04-8633. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Colorado River Cutthroat Trout  

  • [Federal Register Volume 69, Number 76 (Tuesday, April 20, 2004)]
    [Pages 21151-21158]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 04-8633]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on 
    a Petition To List the Colorado River Cutthroat Trout
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition finding.
    SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce a 
    90-day finding for a petition to list the Colorado River cutthroat 
    trout (CRCT) (Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus) as threatened or 
    endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. We 
    find the petition and additional information available in our files did 
    not present substantial scientific or commercial information indicating 
    that listing this subspecies may be warranted. We will not be 
    initiating a further status review in response to this petition. We ask 
    the public to submit to us any new information that becomes available 
    concerning the status of or threats to the species. This information 
    will help us monitor and encourage the conservation of this species.
    DATES: The finding announced in this document was made on April 8, 
    2004. You may submit new information concerning this species for our 
    consideration at any time.
    ADDRESSES: Information, data, or comments concerning this finding 
    should be submitted to the Assistant Field Supervisor, Ecological 
    Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 764 Horizon Drive, Building 
    B, Grand Junction, Colorado 81506, or by e-mail to [email protected] 
    The petition, finding, supporting data, and comments are available for 
    public inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours, at the 
    above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patty Schrader Gelatt, at the above 
    address, by telephone at 970-243-2778, or by e-mail at patty--
    [email protected]
        Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 
    amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (ESA), requires that within 90 days of 
    receipt of a petition, to the maximum extent practicable, we make a 
    finding on whether a petition to list, delist, or reclassify a species 
    presents substantial scientific or commercial information indicating 
    that the requested action may be warranted. The term ``species'' 
    includes any subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct 
    population segment of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife that 
    interbreeds when mature. The finding is based upon all information 
    provided or referenced in the petition and all other information 
    available to us at the time the finding was made. To the maximum extant 
    practicable, this finding is to be made within 90 days of receipt of 
    the petition, and the finding is to be published promptly in the 
    Federal Register. If we find substantial information present, we are 
    required to promptly commence a review of the status of the species (50 
    CFR 424.14). ``Substantial information'' is defined in 50 CFR 424.14(b) 
    as ``that amount of information that would lead a reasonable person to 
    believe that the measure proposed in the petition may be warranted.''
        On December 16, 1999, we received a formal petition to list the 
    CRCT as threatened or endangered in its occupied habitat within its 
    known historic range, in accordance with provisions in section 4 of the 
    ESA. The petition was filed by the Center for Biological Diversity, the 
    Biodiversity Legal Foundation, Biodiversity Associates, Ancient Forest 
    Rescue, Southwest Trout, Wild Utah Forest Campaign, Colorado Wild, and 
    Mr. Noah Greenwald.
        On January 12, 2000, we notified the petitioners that our Listing 
    Priority Guidance, published in the Federal Register (64 FR 57114) on 
    October 22, 1999, designated the processing of new listing petitions as 
    a ``Priority 4'' activity, a lower priority than emergency listing 
    (Priority 1), processing final decisions on proposed listings (Priority 
    2), and resolving the status of candidate species (Priority 3). We also 
    informed the petitioners that due to staff and budget limitations, the 
    petition could not be immediately addressed.
        On August 8, 2000, we received a notice of intent to sue from the 
    Center for Biological Diversity, Biodiversity Associates, Biodiversity 
    Legal Foundation, Colorado Wild, Wild Utah Forest Campaign, and Mr. 
    Noah Greenwald concerning our failure to produce a 90-day finding on 
    the subject petition in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of 
    the ESA. We responded on August 31, 2000, reiterating that we would not 
    be able to begin an evaluation of the CRCT petition until the work on 
    the higher priority activities was completed. In the spring of 2003, 
    the Service determined appropriate funds were available to address the 
    subject petition.
        In addition, the Service received correspondence from Mr. Noah 
    Greenwald on September 20, 2002, providing additional information.
        The September 20, 2002, correspondence from the petitioners 
    recognized that some of the information presented in the original 
    petition is outdated due to the passage of time. The petitioners 
    discussed information provided by the states focusing on three specific 
    issues--hybridization, competition, and predation from nonnatives; 
    habitat degradation; and inadequacy of existing regulation. The 
    petitioners again asserted that the range
    [[Page 21152]]
    of the CRCT has been reduced to a small fraction of its historic range, 
    resulting in small isolated populations. They also stated that none of 
    the populations can be considered secure because every one is 
    threatened by nonnatives, limited stream length, small population size, 
    habitat limitations, or a combination of these factors. The petitioners 
    asserted that most CRCT populations are either hybridized or sympatric 
    with nonnative trout species despite efforts to construct barriers and 
    remove nonnatives. In addition, the States stock nonnative trout in 
    CRCT historic range, which limits potential streams where CRCT can be 
    recovered. The petitioners recommended that we use the same criteria to 
    evaluate the status of the Colorado River cutthroat trout as was used 
    for the Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Onchorhynchus clarki virginalis) 
    candidate status review. The Service did not use these criteria in this 
    90-day finding because it does not constitute a status review under the 
    Biology and Distribution
        The CRCT is the only salmonid (i.e., salmon, trout, and their close 
    relatives) native to the upper Colorado River basin, and is 1 of 14 
    subspecies of cutthroat trout recognized by Behnke (1992, 2002) that 
    are native to interior regions of western North America. It has red or 
    orange slash marks on both sides of the lower jaws and relatively large 
    spots concentrated on the posterior part of the body. Sexually mature 
    males exhibit brilliant colors; the ventral region can be bright 
    crimson, with red along the lateral line, and the lower sides of the 
    body are typically golden yellow (Behnke 1992).
