2021-08725. Program Year (PY) 2021 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Allotments; PY 2021 Wagner-Peyser Act Allotments and PY 2021 Workforce Information Grants
Start Preamble
Employment and Training Administration, Labor.
This notice announces allotments for PY 2021 for WIOA Title I Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Activities programs; allotments for Employment Service (ES) activities under the Wagner-Peyser Act for PY 2021 and the allotments of Workforce Information Grants to States for PY 2021.
The Department must receive comments on the formula used to allot funds to the Outlying Areas by May 27, 2021.
Questions on this notice can be submitted to the Employment and Training Administration, Office of Workforce Investment, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Room S4209, Washington, DC 20210, Attention: Randy Painter, Unit Chief, (202) 693-3979, or Robert Kight, Division Chief, (202) 693-3937. Randy Painter's email is: painter.randy@dol.gov. Individuals with hearing or speech impairments may access the telephone number above via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 1-877-889-5627 (TTY-TDD).
Commenters are advised that mail delivery in the Washington area may be delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Department encourages commenters to submit comments electronically online or to the contacts listed above.
Comments: The Department will retain all comments on this notice and will release them upon request via email to any member of the public. The Department also will make all the comments it receives available for public inspection by appointment during normal business hours at the above address. If you need assistance to review the comments, the Department will provide you with appropriate aids such as readers or print magnifiers. The Department will make copies of this notice available, upon request, in large print, Braille, and electronic file. The Department also will consider providing the notice in other formats upon request. To schedule an appointment to review the comments and/or obtain the notice in an alternative format, contact Mr. Painter using the information provided above. The Department will retain all comments received without making any changes to the comments, including any personal information provided. The Department therefore cautions commenters not to include their personal information such as Social Security Numbers, personal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses in their comments; this information would be released with the comment if the comments are requested. It is the commenter's responsibility to safeguard their information.
WIOA Youth Activities allotments—Evan Rosenberg at (202) 693-3593 or LaSharn Youngblood at (202) 693-3606; WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Start Printed Page 22269Activities and ES allotments—Randy Painter at (202) 693-3979; Workforce Information Grant allotments—Donald Haughton at (202) 693-2784. Individuals with hearing or speech impairments may access the telephone numbers above via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 1-877-889-5627 (TTY/TDD).
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
The Department is announcing WIOA allotments for PY 2021 for Youth Activities, Adults and Dislocated Worker Activities, Wagner-Peyser Act PY 2021 allotments, and PY 2021 Workforce Information Grant allotments. This notice provides information on the amount of funds available during PY 2021 to states with an approved WIOA Combined or Unified State Plan, and information regarding allotments to the Outlying Areas.
WIOA allotments for states and the state allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act are based on formulas defined in their respective statutes. WIOA requires allotments for the Outlying Areas to be competitively awarded rather than based on a formula determined by the Secretary of Labor (Secretary) as occurred under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). However, for PY 2021, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 waives the competition requirement, and the Secretary is using the discretionary formula rationale and methodology for allocating PY 2021 funds for the Outlying Areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of Palau, and the United States Virgin Islands) that was published in the Federal Register at 65 FR 8236 (Feb. 17, 2000). WIOA specifically included the Republic of Palau as an Outlying Area, except during any period for which the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education determine that a Compact of Free Association is in effect and contains provisions for training and education assistance prohibiting the assistance provided under WIOA; no such determinations prohibiting assistance have been made. The formula that the Department of Labor (Department) used for PY 2021 is the same formula used in PY 2020 and is described in the section on Youth Activities program allotments. The Department invites comments only on the formula used to allot funds to the Outlying Areas.
On December 27, 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Public Law 116-260 was signed into law (“the Act”). The Act, Division H, Title I, Sections 106(b) and 107 of the Act allows the Secretary of Labor (Secretary) to set aside up to 0.5 percent of each discretionary appropriation for activities related to program integrity and 0.75 percent of most operating funds for evaluations. For 2021, as authorized by the Act, the Department has set aside $7,466,000 of the Training and Employment Services (TES) and $1,849,000 of the State Unemployment Insurance and Employment Services Operations (SUIESO) appropriations impacted in this FRN for these activities. ETA reserved these funds from the WIOA Adult, Youth, Dislocated Worker, Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service, and Workforce Information Grant program budgets. Any funds not utilized for these reserve activities will be provided to the states. We also have attached tables listing the PY 2021 allotments for programs under WIOA Title I Youth Activities (Table A), Adult and Dislocated Workers Employment and Training Activities (Tables B and C, respectively), and the PY 2021 Wagner-Peyser Act allotments (Table D). We also have attached the PY 2021 Workforce Information Grant table (Table E).
