96-9999. Reconfiguration of Restricted Area R-6714, Yakima Firing Center; Washington  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 80 (Wednesday, April 24, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 18062-18064]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-9999]
    14 CFR Part 73
    [Airspace Docket No. 94-ANM-25]
    Reconfiguration of Restricted Area R-6714, Yakima Firing Center; 
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This action restructures restricted airspace at Yakima Firing 
    Center, WA. Currently, Restricted Area R-6714 is composed of five 
    subareas: R-6714A, R-6714B, R-6714C, R-6714D, and R-6714E. This rule 
    decreases the size of areas R-6714A, R-6714C, and R-6714D by deleting 
    the restricted airspace west of Interstate Highway 82, and the airspace 
    south of the Yakima Firing Center property boundary. The remainder of 
    R-6714A and R-6714E are redesigned, with three new subareas 
    established: R-6714F, R-6714G, and R-6714H, to facilitate the release 
    of portions of the restricted area for public access. A portion of R-
    6714G, and all of R-6714H, consisting of new restricted airspace, are 
    established. These changes are the result of a Department of Army 
    review of their overall training and operational requirements.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: 0901 UTC, June 20, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ken McElroy, Airspace and Rules 
    Division, ATA-400, Office of Air Traffic Airspace Management, Federal 
    [[Page 18063]]
    Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; 
    telephone (202) 267-3075.
        On June 1, 1995, the FAA proposed to amend part 73 of the Federal 
    Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 73) to restructure Restricted Area R-
    6714, Yakima Firing Center, WA. Interested parties were invited to 
    participate in this rulemaking by submitting written comments on the 
    proposal to the FAA. No comments objecting to the proposal were 
    received. After further consideration, it was determined that the time 
    of designation for R-6714A would not be amended as proposed. The time 
    of designation would remain as intermittent by NOTAM. Except for the 
    change to the time of designation and editorial changes, this amendment 
    is the same as that proposed in the notice. The coordinates for this 
    airspace docket are based on North American Datum 83. Section 73.67 of 
    part 73 of the Federal Aviation Regulations was republished in FAA 
    Order 7400.8C dated June 29, 1995.
    The Rule
        This amendment to part 73 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 
    CFR part 73) restructures Restricted Area R-6714, Yakima Firing Center, 
    WA. The Department of Army has performed a review of overall training 
    and operational requirements and has requested changes in the Yakima 
    Firing Center restricted airspace to accommodate changes in its 
    training tactics.
        The revised restricted areas support the firing of long-range 
    weapons into existing impact areas. No additional impact areas are 
    established and there is no change in the types of activities currently 
    conducted in the R-6714 complex. In order to achieve training and 
    operational requirements, it was necessary to redesign R-6714A, R-
    6714B, R-6714C, R-6714D, and R-6714E. R-6714E is a high altitude 
    subdivision that overlies the current restricted airspace 
    configuration. The current subareas R-6714A, R-6714C, and R-6714D, are 
    being decreased in size. Three new subareas are established: R-6714F, 
    R-6714G, and R-6714H. R-6714F is formed from airspace currently in the 
    northwest end of the existing R-6714A. The purpose of the ``F'' area 
    subdivision is to facilitate the release of restricted airspace to 
    accommodate the VOR and GPS-A instrument approaches at Bowers Field, 
    Ellenburg, WA. R-6714F will be activated approximately 30 days per year 
    thus reducing the impact on instrument approach procedures at Bowers 
    Field. R-6714G is established from a combination of airspace comprising 
    the northern tip of the existing R-6714A, and the designation of new 
    restricted airspace. R-6714H consists totally of new restricted 
    airspace to the north of the existing R-6714A boundary. The redesigned 
    high altitude subdivision, R-6714E, will overlie all subareas except 
    the new R-6714H. Under this rule, existing restricted airspace outside 
    the Yakima Firing Center boundary is deleted, including all restricted 
    airspace west of Interstate Highway 82, and airspace south of the 
    Yakima Firing Center boundary. Restricted airspace is expanded to the 
    north of the current complex boundary by establishing R-6714G and R-
    6714H. The expanded area consists of approximately 58,340 acres of 
    Army-owned land and 6,630 acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 
    land. The BLM Wenzichee Resource Office has transferred control of the 
    affected BLM land in R-6714H and R-6714G to the Army for military 
    activities in accordance with 43 CFR 8364.1(a). In addition, the 
    internal boundaries of R-6714A, R-6714B, R-6714C, and R-6714D are also 
    redesigned to accommodate the requirements of the U.S. Army.
