99-10556. 207-Minute Extended Range Operations With Two-Engine Aircraft (ETOPS) Operation Approval Criteria  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 80 (Tuesday, April 27, 1999)]
    [Pages 22667-22669]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-10556]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    [Docket No. 29547]
    207-Minute Extended Range Operations With Two-Engine Aircraft 
    (ETOPS) Operation Approval Criteria
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
    ACTION: Request for public comment.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces the request by the Air Transport 
    Association for the FAA to issue a policy for 207-minute ETOPS 
    operation approval criteria. The material was presented to the FAA by 
    mail dated March 22, 1999. In addition, this notice opens [29547] and 
    that docket serves as a repository for all recorded material regarding 
    the aforementioned meeting.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before June 11, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this notice should be mailed or delivered, in 
    duplicate, to: Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Chief 
    Counsel, Rules Docket Office, [29547], 800 Independence Avenue, SW., 
    Room 915-G, Washington, DC 20591. Comments may also be submitted 
    electronically to the following Internet address: [email protected] 
    Comments must be marked [20547]. Comments may be filed and/or examined 
    in Room 915-G weekdays between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except on 
    Federal holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Eric van Opstal, Air Transportation 
    Division (AFS-200), Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
    Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591, Telephone (202) 267-8166.
    Comments Invited
        Interested parties are invited to comment on the Air Transport 
    Association's request by submitting such written data, views, or 
    arguments to the address listed above. The FAA will consider all 
    communications before taking action.
        Following is the full text of the Air Transportation Association 
    letter. The FAA is publishing this request without endorsement. The 
    purpose of this notice is to request comments on the Air Transport 
    Association request for 207-Minute ETOPS Operation Approval Criteria.
    Air Transport Association
    February 26, 1999.
    Mr. Thomas E. McSweeny,
    Associate Administrator for Regulation and Certification, Federal 
    Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW AVR-1, 
    Washington, DC 20591
        Dear Mr. McSweeney: In conjunction with the planning and 
    implementation of Extended Range Operations with Two-Engine Aircraft 
    (ETOPS) in the North Pacific area of operations, the Air Transport 
    Association (ATA) member airlines determined that a need exists for 
    expanded ETOPS authority beyond 180 minutes. The ETOPS Subcommittee 
    established a process where associated airlines, the Pilots 
    associations, Boeing, Federal Aviation Administration 
    representatives and other parties worked together to determine the 
    criteria to support the establishment of a proposed 15 percent 
    operational extension of 180 minute ETOPS. The result of the effort 
    is the attached draft proposal, including the associated application 
    and approval criteria, for an ETOPS policy letter providing for 207 
    minutes ETOPS authority.
        As reflected in the proposed policy letter, it was determined 
    that there would be additional requirements associated with the new 
    authority. Most of these requirements are self evident. However, to 
    assist in your analysis and review of this proposal, we have 
    included an Executive Summary of the Boeing Reliability Study which 
    was conducted in support of this effort.
        There are many issues associated with 207 minute ETOPS, 
    especially in the North Pacific area of operations. One example is 
    the availability and support functions of Alternate and Emergency 
    airports. ATA ETOPS operators have conducted airport visits and 
    inspections of selected airports in Alaska and Russia, and are 
    establishing plans to expand these and foreign governments to ensure 
    airport availability to support all international air Transport 
        In conclusion, we request your consideration and approval of the 
    attached policy letter establishing 207 minute ETOPS authority. 
    Since there are airlines conducting ETOPS in the North Pacific now 
    and three more airlines plan to start operations in that area this 
    year, we respectfully request accelerated processing of this 
    Captain Paul McCarthy,
    Executive Air Safety Chairman, Air Line Pilots Association.
    Captain William Borrelli,
    President, Independent Association of Continental Pilots.
    Robert H. Frenzel,
    Senior Vice President, Aviation Safety and Operations, Airlines 
    Transport Association.
    Draft Proposal February 4, 1999
        Informatiopn: 207-minute ETOPS Operation Approval Criteria. ETOPS 
    Policy Letter EPL.
        It has been determined by the FAA that a need exists for an 
    additional ETOPS authority beyond 180 minutes. The ETOPS concept has 
    been successfully applied since 1985 and is now widely employed. The 
    number of ETOPS operators has increased dramatically, and, in the North 
    Atlantic, U.S. operators have more twin operations than the number of 
    operations accomplished by three- and four-engine airplanes. ETOPS is 
    now well established.
        It is apparent that the excellent propulsion related safety record 
    and the success of two-engine airplane operations has not been 
    maintained, but potentially enhanced, by the process-related provisions 
    associated with ETOPS.