Youth Activities Allotments. The appropriated level for PY 2021 for WIOA Youth Activities totals $921,130,000. After reducing the appropriation by $2,553,000 for set asides authorized by the Act, $918,577,000 is available for Youth Activities. Table A includes a breakdown of the Youth Activities program allotments for PY 2021 and provides a comparison of these allotments to PY 2020 Youth Activities allotments for all States and Outlying Areas. For the Native American Youth program, the total amount available is 1.5 percent of the total amount for Youth Activities (after set asides authorized by the Act), in accordance with WIOA section 127. The total funding available for the Outlying Areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the amount appropriated for Youth Activities (after set asides authorized by the Act) after the amount reserved for Native American Youth (in accordance with WIOA section 127(b)(1)(B)(i)). On December 17, 2003, Public Law 108-188, the Compact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2003 (“the Compact”), was signed into law. The Compact specified that the Republic of Palau remained eligible for WIA Title I funding. See 48 U.S.C 1921d(f)(1)(B)(ix). WIOA sec. 512(g)(1) updated the Compact to refer to WIOA funding. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Division A, Title XII, Subtitle F, Section 1259C(c) of Pub. L. 115-91) authorized WIOA Title I funding to Palau through FY 2024.
Under WIA, the Secretary had discretion for determining the methodology for distributing funds to all Outlying Areas. Under WIOA the Secretary must award the funds through a competitive process. However, for PY 2021, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 waives the competition requirement regarding funding to Outlying Areas (e.g., American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of Palau, and the United States Virgin Islands). For PY 2021, the Department used the same methodology used since PY 2000 (i.e., we distribute funds among the Outlying Areas by formula based on relative share of the number of unemployed, a minimum of 90 percent of the prior year allotment percentage, a $75,000 minimum, and a 130 percent stop gain of the prior year share). For the relative share calculation in PY 2021, the Department continued to use the data obtained from the 2010 Census for American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands. For the Republic of Palau, the Department used data from Palau's 2015 Census. The Department will accept comments on this methodology.
After the Department calculated the amount for the Outlying Areas and the Native American program, the amount available for PY 2021 allotments to the states is $902,536,349. This total amount is below the required $1 billion threshold specified in WIOA sec. 127(b)(1)(C)(iv)(IV); therefore, the Department did not apply the WIOA additional minimum provisions. Instead, as required by WIOA, the minimums of 90 percent of the prior year allotment percentage and 0.25 percent state minimum floor apply. WIOA also provides that no state may receive an allotment that is more than 130 percent of the allotment percentage for the state for the previous year. The three data factors required by WIOA sec. 127(b)(1)(C)(ii) for the PY 2021 Youth Activities state formula allotments are, summarized slightly, as follows:
(1) The average number of unemployed individuals in Areas of Substantial Unemployment (ASUs) for the 12-month period, July 2019—June 2020 in each state compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in ASUs in all states;
(2) Number of excess unemployed individuals or excess unemployed individuals in ASUs (depending on which is higher) averages for the same 12-month period used for ASU unemployed data compared to the total Start Printed Page 22270excess unemployed individuals or ASU excess number in all states; and
(3) Number of disadvantaged youth (age 16 to 21, excluding college students not in the workforce and military) from special tabulations of data from the American Community Survey (ACS), which the Department obtained from the Census Bureau in each state compared to the total number of disadvantaged youth in all states. ETA obtained updated data for use in PY 2018 and the same data must be used in PY 2021. The Census Bureau collected the data used in the special tabulations for disadvantaged youth between January 1, 2011—December 31, 2015.
For purposes of identifying ASUs for the Youth Activities allotment formula, the Department continued to use the data made available by BLS (as described in the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Technical Memorandum No. S-20-15). For purposes of determining the number of disadvantaged youth, the Department used the special tabulations of ACS data available at: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/budget/formula/disadvantagedyouthadults. See TEGL No. 14-17 for further information.
Adult Employment and Training Activities Allotments. The total appropriated funds for Adult Activities in PY 2021 is $862,649,000. After reducing the appropriated amount by $1,974,000 for set asides authorized by the Act, $860,675,000 remains for Adult Activities, of which $858,523,312 is for states and $2,151,688 is for Outlying Areas. Table B shows the PY 2021 Adult Employment and Training Activities allotments and a state-by-state comparison of the PY 2021 allotments to PY 2020 allotments.
