96-10305. United States Standards for Barley  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 82 (Friday, April 26, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 18486-18493]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-10305]
    Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
    7 CFR Parts 800 and 810
    RIN 0580-AA14
    United States Standards for Barley
    AGENCY: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration 
    (GIPSA) is revising the United States Standards for Barley to: modify 
    the classification system of barley to better reflect current marketing 
    practices by establishing two classes, Malting barley and Barley; 
    revise procedures to permit applicants the option of requesting either 
    the malting standards or barley standards for malting types; revise the 
    standards for Two-rowed Malting barley by removing the ``U.S. No 1 
    Choice'' grade designation; amend the definition for suitable malting 
    type to include other malting varieties used by private malting and 
    brewing companies; revise the dockage certification procedure by 
    reporting results in half and whole percent with a fraction less than 
    one-half percent being disregarded; amend the definition of thins to 
    require the use of a single sieve (5/64  x  3/4 slotted-hole) only in 
    the class Barley; and eliminate the numerical grade restriction for 
    badly stained and materially weathered from the standards. In addition, 
    GIPSA is amending the breakpoint for dockage and establishing new 
    breakpoints for malting barley to conform with standard changes.
        The objective of these revisions is to ensure that the barley 
    standards are serving their intended purpose to facilitate the 
    marketing of barley.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 1, 1996.
    South Building, P. O. Box 96454, Washington, D.C. 20090-6454; telephone 
    (202) 720-0292; FAX (202) 720-4628.
    Executive Order 12866
        The Department is issuing this rule in conformance with Executive 
    Order 12866.
    Executive Order 12778
        This final rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, 
    Civil Justice Reform. This action is not intended to have retroactive 
    effect. The United States Grain Standards Act (Act) provides in section 
    87g that no State or subdivision may require or impose any requirements 
    or restrictions concerning the inspection, weighing, or description of 
    grain under the Act. Otherwise, this proposed rule will not preempt any 
    State or local laws, regulations, or policies unless they present an 
    irreconcilable conflict with this rule. There are no administrative 
    procedures which must be exhausted prior to any judicial challenge to 
    the provisions of this rule.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
        James R. Baker, Administrator, GIPSA, has determined that this 
    proposed rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities as defined in the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) because most users of the 
    official inspection and weighing services and those entities that 
    perform these services do not meet the requirements for small entities. 
    Further, the regulations are applied equally to all entities.
    Information Collection Requirements
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 
    Chapter 35), the information collection requirements contained in the 
    rule to be amended have been previously approved by the Office of 
    Management and Budget under control number 0580-0013.
        During December 1991, the Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS), 
    which is now part of GIPSA, distributed a discussion paper concerning 
    the U.S. Standards for Barley. This paper addressed several issues 
    relating to the standards and served as a starting point for 
    discussions with producers, processors, trade associations, maltsters, 
    handlers, and merchandisers to better understand their views on changes 
    needed to improve existing standards. FGIS received positive feedback. 
    In addition, FGIS reviewed the barley discussion paper with the FGIS 
    Advisory Committee and the Grain Quality Workshops and considered ideas 
    received during the normal course of business, recommendations from 
    internal management and program review, and various other sources.
        In the March 22, 1995, Federal Register (60 FR 15075), GIPSA 
    published a proposal to revise the U.S. Standards for Barley by: (1) 
    Modifying the classification system of barley to better reflect current 
    marketing practices by establishing two classes, Malting barley and 
    Barley; (2) revising procedures to permit applicants the option of 
    requesting either the malting standards or barley standards for malting 
    types; (3) revising the standards for Two-rowed Malting barley by 
    removing the ``U.S. No 1 Choice'' grade designation and combining the 
    grading factors and limits for two- and six-rowed malting types onto a 
    single grade chart; (4) amending the definition for suitable malting 
    type to include other proprietary malting varieties used by private 
    malting and brewing companies; (5) revising the dockage certification 
    procedure by reporting results in half and whole percent with a 
    fraction less than one-half percent being disregarded; (6) amending the 
    definition of thins to require the use of a single sieve (\5/64\ x \3/
    4\ slotted-hole) only in the proposed class Barley and remove the 
    grading limits from the standards; however, the level of thins will 
    continue to be reported on the inspection certificate; (7) revising the 
    standards by removing the grading limits for damaged kernels, heat-
    damaged kernels, and foreign material in the proposed class Barley; and 
    (8) eliminating the numerical grade restriction for badly stained and 
    materially weathered from the standards. GIPSA further proposed to
    [[Page 18487]]
    amend the inspection plan tolerances based on these changes.
    Comment Review
        During the 60-day comment period, GIPSA received ten comments: two 
    from grain handling associations, five from barley producer 
    organizations, one from a malting barley trade association, one from a 
    cattle feeding company, and one from a State Department of Agriculture.
        On the basis of these comments and other available information, 
    GIPSA has decided to revise the barley standards as proposed, with the 
    following exceptions: (1) Combining the grading factors and limits for 
    two- and six- rowed malting types into one grading chart; (2) removing 
    the grading limits for thins in the class Barley; (3) removing the 
    grading limits for damaged kernels, heat-damaged kernels, and foreign 
    material in the class Barley; (4) applying the current damaged kernels 
    grade limits in Six-rowed Malting barley to Two-rowed Malting barley; 
    (5) applying the present limits for injured-by-mold and mold damage in 
    Two-rowed Malting barley to Six-rowed Malting barley; and (6) applying 
    the current grade limits for other grains and wild oats to both Six- 
    and Two-rowed Malting barley.
