[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 80 (Wednesday, April 26, 1995)]
[Pages 20491-20492]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-10245]
Science Advisory Board; Notification of Public Advisory Committee
Meeting(s) Open Meeting(s)
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92-463,
notice is hereby given that several committees of the Science Advisory
Board (SAB) will meet on the dates and times described below. All times
noted are Eastern Time. Documents that are the subject of SAB reviews
are normally available from the originating EPA office and are not
available from the SAB Office. Public drafts of SAB reports are
available to the Agency and the public from the SAB office. These
meetings are open to the public, but seating is limited and available
on a first come basis.
(1) Clean Air Act Compliance Analysis Council (CAACAC) Physical Effects
Review Subcommittee (CAACACPERS) Meeting--May 18, 1995
The Clean Air Act Compliance Analysis Council (CAACAC) Physical
Effects Review Subcommittee (CAACACPERS) of the Science Advisory
Board (SAB) will conduct a one-day meeting on Thursday, May 18, 1995
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern time. The meeting will take
place at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 2899 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Arlington, VA 22202 (tel. 703-549-3434). In this meeting, the
CAACACPERS intends to complete edits to its draft report under
preparation (it is entitled ``Review of Clean Air Act Section 812
Physical Effects Draft Documents''), which critiques six draft
documents which have been prepared for review as required by Section
812 of the Clean Air Act (CAA). The CAACACPERS will also have a
discussion with Agency staff on additional staff papers and
supporting documentation regarding the overall Physical Effects
review process (See below for details).
In the meeting, the CAACACPERS will be discussing its draft
report edits resulting from a public meeting held on November 15 and
16, 1994 (See Federal Register, Vol. 59, No. 191, Tuesday, October
4, 1994, pp.50599-50601), and a public teleconference meeting held
April 12, 1995 (See Federal Register, Vol. 60, No. 58, Monday, March
27, 1995, pp. 15761-15763) relating to review drafts of the Physical
Effects Documents pertaining Section 812 of the Clean Air Act (CAA),
namely (1) Ozone, (2) Sulphur Oxides, (3) Particulate Matter, (4)
Carbon Monoxide, (5) Nitrogen Oxides, and (6) Lead, and a draft
methodology document, which outlines the overall strategy of this
effort. The proposed charge to the CAACACPERS relating to this
review is listed in the October 4, 1994 Federal Register
Additional draft documents, such as the methodology used to
aggregate the effect of hazardous air pollutants, up-to-date
assessments of the significance of recent research, and select
methodology papers will be reviewed as necessary and appropriate.
Additional draft documents may be made available by the Agency prior
to the review. The following draft documents have been provided to
the CAACACPERS in April for the April 12, 1995 teleconference and
the May 18, 1995 CAACACPERS review meeting:
(1) A May 11, 1994 memorandum on non-cancer health benefits,
(2) A methodology for analysis of indirect exposure to hazardous
air pollutants,
(3) A March 22, 1993 memorandum which provides a draft summary
of methodology used for cancer risk from stationary sources,
(4) A September 30, 1992 memorandum on the retrospective
analysis for Section 812(a) benefits study,
(5) A March 5, 1993 memorandum on cancer risk estimates from
stationary sources,
(6) A November 11, 1994 draft on direct inhalation incidence
(7) Drafts on the effects of: air pollutants on agriculture;
criteria air pollutants on forests; criteria air pollutants on
ecosystems; air pollutants on wetland ecosystems; air pollutants on
visibility; and air pollutants on materials--a summary of science,
(8) A January 19, 1995 draft document entitled ``The impact of
the Clean Air Act on lead pollution: emissions reductions, health
effects, and economic benefits from 1970 to 1990.''
For copies of the Agency's draft Section 812 CAA draft
documents, including all the above listed drafts, please contact Ms.
Eileen Pritchard, Secretary, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Policy Planning and Evaluation (OPPE), Economic Analysis
and Innovation Division (Mail Code 2127), 401 M Street, S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20460. Tel. (202) 260-3354, and FAX (202) 260-5732.
For a discussion of technical aspects of the Agency draft documents,
please contact Mr. James DeMocker of EPA's Office of Policy Analysis
and Review (OPAR) at (202) 260-8980, or Mr. Tom Gillis of EPA's
Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation (OPPE) at (202) 260-4181.