In accordance with WIOA, the Department reserved the total available for the Outlying Areas at 0.25 percent of the full amount appropriated for Adult Activities (after set asides authorized by the Act). As discussed in the Youth Activities section above, in PY 2021 the Department will distribute the Adult Activities funding for the Outlying Areas, using the same principles, formula, and data as used for outlying areas for Youth Activities. The Department will accept comments on this methodology. After determining the amount for the Outlying Areas, the Department used the statutory formula to distribute the remaining amount available for allotments to the states. The Department did not apply the WIOA minimum provisions for the PY 2021 allotments because the total amount available for the states was below the $960 million threshold required for Adult Activities in WIOA sec. 132(b)(1)(B)(iv)(IV). Instead, as required by WIOA, the minimums of 90 percent of the prior year allotment percentage and 0.25 percent state minimum floor apply. WIOA also provides that no state may receive an allotment that is more than 130 percent of the allotment percentage for the state for the previous year. The three formula data factors for the Adult Activities program are the same as those used for the Youth Activities formula, except the Department used data for the number of disadvantaged adults (age 22 to 72, excluding college students not in the workforce and military).
Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities Allotments. The amount appropriated for Dislocated Worker activities in PY 2021 totals $1,342,412,000. The total appropriation includes formula funds for the states, while the National Reserve is used for National Dislocated Worker Grants, technical assistance and training, demonstration projects, Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities, Community College Grants, and the Outlying Areas' Dislocated Worker allotments. After reducing the appropriated amount by $2,939,000 for set asides authorized by the Act, a total of $1,339,473,000 remains available for Dislocated Worker activities. The amount available for Outlying Areas is $3,348,683, leaving $276,955,317 for the National Reserve and a total of $1,059,169,000 available for states. Table C shows the PY 2021 Dislocated Worker activities allotments and a state-by-state comparison of the PY 2021 allotments to PY 2020 allotments.
Similar to the Adult Activities program, the Department reserved the total available for the Outlying Areas at 0.25 percent of the full amount appropriated for Dislocated Worker Activities (after set asides authorized by the Act). Similar to Youth and Adult funds, instead of competition, in PY 2021 the Department will use the same pro rata share as the areas received for the PY 2021 WIOA Adult Activities program to distribute the Outlying Areas' Dislocated Worker funds, the same methodology used in PY 2020. The Department will accept comments on this methodology.
The three data factors required in WIOA sec. 132(b)(2)(B)(ii) for the PY 2021 Dislocated Worker state formula allotments are, summarized slightly, as follows:
(1) Relative number of unemployed individuals in each state, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in all states, for the 12-month period, October 2019-September 2020;
(2) Relative number of excess unemployed individuals in each state, compared to the total excess number of unemployed individuals in all states, for the 12-month period, October 2019-September 2020; and
(3) Relative number of long-term unemployed individuals in each state, compared to the total number of long-term unemployed individuals in all states, for the 12-month period, October 2019-September 2020.
In PY 2021, under WIOA the Dislocated Worker formula uses minimum and maximum provisions. No state may receive an allotment that is less than 90 percent of the state's prior year allotment percentage (stop loss) or more than 130 percent of the state's prior year allotment percentage (stop gain).
Wagner-Peyser Act ES Allotments. The appropriated level for PY 2021 for ES grants totals $670,052,000. After reducing the appropriated amount by $1,799,000 for set asides authorized by the Act, $668,253,000 is available for ES grants. After determining the funding for Guam and the United States Virgin Islands, the Department calculated allotments to states using the formula set forth at section 6 of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49e). The Department based PY 2021 formula allotments on each state's share of calendar year 2020 monthly averages of the civilian labor force (CLF) and unemployment. Section 6(b)(4) of the Wagner-Peyser Act requires the Secretary to set aside up to three percent of the total funds available for ES to ensure that each state will have sufficient resources to maintain statewide ES activities. In accordance with this provision, the Department included the three percent set aside funds in this total allotment. The Department distributed the set-aside funds in two steps to states that have experienced a reduction in their relative share of the total resources available this year from their relative share of the total resources available the previous year. In Step 1, states that have a CLF below one million and are also below the median CLF density were maintained at 100 percent of their relative share of prior year resources. ETA calculated the median CLF density based on CLF data provided by the BLS for calendar year 2020. The Department distributed all remaining set-aside funds on a pro-rata basis in Step 2 to all other states experiencing reductions in relative share from the prior year but not meeting the size and density criteria for Step 1. The distribution of ES funds (Table D) includes $666,624,032 for Start Printed Page 22271states, as well as $1,628,968 for Outlying Areas.
