96-9539. DowElanco, Environmental Assessment: Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Related to Amendment of Material License Number 13-26398-01  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 76 (Thursday, April 18, 1996)]
    [Pages 16937-16940]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-9539]
    [Docket No. 030-32714]
    DowElanco, Environmental Assessment: Finding of No Significant 
    Impact and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Related to Amendment of 
    Material License Number 13-26398-01
    ACTION: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering an 
    amendment to NRC License No. 13-26398-01, for continued use of carbon-
    14 (C-14) in pesticide testing at the DowElanco Greenfield Field 
    Research Station (Greenfield, Indiana).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susanne Woods, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, MS T8F5, 
    Washington, DC 20555, telephone (301) 415-7267.
    Environmental Assessment
    Description of the Proposed Action
        The proposed action is to amend NRC Byproduct Material License No. 
    13-26398-01, issued to DowElanco on September 21, 1992, and amended on 
    May 14, 1993. Pursuant to the 1993 amendment, the license presently 
    authorizes DowElanco personnel to complete the following: (1) use 
    byproduct material at the DowElanco Indianapolis Research and 
    Development Site (Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, Indiana); and (2) 
    conduct C-14-labeled pesticide studies, during 1993, on small, 
    controlled, outdoor, test areas at the DowElanco Greenfield Field 
    Research Station (Greenfield, Indiana) (hereafter referred to as the 
    Station). The proposed NRC license amendment will authorize DowElanco 
    personnel to continue to use C-14 in pesticide studies, using the same 
    methods, control areas, and small test plots examined during the 
    environmental assessment (EA) process that accompanied the 1993 
    amendment authorization for field studies at the Station. Authorization 
    granted by the proposed amendment will be in effect until the next 
    license renewal, at which time the environmental impacts will again be 
    examined and assessed as deemed necessary. The EA and Finding of No 
    Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed action, presented herein, 
    accompanies the proposed amendment and, as will be discussed, 
    encompasses a period of time that is expected to exceed the date of the 
    next license renewal (i.e., a period that also exceeds the duration of 
    the proposed amendment to the license and assumes many years of 
    DowElanco ownership and use of the Station for the required C-14 
    studies). The purpose of the pesticide studies was further explained in 
    NRC's ``Environmental Assessment: Finding of No Significant Impact and 
    Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Related to Amendment of Material 
    License 13-26398-01, DowElanco,'' published prior to the 1993 studies 
    in the Federal Register (FR) on May 14, 1993 (58 FR 28638).
        The non-site-specific aspects of the C-14-labeled pesticide studies 
    continue to be performed under DowElanco's current authority, as 
    provided in NRC License No. 13-26398-01 (e.g., possession of C-14 
    before application; preparation of C-14-labeled pesticides; use and 
    subsequent laboratory analysis of C-14 in soil and plant samples; 
    disposal of waste consisting of radioactive material; and compliance 
    with regulatory requirements for C-14 use and bioassay).
        As stated in the 1993 EA (58 FR 28638), the Vice President of 
    DowElanco Research and Development requested an NRC license 
    (application dated March 6, 1992). The request included authorization 
    to perform C-14-labeled pesticide research and registration studies on 
    plants growing in a farm and orchard environment at the Station. 
    DowElanco manufactures and develops a variety of chemicals for 
    agricultural use, including pesticides (i.e., insecticides, fungicides, 
    and herbicides) for treating ornamental plants, food crops, and feed 
    crops. The exploratory research studies are conducted to examine the 
    fate of pesticides in and on various plant species. The studies are 
    being completed, as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency (EPA), for registering the pesticide and permitting sale in the 
    United States and other countries. Specifically, pesticides intended 
    for use on agricultural commodities must be registered by EPA under the 
    Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (as amended), as 
    required by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (as amended).
        DowElanco requested the following three types of field studies 
    using C-14: two specific types of pesticide field studies for 
    registration with the EPA, requiring use of C-14-labeled pesticides in 
    an outdoor environment (referred to as the nature-of-the-residue and 
    confined-rotational-crop studies); and lysimeter studies to augment the 
    EPA studies. Further, DowElanco anticipates that open-field (i.e., 
    outdoor) C-14 pesticide studies will be conducted at
    [[Page 16938]]
    the Station for the duration of the license.
        Individual trees or plots may continue to be used to study the 
    effects from a particular pesticide application, for periods lasting 
    from a few weeks up to 18 months. DowElanco will limit the amount of C-
    14 applied at the Station to 370 Megabecquerel (MBq) [10 millicuries 
    (mCi)], during any 24-hour period. Further, DowElanco will apply no 
    more than 1,110 MBq (30 mCi) of C-14 at the Station, in a calendar 
        As specified for the 1993 EA, DowElanco personnel will follow 
    specific procedures to contain the C-14 to the study plots or specific 
    trees and branches, as well as monitor and maintain established C-14 
    levels in surface water, subsurface water, and soil.
    Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
        Many of the environmental impacts for the proposed action were 
    previously analyzed in the EA prepared for the 1993 license amendment 
    (58 FR 28638). Information and analyses previously presented include: 
    (a) site location and geology; (b) studies to be performed; (c) need 
    for the proposed action (proposed studies); (d) affected environment; 
    (e) study protocols; (f) pathways to the environment; (g) pathways to 
    humans; (h) effects on other species; and (i) alternatives to the 
    proposed action (proposed studies). Specific aspects of the studies for 
    the current licensing action (e.g., site, plants, pesticides, 
    application, and soil/water clean-up procedures) are the same as those 
    described in the 1993 EA. Additionally, the C-14 will continue to be 
    released into the environment as a tracer for labeling the studies. 
    Unlike the 1993 EA, however, the proposed action, described herein, 
    involves a greater duration of study. Accordingly, this EA included 
    consideration of possible impacts from the increased quantity of C-14 
    introduced into the environment. The FONSI for this EA forms a basis 
    for authorizing continuation of the studies at the Station. To ensure 
    that all relevant impacts are considered for continuation of the 
    studies (i.e., the current licensing action), discussions of impacts 
    are either referenced (as noted above) from the previous notice (58 FR 
    28638) or provided herein.
        As described in the 1993 EA (58 FR 28638), the C-14-labeled studies 
    are limited to one field (designated as Block 10), as the site for 
    lysimeter and open-field C-14 crop studies, and one orchard (designated 
    as Block 3). In turn, applications of the labeled pesticides will be 
    limited to individual trees and/or branches for Block 3 studies and 
    individual subplots for Block 10 studies. (Before NRC-licensed material 
    can be used in any other field/orchard application outside of Blocks 3 
    or 10, a new EA must be completed for a new license amendment.) As 
    specified in the 1993 EA, members of the general public (i.e., 
    individuals other than DowElanco personnel working at the Station or 
    Eli Lilly and Company security personnel responsible for providing 
    Station surveillance) are not expected to come into direct contact with 
    the C-14, pesticide, study plots, or vegetation.
    Impacts to the Human Environment
        The potential impact to the human environment from the proposed 
    studies were evaluated by NRC using two different methodologies (as 
    implemented in computer codes) for assessing radiation doses delivered 
    to individuals living either on the study site (i.e., the Station) or 
    offsite. Onsite impacts from all possible pathways for delivering dose 
    to humans were assessed using the RESRAD code (implementing the U.S. 
    Department of Energy guidelines for residual radioactive material) (Yu, 
    C., et al., 1993). Surface-water and groundwater pathways were 
    identified as the relevant pathways for delivering radiation doses 
    offsite. Offsite water pathways were assessed using the MEPAS code 
    (Multimedia Environmental Pollutant Assessment System) (Droppo, J.G., 
    Jr., et al., 1989). Specifically, the dose assessments examined a 
    maximum C-14 application of 1,110 MBq (30 mCi) per year at the Station, 
    with DowElanco's soil and surface water residual contamination (i.e., 
    remediation levels after removal of test plot vegetation and soil) set 
    at 1.11 Bq/gram(g) [30 picocuries(pCi)/g] and 851 Bq/l (23,000 pCi/l), 
    respectively. Existing contamination, resulting from the studies 
    authorized by the 1993 license amendment, was considered in the current 
        Site-specific parameters were established, using conservative 
    assumptions, for modeling in both the RESRAD and MEPAS assessments. The 
    RESRAD analysis (onsite impact analysis), assumed a family-farm 
    scenario where radiation exposure (C-14) to residents of the farm 
    results from all pathways [i.e., external radiation exposure and 
    internal radiation exposure via ingestion (water, crops, livestock, 
    vegetation, fish, milk, and soil) and inhalation]. Additionally, the 
    first sand and gravel layer [13.7-36.6 meters(m) {45-120 feet(ft)}] was 
    assumed to be the upper-most aquifer, with the shallowest depth [13.7 m 
    (45 ft)] as the depth representing the top of the screened interval for 
    the family drinking-water well. The contaminated topsoil and the 
    aquifer were separated by an unsaturated, uncontaminated, 13.1-m-thick 
    (43-ft-thick), clay layer. The modeled site was assumed to be a plot of 
    ground, equal in size to Block 10, and contaminated with 1.11 Bq/g (30 
    pCi/g) of C-14 throughout the entire layer of topsoil [0.61-m (2-ft) 
    deep] above the clay layer (without cover or controls).
        The offsite scenario assessed the pathway established via overland 
    transport of the site surface water, which was assumed to drain 
    immediately into Wilson's ditch. For the modeled scenario, the ditch 
    was conservatively assumed to border the study block and empty into a 
    receptor well (drinking water) at 183 m (600 ft) downstream from the 
    Station. (The actual locations of the ditch and pathway of the water in 
    the ditch are at greater distances from the site.) For both the offsite 
    and onsite assessments, the existing tile drain field for the Station 
    was considered inoperable, allowing all infiltrating water to 
    eventually encounter the upper-most aquifer (i.e., the drinking water 
    supply below the soil surface).
        The maximum total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) indicated for an 
    individual living onsite, using the family-farm scenario, was 17 
    microsieverts [1.7 millirem (mrem)] per year and occurs via water-
    independent pathways (i.e., pathways that do not result from water as 
    the medium of transport for the C-14 from the soil to humans) during 
    the first year of the model. Hence, the maximum dose does not exceed 
    the 1 millisievert (mSv) (100 mrem) per year (TEDE) public dose limit 
    established in 10 CFR Part 20. This annual dose rapidly reduces after 
    the first year and reaches zero after approximately 20 years. By 
    comparison, assessment of primarily water-dependent pathways (i.e., 
    water is the medium of transport for C-14), using the family-farm 
    scenario, indicates that this pathway, alone, would deliver a maximum 
    15 microsievert (1.5 mrem) per year dose (TEDE) at approximately 15 
    years into the family-farm model. With specific regard to groundwater, 
    computer modeling predicted that a peak dose of 0.26 microsievert/yr 
    (0.026 mrem/yr) from ground water at the site is possible at 10.92 
    years, with a C-14 concentration of 0.625 Bq/l (16.9 pCi/l) of water.
        Offsite impacts were calculated using a maximum lifetime exposure 
    (70 years). The analysis indicated an individual's peak lifetime 
    exposure will
    [[Page 16939]]
    be 0.29 mSv (29 mrem) (TEDE) from the groundwater pathway at 
    approximately 500 years into the model, with a peak groundwater 
    concentration of C-14 in year 486. Overland transport to offsite 
    surface water was calculated to result in an expected individual peak 
    lifetime dose of 0.13 microsievert (13 microrem), with a peak water 
    concentration in year 117. The yearly average TEDE for an individual, 
    based on a 70-year exposure period, will be approximately 4 
    microsieverts (0.4 mrem) and 0.002 microsievert (0.2 microrem), for the 
    groundwater and surface water pathways, respectively.
        These models assume the tile drainage system to be inoperable. 
    However, the system will presumably remain operable during the licensed 
    period of the site (to prevent flooding and costly destruction to 
    vegetation and research analyses). Although the drain system has the 
    potential to collect C-14 that does not escape the soil by other means 
    of transport, effluent from the drainage system will be monitored to 
    determine compliance with 10 CFR Part 20.
        During operation, air releases of C-14 are expected at the Station. 
    DowElanco completed analysis of these releases using the COMPLY 
    analysis computer code developed for EPA. NRC review of the analysis 
    determined that conservative estimates were used for various site 
    parameters. Further, the COMPLY code resulted in a dose of less than 10 
    microsieverts (1 mrem) to an individual living 244 m (approximately 267 
    yards) from the site. Further evaluation of the offsite analysis was 
    not considered necessary.
    Endangered or Threatened Species
        During this EA, DowElanco forwarded a listing of ``Endangered, 
    Threatened, and Rare Species of Hancock County, Indiana,'' assembled by 
    the Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center from reports of individual 
    observations (the Station is in Hancock County). The listing includes a 
    number of mammals, birds, mussels, and plants that do not appear on the 
    Federal listing of endangered species. The names of two species 
    appearing on the Hancock County listing, the Indiana bat (Myotis 
    sodalis) and the clubshell (Pleurobema clava), also appear on the 
    Federal listing of endangered species.
        The clubshell habitat is the clean swept sand and gravel existing 
    in rivers. The species feeds and respires by filtering water. The 
    larval stage of the clubshell reproductive cycle depends upon 
    attachment to, and nourishment from, a fish host. As of 1993, the club-
    shell was known to exist in two Indiana Rivers--the Tippecanoe River 
    (Kosciusko, Fulton, Pulaskia, and Tippecanoe Counties, Indiana); and 
    Fish Creek of the St. Josephs River (DeKalb County, Indiana, and 
    Williams County, Ohio) (Tolin, 1993, 58 FR 5638).
        At the Station, surface water and tile drainage from Blocks 3 and 
    10 drain into Little Sugar Creek, approximately 11 to 16 kilometers (7 
    to 10 miles) from the Station, via Wilson's Ditch. Water is not always 
    present in Wilson's Ditch. Hence, the ditch is not expected to support 
    the aquatic life cycle of the clubshell. Water carrying C-14 from 
    Blocks 3 and 10 is expected to be significantly diluted with other 
    surface water and tile drainage leaving the other areas of the Station 
    and additional offsite locations, before being transported the distance 
    to Little Sugar Creek. Additionally, carbon-dioxide gas dispersion from 
    the transported water and siltation are examples of ways in which C-14 
    may depart the water pathway over this distance. Based on the 
    aforementioned analyses, offsite radiation doses delivered to a 
    clubshell population in Little Sugar Creek (or subsequent waterways 
    receiving Station water), should such a population exist, are not 
    expected to have a significant impact on members of the species.
        The Indiana bat population hibernates in caves through the winter 
    months in only several, large aggregates. Few caves provide the cool, 
    stable temperatures the species requires during hibernation. 
    Disturbance during hibernation can cause a bat to expend 10 to 30 days 
    of its otherwise conserved fat supply (Clawson, 1987). Natural 
    catastrophe, vandalism, cave commercialization, or other human 
    disturbance at one cave can destroy a substantial portion of the 
    overall population directly or indirectly, by altering the cave 
    microclimate. The species was placed on the Federal listing because of 
    this vulnerability associated with its hibernating behavior.
        Female Indiana bats and their young live in nurseries. Migrating 
    bats leave the midwestern caves beginning in late March and return in 
    August (the time period of C-14 application and crop growth at the 
    Station). Roosting begins again in approximately November. Just before 
    roosting, the Indiana bat is likely to increase its body weight by up 
    to 50 percent from consuming insects available in the vicinity of the 
    cave (Humphrey and Sylvia, 1978). No caves are known to be in the 
    vicinity of the Station.
        Some maternity roosts have been located along natural water banks, 
    in floodplain forests, and behind loose bark in a tree hollow. Bats use 
    mature trees as one of their summer habitats, for both roosting and 
    foraging near the treetops. As insectivors, the Indiana bat consumes 
    numerous types of insects, preferring moths (Lepidoptera), beetles 
    (Coleoptera), flies, and midges (Diptera) (Clawson, 1987).
        Mature trees are not used in Blocks 3 and 10 at the Station. 
    Additionally, C-14-labeled insecticide applied to specific tree areas 
    will, presumably, decrease or eliminate insects available for any bats 
    foraging in such study trees. The C-14 pesticide is applied in a 
    controlled manner to a single limb or larger portions of a tree. After 
    pesticide application, the area is covered with netting; hence, the 
    access bats may have to the C-14-labeled pesticide is limited. 
    Additionally, much of the vegetation at the Station will be harvested 
    by November. Thus, a bat's possible intake of C-14 is further limited 
    during the period when maximized retention of C-14 is estimated to 
    affect approximately 50 percent (or less) of an individual bat's 
    collected body mass. Given the information available and a hypothetical 
    scenario in which an Indiana bat ingests contaminated insects or comes 
    into contact with the C-14 through some other means, the possible 
    radiation dose received is not expected to have a significant impact.
    Agencies and Persons Contacted
        Greg E. Socha, the Radiation Safety Officer for DowElanco, provided 
    clarifying information. Additionally, NRC consulted J. Ruyack, Director 
    of Indoor and Radiological Health for the Indiana State Department of 
    Health, in a letter dated February 23, 1994. The letter explained this 
    EA effort, stated NRC's intent to publish the findings in the Federal 
    Register, and requested comments, concerns, or other information 
    believed necessary to be considered during the assessment process. The 
    letter was followed by a telephone call (April 11, 1994) in which it 
    was established that no additional information, comments, nor concerns 
    were identified.
    Finding of No Significant Impact
        Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) 
    and the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Part 51, the Commission has 
    determined that there will not be a significant effect on the quality 
    of the human environment resulting from the continued use of C-14 in 
    pesticide studies conducted at the Station. Further, an environmental 
    impact statement is not required for the proposed amendment to 
    Byproduct Material License No. 13-26398-01, which will authorize 
    continuation of C-
    [[Page 16940]]
    14-labeled pesticide studies at the Station. This determination is 
    based on the foregoing EA performed in accordance with the procedures 
    and criteria in 10 CFR Part 51, ``Environmental Protection Regulations 
    for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions.'' The EA 
    described herein confirms the Finding of No Significant Impact for the 
    studies authorized at the Station by the 1993 license amendment.
