[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 74 (Monday, April 18, 1994)]
[Unknown Section]
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From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 94-9254]
[[Page Unknown]]
[Federal Register: April 18, 1994]
[Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251]
Florida Power and Light Co.; Issuance of Environmental Assessment
and Finding of No Significant Impact
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission or the
staff) is considering the issuance of proposed amendments which would
change the expiration date for Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-31
and DPR-41 issued to Florida Power and Light Company (the licensee),
for operation of the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Units 3 and 4,
(Turkey Point or the facility) located in Dade County, Florida. The
proposed amendments would extend the operating license (OL) terms for
Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 from April 27, 2007 to July 19, 2012 and to
April 10, 2013, respectively.
Environmental Assessment
Identification of Proposed Action
The currently-licensed term for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 is 40
years commencing with the issuance of the construction permits (April
27, 1967). The operating licenses expire on April 27, 2007. Accounting
for the time that was required for plant construction, this represents
an effective operating license term of approximately 34 years for each
unit. By application dated February 25, 1992, the licensee requested
recapture of the construction period in the 40-year OL term, thus
extending the operating license terms for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 to
July 19, 2012 and April 10, 2013, respectively. The granting of the
proposed license amendments would allow the licensee to operate Turkey
Point Units 3 and 4 for an addition 5.25 years and 6 years,
respectively, beyond the current expiration dates. Additional
information in support of the request is provided by the licensee's
letters of June 22 and July 13, 1993.
Summary of Environmental Assessment
The Commission has reviewed the potential environmental impact of
the proposed change and issued ``Environmental Assessment and Finding
of No Significant Impact by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Related to the Change in Expiration Dates of Facility Operating License
Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41, Florida Power and Light Company, Turkey Point
Nuclear Generating Units 3 and 4, Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251'' dated
April 7, 1994. This review considered both the radiological and non-
radiological impacts of extended operation compared with those
projected in the Turkey Point Final Environmental Statement (FES) dated
July 1972. This review evaluated the historical annual collective dose
at the facility, dose reduction measures implemented by the licensee,
and more recent Commission policy contained in a memorandum from the
Executive Director for Operations to the Commission dated August 19,
Radiological Impacts
The staff considered potential radiological impacts on the general
public residing in the vicinity of the facility and workers at the
plant due to normal radiological releases, potential accidents, the
uranium fuel cycle, and the transportation of fuel and waste.
The 1990 U.S. Government Census population update shows that the
nearest population centers to Turkey Point, all to the west and north
beyond a 5-mile radius from the facility, are lower than the population
projections in the FES. The FES conservatively estimated a population
of 170,000 in the year 1986 within the 10-mile emergency planning zone
(EPZ) compared to the U.S. Government Census population update of
105,679 for the year 1990 and projected population of 144,638 for the
year 2013. The exclusion area and nearest population center, and local
land usage, are not changed. The site will continue to meet the
requirements of 10 CFR part 100. Station radiological effluents to
unrestricted areas during normal operation have been well within
Commission regulations relating to as-low-as-reasonably-achievable
(ALARA) limits, and are indicative of future releases. As a result of
low radiological exposure from plant releases during normal operation,
low public risk from accidents, and conservative population estimates
within the EPZ, the environmental impact findings in the FES are not
affected. With regard to station personnel, the licensee complies with
Commission guidance and requirements for keeping radiation exposures
ALARA for occupational exposures. The licensee will continue to comply
with these requirements during the additional years of facility
operation and apply advanced technology when available and appropriate.
Accordingly, radiological impacts on individuals, both onsite and
offsite, are not significantly changed from those previously estimated
in the FES and its conclusions remain valid.
The net annualized environmental effects associated with the
uranium fuel cycle, which form the basis for Table S-3, ``Table of
Uranium Fuel Cycle Environmental Data'' of 10 CFR 51.51, remain
essentially unchanged from those addressed in the FES. The
environmental impacts attributable to the transportation of spent fuel
and waste from the Turkey Point site with respect to the normal
conditions of transport and possible incidents in transport would
continue to be as set forth in Summary Table S-4, ``Environmental
Impact of Transportation of Fuel and Waste to and from One Light Water-
Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor'' of 10 CFR part 51.52. The combined
storage capacity of the two spent fuel pools is 2808 fuel cells and,
based upon the licensee's current projections, this capacity will
accommodate spent fuel discharges throughout the recaptured operating
period for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4.
The estimated additional volume of low-level radioactive waste
(LLRW) that would be generated and would require disposal during the
approximately 11.25 additional reactor-years of operation is a small
fraction of the volume of LLRW that will be produced by the facility
during the current authorized operating period. The staff, therefore,
concluded that conditions of 10 CFR 51.52(c) will be met and that no
new analysis of the environmental effects of transportation of fuel and
waste to and from the reactor is necessary.
Non-Radiological Impacts
The FES evaluated the non-radiological impacts associated with 40-
year facility operation. The assumptions and bases for the FES
assessments have not changed and have remained valid throughout the
operating period of the facility. The licensee will continue to submit
annual non-radiological environmental reports concerning unusual or
important events impacting the environment and comply with applicable
Federal, State and local agency requirements relating to environmental
protection. Compliance with these requirements will preclude any
significant non-radiological environmental impacts associated with the
proposed action.
Alternative to the Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed action, the staff considered
denial of the proposed action. The denial alternative is, in effect,
the same as the ``no-action'' alternative. Denial of the application
would result in no change in current environmental impacts since the
environmental impacts of the proposed action are insignificant.
Alternative Use of Resources
This action did not involve the use of any resources not previously
considered in the FES dated July 1972, related to operation of the
Agencies and Persons Consulted
The NRC staff consulted with the State of Florida regarding the
environmental impact of the proposed action. The State of Florida had
no comments on the proposed action.
Finding of No Significant Impact
The Commission has reviewed the FES and the additional information
provided by the licensee to determine the environmental impact of
operation of the facility for the proposed additional 11.25 reactor-
years. Based upon the foregoing environmental assessment, the
Commission concludes that the proposed action will not have a
significant effect on the quality of the human environment. Therefore,
the Commission has determined, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.31, not to prepare
an environmental impact statement for the proposed action.
For further details with respect to this action, see (1) the
application for amendments dated February 25, 1992, and additional
information provided by the licensee's letters of June 22, and July 13,
1993, (2) ``Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of
Turkey Point,'' Florida Power and Light Company, Docket Nos. 50-250 and
50-251 dated July 1972, and (3) the Environmental Assessment dated
April 7, 1994. These documents are available for public inspection at
the Commission's Public Document Room, 2120 L Street, NW., Washington,
DC and at the local public document rooms located at Florida
International University, University Park, Miami, Florida 33199 and at
Indian River Community College, Ft. Pierce, Florida.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 7th day of April 1994.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Herbert N. Berkow,
Director, Project Directorate II-2, Division of Reactor Projects--I/II,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 94-9254 Filed 4-15-94; 8:45 am]