        The data shows ETOPS requirements and processes are generally 
    applicable to all long-range operations including those by three- and 
    four-engine airplanes. Ensuring availability of en route alternate 
    airports, adequate fire fighting coverage at these airports, fuel 
    planning to account for depressurization are sound operational 
    practices for all airplanes including three- and four-engine airplanes.
        It is the position of the FAA that a need exist to normalize the 
    requirements for enroute alternates across all long-range operations. 
    Because such operations operate over increasingly remote and demanding 
    areas of operation, it is also necessary to develop a long term 
    solution to the requirements of adequate levels of Rescue and Fire 
    Fighting Services (RFFS) for non-destination airports. Until such 
    consistent requirements addressing all ``Long Range Operations'' are 
    established, the FAA will continue to use AC120-42A, Extended Range
    [[Page 22668]]
    Operation with Two-Engine Airplanes, and associated policy letters to 
    allow two-engine operations on extended-range operations (ETOPS). The 
    FAA has taken the following into consideration during the development 
    of this Policy Letter:
        a. 180-minute ETOPS is adequate to permit two-engine operation on 
    almost all the heavily traveled routes in the world. Due to a number of 
    factors (including occasional political concerns, airport suitability 
    considerations due to higher weather minima at dispatch, various 
    weather related events and operational necessities), a need exists for 
    an additional ETOPS authority beyond 180 minutes on a flight-by-flight 
    exception basis.
        b. A precedence for operational extension of maximum diversion time 
    by up to 15 percent exists. ETOPS Policy Letter EPL 95-1 dated December 
    19, 1994, reinstated the increase of up to 15 percent in maximum 
    diversion time (maximum diversion time being 120-minutes) from suitable 
    airports which was initially provided in the original guidance for 
    extended-range operations with two-engine airplanes in Advisory 
    Circular AC 120-42 dated June 6, 1985.
        c. This policy letter provides a 15% extension on 180 minutes 
    (similar to what was provided for 120 minutes). It is intended that 
    this extension will be applied on a flight-by-flight exception basis. 
    Such extensions can only be applied to a route where adequate enroute 
    alternate airports exist and are available and that, if defined as 
    ``suitable'' for dispatch as per paragraph 10(d)(5) of AC 120-42A, the 
    route could be flown at 180-minute ETOPS authority. A 15 percent 
    increase to 180 mathematically equates to 207, and will therefore be 
    addressed as the 207-minute ETOPS authority.
        d. Allowing 207-minute ETOPS extension is not intended to encourage 
    or support further closure of en route alternate airports.
        The FAA has found it appropriate to release a policy letter 
    207-minute ETOPS authority. This policy will be incorporated in 
    Advisory Circular 120-42A at the next revision cycle. The FAA is 
    committed to harmonize Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 
    and aviation policy with the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) wherever 
    it is feasible, and harmonization in this specific area is desirable.
    Approval Basis
        Although the 207-minute ETOPS authority is an extension of 180-
    minute ETOPS, certain criteria will apply when the increase in 
    diversion authority is being exercised.
        The operator shall comply with all the operational approval 
    requirements for 180-minute ETOPS. Following are additional 
    requirements for 207 minutes:
        1. Operators shall use satellite communications (SATCOM) voice and/
    or SATCOM datalink as a minimum in order to meet 14 CFR requirements 
    for rapid and reliable communications.
        2. Operators shall, prior to the extended range entry point, use 
    datalink to update any revised flight plan (company communications) if 
    required as a result of reevaluation of aircraft system capabilities 
    and enroute alternates. Dispatch will review enroute alternates and 
    advise the flight crew of all suitable alternates within 207 minutes of 
    the planned routing.
        3. The operator shall have single-engine automated capability on 
    the airplane and such systems must be operable for dispatch.
        4. MEL restrictions for 180-minute operations shall be applicable. 
    In addition, the following shall not be inoperative prior to dispatch 
    for 207 minutes ETOPS:
         Fuel quantity indicating system (FQIS).
         Auxiliary power unit (including electrical and pneumatic 
    supply to its designed capability).
         Autothrottle system.
         SATCOM voice and/or SATCOM datalink.
        5. Operators shall ensure that adequate levels of RFFS for enroute 
    ETOPS alternates are available. For the case of 207-minute ETOPS, the 
    aircraft must remain at all times within 207 minutes of at least one 
    adequate airport (as defined in AC 120-42A, Appendix 3) which has an 
    RFFS of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Category 7 or 
    higher. If such equipment is not available on the airport, an 
    equivalent level of support must be reasonably accessible given 
    notification of the divert.
