[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 63 (Monday, April 3, 1995)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 16782-16785]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-7908]
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. 94-ANE-46; Amendment 39-9178; AD 94-26-07]
Airworthiness Directives; AlliedSignal Inc. TPE331 Series
Turboprop Engines
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Final rule, request for comments.
SUMMARY: This document publishes in the Federal Register an amendment
adopting Airworthiness Directive (AD) 94-26-07 that was sent previously
to all known U.S. owners and operators of AlliedSignal Inc. TPE331
series turboprop engines by individual letters. This AD requires an
amendment to the Emergency Procedures section of the applicable FAA
Approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for each applicable engine
installation in an aircraft, and initial and repetitive dimensional
inspections of the fuel control drive shaft splines for wear, or
replacing the affected fuel controls with [[Page 16783]] alternate fuel
controls. This amendment is prompted by reports of excessive wear of
the internal fuel control drive splines in fuel controls, which can
result in loss of fuel control governor drive. The actions specified by
this AD are intended to prevent an uncontained engine failure, damage
to the aircraft, or loss of aircraft control.
DATES: Effective April 18, 1995, to all persons except those persons to
whom it was made immediately effective by priority letter AD 94-26-07,
issued on December 13, 1994, which contained the requirements of this
The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in
the regulations is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as
of April 18, 1995.
Comments for inclusion in the Rules Docket must be received on or
before June 2, 1995.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments in triplicate to the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), New England Region, Office of the Assistant Chief
Counsel, Attention: Rules Docket No. 94-ANE-46, 12 New England
Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803-5299.
The applicable service information may be obtained from
AlliedSignal Inc., Aviation Services Division, Data Distribution, Dept.
64-3/2102-1M, P.O. Box 29003, Phoenix, AZ 85038-9003; telephone (602)
365-2548. This information may be examined at the FAA, New England
Region, Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel, 12 New England Executive
Park, Burlington, MA; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800
North Capitol Street NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph Costa, Aerospace Engineer, Los
Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Transport Airplane
Directorate, 3960 Paramount Blvd., Lakewood, CA 90712-4137; telephone
(310) 627-5246; fax (310) 627-5210.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On December 13, 1994, the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) issued priority letter airworthiness directive
(AD) 94-26-07, applicable to certain AlliedSignal Inc. TPE331 series
turboprop engines, which requires an amendment to the Emergency
Procedures section of the applicable FAA Approved Airplane Flight
Manual (AFM) for each applicable engine installation in an aircraft,
and initial and repetitive dimensional inspections of the fuel control
drive shaft splines for wear, or replacing the affected fuel controls
with alternate fuel controls. That action was prompted by reports of
excessive wear of the internal fuel control drive splines in fuel
controls, Part Numbers (P/N) 897770-1 through -8, and 897780-1 through
-11. In two instances the spline wear resulted in loss of fuel control
governor drive. If this occurs, the underspeed fuel governor increases
fuel flow, while the overspeed governor is inoperative and cannot limit
engine speed.
The FAA has determined that the most serious consequence of a loss
of fuel control governor drive is during reverse thrust when the engine
suddenly develops uncommanded forward thrust causing an asymmetric
thrust condition on a twin-engine aircraft. Another serious consequence
of a loss of fuel control governor drive is during engine start when
rapid engine acceleration beyond normal idle speed could result in
rotor speed sufficient to cause an uncontained turbine separation.
During flight, when the propeller is in propeller-governing mode, the
result will be uncommanded increased engine torque and turbine
temperature. These conditions, if not corrected, could result in an
uncontained engine failure, damage to the aircraft, or loss of aircraft
The FAA has reviewed and approved the technical contents of the
following service bulletins (SB): AlliedSignal Inc. Alert SB No.
TPE331-A73-0221, Revision 2, dated October 10, 1994, applicable to
model TPE331-11U engines, that describes procedures for dimensionally
inspecting fuel control drive shaft splines; AlliedSignal Inc. SB No.
TPE331-73-0224, dated August 17, 1994, and Revision 1, dated September
8, 1994, applicable to model TPE331-11U engines, that describe
procedures for replacing affected fuel controls with alternate fuel
controls; AlliedSignal Inc. Alert SB No. TPE331-A73-0226, dated October
10, 1994, applicable to certain TPE331-3, -5, -6, -10, and -12 series
engines, that describe procedures for dimensionally inspecting fuel
control drive shaft splines; and AlliedSignal Inc. SB No. TPE331-73-
0228, dated September 16, 1994, applicable to certain TPE331-3, -5, -6,
-10, and -12 series engines TPE331 engines, that describe procedures
for replacing affected fuel controls with alternate fuel controls.
Since the unsafe condition described is likely to exist or develop
on other engines of the same type design, the FAA issued priority
letter AD 94-26-07 to prevent an uncontained engine failure, damage to
the aircraft, or loss of aircraft control. The AD requires an amendment
to the Emergency Procedures section of the applicable FAA AFM for each
applicable engine installation in an aircraft. This amendment to the
applicable AFM describes conditions inflight, during ground start, and
during reverse thrust operation that might indicate loss of fuel
control governor drive, and provides required procedures for engine
shutdown. These AFM changes have been coordinated with the FAA
Directorate responsible for the certification of the aircraft involved.
