[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 79 (Tuesday, April 25, 1995)]
[Pages 20292-20296]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-10122]
Notice of Request for Expedited Review of Revised Form RI 10-72
AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (title
44, U.S. Code, chapter 35), this notice announces a request for
expedited review of a revised information collection. Form RI 10-72,
Client Satisfaction Survey, is used to determine how well the Office of
Personnel Management has served federal civil service annuitants and
survivor annuitants. An expedited clearance is requested for this
survey questionnaire so we can meet our scheduled mailing date of May
1, 1995.
The questionnaire will be sent to approximately 1500 annuitants and
will require approximately 25 minutes to complete, for a total public
burden of 625 hours.
A copy of this proposal is appended to this notice.
DATES: Comments on this proposal should be received by April 28, 1995.
OMB has been requested to take action within five (5) calendar days
from the date of this publication.
ADDRESSES: Send or deliver comments to--
Lawrence P. Holman, Chief, Quality Assurance Division, Retirement and
Insurance Group, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Street,
NW., Room 4316, Washington, DC 20415
Joseph Lackey, OPM Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office
Building, NW., Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503
Beth Smith-Toomey, Management Services Division, (202) 606-4025.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Lorraine A. Green,
Deputy Director.
Dear Annuitant: We are conducting a survey of people across the
country to find out how well the Office of Personnel Management is
serving the Federal annuitant population.
You are one of a relatively small number of annuitants randomly
selected for this survey, so your answers are very important. This
is your chance to tell us how satisfied you are with the service you
receive from the Office of Personnel Management.
This survey is completely voluntary. It is your choice whether
or not to help us, and your decision will not be recorded or affect
your eligibility for any Government benefits. Your answers will be
kept confidential. No permanent record will be kept on how you
answered any of the questions.
If you have any questions about our survey, please call collect
at (202) 606-0283. This is a special telephone number we have
established just for this survey. Your questions about your claim or
the benefits you are receiving should continue to be referred to
OPM's Retirement Information Office at (202) 606-0500.
Please use the addressed, postage-paid envelope to return your
questionnaire to us after you have completed it. Remember, your
answers will help OPM to improve its services to you and your fellow
Thank you for your help.
James B. King,
Dear Annuitant: Several weeks ago, we mailed you a questionnaire
regarding the [[Page 20293]] service you receive from the Office of
Personnel Management. To date we have not heard from you. In case
our other letter did not reach you or has been misplaced, a new
questionnaire is enclosed. I urge you to complete it and return it
in the enclosed addressed, post-paid envelope.
This survey is completely voluntary and your responses will not
affect your eligibility for any Government benefits. However, as you
are one of a relatively small number of annuitants randomly selected
for this survey, your answers are very important. The high
percentage of people who have already returned their questionnaires
is encouraging, but we need your opinions too.
If you have any problems or questions regarding this survey
questionnaire, please call collect at (202) 606-0283. This is a
special phone number we have established just for this survey. Your
questions about your claim or the benefits you are receiving should
continue to be referred to OPM's Retirement Information Office at
(202) 606-0500.
Thank you for your cooperation.
James B. King,
Office of Personnel Management
Client Satisfaction Survey
How Well Has the Office of Personnel Management Served You?
Retirement and Insurance Service
Survey of How Well the Office of Personnel Management Serves Federal
Conducted by OPM's Retirement and Insurance Service
Please answer the questions on the following pages and return
the questionnaire to us in the enclosed envelope. It should take
about 25 minutes to finish. If you have trouble filling out this
questionnaire, you may have a relative or friend help you. The
answers you give, however, should be based on your own feelings and
opinions and refer to your experience with the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM).
Please return the completed questionnaire in the postage-paid
envelope to: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Client
Satisfaction Survey, Room 4316, RIS/QAD, Attention: Dom Marro/Nancy
Wolf, 1900 E Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20415.
If you have any questions about this questionnaire, please call
collect at (202) 606-0283. We will be happy to help you.
Any questions about your claim or your benefits should be
directed to OPM's Retirement Information Office at (202) 606-0500.
Public Burden Statement
We think providing this information takes an average 25 minutes
per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, getting
the needed data, and reviewing the requested information. Send
comments regarding our estimate or any other aspect of this form,
including suggestions for reducing time needed, to the Office of
Personnel Management, Reports and Forms Officer, 500 CHP,
Washington, DC 20415.
