96-9489. Implementation of Section 17 of the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992; and Compatibility Between Cable Systems and Consumer Electronics Equipment  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 82 (Friday, April 26, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 18508-18511]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-9489]
    47 CFR Parts 15 and 76
    [ET Docket No. 93-7; FCC 96-129]
    Implementation of Section 17 of the Cable Television Consumer 
    Protection and Competition Act of 1992; and Compatibility Between Cable 
    Systems and Consumer Electronics Equipment
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule; response to petitions for reconsideration.
    SUMMARY: The Commission has revised and clarified certain aspects of 
    its regulations for assuring compatibility between consumer electronics 
    equipment and cable systems. In particular, the Commission has 
    clarified the requirement for cable operators to offer subscribers set-
    top devices with multiple tuners; eliminated the prohibition on 
    changing the infrared codes used with remote controls; clarified its 
    policy with regard to the Decoder Interface connector standard; and, 
    refined the ``cable ready'' TV receiver standards. These revisions and 
    clarifications will further the Commission's goals of promoting greater 
    compatibility between cable systems and consumer electronics equipment. 
    This action is in response to ten Petitions for Reconsideration of the 
    First Report and Order in this proceeding.
    EFFECTIVE DATES: May 28, 1996. The incorporation by reference of a 
    publication listed in the regulations was approved by the Director of 
    the Federal Register as of May 16, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alan Stillwell (202-418-2470) or 
    Robert Bromery (301-418-2475), Office of Engineering and Technology.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's 
    Memorandum, Opinion and Order in ET Docket No. 93-7, FCC 96-129, 
    adopted March 22, 1996 and released April 10, 1996. The full text of 
    this decision is available for inspection and copying during normal 
    business hours in the FCC Dockets Branch (Room 230), 1919 M Street, 
    N.W., Washington, DC. The complete text of this decision also may be 
    purchased from the Commission's duplicating contractor, International 
    Transcriptions Service, 2100 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, 
    (202) 857-3800.
    Summary of the Memorandum Opinion and Order
        1. In the First Report and Order in this proceeding, 59 FR 25339, 
    May 16, 1994, the Commission adopted regulations to ensure 
    compatibility between cable systems and consumer electronics equipment, 
    i.e., TV receivers, videocassette recorders (VCRs) and similar devices. 
    These regulations were adopted in response to Section 17 of the Cable 
    Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 (1992 Cable Act), Pub. 
    L. No. 102-385, 106 Stat. 1460, (1992), Sec. 17. The major 
    compatibility problems addressed in the compatibility rules include the 
    capabilities to record sequential programs on different channels; to 
    record one program while watching another; to use advanced television 
    picture generation and display features such as ``Picture-in-Picture''; 
    and to use remote controls. The new rules include requirements for 
    cable operators to take a number of actions that will improve 
    compatibility between existing cable system and consumer TV equipment. 
    The compatibility rules also include requirements and standards for 
    both cable operators and consumer equipment operators that are intended 
    to achieve more effective compatibility through new cable and consumer 
        2. Petitions for Reconsideration of the First Report and Order were 
    filed by ten parties: ANTEC Corporation, Cablevision Systems 
    Corporation, Cable Telecommunications Association, the Consumer 
    Electronics Group of the Electronics Industries Association, General 
    Instrument Corporation, the National Cable Television Association, 
    Scientific-Atlanta, Inc., TeleCable Corporation, Time Warner 
    Entertainment Company, L.P., and Zenith Electronics Corporation. These 
    parties requested revisions and clarifications with regard to a number 
    of specific provisions of the rules adopted in the First Report and 
        3. In response to the Petitions for Reconsideration, the 
    Commission's Memorandum, Opinion and Order sets forth a number of 
    decisions pertaining to the cable-consumer electronics equipment 
    compatibility rules. In particular, this decision:
    --Clarifies that cable operators who use scrambling are required to 
    offer subscribers supplemental equipment
    [[Page 18509]]
    that has the capability to allow simultaneous reception of two 
    scrambled signals;
    --Eliminates the prohibition on changing the infrared (IR) codes used 
    with remote controls;
    --Denies a request to expand the consumer education program to include 
    an advisory that consumer equipment could become obsolete;
    --Clarifies the Commission will: (1) Require that the Decoder Interface 
    standard be designed to enable all functions other than security to be 
    provided in competitively supplied equipment; (2) require cable 
    operators to offer security-only component descrambler modules and (3) 
    not preclude cable operators from incorporating security functions in 
    multi-function component descrambler modules;
    --Eliminates the advisory labeling requirement for consumer TV 
    receivers and VCRs that incorporate features intended to be used with 
    cable service, but do not fully comply with the ``cable ready'' 
    equipment standards;
    --Clarifies that the Commission's rules do not prohibit equipment 
    manufacturers from applying the Canadian GRR II label for cable 
    compatible devices to TV receivers and VCRs marketed in the United 
    States that do not fully comply with the ``cable ready'' equipment 
    standards if that label is carried on the device in an inconspicuous 
    location and manner;
    --Makes several minor revisions and clarifications with regard to the 
    technical standards for ``cable ready'' TV equipment.
