98-8588. General Information, Organization and Functions, and Loan Making Authority  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 63 (Thursday, April 2, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 16085-16088]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-8588]
    Rules and Regulations
                                                    Federal Register
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    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 63 / Thursday, April 2, 1998 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 16085]]
    Rural Utilities Service
    7 CFR Part 1700
    General Information, Organization and Functions, and Loan Making 
    AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) hereby revises its 
    description of its functions and responsibilities and delegations of 
    authority to reflect recent changes in organizational structure, update 
    RUS addresses and phone numbers, and add information about electronic 
    availability of information. These revisions are intended to guide and 
    assist the public.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: F. Lamont Heppe, Jr., Director, 
    Program Development and Regulatory Analysis, Rural Utilities Service, 
    U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room 4034-S, 1400 Independence Avenue, 
    SW., STOP 1522, Washington, DC 20250-1522. Telephone: 202-720-0736. FAX 
    202-720-4120. e-mail fheppe@rus.usda.gov.
        The Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 (7 U.S.C. 
    6941 et seq.) required the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and 
    maintain the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) within the Department. On 
    October 20, 1994, Secretary's Memorandum 1010-1, abolished the Rural 
    Electrification Administration (REA) and established RUS as its 
    successor and as required by the Reorganization Act.
        The functions of RUS include administration of the electric and 
    telecommunications loan programs formerly administered by the Rural 
    Electrification Administration, and of the water and waste disposal 
    loan and grant programs formerly administered by the Rural Development 
    Administration. This rule describes the current organizational 
    structure of RUS and the methods by which its functions are channeled.
        This rule relates to internal agency management. Therefore, 
    pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553, notice of proposed rulemaking and opportunity 
    to comment thereon are not required, this rule may be effective 
    immediately. Further, since this rule relates to internal agency 
    management, it is exempt from the provisions of Executive Order 12866 
    and Executive Order 12988. Finally, this is not a rule as defined by 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) (the Act), and 
    therefore, the Act does not apply.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1700
        Authority delegations (Government agencies), Community development, 
    Community facilities, Electric power, Freedom of information, Grant 
    programs--communications, Grant programs--education, Grant programs--
    housing and community development, Loan progams--communications, Loan 
    programs--education, Loan programs--energy, Loan Program--housing and 
    community development, Organization and functions (Government 
    agencies), Rural areas, Telecommunications, Telephone, Waste treatment 
    and disposal, Water supply.
        Accordingly, 7 CFR part 1700 is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart A--General
    1700.1  General.
    1700.2  Availability of information.
    1700.3  Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.
    1700.4  Public comments on proposed rules.
    1700.5--1700.24  [Reserved]
    Subpart B--Agency Organization and Functions
    1700.25  Office of the Administrator.
    1700.26  Deputy Administrators.
    1700.27  Electric Program.
    1700.28  Telecommunications Program.
    1700.29  Water and Environmental Programs.
    1700.30  Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant Program.
    1700.31  Program Accounting and Regulatory Analysis.
    1700.32  Financial Services Staff.
    1700.33--1700.49  [Reserved]
    Subpart C--Loan and Grant Approval Authorities
    1700.50--1700.52  [Reserved]
    1700.53  Persons serving as Acting Administrator.
    1700.54  Electric Program.
    1700.55  Telecommunications Program.
    1700.56  Water and Environmental Programs.
    1700.57  Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant Program.
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 552; 7 U.S.C. 901 et seq., 1921 et 
    seq., 6941 et seq.; 7 CFR 2.7.
    Subpart A--General
    Sec. 1700.1  General.
        (a) The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) was established 
    by Executive Order No. 7037 on May 11, 1935. Statutory authority was 
    provided by the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (RE Act) (7 U.S.C. 
    901). The RE Act established REA as a lending agency with 
    responsibility for developing a program for rural electrification.
        (b) On October 28, 1949, the RE Act was amended to authorize REA to 
    make loans to improve and extend telephone service in rural areas. The 
    Rural Telephone Bank (RTB), an agency of the United States, was 
    established by amendment to the RE Act, approved May 7, 1971. The 
    Administrator of RUS serves as the Bank's chief executive with the 
    title of Governor.