Privacy Act Statement
Title 5, U.S. Code, 83 and 84 authorizes the solicitation of
this information. The purpose of this collection of information is
to find out how well the Office of Personnel Management is serving
the Federal annuitant population. Participation is voluntary for
those annuitants who are selected for the survey. The information
provided by annuitants will be kept confidential and will not be
released outside of the Office of Personnel Management.
Client Satisfaction Survey
Part I
Mail To/From the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
1. Did you write to OPM regarding retirement or insurance
matters within the past 12 months? (Do not include mailing in any
forms you may have been asked to complete.)
(Check One)
a. {time} No (Skip to Question #7)
b. {time} Yes.
2. If you have written to OPM, about how many times in all have
you written in the past 12 months?
(Check One)
a. {time} Once.
b. {time} Twice.
c. {time} Three times.
d. {time} More than 3 times.
3. What did you write about?
(Check All That Apply)
a. {time} I asked a general question about my benefits.
b. {time} I asked a specific question about an action that was
taken on my annuity account (such as a change in my monthly
c. {time} I asked that some action be taken on my annuity account
(such as an address change or health benefits change).
d. {time} I complained or expressed concern about some aspect of
the retirement or insurance program (such as the cost of or amount
of insurance).
e. {time} I complained, expressed concern, or followed up on an
action that I had requested (such as the amount of time taken to
process a requested action).
f. {time} Other (Please specify.)
4. Why did you choose to write to OPM rather than telephone?
(Check All That Apply)
a. {time} I prefer to write a letter rather than telephone.
b. {time} I could not get through by telephone.
c. {time} Based on my past experience, it is difficult to get
retirement or insurance problems resolved by telephoning OPM.
d. {time} It is not convenient for me to call OPM during its
regular business hours.
e. {time} I did not want to pay for a long distance telephone call
to OPM.
f. {time} Other (Please specify.)
5. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the
content of the response to the letter(s) you wrote to OPM within the
last 12 months?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
f. {time} I never received a response.
6. Overall, how satisfied were you with the amount of time it
took OPM to respond to the letter(s) you wrote within the last 12
(Check One)
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
f. {time} I never received a response.
7. OPM mails various informational materials and notices to its
annuitant beneficiaries. In general, how easy or difficult to
understand is the mail you have received from OPM?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very easy to understand.
b. {time} Generally easy to understand.
c. {time} Neither easy nor difficult to understand.
d. {time} Generally difficult to understand.
e. {time} Very difficult to understand.
8. What do you usually do with the OPM informational materials
and notices sent to you?
(Check One)
a. {time} I read all the information that is sent to me.
b. {time} I glance at the notices to see if they apply to me but
find that most of them don't.
c. {time} I glance at the notices and find that most of them do
apply to me.
d. {time} I don't read the notices. If there is something I need to
know I ask about it.
e. {time} Other (Please specify.)
9. If you have sought assistance to understand a notice you
received from OPM, where did you last seek assistance?
(Check One)
a. {time} I did not seek assistance (Skip to Question #11.)
b. {time} OPM office in Washington, D.C.
c. {time} Another OPM office (that is, not in Washington, D.C.).
d. {time} The agency where I used to work.
e. {time} Another agency.
f. {time} The National Association of Retired Federal Employees
g. {time} The union that represented me as an employee.
h. {time} Someone I know who received the same notice.
i. {time} Friends or family.
j. {time} Other (Please specify.)
10. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the help you
received from the place noted above?
(Check One) [[Page 20294]]
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
11. The following is a list of pamphlets OPM provides to its
customers. If you have read any of the pamphlets within the past 12
months, indicate how clear the pamphlet was.
(Check Only One Rating Column For Each Pamphlet You Have Read In The
Past 12 Months)
OPM pamphlets Clear clear Not clear
a. Information for ............. .............
b. Information for ............. .............
Annuitants About the
Federal Employees Health
Benefits Program
c. Information for Survivor ............. .............
d. Death Benefits for ............. .............
e. Information for ............. .............
Disability Annuitants
12. The following is a list of forms that OPM provides to its
customers. If you had to complete any of the OPM forms within the
past 12 months, please indicate if the instructions were clear and
(Check Only One Rating Column For Each Form You Have Completed In
The Past 12 Months.)
OPM forms Clear clear Not clear
a. Open Season Health ............. .............