        The CRCT historically occupied portions of the Colorado River 
    drainage in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico (Behnke 
    1992). Its original distribution probably included portions of larger 
    streams, such as the Green, Yampa, White, Colorado, and San Juan 
    Rivers. Behnke and Zarn (1976) suggested this subspecies was absent 
    from the lower reaches of many large rivers because of summer thermal 
    barriers. The CRCT still occurs throughout its historic range, but 
    remaining populations now occur mostly in headwater streams and lakes.
        The CRCT spawn over a gravel substrate in spring when water 
    temperatures reach 7[deg]C (45[deg]F). The female digs out a nest in 
    flowing water and, after fertilization, the eggs are covered with 
    gravel and hatch in the summer (Behnke and Benson 1980). The CRCT feed 
    on a wide range of invertebrates; larger CRCT prey on other fishes 
    (Behnke and Benson 1980).
        The States of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming have implemented 
    conservation efforts for CRCT for many years. Each State has developed 
    plans to facilitate conservation action for CRCT within their 
    respective States (Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) 1987; 
    Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW) 1992; Langlois et al. 1994; Utah 
    Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) 1997). The three States, U.S. 
    Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Park 
    Service, Ute Indian Tribe, and the Service formed a task force to 
    address conservation efforts for CRCT on a rangewide basis. A 
    Conservation Agreement and Strategy (CAS) (CRCT Task Force 1999, 2001) 
    was developed to expedite implementation of conservation measures for 
    the CRCT in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming as a collaborative and 
    cooperative effort among resource agencies. The primary goal of the CAS 
    is to assure the long-term prosperity of CRCT throughout their historic 
    range by establishing two self-sustaining metapopulations, each 
    consisting of five separate, viable but interconnected subpopulations, 
    in each geographic management unit within the historic range. The 
    short-term goal is to establish one metapopulation in each geographic 
    management unit. Additional goals of the CAS are to maintain areas that 
    currently support abundant CRCT and manage other areas for increased 
    abundance; to maintain the genetic diversity of the subspecies; and to 
    increase the distribution of CRCT where ecologically and economically 
    feasible. The specific objective of the CAS is to maintain and restore 
    383 conservation populations in 2,823 stream kilometers (km) (1,754 
    stream miles (mi)) and 18 populations in 264 lake hectares (ha) (652 
    lake acres (ac)) in 14 geographic management units within the historic 
        The CAS (CRCT Task Force 2001) classifies CRCT populations 
    according to their genetic purity using the criteria established in 
    ``Cutthroat Trout Management-- a Position Paper. Genetic Considerations 
    Associated with Cutthroat Trout Management'' (UDWR 2000). This position 
    paper was developed by fishery administrators and biologists from the 
    following agencies--Idaho Department of Fish and Game; Montana Fish, 
    Wildlife and Parks; Nevada Division of Wildlife; New Mexico Game and 
    Fish; UDWR; WGFD; the Service; USFS; and other technical experts. The 
    Position Paper defines a ``core conservation population'' as a 
    population that is 99 percent pure and represents the 
    historic genome of the native cutthroat trout. Core conservation 
    populations contain cutthroat trout that have not been impacted by 
    genetic alteration linked to human intervention. A ``conservation 
    population'' is defined as a reproducing and recruiting population of 
    native cutthroat trout that has managed to preserve the historical 
    genome and/or unique genetic, ecological, and/or behavioral 
    characteristics. In general, a conservation population is at least 90 
    percent pure CRCT, but purity may be lower depending on circumstances 
    and the values and attributes to be preserved.
        The CAS established a CRCT Coordination Team to periodically update 
    the population status information provided in the appendices. As of 
    July 16, 2003, the States of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming reported 327 
    conservation populations, which include 286 populations in 
    approximately 1,625 stream km (1,010 stream mi) and 41 populations in 
    approximately 455 ha (1,124 ac) of lakes (CRCT Coordination Team, 
    unpublished data). These populations include 221 populations that meet 
    the Coordination Team's definition of core conservation populations. Of 
    these 221 core conservation populations, 191 are found in approximately 
    1,101 km (684 mi) of streams and 30 are found in approximately 221 ha 
    (545 ac) of lakes.
        Since 1998, 125 stream populations and 29 lake populations have 
    been added to the list of conservation populations (including core 
    conservation populations and conservation populations) (CRCT 
    Coordination Team, unpublished data). Most of the additions to the list 
    of conservation populations are due to results of genetic testing that 
    indicated genetic purity of at least 90 percent. Some waters were 
    removed from the list due to the results of genetic testing. Other 
    waters were added after reclamation and restocking were completed. 
    Still other stream segments were removed because CRCT were extirpated 
    due to competition from nonnative trout.
    Assessment of the Petition and Other Available Information
        The 1999 petition and subsequent 2002 letter provided information 
    regarding the status and threats to CRCT. Soon after we received the 
    petition, we made the document available on our web site. We also 
    contacted natural resource agencies whose responsibilities include CRCT 
    management and requested that these agencies review the petition and 
    provide information on the current
    [[Page 21153]]
    status of the subspecies. In response to our request, we received 
    information from UDWR, WGFD, CDOW, USFS, National Park Service, and 
    BLM. We reviewed the information provided by these agencies, scientific 
    journal articles, agency reports, and other information in our files to 
    determine whether the information provided or cited in the petition or 
    other information readily available to us met the ESA's standard for 
    ``substantial information.'' We respond to each of the major assertions 
    made in the petition, organized by ESA listing factors. This 90-day 
    finding is not a status assessment and does not constitute a status 
    review under the ESA.
    A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment 
    of Its Habitat or Range
        With respect to factor A, the petition asserted that the CRCT has 
    been reduced to small, unstable headwater drainages in less than 5 
    percent of its historic range and that this reduction in range is due 
    to livestock grazing, water diversions, mining, logging, and roads. The 
    petition presented an analysis of the reduction of historic range 
    primarily based on information in a USFS Report (Young et al. 1996). 
