[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 80 (Wednesday, April 24, 1996)]
[Pages 18141-18142]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-9976]
[OPP-181007; FRL 5362-3]
Pirimicarb; Receipt of Application for Emergency Exemption,
Solicitation of Public Comment
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: EPA has received a specific exemption request from the Oregon,
Idaho and Washington Departments of Agriculture (hereafter referred to
as the ``Applicant'') to use the pesticide pirimicarb to treat up to
10,000 acres in Oregon, 30,000 acres in Idaho, and 15,000 acres in
Washington of alfalfa to control aphids and lygus bugs. The Applicants
propose the use of a new (unregistered) chemical. Therefore, in
accordance with 40 CFR 166.24, EPA is soliciting public comment before
making the decision whether or not to grant the exemption.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before May 9, 1996.
ADDRESSES: Three copies of written comments, bearing the identification
notation ``OPP-181007,'' should be submitted by mail to: Public
Response and Program Resource Branch, Field Operations Division
(7506C), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency,
401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. In person, bring comments to: Rm.
1132, Crystal Mall #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA.
Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by sending
electronic mail (e-mail) to: opp-docket@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic
comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special
characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data will also be
accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1 file format or ASCII file
format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by
the docket number [OPP-181007]. No Confidential Business Information
(CBI) should be submitted through e-mail. Electronic comments on this
notice may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries.
Additional information on electronic submissions can be found below in
this document.
Information submitted in any comment concerning this notice may be
claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information as
(CBI). Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance
with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comment that
does not contain CBI must be provided by the submitter for inclusion in
the public record. Information not marked confidential may be disclosed
publicly by EPA without prior notice. All written comments filed
pursuant to this notice will be available for public inspection in Rm.
1132, Crystal Mall No. 2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA,
from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Margarita Collantes,
Registration Division (7505W), Office of Pesticide Programs,
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
Office location and telephone number: Floor 6, Crystal Station #1, 2800
Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA, (703) 308-8347; e-mail:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to section 18 of the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (7 U.S.C. 136p),
the Administrator may, at her discretion, exempt a state agency from
any registration provision of FIFRA if she determines that emergency
conditions exist which require such exemption. The Applicants have
requested the Administrator to issue a specific exemption for the use
of pirimicarb on alfalfa to control aphids and lygus bugs. Information
in accordance with 40 CFR part 166 was submitted as part of this
In 1981, the registration for pirimicarb was cancelled. According
to the Applicants, in 1986 alfalfa seed growers started using
fluvalinate, a synthetic pyrethroid, to control aphids and small lygus
bugs. However, by 1990 fluvalinate was replaced by bifenthrin. In 1992,
growers were noticing increased evidence of resistance toward
bifenthrin. During this same year, lambdacyhalothrin was registered for
use on alfalfa seed; however, this pyrethroid has been reported to show
little effectiveness against lygus bugs. Aphids are becoming an
increasing problem due to resistance to various registered pyrethroid
controls. The Applicants claim that since pirimicarb is now being
supported by Zeneca Inc.,
[[Page 18142]]
its use could control lygus bugs and the aphid population below
economic levels while retaining predators and parasites.
Under the proposed exemption, pirimicarb may be applied no more
than three applications, not to exceed the rate of 3.0 ounces or 0.188
pound of active ingredient (6.0 ounces of product) per acre, applied in
a minimum application spray volume of 5 gallons per acre by air or 10
gallons per acre by ground.
This notice does not constitute a decision by EPA on the
application itself. The regulations governing section 18 require
publication of a notice of receipt of an application for a specific
exemption proposing use of a new chemical (i.e., an active ingredient
not contained in any currently registered pesticide), [40 CFR 166.24
(a)(1)]. Pirimicarb is an unregistered chemical. Such notice provides
for opportunity for public comment on the application.
A record has been established for this notice under docket number
[OPP-181007] (including comments and data submitted electronically as
described below). A public version of this record, including printed,
paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include any
information claimed as CBI is available for inspection from 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The public
record is located in Room 1132 of the Public Response and Program
Resource Branch, Field Operations Division (7506C), Office of Pesticide
Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, Crystal Mall #2, 1921
Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA.
Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the
use of special characters and any form of encryption.
The official record for this notice, as well as the public version,
as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, EPA will
transfer all comments received electronically into printed, paper form
as they are received and will place the paper copies in the official
record which will also include all comments submitted directly in
writing. The official record is the paper record maintained at the
address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
Accordingly, interested persons may submit written views on this
subject to the Field Operations Division at the address above.
The Agency, accordingly, will review and consider all comments
received during the comment period in determining whether to issue the
emergency exemptions requested by the Oregon, Idaho and Washington
Departments of Agricultures.
List of Subjects
Environmental protection, Pesticides and pests, Emergency
Dated: April 15, 1996.
Stephen L. Johnson,
Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 96-9976 Filed 4-23-96; 8:45 am]