94-10011. Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving no Significant Hazards Considerations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 81 (Thursday, April 28, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page ]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-10011]
    [Federal Register: April 28, 1994]
    Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility 
    Operating Licenses Involving no Significant Hazards Considerations
    I. Background
        Pursuant to Public Law 97-415, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission (the Commission or NRC staff) is publishing this regular 
    biweekly notice. Public Law 97-415 revised section 189 of the Atomic 
    Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), to require the Commission to 
    publish notice of any amendments issued, or proposed to be issued, 
    under a new provision of section 189 of the Act. This provision grants 
    the Commission the authority to issue and make immediately effective 
    any amendment to an operating license upon a determination by the 
    Commission that such amendment involves no significant hazards 
    consideration, notwithstanding the pendency before the Commission of a 
    request for a hearing from any person.
        This biweekly notice includes all notices of amendments issued, or 
    proposed to be issued from April 2, 1994, through April 15, 1994. The 
    last biweekly notice was published on April 13, 1994 (59 FR 17591).
    Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses, 
    Proposed no Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, and 
    Opportunity for a Hearing
        The Commission has made a proposed determination that the following 
    amendment requests involve no significant hazards consideration. Under 
    the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR 50.92, this means that operation 
    of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not (1) 
    involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; 
    or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. The basis 
    for this proposed determination for each amendment request is shown 
        The Commission is seeking public comments on this proposed 
    determination. Any comments received within 30 days after the date of 
    publication of this notice will be considered in making any final 
        Normally, the Commission will not issue the amendment until the 
    expiration of the 30-day notice period. However, should circumstances 
    change during the notice period such that failure to act in a timely 
    way would result, for example, in derating or shutdown of the facility, 
    the Commission may issue the license amendment before the expiration of 
    the 30-day notice period, provided that its final determination is that 
    the amendment involves no significant hazards consideration. The final 
    determination will consider all public and State comments received 
    before action is taken. Should the Commission take this action, it will 
    publish in the Federal Register a notice of issuance and provide for 
    opportunity for a hearing after issuance. The Commission expects that 
    the need to take this action will occur very infrequently.
        Written comments may be submitted by mail to the Rules Review and 
    Directives Branch, Division of Freedom of Information and Publications 
    Services, Office of Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 
    Washington, DC 20555, and should cite the publication date and page 
    number of this Federal Register notice. Written comments may also be 
    delivered to room P-223, Phillips Building, 7920 Norfolk Avenue, 
    Bethesda, Maryland from 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Federal workdays. Copies 
    of written comments received may be examined at the NRC Public Document 
    Room, the Gelman Building, 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC 20555. The 
    filing of requests for a hearing and petitions for leave to intervene 
    is discussed below.
        By May 27, 1994, the licensee may file a request for a hearing with 
    respect to issuance of the amendment to the subject facility operating 
    license and any person whose interest may be affected by this 
    proceeding and who wishes to participate as a party in the proceeding 
    must file a written request for a hearing and a petition for leave to 
    intervene. Requests for a hearing and a petition for leave to intervene 
    shall be filed in accordance with the Commission's ``Rules of Practice 
    for Domestic Licensing Proceedings'' in 10 CFR part 2. Interested 
    persons should consult a current copy of 10 CFR 2.714 which is 
    available at the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman 
    Building, 2120 L Street, NW., Washington, DC 20555 and at the local 
    public document room for the particular facility involved. If a request 
    for a hearing or petition for leave to intervene is filed by the above 
    date, the Commission or an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, 
    designated by the Commission or by the Chairman of the Atomic Safety 
    and Licensing Board Panel, will rule on the request and/or petition; 
    and the Secretary or the designated Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 
    will issue a notice of a hearing or an appropriate order.
        As required by 10 CFR 2.714, a petition for leave to intervene 
    shall set forth with particularity the interest of the petitioner in 
    the proceeding, and how that interest may be affected by the results of 
    the proceeding. The petition should specifically explain the reasons 
    why intervention should be permitted with particular reference to the 
    following factors:
        (1) The nature of the petitioner's right under the Act to be made a 
    party to the proceeding;
        (2) The nature and extent of the petitioner's property, financial, 
    or other interest in the proceeding; and
        (3) The possible effect of any order which may be entered in the 
    proceeding on the petitioner's interest. The petition should also 
    identify the specific aspect(s) of the subject matter of the proceeding 
    as to which petitioner wishes to intervene. Any person who has filed a 
    petition for leave to intervene or who has been admitted as a party may 
    amend the petition without requesting leave of the Board up to 15 days 
    prior to the first prehearing conference scheduled in the proceeding, 
    but such an amended petition must satisfy the specificity requirements 
    described above.
        Not later than 15 days prior to the first prehearing conference 
    scheduled in the proceeding, a petitioner shall file a supplement to 
    the petition to intervene which must include a list of the contentions 
    which are sought to be litigated in the matter. Each contention must 
    consist of a specific statement of the issue of law or fact to be 
    raised or controverted. In addition, the petitioner shall provide a 
    brief explanation of the bases of the contention and a concise 
    statement of the alleged facts or expert opinion which support the 
    contention and on which the petitioner intends to rely in proving the 
    contention at the hearing. The petitioner must also provide references 
    to those specific sources and documents of which the petitioner is 
    aware and on which the petitioner intends to rely to establish those 
    facts or expert opinion. Petitioner must provide sufficient information 
    to show that a genuine dispute exists with the applicant on a material 
    issue of law or fact. Contentions shall be limited to matters within 
    the scope of the amendment under consideration. The contention must be 
    one which, if proven, would entitle the petitioner to relief. A 
    petitioner who fails to file such a supplement which satisfies these 
    requirements with respect to at least one contention will not be 
    permitted to participate as a party.
        Those permitted to intervene become parties to the proceeding, 
    subject to any limitations in the order granting leave to intervene, 
    and have the opportunity to participate fully in the conduct of the 
    hearing, including the opportunity to present evidence and cross-
    examine witnesses.
        If a hearing is requested, the Commission will make a final 
    determination on the issue of no significant hazards consideration. The 
    final determination will serve to decide when the hearing is held.
        If the final determination is that the amendment request involves 
    no significant hazards consideration, the Commission may issue the 
    amendment and make it immediately effective, notwithstanding the 
    request for a hearing. Any hearing held would take place after issuance 
    of the amendment.
        If the final determination is that the amendment request involves a 
    significant hazards consideration, any hearing held would take place 
    before the issuance of any amendment.
        A request for a hearing or a petition for leave to intervene must 
    be filed with the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Attention: Docketing and Services 
    Branch, or may be delivered to the Commission's Public Document Room, 
    the Gelman Building, 2120 L Street NW., Washington DC 20555, by the 
    above date. Where petitions are filed during the last 10 days of the 
    notice period, it is requested that the petitioner promptly so inform 
    the Commission by a toll-free telephone call to Western Union at 1-
    (800) 248-5100 (in Missouri 1-(800) 342-6700). The Western Union 
    operator should be given Datagram Identification Number N1023 and the 
    following message addressed to (Project Director): Petitioner's name 
    and telephone number, date petition was mailed, plant name, and 
    publication date and page number of this Federal Register notice. A 
    copy of the petition should also be sent to the Office of the General 
    Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and 
    to the attorney for the licensee.
        Nontimely filings of petitions for leave to intervene, amended 
    petitions, supplemental petitions and/or requests for a hearing will 
    not be entertained absent a determination by the Commission, the 
    presiding officer or the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board that the 
    petition and/or request should be granted based upon a balancing of 
    factors specified in 10 CFR 2.714(a)(1)(i)-(v) and 2.714(d).
        For further details with respect to this action, see the 
    application for amendment which is available for public inspection at 
    the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman Building, 2120 L 
    Street NW., Washington, DC 20555, and at the local public document room 
    for the particular facility involved.
    Arizona Public Service Company, et al., Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-
    529, and STN 50-530, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 
    1, 2, and 3, Maricopa County, Arizona
        Date of Amendment Requests: January 4, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Requests: The proposed amendment would 
    change Technical Specification 3/4.2.3 Azimuthal Power Tilt and its 
    associated bases. The licensee proposed to change the Azimuthal Power 
    Tilt limit from less than or equal to 10 percent to less than or equal 
    to 3 percent when the Core Operating Limit Supervisory System is out of 
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensees have 
    provided their analysis about the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        Standard 1--Involve a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        Decreasing the COLSS [Core Operating Limit Supervisory System] 
    out-of service Azimuthal Power Tilt Technical Specification limit 
    does not increase the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated. The Technical Specification operating limit is 
    being conservatively reduced to conform to the assumptions used in 
    the safety analysis. The reduced operating limit requires a more 
    uniform power distribution in the reactor core. The uniform power 
    distribution may reduce the consequences of an accident previously 
    evaluated by not allowing regions in the core to operate at higher 
    power levels.
        Standard 2--Create the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident from any accident previously analyzed.
        The proposed amendment will result in an alarm setpoint change, 
    but does not involve any equipment changes and will not alter the 
    manner in which the plant will be operated. For this reason, this 
    amendment will not create the possibility of an new or different 
    kind of accident from any previously evaluated. The proposed 
    operating range is smaller and completely within the existing 
    Technical Specification limits; thus, there are no mechanisms to 
    create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    those previously evaluated.
        Standard 3--Involve a significant reduction in a margin of 
        The proposed amendment conservatively reduces the COLSS out-of-
    service Azimuthal Power Tilt Technical Specification limit, thereby 
    increasing the margin of safety. The proposed operating range is 
    smaller and completely bounded by the existing Technical 
    Specification limits.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensees' analysis and, based on 
    that review, it appears that the three standards of 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment requests involve no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Phoenix Public Library, 12 
    East McDowell Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85004.
        Attorney for Licensees: Nancy C. Loftin, Esq., Corporate Secretary 
    and Counsel, Arizona Public Service Company, P.O. Box 53999, Mail 
    Station 9068, Phoenix, Arizona 85072-3999.
        NRC Project Director: Theodore R. Quay.
    Carolina Power & Light Company, et al., Docket No. 50-400, Shearon 
    Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, Wake and Chatham Counties, North 
        Date of Amendment Request: March 25, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The amendment would revise 
    Technical Specification 3/, Motor Operated Valves Thermal 
    Overload Protection, with a more accurate description of the motor-
    operated valve (MOV) bypass configuration.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed amendment does not involve a significant 
    increase in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated.
        This change is administrative in nature, providing a more 
    accurate description of the MOV electrical supply configuration 
    related to the thermal overload bypass function. Therefore, the 
    change in terminology would not increase the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The proposed amendment does not create the possibility of a 
    new or different kind of accident from any accident previously 
        The proposed change does not involve any modifications or 
    additions to plant equipment and the design and operation of the 
    plant will not be affected. Therefore, the change in MOV thermal 
    overload bypass function terminology would not increase the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
    previously evaluated.
        3. The proposed amendment does not involve a significant 
    reduction in the margin of safety.
        The proposed terminology change does not affect any parameters 
    which relate to the margin of safety as defined in the Technical 
    Specifications or in the FSAR [Final Safety Analysis Report]. 
    Therefore, the proposed change does not involve a significant 
    reduction in a margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Cameron Village Regional 
    Library, 1930 Clark Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina 27605.
        Attorney for Licensee: R. E. Jones, General Counsel, Carolina Power 
    & Light Company, Post Office Box 1551, Raleigh, North Carolina 27602
        NRC Project Director: William H. Bateman.
    Commonwealth Edison Company, Docket Nos. STN 50-454 and STN 50-455, 
    Byron Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Ogle County, Illinois Docket Nos. STN 
    50-456 and STN 50-457, Braidwood Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Will 
    County, Illinois
        Date of Application for Amendments: March 7, 1994, as supplemented 
    on March 24, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Requests: The proposed amendment would 
    change Technical Specification by removing the specific 
    schedules for containment integrated leak rate testing (CILRT) and 
    specifying that the testing will be done in accordance with Appendix J 
    to 10 CFR part 50.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        A. The proposed changes do not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed change will allow flexibility in the scheduling for 
    Type A tests in the 10-year service period while still meeting the 
    requirements in 10 CFR 50 Appendix J. Additional flexibility is 
    needed for plants using an 18-month fuel cycle to allow refueling 
    outages and 10-year inservice testing intervals to coincide. For 
    performance of the third Type A test at Byron, the change would 
    allow an extension of four (4) months beyond the current maximum 50-
    month surveillance interval. The third test would be completed at 
    the fifty-four (54) month interval for Byron Units 1 and 2.
        For Braidwood Units 1 and 2, an extension on the surveillance 
    time interval will not be necessary to satisfy the requirements of 
    Appendix J. The Braidwood Units have scheduled the third Type A test 
    to be conducted with the 10-year Inservice Inspection.
        The results of the previous Type A leak tests show the overall 
    leakage from the Byron containment buildings at very low levels. The 
    extension of the Type A test by four months would not cause the 
    consequences of a previously evaluated accident to increase. By 
    continuing to conform to the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix J, 
    the test frequency, methodology, and acceptance criteria for 
    containment leakage remains the same. Therefore, there is no 
    significant increase in the probability or the consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated.
        B. The proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously 
        The proposed changes do not affect the design or operation of 
    any system, structure or component in the plant. There are no 
    changes to parameters governing plant operation and no new or 
    different type of equipment will be installed. No new accident 
    scenarios are created by the proposed change because the test 
    frequency continues to meet the requirements of Appendix J of 10 CFR 
    part 50. There is no affect on containment structure, the 
    penetrations, or the facility. The proposed change to the test 
    schedule only provides flexibility in meeting the same requirement 
    for three tests in a 10-year period. The testing method and bases 
    have not changed. Therefore, operation of the units with this more 
    flexible test schedule will not result in an accident previously not 
    analyzed in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR). The 
    proposed changes do not impact the design bases of the containment 
    and do not modify the response of the containment during a design 
    basis accident. Therefore, the changes do not create the possibility 
    of a new or different type of accident from any accident previously 
        C. The proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction 
    in a margin of safety.
        The proposed changes do not affect the margin of safety for any 
    Technical Specifications. The initial conditions and methodologies 
    used in the accident analyses remain unchanged, therefore, the 
    results of the accident analyses are not impacted. The proposed 
    change to the schedule allows for additional flexibility in meeting 
    the requirement for three tests in a 10-year period. Elimination of 
    the specified time interval for Type A testing would allow Byron 
    Units 1 and 2 to extend the surveillance requirement of the third 
    Type A test by four (4) months. This would exceed the existing 
    maximum 50 month interval currently specified in Technical 
    Specifications. The extension will allow performance of the Type A 
    test to coincide with the seventh refueling outage, 10 year 
    Inservice Inspection, and continue to meet the requirements of 
    Appendix J to 10 CFR part 50. These proposed changes do not affect 
    or change any limiting conditions for operation (LCO), or any other 
    surveillance requirements in the Technical Specifications.
        The results of the previous Type A leak tests have shown that 
    the overall leakage rates from the Byron containment buildings were 
    at low levels. The latest test results for Units 1 and 2 were 0.0175 
    weight percent per day and 0.0376 weight percent per day, 
    respectively. The overall containment leakage rates have 
    consistently remained well below the acceptance criteria for Byron 
    Station Type A tests of 0.075 weight percent per day. The testing 
    method, acceptance criteria, and bases for the surveillance 
    requirement will not be changed by the proposed amendment.
        The present test performance margins, coupled with the Type B & 
    C test program for monitoring and repairing individual leakage 
    components provides justification for the proposed change. The Type 
    B & C tests provide added assurance that the overall containment 
    integrated leakage rates remain satisfactory. No significant leakage 
    trends have been identified which threaten the overall containment 
    leakage specifications.
        In summary, Commonwealth Edison concludes that this change does 
    not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety because 
    the containment integritiy will be maintained. Testing in accordance 
    with Appendix J requirements ensures confidence is containment 
    intergity. The proposed Technical Specifications amendment will 
    continue to require testing that is consistent with Appendix J 
    requirements. Additionally, results from previous tests have shown 
    acceptable low overall containment leakage rates. Extension of Type 
    A testing for four months would not involve a signficant reduction 
    in a margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: For Byron, the Byron Public 
    Library, 109 N. Franklin, P.O. Box 434, Byron, Illinois 61010; for 
    Braidwood, the Wilmington Township Public Library, 201 S. Kankakee 
    Street, Wilmington, Illinois 60481
        Attorney for Licensee: Michael I. Miller, Esquire; Sidley and 
    Austin, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60690.
        NRC Project Director: James E. Dyer.
    Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Docket No. 50-247, Indian 
    Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2, Westchester County, New York Date 
    of Amendment Request: February 18, 1994
        Description of Amendment Request: This amendment is an additional 
    followup to the amendment request of May 29, 1992, published in the 
    Federal Register on July 8, 1992 (57 FR 30242), which changed the 
    Technical Specifications Sec. 1.0, Definitions, to accommodate a 24-
    month fuel cycle and which proposed the extension of the test intervals 
    for specific surveillance tests. This amendment proposes extending the 
    surveillance intervals to 24 months for the following additional 
    surveillance tests:
        (1) Analog Rod Position Indication.
        (2) Plant Noble Gas Activity Monitor (R-44).
        (3) Low Turbine Auto Stop Oil Pressure Reactor Trip.
        (4) 6.9 KV Undervoltage Relays.
        (5) Boric Acid Tank Level.
        (6) Vapor Containment Sump Discharge Flow and Temperature 
        (7) Loss of Power Undervoltage and Degraded Voltage Relays.
        (8) Over-pressurization Protection System (OPS) and Control Rod 
    Protection System (for use with Low Parasite [LOPAR] fuel) Trip.
        (9) Condenser Evacuation System Activity Monitor (R-45).
        (10) Service Water Inlet Temperature Monitoring Instrumentation.
        (11) Sampler Flow Rate Monitors.