    While we consider this report a source of reliable information, it was 
    based on a questionnaire distributed to various agency biologists and 
    not all biologists responded. Therefore, Young et al. (1996) considered 
    the data base presented as incomplete. The information contained in 
    this report gave a general overview of the decline of the subspecies, 
    but did not contain adequate information on the subspecies' status 
    throughout its current or historical range to determine reduction in 
    historic range. In fact, Young et al. (1996) stated, ``comprehensive 
    descriptions of the historical range of the CRCT are unavailable.'' 
    However, for years, scientists have recognized that the current range 
    of the CRCT has been greatly reduced from its historic range (Behnke 
    and Zarn 1976; Binns 1977; Behnke and Benson 1980; Martinez 1988; CRCT 
    Task Force 2001), and we concur with the conclusion that the range of 
    the CRCT has been greatly reduced from historic levels. The ESA does 
    not indicate threshold levels of historic range at which listing as 
    either threatened or endangered becomes warranted. Instead the 
    principal considerations in determining whether a species warrants 
    listing are the threats that currently confront the species within its 
    range and the likelihood that the species will persist in the 
    foreseeable future.
        The petition used two sources of information for the distribution 
    and status of CRCT--Young et al. (1996) and the 1999 CAS (CRCT Task 
    Force 1999). While the Service considered these adequate and reliable 
    sources of information at the time of the original petition, new 
    information is also available to the Service, including the latest 
    information (CRCT Coordination Team, unpublished data) on numbers of 
    conservation populations and core conservation populations by State.
        While the total number of conservation populations (106) and core 
    conservation populations (221) represents a relatively secure 
    subspecies, total numbers of populations does not provide the full 
    picture of the status of a species. The CAS (CRCT Task Force 2001) 
    recognized that some past and present land management practices 
    (overgrazing, heavy metal pollution, and water depletion and 
    diversions) contribute to the isolation of upstream populations of 
    CRCT. In some cases those practices serve to protect populations from 
    invasion by nonnative salmonids, but they also cause fragmented stream 
    segments that restrict movement between formerly connected populations, 
    leaving small isolated populations that may be subject to extirpation 
    and loss of genetic interchange (CRCT Task Force 2001). Many of these 
    populations occur in headwater streams where water temperatures and 
    small stream size make habitat conditions less than optimal. Harig and 
    Fausch (2002) noted that cold summer water temperatures, typical of 
    high elevation streams, tend to delay spawning, which reduces 
    overwinter survival. They also found that many small streams lack 
    sufficient pools deep enough for overwinter survival. The work of 
    Novinger and Rahel (2003) also suggested that isolated headwater 
    mountain streams lack some of the necessary habitat components based on 
    the finding , in some cases, that isolation management (the process of 
    constructing an artificial barrier, removal of brook trout, and 
    stocking CRCT) resulted in more CRCT below the artificial barrier than 
    above. However, small, isolated populations have persisted for many 
    years in some situations, such as above waterfalls or in desert basins 
    (Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000). It is unclear what population and 
    habitat sizes are required for long-term population viability.
        The scientific literature addresses species population viability in 
    a theoretical manner, providing recommendations for minimum population 
    size based on theoretical models (Franklin 1980; Gilpin and Soule 1986; 
    Rieman and McIntyre 1993; Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000). Through 
    modeling, Hilderbrand and Kershner (2000) estimated minimum stream 
    length for several subspecies of cutthroat trout (Colorado River, 
    Bonneville (Oncorhynchus clarki utah), and westslope (Oncorhynchus 
    clarki lewisi)), in relation to population size. They estimated that a 
    stream length of 3 km (2 mi) was required to support a population of 
    1,000 fish; 8 km (5 mi) to support 2,500 fish; and 17 km (10 mi) to 
    support 5,000 fish. Recent data show stream lengths for core 
    conservation populations vary from less than 1.5 km to 34 km (less than 
    1 mi to 21 mi), with 77 of the 191 (40 percent) core conservation 
    populations in stream segments of 3 km (2 mi) or less (CRCT 
    Coordination Team, unpublished data). Core conservation populations of 
    CRCT ranged in size from 20 to 6,830 adult fish, with the majority (92 
    percent) of the adult populations having either fewer than 1,000 fish 
    or no available population data. However, it is important to recognize 
    that the Coordination Team has not adopted the population criteria 
    discussed above and has not developed specific standards for population 
    viability for CRCT (CRCT Task Force 2001). The Coordination Team 
    considered using the criteria for demographic and habitat requirements 
    for bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) as presented by Rieman and 
    McIntyre (1993), but determined those criteria were not appropriate for 
    CRCT. While limited habitat size, small population size, inappropriate 
    water temperatures, and habitat fragmentation are a concern, its 
    unclear how these factors affect the long-term viability of the 
        When addressing a species with multiple populations, such as CRCT, 
    population viability is just one factor to consider when determining 
    the likelihood of species persistence. The CAS stresses the 
    establishment of metapopulations to assure the long-term prosperity of 
    CRCT (CRCT Task Force 2001). The CAS defines metapopulations as ``a 
    collection of localized populations that are geographically distinct 
    yet are genetically interconnected through natural movement of 
    individual fish between populations.'' Metapopulations are important 
    for stabilizing population dynamics by maintaining genetic exchange 
    (increasing genetic diversity) and providing individuals to repopulate 
    stream segments where populations are lost due to stochastic 
    environmental events (i.e., fire, drought) (UDWR 1997). The long-term 
    goal of the CAS is to
    [[Page 21154]]
    establish two self-sustaining metapopulations, each consisting of five 
    separate, viable but interconnected subpopulations, in each geographic 
    management unit within the historic range. Two of the 14 geographic 
    management units currently meet the long-term goal of the CAS. The 
    short-term goal is to establish one metapopulation in each geographic 
    management unit. Seven additional geographic management units currently 
    meet the CAS short-term goal. Overall, metapopulations currently exist 
    in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, where 11 metapopulations meet the 
    criteria of 5 separate but interconnected subpopulations and an 
    additional 23 metapopulations contain 2 to 4 subpopulations (CRCT Core 
    Coordination Team, unpublished data).
