95-10126. Environmental Assessment: Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Related to Amendment of Materials License No. 11-27380-01  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 79 (Tuesday, April 25, 1995)]
    [Pages 20290-20291]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-10126]
    [Docket No. 030-20457]
    Environmental Assessment: Finding of No Significant Impact and 
    Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Related to Amendment of Materials 
    License No. 11-27380-01
    AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
    ACTION: NRC plans to issue an amendment to License No. 11-27380-01, 
    authorizing Idaho State University to use carbon-14 (C-14) labeled 
    particulate organic material in dispersion studies in two streams in 
    Idaho. Three streams were chosen with one being a backup location. 
    These are the Bloomington, Deep, and Toponce Creeks, which traverse the 
    Cache and Caribou National Forests and the Curlew National Grasslands. 
    The study calls for releases of 25 microcuries of C-14 at a time, with 
    no more than 100 microcuries used in each stream in a year.
    Joseph Wang, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. 
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Telephone: (301) 
    Environmental Assessment
    Identification of the Proposed Action
        The proposed amendment action would authorize personnel from Idaho 
    State University to use C-14 labeled particulate organic material in 
    dispersion studies in two streams in Idaho. Three streams were chosen 
    with one being a backup location. These are the Bloomington, Deep, and 
    Toponce Streams, which traverse the Cache and Caribou National Forests 
    and the Curlew National Grasslands. The study calls for release of 25 
    microcuries of C-14 at a time, with no more than 100 microcuries used 
    in each stream in a year. The amount of C-14 used in an experiment is 
    such that the radioactivity is ``instantaneously'' diluted to 
    concentrations below drinking water standards and additional dilution 
    occurs continuously thereafter.
        Idaho State University (ISU) submitted a letter to the NRC, dated 
    December 9, 1994, requesting to amend its Byproduct Material License 
    No. 11-27380-01. ISU's request is for authorization to use C-14 as 
    radioisotopic tracers to study the dispersal and fate of ``fine 
    particulate organic matter'' (FPOM) in lotic ecosystems. This study is 
    funded through a grant by the National Science Foundation to the Stream 
    Ecology Center at ISU. Along with its letter, ISU also submitted an 
    Environmental Assessment (EA) for its proposed action based on 
    guidelines provided by NRC's RIV Office.
    Need for the Proposed Action
        FPOM constitutes that bulk of particulate organic matter carried in 
    the suspended matter in streams and is a major component of food webs, 
    energy flow, and organic matter budgets in stream ecosystems. The 
    issues involved in FPOM dynamics cover a range of disciplines, and 
    workers from many different areas, from water treatment engineering to 
    population dynamics of marine organisms, face similar questions about 
    how particles exchange between surfaces and the suspended state. The 
    proposed research by ISU is important to further major advances in the 
    understanding of the ecology of stream ecosystems because it will 
    result in determination of: (1) The detailed dynamics of FPOM transport 
    over a range of flow and channel conditions, (2) the specific 
    mechanisms of transport and deposition, and (3) the relative importance 
    of physical and biological factors in the transport of organic matter 
    in streams.
        In its submitted EA, the applicant has considered alternatives to 
    the proposed isotope study. Specifically, two alternatives to 
    radiolabeled natural FPOM have been reviewed for the proposed study: 
    Use of exotic pollen and use of plastic microspheres. Although both of 
    these options may hold promise for future FPOM research, certain 
    characteristics of each may cause these particles to behave differently 
    from natural FPOM, thus defeating the purpose of the proposed study.
    Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
        In the EA submitted by ISU, and based on telephone discussion with 
    the licensee, the applicant stated that it's current plan is to conduct 
    approximately two or three releases per year, per stream. The study 
    will be for 2 years using no more than two streams. ISU identified 
    three streams (i.e., Bloomington Creek, Deep Creek, and Toponce Creek) 
    for this study, with the Toponce Creek being a backup location. The 
    releases would be in medium-sized surface waters (i.e., flowing streams 
    having discharge rates of 0.25 to 0.75 cubic meters per second or more) 
    located in remote areas, on Federal lands, miles away from human 
    habitation and domestic animals. Each release would be separated by 7 
    or more days and involve 25 microcuries of C-14; thus, the total amount 
    of C-14 introduced into any stream in any year would not exceed 100 
    microcuries. The introduction of C-14 into a stream takes place over 
    several hours and the concentrations in the stream are immediately 
    diluted to 26 picocuries per liter or less at the point of release. 
    These levels are well below Environmental Protection Agency's 
    established drinking water standard of 2500 picocuries per liter for C-
    14 (40 CFR 141.16), even at the point (and time) of introduction.