        The new R-6714 configuration allows the activation of all or 
    selected portions of the restricted area on an as needed basis, thus 
    decreasing the burden on nonparticipating aircraft that normally 
    circumnavigate the restricted areas when they are in use. The 
    activities presently being conducted in the Yakima Firing Center 
    complex, as well as the time of designation, and designated altitudes 
    remain the same.
        The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an 
    established body of technical regulations for which frequent and 
    routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. 
    It, therefore--(1) is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
    Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); 
    and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the 
    anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that 
    will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is 
    certified that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    Environmental Review
        The Airfield Commander, Yakima Firing Center, and the Environmental 
    Resources Branch, Environmental and Natural Resources Division, 
    Directorate of Engineering and Housing, Fort Lewis, Washington, 
    performed an environmental assessment (EA) and issued a finding of no 
    significant impact (FONSI). The FAA adopts the U.S. Army EA/FONSI on 
    the basis of the conclusions contained in the EA.
        Use of the subject area, as proposed, is consistent with existing 
    national environmental policies and objectives as set forth in Section 
    101(a) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and would not 
    significantly affect the quality of the human environment or otherwise 
    include any condition requiring consultation pursuant to Section 
    102(2)(c) of NEPA.
    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 73
        Airspace, Navigation (air).
    Adoption of the Amendment
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
    Administration amends 14 CFR part 73, as follows:
    PART 73--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 73 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 
    FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389; 14 CFR 11.69.
    Sec. 73.67  [Amended]
        2. Section 73.67 is amended as follows:
    R-6714A Yakima, WA [Amended]
        By removing the present boundaries and altitudes and substituting 
    the following:
        Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 46 deg.51'15''N., long. 
    119 deg.57'57''W.; thence south along the west edge of the Columbia 
    River to lat. 46 deg.42'28''N., long. 119 deg.58'19''W.; to lat. 
    46 deg.35'04''N., long. 120 deg.02'50''W.; to lat. 46 deg.37'50''N., 
    long. 120 deg.20'26''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'29''N., long. 
    120 deg.20'25''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'59''N., long. 120 deg.22'13''W.; 
    to lat. 46 deg.42'19''N., long. 120 deg.26'12''W.; then north along the 
    east side of Interstate Highway 82 to lat. 46 deg.47'49''N., long. 
    120 deg.21'19''W.; to lat. 46 deg.51'09''N., long. 120 deg.09'02''W.; 
    thence to point of beginning.
        Designated altitudes. Surface to but not including 29,000 feet MSL.
    R-6714B Yakima, WA [Amended]
        By removing the present boundaries and altitudes and substituting 
    the following:
        Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 46 deg.42'28''N., long. 
    119 deg.58'19''W.; then
    [[Page 18064]]
    south along the west edge of the Columbia River to lat. 
    46 deg.38'59''N., long. 119 deg.56'09''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'08''N., 
    long. 119 deg.56'13''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'08''N., long. 
    119 deg.55'04''W.; to lat. 46 deg.33'55''N., long. 119 deg.55'04''W.; 
    to lat. 46 deg.35'04''N., long. 120 deg.02'50''W.; thence to point of 
        Designated altitudes. Surface to but not including 29,000 feet MSL.
    R-6714C Yakima, WA [Amended]
        By removing the present boundaries and altitudes and substituting 
    the following:
        Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 46 deg.33'55''N., long. 
    119 deg.55'04''W.; to lat. 46 deg.32'50''N., long. 119 deg.55'04''W.; 
    to lat. 46 deg.32'50''N., long. 120 deg.04'25''W.; to lat. 
    46 deg.37'03''N., long. 120 deg.20'26''W.; to lat. 46 deg.37'50''N., 
    long. 120 deg.20'26''W.; to lat. 46 deg.35'04''N., long. 
    120 deg.02'50''W.; thence to point of beginning.
        Designated altitudes. Surface to but not including 29,000 feet MSL.
    R-6714D Yakima, WA [Amended]
        By removing the present boundaries and altitudes and substituting 
    the following:
        Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 46 deg.38'59''N., long. 
    120 deg.22'13''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'59''N., long. 120 deg.23'45''W.; 
    to lat. 46 deg.40'34''N., long. 120 deg.26'39''W.; to lat. 
    46 deg.42'19''N., long. 120 deg.26'12''W.; thence to point of 
        Designated altitudes. Surface to but not including 29,000 feet MSL.