        The States are actively working to establish metapopulations in 
    each geographic management unit. For example, in Wyoming, a large 
    restoration project is currently ongoing to establish a metapopulation 
    in the LaBarge watershed in the southwestern portion of the State. 
    Completion of this project is expected 2007, and will result in 
    restoration of 58 stream miles, including 18 miles of LaBarge Creek and 
    40 stream miles of tributaries (Remmick 2002). Challenges in 
    establishing metapopulations include difficulty in obtaining approval 
    for chemical treatments, reinvasion of nonnative trout, funding, and 
    landowner approval. Based on their work in Colorado, Brauch and Hebein 
    (2003) found that current technical limitations of chemical treatments 
    for reclamation limit potential reclamation sites to smaller streams 
    with low flows of less than 0.42 cubic meter/second (15 cubic feet/
    second). State efforts to overcome these challenges continue.
        The Service recognizes that overgrazing can be detrimental to trout 
    habitat, and that overgrazing may occur in some habitats occupied by 
    CRCT. The petition asserted that habitat conditions are degraded in a 
    significant portion of the subspecies' range. Descriptions of habitat 
    conditions are not available for the CRCT on a rangewide basis (Bruce 
    May, USFS, pers. comm. 2003). The petition used the habitat limitations 
    data field presented in Appendix A of the CAS to draw this conclusion. 
    However, this data field is not adequate to determine the habitat 
    condition of individual streams or lakes or to determine the condition 
    of the habitat rangewide (Dan Brauch, CDOW, pers. comm. 2003). This 
    data field was not applied consistently in the three States, nor was it 
    applied consistently over time. In many cases, habitat limitations 
    noted for the survey location did not apply to the entire stream reach. 
    The CAS (CRCT Task Force 2001) stated that ``habitat problems are 
    viewed as site-specific and not an overall threat throughout the 
    range,'' but no documentation was provided. The petition did not 
    provide additional substantial information to determine the extent of 
    overgrazing in CRCT habitat. Furthermore, the Service can not assume 
    that all livestock grazing within the CRCT habitat is inappropriate. 
    Proper grazing management can reduce or prevent the habitat and water 
    quality degradation discussed in the petition.
        The Service recognizes that water diversions can negatively impact 
    CRCT habitat. The petition asserted 59 CRCT populations have been 
    negatively impacted by water diversions. However, the petition relied 
    primarily upon the habitat limitations data field presented in Appendix 
    A discussed above. A rangewide inventory has not been conducted to 
    determine if water diversions are a problem in just a few locations or 
    throughout CRCT range. Many CRCT populations occur in stream segments 
    upstream of water diversions, and some instream flows have been secured 
    in CRCT streams in Colorado and Wyoming. In Utah, the State Engineer 
    has the authority to deny any changes in water rights applications if 
    such action ``affects the natural stream environment or public 
        Additionally, the petition asserted mining, dams and reservoirs, 
    oil and gas development, road building and logging may be detrimental 
    to CRCT populations. The petition also asserted that mining, through 
    isolation, and dams and reservoirs have preserved pure populations of 
    CRCT. Information on the impacts of dams and reservoirs, oil and gas 
    development, road building and logging is not available on a rangewide 
    basis. The petition did not provide substantial information to 
    determine the rangewide impact on CRCT habitat. We have no other 
    information establishing these activities as significant threats to 
        The USFS and the BLM are currently implementing conservation 
    actions on Federal lands to improve habitat conditions for CRCT (USFS 
    2002, BLM 2003). These actions include grazing management by 
    constructing fencing, building exclosures, and resting grazing 
    allotments. Other vegetation management activities to improve riparian 
    conditions include weed control and riparian plantings. The BLM has 
    recently facilitated installation of a fish screen to prevent CRCT from 
    entering a water diversion structure and implemented culvert 
    improvements to provide fish passage. The USFS has moved campsites and 
    excluded vehicle access to improve habitat for CRCT. The Federal 
    agencies have partnered with the State agencies to monitor fish 
    populations, build and maintain barriers, and remove nonnative fish. 
    Some CRCT habitats are afforded protection from land use activities by 
    special land use designations, such as habitats within Rocky Mountain 
    National Park and USFS Wilderness Areas.
        We find the petition did not provide substantial information to 
    support its assertions that the threat of past and present destruction, 
    modification, or curtailment of CRCT habitat is sufficient to cause 
    further significant declines in this subspecies' range or extant 
    populations. We conclude that the total number of conservation 
    populations and core conservation populations represent a relatively 
    secure subspecies. While limited habitat size, small population size, 
    inappropriate water temperatures, and habitat fragmentation are a 
    concern, it is unclear how these factors affect the long-term viability 
    of the subspecies. State management efforts to establish 
    metapopulations in each geographic management unit continue to improve 
    the outlook for the CRCT. Further, the petition failed to provide 
    substantial information to support the allegation that overgrazing, 
    mining, logging, or roads pose a threat to the overall habitat or range 
    of the CRCT.
    B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or 
    Educational Purposes
        With respect to factor B, the petition asserted that CRCT are 
    threatened by recreational fishing, because CRCT are easy to catch and 
    the state regulatory agencies lack sufficient funding to enforce 
    protective regulations effectively. Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming all 
    have special regulations that provide protection against overharvest of 
    CRCT. These special regulations include catch-and-release requirements, 
    very limited harvest, fishing closures, and tackle restrictions. Also, 
    the remote locations of many CRCT streams provide protection from heavy 
    fishing pressure (CRCT Task Force 2001).