Benefits forms
b. Student-child ............. .............
entitlement forms
c. Disability retirement ............. .............
earnings survey forms
d. Change of Address forms ............. .............
e. Annuity payment direct ............. .............
deposit forms
13. Have you ever requested the assistance of any of the
following parties regarding a retirement or insurance matter handled
by OPM?
(Check All That Apply)
a. {time} My Congressional Representative.
b. {time} My Senator.
c. {time} The White House.
d. {time} The Director of OPM.
e. {time} Official from some other Federal agency.
f. {time} The news media.
g. {time} No, I have not requested assistance of any of the above
Part II
Telephoning the Office of Personnel Management
14. What type of telephone service do you have?
(Check One)
a. {time} Touch tone.
b. {time} Rotary dial or pulse.
c. {time} I don't know.
d. {time} I don't have a phone.
15. Have you tried to call OPM's retirement offices within the
past 12 months?
(Check One)
a. {time} No. (Skip to Question #25.)
b. {time} Yes.
16. In the past 12 months, how many different times did you call
OPM's retirement offices?
(Check One)
a. {time} Once.
b. {time} Twice.
c. {time} Three times.
d. {time} More than three times.
17. Think about all the times you've called OPM's retirement
offices over the past 12 months, and indicate which of the following
things happened when you called.
(Check All That Apply)
a. {time} I got through without any problem.
b. {time} My call had to be transferred or I was told to call a
different number.
c. {time} An answering machine put me on hold.
d. {time} A person put me on hold.
e. {time} I gave up after being placed on hold.
f. {time} I had to call several times before getting through.
g. {time} My call was disconnected.
h. {time} I got a busy signal.
i. {time} Other. (Please specify.)
18. On your most recent phone call how many times did you have
to dial before you got through?
(Check One)
a. {time} Once.
b. {time} Twice.
c. {time} Three times.
d. {time} More than three times.
e. {time} I never got through.
f. {time} I don't remember.
19. Listed below are several reasons why a person might
telephone OPM. In your most recent phone call, indicate the
reason(s) you called.
(Check All That Apply)
a. {time} I had a question about a claim for retirement or survivor
b. {time} I asked about health benefits or life insurance coverage.
c. {time} I asked about a tax related matter.
d. {time} I asked about an adjustment to my benefit.
e. {time} I asked about a benefit for a child(ren).
f. {time} I asked about a notice or other mail I received from OPM.
g. {time} I was following up on a previous call or request that
some action be taken.
h. {time} OPM asked me to contact them.
i. {time} I reported the death of an annuitant.
j. {time} I notified OPM of a name or address change.
k. {time} I reported non-receipt of a benefit check.
l. {time} I telephoned OPM for some other reason. (Please specify.)
20. In general, how courteous was the OPM employee(s) during
this call?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very courteous.
b. {time} Generally courteous.
c. {time} Neither courteous nor discourteous.
d. {time} Generally discourteous.
e. {time} Very discourteous.
21. How clearly did the OPM employee answer your question(s)?
(Check One)
a. {time} Clearly.
b. {time} Somewhat clearly.
c. {time} Not clearly.
22. Think about the reason why you last contacted OPM by
telephone. What kind of job has OPM done to handle this matter?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very good job.
b. {time} Good job.
c. {time} Fair job.
d. {time} Poor job.
e. {time} Very poor job.
23. Once again, think about the reason why you last contacted
OPM by phone. How satisfied are you with the amount of time it has
taken OPM, so far, to take care of this matter?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
24. About how long (including time you waited, if any) did your
last phone call to OPM last?
(Check One) [[Page 20295]]
a. {time} Less than 3 minutes.
b. {time} At least 3 but less than 10 minutes.
c. {time} At least 10 but less than 20 minutes.
d. {time} 20 minutes or more.
e. {time} I don't remember.
Part III
Benefits From the Office of Personnel Management
25. Do you usually get your retirement or survivor annuity
payment by the first business day of the month?
(Check One)
a. {time} Yes.
b. {time} No.
26. In most cases, interim or special payments are paid until an
applicant's annuity claim is completely processed and regular
payments begin. Was this the case for your initial annuity claim?
(Check One)
a. {time} Yes.
b. {time} No.
c. {time} I don't remember.
27. After you applied for your annuity benefit, when did you
receive your first payment from OPM?