        (12) Boric Acid Makeup Flow System.
        (13) Plant Vent Noble Gas Effluent Monitor (R-27).
        The amendment also proposes to change the surveillance interval for 
    the Refueling Water Storage Tank Level to quarterly and to change the 
    trip setpoint for the Control Rod Protection System. The changes 
    requested by the licensee are in accordance with Generic Letter 91-04, 
    ``Changes in Technical Specification Surveillance Intervals to 
    Accommodate a 24-Month Fuel Cycle.''
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        [(1) Analog Rod Position Indication:]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. A significant increase in the probability or consequences of 
    an accident previously evaluated will not occur.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    analog rod position indication channel be changed from every 18 
    months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%).
        A statistical analysis of channel uncertainty for a 30 month 
    operating cycle has been performed. Based upon this analysis it has 
    been concluded that none of the major error contributors are time 
    dependent and that it can be reasonably expected that the channel 
    will remain within calibration tolerance over a possible 30 month 
    operating cycle. In addition, the rod bottom bistable is subject to 
    monthly testing which would detect any abnormalities in an extended 
    operating cycle. Due to this monthly test and the acceptable past 
    test history, it is concluded that the channel will continue to 
    operate within tolerance over an extended operating cycle and will 
    not contribute to a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated has not been created.
        The proposed change in operating cycle length due to an 
    increased surveillance interval is not expected to affect the 
    ability of the instrument channel to remain within calibration 
    tolerance. Furthermore, the rod position indicator is used in normal 
    operation only as an aid in control rod movement. Normally, very 
    little control rod movement occurs during normal operation. 
    Furthermore, it is not relied upon for accident prevention or 
    accident mitigation. In accordance with existing Technical 
    Specifications, normal operation can continue even if one channel is 
    inoperable because alternate means (core instrumentation) exists to 
    monitor rod position. The frequent monthly test tends to minimize 
    the effect of a longer operating cycle for the rod position 
    indication channel as any malfunction induced by time would be 
    detected. Thus, it is concluded that the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated 
    has not been created.
        3. A significant reduction in a margin of safety is not 
        A statistical analysis of past calibration data has not 
    identified any time dependent error contributors. Also, past test 
    data indicates that the channel remains within calibration tolerance 
    over the existing operating cycle. A longer operating cycle would 
    increase the risk of drift, however accuracy is not a prime 
    requirement for the RPI. Therefore, it is concluded that a longer 
    operating cycle will not result in a significant reduction in a 
    margin of safety.
        [(2) Plant Noble Gas Activity Monitor (R-44):]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. There is no significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Plant Noble Gas Activity Monitor (R-44) be changed from every 18 
    months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%).
        The function of R-44 is to respond to high activity levels 
    during normal operation.
        The setpoint for R-44 is established sufficiently above the 
    expected radioactivity level in the discharge stream to preclude 
    false actions but sufficiently below the allowed discharge 
    radioactivity concentration so that discharge in excess of 
    permissible limits does not occur. Monitor readouts are not used for 
    quantitative purposes, but are used to respond to relative changes 
    in radioactivity concentration.
        There is limited data to support an unqualified extension of the 
    surveillance interval. However, the instrument is checked for 
    operability prior to release. Should the instrument be inoperable 
    releases may continue provided grab sample analysis is performed. 
    Since the monitor is subject to daily channel checks, monthly source 
    checks, and quarterly functional channel tests, abnormal instrument 
    behavior or inoperability would be detected permitting corrective 
    actions during the extended surveillance interval.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any previously analyzed has not been created.
        Operability of the instrument is important rather than ability 
    to maintain a specific setpoint. Operability of the instrument is 
    verified prior to a planned discharge and this is independent of an 
    extended surveillance cycle.
        3. There has been no reduction in the margin of safety.
        As the Technical Specifications permit pre-planned release even 
    with an inoperable instrument, the margin of safety is not impacted 
    by an extended surveillance interval provided that instrument 
    operability is verified prior to release. This is also required by 
    the Technical Specifications.
        [(3) Low Turbine Auto Stop Oil Pressure Reactor Trip:]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. There is no significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Low Turbine Auto Stop Oil Pressure system be changed from every 18 
    months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%).
        No credit is taken for a reactor trip from a low turbine auto 
    stop oil pressure signal resulting from a turbine trip. Rather, the 
    safety analysis assumes this reactor trip does not occur during full 
    load rejection until an overpower delta T condition causes a reactor 
    trip. In addition, no credit is taken for this system for turbine 
    missile protection. Therefore, extending the surveillance interval 
    for this parameter has no impact upon the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any previously analyzed has not been created.
        As no credit is taken in the safety analysis for this trip, the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident has not been 
    created by extending the surveillance interval.
        3. There has been no reduction in the margin of safety.
        Past test results have not identified any failures. Therefore, 
    pursuant to Generic Letter 91-04, it is reasonably expected that 
    this system will continue to function in an acceptable manner over 
    an extended operating cycle.
        [(4) 6.9 kv Undervoltage Relays:]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. There is no significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        It is proposed that the calibration frequency for the 6.9 kv 
    undervoltage channel be changed from every 18 months (+25%) to every 
    24 months (+25%).
        Quarterly testing of these relays is required by Technical 
    Specifications. The data from the quarterly tests of the new relays 
    will be used to assure that drift does not exceed projected values. 
    The quarterly tests provide a means of maintaining calibration 
    within specified values, virtually eliminating any impact upon 
    safety from an extended operating cycle.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any previously analyzed has not been created.
        Because the quarterly tests assure that relay performance 
    remains within specified limits, there is no possibility of creating 
    a new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed.
        3. There has been no reduction in the margin of safety.
        The requirement for a channel functional test each quarter 
    minimizes any potential impact upon safety due to an extended 
    operating cycle.
        [(5) Boric Acid Tank Level:]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. A significant increase in the probability or consequence of 
    an accident previously evaluated will not occur.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Boric Acid Tank Level instrumentation be changed from every 18 
    months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%).
        A statistical analysis of channel uncertainty for a 30 month 
    operating cycle has been performed. Based upon this analysis it has 
    been concluded that sufficient margin exists between the existing 
    Technical Specification limit and the licensing basis Safety 
    Analysis limit to accommodate the channel statistical error 
    resulting from a 30 month operating cycle. The existing margin 
    between the Technical Specification limit and the Safety Analysis 
    limit provides assurance that plant protective actions will occur as 
    required. It is therefore concluded that changing the surveillance 
    interval from 18 months (+25%) to 24 months (+25%) will not result 
    in a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated has not been created.
        The proposed change in operating cycle length due to an 
    increased surveillance interval will not result in a channel 
    statistical allowance which exceeds the current margin between the 
    existing Technical Specification limit and the Safety Analysis 
    limit. Plant equipment, which will be set at (or more conservatively 
    than) Technical Specification limits, will provide protective 
    functions to assure that Safety Analysis limits are not exceeded. 
    This will prevent the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident from any previously evaluated from occurring.
        3. A significant reduction in a margin of safety is not 
        The above change in surveillance interval resulting from an 
    increased operating cycle will not result in a channel statistical 
    allowance which exceeds the margin which exists between the current 
    Technical Specification limit and the licensing basis Safety 
    Analysis limit. This margin, which is equivalent to the existing 
    margin, is necessary to assure that protective safety functions will 
    occur so that Safety Analysis limits are not exceeded.
        [(6) Vapor Containment Sump Discharge Flow and Temperature 
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. A significant increase in the probability or consequences of 
    an accident previously evaluated will not occur.
        It is proposed that the calibration frequency for the VC sump 
    discharge flow and temperature channel be changed from every 18 
    months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%).
        A statistical analysis of channel uncertainty for a 30 month 
    operating cycle has been performed. Based upon this analysis it has 
    been concluded that sufficient margin exists between the existing 
    Technical Specification and the licensing basis Safety Analysis to 
    accommodate the channel statistical error resulting from a 30 month 
    operating cycle. The existing margin between the Technical 
    Specification and the Safety Analysis provides assurance that plant 
    protective actions will occur as required. It is therefore concluded 
    that changing the surveillance interval from 18 months (+25%) to 24 
    months (+25%) will not result in a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated has not been created.
        The proposed change in operating cycle length due to an 
    increased surveillance interval will not result in a channel 
    statistical allowance which exceeds the current margin between the 
    existing Technical Specification and the Safety Analysis. Plant 
    equipment, which will be set at (or more conservatively than) 
    Technical Specification limits, will provide protective functions to 
    assure that Safety Analysis limits are not exceeded. This will 
    prevent the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any previously evaluated from occurring.
        3. A significant reduction in a margin of safety is not 
        The above change in surveillance interval resulting from an 
    increased operating cycle will not result in a channel statistical 
    allowance which exceeds the margin which exists between the current 
    Technical Specification and the licensing basis Safety Analysis. 
    This margin, which is equivalent to the existing margin, is 
    necessary to assure that protective safety functions will occur so 
    that Safety Analysis limits are not exceeded.
        [(7) Loss of Power Undervoltage and Degraded Voltage Relays:]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. There is no significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        The Technical Specifications specify that the Loss of Power 
    (undervoltage and degraded voltage) relays be calibrated and tested 
    at a refueling interval; that the undervoltage alarm be calibrated 
    at a refueling interval, and that the undervoltage (station 
    blackout) input to Auxiliary Feedwater be calibrated at refueling 
    intervals. It is proposed that the surveillance frequency be revised 
    from 18 months (+25%) to 24 months (+25%).
        All of the undervoltage and station blackout relays were found 
    to be within specification at each of the refueling outage 
    calibration periods.
        Since the old relays have been replaced with relays from a 
    different manufacturer whose drift characteristics are expected to 
    be superior, extending the surveillance interval by several months 
    will not significantly increase the probability or consequences of 
    an accident.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any previously analyzed has not been created.
        Past test results provide reasonable assurance that the relays 
    will perform in an acceptable manner for an extended operating 
    cycle. With the installation of the new relays, whose performance 
    will surpass the old relays, it is concluded that the plant will 
    perform within its design basis for an extended operating cycle. 
    Therefore, the possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    from any previously analyzed has not been created.
        3. There has been no significant reduction in the margin of 
        Since the new relays will surpass the performance of the old 
    relays, there is reasonable assurance that a significant reduction 
    in the margin of safety has not resulted from an extended operating 
        [(8) Over-pressurization Protection System (OPS) and Control Rod 
    Protection System (for use with Low Parasite (LOPAR) fuel) Trip:]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. A significant increase in the probability or consequences of 
    an accident previously evaluated will not occur.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Over-pressurization protection system and the LOPAR trip system be 
    changed from every 18 months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%). This 
    necessitates a change in the LOPAR Technical Specification trip 
    setpoint from 350  deg.F to 381  deg.F.
        A statistical analysis of channel uncertainty for a 30 month 
    operating cycle has been performed based upon historical test data. 
    Based on this analysis, a change to the Technical Specifications is 
    required. Sufficient margin exists between the Safety Analysis limit 
    and the proposed Technical Specification limit to accommodate 
    projected channel uncertainty over a 30 month operating cycle. A 
    statistical basis exists to assure that protective action will occur 
    to prevent Safety Analysis limits from being exceeded. Thus, there 
    will not be a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    previously evaluated has not been created.
        Based upon a statistical analysis of past historical test data 
    it has been demonstrated that reasonable assurance exists to 
    conclude that Safety Analysis limits will not be exceeded over a 30 
    month operating cycle. The proposed Technical Specification limits 
    provide margin with respect to the Safety Analysis limits and 
    confidence that appropriate plant protective response will be 
    provided to prevent the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident from that previously evaluated from being created.
        3. A significant reduction in a margin of safety is not 
        The proposed changes to the Technical Specification limits are 
    being made to assure that the previously established margin remains 
    the same between plant protective function set points and Safety 
    Analysis limits. This margin is based upon an evaluation of past 
    historical test data and analytical methods for projecting 
    instrument channel uncertainty over a 30 month operating cycle. It 
    is therefore concluded that the existing margin of safety has been 
        [(9) Condenser Evacuation System Activity Monitor (R-45):]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. There is no significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Condenser Evacuation System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (R-45) be 
    changed from every 18 months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%).
        Since this radiation monitor is relatively new a degree of 
    uncertainty is introduced by extending the surveillance interval by 
    several months. However, the setpoint for automatic diversion is set 
    some what conservatively. It is established sufficiently high to 
    avoid spurious actuations and yet sufficiently low so that diversion 
    and alarm can occur should a step increase in radioactivity level 
    occur. Under these circumstances considerable departure from the 
    setpoint can be accommodated and the monitor will still perform its 
    intended safety function. Continued monitor operability is important 
    and malfunction would be detected by monthly checks during the 
    extended operating cycle. Thus, despite the introduction of a new 
    monitor, the capability of R-45 to tolerate drift in addition to 
    monthly operator checks, leads to the conclusion that an extended 
    operating cycle will not result in a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any previously analyzed has not been created.
        Monthly checks would identify abnormal operating 
    characteristics, should the instrument fail to perform its intended 
    function. In the event of tube rupture with a reactor coolant system 
    radioactivity concentration corresponding to 1% defective fuel, the 
    resultant site boundary dose would be within 10 CFR [part] 20 limits 
    should the monitor fail to perform its function (as discussed in 
    FSAR [Final Safety Analysis Report]). In addition, alternate means 
    of alarms to indicate a tube rupture event are available. Thus, the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident has not been 
        3. There has been no reduction in the margin of safety.
        Although this monitor is not necessary to mitigate releases 
    below regulatory limits, it does provide the earliest of a steam 
    generator tube leak. In this regard, continued instrument operation 
    is important. Continued instrument operability would be verified by 
    the monthly checks in an extended operating cycle.
        [(10) Service Water Inlet Temperature Monitoring 
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. A significant increase in the probability or consequences of 
    an accident previously evaluated will not occur.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Service Water Inlet Temperature Monitoring Instrumentation be 
    changed from every 18 months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%).
        A statistical analysis of channel uncertainty for a 30 month 
    operating cycle has been performed. Based upon this analysis it has 
    been concluded that sufficient margin exists between the existing 
    Technical Specification and the licensing basis Safety Analysis to 
    accommodate the channel statistical error resulting from a 30 month 
    operating cycle. The existing margin between the Technical 
    Specification and the Safety Analysis provides assurance that plant 
    protective actions will occur as required. It is therefore concluded 
    that changing the surveillance interval from 18 months (+25%) to 24 
    months (+25%) will not result in a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated has not been created.
        The proposed change in operating cycle length due to an 
    increased surveillance interval will not result in a channel 
    statistical allowance which exceeds the current margin between the 
    existing Technical Specification and the Safety Analysis. Plant 
    equipment, which will be set at (or more conservatively than) 
    Technical Specification limits, will provide protective functions to 
    assure that Safety Analyses are not exceeded. This will prevent the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any 
    previously evaluated from occurring.
        3. A significant reduction in a margin of safety is not 
        The above change in surveillance interval resulting from an 
    increased operating cycle will not result in a channel statistical 
    allowance which exceeds the existing margin between the current 
    Technical Specification and the licensing basis Safety Analysis. 
    This margin, which is equivalent to the existing margin, is 
    necessary to assure that the protective safety functions occur and 
    that the Safety Analysis limits are not exceeded.
        [(11) Sampler Flow Rate Monitor:]
        1. There is no significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Sample Flow Rate Monitors be changed from every 18 months (+25%) to 
    every 24 months (+25%).
        The flow rate monitors are used to estimate the total volume of 
    air passed through filters. There is no setpoint or safety function 
    served by these monitors. A high level of radioactivity in the 
    discharge stream is detected by R-43 and/or R-44.
        Insofar as discharge via the unit vent is permissible with the 
    monitors inoperable, extension of the surveillance interval will 
    have no impact upon safety.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any previously analyzed has not been created.
        As the nuclear safety function is provided by other monitors in 
    the event of high radioactivity levels in the discharge stream, 
    extension of the surveillance interval will have no impact upon the 
    creation of a new or different kind of accident.
        3. There has been no reduction in the margin of safety.
        These flow monitors are utilized to determine the total air flow 
    through filters for computational purposes. As adequate measures 
    (other monitors) exist to prevent the possibility of discharging 
    radioactivity in excess of applicable limits, there is virtually no 
    impact upon safety incurred by extending the surveillance interval.
        [(12) Boric Acid Makeup Flow System:]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. A significant increase in the probability or consequences of 
    an accident previously evaluated will not occur.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Boric Acid Makeup Flow System be revised from every 18 months (+25%) 
    to every 24 months (+25%). A statistical analysis of channel 
    uncertainty for a 30 month operating cycle has been performed. Based 
    upon this analysis it has been concluded that sufficient margin 
    exists between the existing Technical Specification limit and the 
    licensing basis Safety Analysis limit to accommodate the channel 
    statistical error resulting from a 30 month operating cycle. The 
    existing margin between the Technical Specification limit and the 
    Safety Analysis limit provides assurance that plant protective 
    actions will occur as required. It is therefore concluded that 
    changing the surveillance interval from 18 months (+25%) to 24 
    months (+25%) will not result in a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated has not been created.
        The proposed change in operating cycle length due to an 
    increased surveillance interval will not result in a channel 
    statistical allowance which exceeds the current margin between the 
    existing Technical Specification limit and the Safety Analysis 
    limit. Plant equipment, which will be set at (or more conservatively 
    than) Technical Specification limits, will provide protective 
    functions to assure that Safety Analysis limits are not exceeded. 
    This will prevent the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident from any previously evaluated from occurring.
        3. A significant reduction in a margin of safety is not 
        The above change in surveillance interval resulting from an 
    increased operating cycle will not result in a channel statistical 
    allowance which exceeds the margin which exists between the current 
    Technical Specification limit and the licensing basis Safety 
    Analysis limit. This margin, which is equivalent to the existing 
    margin, is necessary to assure that protective safety functions will 
    occur so that Safety Analysis limits are not exceeded.