        6. Operators shall inform the flightcrew anytime an aircraft is 
    dispatched under this authority and shall make available the dispatch 
    considerations requiring such operations.
        7. Operators who are granted 207-minute ETOPS authority shall 
    submit to the FAA, on a regular monthly basis, a record of all ETOPS 
    operations in that area. For each segment where the 207-minute 
    authority was exercised, the dispatch justifications must be 
    delineated. Industry data for all such operations will be reviewed on a 
    regular basis by an industry group to be determined by the FAA.
        The airframe-engine must have 180 minutes type design approval. All 
    requirements specified in the Configuration Maintenance and Procedures 
    (CMP) for 180-minute ETOPS will remain applicable. The airframe-engine 
    combination shall be reviewed to determine if there are any factors 
    which would affect safe conduct of 207-minute operations on a flight-
    by-flight exception basis as defined in (c) of the ``Discussion'' 
    section of this policy letter. Such a review shall ensure:
        1. Numerical Probability Analysis (NPA) provided to support 180 
    minutes will be reanalyzed to support a 207-minute diversion.
        2. The engine installations have adequate oil supply margins to 
    support 207-minute plus an additional allowance of 15 minutes (for 
    holding, an approach and landing) for a total of 2202 minutes ETOPS 
    diversions per FAR 25.1011(b).
        3. Time-related cargo fire limitations shall not be less than the 
    approved 207 minutes plus an additional allowance of 15 minutes (for 
    holding, an approach, and landing) for a total of 222 minutes.
        4. If the airframe-engine combination has other time limited 
    systems, the time limit for those systems shall not be less than 207 
    minutes plus an additional allowance of 15 minutes (for holding, an 
    approach and landing) for a total of 222 minutes.
        5. The risk of uncontained engine failures and subsequent fuel tank 
    damage shall be reviewed to demonstrate continued compliance with FAR 
        6. Engine inflight shutdown (IFSD) target level shall be at .019/
    1000 engine hours (based on Appendix 1 to AC 120-42A).
        7. Electrical power to at least one fuel crossfeed valve shall be 
    available as long as the main battery or a backup power source is 
        8. At least one fuel boost pump in each main fuel tank must be able 
    to be powered by a backup electrical power source other than the 
    primary engine driven or APU driven generator.
        9. Any one of the engine or APU driven generator sources present 
    shall be capable of powering main AC and main DC buses.
        Amendments to the master minimum equipment list (MMEL) shall be 
    made if the reliability analysis or if service experience indicates 
    that the existing MMEL is no longer appropriate for 207-minute ETOPS.
    [[Page 22669]]
        Operators currently approved for 180 minutes ETOPS authority will 
    be considered for 207-minute authority upon application. When approved, 
    207-minute ETOPS authority will be considered an extension of 180-
    minute ETOPS (and the area of operation associated with that authority) 
    and will be exercised by the operator on a flight-by-flight exception 
    basis as defined in (c) of the ``Discussion'' section of this policy 
        Operators with existing 180-minute ETOPS authority may apply for 
    207-minute ETOPS authority by letter application to the Air 
    Transportation Division, AFS-200, through the certificate holding 
    district office (CHDO). The ETOPS authority will be granted by the 
    Director, Flight Standards Service, AFS-1, and will be reflected in the 
    operator's Operations specifications. The application shall include the 
    following information as minimum:
        1. Current ETOPS authority (i.e., 180 minutes).
        2. Specify the airframe-engine combinations presently authorized 
    for ETOPS, and the airframe-engine combinations for which 207-minute 
    ETOPS approval is being sought.
        3. The area of operation requested for 207-minute ETOPS authority.
        4. Provide a summary of revisions made to operational documents.
        5. Provide a summary of the revision to training curriculum for 
    maintenance, dispatch, and flight crew personnel to distinguish 207-
    minute ETOPS authority from 180-minute ETOPS criteria.
        A copy of this policy is to be disseminated to all ETOPS operators.
    Executive Summary: B777 Reliability Study
        During the past several years, Boeing, the aviation industry and 
    government agencies have been working together to develop safer and 
    more efficient methods of air transportation for the traveling public. 
    One area of such particular focus has been extended range operations 
    with twin engine airplanes (ETOPS).
