96-9605. Final Flood Elevation Determinations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 76 (Thursday, April 18, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 16875-16878]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-9605]
    44 CFR Part 67
    Final Flood Elevation Determinations
    AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: Base (1% annual chance) flood elevations and modified base 
    flood elevations are made final for the communities listed below. The 
    base flood elevations and modified base flood elevations are the basis 
    for the floodplain management measures that each community is required 
    either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order 
    to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood 
    Insurance Program (NFIP).
    EFFECTIVE DATES: The date of issuance of the Flood Insurance Rate Map 
    (FIRM) showing base flood elevations and modified base flood elevations 
    for each community. This date may be obtained by contacting the office 
    where the maps are available for inspection as indicated on the table 
    ADDRESSES: The final base flood elevations for each community are 
    available for inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer 
    of each community. The respective addresses are listed in the table 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael K. Buckley, P.E., Chief, 
    Hazard Identification Branch, Mitigation Directorate, 500 C Street SW., 
    Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-2756.
    [[Page 16876]]
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency 
    (FEMA or Agency) makes final determinations listed below of base flood 
    elevations and modified base flood elevations for each community 
    listed. The proposed base flood elevations and proposed modified base 
    flood elevations were published in newspapers of local circulation and 
    an opportunity for the community or individuals to appeal the proposed 
    determinations to or through the community was provided for a period of 
    ninety (90) days. The proposed base flood elevations and proposed 
    modified base flood elevations were also published in the Federal 
        This final rule is issued in accordance with section 110 of the 
    Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR part 
        The Agency has developed criteria for floodplain management in 
    floodprone areas in accordance with 44 CFR part 60.
        Interested lessees and owners of real property are encouraged to 
    review the proof Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Map 
    available at the address cited below for each community.
        The base flood elevations and modified base flood elevations are 
    made final in the communities listed below. Elevations at selected 
    locations in each community are shown.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        This rule is categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR 
    Part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact 
    assessment has been prepared.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Acting Associate Director, Mitigation Directorate, certifies 
    that this rule is exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act because final or modified base flood elevations are 
    required by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, 
    and are required to establish and maintain community eligibility in the 
    National Flood Insurance Program. No regulatory flexibility analysis 
    has been prepared.
    Regulatory Classification
        This final rule is not a significant regulatory action under the 
    criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 
    1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.
    Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        This rule involves no policies that have federalism implications 
    under Executive Order 12612, Federalism, dated October 26, 1987.
    Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform
        This rule meets the applicable standards of section 2(b)(2) of 
    Executive Order 12778.
        Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements.
        Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is amended as follows:
    PART 67--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
    1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
    1979 Comp., p. 376.
    Sec. 67.11  [Amended]
        2. The tables published under the authority of Sec. 67.11 are 
    amended as follows:
                                                                   #Depth in
                                                                  feet above
                   Source of flooding and location                *Elevation
                                                                    in feet 
      Brownstown (Town), Jackson County (FEMA Docket No. 7164)              
    East Fork White River:                                                  
      Approximately 0.4 mile downstream of Ewing Road...........       *542 
      Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Ewing Road.............       *544 
    Maps available for inspection at the Town Hall, 200 West                
     Walnut Street, Brownstown, Indiana.                                    
       Scottsburg (City), Scott County (FEMA Docket No. 7164)               
    Iola Lake:                                                              
      Entire shoreline..........................................       *552 
    Pigeon Roost Creek:                                                     
      At confluence with Stucker Ditch..........................       *544 
      Approximately 0.1 mile upstream of State Route 56.........       *547 
    Scottsburg Drain:                                                       
      At confluence with Pigeon Roost Creek.....................       *547 
      At U.S. 31 downstream side................................       *570 
    Iola Run:                                                               
      Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of confluence with Stucker            
       Ditch....................................................       *543 
      At Conrail Railroad.......................................       *543 
    Stucker Ditch:                                                          
      Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of confluence with                    
       Muscatatuck River........................................       *544 
      Approximately 0.65 mile upstream of confluence with                   
       Muscatatuck River........................................       *544 
    Maps available for inspection at the Scottsburg City Hall, 2            
     East McClain Avenue, Scottsburg, Indiana.                              