        [(13) Plant Vent Noble Gas Effluent Monitor (R-27):]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. There is no significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    Plant Vent Noble Gas Effluent Monitor (R-27) be changed from every 
    18 months (+25%) to every 24 months (+25%).
        R-27 is a high range noble gas monitor intended for use after an 
    accident to provide information about the magnitude of radioactive 
    releases. It serves no purpose during normal operation. It provides 
    no function to prevent or mitigate an accident but does provide a 
    role in assessing the consequences of an accident. As the monitor is 
    a high range monitor, an estimate of the magnitude of release rather 
    than accuracy is important. Accordingly, continued operability of 
    the instrument during an extended operating cycle is more important 
    than the device exhibiting minimal drift characteristics. 
    Malfunction of the instrument would be detected by the shift checks 
    and functional tests performed during the extended operating cycle.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any previously analyzed has not been created.
        Since the monitor provides no preventive or mitigating action in 
    the event of an accident, no new or different type of accident has 
    been created by extending the operating cycle. In terms of post 
    accident assessment capability, alternate means exist to assess 
    offsite releases in the event of failure of this instrument.
        3. There has been no reduction in the margin of safety.
        Since the instrument provides no safety function and alternate 
    means exist for post accident assessment purposes, there will be no 
    impact on safety due to an extended period between calibrations.
        [(14) Refueling Water Storage Tank Level:]
        The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards 
    consideration since:
        1. A significant increase in the probability or consequences of 
    an accident previously evaluated will not occur.
        It is proposed that the channel calibration frequency for the 
    RWST instrumentation be changed from every 18 months (+25%) to 
    quarterly (once every 3 months).
        A statistical analysis of channel uncertainty for a 3 month 
    surveillance has been performed. Based upon this analysis it has 
    been concluded that sufficient margin exists between the existing 
    Technical Specification limit and the licensing basis Safety 
    Analysis limit to accommodate the channel statistical error 
    resulting from a 3 month quarterly surveillance. The existing margin 
    between the Technical Specification limit and the Safety Analysis 
    limit provides assurance that plant protective actions will occur as 
    required. It is therefore concluded that changing the surveillance 
    interval from 18 months (+25%) to quarterly will not result in a 
    significant increase in the probability or consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated.
        2. The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated has not been created.
        The proposed change in surveillance interval will result in a 
    channel statistical allowance which provides the necessary margin 
    between the existing Technical Specification limit and the Safety 
    Analysis limit. Plant equipment, which will be set at (or more 
    conservatively than) Technical Specification limits, will provide 
    protective functions to assure that Safety Analysis limits are not 
    exceeded. This will prevent the possibility of a new or different 
    kind of accident from any previously evaluated from occurring.
        3. A significant reduction in a margin of safety is not 
        The above change in surveillance interval will result in a 
    channel statistical allowance which is necessary between the current 
    Technical Specification limit and the licensing basis Safety 
    Analysis limit. This margin is necessary to assure that protective 
    safety functions will occur so that Safety Analysis limits are not 
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: White Plains Public Library, 
    100 Martine Avenue, White Plains, New York 10610.
        Attorney for Licensee: Brent L. Brandenburg, Esq., 4 Irving Place, 
    New York, New York 10003.
        NRC Project Director: Robert A. Capra.
    Duke Power Company, et al., Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414, Catawba 
    Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, York County, South Carolina
        Date of Amendment Request: March 24, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The changes are in support of the 
    forthcoming Cycle 7 for Catawba, Unit 2. The proposed Technical 
    Specification (TS) changes reflect:
        (1) An increase from 2000 parts per million (ppm) to 2175 ppm in 
    the required spent fuel storage pool minimum boron concentration during 
    Modes 1-3 operation,
        (2) An increase from 2000 ppm to 2175 ppm in the required reactor 
    coolant system (RCS) and refueling canal minimum boron concentration 
    during Mode 6 operation,
        (3) The inclusion of two reload related topical reports into TS, and
        (4) The revision of an administrative nature to correct errors in 
    nomenclature and to remove obsolete footnotes.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
    Increase in Boron Concentration Limit for the Spent Fuel Storage Pool 
    (Standby Makeup Pump Water Supply)
        The required spent fuel storage pool minimum boron concentration 
    was increased from 2000 ppm to 2175 ppm during Modes 1-3.
        The proposed revision is conservative, and is required only to 
    maintain consistency between the boron concentration of the spent 
    fuel storage pool and the boron concentration of the RWST [refueling 
    water storage tank] during Modes 1-3 operation. Therefore, there 
    will be no adverse impact upon the probability or consequences of 
    any previously analyzed accident.
        Likewise, the proposed change will not create the possibility of 
    a new or different kind of accident, since no new failure modes are 
        Finally, no negative impact upon any safety margin is created 
    since the proposed change is conservative.
    Increase in Boron Concentration Limits for the RCS and Refueling Canal 
    in Mode 6
        The increase in the required RCS and refueling canal minimum 
    boron concentration was added only to maintain consistency between 
    the boron concentration of the RCS and refueling canal and the RWST 
    in Mode 6.
        The change in boron concentration limits for the RCS and 
    refueling canal will not increase the probability of an accident 
    since no accident initiators are involved with this change. Since 
    the change is conservative, the consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated will not be increased. The increase in the 
    boron concentration limit for the RCS and refueling canal in Mode 6 
    adds further margin to the initial conditions assumed for the boron 
    dilution accident in the safety analysis. Therefore, the 
    consequences of the boron dilution accident previously evaluated 
    will not be increased.
        The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any 
    previously evaluated will not be created since this change is 
    bounded by previously evaluated accidents and does not introduce any 
    new failure modes.
        This change does not involve a significant reduction in the 
    margin of safety since the analyses performed demonstrate that the 
    limits imposed meet all accident analysis and design basis 
    Addition of Two Reload Related Topical Reports
        This change is administrative in nature and adds two previously 
    approved topical reports to the list of methodologies used to 
    determine core operating limits. The change will have no impact upon 
    either the probability or consequences of a previously analyzed 
    accident. The methodologies described in the topical reports have 
    been previously reviewed and approved by the NRC. Also, no new 
    accident possibilities are created, since this is an administrative 
    change. Finally, no impact upon any safety margin is created, since 
    the change is administrative in nature and the described topical 
    reports have received full NRC approval.
    Correction of Errors in Nomenclature and Removal of Obsolete Footnotes
        These changes are also administrative in nature and are intended 
    to correct miscellaneous errors and obsolete references. As such, 
    the changes will have no impact upon either the probability or 
    consequences of any previously analyzed accidents, will not create 
    the possibility of any new accident scenarios, and will not impact 
    any safety margins.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: York County Library, 138 East 
    Black Street, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730.
        Attorney for Licensee: Mr. Albert Carr, Duke Power Company, 422 
    South Church Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28242.
        NRC Project Director: David B. Matthews.
    Duke Power Company, Docket Nos. 50-269, 50-270 and 50-287, Oconee 
    Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2 and 3, Oconee County, South Carolina
        Date of Amendment Request: March 23, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendments would 
    revise Technical Specification (TS) 6.9.2, ``Core Operating Limits 
    Report,'' to include a reference to a Duke Power Company (DPC) Topical 
    Report describing an analytical method for determining the core 
    operating limits.
        Specifically, the amendments would add: ``(4) DPC-NE-1004A, Nuclear 
    Design Methodology Using CASMO-3/SIMULATE-3P, November 1992,'' to TS 
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: The NRC staff reviewed Topical Report DPC-NE-1004A and 
    concluded in a Safety Evaluation Report dated November 23, 1992, that 
    the described nuclear design methodology is acceptable for performing 
    reload analyses for the DPC B&W 177-assembly cores in the Oconee units. 
    The addition of this approved nuclear design methodology to those 
    referenced in TS 6.9.2 provides an alternative method for determining 
    core operating limits such that all applicable limits (e.g., fuel 
    thermal mechanical limits, core thermal hydraulic limits, ECCS limits, 
    nuclear limits such as shutdown margin, and transient and accident 
    analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met. Therefore, the 
    proposed change to the TS (1) does not involve a significant increase 
    in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated, 
    (2) does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident than previously evaluated, and (3) does not involve a 
    significant reduction in the margin of safety.
        As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has provided its 
    analysis of the issue of no significant hazards consideration, which is 
    presented below:
        Duke Power Company (Duke) has made the determination that this 
    amendment request involves a No Significant Hazards Consideration by 
    applying the standards established in 10 CFR 50.92. This ensures that 
    operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment 
    would not:
        (1) Involve a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated:
        Each accident analysis addressed within the Oconee Final Safety 
    Analysis Report (FSAR) has been examined with respect to this 
    amendment request. The Technical Specifications will continue to 
    require operation within the bounds of the cycle-specific parameter 
    limits. The cycle-specific parameter limits will be calculated using 
    NRC approved methodology. The proposed amendment is simply an 
    administrative change to update the list of NRC approved methods in 
    Technical Specification 6.9.2. Therefore, the probability of any 
    Design Basis Accident (DBA) is not affected by this change, nor are 
    the consequences of a DBA affected by this change. This is because 
    the addition of an NRC approved reference to Technical Specification 
    6.9.2 is not considered to be an initiator or contributor to any 
    accident analysis addressed in the Oconee FSAR.
        (2) Create the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident from any kind previously evaluated:
        Operation of ONS [Oconee Nuclear Station] in accordance with 
    these Technical Specifications will not create any failure modes not 
    bounded by previously evaluated accidents. Consequently, this change 
    will not create the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident from any kind of accident previously evaluated.
        (3) Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety:
        The Technical Specifications will continue to require operation 
    within the bounds of the cycle-specific parameter limits. Duke will 
    continue to calculate the cycle-specific parameter limits using NRC 
    approved methodology. In addition, each future reload will require a 
    10 CFR 50.59 safety review to ensure that operation of the unit 
    within the cycle-specific limits will not involve a reduction in a 
    margin of safety. Therefore, no margins of safety are affected by 
    the addition of an NRC approved methodology to Technical 
    Specification 6.9.2.
        Based on the staff's analysis and its review of the licensee's 
    analysis, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Oconee County Library, 501 
    West South Broad Street, Walhalla, South Carolina 29691.
        Attorney for Licensee: J. Michael McGarry, III, Winston and Strawn, 
    1200 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20036.
        NRC Project Director: David B. Matthews.
    Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric 
    Authority of Georgia, City of Dalton, Georgia, Docket Nos. 50-424 and 
    50-425, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Burke County, 
        Date of Amendment Request: March 18, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendments would 
    revise Technical Specification (TS) 3/, Accident Monitoring 
    Instrumentation, TS 3/, Hydrogen Monitors, and their associated 
    bases to incorporate the technical substance of Specification 3.3.3 
    from NUREG-1431, Revision O (Standard Technical Specifications) for the 
    Westinghouse Owners Group.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1.The proposed changes do not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated. 
    The proposed changes affect instrumentation that would be used to 
    assess the condition of the plant during and following an accident. 
    As such, the changes can have no effect on the probability of any 
    accident previously evaluated since this instrumentation has no 
    bearing on initiating events. The proposed changes will continue to 
    ensure the capability to monitor plant conditions during and 
    following an accident by requiring redundancy or diversity and 
    timely corrective action in the event of inoperable instrumentation. 
    Therefore, the proposed changes will not significantly increase the 
    consequences of any accident previously evaluated.
        2. The proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously 
    evaluated. The proposed changes affect the operability and action 
    requirements for the post accident monitoring instrumentation 
    system. Accordingly, the proposed changes do not involve any change 
    to the configuration or method of operation of any plant equipment, 
    and no new failure modes have been defined for any plant system or 
    component nor has any new limiting failure been identified as a 
    result of the proposed changes. Therefore, the proposed changes do 
    not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    from any previously evaluated.
        3. The proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction 
    in a margin of safety. The intent of the existing TS requirements is 
    to ensure the capability to monitor the plant condition during and 
    following an accident so that the operators will have the 
    information necessary to monitor and evaluate the course of the 
    event and take any necessary action. Under the proposed changes this 
    capability will be maintained by ensuring redundancy or diversity 
    and by requiring timely corrective action in the event of inoperable 
    instrumentation. In addition, the proposed changes would avoid 
    unnecessary plant shutdowns by specifying an appropriate level of 
    action in response to inoperable instrumentation. Therefore, the 
    proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction in a margin 
    of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Burke County Public Library, 
    412 Fourth Street, Waynesboro, Georgia 30830.
        Attorney for Licensee: Mr. Arthur H. Domby, Troutman Sanders, 
    NationsBank Plaza, suite 5200, 600 Peachtree Street, NE., Atlanta, 
    Georgia 30308.
        NRC Project Director: David B. Matthews.
    GPU Nuclear Corporation, et al., Docket No. 50-219, Oyster Creek 
    Nuclear Generating Station, Ocean County, New Jersey
        Date of Amendment Request: April 6, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendment changes 
    the Technical Specifications to eliminate the main steam line radiation 
    monitor(s) (MSLRMs) reactor scram and isolation functions of the MSLRMs 
    currently contained in Tables 3.1.-1 and 4.1-1 of the Technical 
    Specifications and the associated Bases statements. This action follows 
    the recommendations of the BWR Owners Group (BWROG) in their Safety 
    Evaluation, NEDO-31400A, previously approved by the NRC Staff on May 
    15, 1991 by letter to the BWROG. Following is a brief description of 
    the proposed changes:
        Tech. Spec. 3.1, ``Protective Instrumentation'' Bases is revised to 
    delete reference to the paragraph describing the Main Steam Line (MSL) 
    radiation monitoring functions for indication of excessive fuel failure 
    and initiation of a reactor scram and MSL isolation.
        Tech. Spec. Table 3.1.1., ``Protective Instrumentation Requirements 
    - A. Reactor Scram Functions,'' is revised to delete line Item No. 7 - 
    ``High Radiation in Main Steam Line Tunnel.''
        Tech. Spec. Table 3.1.1., ``Protective Instrumentation Requirements 
    - B. Reactor Isolation Functions,'' is revised to delete line Item No. 
    6 - ``High Radiation in Main Steam Line Tunnel.''
        Tech. Spec. Table 3.1.1., ``Protective Instrumentation Requirements 
    - L. Condenser Vacuum Pump Isolation Function,'' is revised to delete 
    line Item No. 1 - ``High Radiation in Main Steam Line Tunnel.''
        Tech. Spec. Table 4.1.1., ``Minimum Check, Calibration and Test 
    Frequency For Protective Instrumentation,'' is revised to delete 
    Instrumentation Channel No. 13 - ``High Radiation in Main Steam Line.''
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed 
    amendment would not involve a significant increase in the 
    probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated.
        The objective of the MSLRMs is to provide early indication of 
    gross fuel failure. The monitors provide an alarm function, and 
    signals that lead to a scram function and [main steam isolation 
    valve] MSIV isolation functions. The basis for the MSIV isolation on 
    an MSL high radiation signal is to reduce the quantity of fission 
    products transported from the reactor vessel to the condenser in the 
    event of gross fuel failure. No [design basis accident] DBA takes 
    credit for a reactor scram resulting from an MSL high radiation 
        The proposed change removes all trip functions of the MSLRMs. 
    The only modification attendant to this change is the removal of 
    contacts derived from the MSLRM logic to the reactor scram, reactor 
    isolation and offgas system isolation initiation logic. This change 
    does not affect the operation of any equipment having the potential 
    to cause a [control rod drop accident] CRDA. Therefore, the 
    probability of a CRDA is not increased or in any way affected by the 
    proposed change.
        However, the CRDA analysis does take credit for MSIV isolation. 
    As discussed above, assuming no MSIV isolation in the event of a 
    CRDA, the offsite radiation doses will remain a small fraction of 
    the 10 CFR part 100 Reactor Site Criteria.
        2. Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed 
    amendment would not create the possibility of a new or different 
    kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        The function of an MSLRM trip is to detect abnormal fission 
    product release and isolate the steam lines, thereby stopping the 
    transport of fission products from the reactor to the main 
    condenser. No credit is taken for the reactor scram function due to 
    the action of these monitors on high radiation in the MSLs in any 
    design basis accident. Removing the MSLRMs MSL isolation trip and 
    its subsequent reactor scram will not affect the operation of other 
    equipment or systems necessary for the prevention or mitigation of 
        3. Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed 
    amendment would not involve a significant reduction in a margin of 
        Eliminating the MSLRM trip functions as analyzed in NEDO-31400A 
    will result in a potential increase in the margin of safety because 
        a. Improvement in the availability of the main condenser for 
    decay heat removal; and,
        b. Elimination of inadvertent reactor scrams and challenges to 
    safety systems.
        Therefore, operation of the facility in accordance with the 
    proposed changes will not result in a reduction of safety margin.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Ocean County Library, 
    Reference Department, 101 Washington Street, Toms River, New Jersey 
        Attorney for Licensee: Ernest L. Blake, Jr., Esquire. Shaw, 
    Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge, 2300 N Street, NW., Washington, DC 20037.
        NRC Project Director: John F. Stolz.
    Indiana Michigan Power Company, Docket No. 50-316, Donald C. Cook 
    Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2, Berrien County, Michigan
        Date of Amendment Request: March 9, 1994
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendment would 
    modify the Technical Specification to allow a one time exemption from 
    certain Appendix J testing. This exemption would extend the interval 
    for Type B and C testing until the Unit 2 refueling outage currently 
    scheduled for August 1994.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        As stated in 10 CFR 50.92(c), a proposed change does not involve 
    a significant hazards consideration if the change does not (1) 
    involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of 
    an accident previously evaluated, or (2) the change does not create 
    the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any 
    accident previously evaluated, or (3) the change does not involve a 
    significant reduction in a margin of safety.