        The CDOW placed harvest and tackle restrictions on most 
    conservation populations of CRCT in 1999. These regulations prohibit 
    harvest of CRCT and allow anglers to only use flies and lures (i.e., no 
    bait). The CDOW reports that 49 waters with conservation populations 
    are closed to cutthroat trout harvest and 1 lake is closed to fishing 
    (Brauch and Hebein 2003). In Rocky
    [[Page 21155]]
    Mountain National Park, all waters that contain pure native cutthroat 
    trout are limited to catch-and-release angling (except Caddis Lake and 
    Lake Nanita, where there is a two-fish daily limit), and some waters 
    are closed to angling while restoration efforts are being implemented 
    (Rosenlund et al. 2001).
        In the early 1980s, the WGFD implemented regulations to better 
    manage CRCT waters. Some waters have complete fishing closures; other 
    waters are catch-and-release only, reduced limits, and seasonal 
    closures. The WGFD continually revises fishing regulations to protect 
    species of concern (Remmick 2002). The WGFD assigned a warden to 
    enforce fishing closures near CRCT habitat when roads were constructed 
    in association with the Cheyenne Stage II Water Project in the Little 
    Snake River drainage in Wyoming (Remmick 2002).
        In Utah, the UDWR has established seasonal closures, reduced 
    limits, size restrictions, and implemented fishing closures in areas of 
    recent introductions to protect CRCT. The UDWR has not observed small, 
    remote populations getting enough fishing pressure to influence numbers 
    and size structure (Kimball 2001).
        While the petition recognizes that existing fishing regulations are 
    in most cases adequate, it raises concerns that funding for education 
    and enforcement programs may be inadequate. However, the petition and 
    information available in the Service's files fails to provide 
    documentation to support this assertion.
        Based on the existing regulations described above, we conclude that 
    the scientific and commercial information available does not support 
    the assertion that overutilization by recreational angling is a threat 
    to CRCT. Furthermore, the petition failed to present substantial 
    information regarding a lack of sufficient funding for education and 
    enforcement of the regulations.
    C. Disease or Predation
        With respect to factor C, the petition asserted that CRCT are 
    threatened by whirling disease and the CDOW stocks whirling disease-
    infected fish within the historic range of CRCT. Also, the petition 
    asserted that CRCT are threatened by predation from brown, brook, and 
    rainbow trout. In recent years, whirling disease has become a great 
    concern to fishery managers in western States. Whirling disease is 
    caused by the nonnative myxosporean parasite, Myxobolus cerebralis. 
    This parasite was introduced to the United States from Europe in the 
    1950s and requires two separate host organisms to complete its life 
    cycle. Its essential hosts are a salmonid fish and an aquatic worm, 
    Tubifex tubifex. Field experiments have shown that CRCT are very 
    susceptible to whirling disease, with an 85 percent mortality rate over 
    a 4-month period when CRCT were exposed to the parasites in the 
    Colorado River (Thompson et al. 1999). However, Tubifex tubifex is 
    usually most abundant in areas of high sedimentation, low water 
    temperatures, and low dissolved oxygen. Most populations of CRCT occur 
    in cold water stream habitats at high elevations, where Tubifex tubifex 
    is unlikely to be abundant. Thompson et al. (1999) found infection 
    rates to be low when temperatures are less than 10[deg]C (50[deg]F). 
    Out of the hundreds of CRCT populations reported by the States, only a 
    few populations of CRCT in Utah and Wyoming have been infected by 
    whirling disease (Kimball 2001, Remmick 2002). In Colorado, CDOW has 
    not found any native cutthroat population infected with whirling 
    disease (Nesler 2003). Wyoming reports that no core conservation 
    populations or conservation populations have been infected (Remmick 
    2002). All three States have developed management activities to protect 
    CRCT populations from whirling disease.
        In Colorado, policies require that only fish that have tested 
    negative for Myxobolus cerebralis, within the last 60 days are 
    permitted to be released into CRCT waters. Colorado also requires 
    disease-free certification and requires the use of isolation/quarantine 
    units for CRCT stocks (CRCT Task Force 2001). Utah has some of the most 
    stringent fish disease laws in the United States. Utah has a Fish 
    Health Board that oversees the disease testing protocol. Utah does not 
    allow stocking of fish that test positive for whirling disease anywhere 
    (CRCT Task Force 2001). A couple of CRCT waters in Utah have been 
    infected by whirling disease, and the UDWR is studying the effects of 
    whirling disease on these populations (Kimball 2001). Wyoming has a 
    policy that any fish testing positive for Myxobolus cerebralis will not 
    be stocked (Remmick 2002).
        We find that the scientific and commercial information available 
    supports the allegation that CRCT are susceptible to whirling disease, 
    but due to the physical characteristics of CRCT habitat and the current 
    State policies, whirling disease does not pose a significant threat to 
        Predation was recognized in the petition in association with the 
    presence of nonnative trout in CRCT habitat. The CRCT are often 
    replaced by nonnative trout, primarily brook trout (Salvelinus 
    fontinalis), where they occur in the same habitat; but the degree to 
    which predation is a factor in this replacement has not been well 
    studied (Peterson and Fausch 2002). We find that there is insufficient 
    information to conclude that predation by nonnative fishes is a 
    significant threat to CRCT.
    D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
        With respect to factor D, the petition asserted that currently 
    there are no regulations protecting the species from take or habitat 
    degradation. The petition and subsequent correspondence failed to 
    recognize all of the ongoing efforts of the signatories of the 2001 
    Conservation Agreement. The States of Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado, and 
    the Federal land management agencies all have ongoing programs to 
    conserve the CRCT.
    Colorado Division of Wildlife
        The CDOW includes the CRCT on a list of species of special concern. 
