96-10361. Removal of Certain Restrictions on Importation of Defense Articles and Defense Services From the Russian Federation  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 83 (Monday, April 29, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 18678-18680]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-10361]
    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
    27 CFR Part 47
    [Notice No. 821]
    Removal of Certain Restrictions on Importation of Defense 
    Articles and Defense Services From the Russian Federation
    AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Department of 
    the Treasury.
    ACTION: Statement of policy.
    SUMMARY: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is 
    announcing (1) that it will remove the Russian Federation from the list 
    of countries from which defense articles and defense services may not 
    be imported and (2) implementation of restrictions on the importation 
    of certain firearms and ammunition located or manufactured in the 
    Russian Federation or previously manufactured in the Soviet Union in 
    accordance with an agreement between the United States and the Russian 
    Federation and the guidance of the Secretary of State regarding matters 
    affecting world peace and the external security and foreign policy of 
    the United States as expressed in a letter dated April 5, 1996.
    DATES: Removal of the Russian Federation from the list of proscribed 
    countries was effective April 5, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mary Jo Hughes, Chief, Firearms and 
    Explosives Imports Branch, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 650 
    Massachusetts Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20226 (202-927-8320).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: By letter dated April 5, 1996, the Secretary 
    of State advised the Director, ATF, that, under the authority of 
    Section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), 22 U.S.C. Sec. 2778, 
    it is no longer the policy of the United States to deny licenses, other 
    approvals, exports and imports of defense articles and defense services 
    destined for or originating in the Russian Federation (Russia). The 
    State Department has requested that the Director implement this 
    decision immediately with respect to his authority over imports under 
    Section 38 of the AECA and amend the regulation at 27 CFR 47.52(a) to 
    reflect this change in foreign policy.
        The State Department also advised that the President decided to 
    negotiate an agreement with Russia concerning the export of munitions. 
    Carrying out such an agreement and keeping out unacceptable types of 
    munitions from the United States are U.S. foreign policy concerns. In 
    addition, the State Department informed ATF that an Agreement between 
    the Government of the United States of America and the Government of 
    the Russian Federation on exports of firearms and ammunition from the 
    Russian Federation to the United States of America (the Agreement) was 
    signed on April 3, 1996, and entered into force on that date. On this 
    basis, the State Department advised the Department of the Treasury that 
    Treasury should exercise the authority delegated to it under Section 38 
    of the AECA by denying applications to import firearms and ammunition 
    located or manufactured in Russia or previously manufactured in the 
    Soviet Union that would be inconsistent with the Agreement. The State 
    Department advised Treasury that the foregoing did not apply to 
    conditional imports of firearms and ammunition which would serve as 
    samples for purposes of determining whether the items are of a type 
    authorized for importation under the Agreement.
        The Agreement provides that Russia shall not allow the exportation 
    to the United States of (1) firearms other than those specified on 
    Annex A to the Agreement; and (2) ammunition specified in Annex B to 
    the Agreement. Nine handguns and 29 rifles are listed in Annex A. One 
    type of ammunition is listed in Annex B. The Agreement also provides 
    that new types of firearms and ammunition manufactured after February 
    9, 1996, may not be exported by Russia under the Agreement unless the 
    parties agree in writing to amend the Agreement accordingly. The 
    Agreement is published in its entirety at the end of this notice.
        ATF has taken or will take the following actions to implement the 
        (1) ATF will remove Russia from the list of countries from which 
    defense articles and defense services may not be imported into the 
    United States. A Treasury Decision amending Sec. 47.52(a) to reflect 
    this action will be published in the near future.
    [[Page 18679]]
        (2) ATF will approve applications to import defense articles and 
    defense services from Russia in accordance with the guidance contained 
    in the April 5, 1996, letter from the Department of State. Consistent 
    with that letter, only firearms listed in Annex A of the Agreement will 
    be approved for importation from Russia. Surplus military curio or 
    relic firearms manufactured or located in Russia or previously 
    manufactured in the Soviet Union will not be approved for importation 
    under 27 CFR 47.52(d) unless the firearms are listed in Annex A of the 
    Agreement. Applications to import from Russia ammunition listed in 
    Annex B will not be approved.
        (3) ATF will not approve applications to import from any country or 
    territory firearms and ammunition manufactured in Russia or previously 
    manufactured in the Soviet Union that would be inconsistent with the 
    the Agreement.
        (4) Firearms that are subject to the AECA and the Agreement include 
    any nonautomatic, semiautomatic, or automatic firearm to caliber .50 
    (12.7mm) inclusive, other than a sporting shotgun, and any component or 
    part for such firearms.
