96-9525. Amendments to Regulations Governing Collection of Royalties, Rentals, Bonuses, and Other Monies Due the Federal Government  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 77 (Friday, April 19, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 17266-17269]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-9525]
    30 CFR Part 218
    RIN 1010-AC01
    Amendments to Regulations Governing Collection of Royalties, 
    Rentals, Bonuses, and Other Monies Due the Federal Government
    AGENCY: Minerals Management Service (MMS), Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: MMS proposes to amend its regulations that specify how 
    payments are made for mineral lease royalties, rentals, and bonuses. 
    The changes are needed to incorporate revised U.S. Treasury 
    requirements. Also, MMS proposes clearer language for other parts of 
    this regulation.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before June 18, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments, suggestions, or objections regarding this 
    proposed amendment should be sent to the following addresses.
        For comments sent via the U.S. Postal Service use: Minerals 
    Management Service, Royalty Management Program, Rules and Procedures 
    Staff, P.O. Box 25165 MS 3101, Denver, Colorado 80225-0165.
        For comments via courier or overnight delivery service use: 
    Minerals Management Service, Royalty Management Program, Rules and 
    Procedures Staff, MS 3101, Building 85, Denver Federal Center, Room A-
    212, Denver, Colorado 80225-0165.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David S. Guzy, Chief, Rules and 
    Procedures Staff, phone (303) 231-3432, FAX (303) 231-3194, e-Mail 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The principal authors of this rule are David 
    J. Menard of the Royalty Accounting Division, General Ledger Branch, 
    Jim McNamee of the Office of Policy and Management Improvement, and 
    [[Page 17267]]
    S. Guzy of the Rules and Procedures Staff, Lakewood, Colorado.
    I. Background
        Section 218.51 of Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 
    ``Method of payment,'' regulates the types of payments MMS accepts for 
    royalty and other payments due on Federal and Indian mineral leases. 
    The current regulation was published on September 21, 1984 (49 FR 
    37336). The regulation was amended on June 25, 1987 (52 FR 23812). The 
    amendment lowered the payment threshold from $50,000 to $10,000 for 
    royalty payments that must be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), 
    extended the EFT requirements to include deferred bonus payments from 
    successful bidders in competitive lease sales, and revised the 
    references on payment method in Part 218 to be consistent with the 
    amendment. An amendment published on October 26, 1988, changed the 
    reference to the U.S. Treasury's electronic communications system used 
    to process electronic funds transfers from ``Treasury Financial 
    Communication System'' to ``Financial Management Service Fedwire 
    Deposit System'' (53 FR 43200).
        On January 31, 1994, the U.S. Treasury published a final rule 
    amending 31 CFR Part 206, Management of Federal Agency Receipts, 
    Disbursements, and Operation of the Cash Management Improvements Fund 
    (59 FR 4536). The rule requires executive agencies to use effective, 
    efficient disbursement mechanisms, principally EFT, in making their 
    payments. The rule also requires executive agencies to use EFT for 
    collecting funds.
        The new U.S. Treasury requirement will have a minimal effect on 
    MMS' Royalty Management Program collection and disbursement system 
    because MMS has been using EFT since September 1984. Also, MMS has 
    increased EFT usage throughout the past several years. Although the 
    U.S. Treasury rule requires using EFT as the principal collection and 
    disbursement system whenever it is cost effective, practicable, and 
    consistent with current statutory authority, the U.S. Treasury will 
    allow other methods to be used. MMS will work with and encourage all 
    companies to use EFT to the extent it is cost effective and 
    practicable. However, some of MMS' collections and disbursements may 
    not lend themselves to using EFT.
    II. Discussion of Proposed Rule
        Because of the new U.S. Treasury requirement, MMS proposes to 
    revise the entire section at Sec. 218.51 to incorporate the new 
    requirement. To clarify the section, MMS proposes rewriting it in plain 
    English as Executive Order No. 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, 
    requires. MMS intends for the rewritten rule to be easy to understand 
    and specifically requests comments on its format and clarity. This rule 
    affects only the Royalty Management Program.