        Rather than combining the grading factors and limits for two- and 
    six-rowed malting types into one grading chart, GIPSA decided to 
    maintain a separate grading chart for the two-rowed malting type and 
    the six-rowed malting type because of their different grade limits and 
    grading factors. Also, GIPSA decided to retain the grading limits for 
    thins, damaged kernels, heat-damaged kernels, and foreign material in 
    the class Barley. In addition, GIPSA will continue to apply the current 
    grade limits in Six- rowed Malting barley for damaged kernels and other 
    grains only to Six-rowed Malting barley and continue to apply the 
    present grade limits in Two-rowed Malting barley for injured-by-mold, 
    mold damage, and wild oats only to Two-rowed Malting barley.
    Barley Classification
        GIPSA proposed to amend the barley classification system in section 
    7 CFR 810.202, paragraph (c), to better reflect current marketing 
    practices by establishing two classes of barley, specifically, Malting 
    barley and Barley. The class Malting barley is divided into three 
    subclasses: Six-rowed Malting barley, Six-rowed Blue Malting barley, 
    and Two-rowed Malting barley. The class Barley is divided into three 
    subclasses: Six-rowed barley, Two-rowed barley, and Barley. GIPSA 
    believes this new classification system will assist in simplifying the 
    barley standards and facilitate the domestic and export marketing of 
        The present barley classification system is based on kernel 
    physical characteristics. Barley is divided into three classes: Six-
    rowed barley, Two-rowed barley, and Barley. The class Six-rowed barley 
    is divided into three subclasses: Six-rowed Malting barley, Six-rowed 
    Blue Malting barley, and Six-rowed barley. The class Two-rowed barley 
    is divided into two subclasses: Two-rowed Malting barley and Two-rowed 
    barley. The class Barley has no subclasses.
        This classification system does not reflect current marketing 
    practices. That is, barley produced in the United States is used 
    primarily as livestock feed or for malting. Consequently, the barley 
    classing system should be structured in a manner consistent with 
    current trading practices.
        All comments received were supportive of the new classification 
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA is amending the barley classification system in 
    current section 7 CFR 810.202, paragraph (c), by establishing two 
    classes of barley, Malting barley and Barley. The class Malting barley 
    is divided into three subclasses: Six-rowed Malting barley, Six-rowed 
    Blue Malting barley, and Two-rowed Malting barley. The class Barley is 
    divided into three subclasses: Six-rowed barley, Two-rowed barley, and 
    Applying the Malting Standards
        GIPSA proposed to amend the subclass definitions for Six- and Two-
    rowed barley in current section 7 CFR 810.202, paragraphs (c)(1)(iii) 
    and (c)(2)(ii), by deleting the reference to Malting barley. This 
    change is needed to provide applicants the option of requesting either 
    the malting standards or the barley standards for malting types.
        The present standards require official personnel initially to apply 
    the Malting barley requirements and assign grades covered in section 7 
    CFR 810.206 only if the sample fails to meet the malting criteria. This 
    requirement is based on the subclass definitions for Six- and Two-rowed 
    barley. The subclass definitions for Six- and Two-rowed barley state, 
    in part, that barley not meeting the applicable subclass requirement 
    for malting shall be graded using the 7 CFR 810.206 grade chart.
        Initially applying the malting standard requirements hampers 
    inspection efficiency and may create market disruptions for malting 
    varieties used for other purposes. Labeling barley as malting when it 
    is being marketed for another use causes confusion and could lead to 
    unnecessary marketing complications.
        All comments received were supportive of this revision.
        Based on this information, comments received and other available 
    information, GIPSA is amending the subclass definitions for Six- and 
    Two-rowed barley in section 7 CFR 810.202, paragraphs (c)(1)(iii) and 
    (c)(2)(ii), by deleting the reference to Malting barley to provide the 
    inspection system greater flexibility in meeting the market needs. This 
    change will also bring existing standards more in line with today's 
    marketing practices for Malting barley.
    U.S. No 1 Choice Grade Designation
        GIPSA proposed to revise section 7 CFR 810.205 by removing the 
    ``U.S. No 1 Choice'' grade designation from the grading chart and 
    retain the factors and limits concerning the Choice grade as U.S. No 1 
    and redesignating the factors and limits for U.S. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 as 
    U.S. Nos. 2, 3, and 4, respectively. This revision was sought to bring 
    more consistency between the standards for Two- and Six-rowed Malting 
        The current Two-rowed Malting barley standard includes a ``U.S. No 
    1 Choice'' grade designation. The Six-rowed Malting barley standard 
    does not include a similar grade. The differences between ``U.S. No 1 
    Choice'' Two-rowed Malting barley and U.S. No. 1 Two-rowed Malting 
    barley are reflected in the test weight, skinned and broken kernels, 
    and the thin barley grade limits. GIPSA believes that the factors and 
    limits for the ``U.S. No 1 Choice'' grade designation are important to 
    producers, maltsters, and brewers. Furthermore, GIPSA believes that the 
    quality requirements in the standards for Six- and Two-rowed Malting 
    barley should be more consistent to eliminate confusion in the 
    marketplace and to provide more meaningful information to our 
        All commentors agreed with GIPSA's proposal.