    Criterion 1
        The limiting conditions for operation involving containment 
    integrity are not altered by this proposed change. The surveillance 
    requirement concerning the Type B and C leak rate test is slightly 
    relaxed by the proposed change. The function of the components 
    affected by this surveillance are to ensure containment integrity. 
    Delaying the surveillance approximately two months would not change 
    the probability of an accident. Our significant improvement in Type 
    B and C leak rate test results, low anticipated leak rate for the 
    next surveillance, aggressive corrective actions taken, and 
    excellent ILRT [integrated leak rate test] results indicate there is 
    no reason to believe that delaying the Type B and C leak rate tests 
    approximately two months will cause serious deterioration to these 
    components. Furthermore, similar requests by utilities to extend the 
    surveillance beyond two years have already been found acceptable by 
    the NRC. Therefore, it is concluded that the proposed amendment does 
    not involve a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
    Criterion 2
        No changes to the limiting conditions for operation for 
    containment integrity are proposed as part of this amendment 
    request. The proposed change does not involve any physical changes 
    to the plant or any changes to plant operations. Thus, the proposed 
    change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of 
    accident from any accident previously evaluated.
    Criterion 3
        The intent of the Type B and C leak rate surveillance is to 
    ensure that containment integrity does not significantly 
    deteriorate. This is established by measuring a total leak rate of 
    less than 0.60 La. Our significant improvement in Type B and C 
    leak rate tests results, aggressive corrective actions taken, and 
    excellent ILRT results indicate there is no reason to believe that 
    delaying the Type B and C leak rate tests approximately two months 
    will cause serious deterioration to these components. The ``As 
    Found'' trend of the leak rates over the past three surveillances 
    indicate that the leak rate for the next surveillance will be below 
    the Appendix J leak rate acceptance criteria. Therefore, it is 
    concluded that the proposed amendment does not involve a reduction 
    in a margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Maud Preston Palenske Memorial 
    Library, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085
        Attorney for Licensee: Gerald Charnoff, Esq., Shaw, Pittman, Potts 
    and Trowbridge, 2300 N Street NW., Washington, DC 20037.
        NRC Project Director: Ledyard B. Marsh.
    Northeast Nuclear Energy Company, et al., Docket No. 50-423, Millstone 
    Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3, New London County, Connecticut
        Date of Amendment Request: March 23, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The licensee proposed to modify 
    Technical Specification Table 3.7-6, Area Temperature Monitoring, by 
    creating two zones for the main steam valve building (MSVB) and 
    increasing the maximum normal excursion (MNE) temperature limit for 
    this area from 120  deg.F to 140  deg.F.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        The proposed change does not involve an SHC [significant hazards 
    consideration] because the change would not:
        1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The increase of the MNE temperature from 120  deg.F to 140 
    deg.F for the main steam valve building has been evaluated. The 
    equipment in the building has been shown to be qualified for 
    continuous operation at 140oF. The effect of this temperature change 
    has decreased slightly the qualified life of the components in the 
    building. For those components with a qualified life of less than 40 
    years, they will be replaced as a scheduled maintenance item.
        An engineering review of the MSLB profile for this building was 
    conducted and it was concluded that those components required to 
    operate post accident, will continue to perform their safety 
    function. Therefore, since the equipment will continue to operate as 
    designed both during normal conditions and subsequent to a MSLB, the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated is 
    not increased.
        2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    from any previously analyzed.
        The effect of increasing the MNE temperature to 140  deg.F has 
    been evaluated and judged acceptable. The possible failure of the 
    equipment in this building due to the increase in temperature is no 
    more likely than it was before, since the equipment has been shown 
    to be qualified to 140  deg.F. Failure of any equipment in this 
    building at the new temperature will not create any new accidents or 
    consequences that were not considered previously.
        Finally, since there are no changes in the way the plant is 
    operated, there is no possibility of an accident of a new or 
    different type than previously evaluated due to the proposed change.
        3. Involve a significant reduction in margin of safety.
        The proposed change increases the MNE temperature within the 
    MSVB. The equipment in the building has been reviewed to ensure 
    operability. There is a slight decrease in the qualified life, but 
    this was anticipated and scheduled previously and any such 
    replacement of equipment will continue as a maintenance item. A 
    review of the MSLB profile was performed for this area and it was 
    shown that the required equipment will continue to operate as 
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Learning Resource Center, 
    Three Rivers Community-Technical College, Thames Valley Campus, 574 New 
    London Turnpike, Norwich, Connecticut 06360.
        Attorney for Licensee: Gerald Garfield, Esquire, Day, Berry & 
    Howard, City Place, Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3499.
        NRC Project Director: John F. Stolz.
    Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, Docket No. 50-309, Maine Yankee 
    Atomic Power Station, Lincoln County, Maine
        Date of Amendment Request: March 15, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendment would 
    include the use of integral fuel burnable absorbers as a method of 
    controlling core excess reactivity and maintaining the core power 
    distribution within acceptable peaking limitations.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration. The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis 
    against the standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c). The staff's review is 
    presented below:
        1. The proposed amendment would not involve a significant increase 
    in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        Any fuel containing integral burnable absorbers will be analyzed 
    using NRC approved methods and acceptance criteria prior to being 
    loaded into Maine Yankee's reactor vessel core. Verification of 
    adequate shutdown margin is performed during low power physics testing 
    after each refueling. In addition, core physics monitoring is required 
    during power operation by Technical Specifications sections 3.10, ``CEA 
    Group, Power Distribution, Moderator Temperature Coefficient Limits and 
    Coolant Conditions,'' and 3.15 ``Reactivity Anomalies.'' Such testing 
    and monitoring ensures adequate margin exists to accommodate the 
    anticipated transients and accidents postulated in Maine Yankee's Final 
    Safety Analysis Report.
        The licensee therefore concludes that implementation of the 
    proposed change will not involve a significant increase in the 
    probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The proposed amendment would not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        A determination of compliance with approved acceptance criteria is 
    made for every Maine Yankee fuel reload prior to loading fuel. The use 
    of approved methodologies and acceptance criteria ensure that new or 
    different accidents will not be created by the use of integral fuel 
    burnable absorbers.
        The licensee therefore concludes that implementation of the 
    proposed change will not create any or new or different kind of 
    accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        3. The proposed amendment would not involve a significant reduction 
    in a margin of safety.
        The safety evaluation performed for each core reload ensures that 
    the core design meets appropriate acceptance criteria. Because these 
    criteria remain unchanged as approved by the NRC, the margin of safety 
    remains the same.
        The licensee therefore concludes that implementation of the 
    proposed change would not involve a significant reduction in a margin 
    of safety.
        Based on this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 
    50.92(c) are satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine 
    that the amendment request involves no significant hazards 
        Local Public Document Room Location: Wiscasset Public Library, High 
    Street, P.O. Box 367, Wiscasset, Maine 04578.
        Attorney for Licensee: Mary Ann Lynch, Esquire, Maine Yankee Atomic 
    Power Company, 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, Maine 04336.
        NRC Project Director: Walter R. Butler.
    Northern States Power Company, Docket No. 50-263, Monticello Nuclear 
    Generating Plant, Wright County, Minnesota
        Date of Amendment Request: January 26, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise the Technical Specifications and associated Bases to reflect the 
    fact that the main steam isolation valves can now be tested at a 
    pressure of greater than or equal to Pa (42 psig) thereby 
    eliminating the need for the previously granted exemption to certain 
    Appendix J testing requirements. The exemption would no longer be 
    necessary because of improvements in testing technology.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        a. The proposed amendment will not involve a significant 
    increase in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated.
        The proposed amendment is limited to changes to the surveillance 
    testing requirements (test pressure and allowable leakage criteria) 
    applicable to the main steam line isolation valves. The proposed 
    criteria are equivalent to the current criteria with respect to 
    monitoring main steam isolation valve performance to ensure that 
    leakage past the valves would be within acceptable limits under 
    accident conditions. This surveillance test is performed while the 
    plant is in a cold shutdown condition at a time when the main steam 
    isolation valves are not required to be operable. Performance of the 
    test itself is not an input or consideration in any accident 
    previously evaluated, thus the proposed change will not increase the 
    probability of any such accident occurring.
        The proposed amendment will not adversely affect the function, 
    operation, or reliability of the valves, nor will it diminish the 
    capability of the valves to perform as required during an accident. 
    There will be no increase in post accident off-site or on-site 
    radiation dose, since the adjusted leakage limit is consistent with 
    inputs previously established for the dose analyses. The proposed 
    amendment is consistent with regulatory requirements (10 CFR Part 
    50, Appendix J) and guidance (TER-C5257-30) that has been previously 
    reviewed by the NRC and found to be acceptable. Therefore, the 
    amendment will not increase the consequences of any accident 
    previously evaluated.
        b. The proposed amendment will not create the possibility of a 
    new or different kind of accident from any accident previously 
        The proposed amendment does not involve any modification to 
    plant equipment or operating procedures, nor will it introduce any 
    new main steam isolation valve failure modes that have not been 
    previously considered. The proposed amendment is limited to a change 
    in the surveillance test pressure & acceptance criteria used to leak 
    test the valves. This test is performed while the plant is in a cold 
    shutdown condition at a time when the valves are not required to be 
    operable. We therefore conclude the proposed changes will not create 
    the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any 
    accident previously analyzed.
        c. The proposed amendment will not involve a significant 
    reduction in the margin of safety.
        The proposed amendment will result in the main steam isolation 
    valves being subjected to the maximum pressure (Pa, 42 psig) 
    calculated to occur under worst case accident conditions, and will 
    therefore provide a more realistic and challenging test of valve 
    performance under those conditions. The leakage rate criteria for 
    the test has been adjusted upward to be commensurate with the higher 
    test pressure, but this does not represent any increase in actual 
    leakage under accident conditions. On-site and off-site dose 
    analyses will not be affected. The proposed amendment does not 
    involve any change in operability requirements or limiting 
    conditions for operation beyond the replacement of the old test 
    pressure & acceptance criteria with equivalent criteria consistent 
    with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, NUREG-1433, and TER-C5257-30. Based 
    on these considerations, we conclude the proposed amendment will not 
    involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Minneapolis Public Library, 
    Technology and Science Department, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, 
    Minnesota 55401.
        Attorney for Licensee: Gerald Charnoff, Esq., Shaw, Pittman, Potts 
    and Trowbridge, 2300 N Street, NW., Washington, DC 20037.
        NRC Project Director: Ledyard B. Marsh.
    Philadelphia Electric Company, Public Service Electric and Gas Company, 
    Delmarva Power and Light Company, and Atlantic City Electric Company, 
    Docket No. 50-277, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit No. 2, York 
    County, Pennsylvania
        Date of Application for Amendment: April 6, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The amendment would reflect the 
    incorporation of the end-of-cycle Minimum Critical Power Ratio 
    Recirculation Pump Trip (MCPR-RPT) system and the replacement of the 
    Reactor Recirculation System (RRS) Motor Generator (M-G) Sets with 
    solid state adjustable speed drives (ASDs).
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        (1) The proposed change does not involve a significant increase 
    in the probability or consequences of any accident previously 
        The addition of the end-of-cycle MCPR-RPT System, which utilizes 
    ASDs, will not have a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The end-of-cycle MCPR-RPT System has been designed to 
    appropriate standards and specifications to ensure that the ability 
    of the plant to mitigate the effects of accidents is maintained. 
    Additionally, the MCPR-RPT System has been analyzed such that no new 
    accident initiators will be created such that the probability of an 
    accident previously evaluated will not increase.
        No new challenges to the reactor coolant pressure boundary will 
    result from the incorporation of the end-of-cycle MCPR-RPT System 
    which could result in an increase in the consequences of an 
    accident. All engineered safety features will function as described 
    in the PBAPS UFSAR [Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Updated Final 
    Safety Analysis Report] in order to mitigate the consequences of 
    accidents previously evaluated in the PBAPS UFSAR. Additionally, all 
    fission product barriers and safety margins will be maintained.
        (2) The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.
        The end-of-cycle MCPR-RPT System, which utilizes ASDs, has been 
    designed to appropriate standards and specification to ensure that 
    no new sequence of events or failure modes will occur such that a 
    transient event will escalate into a new or different type of 
        The software used in the digital system of the ASDs is not 
    subject to the verification and validation requirements discussed in 
    the NRC memorandum dated July 1, 1991, from A. C. Thadoni [sic] 
    [Thadani] (NRC) to S. A. Varga (NRC) and B. A. Bolger [sic] [Boger] 
    (NRC), because this equipment is neither safety-related nor 
    important to safety. There is no software used in the trip circuit 
    of the end-of-cycle MCPR-RPT System, except for the ASDs. 
    Additionally, the design of the modification will assure that the 
    new equipment EM emissions will not cause inadvertent operation of 
    existing plant equipment and that harmonic filters have been 
    incorporated to minimize electrical noise on the 13kV input power 
        (3) The proposed change does not result in a significant 
    reduction in the margin of safety.
        The incorporation of the end-of-cycle MCPR-RPT System, which 
    utilizes ASDs, will not result in a reduction in the margin of 
    safety. All safety margins will be maintained.
        The end-of-cycle MCPR-RPT System will aid in protecting the 
    integrity of the fuel barrier by tripping the recirculation pumps 
    early in the pressurization phase of the load rejection with no 
    bypass event, the turbine trip with no bypass event, and the 
    feedwater controller failure--maximum demand event. The early 
    tripping of the recirculation pumps will introduce negative void 
    reactivity thus reducing reactor power and maintaining safety 
    margins. The end-of-cycle MCPR-RPT System will ensure CPR safety 
    margins which protect fuel barrier integrity.
        General Electric has performed a qualitative assessment of 
    transients that would be impacted as a result of replacing the M-G 
    Sets with ASDs. General Electric concluded that the faster coastdown 
    of the recirculation pumps during a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) 
    due to the removal of the M-G Set inertia may slightly increase the 
    peak clad temperature during this event. This increase is expected 
    to be less than 50 deg.F. The small increase will not exceed the 
    2200 deg.F peak cladding temperature regulatory limit. No design or 
    safety limit will be exceeded.
        The replacement of the M-G Sets with the ASDs will not impact 
    the recirculation flow controller failure--increase flow transient. 
    The UFSAR analysis assumes a 25%/sec rate of increase. The ASD 
    control system will include rate limiters that prevent a pump speed 
    increase greater than 25%/sec in the event of a failure. Thus, the 
    consequences of this transient remain bounded and safety margins 
    will be maintained.
        The ASDs will also allow a ``soft start'' of the recirculation 
    pumps with the recirculation discharge valves closed prior to pump 
    start and a gradual increase in pump speed. This results in a 
    gradual change in core flow. Thus, the response to a startup of an 
    idle recirculation pump remains bounded by the transient analysis 
    and safety margins will be maintained in the transient analyses.
        Changes to the fire protection equipment will still maintain the 
    capability to shutdown the plant in the event of a fire.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Government Publications 
    Section, State Library of Pennsylvania, (Regional Depository) Education 
    Building, Walnut Street and Commonwealth Avenue, Box 1601, Harrisburg, 
    Pennsylvania 17105.
        Attorney for Licensee: J. W. Durham, Sr., Esquire, Sr. V.P. and 
    General Counsel, Philadelphia Electric Company, 2301 Market Street, 
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101.
        NRC Project Director: Charles L. Miller.
    Philadelphia Electric Company, Public Service Electric and Gas Company, 
    Delmarva Power and Light Company, and Atlantic City Electric Company, 
    Dockets Nos. 50-277 and 50-278, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, 
    Units Nos. 2 and 3, York County, Pennsylvania
        Date of Application for Amendments: March 28, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed Technical 
    Specifications (TS) changes relocate the TS fire protection 
    requirements to the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed change does not involve a significant increase 
    in the probability or consequences of an accident previously 
        The proposed changes are administrative in nature and are 
    consistent with the guidance provided in NRC GL's [Generic Letters] 
    86-10 and 88-12. They do not affect the initial conditions or 
    precursors assumed in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report 
    Section 14. These changes do not decrease the effectiveness of 
    equipment relied upon to mitigate the previously evaluated 
        Therefore, there is no increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        2. The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.
        The proposed changes do not make any physical changes to the 
    plant or changes to operating procedures. Therefore, implementation 
    of the proposed changes will not affect the design function or 
    configuration of any component or introduce any new operating 
    scenarios or failure modes or accident initiation.
        Therefore, the proposed changes do not create the possibility of 
    a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.
        3. The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction 
    in a margin of safety.
        The proposed changes are administrative in nature and are 
    consistent with the guidance provided in NRC GL's 86-10 and 88-12. 
    The proposed changes do not adversely affect the assumptions or 
    sequence of events used in any accident analysis.
        Therefore, the proposed changes do not involve a reduction in 
    any margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Government Publications 
    Section, State Library of Pennsylvania, (Regional Depository) Education 
    Building, Walnut Street and Commonwealth Avenue, Box 1601, Harrisburg, 
    Pennsylvania 17105.
        Attorney for Licensee: J. W. Durham, Sr., Esquire, Sr. V.P. and 
    General Counsel, Philadelphia Electric Company, 2301 Market Street, 
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101.
        NRC Project Director: Charles L. Miller.
    Public Service Electric & Gas Company, Docket Nos. 50-272 and 50-311, 
    Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Salem County, New 
        Date of Amendment Request: January 21, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: These amendments would revise 
    Technical Specifications for both Salem Unit 1 and Salem Unit 2 
    to include the battery acceptance criteria, corresponding allowed 
    outage times and additional surveillance requirements recommended in 
    NUREG-1431, Standard Technical Specifications--Westinghouse Plants.
        TS ``125 Volt D.C. Distribution--Shutdown'' would also be 
    indirectly affected by these changes because it refers to the 
    surveillance requirements of TS to demonstrate the battery 
    and chargers Operable.