        Seymour (City), Jackson County (FEMA Docket No. 7159)               
    Heddy Run, Von Fange Ditch:                                             
      Approximately 0.78 mile downstream of Chessie System at               
       the extraterritorial limits..............................       *561 
      Approximately 370 feet upstream of Eighth Street..........       *571 
    Maps available for inspection at the City Hall, 301 North               
     Chestnut, Seymour, Indiana.                                            
     Prince George's County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket             
                              No. 7164)                                     
    Bald Hill Branch:                                                       
      Approximately 475 feet upstream of confluence with Western            
       Branch...................................................        *93 
      Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of Bald Hill Branch.....       *164 
    Maps available for inspection at the Department of                      
     Environmental Resources, Information and Permits Management            
     Section, Inglewood III Office Building, 9400 Peppercorn                
     Place, Sixth Floor, Landover, Maryland.                                
       Coldwater (City), Branch County (FEMA Docket No. 7155)               
    Sauk River:                                                             
      At confluence with South Lake.............................       *928 
      Approximately 0.1 mile upstream of Michigan Avenue........       *972 
    South Lake Drain:                                                       
      Approximately 300 feet downstream of Race Street..........       *940 
      Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of most upstream                    
       crossing of Farm Lane....................................       *985 
    County Drain 15:                                                        
      At State Road.............................................       *969 
      Approximately 900 feet upstream of Private Drive..........       *974 
    South Lake:                                                             
      Entire shoreline within community.........................       *928 
    Randall Lake:                                                           
      Entire shoreline within community.........................       *928 
    Maps available for inspection at the Coldwater City Hall, 28            
              West Chicago Street, Coldwater, Michigan.                     
     Coldwater (Township), Branch County (FEMA Docket No. 7155)             
    Coldwater River:                                                        
      At confluence with South Lake.............................       *928 
      At Fenn Road..............................................       *959 
    South Lake Drain:                                                       
      At confluence with South Lake.............................       *928 
      Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of Garfield Road.........      *1000 
    Sauk River:                                                             
      Approximately 0.6 mile downstream of Michigan Avenue......       *970 
      At Fox Road...............................................       *984 
    County Drain 40:                                                        
      At confluence with Sauk River.............................       *978 
      Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of Wood Road..............       *990 
    Cold Creek:                                                             
      At confluence with Randall Lake...........................       *928 
      At Jonesville Road........................................       *963 
    County Drain 15:                                                        
      At confluence with Cold Creek.............................       *946 
      Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of Michigan Road..........       *966 
    Morrison Lake:                                                          
      Entire shoreline within community.........................       *928 
    [[Page 16877]]
    Randall Lake:                                                           
      Entire shoreline within community.........................       *928 
    South Lake:                                                             
      Entire shoreline within community.........................       *928 
       Maps available for inspection at the Coldwater Township              
         Hall, 571 South Sprague Road, Coldwater, Michigan.                 
     Cannon Falls (City), Goodhue County (FEMA Docket No. 7164)             
    Cannon River:                                                           
      Approximately 0.7 mile upstream from the downstream                   
       corporate limits.........................................       *781 
      Approximately 0.3 mile upstream of 8th Street (State Route            
       17)......................................................       *801 
    Little Cannon River:                                                    
      Approximately 100 feet upstream of Sewer Crossing.........       *795 
      At upstream corporate limits..............................       *820 
      Maps available for inspection at the City Hall, 306 West              
                Mill Street, Cannon Falls, Minnesota.                       
