95-10071. Cost Accounting Standards Board; Changes in Cost Accounting Practices  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 79 (Tuesday, April 25, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 20252-20253]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-10071]
    Office of Federal Procurement Policy
    48 CFR Part 9903
    Cost Accounting Standards Board; Changes in Cost Accounting 
    AGENCY: Cost Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal Procurement 
    Policy, OMB.
    ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB) invites coverage 
    comments on proposed amendments to the regulatory provisions contained 
    in Chapter 99 of Title 48. The proposed amendments would revise the 
    current definitions and illustrations governing changes in cost 
    accounting practices. Also proposed is the addition of a new Subpart to 
    clarify the process for determining and resolving the cost impact on 
    covered contract prices and/or contract costs when a contractor makes a 
    change to its cost accounting practices, fails to comply with a Cost 
    Accounting Standard (CAS) or fails to consistently follow its 
    established cost accounting practices.
    DATES: Requests for a copy of the proposed amendments must be in 
    writing and must be received by June 26, 1995. Comments must be in 
    writing and must be received by July 10, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Requests for a copy of the proposed amendments or comments 
    pertaining to this Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) should 
    be addressed to Mr. Rudolph J. Schuhbauer, Project Director, Cost 
    Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, 725 
    17th Street, NW, Room 9001, Washington, DC 20503. Attn: CASB Docket No. 
    Rudolph J. Schuhbauer, Project Director, Cost Accounting Standards 
    Board (telephone 202-395-3254).
    A. Regulatory Process
        The Cost Accounting Standards Board's rules and regulations are 
    codified at 48 CFR Chapter 99. Section 26(g)(1) of the Office of 
    Federal Procurement Policy Act, 41 U.S.C. Sec. 422(g)(1), requires that 
    the Board, prior to the promulgation of any new or revised Cost 
    Accounting Standard, complete a prescribed rulemaking process. This 
    process consists of the following four steps:
        1. Consult with interested persons concerning the advantages, 
    disadvantages and improvements anticipated in the pricing and 
    administration of government contracts as a result of a proposed 
        2. Promulgate an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
        3. Promulgate a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
        4. Promulgate a Final Rule.
        This proposal is step two in the four step process.
    B. Summary of Proposed Rule
        In response to the Cost Accounting Standards Board's solicitation 
    of agenda items, several commenters identified the Board's regulatory 
    coverage on ``changes in cost accounting practice'' as a potential 
    agenda item. The commenters advised the Board that industry and 
    Government officials are interpreting the regulatory coverage 
    differently and often disagree on whether a particular change made in a 
    contractor's organizational structure did or did not result in a change 
    in cost accounting practice. The Board, after review and extended 
    discussions of the issues associated with the proposed topic, 
    identified Organizational Changes and Changes In Cost Accounting 
    Practices as a topic on which a research project should be started.
        On April 9, 1993, the CASB published a notice in the Federal 
    Register, 58 FR 18428, requesting public comments from interested 
    parties concerning a Staff Discussion Paper on that topic. The purpose 
    of the Staff Discussion Paper was to solicit public views concerning 
    the advantages, disadvantages and improvements anticipated if the Board 
    were to [[Page 20253]] promulgate more explicit provisions on whether 
    organizational changes made by contractors do or do not result in cost 
    accounting practice changes.
        After consideration of the public comments received, the Board 
    concluded that contractors and Federal officials appear to be 
    interpreting the Board's rules and regulations governing changes in 
    cost accounting practice under CAS-covered contracts differently. 
    Furthermore, the contract price and cost adjustment provisions 
    governing cost accounting practice changes under CAS-covered contracts 
    do not appear to be clearly understood and, consequently, some 
    inefficient, uneconomical and possibly inequitable practices may have 
    evolved as the contracting parties proceeded to comply with the Board's 
    requirements. Therefore, the Board is proposing to amend Chapter 99 by:
        Revising the definitions and illustrations governing cost 
    accounting practice changes, for purposes of making it explicit that a 
    change in the manner in which costs are grouped and accumulated 
    constitutes a change in cost accounting practice and that 
    organizational changes must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in 
    order to determine if a change in cost accounting practice has 
        Adding a new Subpart 9903.4 to delineate the contract price and 
    cost adjustment process to be applied when a contractor changes a cost 
    accounting practice, fails to comply with a Standard, or fails to 
    consistently follow its established cost accounting practices. The 
    proposed coverage is intended to facilitate the resolution of the cost 
    impact of such compliant and noncompliant cost accounting practice 
    changes under the requirements of existing and future CAS-covered 
    contracts. Accordingly, when issued as a final rule, the proposed 
    Subpart 9903.4 provisions would apply to all CAS-covered contracts 
    requiring adjustment, including those CAS-covered contracts awarded 
    prior to the effective date of the final rule.
        The purpose of this ANPRM is to seek broad public comment 
    concerning the proposed amendments. In particular, the Board is 
    considering the establishment of certain new requirements that it 
    believes would clarify and facilitate the overall cost impact process 
    governing cost accounting practice changes. Accordingly, the Board 
    invites interested parties to specifically comment on the following 
    ANPRM provisions:
    --Proposed 9903.201-4, in paragraphs (a)(4) of the proposed contract 
    clauses, includes new provisions requiring a contractor to agree to 
    price adjustments if its CAS-covered subcontractors make required, 
    voluntary or desirable changes to their cost accounting practices 
    pursuant to the subcontracts' terms and conditions.
    --Proposed 9903.201-6(b) establishes new criteria for determining when 
    a voluntary change in cost accounting practice may be treated as a 
    desirable change.
    --Proposed 9903.404(b)(ii)(A) requires CAS-covered contractors to 
    notify the Government of and fully disclose cost accounting practice 
    changes required to comply with a new or modified Standard 60 days 
    prior to the Standard's effective date. This requirement is predicated 
    on the Board's decision that final rules will generally be issued 120 
    days prior to the effective date of a new or modified Standard.
    --Proposed 9903.404(b)(ii)(B) establishes new notification requirements 
    for voluntary and desirable changes.
    --Proposed 9903.404(b)(vi) provides a new equitable adjustment 
    provision for contracts negotiated within 60 days after a contractor 
    notifies the Government of a voluntary change that would otherwise be 
    subject to a CAS-covered contract's ``no increased cost'' provision.
    --Proposed 9903.404(e) provides for the use of a cost impact settlement 
    proposal that would permit early resolution of the estimated cost 
    impact in lieu of the use of a detailed cost impact proposal.
    Richard C. Loeb,
    Executive Secretary, Cost Accounting Standards Board.
    [FR Doc. 95-10071 Filed 4-24-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3110-01-M

Document Information

Federal Procurement Policy Office
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Requests for a copy of the proposed amendments must be in writing and must be received by June 26, 1995. Comments must be in writing and must be received by July 10, 1995.
20252-20253 (2 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
48 CFR 9903