Section 7(a) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (49 U.S.C. 49f(a)) authorizes states to use 90 percent of funds allotted to a state for labor exchange services and other career services such as job search and placement services to job seekers; appropriate recruitment services for employers; program evaluations; developing and providing labor market and occupational information; developing management information systems; and administering the work test for unemployment insurance claimants. Section 7(b) of the Wagner-Peyser Act states that 10 percent of the total sums allotted to each state must be reserved for use by the Governor to provide performance incentives for public ES offices and programs, provide services for groups with special needs, and to provide for the extra costs of exemplary models for delivering services of the type described in section 7(a) and models for enhancing professional development and career advancement opportunities of state agency staff.
Workforce Information Grants Allotments. Total PY 2021 funding for Workforce Information Grants allotments to states is $32,000,000. After reducing the total by $50,000 for set asides authorized by the Act, $31,950,000 is available for Workforce Information Grants. Table E contains the allotment figures for each state and Outlying Area. The Department distributes the funds by administrative formula, with a reserve of $176,680 for Guam and the United States Virgin Islands. Guam and the United States Virgin Islands allotment amounts are partially based on CLF data. The Department distributes the remaining funds to the states with 40 percent distributed equally to all states and 60 percent distributed based on each state's share of CLF for the 12 months ending September 2020.
Table A—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIOA Youth Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2021 Allotments vs PY 2020 Allotments
State PY 2020 PY 2021 Difference % Difference Total $912,906,000 $918,577,000 $5,671,000 0.62 Alabama 13,818,197 12,513,632 (1,304,565) −9.44 Alaska 5,076,190 4,596,951 (479,239) −9.44 Arizona 33,740,829 30,555,385 (3,185,444) −9.44 Arkansas 6,222,886 6,462,908 240,022 3.86 California 134,926,913 125,113,453 (9,813,460) −7.27 Colorado 7,969,239 10,424,367 2,455,128 30.81 Connecticut 9,768,378 8,846,154 (922,224) −9.44 Delaware 2,242,411 2,583,296 340,885 15.20 District of Columbia 5,121,772 4,638,230 (483,542) −9.44 Florida 41,854,792 44,306,510 2,451,718 5.86 Georgia 21,118,115 19,124,371 (1,993,744) −9.44 Hawaii 2,242,411 2,933,243 690,832 30.81 Idaho 2,242,411 2,835,184 592,773 26.43 Illinois 47,902,600 43,380,155 (4,522,445) −9.44 Indiana 13,241,878 16,938,860 3,696,982 27.92 Iowa 3,928,902 5,139,301 1,210,399 30.81 Kansas 4,250,555 5,469,726 1,219,171 28.68 Kentucky 14,588,219 13,210,957 (1,377,262) −9.44 Louisiana 18,661,916 16,900,060 (1,761,856) −9.44 Maine 2,242,411 2,327,935 85,524 3.81 Maryland 13,267,797 12,015,195 (1,252,602) −9.44 Massachusetts 11,268,949 14,740,638 3,471,689 30.81 Michigan 35,039,178 37,126,700 2,087,522 5.96 Minnesota 8,297,921 10,854,308 2,556,387 30.81 Mississippi 12,695,917 11,497,306 (1,198,611) −9.44 Missouri 11,562,432 11,189,065 (373,367) −3.23 Montana 2,257,550 2,256,341 (1,209) −0.05 Nebraska 3,321,693 