                              NEW YORK                                      
         Bolton (Town), Warren County (FEMA Docket No. 7159)                
    Lake George:                                                            
      Entire shoreline within community.........................       *321 
    Maps available for inspection at the Town of Bolton Zoning              
     Office, Lakeshore Drive, Bolton, New York.                             
     Lake George (Village), Warren County (FEMA Docket No. 7159)            
    Lake George:                                                            
      Entire shoreline within community.........................       *321 
     Maps available for inspection at the Village of Lake George            
      Administrative Building, Amherst Street, Lake George, New             
       Queensbury (Town), Warren County (FEMA Docket No. 7159)              
    Glen Lake:                                                              
      Along entire shoreline....................................       *404 
    Lake George:                                                            
      Entire shoreline within community.........................       *321 
    Rush Pond:                                                              
      Entire shoreline..........................................       *404 
    Unnamed Ponding Area:                                                   
      Area near I-87............................................       *404 
    Maps available for inspection at the Office of the Town                 
     Clerk, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, New York.                             
       Ticonderoga (Town), Essex County (FEMA Docket No. 7159)              
    Lake George:                                                            
      Entire shoreline within community of Deland Point Road....       *321 
    Maps available for inspection at the Ticonderoga Town Hall,             
     324 Champlain Avenue, Ticonderoga, New York.                           
     New Stanton (Borough), Westmoreland County (FEMA Docket No.            
    Belson Run:                                                             
      At downstream corporate limits with Hempfield.............      *1043 
      At upstream corporate limits with Hempfield (near                     
       Sandworks Road)..........................................      *1133 
    Maps available for inspection at the Borough Municipal                  
     Building, 451 West Center Avenue, New Stanton, Pennsylvania            
      Philadelphia (City), Philadelphia County (FEMA Docket No.             
    Schuylkill River:                                                       
      Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of Passyunk Avenue......        *10 
      Approximately 1.4 miles upstream of Flat Rock Dam (at the             
       upstream county boundary)................................        *54 
      The land area located adjacent to and east of the                     
       Schuylkill River previously designated as the                        
       Philadelphia Naval Base..................................        *10 
    Cobbs Creek:                                                            
      Approximately 950 feet upstream of Market Street..........        *72 
      Approximately 0.3 mile downstream of confluence of Indian             
       Creek....................................................        *86 
    Byberry Creek:                                                          
      At confluence with Poquessing Creek.......................        *27 
      At the downstream side of Knights Road....................        *27 
    Delaware River:                                                         
      The land area located adjacent to and north of the                    
       Delaware River previously designated as the Philadelphia             
       Naval Base...............................................        *10 
    Maps available for inspection at the Philadelphia Planning              
     Commission, 1515 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.            
     Washington (Township), Westmoreland County (FEMA Docket No.            
    Pine Run:                                                               
      Approximately 725 feet downstream of the State Route 380..       *919 
      Approximately .4 mile upstream of Ashbaug Road............      *1071 
    Pucketa Creek (Upper Reach):                                            
      Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of Chamber Road (Pine Run             
       Road)....................................................       *987 
    Maps available for inspection at the Washington Township                
     Municipal Building, 285 Pine Run Church Road, Apollo,                  
                            WEST VIRGINIA                                   
     Boone County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7164)             
    Little Coal River:                                                      
      Approximately 1.26 miles downstream of confluence of Big              
       Pinnacle Creek...........................................       *160 
      Approximately 0.2 mile upstream of State Route 17.........       *701 
    Spruce Fork:                                                            
      At the confluence with Little Coal River..................       *701 
    Pond Fork:                                                              
      At the confluence with Little Coal River..................       *701 
    Maps available for inspection at the Office of the Emergency            
     Services Director, Avenue C, Madison, West Virginia.                   
          Danville (Town), Boone County (FEMA Docket 7164)                  
    Little Coal River:                                                      
      Approximately 100 feet upstream of U.S. Route 119.........       *692 
      Approximately 0.36 mile downstream of the confluence of               
       Hopkins Branch...........................................       *695 
    Maps available for inspection at the Danville City Hall,                
     Park Avenue, Danville, West Virginia.                                  