        Based on this information, comments received and other available 
    information, GIPSA is removing the ``U.S. No 1 Choice'' grade 
    designation from section 800.86(c)(2) Table-2 and section 7 CFR 810.205 
    for Two-rowed Malting barley. Furthermore, GIPSA is retaining the 
    factors and limits for the ``U.S. No 1 Choice'' grade as the U.S. No. 1 
    grade and redesignating the factors and limits for U.S. Nos. 1, 2, and 
    3 as U.S. Nos. 2, 3, and 4 for the Two- rowed Malting barley, 
    [[Page 18488]]
    Malting Barley Grading Charts
        GIPSA proposed to revise the grade requirements in section 7 CFR 
    810.204 and 810.205 by: (1) Combining the factors and limits for Two- 
    and Six-rowed Malting barley into a single grade chart; (2) 
    establishing four numerical grades for all Malting barley; (3) 
    establishing common foreign material grade limits for all Malting 
    barley; (4) establishing separate grade limits for test weight, 
    suitable malting types, sound barley, skinned and broken kernels, and 
    thin barley for two- and six-rowed malting types; (5) applying the 
    current damaged kernels grade limits in Six-rowed Malting barley to 
    Two-rowed Malting barley and establishing a new 5.0 percent damaged 
    kernels limit to correspond with the proposed four grade categories; 
    (6) applying the present limits for mold damage and injured-by-mold in 
    Two-rowed Malting barley to Six-rowed Malting barley; and (7) applying 
    the current grade limits for other grains and wild oats to both Six- 
    and Two-rowed Malting barley.
        In the present standards, separate grade charts exist for two- and 
    six-rowed malting types. Additionally, the factor requirements differ 
    based on the barley subclass. For example, the current standards impose 
    limits for other grains, wild oats, mold damage, and injured-by-mold, 
    but not consistently for all malting types. These differences reflect 
    the traditional variances between the production areas and markets 
    dealing with Six- and Two-rowed Malting barley. In proposing changes to 
    the standards, GIPSA believed that the malting standards should be 
    revised to more consistently apply factor requirements between Two- and 
    Six-rowed barley. GIPSA also believed that the proposed revisions to 
    combine sections 7 CFR 810.204 and 810.205 simplify the malting 
    standards and make them more user friendly.
        Supporters stated that combining the factors and grade limits for 
    Six- and Two-rowed Malting barley into one chart will make the malting 
    barley standards more user friendly, make the standards more compatible 
    between the Two-rowed and Six-rowed Malting types, and reduce potential 
    confusion of foreign purchasers.
        Several organizations representing producers, handlers, and 
    maltsters opposed applying the present limits for mold damage and 
    damaged-by-mold in Two-rowed Malting barley to Six-rowed malting types 
    and applying the current grade limits for other grains and wild oats to 
    both Six- and Two-rowed Malting types.
        With regard to applying the present limits for mold damage and 
    injured-by-mold in Two-rowed Malting barley to Six-rowed Malting 
    barley, the North Dakota Barley Council (NDBC) stated that applying the 
    present limits for mold damage and damaged-by-mold in Two-rowed Malting 
    barley to Six-rowed Malting barley is restrictive and causes market 
    disruption because weather conditions frequently cause mold damage and 
    damaged-by-mold injury. They also stated that under this proposal a 
    significant portion of Midwestern crop would not receive malting barley 
    grades. Furthermore, the NDBC stated that Midwestern Six-rowed Malting 
    barley is frequently purchased in excess of the proposed limits. 
    Further, other comments received shared similar views.
        Upon review of this issue and because of the expressed concern of 
    potential market disruption, GIPSA has decided not to adopt this 
    revision. Consequently, GIPSA will maintain the current limits for 
    injured-by-mold and mold damage for Two- and Six-rowed Malting barley.
        In regard to applying current grade limits for other grains and 
    wild oats to both Six- and Two-rowed malting types, the current malting 
    standards impose grade limits for other grains and wild oats but not 
    consistently for Two- and Six-rowed Malting barley. These differences 
    reflect the traditional variances between the production areas and 
    markets dealing with Six- and Two-rowed Malting barley. In proposing to 
    apply current grade limits for other grains and wild oats to both Six- 
    and Two-rowed Malting types, GIPSA believed that the malting standards 
    should be revised to more consistently apply factor requirements 
    between Two- and Six-rowed Malting types.
        GIPSA received no support for this proposed action. A commentor 
    opposing this proposal stated that while the proposal adds more 
    uniformity to the grading standards, it fails to consider the impact on 
    domestic and export markets.
        Applying uniform grade limits for other grains and wild oats to 
    both six- and two-rowed malting types may impact negatively on domestic 
    and/or export markets. Therefore, GIPSA has decided not to adopt this 
    proposal. Consequently, GIPSA will continue to apply the current grade 
    limits for other grains to six-rowed malting type only and the current 
    grade limits for wild oats to two-rowed malting type only.
        In its comment, the NDBC recommended to aggregate wild oats, other 
    grains, and foreign materials into one category. They stated foreign 
    buyers perceive other grains, wild oats, and foreign material as non-
    barley material in Malting barley. Furthermore, the NDBC proposed 
    different grade limits for two- and six-rowed malting types as follows:
                                                        Six-rowed  Two-rowed
                           Grade                        (percent)  (percent)
    U.S. No. 1........................................        3.0        1.5
    U.S. No. 2........................................        4.0        2.0
    U.S. No. 3........................................        6.0        3.0
    U.S. No. 4........................................        8.0        5.0
        NDBC believes that this change would more accurately describe non-
    barley material in Malting barley and facilitate marketing in export 
        GIPSA believes that this recommendation warrants further evaluation 
    and has decided more discussions are needed before proposing such a 
    change. Meanwhile, GIPSA will continue to use the current factors and 
    limits as applicable.