3,213,346 (108,347) −3.26 Nevada 9,330,673 12,205,226 2,874,553 30.81 New Hampshire 2,242,411 2,933,243 690,832 30.81 New Jersey 21,923,354 24,956,081 3,032,727 13.83 New Mexico 9,451,630 8,559,309 (892,321) −9.44 New York 56,675,887 56,398,671 (277,216) −0.49 North Carolina 26,247,804 23,769,771 (2,478,033) −9.44 North Dakota 2,242,411 2,256,341 13,930 0.62 Ohio 45,496,637 41,201,337 (4,295,300) −9.44 Oklahoma 7,872,645 8,264,948 392,303 4.98 Oregon 10,563,715 10,931,465 367,750 3.48 Pennsylvania 34,144,371 42,231,894 8,087,523 23.69 Puerto Rico 28,606,753 25,906,013 (2,700,740) −9.44 Rhode Island 3,097,016 3,383,527 286,511 9.25 South Carolina 10,700,304 9,690,097 (1,010,207) −9.44 South Dakota 2,242,411 2,256,341 13,930 0.62 Tennessee 14,388,278 16,074,750 1,686,472 11.72 Texas 62,438,675 66,978,946 4,540,271 7.27 Utah 3,227,687 4,222,059 994,372 30.81 Vermont 2,242,411 2,256,341 13,930 0.62 Virginia 10,816,651 12,963,082 2,146,431 19.84 Washington 25,394,224 22,996,776 (2,397,448) −9.44 Start Printed Page 22272 West Virginia 7,298,882 6,609,801 (689,081) −9.44 Wisconsin 9,204,676 12,040,412 2,835,736 30.81 Wyoming 2,242,411 2,256,341 13,930 0.62 State Total 896,964,379 902,536,349 5,571,970 0.62 American Samoa 240,385 241,930 1,545 0.64 Guam 815,939 821,183 5,244 0.64 Northern Marianas 445,798 448,662 2,864 0.64 Palau 75,000 75,000 0 0.00 Virgin Islands 670,909 675,221 4,312 0.64 Outlying Areas Total 2,248,031 2,261,996 13,965 0.62 Native Americans 13,693,590 13,778,655 85,065 0.62 Table B—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIOA Adult Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2021 Allotments vs PY 2020 Allotments
State PY 2020 PY 2021 Difference % Difference Total $854,474,000 $860,675,000 $6,201,000 0.73 Alabama 13,413,096 12,159,393 (1,253,703) −9.35 Alaska 4,769,805 4,323,978 (445,827) −9.35 Arizona 31,978,231 28,989,270 (2,988,961) −9.35 Arkansas 6,015,408 6,260,965 245,557 4.08 California 129,604,863 120,643,129 (8,961,734) −6.91 Colorado 7,246,878 9,489,310 2,242,432 30.94 Connecticut 8,882,785 8,052,523 (830,262) −9.35 Delaware 2,130,845 2,485,077 354,232 16.62 District of Columbia 4,645,239 4,211,055 (434,184) −9.35 Florida 42,259,570 45,250,678 2,991,108 7.08 Georgia 20,279,015 18,383,564 (1,895,451) −9.35 Hawaii 2,130,845 2,790,201 659,356 30.94 Idaho 2,130,845 2,545,842 414,997 19.48 Illinois 45,085,051 40,871,014 (4,214,037) −9.35 Indiana 12,047,106 15,591,116 3,544,010 29.42 Iowa 2,787,453 3,649,986 862,533 30.94 Kansas 3,579,254 4,646,637 1,067,383 29.82 Kentucky 14,497,419 13,142,365 (1,355,054) −9.35 Louisiana 18,045,995 16,359,261 (1,686,734) −9.35 Maine 2,130,845 2,217,611 86,766 4.07 Maryland 12,763,204 11,570,245 (1,192,959) −9.35 Massachusetts 9,590,178 12,557,707 2,967,529 30.94 Michigan 32,197,079 34,262,349 2,065,270 6.41 Minnesota 6,959,779 9,113,373 2,153,594 30.94 Mississippi 12,175,423 11,037,403 (1,138,020) −9.35 Missouri 10,764,013 10,388,598 (375,415) −3.49 Montana 2,130,845 2,146,308 15,463 0.73 Nebraska 2,566,912 2,466,580 (100,332) −3.91 Nevada 9,151,271 11,982,987 2,831,716 30.94 New Hampshire 2,130,845 2,790,201 659,356 30.94 New Jersey 21,544,204 24,557,671 3,013,467 13.99 New Mexico 9,150,968 8,295,640 (855,328) −9.35 New York 55,298,700 55,327,748 29,048 0.05 North Carolina 24,910,558 