    Colorado fishing regulations provide restrictive regulations for some 
    CRCT waters. These restrictions include angling limited to artificial 
    flies and lures and immediate return of all trout alive to the water. A 
    recent report outlines conservation activities conducted by the CDOW 
    during 1999-2002 (Brauch and Hebein 2003). The CDOW reported that, 
    during this period, 311 streams and lakes were targeted for 
    conservation activities. Statewide conservation activities included 
    restrictive tackle and catch-and-release regulations, regulations 
    prohibiting nonnative stocking into conservation populations, and 
    stocking CRCT for recreation into high lakes. Other conservation 
    activities included development of subbasin brood stocks, removal of 
    nonnative trout, protection of populations with barrier construction, 
    genetic testing, and population monitoring. The Colorado Water Quality 
    Control Division and Commission regulate water quality and set water 
    quality standards to protect aquatic life in coldwater environments.
    Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
        Utah lists CRCT as a conservation species, which is defined as 
    currently receiving sufficient special management under a conservation 
    agreement to preclude listing as endangered, threatened, or species of 
    special concern in Utah. Utah's stocking practices have changed in 
    recent years to protect CRCT. Stocking of nonnative fishes no longer 
    occurs near core conservation populations or conservation populations. 
    In 2002, Utah discontinued
    [[Page 21156]]
    stocking rainbow trout in most streams and now only stocks sterile 
    rainbow trout. Sterile rainbow trout are stocked only in areas that 
    have no connection to CRCT habitat. All stocking of nonnative 
    cutthroats was discontinued by 2000. Utah fishing regulations restrict 
    harvest of CRCT and implement fishing closures during restoration 
    Wyoming Game and Fish Department
        Wyoming protects CRCT through fishing regulations and stocking 
    procedures. Restrictions on angling include reduced bag limits, catch-
    and-release fishing, seasonal closures, and complete closures. The WGFD 
    has filed for water rights on a total of 30 stream segments of CRCT 
    habitat, for a total of 187 km (116 mi). Priority dates for these 
    filings range from 1989 to 2002. To date, two instream flow rights have 
    been approved. The Wyoming State Division of Environmental Quality 
    implements water quality regulations and controls that apply to CRCT 
    U.S. Forest Service
        The USFS has designated CRCT as a sensitive species. According to 
    the USFS, the petition misrepresented their aquatic habitat management 
    program and land-use coordination by taking statements in reports out 
    of context (USFS 2003). The U.S. Department of Agriculture policy 
    directs the USFS to manage ``habitat for all existing native and 
    desired nonnative * * * species in order to maintain at least viable 
    populations of such species and to avoid actions that may cause a 
    species to become threatened or endangered.'' While specific population 
    viability criteria have not been established by the CRCT Coordination 
    Team, this policy requires the USFS to make a judgment on the viability 
    of each individual population where authorized activities may impact 
        The 2001 CAS was used as a basis for recovery and conservation 
    strategies for Standards and Guidelines within individual Forest Plans, 
    in combination with the Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology section of the 
    Forest Planning Desk Guide. For example, the standards for the White 
    River National Forest Plan in Colorado include provisions to: maintain 
    or enhance existing CRCT habitat; reduce sediment from existing roads 
    and trials; maintain pool depths; maintain riparian vegetation; and 
    retain large woody debris in streams. Guidelines to implement these 
    standards include restriction on new roads, rerouting existing roads, 
    decommissioning old roads, altering timing of grazing, excluding 
    sensitive or problem areas from grazing, and controlling livestock 
    crossings. In the past 5 years, the USFS has completed 200 biological 
    evaluations that address CRCT.
        The USFS (2002) reported that the Rocky Mountain Region in 2002 
    implemented 51 conservation actions that positively influenced 64 lake 
    ha (158 lake ac) and 727 stream km (452 stream mi) of CRCT habitat. 
    Projects included inventory of existing and potential habitat, drought 
    salvage, fencing to exclude cattle, stream assessment and monitoring, 
    nonnative trout removal, building and maintaining barriers, moving 
    dispersed campsites, and genetic analysis. Over the last 4 years the 
    USFS has provided $2,097,100 for the implementation of 112 conservation 
    Bureau of Land Management
        The CRCT is on the BLM's Sensitive Species List. The BLM prepares 
    Work Plans and Accomplishment Reports for conservation efforts on BLM 
    lands in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. Conservation actions are either 
    planned or have been implemented on approximately 40 CRCT streams.
    National Park Service
        The current fisheries management objectives in Rocky Mountain 
    National Park were established in 1969, when the stocking of nonnative 
    and hybrid fishes was no longer permitted. Lakes that did not maintain 
    reproducing populations of fish became fishless (Rosenlund et al. 
    2001). Five sites that contain core conservation populations within 
    Rocky Mountain National Park are open to catch-and-release fishing, and 
    four other sites have a two-fish limit. Most CRCT waters within the 
    Park are in high-elevation remote locations, where angling pressure is 
    very light. Livestock grazing, timber harvest, mining, or other 
    development does not occur in Rocky Mountain National Park.
        The scientific and commercial information available does not 
    support the petition's assertion that there are no regulations 
    protecting the species from take or habitat degradation. We conclude 
    that take of the subspecies can be controlled by State regulations and 
    that the Federal land management agencies have policies to manage 
    sensitive species habitat.
    E. Other Natural or Manmade Mechanisms
        With respect to factor E, the petition asserted that a major threat 
    to CRCT is competition and hybridization from nonnative trout species 
    occurring in the same habitat as CRCT. It also asserted that small 
    isolated populations of CRCT are vulnerable to stochastic events, such 
    as fire or drought. Hybridization with nonnative fish species has been 
    recognized as one of the most significant threats to CRCT (Behnke 1992; 
    Young et al. 1996; CRCT Task Force 2001). Hybridization occurs when 
    nonnative species interbreed with CRCT, and the offspring survive. The 
    nonnative species that hybridize with CRCT are primarily rainbow trout 
    and other subspecies of cutthroat trout. If the hybrids survive and 
    interbreed with one or both of the parental species, it is called 
    introgressive hybridization. This can lead to loss of genetic purity in 
    the population and result in a population that consists entirely of 
    individuals that contain genetic material from both species (i.e., a 
    hybrid swarm). Nonnative salmonids have been stocked in CRCT habitat 
    since the late 1800s throughout CRCT historic range. The State agencies 
    have spent considerable time and money in recent years testing 
    populations to determine their genetic purity.