        In proposing to combine the grade charts for two- and six-rowed 
    malting types, GIPSA believed that adopting the same grading factors 
    would simplify the malting standards and promote uniformity between 
    Two- and Six-rowed Malting barley. However, the proposal to apply the 
    same grading factors to all malting barley were not adopted. A single 
    grade chart containing different factors and grade limits for two- and 
    six-rowed malting types would be hard to read or understand. Therefore, 
    GIPSA has decided not to combine the grade charts for two- and six-
    rowed malting types because common grading factors and limits were not 
    established. Consequently, GIPSA will maintain a separate grading chart 
    for the Two-rowed Malting barley and the Six-rowed Malting barley 
    because of their different grade limits and grading factors.
        GIPSA received no opposition to establishing four numerical grades 
    for malting barley; separate grade limits for test weight; percent 
    suitable malting types, sound barley, skinned and broken kernels, and 
    thin barley for two- and six-rowed malting types; or establishing 
    common foreign material grade limits for all Malting barley.
        Based on information and suggestions received from individuals 
    using these grade charts, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA will: (1) Maintain separate grading charts for two- 
    and six-rowed malting types; (2) establish four numerical grades for 
    all Malting barley; (3) apply the current grade limits for damaged 
    kernels and other grains to Six-rowed Malting barley only; (4) apply 
    the present limits for wild oats, injured-by-mold, and mold
    [[Page 18489]]
    damage to Two-rowed Malting barley only; (5) apply the proposed foreign 
    material grade limits to two- and six-rowed malting types; and (6) for 
    six-rowed malting types adopt the proposed grade limits for test 
    weight, sound barley, damaged kernels, skinned and broken kernels, and 
    thin barley.
    Suitable Malting Type
        GIPSA proposed to amend the definition of suitable malting type in 
    current section 7 CFR 810.202, paragraph (t), to expand the list of 
    approved malting varieties. The proposed definition will include other 
    malting types used by various maltsters and brewers.
        Current standards require a specified level of suitable malting 
    type before the Malting barley designation is assigned. The American 
    Malting Barley Association (AMBA) identifies which malting varieties 
    are considered suitable. The AMBA revises its list of approved malting 
    types annually by adding new varieties and deleting outdated ones. 
    However, many malting varieties removed from the AMBA list continue to 
    be produced, marketed, and processed. Under the current malting 
    standards, a variety that meets all quality requirements for malting 
    but is not included on the AMBA list could not be classified as Malting 
    barley. Furthermore, several breweries are actively involved in the 
    development and production of malting barley types to meet various end-
    use specifications. Often, these varietal types are not tested and 
    approved by AMBA, although such varieties meet all quality requirements 
    of the brewery. This revision will permit official inspection personnel 
    to apply the malting grade designation to any of these malting 
    varieties. Also, it will bring existing standards more in line with 
    today's processing practices of the malting and brewing industries.
        All comments received were supportive of the proposal to revise the 
    definition of suitable malting type to include varieties recommended by 
    AMBA and other malting types.
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA is revising the suitable malting type definition in 
    current section 7 CFR 810.202, paragraph (t), to include varieties 
    recommended by AMBA and other malting types.
        GIPSA proposed to revise the dockage certification procedure in 
    section 7 CFR 810.104, paragraph (b), by reporting results in half and 
    whole percent with a fraction less than one-half percent being 
        Dockage in barley consists of dust, chaff, small weed seed, very 
    small pieces of broken barley, and coarse grains larger than barley. 
    Present standards certify dockage in whole percents with fractions of a 
    percent being disregarded. GIPSA believes that this method of reporting 
    often understates dockage levels. GIPSA also believes that reporting 
    dockage in half and whole percent provides a more accurate description 
    of non-barley material, by that, enabling handlers and end-users to 
    decide quality, storability, and end-product yield. Also, providing 
    actual dockage percentage in the remarks section of the certificate is 
    currently available upon request.
        One commentor supporting this change stated that much of the 
    commercial trade is done in tenth of percent increments. However, GIPSA 
    believes that the proposed change best reflects market needs at this 
    time. Accordingly, no further changes to this provision are needed. 
    Applicants interested in receiving dockage information in tenth of 
    percent increments may receive it upon request.
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA is revising the dockage certification procedure in 
    section 7 CFR 810.104, paragraph (b), to report dockage in barley in 
    half and whole percent with a fraction less than one-half percent being 
    Thin Barley
        GIPSA proposed to revise the sieve requirement for determining thin 
    barley in current section 7 CFR 810.202, paragraph (u), by requiring 
    the use of a single sieve (\5/64\  x  \3/4\ slotted-hole), in 
    determining thins in the class Barley. GIPSA also proposed to amend 
    section 7 CFR 800.162 to delete the factor thins and its corresponding 
    grade limits for the class Barley and require that the level of thins 
    be reported on each certificate representing an inspection for grade. 
    This procedure is similar to the certification procedure for moisture, 
    which provides the marketplace with the flexibility to establish more 
    meaningful quality limits for thins based on the specific needs of end-
        Present standards define thin barley as Six-rowed barley which 
    passes through a \5/64\  x  \3/4\ slotted-hole sieve or Two-rowed 
    barley which passes through a 5.\5/64\  x  \3/4\ slotted-hole sieve. In 
    addition, for the class Barley, which consists of a mixture of Six- and 
    Two-rowed barley, thin barley is barley passing through the \5/64\  x  
    \3/4\ slotted-hole sieve. Under this requirement, the factor thins in 
    the standards is a measurement of kernel size more than an indicator of 
    overall quality in barley.
        All commentors were supportive of GIPSA's proposal to use one 
    standard sieve size (\5/64\  x  \3/5\ slotted-hole) to determine thins 
    for the class Barley.
