94-9325. Pelagic Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 75 (Tuesday, April 19, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-9325]
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    [Federal Register: April 19, 1994]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 685
    [Docket No. 931198-4100; I.D. 031494C]
    RIN 0648-AF97
    Pelagic Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS adopts as final, with one change, the interim final rule 
    authorizing the Southwest Regional Director (RD), NMFS, to require the 
    owner or agent of a vessel with a permit for the longline fishery to 
    make accommodations for a NMFS observer. This final rule requires 
    permit holders or their designated agents (which may include the vessel 
    operator) to provide NMFS with at least 72 hours notice (not including 
    weekends and Federal holidays) prior to each departure from port so the 
    RD can determine if an observer placement will be made. This action is 
    necessary to ensure adequate collection-of-data on the frequency and 
    nature of interactions between longline fishing gear and sea turtles 
    around Hawaii to ensure the fishery operates in compliance with the 
    Endangered Species Act (ESA).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: April 23, 1994, 0001 hours Hawaii time.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of the Observer Plan may be obtained from Anneka W. 
    Bane, Acting Regional Director, Southwest Region, 501 W. Ocean Blvd., 
    Suite 4200, Long Beach, CA 90802.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Svein Fougner at 310-980-4034; Norm 
    Mendes at 310-980-4022, or Alvin Katekaru at 808-955-8831.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Pelagic fisheries of the western Pacific 
    region, including the longline fishery based in Hawaii, are managed 
    under a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) that was approved in 1987 and 
    subsequently was amended six times. Rules implementing the FMP are 
    found at 50 CFR part 685.
        A Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement were issued June 
    10, 1993, concerning the take of sea turtles in the Hawaii longline 
    fishery. In addition to setting a limit on the incidental take of sea 
    turtles, the Incidental Take Statement also requires NMFS to establish 
    an observer program (initially through voluntary placements and 
    subsequently through a mandatory program) to ensure collection of 
    sufficient data to produce statistically significant results and to 
    evaluate the accuracy of logbooks submitted for the fishery.
        This rule provides the administrative mechanism for NMFS to carry 
    out the observer program with general longline permit holders.
        An interim final rule establishing the mandatory observer program 
    was published on December 22, 1993 (58 FR 67699). In that rule, the 
    observer placement authority was provided under the limited entry 
    permit requirement for longline vessels under an existing longline 
    limited entry program in Hawaii. It was anticipated that a new limited 
    entry program would be implemented by an FMP amendment existing at the 
    time the program expires at midnight, April 22, 1994. However, the 
    proposed FMP amendment (Amendment 7) was not submitted to the Secretary 
    for review and implementation under the Magnuson Fishery Conservation 
    and Management Act (Magnuson Act) until late January 1994. Under the 
    normal schedule of the Magnuson Act for action on FMP amendments, the 
    new program (if approved) will not be implemented before mid-June 1994. 
    This means there could be a lapse of 2 months in observer placements 
    due to the lack of a limited entry program and moratorium permits to 
    which the existing observer requirements apply. If this occurred, there 
    would be a substantial risk that the incidental take of turtles could 
    erroneously be estimated. This could result in adverse impacts on sea 
    turtles, if the take of turtles were significantly underestimated and 
    corrective action to protect turtles were not taken; or adverse impacts 
    on the industry if the take of turtles were overestimated and 
    unnecessary constraints were imposed on the fishery.
        The interim final rule is being adopted as final with one change. 
    The change from the interim final rule is to impose the observer 
    placement requirements on the owner of a vessel covered by a general 
    longline permit issued under Sec. 685.9, provided any part of the 
    vessel's next fishing trip will occur in the exclusive economic zone 
    (EEZ) around Hawaii. This is a change from the interim rule, which 
    required notification of NMFS by holders of permits issued pursuant to 
    the current moratorium under Sec. 685.15. However, the moratorium, and 
    the permits issued thereunder, are due to expire April 22, 1994. As 
    explained above, a replacement limited entry program will probably not 
    be implemented prior to April 22, 1994. Therefore, in order to continue 
    to collect observer data, NMFS needs to modify the observer requirement 
    to apply to vessels with general longline permits issued under 
    Sec. 685.9. These general permits are currently required and will 
    remain so even with the expiration of the moratorium and implementation 
    of a new limited entry program.
        Comments on the interim final rule were received from two persons. 
    One commenter emphasized the importance of obtaining detailed, at-sea 
    data on the longline fishery and fully endorsed the observer program. 