        The proposed regulation changes the title of Sec. 218.51 from 
    ``Method of Payment'' to ``How To Make Payments.'' This change makes it 
    easier to understand what information this section covers and assists 
    the reader in locating payment instructions for Federal and Indian 
    mineral lease royalties and other payments.
        Section 218.51(a) of the proposed regulation defines relevant terms 
    used in the succeeding paragraphs of payment instructions. We added 
    definitions to avoid confusion about the meaning of significant terms 
    used in the payment instructions. Unclear language can cause delays in 
    receiving and depositing mineral lease payments sent to MMS.
        Section 218.51(b) of the proposed regulation contains general 
    instructions that apply to all persons who pay money to MMS or to an 
    Indian Tribe or allottee. This revision presents the requirements for 
    all payments in one place rather than in the many paragraphs under the 
    existing regulation. This consolidation should assist persons in 
    locating the general payment requirements. MMS urges everyone to use 
    EFT for payments. When you want to begin using EFT and MMS has not 
    contacted you, contact MMS and we will provide the appropriate 
        Section 218.51(c) contains specific instructions for persons making 
    non-EFT payments for each different category of payment. This format 
    will help people find the instructions that apply to the payment they 
    are concerned about.
        Proposed Secs. 218.51(d) and 218.51(e) provide the addresses for 
    sending payments to MMS using the U.S. Postal Service, courier, or 
    overnight delivery service. This is a consolidation of information now 
    dispersed throughout the existing regulation and will make it easier to 
    find the correct address for sending payments to MMS.
        Proposed Sec. 218.51(f) specifies what a person making a payment 
    must include on a payment. The information required varies by the 
    reason for the payment. This revised format would make it easier to 
    determine what is required for each category of payment.
        Paragraph (g) of Sec. 218.51 explains when a payment to MMS is due. 
    It covers payments sent by EFT, the U.S. Postal Service, courier, and 
    overnight mail. It states that all payments are due to MMS at the time 
    required by law, regulation or lease terms, unless MMS approves a 
    change. It also states that if the requirement to submit payment is 
    suspended pending an appeal under 30 CFR 243.2, the original due date 
    for that payment does not change for purposes such as calculating late 
    payment interest. This rule would not effect any change in the existing 
    rules governing suspension of MMS orders pending appeal.
        Paragraph (h) of Sec. 218.51 explains what happens if payments are 
    received late. MMS will impose late-payment interest charges and may 
    assess civil penalties.
        Section 218.155(b) is proposed to be amended by changing the word 
    ``cannot'' to ``may'' in the last sentence.
    III. Procedural Matters
    The Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department certifies that this proposed rule will not have a 
    significant economic effect on a substantial number of small entities 
    under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
        The proposed rule is needed to comply with U.S. Treasury 
    Executive Order 12630
        The Department certifies that the proposed rule is not a 
    governmental action capable of interference with constitutionally 
    protected property rights. Thus, a Takings Implication Assessment need 
    not be prepared under Executive Order 12630, ``Governmental Action and 
    Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property Rights.''
    Executive Order 12778
        The Department has certified to the Office of Management and Budget 
    that these proposed regulations meet the applicable standards provided 
    in sections 2(a) and 2(b)(2) of Executive Order 12778.
    Executive Order 12866
        This document has been reviewed under Executive Order 12866 and is 
    not a significant regulatory action.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This proposed rule does not contain information collection 
    requirements that require approval by the Office of Management and 
    Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    [[Page 17268]]
    National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
        We have determined that this proposed rulemaking is not a major 
    Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human 
    environment, and a detailed statement under section 102(2)(C) of the 
    National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 [42 U.S.C. 4332 (2)(C)] is 
    not required.
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 218
        Coal, Continental shelf, Electronic funds transfers, Geothermal 
    energy, Government contracts, Indian lands, Mineral royalties, Oil and 
    gas exploration, Public lands-mineral resources.
        Dated: March 13, 1996.