        Several commentors opposed the removal of thins as a grade 
    determining factor stating: (1) Thins are one of the most important 
    grading factors, particularly in livestock feed and export markets; (2) 
    there is correlation between barley quality and the level of thins 
    because a high level of thins can cause problems in rolling barley and 
    it will affect the nutritive value of barley; (3) the end-users rely on 
    the official grading system to determine the level of thins and 
    corresponding numerical grade; (4) if the end-users contract for a 
    certain grade of barley, they currently can be assured of a specified 
    maximum percentage of thin kernels; (5) most of the barley sold into 
    the feed market is traded on the basis of thins; (6) they feared the 
    potential for increased blending, which may lower the overall quality; 
    and (7) they stated that FGIS failed to consider the impacts on export 
        GIPSA recognizes that thin barley is a factor used by the industry 
    to determine market value. Also, that the end-user is in the best 
    position to determine the appropriate level of thins when arriving at 
    the market value of the grain. Therefore, GIPSA has decided not to 
    remove the grade limits for thins in the class barley because there 
    appears to be a market need to preserve these limits based on comments 
    received. Consequently, the factor ``thins'' will continue to be a 
    grade determining factor in the class Barley.
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA is revising current section 7 CFR 810.202, paragraph 
    (u), to require the use of the \5/64\  x  \3/4\ slotted-whole sieve for 
    thin barley determination in the class Barley.
    Sound Barley
        GIPSA proposed to revise section 7 CFR 810.206 by removing the 
    factors and limits for damaged kernels, heat- damaged kernels, and 
    foreign material in the class Barley. In proposing this revision, GIPSA 
    believed that the standards would rely on the factor ``sound barley'' 
    to relate the overall amount of damaged kernels, heat-damaged kernels, 
    and foreign material. In addition, applicants interested in the 
    percentage and composition of damaged kernels, heat-damaged kernels, 
    and foreign material may request this
    [[Page 18490]]
    information be reported on the inspection certificate.
        Supporters of this change stated that relying on the factor ``sound 
    barley'' to determine quality is favorable, providing other information 
    concerning non-barley material and damaged kernels is available to 
    interested parties.
        Opponents of this proposed change stated: Eliminating the factors 
    and grade limits for damaged kernels, heat-damaged kernels, and foreign 
    material and relying on sound barley to relate the overall amount of 
    damage and non-barley materials will be an incentive to add non-barley 
    material to barley shipments; while the domestic market likely would 
    quickly adapt to this change, the export market will be at a serious 
    disadvantage; and U.S. competitors have much more stringent quality 
    parameters, and any retrenchment from the current grading system would 
    cause further concerns by overseas customers and cause reduction in 
    U.S. exports.
        Upon further review of this issue and in view of the comments and 
    concerns, GIPSA believes that removing the grade limits for damaged 
    kernels, heat-damaged kernels, and foreign material in the class Barley 
    and relying on sound barley to relate the overall amount of damage and 
    non-barley may not reflect domestic and/or export markets need. 
    Therefore, GIPSA has decided to retain the factors and limits for 
    damaged kernels, heat-damaged kernels, and foreign material in the 
    class Barley as grade determining factors because there appears to be a 
    market need to maintain these factors and their grade limits as grade 
    determining factors.
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA has decided not to revise section 7 CFR 810.206 of 
    the standards. Consequently, the grade limits for damaged kernels, 
    heat- damaged kernels, and foreign material in the class Barley will 
    continue to be grade determining factors.
    Badly Stained or Materially Weathered Barley
        GIPSA proposed to eliminate the grade limitation for barley that is 
    badly stained or materially weathered from section 7 CFR 810.206. GIPSA 
    also proposed to remove the definition for stained barley from 7 CFR 
    810.202 (s).
        The determination of badly stained or materially weathered barley 
    is seldom made because this condition is generally reflected in other 
    grading factors including sound barley. Presently, barley that is badly 
    stained or materially weathered is graded not higher than U.S. No. 4.
        Commentors did not oppose GIPSA's proposal to remove the badly 
    stained or materially weathered criterion from the standards.
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA has decided to amend section 7 CFR 810-206 by 
    eliminating the grade limitation for badly stained or materially 
    Miscellaneous Changes
        GIPSA proposed to revise the format of the grade charts in the 
    standards for Malting barley and Barley. These proposed revisions were 
    intended to improve the readability of the grading tables. Based on 
    information and suggestions received from individuals using these 
    grading charts, GIPSA has decided not to adopt the proposed format. 
    Consequently, the present format of the grading charts in the standards 
    for Malting barley and Barley will not be changed.
    Inspection Plan Tolerances
        Shiplots, unit trains, and lash barge lots are inspected by a 
    statistically based inspection plan (55 FR 24030, June 13, 1990). 
    Inspection tolerances, commonly referred to as breakpoints, are used to 
    determine acceptable quality. GIPSA proposed to amend the breakpoint 
    for dockage from 0.47 to 0.23 percent. GIPSA also proposed to establish 
    breakpoints conforming to the proposed changes to the barley standards.
        GIPSA received no opposition to amending or establishing 
    breakpoints as included in the proposal.
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA is revising section 800.86, Table 4, by changing the 
    dockage breakpoint to 0.23 percent. GIPSA is also adopting breakpoints 
    for the changes to the malting barley standards.