Members of the public who wish to make a brief oral presentation
at this meeting should contact Mrs. Diana L. Pozun, Staff Secretary,
RCSS, (tel. 202-260-6552; FAX 202-260-7118) no later than May 15,
1995, in order to have time reserved on the agenda. For a copy of
the proposed agenda, please contact Ms. Pozun at the numbers given
questions regarding technical issues to be discussed, please contact
Dr. K. Jack Kooyoomjian, Designated Federal Official, Science
Advisory Board (1400F), US EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington DC
20460, by telephone (202) 260-2560, FAX (202) 260-7118, or via the
INTERNET: [email protected]
(2) Radionuclide Cleanup Standards Subcommittee (RCSS) of the Radiation
Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting--May 23 & 24, 1995
The Radionuclide Cleanup Standards Subcommittee (RCSS) of the
Science Advisory Board's (SAB's) Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC),
will continue its review of the technical basis of the Agency's
Cleanup Standards for Radionuclides with a public meeting on
Tuesday, May 23 and Wednesday, May 24, 1995. The meeting will take
place at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 2899 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Arlington, VA 22202 (tel. 703-549-3434). The meeting will begin at
9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 23 and end no later than 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 24, 1995. In addition, the members of the RAC who are
not part of the RCSS are being invited to join the RCSS on
Wednesday, May 24, 1995 to conduct a closure review on this topic.
The RCSS formally began this review at its first public meeting on
the topic on October 27 and 28, 1994 (See Federal Register Vol. 59,
No. 191, Tuesday, October 4, 1994, pages 50600-50601), and had a
follow-up review meeting on January 26 and 27, 1995 (See Federal
Register Vol. 60, No. 5, January 9, 1995, pp. 2386-2387), and a
teleconference meeting on March 27, 1995 (See Federal Register, Vol.
60, No. 42, March 3, 1995). This meeting is open to the public, but
seating is limited and available on a first come basis. Additional
instructions about how to participate in the meeting can be obtained
by calling Ms. Diana L. Pozun at [[Page 20492]] (202) 260-6552 or
FAX (202) 260-7118 no later than May 17, 1995.
The draft documents that are the subject of this review are
available from the originating EPA office (see below) and are not
available from the SAB Office. These draft documents are: (1)
Radiation Site Cleanup Regulations: Technical Support Document for
the Development of Radionuclide Cleanup Levels for Soil, Review
Draft, September 1994. and (2) Radiation Site Cleanup Regulations:
Technical Support Document for the Development of Radionuclide
Cleanup Levels for Soil, Appendices, September 1994.
To discuss technical aspects of the draft documents, please
contact Dr. Anthony B. Wolbarst, Chief, Remedial Guidance Section,
Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA) (6603J), U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, S.W., Washington,
D.C. 20460, tel. (202) 233-9392. To simply obtain copies of the
draft documents, please contact Ms. Virginia Stradford, Secretary,
at (202) 233-9350, FAX (202) 233-9650. The background documents that
support this review, as well as the draft documents listed above are
available in the Agency's Air and Radiation Docket. Please address
written inquiries as follows: USEPA, Attn: Air and Radiation Docket,
Mail Stop 6102, Air Docket No. A-93-27, Room M1500, First Floor,
Waterside Mall, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460. The docket
may be inspected from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding Federal holidays, in Room M1500. A reasonable fee may be
charged for copies of docket materials. Inquiries regarding access
to the public information docket should be directed to Ms. Lynn
Johnson, ORIA Staff at (202) 233-9383.
Members of the public who wish to make a brief oral presentation
at this meeting should contact Mrs. Diana L. Pozun, Staff Secretary,
RCSS, (tel. 202-260-6552; FAX 202-260-7118) no later than May 17,
1995, in order to have time reserved on the agenda. For a copy of
the proposed agenda, please contact Ms. Pozun at the numbers given
questions regarding technical issues to be discussed, please contact
Dr. K. Jack Kooyoomjian, Designated Federal Official, Science
Advisory Board (1400F), US EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington DC
20460, by telephone (202) 260-2560, FAX (202) 260-7118, or via the
INTERNET: [email protected]
(3) Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting--May 25, 1995
The Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC) of the Science Advisory
Board (SAB) is meeting on Thursday, May 25, 1995 from 9:00 a.m. to
no later than 4:00 p.m. to conduct a planning, coordination and
review meeting. The meeting will take place at the Courtyard
Marriott Hotel, 2899 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202
(tel. 703-549-3434). Expected topics include the following: a brief
closure discussion on the Cleanup Standards review conducted May 23
and 24, 1995; an update by the Office of Research and Development
(ORD), Office of Health and Environmental Assessment (OHEA) staff on
the status of development of a draft document for a future review on
electromagnetic fields (EMF) and carcinogenicity; a briefing by the
Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA) staff on the Biological
Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BIER) VI; a preliminary discussion on
an upcoming advisory review of the Environmental Radiation Ambient
Monitoring System (ERAMS) [the SAB/RAC plans an advisory review of
the ERAMS system at the EPA's Montgomery, Alabama Laboratory on July
13 and 14, 1995]. Other topics will be reviewed as time permits.