        4. Accordingly, it is Ordered that Parts 15 and 76 of the 
    Commission's rules Are Amended as set forth below, effective May 28, 
    1996. This action is taken pursuant to authority provided in Sections 
    4(i), 7(a), 302, 303(c), 303(f), 303(g), 303(r) and 324A of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended 47 U.S.C. Sections 154(i), 
    157(a), 302, 303(c), 303(f), 303(g), 303(r) and 324A.
    List of Subjects
    47 CFR Part 15
        Communications equipment, Television receivers, TV interface 
    47 CFR Part 76
        Cable television.
    Federal Communications Commission
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    Rule Changes
        Parts 15 and 76 of Chapter I of Title 47 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 15 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302, 303, 304, 307 and 544A.
        2. Section 15.19 is amended by revising paragraph (d) to read as 
    Sec. 15.19  Labeling requirements.
    * * * * *
        (d) Consumer electronics TV receiving devices, including TV 
    receivers, videocassette recorders, and similar devices, that 
    incorporate features intended to be used with cable television service, 
    but do not fully comply with the technical standards for cable ready 
    equipment set forth in Sec. 15.118, shall not be marketed with 
    terminology that describes the device as ``cable ready'' or ``cable 
    compatible,'' or that otherwise conveys the impression that the device 
    is fully compatible with cable service. Factual statements about the 
    various features of a device that are intended for use with cable 
    service or the quality of such features are acceptable so long as such 
    statements do not imply that the device is fully compatible with cable 
    service. Statements relating to product features are generally 
    acceptable where they are limited to one or more specific features of a 
    device, rather than the device as a whole. This requirement applies to 
    consumer TV receivers, videocassette recorders and similar devices 
    manufactured or imported for sale in this country on or after October 
    31, 1994.
        3. Section 15.115 is amended by revising paragraph (i) to read as 
    Sec. 15.115  TV interface devices, including cable system terminal 
    * * * * *
        (i) Switches and other devices intended to be used to by-pass the 
    processing circuitry of a cable system terminal device, whether 
    internal to such a terminal device or a stand-alone unit, shall not 
    attenuate the input signal more than 6 dB from 54 MHz to 550 MHz, or 
    more than 8 dB from 550 MHz to 804 MHz. The 6 dB standard applies at 
    550 MHz. The provisions of this paragraph are applicable June 30, 1997.
        4. Section 15.118 is amended by revising paragraphs (b), (c)(1), 
    (c)(2), (c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(5) and (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 15.118  Cable ready consumer electronics equipment.
    * * * * *
        (b) Cable ready consumer electronics equipment shall be capable of 
    receiving all NTSC or similar video channels on channels 1 through 125 
    of the channel allocation plan set forth in the Electronics Industries 
    Association's ``Cable Television Channel Identification Plan, EIA IS-
    132, May 1994'' (EIA IS-132). This incorporation by reference was 
    approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 
    U.S.C. 522(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies of EIA IS-132 may be obtained 
    from: Global Engineering Documents, 3130 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa 
    Anna, CA 92704. Copies of EIA IS-132 may be inspected during normal 
    business hours at the following locations: Federal Communications 
    Commission, 1919 M Street, NW., Dockets Branch (Room 239), Washington, 
    DC, or the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, 
    NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
        (c) * * *
        (1) Adjacent channel interference. In the presence of a lower 
    adjacent channel CW signal that is 1.5 MHz below the desired visual 
    carrier in frequency and 10 dB below the desired visual carrier in 
    amplitude, spurious signals within the IF passband shall be attenuated 
    at least 55 dB below the visual carrier of the desired signal. The 
    desired input signal shall be an NTSC visual carrier modulated with a 
    10 IRE flat field with color burst and the aural carrier which is 10 dB 
    below the visual carrier should be unmodulated. Measurements are to be 
    performed for input signal levels of 0 dBmV and +15 dBmV, with the 
    receiver tuned to ten evenly spaced EIA IS-132 channels covering the 
    band 54 MHz to 804 MHz.