    Final Action
        On the basis of these comments and other available information, 
    GIPSA has decided to revise the barley standards as proposed, with the 
    following exceptions: (1) Combining the grading factors and limits for 
    two- and six- rowed malting types into one grade chart; (2) removing 
    the grading limits for thins in the class Barley; (3) removing the 
    grading limits for damaged kernels, heat-damaged kernels, and foreign 
    material in the class Barley; (4) applying the current damaged kernels 
    grade limits in Six-rowed Malting barley to Two-rowed Malting barley; 
    (5) applying the present limits for mold damage and injured-by-mold in 
    Two-rowed Malting barley to Six-rowed Malting barley; and (6) applying 
    the current grade limits for other grains and wild oats to both Six- 
    and Two-rowed Malting barley.
        Rather than combining the grading factors and limits for two- and 
    six-rowed malting types into one grading chart, GIPSA decided to 
    maintain a separate grading chart for the two-rowed malting type and 
    the six-rowed malting type because of their different grade limits and 
    grading factors. Also, GIPSA decided to retain the grading limits for 
    thins, damaged kernels, heat-damaged kernels, and foreign material in 
    the class Barley. In addition, GIPSA will continue to apply the current 
    grade limits in Six- rowed Malting barley for damaged kernels and other 
    grains only to Six-rowed Malting barley and continue to apply the 
    present limits in Two-rowed Malting barley for injured-by-mold, wild 
    oats, and mold damage only to Two-rowed Malting barley.
        Pursuant to section 4(b)(1) of the United States Grain Standards 
    Act (7 U.S.C. 76(b)(1)), no standards established or amendments or 
    revocations of standards are to become effective less than one calendar 
    year after promulgation unless, in the judgment of the Administrator, 
    the public health, interest, or safety requires that they become 
    effective sooner. Pursuant to that section of the Act, it has been 
    determined that in the public interest the revision becomes effective 
    June 1, 1996. This effective date will coincide with the beginning of 
    the 1996 crop year and facilitate domestic and export marketing of 
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Parts 800 and 810
        Administrative practice and procedure, Export, Grain.
        For reasons set forth in the preamble, 7 CFR Part 800 and 7 CFR 
    Part 810 are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 800 continues to read as 
        Authority: Pub. L. 94-582, 90 Stat. 2867, as amended (7 U.S.C. 
    71 et seq.).
        2. Section 800.86 (c)(2) Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 are revised to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 800.86   Inspection of shiplot, unit train, and lash barge grain 
    in single lots.
    * * * * *
        (2) * * *
    [[Page 18491]]
                         Table 1--Grade Limits (GL) and Breakpoints (BP) for Six-Rowed Malting Barley and Six-Rowed Blue Malting Barley                     
                                                                Minimum limits of--                                   Maximum limits of--                   
                        Grade                       Test weight      Suitable      Sound barley     Damaged     Foreign      Other    and broken     Thin   
                                                    per bushel     malting types   (percent) \1\    kernels    material     grains      kernels     barley  
                                                     (pounds)        (percent)                     (percent)   (percent)   (percent)   (percent)   (percent)
                                                         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP     GL   BP     GL   BP     GL   BP     GL   BP     GL   BP
    U.S. No. 1..................................      47.0  -0.5      95.0  -1.3      97.0  -1.0    2.0  0.8    0.5  0.1    2.0  0.8    4.0  1.1    7.0  0.6
    U.S. No. 2..................................      45.0  -0.5      95.0  -1.3      94.0  -1.4    3.0  0.9    1.0  0.4    3.0  0.9    6.0  1.4   10.0  0.9
    U.S. No. 3..................................      43.0  -0.5      95.0  -1.3      90.0  -1.6    4.0  1.1    2.0  0.5    5.0  1.3    8.0  1.5   15.0  0.9
    U.S. No. 4..................................      43.0  -0.5      95.0  -1.3      87.0  -1.9    5.0  1.3    3.0  0.6    5.0  1.3   10.0  1.6  15.0  0.9 
    \1\ Injured-by-frost kernels and injured-by-mold kernels are not considered damaged kernels or considered against sound barley.                         
                                          Table 2--Grade Limits (GL) and Breakpoints (BP) for Two-Rowed Malting Barley                                      
                                                            Minimum limits of--                                     Maximum limits of--                     
                      Grade                     Test weight      Suitable      Sound barley                       Foreign       Skinned and                 
                                                per bushel     malting types   \1\ (percent)     Wild oats       material     broken kernels    Thin barley 
                                                 (pounds)        (percent)                       (percent)       (percent)       (percent)       (percent)  
                                                     GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP
    U.S. No. 1..............................      50.0  -0.5      97.0  -1.0      98.0  -0.8        1.0  0.6        0.5  0.1        5.0  1.3        5.0  0.4
    U.S. No. 2..............................      48.0  -0.5      97.0  -1.0      98.0  -0.8        1.0  0.6        1.0  0.4        7.0  1.3        7.0  0.5
    U.S. No. 3..............................      48.0  -0.5      95.0  -1.3      96.0  -1.1        2.0  0.8        2.0  0.5       10.0  1.8       10.0  0.9
    U.S. No. 4..............................      48.0  -0.5      95.0  -1.3      93.0  -1.1        3.0  0.9        3.0  0.6       10.0  1.8      10.0  0.9 
    \1\ Injured-by-frost kernels and injured-by-mold kernels are not considered damaged kernels or considered against sound barley.                         
        Note: Malting barley shall not be infested in accordance with 
    Sec. 810.107(b) and shall not contain any special grades as defined 
    in Sec. 810.206. Six- and two-rowed barley varieties not meeting the 
    above requirements shall be graded in accordance with standards 
    established for the class Barley.