         Madison (City), Boone County (FEMA Docket No. 7164)                
    Little Coal River:                                                      
      Approximately 0.36 mile downstream of the confluence of               
       Hopkins Branch...........................................       *695 
      Approximately 0.2 mile upstream of State Route 17.........       *701 
    Spruce Fork:                                                            
      At the confluence with Little Coal River..................       *701 
      Approximately 32.5 feet upstream of confluence with Little            
       Coal River...............................................       *701 
    Pond Fork:                                                              
      At the confluence with Little Coal River..................       *701 
      At upstream side of CSX Transportation....................       *701 
    Maps available for inspection at the Madison City Hall, 261             
     Washington Avenue, Madison, West Virginia.                             
    Mineral County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7155)            
    Patterson Creek:                                                        
      Approximately 1.55 miles downstream of George Run Road....       *593 
      Approximately 0.58 mile upstream of confluence of Mill                
       Creek....................................................       *751 
    Maps available for inspection at the Mineral County Planning            
     Office, 150 Armstrong Street, Keyser, West Virginia.                   
     Barron County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7155)            
    Tenmile Lake:                                                           
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1040 
    Lake Chetek:                                                            
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1040 
    Prairie Lake:                                                           
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1040 
    Pokegama Lake:                                                          
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1040 
    Mud Lake:                                                               
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1040 
    Hemlock Lake:                                                           
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1189 
    Red Cedar Lake:                                                         
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1189 
    Kidney Lake:                                                            
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1233 
    Beaver Dam Lake:                                                        
    [[Page 16878]]
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1233 
    Bear Lake:                                                              
      Entire shoreline within community.........................      *1222 
    Maps available for inspection at the Barron County Clerk's              
     Office, 1671 18th Street, Barron, Wisconsin.                           
      Dunn County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7155)             
    Chippewa River:                                                         
      Approximately 400 feet upstream of downstream county                  
       boundary.................................................       *725 
      At upstream county boundary...............................       *761 
    Elk Creek:                                                              
      At the Elk Lake Dam.......................................       *806 
      At County Highway EE......................................       *846 
    Eau Galle River:                                                        
      At the Eau Galle Dam......................................       *763 
      Approximately 200 feet upstream of County Highway D.......       *769 
    Red Cedar River:                                                        
      At the confluence with Chippewa River.....................       *729 
      Approximately 0.6 mile downstream of County Highway Y.....       *729 
    Maps available for inspection at the Dunn County Clerk's                
     Office, 800 Wilson Avenue, Menomonie, Wisconsin.                       
       Haugen (Village), Barron County (FEMA Docket No. 7128)               
    Bear Lake:                                                              
      Entire shoreline within corporate limits..................      *1222 
    Maps available for inspection at the Haugen Village Office,             
     108 West Third Street, Haugen, Wisconsin.                              
       Platteville (City), Grant County (FEMA Docket No. 7128)              
    Roundtree Branch:                                                       
      Approximately 0.95 mile downstream of Southwest Road......       *830 
      Approximately 0.23 mile upstream of 500 Line Railroad                 
       Bridge...................................................       *931 
    Maps available for inspection at the Department of Community            
     Planning and Development, 75 North Bonson, P.O. Box 780,               
     Platteville, Wisconsin.                                                
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood 
        Dated: April 9, 1996.
    Richard W. Krimm,
    Acting Associate Director for Mitigation.
    [FR Doc. 96-9605 Filed 4-17-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6718-04-P

Document Information

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The date of issuance of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) showing base flood elevations and modified base flood elevations for each community. This date may be obtained by contacting the office where the maps are available for inspection as indicated on the table below.
16875-16878 (4 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
44 CFR 67.11