        The study sites have been selected so that the nearest human 
    residence is located several miles from the study area. The nearest 
    human community is located about 5 miles away in Bloomington, Idaho. No 
    endangered plants or species will be affected by this study. According 
    to National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) 
    Publication No. 45 on Natural Background Radiation, there are 303.3 
    million curies or 303.3 trillion microcuries of natural C-14 in the 
    environment. Despite this large inventory of natural C-14 in the 
    environment, the average annual whole body dose, due to natural C-14 to 
    an adult member of the general public, is estimated to be 0.7 millirem 
    (page 42, NCRP 45) per year. Therefore, the dose to an adult member of 
    the general public, due to no more than 200 microcuries of C-14 
    released per year over a predominately remote Federal lands, is 
    insignificant. [[Page 20291]] 
        ISU has also submitted to the NRC, written responses from the 
    Division of Environmental Quality, Idaho Department of Health and 
    Welfare; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region X Office; and 
    the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service. All three 
    agencies responded in writing that they have no objections to the 
    proposed ISU study. In addition, the U.S. Forest Service has made 
    available in November, 1994, the submitted EA, for a 45 days public 
    review and comment period.
        Based on the foregoing assessment, the NRC staff concludes that the 
    environmental effects of using C-14 in the proposed ISU stream 
    ecosystems study are expected to be extremely small. Authorizing the 
    study will help to better understand how to preserve our ecosystems. 
    Since ISU's proposed study will be conducted in a predominately remote 
    Federal land administered by the U.S. Forest Service, there is no 
    environmental justice issue in this EA.
        Therefore, in accordance with 10 CFR 51.31, a Finding of No 
    Significant Impact is considered appropriate for this proposed action.
    Agencies and Persons Consulted
        In performing this assessment and in accordance with the NRC's 
    Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards procedure 1-48, the 
    staff consulted with Mr. Steve Oberg, State Liaison Officer with the 
    NRC, Division of Environmental Quality, State of Idaho, on March 17, 
    1995, at (208) 334-0436. The State of Idaho has no objection to the 
    proposed action. The staff also contacted Mr. Lee Leffert of the U.S. 
    Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, on March 21, 1995, at (208) 
    236-7534. The U.S. Forest Service informed the NRC that based on 
    comments received on its Federal Register Notice, it is preparing a 
    Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and will issue a Decision 
    Notice authorizing ISU's project implementation as proposed.
    Finding of No Significant Impact
        The Commission has determined under the National Environmental 
    Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the Commission's regulations in 10 
    CFR Part 51, that the proposed action to amend Byproduct Material 
    License No. 11-27380-01 to permit the introduction of C-14 into two 
    streams, if granted, would not have a significant effect on the quality 
    of the human environment and that an environmental impact statement is 
    not required. This determination is based on the foregoing 
    environmental assessment performed in accordance with the procedures 
    and criteria in 10 CFR Part 51, ``Environmental Protection Regulations 
    for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions.''
        For further details on this action, see ISU's letter, dated 
    December 9, 1995, and the attached EA, requesting amendment of License 
    No. 11-27380-01 and related correspondence. These documents (in Docket 
    No. 030-32322) may be examined or copied for a fee in the Commission's 
    Region IV Walnut Creek Field Office's Public Document Room, 1450 Maria 
    Lane, Suite 210, Walnut Creek, California 94596.
    Notice of Opportunity for a Hearing
        Any person whose interest may be affected by the issuance of this 
    license amendment may file a request for a hearing. Any request for a 
    hearing must be filed with the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, within 30 days of 
    publication of this notice in the Federal Register and must be served 
    on the NRC staff by mail addressed to the Executive Director for 
    Operations, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, 
    or be delivery to the Executive Director for Operations, One White 
    Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852; and must be 
    served on the applicant by mail or delivery to Idaho State University, 
    Technical Safety Office, Physical Science 103, 785 South Eighth Avenue, 
    Campus Box 8106, Pocatello, ID 83209. The request for a hearing must 
    comply with the requirements set forth in the Commission's regulations, 
    10 CFR Part 2, Subpart L, ``Informal Hearing Procedures for 
    Adjudications in Material Licensing Proceedings.'' Subpart L of 10 CFR 
    Part 2, may be examined or copied for a fee in the Commission's Region 
    IV Walnut Creek Field Office's Public Document Room, 1450 Maria Lane, 
    Suite 210, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 or in the Commission's Public 
    Document Room, 2120 L Street (Lower Level), NW, Washington, DC 20555.
        As required by Part 2, Subpart L (10 CFR 2.1205), the request for 
    hearing must describe in detail: (1) The interest of the requestor in 
    the proceeding; (2) how that interest may be affected by the results of 
    the proceeding, including the reasons why the requestor should be 
    permitted a hearing, with particular reference to the factors set out 
    in paragraph (g) of 10 CFR 2.1205; (3) the requestor's areas of concern 
    about the licensing activity that is the subject matter of the 
    proceeding; and (4) the circumstances establishing that the request for 
    a hearing is timely in accordance with paragraph (c) of 10 CFR 
        The factors in 10 CFR 2.1205(g), which must be addressed in the 
    request for hearing include: (1) The nature of the requestor's right 
    under the Act to be made a party to the proceeding; (2) the nature and 
    extent of the requestor's property, financial, or other interest in the 
    proceeding; and (3) the possible effect of any order that may be 
    entered in the proceeding upon the requestor's interest.
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 19th day of April 1995.
        For The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    Larry W. Camper,
    Chief, Medical, Academic, and Commercial Use Safety Branch, Division of 
    Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, Office of Nuclear Material 
    Safety and Safeguards.
    [FR Doc. 95-10126 Filed 4-24-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-M