                                                    Minimum limits of--                                     Maximum limits of--                             
                      Grade                     Test weight                       Damaged      Heat damaged       Foreign                                   
                                                per bushel     Sound barley     kernels \1\       kernels        material     Broken kernels    Thin barley 
                                                 (pounds)        (percent)       (percent)       (percent)       (percent)       (percent)       (percent)  
                                                     GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP         GL   BP
    U.S. No. 1..............................     47.0   -0.5     97.0   -1.1       2.0   0.8       0.2   0.1       1.0   0.4       4.0   1.0      10.0   0.9
    U.S. No. 2..............................     45.0   -0.5     94.0   -1.4       4.0   1.0       0.3   0.1       2.0   0.4       8.0   1.5      15.0   0.9
    U.S. No. 3..............................     43.0   -0.5     90.0   -1.6       6.0   1.4       0.5   0.2       3.0   0.5      12.0   1.8      25.0   1.3
    U.S. No. 4..............................     40.0   -0.5     85.0   -2.2       8.0   1.5       1.0   0.5       4.0   0.5      18.0   1.8      35.0   1.9
    U.S. No. 5..............................     36.0   -0.5     75.0   -2.2      10.0   1.8       3.0   0.6       5.0   0.6      28.0   2.4     75.0   2.3 
    \1\ Includes heat-damaged kernels. Injured-by-frost kernels and injured-by-mold kernels are not considered damaged kernels.                             
            Table 4-Breakpoints for Barley Special Grades and Factors       
      Special grade or factor          Grade or range limit       Breakpoint
    Dockage....................  As specified by contract or          0.23  
                                  load order.                               
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for Part 810 continues to read as 
        Authority: Pub. L. 94-582 90 Stat. 2867, as amended (7 U.S.C. 71 
    et seq.).
        4.-5. Subpart A, section 810.104, paragraph (b), is amended by 
    revising the first and second sentences to read as follows:
    Subpart A--General Provisions
    * * * * *
    Sec. 810.104   Percentages.
    * * * * *
        (b) Recording. The percentage of dockage in flaxseed, rye, and 
    sorghum is reported in whole percent with fractions of a percent being 
    disregarded. Dockage in barley and triticale is reported in whole and 
    half percent with a fraction less than one-half percent being 
    disregarded. * * *
    * * * * *
        6. Subpart B, section 810.202, paragraph (c), is revised and 
    paragraph (s), Stained barley, is removed. Paragraph (t), Suitable 
    malting type, is revised and redesignated as (s). Paragraph (u), Thin 
    barley, is revised and redesignated as (t). Paragraph (v), Wild oats, 
    is redesignated as (u) to read as follows:
    Subpart B--U.S. Standards for Barley
    * * * * *
    Sec. 810.202   Definition of other terms.
    * * * * *
        (c) Classes. There are two classes of barley: Malting barley and 
        (1) Malting barley. Barley of a six-rowed or two-rowed malting 
    type. The class Malting barley is divided into the following three 
        (i) Six-rowed Malting barley. Barley that has a minimum of 95.0 
    percent of a six-rowed suitable malting type that has 90.0 percent or 
    more of kernels with white aleurone layers that contains not more than 
    1.9 percent injured-by-frost kernels, 0.4 percent frost-damaged 
    kernels, 0.2 percent injured-by-heat kernels, and 0.1 percent heat-
    damaged kernels. Six-rowed Malting barley shall not be infested, 
    blighted, ergoty, garlicky, or smutty as defined in Sec. 810.107(b) and 
    Sec. 810.206.
        (ii) Six-rowed Blue Malting barley. Barley that has a minimum of 
    95.0 percent of a six-rowed suitable malting type that has 90.0 percent 
    or more of kernels with blue aleurone layers that contains not more 
    than 1.9 percent injured-by-frost kernels, 0.4 percent frost-damaged 
    kernels, 0.2 percent injured-by-heat kernels, and 0.1 percent heat-
    damaged kernels. Six-rowed Blue Malting barley shall not be infested,
    [[Page 18492]]
    blighted, ergoty, garlicky, or smutty as defined in Sec. 810.107(b) and 
    Sec. 810.206.
        (iii) Two-rowed Malting barley. Barley that has a minimum of 95.0 
    percent of a two-rowed suitable malting type that contains not more 
    than 1.9 percent injured-by-frost kernels, 0.4 percent frost-damaged 
    kernels, 0.2 percent injured-by-heat kernels, 0.1 percent heat-damaged 
    kernels, 1.9 percent injured-by-mold kernels, and 0.4 percent mold-
    damaged kernels. Two-rowed Malting barley shall not be infested, 
    blighted, ergoty, garlicky, or smutty as defined in Sec. 810.107(b) and 
    Sec. 810.206.
        (2) Barley. Any barley of a six-rowed or two-rowed type. The class 
    Barley is divided into the following three subclasses:
        (i) Six-rowed barley. Any Six-rowed barley that contains not more 
    than 10.0 percent of two-rowed varieties.
        (ii) Two-rowed barley. Any Two-rowed barley with white hulls that 
    contains not more than 10.0 percent of six-rowed varieties.
        (iii) Barley. Any barley that does not meet the requirements for 
    the subclasses Six-rowed barley or Two-rowed barley.
    * * * * *
        (s) Suitable malting type. Varieties of malting barley that are 
    recommended by the American Malting Barley Association and other 
    malting type(s) used by the malting and brewing industry. The varieties 
    are listed in GIPSAs instructions.
        (t) Thin barley. Thin barley shall be defined for the appropriate 
    class as follows:
        (1) Malting barley. Six-rowed Malting barley that passes through a 
    \5/64\  x  \3/4\ slotted-hole sieve and Two-rowed Malting barley which 
    passes through a 5.5/64  x  \3/4\ slotted-hole sieve in 
    accordance with procedures prescribed in GIPSAs instructions.