In addition, this AD requires either initial and repetitive
dimensional inspections of the fuel control drive shaft splines for
wear, or replacing the affected fuel controls with alternate fuel
controls. Replacement with the alternate fuel controls constitutes
terminating action to the repetitive inspections. The actions are
required to be accomplished in accordance with the service bulletins
described previously.
Since it was found that immediate corrective action was required,
notice and opportunity for prior public comment thereon were
impracticable and contrary to the public interest, and good cause
existed to make the AD effective immediately by individual letters
issued on December 13, 1994, to all known U.S. owners and operators of
AlliedSignal Inc. TPE331 series turboprop engines. These conditions
still exist, and the AD is hereby published in the Federal Register as
an amendment to Section 39.13 of part 39 of the Federal Aviation
Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to make it effective to all persons.
Comments Invited
Although this action is in the form of a final rule that involves
requirements affecting flight safety and, thus, was not preceded by
notice and an opportunity for public comment, comments are invited on
this rule. Interested persons are invited to comment on this rule by
submitting such written data, views, or arguments as they may desire.
Communications should identify the Rules Docket number and be submitted
in triplicate to the address specified under the caption ADDRESSES. All
communications received on or before the closing date for comments will
be considered, and this rule may be amended in light of the comments
received. Factual information that supports the commenter's ideas and
suggestions is extremely helpful in evaluating the effectiveness of the
AD action and determining whether additional rulemaking action would be
Comments are specifically invited on the overall regulatory,
economic, environmental, and energy aspects of the rule that might
suggest a need to modify the rule. All comments
[[Page 16784]] submitted will be available, both before and after the
closing date for comments, in the Rules Docket for examination by
interested persons. A report that summarizes each FAA-public contact
concerned with the substance of this AD will be filed in the Rules
Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their comments
submitted in response to this notice must submit a self-addressed,
stamped postcard on which the following statement is made: ``Comments
to Docket Number 94-ANE-46.'' The postcard will be date stamped and
returned to the commenter.
The regulations adopted herein will not have substantial direct
effects on the States, on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, in
accordance with Executive Order 12612, it is determined that this final
rule does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the
preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
The FAA has determined that this regulation is an emergency
regulation that must be issued immediately to correct an unsafe
condition in aircraft, and is not a ``significant regulatory action''
under Executive Order 12866. It has been determined further that this
action involves an emergency regulation under DOT Regulatory Policies
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979). If it is determined
that this emergency regulation otherwise would be significant under DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures, a final regulatory evaluation will
be prepared and placed in the Rules Docket. A copy of it, if filed, may
be obtained from the Rules Docket at the location provided under the
caption ADDRESSES.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by
reference, Safety.
Adoption of the Amendment
Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of
the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. App. 1354(a), 1421 and 1423; 49 U.S.C.
106(g); and 14 CFR 11.89.
Sec. 39.13 [Amended]
2. Section 39.13 is amended by adding the following new
airworthiness directive:
94-26-07 AlliedSignal Inc.: Amendment 39-9178. Docket 94-ANE-46.
Applicability: AlliedSignal Inc. Models TPE331-3, -5, -6, -10, -
11U, and -12 series turboprop engines with fuel control assembly
Part Numbers (P/N) 897770-1 through 897770-8 and 897780-1 through
897780-11 installed in accordance with AlliedSignal Inc. Service
Bulletin (SB) No. TPE331-73-0217, dated July 9, 1993. These engines
are installed on but not limited to Mitsubishi MU-2B series (MU-2
series) Solitaire/Marquise, Construcciones Aeronauticas, S.A. C-212
series, British Aerospace (BAe) Jetstream 3101 and 3201 (31 and 32)
series, Fairchild SA226 and SA227 series (Swearingen Merlin and
Metro series), Twin Commander Models 680, 690, 695 (Jetprop
Commander), Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd. SC7 (Skyvan), Dornier
228 series, Beech Model B-100 series aircraft, and Ayres S-2R series
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished
To prevent failure of the fuel control governor drive from
excessive wear of the internal fuel control drive splines, which can
result in loss of aircraft control, accomplish the following:
(a) Amend the applicable FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual
(AFM) to provide interim emergency procedures to flight crews,
within 20 calendar days after the effective date of airworthiness
directive (AD), by adding the following to the Emergency Procedures
section. This may be accomplished by inserting a copy of this AD
into the AFM:
``Inflight: in the event of an uncommanded engine torque and
turbine temperature increase, or if engine power fails to respond
when the power level is retarded, shut down the affected engine as
soon as possible consistent with the safe operation of the aircraft.
Warning: be aware that the affected engine with a failed fuel
control governor drive will typically exhibit an increase in power,
and if the accepted ``dead foot--dead engine'' logic is employed,
the wrong engine could be shut down because the malfunction will
result in an increase in forward thrust from the affected engine.
Use caution and monitor cockpit engine indications to aid in
identifying the failure mode and the malfunctioning engine.