        (c) The Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) established the Rural 
    Utilities Service (RUS) on October 20, 1994, pursuant to the Department 
    of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994, (7 U.S.C. 6941 et seq.). RUS 
    was assigned responsibility for administering electric and 
    telecommunications loan and loan guarantee programs previously 
    administered by REA, including programs of the Rural Telephone Bank 
    (RTB), and water and waste loans and grants previously administered by 
    the Rural Development Administration, along with other functions as the 
    Secretary determined appropriate. The rights, interests, obligations, 
    duties, and contracts previously vested in REA were transferred to, and 
    vested in RUS.
    Sec. 1700.2  Availability of information.
        (a) The offices of RUS are located in the South Building of the 
    United States Department of Agriculture at 1400 Independence Avenue, 
    [[Page 16086]]
    Washington, DC 20250-1500. Hours of operation are from 8:15 AM to 4:45 
    PM, Eastern time on Federal Government business days.
        (b) Information about RUS is available for public inspection and 
    copying as required by the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 et 
    seq. Information about availability and costs of agency publications 
    and other agency materials is available from the Director, Program 
    Development and Regulatory Analysis, Rural Utilities Service, United 
    States Department of Agriculture, Room 4034-S, 1400 Independence 
    Avenue, SW, STOP 1522, Washington, DC 20250-1522. Phone 202-720-0736. 
    FAX 202-720-4120.
        (c) RUS issues indexes of publications in conformance with the 
    Freedom of Information Act and Department of Agriculture regulations at 
    7 CFR part 1. Many RUS issuances, including regulations, delegations of 
    authority for headquarters and field staff, and other documents, are 
    available on the world wide web at http://www.usda.gov/rus. Single hard 
    copies of publications, forms, forms of basic loan and security 
    instruments, and other materials are available either directly from 
    RUS, from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing 
    Office, Washington DC 20402, or from another source as identified. 
    Costs for these publications are established in conformance with 7 CFR 
    part 1.
    Sec. 1700.3  Requests under the Freedom of Information Act.
        Department of Agriculture procedures for requests for official 
    records under the Freedom of Information Act are found at 7 CFR part 1. 
    Requests must be in writing and may be submitted in person or by mail 
    to United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Room 
    0164-S, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, STOP 0742, Washington, DC 20250-
    0742; or by FAX to 202-720-1915. As set forth in 7 CFR 1.16, fees may 
    be charged for processing of requests for records. An appeal of the 
    agency determination concerning the request for official records shall 
    be made in writing to the Administrator, Rural Utilities Service, 
    United States Department of Agriculture, Room 4051-S, 1400 Independence 
    Avenue, SW, STOP 1510, Washington, DC 20250-1500.
    Sec. 1700.4  Public comments on proposed rules.
        RUS requires that all persons submitting comments to a proposed 
    rule or other document published by the agency in the Federal Register 
    submit, in hard copy, a signed original and three copies of their 
    comments to the address shown in the preamble to the proposed rule. 
    Copies of comments submitted are available to the public in conformance 
    with 7 CFR part 1.
    Secs. 1700.5-1700.24  [Reserved]
    Subpart B--Agency Organization and Functions
    Sec. 1700.25  Office of the Administrator.
        The Administrator, who also serves as Governor of the RTB, is 
    appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate. 
    The Under Secretary, Rural Development delegated to the Administrator, 
    in 7 CFR part 2, responsibility for administering the programs and 
    activities of RUS and RTB. The Administrator is aided directly by 
    Deputy Administrators and by Assistant Administrators for the electric 
    program, telecommunications program, the water and environmental 
    programs, and program accounting and regulatory analysis, and by other 
    staff offices. The work of the agency is carried out as described in 
    this part.
    Sec. 1700.26  Deputy Administrators.
        Deputy Administrators aid and assist the Administrator. The Deputy 
    Administrator, Program Policy and Telecommunications, provides overall 
    policy direction to all RUS programs and directs and coordinates the 
    telecommunications programs. The Deputy Administrator, Water and 
    Environmental Programs, directs and coordinates the agency's water and 
    waste disposal programs. The Deputy Administrators review agency 
    policies in these areas and, as necessary, implement changes, and 
    participate with the Administrator and other officials in planning and 
    formulating the programs and activities of the agency, including the 
    making and servicing of loans and grants.
    Sec. 1700.27  Electric Program.
        RUS, through the Electric Program, makes loans and loan guarantees 
    for rural electrification and the furnishing of electric service to 
    persons in rural areas.
        (a) The Assistant Administrator, Electric Program, directs and 
    coordinates the rural electrification programs, participating with the 
    Administrator, and others, in planning and formulating the programs and 
    activities of the agency, and performs other activities as the 
    Administrator may prescribe from time to time.
        (b) Primary point of contact with borrowers. Two regional 
    divisions, one for the Northern Region and one for the Southern Region, 
    are the primary points of contact between RUS and its electric 
    distribution borrowers. Each office administers the rural electric 
    program for its assigned geographical area through headquarters staff 
    and general field representatives. The Power Supply Division is the 
    primary point of contact between RUS and its electric power supply 
        (c) Staff office. The Electric Staff Division is responsible for 
    engineering aspects of RUS' standards, specifications and other 
    requirements for design, construction, and technical operation and 
    maintenance of RUS borrowers' electric systems. The Electric Staff 
    Division oversees the activities of Technical Standards Committees 
    ``A'' and ``B'', Electric, which determine whether engineering 
    specifications, drawings, material and equipment are acceptable for use 
    in RUS borrowers' electric systems. The Office of the Assistant 
    Administrator prepares analyses of loan making activities and the 
    business and regulatory environment of RUS borrowers and recommends 
    policies and procedures.
    Sec. 1700.28  Telecommunications Program.
        RUS and RTB, through the Telecommunications Program, make loans and 
    loan guarantees to furnish and improve telecommunications service in 
    rural areas.
        (a) The Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Program, 
    directs and coordinates the rural telecommunications programs, 
    including the distance learning and telemedicine program, and in 
    conjunction with the Administrator and Deputy Administrator, and 
    others, the planning and formulating of programs and activities of the 
    agency, and performs other activities as the Administrator may 
    prescribe from time to time.
        (b) Primary point of contact with borrowers. Three area offices, 
    (Eastern, Northwest, and Southwest Areas), are the primary points of 
    contact between RUS and all telecommunications program borrowers. Each 
    office administers the rural telecommunications program for its 
    assigned geographical area with assistance of field representatives 
    located in areas assigned to them.
        (c) Staff office. The Telecommunications Staff Division is 
    responsible for engineering aspects of design, construction, and 
    technical operation and maintenance of rural telecommunications systems 
    and facilities, including the activities of Technical Standards 
    Committees ``A'' and ``B'', Telecommunications, which determine whether 
    [[Page 16087]]
    specifications, drawings, material, and equipment are acceptable for 
    use in RUS financed telecommunications systems.
    Sec. 1700.29  Water and Environmental Programs.
        RUS, through the Water and Environmental Programs, provides loan 
    and grant funds for water and waste disposal projects serving the most 
    financially needy rural communities.
        (a) The Assistant Administrator, Water and Environmental Programs, 
    develops and institutes plans, procedures, and policies for the 
    effective, efficient, and orderly management of Water and Environmental 
    Programs responsibilities; provides leadership to ensure execution of 
    policies and procedures by the Water and Waste Disposal programs and 
    support functions; and performs other activities as the Administrator 
    or Deputy Administrator may prescribe from time to time.
        (b) Primary point of contact. The State Rural Development Offices 
    are the primary points of contact between RUS and loan and grant 
        (c) The Engineering and Environmental Staff is responsible for 
    engineering staff activities at all stages of Water and Waste Disposal 
    programs implementation, including review of preliminary engineering 
    plans and specifications, procurement practices, contract awards, 
    construction monitoring, and system operation and maintenance. This 
    staff develops agency engineering practices, policies, guidelines, and 
    technical data relating to the construction and operation of water and 
    waste disposal systems, and for implementing the National Environmental 
    Policy Act, and other environmental requirements as they apply to all 
    agency programs and activities.
    Sec. 1700.30  Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant 
        RUS, through the Telecommunications Program, makes grants and loans 
    to furnish and improve telemedicine services and distance learning 
    services in rural areas.
        (a) The Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Program, 
    directs and coordinates the distance learning and telemedicine program.
        (b) Primary point of contact with borrowers. The three area 
    offices, described in Sec. 1700.28(b) support the distance learning and 
    telemedicine program. Each office administers the distance learning and 
    telemedicine program for its assigned geographical area with assistance 
    of field representatives located in areas assigned to them.
    Sec. 1700.31  Program Accounting and Regulatory Analysis.
        RUS, through Program Accounting and Regulatory Analysis, monitors 
    and administers applicable regulations, RUS policy, and accounting 
    requirements. The staffs assist the Assistant Administrator with 
    respect to management, information systems, budgets, and other such 
        (a) The Assistant Administrator, Program Accounting and Regulatory 
    Analysis, directs and coordinates program accounting and financial 
    services with respect to electric and telecommunications borrowers and 
    directs and coordinates the regulatory actions of the agency.
        (b) This division monitors borrowers' accounting operations in 
    order to ensure compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory 
    requirements and with the requirements of the Office of Management and 
        (c) The two regional branches (the Northern Region and the Southern 
    Region) work directly with borrowers. Each regional office has a staff 
    of headquarters and field accountants. The Technical Accounting and 
    Auditing Staff monitors industry developments, including the standards 
    of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and recommends Agency 
    policies and procedures.
        (d) Program Development and Regulatory Analysis directs and 
    administers the preparation, clearance, processing, and distribution of 
    RUS submissions to the Office of the Federal Register in the form of 
    proposed and final rules and notices and RUS bulletins and staff 
    Sec. 1700.32  Financial Services Staff.
        The Financial Services Staff evaluates the financial condition of 
    financially troubled borrowers in order to protect the Government's 
    Secs. 1700.33--1700.49  [Reserved]
    Subpart C--Loan and Grant Approval Authorities
    Secs. 1700.50--1700.52  [Reserved]
    Sec. 1700.53  Persons serving as Acting Administrator.
        The following persons are authorized, in descending order, to act 
    for the Administrator when he or she is not on official duty in the 
    Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area, is sick, has resigned, or is 
    deceased. That is, if the first person on the list is also not on 
    official duty in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area, is sick, has 
    resigned, or is deceased, the second person on the list is authorized 
    to act for the Administrator and so on down the list. Persons on this 
    list may not redelegate the authority to act as the Administrator. The 
    Administrator may in his or her discretion in writing, on a case-by-
    case basis, delegate authority to act as Administrator in his or her 
    absence outside of this specified order.
        (1) Deputy Administrator, Program Policy and Telecommunications.
        (2) Deputy Administrator, Water and Environmental Programs.
        (3) Assistant Administrator, Electric Program.
        (4) Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Program.
        (5) Assistant Administrator, Water and Environmental Programs.
        (6) Assistant Administrator, Program Accounting and Regulatory 
    Sec. 1700.54  Electric Program.
        (a) Administrator: The authority to approve the following loans, 
    loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and subordinations of liens is 
    reserved to the Administrator:
        (1) All discretionary hardship loans.
        (2) All loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens to finance operating costs.
        (3) All loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens of more than $20,000,000 for distribution 
    borrowers or more than $50,000,000 for power supply borrowers.
        (4) All loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens for distribution borrowers that are members of 
    a power supply borrower that is in default of its obligations to the 
    Government or that is currently assigned to the Financial Services 
    Staff, unless otherwise determined by the Administrator.
        (5) All loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens that require an Environmental Impact Statement.
        (6) Certifications and findings required by the RE Act or other 
    applicable laws and regulations, the placing and releasing of 
    conditions precedent to the advance of funds, and all security 
    instruments, loan contracts, and all other necessary documents relating 
    to the authorities reserved in this section.
        (7) Execution of all loan contracts, security instruments, and all 
    other documents in connection with loans, loan guarantees, and lien 
    accommodations approved by the Administrator.
        (b) The Assistant Administrator, Electric Program, has the 
    authority to
    [[Page 16088]]
    approve the following loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations 
    and subordinations of liens, except for those approvals reserved to the 
        (1) Loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens for distribution borrowers in amounts not 
    exceeding $20,000,000.
        (2) Loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens for power supply borrowers in amounts not 
    exceeding $50,000,000.
        (3) Execution of all loan contracts, security instruments, and all 
    other documents in connection with loans, loan guarantees, and lien 
    accommodations approved by the Assistant Administrator, Electric 
        (c) Directors, Regional Divisions, have the authority to approve, 
    for distribution borrowers:
        (1) Loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens in amounts not exceeding $15,000,000 except for 
    those approvals reserved to the Administrator.
        (2) All certifications and findings required by the RE Act or other 
    applicable laws and regulations, the imposing and releasing of 
    conditions precedent to the advance of loan funds, and all security 
    instruments, loan contracts, and all other documents relating to the 
    delegations set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
        (d) Director, Power Supply Division, has the authority to approve 
    for power supply borrowers:
        (1) Loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens in amounts not exceeding $30,000,000, except 
    for those approvals reserved to the Administrator.
        (2) All certifications and findings required by the RE Act or other 
    applicable laws and regulations, the placing and releasing of 
    conditions precedent to the advance of funds, and all security 
    instruments, loan contracts or all other documents relating to the 
    delegations set forth in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
    Sec. 1700.55  Telecommunications Program.
        (a) Administrator: The authority to approve the following loans, 
    loan guarantees, and lien accommodations is reserved to the 
        (1) All loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens to finance operating costs.
        (2) All loans, loan guarantees, or lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens of $25,000,000 or more.
        (3) Loans and loan guarantees with acquisition costs of $5,000,000 
    or more.
        (4) Loans and loan guarantees containing funds to refinance 
    outstanding debt of more than $5,000,000.
        (5) All loan contracts, security instruments, and all other 
    documents to be executed in connection with loans and loan guarantees 
    approved by the Administrator.
        (b) Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Program, has the 
    authority to approve the following loans, loan guarantees, and lien 
    accommodations, except for those approvals reserved to the 
        (1) Loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens not to exceed $25,000,000 except for those 
    reserved to the Administrator.
        (2) Loans and loan guarantees with acquisition costs where the 
    acquisition portion of the loan is less than $5,000,000.
        (3) Loans and loan guarantees including refinancing amounts that do 
    not exceed $5,000,000.
        (4) Distance learning and telemedicine loans and loan guarantees 
    that do not exceed $5,000,000.
        (5) Loan contracts, security instruments, and other documents to be 
    executed in connection with loans and loan guarantees approved by the 
    Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Program.
        (c) Area Directors have the authority to approve the following 
    loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations, except for those 
    approvals reserved to the Administrator:
        (1) Loans, loan guarantees, and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens of less than $10,000,000.
        (2) Loans and loan guarantees with acquisition costs of less than 
        (3) Loans and loan guarantees including refinancing amounts of less 
    than $2,000,000.
        (4) Any modifications in the method of carrying out loan purposes.
    Sec. 1700.56  Water and Environmental Programs.
        The State Rural Development Offices have the responsibility for 
    making and servicing water and waste loans and grants.
    Sec. 1700.57  Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant 
        (a) Administrator: The authority to approve the following loans and 
    lien accommodations is reserved to the Administrator:
        (1) Grants or loan and grant combinations.
        (2) The number selected from each state for financial assistance 
    for grant approval and loans or grants approved.
        (3) Extension of principal and interest repayments for rural 
    development purposes.
        (4) Loan contracts, security instruments, and all other documents 
    to be executed in connection with loans and loan guarantees approved by 
    the Administrator.
        (b) Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Program, has the 
    authority to approve the following loans and lien accommodations and 
    subordinations of liens:
        (1) Loans, that do not also include requests for grant funds, 
    except for those reserved to the Administrator.
        (2) Loan contracts, security instruments, and all other documents 
    to be executed in connection with loans and loan guarantees approved by 
    the Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Program.
        Dated: March 24, 1998.
    Jill Long Thompson,
    Under Secretary for Rural Development.
    [FR Doc. 98-8588 Filed 4-1-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-15-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Rural Utilities Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
April 2, 1998.
16085-16088 (4 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (35)
7 CFR 1700.3
7 CFR 1700.4
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