Members of the public who wish to make a brief oral presentation
at this meeting should contact Mrs. Diana L. Pozun, Staff Secretary,
RCSS, (tel. 202-260-6552; FAX 202-260-7118) no later than May 17,
1995, in order to have time reserved on the agenda. For a copy of
the proposed agenda, please contact Ms. Pozun at the numbers given
questions regarding technical issues to be discussed, please contact
Dr. K. Jack Kooyoomjian, Designated Federal Official, Science
Advisory Board (1400F), US EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington DC
20460, by telephone (202) 260-2560, FAX (202) 260-7118, or via the
INTERNET: [email protected]
(4) Clean Air Act Compliance Analysis Council (CAACAC) Meeting--June 12
and 13, 1995
The Clean Air Act Compliance Analysis Council (CAACAC) is
meeting on Monday, June 12, 1995 and Tuesday, June 13, 1995 to
continue its review of the Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 812
retrospective cost-benefit study. The CAACAC last met in June, 1993.
The meeting will take place at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 2899
Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202 (tel. 703-549-3434).
The CAACAC will be receiving draft documents on emission modeling
results (graphs and charts, and possibly some narrative), air
quality modeling results (a draft document on particulate matter; a
draft document on sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and carbon
monoxide; and sample model outputs on rural ozone, urban ozone and
visibility), and a revised air toxics analysis. The CAACAC had
already been provided with a series of valuation reports in 1994.
The valuation reports included the following:
(1) Revised proposal on value of life methodology,
(2) Review of morbidity avoidance estimates,
(3) Comparison of morbidity, visibility, and forest valuation to
the Contingent Valuation (CV) guidelines,
(4) Analysis of visibility valuation issues,
(5) Review of valuation of carbon sequestration services, and
(6) Review of various externality valuation models.
In addition to review of the above items, the CAACAC will be
conducting a review of a draft report prepared by its Physical
Effects Review Subcommittee (PERS), entitled ``Review of Clean Air
Act Section 812 Physical Effects Draft Documents.'' The CAACACPERS
is meeting on May 18, 1995 (See Item #1, above for details on this
meeting.) to conduct a closure review on this report, as well as to
review a number of draft document and other materials provided by
the Agency.
For copies of the Agency's draft Section 812 CAA draft
documents, or for any other documents pertaining to this review by
the CAACAC, please contact Ms. Eileen Pritchard, Secretary, U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy Planning and
Evaluation (OPPE), Economic Analysis and Innovation Division (Mail
Code 2127), 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460. Tel. (202)
260-3354, and FAX (202) 260-5732. For a discussion of technical
aspects of the Agency draft documents, please contact Mr. James
DeMocker of EPA's Office of Policy Analysis and Review (OPAR) at
(202) 260-8980, or Mr. Tom Gillis of EPA's Office of Policy,
Planning and Evaluation (OPPE) at (202) 260-4181.
Members of the public who wish to make a brief oral presentation
at this meeting should contact Mrs. Diana L. Pozun, Staff Secretary,
RCSS, (tel. 202-260-6552; FAX 202-260-7118) no later than June 7,
1995, in order to have time reserved on the agenda. For a copy of
the proposed agenda, please contact Ms. Pozun at the numbers given
questions regarding technical issues to be discussed, please contact
Dr. K. Jack Kooyoomjian, Designated Federal Official, Science
Advisory Board (1400F), US EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington DC
20460, by telephone (202) 260-2560, FAX (202) 260-7118, or via the
INTERNET: [email protected]
Providing Oral or Written Comments at SAB Meetings
The Science Advisory Board expects that public statements
presented at its meetings will not be repetitive of previously
submitted oral or written statements. In general, for meetings,
opportunities for oral comment will usually be limited to no more
than five minutes per speaker and no more than thirty minutes total.
Written comments (at least 35 copies) received in the SAB Staff
Office sufficiently prior to a meeting date (usually one week prior
to a meeting), may be mailed to the relevant SAB committee or
subcommittee prior to its meeting; comments received too close to
the meeting date will normally be provided to the committee at its
meeting. Written comments may be provided to the relevant committee
or subcommittee up until the time of the meeting.
Dated: April 19, 1995.
A. Robert Flaak,
Acting Staff Director, Science Advisory Board.
[FR Doc. 95-10245 Filed 4-25-95; 8:45 am]