    The other commenter raised a number of operational concerns tied to the 
    timing of notices prior to fishing trips and of observer placement 
    meetings. This commenter suggested that more flexibility is needed to 
    accommodate the nature of the fishery and the difficulty for fishermen 
    to make firm timing commitments regarding vessel departures.
        No changes have been made in the regulations as a result of these 
    comments. Experience in observer programs in other fisheries indicates 
    that arrangements usually can be made for modifications when necessary 
    to accommodate changes in schedules (Sec. 685.11(c) (1) and (3)) and 
    delays in departure times or special accommodations for observers 
    (Sec. 685.11(d)). It is recognized that vessel operators may want to 
    make rapid turnaround on trips and may not have 72 hours on shore to 
    contact NMFS concerning the next trip. These operators can contact NMFS 
    through a telephone call from their vessels at sea, if necessary, to 
    determine if an observer will be required and to arrange the placement, 
    if necessary. If a vessel's departure is delayed, the operator can 
    telephone NMFS on a toll free line to arrange for a change in schedule 
    with little disruption. NMFS expects that experience in the longline 
    fishery observer program will provide feedback from vessel owners and 
    operators that should result in an effective program with minimal 
    disruption of vessel operations and scheduling. If necessary, changes 
    can be made to operational procedures without requiring changes in the 
    regulations. Finally, one of the two commenters pointed out correctly 
    that the preamble to the proposed rule could be clarified to indicate 
    that: (a) The Council had recommended, and the Secretary had taken, 
    emergency action to close the protected species zone to longline 
    fishing before the Biological Opinion was issued; and (b) the limited 
    success of the voluntary observer program had been due in large part to 
    the limited number of observers available for duty.
        The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries NOAA, (AA), has 
    determined that the measures in this rule are consistent with the 
    Magnuson Act and other applicable law.
        For purposes of E.O. 12866, this rule has been determined to be 
    ``not significant''.
        This rule contains a collection-of-information requirement subject 
    to the Paperwork Reduction Act. Permit holders or their designated 
    agents will have to notify NMFS at least 72 hours prior to departure on 
    a fishing trip so the RD can determine whether an observer must be 
    taken. If the RD concludes an observer must be taken, the permit holder 
    or designated agent will be so advised and further arrangements will be 
    made, as necessary, concerning details of time and place of 
    embarkation, observer duties, permit holder, vessel operator and crew 
    responsibilities, and related matters. Vessel owners may submit 
    reimbursement claims for certain observer-related costs. The public 
    reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 5 minutes 
    per call, with all trips covered. About 10 percent of all calls would 
    result in an observer placement, requiring possibly 1 hour to meet with 
    NMFS officials and make observer placement arrangements. This 
    collection is part of a previously approved collection (Southwest 
    Region Logbook Family of Forms, OMB No. 0648-0214), modification of 
    which was approved by the Office of Management and Budget for the 
    interim final rule. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or on 
    any other aspect of this collection-of-information to the RD (see 
    ADDRESSES) and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork 
    Reduction Project (0648-0214), Washington, D.C. 20503 [Attn: NOAA Desk 
        This action is intended to carry out the requirements of the 
    Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement issued by NMFS under 
    section 7 of the ESA on June 10, 1993. These data are necessary to 
    determine the impacts of take on the species and possible measures to 
    reduce or prevent the take in the future. Therefore, this rule is 
    consistent with the ESA.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 685
        American Samoa, Fisheries, Fishing, Guam, Hawaiian Natives, 
    Northern Mariana Islands.
        Dated: April 13, 1994.
    Nancy Foster,
    Deputy Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        Accordingly, the interim final rule amendment 50 CFR part 685 which 
    was published at 58 FR 67699 on December 22, 1993, is adopted as a 
    final rule with the following change:
        1. The authority citation for part 685 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        2. In Sec. 685.11, the first sentence of paragraph (a) is revised 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 685.11  Protected species conservation.
        (a) Notice prior to fishing trip. The permit holder for a fishing 
    vessel subject to the permit requirements of Sec. 685.9, or an agent 
    designated by the permit holder, shall provide a notice to the Regional 
    Director at least 72 hours (not including weekends and Federal 
    holidays) before the vessel leaves port on a fishing trip, any part of 
    which occurs in the EEZ around Hawaii. * * *
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 94-9325 Filed 4-18-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
April 23, 1994, 0001 hours Hawaii time.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: April 19, 1994, Docket No. 931198-4100, I.D. 031494C
CFR: (2)
50 CFR 685.9
50 CFR 685.11