    R-6714E Yakima, WA [Amended]
        By removing the present boundaries and altitudes and substituting 
    the following:
        Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 46 deg.51'15''N., long. 
    119 deg.57'57''W.; thence south along the west side of the Columbia 
    River to lat. 46 deg.42'28''N., long. 119 deg.58'19''W.; thence south 
    along the west side of the Columbia River to lat. 46 deg.38'59''N., 
    long. 119 deg.56'09''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'08''N., long. 
    119 deg.56'13''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'08''N., long. 119 deg.55'04''W.; 
    to lat. 46 deg.33'55''N., long. 119 deg.55'04''W.; to lat. 
    46 deg.33'19''N., long. 119 deg.55'04''W.; to lat. 46 deg.32'50''N., 
    long. 119 deg.55'04''W.; to lat. 46 deg.32'50''N., long. 
    120 deg.04'25''W.; to lat. 46 deg.37'03''N., long. 120 deg.20'26''W.; 
    to lat. 46 deg.37'50''N., long. 120 deg.20'26''W.; to lat. 
    46 deg.38'29''N., long. 120 deg.20'25''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'59''N., 
    long. 120 deg.22'13''W.; to lat. 46 deg.38'59''N., long. 
    120 deg.23'45''W.; to lat. 46 deg.40'34''N., long. 120 deg.26'39''W.; 
    to lat. 46 deg.42'19''N., long. 120 deg.26'12''W.; thence north along 
    the east side of Interstate Highway 82 to lat. 46 deg.47'49''N., long. 
    120 deg.21'19''W.; thence north along the east side of Interstate 
    Highway 82 to lat. 46 deg.49'35''N., long. 120 deg.21'38''W.; to lat. 
    46 deg.51'09''N., long. 120 deg.21'38''W.; to lat. 46 deg.51'09''N., 
    long. 120 deg.16'34''W.; to lat. 46 deg.54'29''N., long. 
    120 deg.15'04''W.; to point of beginning.
        Designated altitudes. 29,000 feet MSL to but not including 55,000 
    feet MSL.
    R-6714F Yakima, WA [New]
        Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 46 deg.47'49''N., long. 
    120 deg.21'19''W.; thence north along the east side of Interstate 
    Highway 82 to lat. 46 deg.49'35''N., long. 120 deg.21'38''W.; to lat. 
    46 deg.51'09''N., long. 120 deg.21'38''W.; to lat. 46 deg.51'09''N., 
    long. 120 deg.09'02''W; thence to point of beginning.
        Designated altitudes. Surface to 29,000 feet MSL.
        Time of designation. Intermittent by NOTAM.
        Controlling agency. FAA, Seattle ARTCC.
        Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Fort Lewis, WA.
    R-6714G Yakima, WA [New]
        Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 46 deg.51'09''N., long. 
    120 deg.16'34''W.; to lat. 46 deg.54'29''N., long. 120 deg.15'04''W.; 
    to lat. 46 deg.51'15''N., long. 119 deg.57'57''W.; to lat. 
    46 deg.51'09''N., long. 120 deg.08'54''W.; thence to point of 
        Designated altitudes. Surface to but not including 29,000 feet MSL.
        Time of designation. Intermittent by NOTAM.
        Controlling agency. FAA, Seattle ARTCC.
        Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Fort Lewis, WA.
    R-6714H Yakima, WA [New]
        Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 46 deg.54'58''N., long. 
    120 deg.00'33''W.; excluding that airspace within a 1.5-mile radius of 
    the Vantage Airport to lat. 46 deg.54'39''N., long. 119 deg.59'31''W.; 
    thence south along the west side of the Wanpaum Road to lat. 
    46 deg.51'15''N., long. 119 deg.57'57''W,; to lat. 46 deg.54'29''N., 
    long. 120 deg.15'04''W,; to lat. 46 deg.55'20''N., long. 
    120 deg.15'04''W., thence to point of beginning.
        Designated altitudes. Surface to but not including 5,500 feet MSL.
        Time of designation. Intermittent by NOTAM.
        Controlling agency. FAA, Seattle ARTCC.
        Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Fort Lewis, WA.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on April 11, 1996.
    Harold W. Becker,
    Acting Program Director for Air Traffic Airspace Management.
    [FR Doc. 96-9999 Filed 4-23-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-P

Document Information

Transportation Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
0901 UTC, June 20, 1996.
18062-18064 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Airspace Docket No. 94-ANM-25
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
14 CFR 73.67