint (G) Polyester
P-95-2092 09/21/95 12/20/95 CBI (G) Paint (G) Polyester
P-95-2093 09/21/95 12/20/95 CBI (G) Paint (G) Polyester
P-95-2094 09/22/95 12/21/95 Exxon Chemical (S) Polymerization (G) Alumiunum
Company catalyst organometallic
P-95-2095 09/22/95 12/21/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Polyester silane
dispersive use
96 09/22/95 12/21/95 CBI (G) Open, non- (G) Water thinnable
dispersive fatty acid modified
polyurethane resin
P-95-2097 09/26/95 12/25/95 H.B. Fuller Company (S) Structural resin (G) Polyaminoketone
P-95-2098 09/26/95 12/25/95 H.B. Fuller Company (S) Structural resin (G) Polyaminoketone
P-95-2099 09/26/95 12/25/95 Rhone Poulenc (G) Process additive (S) Phosphoric acid,
Incorporated neodymium (3+) salt
P-95-2100 09/25/95 12/24/95 Hoechst Celanese (S) Intermediate for (S) Benzeneacetamide,
Corporation plastic monomer; 4-hydroxy-
intermediate for
P-95-2101 09/26/95 12/25/95 Rhone Poulenc (G) Intermediate for (S) Hydrazine, (2-
Incorporated bulking fluorophenyl)
P-95-2102 09/26/95 12/25/95 Wacker Silicones (S) Masonry water (G)
Corporation repellent; gypsum Alkylalkoxysiloxane
water repellent
[[Page 16844]]
P-95-2103 09/25/95 12/24/95 CBI Temporary wet (G) Starch, 2-hydroxy-
strenght in tissues/ 3-
towel applications (trimethylammonio)pr
opyl 2-[methyl (2-
substituted) amino]-
2-substituted ether,
P-95-2104 09/25/95 12/24/95 CBI Temporary wet (G) Starch, 2-hydroxy-
strenght in tissues/ 3-
towel applications (trimethylammonio)pr
opyl 2-[methyl (2-
substituted) amino]-
2substituted ether,
P-95-2105 09/25/95 12/24/95 Cytec Industries (G) Resin for non- (G) Modified
dispersive use polyester resin
P-95-2106 09/27/95 12/26/95 Shin-Etsu Silicones (S) Additive for (G) Organosilicone
of America, Inc. plastics, and copolymer
additive for paints
P-95-2107 09/27/95 12/26/95 CBI (G) A destructive use (G) Polyester resin
as a chemical
P-95-2108 09/27/95 12/26/95 Shin-Etsu Silicones (S) Additive for (S) Beta-alanine,N-
of America, Inc silicone RTV rubber [2[[[[2
compounds (trimethoxysily)ethy
yl ester; Beta,-
alanine, N-(2-
aminoethyl)-N- [[[2-
pyl ester
P-95-2109 09/27/95 12/26/95 Shin-Etsu Silicones (S) Additive for (S) Polymer of:
of America, Inc plastics silioxanes and
silicones, di-me, 3-
hydroxypropyl, group-
cyclosiloxanes, di-
P-95-2110 09/29/95 12/28/95 CBI (G) Fuel oil (G) Formaldehyde,
stability additive; polymer with dodecyl
hydrocarbon process phenol,ethyleneamine
stream anti-foulent , and substituted
additive alkyl phenol
P-95-2111 09/28/95 12/27/95 CBI (G) Ink component (G) Polyurethane
P-95-2112 09/29/95 12/28/95 CBI (S) Antifouling agent (G) Modified phenolic
for polyvinylalcohol resin in aqueous
polymerization solution
P-95-2113 09/29/95 12/28/95 Hampshire Chemical (S) Intermediate for (S) Acetonitrile,
Corporation alkaline hydrolysis 2,2,2-[[
to produce alkyl (cyanomethyl)imino]b
is (2,1-
P-95-2114 09/29/95 12/28/95 Ciba-Geigy G) Intermediate for (G) Benzenesulfonic
Corporation, textile dye acid, amino
substituted phenyl
soduim salt
II. 144 Notices of Commencement Received From: 07/24/95 to 09/29/95
Case No. Received Date Date Chemical
Y-90-0264 08/13/90 09/20/90 (I)Hydroxy acrylic resin
P-94-1557 07/25/95 06/29/95 (G) Hydrated alkaline earth
metal salts of metalloid
P-94-1826 07/24/95 07/18/95 (G) Modified acrylic polymer
P-95-0084 07/25/95 07/18/95 (G) Modified acrylic polymer
P-95-0873 07/25/95 06/29/95 (S) Benzene, 1,1-methylene-bis
[isocyanato]-polymer with
poly (oxy-1, 2-ethanediyl),
alpha-hydro-w-hydroxy and
denatured ethanol
P-95-0972 07/24/95 07/13/95 (G) Polyurethane
P-95-0285 07/26/95 07/07/95 (G) Neutralized polymer of
aliphatic and aromatic
P-95-0094 07/27/95 07/11/95 (G) Glycol diisocyanate
P-92-122 07/27/95 06/30/95 (S) Butanedioic acid, hydroxy-
, diammonium salt
P-95-0395 07/28/95 07/21/95 (G) Polyester polyether
P-93-0524 07/28/95 06/30/95 (G) Acrylic copolymer
P-95-0667 07/28/95 07/17/95 (G) Polyester resin
P-95-0668 07/28/95 07/17/95 (G) Alkyd resin
P-95-0787 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A Polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer; morpholine
P-95-0789 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A Polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer;
P-95-0793 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A Polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer; 1-propanol,
P-95-0794 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A Polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer; 1-propanol,
2- amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)
P-95-0795 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer;
P-95-0796 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer;
P-95-0798 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer;
dihexylamine, 2,2-diethyl
P-95-0799 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer; 9-octodecen-
P-95-0800 07/28/95 07/19/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer; amines,
cocoalkyl, ethoxylated
[[Page 16845]]
P-95-0801 07/28/95 07/14/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid , 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; potassium
P-95-0802 07/28/95 07/14/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid , 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; sodium
P-95-0803 07/28/95 07/14/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; ammonium
P-95-0804 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; sodium
hydroxymethyl glycinate
P-95-0805 07/28/95 07/14/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; ethanolamine
P-95-0806 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid , 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; 1-propanol, 2-
P-95-0807 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; triethylamine
P-95-0808 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid;
P-95-0809 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; 1-propanol, 2-
P-95-0810 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; 1,3-
propanediol, 2-amino-20
P-95-0811 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A Polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid;
P-95-0812 07/28/95 07/14/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid;
P-95-0813 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; 9-octadecen-1-
P-95-0814 07/28/95 07/17/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid, 2-methyloctadecyl
ester, polymer with 2-
propenoic acid; amines,
cocoalkyl, ethoxylated
P-95-0604 07/24/95 06/27/95 (G) Polyurethane salt
P-95-0925 07/28/95 07/13/95 G) Esterified polyglycol
P-93-0995 07/28/95 06/28/95 (G) Polyurethane modified
polyester resin
P-95-0826 07/24/95 07/18/95 (G) Substituted methyl ester
of benzoic acid
P-95-0523 07/28/95 07/20/95 (G) Epoxide amine modified
cationic acrylic resin
P-95-1009 07/31/95 07/20/95 (G) Coating resin acrylic
P-93-0872 08/01/95 07/26/95 (G) Polyester isocyanate
Y-95-0059 08/01/95 07/06/95 (G) Modified polyurethane
P-94-0664 08/01/95 06/30/95 (G) Reaction product of an
aliphatic diisocyanate, an
alkyl hydroxy acrylate, and
an alkyl polyol
P-94-1917 08/01/95 07/17/95 (G) A phthalocyanine reactive
P-95-0296 08/01/95 07/03/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-1110 08/01/95 07/20/95 (G) Acrylate/methacrylate
P-94-1774 08/03/95 07/06/95 (G) Isocyanate-terminated
prepolymer intermediate
P-94-1776 08/03/95 07/10/95 (G) Isocyanate-terminated
prepolymer intermediate
P-94-1777 08/03/95 07/17/95 (G) Polyurethane resin
P-94-1779 08/03/95 07/17/95 (G) Polyurethane resin
P-94-2148 08/04/95 06/29/95 (G) Dibasic acid/glycol ester
P-95-1057 08/04/95 07/05/95 (G) Acrylic resin salt
P-95-0780 08/07/95 07/19/95 (G) Carboxylic acid copolymer
P-95-0608 08/08/95 07/19/95 (G) Alkanol amine salt
P-95-0928 08/08/95 07/11/95 (G)
P-93-1130 08/08/95 07/18/95 (G) 2H-Pyran-4-ol, tetrahydro-
P-93-1074 08/08/95 07/29/95 (S) Formaldehyde, polymer with
chloromethyloxirane, phenol
and m-xylene
P-95-1216 08/08/95 07/27/95 (G) Polysubstituted
methacrylic copolymer
P-95-0481 08/09/95 07/12/95 (G) Condensation polyester of
glycols and diacids
P-95-0512 08/09/95 07/27/95 (G) Aminofluoran derivative
Y-95-0083 08/10/95 08/01/95 (S) Polyoxymethylene-block-
P-95-0529 08/11/95 07/16/95 (S) Titanium silicate,
hydrogen, sodium, potassium
mixed salt
P-95-0727 08/15/95 08/07/95 (G) Diester beta C16
P-93-1430 08/14/95 07/28/95 (G) Molecular recognition
material (organic ligand
modified silica gel)
P-95-1250 08/15/95 08/01/95 (S) Powder coating ingredient
saturate polyester resin
P-95-1251 08/15/95 08/01/95 (S) Powder coating ingredient
saturate polyester resin
P-95-1252 08/15/95 08/01/95 (S) Powder coating ingredient
saturate polyester resin
P-95-1209 08/15/95 07/31/95 (G) Open, non-dispersive
polyester resin
P-95-1125 08/15/95 07/28/95 (G) Modified alkyd resin
P-95-0875 08/15/95 08/07/95 (G) Hydrogenated acid-
isomerized alcohol
P-95-0729 08/15/95 08/04/95 (G) Dihydro aldehyde beta C14
P-91-1210 08/15/95 07/21/95 (G) Aliphatic polyisocyanate
P-94-2063 08/16/95 07/18/95 (G) Copolymer of alkyl
P-95-1020 08/16/95 08/04/95 (G) Polymeric colorant
P-93-1421 08/08/95 07/19/95 (G) Alkoxyamine mercaptide
salt of a mono-alkyl
thiadiazole disulfide
[[Page 16846]]
P-95-1047 08/18/95 07/28/95 (G) Anionic aliphatic
polyurethane dispersion
P-95-0728 08/18/95 08/10/95 (G) Ester beta C16
P-95-1338 08/18/95 08/11/95 (S) 1-(4 Hydroxyphenyl)
ethanone oxime
P-92-1106 08/18/95 07/24/95 (G) Modified rosin,
hydrocarbon resin
P-95-0272 08/21/95 07/18/95 (S) A polymer of: 2-methyl-2-
propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl
ester; ethenylbenzene; 2-
propenoic acid 4-
hydroxybutylester; 2-methyl-2-
propenoic acid oxiranylmethyl
ester; 2-ethylhexaneperoxoic
acid 1,1-dimethylethyl ester
P-95-0174 08/21/95 08/07/95 (G) Ethanol, [[[[disubstituted
nyl]alkylamino]-, acetate
P-95-0816 08/22/95 08/02/95 (G) Amine functional silicone
P-95-0509 08/22/95 07/21/95 (G) Polymer of substituted
carboxylic acid, (1-oxo-2-
propenyl)-, alkyl ester; 2-
propenamide, substituted-2-
methyl-; 2-propenoic acid, 2-
methyl-, substituted alkyl
ester; 2-propenoic acid,-
perfluoroalkyl esters; 2-
propenoic acid, alkyl ester
P-95-1066 08/22/95 07/30/95 (G) A magnesium, titanium
organo-complex compound
P-94-2164 08/22/95 08/09/95 (G) Cross-linked modified
polyvinyl amide
P-94-1831 08/22/95 07/11/95 (S) Copolyester of isophthalic
acid, trimellithic anhydride,
1,4-cyclohexane dicarbonic
acid, neopentyl glycol, 1,6-
hexanediol, and 1,1,1, -
trimethylol propane
P-91-1079 08/22/95 08/08/95 (G) Substituted
P-94-1513 08/23/95 08/16/95 l(G) Amino-benzothiazolyl
substituted phenol
P-95-0303 08/24/95 08/09/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0306 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0310 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0311 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0312 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0315 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0316 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0319 08/25/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0330 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0331 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0332 08/24/95 07/24/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-95-0291 08/25/95 07/31/95 (G) Imidazole copolymer
P-95-0299 08/25/95 08/09/95 (G) Substituted benzene metal
halide salt
P-94-2100 08/29/95 08/07/95 (G) Polyalkylpolymethacrylate
P-94-2208 08/29/95 07/25/95 (G) An alkoxide
P-94-2232 08/29/95 08/14/95 (S) Alkyl pyridine acetate and
alkyl pyridine
P-95-0240 08/29/95 08/24/95 (G) Azo chromium complex
dyestuff preparation
P-94-2052 09/05/95 08/22/95 (G) Azo chromium complex
dyestuff preparation
P-95-1367 09/06/95 08/28/95 (G) Esters of
poly(hydroxyphenyl)alkane and
diazonaphthalene sulfonyl
P-95-0791 09/06/95 08/23/95 (S) A Polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer; 2-propanol,
P-95-0792 09/06/95 08/23/95 (S) Polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer;
P-95-0797 09/06/95 08/23/95 (S) A Polymer of: 2-propenoic
acid homopolymer; amines,
P-95-0941 08/25/95 08/12/95 (S) Carbonato bis (-n-ethyl, 2-
P-94-1514 08/25/95 08/23/95 (G) Amino-benzothiazolyl
substituted phenol
P-95-1244 08/25/95 08/10/95 (G) Imported heterocyclic
substituted amido halogenated
benzoic acid ester
P-95-1026 08/28/95 08/09/95 (G) Substituted
alkylaminodihalobenzoic acid,
P-95-1334 08/31/95 08/25/95 (G) Organomodified
P-95-0740 09/01/95 08/23/95 (G) Hydrogenated essential oil
P-95-0977 09/06/95 08/11/95 (G) Acrylate polymer salt
P-95-1387 09/06/95 08/31/95 (G) Organopolysiloxane
P-95-1388 09/06/95 08/31/95 (G) Organopolysiloxane
P-92-0595 09/12/95 06/14/94 (S) 1,2,2-Trichloro-1,1-
difluoroethane (r-122)
P-93-0603 09/12/95 08/17/95 (G) Tannin, acetylated
compound with formaldehyde
and cyclohexylamine
P-93-1238 09/12/95 08/22/95 (G) Tannin 3,4 (bis-oxy-2-
hydroxypropyl trimethyl
ammonium chloride)
P-95-1233 09/08/95 08/22/95 (S) Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-N,-N-
dimethyl-, chloride
P-95-1234 09/08/95 08/26/95 (S) Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-N,N-
N-dimethyl-, hydroxide
P-91-0735 09/14/95 09/06/95 (G) Medium oil alkyd
P-93-1318 09/12/95 08/18/95 (S) Polymer of: 1,3-
propanediol, 2,2-dimethyl-;
1,2-ethanediol; 2,5-
P-95-0015 09/13/95 09/10/95 (G) Tetra-substituted
P-95-1284 09/14/95 08/15/95 (G) An aceto acetic ester of
an aliphatic glycol
P-95-1515 09/14/95 09/09/95 (G) Fatty acids, unsaturated,
reaction products with
unsaturated heterocycle
P-95-0593 09/14/95 09/03/95 (G) Synthetic alkanes, C10-24
P-94-1811 09/18/95 08/23/95 (G) Hexane, 1,6-diisocyanate
homopolymer, polymer with
alkanediol, phthalic
anhydride, and functionalzed
P-94-2135 09/19/95 09/11/95 (G) Polyalphaolefins
P-95-0881 09/14/95 08/23/95 (G) Substituted aromatic acid
P-95-0893 09/18/95 08/21/95 (G) Copolymer with 2-propenoic
acid, isooctyl ester
P-95-1211 09/18/95 08/30/95 (G) Carboxy terminated amide
functional polymer of
aliphatic diols, aromatic
carboxylic acid/anhydride,
tall oil fatty acid dimer,
and ethoxylated
polyarylphenol, ammonium salt
P-95-1210 09/18/95 08/30/95 (G) Carboxy terminated amide
functional polymer of
aliphatic diols, aromatic
carboxylic acid/anhydride,
tall oil fatty acid dimer,
and ethoxylated
P-95-1242 09/18/95 l09/06/95 (G) Chromate (3-), bis 2-
ubstituted monocycle (3-)]-,
[[Page 16847]]
Y-95-0101 09/19/95 08/22/95 (G) Copolymer of methacrylic
acid and dimethyl siloxane
P-95-0882 09/14/95 08/28/95 (G) Substituted alkylbenzene
P-95-1204 09/14/95 08/28/95 (G) Alkoxy-alkyl-
P-95-1205 09/14/95 08/28/95 (G) Disubstituted benzene
P-95-0943 09/21/95 08/16/95 (G) Styrene-acrylic polymer
P-95-0644 08/31/95 08/26/95 (G) Macrocylic cobalt complex
List of Subjects
Environmental protection, Premanufacture notices, Polymer
exemptions, and Test marketing exemption applications.
Dated: April 11, 1996.
Douglas W. Sellers,
Acting Director, Information Management Division, Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics.
[FR Doc. 96-9468 Filed 4-16-96; 8:45 am]