        (2) Image channel interference. Image channel interference within 
    the IF passband shall be attenuated below the visual carrier of the 
    desired channel by at least 60 dB from 54 MHz to 714 MHz and 50 dB from 
    714 MHz to 804 MHz. The 60 dB standard applies at 714 MHz. In testing 
    for compliance with this standard, the desired input signal is to be an 
    NTSC signal on which the visual carrier is modulated with a 10 IRE flat 
    field with color burst and the aural carrier is unmodulated and 10 dB 
    below the visual carrier. The undesired test signal shall be a CW 
    signal equal in amplitude to the desired visual carrier and located 90 
    MHz above the visual
    [[Page 18510]]
    carrier frequency of the desired channel. Measurements shall be 
    performed for input signals of 0 dBmV and +15 dBmV, with the receiver 
    tuned to at least ten evenly spaced EIA IS-132 channels covering the 
    band 54 MHz to 804 MHz.
        (3) Direct pickup interference. The direct pickup (DPU) of a co-
    channel interfering ambient field by a cable ready device shall not 
    exceed the following criteria. The ratio of the desired to undesired 
    signal levels at the IF passband on each channel shall be at least 45 
    dB. The average ratio over the six channels shall be at least 50 dB. 
    The desired input signal shall be an NTSC signal having a visual 
    carrier level of 0 dBmV. The visual carrier is modulated with a 10 IRE 
    flat field with color burst, visual to aural carrier ratio of 10 dB, 
    aural carrier unmodulated. The equipment under test (EUT) shall be 
    placed on a rotatable table that is one meter in height. Any excess 
    length of the power cord and other connecting leads shall be coiled on 
    the floor under the table. The EUT shall be immersed in a horizontally 
    polarized uniform CW field of 100 mV/m at a frequency 2.55 MHz above 
    the visual carrier of the EUT tuned channel. Measurements shall be made 
    with the EUT tuned to six EIA IS-132 channels, two each in the low VHF, 
    high VHF and UHF broadcast bands. On each channel, the levels at the IF 
    passband due to the desired and interfering signals are to be measured.
        (4) Tuner overload. Spurious signals within the IF passband shall 
    be attenuated at least 55 dB below the visual carrier of the desired 
    channel using a comb-like spectrum input with each visual carrier 
    signal individually set at +15 dBmV from 54 to 550 MHz. The desired 
    input signal is to be an NTSC signal on which the visual carrier is 
    modulated with a 10 IRE flat field with color burst and the aural 
    carrier is unmodulated and 10 dB below the visual carrier. Measurements 
    shall be made with the receiver tuned to at least seven evenly spaced 
    EIA IS-132 channels covering the band 54 MHz to 550 MHz. In addition, 
    spurious signals within the IF passband shall be attenuated at least 51 
    dB below the visual carrier of the desired channel using a comb 
    spectrum input with each signal individually set at +15 dBmV from 550 
    to 804 MHz. Measurements shall be made with the receiver tuned to at 
    least three evenly spaced EIA IS-132 channels covering the band 550 MHz 
    to 804 MHz.
        (5) Cable input conducted emissions. (i) Conducted spurious 
    emissions that appear at the cable input to the device must meet the 
    following criteria. The input shall be an NTSC video carrier modulated 
    with a 10 IRE flat field with color burst at a level of 0 dBmV and with 
    a visual to aural ratio of 10 dB. The aural carrier shall be 
    unmodulated. The peak level of the spurious signals will be measured 
    using a spectrum analyzer connected by a directional coupler to the 
    cable input of the equipment under test. Spurious signal levels must 
    not exceed the limits in the following table:
    From 54 MHz up to and including 300 MHz-26 dBmV
    From 300 MHz up to and including 450 MHz-20 dBmV
    From 450 MHz up to and including 804 MHz-15 dBmV
        (ii) The average of the measurements on multiple channels from 450 
    MHz up to and including 804 MHz shall be no greater than -20 dBmV. 
    Measurements shall be made with the receiver tuned to at least four EIA 
    IS-132 channels in each of the above bands. The test channels are to be 
    evenly distributed across each of the bands. Measurements for conducted 
    emissions caused by sources internal to the device are to be made in a 
    shielded room. Measurements for conducted emissions caused by external 
    signal sources shall be made in an ambient RF field whose field 
    strength is 100 mV/m, following the same test conditions as described 
    in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
        (d) The field strength of radiated emissions from cable ready 
    consumer electronics equipment shall not exceed the limits in 
    Sec. 15.109(a) when measured in accordance with the applicable 
    procedures specified in Secs. 15.31 and 15.35 for unintentional 
    radiators, with the following modifications. During testing the NTSC 
    input signal level is to be +15 dBmV, with a visual to aural ratio of 
    10 dB. The visual carrier is to be modulated by a 10 IRE flat field 
    with color burst; the aural carrier is to be unmodulated. Measurements 
    are to be taken on six EIA IS-132 channels evenly spaced across the 
    required RF input range of the equipment under test.