During Ground Start: if an engine exhibits rapidly increasing
RPM above idle values, immediately terminate the start.
If an engine has been shutdown inflight as a result of
exhibiting an uncontrolled increase in torque and turbine
temperature, do not attempt a ground start until the fuel control is
inspected in accordance with the applicable service bulletin.
During Reverse Operation: if an engine suddenly develops forward
thrust, immediately terminate reverse thrust. If necessary, shutdown
both engines in order to maintain directional control.''
(b) For AlliedSignal Model TPE331-11U engines:
(1) Conduct initial and repetitive dimensional inspections of
the fuel control drive shaft splines for wear in accordance with the
compliance times and procedures described in AlliedSignal Alert
Service Bulletin (SB) No. TPE331-A73-0221, Revision 2, dated October
10, 1994. The initial inspection compliance times start upon the
effective date of this priority letter AD.
(2) Prior to further flight replace with a serviceable part
those fuel controls with drive shaft splines that do not meet the
return to service criteria specified in AlliedSignal Alert SB No.
TPE331-A73-0221, Revision 2, dated October 10, 1994.
(3) Replacement of fuel controls in accordance with the
procedures described in AlliedSignal SB No. TPE331-73-0224, dated
August 17, 1994, or Revision 1 of that SB, dated September 8, 1994,
with alternate fuel controls constitutes terminating action to the
AFM amendment specified in paragraph (a) of this AD, and the
inspections specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this AD.
(c) For AlliedSignal TPE331-3, -5, -6, -10, and -12 series
(1) Conduct initial and repetitive dimensional inspections of
the fuel control drive shaft splines for wear in accordance with the
compliance times and procedures described in AlliedSignal Inc. Alert
SB No. TPE331-A73-0226, dated October 10, 1994. The initial
inspection compliance times become effective upon the effective date
of this AD.
(2) Prior to further flight replace with a serviceable part
those fuel controls with drive shaft splines that do not meet the
return to service criteria specified in AlliedSignal Inc. Alert SB
No. TPE331-A73-0226, dated October 10, 1994.
(3) Replacement of fuel controls in accordance with the
procedures described in AlliedSignal Inc. SB No. TPE331-73-0228,
dated September 16, 1994, with alternate fuel controls constitutes
terminating action to the AFM amendment specified in paragraph (a)
of this AD, and the inspections specified in paragraph (c)(1) of
this AD.
(d) For the purpose of this AD, specific driveshaft operating
hours as referenced in AlliedSignal Alert SB No. TPE331-A73-0221,
Revision 2, dated October 10, 1994, and AlliedSignal Inc. Alert SB
No. TPE331-A73-0226, dated October 10, 1994, may be calculated using
fuel control time tracking based on engine operating hours.
(e) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the
compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be
used if approved by the Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification
Office. The request should be forwarded through an appropriate FAA
Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the
Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office.
Note: Information concerning the existence of approved
alternative methods of compliance with this airworthiness directive,
if any, may be obtained from the Los Angeles Aircraft Certification
(f) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with
sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14
CFR [[Page 16785]] 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the aircraft to a
location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
(g) The actions required by this AD shall be done in accordance
with the following SB's:
Document No. Pages Revision Date
AlliedSignal Inc. Alert SB No. TPE331-A73-0226............ 1-8 Original....... October 10, 1994.
Woodward SB No. WG64050................................... 1-13 Original....... October 3, 1994.
Total pages: 21.
AlliedSignal Inc. Alert SB No. TPE331-A73-0221............ 1-3 2.............. October 10, 1994.
4 Original....... June 27, 1994.
Woodward SB No. WG64047................................... 1-12 4.............. October 3, 1994.
Total pages: 16.
AlliedSignal Inc. SB No. TPE331-73-0224................... 1 1.............. September 8, 1994.
2 Original....... August 17, 1994.
3-4 1.............. September 8, 1994.
Total pages: 4.
Woodward SB No. WG4044.................................... 1-3 Original....... June 28, 1993.
Total pages: 3.
AlliedSignal Inc. SB No. TPE331-73-0228................... 1-10 Original....... September 16, 1994.
Total pages: 10.
AlliedSignal Inc. SB No. TPE331-73-0217................... 1-10 Original....... July 9, 1993.
Total pages: 10.
Note: The Woodward SB's are attached to the AlliedSignal Alert SB's.
This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of
the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
part 51. Copies may be obtained from AlliedSignal Inc., Aviation
Services Division, Data Distribution, Dept. 64-3/2102-1M, P.O. Box
29003, Phoenix, AZ 85038-9003; telephone (602) 365-2548. Copies may
be inspected at the FAA, New England Region, Office of the Assistant
Chief Counsel, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA; or at
the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW.,
suite 700, Washington, DC.
(h) This amendment becomes effective April 18, 1995, to all
persons except those persons to whom it was made immediately
effective by priority letter AD 94-26-07, issued December 13, 1994,
which contained the requirements of this amendment.
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on March 20, 1995.
James C. Jones,
Acting Manager, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft
Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 95-7908 Filed 3-31-95; 8:45 am]