        In addition, Salem Unit 1 TS Limiting Condition for 
    Operation (LCO) would be revised to define the specific battery charger 
    required for each train. Salem Unit 1 TS Action Statement would 
    also be revised to restrict the use of the backup battery charger to a 
    period not to exceed 7 days.
        Additionally, the Unit 1 action statement for an inoperable 125 
    volt DC bus would be modified to add the requirement that the bus also 
    be energized.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed changes do not alter plant configuration or 
    operation. The proposed changes do not invalidate any of the 
    parameters assumed in the plants UFSAR Design Basis Accident or 
    Transient Analyses. The proposed changes provide additional guidance 
    to be used to ensure operability of the safety related batteries. 
    New surveillance requirements and specific battery cell parameters 
    offer improved monitoring of the battery status. The new guidance 
    and surveillance requirements are consistent with the 
    recommendations of NUREG-1431, Standard Technical Specifications--
    Westinghouse Plants, and current industry recommendations.
        The changes to the Unit 1 LCO and corresponding Action Statement 
    restrict the use of the backup battery charger, thereby limiting the 
    amount of time that one AC Vital bus is allowed to power the 
    chargers of more than one DC train. This change brings the TS for 
    both Units into agreement and results in a more conservative Unit 1 
        Therefore, the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated are not increased by the proposed change.
        2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    from any accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed changes do not introduce any design or physical 
    configuration changes to the facility or change the method by which 
    any safety-related system performs its function. The proposed 
    changes are consistent with the recommendations of NUREG-1431, 
    Standard Technical Specifications--Westinghouse Plants. Therefore, 
    the proposed changes will not increase the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously identified.
        3. Does not involve a significant reduction in a margin of 
        The proposed changes do not alter the manner in which safety 
    limits or limiting safety system setpoints are determined. The new 
    cell parameter table and additional surveillance requirements 
    provide improved means to monitor and evaluate overall battery 
    performance. Therefore, the proposed changes do not involve a 
    significant reduction in any margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Salem Free Public Library, 112 
    West Broadway, Salem, New Jersey 08079.
        Attorney for Licensee: Mark J. Wetterhahn, Esquire, Winston and 
    Strawn, 1400 L Street, NW., Washington, DC 20005-3502.
        NRC Project Director: Charles L. Miller.
    South Carolina Electric & Gas Company, South Carolina Public Service 
    Authority, Docket No. 50-395, Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Unit 
    No. 1, Fairfield County, South Carolina
        Date of Amendment Request: October 29, 1993.
        Description of Amendment Request: The licensee is preparing to 
    replace the currently installed steam generators with new model Delta 
    75 steam generators (SGs). The new steam generators will be larger than 
    those currently installed. The physical changes to the plant and the 
    accident reanalyses needed to support those changes will necessitate 
    increasing the maximum tested charging/safety injection pump flow rate 
    from 680 gallons per minute to 700 gallons per minute.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        (1) Operation of VCSNS [Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station] in 
    accordance with the proposed license amendment does not involve a 
    significant increase in the probability or consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated.
        Implementation of the [Delta] 75 SGs and revised operating 
    conditions do not contribute to the initiation of any accident 
    evaluated in the FSAR [Final Safety Analysis Report]. Supporting 
    factors are as follows:
    --The [Delta] 75 SG is designed in accordance with ASME [American 
    Society of Mechanical Engineers] Code Section III, 1986 edition 
    [sic] and other applicable federal, state, and local laws, codes and 
    regulations and meets the original interfaces for the Model D3 SGs 
    with exception that provisions for a larger blowdown nozzle have 
    been made and the feedwater inlet nozzle is located in the upper 
    --All NSSS [nuclear steam supply system] components (i.e., reactor 
    vessel, RC Pumps, pressurizer, CRDM's [control rod drive 
    mechanisms], [Delta] 75 SGs, and RCS piping) are compatible with the 
    revised operating conditions. Their structural integrity is 
    maintained during all proposed plant conditions through compliance 
    with the ASME code.
    --Fluid and auxiliary systems which are important to safety, 
    including the CHG/SI [charging and safety injection] system with 
    maximum pump flows up to 700 gpm, are not adversely impacted and 
    will continue to perform their design function.
    --Overall plant performance and operation are not significantly 
    altered by the proposed changes.
        Therefore, since the reactor coolant pressure boundary integrity 
    and system functions are not adversely impacted, the probability of 
    occurrence of an accident evaluated in the VCSNS FSAR will be no 
    greater than the original design basis of the plant.
        An extensive analysis has been performed to evaluate the 
    consequences of the following accident types currently evaluated in 
    the VCSNS FSAR:
    --Non-LOCA [non-loss-of-coolant accident]
    --Large Break and Small Break LOCA
    --Steam Generator Tube Rupture
        With the [Delta] 75 SGs and revised operating conditions, the 
    calculated results (i.e., DNBR [departure from nucleate boiling 
    ratio], Primary and Secondary System Pressure, Peak Clad 
    Temperature, Metal Water Reaction, Challenge to Long Term Cooling, 
    Environmental Conditions Inside and Outside Containment, etc.) for 
    the accidents are similar to those currently reported in the VCSNS 
    FSAR. Select results (i.e., Containment Pressure during a Steam Line 
    Break, Minimum DNBR for Rod Withdrawal from Subcritical, etc.) are 
    slightly more limiting than those reported in the current FSAR due 
    to the use of the assumed operating conditions with the new [Delta] 
    75 SGs, and in some cases, use of an uprated core power of 2900 MWt. 
    However, in all cases, the calculated results do not challenge the 
    integrity of the primary/secondary/containment pressure boundary and 
    remain within the regulatory acceptance criteria applied to VCSNS's 
    current licensing basis. The assumptions utilized in the 
    radiological evaluations, described in Section 3.7, are thus 
    appropriate and are judged to provide a conservative estimate of the 
    radiological consequences during accident conditions. Given that 
    calculated radiological consequences are not significantly higher 
    than current FSAR results and remain well within 10CFR100 limits, it 
    is concluded that the consequences of an accident previously 
    evaluated in the FSAR are not increased.
        (2) The proposed license amendment does not create the 
    possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
    previously evaluated.
        The [Delta] 75 SGs, revised operating conditions, and higher 
    allowable CHG/SI pump flows will not introduce any new accident 
    initiator mechanisms. Structural integrity of the RCS is maintained 
    during all plant conditions through compliance with the ASME code. 
    No new failure modes or limiting single failures have been 
    identified. Design requirements of auxiliary systems are met with 
    the RSGs [Replacement Steam Generators]. Since the safety and design 
    requirements continue to be met and the integrity of the reactor 
    coolant system pressure boundary is not challenged, no new accident 
    scenarios have been created. Therefore, the types of accidents 
    defined in the FSAR continue to represent the credible spectrum of 
    events to be analyzed which determine safe plant operation.
        (3) The proposed license amendment does not involve a 
    significant reduction in a margin of safety.
        Although the [Delta] 75 SGs, revised operating conditions, and 
    higher allowable CHG/SI pump flows will require changes to the VCSNS 
    Technical Specifications, it will not invalidate the LOCA, non-LOCA, 
    or SGTR [steam generator tube rupture] conclusions presented in the 
    FSAR accident analyses. For all the FSAR non-LOCA transients, the 
    DNB design basis, primary and secondary pressure limits, and dose 
    limits continue to be met. The LOCA peak cladding temperatures 
    remain below the limits specified in 10 CFR 50.46. The calculated 
    doses resulting from a SGTR event will continue to remain within a 
    small fraction of the 10 CFR 100 permissible releases. Environmental 
    conditions associated with High Energy Line Break (HELB) both inside 
    and outside containment have been evaluated.
        The containment design pressure will not be violated as a result 
    of the HELB. Equipment qualification will be updated, as necessary, 
    to reflect the revised conditions resulting from HELB. The margin of 
    safety with respect to primary pressure boundary is provided, in 
    part, by the safety factors included in the ASME Code. Since the 
    components remain in compliance with the codes and standards in 
    effect when VCSNS was originally licensed (with the exception of the 
    [Delta] 75 RSGs which use the 1986 ASME Code Section III Edition), 
    the margin of safety is not reduced. Thus, there is no reduction in 
    the margin of safety as defined in the bases of the VCSNS Technical 
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Fairfield County Library, 
    Garden and Washington Streets, Winnsboro, South Carolina 29180.
        Attorney for Licensee: Randolph R. Mahan, South Carolina Electric & 
    Gas Company, Post Office Box 764, Columbia, South Carolina 29218.
        NRC Project Director: William H. Bateman.
    The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Centerior Service Company, 
    Duquesne Light Company, Ohio Edison Company, Pennsylvania Power 
    Company, Toledo Edison Company, Docket No. 50-440, Perry Nuclear Power 
    Plant, Unit No. 1, Lake County, Ohio
        Date of Amendment Request: March 12, 1993.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise Technical Specification Table, to clarify the actions 
    to be taken if the control room ventilation radiation monitor is not 
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed changes do not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
        The proposed change clarifies Technical Specification, 
    ``Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation'' by revising Action 72 (for an 
    inoperable Control Room Ventilation Radiation Monitor) to remove 
    several inconsistencies between it and Action 3.7.2.b.2 of the Control 
    Room Emergency Recirculation System Specification. Revised Action 72 
    simply makes the two Specifications more consistent by incorporating 
    alternative compensatory measures that the operators may take after the 
    Control Room Ventilation Radiation Monitor has been inoperable for more 
    than seven days. The proposed Action would retain the choice of 
    initiating at least one train of the Control Room Emergency 
    Recirculation System, while providing a second option to take which 
    would depend on the current Operational Condition. In Operational 
    Conditions 4, 5 and * * * the current Specification Action 72 
    does not contain the provisions of the Control Room Emergency 
    Recirculation System Action 3.7.2.b.2 which directs the Operators to 
    suspend performance of Core Alterations, handling of irradiated fuel 
    and operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel instead 
    of initiating the Control Room Emergency Recirculation System. This 
    inconsistency between the two specifications has caused compliance 
    difficulties; therefore, the proposed Action adds this alternative. 
    Also, in Operational Conditions 1, 2 and 3 a shutdown provision is 
    being added. The other changes are editorial, in order to clarify the 
    applicability of the proposed alternative compensatory measures, to be 
    consistent with PNPP-specific terminology, and to be more consistent 
    with Action b of Specification 3.7.2.
        In summary, there is no change in the probability or consequences 
    of any accident since the revision of Specification Action 72 
    is simply proposed in order to achieve consistency with the current 
    Action 3.7.2.b.2. Incorporation of the already approved 3.7.2.b.2 
    compensatory measures to suspend possible radiation accident initiating 
    activities provides an alternative which would actually reduce the 
    probability of occurrence of a previously analyzed accident, and would 
    have no adverse effect on accident consequences. None of the proposed 
    changes to the clarified action, including the editorial changes, 
    involves a change to the design of the plant, nor the operational 
    characteristics of any plant system, nor the procedures by which the 
    Operators run the plant.
        2. The proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
        No design changes are being made that would create a new type of 
    accident or malfunction, and the methods and manner of plant operation 
    remains unchanged. The proposed revisions to Action 72 will remove 
    several inconsistencies between the two Specifications by providing 
    consistent actions within the Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation 
    Specification with those currently existing in the Control Room 
    Emergency Recirculation System Specification and provide an additional 
    shutdown requirement in Operational Conditions 1, 2 and 3. The other 
    changes to Action 72 are editorial, and therefore cannot affect 
    accident initiation parameters. The instrument to which Action 72 
    applies (the Control Room Ventilation Radiation Monitor (Noble Gas)) 
    simply serves as a supporting instrumentation channel for the Control 
    Room Emergency Recirculation System, therefore no new or different kind 
    of accident can be created.
        3. The proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction in a 
    margin of safety.
        The proposed change to Specification Action 72 simply makes 
    the two Specifications more consistent by making the Action for a 
    supporting instrumentation channel, the Control Room Ventilation 
    Radiation Monitor (Noble Gas), more consistent with those of the 
    supported system Specification, the Control Room Emergency 
    Recirculation System. A shutdown requirement is also being added if the 
    operators should choose not to initiate the supported system in 
    Operational Conditions 1, 2, and 3. Since the Actions of the two 
    Specifications will now correspond, the margin of safety as currently 
    exists today for the governing Specification (the Control Room 
    Emergency Recirculation System Specification) is maintained and the 
    proposed changes do not therefore reduce the margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Perry Public Library, 3753 
    Main Street, Perry, Ohio 44081.
        Attorney for Licensee: Jay Silberg, Esq., Shaw, Pittman, Potts & 
    Trowbridge, 2300 N Street, NW., Washington, DC 20037.
        NRC Project Director: John N. Hannon.
    Toledo Edison Company, Centerior Service Company, and The Cleveland 
    Electric Illuminating Company, Docket No. 50-346, Davis-Besse Nuclear 
    Power Station, Unit No. 1, Ottawa County, Ohio
        Date of Amendment Request: March 18, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise TS 2.1.2 (Reactor Core), TS 2.2.1 (Reactor Protection System 
    Setpoints), Bases 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 (Reactor Core), Bases 2.2.1 (Reactor 
    Protection System Instrumentation Setpoints), TS 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 (Power 
    Distribution Limits), Bases 3/4.2 (Power Distribution Limits), and TS (Administrative Controls, Core Operating Limits Report). This 
    amendment would remove cycle-specific limits from TS and relocate them 
    in the Core Operating Limits Report.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below, indicating that the proposed 
    changes would:
        1a. Not involve a significant increase in the probability of an 
    accident previously evaluated because no accident initiators, 
    assumptions or probabilities are affected by the proposed relocation 
    of cycle-specific core operating limits to the Core Operating Limits 
        1b. Not involve a significant increase in the consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated. The proposed changes do not affect 
    any equipment, accident conditions, or assumptions which could lead 
    to a significant increase in radiological consequences.
        2a. Not create the possibility of a new kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated because no new accident initiators 
    are introduced by these proposed changes.
        2b. Not create the possibility of a different kind of accident 
    from any accident previously evaluated because no different accident 
    initiators are introduced by these proposed changes.
        3. Not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety 
    because the proposed changes only relocate cycle-specific core 
    operating limits to the Core Operating Limits Report; they do not 
    allow less conservative operating limits. The analytical methods to 
    be used in the determination of cycle-specific core operating limits 
    are previously approved by the NRC. The same margin of safety 
    provided in the current Technical Specifications will continue to be 
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: University of Toledo Library, 
    Documents Department, 2801 Bancroft Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43606.
        Attorney for Licensee: Jay E. Silberg, Esquire, Shaw, Pittman, 
    Potts and Trowbridge, 2300 N Street, NW., Washington, DC 20037.
        NRC Project Director: John N. Hannon.
    Toledo Edison Company, Centerior Service Company, and The Cleveland 
    Electric Illuminating Company, Docket No. 50-346, Davis-Besse Nuclear 
    Power Station, Unit No. 1, Ottawa County, Ohio
        Date of Amendment Request: March 30, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendment would add 
    a new TS Limiting Condition for Operation 3/4.4.12, Pilot Operated 
    Relief Valve and Block Valve, and would include associated Bases and 
    Surveillance Requirements.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below, indicating that the proposed 
    additions and changes would:
        1a. Not involve a significant increase in the probability of an 
    accident previously evaluated because no change is being made to any 
    accident initiator. Automatic actuation of the PORV is not assumed 
    to mitigate the consequences of a design basis accident as described 
    in Chapter 15 of the USAR. The proposed changes will continue to 
    ensure the PORV and block valves are available to perform their 
    functions when required to do so. Therefore, it can be concluded 
    that the proposed changes do not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability of an accident previously evaluated.
        1b. Not involve a significant increase in the consequences of an 
    accident previously evaluated because the proposed changes do not 
    invalidate accident conditions or assumptions used in evaluating the 
    radiological consequences of an accident.
        2a. Not create the possibility of a new kind of accident from 
    any accident previously evaluated because the proposed changes do 
    not delete any function previously provided by the PORV nor has the 
    possibility of inadvertent opening been increased. No new types of 
    failures or accident initiators are introduced by the proposed 
        2b. Not create the possibility of a different kind of accident 
    from any accident previously evaluated because no new failure modes 
    have been defined for any plant system or component important to 
    safety, nor has any new limiting single failure been identified as a 
    result of the proposed changes. No different accident initiators or 
    failure mechanisms are introduced by the proposed changes.
        3. Not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety 
    because the proposed changes continue to ensure the availability of 
    the PORV and block valve when called upon to perform their function 
    and will not impact any safety analysis assumptions.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: University of Toledo Library, 
    Documents Department, 2801 Bancroft Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43606.
        Attorney for Licensee: Jay E. Silberg, Esquire, Shaw, Pittman, 
    Potts and Trowbridge, 2300 N Street NW., Washington, DC 20037.
        NRC Project Director: John N. Hannon.
    TU Electric Company, Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446, Comanche Peak Steam 
    Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, Somervell County, Texas
        Date of Amendment Request: February 14, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The proposed amendment would 
    revise the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) Units 1 and 2 
    technical specifications to increase the Unit 2 boron concentration for 
    the refueling water storage tank (RWST) and the emergency core cooling 
    system (ECCS) accumulators to support Unit 2 operation with extended 
    fuel cycles. These changes are applicable to Unit 2 only and are 
    identical to those previously approved for Unit 1.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration. The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis 
    against the standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c). The NRC staff's review is 
    presented below:
        1. The proposed change would not increase the probability or 
    consequences of a previously evaluated accident.
        The proposed changes are related to the boron concentration in the 
    RWST and ECCS accumulators. This increased concentration does not 
    constitute a change expected to increase the probability of a 
    previously evaluated accident. The means by which the proposed changes 
    might result in increased radiological consequences of various 
    accidents are discussed below.