    Bob Armstrong,
    Assistant Secretary--Land and Minerals Management.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 30 CFR Part 218 is 
    proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 218 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 25 U.S.C. 396 et seq., 396a et seq., 2101 et seq.; 30 
    U.S.C. 181 et seq., 351 et seq., 1001 et seq., 1701 et seq.; 31 
    U.S.C. 3335; 43 U.S.C. 1301 et seq., 1331 et seq., 1801 et seq.
        2. Section 218.51 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 218.51  How to make payments.
        (a) Definitions.
        ACH. Automated Clearing House. A type of EFT using the ACH network.
        Courtesy notice. An MMS-issued notice of rental or bonus due.
        Deferred bonus payment. Lease bonus paid in equal annual 
    installments over a specified number of years.
        EFT. Electronic Funds Transfer. Any paperless transfer of funds a 
    bank initiates through an electronic terminal. For MMS purposes, EFT is 
    limited to FEDWIRE and ACH transfers.
        FEDWIRE. A type of EFT using the Federal Reserve Wire network.
        Invoice document identification. The MMS-assigned invoice document 
    identification (four alpha and eight numeric characters).
        Payment. Any monies for royalty, bonus, rental, late payment 
    charge, assessment, penalty, or other money sent to MMS.
        Person. Any individual, firm, corporation, association, 
    partnership, consortium, or joint venture (when established as a 
    separate entity). The term does not include Federal agencies.
        Report. Form MMS-2014, Report of Sales and Royalty Remittance.
        RIK. Royalty in kind.
        (b) Gneral instructions. You must make all payments to MMS 
    electronically to the extent it is cost effective and practicable. If 
    you pay money to MMS or to an Indian Tribe or allottee, you must follow 
    these procedures:
        (1) If MMS instructs you to use EFT, you must use EFT for all 
        (2) Contact MMS before using EFT. MMS will provide you with EFT 
    payment instructions.
        (3) Separate any payments on a Federal lease from any payments on 
    an Indian lease.
        (4) If you are not required to use EFT, use one of the following 
    types of payment documents. MMS prefers you to use these payment 
    documents in the order presented:
        (i) Commercial check drawn on a solvent bank;
        (ii) Certified check;
        (iii) Cashier's check;
        (iv) Money order;
        (v) Bank draft drawn on a solvent bank; or
        (vi) Federal Reserve check.
        (5) You must include your payor code on all payments.
        (6) You must pay in U.S. dollars.
        (c) How to complete a non-EFT payment. This paragraph explains to 
    whom you must make your payment payable when you do not use EFT.
        (1) Make any payment on a Federal lease payable to: ``Department of 
    the Interior-Minerals Management Service'' or ``DOI-MMS.''
        (2) For an Indian allottee payment, send a separate payment for 
    each Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) agency or area office represented 
    by the leases on your report or invoice document. You must include the 
    name of the applicable Bureau of Indian Affairs agency or area office 
    on your payment. Make it payable to: ``Department of the Interior-
    Minerals Management Service for BIA [Name] Agency (allotted)'' or 
    ``DOI-MMS for BIA [Name] Agency (allotted).''
        (3) For an Indian tribal payment other than a lockbox payment, send 
    a separate payment for each tribe represented by the leases on your 
    report or invoice document. You must include the name of the Indian 
    tribe on your payment. Make it payable to: ``Department of the 
    Interior-Minerals Management Service for BIA [Name of Tribe]'' or 
    ``DOI-MMS for BIA [Name of Tribe]''.
        (4) For an Indian tribal lockbox payment, follow the instructions 
    MMS provides you on how to report and make the lockbox payment. These 
    instructions are specific to each tribe's lockbox written agreement 
    with the bank authorized to receive payments on the tribe's mineral 
    leases. You will receive these instructions from MMS when you are 
    required to use a tribal lockbox for reports and payments.
        (d) Where to send a non-EFT payment when you use the U.S. Postal 
    Service. This paragraph explains how to send a payment document using 
    the U.S. Postal Service.
        (1) for a payment to an Indian tribal lockbox, send it to the 
    lockbox address the tribe provides.