23,044,630 (1,865,928) −7.49 North Dakota 2,130,845 2,146,308 15,463 0.73 Ohio 42,414,320 38,449,912 (3,964,408) −9.35 Oklahoma 7,454,637 7,841,676 387,039 5.19 Oregon 10,257,412 10,636,982 379,570 3.70 Pennsylvania 31,312,217 39,079,073 7,766,856 24.80 Puerto Rico 29,717,827 26,940,143 (2,777,684) −9.35 Rhode Island 2,650,988 2,898,260 247,272 9.33 South Carolina 10,326,362 9,361,171 (965,191) −9.35 South Dakota 2,130,845 2,146,308 15,463 0.73 Tennessee 13,981,585 15,690,266 1,708,681 12.22 Texas 59,070,478 63,486,775 4,416,297 7.48 Utah 2,515,483 3,293,860 778,377 30.94 Vermont 2,130,845 2,146,308 15,463 0.73 Start Printed Page 22273 Virginia 10,081,312 12,066,044 1,984,732 19.69 Washington 23,947,398 21,709,068 (2,238,330) −9.35 West Virginia 7,145,102 6,477,259 (667,843) −9.35 Wisconsin 7,944,787 10,403,176 2,458,389 30.94 Wyoming 2,130,845 2,146,308 15,463 0.73 State Total 852,337,815 858,523,312 6,185,497 0.73 American Samoa 228,013 229,728 1,715 0.75 Guam 773,943 779,764 5,821 0.75 Northern Marianas 422,852 426,033 3,181 0.75 Palau 75,000 75,000 0 0.00 Virgin Islands 636,377 641,163 4,786 0.75 Outlying Areas Total 2,136,185 2,151,688 15,503 0.73 Table C—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIOA Dislocated Worker Activities State Allotments Comparison of PY 2021 Allotments vs PY 2020 Allotments
State PY 2020 PY 2021 Difference % Difference Total $1,322,493,000 $1,339,473,000 $16,980,000 1.28 Alabama 17,387,399 15,759,598 (1,627,801) −9.36 Alaska 8,421,655 7,633,223 (788,432) −9.36 Arizona 39,830,842 36,101,896 (3,728,946) −9.36 Arkansas 6,061,513 5,494,037 (567,476) −9.36 California 142,073,567 149,720,406 7,646,839 5.38 Colorado 9,986,612 12,159,989 2,173,377 21.76 Connecticut 13,611,948 12,337,604 (1,274,344) −9.36 Delaware 2,343,949 3,066,268 722,319 30.82 District of Columbia 11,110,338 10,070,193 (1,040,145) −9.36 Florida 50,853,493 51,290,725 437,232 0.86 Georgia 36,871,224 33,419,357 (3,451,867) −9.36 Hawaii 1,618,611 2,119,112 500,501 30.92 Idaho 1,962,590 2,028,089 65,499 3.34 Illinois 56,663,539 51,358,724 (5,304,815) −9.36 Indiana 13,347,305 14,963,227 1,615,922 12.11 Iowa 4,077,392 4,937,575 860,183 21.10 Kansas 4,595,051 4,544,741 (50,310) −1.09 Kentucky 16,051,059 14,548,366 (1,502,693) −9.36 Louisiana 20,371,329 18,464,174 (1,907,155) −9.36 Maine 2,562,857 2,322,923 (239,934) −9.36 Maryland 15,019,525 13,613,404 (1,406,121) −9.36 Massachusetts 15,428,753 20,199,573 4,770,820 30.92 Michigan 28,103,101 34,356,689 6,253,588 22.25 Minnesota 8,623,882 10,349,177 1,725,295 20.01 Mississippi 16,877,853 15,297,756 (1,580,097) −9.36 Missouri 13,271,254 12,028,805 (1,242,449) −9.36 Montana 1,589,906 1,753,248 163,342 10.27 Nebraska 2,430,569 2,203,020 (227,549) −9.36 Nevada 13,341,178 15,074,356 1,733,178 12.99 New Hampshire 1,776,875 2,326,314 549,439 30.92 New Jersey 29,962,189 33,932,137 3,969,948 13.25 New Mexico 18,082,636 16,389,748 (1,692,888) −9.36 New York 50,005,712 65,468,288 15,462,576 30.92 North Carolina 28,414,511 25,754,357 (2,660,154) −9.36 North Dakota 827,550 864,826 37,276 4.50 Ohio 37,181,539 33,700,620 (3,480,919) −9.36 Oklahoma 7,437,134 6,740,873 (696,261) −9.36 Oregon 11,019,838 11,192,082 172,244 1.56 Pennsylvania 48,858,998 47,138,266 (1,720,732) −3.52 Puerto Rico 76,202,126 69,068,117 (7,134,009) −9.36 