        (2) Barley. Six-rowed barley, Two-rowed barley, or Barley that 
    passes through a \5/64\  x  \3/4\ slotted-hole sieve in accordance with 
    procedures prescribed in GIPSAs instructions.
    * * * * *
        7. Section 810.204 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 810.204  Grades and Grade Requirements for Six-rowed Malting 
    barley and Six-rowed Blue Malting barley.
                                                                           Minimum limits of--                          Maximum limits of--                 
                                                                        Test                                                             Skinned            
                                 Grade                                 weight    Suitable    Sound      Damaged    Foreign     Other       and        Thin  
                                                                        per      malting     barley     kernels    material    grains     broken     barley 
                                                                       bushel     types       \1\         \1\     (percent)  (percent)   kernels   (percent)
                                                                      (pounds)  (percent)  (percent)   (percent)                        (percent)           
    U.S. No. 1.....................................................       47.0       95.0       97.0         2.0        0.5        2.0        4.0        7.0
    U.S. No. 2.....................................................       45.0       95.0       94.0         3.0        1.0        3.0        6.0       10.0
    U.S. No. 3.....................................................       43.0       95.0       90.0         4.0        2.0        5.0        8.0       15.0
    U.S. No. 4.....................................................       43.0       95.0       87.0         5.0        3.0        5.0       10.0       15.0
    \1\ Injured-by-frost kernels and injured-by-mold kernels are not considered damaged kernels or considered against sound barley.                         
        Notes: Malting barley shall not be infested in accordance with 
    Sec. 810.107(b) and shall not contain any special grades as defined 
    in Sec. 810.206. Six-rowed Malting barley and Six- rowed Blue 
    Malting barley varieties not meeting the requirements of this 
    section shall be graded in accordance with standards established for 
    the class Barley.
        8. Section 810.205 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 810.205  Grades and Grade Requirements for Two-rowed Malting 
                                                                            Minimum limits of--                           Maximum limits of--               
                                                                                  Suitable                                          Skinned and             
                                Grade                              Test weight    malting       Sound      Wild oats     Foreign       broken    Thin barley
                                                                    per bushel     types      barley \1\   (percent)     material     kernels     (percent) 
                                                                     (pounds)    (percent)    (percent)                 (percent)    (percent)              
    U.S. No. 1...................................................         50.0         97.0         98.0          1.0          0.5          5.0          5.0
    U.S. No. 2...................................................         48.0         97.0         98.0          1.0          1.0          7.0          7.0
    U.S. No. 3...................................................         48.0         95.0         96.0          2.0          2.0         10.0         10.0
    U.S. No. 4...................................................         48.0         95.0         93.0          3.0          3.0         10.0        10.0 
    \1\ Injured-by-frost kernels and injured-by-mold kernels are not considered damaged kernels or considered against sound barley.                         
        Note: Malting barley shall not be infested in accordance with 
    Sec. 810.107(b) and shall not contain any special grades as defined 
    in Sec. 810.206. Two-rowed Malting barley varieties not meeting the 
    requirements of this section shall be graded in accordance with 
    standards established for the class Barley.
        9. Section 810.206 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 810.206  Grades and Grade Requirements for Barley.
                                                                      Minimum limits of--                          Maximum Limits of--                      
                                Grade                              Test weight     Sound       Damaged      damaged      Foreign       Broken    Thin barley
                                                                    per bushel     barley    kernels \1\    kernels      material     kernels     (percent) 
                                                                     (pounds)    (percent)    (percent)    (percent)    (percent)    (percent)              
    U.S. No. 1...................................................         47.0         97.0          2.0          0.2          1.0          4.0         10.0
    U.S. No. 2...................................................         45.0         94.0          4.0          0.3          2.0          8.0         15.0
    U.S. No. 3...................................................         43.0         90.0          6.0          0.5          3.0         12.0         25.0
    U.S. No. 4...................................................         40.0         85.0          8.0          1.0          4.0         18.0         35.0
    [[Page 18493]]
    U.S. No. 5...................................................         36.0         75.0         10.0          3.0          5.0         28.0         75.0
    U.S. Sample Grade:                                                                                                                                      
    U.S. Sample grade shall be barley that:                                                                                                                 
    (a) Does not meet the requirements for the grades 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; or                                                                                  
    (b) Contains 8 or more stones or any number of stones which have an aggregate weight in excess of 0.2 percent of the sample weight, 2 or more pieces of 
      glass, 3 or more crotalaria seeds (Crotalaria spp.), 2 or more caster beans (Ricinus communis L.), 4 or more particles of unknown foreign substance(s)
      or commonly recognized harmful or toxic substance(s), 8 or more cocklebur (Xanthium spp.) or similar seeds singly or in combination, 10 or more rodent
      pellets, bird droppings, or equivalent quantity of other animal filth per 1\1/8\ to 1\1/4\ quarts of barley; or                                       
    (c) Has a musty, sour, or commercially objectionable foreign odor (except smut or garlic odor); or                                                      
    (d) Is heating or otherwise of distinctly low quality.                                                                                                  
    \1\ Includes heat-damaged kernels. Injured-by-frost kernels and injured-by-mold kernels are not considered damaged kernels.                             
        Dated: April 8, 1996.
    James R. Baker,
    [FR Doc. 96-10305 Filed 4-25-96; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
June 1, 1996.
18486-18493 (8 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (8)
7 CFR 810.107(b)
7 CFR 810.107(b)
7 CFR 800.86
7 CFR 810.104
7 CFR 810.202
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