        (2) For a Federal non-producing lease rental or deferred bonus 
    payment, send it to: Minerals Management Service, Royalty Management 
    Program, PO Box 5640, Denver, CO 80217-5640.
        (3) For all other Federal and Indian lease payments other than 
    those going to an Indian tribal lockbox, send them to: Minerals 
    Management Service, Royalty Management Program, PO Box 5810, Denver, CO 
        (e) Where to send a non-EFT payment when you use a courier or 
    overnight delivery service. This paragraph explains how to send a 
    payment document using a courier or overnight delivery service for all 
    Federal and Indian payments. You should send this type of payment to: 
    Minerals Management Service, Royalty Management Program, Building 85, 
    Denver Federal Center, Room A-212, Denver, CO 80225-0165.
        (f) What to include on your payment. (1) If you are making a 
    payment for a Form MMS-2014, you must include both your payor code and 
    your payor-assigned document (3a) number.
        (2) If you are paying an invoice, including RIK invoices, you must 
    include both your payor code and invoice document identification (four-
    letter prefix and eight-digit number).
        (3) If you are paying a bonus you must:
        (i) See the Notice of Lease Offering for instructions on how to pay 
    the one-fifth bonus bid deposit for offshore oil, gas, and sulphur 
    lease bids;
        (ii) See Sec. 218.155(c) for instructions on how to pay the four-
    fifths bonus for an offshore lease. Use EFT and follow MMS 
        (iii) See the sale terms of the Notice of Competitive Lease Sale 
    for instructions on how to pay the successful bidder's bonus in the 
    competitive sale of a coal, geothermal, or offshore mineral (other than 
    oil, gas or sulfur) lease; and
        (iv) Use EFT for installment payments of deferred bonuses.
    [[Page 17269]]
        (4) If you are paying a lease rental you must:
        (i) See Sec. 218.155(c) for instructions on how to pay first-year 
    rentals of an offshore oil, gas, or sulfur lease;
        (ii) See the Notice of Lease Offering for instructions on how to 
    pay first-year rentals other than those covered in paragraph (f)(4)(i) 
    of this section; and
        (iii) Include the MMS Courtesy Notice, when provided, or write your 
    payor code and government-assigned lease number on the payment document 
    when paying a rental that is not reported on Form MMS-2014 and not paid 
    by EFT.
        (g) When is a payment to MMS due? (1) All payments are due to MMS 
    at the time law, regulation, or lease terms require unless MMS approves 
    a change according to 30 CFR 243.2 ``Suspensions of orders or decisions 
    pending appeal.'' If you file an appeal, and the requirement to submit 
    payment is suspended, the original payment due date for purposes such 
    as calculating late payment interest is not changed.
        (2) If you use the U.S. Postal Service, courier, or overnight mail 
    to send your payment, it is due at the MMS addresses in paragraphs (d) 
    and (e) of this section before 4 p.m. Mountain Time on the due date, 
    regardless of when you sent it.
        (3) If you use EFT to send your payment, it is due in the MMS 
    account by the payment due date. You are responsible for your actions 
    or your bank's actions that cause a late or incorrect payment. You will 
    not be held responsible for mechanical or system failures of EFT 
        (h) What happens if payments are late or overdue? (1) If MMS 
    receives your payment late, MMS will impose a late-payment interest 
    charge under Sec. 218.54.
        (2) If you do not pay an amount you owe, MMS may assess civil 
    penalties under 30 CFR 241.20 and 241.51 or other applicable 
        3. Paragraph (b)(1) of Sec. 218.155 is amended by revising the last 
    sentence to read as follows:
    Sec. 218.155  Method of payment.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * * (1) * * * EFT may be used as a method of payment for the 
    one-fifth bonus bid amount.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 96-9525 Filed 4-18-96; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Interior Department
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before June 18, 1996.
17266-17269 (4 pages)
1010-AC01: Royalties, Rentals, Bonuses, and Other Monies
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
30 CFR 218.51
30 CFR 218.155