Rhode Island 3,806,076 3,900,287 94,211 2.48 South Carolina 14,268,943 12,933,091 (1,335,852) −9.36 South Dakota 1,190,973 1,451,487 260,514 21.87 Tennessee 17,478,205 15,841,903 (1,636,302) −9.36 Texas 59,820,885 65,619,333 5,798,448 9.69 Utah 4,261,672 3,862,696 (398,976) −9.36 Vermont 843,187 1,103,914 260,727 30.92 Start Printed Page 22274 Virginia 13,694,749 15,538,166 1,843,417 13.46 Washington 26,957,248 24,433,523 (2,523,725) −9.36 West Virginia 12,852,260 11,649,037 (1,203,223) −9.36 Wisconsin 11,212,132 11,939,631 727,499 6.49 Wyoming 1,069,268 1,104,049 34,781 3.25 State Total 1,051,713,000 1,059,169,000 7,456,000 0.71 American Samoa 352,902 357,527 4,625 1.31 Guam 1,197,853 1,213,551 15,698 1.31 Northern Marianas 654,460 663,037 8,577 1.31 Palau 116,080 116,723 643 0.55 Virgin Islands 984,938 997,845 12,907 1.31 Outlying Areas Total 3,306,233 3,348,683 42,450 1.28 National Reserve 267,473,767 276,955,317 9,481,550 3.54 Table D—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Employment Service (Wagner-Peyser) PY 2021 vs PY 2020 Allotments
State PY 2020 PY 2021 Difference % Difference Total $668,052,000 $668,253,000 $201,000 0.03 Alabama 8,738,446 8,493,359 (245,087) −2.80 Alaska 7,262,044 7,264,229 2,185 0.03 Arizona 14,853,978 14,480,622 (373,356) −2.51 Arkansas 5,159,694 5,064,818 (94,876) −1.84 California 77,981,894 79,341,643 1,359,749 1.74 Colorado 11,048,709 11,558,593 509,884 4.61 Connecticut 7,546,033 7,379,439 (166,594) −2.21 Delaware 1,869,496 1,880,875 11,379 0.61 District of Columbia 1,957,284 1,931,319 (25,965) −1.33 Florida 38,224,509 38,157,663 (66,846) −0.17 Georgia 19,810,511 19,277,250 (533,261) −2.69 Hawaii 2,337,828 2,868,272 530,444 22.69 Idaho 6,050,575 6,052,395 1,820 0.03 Illinois 26,795,752 26,407,178 (388,574) −1.45 Indiana 12,606,524 12,527,754 (78,770) −0.62 Iowa 6,039,407 5,955,328 (84,079) −1.39 Kansas 5,473,903 5,419,149 (54,754) −1.00 Kentucky 8,261,970 7,981,844 (280,126) −3.39 Louisiana 8,923,122 8,709,267 (213,855) −2.40 Maine 3,598,220 3,599,303 1,083 0.03 Maryland 12,493,848 12,238,257 (255,591) −2.05 Massachusetts 13,843,578 15,027,451 1,183,873 8.55 Michigan 19,905,550 19,947,034 41,484 0.21 Minnesota 11,396,826 11,205,122 (191,704) −1.68 Mississippi 5,563,013 5,359,095 (203,918) −3.67 Missouri 11,734,062 11,443,768 (290,294) −2.47 Montana 4,944,560 4,946,048 1,488 0.03 Nebraska 4,966,813 4,784,749 (182,064) −3.67 Nevada 6,071,412 6,916,575 845,163 13.92 New Hampshire 2,621,526 2,708,149 86,623 3.30 New Jersey 18,145,531 18,576,861 431,330 2.38 New Mexico 5,548,668 5,550,337 1,669 0.03 New York 38,073,537 38,617,826 544,289 1.43 North Carolina 19,795,653 19,324,850 (470,803) −2.38 North Dakota 5,035,043 5,036,558 1,515 0.03 Ohio 23,265,564 22,991,322 (274,242) −1.18 Oklahoma 7,003,623 6,882,777 (120,846) −1.73 Oregon 8,221,924 8,184,234 (37,690) −0.46 Pennsylvania 25,924,310 25,873,748 (50,562) −0.20 Puerto Rico 6,422,165 6,186,754 (235,411) −3.67 Rhode Island 2,277,052 2,265,237 (11,815) −0.52 South Carolina 8,979,979 8,856,996 (122,983) −1.37 South Dakota 4,653,537 4,654,937 1,400 0.03 Tennessee 12,323,307 12,452,163 128,856 1.05 Texas 52,616,735 52,704,570 87,835 0.17 Start Printed Page 22275 Utah 5,837,153 5,726,955 (110,198) −1.89 Vermont 2,179,981 2,180,637 656 0.03 Virginia 15,677,914 