        (5) Prior to approval of an application to import firearms and 
    ammunition located or manufactured in Russia or previously manufactured 
    in the Soviet Union, ATF may require the conditional importation of a 
    sample of the firearm or ammunition for examination to determine 
    whether it is of a type that may be approved for importation consistent 
    with the Agreement.
        (6) For purposes of the AECA, the term ``United States'' is defined 
    in 27 CFR 47.11 and includes Customs bonded warehouses (CBWs) and 
    foreign trade zones (FTZs). Article 8 of the Agreement provides that 
    the Agreement shall not affect the fulfillment of contracts with 
    respect to firearms or ammunition entered or withdrawn from warehouse 
    for consumption in the United States on or before February 9, 1996. 
    This means that firearms and ammunition entered into a CBW or FTZ prior 
    to February 9, 1996, that otherwise could not be imported under the 
    restrictions set out above have been imported within the meaning of 
    Section 38 of the AECA and are not subject to such restrictions.
        (7) Permits authorizing the importation of firearms and ammunition 
    whose exportation to the United States is prohibited under the 
    Agreement, with the exception of those to which paragraph (6) are 
    applicable, are hereby revoked. As required by 27 CFR 47.44(d), the 
    revoked import permits must be returned to the Firearms and Explosives 
    Imports Branch, ATF, immediately. Pursuant to 27 CFR 47.44(c), holders 
    of such permits may, within 30 days of the date of publication of this 
    notice in the Federal Register, make a written request for an 
    opportunity to present additional information and to have a full review 
    by the Director. Any such requests will be referred to the Department 
    of State, as appropriate, for its guidance on matters affecting world 
    peace and the external security and foreign policy of the United 
    Compliance With 5 U.S.C. Chapter 8
        In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 808(2), ATF has found that, consistent 
    with guidance from the Department of State and for reasons of the 
    foreign policy of the United States, notice and public procedure under 
    5 U.S.C. 801 are unnecessary, impracticable, and contrary to the public 
    Text of Agreement; Agreement Between the Government of the United 
    States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation on 
    Exports of Firearms and Ammunition From the Russian Federation to the 
    United States of America
        The Government of the United States of America and the 
    Government of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the 
        In the context of removing a number of existing restrictions on 
    the importation into the United States of firearms and ammunition 
    from the Russian Federation;
        Recognizing the foreign policy interest of the Parties in 
    expanding trade in firearms and ammunition between the United States 
    and the Russian Federation in a manner compatible with domestic 
        Recognizing the intention of the United States of America that 
    United States policy with respect to access to the United States 
    market for firearms and ammunition be applied in a nondiscriminatory 
    manner to all of its trading partners;
        Wishing to promote trade and cooperation on an equal and 
    mutually beneficial basis between the United States and the Russian 
    Federation and to expand economic opportunities in the two 
        Have agreed as follows:
    Article 1: Definitions
        The following definitions apply to this Agreement:
        (a) ``Ammunition'' means any ammunition, cartridge case, primer, 
    bullet, or propellent powder designed for use in any firearm.
        (b) ``Firearm'' means any nonautomatic, semiautomatic, or 
    automatic firearm, to caliber .50 (12.7 mm) inclusive other than a 
    shotgun, or any component or part for such firearm.
        (c) ``New model ammunition'' means a type of ammunition the 
    manufacture of which began after February 9, 1996.
        (d) ``New model firearm'' means a type of firearm the 
    manufacture of which began after February 9, 1996.
    Article 2: Firearms and Ammunition Export Prohibitions
        The Government of the Russian Federation shall not allow the 
    exportation from the Russian Federation, destined to the United 
    States, of the following firearms and ammunition:
        (a) any firearm, including any new model firearm, except a 
    firearm described in Annex A to this Agreement;
        (b) ammunition described in Annex B to this Agreement; and
        (c) new model ammunition.
    Article 3: Consultations
        (a) Each Party shall provide to the other Party, on request, 
    information necessary for the implementation and enforcement of this 
    Agreement. A Party shall keep confidential all information received 
    from the other Party that is designated by the providing Party as 
    confidential and shall not provide it to any other government or any 
    private person without the providing Party's written consent.
        (b) The Parties agree to consult promptly, not later than 30 
    days after receipt of a request from either Party, regarding any 
    matter concerning this Agreement.
        (c) At any time, either Party may propose that a firearm be 
    added to or deleted from Annex A or that ammunition be added to or 
    deleted from Annex B. The Parties shall consult promptly regarding 
    such a proposal and may amend either Annex by written agreement of 
    the Parties.
        (d) Where a question arises as to whether a particular firearm 
    or ammunition is subject to the export prohibition in Article 2, the 
    Parties shall consult promptly. The firearm or ammunition shall be 
    subject to the export prohibition pending resolution of the matter.
    Article 4: Construction
        Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to affect the 
    applicability to firearms, ammunition, or other products of the laws 
    and regulations of the United States or the Russian Federation 
    imposing restrictions or requirements on importation.
    Article 5: Actions To Ensure the Effectiveness of this Agreement
        Either Party may take any action, as provided in its laws and 
    regulations, necessary to ensure the effectiveness of this 
    Article 6: Emergency Actions
        If the Government of the United States determines that the 
    actual or prospective importation of any firearm described in Annex 
    A or ammunition other than that described in Annex B is causing or 
    threatens to cause damage to the domestic security of the United 
    States, the Government of the United States reserves the right to 
    take any measure it deems appropriate consistent with the Agreement 
    on Trade Relations, signed between the Union of Soviet Socialist 
    Republics and the United States of America at Washington on June 1, 
    1990, as amended, brought into force between the United States of 
    America and the Russian Federation pursuant to an exchange of notes 
    on June 17, 1992. The Government of the United States shall consult 
    with the Government of the
    [[Page 18680]]
    Russian Federation prior to taking any such measure. If prior and 
    prompt consultations are not possible because of an emergency 
    situation, the Government of the United States shall consult with 
    the Government of the Russian Federation as soon as possible after 
    taking the measure.
    Article 7: Amendments
        This Agreement may be amended by written agreement of the 
    Article 8: No Effect on Articles in U.S. Customs Territory
        This Agreement shall not affect the fulfillment of contracts 
    with respect to firearms or ammunition entered or withdrawn from 
    warehouse for consumption in the United States on or before February 
    9, 1996.
    Article 9: Annexes; Entry into Force; Termination
        (a) The Annexes to this Agreement are an integral part of this 
        (b) This Agreement shall enter into force upon the date of its 
    signature by both Parties.
        (c) Either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing 
    written notification to the other Party at least twelve months prior 
    to the date of termination.
        Done at Washington on April 3, 1996, in duplicate, in the 
    English and Russian languages, both texts being equally authentic.
    Ira Shapiro,
    Ambassador, Senior Counsel, Negotiator, Office of the U.S. Trade 
        For the Government of the United States of America.
    Gennadiy Yanpolsky,
    Deputy Chairman, State Committee on Defense Industry Branches.
        For the Government of the Russian Federation.
    Annex A
    Firearms Permitted to Be Imported into the United States from the 
    Russian Federation
        1. German Model P08 Pistol
        2. IZH 34M, .22 caliber Target Pistol
        3. IZH 35M, .22 caliber Target Pistol
        4. Mauser Model 1896 Pistol
        5. MC-57-1 Pistol
        6. MC-1-5 Pistol
        7. Polish Vis Model 35 Pistol
        8. Soviet Nagant Revolver
        9. TOZ 35, .22 caliber Target Pistol
        1. BARS-4 Bolt Action Carbine
        2. Biathlon Target Rifle, .22LR caliber
        3. British Enfield Rifle
        4. CM2, .22 caliber Target Rifle (also known as SM2,
        .22 caliber)
        5. German Model 98K Rifle
        6. German Model G41 Rifle
        7. German Model G43 Rifle
        8. IZH-94
        9. LOS-7 Bolt Action Rifle
        10. MC-7-07
        11. MC-18-3
        12. MC-19-07
        13. MC-105-01
        14. MC-112-02
        15. MC-113-02
        16. MC-115-1
        17. MC-125/127
        18. MC-126
        19. MC-128
        20. Saiga Rifle
        21. Soviet Model 38 Carbine
        22. Soviet Model 44 Carbine
        23. Soviet Model 91/30 Rifle
        24. TOZ 18, .22 caliber Bolt Action Rifle
        25. TOZ 55
        26. TOZ 78
        27. Ural Target Rifle, .22LR caliber
        28. VEPR Rifle
        29. Winchester Model 1895, Russian Model Rifle
    Annex B
    Ammunition Prohibited from Being Imported into the United States 
    from the Russian Federation
        1. 7.62X25mm caliber (also known as 7.63X25mm caliber or .30 
    Authority and Issuance
        This notice is issued under the authority in 22 U.S.C. 2778.
        Approved: April 19, 1996.
    John W. Magaw,
    [FR Doc. 96-10361 Filed 4-24-96; 4:32 pm]
    BILLING CODE 4810-31-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
Entry Type:
Statement of policy.
Document Number:
Removal of the Russian Federation from the list of proscribed countries was effective April 5, 1996.
18678-18680 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Notice No. 821
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
27 CFR 47