        Determining genetic purity is a complex issue and a single standard 
    has not been established. Methods used by the States to determine 
    genetic purity have changed over the years. Analysis by meristics 
    (counts of body parts) was used for many years, but now various 
    molecular genetic techniques (i.e., mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid 
    (DNA), nuclear DNA, allozymes) are available and can detect very small 
    amounts of introgression. Many of the core conservation populations 
    have been confirmed to be pure (<1 percent="" introgression)="" with="" these="" molecular="" genetic="" techniques.="" many="" other="" test="" results="" are="" pending.="" in="" general,="" scientists="" have="" found="" that="" genetic="" testing="" confirms="" the="" results="" of="" the="" earlier="" meristic="" techniques="" (brauch="" and="" hebein="" 2003;="" hepworth="" et="" al.="" in="" press).="" all="" three="" states="" continue="" the="" process="" of="" genetic="" testing,="" using="" the="" latest="" techniques.="" an="" evaluation="" of="" known="" stocking="" history="" and="" genetic="" and="" meristic="" information="" is="" considered="" in="" determining="" core="" conservation="" populations.="" current="" policies="" preclude="" stocking="" of="" nonnative="" trout="" in="" crct="" habitat,="" and="" recent="" genetics="" work="" has="" added="" significantly="" to="" the="" number="" of="" core="" conservation="" populations="">99 percent pure). As of 
    July 2003, 221 core conservation populations are known to exist in 
    Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. There are varying amounts of information 
    available regarding the genetic purity of these core conservation 
    populations. Since 1999, Wyoming has added 20 core conservation 
    populations and Colorado has added 25 core
    [[Page 21157]]
    conservation populations as the result of genetic testing. Some 
    populations are added to the list of core conservation populations, and 
    others are dropped from the list as genetic testing continues. Far more 
    populations have been added to the list of core conservation 
    populations through genetic testing than have been removed (Brauch and 
    Hebein 2003; Conway 2003; Stone 2003). In addition to the core 
    conservation populations, there are 106 conservation populations that 
    are classified as 90 to 99 percent pure.
        Hybridization continues to be a threat where nonnative species, 
    particularly rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and nonnative 
    cutthroat trout, occur in the same habitat as CRCT. The most recent 
    data show that only 8 of the 221 core conservation populations coexist 
    with rainbow trout or another subspecies of nonnative cutthroat trout 
    (although information on presence of nonnative salmonids is not 
    available for 22 of the populations). Because core conservation 
    populations are defined as 99 percent pure, one would expect 
    a very low occurrence of other species or subspecies that are known to 
    interbreed with CRCT in the core conservation population waters.
        Competition from nonnative trout, especially brook trout, also has 
    been recognized as a major threat to CRCT (Behnke 1992). Studies have 
    shown CRCT are displaced when brook trout occur in the same habitat. A 
    recent study conducted by Colorado State University found survival of 
    young CRCT was greatly impacted by the presence of brook trout, while 
    adult CRCT survival was not impacted (Peterson and Fausch 2002). Since 
    2001, four conservation populations in Colorado (Corral Creek, Cub 
    Creek, Express Creek, and Nolan Creek) have been completely displaced 
    by brook trout (Brauch and Hebein 2003).
        Brook trout are no longer stocked in CRCT waters in Colorado, Utah, 
    or Wyoming. Recent data (CRCT Coordination Team, unpublished data) show 
    that brook trout are absent from 139 of the 199 core conservation 
    populations that have been surveyed for nonnative salmonids. 
    Recognizing the threat posed by brook trout, the responsible agencies 
    are actively implementing management techniques, such as the 
    construction of barriers, the removal of brook trout, and the 
    curtailment of stocking brook trout within CRCT waters. Between 1999 
    and 2002, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming completed chemical treatments in 
    36 CRCT waters, for a total of 88 stream miles and 87 lake acres in 8 
    geographic management units (CRCT Coordination Team, unpublished data). 
    Colorado also removed brook trout by electrofishing in 20 waters.
        Fish barriers have been constructed on CRCT streams to prevent the 
    upstream movement of nonnative salmonids. The CAS identifies the 
    construction of barriers as a strategy to protect and restore existing 
    habitat. It also recognizes that natural barriers can be effective. 
    Recent data show 117 (53 percent) of the existing core conservation 
    populations are currently protected by a natural or artificial barrier 
    (CRCT Coordination Team, unpublished data). However, the Service 
    recognizes that barriers are not a guarantee that non-natives will not 
    be present in CRCT habitat. Thirty-two percent of the core conservation 
    populations with barriers have nonnative salmonids present.