        The higher boron concentration may result in increased probability 
    of equipment failure following an accident due to in-containment or in-
    process equipment being exposed to a more severe post-accident 
    environment. The general chemical properties of the slightly higher 
    boron concentration fluid indicates no mechanism that would result in 
    an appreciable increase in the component failure rate. While the 
    corrosive nature of the fluid will increase, this increase will be only 
    minimal. Thus, there is no significant increase in the consequences of 
    any accident due to an increase in the probability of equipment 
        The changes in containment spray and sump solution pH may change 
    the radioisotope removal and partition characteristics. While some 
    relevant characteristics are affected, the resulting limiting 
    coefficient values associated with the pH changes are bounded by the 
    values used in the design calculations for CPSES. Thus, no adverse 
    impact of the radiological consequences arising from this mechanism has 
    been identified.
        The impact of the containment spray, with a lower pH, upon the 
    combustible gas production rate was also evaluated. No mechanism for 
    increased combustible gas production was identified.
        The higher boron concentration could have an adverse impact on the 
    inadvertent actuation of the ECCS event. Although the timing of the 
    sequence of events may be affected, the departure from nucleate boiling 
    ratio continues to increase from its initial value throughout the 
    event. On the basis of its review of this event, the licensee has 
    identified no changes in the event probability or consequences; 
    however, the continued validity of this conclusion will be reconfirmed 
    by the licensee on a cycle-specific basis.
        2. The proposed change would not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.
        The proposed change only changes the allowable boron concentration. 
    No new or different accident sequences have been identified. 
    Furthermore, the licensee has reviewed the heat tracing requirements 
    and determined that there are no additional requirements resulting from 
    the boron concentration increase. There are no previously unconsidered 
    failure mechanisms.
        3. The proposed change would not involve a significant reduction in 
    the margin of safety.
        The decrease in the containment spray and sump solution pH could be 
    expected to result in higher airborne iodine concentrations. The 
    accident source terms could be impacted by variations in the iodine 
    spray removal and partition factors. A comparison of the coefficients 
    for the minimum equilibrium containment sump solution pH to those used 
    in the CPSES design analyses indicated that the expected coefficient 
    values would remain bounded by the values used in the previous 
    analyses. Thus, no significant reduction in the margin of safety has 
    been identified.
        Based on this review, it appears that the standards of 10 CFR 
    50.92(c) are satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine 
    that the request for amendments involves no significant hazards 
        Local Public Document Room Location: University of Texas at 
    Arlington Library, Government Publications/Maps, 701 South Cooper, P.O. 
    Box 19497, Arlington, Texas 76019.
        Attorney for Licensee: George L. Edgar, Esq., Newman and 
    Holtzinger, 1615 L Street, NW., suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036.
        NRC Project Director: Suzanne C. Black.
    TU Electric Company, Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446, Comanche Peak Steam 
    Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, Somervell County, Texas
        Date of Amendment Request: February 14, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The proposed amendment will revise 
    the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, technical 
    specifications to be consistent with the new 10 CFR part 20.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed changes do not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of a previously evaluated accident.
        The proposed revisions to the liquid and gaseous effluent 
    release limits will not change the type or amount of effluent 
    released nor will there be an increase in individual or cumulative 
    dose. The changes will result in levels of radioactive materials in 
    effluents being maintained ALARA [as low as reasonably achievable] 
    and comply with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR 50 Appendix I. The change 
    to the high radiation area dose measurement distance will ensure 
    that high radiation areas are conservatively posted per 10 CFR 
    20.1601(a)(1) and provide controls to minimize individual dose. The 
    changes do not impact the operation or design of any plant 
    structure, system or component. Other proposed changes are 
    administrative only. Therefore, the proposed changes do not involve 
    an increase in the probability or consequences of an accident 
    previously evaluated.
        2. The proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously 
        The proposed changes do not affect the plant design or operation 
    nor do they result in a change to the configuration of any 
    equipment. No change is proposed that will change the type or 
    quantity of effluents released off site or change the source terms 
    available for release. Therefore, the proposed changes do not create 
    the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any 
    previously evaluated.
        3. The proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction 
    in a margin of safety.
        The proposed changes do not change the type or increase the 
    amount of effluents released offsite. No change in the methodology 
    used to control radioactive waste or radiological environmental 
    monitoring is proposed. Control of radioactive effluents and 
    effluent monitor setpoints will be based on current dose to the 
    public limitations. Under the proposed change, high radiation area 
    measurements are more conservative and will not result in an 
    increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation 
    exposures. Compliance with the limits of the revised 10 CFR 20.1301 
    will be demonstrated by operating within the limits of 10 CFR 50, 
    Appendix I and 40 CFR 190. Therefore, these changes do not reduce 
    the margin of safety.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: University of Texas at 
    Arlington Library, Government Publications/Maps, 701 South Cooper, P.O. 
    Box 19497, Arlington, Texas 76019.
        Attorney for Licensee: George L. Edgar, Esq., Newman and 
    Holtzinger, 1615 L Street NW., suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036.
        NRC Project Director: Suzanne C. Black.
    TU Electric Company, Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446, Comanche Peak Steam 
    Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, Somervell County, Texas
        Date of Amendment Request: February 14, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The proposed amendment would 
    revise the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2 technical 
    specifications by reducing the frequency of reports for radiological 
    effluents from semiannual to annual, and change the due date from 
    within 60 days after January 1 and July 1 to prior to May 1.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        1. The proposed changes do not involve a significant increase in 
    the probability or consequences of a previously evaluated accident.
        The proposed amendment does not involve a significant increase 
    in the probability or consequences of an accident previously 
    evaluated. The amendment involves only changes of reporting 
    frequency and due date requirements for radiological effluent 
    release reporting. These changes are administrative in nature and do 
    not affect safe operation of the plant; therefore, accident 
    probabilities or consequences are unaffected.
        2. The proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously 
        The proposed amendment does not create the possibility of a new 
    or different kind of accident from any accident previously 
    evaluated. The proposed amendment is administrative in nature and 
    does not involve any changes to plant design of configuration. For 
    this reason, it will not create the possibility of a new or 
    different kind of accident.
        3. The proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction 
    in the margin of safety.
        The proposed amendment does not involve a significant reduction 
    in the margin of safety. The proposed amendment only changes the 
    reporting frequency and due date requirements for radiological 
    effluent release reporting. The reporting requirements for 
    radiological effluent releases are administrative changes: 
    therefore, there is not a significant reduction in the margin of 
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 10 CFR 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: University of Texas at 
    Arlington Library, Government Publications/Maps, 701 South Cooper, P.O. 
    Box 19497, Arlington, Texas 76019.
        Attorney for Licensee: George L. Edgar, Esq., Newman and 
    Holtzinger, 1615 L Street NW., suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036.
        NRC Project Director: Suzanne C. Black.
    Virginia Electric and Power Company, Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50-339, 
    North Anna Power Station, Units No. 1 and No. 2, Louisa County, 
        Date of Amendment Request: March 30, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed changes would revise 
    the North Anna Power Station, Units No. 1 and No. 2 (NA-1&2) Technical 
    Specifications (TS). Specifically, the proposed changes would revise 
    the High Head Safety Injection (HHSI) flow balance surveillance 
    requirements by removing specific numerical values. The numerical 
    values would be replaced with broader requirements to ensure that the 
    HHSI flow rates meet the loss of coolant accident (LOCA) analysis 
    acceptance criteria and pump runout limits. The NA-1&2 TS 4.5.2.h 
    requires a surveillance test of the HHSI system following the 
    completion of any modification to the Emergency Core Cooling System 
    (ECCS) subsystems that could alter the subsystem flow characteristics. 
    The current surveillance criteria specify values for the sum of the 
    injection line flow rates, excluding the highest flow rate, and the 
    total pump flow rate. These correspond to requirements for the safety 
    analysis flow input and the HHSI pump runout limit, respectively.
        The HHSI test acceptance criteria in the current TS are very narrow 
    because of the various system physical and technical constraints that 
    need to be considered in the flow balance testing. These acceptance 
    criteria may also be more restrictive than required by either the LOCA 
    analysis or the actual pump runout requirements. For example, the LOCA 
    analysis contains input conservatisms that could be used to offset a 
    reduction in the required HHSI flow while still meeting the 10 CFR 
    50.46 LOCA acceptance criteria. The proposed TS changes would permit 
    the use of additional available margin, while maintaining a strong 
    technical linkage between the measured system performance and the 
    safety analysis. Although these proposed TS changes remove the 
    numerical values from TS 4.5.2.h, neither the methodology nor the 
    acceptance criteria for LOCA analysis are affected.
        Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination: As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), the licensee has 
    provided its analysis of the issue of no significant hazards 
    consideration, which is presented below:
        Specifically, operation of North Anna Power Station in 
    accordance with the proposed Technical Specification changes will 
        1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or 
    consequences of an accident previously evaluated. The proposed 
    Technical Specification changes continue to require that with one 
    HHSI pump running, the sum of the flows through the two lowest 
    branch lines shall be [greater than or equal to] the minimum HHSI 
    flow required by the safety analysis and that the total HHSI pump 
    flow rate shall be [less than or equal to] the evaluated HHSI pump 
    runout limit.
        Likewise, the consequences of the accidents previously evaluated 
    will not increase as a result of the proposed Technical 
    Specification changes. The system performance will remain bounded by 
    the safety analysis for all postulated conditions. The safety 
    analysis will continue to be performed and evaluated in accordance 
    with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 and 10 CFR 50.46.
        2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident 
    or malfunction from any previously evaluated. The proposed Technical 
    Specification changes will not affect the capability of the HHSI 
    System to perform its intended function. The proposed Technical 
    Specification changes are bounded by the existing safety analysis 
    and do not involve operation of plant equipment in a different 
    manner from which it was designed to operate.
        Since a new failure mode is not created, a new or different type 
    of accident or malfunction is not created.
        3. Involve a reduction in a margin of safety. The system 
    performance will continue to bound the flow rates specified in the 
    safety analysis, therefore safety margins are not reduced.
        The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's analysis and, based on 
    this review, it appears that the three standards of 50.92(c) are 
    satisfied. Therefore, the NRC staff proposes to determine that the 
    amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration.
        Local Public Document Room Location: The Alderman Library, Special 
    Collections Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 
    Virginia 22903-2498.
        Attorney for Licensee: Michael W. Maupin, Esq., Hunton and 
    Williams, Riverfront Plaza, East Tower, 951 E. Byrd Street, Richmond, 
    Virginia 23219.
        NRC Project Director: Herbert N. Berkow.
    Previously Published Notices of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments 
    to Facility Operating Licenses, Proposed No Significant Hazards 
    Consideration Determination, and Opportunity for a Hearing
        The following notices were previously published as separate 
    individual notices. The notice content was the same as above. They were 
    published as individual notices either because time did not allow the 
    Commission to wait for this biweekly notice or because the action 
    involved exigent circumstances. They are repeated here because the 
    biweekly notice lists all amendments issued or proposed to be issued 
    involving no significant hazards consideration.
        For details, see the individual notice in the Federal Register on 
    the day and page cited. This notice does not extend the notice period 
    of the original notice.
    Commonwealth Edison Company, Docket Nos. STN 50-454 and STN 50-455, 
    Byron Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Ogle County, Illinois; Docket Nos. 
    STN 50-456, STN 50-457, Braidwood Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Will 
    County, Illinois
        Date of Application for Amendments: March 21, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Requests: The proposed amendments would 
    permit continued activities at all four units with main steam Code 
    safety valve tolerances of plus or minus 3% until the lift setpoints 
    can be reset to within plus or minus 1%.
        Date of Publication of Individual Notice in Federal Register: March 
    29, 1994 (59 FR 14685).
        Expiration Date of Individual Notice: April 29, 1994.
        Local Public Document Room Location: For Byron, the Byron Public 
    Library, 109 N. Franklin, P.O. Box 434, Byron, Illinois 61010; for 
    Braidwood, the Wilmington Township Public Library, 201 S. Kankakee 
    Street, Wilmington, Illinois 60481.
    Power Authority of the State of New York, Docket No. 50-286, Indian 
    Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 3, Westchester County, New York
        Date of Amendment Request: March 24, 1994.
        Description of Amendment Request: The proposed amendment would 
    revise section 6.0 (Administrative Controls). Specifically, the plant 
    staff requirement (specified in Technical Specification (TS) 6.2.2.i) 
    would be revised to temporarily allow the operations manager to have 
    held a senior reactor operator (SRO) license at a pressurized water 
    reactor (PWR) other than Indian Point 3. The TS currently requires the 
    operations manager to have or have held an SRO license at Indian Point 
    3 only. This proposed change is needed to allow management changes at 
    the facility in an effort to improve overall performance. The proposed 
    changes would be in effect for a period ending 3 years after restart 
    from the 1993/1994 Performance Improvement Outage.
        Date of Publication of Individual Notice in Federal Register: April 
    1, 1994 (59 FR 15464).
        Expiration Date of Individual Notice: May 3, 1994.
        Local Public Document Room Location: White Plains Public Library, 
    100 Martine Avenue, White Plains, New York 10601.
        Attorney for Licensee: Charles M. Pratt, 10 Columbus Circle, New 
    York, New York 10019.
        NRC Project Director: Robert A. Capra
    Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses
        During the period since publication of the last biweekly notice, 
    the Commission has issued the following amendments. The Commission has 
    determined for each of these amendments that the application complies 
    with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 
    as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations. The 
    Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the 
    Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR chapter I, which are set 
    forth in the license amendment.
        Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility 
    Operating License, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration 
    Determination, and Opportunity for A Hearing in connection with these 
    actions was published in the Federal Register as indicated.
        Unless otherwise indicated, the Commission has determined that 
    these amendments satisfy the criteria for categorical exclusion in 
    accordance with 10 CFR 51.22. Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), 
    no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be 
    prepared for these amendments. If the Commission has prepared an 
    environmental assessment under the special circumstances provision in 
    10 CFR 51.12(b) and has made a determination based on that assessment, 
    it is so indicated.
        For further details with respect to the action see (1) the 
    applications for amendment, (2) the amendment, and (3) the Commission's 
    related letter, Safety Evaluation and/or Environmental Assessment as 
    indicated. All of these items are available for public inspection at 
    the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman Building, 2120 L 
    Street, NW., Washington, DC 20555, and at the local public document 
    rooms for the particular facilities involved.
    Arizona Public Service Company, et al., Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-
    529, and STN 50-530, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, 
    and 3, Maricopa County, Arizona
        Date of Application for Amendments: December 2, 1993.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The amendments will modify TS 3/ by removing the schedular requirements for a Type A (overall 
    integrated containment leakage rate) test to be performed specifically 
    at 40 plus or minus 10-month intervals and replacing these requirements 
    with a requirement to perform Type A testing in accordance with 
    Appendix J to 10 CFR part 50.
        Date of Issuance: April 6, 1994.
        Effective date: April 6, 1994.
        Amendment Nos.: 73, 59, and 45.
        Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-41, NPF-51, and NPF-74: The 
    amendments revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: January 5, 1994 (59 FR 
    616) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated April 6, 1994.
        No significant Hazards Consideration Comments Received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Phoenix Public Library, 12 
    East McDowell Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85004.
    Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Docket Nos. 50-317 and 50-318, 
    Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Calvert County, 
        Date of Application for Amendments: August 27, 1993, as 
    supplemented March 11, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The amendments revise the Calvert 
    Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, Technical Specifications 
    (TSs) by removing the list of containment isolation valves in Table 
    3.6-1. The amendments also make accompanying changes to various TSs and 
    to the TS Bases. These amendments are a ``line-item'' TS improvement 
    and follow the guidance of Generic Letter 91-08, ``Removal of Component 
    Lists From Technical Specifications.''
        Date of issuance: April 7, 1994.
        Effective Date: As of the date of issuance to be implemented within 
    30 days.
        Amendment Nos.: 187 and 164
        Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-53 and DPR-69: Amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: September 29, 1993 (58 
    FR 50966) The Commission's related evaluation of these amendments is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 7, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Calvert County Library, Prince 
    Frederick, Maryland 20678.
    Boston Edison Company, Docket No. 50-293, Pilgrim Nuclear Power 
    Station, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
        Date of Application for Amendment: June 7, 1993, August 9, and 
    December 10, 1993.
        Brief Description of Amendment: This amendment revises the 
    Technical Specification (TS) to support a 24-month fuel cycle. The TS 
    changes include extending surveillance intervals and adjusting 
    setpoints as justified in the Safety Evaluation.
        Date of Issuance: April 6, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 6, 1994.
        Amendment No.: 151.
        Facility Operating License No. DPR-35: Amendment revised the 
    Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: March 16, 1994 (59 FR 
    2863) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated April 6, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Plymouth Public Library, 11 
    North Street, Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360.
    Commonwealth Edison Company, Docket Nos. 50-237 and 50-249, Dresden 
    Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3, Grundy County, Illinois
        Date of Application for Amendments: March 26, 1993.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The amendments modify the trip 
    level settings for the Isolation Condenser and High Pressure Core 
    Injection System Steam lines to more conservative values. In addition, 
    the proposed amendments revise the ECCS Low-Low Water Level initiation 
    trip setting to a more conservative number.
        Date of Issuance: April 5, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 5, 1994.
        Amendment Nos.: 126 and 120.
        Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-19 and DPR-25. The amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: March 2, 1994 (59 FR 
    10002) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 5, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Morris Public Library, 604 
    Liberty Street, Morris, Illinois 60450.
    Commonwealth Edison Company, Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374, LaSalle 
    County Station, Units 1 and 2, LaSalle County, Illinois
        Date of Application for Amendments: January 24, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The amendments implement line item 
    5.9 of Generic Letter 93-05, ``Line-Item Technical Specifications 
    Improvements to Reduce Surveillance Requirements for Testing During 
    Power Operation'', which provided recommendations for deleting the 
    requirement to perform response time testing where the required time 
    corresponds to the diesel start time.