15,557,121 (120,793) −0.77 Washington 15,891,995 15,710,820 (181,175) −1.14 West Virginia 5,326,432 5,328,035 1,603 0.03 Wisconsin 11,531,892 11,423,220 (108,672) −0.94 Wyoming 3,610,440 3,611,526 1,086 0.03 State Total 666,423,522 666,624,032 200,510 0.03 Guam 312,597 312,691 94 0.03 Virgin Islands 1,315,881 1,316,277 396 0.03 Outlying Areas Total 1,628,478 1,628,968 490 0.03 Start SignatureTable E—U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Workforce Information Grants to States PY 2021 vs PY 2020 Allotments
State PY 2020 PY 2021 Difference % Difference Total $32,000,000 $31,950,000 ($50,000) −0.16 Alabama 505,028 506,353 1,325 0.26 Alaska 285,803 284,363 (1,440) −0.50 Arizona 655,740 662,635 6,895 1.05 Arkansas 403,034 402,420 (614) −0.15 California 2,510,120 2,481,342 (28,778) −1.15 Colorado 610,933 612,512 1,579 0.26 Connecticut 467,544 465,877 (1,667) −0.36 Delaware 301,515 301,540 25 0.01 District of Columbia 292,370 291,923 (447) −0.15 Florida 1,451,110 1,433,659 (17,451) −1.20 Georgia 839,565 835,600 (3,965) −0.47 Hawaii 322,394 320,532 (1,862) −0.58 Idaho 346,492 349,266 2,774 0.80 Illinois 999,994 988,047 (11,947) −1.19 Indiana 639,931 637,407 (2,524) −0.39 Iowa 444,844 443,566 (1,278) −0.29 Kansas 417,466 419,747 2,281 0.55 Kentucky 485,412 481,407 (4,005) −0.83 Louisiana 488,811 487,139 (1,672) −0.34 Maine 325,566 324,729 (837) −0.26 Maryland 620,310 622,290 1,980 0.32 Massachusetts 691,549 679,820 (11,729) −1.70 Michigan 820,200 816,629 (3,571) −0.44 Minnesota 605,649 607,863 2,214 0.37 Mississippi 393,383 391,019 (2,364) −0.60 Missouri 601,906 604,947 3,041 0.51 Montana 306,629 306,992 363 0.12 Nebraska 365,116 366,802 1,686 0.46 Nevada 423,009 422,026 (983) −0.23 New Hampshire 334,281 332,835 (1,446) −0.43 New Jersey 763,266 776,244 12,978 1.70 New Mexico 356,282 354,602 (1,680) −0.47 New York 1,358,016 1,347,196 (10,820) −0.80 North Carolina 834,449 825,655 (8,794) −1.05 North Dakota 291,832 291,668 (164) −0.06 Ohio 920,499 920,322 (177) −0.02 Oklahoma 458,826 458,591 (235) −0.05 Oregon 491,128 490,768 (360) −0.07 Pennsylvania 998,348 1,003,087 4,739 0.47 Puerto Rico 370,188 366,973 (3,215) −0.87 Rhode Island 309,298 309,099 (199) −0.06 South Carolina 519,836 526,505 6,669 1.28 South Dakota 298,948 299,083 135 0.05 Tennessee 631,278 632,761 1,483 0.23 Texas 1,875,706 1,882,605 6,899 0.37 Utah 430,227 435,134 4,907 1.14 Vermont 285,048 284,079 (969) −0.34 Virginia 754,617 758,607 3,990 0.53 Start Printed Page 22276 Washington 696,101 706,823 10,722 1.54 West Virginia 336,997 337,023 26 0.01 Wisconsin 608,159 606,266 (1,893) −0.31 Wyoming 278,447 278,942 495 0.18 State Total 31,823,200 31,773,320 (49,880) −0.16 Guam 93,090 93,023 (67) −0.07 Virgin Islands 83,710 83,657 (53) −0.06 Outlying Areas Total 176,800 176,680 (120) −0.07 Suzan G. LeVine,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training, Labor.
[FR Doc. 2021-08725 Filed 4-26-21; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 04/27/2021
- Department:
- Employment and Training Administration
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice.
- Document Number:
- 2021-08725
- Dates:
- The Department must receive comments on the formula used to allot funds to the Outlying Areas by May 27, 2021.
- Pages:
- 22268-22276 (9 pages)
- PDF File:
- 2021-08725.pdf