        Ultimately, a larger watershed approach may be necessary for the 
    long-term persistence of CRCT populations (Hilderbrand and Kershner 
        The Service recognizes that stochastic events can be detrimental to 
    individual populations of CRCT. The primary goal of the CAS is to 
    establish metapopulations within each geographic management unit to 
    assure the long-term prosperity of CRCT. While all the specific 
    metapopulation goals of the CAS have not been met, metapopulations 
    connecting 2 or more streams do occur in 14 out of the 15 geographic 
    management units (Table 3). The Service agrees with the assertion in 
    the petition that once an isolated population is lost, there are no 
    natural means for these populations to recruit new members. However, 
    management actions have been taken by the States to repopulate CRCT 
    streams after stochastic events. For example, during the 2002 drought, 
    Colorado salvaged fish from Trapper Creek and West Antelope Creek and 
    held the fish in refugia for return to the wild when conditions 
    improved and for the establishment of broodstock for supplying fish for 
    stocking into the respective hydrologic subbasins (Brauch and Hebein 
        Although some CRCT populations are threatened by hybridization, we 
    conclude that the threat of hybridization is not pervasive to the 
    extent that it poses a risk to the continued survival of CRCT. The 
    Service recognizes that nonnatives can outcompete CRCT. However, brook 
    trout are absent from 139 of the 199 core conservation populations that 
    have been surveyed for nonnative salmonids. Management techniques such 
    as the construction of barriers, the removal of brook trout and the 
    curtailment of stocking brook trout within CRCT waters are currently 
    being implemented by responsible agencies. Therefore, we conclude that 
    the petition and other documents in our files do not provide evidence 
    that competition with brook trout presents a significant threat to the 
    subspecies within the foreseeable future. While stochastic events will 
    always pose a threat to individual populations, the establishment of 
    metapopulations and state management actions should minimize this 
        We conclude that the petition and other documents in our files do 
    not present substantial information to lead a reasonable person to 
    believe that listing the CRCT as threatened or endangered may be 
    warranted. After reviewing recent data, we conclude that there are a 
    significant number of core conservation populations of CRCT distributed 
    throughout historic range and that agencies are implementing management 
    actions to improve the status of these populations. Since 1998, 125 
    stream populations and 29 lake populations have been added to the list 
    of conservation populations for a total of 286 stream populations and 
    41 lake populations. This increase in population numbers can be 
    attributable to results of genetic testing, removal of nonnatives, and 
    stocking. The total number of conservation populations and core 
    conservation populations represents a relatively secure subspecies. The 
    States and the Federal agencies report that there are currently 11 
    metapopulations with 5 or more interconnected subpopulations and 23 
    metapopulations with 2 to 4 interconnected subpopulations. Work is 
    ongoing to establish additional metapopulations throughout the CRCT's 
    historic range. The Federal land management agencies are currently 
    implementing conservation actions in CRCT habitat such as grazing 
    management, recreation management, weed control, and riparian 
    plantings. The State and Federal agencies work cooperatively to 
    construct and maintain barriers, remove nonnative fish, and monitor 
    fish populations.
        The petition asserted that overgrazing, water diversions, mining, 
    dams and reservoirs, oil and gas development, road-building and logging 
    are detrimental to CRCT. The Service finds the information in the 
    petition was not adequate to assess the impacts rangewide. While 
    limited habitat size, small population size, inappropriate water 
    temperatures, and habitat fragmentation are a concern, it is unclear 
    how these factors affect the long-term viability of the subspecies.
    [[Page 21158]]
    We do not agree with the petitioners' conclusion that none of the 
    populations can be considered secure because every one is threatened by 
    nonnative fishes, limited stream length, habitat limitations, or a 
    combination of these factors.
        Historically, overharvest of CRCT may have significantly reduced 
    the numbers of CRCT in some areas, but we find that fishing regulations 
    enacted by the States and the National Park Service provide measures 
    that preclude excessive take by recreational angling. The petition did 
    not present substantial information indicating funding to enforce or 
    educate the public about these regulations was inadequate. Also, many 
    CRCT waters are located in remote locations that experience very light 
    fishing pressure.
        Whirling disease is a significant concern for trout in general, but 
    very few CRCT populations have tested positive for the disease and all 
    three States are implementing management actions to protect CRCT from 
    whirling disease. Also, much of the habitat for CRCT is unlikely to be 
    conducive to the whirling disease pathogen. Therefore, we do not agree 
    with the petition's assertions that overutilization or whirling disease 
    present significant threats to CRCT. With regard to predation by 
    nonnative fishes, we find that there is insufficient information to 
    conclude that this issue is a significant threat to CRCT.
        The Federal land management agencies all have programs in place to 
    regulate land management activities. The petition did not provide 
    evidence to support its allegation that these programs are not 
    providing adequate protection, and why they are not effective in 
    conserving CRCT. Service files do not contain adequate information on 
    habitat conditions to make an informed determination as to whether 
    Federal lands are being adequately protected or enhanced by existing 
    regulations and policies. Thus, the Service has no reason to assume the 
    programs in place for CRCT management are inadequate.
        Although some CRCT populations are threatened by hybridization, we 
    conclude that significant numbers of populations have been determined 
    to be core conservation populations (99 percent pure). 
    Further, the States have implemented policies to protect the genetic 
    purity of the core conservation populations. Competition from brook 
    trout is recognized as a threat to CRCT and the State and Federal 
    agencies are implementing management techniques to offset this threat. 
    Many core conservation populations (53%) are protected by natural or 
    artificial barriers and the States have ongoing programs to remove 
    brook trout from CRCT waters.
        The petition failed to recognize the ongoing conservation efforts 
    of the members of the CRCT Coordination Team. Numerous conservation 
    efforts are ongoing in all three States and in general appear to be 
    well funded. We conclude that the management programs currently in 
    place for CRCT are improving the status of this subspecies and 
    continued improvement is anticipated in the future. Therefore, as 
    required by section 4(b)(3)(A) of the ESA, we conclude that the 
    petition did not present substantial information to demonstrate that 
    the listing may be warranted. This finding is based on all information 
    available to us at this time.
        References Cited: A complete list of all references cited herein is 
    available upon request from the Grand Junction, Colorado Field Office 
    (see ADDRESSES).
        Author: The primary author of this document is Patty Schrader 
    Gelatt, Colorado Field Office, Grand Junction, Colorado.
        Authority: The authority for this action is the Endangered 
    Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
        Dated: April 8, 2004.
    Elizabeth H. Stevens,
    Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 04-8633 Filed 4-19-04; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Notice of 90-day petition finding.
Document Number:
The finding announced in this document was made on April 8, 2004. You may submit new information concerning this species for our consideration at any time.
21151-21158 (8 pages)
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