E7-5915. Airworthiness Directives; Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP), Cylinder Assemblies Part Numbers Series: SA47000L, SA47000S, SA52000, SA55000, SL32000W, SL32000WH, SL32006W, SL36000TW, SL36000W, and SL36006W  

  • Start Preamble


    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Transportation (DOT).


    Final rule; request for comments.


    The FAA is revising an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for certain SAP cylinder assemblies installed in Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) 470, 520, and 550 series reciprocating engines, Lycoming Engines (LE) 320, 360, and 540 series reciprocating engines, Avco Lycoming (AL) 540 series reciprocating engines, and Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP) 360 series reciprocating engines. That AD currently requires removing from service certain SAP part numbered (P/N) cylinder assemblies installed in TCM, LE, and AL reciprocating engines. That AD also requires removing from service certain cylinder assemblies installed as original equipment in SAP reciprocating engines, or in certain overhauled or repaired SAP reciprocating engines.

    This AD continues to require those same actions. This AD results from comments from the Public on the existing AD. We are issuing this AD to prevent cylinder separation that can lead to engine failure, a possible engine compartment fire, and damage to the airplane.


    Effective May 7, 2007.

    We must receive any comments on this AD by June 1, 2007.


    Use one of the following addresses to comment on this proposed AD.

    • DOT Docket Web site: Go to http://dms.dot.gov and follow the instructions for sending your comments electronically.
    • Government-wide rulemaking Web site: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and follow the instructions for sending your comments electronically.
    • Mail: Docket Management Facility; U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, Room PL-401, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
    • Fax: (202) 493-2251.
    • Hand Delivery: Room PL-401 on the plaza level of the Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

    You may examine the comments on this AD in the AD docket on the Internet at http://dms.dot.gov.

    Start Further Info


    Jurgen Priester, Aerospace Engineer, Special Certification Office, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, Southwest Regional Headquarters, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76137; e-mail: Jurgen.E. Priester@faa.gov; telephone (817) 222-5159; fax (817) 222-5785.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    On February 13, 2007, the FAA issued AD 2007-04-19, Amendment 39-14951 (72 FR 8089, February 23, 2007). That AD requires removing from service certain installed SAP cylinder assemblies, listed in that AD by P/N and serial number (SN), no later than 150 hours total time-in-service (TIS) to preclude cylinder head fatigue failure and separation at the head-to-barrel threaded interface. That AD was the result of nine separated SAP cylinder assemblies in TCM reciprocating engines and one in a LE reciprocating engine. That condition, if not corrected, could result in cylinder separation that can lead to engine failure, a possible engine compartment fire, and damage to the airplane.

    Actions Since We Issued AD 2007-04-19

    Since we issued AD 2007-04-19, we received comments that cause us to better define and reduce the applicability of this AD.


    We provided the public the opportunity to participate in the development of this AD. We have considered the comments received.

    Request To Provide a Range of Dates That SAP Manufactured the Suspect Cylinders

    A number of commenters ask us to include the date range when SAP manufactured the cylinders. The commenters state that including the range of dates will help users to determine if they need to investigate further and will eliminate unnecessary time and money spent to determine if a suspect cylinder assembly is installed on their engine.

    We agree. We changed the applicability to provide a date range to help narrow the applicability. Also, we clarified the SN range to narrow the applicability even further.

    Minor Editorial Changes

    We included some minor editorial changes in this AD to clarify some nomenclature.


    We have carefully reviewed the available data, including the comments received, and determined that air safety and the public interest require adopting the AD with the changes described previously. We have determined that these changes will neither increase the economic burden on any operator nor increase the scope of the AD.

    FAA's Determination and Requirements of This AD

    The unsafe condition described previously is likely to exist or develop on other TCM 470, 520, and 550; LE 320, 360, and 540; AL 540, and SAP 360 series reciprocating engines of the same type design with certain SAP cylinder assemblies that have a part number listed in this AD. For that reason, we are issuing this AD to prevent cylinder separation which can lead to engine failure, a possible engine compartment fire, and damage to the airplane. This AD requires removing from service installed SAP cylinder assemblies listed in this AD, no later than 150 hours total TIS to preclude cylinder head fatigue failure and separation at the head-to-barrel threaded interface.

    FAA's Determination for No Prior Public Notice

    Since we do not anticipate adverse public interest in this action, a situation exists that allows for immediate adoption of this AD, and we have found that notice and opportunity for further public comment before issuing this AD are unnecessary.

    Comments Invited

    This AD is a final rule that involves requirements affecting flight safety and was not preceded by notice and an opportunity for public comment; however, we invite you to send us any written relevant data, views, or arguments regarding this AD. Send your comments to an address listed under Start Printed Page 15604 ADDRESSES. Include “AD Docket No. FAA-2007-25948; Directorate Identifier 2006-NE-32-AD” in the subject line of your comments. We specifically invite comments on the overall regulatory, economic, environmental, and energy aspects of the rule that might suggest a need to modify it.

    We will post all comments we receive, without change, to http://dms.dot.gov, including any personal information you provide. We will also post a report summarizing each substantive verbal contact with FAA personnel concerning this AD. Using the search function of the DMS Web site, anyone can find and read the comments in any of our dockets, including the name of the individual who sent the comment (or signed the comment on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review the DOT's complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477-78) or you may visit http://dms.dot.gov.