        Date of issuance: April 7, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 7, 1994.
        Amendment Nos.: 98 and 82.
        Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-11 and NPF-18. The amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: February 16, 1994 (59 
    FR 7686). The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 7, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Public Library of Illinois 
    Valley Community College, Rural Route No. 1, Oglesby, Illinois 61348.
    Commonwealth Edison Company, Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374, LaSalle 
    County Station, Units 1 and 2, LaSalle County, Illinois
        Date of Application for Amendments: February 22, 1993 as 
    supplemented August 16, 1993.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The amendments allow continued 
    operation of one unit for a period of seven days while the common plant 
    (Division 1) emergency diesel generator (``O'' DG) is out of service 
    for the performance of specified Technical Specification surveillance 
    requirements and the performance of planned maintenance and/or 
    modification work. Also, the amendments clarify Surveillance 
    Requirement to allow an emergency diesel generator to 
    remain Operable with only one air start subsystem pressurized.
        Date of Issuance: April 11, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 11, 1994.
        Amendment Nos.: 99 and 83.
        Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-11 and NPF-18. The amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: July 7, 1993 (58 FR 
    36430) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 11, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Public Library of Illinois 
    Valley Community College, Rural Route No. 1, Oglesby, Illinois 61348.
    Duke Power Company, et al., Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414, Catawba 
    Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, York County, South Carolina
        Date of Application for Amendments: September 28, 1993, as 
    supplemented February 17, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The amendments delete the portion 
    of the 18-month surveillance requirement contained in Technical 
    Specification (TS) 4.5.2.d associated with verifying that the decay 
    heat removal system suction isolation valves automatically close on a 
    reactor coolant system pressure signal. Also, an obsolete footnote to 
    TS 4.5.2.e is being deleted. This footnote is no longer necessary since 
    the first Unit 1 refueling outage is complete.
        Date of Issuance: April 4, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 4, 1994.
        Amendment Nos.: 117 and 111.
        Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52: Amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: March 2, 1994 (59 FR 
    10004) The February 17, 1994, letter provided clarifying information 
    that did not change the scope of the initial September 28, 1993, 
    application and initial proposed no significant hazards consideration 
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated April 4, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: York County Library, 138 East 
    Black Street, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730.
    Entergy Operations, Inc., Docket No. 50-368, Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 
    No. 2, Pope County, Arkansas
        Date of Application for Amendment: July 22, 1993, as supplemented 
    by letter dated October 20, 1993.
        Brief Description of Amendment: The amendment removed the cycle-
    specific variables from the Technical Specifications (TSs) and 
    controlled them under a new document called the Core Operating Limits 
    Report (COLR), in accordance with Generic Letter 88-16.
        Date of Issuance: April 11, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 11, 1994.
        Amendment No.: 157.
        Facility Operating License No. NPF-6. Amendment revised the 
    Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: September 1, 1993 (58 
    FR 46230). The additional information contained in the supplemental 
    letter dated October 20, 1993, was clarifying in nature and, thus, 
    within the scope of the initial notice and did not affect the staff's 
    proposed no significant hazards consideration determination.
        The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is contained 
    in a Safety Evaluation dated April 11, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Tomlinson Library, Arkansas 
    Tech University, Russellville, Arkansas 72801.
    Entergy Operations, Inc., System Energy Resources, Inc., South 
    Mississippi Electric Power Association, and Mississippi Power & Light 
    Company, Docket No. 50-416, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1, 
    Claiborne County, Mississippi
        Date of Application for Amendment: January 13, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendment: The amendment requested the removal 
    of the temporary technical specification limit on the number of spent 
    fuel assemblies that may be stored in the spent fuel pool at Grand Gulf 
    Nuclear Station pending licensee verification of the adequacy of the 
    spent fuel pool heat removal capability.
        Date of Issuance: April 4, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 4, 1994.
        Amendment No: 113.
        Facility Operating License No. NPF-29. Amendment revises the 
    Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: March 2, 1994 (59 FR 
    10006) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 4, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Judge George W. Armstrong 
    Library, Post Office Box 1406, S. Commerce at Washington, Natchez, 
    Mississippi 39120.
    Florida Power and Light Company, Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251, Turkey 
    Point Plant Units 3 and 4, Dade County, Florida
        Date of Application for Amendments: April 20, 1993.
        Brief Description of Amendments: These amendments delete the lead/
    lag compensator term on the measured reactor coolant system loop 
    temperature difference from the overtemperature and overpower Delta T 
    reactor trip functions.
        Date of Issuance: April 4, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 4, 1994.
        Amendment Nos. 161 and 155.
        Facility Operating Licenses Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41: Amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: June 9, 1993 (58 FR 
    32383) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 4, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Florida International 
    University, University Park, Miami, Florida 33199.
    Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric 
    Authority of Georgia, City of Dalton, Georgia, Docket Nos. 50-321 and 
    50-366, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Appling County, 
        Date of Application for Amendments: September 20, 1993.
        Brief Description of Amendments: The amendments revise the Units 1 
    and 2 Channel Functional Test frequency from quarterly to once per 18 
    months for the scram discharge volume float type level switches.
        Date of Issuance: April 15, 1994.
        Effective Date: To be implemented within 60 days from the date of 
        Amendment Nos.: 193 and 133.
        Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-57 and NPF-5: Amendments 
    revised the Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: October 27, 1993 (58 FR 
    57852) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendments is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 15, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Appling County Public Library, 
    301 City Hall Drive, Baxley, Georgia 31513.
    Houston Lighting & Power Company, City Public Service Board of San 
    Antonio, Central Power and Light Company, City of Austin, Texas, Docket 
    No. 50-499, South Texas Project, Unit 2, Matagorda County, Texas
        Date of Amendment Request: January 25, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendment: The amendment added new Technical 
    Specifications, 3/4.10.6 and 3/4.10.7, to the Special Test Exceptions 
    section. TS 3/4.10.6 allows the restart of Unit 2 with expired 
    calibrations on the core exit thermocouples (CET) and the reactor 
    coolant system (RCS) resistance temperature detectors (RTD) by setting 
    aside the affected limiting conditions for operation (LCOs) until the 
    calibrations are complete. This is a one-time only change that is valid 
    during the third refueling outage for Unit 2 until the calibrations are 
    complete. TS 3/4.10.7 adds a new technical specification to allow the 
    ascension to 75 percent rated thermal power with an expired precision 
    heat balance reactor coolant flow measurement. This change is effective 
    only for Unit 2, Cycle 4, until the surveillance requirement is 
        Date of Issuance: April 1, 1994.
        Effective Date: April 1, 1994, to be implemented within 10 days of 
        Amendment No.: Amendment No. 48.
        Facility Operating License No. NPF-80. Amendment revised the 
    Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: February 16, 1994 (59 
    FR 7690) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 1, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Wharton County Junior College, 
    J. M. Hodges Learning Center, 911 Boling Highway, Wharton, Texas 77488.
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, Docket No. 50-220, Nine Mile Point 
    Nuclear Station Unit No. 1, Oswego County, New York
        Date of Application for Amendment: January 21, 1994.
        Brief Description of Amendment: The amendment revises Technical 
    Specification 4.6.3 (Emergency Power Sources), to eliminate unnecessary 
    testing of an operable emergency diesel generator (EDG) when the 
    redundant EDG becomes inoperable. This amendment is intended to 
    increase EDG reliability and the overall level of plant safety by 
    reducing the stresses on the EDGs caused by unnecessary testing. This 
    amendment also eliminates the requirement to load the operable EDG with 
    the offsite network when it is tested with one EDG inoperable.
        Date of Issuance: April 6, 1994.
        Effective Date: As of the date of issuance to be implemented within 
    30 days.
        Amendment No.: 147.
        Facility Operating License No. DPR-63: Amendment revises the 
    Technical Specifications.
        Date of Initial Notice in Federal Register: March 2, 1994 (59 FR 
    10009) The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is 
    contained in a Safety Evaluation dated April 6, 1994.
        No significant hazards consideration comments received: No.
        Local Public Document Room Location: Reference and Documents 
    Department, Penfield Library, State University of New York, Oswego, New 
    York 13126.
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, Docket No. 50-220, Nine Mile Point 
    Nuclear Station Unit No. 1, Oswego County, New York
        Date of Application for Amendment: November 18, 1993.
        Brief Description of Amendment: The amendment revises the setpoints 
    for the degraded voltage relays for the 4.16kV Power Boards 102 and 103 
    as specified in Technical Specification Table 3.6.2i. The setpoints 
    have been revised from 3580 volts  3 seconds to 3705 volts 
    > 3.4 seconds and < 60="" seconds.="" this="" change="" has="" been="" made="" in="" response="" to="" findings="" of="" the="" nrc's="" electrical="" distribution="" system="" functional="" inspection="" conducted="" at="" nine="" mile="" point="" nuclear="" station="" unit="" no.="" 1="" from="" september="" 23,="" 1991,="" to="" october="" 25,="" 1991.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" as="" of="" the="" date="" of="" issuance="" to="" be="" implemented="" prior="" to="" startup="" from="" the="" next="" refueling="" outage.="" amendment="" no.:="" 148.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" dpr-63:="" amendment="" revises="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" december="" 22,="" 1993="" (58="" fr="" 67851).="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" reference="" and="" documents="" department,="" penfield="" library,="" state="" university="" of="" new="" york,="" oswego,="" new="" york="" 13126.="" north="" atlantic="" energy="" service="" corporation,="" docket="" no.="" 50-443,="" seabrook="" station,="" unit="" no.="" 1,="" rockingham="" county,="" new="" hampshire="" date="" of="" amendment="" request:="" october="" 28,="" 1993.="" description="" of="" amendment="" request:="" the="" amendment="" implements="" 13="" of="" 47="" line="" item="" technical="" specification="" (ts)="" improvements="" recommended="" by="" generic="" letter="" 93-05.="" most="" of="" the="" changes="" revise="" the="" allowable="" time="" intervals="" for="" performing="" certain="" surveillance="" requirements="" (sr)="" on="" various="" plant="" components="" during="" power="" operation="" or="" delete="" the="" requirement="" entirely="" or="" under="" certain="" conditions.="" one="" change="" modifies="" testing="" requirements="" identified="" in="" an="" action="" statement.="" specifically,="" the="" amendment="" modifies="" surveillance="" requirements="",="",="""" (table="" 4.3-2,="" functional="" unit="" 3.c.4),="""" (table="" 4.3-3,="" functional="" units="" 1="" through="" 6),="",="",="",="",="",="" 4.5.2,="",="",="",="" and="" the="" action="" statements="" in="" technical="" specification="""" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" as="" of="" the="" date="" of="" issuance="" to="" be="" implemented="" within="" 60="" days.="" amendment="" no.:="" 30.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" npf-86:="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" february="" 2,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 4942).="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" exeter="" public="" library,="" 47="" front="" street,="" exeter,="" new="" hampshire="" 03833.="" northern="" states="" power="" company,="" docket="" no.="" 50-263,="" monticello="" nuclear="" generating="" plant,="" wright="" county,="" minnesota="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" july="" 7,="" 1993.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" changes="" technical="" specification="" 3.6.d,="" ``primary="" system="" boundary,="" coolant="" leakage,''="" and="" the="" corresponding="" surveillance="" requirements.="" the="" amendment="" adds="" a="" clause="" to="" make="" the="" operability="" requirements="" of="" leakage="" measurement="" instruments="" applicable="" only="" when="" irradiated="" fuel="" is="" in="" the="" reactor="" and="" reactor="" water="" temperature="" is="" above="" 212="" deg.f.="" with="" regards="" to="" leakage="" measurement="" instruments,="" it="" is="" now="" required="" that="" leak="" rate="" measurements="" be="" made="" once="" per="" 12="" hours.="" in="" addition,="" instruments="" must="" be="" restored="" to="" operable="" status="" within="" 30="" days="" or="" else="" shutdown="" would="" be="" required.="" operability="" requirements="" for="" the="" drywell="" particulate="" radioactivity="" monitoring="" system="" are="" now="" addressed.="" surveillance="" requirements="" regarding="" primary="" containment="" atmosphere,="" identified="" and="" unidentified="" leakage="" of="" reactor="" coolant,="" and="" performance="" of="" a="" sensor="" check="" for="" the="" primary="" containment="" sump="" leakage="" measurement="" system="" are="" changed="" to="" once="" per="" shift,="" not="" to="" exceed="" 12="" hours.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" amendment="" no.:="" 87.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" dpr-22.="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" august="" 4,="" 1993="" (58="" fr="" 41507)="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" minneapolis="" public="" library,="" technology="" and="" science="" department,="" 300="" nicollet="" mall,="" minneapolis,="" minnesota="" 55401.="" pennsylvania="" power="" and="" light="" company,="" docket="" no.="" 50-388,="" susquehanna="" steam="" electric="" station,="" unit="" 2,="" luzerne="" county,="" pennsylvania="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" november="" 24,="" 1993,="" and="" supplemented="" by="" letters="" dated="" january="" 7,="" and="" february="" 14,="" 1994.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" raised="" the="" authorized="" power="" level="" from="" the="" 3293="" mwt="" to="" a="" new="" limit="" of="" 3441="" mwt.="" the="" amendment="" also="" changed="" the="" technical="" specifications="" to="" implement="" uprated="" power="" operation.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 11,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" as="" of="" its="" date="" of="" issuance="" and="" is="" to="" be="" implemented="" prior="" to="" startup="" in="" cycle="" 7,="" currently="" scheduled="" to="" occur="" may="" 21,="" 1994.="" amendment="" no.:="" 103.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" npf-22.="" this="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications="" and="" the="" license.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" december="" 22,="" 1993="" (58="" fr="" 67852)="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 11,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" osterhout="" free="" library,="" reference="" department,="" 71="" south="" franklin="" street,="" wilkes-barre,="" pennsylvania="" 18701.="" pennsylvania="" power="" and="" light="" company,="" docket="" nos.="" 50-387="" and="" 50-388="" susquehanna="" steam="" electric="" station,="" units="" 1="" and="" 2,="" luzerne="" county,="" pennsylvania.="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendments:="" april="" 16,="" 1993.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendments:="" the="" amendments="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications="" to="" conform="" to="" the="" nrc="" staff="" positions="" on="" inservice="" inspection="" and="" on="" monitoring="" of="" unidentified="" leakage="" in="" generic="" letter="" 88-01,="" ``nrc="" position="" on="" intergranular="" stress="" corrosion="" cracking="" in="" bwr="" austenitic="" stainless="" steel="" piping''.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" amendment="" nos.:="" 134="" and="" 104.="" facility="" operating="" license="" nos.="" npf-14="" and="" npf-22.="" these="" amendments="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" may="" 12,="" 1993="" (58="" fr="" 28058).="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendments="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" osterhout="" free="" library,="" reference="" department,="" 71="" south="" franklin="" street,="" wilkes-barre,="" pennsylvania="" 18701.="" philadelphia="" electric="" company,="" public="" service="" electric="" and="" gas="" company,="" delmarva="" power="" and="" light="" company,="" and="" atlantic="" city="" electric="" company,="" docket="" nos.="" 50-277="" and="" 50-278,="" peach="" bottom="" atomic="" power="" station,="" unit="" nos.="" 2="" and="" 3,="" york="" county,="" pennsylvania="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendments:="" may="" 21,="" 1992="" brief="" description="" of="" amendments:="" the="" amendments="" revised="" the="" expiration="" dates="" from="" january="" 31,="" 2008,="" for="" units="" 2="" and="" 3,="" to="" august="" 8,="" 2013,="" for="" unit="" 2,="" and="" july="" 2,="" 2014,="" for="" unit="" 3.="" the="" original="" expiration="" date="" is="" 40="" years="" from="" the="" date="" of="" issuance="" of="" the="" construction="" permit="" for="" both="" units.="" the="" revised="" dates="" are="" 40="" years="" from="" the="" date="" of="" issuance="" of="" the="" respective="" operating="" licenses="" (i.e.,="" august="" 8,="" 1973="" for="" unit="" 2="" and="" july="" 2,="" 1974="" for="" unit="" 3).="" date="" of="" issuance:="" march="" 28,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" march="" 28,="" 1994.="" amendments="" nos.:="" 186="" and="" 191.="" facility="" operating="" license="" nos.="" dpr-44="" and="" dpr-56:="" amendments="" revised="" the="" licenses.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" august="" 5,="" 1992="" (57="" fr="" 34590).="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendments="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" march="" 28,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" government="" publications="" section,="" state="" library="" of="" pennsylvania="" (regional="" depository),="" education="" building,="" walnut="" street="" and="" commonwealth="" avenue,="" box="" 1601,="" harrisburg,="" pennsylvania="" 17105.="" philadelphia="" electric="" company,="" public="" service="" electric="" and="" gas="" company,="" delmarva="" power="" and="" light="" company,="" and="" atlantic="" city="" electric="" company,="" docket="" nos.="" 50-277="" and="" 50-278,="" peach="" bottom="" atomic="" power="" station,="" unit="" nos.="" 2="" and="" 3,="" york="" county,="" pennsylvania="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendments:="" november="" 17,="" 1993.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendments:="" these="" amendments="" revise="" the="" surveillance="" requirements="" to="" eliminate="" unnecessary="" diesel="" generator="" testing="" when="" a="" diesel="" generator="" or="" an="" offsite="" power="" source="" becomes="" inoperable.