    * * * * *
        5. The authority citation for Part 76 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151-714; 106 Stat. 1460.
        6. Section 76.605 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1), removing 
    paragraph (a)(2), and redesignating paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(13) 
    as paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(12), respectively, to read as follows:
    Sec. 76.605  Technical standards.
        (a) * * *
        (1)(i) The cable television channels delivered to the subscriber's 
    terminal shall be capable of being received and displayed by TV 
    broadcast receivers used for off-the-air reception of TV broadcast 
    signals, as authorized under part 73 of this chapter; and
        (ii) Cable television systems shall transmit signals to subscriber 
    premises equipment on frequencies in accordance with the channel 
    allocation plan set forth in the Electronics Industries Association's 
    ``Cable Television Channel Identification Plan, EIA IS-132, May 1994'' 
    (EIA IS-132). This incorporation by reference was approved by the 
    Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 522(a) and 
    1 CFR Part 51. Cable systems are required to use this channel 
    allocation plan for signals transmitted in the frequency range 54 MHz 
    to 1002 MHz. This incorporation by reference was approved by the 
    Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 522(a) and 
    1 CFR Part 51. Copies of EIA IS-132 may be obtained from: Global 
    Engineering Documents, 2805 McGraw Ave., Irvine CA 92714. Copies of EIA 
    IS-132 may be inspected during normal business hours at the following 
    locations: Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M Street, NW, 
    Dockets Branch (Room 239), Washington, DC, or the Office of the Federal 
    Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC. 
    This requirement is applicable on May 31, 1995, for new and re-built 
    cable systems, and on June 30, 1997, for all cable systems.
    * * * * *
        7. Section 76.630 is amended by removing paragraph (c), 
    redesignating paragraphs (d) and (e) as paragraphs (c) and (d) 
    respectively, and revising newly redesignated paragraphs (c) 
    introductory text, (c)(2)(i), and (d)(2)(iii) and the note to 
    Sec. 76.630 at the end of the section to read as follows:
    Sec. 76.630  Compatibility with consumer electronics equipment.
    * * * * *
        (c) Cable system operators that use scrambling, encryption or 
    similar technologies in conjunction with cable system terminal devices, 
    as defined in Sec. 15.3(e) of this chapter, that may affect 
    subscribers' reception of signals shall offer to supply each subscriber 
    with special equipment that will enable the simultaneous reception of 
    multiple signals. The equipment offered shall include a single terminal 
    device with dual descramblers/decoders and/or timers and bypass 
    switches. Other equipment, such as two independent set-top terminal 
    devices may be offered
    [[Page 18511]]
    at the same time that the single terminal device with dual tuners/
    descramblers is offered. For purposes of this rule, two set-top devices 
    linked by a control system that provides functionality equivalent to 
    that of a single device with dual descramblers is considered to be the 
    same as a terminal device with dual descramblers/decoders.
    * * * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) To allow simultaneous reception of any two scrambled or 
    encrypted signals and to provide for tuning to alternative channels on 
    a pre-programmed schedule; and
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (iii) In cases where cable system operators offer remote control 
    capability with cable system terminal devices and other customer 
    premises equipment that is provided to subscribers, they shall advise 
    their subscribers that remote control units that are compatible with 
    that equipment may be obtained from other sources, such as retail 
    outlets. Cable system operators shall also provide a representative 
    list of the models of remote control units currently available from 
    retailers that are compatible with the customer premises equipment they 
    employ. Cable system operators are required to make a good faith effort 
    in compiling this list and will not be liable for inadvertent 
    omissions. This list shall be current as of no more than six months 
    before the date the consumer education program is distributed to 
    subscribers. Cable operators are also required to encourage subscribers 
    to contact the cable operator to inquire about whether a particular 
    remote control unit the subscriber might be considering for purchase 
    would be compatible with the subscriber's customer premises equipment.
        Note to Sec. 76.630: The provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of 
    this section are applicable July 31, 1994, and June 30, 1994, 
    respectively. The provisions of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this 
    section are applicable October 31, 1994, except for the requirement 
    under paragraph (c) of this section for cable system operators to 
    supply cable system terminal devices with dual tuners (as needed), 
    which is applicable October 31, 1995. The initial offer of special 
    equipment to all subscribers, as required under paragraph (c) of 
    this section, shall be made by October 31, 1994.
    [FR Doc. 96-9489 Filed 4-25-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-N

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule; response to petitions for reconsideration.
Document Number:
May 28, 1996. The incorporation by reference of a publication listed in the regulations was approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of May 16, 1994.
18508-18511 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
ET Docket No. 93-7, FCC 96-129
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
47 CFR 15.109(a)
1 CFR 76.630
47 CFR 15.19
47 CFR 15.115
47 CFR 15.118
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