    Examining the AD Docket

    You may examine the docket that contains the AD, any comments received, and any final disposition in person at the Docket Management Facility between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The Docket Office (telephone (800) 647-5227) is located on the plaza level of the Department of Transportation Nassif Building at the street address stated in ADDRESSES. Comments will be available in the AD docket shortly after the DMS receives them.

    Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.

    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, “General requirements.” Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this rulemaking action.

    Regulatory Findings

    We have determined that this AD will not have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national Government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.

    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:

    1. Is not a “significant regulatory action” under Executive Order 12866;

    2. Is not a “significant rule” under the DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and

    3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

    We prepared a summary of the costs to comply with this AD and placed it in the AD Docket. You may get a copy of this summary at the address listed under ADDRESSES.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    • Air transportation
    • Aircraft
    • Aviation safety
    • Safety
    End List of Subjects

    Adoption of the Amendment

    Start Amendment Part

    Under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

    End Authority
    Start Amendment Part

    2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by removing Amendment 39-14951 ( 72 FR 8089, February 23, 2007), and by adding a new airworthiness directive, Amendment 39-15005, to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part

    2007-04-19R1 Superior Air Parts, Inc.: Amendment 39-15005. Docket No. FAA-2006-25948; Directorate Identifier 2006-NE-32-AD.

    Effective Date

    (a) This airworthiness directive (AD) becomes effective May 7, 2007.

    Affected ADs

    (b) This AD revises AD 2007-04-19.


    (c) This AD applies to Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP), cylinder assemblies, manufactured between April 2005 and November 2005, part numbers (P/Ns): SA47000L-A1, SA47000L-A20P, SA47000S-A1, SA47000S-A20P, SA47000S-A21P, SA52000-A1, SA52000-A20P, SA52000-A21P, SA52000-A22P, SA52000-A23P, SA55000-A1, and SA55000-A20P, installed in Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) 470, 520, and 550 series reciprocating engines. These P/N cylinder assemblies may be installed in the TCM engine models listed in the following Table 1.

    Table 1.—Affected Teledyne Continental Engine Models

    Engine model
    O-470-G, -K, -L, -M, -P, -R, -S, -U.
    IO-470-C, -D, -E, -F, -G, -H, -L, -M, -N, -P, -R, -S, -U, -V.
    IO-520-A, B, BA, C, CB, D, E, F, J, K, L, M, BB, MB.
    TSIO-520-AF, B, BB, C, CE, D, DB, E, EB, G, H, J, JB, K, KB, L, LB, M, N, NB, P, R, T, UB, VB, WB.
    IO-550-A, B, C, D, E, F, L.

    These engine models are installed in, but not limited to, the aircraft models listed in the following Table 2: Start Printed Page 15605

    Table 2.—Teledyne Continental Motors-Related Aircraft Models

    Engine modelAircraft manufacturerAircraft model designation
    IO-470-CBeechcraftJ, K, M35.
    IO-470-DCessna310 G & H.
    IO-470-DRockwell200 A, B, & C.
    IO-470-ECessna210 & A.
    IO-470-HSierra Hotel Aero, Inc. (Navion)Navion F & G (Rangemaster).
    IO-470-LBeechcraftB55 Baron.
    IO-470-MGulfstream500 A.
    IO-470-NBeechcraftN & P.
    IO-470-SCessna210 B & C.
    IO-470-UCessna310 I & J.
    IO-470-V/VOCessna310K, L, N, P & Q.
    IO-520-ACessna210 D, E, F, G, & H.
    IO-520-ARockwell200 D.
    IO-520-BBeechcraft36 Bonanza.
    IO-520-BSierra Hotel Aero, Inc. (Navion)Navion H.
    IO-520-BABeechcraftS & V35, V35A, V35B.
    IO-520-BABeechcraftC33 A.
    IO-520-BABeechcraftE33 A & C.
    IO-520-BABeechcraftF33 A & C.
    IO-520-BASierra Hotel Aero, Inc.Navion G (Rangemaster).
    IO-520-BASierra Hotel Aero, Inc.Navion H.
    IO-520-BBBeechcraftF33 A.
    IO-520-C & CBBeechcraftC55-E55 Baron.
    IO-520-DBellanca17-30 Viking.
    IO-520-DCessnaA188-300 AG Truck.
    IO-520-E(Cessna 310)Exec 600.
    IO-520-E(Beech Baron)Pres 600.
    IO-520-LCessna210 K, L, M, N & R.
    IO-520-LCessna210N II.
    IO-550-ACessna310 Conversion.
    IO-550-B(Beech Bonanza)Foxstar.
    IO-550-CBeechcraft58 Baron.
    IO-550-DCessna185/188 Conversion.
    IO-550-ECessna310 Conversion.
    IO-550-FCessna206/207 Conversion.
    IO-550-LCessna210 Conversion.
    O-470-KCessna180 (230 HP).
    O-470-MCessna310 B.
    O-470-PSierra Hotel Aero, Inc. (Navion)Navion.
    O-470-RCessna180 E-J.
    O-470-UCessna180 K.
    TSIO-520-AFCessnaP210N II.
    TSIO-520-BCessna320D, E & F.
    TSIO-520-BCessnaT310-Q & R.
    Start Printed Page 15606
    TSIO-520-BEPiperPA-46-310 Malibu.
    TSIO-520-CCessnaT210 F, G, & H.
    TSIO-520-C&CBBeechcraft58 Baron.
    TSIO-520-DBeechcraftV35, V35A, V35B-TC.
    TSIO-520-ECessna402, A & B.
    TSIO-520-ECessna401, A & B.
    TSIO-520-HCessnaT210 J, K & L.
    TSIO-520-JCessna210 J.
    TSIO-520-JRiley Conversions340 Super Riley.
    TSIO-520-L&LBBeechcraft58P Baron.
    TSIO-520-L&LBBeechcraft58TC Baron.
    TSIO-520-NCessna414-II Chancellor.
    TSIO-520-RCessnaT210 M.
    TSIO-520-RCessnaT210N II.
    TSIO-520-TCessnaT188C AG Husky.
    TSIO-520-UBBeechcraftA36TC Bonanza.
    TSIO-520-VBCessna402 C.
    TSIO-520-WBBeechcraft58P Baron.
    TSIO-520-WBBeechcraft58TC Baron.

    This AD also applies to SAP, cast cylinder assemblies, P/Ns SL32000W-A1, SL32000W-A20P, SL32000W-A21P, SL32000WH-A1, SL32000WH-A20P, SL32006W-A1, SL32006W-A20P, SL32006W-A21P, SL36000TW-A1, SL36000TW-A20P, SL36000TW-A21P, SL36000TW-A22P, SL36000W-A1, SL36000W-A20P, SL36000W-A21P, SL36006W-A1, SL36006W-A20P, and SL36006W-A21P, installed in Lycoming Engines (LE) 320, 360, and 540 series reciprocating engines and Avco Lycoming 540 series reciprocating engines. These P/N cylinder assemblies may be installed in the LE and AL engine models listed in the following Table 3.

    Table 3.—Affected Lycoming Engines and Avco Lycoming Engine Models

    Engine model
    O-320-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, H.
    IO-320-B, -D, -E.
    AIO-320-A, -B, -C.
    AEIO-320-D, -E.
    O-360-A, -B, -C, -D, -F, -G, -J.
    IO-360-B, -L, -M.
    AEIO-360-B, -H.
    O-540-A, -B, -E, -F, -G, -H, -J.
    IO-540-A, -C, -D, -N, -T, -V, -W.

    These engine models are installed in, but not limited to, the aircraft models listed in the following Table 4: Start Printed Page 15607

    Table 4.—Lycoming Engines and Avco Lycoming-Related Aircraft Models

    Engine modelAircraft manufacturerAircraft model designation
    O-320-AMooney AircraftMark 20A.
    O-320-A1APiper AircraftPA-23-150 Apache.
    O-320-A1APiper AircraftPA-22-150 Tri-Pacer.
    O-320-A1APiper AircraftPA-22S-150 Tri-Pacer.
    O-320-A1APiper AircraftPA-25 Pawnee.
    O-320-A1ADoyne AircraftDoyn-Cessna 170,170A,170B.
    O-320-A1ADinfiaRanquel 1A-46.
    O-320-A1ASimmering-Graz PaukerFlamingo SGP-M-222.
    O-320-A1AAviamilanoScricciolo P-19.
    O-320-A1AVos Helicopter CoSpring Bok.
    O-320-A1AMooney AircraftMark 20A.
    O-320-A1BPiper AircraftPA-22-150 Tri-Pacer.
    O-320-A1BPiper AircraftPA-22S-150 Tri-Pacer.
    O-320-A1BPiper AircraftPA-23 Apache.
    O-320-A1BDoyne AircraftDoyn-Cessna 170,170A,170B.
    O-320-A1BS.O.C.A.T.AHorizon (Gardan).
    O-320-A2APiper AircraftPA-22-150.
    O-320-A2APiper AircraftPA-22S-150.
    O-320-A2APiper AircraftAgriculture PA-18A-150.
    O-320-A2APiper AircraftSuper Cub PA-18-150.
    O-320-A2APiper AircraftCaribbean PA-22-150.
    O-320-A2APiper AircraftPA-25 Pawnee.
    O-320-A2ALake AircraftColonial C1.
    O-320-A2AIntermountain Mfg. CoCall Air Texas A-5, A-5T.
    O-320-A2ARawdon BrosRawdon T-1, T-15, T-15D.
    O-320-A2AShinn EngineeringShinn 2150-A.
    O-320-A2ADinfiaRanquel 1A-46.
    O-320-A2ASudGardan-Horizon (GY-80).
    O-320-A2ALa VerdaFalco F8L Series II, America.
    O-320-A2AMalmoVipan MF1-10.
    O-320-A2AKingsford SmithAutocrat SCRM-153.
    O-320-A2BAero Commander100.
    O-320-A2BPiper AircraftPA-22-150.
    O-320-A2BPiper AircraftPA-22S-150.
    O-320-A2BPiper AircraftCherokee PA-28-150.
    O-320-A2BPiper AircraftSuper Cub PA-18-150.
    O-320-A2BChampion AircraftChallenger 7GCA, 7GCB, 7KC.
    O-320-A2BChampion AircraftCitabria 7GCAA, 7GCRC.
    O-320-A2BChampion AircraftAgriculture 7GCBA.
    O-320-A2BBeaglePup 150.
    O-320-A2BArcticInterstate S1B2.
    O-320-A2BRobinson HelicoptersR-22.
    O-320-A2CRobinson HelicoptersR-22.
    O-320-A2CVargaKachina 2150a.
    O-320-A2CCicareCicare AG.
    O-320-A2DBellanca AircraftCitabria 150 (7GCAA).
    O-320-A2DBellanca AircraftCitabria 150S (7GCBC).
    O-320-A2DBellancaCitabria 150S (7G(.HU).
    O-320-A2FCessna Aircraft177A.
    O-320-A3APiper AircraftApache PA-23.
    O-320-A3ADoyn AircraftDoyn-Cessna 170, 170A, 170B.
    O-320-A3ACorben-FettesGlobe Special (Globe GC-1B).
    O-320-A3BPiper AircraftApache PA-23.
    O-320-A3BDoyn AircraftDoyn-Cessna 170, 170A, 170B.
    O-320-A3BTeal IITSC 1A2.
    O-320-B1APiper AircraftApache PA-23-160.
    O-320-B1ADoyn AircraftDoyn-Cessna 170, 170A, 170B.
    O-320-B1AMalmoVipan MF1-10.
    O-320-B1BPiper AircraftApache PA-23-160.
    O-320-B1BDoyn AircraftDoyn-Cessna 170, 170A, 170B.
    O-320-B2APiper AircraftPA-22-160.
    O-320-B2APiper AircraftPA-22S-160.
    O-320-B2BPiper AircraftPA-22-160.
    O-320-B2BPiper AircraftPA-22S-160.
    O-320-B2BBeagleAiredale D5-160.
    O-320-B2BFuji-Heavy IndustriesFuji F-200.
    O-320-B2BUirapuruAerotec 122.
    O-320-B2CRobinson HelicoptersR22-HP, Alpha, Beta.
    O-320-B3APiper AircraftApache PA-23-160.
    Start Printed Page 15608
    O-320-B3ADoyn AircraftDoyn-Cessna 170, 170A, 170B.
    O-320-B3BPiper AircraftPA-23-160 Apache.
    O-320-B3BDoyn AircraftDoyn-Cessna 170, 170A, 170B.
    O-320-B3BSudGardan (GY8O-160).
    O-320-C1APiper AircraftApache PA-23-160.
    O-320-C1ARiley AircraftRayjay (Apache).
    O-320-C1BPiper AircraftApache PA-23-160.
    O-320-C3APiper AircraftApache PA-23-160.
    O-320-C3BPiper AircraftApache PA-23-160.
    O-320-D1ASudGardan (GY80).
    O-320-D1AGyroflugSpeed Cancard.
    O-320-D1FSlingsbyT67 Firefly.
    O-320-D2APiper AircraftCherokee PA-28S-160.
    O-320-D2ARobinMajor DR400-140B.
    O-320-D2ARobinChevalier DR-360, R-3140.
    O-320-D2AS.O.C.A.T.ATampico TB9.
    O-320-D2ASlingsbyT67C Firefly.
    O-320-D2ANash Aircraft LtdPetrel.
    O-320-D2AAviolightP66D Delta.
    O-320-D2AGeneral AviaPinguino.
    O-320-D2BBeechcraftMusketeer A23.
    O-320-D2BPiper AircraftCherokee PA-28-160.
    O-320-D2JCessnaSkyhawk 172 P.
    O-320-D3GPiper AircraftCadet PA-28-161.
    O-320-D3GPiper AircraftWarrior II.
    O-320-E1CM.B.B. (Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm)Monsun (BO-209-B).
    O-320-E1FM.B.BMonsun (BO-209-B).
    O-320-E2APiper AircraftCherokee PA-28-140.
    O-320-E2APiper AircraftCherokee PA-28-150.
    O-320-E2ARobinMajor (DR-340).
    O-320-E2ARobinBagheera (GY-100-135).
    O-320-E2AS.O.C.A.T.ASuper Rallye (MS-886).
    O-320-E2AS.O.C.A.T.ARallye Commodore (MS-892).
    O-320-E2AF.F.ABravo (AS-202/15).
    O-320-E2APartenaviaOscar (P66B).
    O-320-E2APartenaviaBucker (131 APM).
    O-320-E2AAeromotPaulistina P-56.
    O-320-E2APezetelKoliber 150.
    O-320-E2CBeechcraftMusketeer (B19).
    O-320-E2CBeechcraftMusketeer III (M-23111).
    O-320-E2CM.B.BMonsun (BO-209-B).
    O-320-E2DBeechcraftB19 Sport.
    O-320-E2DCessna172 I-M.
    O-320-E2DPiper AircraftPA-28-151.
    O-320-E2DPiper AircraftPA-28-140.
    O-320-E2DCessnaCardinal (172.1, 177).
    O-320-E2FM.B.BMonsun (BO-209-B).
    O-320-E2FM.B.BWassmer Pacific (WA-5 1).
    O-320-E2GGulfstreamAA5 Traveler.
    O-320-E2GGulfstreamAA5A Cheetah.
    O-320-E3DBeechcraftB19 Sport.
    O-320-E3DPiper AircraftCherokee (140).
    O-320-H2ADCessnaSkyhawk 172 N.
    O-320A2CVargaKachina 2150.
    IO-320-B2APiper AircraftTwin Comanche (PA-30).
    IO-320-B1DTed Smith AircraftAerostar.
    IO-320-D1AM.B.BMonsun (BO-209-C).
    IO-320-D1BM.B.BMonsun (BO-209-C).
    IO-320-E1AM.B.BMonsun (BO-209-C).
    IO-320-E1BBellanca Aircraft.
    Start Printed Page 15609
    IO-320-E2AChampion7 KCAB.
    IO-320-E2AChampion AircraftCitabria.
    IO-320-E2BBellanca Aircraft
    IO/LIO-320-B1APiper AircraftPA-30 Comanche (2).
    IO/LIO-320-B1APiper AircraftTwin Comanche (PA-39).
    AIO-320-Bl BM.B.BMonsun (BO-209-C).
    AEIO-320-D1BSlingsbyT67M Firefly.
    AEIO-320-D2BHindustan Aeronautics LtdHT-2.
    AEIO-320-E1ABellanca Aircraft
    AEIO-320-E1AChampion Aircraft
    AEIO-320-EIBBellanca Aircraft
    AEIO-320-EIBChampion AircraftDecathalon (8KCAB-CS).
    AEIO-320-E2BBellanca Aircraft
    AEIO-320-E2BChampion AircraftDecathalon (8KCAB).
    O-320-A1ARiley AircraftRiley Twin.
    O-360-A1ABeechcraftTravel Air (95, B-95).
    O-360-A1APiper AircraftComanche (PA-24).
    O-360-A1AIntermountain Mfg. CoCall Air (A-6).
    O-360-A1ALake AircraftColonial (C-2, LA-4, 4A or 4P).
    O-360-A1ADoyn AircraftDoyn-Cessna (170B, 172, 172A, 172B).
    O-360-1AMooney AircraftMark “20B” (M-20B).
    O-360-A1AEarl HortonPawnee (Piper PA-25).
    O-360-A1ADinfiaRanquel (IA-51).
    O-360-A1AWassmerSuper 4 (WA-50A).
    O-360-A1AWassmerSancy (WA-40).
    O-360-A1AWassmerBaladou (WA-40).
    O-360-A1AWassmerPariou (WA-40).
    O-360-A1ASudGardan (GY-180).
    O-360-A1APartenaviaOscar (P-66).
    O-360-A1AProcaerPicc Hio (F-15-A).
    O-360-A1AS.A.A.BSafir (91-D).
    O-360-A1AMalmoVipan (MF-1OB).
    O-360-A1AAero BoeroAB-180.
    O-360-A1ABeagleAiredale (A-109).
    O-360-A1ADeHavillandDrover (DHA-3MK3).
    O-360-A1AKingsford-SmithBushmaster (J5-6).
    O-360-A1AAero Engine Service LtdVicta (R-2).
    O-360-A1ADS.O.C.A.T.ATabago TB-10.
    O-360-A1DPiper AircraftComanche (PA-24).
    O-360-A1DLake AircraftColonial (LA-4, 4A or 4P).
    O-360-A1DDoyn AircraftDoyn-Beech (Beech 95).
    O-360-A1DMooney AircraftMaster 21 (M-20E).
    O-360-A1DMooney AircraftMark 20B, 20D, (M2OB, M2OC).
    O-360-A1DMooney AircraftMooney Statesman (M-20G).
    O-360-A1DDinfiaQuerandi (IA-45).
    O-360-A1DMalmoVipan (MFI-10).
    O-360-A1DCessna AircraftSkyhawk.
    O-360-A1DDoyn AircraftDoyn-Piper PA-23-160.
    O-360-AIF6Cessna AircraftCardinal.
    O-360-AIF6DCessna AircraftCardinal 177.
    O-360-AIF6DTeal IIITSC (1A3).
    O-360-A1G6Aero Commander
    O-360-A1G6DBeech AircraftDuchess 76.
    O-360-AIH6Piper AircraftSeminole (PA-44).
    O-360-Al LDWassmerEuropa WA-52.
    O-360-A2ACenter Est AeronautiqueRegente (DR-253).
    O-360-A2AS.O.C.A.T.ARalIye Commodore (MS-893).
    O-360-A2ASociete Aeronautique NormandeMousquetaire (D-140).
    O-360-A2ABolkowKlemm (Kl-1 07C).
    O-360-A2APartenaviaOscar (P-66).
    O-360-A2ABeagleHusky (D5-180) (J1-U).
    O-360-A2DPiper AircraftComanche PA-24.
    O-360-A2DPiper AircraftCherokee C PA-28-180.
    O-360-A2DMooney AircraftMaster 21 (M-20D).
    O-360-A2DMooney AircraftMark 21 (M-20E).
    Start Printed Page 15610
    O-360-A2EStd. Helicopter
    O-360-A2FAero CommanderLark(100).
    O-360-A2FCessna AircraftCardinal.
    O-360-A2GBeech AircraftSport.
    O-360-A3ASociete Aeronautique NormandeJodel (D-140C).
    O-360-A3ARobinRegent (DR400/180).
    O-360-A3ARobinRemorqueur (DR400/180R).
    O-360-A3AS.O.C.A.T.ARallye 18OGT.
    O-360-A3AS.O.C.A.T.ASportavia Sportsman (RS-180).
    O-360-A3ANorman Aerospace CoNAC-1 Freelance.
    O-360-A3ANash Aircraft LtdPetre.
    O-360-A3ADRobinAiglon (R-l 180T).
    O-360-A4APiper AircraftCherokee “D” PA-28-180.
    O-360-A4GBeech AircraftMusketeer Custom III.
    O-360-A4KGrumman AmericanTiger.
    O-360-A4KBeech AircraftSundowner 180.
    O-360-A4MPiper AircraftArcher II PA-28-18.
    O-360-A4NCessna Aircraft172 (Optional).
    O-360-A4PPenn YanSuper Cub Conversion.
    O-360-A5ADC. Itoh and CoFuji FA-200.
    O-360-B2CSeabird AviationSB7L.
    O-360-C1AIntermountain Mfg. CoCall Air (A-6).
    O-360-CIEBellanca AircraftScout (8GCBC-CS).
    O-360-C1FMauleStar Rocket MX-7-180.
    O-360-C1GChristenHusky (A-1).
    O-360-C2BHughes Tool Co(269A).
    O-360-C2DHughes Tool Co(269A).
    O-360-C2EHughes Tool CoYHO-2HU Military.
    O-360-C2EBellanca AircraftScout 8GCBC FP.
    O-360-C4PPenn VanSuper Cub Conversion.
    O-360-F1A6Cessna AircraftCutlass RG.
    IO-360-B1ABeech AircraftTravel-Air (B-95A).
    IO-360-B1ADoyn AircraftDoyn-Piper PA-23-200.
    IO-360-B1BBeech AircraftTravel-Air (B-95B).
    IO-360-B1BDoyn AircraftDoyn-Piper PA-23-200.
    IO-360-B1DUnited ConsultantsSee-Bee.
    IO-360-BIEPiper AircraftArrow PA-28-180R.
    IO-360-B2EC.A.A.R.PC.A.P. (10).
    IO-360-BIF6Great LakesTrainer.
    IO-360-B1G6American BlimpSpector 42.
    IO-360-B2F6Great LakesTrainer.
    LO-360-A1 G6DBeech AircraftDuchess.
    LO-360-A1H6Piper AircraftSeminole (PA-44).
    IO-360-EIAT.R. Smith AircraftAeroStar.
    IO-360-L2ACessna AircraftSkyhawk C-172.
    IO-360-M1ADiamond AircraftDA-40.
    IO-360-M1BVans AircraftRV6, RV7, RV8.
    AIO-360-B1BMoravanZim (Z-526-L).
    AEIO-360-B1G6Great Lakes
    AEIO-360-HiABellanca AircraftSuper Decathalon (8KCAB-180).
    AEIO-360-HiBAmerican ChampionSuper Decathalon.
    HO-360-B1AHughes Tool Co269A.
    HO-360-B1BHughes Tool Co269A.
    HiO-360-A1AHughes Tool Co300.
    HiO-360-B1AHughes Tool CoMilitary 269-A-1.
    HlO-360-BIBHughes Tool Co269A.
    O-360-D1AHughes Tool Co269C, 300C.
    Start Printed Page 15611
    HIO-360-E1ADEnstrom HelicopterF28C.
    HIO-360-E1BDEnstrom HelicopterF28C.
    HIO-360-F1ADEnstrom HelicopterFaicon F28F.
    HIO-360-F1ADEnstrom HelicopterShark 280FX.
    HIO-360-F1ADEnstrom HelicopterSentine F28F-P.
    LHIO-360-C1ASilvercraftSH-4 Helicopter.
    LHIO-360-C1BSilvercraftSH-3 Helicopter.
    O-540-AIA5Piper AircraftComanche PA-24-150.
    O-540-AIA5HelioMilitary H-250.
    O-540-AIA5Yoeman AviationYA-1.
    O-540-A1B5Piper AircraftAztec PA-23-250.
    O-540-A1B5Piper AircraftComanche PA-24-250.
    O-540-AIC5Piper AircraftComanche PA-24-250.
    O-540-A1DFound BrosFBA-2C.
    O-540-AID5Piper AircraftAztec PA-23-250.
    O-540-AID5Piper AircraftComanche PA-24-250.
    O-540-AID5Piper AircraftMilitary Aztec U-1 1A.
    O-540-A2BAero Commander500.
    O-540-A2BMld-States Mfg. CoTwin Courier 11-500, U-5.
    O-540-A3D5Piper AircraftNavy Aztec PA-23-250.
    O-540-B1A5Piper AircraftApache PA-23-235.
    O-540-BIB5Piper AircraftCherokee PA-24-250.
    O-540-BIB5Doyn AircraftDoyn-Piper PA-24-250.
    O-540-B2B5Piper AircraftPawnee PA-24-235.
    O-540-B2B5Piper AircraftCherokee PA-28-235.
    O-540-B2B5Piper AircraftAztec PA-23-235.
    O-540-B2B5Intermountain Mfg. CoCall Air A-9.
    O-540-B2B5Rawdon BrosRawdon T-l.
    O-540-B2B5S.O.C.A.T.ARallye 235CA.
    O-540-B2C5Piper AircraftPawnee PA-24-235.
    O-540-B4B5Piper AircraftCherokee PA-28-235.
    O-540-B4B5EmbraerCorioca EMB-710.
    O-540-B4B5S.O.C.A.T.ARallye 235GT.
    O-540-B4B5S.O.C.A.T.ARallye 235C.
    O-540-B4B5MauleStar Racket MX-7-235.
    O-540-B4B5MauleSuper Rocket M-6-235.
    O-540-B4B5MauleSuper Std. Racket M-7-235.
    O-540-E4A5Piper AircraftComanche PA-24-260.
    O-540-E4A5AviamilanoFlamingo F-250.
    O-540-E4A5Siai-MarcbettiSF-260, SF-208.
    Piper AircraftCherokee Six PA-32-260.
    O-540-E4C5Pilatus Britten-NormanIslander BN-2A-26.
    O-540-E4C5Pilatus Britten-NormanIslander BN-2A-27.
    O-540-E4C5Pilatus Britten-NormanIslander II BN-2B-26.
    O-540-E4C5Pilatus Britten-NormanIslander BN-2A-2 1.
    O-540-E4C5Pilatus Britten-NormanTrislander BN-2A-Mark 111-2.
    O-540-F1B5Omega AircraftBS-12D1.
    O-540-G1A5Piper AircraftPawnee PA-25-260.
    O-540-H1B5DAero Boero260.
    O-540-H2A5EmbraerImpanema “AG”.
    O-540-H2B5DAero Boero260.
    O-540-J1A5DMauleStar Rocket MX-7-235.
    O-540-J1A5DMauleSuper Rocket M-6-235.
    O-540-J1A5DMauleSuper Std. Rocket M-7-235.
    O-540-J3A5DPiper AircraftDakota PA-28-236.
    O-540-J3C5DCessna AircraftSkylane RG.
    IO-540-A1A5Doyn AircraftDoyn-Piper PA-23-250.
    IO-540-A1A5Riley AircraftRocket-Cessna 310.
    IO-540-A1A5DornierDO-8-B 1.
    IO-540-C1B5Piper AircraftAztec B PA-23-250.
    IO-540-C1B5Piper AircraftComanche PA-24-250.
    IO-540-C1C5Riley AircraftTurbo-Rocket.
    Start Printed Page 15612
    IO-540-C4B5Piper AircraftAztec C PA-23-250.
    IO-540-C4B5Piper AircraftAztec F.
    IO-540-C4B5WassmerWA4-2 1.
    IO-540-C4B5Avions Pierre RobinHR 100/250.
    IO-540-C4B5Bellanca AircraftAries T-250.
    IO-540-C4B5AerofabRenegade 250.
    IO-540-C4DSDS.O.C.A.T.ATrinidad TB-20.
    IO-540-D4A5Piper AircraftComanche PA-24-260.
    IO-540-D4B5CervaCE-43 Guepard.
    IO-540-E1A5Aero Commander500-E.
    IO-540-EIB5Aero Commander500-U.
    IO-540-GIA5Doyn AircraftDoyn-Piper PA-23-250.
    IO-540-GIA5Riley AircraftTurbo-Aztec.
    IO-540-GIA5DeHavillandHeron Conversion.
    IO-540-GIB5T.R. Smith AircraftAerostar 600.
    IO-540-GIB5Found BrosCentennial 100.
    IO-540-G1C5Intermountain Mfg. CoCall Air 1AR821.
    IO-540-G1DSIntermountain Mfg. CoIAR-822, IAR-826, IAR-823.
    IO-540-G1F5Bellanca Aircraft
    IO-540-N lA5Piper AircraftComanche 260.
    IO-540-T4A5DGeneral AviationModel 114.
    IO-540-T4B5Commander1 14B.
    IO-540-T4C5DLake AircraftSeawolf.
    IO-540-WIA5MauleMX-7-235, MT-7-235, M7235.
    IO-540-W1A5DMauleStar Rocket MX-7-235.
    IO-540-W1A5DMauleSuper Rocket M-6-235.
    IO-540-W1A5DMauleSuper Std. Rocket M-7-235.
    IO-540-W3A5DSchweizerPower Glider.
    IO-540-AB1A5Cessna AircraftSkylane C-182.
    AEIO-540-D4A5ChristenPitts S-2S, S-2B.
    AEIO-540-D4A5SlingsbyFirefly T3A.
    AEIO-540-D4D5Burkhart GrobGrob G, 1 15T Aero.

    These engine models are known to be installed in the aircraft models listed in the following Table 5:

    Table 5.—Superior Air Parts, Inc.—Related Aircraft Models

    Engine modelAircraft manufacturerAircraft model designation
    O-360-A3A2American Champion7GCBC & 7GCAA.

    Unsafe Condition

    (d) This AD results from comments from the Public on the existing AD. We are issuing this AD to prevent cylinder separation that can lead to engine failure, a possible engine compartment fire, and damage to the airplane.


    (e) You are responsible for having the actions required by this AD performed within the compliance times specified unless the actions have already been done.

    Determining Which Cylinder Assemblies Are Installed

    (f) If aircraft engine records do not list the P/N of the cylinder installed during engine overhaul or repair, visually inspect the cylinders. The affected SAP cylinder head barrel flanges are marked: SA47000L-A1, SA47000L-A20P, SA47000S-A1, SA47000S-A20P, SA47000S-A21P, SA52000-A1, SA52000-A20P, SA52000-A21P, SA52000-A22P, SA52000-A23P, SA55000-A1, or SA55000-A20P or SL32000W-A1, SL32000W-A20P, SL32000W-A21P, SL32000WH-A1, SL32000WH-A20P, SL32006W-A1, SL32006W-A20P, SL32006W-A21P, SL36000TW-A1, SL36000TW-A20P, SL36000TW-A21P, SL36000TW-A22P, SL36000W-A1, SL36000W-A20P, SL36000W-A21P, SL36006W-A1, SL36006W-A20P, or SL36006W-A21P.

    Cylinder Assembly Removal

    (g) Remove all cylinder assemblies with a serial number of 47LE053559 through 47LF053643, or 47SE054212 through 47SF054251, or 52D0531708 through 52H0532197, or 55E05223 through 55G05289, or 32WE059006 through 32WF059067, or 32WHE05379 through 32WHE05392, or 326WF055517 through 326WF055532, or 36TWF05430 through Start Printed Page 1561336TWG05453, or 36WF058058 through 36WG058124, or 366WE056944 through 366WF057061, or 366WF057150 through 366WF057232, or 366WF057259 through 366WG057534, or 366WG057556, 366WG057569, 366WG057598, 366WG057616, 366WG057621, 366WG057624, or 366WJ057770 through 366WJ057776, or 366WL058131 no later than 150 hours total time-in-service (TIS) to preclude cylinder head fatigue failure and separation at the head-to-barrel threaded interface.

    (h) For cylinder assemblies with more than 150 hours total TIS on the effective date of this AD, a 10 hour TIS extension is permitted for the purpose of flying the aircraft to a location where maintenance action can be done to meet the requirements of this AD.

    (i) After the effective date of this AD, do not install any cylinder assemblies with P/Ns SA47000L-A1, SA47000L-A20P, SA47000S-A1, SA47000S-A20P, SA47000S-A21P, SA52000-A1, SA52000-A20P, SA52000-A21P, SA52000-A22P, SA52000-A23P, SA55000-A1, or SA55000-A20P,or SL32000W-A1, SL32000W-A20P, SL32000W-A21P, SL32000WH-A1, SL32000WH-A20P, SL32006W-A1, SL32006W-A20P, SL32006W-A21P, SL36000TW-A1, SL36000TW-A20P, SL36000TW-A21P, SL36000TW-A22P, SL36000W-A1, SL36000W-A20P, SL36000W-A21P, SL36006W-A1, SL36006W-A20P, or SL36006W-A21P with a serial number of 47LE053559 through 47LF053643, or 47SE054212 through 47SF054251, or 52D0531708 through 52H0532197, or 55E05223 through 55G05289, or 32WE059006 through 32WF059067, or 32WHE05379 through 32WHE05392, or 326WF055517 through 326WF055532, or 36TWF05430 through 36TWG05453, or 36WF058058 through 36WG058124, or 366WE056944 through 366WF057061, or 366WF057150 through 366WF057232, or 366WF057259 through 366WG057534, or 366WG057556, 366WG057569, 366WG057598, 366WG057616, 366WG057621, 366WG057624, or 366WJ057770 through 366WJ057776, or 366WL058131 into any engine.

    Alternative Methods of Compliance

    (j) The Manager, Special Certification Office, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, has the authority to approve alternative methods of compliance for this AD if requested using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19.

    Special Flight Permits

    (k) For aircraft with engines that have between 140 hours and 150 hours TIS only, special flight permits may be issued in accordance with §§ 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the aircraft to a location where the requirements of this AD can be done. Special flight permits may not be issued for aircraft that have utilized the provisions of paragraph (h) of this AD.

    Related Information

    (l) Superior Air Parts, Inc. Mandatory Service Bulletin B06-01, Rev. E, dated January 24, 2007, contains information related to the subject of this AD.

    (m) Contact Jurgen Priester, Aerospace Engineer, Special Certification Office, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, Southwest Regional Headquarters, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76137; e-mail: Jurgen.E.Priester@faa.gov; telephone (817) 222-5159; fax (817) 222-5785 for more information about this AD.

    Material Incorporated by Reference

    (n) None.

    Start Signature

    Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on March 23, 2007.

    Peter A. White,

    Acting Manager, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. E7-5915 Filed 3-30-07; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4910-13-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
Effective May 7, 2007.
15603-15613 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FAA-2006-25948, Directorate Identifier 2006-NE-32-AD, Amendment 39-15005, AD 2007-04-19R1
2120-AA64: Airworthiness Directives
RIN Links:
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
14 CFR 39.13