="" this="" change="" reduces="" the="" stresses="" on="" the="" diesel="" generators="" caused="" by="" unnecessary="" testing.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 5,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 5,="" 1994.="" amendments="" nos.:="" 187="" and="" 192.="" facility="" operating="" license="" nos.="" dpr-44="" and="" dpr-56:="" amendments="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" january="" 5,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 628).="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendments="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 5,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" government="" publications="" section,="" state="" library="" of="" pennsylvania="" (regional="" depository),="" education="" building,="" walnut="" street="" and="" commonwealth="" avenue,="" box="" 1601,="" harrisburg,="" pennsylvania="" 17105.="" philadelphia="" electric="" company,="" public="" service="" electric="" and="" gas="" company,="" delmarva="" power="" and="" light="" company,="" and="" atlantic="" city="" electric="" company,="" docket="" nos.="" 50-277="" and="" 50-278,="" peach="" bottom="" atomic="" power="" station,="" unit="" nos.="" 2="" and="" 3,="" york="" county,="" pennsylvania="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendments:="" may="" 25,="" 1993,="" as="" supplemented="" march="" 11,="" 1994.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendments:="" these="" administrative="" amendments="" (1)="" remove="" references="" to="" the="" service="" platform="" hoist,="" (2)="" correct="" a="" typographical="" error="" concerning="" the="" emergency="" transformer="" degraded="" voltage="" relay="" setpoint="" tolerance,="" and="" (3)="" clarify="" that="" the="" basis="" for="" recalibration="" of="" certain="" pressure="" switches="" is="" reactor="" thermal="" power="" instead="" of="" turbine="" first="" stage="" pressure.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" amendments="" nos.:="" 188="" and="" 193.="" facility="" operating="" license="" nos.="" dpr-44="" and="" dpr-56:="" amendments="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" july="" 21,="" 1993="" (58="" fr="" 39059).="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendments="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" government="" publications="" section,="" state="" library="" of="" pennsylvania="" (regional="" depository),="" education="" building,="" walnut="" street="" and="" commonwealth="" avenue,="" box="" 1601,="" harrisburg,="" pennsylvania="" 17105.="" philadelphia="" electric="" company,="" public="" service="" electric="" and="" gas="" company="" delmarva="" power="" and="" light="" company,="" and="" atlantic="" city="" electric="" company,="" docket="" nos.="" 50-277="" and="" 50-278,="" peach="" bottom="" atomic="" power="" station,="" unit="" nos.="" 2="" and="" 3,="" york="" county,="" pennsylvania="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendments:="" december="" 21,="" 1993,="" as="" supplemented="" on="" march="" 11,="" 1994.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendments:="" these="" amendments="" revise="" technical="" specification="" (ts)="" table="" 3.2.f="" to="" accurately="" describe="" the="" main="" stack="" high="" range="" and="" reactor="" building="" roof="" vent="" high="" range="" radiation="" monitors,="" and="" delete="" previously="" approved="" amendment="" no.="" 168="" for="" unit="" 3.="" amendment="" no.="" 168="" was="" an="" emergency="" temporary="" change="" which="" is="" no="" longer="" requested.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" amendments="" nos.:="" 189="" and="" 194.="" facility="" operating="" license="" nos.="" dpr-44="" and="" dpr-56:="" amendments="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" february="" 16,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 7697)="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendments="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" government="" publications="" section,="" state="" library="" of="" pennsylvania,="" (regional="" depository)="" education="" building,="" walnut="" street="" and="" commonwealth="" avenue,="" box="" 1601,="" harrisburg,="" pennsylvania="" 17105.="" power="" authority="" of="" the="" state="" of="" new="" york,="" docket="" no.="" 50-333,="" james="" a.="" fitzpatrick="" nuclear="" power="" plant,="" oswego="" county,="" new="" york="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" december="" 28,="" 1993.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" clarifies="" limiting="" condition="" for="" operation="" (lco)="" 3.5.d.4.="" amendment="" no.="" 179="" to="" the="" ts="" added="" lco="" 3.5.d.4="" to="" permit="" hydrostatic="" and="" leakage="" testing="" at="" temperatures="" up="" to="" 300="" deg.f="" without="" requiring="" certain="" equipment,="" including="" the="" automatic="" depressurization="" system="" (ads),="" to="" be="" operable.="" however,="" lco="" 3.5.d.4="" can="" be="" mistakenly="" interpreted="" to="" require="" the="" ads="" be="" operable="" at="" temperatures="" less="" than="" 212="" deg.f.="" requiring="" the="" ads="" to="" be="" operable="" during="" hydrostatic="" and="" leakage="" testing="" with="" temperatures="" below="" 212="" deg.f="" was="" clearly="" not="" the="" intent="" of="" amendment="" no.="" 179.="" the="" amendment="" clarifies="" lco="" 3.5.d.4="" to="" resolve="" this="" concern="" and="" is="" considered="" an="" administrative="" change.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 6,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" as="" of="" the="" date="" of="" issuance="" to="" be="" implemented="" within="" 30="" days.="" amendment="" no.:="" 209.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" dpr-59:="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" march="" 2,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 10014)="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 6,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" reference="" and="" documents="" department,="" penfield="" library,="" state="" university="" of="" new="" york,="" oswego,="" new="" york="" 13126.="" power="" authority="" of="" the="" state="" of="" new="" york,="" docket="" no.="" 50-333,="" james="" a.="" fitzpatrick="" nuclear="" power="" plant,="" oswego="" county,="" new="" york="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" december="" 29,="" 1993.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" technical="" specifications="" (tss)="" amendment="" revised="" section="" 3.6.d.4="" to="" eliminate="" an="" inconsistency="" between="" the="" operability="" requirements="" for="" the="" reactor="" coolant="" system="" (rcs)="" leakage="" detection="" and="" the="" specified="" requirements="" for="" monitoring="" rcs="" leakage.="" additionally,="" the="" amendment="" revised="" the="" tss="" to="" make="" numerous="" editorial="" corrections="" which="" are="" administrative="" in="" nature.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 13,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" as="" of="" the="" date="" of="" issuance="" to="" be="" implemented="" within="" 30="" days.="" amendment="" no.:="" 210.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" dpr-59:="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" february="" 2,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 4945)="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 13,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" reference="" and="" documents="" department,="" penfield="" library,="" state="" university="" of="" new="" york,="" oswego,="" new="" york="" 13126.="" public="" service="" electric="" &="" gas="" company,="" docket="" no.="" 50-354,="" hope="" creek="" generating="" station,="" salem="" county,="" new="" jersey="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" august="" 30,="" 1993,="" and="" supplement="" dated="" march="" 21,="" 1994.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" revises="" the="" composition="" of="" the="" station="" operations="" review="" committee="" (sorc)="" and="" increases="" the="" submittal="" interval="" of="" the="" radiological="" effluent="" release="" report="" from="" semiannually="" to="" annually.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" amendment="" no.:="" 67.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" npf-57:="" this="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" september="" 29,="" 1993="" (58="" fr="" 50973)="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" pennsville="" public="" library,="" 190="" s.="" broadway,="" pennsville,="" new="" jersey="" 08070.="" public="" service="" electric="" &="" gas="" company,="" docket="" no.="" 50-354,="" hope="" creek="" generating="" station,="" salem="" county,="" new="" jersey="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" april="" 23,="" 1993,="" and="" supplemented="" by="" letters="" dated="" november="" 10,="" 1993="" and="" january="" 13,="" 1994.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" lowers="" the="" technical="" specification="" limit="" for="" the="" maximum="" ultimate="" heat="" sink="" temperature="" and="" revise="" the="" bases="" for="" the="" station="" service="" water="" system.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" amendment="" no.:="" 68.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" npf-57:="" this="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 15,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" pennsville="" public="" library,="" 190="" s.="" broadway,="" pennsville,="" new="" jersey="" 08070.="" public="" service="" electric="" &="" gas="" company,="" docket="" nos.="" 50-272="" and="" 50-311,="" salem="" nuclear="" generating="" station,="" unit="" nos.="" 1="" and="" 2,="" salem="" county,="" new="" jersey="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendments:="" december="" 8,="" 1993.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendments:="" these="" amendments="" incorporate="" the="" guidance="" of="" nrc="" generic="" letter="" 90-06="" that="" addresses="" power-operated="" relief="" valve="" and="" block="" valve="" reliability="" and="" additional="" low-temperature="" overpressure="" protection="" for="" light="" water="" reactors.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" amendment="" nos.="" 150="" and="" 130.="" facility="" operating="" license="" nos.="" dpr-70="" and="" dpr-75:="" these="" amendments="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" january="" 19,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 2870)="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendments="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" salem="" free="" public="" library,="" 112="" west="" broadway,="" salem,="" new="" jersey="" 08079="" southern="" nuclear="" operating="" company,="" inc.,="" docket="" no.="" 50-348,="" joseph="" m.="" farley="" nuclear="" plant,="" unit="" 1,="" houston="" county,="" alabama="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" december="" 9,="" 1993,="" as="" supplemented="" february="" 23,="" and="" april="" 1,="" 1994="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" modifies="" technical="" specification="" (ts)="" 3/4.4.6,="" steam="" generators,="" and="" ts="" 3/4.4.9,="" specific="" activity,="" and="" their="" associated="" bases.="" the="" steam="" generator="" plugging/="" repair="" limit="" is="" being="" modified="" in="" the="" ts="" to="" incorporate="" a="" 2.0="" volt="" steam="" generator="" tube="" support="" plate="" interim="" plugging="" criteria="" for="" cycle="" 13="" only.="" in="" addition,="" the="" ts="" limit="" for="" specific="" activity="" of="" dose="" equivalent="" i\131\="" and="" its="" transient="" dose="" equivalent="" i\131\="" reactor="" coolant="" specific="" activity="" will="" be="" reduced="" by="" a="" factor="" of="" 4="" in="" order="" to="" increase="" the="" allowable="" leakage="" in="" the="" event="" of="" a="" steam="" line="" break="" for="" cycle="" 13="" only.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 5,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 5,="" 1994.="" amendment="" no.:="" 106.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" npf-2.="" amendment="" revises="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" january="" 19,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 2871)="" the="" february="" 23,="" 1994,="" and="" april="" 1,="" 1994,="" letters="" provided="" supplemental="" information="" and="" deleted="" the="" requested="" ts="" upper="" limit="" bobbin="" voltage="" of="" 5.7="" volts="" for="" tube="" plugging="" that="" was="" requested="" in="" the="" december="" 9,="" 1993,="" letter="" and="" retained="" the="" current="" value="" of="" 3.6="" volts.="" the="" february="" 23="" and="" april="" 1,="" 1994,="" supplements="" did="" not="" change="" the="" original="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" finding.="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 5,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" houston-love="" memorial="" library,="" 212="" w.="" burdeshaw="" street,="" post="" office="" box="" 1369,="" dothan,="" alabama="" 36302="" texas="" utilities="" electric="" company,="" docket="" nos.="" 50-445="" and="" 50-446,="" comanche="" peak="" steam="" electric="" station,="" units="" 1="" and="" 2,="" somervell="" county,="" texas="" date="" of="" amendment="" request:="" may="" 21,="" 1993,="" as="" supplemented="" by="" letter="" dated="" february="" 23,="" 1994.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendments="" change="" the="" technical="" specifications="" by="" replacing="" the="" requirements="" associated="" with="" the="" control="" room="" heating="" and="" ventilation="" system="" with="" requirements="" related="" to="" operation="" of="" the="" control="" room="" filtration="" system="" and="" control="" room="" air="" conditioning="" system.="" the="" proposed="" change="" is="" consistent="" with="" the="" requirements="" of="" the="" westinghouse="" standard="" technical="" specifications="" (nureg-1431)="" issued="" on="" september="" 28,="" 1992.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 6,="" 1994="" effective="" date:="" april="" 6,="" 1994,="" to="" be="" implemented="" within="" 30="" days="" of="" issuance.="" amendment="" nos:="" unit="" 1--amendment="" no.="" 23;="" unit="" 2--amendment="" no.="" 9="" facility="" operating="" license="" nos.="" npf-87="" and="" npf-89:="" amendments="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" august="" 18,="" 1993="" (58="" fr="" 43933).="" the="" february="" 23,="" 1994,="" submittal="" provided="" supplemental="" information="" to="" the="" application="" and="" did="" not="" change="" the="" initial="" no="" significant="" hazards="" determination.="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 6,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" university="" of="" texas="" at="" arlington="" library,="" government="" publications/maps,="" 701="" south="" cooper,="" p.o.="" box="" 19497,="" arlington,="" texas="" 76019.="" union="" electric="" company,="" docket="" no.="" 50-483,="" callaway="" plant,="" unit="" 1,="" callaway="" county,="" missouri="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" september="" 24,="" 1993.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" revises="" the="" technical="" specifications="" to="" extend="" the="" reporting="" period="" of="" the="" semiannual="" radioactive="" effluent="" release="" report="" from="" semiannually="" to="" annually.="" additionally,="" the="" report="" submission="" date="" changes="" from="" 60="" days="" after="" january="" 1="" and="" july="" 1="" of="" each="" year="" to="" before="" may="" 1="" of="" each="" year.="" the="" changes="" to="" the="" reporting="" period="" and="" report="" date="" are="" being="" made="" to="" implement="" the="" august="" 31,="" 1992,="" change="" to="" 10="" cfr="" 50.36a.="" the="" affected="" technical="" specification="" sections="" are="" 1.18,="",="",="",="" 6.14c,="" and="" the="" index.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 14,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 14,="" 1994.="" amendment="" no.:="" 89.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" npf-30.="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" march="" 2,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 10016).="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 14,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" callaway="" county="" public="" library,="" 710="" court="" street,="" fulton,="" missouri="" 65251.="" wisconsin="" public="" service="" corporation,="" docket="" no.="" 50-305,="" kewaunee="" nuclear="" power="" plant,="" kewaunee="" county,="" wisconsin="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" february="" 1,="" 1994.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" revises="" the="" ts="" by="" removing="" the="" review="" of="" the="" emergency="" plan="" and="" its="" implementing="" procedures="" from="" the="" list="" of="" responsibilities="" of="" the="" plant="" operations="" review="" committee="" (porc).="" guidance="" for="" this="" change="" was="" provided="" in="" generic="" letter="" 93-07,="" ``modification="" of="" the="" technical="" specification="" administrative="" control="" requirements="" for="" emergency="" and="" security="" plans,''="" dated="" december="" 28,="" 1993.="" several="" other="" administrative="" ts="" changes="" were="" also="" made="" including="" removing="" specific="" titles="" from="" the="" list="" of="" porc="" members="" in="" ts="" 6.5.a.2="" and="" deleting="" ts="" 6.5.b="" which="" describes="" the="" corporate="" support="" staff.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" amendment="" no.:="" 107.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" dpr-43.="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" march="" 2,="" 1994="" (59="" fr="" 10017)="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" university="" of="" wisconsin="" library="" learning="" center,="" 2420="" nicolet="" drive,="" green="" bay,="" wisconsin="" 54301.="" wisconsin="" public="" service="" corporation,="" docket="" no.="" 50-305,="" kewaunee="" nuclear="" power="" plant,="" kewaunee="" county,="" wisconsin.="" date="" of="" application="" for="" amendment:="" may="" 5,="" 1993="" as="" supplemented="" march="" 4,="" 1994.="" brief="" description="" of="" amendment:="" the="" amendment="" changes="" the="" kewaunee="" nuclear="" power="" plant="" (knpp)="" technical="" specifications="" (ts)="" in="" response="" to="" nrc="" generic="" letter="" 90-06.="" this="" letter="" deals="" with="" generic="" issue="" 70="" and="" generic="" issue="" 94,="" which="" focus="" on="" power-operated="" relief="" valve="" and="" block="" valve="" reliability="" and="" additional="" low-temperature="" overpressure="" protection.="" the="" amendment="" revises="" ts="" section="" 3.1="" by="" adding="" restrictions="" on="" the="" restart="" of="" an="" inactive="" reactor="" coolant="" pump,="" modifying="" the="" limiting="" conditions="" for="" operation="" of="" the="" pressurizer="" power-operated="" relief="" valves="" (porvs)="" and="" associated="" block="" valves,="" and="" adding="" provisions="" to="" ensure="" that="" adequate="" low-temperature="" overpressure="" protection="" (ltop)="" is="" available.="" additionally,="" this="" amendment="" modifies="" the="" limiting="" conditions="" for="" operation="" for="" reactor="" coolant="" temperature="" and="" pressure="" by="" adding="" figure="" ts="" 3.1-4="" to="" define="" 10="" cfr="" 50="" appendix="" g="" pressure="" and="" temperature="" limitations="" for="" ltop="" evaluation="" through="" the="" end="" of="" operating="" cycle="" 20.="" date="" of="" issuance:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" effective="" date:="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" amendment="" no.:="" 108.="" facility="" operating="" license="" no.="" dpr-43.="" amendment="" revised="" the="" technical="" specifications.="" date="" of="" initial="" notice="" in="" federal="" register:="" july="" 21,="" 1993="" (58="" fr="" 39062)="" the="" march="" 4,="" 1994,="" submittal="" provided="" additional="" clarifying="" information="" and="" changed="" the="" ltop="" allowed="" outage="" time="" from="" 7="" days="" to="" a="" more="" conservative="" 5="" days.="" this="" modification="" did="" not="" change="" the="" initial="" proposed="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" determination.="" the="" commission's="" related="" evaluation="" of="" the="" amendment="" is="" contained="" in="" a="" safety="" evaluation="" dated="" april="" 7,="" 1994.="" no="" significant="" hazards="" consideration="" comments="" received:="" no.="" local="" public="" document="" room="" location:="" university="" of="" wisconsin="" library="" learning="" center,="" 2420="" nicolet="" drive,="" green="" bay,="" wisconsin="" 54301.="" dated="" at="" rockville,="" maryland,="" this="" 20th="" day="" of="" april="" 1994.="" for="" the="" nuclear="" regulatory="" commission.="" gus="" c.="" lainas,="" acting="" director,="" division="" of="" reactor="" projects--i/ii,="" office="" of="" nuclear="" reactor="" regulation.="" [fr="" doc.="" 94-10011="" filed="" 4-26-94;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 7590-01-p="">

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
April 6, 1994.
0-0 (None pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: April 28, 1994