        For further details of this action, see the license application 
    dated March 6, 1992 (License Number 13-26398-01), and other related 
    correspondence. Details of the impact analyses completed are available 
    for both the RESRAD and MEPAS computer code evaluations. The documents 
    (in Docket No. 030-32714) may be examined or copied for a fee, in the 
    NRC's Region III Public Document Room, 801 Warrenville Road, Lisle, IL 
        1. Brack, Virgil, Jr., ``Hibernacula of the Endangered Indiana 
    Bat in Indiana,'' Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 
    (1983) Vol. 93, pp. 463-468. Clawson, Richard L., ``Indiana Bats: 
    Down for the Count,'' BATS, (1987) Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 3-5.
        2. Droppo, J.G., Jr., et al. Multimedia Environmental Pollutant 
    Assessment System (MEPAS) Application Guidance, PNL-7216, Pacific 
    Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA, 1989.
        3. Howe, D.B., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 
    ``Environmental Assessment: Finding of No Significant Impact and 
    Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Related to Amendment of Material 
    License 13-26398-01, DowElanco,'' Federal Register, Washington, 
    D.D., Vol. 58, pp. 28638-28645, 1993.
        4. Humphrey, Stephen R. and Sylvia J. Scudder, Florida State 
    Museum. Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida, Volume One: Mammals, 
    University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL, pp. 3 and 4, 1978.
        5. Tolin, William A., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
    ``Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of 
    Endangered Status for the Northern Riffleshell Mussel (Eploblasma 
    torulosa rangiana) and the Clubshell Mussel (Pleuroblema clava),'' 
    Federal Register, Washington, D.C., Vol. 58, pp. 5638-42, 1993.
        6. Yu, C., et al., Manual for Implementing Residual Radioactive 
    Material Guidelines Using RESRAD, Version 5.0, ANL/EAD/LD-2, Argonne 
    National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, 1993.
    Notice of Opportunity for a Hearing
        Any person whose interest may be affected by the issuance of this 
    amendment may file a request for a hearing. Any request for hearing 
    must be filed with the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission, Washington, DC 20555, within 30 days of publication of this 
    notice in the Federal Register and must be served on the NRC staff by 
    mail addressed to the Executive Director for Operations, U.S. Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555 or by delivery to the 
    Executive Director for Operations, One White Flint North, 11555 
    Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852; and must be served on the 
    applicant by mail or delivery to DowElanco, Building 306, 9410 
    Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268. The request for a hearing 
    must comply with the requirements set forth in the Commission's 
    regulations, 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart L, ``Informal Hearing Procedures 
    for Adjudications in Material Licensing Proceedings.'' Subpart L of 10 
    CFR Part 2 may be examined or copied for a fee in the Commission's 
    Region III Public Document Room at 801 Warrenville Road, Lisle, 
    Illinois 60532-4351, or in the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street, 
    N.W., Lower Level, Washington, DC 20555.
        As required by 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart L (10 CFR 2.1205), the 
    request for hearing must describe in detail: (1) the interest of the 
    requestor in the proceeding; (2) how that interest may be affected by 
    the results of the proceedings, including the reasons why the requestor 
    should be permitted a hearing, with particular reference to the factors 
    set out in paragraph (g) of 10 CFR 2.1205; (3) the requestor's areas of 
    concern about the licensing activity that is the subject matter of the 
    proceeding; and (4) the circumstances establishing that the request for 
    a hearing is timely in accordance with paragraph (c) of 10 CFR 2.1205.
        The factors in 10 CFR 2.1205(g) that must be addressed in the 
    request for hearing include: (1) the nature of the requestor's right, 
    under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, to be made a party to the 
    proceeding; (2) the nature and extent of the requestor's property, 
    financial, or other interest in the proceeding; and (3) the possible 
    effect of any order that may be entered in the proceeding, upon the 
    requestor's interest.
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 11th day of April, 1996.
        For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Larry W. Camper,
    Chief Medical, Academic, and Commercial Use Safety Branch, Division of 
    Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, Office of Nuclear Material 
    Safety and Safeguards.
    [FR Doc. 96-9539 Filed 4-17-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering an amendment to NRC License No. 13-26398-01, for continued use of carbon- 14 (C-14) in pesticide testing at the DowElanco Greenfield Field Research Station (Greenfield, Indiana).
Document Number:
16937-16940 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 030-32714
PDF File: