97-10898. Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 81 (Monday, April 28, 1997)]
    [Pages 23088-23093]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-10898]
    [[Page 23087]]
    Part VII
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 81 / Monday, April 28, 1997 / 
    [[Page 23088]]
    [OPPTS-51858; FRL-5588-3]
    Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires 
    any person who intends to manufacture or import a new chemical to 
    notify EPA and comply with the statutory provisions pertaining to the 
    manufacture or import of substances not on the TSCA Inventory. Section 
    5 of TSCA also requires EPA to publish receipt and status information 
    in the Federal Register each month reporting premanufacture notices 
    (PMN) and test marketing exemption (TME) application requests received, 
    both pending and expired. The information in this document contains 
    notices received from December 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments, identified by the document control number 
    ``[OPPTS-51858]'' and the specific PMN number, if appropriate, should 
    be sent to: Document Control Office (7407), Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., 
    Rm. ETG-099 Washington, DC 20460.
        Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by sending 
    electronic mail (e-mail) to: ncic@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic comments 
    must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special 
    characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data will also be 
    accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1 file format or ASCII file 
    format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by 
    the docket number [OPPTS-51858]. No Confidential Business Information 
    (CBI) should be submitted through e-mail. Electronic comments on this 
    notice may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries. 
    Additional information on electronic submissions can be found under 
    ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION'' of this document.
    Environmental Assistance Division (7408), Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. E-545, 401 
    M St., SW., Washington, DC, 20460, (202) 554-1404, TDD (202) 554-0551; 
    e-mail: TSCA-Hotline@epamail.epa.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the provisions of TSCA, EPA is 
    required to publish notice of receipt and status reports of chemicals 
    subject to section 5 reporting requirements. The notice requirements 
    are provided in TSCA sections 5(d)(2) and 5(d)(3). Specifically, EPA is 
    required to provide notice of receipt of PMNs and TME application 
    requests received. EPA also is required to identify those chemical 
    submissions for which data has been received, the uses or intended uses 
    of such chemicals, and the nature of any test data which may have been 
    developed. Lastly, EPA is required to provide periodic status reports 
    of all chemical substances undergoing review and receipt of Notices of 
        A record has been established for this notice under docket number 
    ``[OPPTS-51858]'' (including comments and data submitted electronically 
    as described below). A public version of this record, including 
    printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include 
    any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 12 
    noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
    public record is located in the TSCA Nonconfidential Information Center 
    (NCIC), Rm. NEM-B607, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption.
        The official record for this notice, as well as the public version, 
    as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, EPA will 
    transfer all comments received electronically into printed, paper form 
    as they are received and will place the paper copies in the official 
    record which will also include all comments submitted directly in 
    writing. The official record is the paper record maintained at the 
    address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
        In the past, EPA has published individual notices reflecting the 
    status of section 5 filings received, pending or expired, as well as 
    notices reflecting receipt of notices of commencement. In an effort to 
    become more responsive to the regulated community, the users of this 
    information and the general public, to comply with the requirements of 
    TSCA, to conserve EPA resources, and to streamline the process and make 
    it more timely, EPA is consolidating these separate notices into one 
    comprehensive notice that will be issued at regular intervals.
        In this notice, EPA shall provide a consolidated report in the 
    Federal Register reflecting the dates PMN requests were received, the 
    projected notice end date, the manufacturer or importer identity, to 
    the extent that such information is not claimed as confidential and 
    chemical identity, either specific or generic depending on whether 
    chemical identity has been claimed confidential. Additionally, in this 
    same report, EPA shall provide a listing of receipt of new notices of 
        EPA believes the new format of the notice will be easier to 
    understand by the interested public, and provides the information that 
    is of greatest interest to the public users. Certain information 
    provided in the earlier notices will not be provided under the new 
    format. The status reports of substances under review, potential 
    production volume, and summaries of health and safety data will not be 
    provided in the new notices.
        EPA is not providing production volume information in the 
    consolidated notice since such information is generally claimed as 
    confidential. For this reason, there is no substantive loss to the 
    public in not publishing the data. Health and safety data are not 
    summarized in the notice since it is recognized as impossible, given 
    the format of this notice, as well as the previous style of notices, to 
    provide meaningful information on the subject. In those submissions 
    where health and safety data were received by the Agency, a footnote is 
    included by the Manufacturer/Importer identity to indicate its 
    existence. As stated below, interested persons may contact EPA directly 
    to secure information on such studies.
        For persons who are interested in data not included in this notice, 
    access can be secured at EPA Headquarters in the NCIC at the address 
    provided above. Additionally, interested parties may telephone the 
    Document Control Office at (202) 260-1532, TDD (202) 554-0551, for 
    generic use information, health and safety data not claimed as 
    confidential or status reports on section 5 filings.
        Send all comments to the address listed above. All comments 
    received will be reviewed and appropriate amendments will be made as 
    deemed necessary.
        This notice will identify: (I) PMNs received; and (II) Notices of 
    Commencement to manufacture/import.
    [[Page 23089]]
                                                I.  115 Premanufacture Notices Received From: 12/01/96 to 12/31/96                                          
                                                                   Projected Notice End       Manufacturer/                                                 
                  Case No.                    Received Date               Date                  Importer                  Use                 Chemical      
    P-97-0150                            12/02/96                03/02/97                CBI                    (G) Deck chute         (G) Moisture cure    
                                                                                                                 conditioner            urethane            
    P-97-0152                            12/03/96                03/03/97                CBI                    (S) Oil and water      (G) Fluorinated      
                                                                                                                 proofing agent         acrylic copolymer   
    P-97-0153                            12/04/96                03/04/97                3M Company             (G) Coating            (G) Polyether        
    P-97-0154                            12/03/96                03/03/97                CBI                    (G) Pigment removal    (G) Quaternary       
    P-97-0155                            12/04/96                03/04/97                Henkel corporation     (S) Hot melt adhesive  (S) Polymer of: dimer
                                                                                                                                        fatty acid; sebacic 
                                                                                                                                        piperazine; 1,3, di-
    P-97-0156                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (S) Coating fluid      (G) Benzoyl          
                                                                                                                 ingredient for         methoxyheter        
                                                                                                                 printing plates        opolycycle          
    P-97-0157                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (S) Component of       (S) Benzene, 2,5-    
                                                                                                                 positive acting        bis[[4-(1,1-        
                                                                                                                 photoresist for        dimethylethyl)phenox
                                                                                                                 circuit board          y]methyl-]-1,3-     
                                                                                                                 coating                dinitro-            
    P-97-0158                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (S) Coating fluid      (G) The reaction     
                                                                                                                 ingredient for         products of 4-      
                                                                                                                 printing plates        hydroxybutylacrylate
                                                                                                                                        with the copolymer  
                                                                                                                                        of the butyl ester  
                                                                                                                                        of 2-methyl-2-      
                                                                                                                                        propenoic acid with 
                                                                                                                                        2,5-furandione, 1-(1-
                                                                                                                                        e, and methyl 2-    
    P-97-0159                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (G) Colorant           (G) Polyoxyalkylene, 
                                                                                                                                        alkylene succinate  
    P-97-0160                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (G) Colorant           (G) Polyoxyalkylene, 
                                                                                                                                        alkylene succinate  
    P-97-0161                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (G) Colorant           (G) Polyoxyalkylene, 
                                                                                                                                        alkylene succinate  
    P-97-0162                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (G) Colorant           (G) Polyoxyalkylene, 
                                                                                                                                        alkylene succinate  
    P-97-0163                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (G) Colorant           (G) Polyoxyalkylene, 
                                                                                                                                        alkylene succinate  
    P-97-0164                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (G) Colorant           (G) Polyoxyalkylene, 
                                                                                                                                        alkylene succinate  
    P-97-0165                            12/04/96                03/04/97                CBI                    (G) Colorant           (G) Polyoxyalkylene, 
                                                                                                                                        alkylene succinate  
    P-97-0166                            12/05/96                03/05/97                CBI                    (G) Epoxy resin for    (G) Amine modified   
                                                                                                                 coating metal          epoxy resin         
                                                                                                                 surfaces in a                              
                                                                                                                 contained use                              
    P-97-0167                            12/05/96                03/05/97                CBI                    (G) Additive for       (G) Additive         
                                                                                                                 coating metal                              
                                                                                                                 surfaces in a                              
                                                                                                                 contained use                              
    P-97-0168                            12/05/96                03/05/97                CBI                    (G) Crosslinking       (G) Urethane resin   
                                                                                                                 agent for coating                          
                                                                                                                 metal surfaces in                          
                                                                                                                 contained use                              
    P-97-0169                            12/05/96                03/05/97                CBI                    (G) Additive for       (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 coating metal                              
                                                                                                                 surfaces in                                
                                                                                                                 contained use                              
    P-97-0170                            12/05/96                03/05/97                Huls America Inc       (S) Surface modifier   (G) Vinyl alkylalkoxy
                                                                                                                 for industrial         siloxane            
    P-97-0171                            12/05/96                03/05/97                Rose Color, Inc        (S) A colorant for     (S) 9,10-            
                                                                                                                 marking petroleum      anthracenedione, 1,4-
                                                                                                                 products e.g. fuel     diamino-N,N -mixed 2
                                                                                                                 oil.                   ethylhexyl, iso-pn, 
                                                                                                                                        me and pentyl derivs
    P-97-0172                            12/05/96                03/05/97                CBI                    (G) Open, non          (G) Polyester polymer
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-97-0173                            12/06/96                03/06/97                Chemrex Inc.           (G) Open, non-         (G) Anionic aliphatic
                                                                                                                 dispersive additive    polyurethane        
                                                                                                                 for water-based        dispersion          
                                                                                                                 adhesives and                              
    P-97-0174                            12/09/96                03/09/97                3M Company             (S) Pressure           (G) Acrylate polymer 
                                                                                                                 sensitive adhesive                         
    P-97-0175                            12/05/96                03/05/97                CBI                    (G) Organic solvent    (S) 1-(2-            
                                                                                                                 for pigment grinding   hydroxythio)propane-
                                                                                                                 resin in contained     2-ol                
    P-97-0176                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Chemical           (G) Cyclo pentadiene 
                                                                                          Company                intermediate           derivative, sodium  
    P-97-0177                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Chemical           (G) Cyclo pentadiene 
                                                                                          Company                intermediate           derivative          
    P-97-0178                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Chemical           (G) Unsaturated      
                                                                                          Company                intermediate           hydrocarbon,        
    P-97-0179                            12/09/96                03/10/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Polymerization     (G) Substituted      
                                                                                          Company                catalyst               bis(cyclopentadienyl
    P-97-0180                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Chemical           (G) Cyclopentadiene  
                                                                                          Company                intermediate           derivative          
    P-97-0181                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Polymerization     (G) Substituted      
                                                                                          Company                catalyst               bis(cyclopentadienyl
                                                                                                                                        ) zirconium         
    P-97-0182                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Chemical           (G) Cyclopentadiene  
                                                                                          Company                intermediate           derivative, lithium 
    [[Page 23090]]
    P-97-0183                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Chemical           (G) Cyclopentadiene  
                                                                                          Company                intermediate           derivative, lithium 
    P-97-0184                            12/09/96                03/09/97                CBI                    (G) Resin for          (G) Epoxy resin      
                                                                                                                 electrode position                         
                                                                                                                 coating for coating                        
                                                                                                                 metal surfaces in                          
                                                                                                                 contained use                              
    P-97-0185                            12/09/96                03/09/97                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Fluoro phenyl    
                                                                                                                 dispersive             acetamide           
    P-97-0186                            12/08/96                03/08/97                Percy International    (S) Modifying resin    (S) Polymer of: diol 
                                                                                          Ltd                    used in the            specified on        
                                                                                                                 manufacture of         attachment 5: 1,1-  
                                                                                                                 leather/fabric;        methylenebis[4-     
                                                                                                                 coating, printing      isocycanato         
                                                                                                                 inks and plastic       cyclohexane];       
                                                                                                                 coating                dimethylol          
                                                                                                                                        proprionic acid;    
                                                                                                                                        hydrazine; adipic   
                                                                                                                                        acid, dihydrazide;  
                                                                                                                                        dimethylamino methyl
    P-97-0187                            12/09/96                03/09/97                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) 2,6-dinitro-1,4- 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      benzenedimethanol,  
                                                                                                                 use                    polymer with        
                                                                                                                                        diisocyanate and 1,6
                                                                                                                                        bisphenol a         
                                                                                                                                        ethoxylate and acid 
                                                                                                                                        functional diol     
    P-97-0188                            12/09/96                03/09/97                MacDermid, Inc         (G) Photocure          (G) Methacrylate     
                                                                                                                 polymer, open non-     adducted            
                                                                                                                 dispersive use         polyurethane        
    P-97-0189                            12/11/96                03/11/97                Boulder Scientific     (S) Polymerization     (G) Substituted      
                                                                                          Company                catalyst               bis(cyclopentadienyl
    P-97-0190                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Teknor Apex Company    (S) Plasticizer for    (S) Polymer of:      
                                                                                                                 flexible PVC           adipic acid; 2-     
                                                                                                                                        methyl-1, 3-        
                                                                                                                                        propanediol; 1,6    
                                                                                                                                        alcohols, C9-11-iso,
                                                                                                                                        C-10 rich           
    P-97-0191                            12/10/96                03/10/97                CBI                    (G) Crosslinker for    (G) Urea derivative  
                                                                                                                 resin binder                               
    P-97-0192                            12/10/96                03/10/97                CBI                    (G) Crosslinking       (G) Silicic acid,    
                                                                                                                 agent                  alkyl ester         
    P-97-0193                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Orient Chemical        (S) Manufacture of     (S) 2,7-             
                                                                                          Corporation            ink                    naphthalenedisulfoni
                                                                                                                                        c acid, 4-amino-5-  
                                                                                                                                        hydroxy-, couples   
                                                                                                                                        with diazotized, 4- 
                                                                                                                                        diazotized, 4,4-    
                                                                                                                                        [benzenamine] and m-
                                                                                                                                        sodium salt         
    P-97-0194                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Hitac Adhesives and    (G) Adhesive tape      (G) Water soluble    
                                                                                          Coatings, Inc          component - as         silicone modified   
                                                                                                                 release coat           poly (urethane-urea)
    P-97-0195                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Hitac Adhesives and    (G) Adhesive tape      (G) Water soluble    
                                                                                          Coatings, Inc          component - as         silicone modified   
                                                                                                                 release coat           poly (urethane-urea)
    P-97-0196                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Hitac Adhesives and    (G) Adhesive tape      (G) Water soluble    
                                                                                          Coatings, Inc          component - as         silicone modified   
                                                                                                                 release coat           poly (urethane-urea)
    P-97-0197                            12/10/96                03/10/97                Hitac Adhesives and    (G) Adhesive tape      (G) Water soluble    
                                                                                          Ccatings, Inc          component - as         silicone modified   
                                                                                                                 release coat           poly (urethane-urea)
    P-97-0198                            12/13/96                03/13/97                Bomar Specialties      (S) Pipe sealant at    (S) 2-propenoic acid,
                                                                                          Company                approx. 20% use        2-hydroxyethyl      
                                                                                                                 level; ultraviolet     ester, polymer with 
                                                                                                                 curable coating        N,N,N,N,N,N- hexakis-
                                                                                                                 modifier at <30% use="" (methoxymethyl)-="" level;="" adhesive="" 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-="" formulation="" triamine="" and="" 2-="" component="" oxapanone="" p-97-0199="" 12/12/96="" 03/12/97="" 3m="" company="" (s)="" low="" adhesion="" (g)="" acrylate="" polmer="" backsize="" p-97-0200="" 12/12/96="" 03/12/97="" 3m="" company="" (s)="" tape="" adhesive="" (g)="" acrylate="" copolymer="" p-97-0201="" 12/13/96="" 03/13/97="" witco="" chemical="" (s)="" printing="" inks="" (s)="" fatty="" acids,="">18-
                                                                                          Corporation                                   unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                                        polymers with       
                                                                                                                                        ethylenediamine, 2- 
                                                                                                                                        ethylhexanoic acid, 
                                                                                                                                        and propionic acid  
    P-97-0202                            12/10/96                03/10/97                CBI                    (G) Paint              (G) Acrylated        
                                                                                                                                        polyester resin     
    P-97-0203                            12/12/96                03/12/97                MTC America, Inc       (G) Brake linings      (G) Acrylate         
    P-97-0204                            12/13/96                03/13/97                Witco Chemical         (S) Hot melts          (S) Decanedioic acid,
                                                                                          Corporation                                   polymer with 1,4-   
    P-97-0205                            12/17/96                03/17/97                Shell Chemical         (S) Acid is            (S) Polymer of: C9-11
                                                                                          Company                intermediate for       alcohol ethoxylate; 
                                                                                                                 manufacture of NA      oxygen              
                                                                                                                 salts for use as                           
                                                                                                                 anionic surfactants                        
    P-97-0206                            12/17/96                03/17/97                Shell Chemical         (S) Acid is            (S) Polymer          
                                                                                          Company                intermediate for       of:poly(oxy-1,2-    
                                                                                                                 manufacture of NA      ethanediyl), alpha- 
                                                                                                                 salts for use as       (carboxymethyl)-    
                                                                                                                 anionic surfactants    omega-hydroxy-, C9- 
                                                                                                                                        11-alkyl ethers;    
    P-97-0207                            12/17/96                03/17/97                Shell Chemical         (S) Acid is            (S) Polymer of: C9-11
                                                                                          Company                intermediate for       alcohol ethoxylate; 
                                                                                                                 manufacture of NA      oxygen              
                                                                                                                 salts for use as                           
                                                                                                                 anionic surfactants                        
    [[Page 23091]]
    P-97-0208                            12/17/96                03/17/97                Shell Chemical         (S) Acid is            (S) Polymer of:      
                                                                                          Company                intermediate for       poly(oxy-1,2-       
                                                                                                                 manufacture of NA      ethanediyl), alpha- 
                                                                                                                 salts for use as       (carboxymetyl)-omega-
                                                                                                                 anionic surfactants    (undecycloxy)-NAOH  
    P-97-0209                            12/13/96                03/13/97                CBI                    (G) Ingredient for     (G) Furan aldehyde   
                                                                                                                 use in consumer                            
                                                                                                                 products; highly                           
                                                                                                                 dispersive use.                            
    P-97-0210                            12/13/96                03/13/97                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Coating for        (G) Carboxylic acid  
                                                                                                                 fiberglass sizing      and ester           
                                                                                                                 operations             functionalized      
    P-97-0211                            12/13/96                03/13/97                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Coating for        (G) Ester-           
                                                                                                                 fiberglass sizing      functionalized      
                                                                                                                 operations             polymer             
    P-97-0212                            12/16/96                03/16/97                CBI                    (S) Crosslinker for    (G) Modified         
                                                                                                                 powder coating         polycarboxylic acid 
    P-97-0213                            12/17/96                03/17/97                CBI                    (S) Thickener,         (G) Sodium salt of   
                                                                                                                 primarily for the      acrylic acid/vinyl  
                                                                                                                 cosmetics and          ester copolymer     
    P-97-0214                            12/17/96                03/17/97                CBI                    (S) Additive flame     (G) Polymeric aryl   
                                                                                                                 retardant for          phosphate           
    P-97-0215                            12/12/96                03/12/97                Orient Chemical        (S) Manufacture of     (S) Benzene          
                                                                                          Corporation            ink                    methanaminium, -    
                                                                                                                                        ,inner salt,        
                                                                                                                                        monosodium salt     
    P-97-0216                            12/18/96                03/18/97                CBI                    (G) Dehydration agent  (G) Propoxylated,    
                                                                                                                                        ethoxylated amine   
    P-97-0217                            12/18/96                03/18/97                BASF Corporation       (G) Epoxy catalyst     (S) 1H-imidazole, 2- 
    P-97-0218                            12/19/96                03/19/97                Lobeco Products, Inc   (G) Raw material for   (S) Benzoic acid, 3- 
                                                                                                                 production of          hydroxy-,           
                                                                                                                 certain crop           dipotassium salt    
                                                                                                                 protection products                        
    P-97-0219                            12/19/96                03/19/97                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Polyester resin  
    P-97-0220                            12/19/96                03/19/97                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Polyester resin  
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-97-0221                            12/19/96                03/19/97                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Polyester resin  
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-97-0222                            12/20/96                03/20/97                CBI                    (G) Processing aid in  (S) Formamide, N-    
                                                                                                                 paper making and       ethenyl-,polymer,   
                                                                                                                 textile treatment      with etheramine,    
                                                                                                                 processes              hydrochloride       
    P-97-0223                            12/20/96                03/20/97                CBI                    (S) Industrial         (G) Ppdi polyester   
                                                                                                                 products; wheels,      prepolymer          
                                                                                                                 rollers, belts,                            
                                                                                                                 machine pts.                               
    P-97-0224                            12/26/96                03/26/97                CBI                    (G) Petroleum          (G) Reaction product 
                                                                                                                 additive               of alkylthioalcohol 
                                                                                                                                        and substituted     
                                                                                                                                        phosphorous compound
    P-97-0225                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Cerdec Corporation;    (G) Precious metal     (G) Precious metal   
                                                                                          Drakenfeld Products    coating ingredients    [(alkoxyalkylalkoxy)
    P-97-0226                            12/26/96                03/26/97                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic latex    
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-97-0227                            12/23/96                03/23/97                3M Company             (G) Polymer additive   (G) Fluorochemical   
    P-97-0228                            12/23/96                03/23/97                3M Company             (G) Polymer additive   (G) Fluorochemical   
    P-97-0229                            12/24/96                03/24/97                Courtaulds Coatings    (S) Curing agent for   (G) Aromatic diamine 
                                                                                          Inc                    2-part epoxy coating   aliphatic epoxy     
                                                                                                                 system                 adduct              
    P-97-0230                            12/23/96                03/23/97                NA Industries, Inc     (G) Lubricant and      (G) Polyimine        
                                                                                                                 additives for ink,                         
                                                                                                                 paint, and coatings                        
    P-97-0231                            12/23/96                03/23/97                3M Company             (S) Intermediate       (G) Alkylethoxylate  
    P-97-0232                            12/23/96                03/23/97                AKZO Nobel Rresins     (S)Resin used to       (S) Polymer of:      
                                                                                                                 manufacture            styrene; methacrylic
                                                                                                                 industrial coatings    acid;               
                                                                                                                                        E-caprolactone; 2-  
                                                                                                                                        acrylate; tert.     
                                                                                                                                        butylperoxy 3,5,5-  
                                                                                                                                        trimethyl hexanoate 
    P-97-0233                            12/23/96                03/23/97                3M Company             (S) Intermediate       (G) Alkylethoxylate  
    P-97-0234                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (G) Additive for       (G) Zinc dialkyl     
                                                                                                                 lubricant              dithiophosphate     
    P-97-0235                            12/23/96                03/23/97                CBI                    (S) Processing aid     (G)Rosin odified     
                                                                                                                 for thermoplastic      hydrocarbon resin   
    P-97-0236                            12/23/96                03/23/97                CBI                    (S) Processing aid     (G) Modified         
                                                                                                                 for thermoplastic      hydrocarbon resin   
    P-97-0237                            12/23/96                03/23/97                CBI                    (S) Processing aid     (G) Modified         
                                                                                                                 for thermoplastic      hydrocarbon resin   
    P-97-0238                            12/23/96                03/23/97                CBI                    (S) Processing aid     (G) Modified         
                                                                                                                 for thermoplastic      hydrocarbon resin   
    P-97-0239                            12/23/96                03/23/97                CBI                    (S) Processing aid     (G) Modified         
                                                                                                                 for thermoplastic      hydrocarbon resin   
    P-97-0240                            12/23/96                03/23/97                CBI                    (S) Processing aid     (G) Modified         
                                                                                                                 for thermoplastic      hydrocarbon resin   
    P-97-0241                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Unichema North         (S) Reactive raw       (G) Polyester diol   
                                                                                          America                material for                               
                                                                                                                 production of                              
    P-97-0242                            12/26/96                03/26/97                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 dispersive use.        dispersion          
    [[Page 23092]]
    P-97-0243                            12/26/96                03/26/97                CBI                    (G) Monomer for high   (G) Aliphatic diol   
                                                                                                                 performance polymers                       
    P-97-0244                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Cerdec Corporation;    (G) Precious metal     (G)                  
                                                                                          Drakenfeld Products    coating ingredient     Polysulfide,poly[[po
    P-97-0245                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Unichema North         (S) Reactive raw       (G) Polyester diol   
                                                                                          America                material for                               
                                                                                                                 production of                              
    P-97-0246                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Unichema North         (S) Reactive raw       (G) Polyester diol   
                                                                                          America                material for                               
                                                                                                                 production of                              
    P-97-0247                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Cerdec Corporation;    (G) Precious metal     (G) Precious metal,  
                                                                                          Drakenfeld Products    preparation            [(polyhydro-alkyl-  
                                                                                                                 ingredient             cyclic polyalkyl)   
    P-97-0248                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Cerdec Corporation;    (G) Precious metal     (G) Precious metal,  
                                                                                          Drakenfeld Products    preparation            [(polyhydro-alkyl-  
                                                                                                                 ingredient             cyclic polyalkyl)   
    P-97-0249                            12/26/96                03/26/97                CBI                    (G) Colorant           (G) Xanthene dye     
    P-97-0250                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Unichema North         (S) Reactive raw       (G) Polyester diol   
                                                                                          America                material for                               
                                                                                                                 production of                              
    P-97-0251                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane/    
                                                                                                                                        acrylic grafted     
    P-97-0252                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane/    
                                                                                                                                        acrylic grafted     
    P-97-0253                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane/    
                                                                                                                                        acrylic grafted     
    P-97-0254                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane/    
                                                                                                                                        acrylic grafted     
    P-97-0255                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane/    
                                                                                                                                        acrylic grafted     
    P-97-0256                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane/    
                                                                                                                                        acrylic grafted     
    P-97-0257                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 substances             resin               
    P-97-0258                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 substances             resin               
    P-97-0259                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 substances             resin               
    P-97-0260                            12/24/96                03/24/97                CBI                    (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 substances             resin               
    P-97-0261                            12/26/96                03/26/97                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Polyester resin  
    P-97-0262                            12/26/96                03/26/97                Witco Chemical         (S) PVC adhesion       (S) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                          Corporation            promoter               unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                                        polymers with       
                                                                                                                                        ethanamine and      
                                                                                                                                        glycidyl tolyl      
                                                                                                                                        ether, graft        
    P-97-0263                            12/30/96                03/30/97                Chemrex Inc            (G) Open, non-         (G) Anionic aliphatic
                                                                                                                 dispersive additive    polyurethane        
                                                                                                                 for water-based        dispersion          
                                                                                                                 adhesives and                              
    P-97-0264                            12/30/96                03/30/97                Shin-Etsu Silicones    (S) Coating on glass   (S) Silane, (3,3,4,  
                                                                                          of America, Inc        and plastic articles   4,5,5,6, 6,7,7,     
                                                                                                                 for water-and/or oil   8,8,9,9, 10,10,10-  
                                                                                                                 repellency; filler-    hepta decafluoro    
                                                                                                                 treatment for          decyl)trimethoxy-   
                                                                                                                 plastics; addition                         
                                                                                                                 into plastics,                             
    P-97-0265                            12/31/96                03/31/97                CBI                    (G) Molding compound   (G) Poly(ester-ether)
                            II. 58 Notices of Commencement Received From: 12/01/96 to 12/31/96                      
                  Case No.                   Received Date              Date                      Chemical          
    P-92-0849                           12/24/96               11/27/96               (G) N,N-phenylene bis(oxo-    
                                                                                       (alkyl benzothiazole-2-      
                                                                                       yl)phenylazo)alkyl amide     
    P-93-0201                           12/18/96               11/22/96               (S) Magnesium aluminum zinc   
                                                                                       hydroxy carbonate            
                                                                                       (hydrotalcite-like compound) 
    P-94-0326                           12/30/96               12/02/96               (G) Alkoxylated, di-alkyl-    
                                                                                       alkylsulfate salt            
    P-94-0591                           12/03/96               11/21/96               (G) Benzene alkanal, 4-alkyl- 
                                                                                       alpha, alpha-dialkyl, oxrime 
    P-94-1566                           12/03/96               11/04/96               (S) Tetrakis (diethylamido)   
    P-94-1697                           12/24/96               12/11/96               (G) Water reducible polyester 
    P-94-1890                           12/10/96               12/03/96               (G) Modified polymeric        
                                                                                       diphenyl methane diisocyanate
    P-94-1916                           12/10/96               11/22/96               (G) Hydroalkyl functional poly
    P-95-0082                           12/03/96               11/20/96               (G) 3-Cycloalkene-1-methanol, 
    P-95-0939                           12/17/96               11/19/96               (G) Organophosphate           
    P-95-1033                           12/18/96               12/09/96               (G) Organo functional silica  
    P-95-1105                           12/04/96               11/15/96               (G) Mixed carboxylic acids,   
    P-95-1560                           12/12/96               11/21/96               (G) Water-borne polyurethane  
    P-95-1806                           12/30/96               12/12/96               (G) Quaternary ammonium       
    P-95-2064                           12/30/96               12/04/96               (G) Organosilane ester        
    P-96-0132                           12/09/96               06/15/96               (G) Alkenyl nitrile           
    [[Page 23093]]
    P-96-0162                           12/18/96               11/26/96               (G) Polyamino acid salt       
    P-96-0269                           12/12/96               12/03/96               (G) Acryl modified            
    P-96-0270                           12/12/96               12/03/96               (G) Acryl modified            
    P-96-0293                           12/30/96               12/13/96               (G) Substituted aminium       
                                                                                       carboxylic acid salt         
    P-96-0366                           12/02/96               08/11/96               (S) Ethanedione, bis(4-       
    P-96-0568                           12/10/96               11/06/96               (G) Polyester containing      
                                                                                       neopentyl glycol             
    P-96-0601                           12/31/96               12/25/96               (S) 8-Azabicyclo[3,2,1]octan-3-
                                                                                       one, 8-methyl                
    P-96-0714                           12/12/96               11/11/96               (G) Polyurethane              
    P-96-0761                           12/18/96               12/10/96               (G) Acrylate functionalized   
    P-96-0783                           12/04/96               11/04/96               (G) Sulfonated aromatic acid  
                                                                                       with diamine                 
    P-96-0831                           12/26/96               12/10/96               (G) Polyurethane dispersion   
    P-96-0837                           12/05/96               11/20/96               (S) Hydroxy terminated 1,3-   
                                                                                       butadiene homopolymer;       
                                                                                       dimethyl meta-isopropenyl    
                                                                                       benzyl isocyanate; dibutyltin
    P-96-0862                           12/26/96               12/10/96               (G) Polyurethane dispersion   
    P-96-1021                           12/03/96               11/13/96               (G) Amine terminated polyamide
    P-96-1022                           12/03/96               11/15/96               (G) Amine terminated polyamide
    P-96-1085                           12/04/96               11/07/96               (G) Sulfonated nylon copolymer
    P-96-1148                           12/19/96               12/04/96               (S) Lubrication oil           
                                                                                       (petroleum), hydrocracked    
                                                                                       nonarom. solvent-deparaffined
    P-96-1175                           12/05/96               11/16/96               (G) Polyamide                 
    P-96-1189                           12/10/96               11/26/96               (G) Tetra substituted benzene 
                                                                                       sulfonic acid                
    P-96-1192                           12/18/96               11/14/96               (G) Alkyl alcohol terminated  
                                                                                       polyurethane from 1,3-bis(1- 
                                                                                       methylethyl)benzene, 1,6-    
                                                                                       hexanediol, polyether polyois
                                                                                       and substituted aromatic     
    P-96-1193                           12/18/96               11/14/96               (G) Neutralized alkyl alcohol 
                                                                                       terminated, amine functional 
                                                                                       polyurethane derived from 5- 
                                                                                       methyl)-1,3,3 trimethyl      
                                                                                       cylohexane, polyether polyols
                                                                                       and alkyl diols              
    P-96-1240                           12/10/96               11/06/96               (G) Substituted alkylphenyloxy
                                                                                       polyoxyethylene sulfonic salt
    P-96-1335                           12/19/96               11/18/96               (G) Chromate (4-), substituted
                                                                                       maphthalene sulfonato-       
                                                                                       substituted sulfophenylazo-  
                                                                                       substituted naphthslene      
                                                                                       sulfonate, sodium salt       
    P-96-1407                           12/20/96               12/01/96               (G) Metal complexed reaction  
                                                                                       product of diazotized        
                                                                                       substituted ureido benzene   
                                                                                       sulfonic acid and substituted
                                                                                       benzaldehyde, sodium salt    
    P-96-1409                           12/10/96               11/23/96               (G) Modified polyurethane     
    P-96-1411                           12/10/96               11/23/96               (G) Modified polyacrylate     
                                                                                       polymer, solvent free        
    P-96-1440                           12/12/96               12/04/96               (G) Polyester, polyurethane   
    P-96-1456                           12/24/96               12/09/96               (G) Polybutadiene modified    
                                                                                       polyester urethane           
    P-96-1461                           12/12/96               12/12/96               (S) Mixed cresyl 1-butyl      
                                                                                       titanium (4+) salt,          
    P-96-1484                           12/26/96               11/25/96               (G) Alkali salt of linear     
    P-96-1485                           12/17/96               12/13/96               (G) Aromatic amide            
    P-96-1486                           12/03/96               11/13/96               (S) Benzene, ethenyl-, polymer
                                                                                       with 1-methyl-4-(1-          
                                                                                       methylethenyl) cyclohexene,  
    P-96-1493                           12/06/96               11/10/96               (G) Alkyl ester               
    P-96-1501                           12/04/96               11/07/96               (G) Borate complex            
    P-96-1515                           12/16/96               12/12/96               (G) Polyoxyalkylene polyester 
                                                                                       urethane block copolymer     
    P-96-1537                           12/04/96               11/13/96               (G) Quatenary amino cyclic    
                                                                                       urea amino epoxy adduct      
    P-96-1538                           12/12/96               11/14/96               (G) Hydrophobically modified  
                                                                                       polyethylene glycol-         
                                                                                       glycoluril copolymer         
    P-96-1539                           12/12/96               12/11/96               (G) Hydrophobically modified  
                                                                                       polyethylene glycol-         
                                                                                       glycoluril copolymer         
    P-96-1544                           12/02/96               11/18/96               (G) Reaction product of       
                                                                                       phosphonitrilic chloride with
                                                                                       siloxane oil                 
    P-96-1579                           12/17/96               12/02/96               (G) Poly substituted acrylic  
    P-96-1606                           12/19/96               12/10/96               (G) Modified acrylic polymer  
    Y-94-0136                           12/03/96               11/11/96               (G) Alkyd polyester resin     
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Premanufacture notices.
    Dated: April 11, 1997.
    Oscar Morales,
    Acting Director, Information Management Division, Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics.
    [FR Doc. 97-10898 Filed 4-25-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
23088-23093 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-51858, FRL-5588-3
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