(Check One)
a. {time} Much sooner than I expected.
b. {time} A little sooner than I expected.
c. {time} About when I expected.
d. {time} A little later than I expected.
e. {time} A lot later than I expected.
f. {time} I don't remember.
28. Listed below are some of the actions that can be taken on an
annuity account. Please check the most recent actions that were
taken on your account.
(Check All That Apply)
a. {time} No action has been taken on my account within the past 12
months. (Skip to Question #33.)
b. {time} An initial claim for retirement or survivor benefits.
c. {time} Stop or change Federal tax withholding.
d. {time} Change health benefits plans or options.
e. {time} Change life insurance option(s).
f. {time} Change mailing address.
g. {time} Direct annuity benefits to a bank account.
h. {time} Adjust annuity benefit after a change in marital status.
i. {time} Suspend annuity payments.
j. {time} Add or drop child(ren) benefit.
k. {time} Non-receipt of a benefit check.
l. {time} Other reason. (Please specify.)
29. If you requested that OPM take action on your account, how
was (were) the actions(s) handled?
(Check All that Apply)
a. {time} I did not request action. (Skip to Question #33.)
b. {time} The action was taken based on my telephone request.
c. {time} The action was taken after my first request.
d. {time} The action was taken only after I made a second request.
e. {time} The action was taken only after I made more than two
f. {time} I don't remember.
30. Overall, how satisfied were you with the way the above
action(s) was (were) handled by OPM?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
31. Did you receive some form of communication from OPM about
the action(s) that was (were) taken?
(Check One)
a. {time} No, I never received any communication regarding the
action that was taken. (Skip to Question #33.)
b. {time} Yes, a computer generated notice.
c. {time} Yes, a hand-written notice.
d. {time} Yes, a form letter or notice.
e. {time} Yes, a typed letter.
f. {time} Yes, some other type of communication.
g. {time} I don't remember. (Skip to Question #33.)
32. Was the communication about the action on your account clear
to you?
(Check One)
a. {time} Yes, it was very clear.
b. {time} It was somewhat clear.
c. {time} No, it was not clear.
Part IV
Overall Quality of the Office of Personnel Management's Service
33. Overall, since your annuity began, how would you rate the
service that OPM has given you?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very good.
b. {time} Good.
c. {time} Fair.
d. {time} Poor.
e. {time} Very poor.
34. How would you rate OPM's service in comparison to the
service you get from other Federal, State, and local government
(Check One)
a. {time} OPM much better than others.
b. {time} OPM somewhat better than others.
c. {time} OPM is about as good as others.
d. {time} OPM somewhat worse than others.
e. {time} OPM much worse than others.
f. {time} Can't say, have had no contact with other government
35. If you must contact OPM in the future, would your first
preference be to write, telephone, or visit?
(Check One)
a. {time} Write.
b. {time} Telephone.
c. {time} Visit.
36. The following is a list of important service quality
factors. Please read through the list. From your point of view,
please rank the five most important factors to you in your dealings
with OPM. Mark ``1'' next to the item that is most important to you,
a ``2'' next to the second most important factor, a ``3'' next to
the third most important factor, etc.
(Rank Only The Five Most Important Factors From ``1'' to ``5.''
Leave The Remaining Factors Blank.)
Ranking OPM service quality factors
a. Concern for me and my problems
b. Friendly OPM employees
c. Knowledgeable OPM employees
d. Easily obtainable information
e. Clear information about changes in law and regulations
f. Clear statements and correspondence
g. Clear information about payments or services
h. Fair treatment of all customers
i. Timely action on my concerns and complaints
j. Timely payments
k. Accurate answers to questions
l. Replacement of missing payments
m. Minimal interruptions of benefits
n. Flexible billing and payment arrangements for benefit
o. Accurate payments
p. Good telephone service
If you retired since January 1, 1995, please answer the next
three questions. Otherwise, skip to question #40.
37. When you retired, how satisfied were you with how OPM
handled all aspects of your retirement (including, if applicable,
your requests for direct deposit of your monthly retirement check in
your bank and federal income tax withholdings from your check)?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very Satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
38. If you requested that your retirement check be deposited
directly in your bank by OPM, how satisfied were you with how long
it took for your bank account to be credited with your first
retirement payment?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied or dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
f. {time} I did not request that my retirement check be deposited
directly in my bank.
39. What kind of job did OPM do in giving you professional and
personalized information concerning your retirement?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very good job.
b. {time} Good job.
c. {time} Fair job.
d. {time} Poor job.
e. {time} Very poor job.
Answer the following question (Question #40) only if you began
receiving, since January 1, 1995, a monthly survivor's check as a
result of the death of a Federal retiree. Otherwise, skip to
question #41. [[Page 20296]]
40. How satisfied were you with the assistance you received from
OPM in filing the paperwork needed to obtain benefits?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied or dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
41. Do you have a personal computer and a modem?
(Check One)
a. {time} Yes.
b. {time} No. (Skip to Question #43)
42. Do you have access to any of the following On-line services?
(Check All that Apply)
a. {time} CompuServe.
b. {time} USENET.
c. {time} America On-line.
d. {time} Prodigy.
e. {time} Genie.
f. {time} Other (Please specify.)
Part V
Retirement Counseling
Please answer the following questions only if you retired within the
last two years.
43. Did you receive retirement counseling?
(Check One)
a. {time} No. (Skip to Question #51.)
b. {time} Yes.
44. Who initiated the contact to plan for your retirement?
(Check One)
a. {time} I did.
b. {time} My agency did.
c. {time} I don't remember.
45. Who did the counseling?
(Check One)
a. {time} An employee of my former agency.
b. {time} A contract employee to my former agency.
c. {time} I don't know.
46. When did your agency start to counsel you concerning your
retirement planning?
(Check One)
a. {time} More than one year before I retired.
b. {time} Six to twelve months before I retired.
c. {time} Less than six months before I retired.
47. What did the counseling cover?
(Check All That Apply)
a. {time} Retirement coverage.
b. {time} Amount of annuity.
c. {time} Survivor benefits.
d. {time} Health insurance benefits.
e. {time} Life insurance benefits.
f. {time} Social Security benefits.
g. {time} Thrift Savings Plan.
h. {time} Other (Please specify.)
48. How satisfied were you that the information from your agency
(including responses to your questions and concerns) was accurate
and up to date?
(Check One)
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
49. How satisfied were you with how well your agency helped you
in taking appropriate actions (such as submitting retirement forms
and making decisions about health and life insurance) and in
learning what to expect after you retired (such as how long it would
take to get your annuity, notices to be received, tax withholding,
(Check One)
a. {time} Very satisfied.
b. {time} Generally satisfied.
c. {time} Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
d. {time} Generally dissatisfied.
e. {time} Very dissatisfied.
Comments (Especially about any improvements you would suggest.)
50. How did your agency's estimate of your annuity compare with
the annuity computed by OPM?
(Check One And Skip To Question #52)
a. {time} The annuity estimate was close to the annuity computed by
b. {time} The annuity estimate was significantly more than the
annuity computed by OPM.
c. {time} The annuity estimate was significantly less than the
annuity computed by OPM.
d. {time} I did not receive an annuity estimate from my agency.
e. {time} I don't remember.
51. If your employing agency never counseled you, where did you
go to get information on retirement and insurance matters?
(Check All That Apply)
a. {time} National Association of Retired Federal Employees
b. {time} Private publications (such as Federal Employees Almanac).
c. {time} I contacted OPM directly.
d. {time} Other.
e. {time} I didn't receive any retirement planning information.
52. In planning your retirement, did you?
(Check One)
a. {time} Attend agency sponsored retirement seminars AND receive
individual counseling from your personnel office.
b. {time} Only attend an agency sponsored retirement seminar.
c. {time} Only receive individual counseling.
d. {time} Neither retirement seminars nor individual counseling was
provided by my agency.
53. Were you provided a copy of ``Thinking About Retirement''?
(Check One)
a. {time} Yes.
b. {time} No.
c. {time} I don't know.
Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate your help. Please
return the completed questionnaire in the postage paid envelope to:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Client Satisfaction Survey,
Room 4316, RIS/QAD, Attention: Dom Marro/Nancy Wolf, 1900 E Street,
N.W., Washington, DC 20415.
If you have any comments about how OPM has served you or if you
have suggestions on how we can improve our service, please write
them in the space below.
If you have questions concerning your annuity or survivor
annuity, write directly to: U.S. Office of Personnel Management,
Retirement Operations Center, Boyers, PA 16017.
[FR Doc. 95-10122 Filed 4-24-95; 8:45 am]