        Currently, most Boeing twins have been type design approved for 
    ETOPS up to 180 minutes. Until recently, this accommodated highly 
    effective twin-engine, on those routes on which these airplanes were 
    typically operated. Recently, however, the 180 minute limit has been 
    shown to present certain obstacles to reliable operations in the North 
        At times, some North Pacific alternates may be unavailable in the 
    planning phase or during flight as a result of weather, volcanic 
    eruptions or other temporary closures. While it is unlikely that all 
    alternates would be unavailable during the actual flight, Advisory 
    Circular 120-42A applies a conservative alternate airport weather 
    minima factor during ETOPS flight planning. This factor may at times 
    cause an alternate airport to be considered unavailable in the planning 
    phase, thereby requiring an ETOPS flight to be canceled, have a 
    possible extended departure delay, or forcing it to follow a less 
    direct route to stay within 180 minutes of other suitable alternate 
    airports. However, this conservative weather factor no longer applies 
    once the flight dispatches. Thereafter, any decision to divert would be 
    based on the actual suitability of the available alternate airports. 
    Consequently, this well-intended weather factor may at times cause an 
    airplane to be further away from the nearest suitable alternate airport 
    if and when a diversion becomes necessary.
        Boeing, pertinent airlines and pilot associations have been 
    studying the impact of a 15% operational extension, on an exception 
    basis, to 180 minute ETOPS. This operational extension would only be 
    exercised when typically used alternate airports are temporarily 
    unavailable for reasons such as weather--it is not intended to permit 
    use of routes that cannot normally be operated with a 180 minute 
    approval. The above parties find that such an extension to 207 minutes 
    in the North Pacific will at times permit airlines to use routes that 
    are most efficient and will likely, in the event a diversion is 
    necessary, result in the airplane actually being closer to a suitable 
    alternate airport, most, if not all of the time.
        Boeing twin engine jetliners have logged close to 1.4 million ETOPS 
    flights. During this vast experience, there has never been a diversion 
    of 180 minutes' duration. In nearly half a century of commercial jet 
    transportation, moreover, no airplane of any type, regardless of the 
    number of engines, has ever performed an emergency diversion of 180 
    minutes or more to an alternate airport. Therefore, allowing a 15% 
    extension to 207-minute ETOPS is unlikely to result in an actual 
    diversion in excess of 180 minutes. However, it will allow more-direct 
    routings, as well as greater choice and flexibility for flight crews, 
    should a diversion be necessary.
        As 207-minute ETOPS will in some cases permit shorter flights, it 
    is not anticipated to result in diversions in excess of 180 minutes and 
    may actually result in decreased diversion times. Such may actually 
    yield a net decrease in risk. As a result, formal review of B-777 
    certification-related data is probably unnecessary for approval of 207-
    minute ETOPS. However, to assure that no compromise to safety occurs or 
    might be perceived, an analysis of the B-777 type design was 
    nevertheless performed to assess the suitability of the B-777 airplane 
    to a 207-minute diversion.
        Using design and reliability data from the B-777 airplane, a 
    reliability analysis was performed on those systems considered 
    important for ETOPS (electrical power generation system, hydraulic, 
    bleed air, anti-ice, equipment cooling, fuel and propulsion). The 
    exercise identified the necessary ``top events'' that needed to be 
    analyzed to show compliance with the requirements posed by the 15% 
    increase. Where numerical probability analysis (NPA) was used, it 
    ensured that NPA ground rules were applied to the original analysis. 
    Where an existing ETOPS NPA was performed considering a 180 minute 
    diversion, an analysis for a 207 minute diversion was completed to show 
    compliance for the 15% increase. However, if the existing ETOPS NPA was 
    performed for the full 14 hours, not taking credit for the 180 minute 
    diversion, no additional analysis was deemed necessary because that 
    analysis showed ETOPS capability beyond 207 minutes. In all cases, the 
    most conservative criteria with the greatest impacts were applied to 
    this analysis.
        In each case, the analysis showed that the probability of a 
    catastrophic event was extremely improbable, even under the most 
    extreme circumstances. In fact, this analysis confirmed B-777 airplane 
    design and reliability capability well in excess of the proposed 15% 
        Furthermore, the undersigned parties are prepared to offer a 
    modification to the cargo fire protection system that accommodates the 
    15% extension in ETOPS diversion time, even though risk analysis 
    methodology does not demonstrate a need for such a modification.
        The Boeing Company has reviewed the results of this analysis with 
    Mr. Steve Clarke, the FAA's focal for ETOPS type design approval, as 
    well as individuals from the Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG). Boeing is 
    prepared to conduct additional such reviews for the FAA upon request.
    Thomas E. McSweeny,
    Associate Administrator for Regulation and Certification.
    [FR Doc. 99-10556 Filed 4-26-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Request for public comment.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before June 11, 1999.
22667-22669 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 29547
PDF File: