97-10722. Safety Standards for Roof Bolts in Metal and Nonmetal Mines and Underground Coal Mines  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 81 (Monday, April 28, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 22998-23002]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-10722]
    [[Page 22997]]
    Part II
    Department of Labor
    Mine Safety and Health Administration
    30 CFR Parts 56, 57, and 75
    Safety Standards for Roof Bolts in Metal and Nonmetal Mines and 
    Underground Coal Mines; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 81 / Monday, April 28, 1997 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 22998]]
    Mine Safety and Health Administration
    30 CFR Parts 56, 57, and 75
    RIN 1219-AB00
    Safety Standards for Roof Bolts in Metal and Nonmetal Mines and 
    Underground Coal Mines
    AGENCY: Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is revising 
    its safety standards for roof and rock bolts at metal and nonmetal 
    mines and underground coal mines by updating the reference to the 
    American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard for roof and 
    rock bolts and accessories. The new reference reflects technological 
    advances in the design of roof and rock bolts and support materials. It 
    would improve the level of protection provided by the standards 
    currently in use.
    DATES: Submit written comments on or before June 27, 1997. Submit 
    written comments on the information collection requirements by June 27, 
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments on this proposed rule to the Mine 
    Safety and Health Administration, Office of Standards, Regulations, and 
    Variances, 4015 Wilson Boulevard, Room 631, Arlington, Virginia 22203. 
    Commenters are encouraged to send comments on a computer disk or via e-
    mail to psilvey@msha.gov, along with an original hard copy. Submit 
    written comments on the information collection requirements to the 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, New Executive Office 
    Bldg., 725 17th St. NW., Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503, Attn: Desk 
    Officer for MSHA.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patricia W. Silvey, Director; Office 
    of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, MSHA; phone: 703-235-1910, 
    fax: 703-235-5551.
    I. Paperwork Reduction Act
        On August 29, 1995, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    published a final rule in the Federal Register (60 FR 44978) 
    implementing the new Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA 95). 
    Consistent with PRA 95, these OMB rules expanded the definition of 
    ``information'' to clarify that a ``certification'' would involve the 
    collection of ``information'' if the Agency used it to monitor 
    compliance. Mine operators currently are required to obtain a 
    certification statement that the testing and manufacture of roof and 
    rock bolts comply with the specified standard, and to keep a copy of 
    this certification statement so that it can be made available to 
    miners' representatives and representatives of the Secretary of Labor 
    (the Secretary). Although the proposed rule would not change this 
    requirement, it is now considered an information collection burden 
    because of the expanded definition of ``information'' under PRA 95. The 
    burden hours and costs associated with roof bolt certifications, 
    therefore, do not reflect any increase for the mining industry.
        The collection of information contained in this proposal is subject 
    to review by OMB under the PRA 95. The title, description, and 
    respondent description of the information collection are discussed 
    below with an estimate of the annual information collection burden. 
    Included in the estimate is the time to obtain the manufacturer's 
    signature and file the form.
        With respect to the following collection of information, MSHA 
    invites comments on: (1) Whether the proposed collection of information 
    is necessary for proper performance of MSHA's functions, including 
    whether the information will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy 
    of MSHA's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
    information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions 
    used; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
    information to be collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the 
    collection of information on respondents, including through the use of 
    automated collection techniques, when appropriate, and other forms of 
    information technology.
        Description: Sections 56.3203(a)(1), 57.3203(a)(1), and 
    75.204(a)(1) would require the mine operator to obtain a manufacturer's 
    certification that the material was manufactured and tested in 
    accordance with the specifications of ASTM F432-95. Sections 
    56.3203(a)(2), 57.3203(a)(2), and 75.204(a)(2) require that the 
    certification be made available to an authorized representative of the 
    Secretary. MSHA estimates that it would take the mine operator about 3 
    minutes to obtain a signature and file the form. Agency experience has 
    shown that major roof and rock bolt manufacturers routinely provide a 
    certification to mine operators at the time of the initial contract and 
    update the certification annually. Smaller manufacturers provide a 
    certification at the time of initial contract and upon request from the 
    mine operator.
        Description of Respondents: The respondents are mine operators. 
    MSHA estimates that this provision annually affects 653 surface metal 
    and nonmetal mines; 185 underground metal and nonmetal mines; and 973 
    underground coal mines.
        Information Collection Burden: The total estimated annual 
    information collection burden for surface metal and nonmetal mines is 
    about 33 hours at an estimated annual cost of about $1,180. The total 
    estimated annual information collection burden for underground metal 
    and nonmetal mines is about 9 hours at an estimated annual cost of 
    about $330. The total estimated annual information collection burden 
    for underground coal mines is about 49 hours at an estimated annual 
    cost of about $2,040.
        The following chart summarizes MSHA's estimates by section.
                                                                                                                 Number of                                  
                      Regulation in 30 CFR                       Number of       Hours per       Number of     responses per   Annual costs     Total hours 
                                                                respondents      response        responses      respondent                    per regulation
    56.3203(a)(1)...........................................             653            0.05             653               1          $1,175           32.65
    57.3202(a)(1)...........................................             185            0.05             185               1             333            9.25
    75.204(a)(1)............................................             973            0.05             973               1           2,043           48.65
          Total.............................................           1,811            0.05           1,811               1           3,551           90.55
    The burden hours and costs associated with roof bolt certifications do 
    not reflect any increase for the mining industry because mine operators 
    currently are required to perform these activities.
        Under section 3507(o) of PRA 95, the Agency has submitted a copy of 
    this proposed rule to OMB for its review and approval of these 
    information collections. Interested persons are requested to send 
    comments regarding
    [[Page 22999]]
    these burden estimates or any other aspect of these collections of 
    information, including suggestions for reducing these burdens, (1) 
    directly to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB; 
    Attention: Desk Officer for MSHA; 725 17th Street NW., Room 10235; 
    Washington, DC 20503, and (2) to Patricia W. Silvey, Director; Office 
    of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, MSHA; 4015 Wilson Boulevard, 
    Room 631; Arlington, VA 22203.
    II. Background
    A. Metal and Nonmetal Mines
        On October 8, 1986, MSHA published a final rule (51 FR 36194) 
    revising its safety standards for ground control at metal and nonmetal 
    mines. This rulemaking included comprehensive rock bolt standards in 
    Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Secs. 56/57.3203 which 
    addressed the quality of rock fixtures and their installation. Roof and 
    rock bolts and accessories are an integral part of ground control 
    systems and are used to prevent the fall of roof, face, and ribs. 
    Accidents involving falls of roof in underground mines or falls of 
    highwall in surface mines have resulted in injuries and fatalities.
        These standards currently require that metal and nonmetal mine 
    operators obtain a certification from the manufacturer that rock bolts 
    and accessories are manufactured and tested in accordance with the 1983 
    American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) publication 
    ``Standard Specification for Roof and Rock Bolts and Accessories'' 
    (ASTM F432-83). The ASTM standard for roof and rock bolts and 
    accessories is a consensus standard used throughout the United States. 
    It contains specifications for the chemical, mechanical, and 
    dimensional requirements for roof and rock bolts and accessories used 
    for ground support systems.
        The manufacturer's certification is made available to an authorized 
    representative of the Secretary to attest to the appropriate testing 
    and manufacture of the rock bolts and accessories. Requiring that the 
    mine operator obtain a certification from the manufacturer assures mine 
    operators that the material they use meets technical requirements 
    established to promote safety.
    B. Underground Coal Mines
        MSHA published a final rule on February 8, 1990, (55 FR 4592) 
    revising paragraphs (a) and (b) of Sec. 75.204. This standard 
    references ASTM publication ``Standard Specification for Roof and Rock 
    Bolts and Accessories'' (ASTM F432-88), which was the most recent 
    revision available at that time. The final rule also requires mine 
    operators to obtain a certification from the manufacturer that roof 
    bolts and accessories are manufactured and tested in accordance with 
    ASTM F432-88. To comply with this rule, mine operators are required to 
    provide the certification document, upon request, to an authorized 
    representative of the Secretary to establish that their roof bolts are 
    designed and tested in accordance with the ASTM standard.
        This reference to the ASTM standard performs the same function as 
    the reference to the 1983 ASTM standard for metal and nonmetal mining 
    application. That is, the certificate assures mine operators that the 
    material they use meets technical requirements established to promote 
    III. Discussion
        MSHA has found that the existing certification requirement has been 
    successful in maintaining compliance with requirements for roof and 
    rock bolts and accessories. MSHA is proposing to retain the 
    certification requirement and to update existing Secs. 56.3203, 
    57.3203, and 75.204 by replacing the references to outdated ASTM F432-
    83 and ASTM F432-88 with a new reference to ASTM F432-95.
        MSHA participated in the development of ASTM F432-95 through active 
    representation at meetings of the American Mining Congress (predecessor 
    organization to the National Mining Association) Roof Support Group. It 
    was that committee that prepared the revised document for consideration 
    by ASTM. The committee was open to all manufacturers of roof and rock 
    bolts and accessories, and considered comments from all participants in 
    developing the new specifications. MSHA Technical Support personnel 
    conducted both laboratory and field studies which provide supporting 
    data for the various changes. This proposed rulemaking has been 
    followed closely by the National Mining Association, the United Mine 
    Workers of America, and the United Steelworkers, and the Agency does 
    not anticipate any opposition.
        MSHA is updating the standards because the Agency believes that 
    ASTM F432-95 is more comprehensive than those referenced in existing 
    standards, that it reflects advances in rock and roof bolt technology, 
    and that it would provide better protection for miners than the 
    standards currently in place. As discussed below, these revisions will 
    not reduce the protection afforded miners by the MSHA standards 
    currently in place.
    A. New Products Addressed
        ASTM F432-95 covers products not addressed by the current standards 
    including grouting materials, large diameter bolts, thread deformed 
    bars, and formable anchorage devices.
    1. Grouting Materials
        Grouting materials, which were not addressed by either ASTM F432-88 
    or ASTM F432-83, are extensively covered by ASTM F432-95. The term 
    ``grouting materials'' is used in ASTM F432-95 to include any chemical 
    materials (such as polyester, polyurethane, or epoxy resins) that are 
    used to anchor mine roof bolts. While grouted bolts have been used 
    successfully to support mine roofs since the 1970's, each manufacturer 
    has a different method to describe proper application of grouting 
    materials and their performance characteristics. This lack of 
    standardization has caused confusion and occasional misapplication of a 
    particular grout formulation and, therefore, has resulted in improperly 
    grouted boreholes. Improperly grouted boreholes can result in poor bolt 
    performance and, potentially, an inadequately supported roof. A survey 
    of MSHA field personnel revealed that improper borehole grouting has 
    been a contributing factor in roof fall accidents. Under ASTM F432-95, 
    there are specific requirements regarding strength, cure rate, 
    cartridge volume, and labeling that will standardize the production and 
    application of grouting materials and reduce the likelihood that 
    grouted bolts will be improperly installed.
    2. Large Diameter Bolts
        Similarly, large diameter bolts, ranging in size from 1\1/8\ inch 
    to 1\1/2\ inch, are now addressed by ASTM F432-95. MSHA field personnel 
    report that these large diameter bolts are growing in popularity and 
    are being used in areas of adverse roof conditions where smaller 
    diameter bolts would fail. ASTM F432-95 provides standard strength and 
    thread tolerance limits that ensure minimum performance levels and the 
    interchangeability of components produced by different manufacturers. 
    Compatibility is essential in ensuring that components acquired from 
    different sources function properly when used together, such as 
    mechanical anchors from one manufacturer and bolts from another, and 
    provide an adequate margin of safety.
    3. Thread Deformed Bars and Formable Anchorage Devices
        Two new technologies, thread deformed bars and formable anchorage
    [[Page 23000]]
    devices, also are addressed by ASTM F432-95. These bolting systems were 
    not in use at the time ASTM F432-83 and ASTM F432-88 were adopted; but, 
    their effectiveness has been demonstrated at a number of mines, which 
    has led MSHA to approve their use in roof control plans. ASTM F432-95 
    provides specific manufacturing, strength, and identification 
    requirements for these products to ensure that minimum performance 
    levels are met and that reliable products are available to the mine 
    operator. Updating the roof control standards which reference the ASTM 
    specifications covering these systems would reduce the time required by 
    mine operators to receive approval to use these devices in the roof 
    control plan, and eliminate the need for repetitive and time consuming 
    underground tests.
    B. Additional Safety Benefits
        ASTM F432-95 provides a number of additional safety benefits, 
    including strength standards for couplers, tolerances for external and 
    internal threads, dimensions for hardened washers, and bolt grading and 
    identification systems.
    1. Couplers
        Couplers are devices which connect two bolt sections. ASTM F432-95 
    increases the strength standard for couplers and requires couplers to 
    withstand the full breaking loads of the bolts with which they are 
    used. In comparison, ASTM F432-88 requires only that couplers support 
    the minimum yield and tensile loads of the connected bolts. In 
    practice, roof bolt strengths often exceed the minimum strength 
    requirements of ASTM F432-88 by a substantial margin, often in excess 
    of 8,000 pounds. The new coupler requirements will ensure that the full 
    strength of the bolting system is achieved and that catastrophic bolt 
    failure, through premature coupler breakage, is prevented.
    2. Internal and External Threads
        New tolerances have been established under ASTM F432-95 for both 
    external threads primarily used for bolts, as well as internal threads 
    used in couplers, anchor plugs, and nuts. MSHA experience indicates 
    that the current thread tolerances of ASTM F432-88 and ASTM F432-83 are 
    relatively tight and have been linked to thread seizure problems 
    occasionally experienced during the installation of tensioned roof 
    bolts. Thread seizure or binding can be caused by expansion anchor 
    compression on bolt threads or the jamming of threads by small metal 
    shards produced during the planned shearing of torque inhibiting pins 
    or plugs. Thread seizure during roof bolt installation can 
    significantly influence the torque-tension relationship. In turn, the 
    torque check required by Secs. 56.3203(f)(2), 57.3203(f)(2), and 
    75.204(f) (3), (4), and (5) may not indicate bolt tension accurately 
    and, thus, fail to detect bolt installations that are not in compliance 
    with those standards. The revised requirements of ASTM F432-95 would 
    allow a slightly looser fit between mating threads (0.003 inch), which 
    would reduce the possibility of thread seizure without affecting the 
    strength of the component parts. The net result would be the improved 
    reliability of roof bolt installations through more consistent bolt 
    3. Hardened Washers
        ASTM F432-95 provides revised dimensions and tolerances for 
    hardened washers that are used to enhance the uniformity of installed 
    roof bolt tension. Current dimensions listed in ASTM F432-83 and ASTM 
    F432-88 are such that it is impossible to use hardened washers with 
    many deformed bars because the center hole dimensions are too small. In 
    addition, the restricted outside diameter (2 inches nominal) prevents 
    the effective use of hardened washers with large diameter bolts (i.e., 
    1\1/2\ inch diameter) because of the grossly reduced bearing surface. 
    The revised hardened washer dimensions of ASTM F432-95 are compatible 
    with the bolts currently in use and ensure that the benefits of uniform 
    bolt tension can be achieved with those systems.
    4. Uniform Grading Systems
        ASTM F432-95 also contains a revised bolt grading system that would 
    cover existing products and establish grade intervals for high strength 
    bolts that may be developed in the future. The current reference 
    standards of ASTM F432-83 and ASTM F432-88 are limited to grades 
    currently in use. This essentially precludes the immediate use of 
    higher strength bolts. The use of higher strength bolts now requires 
    often unnecessary and time consuming tests to allow for MSHA approval 
    of these bolts for use in an individual mine.
        In addition, the current system uses a single symbol for bolt head 
    identification to designate both grade and diameter. Given the variety 
    of bolting systems in use (\5/8\, \3/4\, \7/8\, 1, and 1\1/8\ inch 
    diameters; grades 40, 55, 60, 75; plain and rebar bolts), a large 
    number of symbols are used. Consequently, under the current system, 
    identifying the grade and diameter of a bolt used underground, from the 
    bolt head, has become difficult and extremely confusing. This increases 
    the potential for the inadvertent use of bolt types either not 
    prescribed by the roof control plan or not suitable for the roof 
    conditions encountered. The revised grading and identification system 
    of ASTM F432-95 would allow for the introduction of new high strength 
    bolting systems and make it easier for miners to verify the grade and 
    diameter of the bolts in use by looking at the bolt head.
        A grading system also has been established in ASTM F432-95 for 
    threaded tapered plugs used in expansion anchors that specify minimum 
    non-seizure and non-stripping loads for the bolt and plug threads. This 
    system would enable mine operators to select expansion anchors with 
    strength characteristics that are compatible with the bolting system in 
    use, and ensure that thread seizure will not occur during bolt 
    5. Low Strength Bolts
        Finally, ASTM F432-95 would eliminate the use of low strength grade 
    30 bolts permitted by both ASTM F432-83 and 88, and delete certain 
    chemical and grade requirements contained in those versions that 
    unnecessarily restrict new technology. As a result, ASTM F432-95, 
    through its improved specifications, would provide additional safety to 
    miners as compared to the current specifications.
        MSHA expects that the elimination of the use of grade 30 bolts 
    would not adversely impact the mining industry. MSHA allows a year for 
    mine operators to use existing inventory. Further, MSHA experience 
    indicates that the majority of mine operators are no longer using the 
    30 grade bolts and that they are no longer being manufactured.
    C. Existing Inventory
        This proposal would allow mine operators to use inventories of roof 
    support components meeting the design criteria of ASTM F432-83 and ASTM 
    F432-88 for up to one year from the effective date of the final rule. 
    After that year, only roof support components meeting ASTM F432-95 
    would be permitted to be installed. This one-year period will not 
    result in a diminution of safety to miners and will allow mine 
    operators, including small mines and seasonal operations, to exhaust 
    existing supplies of roof support materials on site. It also would 
    allow miners who use roof support materials to become sufficiently 
    trained in the use of roof bolts and accessories that meet the 
    requirements of ASTM F432-95. MSHA
    [[Page 23001]]
    specifically solicits comments from the mining community as to the 
    suitability of this time period. MSHA is proposing that mine operators, 
    however, could start using components meeting the ASTM F432-95 standard 
    upon the effective date of the final rule.
        MSHA also believes that the one-year time period gives sufficient 
    time for roof bolt manufacturers to consume present tooling, exhaust 
    inventories of products meeting current specifications, and produce and 
    make available to mine operators quantities of roof bolts meeting the 
    design criteria of ASTM F432-95. MSHA specifically solicits comments 
    from the mining community on whether this time period is adequate to 
    supply mine operators with the kind and quantity of roof bolts needed.
    IV. Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Executive Order 12866 requires that regulatory agencies assess both 
    the costs and benefits of proposed regulations. MSHA estimates that the 
    cost impact of the proposed rule is the same as under the existing 
    rule. The primary benefit of the proposed rule is that it provides for 
    advancements in roof bolt technology and, therefore, would increase 
    protection for miners. MSHA has determined that this proposed rule does 
    not meet the criteria of a significant regulatory action and, 
    therefore, has not prepared a separate analysis of costs and benefits. 
    The analysis contained in this preamble meets MSHA's responsibilities 
    under Executive Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) requires regulatory agencies 
    to consider a rule's impact on small entities. Under the RFA, MSHA must 
    use the Small Business Administration (SBA) definition for a small mine 
    of 500 or fewer employees or, after consultation with the SBA Office of 
    Advocacy, establish an alternative definition for the mining industry 
    by publishing that definition in the Federal Register for notice and 
    comment. MSHA traditionally has considered small mines to be those with 
    fewer than 20 employees. For the purposes of the RFA and this 
    certification, MSHA has analyzed the impact of the proposed rule on all 
    mines, on those with fewer than 20 employees, and on those with fewer 
    than 500 employees, and has concluded that there is no cost impact on 
    the mining industry.
        The Agency has provided a copy of this proposed rule and regulatory 
    flexibility certification statement to the SBA Office of Advocacy. In 
    addition, MSHA will mail a copy of the proposed rule, including the 
    preamble and regulatory flexibility certification statement, to all 
    affected mine operators.
    Regulatory Flexibility Certification
        In accordance with section 605 of the RFA, MSHA certifies that this 
    proposed rule would not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. No small governmental 
    jurisdictions or nonprofit organizations are affected.
        Under the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act 
    (SBREFA) amendments to the RFA, MSHA must include in the proposed rule 
    a factual basis for this certification. The Agency also must publish 
    the regulatory flexibility certification in the Federal Register, along 
    with its factual basis.
    Factual Basis for Certification
        MSHA has used a qualitative approach in concluding that the 
    proposed rule would not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. MSHA anticipates that the cost of 
    purchasing roof and rock bolts and accessories would not increase as a 
    result of the proposed requirement that they meet the new ASTM 
    specification (ASTM F432-95). This ASTM standard incorporates 
    technological advances that are currently available and being used by 
    the mining industry. Although MSHA does not expect any cost increases 
    as a result of this proposed rule, there may be minimal costs which the 
    Agency is not able to predict at this time. For this reason, MSHA 
    solicits comments from the mining industry, especially small mines and 
    roof bolt manufacturers, as to the impact of the proposed rule, both 
    costs and benefits. With respect to costs, the Agency requests that 
    commenters provide supporting information.
    V. Unfunded Mandates Act
        For purposes of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, as well 
    as E.O. 12875, this proposed rule does not include any Federal mandate 
    that may result in increased expenditures by State, local, and tribal 
    governments, or increased expenditures by the private sector of more 
    than $100 million.
    List of Subjects
    30 CFR Parts 56 and 57
        Mine safety and health, Surface mining, Underground mining.
    30 CFR Part 75
        Coal, Mine safety and health, Underground mining.
        Dated: April 17, 1997.
    J. Davitt McAteer,
    Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, MSHA proposes to amend 
    chapter I of title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 56 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 811.
        2. Section 56.3203 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
    paragraph (a), paragraph (a)(1), and the introductory text of paragraph 
    (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 56.3203  Rock fixtures.
        (a) On and after April 28, 1998, for rock bolts and accessories 
    addressed in ASTM F432-95, ``Standard Specification for Roof and Rock 
    Bolts and Accessories,'' the mine operator shall--
        (1) Obtain a manufacturer's certification that the material was 
    manufactured and tested in accordance with the specifications of ASTM 
    F432-95; and
        (2) * * *
        (b) Fixtures and accessories not addressed in ASTM F432-95 may be 
    used for ground support provided they--
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for part 57 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 811.
        4. Section 57.3203 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
    paragraph (a), paragraph (a)(1), and the introductory text of paragraph 
    (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 57.3203  Rock fixtures.
        (a) On and after April 28, 1998, for rock bolts and accessories 
    addressed in ASTM F432-95, ``Standard Specification for Roof and Rock 
    Bolts and Accessories,'' the mine operator shall--
        (1) Obtain a manufacturer's certification that the material was 
    manufactured and tested in accordance with the specifications of ASTM 
    F432-95; and
        (2) * * *
        (b) Fixtures and accessories not addressed in ASTM F432-95 may be
    [[Page 23002]]
    used for ground support provided they--
    * * * * *
        5. The authority citation for part 75 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 811.
        6. Section 75.204 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
    paragraph (a), paragraph (a)(1), and the introductory text of paragraph 
    (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 75.204  Roof bolting.
        (a) On and after April 28, 1998, for roof bolts and accessories 
    addressed in ASTM F432-95, ``Standard Specification for Roof and Rock 
    Bolts and Accessories,'' the mine operator shall--
        (1) Obtain a manufacturer's certification that the material was 
    manufactured and tested in accordance with the specifications of ASTM 
    F432-95; and
        (2) * *  *
        (b) Roof bolts and accessories not addressed in ASTM F432-95 may be 
    used, provided that the use of such materials is approved by the 
    District Manager based on--
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 97-10722 Filed 4-25-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4510-43-P

Document Information

Mine Safety and Health Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Submit written comments on or before June 27, 1997. Submit written comments on the information collection requirements by June 27, 1997.
22998-23002 (5 pages)
1219-AB00: Safety Standards for Roof Bolts in Metal and Nonmetal Mines and Underground Coal Mines
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
30 CFR 56.3203
30 CFR 57.3203
30 CFR 75.204